LIST OF LETTERS, REMAINING in the Post Office at Colum bia, July 31.1857. Persons inquiring for letters will please mention if they are advertised. Addison Edwin E Arms Sallie 51 Austin Augustus P Augustin Jacob Bery F G 2 Brooks John li Brady David Barr JOllll A Bean 1 Baker Andrew 0 Dell John Boyle Alfred II ;Bewley William Ballinger Jacob Charlton Amanda Cross k Kuhns Craven Daniel R. Doinbaugh Mary Deterick Daniel Dwright Stoner &Co Deaner Joseph Evans John Famous William B Fisher Joseph C truster Thomas Fisher S F Feature H Funk Elizabeth Geise C 11 .Groh Joseph Green George Grape Peter Goner John .Gasawey Isaiah Hoffman Catharine 'Herr C 0 2 Hamilton J W liorfelich Mr Horan Mary Heber Benjamin Holtman Susan E Ilaidlner Jacob Iletherminger James Hackett Richard Hartnagel John Judd Edward P Jones James Knapp Jolla Keech William Kauffman Jacob Kohn I Luther John Utley W H Lutz Aaron It Lirisgner A Lamont William Leader D II Musser Jacob Alinard N P Ale Nick Peter Millard Jolla Miller T I Moak John AlcAvoy Ann NashDO2 New 11 Odell II F Pearce Mrs Pieta:ter John Palter Henry Radian Sontag Redsecker A Ray Isabella Rye James C Slaymaker Henry Snider William Stewart John Stoner Lucy Ann Sternemans Anna Sheet Abraham Setter G & Son String John Schwarber Charles Storhe Air Stotts Rosetta Shallenberger Daniel Sackett A Stockle Adam Shallenberger Jacob Breath Joseph Steiner Andrew Scheeler Thomas Thomas D W Tenderson Abraham Vincent Mr Willis Mary Jane Welsh Sidney Weber Peter Woodsworth M S Williams A senath Wolf Charles Willison Nancy Yohtts Israel A. S. MODERWELL, P. Columbia, August 1, 18:7. - The Fathers of the German Re formed Church, IN EUROPE AND AMERICA. BY Rev. 11. Rarbaugh. The publishers have the pleasure of announcing the appearance of tills important work, so long looked for and so anx iously desired by the Church. I,Ve need not say that this work cost the patient author long and severe la bor, und the popularity of his other works is sufficient assurance that this Is well done. It bears marks of having been prepared not only with literary ability and taste, but as a work of love by a grateful son of the Church. The first volume, beside the lives of thirteen of the Reformed Reformers, includes all the Fathers of the American Reformed Church previous to Schlatter's arrival: thus covering the earliest and most interesting period of the church in America, and that ot which, hitherto, least has been known. This volume of 400 pages was ready on the 27th of July. The second volume will follow immediately, and will be ready in Autumn. PRICE, $l.OO per volume. A liberal discount to agents and the trade. Orders respectfully solicited. Address SPRENGER & \VESTIIAEFFER, Aug. 1.1857 33 North Queen et. Lancaster, Ps. The War Trail; Or, The Hunt of the Wild Horse. AROMANCE of the Prairie, by Capt. Mayne Reid. This book has been pronounced, by good judges, to be the best of the series, which is no small praise, when we refer to the encomiums which the American Preen has bestowed upon the "Scalp Hun ters," "Rifle Rangers," pwin to Chief," &c., awarding to them a high position among works eminently instructive and interesting. For "ale at SPRENGER & WESTIIAEFFER'S, Aug. 1, 1837. 33 North Queen street, Lancaster. TIED D.V.23 C. X. 3178111.1nr, WHILE laboring as a Missionar; in Southern Asia, VT discovered a simple and certain cure for Con sumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Nervous Debility, and all impurities of the blood; also,an easy and effectual mode of Inhaling the Remedy. Actuated by a desire to benefit his suffering fellows, he will cheerfully send the recipe (free) to such as desire it, with full and explicit direction. forpreparing and suc cessfully using the Medicine. Address Rev. C. S. BURNETT. Aug. 1,1857-6 m 511 Broadway, N. Y. City. T. KINGSFORD & SON'S VITAE OSIMEIGO STAILCII, (FOR THE LAUNDRY.) 1.1 - AS established a greater celebrity than _LJ_ has ever been obtained by any other Starch.. This has been the result of its marked superiority in quality, and its invariable uniformity. The public may be assured of the continuance of the high standard now established. The production is over Twenty Tons daily, and the demand has extended throughout the whole of the United States, and to foreign countries. Working thus on a very large scale, and under n rigid system, they nre able to secure a perfect uni formity in the quality throughont the year. This is alie great Desideratum in Starch-making, and is real. ized now (or the first The very best Starch that can be made, and no other in always wanted by consutners, and this will be sop rdied to them by the grocers, as noon us their cuntom ers have learned which is the best, alit] ask for it— otherwi-e they would be likely to get that article on which the largest profit can be made. Air. Kingsford has been engaged in the manufiteture of ;Starch continuously for the last 27 yearsond during the whole of the period, the Starch made antler his supervision has been, beyond any question, the bent in the market For the lir‘t seventeen yearn be had the charge of the works Of Win Colgate 112 Co., at which period lie invented the process of the manu facture or Coro thereh. [l:P•Ask for Kai ,ford's Starch, as the name Oswe go has been recently taken by another factory. It is sold by all of the best grocers in nearly every part oldie country. T. KINGSFORD & SON'S OSWEGO CORN STARCH, (FOR PUDDINGS. &C.,) Has obtained unequal celebrity with their Starch for the Laundry. This article is perftctly pure, and is, he-every respect, equal to the best Bermuda Arrow Root,yesides having additional qualities which ren der It Invaluable for the dessert. Potato Starch has beea extensively packed and sold as Corn Starch, and has given false impressions to many, as to the real merits of our Corn Starch. From its great delicacy and purity, it is coming also taco extensive use as a diet for infants and invalids. E. N. KELLOGG & CO., Agents, DM Fulton street, N. P. ALLEN & NEEDLES. Agents, 23 South Wharves, Philadelphia. August 1,1837-3 m NOIEZCZI. .leWife Bridget Kelly, hating left my bed and board. without my consent, all persons are hereby warned against trusting her on my account, as I will pay no bills 01 her contracting. JAMES KELLEY. Columbia, August 1,1557-1 t NEWARK FERULE SEMNARY. TIM next sehohutie year of this institution will commence August 20,1857. The village in which. the Seminary is located is noted for its healtlifiduess, and is easy of access, having daily communication with Philadelphia and Baltimore, by railroad. No expense is spared in order to give the pupils the best instruction and the most constant care.-- TERMS.—Board and Tuition in the English studies and Latin, $l5O per annum. Music, Languages, Painting, ace., extra. The departments of Music and Modern Languages, are in the care of Prof. Heness, mid the pupils in each have daily lessons. Parents who wish to place their daughters in the institution are requested to give notice to that effect, as the number of pupils is limited. Circulars containing further information may be had by addressing the Principal. . Miss H. CHAMBERLAIN, July t 1m Newark. Delaware nrommcn. WBEREAS, Letters of Administration to the rotate of John Lowrey, late of the borough of Columbia. Lancaster county, deceusedOnve been granted to the undersigned; all persons indebted to maid estate, are requested to make immediate pays leant, and those having claims against the same wilt Present them, duly authenticated. for settlement, to ANN LOWREY, Administratrik. Columbia, July es. 1857-71 OBERTS' EMBROCATION, for Rheumatism, 1.1.1 Sprains, Bruises, &c. For sale at McCORKLF: & DELLI=S, Odd Fellows' Hall, Locust street, Columbia. July 25, 18.57. P EOWN'S Essence or Jamaica Ginger, Gen . inns Article. For sale at MUKLE dc DELLET T'S Family Medicin cC e 'S R tore, Odd Fellows' Hall. July 25, lASI. • A_Ex RTICLES FOR, 111KING-11 the Family Medicine Store, Odd Fellows , Hall, is where Pure Ground Spices, Raking Soda. Cream Tartar, Fearlash, Salaratus, and Flavoring Extracu, may be obtained. July 27, 1857. TABLE OIL.--Jost received a fresh supply of a superior article of Table Oil, at McCORKLE &DELLETTS Fnmily Medieicte flume, Odd Fellows' Hall. July 25,1.657. BSKRDS.—Caaary, Hemp and Rapeßeeds. .1./ For auto at McCORKLE & DELG'S Franitv Medicine Swre, Odd Fellows' Hall. /alp 23,1837. Sheald any Ono STAND in need of a fresh article of Drugs, Chemicals, Oils. Flavoring lir:trams, Spices, ice., call at the People's Drug and Prescription Store, No. Wolf's /Sow, Front streelg Columbia, where the subscriber has issatvened anew supply. MaY 36, ata:mr J. H. HALDEMAN. A GOOD SITUATION, FOR AN EDUCATED MAN. AMAN of High Attainments and Experi ence as a Teacher, is wanted as Principal of THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE, AT COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA. The Institution is a new one, pleasantly located, and its buildings, erected by the WEALTHY Columbia Public Ground Company, whose whole revenue will be devoted ID this Institute for the purposes of education, arc unsurpassed in com modiousness, comfort and architectural beauty, by any in the whole country, and will be ready for scholars, male and female, by the first of October. The town is located on the Susquehanna, in a rich and populous re gion, very healthy, and surrounded with more beautiful natural scenery, than can be found in any other part of the United States, and enjoys railroad connections with all the cities and most of the neighboring towns. No means will be spared to make this one of tie trot Academical Institutions in the whole Union. A lir gen tleman addressing the Committee will be answered with full particulars. None need apply unless well qualified. Applications received until the first day of September. 11. nr. NORTH, TRUSCOTT, Committee. JAMES VA COHEN, CoLustatt, PA., July 25,1657-Gt BOYS' CLOTIIING. TIIE undersigned respectfully invite the at tention of their customers and the public, to their lame and handsomestrodc of Ready-Made YOUTH'S & CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, and a well selected and choice assortment of Cloths and CagsimereN, from which to order; suitable for the Spring and Summer seasons, and especially adapted to Iloys' Wear. M. C. TIIACKRAY & CO., t,020 Chestnut Street. above Tenth, Philadelphia, St. Lawrence Hotel Building. Philadelphia, July 25, 1657-Gm FOR SALE. A FARM of 14 ocres with good Brick Improvements, LI. adjoining the borough of Columbia. S. W. MIFFLIN. July 18,1857 Fine Family Groceries. A SELECT assortment of the best Family Groceries ever offered to the Columbiums, at the Wine and Liquor Store, Walnut street, adjoining the Washington ;louse. DANT EL HERR. .137'Congress Water in quarts, Bedford Water in pints, just received. Coiumbia 2 July 18,1557. Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, MELAINOTYPES & PATENT LEATHER PICTURES. THOMAS 13. SUMMERIL respectfully informs the citizens of Columbia that he has taken large of Delltatger's Photograph Rooms, Corner of Front and Locust streets Columbia, Pa., where he is fully prepared to take all the above named pictures an a style not to be surpassed by any other artist. A long and large experience has enabled him to become perfect master of the art; he therefore flatters himself dint he will be able to render entire satisfac tion to all who may favor him with their patronage. As the MELAINOTYPE is a late invention. and many persons have not seen them, he would state that they are taken en sheet iron, and in richness of tone, warmth of expression. completeness of detail, and boldness of feature, Good Melainotypes are not surpassed. They will receive a fall without a fracture, a bend without injury,may be washed off when soiled, and handled without the face being marred, unless by rough scratching, which would deface the best oil painting. From 10 to 3 o'clock is the besttime for children. COPYING DONE, AND WARRANTED TRUE; Alpo. Pictures put int Rings, iticdallioni and Pitts. All pictures taken by ate are warranted not to fade T. S. SUMMERIL. El:7ooaq forget the place! Corner of Front and Locust streets, over Tredenick's Nat Store. July 18. 1857-ly DENTON% GREAT WORIt. THIRTY YEARS VIEW; or, a History or the Workings of the American Government for thirty years, from 120 to 16150, chiefly taken from the Con gress Debates, the private papers of Gen. Jackson, and the speeches of Ex-Senator Benton, with 1114 actual view of men and affairs; with Historical notes and illtrittlollS. Complete is 2 vols. ABRIDGEMENT OF THE DEBATES IN CON GRESS, from 17e9 to 1850, from Gales & Seatotes Au. mils of Congress, from their register of Debates, and from the official reported Debuie; by John C. Olives. By the author al Thirty Years View. THE ANNALS OF SAN FRANCISCO; Containing a summary of the first discovery, settle ment, progress and present condition of California, and a complete History of all the important events connected with its great city, to which are added Biographical Memoirs of its most prominent citizens. Complete it, one Isirce octavo volume. THE AMERICANS IN JAPAN; An AL• ridgement of the Oover 1111 l ent. „Narrative of the U. S. Expedition to Japan. SAYLOR & McDONALD. Appointed Agent.; for the rale of the above booke r which are .old by subbetiption only. July It 4, I n 57. NEW 3300 S JUST received. RINKS, MAYHEW AND HUTCHINSON ON THE DOG; by Frank For este r. This book, to the Dog Fancier and Dog lover, 1,4 the or plus ultra of books; it I. full and comprehen sive and for sale at MISKRAY,YOUNCi & CO'S. CHIT CHAT of Humor, Wit and Anecdote, with fifty original illustrati ons from designs by J. MeClen. an. Edited by I'ierce Pungent. The hook is enter taining, and the editor Hunks iis perusal would even make the bursting of a boiler agreeable, and recon cile the tiinidest of travelers to the most frightful of railroad catastrophes. To be had at MURRAY, YOUNG Sr. CO'S. TIIE ARTIST'S BRIDE; or the PLIWII Broker's Hem by Emerson Bennet. The character of the 1300 k can be inferred from the title and the popularity of the author. At MURRAY, 'YOUNG & CG'S. THE HUSBANDIN UTAH; or, Sights and Scenes among the Mormons; with remarks On their moral and social economy. By Austin N. \Vurd. Edited by Muria Ward. For bale by MURRAY, YOUNG & CO. TRIUMPH OF TRUTH. by James Caughey. For sale by MURRAY, YOUNG & CO., July 18.1857. Lancaster, Pa. Stoves: Stoves! TEE subscriber keeps up ...,. his extensive assortment o'~ ... COOK AND PARLOR STOVES , tz:...: . of all kinds and of every pattern ',. and size. He sells at reasonable , prices and asks the public to examine and try his stock. HENRY PEA 141.1 , 7.11, Locust street, opposite the Franklin House. Columbia, July 18, len. P:pluiaii_lii)lo3.lo*yi:ialt)iii,ft(e)oA PHILOSOPHY AND FACT. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. THE exciting cause of sickness. The blood is the life-sustaining agent. It furnishes the components of flesh, bone, muscle, nerve and integu ment. The stomach is its manufactory, the veins its distributors, and the intestines the channel through which the waste matter rejected in its productions is expelled. Upon the stomach, the circulatiou and the bowels, these Pills act simultaneously, relieving, in digestion, purifying the fluids, and regulating the excretions. THE NATIONAL COMPLAINT. Dyspepsia is the most common disease among all classes in this country. It assumes a thousand shapes, and is the primary source of innumerable dangerous maladies; but whatever its type or symp toms, however obstinate its resistance to ordinary preparations. it yields readily and rapidly to this searching and unerring remedy. BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. The quantity and quality of the bile are of vital importance to health. Upon the liver, the gland which secretes thin fluid, these Pills operate specifi cally, infallibly rectifying it, irregularities and ef fectually curing Jaundice, Bilious Remittants, and all the varieties of disease generated by an unnatural condition of the cretin. BOWEL COMPLAINTS. Unless the bowe Is perform their functions properly, the whole body suffers. Tens of thonsunds die no nually of Dysentery, Dian'lnca, Chronic Conatipa. lion, and other diseases of these waste pipes of the system. The effect of the Pills upon all intestinal disorders, whether casual or epidemic, is a phenom enon in medicine. By following the printed direc tions, the moat alarming eases of bowel complaint are promptly controlled. A•WORD TO FEMALES. The local debility and irregularities which are th e special annoyances of the weaker sex. and which, when neglected, always shorten life, are relieved for •the tune being, and prevented for the time to come, by a course of this mild bat thorough alterative. Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases: Asthma Female Cam- Fever and Ague Bowel Complaints plaints Piles Coughs Headacnes Stone and Gravel Colds Indigestion Secondary Symp. Chest Diseases Influenza tome Costiveness Inflammation Venereal Affec- Dyspeprna litwardWeakness dens Diarrhcca Liver C,omplaintsWorms of all Dropsy Lowness of Spir- kinds Debility its OL7CALITION!—None are genuine unless the words Itelkneay, New York and London." are dis cernible as a Water-Mark in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box; the same may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A hand some reward will be given to anyone rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. a :Sold at the atarnitactory of Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane. New York. and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers its Medicine throughout the United Stales and the eivilized world, in boxes at 15 cents. 021 cents, and St each. ][l:7''There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder ars affixed to each box. July 11,1637-Iyeow Superior Self-Sealing Preserving Cans.' frlltii Preserving Season IS commencing, and the “SeltsSealing Can" has become an established fuvoriie among housekeepers. The subscriber mam ufacturea an article that roust give sans faciion. Cull et HENRY PFA L Locust street, opposite the Franklin !louse. Columbia...fitly 18.1557. Water Coolers. ACOMPLETE assortment of Water Coolers of various sizes and patterns manufactured and for sale by the subscriber. The-e convenient and economical vessels should be wied in every family. HENRY PFA H LER, Locust street. opposite the Franklin House. Columbia, JulylB,lEs7. COCHRAN tx WORRELL, IVIERCBAIN'Z' No. 4. MECTI..kNICs' Row, Opposite Haldentities Store, Locust street, Columbia, Pu. A share of the public patronage is re spectfully solicited. Columbia. J uly 18. 15.57. GUANO! GUANO!! GUANO!!! ALL KINDS. Leinau's Super Phos-a phate of Lime. 7.000 TONS. 07 — FARM ER S! For your Wheat Crops, use Leinau s Super Phos phate of Lime, at 21 cis. a 11,., or $4O a Ton; or, use Leinau's American Fertilizer, at $3,50 a hbl.,or 825 a ton. One barrel of either is sufficient for an Acre of Wheat. These are PERMANENT MANURES, made of reliable Chemical Elements. and have been in successful use (or the past Six Years, improving the boll and increasing the value of the land. Four Dtploinas from the State Agricultural Society of Pennsylvania; New Jersey; Delaware anel the Crystal Palace Association of the City of New York - , have been received for these Valuable Fertilizers. Pamphlets ia the English and German Language can be had by application at the office. A Liberal Discount to Whole:ale Dealers. The above Fertilizers delivered Free of Cartage to any wharf in the old City Proper. Orders sent by Mail accompanied will. Caoh or Drafts, be promptly shipped to any part or the world. GF.ORGE A. LF.INAU, Proprietor. No. 19 South Front street, rhaladelplau City, Pa Philadelphia. July ttt, 1057-4ut Valuable Farm and Mill Property, NEAR WILLIAMSPORT, PA., FOR SALE. THE undersigned, surviving partner of the firm of J. 11. & W. 13. Baling, oilers for sale all that valuable property situated on the south side of the 51...F[10011011110 river. 6 miles from ‘Villiainsport, and 3 miles from the line of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad. The Pennsylvanist canal pas-es on the opposite side of the river. Thi, tract contains 600 acres, with 6 per cent. allowance. 200 acre, is cleared and in a good state of cultivation. There is a large amount of valuable Timber 011 the premises. a good stream of water. and a good SAW MILL. The Shill is new, being built 1556. The other improvements eonsist of 5 good Dwelling 1111011.0 A, with out-huildinc, thereto;a Two large of winch to first•eluss, with a luige shed attached. The above property will lie offered at public sale at the Court Douse, in Williamsport, on Wednesday, the 19th of August, next, at I o'clock P. M. A portion of the purchase money in cash. the bal ance niacin easy, with interest, and approved security. Terms anode known on day of sale. Further particulars can be obtained by nddressing WILLIAM 13. WILING, Surviving partner of the firm of J. R. & W. 13. Haling. Williamsport, Pa., July It, 1857-ts Another arrival of seasonable Dry Goods rpieces more of those beautiful French Lawns, at Z 0 IYI cts worth 2.5 cts. LaWII Robes—at reduced prices; Hemp: De 'mines, selling at cost; Fancy and Plain Bereges at 12b cts., a great bargain. For choice goods the ladies say FONDERSMITII'S is the place. July 11, 1257. Mourning Goods. LUPIN'S Bombazines, all wool De Haines, beautiful Mourning Ducal's. Lupin's Black Bereges, Tissues, and another lot of Black Tamable for dresses, Eng lish Crapes, Mourning Handkerchiefs. &c., at IL C. FONDERSMITH'S July 11,1557. People's Cash Store. Embroideries FOR fine work, Exquisite designs, and magnificent Goode, everybody says, Foudersmith can't be beat Come and see for yourselves, At the People's Store, Columbia. June 11,18'57. China, Glass and Queensware. A FULL assortment in Teu, Dinner and Toilet Sets, just received, at June II 1867. rONDERSMITWS. A NOTIIER Steamer arrived, with a new and fresh lot of Groceries, at reduced prices. I can now offer a splendid assortment of Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Molasses, Prime Sugar-Cured Hams. Dried Beef, Tongues, Mackerel, Pickled Herring, Cheese, Bologna Sausage, Ste., &e. Columbia, July 11, 1557.9 t MAINE SHAD.---Mess Shad, from Portland Maine, in barrels and half barrels. a prime article, at FONDERSMITIIS July 11, 1857. People's Store, Columbia. HAIR Cloth, Crinolines, and light colored, oreciiii, for Ladies Robes, just received. at July 11.1H57. WHITE GOODS.---A full line of White Dress Goods of every description. just reee wed. of =Una AUSTRIAN CLOTIIS.---Another supply of the-e celebrated Cloihsbi blacks,blues,abil dahlias, jovt received. To be had only, at July 11, it 3 7. FONDFAISMITIrS. - nIRD CAGES, Canary Seed, Bathing Dishes, Nests, Water FOUIII9, &c., for SCIle by A. M. RAMBO, Columbia. July 11, 15:174t. Odd Fellows, CANDIES, of every variety, Oranges, Figs, Nuts; Vanilla, Strawberry, Lemon, Orange and Pine Apple Syrups, for tale by A. AI. RAMBO, Columbia, July 11, 1557-3 t Odd Fellows' hull. QO6IETIIING NEIV.--Shepard Plaids, Ottoman ro r lii,4, iiyinuin Lustros. Glaccrnios, &c., all very choice goods, for Traveling Dresses. Dusters. 3c ,lust received, at FONDER:3IIIII'II'S July 11, 1H57. CON tnbin. NOW opening at Ilerr's Cheap Store, Irard-wtdc Colored 13rilliantes—tast colors—only r 4 cents. Elegant yard-wide, new style White Drilliantes, only 12t , cents. and ap.' e t a cf a zt e n s t a ‘ nj ii r ” ich at ri c la a c s k t. Silks—beautiful allies A very choice lot of madder colors Dress Lawns, ut less than cost. Beautiful and choice styles Ducal Bcregcs and Be. rege Robes—very cheap lot just opened. Poplins—a very choice lot just opened; White Goods of every kind for Dresses and Basques—a large lot sell ing very low. Gloves, Hosiery and Mits of all kinds and styles— very cheap. Mantillas and Dusters—well, for nice and cheit once Herr's is the place. Just received u very choice lot of Shepherd's Check in wool, half wool and cotton. JOHN HERR, July 11,11,57. N 0.5 East King st..l.inicaster. We Speak the Truth. TUE only store, out of Philadelphia, where 1.50,000 German Segnra can be •cn. and are sold cheaper than nt any other establishment ill Co lumbia, or the neiglihortag town.. i• JOHN FENDIi ICH & Front at . third door ;above Locust, Columbia, l'u. July 4, P-57. Baltimore Prices. RAPPEE snuff at 16 ets. per lb. Congress " •I 114 Scotch " " " 400003Segars of 35 iliffereta brood.. wholesale or MEM . . We warrant all of the above Snuffs to he equal to any manufactured in the State; and the Segura to be of the 1./C./quality and at ull priers. JOHN FENDRICII & EROS , Front at.. third door above Locust, Columbia, Pa. July 4,1857. TEE COM:MEDIA BANE. LOCATED at Columbia, Lancaster county, State of Pennsylvania. hereby sives notice that Pit application will be made to the .egislnture of sold State, at their next session, for an extension and re newal of the charter of the said Bank, for fifteen years from the expiration of the present charter, with the pres ent name and style. By order of the Directors. SAMUEL. SIIOCII, Cashier. Columbia. July 4, 18.57-6 m GO TO SEE THEM. JUST received, 7i doz. Pam Pipes, of all sizes rod prices, which we otter for sale at the lowest city rates. Tobaccontsts, and all others who deal in Tobacco, Snuff, Settars. &c., will please call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere: if we cannot sell to them as cheap as they car pur c hare in the city, we will not ask them to buy. JOHN FENDRICH & OROS., Front *h. rhtrd door above Locust, Columbia, Pa. July 4, 1857. Just in Time VlOll cheap Sugar and plenty of Fruit. A. Stone & Co., Sell-Sealing Glass Preserving Jars, for pre serving fresh fruits, &c. An assortment just re ceived, at H. C. FONDERSMITIFS. June 20, 1t357. lOST received, a fresh supply of Kennedy's 3ledical Discovery. and for sale. by IL WILLIAMS, Front street. Colombia. Jane 27.1257. A SMALL lot or Superior Turnip Seed, for sde by the pound or ounce. by It %% ILLIAMS, Front street. Colombia. June tr. 1457. HOOFLAND'S German Bitten. For sale at hIcCORKLE & DELLETT's Family Medicine Store, Odd Fellows' July 25, 1857. The Largest TobaccoaLsts% TOIIN FE‘BIIICII & BROS . , would respccl t) furly inform ' the citizens of Columbia and vicinity, that they have the largest stock of Tobacco, Segura, Snuff, Pipes, and German Smoking Tobacco, offered in any two ertablislinteins out of our principal cities. Hotel mid Storekeepers. look to your interests! Be fore purelniiiinn elsewhere, examine our large meat, which we pledge ourselves to sell al the )(Masi Baltimore prices. We warrant to dispose Of any of our stock. cheaper thou con be bought in Piiiludel phut. All we ask i but you shall call und Judge for yourselves. We offer any of the 'Above at whole sale or retail. Notice that our stock is a brunch of the well-known, extensive Baltimore Tobacco Ware house ofJos. Fendrieb & Bros.. 1.5.5 Forest street. JOHN FENDIIICII & DUO'S , Front st . third door above Locust Columbia, Pa. July 1.1-X% 40 GOOD HANDS to work in the Big Ore Bank, on Che-nut 11111, seven miles from Lancas ter and three Morn Columbia. Wages payable ni C 2.11 every month. TI. R. KNOT WELL, Manner. Columbia. July 4, 14:57-It O SACKS Oro u u 1 Alum just rel e .eddforsl lots purchasers it low prices. 10S. WELSH. Columbus, July 4, 18.57. IHE subscriber haying opened his house, corner of Second and Locust streets, Columbia, us a hotel. is prepared to accommodate the pub lic, in good style. and upoa reasonahle terms. Ile has spared no expense in fitting up his room', a ail will give his table careful enemata, hoping to be able to sausfy luscustomer- all e•peet, Ilia I3A It is furnished with good liquors, and the favorite Restau rant, in the harement, will be continued us hereto fore, always supplied with , eatontable delicacies. A large and commodious tiI'AI3LE has recently been erected opposite the boa-r, adjoining the Odd Fellows' Hall, where a. careful lei will be in attendance. A share of public patronage is respectfully so licited. GERHARD DRAMA. Columbia, Julie, 1957 Beautiful Mantillas at Herr's Cheap Store. DECIDLDLI the best and cheapest in the city. Come and -ye them. no 1 del). all COMpeti lion. Chantilly Lace, Moire Antique Oro de Mille, swiss, Berege met Embroidered ‘Vitite Suri-a, I cmi show over fitly ditleient tit) le.. Crape, Stella, Co =I, mere and Thibet Shawls, or reduced price 4 Stella Cashmere and Broche Scarf, very cheap. Berege and Herege Itobe4, choice 4ty le.. Ducats nod Dural forego., - Lawn moires and Brilliante., at reduced Para.sole at boos than manufacturer.' price, JOHN HEIR R, N 0.5 East King street. Lancaster. A very large lot of Ludieo Collura at a very great bargain. One hundred do/en limn Linen Ilatalker• chief., at a great •acrdice. Gay and Second Mourn• ing matnething entirely new, elegant gond., and very cheap. June 20,1%757. New and Interesting Rooks, JUST received. Dr. Livingstone's Seven teen Years Explorations tin t Adventures in ilie Wilds of Africa. This is the book of fuels, of thrill. ing interest, adventures, and hairdirertilth escapes of 111111 indomitable traveler and A frictut Explorer; it is a bock that would interest all classes of readers runt of (outs and adventures.. Price 50 emits. Godfrey's Narrative of the last Grinnell Arctic Exploring Ex peditionr. Godfrey says: '1 saved Dr. Kane's life when in the Arctic Ocean. arid lie denounced me in lass book as a deserter." Godfrey, in vindication of his own char acter, goes on and gives his own narrative of the Kane Expedition. Ile also line connected with it the life of Dr. Kane. Those having read Dr. Katie's book. would lie interested in the perusal of this volume, and those that cannot aflord the expensive work of Kane, would he delighted and profited by the reading of Godfrey's Narrative. Puce only 50 cents, and foe sale by [June 50, '57.] MURRAY, YOUNG fir. CO. Prof. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. IT HAS WORKED MIRACLES. rpIIAT all the Bald and Gray can be re stored perfectly to original growth and color. so far us their locks are concerned does not admit of doubt; besides. it will cure every possible disease of the scalp, whether developed a. dandruff itching or in die shape of cutaneous eruptions—even scald-head —and in no possible case will it fail of curing as if by magic, nervous or periodical headache, and if used twice a week by the young regularly, it will preserve the color, and keep the hair from falling. to any imaginable age. Read and judge. Millford, Worcester Co., Mass., Nov., 1855. Prof. 0. J. Wood—Dear Sir: I take pleasure in bear ing voluntary testimony to the magic effects of your wonderful Hair Restorative. As far back as 18ad, my hair commenced falling off, until the top of my scalp became bald and smooth as glass, and At ha. continued to fall for a great many years,notwithetand lug I have used many celebrated preparations for restoration. Seeing your advertisement, I was in duced to give your article a trial, und to my utter as sonishment, fountl, after a few applications, that my hair became firmly 2.e.E, and assumed a glossy and beautiful appearance; and by the time I had used a quart bottle, my bald head was covered over with a young mid vigorous growth of hair, which is now trout one to two niches in let gib and growing fast. Yours. truly, HENRY GOODRICH. Charleston. Mass . Aug. n, I 555. A. M. RAMBO, 0,1,1 Fellow".' Hall Gents:—Nothing but a duty and sympathy that I f ee l to communicate to others that are alllimea us 1 hove been, would induce me to give thw public ifeknow ledgment of the benefit I have reserved from Prof. IVood's Hair Restorative. ‘Vlicis I linst commented using It, my hair w ils.tititte gray, and in spots entirely bald. I have now used the Restorative about five months, and my hair is entirely changed to its orr;;r• nal color, brown and the new• hair is over three in ches in length on the spots where a wa• bald. I have alto been much grattlied at the healthy moisture and vigor of the hair, which boom was dry, and it has ceased to come out us formerly. Respectfully ton rs, R A. STODDARD. From Mrs. Ingalls, a well known nurse in Boston. l:o•ron. Oct. WM. = Gents:—.Al your refit... 4, highly' ed With the eirciits of the lin•tor.nrve, I ton fre• to -irate that my fluor hod become iiime thin, and entire ly white. 1 have for the last five years been in the habit of using if) C. but at the extraordinary etfret. of this article. I w.i. induced to try n• My hair has toren re-tared to it. 011vnal thickness, and /11,0 former color, which , lighi brown. fours fe..peetftlity, AIRS. INGA LLS. The following i. from the Pastor of the Orthodox Church, Brookfield. Brook fiekk Ma..., Jan. 12, 1,4'55. Wood—Dem Sir—ll., mg made trio!- of your flair Restorative, it give- me pleasure to say, that it- effects have been excellent m removing lion. dandrutt, and a commiet tendency to itching, Wilk which I have been tionbled from my childhood, and bus also re-tared the Imo, which was becoming grail, to its original color. I have used no oilier arti cle, with anything like the same pleasure 11.1111 profit. Your., truly, J. K. BRAGG. From the Jersey City Telegraph, IVIIATI. IT FOR—This Woofs /hair Restorative?-1s a question asked daily by hundred-. We answer with out hesitation or fear of coniradiction, that it it the only article known which will do all it promises f or the human hair. It will renew it- crowth—ll Will slop its fulling—it will restore it- natural color! It is not a Hair Dye, but a we.eily auA rlGcactous TI , IOOIIIVO. 0 J. WOOD & CO , Propneior, 311 Broadway N. Y., and 114 Market street,St. Louis Mo. For Tale in Columbia. Pa.. by J. II ❑ALDEMAN and Dr. E. II lIKRR; Marietta, by J. by all revonsible [June ll°, 1.55:. ALL persons indebted to the estate of John Itrenematt, dreen.rd, lute of Enst Donegal township, are requested to outt.e payment; and those llamg claims tagninst sand e=tate, Will pre -tent them, properly attested, for settlement, to the uodersiened, Executor. C11R11.11.51 , 1 11RAIVOT. June 67.1.57 Gto Fountain Lemon Beer. r.ORGE J. too: prepared to •upply nil G such as desire to todulto• nt delicious drink. LOCUM street. shove the Bark. June 13, 1537-3 in Farmers Union Insurance Company, L CATED at Athens, Bradford Wanly, Pa., S ‘FELY INVEST. ED) makes ineurancer , oil prop , ni reiwonahle rates. GEORGE WILFORD. Columbia, Pu. RF.FERENCES: lion. E lIENDICK, Atlone , , Pa.. " DAVID WLA lIOT, Towanda. Pa., " WM. JE.36UI'. Alontro-e. " G. MALLORY, Philadelphia, Pa. Columbia. June 6, 11657-ly New Grocery, Wine & Liquor Store. TILE subscriber has opened at his old stand, corner of Fifth and union streets, a complete assortment of all kinds of GROCERIES; where he will always be prepared to supply. on the most rea sonable terms, ally demand for arucles in his line of business. lie keeps also, a variety of WINES AND LI QUORS of all kinds; and will Sell ill any quangly not less than one gallon. lie respectfully requests the public to call and make atrial of his stock. GEORGE TILLF.. N. D.—Country Produre always ou baud. A por tion of the old stock of Dry Good', not yet disposed of, will be sold at 10 per cent. below eo*t. Columbia,Alay 16, 1857. OF THE ORMIS JEWEL PLANT, FOR removing Tan, Freckles, Pimples, beau tifying the complexion. giving the akin a healthy appearance. and for clew, snag the teeth. T h e j ewe l pl an t has long been known by the United Slates Pharmacopcein. as a medicine for both inter nal OW external diseases. but it isonly within a year or two that it has been discovered to possess such qualities as recommended for above. It in a delight ful extract. and highly scented by its own nigiedi• eats. and no lady should lie without it as a toilet. par ticularly during the Summer season, when we are more liable to be tanned and siin.burut than in any other. Purchase a bottle and try it. Manufactured and for sale, by J. 11.11 A I.D UM AN. Nn.3 Wolf's Row, Front street, Columbia, Pa. ir'For sale by all respectable druggists through out the United States and Canada. Co!umtna,May Sri, 18.57. Wanted, INIATIONAL HOTEL. NOTICE EXTRACT Summer Cooking Ranges CONVENIENT Range for Summer use, a great rl favorite with tho.e who desire to avoid the great heat of the ordinary large • Cookiog . Stove, for sale at FIENI2I: PFALLER'S. Loeu‘t ,-trecl, opposite the Franklin .11.ouae. Colon - OA-I,July le, 1,47. Patent Steam Wash Rollers. TtIESE well known Boiler.. are kept roll , llllllly on haw! at HENRI' PFAII t. 0.64 street. oppobite the Franklin lloube. Colowine. July 19.1ti.57. THE LARGEST Chair and Furniture Establishment IN THE CITY OF BALTIMORE ATATIIIOT'S Gay Street Warerooms, Nos. 23 and :27 North Gay ‘treet, near Foy else, Datti , oore: where in Lem oa hand, or made to or r, every -tyle of French TorE-A-TETE ,iu Pluzh , Bair, Cloth or _ Freuell Full und Medallion Parlor Arm Chairs in Plu-h. Hal r, Clulh or Broeutelle. French ruin Stuff Carved Parlor Chants, in sets, with Plod', flair, Cloth, or Broomelle. SOFAS; Ilalf French Spring Alabogany and Walnut Parlor Chairs, liair.Cloth or Plush. Rocking Chuirs—vartous designs, in ❑air, Cloth and Plush. . - Stuff Spring Lounges—a large assoriment always or: hand, or any pattern made or covered wrtli any goods to order. CHAMBER SUITS, In Mahogany or Walnut, complete. from Cane Chairs. and Rocking do.—the largr.t assort ment ready made in any one house in the United :mates—from $l2 a dozen ink Bar ROOM, Office and Dining Chairs. in Oak, \Val uator 151ahogany, with Cane, Wood or Stuffed Seat. Neill culla:wing Oyer 51) 11117e11. Wood seat Chairs and :Settees and Rocking Chairs —over lOU dozen. GJt and Plain Frame Looking; Glasimsi, of every variety: All kinds of Beds, Hair and Husk Mattra.=e.. A. MATHIOT. No , . 25 and 27 N. Gay ot., near Fayette nt., Halt June 27, 1 N 57. I y UNITED STATES HOTEL, CAPE MAY, NEW JERSEY. TILE mawogement undersig i n l ed at ove have il taken thea . this house. capable of accommodating 400 guests, is ull-urpu.seil by beauty of finish, cite of room., and convenience, by any house in this country. The water used 14 from ou -.artesian well" on the premise-, fornisliiiig pure soft water, obviating the unulea , mat eireetq of the well water of the sea coast. Tanks, holding 10,01.10 gallons of water, have been placed on the top of the house, which are supplied by it swain engine, 111111 11 , 1111 . 1eielICY or hn-e to each floor, to that a fire would be completely under our U 011: rol A Table de lime will be Art art n regular hour. and private mud,. Mr porn,' mid Moline, at any hour. Ample stabling with carr;ace houses attached Br/1110W Cottage in the urd, six chambers hand somely tarnished. GEORGE GALE, Lessee S. 11. WOOI.MAN, Manager. June 27, 1557-4 in NOTICE NTOTICE is hereby given, that agreeably to 1 the laws of this Commonwealth, ihme will lie an application nude to the next legislature of Pennsyl vania, for an Act of Incorpornon of a bmik, to he culled the "A ecommodation Hank," with general banking privileges of issue. discount, 01111 deposit. WWI it capital of One hundred thousand dot lair, with the privilege of increasing :he same to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. to lie located iu the borough of Columbia, Lancaster Co.. Columbia. June :20. 1457 omo T OIIN lIERR, No 5 East King Street, Lancas ter, ha, nosy in .tore a complete atbortment of TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, SUPER THREE PLY, INGRAIN VENITIAN, H 0 ME.MAD E, AND STAIR CARPETS, all widths. TABLE, FLOOR and STAIR OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, WINDOW BOLLANDS, of every description. _ _ _ GLASS WARE, CHINA AND QUEENSWARE, of the best goods, IN TEA, DINNER, AND TOILET SETTS, at the lowest prices, at June 13, 1857. HERR'S Cheap Store SHAWL & MANTILLA. OPENING JOHN HERR, NO. 5 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, Is Now Opening His Spring Styles of =AWLS AND MANTILLAS, To which the attention of the Ladies is invited. June 13, 1857. To Lumbermen Sc Manufacturers! H U E Y 1 S PATENT SHINGLE MACHINE. THE subscriber having perfected the above machine, offers to sell State, County and Shop Wahl , . on reasonable. tering. The machine saw. all d planes Shingle. to any width or thiekin , .. told produce. a very uniforin and clean article. which has given perieet satisfaction wherever tried. One of the inarbine-iinil spi.ciniens or itq work con be seim at the Sii-impliamia Planing Mill, Columbia, Pa. For fur ther information, tldre.q, IVM. Columbia, I.aumis.ler co, Pa. ry•The ron.trurliao of the and frame. admit.; of tt-e. •eparate i - root the planer, ut s1INVIIII: all 1,11111.3 of 'trough nod bevelled work, such us Floorthg, Claphoardtog'. 4k.e• Columbia, 111.1 y 23, WINES, . .•-.,,r.. , ..,•!:6",-• LIQUORS, &c . 7 ,, lIV s f . ..‘' i'll 1 •v• - -7.'-= . -,- -- - THE subscriberh , L--, - 1 ~..:,-,- _-_ • ff i line opened ..iiil ,li ~, . 1 . ,,„;:; - • ~- , ---- !seeps constantly on ,: 5E 4 ,,,d, ‘ -.i' s' Iv hand, a l arg ,., u „d ~,,,,- pflX, r i Y l . .. j i pleto as.sorunent of '1 I ' - 'IW" 7.: .- t WINES, BRANDIES. t" -- --- , ...i., ~ •,-....--- WIIISKIES, - :....,:ti!.... i _„„. : ! and all other kinds of liquors, at his store, in Walnut street, in the extension of the Washington House. lie will sell, iii any quantities not less than one gallon, (except for sickness upon at physician's certificate.) either Wholesale or Retail. Persons desiring a good and pure article, ate invited to call and examine the -stock, DANIEL lIERR. . - Mr - Attention is called loan assortment of choice im ported pre-erred Fruits in glass jars. They are pre serscil whole, and retain entirely their original flavor. 'rite varieties ere. green Gages, Goosebernes, Plums, dl orillo Currants. B aspberries. A =apply of Sardines, Table Oil, Buy Water, London Brown Stout, and Scotch Ale always on haul Colutnbin. May hi. 1757-tf Ladies' Satchels. ❑AVI2 jilts received the finest assortment of Satchels in Colombia; also, a full assortment of flies, Coaches, Rocking flosses, Nursery Swings, Wheelbarrows, he., at CEORGEJ SMITH'S Bakery, Confectionery, nod great Variety :Bate, Lo eu-1 street, above the Bank. Columbia, June 13,11,47-3 m Another Arrival at Fondersmith's. - rit o j t r i e ; fi a c t i t , n c t i. t g, lC: i l , l: di f , or i lh ys e .n s . e , a f F , o o l . l. 11.2 r to 2i 71.1 Lie-ll.rantl, ever oared at the pricer! New ready at May 16. 1e:57. THE PEOPLE'S STOE E. You will Get Your Money Back. F you wain to buy a Iterege,Gingtotnt. or Lacco I Dre , ./, Good quality Wool mall t•Ilk licref e at to.ttal price tlOc. Real ' , reach Lawn, Idle.. worth ISjr.. Extra Eariston Gingham... 14c.. cheap at le/c. Going at FON DERSSIITIFS, June tilt, tf,57. Ca-tt Fiore. Marseilles Pique. A NOTIIER !apply of flat. desirable article: for TA. Cl dies , 11.i.ques oud Alia-e.. 9 Cape.: A 140, M-4 Black Bercge, for Ladies' Shawl... just receive.. ar 11. C. VON DERSMIT 11'S June 2.0, 19.5. Cap.)! More. Columbia. Bley Linens. POR Dugers and Travelling Dre•pes, in medium and hne qualine, at FONDEte;MITIf'S. June 20,1557. People- Curls More, Crape Shawls. Din a Crape Shawl. all colors j from SSW s3 o . 11 M N 00. Rich Style Black Lace 01%011114. at June 20, 1e56. I , olsi ws, Super-Phosphate of Lime, F OR sale in large or small quantities, by FRY ar. HAcriusr, Columbia, May 30. 7 57 Opporne Columbia Bank. TtiST RCCFAVED, S-4 White Rerege, for Lathes tf Shawls, ut PONDERS:MTH'S Illny all , 151 . ... People' s Cash Store- Buy a Summer Hat. Tilt new and henuilful Ilat—Ce) lon White—Slaek and Brown Leghorn. de., for men, boys, and children. A good nssonment nt I'ONDI:II.4MITIV:A May 30. 1°57. Columbia. Handkerchief Extracts. undersioned has Just received a fresh supply of 1 this desirable perfumery, such e. Rose. Musk, l'or tugal, Patchouli, Geranium. Milletleur. Juliann. Ver bena. Upper Ten. Vet End. }locum i'aroline, Boquet Phtladelpluti, Sweet Briar, Jockey Club. &e 1: Lt. flew. Golden Mortar Drtic Store, Front v.t.. Columba, Pa. May 30, 15.57. - - - VAMU BEANS, just received at the Fam ily Medicine Store. Odd Fellowio Hal 1, Columbia. Colutubia, Maya, 1557. WILLIASI E. BARBER, SASIVEL W. BAP.EI..rt Azioraey at Law, W. E. E.4.1[33E1t. di. CO., DAVENPORT, SCOTT CO., lOWA, Law, Land and Loan Office, MONEY LOANED FOR EASTERN CAPITAL. isTs at from 10 to 18 per cent. per annum. on Farming Land Security; worth at leant two or three lames the amount loaned, and free from any oilier en cumbrance; and at higher rates Oil the bent endorsed mercantile notes. The titles will, in all canes, be thoroughly examined berme the loans are made. Chain: collected, Lund Warrants located, Taxes pit:d, Lands superintended and sold, Judicious invest ment. made for eastern men in land and city pro perty. Letters of inquiry cheerfully answered. REFEncNcEs: Col. S. SHOCII, Ca-lust, Columbia, Pa., JOHN COOPER. E -it , THOS. 1.1.01'11. Esq., 4, A.s GREEN. C HAGER. H-q , Lancanter, Pa., N. EI.LNIAKER, 1:•q, 6 , It. F. R.l UCH, Est; Dr. JOHN I. ATLEE, " C. R. COLEMAN. Riq . Mechanics Irk, Balt., P. GIBSON. Esq.. WI; of Baltimore, T. W. A LNUTT, Esq., ll'lr of Commerce. " Julie G 1,-57 Sin c. sia.Bratirs XTENSIVE CABINET ust WARE-R OOMS umbia, AND MANUFACTORY, Loc street, Col Pa. The sullsersber would call the ;mention of the est- Seems of Gmlustshin and vicinity, to his large and se lect as...wane:a of Cabinet-Was e, compra-ing some of the fines pre,alur Bureaus, Sofas. French Bed steads, Jenny Imids, &e.. ever offered for sale at this place. He Continues to Itinalaelure Furnilllre of veer) , de, ripuuu, and to confident ihn: he eau give COFFINS made and Funernle attended to either in town or country, on the eliortesi nonce. Cat.P.Att *ELBERT. Coiumbia,JllllC G, 1837 PURE SODA WATER. AJET of pure and sparkling Soda Water. flowing from the only fountain in Columbia, capable of gener ating Carbonic Acid Gat. from the pure 13i-carbonate of Soda, arid flavored with the following delicious Syrup-: Sherbet. Vanilla. Ilat.pberry, Ginger, Straw berry, Orange, Currant, Hiawatha, Zee . The wider drawn from our Soda Fountain, being more highly charged with gat: than it customary for Mineral Waterv, and at till titmice nearly as cold as the ice itself, I.= inferior to none. either in flut or any other place. Evemal care will be taken to make it the moot delightful and healthy drink.during the warm Summer months, ever introduced into our town. IVcCORKh.E & DEI .1 .ETT, play :10.1357. Odd Fellow-' lit lt. COACH iviiiivtrrAcTozcz. WE, the undersigned, have this day formed a CO parliirr-hip, under the firm of Car ter & MeCninllet. (Or Ow pitrpn-e of ennulllolllltr thy COACII-MAKING BUSINESS, la all 114 braoelm+. 13.•wq pi n• lienl workmen. boy lag het, 1•111 ploy rd in the miampal roach zwooffac luring c-t thh•bmr•ut• m the erne., :led being' Cle,er elleee In keep 110111 . 11111 the be•t workmen la our em ploy. Ue Barrier our•clot-- Ihel we r•un IMlllereettlre Coaches, Carriages, Buggies. Sttikeys, equal to ally made e...ewhere. 13y a IOW:MOO 10 our we hope to merit and receive a liberal •liare of piddle All ordel., by !IMO or oilierwi., will meet wilh prompt attention. Repnu nip al-o done al the -hurl. est notice. and on the moat reu-onable term , al our .hop ut Second rireet. between I.oell-1 ninth %Volum ...ireet, newly oppodite the Lutheran Chineli, Cu. lumbia. Pa. SAMUEL CA ItTNIt. Ma) ;Ai, 1057. 'WM. A. AIeCA ler NI,X IVIUSIC TOE. THE IVZILLION. ttOLIN P. 11EINITS11, jr., Wholesale and Ne tmlilenler to MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, offer• f or rut Ins IleW 'tore. No 3 1:a-i t)r.lov• 'steer. Laura -ter, the lurge-i stud 1.r. , the above, ever olfercd to the ciolca- of I• trite.,.., county. Exelmrive agent for the