A NOTHEit Steamer arrived, with a new and 1.3,„ fresh lot of Groceries, at reduced prices. I can now offer a splendid assortment of Segura, Coffees, Teas, 3,lola4scs, Prime :410c-eared Hums, Dried Beef, Tongues, Mackerel, Pickled Herring - , Cheese, Bologna Saus.ige, &c., &c. Columbia. July 11, 1P.57-3t 10ZIRD CAGES, Canary Seed, Bathing Dishes, ..a.fi Nests, Water Founts, &c., for sal. by A. M. RAMBO, Odd Fellows , HAL Col n bin.lnly 11. 1P57 at CANDIES, of every variety, Oranges, Figs, kJ Nutt.; 'Vanilla, Strawberry, LCIIIOII, Orange and Pine Apple Syrups, for rale. by _ _ _ A M. nAmno, colurnbm, July 11, N57-3t Oda Fellows Hall Q ONETIIING NEW.---Shepard Plaids, Ottoman lj Poplins, fly multi I.ll.4res.Glacernios, all very eliciee goods, for Travel's, Dre-see, lkeers, Ac 'Just received, at PONDEIISMITI I'S July 11, etkonbia. Philadelphia Wood Noe'ding Milt, NAJILLOW street, above Twelfth, North Side. r mouldfli g s suitable for Carpenters, Builders, Cabinet and Frame Makers, worked from the best rind thoroughly seasoned material, always on hand. Anc pattern worked from a drawing. The subscriber having purchased the entire inter est, will continue the business with increased facili ties. . . Agents wanted in the various towns in this portion of the State. to whom opporionittes will beoffered for large profits to themselves. SAMUEL B. HENRY. July 11.1657-3 m Now opening at ilerr's Cheap Store, Yard-wide Colored BriMantes—Met colors—only 12 cents. . . .:legato yard-wale, new style White Uri Mantes, only 121, cents. Very elegant and rich Black Silks—beautiful Mollies arid De Lames, sync" at cost. A very choice lot of madder colors Dr, less thou cost. Beautiful and choice styles Ducal Bereges and 13es regc Robes—very cheap lot Lust opened. Poplins—a very choice lot Just opened; White Goods of every kind for Dresses and Basques—u large lot sel lily fiery low. Groves, Hosiery and Mits of all kinds and styles— very cheap, Mantillas and Dusters—well, for nice and cheep ones Iferr's is the place. Just received a very choice lot of Shepherd's Check in wool, half wool and cotton. JOHN HERR, July I I, 1557. N 0.5 East King at., Lancaster. 100;04000 1 )( 1 )10 3 1i/440:4 3 1110 I PHILOSOPHY AND FACT. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS, TIIE exciting . cause of sickness. The blood is the life-eustaliling It furnishes the components of flesh, bone, inu-cle, nerve and integu ment. The stomach Is its manufactory, the veins its slii.tributors, and the intestines the channel through which the waste inatter rejected in iis productions is expelled. Upon the stomach, the ciretflatiou unit the bowels, these Pills net stinultuneously, relieving in- digestion, purifying the fluids, and regulating the -excretions. THE NATIONAL COMPLAINT Dyspepsia is the most common disease among all •clusses in this country. It assumes a thousand shapes, and is the primary source of innumerable dangerous maladies; but whatever its type or symp toms, however obstinate its resistance to ordinary preparations, it yields readily and rapidly to this -searching and unerring . remedy. BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. The quantity and quality of the bile are of glad importance to health. Upon the liver, the gland which secretes this fluid, these Pills operate srectfi cally, infallibly recnifying its irregularities and ef• fectuully curling Jaundice. Bilious Remittunts. and all the varieties of disease generated by all unnatural condition of the oreim. BOWEL COMPLAINTS Unless the bowels perform their functions properly, she whole body suffers. Tens of ihon=ands die an. tinnily of Dysentery, Uinrrhwa, Chronic Constipa tion, and other diseases of these Wa=te pipes of the system. Tire effect of the Pills upon nil intestinal disorders, whether casual or epidemic, i= a phenom enon in medicine. By following the printed direc sions, the most alarming cases of bowel complaint are promptly controlled: A WORD TO FEMALES The local debility and irregulurillei which are th e special annoyance.; of the weaker seX., and which. when neglected. always shorter, life, are relieved for the time being, mid prevented for the time to come, by u course of this mild but Thorough alterative. Holloway's Pills arc the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases; A.tilfil a Female Corn• Fever and Ague nowelComplaints plaints Piles Coughs Headaches Stone nod Gravel Colds Indige.tion Secontlaty Synip. Chest Diseases Influenza min 4 - • Costiveness Dyspepsia /ilartlitea Drop4y DeiAlny 111:11.1011 Venereal Airco InwardlVeakne , 43 1101,4 Liver Complaints Worm.; of all LOWIIeS6 Spi r• kilt& it. ErreATITION!—None nre genuine unless the woMs "Ifollawny, New York and London." ate dis cernible. us a Water-Mark in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box; the same may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A. hand come reward will he given to anv one rendering such Information on may teal to the detection of any party ;or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending, the lame, knowing them to be spurious. Maiden Sold at the Manufactory of Professor Holloway, SO Lane, New York. and by all remeetable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United Staten and the civilized world, in boxes at ttri cents, 621- cents, and SI each. frrThere is is considerable saving by taking the lareer sizes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of putients i n every dirooler are ullixed to each Oux. July 111.1837.1ye0w GILT MOULDING. A NOTIIER lot of Gilt Moulding hos just born re. A ceived, suitable for picture or looking glass frame,. Persons wanting frames for pictures, signs, or looking glasses, will lind the gilt moulding very cheap, mid con venient for that purpose. MATIIIOT, Columbia, July 4, 18.57. Wanted, 40 GOOD HANDS to work in the Big Ore Bank, on Chesnut Hill, seven miles from Lancas ter and three from Columbia. Wages SW, payable in cash every month. 11. It. KNOTWELL, Manager. Columbia, July 4, 18.57-4 t 1000 SACHS Ground Alum Salt, just re ceived, and for sale in lots to suit purchasers, at /ow prices. THOS. WELSH. Columbia, July 4, 1857. The Largest Tobacconists. JOILN FENDRICII & BROS., would respect fully inform the citizens of Columbia and vicinity, that they have the largest stock of Tobacco, Segars, Snuff; Pipes, and German Smoking Tobacco, uttered m any two est:UM:diluents out o f our principal cities. Hotel and Storekeepers, look to your interests! Be fore purchasing elsewhere.examine our large assort ment, which we pledge ourselves to sell at the 'owe,' Baltimore prices. We warrant to dispose of an y of our stock. chenper than can be bought in Philadel phia. All we ask is, that you shall call and judge for yourselves. We offer any or the above at whole sale or retail. Notice that our stock is a branch of the well-known, extensive Baltimore Tobacco Ware house ofJos. Fendrich & Bros., 155 Forest street. JOHN FENDRICI! & BRO'S Front st. third door above Locust Columbia, Pa. July 4.1857. We Speak the Truth. BE only store, out of Philadelphia,where 150,000 German Sugars can be seen, and are sol cheaper than at any other establishment ut CO- I umbi a, or the neighboring towns, is JOHN PEPiItRICH & BRO'S.. Front third door above Locust, Columbia, Pa. July 4. (E 57. Baltimore Prices. lIAPPEE Snuff at 16 cts. per lb. Congress " "20 Scouth " 12}.116 " 400000 ....4egars of 35 different brands, wholesale CT resod. We warrant all of the above Snuffs to be equal to oily manufactured in the Stale; and the Segura to be of the bevt quality and at nil prieea. JOHN FENDRICII &BROS Front at.. third door above Locust, Columbia, Pa. July 4,1837. T 13.33 corarnizzza BANE. T . °CITED at Columbia, Lancaster county, JLJ State of f ennsyl anin, hereby gives notice that an application will be made to the Legislature of said State, at their next session, for an extension mid re. tewal of the charter of the stud Bank. for fifteen ) ears from the expiration of the present charter. with the pres ent !MAW and style. By order of the Directors. SAMUEL SIIOCII, Casl•ier. Columbia. July 4. 1R57 -6in GO TO SEE TFIEM. JUST received, 75 doz, Fancy Pipes, of alt sizes nail prices, which We otter to: sale at the es: city rates. Tobacco,. ims, and all others who deal in 'tobacco, Sig); Segura, k.e., will please cull and examine our mock before purchasing elsewhere: If we cannot Cell to them as Cheap as they eau pur chase in the city, we will not nob them to buy. (niN DRIH it BROS Front st ~ third door above FEN Locust,C Columbia> Pa. July 4.16:>7. Ind in Time r i ort cheap Sugar and plenty of Fruit. A. Stone h CO., Self-Sealing Glair, Preserving Jars, for pre serving fresh fruits, &e. An assortment just re . ceived, at H. C. FONDERSAIMWS. June O. 1957. I DST received, a freSll supply of Kennedy's J Medical Dtscovery. for pale. by IL 'WILLIAMS, Front street. Columbia. June 27. 1e57. A SMALL lot of Superior Turnip Seed, for sale by the pound or ounce, by R. WILLIAMS, Front street. Columbia, June Q. 1557. ANDTBEII lot of Superior Vanilla Beam ;us.% received and for gale. by WILLIAMS. Front stunt. coltnabit, June 27, t0,,^7. THE subscriber having opened his holm, L corner of stet:old and Locust streets,Columbia, Pa., as a lio'el. is prepared to accommodate the pub lic, ut good style. nvd upon reasonable terms. Ile )1119 spared no expense iii fining up his rooms, and will give his table careful attention, hoping to be able lo Fasi..fy Iris customers in all respects. is OAR is Airmailed with good liquors, and the favorite 'Leona rant, in the basement, will be continued as hereto fore. situ ay, supplied with eewonable delicacies. A large and commodious STABLE: has recently been elected opposite the house, adjoining the Odd Fellows' 11./1, where a cure fa 1110-tier will be in sittendance. A share of public putromige is respectfully so- Paned. iIkIHIIARD BRAN tyr. Columbia, June tl.O. 19.17. A. M. RAMBO, Odd Fellow,' Beautiful Mantillas at Herr's Cheap - - Store. IiCIDLDLY the best and cheapest in the D oily. Collie and see them, as I defy all competi -11011. Chantilly Lace, Moire Antique Cro de Ithine, .ZWlAS,Derege and Embroidered White Sims,. I cau over 55y different style. Cm pc, Stella, Cii,ll - and Thibet Shawls, at reduced prices. Stella Cashmere and Brodie Scarf., very cheap. Bereges and Berege Balmy, choice style.. Ducats mad Ducal Ltereges, Lawn itobei and 13rilliaives, ut reduced prices. Para...W.s at less than manufacturer.' prices. JOHN If ERR, N 0.5 East King street, Lancaster. A very large lot of Ladle.? Collura at n very great bargain. One hundred dozen Plain Linen Handker chief's, at n great -urritice. Gay and Second Mourn ing Poplinq, something entirely new, elegant good 4, and very cheap. June tin, 11.57. New and Interesting Books, JUST received. Br. Livingstone's Seven teen Years Explorations and Adventures in the Wilds of Africa. Th's is the book of facts, of thrill ing interest, adven ate-, and hairbreadth escapes of • ,at indomitable I, -veltr and African Explorer; it is a book that would ..iterest ail classesof readers fond of fuels and ads. i dres. Price .su cents. Godfrey's Narrative of the last Grinnell Arctic Exploring Ex pcd itionr. Godlrey says: ''l saved Dr. Kane's life when in the Arctic Ocean. and lie denounced ine in his book 119 u deserter." Godfrey, in vindication of his own char acter, goes on and gives his own narrative of the Kane Exeedition. He dm iris connected with it the life of Dr. Kane. Those having r .d Dr.Kune's hook, would Ire interested in the Peru-al of this volume, and those that cr unit afford the exoctesive work of Kane, would be delighted and profited try the reading of Godfrey's Narrative. Price only 50 edits, and for sale by [Stine 01), "57.1 LIU IttIAV,YOUNG & co. Lawns, at Prof. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. IT HAS WORKED MIRACLES THAT all the Bald and Gray can be re stored perfectly to original growth and color, so fur us their locks a e concerned doe% not admit of ticubi; besides, it will cure every possible disease of the ttcsilp, whether developed as daudr or to the shape of cutaneons eruptions—even i.caltl-Itend —and itt no possible case will it t if of our nig by mug's'. ve vous or periodical heatlaehe, and if used tw,ce a week by the young regularly, it will preserve the color, d keep the hair front fulling, to any imaginable age. Read and judge. MiNford, Woree=ter Co., Mass., Prof 0..1. Wood-13 .r Sir: I lake pleasure in bear ing voluntary estenony to the magic elects of your wonderiul Hair Re•torrative- As tar beck a. my hair commenced llt otr, until the top of my scalp became bald and I.lnoollz as glass, and it has coon toed to full for a went tunny ear,notwillistand ing I have u= J many celebrated preparallolls for resloonton. Seeing yner naverterement, .1 was in duced to give your allele a t..nl. and to my utter as conishmeut, roe., after a few applications, that my hair became firinly i•et, and irs.orzied a glossy and beautiful appearance; and by the time I had used u quart bottle, lay ha', head was covered over with a young anJ vigorous growth of hair, which to 110% , , from one to two ruche= in let gth and growing fast. Yours, truly. HENRY GOODRICH. Charleston, !Hass.. Aug. it, 1855. • Cents:—Nothing but a duty and srmpathy that I feel to comma ntente to others that are afflicted no I have been, would induce me to give this public acknow leugment of tie benefit I have received from Prof. W 001 1 .4 Hair RCsLoril tee. When I first eonvaenced u•itg it, my hair was quite gray, and in spots entirely bald. I have now used the Restorative about five and my hair entirely changed to origi nal color, brown mid the new hair is over three in ches m length on the spat where it was Ldd. I have nho been !Midi gratified at the healthy moisture and vigor of the hair, which before was dry, and it has ceased to come oat us formerly. Respectfully yours, &c., AIR , . IL A. STODDARD. From Mrs. Ingalls, a well known nurse m Boston. 80..t0n. Oct 191 h. 1535. Gents •—At your requect, triad being im highly pleas ed wtin the effects of the Rectorti.ive, I urn free to stale that my hair hail Intimate quite thin, rind entire ]) to/tic. I have for lire lust five years been In the habit of using dye, but lieu jag Of the extraordinary eifeets of ibis article, I was induced to try it. My hair has beet' re.torod to i original thickness, arid td•o to it- former color, which is ttght brows. Yolks respectfully, MRS. INGALLS. The following is from the Pastor of the Orthodox Brookfield. Brookfield, Mass., Jon. 12, 125,5. Prof. Wood—DearSir-Ila made male of your . Ilair Restorative, f,ives me pleasure to •ny, that as effect. have been cm:ellen I m removing nal myna non. dandruff, and a cow:ital.( tendency to WWI I have been itoulded from toy childhood. nail lam. also restored aloe hair, which wan becoming gray, to it+ ortgma I color. I Imre u-ed no other :tru ck!, with anything like the some pleasure and profit. !fouls, :rut-, J. K. BEI A GO. Flom the alersev City Telegtaph. N Val al- is Ix rots—Tins Wood's Hail litstoratirt n question asked daily by hundreds. Wettnswer out hesitation or fear of en taritdictiou, that it is the only article known which wig/ do all it p anti .ea for the illllllall hair. It will renew its growth-1i will stop as fullmq—tt will restore as natural color! It is not a Gum Dye, butt speedy arid efficacious es . naive. 0 .1 WOOD & CO , Prop.:e tors, 312 Broadway N. V., and 114 Market street, Si. Louis. Mo. For