Ern= Cr GOOD 3 --- le 51 TIAGER. ilrariao, rreently en -1„„,..1;,„41 their Sloe It 00111, Call 110 W fillet httirr tIVIIII•c , for lull rx.,milkuttural cot theirStuek. They halve u;,en laAge 1,-,011- I.lestl of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, I men and Conon lain.rlnnd PIJ 110 1.14 TAAL. (nvrr•, Vamuzl Coven. I.ol.lper-,lokiriQ, cARPF.TS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS AND DRUGGET:S, It'd!! Paperzr, Decarattuns and Borders. TPrir stork 4 , e 1,11/11e1 rnarb more r.,:irn-/vc t.t:lplele than itescr,forr. conipr,ing u tutl UI Ve•IVI:l G lit, LI• tta Mid Uler, /I'd I'm., _ _ H..••• uddatt to toe, -coat, of :terra:van.... At Conl 1,-,1111,1,•1 Of Cllll. L) , !;):1 and Queen...N.6,re, 0.54 110, c01,,,i12,,3 et 011,1 BOXl.• dnadt I.t trt Ine "o .41 1-1 , r • 011.1 I:Itorno- CIIII31,1.01:4. 1,-0111t1r1.1 tO o:terrti 111 it". •(.. II 1,14 i 1.. ..."1,1 01 1./CALL AND EX.I3/./.VE. Nor.THE FOX GEIITTRAL RATf,WAY 'irtzu it..t.ssENC . .Ert TIZSLINS t 11;. %l one rt):1:1 ITN as follows, on V aa eL.vr 'I IL : I- 7 MOLZN ECG Lt• to •,,r i.. ; A \[ll..' :;[. :-• k i.n i• t ?lit! , 1 IRi .-8.. .11,1 10 A Al. t„ U, rtt, I" •1 r:u 1 I'. AI. ,tr. V.. 1.110110 101 . 1. 1. ot York . ior at A. Cull./11/..ia ut I.! %I. EVENING TRAIN. .. I 31-e- York 10( ( . 011/I'l 0 0 , 1 , 1 3/ -, I . Trwt,. it. "it ow iro .L.l ~ :o'.llta.da 1000 1 ,10/1,,; SliNll.l V Ty ,‘IN. , ,„. •„ - Ni. . u.. WI t."..l;tvr 1 ... 1' NI 111Z1l111.11. EMI I= ri;orlSzerea Ceritra: StallwaLy Co. SUNDAY TRAIN. A rivn In York ./, In 1. 1! ..:1.1 MI/1111/01V .1i / .•14). P.M. I , ior i'e..t. .11.5 ..1 1 1'•11 nbl., I.lffit: A HI. . C..11).11: )\, 1../ •.10 triSSlvl:ati9t3 WA . C ." MEMO 11••,11 IT.11.1;\ .1 • 1 IMII '0.1 . -L:ZI CCP-Z:47IV 2.1.11a21:1D1T (Hl Fitrec Thou r nr I .1d,!.11.,11.11 L, ,• I•i.t tc•/•• no.!. ::::::1110:1 :0 our yn•-t•ut -ttt, -1 kS. , ' ltlllll « Lieu• do-Igst-.. {thlin WALL PAPERS, P,ORDERS, &c., The•r•gnnd- :1,1 or A. , 111.4/1 ti.ll/1//.11•1111..,1) - nur (Me r , a-o•• w \••CV Yolk: lie .r cnierrly Ul;t: grll:i•n ~ ...ore•-iy ;Or Ili, r,ll, 1111 , ,Z 11. 11111111.0111 e .11) , 1 as e•Hy ; e 111 1/1:1• • I 11 , 1,01111 d P/111.1.10. pill 1 , M . . pt.f pleor 1111 1 I' lens "I 1.01.1 Uoido, 11.0. V '11:1 , !1`, t5ll Ti.ill-rart-a, t`., at inv.,. •Lts( the now , . nnt ;it Cul isi.a Fixture, a.i.l 011: ,• 11 C iNtIEtZ , NIITII. l'a HIGHLY IMPORTANT NOTICE {II() Int.llll. u•pl I p 4) , 1r ,rand np.•N1it.. , .1.1" , 1 . 11\( 6(IIMS. I.orn N•••or 411 e. .111.1 corlim,itee NC.-d. OW. I, 1,0 ~111 ~Ivor woo • !....eri!olv.r ortr •zotttl , • wt. t.o -0 pc,-oo.t:ly to tAIIO r.. 1 .41 lurg., -10 i it 01 r , -II altst.O. 4 ou Land 11 1 . Coltimbla, 11.1nrch 11 1,111 COJIZ: ! CCeil T HE undersigoed has constantly on hand tt mte. , Compalo, I 1 . t.510 . 01 V:hi.o. A-11.1.11111p. 1 , ..1 1, I ~.0-111.- II 1.011,401m' lc) t.1,.,1141.1 .. .; iht• istplidlr; 14r ~.111e11,161; tt rd A•lt. r trnirl 11,20.10 ,ui I:ff.u; Coal— tittrXce:Aciti ;;Ir -toutt,e, u-e, Pole (trot. , P -uponor ouzel., for .1/11: -, porpoo--, Pot-lon Whitt, Ll.l/ti litJ A-11, I.lllllr. 1111.1 I. 15r0.8.4 T.G. nod litunotiou. Cool, of the lent In. ffi.keh-1,1111.11,:, Th.. +toe . , •1-,. - 11,0•10 of Coll, enodolner. no the tothile art, ois lied to e.ill es.onint —loot hear Pie to we- I mu toeplivd 'tt (hon.'. the .11,01 e 1.) . the Itoat. I'.,,ei r tn., \Vt./6 loot of Caottl counts, Pu. Al.o- Coal -.lot hun revelled and .hipped uu onul_ nu...sou J. G. 111'.S. Cuiumluu. Juno 7, I - -1 r Nt.:, 0f I!u• be .z .7. sz-r.moroa-e,8., L'oot ed. riboe V.tanufacturer, No. 1. Locust street, Columbia, Pa. -;) r, th. 011.0. t e r th e 31, r.• 1.:,1,11,_ • 11.1 , Tllll 101111 1 .• 10 11, 11051 - 01 . - Silhl , ll , ll 11111 . .V1:11a L u•••i•1 • 11, 5, I ' l 111:11 1, 1.11 , 1111 , 1 is -r .111, up. 11, , to, 01 4,_\ 11'1 1:1”) ~\4•..1 tor Stto,L•l ,I 11: P:t. IMRE Z1Z. Z.6.Sle! A""•- - "-"*- ' ‘1.111.., I:P..ITEST 1..!1:14 y Nix AGE! Wt. I, Is r p 4 ,1 niohro ,, , o.op ; , J1 ‘ ot 111.• above I 'lolly P of • re t• rt.r, J• 11,. , ie.., %se v.1:11 11”. 1111) I,.at mal I 11/11 (1-f• I'll4lll j.11 ', .11 • 1.1,111 .1 (,-11t 111 i 11 .1 /11r trial 11 1: I ' lol/ii.U l. ‘lll . ll. G. 1.11 :tore, IP > ME MEI= M. ES PARE 31 A ai i'A, p A ~ As rt.qtfra ll,r tfusiiirNs at the old 1.. .11% 1.0 /silt • el, • 11 1..11.-- = 1.1." fi 1- A NI EMI: Jut ct Elar! , , and Green Teas, II It rwit I, ton MELEE ()NE RUMMED D(1.,1.4US ilortil of l'orlinon• I r•••••, ved frnm 11,1t1,1? .11ut ihug sztote tir,,rl .25 , to. 01=1=111 - F (!)Ml. Craulwrries, P,aiNilis, Figs, Min- I.AIIPS, Just at 1 - .oogo. 01 L'l ruin A rif Carriage and Spun,gr, j„.. _l_ • I • 11/ It" t r. %,,•• rro . ll .'11.• I I.n i'l'i-Arittft article of hutting Fluid just rr4 ...!•• is l 'o.l\l A. 1.111 G:: ID , . cf (:ly card Pried Era, just 4 1 bt A NETi frolt lot of just re. +ON', rOUNTRY Produce cenNtaiiiiv on hand snd II • :.101;,...4):: 11.1.F.CT(11.1 (Or. ILL -t I/ sic•ii e1:111.• plytilar It ‘V11.1.1.% rro va. Nluy 1(', 1_5.3 A NEV WII %LI; .INI/ L 1 (11 IS, rel. ern,: thY - .IeIPCPI•• r :W1f.1.1% \l•4 Front Vo. COOPER'S ANTI-P.11.N TINCTURE. Jolt rr .e le efl."• 61 uru:ll. i• oil for sdl at 11. e , " .1 11. nn Inn 1=4;1 ATILI Family and Surrfinr Four of Ihr be.t brnnil. for •:11 , bj If ,t:vr),‘Nt ON_ UST received lOW lbs. extra double bolted •,/ ihr , kl.a . hPut ..Nle al. al 1) Pe cu, 1956,. ii :=1;70•.:tI1:. SON'S TEf s ER'S celebrated J llnj t ty , for sate bir For Chrome Weer.,,l3urill,Scalal., and the For the speedy cure of Diarrham,Dysentery. Sum miler Complaint. Cholera Mu,lite, and other disorders of the Digestive Urea ms COUGH MIXTURE, For the Speedy Cure of Coughs, tter. The above named Medieine4 are manufactured by Itauunh Boe.ley. Union ♦veer, :Move .7th, Columbia, Numerous cerntienies. in proof of their efficacy, have heed given voluntardy, miming which are the totlowing: Havintz been afflicted with dyspepsia for iii year., sea having tried a many' duierent kind, of med. eine to no porpOne, I wit, induced to try Itanne.h Bon ley•+ Spiced Liquor. mat after ii , tng two bottle., be came entirely cured. I thereffire take great pleasure in rievoluir,odieg her medicine to the afflicted. and hope they Will gine u a trial, 61re. W.1 . :111.NR. It eives me great pleasure to recrominend Dr D. healiset solve for the ewe of chrome ulcer. love ....peel in Vent utnomu of money. tit the 111.1 lour ye.r-. data -•odic of the mo-t eminent phyi.telatts, o it lout the lea%i hope of a cure until I tried Bottley'l g.ive tie t:mteedrde relief Ido not :0 recommend ti to the public. \Vat. Timuis. Columbia. Nov 117... = Toe -rib,riber taken with a Very yin. /eat :mach of d u rtrhaa nib ranip , . it being in the intitilta tO hand not ;plo•t ve uungtodnd• may he nwil, with nn greater danger than 'Term or lard out Tun. lamp In tire bcut and , a i . e....! ever offered to the public. Fur •ale, wholesale and retail. hv SA:III.;EL FILBERT. Brug,gist, Front at.. Columbia, .1 urinary 17, 1557. SELLING OFF AT COST. TILE subscriber, corner of Fifth and Union sireet , .. at private rain. at nett go-t prices, the MIMI., mg of g.00d... Cairo's. t ,ing.liamq, Ct14 , 111,1 , ,511111111Vr Goods ot all kinds. N'eming.i. Urdhug•. and a great variety of all kd al ern ay of Dry Mods: At-o, a large nveurt vrt BuUN and Sloe. of all •Vc-. iiiider.mtaril. intending to confine Iris attention to the (.1tOCI:11. IIC:t•IN ESN. here:Atter. infer, Ms stock of Dry (Mtl., to In+ friends nod the puhhr, ss idiom profit. All are reque-iest ill roll and ,:et .roeer -1,, 1.3) lot OlrialitVa alt,ll , llai. ut Cie same place. 11Ia n.-pontall; .3,11 CI:, 3 ...liars ot puldie patron:gm. Gl:tifif :1•: TI f.f.f:, Corner of Filth and Union Streets. Colninina. July 5. I TIM PIEOPLE9S DRUG & PRESCRIPTION STORE. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEDICIN PERFUM ERY, SOAPS AND FANCY ARTICLES. Tilt undersigned having purchased the stock e and. aNtor,...lnan W. -I slureman. would re,pret nmanntre to Ing freends and the politic generally that he Int, re NW,' the .thud. and r•onewed the clock, and will at all tune, lee ready and happy to .apply the want' ~ f the eouttennuty. In In. stock will at warn be. (nand a fre•lt supply re D111;GS. CHEMICALS. PAINT, 1111. S. VAR NI.II Pnitrummv. TOILET SOAPS, and note:. Ante], here to enumerate. and all will I, meld at moderate preen. rr Call be bought elie,,here The Indies are partandarly invited to examine In: fresh ',apply of Extracts. All orders correctly an,yer, d. and Flo ...tetaa's Pretertpnotes Care. toll) compounded. The ..ol...eriber hope. by mart nt7Pniion to business, to Merll U share tel the patronage J. II HALDEMAN, No. 3 ‘Volin Rosa, Front Street. Columbta,.Jtm. T 111: subscriber, thankful for the patronage 1.0116 which he lit, Lech h liberally favored. Leg. leave to call attention In hit large and extemove .oronelit of all the ino4t improved put tdru• of R. Pa. Cook and l'arlor Stoves, ,1 ju.t received from the 'lomat... , 1 /1” would call a licialion 10 the• _lr o n ) in g Nur Double now Cord,•ing Ron*, A•o. the the lon 11,1 Cooking Sloven In the 171.011. and 101 . Which hen ihe exelo.ive agent in thiri place. ‘Viireitated 10 give anima aall.llollloll or no •iale. Ile wluld•re.per till ily airk the piddle to lii• hei°, plitelomag elnewliefe, ne lie is determined to :all at very low prieen. 110:10.' l'FAlll.l3t. Locum PI feet, the Frett Lim Iluu•e Pfahler's Superior Blacking. - Lion sTovEs, witla very little rubbing. null give a. pre•e rve SIOVCP irum rust longer than any other ;article ill market. Prepared end sold. Wholesale nod netall, by IL Loeti•t street, Uctuluer 25, 1ie.50. Blacksmithing Locksmithing kc. ATILLIAM lIANTSCII respectfully informs the public that he eau at all tatnem be found at the entablAnnent of I II:N RV I'FAII LER. in Locust Street, where he lo prepared to attend to any Bork itt the above line of !attune., Columbia Nov.!, 1t.,56. 11.11DIOVELL. Shaving and Hair-Dressing Saloon. THE undersigned having removed to Damn tow,. Row. opposite the tVa.butgton Hotel, in. Viten Klientinit to flue Saloon, where all tter•no.. earn receive a et.lnAte ANlti tact ItiIAVV. and have their hair cut and dressed in the most f:t•lnonultle and es quielte manner. There is something soothing in n good share: if any are dtspored to doubt tt. let then; try inc., and 1 will fully demonstrate the fart._ WiLLIAAI CLEGG Err Columbla. /0415,185644 LEVEI3 FOR. SALE. 711 E substriber takes this method to inform the public, that he is prepared to furnish the BEST QUALITY OF LIME, in quantities to •nit purchasers. at the shortest notice. This Lime is particularly adopted for plastering and white-waslsidg. It will be delivered If desired. JOHN HLWIN. February 21,18.5541 Wrightsville. York county. T[ST 11u:civet], a lot of Fish Globes, of all aixea and prices, MEM STOVES. Fish Globes. J. 11. HALDEMAN'S. Front It, Columbia AGICULTURAL 1111PLEDIENTS. A LARGE and well selected 115 sortment of Apical. Ds weal and Horticultural Issalsulents....colinaring every thing needed by the Farmer or Gardener.— Plow. of great variety and of direrent size., being the largest and best assortment ever faltered in Phil adelphia. !Jarrow., Cultivators, Horse Hoes, Lime p cutlers, Scc., esic „ &c. PASCHALT., MORRIS 2c. CO., N. E. cor. 7th nod shirker streets, Plan. March 7.1657. GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS. 4 LARGE assortmentof new and genuine Flower, 11. Field and Garden Seed-, in every variety, at wholesale and retxil.embtucutf all the new and de 'arable kindv, carefully put up or papers for the M ina trade, or supplied in bulk. Chinese Sugar Cane Seed.,Japaii Peas; Orange, Water Melon. he., &c.--- .0040, a choice assorinient of fins Flower Seeds-20 varieties in fancy Lose.. sur $l.OO. Clean Clover. Timothy, Orchard tirulA, Rye Gras+, Herd Grass, fine Lawn Grass Seed, As. PASCHALL, :MORRIS b.. CO, Agricultural 'lmplement and Seed eiore, N. E. cor. 7111 nod 0111 rket. streets, Philadelphia. Ala rch 7, lei:. PLATronm SCAM= OF every description, suitable for railroads, 5,..10( weighing hut...coal, ore and Inercloottlive generally. Porch:L.:erg run Ito ri-k, every mettle it guurnlitced correct, and IC utter trial-not found tau.- idctory. can be retarded without Charge. Vactory at the old stand. e•tablt.hed for more than twenty year, corner dl ti/ .111.131 d Melon . Plialudelphtu. 411311 0 Cl' co , Successors to Ellurottic Abbott. March 7, lES74Sm H. WARD, MAINUFACTURER and Dealer in STRAW GOODS, No-. 7: nod 79 North Second turret, Phibidelgib We are now IVCCIVIII.I (111 r Spring SICK k• which will colours.. a large and de..irati le o f a ll lrilnd4 of STRAW Alt D LACR BONN rrs, Our •tork of VI.OIVh:IN will be Lw:wally large , mai We tibuld home on r eprclal atten tion to that di-purulent. l lno.e call nod exat ttttt Ilona before making )ourpurchur•cit. You ru. re9eet- H. WARD. N0n.77 and 79 North Second Street. Philadelphia, I,s7.thit FARMERS this neighl•orbood. eau •apply themselves for V their SPHISG CR(II.S. with Lemmu's Pare Boor llevt, - • _ . Staprr Phn•phnte of Unto. nt SW per ton rogened oi Lime. nt :1330 •• I • ertdizcr, MI per ton. Thane Fernluers are coutito,ti of reliable (Metal cal eternal) lf , abouathog in Pot A'h. ke.t they have received the Ittplota.l4 of Four State.. out: New Jer-ry. New York, Peno.ylvaotst 111111 Del4l l Nll, Aid.. foe 'ale GUA 1. all koid,, POUllit I. rr ke. Country Produce received ta pat)ravitt fur than above. 111 r.oe+, or Ur.rti• out good lieu -e•, or cao, re;gt,tcred WWI order-. promptly at tended to. GL•'O. A. LEINAU, Proprietor, •'Nee Fut Proof' Store," No. 19 South Front Strrrt, YIIILa DELPHIA CITY, PA. March Imo-. 8000 IMICUITIA.N GUANO EXPERIENCE lids i.welo the Farmer that the only I rr h uhM t. I r . ertl4l/er n the PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO. The •tlie: tit:Co t 1 . 11 1 / 1 0.11 . 41/1111!or alit •Lih . 11. hi.. now MI icitid It lurge clock of PL:IiE IjAND, which he will cell tat the low eat curia price, ut lot. to curt either dealer...or farmers. J. CHRISTIAN, Sole Agent for Para...N.l9Na. No. Wiaurvea, nod 97 North Water street. ialurcli 7,1,17.3 m Guano, Super• Phosphate of Lime, &c rpm:. u oder,.. b .,sed would Invite the attention of form ' ere and denier. to their t-uperior assortment or ler eittivi.ttitt; of Tiooitt tt;cduttio l'ho4phates, a roinitination of Pitottplittir of Lime with of Soda and .1111;;Iletill mixed with Peruvian Gu ano. GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO. Chi CUSIIIO, an rwrllr tit ui fide for mixing with Pertly, on. brine:llllhi. Nay beilerthuit the littler. timid ILUChI lower pi... 0 COLUMBIAN GUANO, Imported by the l'ltilodelphin. Guano Company. This Guano emitahis more phosphutes Ikon oily °liter Gu• nun. end 11.14 the tiev.itange of being 111 n [me powder. Super•pi,..phwe of Lime. 'Pitta celebrated rirtie le is tile pure•! and molt uniform of the kiod. Pondrene, hand pulphum Arid. Nitrite of Soda, P01.1q11.3ce,.8,c., dre. • All the above nruele• ure i.elyetell with •prrial re gard to thew purity end genuineness, and we feel confident of their DIXON & ELKINTON, No. ti. South Wharve., third store übuve Chesnut street. Ph ilade lpin 3birch 7, 1&.57.:1ni Farmers' Depot & Plaster Mils, AT the jnortiou of York avenue, Crown .I.lllowlon street.. Philadelphia. %Vo otrer 144ge stock of Chentico I Manures nod Fertilizers at low priers,and worr.toted to Ice genunte; among which will ha found: I 0011 ton. No. I.4l:averment Pe rovio in Casino. I .000 1011% lie Ifurg' , No : I Super-I'ho•plmteof Lime The above ittandard articles are, each of their Lind, the 11,1111 the world! Our Laid Pla•ier. mantitae. hoed from %elected moue. is celebrated throughout th e u th op (or Il• partly and NVe invite orolnr• tor; De Burg'. No. I Super-Phorphate of Lime. No. I Government Peruvian Guano. French'. Improved Super‘l'hoPphtite of Lame. Plonidodphin food retie. No I'io,plmtie Guano, ( Co'. ) 114..111'i., I; tuna (A) Extra Land Pia-100. Ordinary Land Phiptcr. Caotineal Gotte. Parr hour Da.t Ptah thiano. Ground Charcoal. 10,1100 1 / 1 , 14. Land Platter. Om tt cata me Plat , ter. Inthatt tt 14(lraulic Cement. fion •• True Homan Cement. 1,000 `• Portland (bloglittli) Cement. Poword A at 11 ram in ronl.(1,111,) Stereotype Pln•ter. ProxiPll Into miaow. em.l. (Obi, ) (thin• maker.' pi iacr. rouial brown 1,1,1•,) Grottad Soap Stow: White t.tid• ( . 1, 1 , .) Ground white in., rule. Ground Urick,. for Puititer.i. lironad Blue Marble Powdered (lone Klock. PR INCH. RICH All IN & Steam M.II. and Former. , ' Junction 01 York Avenue. rrewii mid Cu Ilowlull eirecis, Philadelphia. Alert:lt 7, 1.57.2cti JAMES B. lIOLLINS, Iwporier awl Wholesale Dealer in China, Glass and Clueensware, No. 3.1 G Nlarket +street. above Tenth, south Philadelphia. Nov.?). I•d'A.9lTicus. /looks Prom the Trade sales. HURRAY, YOUNG & CO., arc just receiving It large eel -"ler; wnpply 01 1300 k/ and SllllllOll. co from the New Pork mid Phtludelphrs Truer Srr lee. :4•111111,1i in their nlrvaily letter stork will make it the be qtre-t ' , mei. so loch Into ever come to try. Hit volt; bought Our eicrelc Ni the lower.t 111110 , 11110 1 %Se teel snit-fled duet we can Wert like wunht of flee 111/1/10.1 ell every re•peri,natt 111 the lowest bye ore continually in receipt or tier ItrW i.wued. We elm have, in tier Centre Square brooch or NtlVl,Delefll k till the popular new.papews and 111141.111,111 y, tor :sale. Sulwcriptionit will Inc totem for tiny of them ni the 'vapour publi.lieno publi•hed rate•. Imok to your intere.t and ice whether you would 1101 rase money by elicourmcing the Cheap nook Score. MURRAY YOUNG & CO., Nov. I.iR If. Imitritaier City. Ladies' Sr. Gentlemen's Restaurant and Ice Cream Saloon. MRS. REITER Informs her friends and the pupil,. generally. Mat iu Clll/11tee11011 with her thereintore avell potronired) lee Cream Saloon, *lie hurl commenced Leeplltg a reIEC , OrY where OTESTMLICS .11.1 4 1 D ALL ILT:1171113 Or 3LETRESIIIVIZINTS may be obW hied In the be.d elyle, and at the rhortest notice. a re very rope:11 - 1r. Abe confidently- relies upon it liberal ithrtre of public patronage. livery effort will tbr made to afford her •plii•fits• 1 Ito). .. - _ • . rZEREITER's RESTAURANT AND SALOON, Front. between Loess' and Ulllollstreets, Columlnts. Nos. I, It5G-11. GREAT BARGAINS, TUE undersigned are now retelling and wall i.e opening during the next week, 01 their store lit Loc na t aireet, oppaute the Columbia Bank. a new nod /nrue fie.o morn tof Goods *unable (or the seneon. conusti lig in par: of DEW GOODS. a. Clothe. Cassimeree, Vein. nig., Mack and Fancy silk., together with a great variety of LADII DItES.4 GOODS; HOU: 4 EFIi It ISIIING %itch as Sheeting*, Cheeke, Oil Cloth., 111111(1e, he. (atom -AIMS of every deecriptuni—freell and of the beet qualitlea; Together v.-1111 a general aseortment of Ginsownre. Blued., Looking Glaakes, Drug get., :damage. Rags. WALL PAPERS, In feel everythtne kept ton well-reguhited store. Cell Rod lee our ii..ortment. we feel ratibfied that torte will go away ili.oppoteited, aiwe SELL xxCLusivilLY FOR CASH! and srethereby enabled to tell good. 'Ulan very LOW F.ST FIGUIMs. FRY t Co April 12 ISSO. SCRAP IRON. 7z, "M ...9._ X., = 11. Ely rIF.R.NI AN JEWS and others. are hereby noti fi ed thnt NJ hatch of this article is srui.EN from the different iron works in tlow vicinity; and this nouce is given that they may not hereafter excuse themselves on the ground that they were not aware of being , RIGCEI VERS. OP STOLES CiOODS,as if they ma mu prnveil.they receive the full penalty an well as benefit of the law. E Ilablernati & Co; Eagle, Beaver & Co.; Musselman & Watts; A. & .1. Wright; ttrubl, & Brooke. South & Bruner; Renal - man, Shadier A. Co.; Eckert & :dyers. June 21, I e. 50. WEIKEL'S Instantantons Toast or Baking Powder, for sale by 11. SUYDAM & EON. FRONT ST. WIRE MANUFACTORY. WATSON, COX & CO. 01EvE. RIDDLE, SCREEN AND WIRE CLOTH O MANUFACTURERS, No. 46 North Front street, corner of CoomlA Alley, between Market and Mul berry (Arch) streets, Philadelphia. Manufacture of .uperior quality, Brass and Iron Wire Sieves of all kinds Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, &e. Cylinders and Dandy Rolla covered in the best manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders. Screen Wire, Window Wile, Safes, Traps, Dish Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, Ice. Fancy Wire Work, of every deicrip- Lion. Philadelphia. March 7,185.-3 m PREMIUM IMPROVED Super-Phosphate of Lime. rpnE only silver medal yet awarded by Ag _L rigeultural Societies, was given to this superior article, at the lust Pennsylvania State Fair, at Harris.. burg, as a fertilizer of the beat quality for wheat, corn, oats, grass and potatoes. raising heavy crops, and greatly improving the soil. The subscriber re• spectrally Informs farmers and dealers that he is pre. pared to supply the Spring demand with this superior at J well tested article. AGENTS WANTED.—A liberal discount allowed. Also, Xo.l, Peruvian and Mexican Guano. Poudrette and Land Plaster,Oils, Candles, Soap ,&c., of the beat quality, at lowest market rates. J NO. L. POMEROY, 0 & 10 South Wharves, below Market st., Phila. 'Farmers can load on two private alleys, and avoid the crowded wharf. Mara 7,1857-3 m M. ANISE'S CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE, 'MO. 72 North Second Street, opposite the 111ount Vernon Goose, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches. full jewelled, I K. crises 62E6 Silver Lever do.. ilo.,811; Silver Lepine d0,.69; Quur tier, 65, to $7; Gold Spectacles, 45.1,50 to $tU; Silver do., 81,50, Silver Table Spoons, per sett, $l4 ko 813; Silver Desert do.. do., $9 to Sit; Silver Teu do., do., 64-75 to $7.50; Gold Pens and Gold Cases, S3,dS to SO; Gold Pens and Silver do SI: together with ova riety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curli,Guard and Fob Cavan , . All Goods warranted to he us represented. tVatches and Jewelry repaired is the best manner. Nla•onio Mucks, Pins, Ac., wade to order. N. o.—All orders, seat by MAW or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. September IS3O-1y ST. I.II.II7RENCZI UOTEL, 288 Chesuut street, Philadelphia. NVM. S. CAMPBELL. PROPRIETOR (:. W. AIULLIS, 1 4 ;1:Pt:RI NTENuesr 34:.y 17, 1.:,*1.11 Blen's and Boys' Clothing. r i. VERYIIIIDY should embrace this opportu nity to boy Ch for Men nod Boys, ut GEORGE CULIN'S Cheap Clothing ts, corner MA 'at". and Sveoxo , TRKET 4 , PIiIf.ADELPIIIA, embracing chowe of the moo dee:ruble and Fa•htoiulde liteiia and Frock Coat., Ilal,il Cloth do.. Linea Drill ing do., Twords.&e...l c.. with a great variety of 1.301rg , CI,OIIIING, coo-i,ong of Sock Coutg, Polka Jacket., Monkey Jackets, VC•IK nod ROllllll Jackets. 1111111 e of Tweed, Litton Drilling, Cloth. Alpaca, Ker+eyonere, Doeskin, ace. FURNISHING GOODS. eolt..i•ding of Shirt.. Stoetra. Ilandkerehirf, dr.e., all at whirl, are offered ut the Later,: pm4ble Cash p r ie t s, and 111 Cheap us usty other Clothing Store in the Limon. .Puren't4 who desire Boys' Clothing arc earnestly utvrtr•l to examine the stock. K7Couniry Siarekeepera can he aeceremodated at very low• rule.. (11.:01tl;B CUt.IN, S. corner of Market and Second vtreets. Philadelphia, April t'd. 1ti56.11y. Country Merchants and Physicians, ESIROUS of buying pure and cheap Drugs, D Oilv. Vu mulch, Wass. Putty, Dye IVoothi, will hind it to their Intere.t to purehn.e tit the Vtrole-nlc Drug IVitrehou.e. S. W. corner Fourth arid Vine utters.. where a Cull supply kept ton i.inntly on hand, and cold at the very owed ent‘h prince. . _ SAVIDGE M AYO, Druggiqs, South-Wert corner Fourth and Vale mot. , Nora. N. 11.—Partieulor ititention paid to physicians' orders, selecting the purest drugs. and not as most do) taking advantage on iteconot of totocquatotance with their value, but Invariably selling at lowest cued) prices. May 10,185 G 1y S. dc M. STAUFFER SLEIARLEY. CHEAP WATCHES & JEWELRY I! pA L I E L S E at t 1,,, A ? •. 1! ,111 1 1 1E A - . IDELPIRIA WATCI.I AIM) *TORp:." No. tell .North Second street, corner orQuarry, Gold Lever NVatchn, lalLjeweled.lB car cn•es, $2.3 DO Cold Lentils', lit curet cane., 34 00 Silver Lennie, full.jeweled, 12 00 Silver Lennie, viwel.l It tIO SoperiorQuaruera, 7 00 Gold Spectacles, 7 00 Pine Silver do. 1 50 Gold 13rneelets, S tin Ladies' (told Pencil., 1 tiO Silver Tea Spoons, .et, 5 00 Gold Pens, with Pencil and Silver holder, 10u Gold Finger Bing•, 3:1 ct•. to 1150; 'Watch Glasses, plain 11l cis., patent (01, (noel •25; other articles in proportion. All Goods warrunted to Le what they are •old for. On bond gime Gold end Silver Levers and Lepines still lower OHM the above price.. STAUFFER & HARLEY% Philadelphia. September 27,1856-ly raRIVIERS, ATTEN'Z'ION: CROWERS of Grass and Tobacco, use Lei nutrx :3uper Ithosplitile of Lime. Si! .50 pt.'. LI,I , or !Sill per UM. GROWERS OF CORN AND POTATOES, IJ•e Leinnuts American Fernluer, $3.50 per Md., or 525 per ton. There has been received three dipiernev from l't• nn.y)via "in. New Verb null New Jersey State Agricultural Societies, and Crystal Palace Acclama tion for the above Fernliters. which have been in successful use for the past five yeerit. Order• malt, sing the cash. or drafts, sniffled and regiidereil. will se promptly attended to by I.S. A. AU, Proprietor, No. 11 South Front st., May 31, 1056-If FRANIELIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANF OF PHIL ADELPH/A. STATEMENT of the Assets of the Company on January 1, 1556. Publl.lted in conformity with the provision of the itxtitheettott of the Act of Asetentirly,of Aprilstla,ls•l2. MORTGAGES. Being first moriginges oil real estate, in the City and County of Philadelphia, except ti:10,950 to Montgomery, Buck., Schuylkill and Allegheny rounder. Pen insylvanni, 51,454,973 39 REAL ESTATE. Purelini•erl nt Sheriffs' sales, under mort gage elainn•, Vic: Eight 11011.C.1 and lot, 70 by 150 feet, on the south-west cornier of Chestnut aud Seven teenth street., A house and lot, 27 by 71 feet. on North tide ot Spruce street, West of Eleveinn street, A house slid lot, 21-7 by liio Met. on West_ aide of Pena Square, South of High street,' Two houses und lot•, each IS by CO feet, on South sideof Spruce street, nearStxteentbl street, Five houses and lots, each 17.9 by 90 feet" Nos. 159, 101, Nil, 125 sod 167 Dilwyn st.,g Three houses and lot, 49 by 54 feet, on East. side of Seventeenth street, south of Pineal,: E At cost, A lot of ground. 17 by 57 feet, on the North east corner of Tweinty-second and Spruce .2 2,454 45 street.. Hotel and Int,solny II the Southeast" corner of Chestnut and Beach streets. 6 . Five houses and 101.411 by tat feet. on flies' North site of George street, Welt of .1613-7 g ton street. Seven houses and lot. 20 by 117 feet, on the me East ride of (teach street, south of Chest nut street. A house and 11,1.18 by SO feel, No. 90 Fitz water street, East of Ninth street, A ground rent of 530, issuing out of a 10113-4 by 40 feet, on North side of Otter street, 40 feet West of Lenard street, LOANS. Temporary Loans, on Stock. as Collateral Security, 107,902 05 STOCKS. $lO,OOO Alms House Loan, 5 per cent. (iat. on.) :200 Shares Bank of Kentucky. a 17 11 Northern Bank of Kentucky, sr lOU " 1.7111011 Bunk of Tennessee, 13 " Insurance Company °rale State, of renasylviiiiia, 11 ' ' Cost 200 " Southwark Railroad Company , ~ 37 • `Commercial land Railroad Llanic ' ,4 C3 ' s6 " .° Vicksburg, - 1 300 11 Pennsylvania Railroad Co., 7,... DI " Franklin Fire Insurance Co , tit 2 ' 1 Mercantile Library Company, ‘,. 24 " Union Cllll/11 Company, '? 10 " Schuylkill Railroad Company, totes and Hills receividde, 6,404 00 tp.ettled Policies, 713 50 Mc.rchandisa. 163 151 Cash on hand, 95,r46 49 C:11.11 /11 hands of Agents, 0,644 62 ----... 44.291 11 LOSSES BY FIRE. Lot.oea paid during the year 1956. $2373574 40 133 order of the Hoard, CHARLES N. RANCRER, president. Attest CHAILL.R. G. Haricami. Secretary. THOS. LLOYD, Agent, Columbia. February 9,1856-ly GARDEN ENGINES, 'MOWING a stream of water ill to CO feet. Cast Iron Lift, and Force Pumps, Barn Door Ro lei's. Turnip Drals,lmproved Wheat Drills, whit Oats and Grass Seeder attached; Plows o f various patterns and; Square and F.xpending Harrows, Gore's Patent Premium Butter Worker—a new article just received. Also, other articles for the farm and garden. in their proper season. , /BA M arket, & CO.. Implement and Seed Store, PASCHALL 7th end Market, r h la. July 19,1636. FURNITURE. VI3IINITURE of every description from the highost to the lowest order, warranted as good as Lancaster or Philadelphia can produce may be bad at the HOUSEKEEPERS' EMPORIUM, North Queen Circe t near Orange, Lancaster city, at prices far below the untit.l rates in th is section of the State. Also, magnificent Cottage Sets and splendid below Window Shades,elow Philadelphia prices. Coal and lumber wanted to payment for furniture. KETCHUM & VICKERY. December, 27 1856. ..?.^ ~, :2 7. c 5 £ 2-z :7=l ' "4 ~---: r 4 . i.? 41 /4 40 ~.- a E 'P .. l' 1 ;:y 4 t 2 2 g 1 , 5 -4 -, Zc4 ;-= p q b .... be . , g, lu i L I W ...'"' ° g -.v ° 6 w 4 gi ..4 ~ ~'' r, ,I, ~, 0 ..... .. ..• 4 E • s .-. ... 1 a -1 41 46. IMir 7 g ,3 1 Fp' .."-• 7 . 21 .Q M in W, 4 t: •••••• c.D 'ls E.. i g- F 4. kt ... t n . ~ : Q TA g - w *a-- - cu pi . ~.,...A e g f .qq, r 4 ;A -6- .., ~, -4 ..A M." -•8:f- ;•4- ''.° 1 11:... •-.,-4 .2, pi :::-: =.• : 0 :: 4., .e. 01 .. i . 7 ,4..., ~., c , 2 to • ga-gu 2 a, PTV 'a •1 c,.. UD co • E.l k Gzl .=, tE p r '. • g O '' = A Ta P.. 0 ...... :i W . 'L §2w 4 ...' ~ m -zr '1.'.. - ,• = :z; O 'S %e , V. Ist 4 ~; ot - r,L 3 w r: --4 . 41 r , ,c, - --- -i' . :. 4 2 % 2 ;.,4 w = 0 . cy „, 4:4 ra , E fla ' 5. 0.2 P . ° C .S.: f •-•,„ ..2, .e., E. 0. 1 % ° 4' 4 41 :'-' 0 Z 2 GREAT ATTRACTION, AT HERR'S CHEAP STORE. NEW and cheap Delnincs, New and cheap Cashmeres. New and cheap French Merinoc!, New and cheap Coburgs, New mid cheap Farametta Cloths, New and cheap Alpacas, New and cheap Debeges. New and cheap mourning DeMines, New and cheap Sack Flannels, New and cheap Silk Velvets, New and cheap Cotton Velvets, New and cheap Black Silks. New [mil cheap Fancy Saks, New and cheap Plain Silks, New and cheap Broche Shawls, New and cheap Woolen Shawls, New and cheap Cloaks. New and cheap Mantillas. New and cheap Velvet Ribbon. HERR'S CHEAP STORE. No. 5, East King street, Lancaster, Pa. January 17, 1557. GERMAN AGENCY, FOR THE COLLECTION OF CLAIMS, DRAFTS, POWER OF ATTORNEYS, &c. TUE subscriber having made arrangements with some of the oldest Banking Houses ni Ger many, is now prepared to collect Monica and make Power of Attorneys for nay part of Germany. lie t i n, n is i , made arrangements to give his Own Draft to any one who wishes money sent en, and guarantees it will be paid,—Having had mush expe rience in this Moines., lie intends to devote Ins full attention to it lit future. All collection , of Claims, &c., attended to with cor rectness and dispatch, and no charges forniformation. For further particulars address JACOB HERZOG, Dry Good Merchant, No. 61) North Queen Street, Lancaster City, Pa. N. B.—All kinds of German Coin exchanged at full rules. December PEOPLIII'S IVI.A.REraII YARD. QIIOP in North queen street, halt square, .oath of tile. Railroad, nod 3rd door north of APGrnan's White Horse Hotel, Lancaster city. LEWIS lIALDT, Marble Mason, respectfully In forms the public that lie has now in his yard the lar gest and best assortment of ITALIAN AND AMER ICAN MARBLE ever offered to the citizens of Lan caster,,und greater than any other establishment west of Philadelphia. Having mode nrrangentents in the Rust to reeeive marble tit reduced prices. lie un isounce• that he will sell much cheaper than any oilier ectablishinent in the city or county Cull do. He is prepared to execute in the best style, MONO MF:NTS. Twins AND GRA vE STONES, MAN TEL*, DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS, sTEi's, &c., &e., of every variety and price. His facilities for furnishing articles in the Marble line arc unsurpassed by any other establishment in the city, while lie assures nil who icily favor hint with their patronage that his work shall be executed in the very brat style and on the most reasonable terms. LF:rrEtt CUTTING in Is:NC:USD and GraMAN, done at the shortest noticeoutd on the most motler ute terms. lie respectfully invites thopublicto call and exam• tne his work, being fully satisfied to rest his claim io public patronage upon its merits. Thankful for the many favors bestowed npon him, behoves by stlictattenttoti to bustnewstoinemand re ceive a share of the publicputronage. Lancaster, April 2;: t 1855. School Directors and Teachers. SCIIOOL BOOKS, Papers, and School Appa ratus. We have everything necessary lo a Com plete outfit for School Teachers, tad can furnish the same at such rates as to defy competdon. To be convinced thin we do sell cheap, you need hut give as a call. We hove a very large (mouthy of Sanders , mid Towers' Series of Readers on hand. We van sell either as low us they can be purehasad, having made spec id arrangement- with the publishers. Also a large quantity of Stodduril's series of Artilimetics. the most popular hooks of the I, lad now in use. We are also neents for Pelton's Outline Maps, which we can. ell whole.ale or retail at publishers' rates. Or ders from a ilisitinse promptly attended to. bear ing this ut mind freight might often lie saved. Pelmiti`s Maps are Oil the progressive principle. They are time. suet ng— time is money; so they must lie money saving. The method of teueliittg front these maps is teaching, by the rye, based upon the law of intellect, that the objects of sight more readily become the ob. mete et eitticernion arid memory than those of the oth er sense=; Mid the more disnacily they are seen, the more lively is the coneeption and the inure lastingthe unpre.siou oli the mind. None but those who have used them eon fully appreciate their usefulness. SA NDEks' ELOCUTIONARY CtiA kir. used at the Normal School—u vnlwrble appendage to the School Room— ulso to he had ut wholesale and retail rates. t 4 CIIOOL ArPARATIA,IIIIOtheIf Or the lin provemem, in 'School Furniture. For particulars co»cerniag the same call on or address the undersign ed for a circular. Anything and everything in the Donk, Stationery and Periodical line, can be had :ut the Teacher.' !lead Quarters. TIIE KEYSTONE. COLLECTION OF CHURCH MCNIC. with the New System for Training Choir. and Singing• Schools, just out. Publiithed by MURRAY. YOUNG & CO., Oct. 4,185 G. Litheaster, Pa. J. R. STAFFORD'S OLIVE TAR, A GREAT ELECTRICAL REMEDY FOR PREVENTING AND CURING DISEASES. Stafford's Olive Tar Cures all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. OLIVE TAR is applied and inhaled, and 14 mu taken. DIRECTIONS —Apply by rubbing where pain or disease exists, then cover the party with a plaster made of oiled silk, to which mach u thin layer of cot ton batting; then cover the butting with thin muslth. Cotton or woolen flannel may be used instead of the oiled silk plaster, but the operations of the remedy will not be no speedy, :tor as effective. 1•'oa u cancer over a bowl of hot water, (and keep it hot.) pour tato the saucer enough Olive Tar to cover the t. Duero; the apartment will soon be filled with its odor, affording to the patient an atmosphere impregnated with the delightful, blended aroma of TIMOLIVE AND OF THE PINE. ID — Renew the Olive Tar da:ly for inhaling by the above method. Another method of inhaling into put Olive Tar on the Oiled Silk Plaster, which being worn upon the cheat, the heat of the body will cause the Olive Tar to evaporate gradually, and as it rises it will be in haled. The Oiled Silk Plaster should be medicated with fresh Olive Tar every other day. In aeutectises, or in those of long standing, both of the above meth ods of inhalation should be used. By adhering to the above directions, the very worst forms of diseases of the Throat or Lungs, if not speed ily cured, will be greatly relieved; while temporary colds, Sore Throats, Inflamed Lungs, Catarrh, Croup, Coughs, &c., Am., will yield at once to its combined curative powers. Stafford's Olive Tar softens and penetrates the skin; there:ore in all Chronic or Active Inflammations it will be found highly beneficial, as it acts directly upon the Nerves, the Muscles, awl the Joints, OLIVE TAR OINTMENT is made by mixing °Eve Tat and Mutton Tallow in equal pans. This Oint ment is H positive cure for all drseares of the skin Pain cannot exist where Olive Tar or Olive Tar Ointment is nppbed. Stafford's Olive Tar does not contain any miners. substance,. nor any poisonousldrug; the principal in gredients are Tar, and Oil of the Spanish Olive. Stafford'. Olive Tar is manufactured by a process recently patented by Mr. J. R. Stafford. Practical Chem.!. by winch proem," all the Acid and Acrid prop...rue. contained in the substances forming this Compound, tre separated withoutthe use of Chemicals. Sold NVIIOIefRIC and lletail,by R. WILLIAMS.onIy Agent in this place. Stafford Olive Tar Company, 19 State Street, Nem York, and by Druggists generally. July 19, y PRIME GERMAN SEGARS. IRAVE JUST RECEIVED 2.00,000 MORE of those PRIME SEGARS.. which I will hen CHEAPER than any Store in thin or any other town. ePtC: OI-11 3.33.43 0 0.1:101 - 8, and others will do well by giving me a call before purchasing elsewhere.: The above mentioned Segars can be seen at F. S.MITIPS Wholesale Confectionary establishment. Front street, two doors below the Washington House, Columbia. Columbia, Atm. 30,1936. 61,7d1,408 11 SEBASTOPOL CIGARS. Treat received, an excellent lot of Foreign and DOMESTIC CIGARS of eveu• style and flavor.— Also, a fresh supply of CONGRESS and CAVENDISH ToRACrtO. sit of whish will be sold at the lowest prir ea', at the Drug & Ptear.nption Store of .1. H. HALDEMAN, Jan 31,1836.3 t. Wolf's Row, Front Street The Greatest Medical Discovery OF TI - YE AGE. DR. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has dileoverect in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that. curer , EVENLY SIND OF 3117M0R, from the worst scrofula down to a common pimple. lie has tried it in over 1100 cases, and never fribd except in two cases; (both thunder humor.) , He h as now In pO3Ref,loll over two hundred certificates of its virtue, all within twenty miles of Doman. Two bottles are warranted to cute is nursing sore mouth. One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Pim ples ou the (ace. Two to three bottles will clear the system of Biles. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker in the mouth and stomach. Three to five bottles are warranted to cure the worst case of Erysipelas. One to two bottles are warranted to cure all humor is the Eyes. Two bottle• are warranted to cure running or the ears and blotches among the hair. Four to sir. bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and rustling ulcers. One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the skin. Two to three bottles' are warranted to cure the worst case of ringworm. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the most desperate case of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure the salt rheum. Five to eight bottles will cure the worst cove of scrofula, A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle. and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quan msy i i e s ile a r k , e l7 . c peddled over a thousand bottles of this In , the vicinity of Boston. I know the effect of it in every cam. So sure us water will extinguish fire, so sure will this cure humor. I sever sold a bottle of it but that I told another; after a trial it always speaks for itself There are two things about this herb that ap pear to me surprising; hrst that it grows in our pas tures, in sonic places quite plentiful, and yet its value has never Leen known until I discovered it in 1.946_- second, that it should cure all kinds of humor. In oraer to give some Idea of the sudden rise rise great popularity of the discovery, I will elate that in April, ltAl, I peddled it and sold about six bottles per day—in April, le:A, I sold over one /1101151111 d bottles per day ca it. Some of the wholesale Druggists who have been in bushiess twenty timid thirty years, say that nothing-in the annals of patent medicines was ever like it— There is a universal praise of it from all quarters. la my own practice I always kept it strictly for hu mors—but since its introduction us a general family medicine, great and wonderful virtues have been found in it that I 'never suspected. Several cases of epileptic fits—a disease which was always considered incurable. have bt)en cured by a few bottles. 0, what a mercy if it will prove effect ual in all cases of * Mat awful malady—there are but few who hove seen more of It MUM 1 have. I know of several ca.:sof dropsy, all of them aged people, cured by it. For the various di , eaves of the Liver, Sick headache, Dyspepsia, asthma, Fever and Ague, Pam in the Side, Di4easea of the Spine, and particularly in dis eases of the kidneys ' Sec., the dis covery bus done more good than any medicine ever known. No change of diet ever accessary—eat the beat you gut and enough of it. Dime-nom, ran URR.—Adults one table spoonful per day—Children over ten years,dessert spoonful—.Cad dren from fi ve to eight year., tea spoonful. As no di rections can be applicable to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY, No. 120 Warren street, Roxbury, Mass. Price, 21,00 Wholesale Agents, New York city, C. V. Clickner, 81 Barclay street; C. 11. Ring,l92 Broadway; Rushton & Clark, 271 Broadway; A. B. & D. *nods, 100 Fulton street. Sold in Rochester by J. Bryan & Co., Wholesale Agent., No. 112 Mute street; a ho, by L. Post & Co. GENERAL AGENTS FOR PENNSYLVANIA.--T. W. Dyott & Sons. For mule in Columbia by R. Williams, and McCorklo & Dalian. MZE= CRAMPS, SCALDS, BURNS, 81. c. CURED in a short time by Cooper's Anti- Pain Tincture. As a puts ulleviator, this Tincture. though rot infallible,. is not surpussed by any other ever offered to the afflicted. and takes the precedence of an others wherever it is used, inasmuch an it is purely V EGI7rABLE„ contains not h ing POISONOUS. and may be used mitt SAFETY. One Louie has been known to cure six cases of Dysentery, be-ides a easel or two of Cramp and Colic, It will relieve almost every variety of Pain. within front one minute to fif teen minutes—even the most acute eases of Neuralgia and Rheumatism, and is used, not only by Physicians, but by persons of every do. and rank. WHAT IS rr GOOD FOR? II is grind for wind end pain in the Stomach and Bowel., Diarrhea and Dysentery. Colic, Cholera and Cholera Nimbus, Rheumatism °cute, chronic and ner vous. Plithioc or Asthma, Croup, Colds, Coughs, Scald., Purity, \Wounds, Bruises, Sprains, Stiff and Swollen Joints. Neuralgia or Tin Doloreuux, Tooth ache, Sick and Nervous Headache, to quiet a nervous remtlessiies.,und thu. enable one to sleep nu the side, a stitch in the Back, Cricics,O ramps, and alum.' every hind of pain, internal and external; Ivy Siang- and Ilite4 of Poisonous Insects, FEVER AND AGUE, FITS, Hiccough, Ileartburn, Cold Feet, Freeze., Chilblains, Painful Corn., Swell ing.. Old Sores, to allay Inflammation, and prevent Itiortilienliou..ce.. &e. IarERICE YSCENTB A BOTTLE... a, SAMEL FILBERT, Agent' Columbia June 19, 185 G. THE POPULAR BOON, rant' d .belie Exploring Expedition, FOR which Congress has so liberally ap propriated. It is a hook every American can be proud of; every intelligr7lit Amerteun should pox- Nl,a a copy. Its tote rest as unparalleled, and it is embellished with about 300 fine steel engrarrlngs, taken from sketches by the author. Every person that hos not received a copy from the travelling agent, thould colt at the Cheap Hook Store and procure, one. We have special urraitgernents with the agent for this object, and have them in quantities. The Court of Napoleon; or Society under the first Einpire—swab Portrait , of its Beauties, Wits and He roines. The plan of this work is to present in one View the passage of Freud' society, from the confu sion into 1%11101 It Wan thrown by the revotution, to a regular and normal situation tinder the dictatorship of Napoleon. The various periods treated of are il lustrated by their remarkable women; the Reign of Terror by its Ilerotnes. The illa.trations are superb. The paper and type the very be-t We have but a specimen copy on hand, which we wvnc all to call and sec, nod sub senile for it if desired. A. a Gilt Hook for the Holi days it will be the finest of the senson. ID - Reinernher t and select stocli of Rooks just received from P hila d elphia l and New York Trade Sales, at the cheap Bookqores of AY, CO., NNoahQueen street,MU RR or Centre Squu YOUNG & re, Lon. Pa N0v.15, 1856. New and Cheap Groceries. THE undersigned take this method of re 'turtling si 'mere than ks to their numerous friends for the liberal patronage given them during the past year, and respectfully u.k a continuance of the same. They have prat returned from Philadelphia with a very large lot of fine Groceries, Confectionery, among which may be found the foliowingt Lovering'', Syrup Molasses, Nesv 'York Syrup Molasses. Prime baking Molasses, Sugar douse Molasses A large lot of Sugars, Coffee. Zee. A Ito, a lot of fine linking Raisins. only 121 cents. Fine large bunch and layer Raisins, tG whole and quarter boxes. 25 boxes Figs, different grades. A lot of Prunes, m fancy boxes, very fine. A huge lot of fancy and common Candies. Also, Fig Marmalade, Jelly Cakes. Sep Sago Cheese, Ketchup. and a greet variety of other articles, suitable for the present seasott. LrPLEAAM CUPP 115 A CALL. H. SUYDAM & SON, Corner of Front end UlllOll stoeets. Columbia, December 13, 1856. mmrvv" FIRM AND NEW GOODS. qua: undersigned having taken the store lately (men- A pied by his brother, in Locust street, opposite the Columbia Batik, and having associated with him fa business, Mr. F. L. HAGMAN, will continue the ha sine's under the firm of FRY & HAGMAN, where we will open In a few days. a very large assortment of new good,. eneximmg or DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, oueensware ' Glassware, Carpets. Oil Cloths, Well Papers, dc.c.,& he., all of which we are determined to Pell at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. As we ia tend &due en EXCLUSIVE CASH BUSINESS, we will be able to compete In prices with any store In ilie county. We respectfully* solicit a call from sun friends sad the public generally. H. H.. Country Produce always taken at the highest FßY mar-, ket prices. Columbia, April 5,1850. a 112.17 1 1.11 XS STRANG= TRAN FICTION! A certain cure for all Rho mane Paine. Don't condemn but try it, it cannot E. C. ALLEN'S CONCENTRATED ELEC TRIC PASTE. and Arabian Pain Extractor, for man amd Copyright secured according to law. WHAT WILL IT CURIC—We answer—Rheumatie Pains, when every thing fails, Cramps, Cbilblaine, , Burns. Scalds, Sprains, Head Ache, Tooth Ache, ' Swelling., Bruises, Sores, Ring WorM, Tether, Sai' Joint.,, Contracted Cords, Fresh CUIN, Ulcerated ' eoreP. and all Scrofulous Discuses where externs! remedies can be used, Sore Throat., Stiff Necks, &a. WHAT IT WILL CCEL yea HOVINA Ann CATTLE.— SWeeily, Spavin, Fistulas. Poll Evil. Wiridgalls, cets. Cholic, Sprain., Collar and Saddle Valls. tt•tono Bruises, Stiff Joints, Vertigo, Splints, and Running Sores. ID - None genuine but thoce bellies having the, words "E.G. ALLEN'S Concentrated Electric Prune, or Arabian Pant Extractor. Laile'r Pa.," blown in the bottle. Look out for Counterfeits, don't forget to ark for Allen's. Leiters concerning the Pasta to he addressed to E. C. Allen. Lancaster. Pa. For sale at R. Williams' Drng Store, Wren; stray; Agent for Colombia. Aprill2, 185C4y 50 0 REAMS WW PAPER: The sub scriber has just received the above amount, of good quality and different sizes, wrapping paper— which is offered cheap for cash, or in exchange for good canon o Sa. flOr•Country Merchant% please notice! H. C. PONDERSMITH'S Teople's Cash Store, Columbia. Aug.2, , 66.