To those who want SATS AND CAPS, OF the Latest Spring and Summer styles, at low prices, would say.go to lless' Hat aud i dit Cup Store, and you wall be accommodated. Do you want a Fano IVlolestsin Silk Hut? Co to cheap lint and Cup Store, where you cult get one tlo per cent. cheaper than any other place this side the coy. Do you want the latest style soft Hut or Cup? Co to Hess' Hut Munufactory, where you run get them cheaper than any other place in Columbia. Do you want a Fancy lint or Cap for youth or chil dren? Go to the Fashionable Hut Store, where you have the large-t stuck to select from, and can get Caps an low a-, twenty-five renal. Do you wont to get your Hut dressed op tree of charge? if so, buy Mum tat Faa.hiottuble Hat and Cap Store. on Front Street, a few doors east of Shrei ner's Jewelry Store. Do you wont to encourage Home Industry? If .0, buy your Hats goal Cup' at Hess" Hat Mantutartory. . Do cou watt a but to Jeri ra.y uud rmanoatutalrl Go to lir,' lint Store, where you can get theta made yist to urdrr. Do you want Summer I lats? Call ut the F11 , 11 . 1011a - WO Hart Store. ~ltd get a Atte Panama, Hatracuilao. Leg horn, Sava.", Cunadn, Palm, Caw anti alt sitter kind.. 'J la a word. if you -.cunt a Hat that not gut up by boy. unit tnexpertenred hunds, re...aly for N hole 's'img, go to He-oe FLl.6lollllble I Ulla Gap Store. No. 9 Siarelnea's Row. Front Street, Columbia, Fa. Columbia, April JOIIN W. SEIU3IAN3S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, FRONT STREET, Columbia, Pa.---The utaler.tgned rerpretfully teloria. the pubf 11 1 1 :IC that be au.. a/ways oil hood alt the above place, a large nod ,I,:entiol a...mural of Hoots and P.hoe. rnefivri-11,!• _ _ FRENCH CALF-SKIN, MEN'S MOROCCO, KIP & OTHER BOOTS & SHOES, to which he would melte anennon. Having made his *elections in ibis tortmeh of the 1111.11 e, will. ear, and from Ih^ large%l whole-We boa, is the - otty of Plidade!ohni. he feel. coolident mot WI who want good at title. vs di coil :11111 eihrillile lu. sioeh. He btu> nl.n n large and lienuillid 2.“011111 , 111. of FINE SHOES FOR LADIES AND CIIII.D111.:N, von -1-111m ot . Patent Foxed I'reavh 'Alorocro th. 1.111., Eit:tmelletl Srelog ilrxl Purothe.. I I:1114111 Cloth Gaiter, Alulrto, Kid 31/Id ut fact all ihr lair -I .1)::‘, 110 W 111 I.e. . . AI-0 all kind., 01 Boy'', Yowl,' and A L .-T..' 'toot.. and Shoe. of eveiy si/e and tie-emotion, and ti foie assortment of 31,1 . - GUller, such us NACU! Glove Top.. Cloth. . to great variety. The sal.eribet 'tope. by •11'11,1 MR . IIIIOIIIO ht.. lien's, to merit .1 COIIIIIIIIIIIIeC of 1,111,:le patronage TI a put la !Willed to call and examine the goal' .1. NV. Si CMAN. Columbia.May,2, 1.i5; 1357. 1857. NEW GOODS AG./..4.XN! AT IIALDE:111NIS NEW STORE. WE talic plca-ure in In foriniip4 the public that we 111,1. cowl pined our WWI 011011.• 1111,1 improve aad have tow airaugctl our wcolid urge pur ik,ll6C of SPRING GOODS %Vet vordiitlly invite all our friend. to call and ex amine our stock and improvement-. whether they ...kit to purr hake or tint, ti- we feel confident that with our iiicreteted metlitte.. we can Mier induce ment, not to he met wadi ekewhere. JUST RECEIVED—The largest and most varied assortment of DRESS (MODS, ever opened in Co lombia, including new -prim; Silks, li.tyadere Silk+. Flounced Salk Polies, India Silk., Plain. Plaid and Striped Vocal-. Ducal Robe, Poplin Rohe.. Ilerege Robe-. Lawn Rohe...Organdie Lawns .Chulliet., Real Freitelt Cliint, , ,Brillmitte, and intl.!: nets' novelnee to (tood. never of to thi- place. EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. Will a . } - find at tin- comfier a varied or,oriment on Eieli French ‘Vorked Callum, Sleeve, mid Coil.- and Sietve.y, and and Coifs to maieli: Jaentiet and Edzing , and In.ertinga. J40[.141.1111111 Kind.. amd iiolllll,llg 4 . Lace. and Edging-. y.l MI kind-. Embroidered, Hemstitched Houle red Ilainikerelner, .tre , SIIAIVLS: SIIAWLSP. We. now lane a large a.a.orttarrn al ,anwlei. among which wlil he bound a great vanety of Stella with pilaw.' and broehe horde', ill new siyle4,llllll mil the choice Color, (I Om $2,00 to ...510,00. Al.O, other Shawl. Ili every variety MANTILLAS! MANTILLAS!! Juot opened our new -rock of Spring Mantilla. of alt the new inn black •ill•, colored .111 r. moire 4111111;12e and lace. We incite the ladies to eta nu in our n-•onmr:u. ure now selling extra Rah Mantillas al very low price.: PARASOLS! PARASOLS! Ako, new Para.ol. of thie ,11 , •011 . t. SI) le.. at all price-. Tic. to SON/ We have the lurgeet stock in Columbia. Bret Kid Glove. at r: 4e. LINEN GOODS.—Our clock of Linen Goods has twen greath, tine reused, and -elected with pariicultar attention to the purity e - the nahrit. and Sleuth. I)O3I.ESTIC GOODS! A large stock of Lit.' make, ut lovt ent prices. No odslince to Call and examine our 12} cent k3leuched slorioic Nll,llli—lw , t ever -old :utile price. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS: Tn thia department will be found every article ne ce,eary to sorb the entire out-fit of those commencing Ilonackeeping. GLOVES. HOSIERY AND TRIMMINGS —Every vnnrl%• n(thru.• good. kepi vont.Nolly nn Iwnrl. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS At our cloth counter may lilway4 be found a good 'lock of Black and Fancy CIoQt.. Black and Fancy Carimneree, Velvet, SM. and Mar:miles Vesting., also, Summit, Jean.. Conla. &C” c. CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &C We have greatly inerea-ed our stock of Supe‘ 2 rus,el. Carpeting. Imperial Three Ply do , Super Ingrain do., rune and Medium Ingrain do. Venetian and Rug do.; nom. Oil Cloth , . front one to four yard. wide, of all gintlitiek; Mailing:, in every width, plain, white and checked, Slno , Cocoa Matting", for public room. and office, Window Shade., Looking Gla , ..ea, Philudelplaiu Carpel Chum. Prune Live r; ee...e Fen them CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE NVe invite attention to our China, (flab, and Queeng ware Room, which COIII3III. the large-t and mo,t va ried aunt: ever brought to thi. market, which we oiler to sell at much below lime regular puce,, r,,rOur cu-tamer. are invited to coil and receive u book and catalogue of Good., published tor flee o.tra,Lown, ut HALDEMAN'S Cheap Cant More, Columbus. N. 13 —All k.tll of Country Produce taken 111 C.X change for Gouda Cotuntlan, Aprllll.l=s7. COAL! COAL! TIE undersigned has constantly on hand A untt lot Kale, Dal simore Colllll.llly and Diamond White Arl. Lump, Eve, :stove. Runge, and Nut Coal—the Lump I. equal a uuteuputur /0 ‘llllllllllg 1/1 the country for emelung Lion; Krd A.h, Lump. E. Stove and Nut, of the best from the legion; rittori Mountain ',isove. sod 'fret orlon Kg:;Coal— un cleelleill fur duniesiie .Utinfl, use; Pine (5 rose Lump, Ege and tstove inperior unit le for cf.. , .tie and strum purpose•• Plymouth and Pittston ‘Vline and Rod Aih, Lump and Egg r.ize Coal. Broad Top and All.gheny Bttunniroui Coal, or the qulthile- tor, , durt tug; Th.• above it....nrtment of Coal, con.umerc .end the paid, are invited to call and examine. and 1,11 . the r rtee. , . I Inn 11(111:WA to lurnt.h the above ty the Boot, Car or ...Ingle Fort. at my %Vharf, foot of Canal Ba-itt, Colombia. Lunen-ter county, Pa. Alec, Coul and Iron received and stripped on eon). tatrA•tort. J. O. lIEI'S. Co; umbra Jane 7. , 01IN HERR, No 5 East King Street, Lams . ICI . , Pa., 11.0 , nosy in ,tore U cut:wit:le ur...oriment TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, ELTER TrinEE PLY, INGRAIN VENITIAN, H 0 AI E MAD E, AND STAIR CARPETS, all widths. TA FILE, FLOOR and STAIR OIL cLoms, MATTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, WINDOW HOLLANDS, of every descript ion. Gi,A SS WARE. CHINA AND QUEENSWARE, of the best goods, IN TEA, DINNER, AND TOILET SETTS, at the lowest prices, at DERR'S Cheap Store. June 13, 1857 SUAWL S:. MANTILLA OPENING JOHN HERR, NO. 5 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, Is Now Opening His Spring Styles of SELAWLS AND 11241.111TILLAS, To which the attention or the Ladies is invited. June 13, 1857. Another Arrival at Fondersmith's. altractioa.. far 111, lOU pieees real 111 French Orgamile I,ay. - a., from 12 _ 1 to cent.. Bert good. ever otterrd ai the price.' Now ready at May 16. T 111: 1 . 1".01 . 1.1.:r4 STORE. You will Get Your Money Back. IF you W"ol to buy a llorei:e,buightiii, or Lawn Dre••• Gond Wuni null Silk Beres, it ]:2‘c.., usual price 21le. Real French Law. 121 c., 14c. Extra Eurl.,..tua ut tele. Going ut ' June 20. Prople'• Ca. , 11 Store. Marseilles Pique. A NOTIIER supply of tin. de. ruble article far Ita•tlue• and lla4=e. , AL.o,x4 Black ButeTe, for Ladies' Slad,'l+ jugt reccivrd at If. C. FONDER:011111'S Ca-h Store. C4llAlllilla. I= Bley Linens. - pont Lathe,' Dume,. uJ T ravelling Dresees, -L' la medium anti tine qualuv•. ug PONDERSIIIITII'6. People's Cull. Store, EIME FEM Buy a Summer Hat. awn new and beautiful -Illiawatha" Mate—Black unit Brown Leghorn. &c., for men. boys, and children. A Coma Its-Orlawat at 1 (..):\ DLIRSMITIVS 1.7..,y 041,8MENrNO. TEE undersigned begs leave to inform his friendsand the citizens of Columbia and surround ing country. that be still continues the practice of g, Gardenin in its various branches; Laying out Ground., ic., in the meet approved style of art, de sign and taste. Those who favor him with their pa tronage, will and their work done with skill and dispatch. mid on reasonable terms. Personal attsm tion will in all cues be given. He furnishes, and plant. out if required, all kinds of Nursery Stock, viz: Fruit, Shade, and Ornamental Trees, Flowering. Shrub., .ke. IMO of the choicest constant blooming Roses, of the most berdy kind., for sale: a 1 , 0. Grape Vine., of the most approved sorts. He invites a cull to his green house where a choice se lection of well-crown Flowering Plums may be seen and purchased, of JOSEPH YENVDALL, Gardener and Florist, Cherry street, Columbia, Pu. April 25, 1p57. •• C ~. Ii so, GO TO THE FARMERS' CASH STORE, LOCUST ST.. COLUMBIA, PA. W E tl , n ta , take Ihis we It .opportunit just re lyaof anuo newd dun sp lcing; a.,ortment of spring and ..utinner goods „consisting of Dry (loud,Groceries.Queell-ware and GIRTSWEIre, Table and Floor Oil Cloths. Looking Glasses. &c. FOR THE LADIES—Rich styles of Fancy and Klock Silk., all prices; Challies, Bereges, Delaittes, beautiful Prints; and, in fact, every article of dress goods that will be fa4loonuble during the coming sea ' son. FOR MEN AND BOYQ—Cloths.Cassimeres,Cash merettes, Croton Cloth, Tweeds. Cotionades,.kc.,ficc.; Silk and Alarsailles Vesting. in great variety; sad all goods suitable for Gentlemen's complete outfit. Furnishing good... Sheeting., Alto.litts,Gliecks,Tick- Mg', 0,,.1t00rg, &c , &nn ; together with a large as sortment Of tbleell•Wilre and Glits,ware, Table mil dour Oil Cluith.and it tresli lot of Grocerst- and Spice,: all of which wit/ be sold at prices that cattalo' tail to wt till. Our goods were selected with great care. and to 1 the be-t advantage, so that we will be able, in price and quality, to compete with an 3 oilier store iu Colum bia. The Farmers' Store ha., always had ihe reputattono beim; the CHEAP STORE, and the fact wa: neve, announced h) Bouk•, !sal 11 lllllle HP. ca.tons er, We de, re partteulasly to elate, that while we du cell erue, rnr a• cheaply lie they Call be ,•0111, %yob out II lnec, eve cast ako sell Dry Goods us cheap us any other hon., its town. fl 7 A+ heretofore, all kinds of country produce taken Its exchange for goods, and the Inelse4l snorkel Klee allie.Vell Ihr lire eallle. 'l' J. 61 Cll, Farmers' Cash Stole, opposite the Frankish !louse, C 01111116131. Pa. Apra4,1,57. SECREINEIR'S Splendid Jewelry ! Elegant Watches Rich Silverware! &c. THE subscriber has just opened a new stock, ire=h front the city, of • ,„,AM•• GOLD LEVER WATCHES, Duplex, Lupines '3; Quartiers, all of syloeh Ile Will fell OU the 1110•1 tra-onable. term, .to entire new tttock o iCAM hO nod MOSAIC IItREAtiTI'IN6, Ear-Ringo, , Of the latr.l -1) Ira CLOCKS! CLOCKS! of every th••1.111/11011; LUgUIIICr with u thousand and one OUR r ante lee, P. SHREINER, Watch and Jewelry Sun t, Front Street, Columbia. April it+, it,37.11 1857 1857 NEW SPRING GOODS GREAT rush for Bargains at L 0. BRUNER co , . Cllclip Store. coon r Of Third nod Union street , . The under-iiinril have 30.1 arrived float Phil.alelohnt. with a All/ And 11/1111.1etc• of Sloae consisting of ISlnek and Volley calmed CA —otter-. of .111 sty lc- and patterns' also S. 0100•11-. Colion.olo- and Linen Good, for Men'. wear ,• owl ',rm.:sill, 0101 all-0, Sn , pololol- 110-0.1), nod Gloves at poet , to -tut lilt 11111,4.-W1i11•11 le men w t omplete until], would do vet) well to FOR THE LADIES. Just received a ...noel lOr assollllll - 111 at filnek which will 1/V soul ite , ege de 'Mile/. (hag. loons. Ili 111.1111, Cc hear.. In-h Book and CoadirlC Diu-letc-. Dolled Swi , - 11111.- 11/15. Ch, Ribbon-. Gollar, Ore-c TralrlMlllg., rc &c., winch for vitt ty. lac ellenee and cheapness cannot he eurpas-td uc du- inarkel. DOO'I'S AND SHOES. A great variety of Gents' Fine (foots, Brogans, Gui tre.cavil sllll[lCt s. 1111(1 also. Lathes Mo. roceo and kid Boots. (hitters. Slippers. &e, to. g..ither as tic 1.11 ge assortment of Ch tiara's Shoes of all style , nod sites. which. not, ithquaditig the rase in leather, will lie -old at the tamer low priers.: QUEENSWARE QUEENSWARE The cast henuuiul -.1) le , 01 Queen mid Glassware ever ntfeied in this phase. eeinnwiniing hou-ekerping will plea-e call and exatione our stuck m thi• line before purehaving elsewhere. GROCERIES AND SPICES. Of the he-t qualm., and wuranted pure and fre-h, which w ill lie -old as cheap a, the market will Word. Comm . ) poultice of all kinds taken at market pri ces, w eAliang,e for good.. I 0 BRUNT 11l & CO, Corner of Third and UlllOll streets. Mouth Commonwealth Insurance Co., TTNION BUILDINGS, Third street, llorrhburg, CHARTERED CAPITAL, $200,000. iiwure noild,,,gs mot other Property against loos or alaintia,” I,} fire. Al-n. again-I perils of the Sea, In build Sul:million arid Traiip.p.rtiiiino. DIRECTOItS:—Stinoo Caineroll, Geo. NI. Lot man, %V. Ilium Dock, Eli 111 ter. James Fox. Geo. Bergner, Delwin] ut Parke. Win. 11. Kilmer, A. B. Warlord, W. F. :Stormy, F. K. loan, John 11. Derryliill, Wm. F. Pucker. OFFIC F.Fts•—sl AWN CA MErt ON. Pre.itle BENJ. PARK E, Vlce I'ic•idcut, S. S. CARRIE:It. Secretan 11. 11.112 Y. rent, Columbia. Pa Augmit 2.3, I triti. Ladies' & Gentlemen's Restaurant and Ice Cream Saloon. I her frie s ds the rr (heretofore well pairolirled) lee Cl cam Saloon, she has commenced keeping a retemory where OWSTERS AND ALL FINDS Or REFICESECIMENTS may be obtained In the he-t .tyle, and at the .shortest notice. A. h.•r accommodation.. are very taperior. she eonfidemly retie- !Ipoll is liberal ...Imre of roldie patronage. Every effort will b. made to alrord her gue.b. sail-faction. _ _ _ lIESTAULIANT AND SALOON Front. between Locust tool Uoloobtleol.,, Columbia. Nov I, lo:01-11. Those Awful and Terrific Accidents, 11Lf happening, from the careless hand low of burning duel, unit forever he stopped by the tor of Newell's Patent So . fety Lamp A' Feeder. Tit.. lump cannot explode trona overturning while I ichiedot cannot explode by lilting it wlOlO 10411(1.11, tt 00111101 explode from overflowing while lighted. it Call um explode from 2111} klIOW111 . 1111•C, 114,1111101 eXp:0110 when filling tithe fluid takes fire. NVith Ikw 1:1011, and feeder in conjunction. the moat eX100+11:e eoutpointil+ may be 11,11. WWI 110 gloater ...perm r r laid oil Tlik lump t. the clienpe , t. lie•t anti aunt ever otrer,d to the public. For kale, whulemle and retail. try Ida I:. ii. lIIIRIi, :tiny 2.1 , 57 Drifggirt. from 41. Columbia, Pit NEW STOCK OF FANCY GOODS. 111 E undersigned respectfully announces mends and the public. that ..ho 1105 now mt band a new n....ortinent of FANCY ARTICLES. such av Infants' Caps and Bonne'.. Truilmnies of every va rivty, Itlocte Collar, Embroidery of all hinds; al.o. large• to....ortment of Ladies' Fancy Ituv.kets. I reNN•et fulls' .alien an elanantition of toy goods, f Wore why areal want of the above mentioned articles. mAirra.t .1. AI ILI:S. Columbia, September 13, n.lpG. EXTRACT OF THE ORM IS JEW EL PLANT, OR removing Tan,Freekles, Pimples, tiC)ittg the complexion, giving the skill a healthy appearance. and for clean^lng the teeth. The jewel plant has long been known by the United Slates ithllrlflaCOpfl . l.,ll. a medicine for both lIIIer. nal am! external dine,SPS. but it P.O.!): within a year Or two that it hat been di-covered to such as recommended tor :Move. It is n delight tut extract. and highly -edited by ILA OWII ingredi ent, and uo lady should be without it SIP a toilet, par ticularly duriag the Summer season, when we are more liable io be tanned and sult•burnt than rn any other. Purelinsd a bottle and try it. Manufactured on,/ for nide, by J. If. HALDEMAN. No 3 IWolf's Row, Front .treet.Columbia, Pa. r.-For Pale I,y nil revealable clrugglats through out the finned State. :nal Canada. Columbia, May 3n, 1437. Lxm FOR MILLE. TILE subscriber lakes this method to inform the politic, .hat he is prepared to furnish the BEST QUALITY OF LIME, in yuu ours to suit purchasers, at the shortens notice. The. Lune 1. particularly adapted for plastering and whtte•wu+hwg. It will be delivered it desired. JOHN ELWIN. February 24, 1&55-1( Wrightsville, York county. ILMDZOVELL. Shaving and Sair-Dressing Saloon. THE andercigned having removed to Hamil• ton's Row. opposite the Washington Hotel, in vites attention to his Saloon, where all person can receive a ct.vs a ASO EAST SHAVE, and HELVE their hair cat and dressed in the most lashsonnble and ex quisite manner. There is something soothing in a good shave: if any are disposed to doubt it.' et them try me , htt I will fuily ‘h•rnon•trate the ram. WILLIAM CLEUULTT. Columbia, April .151945-tt Warranted Fresh and Genuine Gar- - - den Seeds. TN every variety, wholesale and retail. Assorted Boxes put up expressly for the Country Trade. Fine European and American Flower Seeds 20 choice varieties in Boxes for *1 , with directions. Japan Peas. Sugar Cane Seed, Tom Thumb Dwarf Peas, A.c. Orange Water Melon, new Winningstadt Cabbage Seed, &s. PASCHALL, moms k. Implement and Seed Store, 7th and Market at., CO ., hila. May d, lars7. List of New Books. "DST RECEIVED at Saylor & McDonald's, Mine Leslie's New Cook Book, Wtddiffeld's New Cook Book, Inquire Within; or, 3.0 U Pacts for th e People. Hansford; a Tule of Bacon's Rebellion, by St George Tucker. 'rhe Border Rover, by F.merson Bennett, Viv IH, or the Secret of Power. by Mrs.Southworth The Life mid Adventures of Beckworth, a norm live of life among the Indians. Columbia, April Id, lei 37. CARD. PROFESSOR Frederick Haas, a graduate of the Heidelberg and Gottingen Universities, olrere Ms services to the citizens of Columbia, as a Teacher of Music, and the Greek, Lunn, French, and German languages. He may be found at the Washington House, after the let of October, and be will be glad to recrive public favor. Columbia, September 27,12.56-tf NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY TLIE PASSENGER TRAINS Or the above road will run as follows, on vi and after NI A RCII 7.1857: MORNING TRAINS. Leave Columbia for York at 3 A. M. and 745 A. M. York for Baltimore at 4.10 A. M. and 10 A.M. Arrive in Baltimore 7.10 A. M. and 1 P.M. Leaves Baltimore for York nt 9.15 A. M.; Leaves York for Columbia at 11 A. M., arrives tit Columbia at 12 Al. EVENING TRAIN. Leave. York for Columbia at 0:0) P. M. Arrive. at Columbia at 745 P. M. All the above Train, emineet with the Pasvenger Trani, on the Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad. both going and returning. SUNDAY TRAIN. Leaves Columbia for York at , 10 A. M. York tar Columbia at 5 P. M. D. F. GRIFFIFII, Columbia, March' 3,11857. Agent. Northern Central Railway Co. SUNDAY TRAIN. A PASSENGER TRAIN, will hereafter leave Co /1 !melee for York and Baltimore, nt 8.10 A. M., ar rive in York at ULU A. M., and Baltimore at 1 rector]: P. M. Leave York for Columbia at SP. 11.,arrive at Columbia at d P. 51.. and remain at Columbia until 3 A. N. C. C. ADRICON, Supt. 1). F. Getyrrrit, Agent. Columbia, March 14,1e..57. RiMt‘A!!M THE FASTEST TIME ON RECORD! THE FLORA TEMPLE Livery Stable, for merly occupied by J. 13. Edwards. has been pur chased by Thomas Groom, and although not at the "earnest -whcitauaat of many friends,- but because the public desire the coin inuation "of a first class (A No. I.) Livery Sothic iu Columbia, prompt and re liable "—be has deiermined to make those in want of HORSES AND VEHICLES realize that --The bolt tall him 1 better limn the gray:, THE STOCK OF HORSES nl a character to boast ol; possessing as it does ever, variety to suit the bold maiden equestrian, die sedate married woman, the timid young . matt, or “slow smell" old one, as Well at those "mast" people who like horses that can go --some. on U plank road." If :lay one desires it stile stint reliable horse to take Id- stonily out with, he can be accommodated; if On the contrary Inc wants to get over space ins the Flora Temple style, let hens call at my stable. I have Viler) variety of vehicles and um making WWI:10116 to tiny Stock constantly. From the light 111/1111Ig sulky and wagon, up to the heavy latently car riage and barouche, 1 cannot be beat outside of acv '111 , ,11,N1S will he low as the lowest, and my Tennis hewer than the best. -The eletance in the etable" ran he Find from every point of the eoinpas., by coining into Wallin{ =tree, put shove Front on the north side. I tespeolully eantitatinnee of public patronage, confident that I will render full satisfaction. JA`. S. AIcM.A 110 N, Agent Columbia, December 20, 150. TEM OLD FLAG, UNFURLED TO THE BREEZE. "WALL CAMPAIGN! New Fall and Winter L HEADV-MADE CLOTHING at :Hernia, & Rio'. elation . Emporium, enost.ting to part ofCloth mid Beaver Over Coat. Buffalo and Double Dre.s Coats. Cloth Frock and fe“ Coat., Cloth Ha-op, Coat., Cas.itnere Iltv.iness Frock Cont , , Mack nod Fancy eassimere Black and Policy Satincit Foto, Black and Fancy SUtillVents,Plush and Cash mere Vents. BOOTS AND SHOES. SOOO Felix's homemade manufacture from Old Barks 11Ien's Call, Sewed, Pe„ d Bunts, Men's Grained and Kip Boots, Boy's and Youth's Grained and Kip Boots. Men'i. Calf and Kip Monroe., Ladies Kid and Morocco Boots. Ladies Kid Jenny Land 13w-k in., La dies Colored and Black Caller!, Children'. Shoe. in all variety, together with 'Pranks, Carpet Brigs. flats and Caps, w all varieties, at low figures. FOIL CASII. NIcTAUDE & BRO. P. S.—NIERCIIANT TAILORING DONE IN TILE BEST STYLE. Columbia. October 4, 1°56 FURNITURE. FERNITURE of every description from the htghaa to the lowe-t order, warranted an good Lancaster or Phaladelphta can produce may be had at the HOUSEKEEPERS' EMPORIUM, North Queen .trey I near Crange, !mamma Cr city, at price. far below the Initial rates in this petition of tire Suite. A Lo, magnificent Cottage Set. and .plenditl Wi3l(lO,N Shlldeß, below Philadelphia price.. Coal and lumber wanted in pas meat for furniture. KETCHUM & VICKERY. December, t 27 ii 6" i.-.• P 4 E E .2. 5 R- = 0 er. .0 r, ' 0 25 ) A ;4 ": LI g „ . ED 4 7; g • *. g '" ' 7 2 • r tv-- 1 1" I = g ; 4 . g 7g. pmt g = ' 4 •'" N . T 1 41 .cz. •-• 713 Ef E 7-; —4:l} .a-• 64 P _ :" t w _ta s ry-+ ok , t--4•=, PEOPLE'S Itmanirrin YARD. QHOP in North queen street, half square L . , south of tile Railroad, and 3rd door north of M'Gratin's White Horse Hotel. Lancaster city. LEWIS HALDY, Marble Mason, respeeitiilly ins fora.. the public that he liat now in his) and the lar gest and best assortment of ITALIAN AND AMER ICAN MARBLE ever offered to the citizens of Lan es-is rand greater than any other establishment west 01 Philadelphia. Flavin.; made arrangements in the East In receive ITlnthin nt reduced prices. he an flounces that he will sell touch cheaper than any other establishment in this city or county can do. He is prepared to execute in the hest style, nirsw -I.l:sn'S. TOMBS AND GRAVE STONES. MAN TELS. DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS, STEPS, !cc., &5...0f every variety and price. His facilities for furnishieg urticlea in the Marble line are unsurpassed by any other estuldishinent in the city, while he assures all who may favor him with their pattonagethat his work shall be executed as the very hest style and on the moat reasonable terms. _ LETTER curriNG In ENGLISIi and Gr.RIIIAN, done at the shorteet nottce,and on the moat moder ate terms. respectfnlly inviiesthe publicto col l and exam- Inc his work, being fully satisfied to rest his claim ;o public patronage upon Its merit•. Thankful for the many favors bestowed upon him, heliopes by staicanttention to bu.ineastoiners Laud re ceive a Atari: of the public patronage. Laneurter, April Uti, GERMAN AGENCY, FOR THE COLLECTION OF CLAIMS, DRAFTS, POWER OF ATTORNEYS, arm. THE Subscriber having made arrangements I. with some of the oldest Honking Ili:times in Ger many, is now prepared to collect Monies and make Power of Attorneys for any part of Germany. lie has also made arrangements to give his Own Draft to any our who wishes money sent on, and guarantee• it will lie paid,—having had much expe rience in this business, he intends to devote his full attention to it in future. All collections of Claims. he., attended to with cor. reetnes< and dispatch. and no charges for information. For further particulars address JACOB HERZOG, Dry Good Merchant, No. 69 North Queen Street, Lancaster City, Pa. N. knalt. °learn:lan Coin exchanged at full rates. 12;!=i GREAT VARIETY STORE. 'LUST RECEIVED, a larger and finer stock of Toys and fancy good• than ever before. My friends and others are invited to call and examine the stock before purchasing elsewhere. as they will here find an unlimited assortment, suitable for pres auto to person• of every age and taste. An immense assortment of Portmonnaies, Pocket Book., &c.. &e. GEORGE: J. SMITH, LOCUM street. between the Rank and Franklin House. Columbia, December IJ, WO. PIKE ENSUILINCS 00=mb:rip DP PEULAZIELPMA. STATEMENT of the Assets of the Company on January 1,1657. Published in conformity with the provision of the sixth section of the Act of A ssembly,of Aprilsth,l642. MORTGAGES. Being Hest mortgage r. on real estate, in the City and County of Philadelphia, except 830,950 in Montgomery, Sucks, Schuyl kill and Allegheny counties, Penney I va nia, .$1,619,932.73 REAL ESTATE. Purchased at Sheriffs , sales, under mortgage claims, vie: Eight houses and lot. 70 by 150 feet, on the South-west corner ofCheanut and Seventeenth streets, A house and lot. 27 by 71 feet, on North side of Spruce street, West of Elev. eats street, A house and lot. 21.7 by 100 feet. on West side of Penn Square, South of High street, Two houses and lots, each 18 by 60 feet, on South side of Spruce street, near Sixteenth street, Five houses sod lots, each 17-9 hy 90 feet, Nos. 159, 101, 163, 165 and 167 Dilwyn Three houses and lot, 49 by 54 feet, on East side of Seventeenth street, south of Pine st, Hotel and 10t,50 by SI feet, on the South- east eornerof Chesnut and Bench sta., Five houses and tot. 42 by 66 feet.on the North side of George street, West of Ashton street. Seven houw• and lot, 20 by 117 feet, on the East side of Beach street, south of Chesnut .oreet, A house and lot, IS by 30 feet, No. 96 Fitzwater street. East of Ninth street, A ground rent of $3O. Issuing out of o lot' 13.4 by 40 feet. on North side of Otter street, 40 feet West of Lerma rd street, , LOANS. Temporary Loans, on Stocks us Collat eral Security, STOCKS. •10,000 Alms House Loan, 5 per cent on.) 200 Shares Bank of Kentucky. tt Northern Bnnk of Kentucky, 100 " Union Bunk of Tennessee, 13 " Immance Company of the State of Penmylvania, . . 200 " Southwark Railroad Co. 37 " Commercial and Railroad Rank, Vicksburg, 300 " Pennsylvania Railroad Co., 91 " Franklin Fire Insurance Co., 2 " I'dercunaile Library Co., 21 " Union Canal Company, 10 " Schuylkill Railroad Co , $lOOOO North Penn's Railroad Bonds, *647,47 City Warrants. Notes and Hills receivable, Unsettled l'olicies, Cush on hnud, 42.360 Cash in hands of Agents, 12...T22 LOSSES BY FIRE. Lo.•es paid during the year ISSIL $301,638 81 By order oldie Hoard, CHARLES N. BANCKER. President. Attevt CIIABLEM ELBA:toms, Secretary. Utaernan•.—Chas. N. Meeker, Tobias Wag,ncr, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Geo. mr. Rieliarth, Mordecai D. Lewis. David S. Brown,lsuac Lea, Ed. ward C. Dale, Gco. Fates. THOS. LLOYD, Agent, Columbia. Muy 2. 1557. Hover's Liquid Hair Dye. Tills Hair Dye needs only a trial to satisfy all of iis perfection as a Dye.. and the following estimonial from that eminent Analytic Chemist, Pro en-or Booth, of the. U.S. Mint. will only confirm what 11011en11,14 have previously borne testimony to "LABORATORY Iva PRACTICALCIIENIC4TRT, St Stephen's Place, Philndelpl la. February 17, 1957. "Being well nequailited with the subetances coo posingllover's Liquid Bair Dye. I am satisfied that by following the simple directions given for its use, it will ant injure toe Hair or Skin, but will give a natu ral and durable color to the hair. . . . . . . . JAMES C. BOOTH, Analytic Chemist." llover's %I:ming Inks, including liover's Fluid. and lloyer's Indelible Inks, are too well known and in troduced to require tiny additional testimony of their character. The suites have been increasing since their first introduction, giving evidence that the ar ticles truly posse+♦ that intrinsic merit claimed at firs: for thew 1,5 the Manufacturer. Orders addressed to the Manufactory, N 0.416 Race street above Fourth. (old No. 144,) Philadelphia, will receive prompt intention by JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer. April 19, 1e57-1y EVANS &. WATSON, , ,, ,- 1 .- PRILABELPIIII Illanufae '(,)l(l,:p; lured SALAMANDER SA FES 1 '''t ', :",L., :- i No. 26 S. Fourth mtreet, Phila. .... 1. , eiii,, . 1 Truth is ntighty and mustpre ,t, .( f .I ; : , Report of the Committee up ,4 ~....„..„,___,..,_.7 :, _: .„ .. • pointed of to th er i e ro ri n t ne s ts a d fes the , . t - ---. . --- Reading, February 27,1. W. READING, March 4. 8000 The undersigned, members of the committee, do respectfully report, that we saw the two Safes origi nally agreed upon by Farrel & herring, and Evans & Wat•nit, placed side by side in a furnace, viz: The. Safe in rpre by the Paymaster of the Philadel phia and Rending Railroad Company, in his office at Rending. manufactured by Farcels & Herring, and the Safe in use by 11. A. Lantz, in his store. manu factured by Evans & Watson, and put in books pre ci'ely alike. The fire won started at fif o'clock A. M., and kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and half the-tout top wood were entirely con sumed, the whole under the superintendence of the subscribers, members of the committee. The Safes were then cooled od with water, after which they were opened and the Looks and papers taken out by the committee and sent to H A. Luntz's store for public examination, after they were first examined and marked by the Committee. The books and pa. per,. taken from the Safe manufactured by Evans and IV/11.11 were but slightly affected by the intense heat while those taken from the Safe manufactured by Farrell road Herring were itt our judgment dam aged fully fifteen per cent. more than those taken from Evan• & Wat-on's Safe. We believe the above to have been a fair rind im partial trial of the respective qualities of both safes. JACOB H. DVsiIER, DANIEL S. HUNTER, Having been absent during the burning, we fatly eutneide with the above statement of the condition of the papers and books when out of the reapective Saes. G. A. TsUf.IOI,I,S. 11. 11. hII.IIILENBERG. JAMEANIILIJOLLAND. The following named gentlemen, residents of Evad ing and 118 yummy. who raw the above fire, have purchased tweuty•eight Safes from Evans & Watson since the burning up to May Ist. 1037: G A. Nicoll., I, Lepold ninth, I; Isaac. Ruth 1; Kirk do lletcter, I; W. Rhoads & Son, 1; Henry W. mi..tnger, 2; Dr. Wm. Moore. 1; Solomon Rhoads. I; Levi L. Smith I; High & Craig. 1; {Vm. Rack, I; linnuigmin & Win. Me'doter, I; Geo J. Eck. eri. 1; J M.& G. W. Hatistoel, 1; Ezra Miller, 1; [Mime} cr. Vollmer & Co , Jume• Jamison, I; J. It. do A. 11. Warner, I; Jacob Set:mocker, 1; Wm. King, 1; V. IL Scholleitherger. 1; R. R. Com pany, I; H. A Lantz, 2; W. C. & P. P. Ermantrout; .1. P. Bridegane, I. EVANS & WATSON HAVE NOW ON lIAND •• 300,000 POUNDS Of the above SAFES, Which they offer for rale on better terms than any other innnulbetarer in the United States. Philadelphia. May IP, 1:157-1Y J. SBBOILD73R, Ladies Boot dr. Shoe Manufacturer, No. 1 Locust street, Columbia, Pa. INVITES the Cation of the citizens Columbia and the public generally to his snipe - nor ....ark in the above hue of business. lie respectfully tenders his sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage he has received. and would announce 10 Inspatrons that lie has constantly on hand a large and choice variety of materials. and is prepared to mid, up, 11l addition to his large stock of ready-made work on hand. Ladies. Misses. and Chil dress SHOES. GAITERS, BOOTS. SLIP PERS, Sc., hi the latest and best styles. Ile I solicits a continuance of the favor so liberally bestowed by the public. JAMES SCIIROEDER, May 2,1557. Columbia, Pa. Balm of Thousand Flowers, DISCOVERED by Dr. Fontaine, Paris, for beautifying the completion, curing all the diseases of the skin, for Shaving, cleansing the teet It; for the Toilet and the Murmry, for bathing and manymedical purposes. For sale by Da. E. B. Golden Mortar Drug Store, Columbia, Pa. Columbia, May 2, 1f57. To the Ladles and Gentlemen. Dr. Laverne's Victory Shoulder Brace mills is an entirely new, stud greatly improved ar t tide. coinbming all the advantages of a suspender and Shoulder Brace. It is light and elastic, equally adapted to the wear of either sex, and so constructed that it is impossible for them to bind under the arm, which has been one serious objection to nearly all the brace.that have heretofore been used. It is highly approved by Physicians and Surgeons. as being con ducive to health and gracefulness. Those who are subject to pain in the chest, disease of the Lungs. Heart or Stomach, symptoms of Consumption, we would advise to call at the Drag and Prescription Store, N 0.3 Wolf's Row, and purchase one immedi ately. .1. IL HALDEMAN. Columbia May 16,1957. SOLUTION OF CITRATE OF DIAGNESIA,or Par entire Mumma Water.—This pleasant medicine wince is highly recommended as n substitute for Epsom Malts, fteidliir Powders, &e.. can be obtained fresh every day at Da. E. It. HERR'S Drug Store, Front M. [l2 - JUT received, a fresh supply of Corn Starch, Farina, and Aire Flatiron MeCORIC & DELLF7IT'S Family Medicine Store. Odd Fellows' Hall, Columbia. Coluntbsa, May 30, 1557. LAMPS, LAMPS, LAMPS. Jest received at Ilerr's Drug Store, .a new and beautiful lot of Lampe of all descriptions. May 2,1537. SATING FIJND OF TILL National Safety Trust Company, WALNUT street, south-west corner of Third, Philadelphia. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania. Money is received in any sum, large or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. The office Is open every day from 9 o'clock in the mo • g till ;o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings tilt 9 o'clock. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All 'urns large or small, are paid back in GOLD on demand without notice, to any amount. HON. HENRY L. BENNER., President. ROBERT SELFRIDG E, Vice President. Wm. J. Ram), Secrets rv. DIRECTORS. Henry L. Benner, C. Landreth Manna, Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brews:er, Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry, Samuel K. Ashton, Henry L. Churchman, James B. Smith, Francis Lee. This company confines its business entirely to the receiving of money on interest. The investments amounting to nearly Otte Million and a Half of Dol lars: as per published report of Assets, are made in conformity with the provisions of the Charter. in Real Estate, hlortgages. Ground Rents, and such first class securitiesois will always insure perfect security to the depositors, and which cannot fail to give per manency and btu bi It ty to this old and well established Institution. April IS, 1957-1 y t - At co.t, ii58.2,7e4.63 lIERREDIG'S S.A.I'M - .. . i ....,.......- : TH K ACKNOWLEDGED n47.2.:Strltupopo ~,,/ 'CHAMPION. :iztl ~.,...20'' . The recent trials at Reading 1 . 'llif 4 i .'.; have endorsed the current o . , *I; public opinion, and confirm,' il 4,3 7 1. 0 r ..i. i the verdict of more than ;200 ,". li . / ...... “ i' r.:';;' accidental fire, proving com i ~.. clu-ively that —herring's" is ! ~ jai , i A t the Only Safe that will not burn p i..-I. Report on the Trial of Iron ....e°" Safes at Reading: 1i9,114.1S "Ott the 26th of February all the members of the committee met to witness the Safes and books and papers, (placed in them,) and were perfectly satisfied that all was right. The day following, the bunting took place, under the superintendence of the Com mittee. After a fair arid impartial bunting for five hours, the Safe of Messrs. Evans & Watson was first opened, the Safe being on fire inside, and the con tents partially con , umed, while the contents in the St*: of Messrs. Farrell & Herring were in good COll. dirion. and no,fire inside." Reading. March 2, 2857. (Signed,) -- Cogt, - 9 *71,232 07 And endorsed by over 50 of the best men of Rend in4;he above Safes can be: inspected at 31 Walnut Street, where the public cull satisfy themselves of the great superiority of the "Herring's Patent Champion,' over the defeated and usesbup•kinuide Iron Deur Sala mander." 53422 70 1216 50 FARRELS k HERRING, 34 Walnut Street, Philad'a Only makers in this State of Herring's Patent Champion Safes. The attempt made by other parties to bolster up the reputation of a Safe which has failed so signally in accidental fires in Philadelphia, (Ranstead Place ) by taking one out of an agent's store,(ll.A.Lautz,) made double thickness, (ditTerent from those they sell) to 'burn up" one of Herring's, (half as thick) has met with its true reward. Herring's Safe could not be burnt, proving conclusively that the only reliable Safe now nude 18 "Herring's," of whichover 15,000 are now in actual use, and more than dOO have been tried by fire without a single loss. Slay 23, 1537-ly 54,6E12 36 I ,827,185 so TN great variety, consisting of Prouty, Na -1 kers, Wiley, Peekskill, Sideliall, Sahsoll, Double M icing:in and Star Ploughs, with wrought shares, also. expanding Cu! avatars, with steel and reve Nib It teeth, field and garden Harrows, Cast Iron Rollers, flay. Straw slid Fodder Cutters, with a !urge assort ment of Horticultural Tool.. at w holt,:tle and retail. PASCHALL MORRIS & CO., Implement and Seed Store, 7th and Market at., Phila. May 2, 1557. Ketchum's Combined Reapers and mowers, OF the manufacture of 1857, with all the recent improvements. They are w urramed to cut 10 to 15 ncres of grass or grain in a flay, as well as it can be done with a scythe er cradle. For sale by PASCHALL MORRIS & CO., Implement and Seed Store, 7th and Market at., Mkt Itl ay tr. 1n.57. JAMES B. HOLLINS, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in China, Glass and Qneensware, No. 346 Alarket street, above Tenth, south side, Philadelphia. Nov. 29, 1956-9 mos. CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE, MO. 72 North Second Street, opposite the Mount Vernon House Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches. ful l jewelled, 11 K. ease. 828; Silver Lever do , d0.,812; Silver Lepine do.. s 9; Quer. tier, $5, to *7; Gold Speetueleit, *4,50 to 5111; Silver do , 81,50; Silver Table Spoons, per sett. *l4 to SIM Silver Desert do., do., *9 to $11; Silver Tea do., do., 51.75 to *7,50; Gold Pens and Gold Cases, *3,25 to ttri; Gold Pens and Silver do ,811; together with 11 va riety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb, Guard and Fob Chains. All Goods warranted to be as represented. Watches and Jewelry repaired in the best manner. Al.°, Masonic Marks, Phis, Am., made to order. N. B.—All orders sent by mail or otherwise, Will be punctually attended to. September 27, 1856.1 y ST. EgALISTILENCEI 1101121 L, 288 Chesuut street, Philadelphia. GYM. S. CAM PBELL,PROPRIETOR 6. W. AIULLIN, SIIPERINTEN DENT. May 17, 185r,if STAUFFER Ar.HARLEY. CHEAP WATCHES & JEWELRY WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL, et the ••PHILA DELI'IIIA WATCH AMU JEW ELRY arl'ORE, , No. 96 ,North Second etrect, corner of Quarry, l'hil'a. Gold Lever ‘Vatche.r,full-jeweled,lB car cases, 829 00 Gold Lepine, 19 caret eases, 21 00 Silver Lepine, full-jeweled, 12 00 Salver Lepine, jewels, 9 00 Superior Quartters, 7 00 Gold Spectacles, 7 011 Pane Salver do. 1 50 Gold Bracelets, 3 00 Ladies' Gold Pencils, 1 00 Salver Tea Spoons, set, 5 00 Gold Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1 OU Gold Finger Rings, 371 cts. to 9.90; Watch Glaases, plainl2l ems., patent lei, lunet 25; other articles in proportion. All Goods warranted to be what they are sold for. On hand some Gold and Eli:yer Levers and Lepines still lower than the ultove4riee;. AU FER & HARLEY. Philadelphia, September 27. 1e....3"6-ly FARMERS, .A.TTEMITIOP7! aROIVERB of Gran and Tobacco, use Let arm'. :Riper Phosphate of Lime. 8:450 pee bbl., or $4ll per ton. GROWERS OF CORN AND POTATOES, Lse Leinou's American Fertilizer. 153,50 per bbl., or 1625 per ton. There lins been received three diplomas from Pennsykratila, New York and New Jersey State Agricultural *Societies. and Crystal Palace Associa tion for the above Fertilizers, which have been in successful use for the past five } ears. Orders enclo sing the cash. or drafts, mailed and registered. will be promptly attended in by fi. A. LEINAC, Proprietor, No. 19 South Front st., Phila. May 31, GARDEN ENGINES, T'IIROWIN6 a stream of water 60 to 60 feet. Cast Iron Lift, and Force Pumps, Barn Door o icra, Turnip Drills, Improved Wheat Drills, with Oats and Oman Seeder attached; Plows of various patterns and sizes; Square and Expanding 'Harrows, Gore's Patent Premium Hatter Worker—a new article just received. Also. min r articles for the farm and garden, in their proper reason. PASCHALL, MORRIS 21c CO.. Implement and Seed Store, 7th and Market, Phila. July Ilit. ISM. COURT PROCLAZATION. WHEBEI% the Hon. HENRY G. LUNG, Pres dent, Hon. A. L. HAras and IF liar troy, Esq., Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the county of Lancaster, and Assistant Justice at the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Gen eral Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for said county of Lancaster, have issued their Precept to me directed, requiring me, among other thinip. to make public Proclamation throughout my [bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer and a General Jail Delivery: Also, a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence in the City of Lancaster, in the Common. wealth of Pennsylvania, on the3d MONDAY IN AU GUST. 1837: In pursuance of which precept, Public Notice is Ilerrby Were, to the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Lancaster. in said county, and all the Jus tices of the Peace, the Coroner, and Constabi ee of the said city and county of Lancaster, that they he then and there In their own proper persons, with their rolls, records a lid examinations, and inquisi tion., and their other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain, in their behalf to be done; and alto all those who will prosecute against the prisoners who are, or then shall be, in the Jail of the said county of Lancaster, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster, the MN h day Of July 1997. GEORGE MARTIN, Sherifr. N. 13 —Punctual attendance of the Jurors and Wit nesses will hereafler be expected and required on the first day of the sessions. Aldermen and Justices of the Peace are required by an order of Court, dated No.-Plat, 1819, to return their recognixances to John J. Porter, Clerk of Quarter Sessions, within one week from the day of final action in each case, and in de fault thereof, the Magistrates' costs w ill not be allowed. July as, 1957.5 t A 30TIIER lot of Superior Taking Beans , ;um. tece.ved mid tor =de, by R. WILLIANts vivo* alma. Columbia, June 27,1297. H. F. FELIX, P. N. COLEMAN,lCommittee A. 11. PEACOCK, PLOUGHS, M. AVISE'S ALOT of Fresh Vanilla Beans, at Dr. E B. Herr's Golden Mortar Drug Store. Columbia, May 2.1857. ASUPERIOR article of burning Fluid just received and for sale by H. SUYDAM 4: SON. A LARGE lot of City cured Dried Beef, just reeeived at rt. SUM& & Columbia, December 20,1856. A NEW and fresh lot of Spices, just re ceived aLYILINI ct SOWS. Columbia, Dec.2o, 1220. COUNTRY Produce constantly on band an d for sok by 11. SUYDAM & SON. TTOMINY, Cranberries, Raisins, Figs, Alm odds, R'aluuts, Creme Nuts, Zr.e., just received LI. SUTDAX & SON'S. Columbia, Dec.2o, 1950 A SUPERIOR lot of Black and Green Teas, Coffee and Chocolate, just received at H. SUYDAM &SON'S Dec. 20, 18%. Corner of Front and Union sts JUST RECEIVED, a beautiful assortment of Glass Ink Stands, at the Headquarters stud New. Depot. Coleraine, April 13, 1837. EITRA Family and Superfine Flour of the best brand, for sale by 11. SUYDAM & SON. JUST received 1000 lbs. extra double bolted Buckwheat Meal, at Dec.2o, lEO6. H. SUYDAM tr. SON'S. TABLE and Rock Salt, by the sack or bushel, for sale low, by hlarch ti, 1657. 1. 0. BRUNER CO. DE GRATH'S ELECTRIC OIL. Ju.t received, fresh supply of this popular remedy, and for sale by R. WILLIAMS, May 10,1850. Front Street, Columbia, Pa. A LARGKassortmen tof Ropes. all sloes and lengths, ..Cl. on hand and for sale at TILOS. WELSH'S, Mara L 2, 1257. No. 1. High street. 1)OOTA, SHOES, GROCERIES, &c., ulso, Fresh Burning Fluid, just opened us THOMAS WELSH'S March 21. 1557. No. 1. High Street. DAME Hams, Shoulders, Dried Bee ; and Sides just received at March 29,1857. BRUNER & CO'S. SUGARS, Sugars, of the best qualities, just received and for sale by March 26, 1857. BRUNER & CO. 11l ROOMS, BroomP, Brooms, x large lot just re ceived, at [nth 28,1857.] BRUNER & CO'S. SOAP of all kinds suitable for washing and the toile!. at I. 0. BRUNER & CO., Marell'27, 1857. COFFEE'S do PEAS of all kinds and prices for sale by L 0. BRUNER & CO'S. March 29. 1957. 'DISH, Fish, Fiah—Codfiab, Mackerel, Herring, &c., for Foie by 1. 0. BRUNER & CO. March. Y 3, 1557. A NEW lot of NVIIALE AND CAR GREASING /1 OILS, received ut thy itore of the subscriber. May 10,18.56. Front Street, Columbia, Pa. ToßEsii Burning Fluid, Jut received and for guile by 1. 0. BRUNER & CO. March 29,1956. DRIED BEEF, Extra and Plain Hams, Shoulders and mess Pork, for sale by THOMAS WELSH, March 21, 185 G. No. 1. High street. OATS, Corn, Hay, and other feeds. for sole by THOMAS WELSH March 21, 1,7 AIOLASSES, Love ringog Syrop,New Orleans, Cuba, and Sugar llouDe., for sale low, by March '27,1857. 1. 0. 131111NER & CO. WIC:O3Ft. SS .4i.M. M 2000 TONS Pittsburg Gas Coal, 400 tons Butt. Company White Ash Lump Coal.— B. F. APPOLD & Nos. 1, 2 & 6, Canal Basin. Columbia, January 31, 1557. Apply to FOB. SALE, ALARGELOT of Cherry and Poplar Boards, which will be sold low for cash. Avid} , to B. 1.. A PPOLD CO.. Nos. 1,2 and 6, Cunal Basin. Colmblart, November 22, 16.56. Kennedy's Medical Discovery. THE announcement that I have received a lot of this valuuble medicine, is all that is necessary to mer it a share of the alflicted's patronage. April 4, 1857-tf J. If. HALDEMAN Music: Music:: NYE have made urrougements with one of the largest Publishing Houses in Philadelphia, by which we cult furnish uny music published in this country, at a few days notice. New music received us soon UN published. April 18.1857. SAYLOR & McDONALD. JUST RECEIVED. 20BORES ORANGES, 1000 Cocoanuts, and a lot of Prime Nuts. For rule by. J, F. SATITH Wholesule and Retail April 4.18.57 “Patent Safety NlghtTaper,” MRULANT Sans hlache for the bed chamber, To bucconists and Hotel Keepers. It coats but a tri Ile, mid is warranted not to consume more than a six pence of oil lim a week. Call and examine them a the Drug and Prescription store of April 4-:f J. 11. HALDEMAN. SALIKEUELL LODGE, DAGUERREIAN ARTIST, Corner Front 4- Locust Streets, Columbia, respecctfully informs his old friends and the public generally, that he has again inken charge of his roome in person, and will be pleased to see all who may favor him with a call. PICTURES TAKEN FOR 25 CENTS, And upwards, and satisfaction guaranteed. Ea - No picture need be taken train the Gallery unless it is such as is really desired. Columbia, March 7, 1857. NOTICE. JOHN SLACK would most respectfully in form his friends and the public generally . , that he has leased for a term of years.the old stand to Locust street, between Second and Third streets, known as the LAMB TAVERN. Extensive ambling and yards, (the largest and best in the borough,) afford ample room to accommodate those who may favor him with their custom, Careful bustlers will be provided, and no pains spared to merit public confidence. lie would particularly call the attention of Drovers, to his ample yard accommodations for droves. His TABLE shall be well supplied,stand second to none; and whatever it shall want in show, shall be made up in substance. Columbia, March 14,1857.1 NEW FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS! OPEN this day, at IMAGO k BRO'S Cheap Cash Store, an extensive assortment of Pry vi,: LADIES , DRESS GOODS.—black Gm de Rhine Silks; all widths black India Satins; striped and plaid Silks. Mous de Laine; Mous de Rage; Woolen Plaid; Caslimeres; Chintzes and Prints in all varieties. SHAWLS AND MANTI LLAS.—SteIIa, ' Long and Square Omaha Shawls; Buy Slate, Empire and Wa terville Long and Square Shawls. CLOTHS AND GASSIAIERES.—French black Cloths of Nelson's make; Englikh blue Cloths and brown do.; French black Cussimere—striped and plain do.; Brocade, Silk, black Satin and Cassimere Ye... Sags. HOUSEKEEPER'S GOODS.—Bleached Unbleached do., Tichings, Checks,. Table Diapers, Towelings, Hosiery and Trimmings in all varieties. The above goods have jars been purchased in New York and Philadelphia, FOR CASH, and will be sold at small advance, for the same. 0ct.4,1850. hicTAGUE & BRO. Susquehanna Planing Mill, COLUMBIA, PA. rAIIIE undersigned respectfully announce to their friends and patrons, and to the public gen era ly. that they are prepared to furnish all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING AND SURFACED LUMBER. Also, Doors, Sash, Shutters. Blinds, Window and Door Frames, Mouldings, Ite., at the lowest market prices. All orders by mail or otherwise addressed to the undersigned, Columbia, Pa.. shall receive prompt at tention. DICKINSON &HUEY. May 31 ...1 sse-tr. r.M7II:I 7 :TOI:TT7I TUE undersigned are now receiving and ± will be opening during the next week, at their store in Locust street, opposite the Columbia Bank,• new and large assortment of Goode suitable for the season, consisting in part of DRY GOODS, such as Cloths, Cossimeres, Vest- Inge, Black and Fency Silks, together with a great variety of LADIES DRESS GOODS; HOUSEFURNISIIING GOODS, such as Sheelings, 14uslins,Tickings, Cheeks, Oil Cloths, Blinds &c. GROCERIES of every description — fresh ' and of the best qualities; Together with a general assortment orQueensware Glassware, Carpets, Blinds, Looking Glasses, Drug gets, Battings. Rugs. WALL PAPERS, In fact everything kept in a well-regulated stare. Call and see our assortment, as we feel satisfied that none will go away disappointed, sewn BELL Ira.CLintivlLLT Tog CABS! and are thereby enabled to sell geode lithe very LOW. EST FIGURES. FRY t /lAGAIAN. Eeknaida, April 14, 1829. TO THOSE WHO WANT FARM'S; A Farm Within the Reach of Every Man. THE' RIDGWAY FARM COMPANY has made arrangements by which all who desire to settle or purchase a home can do so. The farms consist of the best limestone soil of the most superior quality for farming, in a rapidly improving place, into which an exten sive emigration is now pouring. The property is located in Elk County, Penna., in the midst of a thriving population of some 10,000. The cli. mate is perfectly healthy, and the terrible plague of the west, fever, is unknown. It also has an abundance of the best quality of coal and iron. The price to buy it out is from $3 to $2O per acre, payable by instalments, to be located at the time of - purchasing, or a share of twenty-five acres entitling to locate the same for $3OO, payable $6 per month, or 121 acres payable $4 per month. Discount for every sum of $lOO and under, paid in advance, a dis count of $5 per cent. will be allowed, and for over $lOO a discount of 10 per cent. In considering the advantages of emigrating to this locality, the following are presented. FLIIST—The soil is a rich limestone, capable of raising the heaviest crops, owing to which this settlement has attained its present great prosperity. SECOND—It is the centre of the great north west coal basin, and isdestined soon to become one of the greatest business places in the state. It will supply the great Lake market, (accord ing to population and travel the greatest in the Union.) It has five workable veins of the best bituminous coal, amounting in the aggre gate to over 22 feet, which makes 22,000 tons of coal under each acre. This will make the land of inestimable value. The eminent state geologist, Dr. Chas. T. Jackson of Boston, has made a geological, sur vey of the land, and analysed the coal, the iron ore and the limestone. This report, to gether with maps, will be furnished to inqui. rers. FOURTH —Three railroads are laid out through this property. The Sunbury & Erie Railroad gives us a market for our coal to the lakes—it runs from Erie to Philadelphia. A large part of this road has been finished, and is now in running order. A heavy force is now work ing from Erie towards our land in the western direction, the means for the completion of which has been raised—it will soon be finished. The Allegheny Valley Railroad connects us with New York, Boston and Pittsburg. The Venango Road connects us with the West. There are already good turnpike roads run. ning though this property, various other roads have been opened to accommodate the emigra tion and settlement which has already taken place. There is no opportunity equal to it now of. fered to the man who wants to provide himself a home in an easy way, and make a settlement where he can live in prosperity and indepen dence in a climate PERFECTLY HEALTHY. No case of the fever ever having been known to occur in this settlement. It is not like going to the backwoods of the west, among perhaps intolerant people, where there is no society, churches or schools, where the price of land is high, and where the emigrant, after being used to the healthiest climate in the world, has to endure sickness and pain, and perhaps ruins his health and that of his family. But here is a thriving settlement, having three towns, containing churches, schools, hotels, stores, saw mills, grist mills, and everything desired. There is a cash market at hand.— The lumber trade last year amounted to over two hundred million feet of lumber. In a short time, owing to the coal, it will become still more valuable, as a number of iron works and manufactories will soon be started; they are at present starting them extensively at Warren. Evenifor those who do not wish to go there, the payments are such that they can easily buy a farm to save their rising families from want in the future, or to gain a competence by the rise which will take place in the value of lands. By an outlay scarcely missed, a sub stantial provision can be made. Persons should make early application, apply or write to E. Jeffries, Sec., No. 135 Walnut street, below Fifth, Philadelphia. Letters carefully answered, giving full information. Shares or tracts of land can be bought or secured by letter enclosing the first instalment of five dollars, when the subseriber will be fur nished with books, maps, &c. Warrantee Deeds given. Persons can also purchase from our Agents. Route from Philadelphia to Tyrone on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, and thence• by stage to the land. 1 his a delightful season to visit St. Mary's—the best hotel accommoda tion is afforded. Enquire for E. C. Shultz, Esq., the Agent for the property at St. Mary's. June 13, 1857-3 m CRAMPS, SCALDS, BURNS, Sec. rilitED in a short lime by Cooper's Anti v Pain Tincture. Asa pain alley tater, this Tincture. though cot infallible, is not surpassed by any other ever offered to the afflicted. and takes the precedence of as others wherever it is used, inasmuch as it is purely VEGETABLE, contains nothing POISONOUS, and may be used with SAFETY. One bottle has been known to cure six cases of Dysentery, besides a ease or two of Cramp and Colic. It will relieve almost every variety of Pain, within from one minute to fit teen minutes—even the most acute cases of Neuralgia and Rheumatism, and is used, not only by Physicians, but Ly persons of every etas, and rank. WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR? It is good for wind and pain in the Stomach and Bowels, Diarrhea and Dysentery. Colic, Cholera and Cholern Alorbus, Rheumatism acute, chronic and ner vous. Plithisic or Asthma, Croup. Colds, Coughs Scalds, Burns, Wounds, Bruises, l. 4 prains, Still and Swollen Jointi,lteuralgin or Tic Doloreaux, Tooth ache, Sick and Nervous Headache, to quiet a nervous restlessness, and thus enable one to sleep calmly.— Pain In the side, u Stitch In the Back, Cricks,Crampx and almost every kind of pain, internal and external; Ivy Poison. Stings and Rites of Poisonous Insect% FEVER AND AGUE*, FITS, Hiccough. Heartburn, Cold Feet, Freezes, Chilblains, Painful CI:0111/4 Swell ings, Old Sores, to allay Inflammation, and prevent Mortification. ke., &c. c'PRICE 25 CENTS A BOTTLE. ..ER Da. E. D. HERR, Agent, Columbia. May 2, 1557. New and Cheap Groceries. THE undersigned take this method of re turning sincere thanks to their numerous friends for the liberal pa:ronage given them during the past year, and respectfully ask a continuance of the same. They have just returned from Philadelphia with a very large lot of fine Groceries, Confectionery, &c., among which may be found the following: Love ring's Syrup Molasses, New York Syrup Molasses. Prime baking 'Molasses, Sugar House Molasses A A large lot of Sugars. Coffee. &c. A leo, a lot of fine Baking Raisins, only In cents. Fine large bunch and layer Raisins, m whole and quarter boxes. 25 boxes Figs, different grades. A lot of Prunes, in fancy boxes, very fine. A large lot of fancy and common Candies. Also, Fig Marmalade, Jelly Cokes, Sap Sage Cheese, Ketchup, and a great variety of other articles, suitable for the present season. • I:I3 . .PLELLIF. LIVE 05 A CALL. H. SUYDAM & SON, Corner of Front and Union stemma. Columbia, December 13, 1856. MC3E6W ..VITMLMVI AND NEW GOODS. • TAR underidgned having taken the store lately aeon pied by his brother, in Locust street, opposite the Columbia Bunk, and having associated with him in business, Mr. F. L. HAGMAN, will continue the bit. siness under the firm of FRY& RAGMAN, where we will open in a few days. a very large assortment of new goods. consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Queensware, Glassware, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall Papers, Ac., Ac., Ac.,all of which we are determined to sell at the VERY LOWBST PRICES. As we ia. tend doing an _ EXCLUSIVE CASH BUSINESS,. we will be able to compcteln prices with any store in the county. We respectfully solicit a call from our friends and the public generally. R. H. FRY. Country Produce always taken at the highest mar. ket prices. Columbia, April 5,1856. Fresh Ethereal. ALCOHOL and Pine Oil, can always be had at the lowest prices, at the Golden Mortar Drug [Nov. 49, Ma. =1 Cooper's Anti-Pain Tincture. THE undersigned is the only authorized agent for the sale of this truly valuable ruedieirte. in thut place. May 16, PRIZE GE/URAN SEGARS. TDATE JUST RECEIVED 200,000 MORE _L of those PRIME SERAILS, which I will sell CHEAPER than any Store in this or any other town. iiitesTeraE.CsMolZerDWAßl, and others will do welkby giving me a call before purchasing elsewhere. The above mentioned Segars ran be seen at J. F. SMITH'S Wholesale ConAsettonary establishment, Front street, two doors below the Washington How, Columbia. Columbia, Aug. 30, MO.; J. H. HALDEMAN