SPRXNG fIOODS---1851. TTAGER & BROTHERS, baring recently en .l_l„ forged hod extended their Store Room., can now offer bruer faellitie4 for a fair examination 01 tneirStock. They have now open a large ashen. meat of . HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Linea &ail Colton Counierpanex, and limbassed Piauo Auld Table Covers, Damask Table Cover Tickiags, Diapers, Di apkina, Blank &c. hc.. &c. CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS AND DRUGGETS, "razz Papers, Decorations and Borders. Their stack will be found much more exoiniiive arid complete than heretofore, eompri•rug a full USiOrt- Ineut of the Buret outdid... of Velvet and Gilt, ea well as flamed and unglazed Paper Hauginea. CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, Have added to their stock of Merchandise. a COlll Piet! 11161101iMelat of China, Delph and queenswirre, and are now opening E. 5 Cruteg and Bore...direct from the Manufacturer• and importers, comprising. they fwlteve t an assonment equal w nits- ever offered in this city, all of which will lie old kVholo4orl , or Re tail, at the lowest prices. CALL .J.VD J- F X4 3I /NE. January at. ice. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY TILE PASSENGER TRAINS nN the above road will run os follows, on aud after NI ARCH 7. 1357: MORNING TRAINS. Leave Columbia for York at SA. M and 745 A M. y.,•• York for Baltimore at 4.10 A. M. and it) A. M.. Arrive In Halin:sore 7 41.1 A /11 and 1 Leaven lialtiniore for York at 3.12 A. IR.: Leave. York for coluculoist at 11 A. Si., arrives at C.'olunthirt at 12 Al. EVENING TRAIN. Leave. York for Cotutithia at ti 30 1' M. Arrive. at Columbia at 7.45 Al. All the above Train. connect M;ill the Paavenver Train. on the Ithilailelollia and Columbia Railroad both going and returirinv. SUNDAY TRAIN. Leaven Colombia for York at Ili A 51. York tor Columbia ut 5 I' M. L. F. GRIFFIFIL enlnnibia. 11areh 29 1957. Ascot. Northern Central Railway Co. SUNDAY TRAIN. A PASSENGER TRAIN. will hereafter leave Co in. iumbia for York and Baltimore. at 810 A. M., ar rive. in York et 9.10 A. M., and Baltimore at I o'elork P. M. Leave York for Columba at 5 P. 11., arrive al Columbia at 0 M.. and mann. at Columbia until AI.A C. C. ADREGN, Sack. 1) F. Gamer/qr. Agent. Columbia, Al arch 14,1e57. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. THF. partnership heretofore exi.lle between the underrigned, under the statue and firm of Stauffer & Keutfinan. in the hog droving,.haz• tilt. day Lee& .14,402ved 11) mutual Cl/41.F1!1. 11EN It V PT.lr rrEn. Toutio; D 20, WIG. MUCCIII 11, TECEI GEREAT REMEDY 'DOR White•Wnohing triumphunt. MrThree Thou `inl Aildstiourl We have ju•t received. in addition to our pre.ent large ...weir. 3 000 I'IECEer entirely riew d,igu., plum • ad dreorau v.. WALL PAPERS, BORDERS, &c., Thew gnodr are ml of Amerman Nlnaufacture, from caw of the finn 1,0111. v. In New York; gm deagrn. ;ire new, and were gotten up expressly for tamp yeantiit., Purrha•er• con rely on ratline n• handsome and a• ahem, pup• here, Its any other 1101.1-e out of Philadel phia. Paper from 6CCII,P to 41,50 per piece. /00 Pura of (Sold Bordered IVtadossr Shade., 150 Pau• Traurparent Wtodotv Shade•. at priers ;o •utt the Imes, Also, PulowleB CLlrta.il Fixtures Phase call and eXaimue our gloe k. 11. C. EON onilsrutru, People's Cash Blom, Cults:ohm. ?a. March, 14, 1957. HIGHLY IMPORTANT NOTICE To oar friends and the public generally. Uur first grand °palling of . :IPRINGI GOODS. from the New York and Philadelphia markets, watt COMMeDee Wed. mayday, March: oth. As we have ao boots describing our good.; we •taw4 lee very happy to do so per , duully to ult who will favor as with u call ILIA large stock of Vre‘li Groreries always on Lsu IL C. PUP, DER:3IIII'PG. People's Cush Store, Columbia, Pa. liTareh 14. 11357. caamlcatLm! rrirE undersigned has eonslanily on hand se tnl for rile. Clot amore Company and Diamond White lo.h.Lump. Stove. Runge. mitt Nut Coal—the Lump pt eq11:11 If not supet tor to R 03101113 it the country for genet 'mg troll; A•h, Lamp. nee. 'Strove mut Nut. of the best tguelity. from the Shuinotini region; Short IWountstin Stave, and Trevorten F.gg Coal— az excellent article for domestic summer use; !'one Orovc Lump, Egg and Stove Cnal—a superior article for dnme•tte and •te•m purpo•rq Plymouth and Pittston %%Ante and Red Atla, Lump 141.1 Egg Size Coal; Broad Top and Allegheny B. in iniunit Coal, of the t.et.t %oolitic*. (or blaek..iiiithine; The above general useorunent of COAL O0O•UM,.• laud the public are invited to call and examine. mid hoar the price•. I um prepared to furnish the above by the Boat, Cur or •angle Ton. at toy Wharf, root of Carnal Ba.llll, COinfOlota, Laillenoer Pa. Al.O, Coal arid Iron received and shipped on coms tampion. J. G. HESS. Coltrialtiet. June 7. 1.95 Pi -I y 3. SIIROEVEIIit, Ladies Boot & Shoe Manufacturer, No. I. Locust street, Columbia, Pa. DErePECTFULLY tenders hen oncerc thanks for the XIII very liberal patronage he has received, and would wassowace to lua patrons that he has just supplsed hini self 'soh a large and choice variety of materials. and is prepared to make up, in addition to his large stock of reads-made work on hand, Ladies. Misses. mid Chß- Cocas SIIOF.S, GAITERS. Bums. SLIP- Pfills,Le.,irt the latest and best styles. He oOntliltifirlet• 01 the MVOS' so liberally an:mowed by the public J 4 mrs SHIIOEDER. Calunihts., Mazeh 15, 1C.56.. MT I 7:M A Ml•lft h FAIREIrai t'atent Labnr and FucJ Saving ii - n.hleig snnp! THE GREATEST DISCOVERY of the AGE! We have la.. received a hnrt•e lot of the alinve ....lel - irate,' !woo for o along Clothe., Pada. or re neoviiii; cream. from Carpet.. &e. We feel porkrattly musfe in recommending Mte article to the public, am we are well acqualated with the mauulactarer•. and know they would not upon time public w)iii a had article. We re.pecifelly aak (or it a !lir trial. Sold Ly II C. FONL/Eitti:lllTll, Peopled Cus.kt.:4ore,CO:Ullll.la. March JAMES PARK, QaeP mir , MAltif:'flA, PA., IFIFIS retained the stone baeiueas at the old stand. otorly oppo.tte Oberlin'. Couch Foe lor.3l whe•e he will he pletiotql to meet the public nod i arc olo;•Oco work an cllllOOl iutl 10 give Cause SW -I.l..eetnber 6, 1.65(3. ASEPEMOR lot of Black and trent Teas, Collet nostl Chuculate,Ju.t ,eriv,rl.l X. .nlen nec.2o, /856. Cororr of From aml lintout st.l ONE HUNDRED DOILARS worth of Porlmon• Por.e•. Reticule., kc., Just received (root New Vork, 1 - 11.1.14i1{1"sGoltictx Mortar Uru,7, rrteer iron; YS ct• to 64,00. November 1/9, 1 rtr,et. HUAINY, Cranberries, Raisins, Figs, Alm- Clram Nut-, tik.e Jtl•t reCetVa Colombia, Dee. O. TAPS, LAMPS, LAMPS. lost received at Filbert'. Drug Store, u tiaw ant beautitul lot a I ...num of all ale.e notions. November 29, 1456 ANEW lot of Carriage and Bathing Sponge, by the Pro4l.trort. Colitinl)l, EEZNEI3 ASUPEBIOIt article of burning Fluid jug recelyed astd for *Mb by bl -SU+ YDAM & SON. AUWE Wei City eared Dried Beef, jolt reenived al IL WY UAL{ BO Prl. Calttrobaa, Elet.t.mloer 20, IMO. AA. A. IEW and fresh lot of 'Spices, just re ceived at R sI:TD•PI & voles. -Columbia, Der 20 Iq3B. TIMNTRY Produce constantly on hand and IL) tor gal, by 11. V U.lll A. ,ON. TYE .GRATTI".a ELF.CTRIC 011.. Jo.i receive.L 11 frea6 aripply of Mun popular rrmoay. and for .ale R WILLIAM.. Trani Street. Columbia. Pa. MK 10,10.5t1 A ILTRW lot of Wlf ALF: AND CAR GREASING OILS. received at the "tore of the •nh•enher. Front Street, Columbia, Pa Miry 10,1A95. frITPERIOR article of TOWIC PPIGE BITTERS, .(1 sortable for Hotel Keeper., for sole by R. Wit.lelANlft. •Front tweet. Colombo'. May 10,1956 FREER STIFERZAL OIL, mirror* on hand. and fo role by R. WILLIe May 70.18.56. Front St ft rl. COlumbla. TR. receive4,FßEti HI CA MPFI K laud for *ale 41 by R. Wr1.1.1 A MS. May TO, 7E66. From 'St r.et. Cotumb.a, l's. 4 0 s ff igtm of Stork' in the fleld Fellows' Hall Awe etatiors, are offered for side by the sotistwiher. J. C. PFAIIILZR. L:nlombia. Msreb 7. eV-tt 1000 LBS. New City eared Flame +•nl Shoo/ders, )u•t r+•eeiie.d I,v Fob 21, IP= 0 SUYDAM If CONTINUES to occupy the large building at the corner of Second and Locust streets, and otters to those desiring comfortable boarding the great •: conveniences. At WA Saloons and Restaurant will be found Luxuries of all kinds In season, which still he -crved up in :he best manner and at the short est nouce. He respectfully solicits a share of patron %tn. [poluirit.-in, May 10, toso. Mount Vernon House, Canal Basin, Columbia, Pa. HENRY 3E.MINICH, PROPRIETOR. szfrrhe ben accommodations unil every attention ;'/VVII to glle.:11 , , who may favor this eetabli•ltment with their patronage. { A pril 19, Ihs9•tt E. CORNER of Front and Walnut streets, , COLUMBIA. YA. JOSHUA J. GAULT. PROPRIETOR. (sucee..or to Lturdwell& liremermiti and Mrs Haines) The notice is furuished with all Modern Improve ment., and every iitte»tion oill be given to secure the comfort of guests. Charge. moderate. Columbia April 1.2, IS.Wrtf Great Sale of Embroideries. 500 DOLLARS worth of Embroideries and Laces. embracing all Olt Ile V! designs Jaconett and Swiss Collars, and Sleeves—magnificent Embroi dered Setts. A full assortment of those ver) fashionable Black Lace Collars. Jaconett and Swiss kindling and Flouncing. all great variety, Cheap for Cush. at H. C FoNDERSMITIPS People's Cue], Store, Columbia, Pa. October 19, 1•:X. S usquehanna Planing Mill, COLUMBIA, PA. Tundersigned respectfully announce to their friends and patrons. and to the public ,tea erallt•. that they are prepared in furnish all kind- nt FLOORING, SIDING AND SURFACED LUMBER. '0.41. DOM . ., Sash. Shears - v. Blind'. Window and Door Frames, Moulahnp•, a.e. at the lowest market prier-. All orders by mail or otherwise ad.lress,d to the under-ivied, Coluinbiii, Pa.. shall receive proinri al ieldinii. DICKINSON & 31.141504 l" ONCE MORE ON HAND, With a Large aad Sop.rior Assortment of WATCHES. JEWELRY, AND SILVEIEWABIL OLD LEVER WATCHES, Duplex, Lepines, G told go'lnters, nt prices to suit ever! body. A I an entire new stork of CAMEO AND mosmg. HREAsTi , iss and Ear-Rtnes, of the Iniest styles. CLOCKS! CLOCKS! of every de-eription; together with a tboo.and and one other articles, call he had at P. !MIRED: ER' ix. Warta and Jiieeiry Store, Front Street, Calm:Va. Aprils, 1a56. JOHN W. SHUMA.N , B NEW BOOT dt, 521032 STORM, FRONT STREET, Columbia, undersigned respectfully itelorinstim. pot,- lie that he hue jo..t opened at the above place, a large and pp:enollal assortment of Boots and Stunts. comprising. FRENCH CALFSKIN, MEN'S MOROCCO, RIP & OTHER BOOTS & SHOES, in which hr would lllrlle attention. Having made his iirlectiosu in Mia branch of the bu.itte.e with ;are, and from Mx. largest wholean!e Ima•rn in the rely of Philadelphia. he (rein confident mat all who want good article• will call and examine hi. stank. lie I n s also n Inrce and beatniful ii.iiornannt of FINE SHOES FOR LADIES AND CIIILDIII.N, comi.ling of Patent Foxed Gni ter., French Morocco Itu.dc ins, Eno:netted Spring Heel Parodies. Italian Cloth Goners. Madras Kid Tie and in fact all the lute•• styles now 111 ute. Also all kinds of Iloy•', Youth.' and A1b...1..' hoots and SiIOCP of every size and de.cription, and n fine assortment of Alen'' , Gaiters. such us Patent Glove Tops, Cloth, Calf-skin, &c , 4,c . in great variety. The subscriber hopes by strict attention to buatnes•, to merit a share of public patronage. the public ire invited to cull and examine the goads. J. W. SLILTMAN. Columbia. April 12, 19.164 Y CABINET WARM BOOM. THE subscriber would inform his friends A- and the public geuerally,thet he couttnuee to manufacture, and bos coultotoly for %ale ALL KINDS OF CABINET WARE, such ac Secret:l6e., Bureaus. Work.tandA, Dining land Break flint Table.. Card, Pier and Centre Table., French, Field, High and Low Pot dre., together with every other article of Cabinet Wore, which he will sell at the lowe.t pe..ible prices. Bin workmen are experienced :and cupalitc.iiiid hie ariie lenare warranted equal ii A/OL-uperiur to any sold in the place. API ELEGA.NT equal to any in the eitlea, can always be found at hie e.itabliAtinent, in Loeu-t street, below 3.1, null COFFINS w.II be made. and funeral• ni town or coun try attended at rbott nottec. lie re.rpect fully 'oltcit• n share of public patronage, confident that ite can render cerieralPati.faction. Colutnlita. April 13,16:36. CASPAR SEIBERT. TEE subigeriher, thankful foe the patronege with which he hay been en literally favored, liege leave to Call ottenizon to bin large and exieunive ansortment of all the Intent and 171041 improved put. terns of Ca' afc and Parlor Storrs, !am .t received front the ttinnuine. titeers. Ile would call particuiar - . tittetitton to the '' l " Morning Star Double Oven Cooking Stove, Ana. the Pron. the two bent Cooking Sloven in the linton. and for Nitwit he in the exclunave agent in thin place. Warrimied to ewe entire natinfaction or no •ale, Ile wauld'renpecubily ask the public to ex:mime Pin .to • nerore purchasing elsewhere, an lie IS delefldllled al very low HENRY PFAU:XL LOcirq ~ t reet, opPO.lte the n11111(1111 !louse Pfahler's Superior Blacking. Fon I'OI,Iz.IIING STuVE,S, CRATES, oto —This wiiti very hole rubbing, will give a and preserve Stoves from ro,,t longer than any other uriiele 111 market. Pretlared lIIId FOiti, Wholeoate and Retail, by II PrA IDLER, Loruet ancet, Cetuntbia, • October 25. 1:336. Blacksmithing Locksmithing Sic. WILLIAM ILINTSCU reHicetfally informs the pult:ic drat lie can at nil times, be found at the egtablishment of 111:7 , ;111(PFAIILKR. to LOCIP4t oreet, where he i• prepared to attend to ally work in the above lute of hubitte,t, Colombia Nov. 1. I Balm of Thousand Flowers, DISCOVEICF.D by 1)r. Fontaine, Paris, ( or beautify the complexton, curing all the tils•Cilheß of the...l.in, for Sharing. cleansing the test for the Toilet and the Nursery, for bathing and manymedieul purpose.; For sale by 25A 11V. Golden 'Mortar Dnig Store, Columbia, Pa. Columbia. March tt..2. Tad reeeived,an excellent lot o[ Foreign and .Dom ESTIC CIGARS of every style and flavor.— Also, a fresh supply of CONfilif:S.s and CAVENDISII TODACC.O. all of tehirla wlll he sold et the lowest pri cer. at the Drug & Pret , erlption :more of .l. If, HALDEMAN, Jan 31,19564 k :Wolf's Row, Front Strect _ A FRESH` supply of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, 1.1 . SOAP'S, &c., nod ako Dual, lilLerenl and Alcohol, at = J. fI.IIAIMENT AN'A. Wulle's Row, Front hireet innanry 31. 1Q54. GRIMM' VALILIVZ7Z STORE. EST RECEIVED, a larger and finer stock of• Toy. and fancy good. than ever before. My' friend. and oilier', are invited to call and examine the clock brine,. pneelm.Mg 'bey will twee Mtn all unlimited it.wortinent, .iiitable for pre.- i n per -0,, !every nor and mate. An immenee io.i.orunent of Torimosinoiee, roel.ert Rook.. he , he. GEMIDD J. sm , Doeust street, between the MAW.. and Franklin House Columbm, December 13, 11556. JOHN F. sacra. HOLESALE and Retail Candy Manufac turer. returns hi. thanks to hw former patron. and the public generally. for then' liberality heretofore extended to him, and would inform Diem that he box just received front Philndelphia, a large lot of Christmas Toys & Fancy Articles. which he will whole...lle and retail, at the lowest prices. He hue also on hand a large awonment of Fruit.. Candle. and Confectionary. Front etrem, two doors below the W.whingion House, Columbia, Pa. Dec. 13, 1656. Fresh Ethereal ALCOHOL and fine Oil, can always be bad •1 the lowest pore., at the Golden Alortsr Nog [Nov. 19. ISM. COOPER'S iNTI•PAIN TINCTURE. Just re, eeived one aro.. of this celebrated medicine, and for sale at the People's Drug Store of 1an.31, IBM, I. H. HALDEMAN, Late Shtreman's Eim Family and Super fi ne Flour of the beat brand, for sale by 11. SUYDAM la SON. JUST reeeiTeil 1000 lbs. extra double bolted Buckwheat Meal, at Der.2o, I alkk H. e.na - ohm & WINER'S aclebrattr Ilamiay far sale by H. SUYDAM & SON. ALAUB lot of Baskrts, Brooms, Baskets, Hrus &e„ Inr safe by H SUVHANII & GERHARD BRANDT, Bellevue House, STOVES. SEBASTOPOL CIGARS. JUST RECEIVED, Wit=bl=l. SELA.X•M S 2000 TONS Pittsburg Gas Coal, 400 tons Balt. Company White Ash Lump Coal.— Apply to B. F. A PPOLD h co Nos. 1, 2 k b, Canal Basin. Columbia, January 31, 1e..57. • A Ma DEMOCRACY OF AMERICA, by De Tacque ville. The Old Viearies. Flay Day Book, by Fanny Fern Women of Israel. Rills from the Fountain of Life. Adventures of a Roving Diplomat, by Henry Wy kutT. Elements of Moral Science. Molinel of the Arte. Raising the Veil. Mormon Wives, a narrative of t".,ete. All the above books at the News Depot of SAYLOR & bIeDONALD. Columbia, Jan. 17,1157. i i- ;~ THE FASTEST TIDM ON RECORD: THE FLORA TEMPLE Livery Stable, for :belly occupied by J. D. Edwards, has been pur chased by Thou - tax Groom, and although not nt the "earnest ,solicitation of ream• crlend.,- but because the public desire the coat inutztiou "ot u fir.". clans (A No. 1.) Livery Stable in Columbia, prompt and re liable "—be ha 4 determined to make those iu want of HORSES AND VEHICLES realize that ---"The bob tail nag In better than the gray?' THE STOCK OF HORSES of a character to boast DI: possessing as ti doe' every variety to suit the bold wooden equestrian, the sed.tte married woman, the timid young man, or •slow coach" old one, as well as those •`fast" people relic like horse• that cats gn—••soate, on n plunk road." If auy one desires a safe and reliable horse to take his stonily out with, he can be accommodated• if on the contrary be wants to get over space in :he Flora Temple style, let him cull at my stable. 1 have every variety of vehicles and am making additions to my Stock constantly. From the light trolling sulky and wagon. up to the heavy tinnily car riage and burouche, 1 cannot be beat outside of airy where. 111 v TERNTS will be low as the lowest, and my Teams better than the hest. ••The entrance to the ',table" can be lind from every point of the compaae, by coming into Walnut .treel. met above Front on the north Side. I re.pretlully eopen u continuance of public patronage, confident tout I wit render full satisfaction. JAS. S. MchTAHON. Agent Colombia. December 120, 1556. TICE OLD FLAG, UNFURLED TO THE BREEZE. FALL CAMPAIGN! New Fall and Winter READY-AIADE ciArrilisa nt AleTrigue & Itro Clothiag Emporoon. corn-line In tom of Cloth nod Braver Over Cont., ItutTaln nod Double Dre.• Coats, Cloth Frock nod Dre.. Coal., Cloth lto.the.a Cont., Czootsap•re Bu-ior.. Frock Cont•, Murk and Fancy Cns.oncre Pouts. Bluek nod Falvey 'Stinnett Paulo. Mark and Fancy Swot Vets, Plush and Ca-11. mete BOOTS AND SHOES 8000 Feties homemwde ma nufn dure from. OW Berla Men's Cull: Sewed. PI-gored Boots. WWI. Grained and Kip Boni., Iloy's nod 'Youth'. Grinned nod Kip Boots. Alen'. Calf slid Kip Alonroe., Ludic. Kid and Morocco Hoot.. ladie• Kid Jenny Lind MIA in., La dies Colored nod Clack Gaiter., Children'. Shoes in all variety. 1010•Iiier with Trunk•, Carpet INgx. ling. awl Cup•, 111 ail voriciie., at low figure... FOIL CASII. MeTAGUK & BRO. P S.—MERC RANT TAILORING DONE IN' TEE BEST STYL E. Colninhin. Oriolier 4,1856, Commonwealth Insurance Co., UNION BUILDINGS, Third street, Harrisburg, CHARTERED CAPITAL, $200,000. In.ure ltnilihugx nod other Property torn u,•t !o•c Cr damage by tire. Alen. against perils of the Sea, hunt Nun 1.411.11011 11.11.11 Trunaportution. DIRECVMS:—Semon Cameron, Geo M. Latartar'l William Dock, Eh Shafer, Jettnee Fox. (ro. Bergner, Pnrke„ Wm. U. Kepner, A. ft. t Vat rford, W. F. Murruy, F. K. Boon, John B. Berry hill. Wtn. F. Pucker. • OFFICER..—SINION CAMERON'. Pre.illenl, BENJ. PARKS, Vice Pre.ii.letit. S. S. CARRIER. :Ferrel:ire FRY. Agent, Columbia, Pa Augu4t Those Awful and Terrific Accidents, IVRY happening, from the careless hand l" Lang of burning Claud, coat forever be stopped by ;be o•e of Newell's Patent Safety Lamp & Feeder. Tie lamp cannot explo . de from overturning while lighted, n coonol explode by filling it while lighted, it emmot explode from overflowing white lighted, n can not explode from kno wnend.e, ltelionol explode when ftllutq tithe fluid token fire. . . %VW, tbn I np omit feeder w conjunetinn, the most explosive compounds tray be used. w•itlt no greater danger than imerin or turd nil Thin lamp is the cttr.,pe•t. hest and safest ever olTered to the public. For •ulv, wholesale and remit. by SANII..EL FILBERT. Druggist, Croat et., Columbia, Pa. January 17,1857. SELLING OFF AT COST. THE anbscriber, corner of Fifth and Union ' streets, 1,1:III sell at private sale, at nett cost prices, the following styles of goods: Calicoes, Ginghains. Densities, Alpacas, Cloths, Cas simeres, Cossinets, Sommer Goode in all kinds. Testings. Flannels, Muslim.. Drillings. mid a great variety of all kinds, in the way of Dry Goods; Also, a large assort ment of hoots mai Shoes of all sizes. The andel-stetted. intendmg to confine his attention to the GIi.OOERY BUSINESS, hereafter, oilers his stock uf Dry Goods to Ins friemlA and the pulthe. without profit. All are requested to cull and get DAR.GAINS. Grocer ies may be obtained no usual, at the sante place. Be respectiully solicits a share of public patronage. GEORGE TILLE, Corner of Fifth and Union Streets. Columbia, July 5,1 'esk.tf THE PEOPLE'S DRUG & PRESCRIPTION STORE. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEDICIA ES, PERFUMERY, SOAPS AND FANCY ARTICLES. r rlIC undersigned having pnrchased the stock and 11XIll(C6 from W. J. Shin:mum would respect fully anitOnnee to his friends and the piddle generally that he has refitted the stand. and rmeis eil the stock, and .111 al all times be ready and It:1pp) to bupply the wants of the community. lit Inv stock will always he found a fresh supply of LIRCOS. CHEMICALSPAINTS. OILS. VAR PERFENIERY, ' PINE TOILET SOAPS, and Fancy Articles. impossible here to manner:lle. and all will lie sold at moderate prices, ur an low as can be bought elsewhere. The Indies arc part... Male invited to exantine 111,5 fresh supply of Extracts. All orders correctly answered, and Preseriptamscure fully compounded. The subscriber hope. by strict attention to IniSine.. to merit a share of the priblic patronage. J. li. HALDEMAN, N 0.3 Wolf s Row, Front Street. Columbia, inn. 31-tf. STOVES! STOVES!! EIAyING Rove b rut wit d h , so g m l ue l h . t surees.s i e in u t d he vigned gready increaved hie facilities for curry ing it on in the future. He hu.i. nnw on hand it Freat variety of new patternv i atnong which will be bound the following: Royal Cook, Globe improved, Crystal. Emory Forrester, tVm Penn, Sc,,, Rine, 51orume Sow, NVelcomc, [sire, Girard, Parlor Cook, Nine Plow. all Astor. in (am every variety of Stoves stumble for flar•Fiorons. Storer. Shops, Parlors. Cummber, he , for both wood and cool. all of which we'll tie sold rl price, that evn nn: tail nt giving entire satisfaction. 111 RAM WILSON, Stove Store in Second street, opposite Lutheran Church. Columbia, E..ept.20,1955. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CONSTANTLY on band a large algortment of rill kiwis of Tin and Street Iron Vs ore. or my own monufneture.m..ed by Housekeepers and othera, which will be sold at very low pewee. HIHAFI WILSON. Tin gtore, corner of INOCUeIt and Second streets Columbia, tiept. Ytl, 1V45. Gas Fitting, House itoofing,Sponting, Plumbing, Bell Banging, and everything con nected wnh the baanne.s, will be promptly attend ed to by the aahaeriber, on the moat reasonable terms. All work warranted. IMAM WILSON, corner of Second and Loc mit streets Columbia, Sept.2o, 185.5. 31113MOVAL. Shaving and Nair-Dressing Saloon. .1 undmigned having mord to Vomit ton's Row, opposite the Washington Hotel, in vites attention to his Saloon, where all person.. can receive ACLIRAN •111:1 EAST ,and have their haw eat and dressed in the most fashionable and en tplicite manner. Therein something soothing in a good aye: if any are disposed to doubt it.let them try me, and I wall fully demonstrate the fart. WILLIAM CLEGGETT. Colombia. April 6.113.56-tf LXM ron MAIM. 'LIVE subscriber takes this method to inform the public, that he in prepared to Wm.!' the BEST QUALITY OF LIME, in.muaniuties moult purchasers. at the shortest notice. This Lime is particular) y adapted for platmering and white-washing. It will be delivered if desired. JOHN ELWIN, February 24.18.55-0 Wrightsville. York roomy. Fish Globes. TUST Reeeived, a lot of Fish Globes, of all 4 siresand prices, at J. H. HALDEMAN'S. Front it., columtua Jesi.3l-if AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. ALARGE and well selected assortment of Agricul tural and Horticultural Implements ' embracing everything needed by the Farmer or Gardener.— Plows of great variety and of different sizes, being the largest and best assortment ever offered it] phi!. adelpbia. Harrows, Cultivators, Horse Hoes, Lime Spreaders, acc., he., Be. PASCHALL. MORRIS & CO.. N. E. cor. 7th and Market streets, Phil'a. March 7,1E47. GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS. A LARGE assortment of new and _genuine Flower, !I Field and Garden Seeds, in every• variety, at wholesale and retail. embracing all the new and de sirable kinds, carefully put up in papers for the re tail trade, or supplied in bulk. Chinese Sugar Cane seed,Japan Peas; Orange, Waier Melon. &e., &c.... Aliso,a choice assortment of fine Flower Seeds-20 varieties in fancy boxes, for 81,00. Clean Clover. Timothy, Orchard Grass, Rye Gross, Herd Grass, fine Lawn 011.155 Seed, ?sc. PASCHALL, MORRIS Er. CO., Agricultural Implement and Seed Store, N. E. coy. 7th and Market streets, Philadelphia. March 7,1857. P.TAATFORNZ SCAXrES OF every description, suitable for railroads, &.• for weighing buy, coal, ore and merchandise generally. Pureha•ers run no risk, every scsilei• guaranteed correct, snd if, alter trial .//01 found sults lactoryy can be returned without charge. 117 - actory at the old stand, established for more than twenty . years, corner of Ninth and Melon streets. Philadelphia. A. 800 IT & CO., Euccesnrrs to Ellicott & Abbott. March 7,185741 m S. WARD, AIiANITACTURERand Dealer in STRAW GOOD S , No'. 77 and 79 North Second street, Philadelphia. We are now receiving our Spring ntocle. winch will comprise a large and devirable awortment Mall kinds of STRAW AND LACE BONNETS. Our stock of FLOWERS will be unusually large thin seamen, and we would invite your epeeistl atteit lion to that department. Pleare call and examine them before matting your purchases. Yours. reopecb H. WAND, Nos 77 and 79 North Second Street. Philadelphia, March 7,18.57-2 in FARMERS F this neighborhood, can I , upie,y then:ire:vet tor O their SPRING CROPS. with iieniania Pure Bone Dom, Super Phoimtiute of Lime. at IMO per eon, Nitrogeolcd Phozplinie of Lime, at $.50 i` American Fertilizer, in $25 per ton. These Fertilizers are composed of reliable Chemi cal elements, abounding in Pot Ash. &c.; they have reeetved the Diplomas of Four States, viz: New Jersey. New York. Pennsylvania and Delaware.— Also. for sale GUANO, all kinds, POUDgErrE. &c. Country Produce received in payment for the above, tit market fair,. or Drafts on good house•, or Coen registered with orders. promptly attended to. GEO. A. LEINAU, Proprietor, .'Nete Fire Proof Store," No. 19 South Front Street, PHILADELPHIA CITY, PA. Mart h 7, 1357.4at0.. 8000 PER.VVIAIoir GUANO. XPELIIENCK bas taught the Farmer that the only E • rentable Frrulszer is the PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO. The entiseriber, •ole agent in Philadelphia for the stile of ii. hits now• on hand a large 'lock of PURE PERUVIAN GUANO, which lie will sell at the low est cu•h price, in lot. to suit either dealer. or itifilllCTS. S. J. CHRISTIAN, Sole Agent for Philadelphia, No. 4d North Wharves, and 97 North Water street. March 7, 1N57-:)m Guano, Super-Phosphate of Lime, &c. THE underhogued would I titate the intention ornam ent and dealer. ho their htupetior aistiortment of fer tilizer., eititat•thait of Trctich'., ctoMble Vliothplintet, combination of rho , plate of Lime wall to of Soda and Magnesia mixed with rcruvautiGu alio. GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO. Chilion Canna, no excelle.lll article for mixing with Privy , firing sit this way bet ter thau the latter, and at a niuch lower price, COLUM SIAN GUANO, Imported by the Philadelphia Guano Company. This Guano contain]; more plionplintes than any ocher Gu uno. and has the advantage of being in a fine powder. Mapes' Super.phosphote of Lime. Thin celebrived article is the puree and inoxt uniform of the kind. Poudrette, Lund Planter. eulphurie Arid, Nitrate of Sudu, Potash. Ate. AN the shove articles tire selected with win) re gard to their purdy and genuineness, and we feel confident albeit giving •ati•laeuon. DIXON & ELIONTON, N 0.22, South 'Wharves, third store above Chesnut •t• cci. Philadelphia. March 7,1.857.3 m Farmers' Depot & Plaster Mills, AT the junetiou of York avenue, Crown and Callowlan street‘, Philadelphia. We oQ•r a Lip. .lock (A - Chemical :111inuree and Peril!arra at low prices, and warranted to be genuine; among which will he found: 1.000 ton. No I,Covernment Peruvian Guano: 1.000 ton. De Duren No.l Super-Plionplotte of Lime. The above standard articles are, each of their kind, the heat in the world! Our Laud Planter, trianotite. lured from 'selected Acme. is celebrated thrcoishout the Union for its purity and strength. We invite order. tor: De Burg , : No.l Super-Phonphnte of Lime. No.l Government Perucialt Guano. Frettelenlmproved Stipersetionphate of Lame. French'. Philadelphia Pond rene. No 1 Phosphatic Guano, (!'Lila. Co'..) Mexican Gomm. (A) Extra 1.111111 fluster. Ordinary Land Planter. Chemical Hone. Pure Bone Duni. Fish Guano. Ground Charcoal. 11000 tilde. Land Planter. 5 000 " Casting Plaster. 10.0011 " 11)draulic Cement. 3.000 " True Roman Cement. 1,0110 " Portland (English) Cement. ALSO, Dentist,' Planter. Powdld Anthracite coal. 0111 n Stereotype Pia-ter, Powird bituminous coal. I GI., makers , plaster. Ground brown stone.(in bids.) (40111311 Soup Stolle. White Sand, (in 1i1t)..) Ground WIIIIP marble. Ground Melts, for Painters. Ground Blue Nitride Powdered llone Black. FRF.NCH. RICIIA RIDS k.t'O.. Steam Mills and Farmer.' Uepni. :it ammion of York Avenue, Crow), mid Callowhill streets, Philadelphia. March 7. 1v57-lin JAMES M. ISOLLEVS, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in China, Glass and Qu.eensware, No. Me Mucket street, abovo Tenth, south side, Plialudelphia =I books Prom the Trade sales. MURRAY, YOUNG & CO., are just receiving a Mote and select supply of Boul.suad Station ery from the New York and Philadelphia Tr/fi-Sales. This addition to their already large clock will make it the largest stock whirh ling ever tome to banens. ter. Moving bought our .tork nt the lowest possible rate. We tent sati-fied that we can meet the counts of the public in every revrel, and al Ike lowest irrires. We ore community ill receipt of the new Tahlieu. dons, n. issued. We also have, iii the Ceitire Square brinielt or News Depot, all tire popular new emmers and magazines for sale. Subscription, will lie taken for ally of them at the various puldisherid published rules. Look to your interest and see whether you would not save money by encouraging the Cheap Book Store. MURRAY YOLINIG & CO., Nov. I. iszc-tr, Lancaster City. Ladles' Br. Gentlemen's Restaurant and Ice Cream Saloon. NUBS. BEITER Inform& her friends and the puultc generally. that in connection with her (heretofore well patronized) Ice Cream Saloon, she has commenced 'seeping a refectory where OYSTERS £N ALL 1=13)15 Or REMILELSIIIVEZINTS may be obtained In the beat style, and et the shortest mitre. A, her Herommodollone& are Very superior, she confidently relies upon a lateral share of public patronage. Every effort will ha mode to afford her guests suii•factiort. nEITER , s RESTAURANT AND SALOON, Fiona. between Locust and Untonstreets, Columhia. Nor t, 18:16-tG GREAT BARGAINS. undersigned are now receiving and will hr opentrig during the next week, at their store in Locust street, opposite the Cotutultia Rank.a new and terra assortment of Goode &unable for the season. consisting in part of DRY GOODS. such as Cloths, Cassimcres, Yes!. ings, Black and Fancy Silks, together with a great -variety of I..ADIRS DREA4 if:0011:4.; IJOUSEFURISOSHING GOODS.vueh as Sheeting., &Imams. Ticking.. Check., Oil Cloths, Blind., &c. GROCERIFP4 of every dmicriptioo—fresh and of the best guanaco; Together with a general asoortmegi or Qtreenftware Glassware, Carpet., Blinds, Looking Glasses, Drug gets, Matting,. Rug.. WAL PAPERS, In fact everything kept in a srell-reguiated store. Call and we our assortment. an we feel minified That none will go away dmappoinied, its we SELL EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASEd and are thereby enabled !ascii goo:W..110e very LOW- PlaT ru. EIR ;FRY In HARMAN. Colum'• la, April IR : Md. SCRAP IRON. TA -E .A. Xa .M" FL SS, GERMAN JEWS and other., are hereby notified that much of this article is STOLEN from the different iron works in this vicinity; and thin .1101iCe is given that they may not hereafter excuse themselves on the /7Mthat they were not aware of being RECEITT:RN OLEN GOODS, as if they are sclisorred, they wilt receive full penalty as well as bone tof the law. K Haldeman & Co; Eagle, Beaver Co: IBusselman & %Tante A. A. J. Wrteht; Grubb A Brooke; smith & Bruner; Kauffman, Shaeffer A Co.; Eckert a Myers. June tl, 1806. WEIKEL'S Instantaneous Pratt or Baking Powder, for bale by 1.1.... 4 1;r05m & SON. FRONT ST. WIRE MANUFACTORY. WATSON, COX & CO. RIDDLF., SCREEN AND WIRE CLOTH la MANUFACTURERS, No. 46 North Front-street, corner of Coomb's Alley between Market and Mul berry (Arch) streets, Philadelphia. Manufacture of superior quality, Brass and Iron Wire Sieves of all kinds - Drama and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, ice. Cylinders sad Dandy Rolls covered in the best manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves !or Brass and Iron Founders. Screen Wire, Window Wife, Soths, Traps, Dish Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, Ac. Fancy Wire Work, of every descrip tion. Philadelphia, March 7, l&i"7-3nt PREMIUM IMPROVED • super-Phosphate of Lime. 9 1 1113 only silver medal yet awarded by Ag rigcultural Societies, was given to this superior article, at the lust Pennsylvania State Fair, at Harris burg, as a fertilizer of the best quality for wheat, corn, oats, grass aad potatoes, raising heavy crops, and greatly improving the soil. The subscriber re spectfully informs farmers and dealers that he is pre pared to supply the Spring demand wadi this superior at .1 well mined article. AGENTS WANTED.—A liberal discount allowed. Also, No. 1, Peruvian and Mexican Guano. Poudrette and Land Plaster, Oils, Candles, Soap, Ate., of the best quality, at lowest market rates. /NO. L. POMEROY, 9& 70 South Wharves, below Market et Palls. I:2FFarmers can load on two private alleys, and avoid the crowded wharf. Marsh 7,1507-3 m M. AVISE'S CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE, NO. 72 North Second Street, opposite the hlount Vernon House, Philadelphia. Gold Lever %Vetches. full jewelled, ri K. cases *92; Silver Lever do., d0.,819; Silver Lrpine do., 89; Qoar tier, 85, lo 87; Gold Spectacles, 84,59 to 810; Silver do , 81,5'0; Silver Table Spoons, per sett, 814 to 819; D Silver esert do., do., 89 to 811; Silver Tea do., do., *4.75 to szak Gold Pens and Gold Case], 83,23 to 9.5; Gold Pena and Silver do , 81; together with ova riety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb, Guard and Fob Chains. All Goods warranted to be as represented. %Vetches and Jewelry repaired in the best manner. Afro, Masonic Marks, Pins, Ac., made to order. Pi. 6 —All orders vent by mail or otherWlite. will be punctually tittentttrd to. September 27, 1956-1 y ST. LAWRENCE ixoTzz, 288 Chesuut street, Philadelphia. WM. S. CAMPBELL, PROPRIETOR U. W. MULLIN, SUPERINTENDENT. May 17. 1854.11* Dien's and Boys' Clothing. EVERYBODY should embrace this opportu nity to buy Clothing rot Min and Boys, at GEORGE CULINPS Cheap Clothing Establishment, S. E. corner ATmeicrr and SECOND arenas, PHILADELPHIA, embracing a choice or the beat, most desirable and Fashionable Dress and Frock Coats, Habit Cloth do., Linen Drill ing do.,Tweeds,&c., &c., with a gresavariety of BOYS' CLOTHING, consisting of Sack Coat., Polka Jackets, Monkey Jackets, Vests and Round Jackets, made of Tweed, Linen Drilling, Cloth. Alpaca, Kerseyrnere, Doeskin, he., See. FURNISHING GOODS, consisting of Shirts, Stocks, Handkerchiefs. &c., all of which are offered at the Lowest possible Cosh Prcer, and as Cheap as any other Clothing Store in the Union. t r. Parent/4 who de.i re Boys' Clothing are earnest! intittel to examine the stock. ErCountry Storekeepers can bn accommodated a very low rates. GEORGE CULIN. S. E. corner of Market and Second streets. Philadelphia, April 26. 15.56-lf Country Merchants and Physicians, DESIROUS of buying pure and cheap Drugs, Paints, Oils, IN ruish, Glass. Putty, Dye Woods, ctn., will find it to their interest to purchase et the %Vholesale Drug Warehouse, S. W. corner Fourth and Vine streets, where a full supply is kept con stantly on band, and sold at the very lowest club prices. SAVIDGE & MAYO, Drugris SouthAVe.l corner Fourth end Vine its, Yhol'a N. 11.—Parlieillar atientioti paid to physicians' orders. selecting the para.! drug.. and not ;a• most do) taking advantage on lICCOVAI of unacquaialunee with their value, but invariably selling at lowest vash prices. May lii, 1856 I y S. .tic M. STAUFFER CHARLEY. CHEAP WATCHES & JEWELRY I , TUOLESALE. AND RE TAIL. at le “PHILA DELPHIA WATCH AMU JEW- . ELEY arl'ORF.," No. 90 .Nortb Second street, corner of Quarry. Phi Pa. Gold Lever Watches, lull•jeweled,lB car cam, $29 00 Gold Lewitt; IS caret easels, 24 00 Silver Lepone, full-jeweled, 12 00 Silver Lepine. jewels, 9 00 Superior Quariters, 2 00 Gold Specuteles, 7 00 Vine Silver do. 1 50 Gold Bracelets, 3 00 Ladies , Gold Pencils, 1 00 Silver Tea Spoons, net. 5 (10 Gold Pens, with Petted and Silver (folder, 100 Gold Finger Ring', an eta, to *9O; Watch C;1111 , Pe!, plain 12& el+, patent ltl, lnnet 2 1 ; other orticle, in proportion. All Goode warm:aril to be what they are cold for. On hand some Gold and si:vor Levers and Lepines still lower than the above prices. wrAurrEn. Philadelphia, September 27, IdsCt—/y FAIIIIMEILS, ATTENTION! GROWERS of Grass and 'rebate°, use lei asu's Super Phosphate of Lime. $250 per LW or $4O rwr lon. GROWERS OF CORN AND POTATOES, Use Leinauls American Fertilizer, 163,50 per hid., or 993 prr ton. There ha• been rrceived three diplomas from Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey State Agricultural Societies, and Crystal Palace Associa tion for the above Fertilizers. which have been in succe•sful use for the past five years. Orders curio tlg the cash, or drape, mailed and registered, will lie promptly attended to by 6' A. I.EINAF, Proprietor, No. 19 South Front at., Phila. May 31, l'rsib-tf PRANIELIZIr FIBS rrtsmummr) colvirmar OF PIIILADELPUIA. STATEN NT of the Assets of the Company on J..tuury 1, ItlbG. . Published in conformity with the provision of the sixth bection of the Act of Assetnbly, of Aprildth,lB42. MORTG AG ES. Befog first mortgages on real estate, in the City and County of Philadelphia, except E 30,950 in Montgomery, Bucks, Schuylkill and Allegheny counties. Pennrvivuua, 51,456,973 30 REAL ESTATE. Purchased at Sheriffs' sales, under MOTI - clsuns, vie: Eight houses and lot. 70 by 150 feet, on the South-west corner of Chestnut and Seven teenth street., A house and lot, 27 by 71 feet. on North side of spruce street, West of Eleventh street, A house and lot, 21.7 by 100 feet. on West side of Penn Square, South of High street,V Two hence, and loin, each 18 by tau feet, on .7 South side of Spruce street,near Sixteenth?, street, Five houses and lots. each 17.9 by 90 feet Nos, 09, 161, 168, 165 and 107 Drlwyn st.,: Three bonne' and lot, 49 by 04 feet, on East side of Seventeenth street, south of Pine stir: A lot of ground. 17 by 57 feet, on the North- At cost, east corner of Twentythecond and :Weer .2 2,4 " streets. Hotel and 1°1,50 by 81 feet. en the Southeast M corner of Chestnut and Heaeh sweets. 48 Five houses and lot, 42 by SO feet, on then Nonh aide of George street, West of Ash- I ton street. Seven houses and 101,20 by 117 feet, on the' East side of Beach street, south of Chest nut street, A house and lot, 18 by AO feet, No. 96 Fitz water street, East of Nutth street, A ground rent of tom. issuing out of slotl3-4 by 40 feet, on North Pie* or Otter street, 40 feet West of Lewd street, LOANS. Temporary Loans, on Stocks as Collateral Security, 107,902 93 STOCKS $lO,OOO Mum House Loan,s per cent. Hatt. on.) 200 Share. Bank of Kentucky., ■ 17 " Northern Sank of Kentucky, ;:r Inn •' Union Bank of Tennessee, 13 4 . Insurance Company of the Staley of Pennsylvania, 260 " Southwark Railroad Company,' C 37 •' Commercial and Railroad 8ank, ,,.., "4`"""' Vicksburg, as wo a Pennsylvania Railroad Co., ~,,. 91 Franklin Fare Insurance Co., 2 Mercantile Library Company, v. 24 44 Union Canal Company, 10 " Schuylkill Railroad Company, Notes and Bills receivable, 5.40400 Unsettled Policies, 713 50 Merchandise. 163 54 Cash on hand, 35,546 49 Cash iu bands of Agents, 9,54452 LOSSES BY ?IRE. ----"-- Loaves paid derma the year 1936 42310144 40 By eviler of the Heard, CHARLES N. RANCEEE • PH 14 1 . 4411 1 . Attest CA/Limes C. thwarts. Secretary. THOS. LLOYD. Agent, Colombia. February 9,18.16-1 y GARDEN ENGINES. tIIIIROWING a stream of water 60 to 60 led. Can Iron Lill, and Force Pumps, Barn Dear o ter*, Turnip Drills, improved Wheat Drills, with Oats and GM.. Seeder attached; Plows of various patients and sizes; Square and Expanding Harrows, Gore's Patent Premiums Butter Worker—a new article last received. Also, other articles for the lane and garden, in their proper season. PA SCIIIA LI., MORMS & CO., implement and Seed Store, :th and Market, Phita, Jul) 19,1°36. IFITRWITIIRV. of every description from the highast to the lowest order, warranted as good BS Lancaster or Philadelphia can produce may be had at the HOUSEKEEPERS' EMPORIUM, North Queen street near Crange, Lancaster city, at price. far below the usual rates in this section of the Suite. Also, magnificent Cottage Sets and splendid Window Shades, helow Philadelphia prices. Coal and lumber wanted in pay ment fo fuCKERY. rniture. KETCHUM &VI December. SP 100. . 4 g ->-% =- ($§ gi z r. • $4. 0 = 1.1. a - S ;2 7 ' *,c) 04 ti \ \\ t Plp4o 1 1 . rr., 4 . s. Not LI .S. 44 ' oc. W - c4 02 .6 , IFI !ig h ;2 6 4 ' 4 .2 a t ra ,zr Qf~, • _ r, pi A,' • .2 7, 9 c , 4.1 .1' 0 Gr. , 15 Fa; -cm = E ., 1. 5 .41 pi 4 a .5- gq . 2 e g .1 , PP :41 GREAT ATTRACTION, AT HERR'S CHEAP STORE. NEW and cheap Mathes, New and cheap Cashmeres. New and cheap French Merinoes, New and cheap Catnap, New and cheap Parnmetta Cloths, New and cheap Alpacas, New and cheap Debeges, New and cheap mourmug Oe:sines, New and cheap Sack Flannels, New and cheap Silk Velvets New and cheap Cotton Velvets, New and cheap Black Silks. New and cheap Fancy Silks, New and cheap Plam Silks, New and cheap Broche Shawls, New and cheep Woolen Shawls, New and cheap Cloaks. New and cheap Mantillas, New and cheap Velvet Ribbon. HERR'S CHEAP STORE, No. 5, East King street, Lancaster, Pa. Jaintary 17, 1857. GERNAN AGENCY, FOR THE COLLECTION OF CLAIMS, DRAFTS, POWER OF ATTORNEYS, &c. rriig mbseriber having made arrangements 1 with some of the oldest Banking Douses in Ger many, is now prepared to collect Moines Had make Power of Attorneys for any part of Germany. He has also made arrargements to give his Own Draft to any one who wishes money scut en, and guarantees it will be paid,—having had much expe rience in this business, he intends to devote hie full attention to it in future. All collection. of Claims, he., attended to with cor rectness and dispatch, and no charges for information. For further particulars address JACOB BBRZOG, Dry Good Merehant, No. 09 North Queen Street, Lancaster City, Pa. N. B.—All kiwis of Gentian, Coin exchanged at MB rates. December 15, 1855-tf PEOPLE'S DFX.5.E331•311 YARD. SMOP in North gacen street, half square south of the Railroad, and 3rd door north of hPGrann , ii White Horse lintel, Lancaster city. LEWIS HALM'', Marble Mason, respectfully in forms the public that he has now in his yard the till , gest and best assortment of ITALIAN AND AhIER ICAN MARBLE ever offered to the citizens of Lan easter,and greater than any other establichment west of Philadelphia. Having made arrangements in the East to receive marble at reduced prices, he an nounces that he will sell roach cheaper than any otherestablishmenun this city or county can do. He is prepared to execute In the hest style, MONU MLNTS. TOMBS AND GRAVE STONES. MAN. TELS, DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS, STEPS,ibc., dce.. of every variety and price. Ilia facilities for furnishing articles in the Marble line are unsurpassed by any other establishment in the city, while he assures all who may favor him with their patronage that his work shall be executed in the very best style and on the most reasonable terms. LETTER CUTTING in ENGLISH and GI:RATAN, done at the shortest notice,and on the mast moder ate terms. He respectfully invitesthe publicto call and exam ine his work, being fully satisfied to rest his claim lo public patronage upon its merits. Thankful for the many favors bestowed neon he hopes by stliciatteution to business to mentand re ceive a share of the public patronage. Lancaster, April 25,1855. School Directors and Teachers. QCIIOOL BOOKS, Papers, and Schaal Appa ratus.L We have everything necessary to a Com plete outfit for School Teachers. and can furnish the aurae at such rates as to defy competition. To be convinced that we do sell ebesp, you need but give us a cull. We have a very large quantity of Sanders' and Towers' Series of Readers on hood. We can sell either as low as they can be purchased, buying made special arrangements with the publishers. Also a large quantity of Stoddard's series of Arithmetic, the most popular books of the kind now in use. We are also agents for Pelton's Outline Maps, which we can sell wholesale or retail at publisher s ' rate, Or ders (ruin a distance promptly attended to. • By bear ing this in mind freight might often be saved. Pehon's Maps are on the progressive principle. They are timesaving— time is money; so they must be money saying. The method of leaching from these maps Is teaching by the eye, based upon the law of intellect, that the objecisof sight more readily become the ob jects of conception and memory than those of the oth er senses; and the more distinctly they nre seen, the more lively is the conception mud the more lasungthe impression on the mind. None but those who have used them can fully appreciate their usefulness. BA :UMW ELOCUTIOSAIIT CtSABT, used at the Normal School—a vatuabte appendage to the School Room— also to be had at wholesale and retail rates, HOLRROMVX SCHOOL APPAIIAII7., another of the im provement• in School Furniture. For particulars concerning the came call onor address the undersign ed (or a circular. Anythingund everything in the Book, Stationery and Periodical line, call be bad at the Teachers' Head Quarters. THE KF:YSTONE COLLECTION OF CHURCH MUSIC, with the New System for Traininy, Choirs and Singing-Sehools,jaat out. Pahlirhed by MURRAY, YOUNG dr. CO., Oct. 4, 18.50. Lancaster, Pa J. IL STAFFORD'S OLIVE TAR, A GREAT ELECTRICAL REMEDY FOR PREVENTING AND CURING DISEASES. , Stafford's Olive Tor Cares alt Dimon.* of the Throat and Lunge. (ILIVE TAR h applied and Inhaled, and is not taken. DIRECTIONS —Apply by rubbing where pain or di-eure exists, then cover the pan• with a piaster made of oiled silk, to which stitch a thin layer of cot ton batting; then cover the batting with than Mll• Cotton or woolen flannel may be used instead of the oiled silk plaster, hut the operations of the remedy will not be as speedy, nor as effective. Fos lansuao.—Place a saucer over a bowl of hot water, fund keep it hot.) pour into the saucer enough Olive Tar to cover the tenant: the anti' tment will soon be filled with its odor, affording to the patient en atmosphere impregnated with the delightful, blended aroma of THEOLIVE AND OF THE PINE. fp - Renew the Olive Tar daily for inhaling by the above method. Another method of inhaling is to put olive Tar en the Oiled Silk Plaster, which being worn upon the chest, the heat of the body will cause the Olive Tar to evaporate gradually, and as it rises it will be in haled. The Oiled Silk Plaster should be medicated with fresh Olive Tar every other day. In acme eases, or in those of long standing, both of the above meth ods of sabalanon Phoald he aced. Hy adhering to the above directions, the very wont forms of diseases of the Throat er Lungs, if not speed. ily cured, will be greatly relieved; while temporary colds, Sore Throats, Inflamed Lungs, Catarrh, Croup, Coughs, Ite., Are., will yield at once to its combined curative powers. Stafford's Olive Ter softens rind penetrates the skin; therefore in all Chronic or Active Inflammations it will be found highly beneficial, as it acts directly neon the Nerves, the hfuseles, and the Joints, OILIVE TAR OINTMENT l* made by mixing Ob ye Tar and Mutton Tallow in equal parts. This Oli4 meat is a positive core for all diseases of the skin Pain cannot exist where Olive Tar or Olive Tar Ointment is applied. Stafford's Olive Tar does not contain any miners. substances. nor any polsonousidrug; the principal in gredients are TitchiPine 'Tar, and Oil of the Spanish Olive. Stafford's Olive Tar is manufactured by a process recently patented by Mr. J. R. Stafford, Practical Chemist, by which process all the Acid and Acrid properties contained In the substances forming this Compound, are separated without t he use of Chemicals. Sold Wbolesa le and Re tail, by R. WILLIAMS.onIy Agent in this place, Stafford Olive Tar Company, 16 State Street, New York, and by Druggists generally. July 19,1856.1 y 44,921 11 PRIZE GEILIMAN SEGARS. IHATE JUST RECEIVED 200,000 MORE of those imam 61. VARS, which I will sell CHEAPER than any Store in this or any other town. VaitsiZSZC*33.-CtialtZseslrat, and others will do well by giving me a call before purchasing elsewhere.: The above mentioned Regan ran be seen at J. F. ITH'S Wholesale Confectionary establishment, SM Front street, Iwo doors below the tWalhintall House, Columbia. Colombia, Aug. 29, 1855. 151,781,468 71 Head Quarters Book Store, IN FULL BLAST AGAIN. IV the citizens of Columbia and ricinity. _IL The undersigned have on band. a few blessing's' gift books and enemas which we will dispose of Ist cost. SAILOR 14. M eriOti A I'M Columbia, January 17, 18.57. The Greatest Medical Discovery OF THE AGE. 1 TIE. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has discovered _LI in one of our common posture weeds a remedy that cures 'MUM WIZ OF roasts, from the worst scrofula down to a,commee pimple . lie has tried it in over 1100 cases, and never failed except in two eases; (both thunder humor) He bile now in possession over two hundred certificates of its virtue, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to ewe a nursing s o n , mouth. One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Pim ples on the face. Two to three bottles will clear the wales: of Bile'. Two bottles are warranted to care thevrorsteauker in the mouth and stomach. ' Three to five bottles-are 'warranted to cure the worst case of Erysipe.las. One to two bottles are warranted to cure all Immo; ti the Eyes. Two bottles are warranted to cure routings:4 the ears and blotches among the hair. Four to six bottles are Warranted to cure corrupt and running ulcers. • ' • • One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the skirt. Two to three bottles arc warranted to cure the worst case of ringworm. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the most desperate case of rheumatism.. 1 Three to four bottles are warranted to cure the salt rheum. Five to eight 'bottles will cure the worst' rem of scrofula, ' • A benefit Ls always experienced from the first bolt*. and a perfect curets warranted When the aborequan tity is taken. Reader,T peddled over a thousand bottles Of this hi the vicinity of Boston. I know the etrect of itin eyery case. So sure as water will extinguish fire.so Suns will this cure humor. I never sold a bottle of it' hilt that I sold another; after atrial it always speaks for itself. There are two things about this herb that ap pear to me surprising; first that it grows i n oar pan . tures, in ilorde places quite plentiful, and yet Its value has never been known until 1 discovered it In 1840— second,that it should cure all kinds of humor, In oraer to give some Idea of the sudden rise rise great popularity of the discovery, I will state that so Apri1,.1853, I peddled nand sold about six bottles per day—in April, 1851,1 sold over sue thousand bottles per day of it. Some of the wholesale Druggists who have been In business twenty and thirty years, say that nothing in the annals of patent medicines was ever like tt-- There is a universal praise of it from all quarters. In my own practice I always kept it strictly for her.. mors—hut since its introduction us a general family medicine, great end wonderful virtues Neve beets found in it that I never stemeeted. Several cases of epilepirefits—is disease which was always considered incurable. hove been CUrOd.l37 it few bottles. 0, what a mercy if it will prove effect eat in all easel of„that awful malady—there are but few who have seen inure orb man I have. I know of several cases of dropsy, nll of them aged people, cured by it. For the various diseases of the Liver, Sick headache, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Pam in the Side, Diseases of the Spine, anti particularly In diseases of the kidneys, &c., the dis covery has done more good than any medicine ever known. No change of diet ever necessary—eat the best yon gal and enough of ti. DIBICZIONI FOB US.E.—Adults ens table spoonfulmer day—Children over ten ycarsolessert spoonful-. Chi ldren from five to eight 1 ears, tea spoonful. As no di rections can be applicable to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY, No. 120 {Warren street, Roxbury, Mass. Price, 81,00. Wholesale Agents, New York city, C. V. Clickner. fill Barclay street; C. H. Ring,l92 Orondway; Rushton & Clark, 275 Broadway; A. B. & D. Sands, 100 Fulton street. Sold in Rochester by J. Bryan & Co., Wholesale Agents, No. lid State street; also, by L. Post Jr. CO. GEOBIL&L. AGIENTS 505 I'ILVISYLVAMA.—T. W. Dyott & Sons. For sale in Columbia by R. Williams, and McCork le dr Deficit. June 29, 1830-Iy. CRAMPS, SCALDS, BURNS, ticc. cIIRED in a short time by Cooper's Anti- Pain Tincture. As a pain alleviator, this Tincture. though tot infulttble. is not surpassed' by any other ever offered to the afflicted. and takes the precedence of al others wherever it is used, nasmuch as it is purely VEOETA nix, contains notli ing POISONOU:4, and mny be used with SAFETY. one bottle has been known to cure six cases of Dysentery, besides a case or two of Cramp and Colic. It will relieve almost every variety of Patn. within front one minute to fif teen rrtnotes—even the most acute cases of Neuralgia and Rheumntism, and is used, not only by Physicians, but by per.olls of every rhos m id rink. WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR? • It is gond for wutd and pain in the Stomach and Bowels, Diardien and Dysentery, Colic, Cholera and Cholera Wants, Rheumatism aeon', chronic and ner vous. Matisse or Asthma, Croup. COISA, Cough*, Seulds, Bunts, Wounds, Bruise!, Spraine i _StilT and Swollen Joints ' Neuralgia or 'Fie Doloreatix, ToOth ache, Sick and Nervous Headache, to quiet a nervous restlessness, and thus enable one to sleep calmly.— Pain in the side, a Stitch in the Rack,Crieks,Grumps, and almost every kind of punt, inter:nil and external; Ivy Poison, Stings and Dues of Potsonona Insects. FEVER AND AGUE, FITS, Hiccough, Heartburn, Cold Feet, Freezes, Chilhluins, Painful Corns,Swell- Inv. Old Sores, to allay luflammution, and prevent Mortairation.ke..ilke. rrPRICE 25 CENTS A BOTTLE ..cri BAS FL FILBERT, Agent, Columbia June '2S, 195 G. - THE POPULAR POOR, Kane's Arctic Exploring E.epedition, FOR which Congress bus so liberally op propriated. It is a book every American con be proud of; every intelligent American should pos eleßn a copy. Its interest In mtparnlleled , mod it is embellished with ohm MO fine steel engravings, taken front sketches by the author. Every Person that has not received Iteopy from the travell ing agent, should call at the Cheap Book Store nod procure one. %Ve have special arrangements with the agent for this object, and have them in quantities. The Court of Nnpoleon; or Society under the first Empire—with Portraits of its Beauties,Witsand He roines. The plan of thin work is to present in one view the passage of French society, from the confu sion into which it was thrown by the revolution, to a regular and norrnal•situation tinder the dictatorship of Napoleon. The various periods treated of are il lustrated by their remarkable WOISICIIi the Reign of Terror by its Iletoines. The illustrations are superb. The paper and type. the very best We have but a specimen copy on hand, which we invite all to call and see, and sub scribe for it if desired. As a Gilt Book for the Holi days it will be the finest of the season. fro — Remember the large and select stock of Books just received from Philadelphia and New York Trade Sales, at the cheap Bookstores of LA T, YOU &CO.. North Queen streetl , 4l.3 11 or Centre Square, NG Lan. Pa N0v.15, New and Cheap Groceries. TIIE undersigned take this method of re turning sincere thanks to their numerous friends for the !Merril patronage given them donne the PR.s year, and respectfully rusk a conti»usmee of the same. They have just returned from Philadelphia with In very large lot of fine Groceries, Confectionery, k.c , among which may tee found the (Of:owing: Love ring's Syrup Molasses, New York Syrup Molasses. Prime baking Molasses, Sugar House Molasses, A large lot of Sugars, Coffee, leg. Also, a lot of fine Baking Raisins, only 12 1 cents. Fine large hunch and layer Raisins , in whole and quarter boxes. 25 boxes Figs, different grades. A lot of Prunes, in fancy boxes, very fine. A large lot of fancy and common Candies. Also, Fig Marmalade, Jelly Cakes, Sap Sago' Cheese, Ifetehap,.sond a great variety of other art titles, suitable for the present season. irr PLZAIM GIVE Vs A CALL. H. SUVIJAIII dr. SON. Corner of Front and Union stoeets. Columbia, December 13, 1851 NEAP 31 9 X—ViMble AND NEW GOODS. THE undersigned haying taken the more latelyoccu pied by hit brother, in Locust street, opposite the Columbia Bank, and K arin g associated with him in business, Mr. F. 1.. HAGMAN, will continue the bu siness under the firm of FRY do HAGMAN, where we will open In n few days, a very large assortment of new goods, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Queensware ' Glassware, Carpets,Oil Cloths, Wall Papers, Ac., &c ., &e., all of whit, we are determined to Sell at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Aa we in tend doing an EXCLUSIVE CASH BUSINESS, we will be able to compete In prices with any store in the county. We respectfkilly solicit a call from stir friends and Lae public. generally. Country Produce always taken at th e LH. high FRY. ket prices. est mar. Columbia, April 5,1858, MILUTIC IS WZILEJSCIZIIL THAN FICTION! A certain cure for alI Rhen made Paini. Don't condemn bnt tty it, it cannot fait. E. C. ALLEN'S CONCENTRATED ELEC TRIC PASTE. and Arabian Pain Extractor, for man amd home.— Copyright secured according to law. WIIAT WILL TT Ccasl—we answer—Rheumatic Pains, when every thing fails, Cramp., Chilblains. Dams, Scalds, Sprains, Bead Ache, Tooth Ache, Swelling., Bruises, Sores, Ring Worm, Tetter, Stift Joints, Contracted Cords, Fresh Cut., Ulcerated Sore., and all Scrofulous! Diseases , where externa remedies can be need, Sore Throats, Stier Necks, &c. WHAT IT WILL Corr TON HOLING , AND CATTLE Sweeny, Etparin, Fistulas. Poll Evil, Wind ally, Ul cers, Cho Ire, Sande., Collar and Saddle Gall., Stone Bruises, Stiff lauds, Vertigo, Spliate, and Running Sore.. I.l7lCone genuine bat thane betties having the words I.E. C. ALUM'S Concentrated Electric Paste, or Arabian Pain Extractor. Lanc'r Pa.," blown in the bottle. Look out for Counterfeits, don't forget to ask for Allen's. Lettersreoneerning the Paste to he addressed to F. C. Allen, Lancaster, Pa. For *ale at R. Williams' Dreg Store, Front street Agent for Cotombie. Aprill2,lllsB-ty 50 n REAM SIVIAIIING PAPER: The sub -1.1 scriber has jest received the above amount, of good quality and different sizes, wrappintr Per-- which is inbred cheap for cash, or in exchange for Rood cotton item ErCountry Merchants please Reties! H. C. FONDEREIMMPS Ang 2,'61. People's Cash biere.Colonbla.