SAMUEL WEIGHT, Editor and Proprietor VOLUME XXVIII, NUMBER B.] --- PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. ggice in Northern Central Railroad Com inany's Bailding,north-west corner _Front and 2 - Walnut Artreets. Terms of Subscription. rOne Copy per annum, if paid in advance, $1 20 if 1101 paid within three month a from commencement of the year, 2UO <= ,, c)33..t is; Copy. No 501,V111111011 re ( . V1,41 ft, a Mlle than as months, and 110 paper will 1w di-continued until oh arrearages are paid, uitle-4 ut the option of the pub (U—Nloncy may be remitted by mail at the publish er's Rates of Advertising. ,mare [0 line.] one week, $0 tl • three weel“, 75 it cat -übb.ligaent insertion, 10 1 " [l2 :inc.] 0114, ,, K. tin co IL 00 each -uli-equent insertion, Largertdvert i.ement-w propoi Lion. A liberal til•V011111 Wilt he InAde to gnarterly, half yearly or yearly adverti-ei..who are -irmtly confined to their DR. S. ARMOR, I_TOMIEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Office aml Locust street, oppo-iin the Post ()Mee; OFFICE PRIVATE. Columbia. April :25, 1,57 rim Drs. John -& Rohrer, AYE associated in the Practice of Col urnbia. April !At, 19564 f DR. G. W. MIFFLIN, DENTIST, Locust street, opposite Cite Post _I/odic, Cr,lunildu. Pa. Cohnbia. 71111} IS:ia. 11. DI. NORTH, TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR, AT LAW. Columbia, Po. Collrettoa, 1 tomptly made, itt Lamm-ter and York C 01110.1,, Ctrluailda. May 4,195 n. J. W. rlsnr.n, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, COlimllo UPEL. . Sep II GEORGE J.➢'i'VE, WHOLESA LE and Retail Bread and Cake nukv, —Con•Ltntly on liana a n ,111 , !!. 1,1 rukeN, too nurn , ooo , to motion.: Cracker., SOIL, N% and Sugar Biqellit, Cont. ehonery. at 410.ernnton, Lt CC, 1' 'Feb. 2:56. Between the Bank and Franklin 1100., QOLUTION OF CITRATE OF TOAGNESIA,or Por- Mineral \Vaier.—Thi , inediente -.;:hielt Is highly recommended a: for 'EpcfM/ eau he nig:lined froilli every day at )n. E. 11. 111:1111'S Drug Stoic, Front st. UST reerived, a fresh supply - of Corn 11/ Starch, I , :trota. tool lour at N1,C(11;10,1 , ...', I)l:m3:TT's nmil ; Met:tome Stinot.o,l,l Ilall, Columbia Columbia, May 30, 4 AMPS, LIMPS, LIMPS. Just received at Br,'" Ilia, t•trott. it new nod bctotilittl lot of 1..11110 , of all de,-cnpuuu-. May 1. 1,57. LOT of Fresh Vanilla Brans, at Dr. B 11 (;olden Mortar Drug Moro. Col.nnt.ln. U.n• ASUPERIOR article of burning Fluid just I ert•t•iv , l and tor 4.11,1, U :41.110).11 N :44 tN. ALARGE lot of City cured Dried Beef, just rree•tvett nt tI SLYtowst t4r.. 4. Colutottltt UrcrnrLrr t10.14.',G. A ',NEW and fresh lot of Spires, just re ,L1,01:,1&.0:1.q. Colnmhin. / I . OUNTRY Produce constantly on Lind au d for by II , 111 . 1)01 k SON T_l" OMIN Y, Crankrries, Raisins, Figs, Min onth, Wahl utl, C, Cain Nut.. 1..311.1 leceived 11. ,UYI,ASI Colombin. 11., 2n, 1. 511 SUPERIOR lot olate of Blank and Green Teas, Cutlet and Choc, ju.a eceived at II • 1,1 S.' 4os'% Corner of rront awl Union ,t.c. I=l3 TUST RECEIVED, a beautiful assortment of T Ink ttaitalo, at the Ileadquarteri and Depni. Columbia, April IS, lq:t7. EXTRA Family and Superfine Pour of the (~,t brand. (or kale by It SUYDAM & t.t UST received 1000 lbs. extra double bolted Duel.vheat Meal, at Dec.2o, 1551. 11 StiVll%\T L so:\rs-. WW MEWS Instantaneous Yeast or Baking l'OlVder. for ':Jr to II SD 1" DA \I hSI tr,l TA131,1.1 and Rock Salt, by the suck or bu•hrl. for .ale !ow. by Al arch N. 1.'57. Dli GRATH'S ELECTRIC 011.. J tv.t. reeeivel, trett I...nmtty tilts popular retnrda, and tnr IC VII.LIA A 1 . 4. Front Street, Coluntbut, l'it. Mny 10, IPSO A LA Ru I:ll. , ortment of Rope.. nll .1/I'Q and lengths, /V on hand and (inside at TIIO , Mareh 18, IS5i No. I. MO street. 800 T.. , SHOES, CILOCEIIIIIS, Sc., also, Fresh Liurtling Flutd,ju-t opened nt THOMAS WELSH'S , No. 1. thigh Street. :Vrnrr• t2l. ISis PIIIMS Ham , . Shoulders, Dried Beef, and Sides, just r.rceived at :Id al CI. 537. S CCARF. Sugar. ; of the best qualttir., received and for -a In hy 111:orch 2.q. 1-57. ROO3l S. Broom., I.lrnook., n lame lot ju.t re etiveilott [mh:!..,1 , 57] lIRUNEIC Cors. soar of nil I,:nds .outable for wn , loott and tlo toilet. nt 1. 0. 1311. & CO., March '27,1.57. CorrEn . s. , &TEAs of all kind. , and pt i.,,. for sale by . 1.0. nuusEn & CO'S. March 2'3. 1.57. nth. risk—Codfish. Mnr•hrrcl • Wrung, &c., for role by I. 0. Dill:NI:1i & CO. Morel, 2.4.1,57. A NEW lot of WHALE AND CAR GFAS IIING 11 OILS, received ut the more or the R.:NVILLIAMS. rrnot Street. Colo.;Ion. lirt7 10, 1<,513 F Ft b l ;: .4ll Burning fluid,rerviverl and ior