The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, October 04, 1856, Image 1

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COLEMAN T. BULL, Editor and Publisher.
Use in Northern Central Railroad Com
-slang's Building, north-west corner Front and
Walnut strects.
Terms of Subscription.
othae Copy per annum, if putd in advance,
at .4. if not paid within three
months from commencement of the year, 2 00
Coats o Copp.
No subscription received for a tune than nix
months; and no paper wt❑ be discontinued until all
arreeruges are paid, unless tit the option of the pub
Money may be remitted by mail at the publish
er rusk.
Rates of Advertising
square [0 lines) one week,
three week.,
4 each subsequent insertion, 10
J. " (12 :ince; one week, 50
It three weeks, 1 00
tacit subsequent insertion, '2O
Larger advertisements ut proportion.
A !aren't di.eount will he made to quarterly, half
yearly or yearly advertnters,who are strietlyeonfined
to their huaine<r.
Drs. John 8c Rohrer,
AVE associated in the Practice of Mcdi
Col umbia, April Ist. ISSG•it
DENTIST, Locust street, near the Post Of
fie, Columbia. l'n.
Columbia. Mny 3, 1b.16.
Columbia. Pa.
Collections. t.ronnitly made, in Lancaster and York
Columbia. May 4, ISSO.
JUSTICE OF TILE PEACE. Office in the Odd
-trect, Colunilva,
Columbia. A ugu-t t 5 1.551.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Columbia, Penn'a.
Orrice in I.oeu%t Street, four door. above Front.
flotumbia, Slily IS. 1;,52
otter+ 111 , 4 servic, to the eiii7en. of Colombia.
and assures them that he will attend with promptitude
to an 6asiurs entru•ted to hi, care. Dthee—Frou.
street, between Union and Perry. Ite , idellee—SOLllll
side Second weed, tad door below Union.
Columbia. January 11. le:15-ly
WHOLESALE..andlyltet ou i ail a Bread
e, ati - l Calie
goo numerous to mention; i'rucker, Soda. %Vine. Scroll.
and Sugar Biscuit; Confectionery. of every (le-crirtion,
dec., ei.e. IA) , UST S
Feb. 2.,'56. Between the flank and Frutildin I louse.
- - -
Dtaguorroiva est,
Corner Front 4- Locust sta., Colas:dna, Pa.
Pictures taken for 25 cents
And upwarde, and huti4action guaranteed
fry-so Picture nerd be inkeu (corn the uullery
unless it is su••li as i,a really ile.ircd.
Co/umbita. Mundt 31.1833
. _
3. X'. A.PPOLD dr. CO.,
160.. iill7l
COA LAND PRODUCE,e-= 2 - 2 '
And Deliverers on any point on the Columbia and
Philadelphia Railroad. to York and
Baltimore and to Pittsburg;
WIIISKY AND BACON, hove lu-t received a
large lot of Monongahela Rectified Wli”key, front
Pili.thurg, of whieli they will keep a
on hood. ut low price,. Nos 1,12 and O Canal
Col utni,ta, January 27. 1v54.
Ladies Boot & Shoo 11:Manufacturer,
No. 1 Locust street, Columbia, Pa.
r...PECTFULI.Y tender, Ins sincere thanks for the
very liberal patronage he has received. and would
announce to Ins patrons that he has Just aupplicil him
sell with a large and choice variety 01 Ma and is
prepared to make up. in addition to his large stork of
ready-made work on hand. Ladies. Alisses.l.llld Chit
PEFUIa,/ce..m the. latest and best .4) Iv, Ile,
solicits a continuance of the mayor so liberally
bestowed by the public.
JAMES Sllnouncrt.
Columbus, Pa.
lklareh 15, 1556
Penn'a Rail Road Freight Station.
1411EIGIIT OFFICE and DEPOT in the new
3.2 butitling. cornier of Front anal Gay btrecte, Incur
the Collector's °thee.
Ticket Office for Passcnver, En-t and We-t. or the
Wash',lgloo time:. ERAsTus E 11010 E,
April 19. rt:A•tf French] & Tit het &bent
BY THE BUSHEL, or in larger quantities,
at Nes.l,2 & 6 Canal Basm
11. F. APPOLD & CO.
Columbia. January• 26. 1556
TTIE subscriber would inform the public that hr is
1. constantly receiving fr,li supplies of the best Tinn
ily Groceries the market will afford. come and satisfy
yourselves. S. C. swfarrz.
Columbus. Jane 21,15,56.
50COILS, superior quali fi es, various sizes,
just received and for sale
Columbia. Ma re h I S.lll
Balm of Thousand Flowers,
DISCOVE Ponta m.. . RED by Dr. radm...Pans. for benutif) mg
It, complexion. curing all the ilp.eases of the .Am,
for Shaving. cleansing the wet h, fur the Toilet and the
Nursery; for bathing and man) medical purposes I'ur
sale by 111.111:11T.
Golden Mortar Drug Store, Columbia, I's.
Columbia, March 22.
Rapp's Gold Pens.
CONSTANTLY' on hand, an assortment of
thette celebrated PENS. I'rrnnn• in want ail
rarri article are limit.% to cult and examine them
Columbia, Jane 30. I tn. 55. JOIIN 1:1:1.1X
Excellent Dried Beef,
Sl-TGAII Cured and Plain Hams, ehoulders and Stdes,
for Bale by
March 22. IPSO.
T WEST STREET, has just commenced man
afacturng BEER. And keep• enn..94iniy
on bend. a full .4F...rim-in of 131-INIIICR. DRINKS.
Columbia, Apra! 19
Just Received,
ALARGE LOT of Children's Carriages,
G. K •, wheplimrrow,
Der., Nur.cry &c. C;110111.; C. J. 831 rm.
Arrll 19, 1.359. L0.u.4 wee:.
CHINA and other Fancy Artieler. ino numerous to
mention. for •ale J .. 4 31T11. Locuat atreet,
between ilia Bank and Franklin Ilou•e.
Colund•in. A ortl 19. MR.
PRIME HMSO? 14 els. per pound;
Shoulder.. 10 do du
nerd Reef. 13 do do
Tide Water Canal Money received for plod..
Columbia. M ny 17.1,50.
ALCOHOL Dad Burning Fluid, always on
}roodot the lovre.t price., at the Tamely :Nalcole
Store. Ck'd Fe' lows' Hall.
February 2. IN-4. —
WHY should anyperson do without a Clock,
when they can be had for and anward,
Colombia, am! 29',1855
Q C. SWARTZ hasjust received an Extra Brand
V. of Tobacco and Segara, which wilt be Fold to
reatailore at the lowe.l rate [May 10.1.356
ZII. SHEPARD, Teacher of Music, Vocal and
. lit ttumentnl, sv:11 continue to give instructions
upon the Piano, Melodeon, Violin. and ut Stugtng, ut
his mu-ic room, corner of Front and Locust streets.
He will also supply per.mis desiring any of the
above iii-iruinents, with the beet qualities, at the low
est City ;7rieeft.
N. 13.—Orders for tuning and repairing Pianos will
receive prompt nue:Pion.
Columbia, A ugu.t 111, tSSG.
$t 50
FENDRICII & BROS', fake this occa
sion to renew the expre-•ion of their thank. to
the public for the generous patronage extended to
them in the past. and solicit a continuance of the same
is the future. Being a branch of the Old nod well•
known Baltimore Tobacco I,Vareliousc. 155 Forre.t
. t reef. Baltimore. the Finn hen! kW.' Ullll,llll foci!,.
ties for carry tag on the Ltu-anew nt the best manner.
Their 11..0 3 M... 9 11 or
,mbrne,e, every variety and 12 per cent. will
be .nveil to the pneehaser by giving us a call, as we
warrant irr 4ell at city price,
300,000 Segars, of Thirty,five Different Brands,
con-tautly on hand, which we plod,!e pur e el ve. to
ecll al the lowe,-1 city prices SNUFF nod 'FOBAC.
C() or all k nt like lowed rate,
WE, the Five Buoracia4, have rulvantagea that are
HO/ PW. , CaSCd I.* coy Tohucco ham In the United
Any articles cold by us mny be returned if
good n. recommended, when the money Net be
JOHN FENDIIII.3II, Front Street, 21 door above
Columbia, Pa . Jo , y 19.
TUE s u bscriber,
corner of Fifth and Union
StreCtS, will cell at priSate sale, at nell cost prices,
the fulltminc st) len of good:,
Calicoes, thattlans.lain,. Alpacas. Cloth,. Cas.
sinter,. Cu.,,ine ls, Summer Goods of all kinds. Vestings,
Flannels. :11uvlin, Drillings. and a. great variety of all
Lind., tit the way of Dry (b ode: Also, a large a,sort
meat of loots and Shoes of all sit,.
The undev.ienctl. intending to confute his attention to
the GI:LOCI:1W licrealtt_ r. offer+ his stock
of Dry Goods to tin mends :mil the public. without profit.
All are rcr,ue.ted to cull and get HAM:AIN:S. Grocer
ies may lie obtained as u.itnl. at the sante place. De
respectfully solicits a shore of public patronage.
Corner of Fifth and Union Streets.
Columbia, July 5,1,7:k -a
HISTORY of Congress during the first term
01 IVo.limmon'ft Ailmum-traMou.
lls..uory of Germany, (IColMrau , cll) .52 plates : I vol.,
111-tory of England. 100 plates and mops, 3 vol, ,
(Aolt.,:ur.) Imported $l3Oll
111-tor nithe 11..formaiton.(1)...Aulligne,)40
S col., Imported Sl2 (It) a.' Cmttpl le 'Works, 33 plate, s vole ,SlO 50
Complete Nl'orks,3o plates, 3 volb, ha
w, St'l 50.
Cmamettntry on the little. (100 authors ) 40
10:10,. 2 vol., as 00.
Fitly Devooolo3, (rieteher ) 51 plates. imported,
'rnl.•. of the Borders and of scotiond. (wikoo) lo
vok , al JAI
Sh:d-pens•'. Complete Works, SI plates, 3 vols.,
tropc,tt..l. $l4 50.
\V. & IV. ii. F. ale .Aizt.ot , . for all the Atnerioutt and pabh,lird 111,
W. & W 11 FREEMAN,
Hook Agent: and Importer., •l 0 E litog st., Isaae
Jtior 14. 1,5 G ly
$310,000 worth of Farms and Building Lots,
county ) In he ditided oirsong . ..i 11l 200 .üb..eriliernn,
cite t iii ot September. 1r , 511, for the benefit of Port
Hoyul Feinsile Amidemv. Sub-eriplion4 only ten dol
lar, enneh, one-half down. the rent on the delivery of
tl.e On ad. Every 41111•criber will get n Building I.ot
or value from •SIO to 5.:2:5 hon.—
The.e Vann+ 111111 t.oic are +.01,1 -0 cheap to runlet,
Fettielltelll, It l-Iltrletelit 11111111,er bring re-ei vent, tile
inerea-e in the value of which will 4mimeos:tie for
utr nip.,rellt low price now asked. Ample security
will be given for the tunic nd perfortirtoce o(re:infants
and 11111141-e4
Err:do, are wanted to obi tilt -.11.-vniiiernn,
to %shoe . , tile cult-t Itbrrtl uulucrnutnccwill be given
Swine agent.. acne that 11.ey are in:Oa:oz. SunS per
month. Adverti-iiig will be done lur every agent
where po--tike. F., fall pariteular,
Ageecten..&C appl) to I:. RAC
t'urt Ito) al. CtlfOill'e county, Vu
July 15.1,56
. ill • t reCCI ed
ford and l'alh“teiphta, the 010. , t Qttpert, lot of
he I- prepared 10 1111.11:ler lha II they rail
he I , ooght al any other e.tabli-liotent. Ilu I. pre
pared to oarr great] he re=reellull)
vat. -the attenttoo of purelia , erS 10 ltt. elOCk, %latch
of every Lind; all Lind- of t'I.I3CKS. from
ward., lie incite-the attention of Boatmen Inn, large
- 01 Ear Ring.. ringer Rinivi Ilrea.t Ihns. .le.;
all Lind-of 5.1% erSnOutis, Plated Soup Ludle,.'r.ib is
and •I'eu Spoon,. . whmlt ore warrant,' to
wear nearly equal to Silver, ("old and Silver Pen
ext. and Pew., Gold and Silver .4neeiaele.. ioireiher
with the greine , i variety of rANcr ARTICLES
tier before offered.
CUTLERV.—M.4,a superior a%.oriment of Re
volver- und othei Piguls, and all lintlL of knives,
of the manufacture.
Strict attention will he elven, n. heretofore. to the
repairinL , or clock•, watches and jewelry; and all
work will be warranted.
cottuttumuce of zUrtfler patrottnce is re,pect
Columbia. April PI 1,95 G.
mutiny, YOENG & CO., arc as active as
pospible 111 oinking. all necensary preparations
to meet the wants of the coming Fall trade. Our
dock on hand In tart:, and a• ceteel. varied, com
plete and cheap is f •-to, k ever brought to
ire M an, one entrinaliv nt Itook-elier-
ob-erve this one fact; there In not another how, en
the Nate that gives the furiu.hing of the School
Room with the be-t of eiree-nary s chool Books and
A rparai much attention as thin Ilou-e does; COll
- tie run y, we have arrangements with Publishers and
Manufacturer. that others have not, which enables
a. to sell everything of the band at the very haw,'
prices. 'fo retain our potion as the furninhers of
sorb arileten, we shall always make it ri point to take
no agency but for that article v,nieli is considered the
bent adapted to the. W 211114 of our SV!1001., and
before deciding upon the mews of any article. we
coasult with, and get the opinion of competent judges.
The Keystone Collection of Church Music
blailiracitte a new sy.tent oat the Cutuvonott of toe
Voice. 'Phi+ latter department of the (look' should be
noticed It) all ntiereited In Vocal Mu.ic; it troche.
011 how to produce pure Mellow tone.. to sing 'sill,
elPression. how to accent t.owels and consonatit.
Tilt% department IS 1111 entire new feature 111 lam-IC
books. the need of wkith hits lone been felt by Slunk
Te,cher.. The author, A N. JOHNSON. 1111111 sled by E.
II FllOsT. has labored for several )earn to reduce it
to a s . stetn Wlllllll the ccmrreliett•son of all. The
uni•te in of the most varied nlid pleasing character:
nothing I. w.ititing to make HMG beet Look
tr,-A cop) for exam...non will he Eent, postage
free, to any one rell/113111H 75 cents
Lancaster, Pa.
Fri , mmwmm7; ? *:iw=fl=ri
THE undersigurd havint made arrange
meths with !Mr J E.GOULD,•voaId re.peetfaily
inform the Ladle, of Cothttal,,a and wteiodly that lie
IN now prepared to fututslt :11a.e at the shortcut
I'er.on• en want of first-rate Violins. Flute•, Gui
tar-4.11.11w), Or ally other Jlu•ical In•trumrnt.. are
re-peet in.'s invited to cull at the Headquarters and
Neves Depot
N Il —A very fie, n.cortrnent of Vto:is, and Guuur
Strum-, nn baud.
August 2,1256-2 in
HAIR DYE'S. Jones' Batchelor's, Peter's and
Erryptinn hair dye.. warranted to color the hair
any desired shade, Mlthoul Injury to the slot For sale
by It. WILLI.Ams.
May 10, Prom sc. Columbia. Pa.
tsentlitz Powder, Rods
Powder and Mineral Water. always to be bad, of
a superior quality, at
Primly Medicine More, Odd Fellow's Hall.
PICELES, Pepper Saner,Nixed Pickles, Cher
kin.. Tomato Ken' lcup and epaniosb Olives. Jest
received and for sale by a C. lIIWARTZ•
Co , umbis, Aug 30. 1.556.
CONTINUES to occupy the large building
at the corner of Second and Locust streets, and
oilers to Rio, desirtageotntortable hoarding the great
eft: COnVelliellCCS. At fa.- SlllOOllB and Restaurant
scull he found Luxuries of all kinds in season, which
will he served up w :he hest uanuer and at the short
est notice. Ile re4pectfully .olietts a share of patron
age. Nolunibta, play ID. Igid.
Blount Vernon House, Canal Basin,
Columbia, Pa.
la - Tim 11,1 acenm:nodauont• mid every attention
given to guectF, who may fuvor Ihw estahlt.lnnent
with their patronage. [April 19, ItrsG•tt
Frarklin House, Locust st. Columbia, Pa
TIIE subscriber continues to occupy this
well-known Hotel. and will do everything pt la.
power to comfort:o)ly eaterim it all who may patron
ize hon. His Mediu,. for accommodating Horses,
Droves, &c., are en . perior.
April 19, Is5(1-1y
Washington House, Columbia, Pa.
THIS old and well-known house is still in
the occupancy of the sulc , criberand ntrer., evert
Inducement to the traveller to way Or CollllOrt and
The CuC.-. rust +t .t
ad wc.t, urt from
C tl ° ltTe r k u t::;:ll.. e innent. and it ha, ether advantage,
tnn4;.'t by airy. Tenn. r , m-mmt , le.
Arun L. 1,55.1 V
Bellevue House,
E. CORNER of Front and Walnut streets,
Iturclu,ll “:”Ilettlon and %I,
The noose IN form-11..ti will, till Modreti I,l4llrune
-111,01Q. Sind enery tout, is nn II hr gtven to ~eturr
the color or tzttl•-.14. moderate.
Colo:Woo, It? tt
ZII. SHEPARD would respectfully' inform
• the enuens of Colombia and s /canny, that he has
effected an tteeney with the
Pniladapnla Psuno Forte Manufacturing
whose Pianos for superior hone, fhabh, nod durability,
have for y ears stood unrivalled.
Ile is prepared to deliver them here at the lowest city
prices. and ssould inost respectfully solicit the patronage
of such as Vintl to procure a good and substantial tn.
A specimen of the above mentioned tactrnment may
lie seen by calling at Ms many loom, cast corner of
Front and Locust streets, Columbia.
February 2, 1,513.
ORDENTOWN, New Jersey..--This institu
iloll Idea-milly located nil the hank of ihe Del.
:isva rt• It lien r the grounds °idle lideJomeph Donn.
p.1'1,111111 all the railroad between New York
mid ne,ng irred with Mil colle
t/late poei•, 1•011fe,-1111,1011.1-• WllO com
plete the v, pie-crilied course nt •ittity. Entire expel,
-es for board, 101110,1 . k. , for Ike col IrTiate cotir-r.
one bundled and forty-foor dollars per 3 ear. Orim
bratielle, es tut. Pond- received at any Ileumd
oldie year :Ind charged aceoldingly.
CutaMgue,i may he 01.1:111Ied I.‘
Item JOHN It. 1.31A.K.1.:1.E11. A. M.
MaTOtiC, a.
rrom the TI Vliloll La its State Oatette.
• • A more 'n4..111101 •umnrua and one better
adapted to rr purpose-, ran rarel y be found. 'Fire
young Indies have an eleerant Way ground.yrell
Delaware. Penn'', Nlaanr. and Trenton. li ha , zia ex
lea•eve Chemical and l'hiloimiliteal Amur:lid+, a
large ['cilia man. and a hue collection of American
and Foreign mineral:. and
• • %V t. twty .14 1,0111 mfr petx•n u tl newt:ll,ll
- the l't tni•Ip11,111.1t pupil. enoltl hot well he
intro-led to the keelliii:7 of •1 Inure e , loo.thle teacher
than lie I. —Slate Journal Initizing:cm,
the course of ..ttiely to,therl out 1- 2110.1 exeelteoi—
lu.t stir proper our to !mug forth int.• onnu•a :ltd nut
the to:st/i , Y. word n(f from ns.tnr of our IrMate peon
:tunes —Camden J) Democrat.
flonr” , :vrows; 1 7 1.-sttit—The fart that on
moat plotafilent eltecen-'t cutest ,elll4re 41:11 etillt - 1:1011 of
04G11:ert to Rev Mr Ilral,:ey 1%1 U. tar greater te,
tfirfonfal lit 11, oeffalftlian aly array of reference!
800111:\ TOWN rEIAI.O COLLI,II—Wf 1.110,5 , 01 110
10,111011 01 the country whore Ow heAllo Or 111C.0.1111 . 11.
cats be :41 ',wooled Zr. bore: o lute the Ulf of ioolllll}
and rotouove Lich currotiock the. place mu-t tend lit
oo vnnll deorro to the rehnootolil nod viol:noon or
111%11..111t11-<•1•110,1 • • •
Or th.! loeittr) J!!...miimze• tel -peak; the
mime of Rev J 11 Britl4,ltty, it. Pre../rut, is a suffi
rwlll Iroarataire for them 0: .tern; and
moral worth—ill lu. ttep0......!!! null, Set brio un d
nroved.aud endowed with ...perm! ethwatinonl
vavtolt till zo rxeret-e n oso-t healihrol
nd elloolkllitz influence trot oil who are under 1.14
uaua [lce —l;Ortit /ttolV/1 riAgatcr.
nORDK‘TOWN FW.11,11-R COLLrriIL:A mnrr plera4not
and 11,1111iy emild uul L.o .4elrcied irt nll N,fv
Jercev fur all 111,t1 moult of leariong.—dire Bruns
'awl. Fredonia rz
'WARR 1, TIIOIIPSON'S justly celebrated Corn
ttser.....l owl other Gold l'en&—the b.•-i 111 nine
I'. :. 4 111i1:INIlt,
I -:i7
Q t APONEFIEIt. or Concentrated Lye, for ma
i, king Sony. I lb. , utbeitint for one barrel or
Soft soap, or 9 ` 16. third Soup Full direr
urn, will be given at the Coil :der for tanking Soft,
Hord and Fancy Puap.. l'or
It W I LLI:Oit?..
r1.1111111,1:1. M.ireli 41, VirtS
TABLE OlL—Just received a fresh supply
_L duperior ni
NleC0111i1.1: h TF.1.1.1 7 .1"T'S
Foully Meal eine Sure, Odd Fellow's I lull.
April It
-ET !MALAYA LUSTRE'S! We tune received
11 another cupply of these new and heatmful goods,
an ♦ery desirable for Travelli iig Dresses. Those
m et ant of them can be Stlinr!led at
May 9.1. Peofth's Cash More.
gall ve Mineral Water —Thi- plea.zit medicine
which la highl). recommended H. a i.olligitute for
By-inn Salta. Seidliir Powder, e eon hr °loomed
fre,ll every day an I'ILDERT S Drug Store,
Front at. LA!
7? .‘Fil ELOWS HAIR DPI:.— Nn bormag,l.l:oteriag
TT tAtinpolout could ever hove nit tried the tiniveroai
favor accorded to never-fading favor
ite. Nature to not more true to berocli Otto the brown
or block produced in the rediteot. gra)cot. or 111° , 4
(rot% ky hair by it Made and •otd. trf applied at It
eine+ Wig l'actory,2l.l Broadway, N. V, The gene•
me mimic for sale al
April Id. rants Medicine Store
UST RECEIVED, a la Zt and well .eluted variety
J of Britain,. )1 part of Shoe. Ilatr, Cloth.
Crumb, Nail, Hat and Teeth Bru.lieet. and for .ale by
reh 2^,'.'.11 Front Ftreet COIIIIIO.III. Pa
1: 4 1..P1.1 1 1011 article of PAINT Olt, for gale Iy
Mny 10, 1‘..56. Prom Street, enwinloin.Pn
,vI'EItIOR x rtirle. or TONIC eq.l(;F: urrrEro",
suatuble for noel Keepers. for sale 11y
Mny Ur. IFSG. Front -Ireet. roam , . 11,
pRE , II ETIIEIIEAL OIL, ulway. cot lo,nd, and fo
1 . n nlr by R. WII.I.IANIS.
May 10 1. , 5(11 rront SI trot. Columbla.
TUFT reeetvcd, FRESH CANIPIII:NE. and for nale
May 10, 1-7.:10. Prom Street. Columbia, Pa.
D[:RATA'S 11F.F.CTRIC Ju.t reeeis sole
II fresh supply of this popular ref-twits., nod for
by 11 %VII.I.IAMS.a.
Mny 10,1.56. From Street, Colombia. Per r
A, OILS, received at the store or thr.ul..criorr.
May 10, 156. Front Street,Colunntia. Pa.
11XTRA FAMILY moun, just receiv.l tuul for
1.4 sale by
June 21, 1355. S. C. SWARTZ.
July 0,195 G. Family Medlcone Store
1)IRD SEt;D•l.—Canary. Hemp. and Rape Seed.
1.1 For ankle at SicOORKL.EA DEL.I.2:IT'S
Apnl 12, Family Meitictrte Store.
He rests, but ncT47rest of sleep,
AVcighs downs sunken eyes;
The rigid slumbtats too deep,
The calm tooli;lathless lies!
Srunk are the wateicaing veins that streak
The fixed and trble brow;
There is no life-1 l 1 on the check—
Deatd death! liknow thee now!
Pale King of Terr rs: thou art here—
in all thy dark y:
But 'tts the imni 'cep and fear
Beneath dixectiemay:
Bring flowers afid n trown the early dead,
Their hour of Bandage past—
But woe for thoseixho mourn and dread,
And linger till tlAr last.
Spring bath its music and its bloom,
And morn its glaiimas
But still a shadow front the tomb,
A sadness and a light,
Arc ever on cardis 4veli:,t things;
The breath of clyauge is there,
And death his dusk - shadow flings
O'er all that' loved and fair.
So let it be—for neer on earth
Should man his home prepare;
The spirit feels fit betivenly birth,
And spurns ut mortal cure.
E'en s* lion pursing ‘wsrtlt and genius dio
Let no vain teursle shed,
But bring bright wreaths of victory,
.And crown the early dead.
'is not a flower or instant gross th,
But from in onexiieeted geno,
That luy Iti3lll the %m its of both,
Assumes its everlasting form.
As dainty buds aniopg,t'ic grass.
With the same green do silent grow,
Nor maids nor boysdbat laughing pass
Can tell if they I..Olowers or no—
Till on some genial item in 'ley,
Their timid, mode*leaflets rise,
Disclosing bettuuestllic day
Thut strike the gluier with surprise.
So bolt, so sweet, so Ild, so holy,
So cheerful in obs4ared shade,
So unpretending, meg and lowly,
And yet the pride ifir each greets glade.
So love doth 'priug, go love dolls grow,
If it be such as net dies,
The bud just opens h below,
The flower bloom , II
Its randier..
4 11 t srrttaitrff 11,5.
THE El,' :
The followinfrin .e n t;:l
frerCtitritlwtirin / /t/W: Firra
Kane Relief Expedition. The Esquitnaux
here sketched inhabit the region between
Capes Alexander and Datherton. The
writer is at the village of Etah, making in
quiries for Dr. Kane and his party and he
thus pictures the
These unsophisticated children of the fur
-1 est land never wash off dirt—for the simple
reason that, of dirt, as such, they have no
conception or idea. If their faces get so
foul as to clog their nostrils, they open the
air passages just as they clear away the of
fal from the door of their tent, when it im
pedes their ingress and egress. On our ex
plaining to a woman that we wished her to
wash her face she at first refused; but being
bribed with a paper of needle., she caught
a bird, skinned it. and spitting on its fresh
bleeding skin, polished her face with it.—
My friend Mayonk had dirt on his face one
quarter of an inch thick when I first saw
him. The next time I met bins I did not
recognize him, and and actually requested
Mayonk himself to send Mi.yonk to me.—
Two of our sailors had caught him, and in
spite of his struggle., insisted on washing
his face. He did not seem to appreciate
the improvement made in his appearance;
on the contrary he was quite mortified, for
he had become the laughing stock of his
I would speak plainly of the personal
habits of these people if it were only fur the
benefit of a class of philosophers among us
who delight in chanting tho vices of civiliza
tion, and dreaming of what man might be if
he could only get back to a state of nature.
But there are pictures, and life-like ones,
that we cover with a curtain.
Improvidence is another trait of these
'fresh children of impulse.' We . were at
their village as late as the 19th of August.
Yet, although the auks were flying around
them in such quantities that one man could
have been able to catch a thousand an hour,
they had not enough prepared for winter to
last two days. They were all disgustingly
fat, and always eating—perhaps an average
ration of nineteen pounds per diem—yet
they had lost seven by starvation during the
last winter, though relieved, as far as we
could make it Out, by the "Doeto Kayene".
They suffer dreadfully from cold, too, yet
there is abundance of excellent peat which
they might dig during the summer. They
know its value as fuel, and are simply too
lazy to stock it.
The little auk which forms their principal
food, may be said also to bo their only fuel.
Indeed it quite fills the place the seal holds
among the most southern Esquimaux.—
I Their clothes are lined with its skins, they
burn the fat, and setting aside, the livers and
hearts, to he dried and consumed as bonbons
during the winter, they cat the meat and
lintestines cooked and raw, cold and at blood
heat. I remember one night a child woke
up crying with cold feet. His mother
reached out to one side of the bed, took up
a pair of birds, killed them, turned the
skins inside out, and drew them while still
warm on to his feet, to serve as stoekingl,
pulling his little boots on after them.
They are very hospitable; the minute we
arrived, all hands began to catch birds and
prepare them fur use. Tearing off the skins
I with their teeth, they stripped the breasts
to be cooked and presented to us, with the
juicy entrails and remaining portions to cat
raw, to stay our appetites. The viands did
not look inviting to us who had witnessed
their preparation; but they appeared so
hurt at our refusing to eat, that we bad to
explain, that it was not cooked, but raw
birds we wanted. This was satisfactory.—
They set out at once to catch some for us:
and in a few moments three of them were
on their way down to our boat laden with
Their way of catching them is peculiar.—
They have small scoop nets, attached to
long poles, not unlike those fur catching en
tomological specimens. A man will take
one of these, and having stripped of"' his
jumper, and tied its sleeves so that he may
Use it as a sack, will lay himself down on
the hill side, and net the birds, three or
four at a time, taking them out une by one
and biting their heads; ur, if he d_c.; not
wish to take their lives at once, merely
locking their wings. We saw piles of auks
flying about the village in this cmliticn.
They have no regular hours for meals or
sleep, but each sleeps, wakes or eats as best
pleases him. I don't know anything which
impresses one more forcibly than the dis
gusting nearness of man to the brute, than
to sea a human being, thus wake front sleep
stretch out his hand, sieze a bird, and after
devouring it raw like a wolf, turn over and
go to sleep again. Aad yet they are not
wanting in courtesy of quite an elevated
character. For instance, Mrs. Mitch, the
widow of a chief apologized to me for her
see.ning want of hospitality on one oseasion,
and explained to me by most expressive
signs, and no inconsiderable exposure of
her person, that she hoped she was about to
present the house of Mitch. wit to heir.—
She was as fortunate asshehar; for I saw
her not quite an hour afterwards, walking
about with a fine boy, both parties looking
as unconcerned as if nothing unusual had
ever happened to either. The small animal
was the imago of his father, and dressed in
a costume similar in cut and color to that of
nil complete—the only difference being that
the skin of the white fix was substituted
for that of the bear.
p_'o'Stract we Us
They always take off their clothes on go
ing to sleep; and men, women and children
all lie coddled up together to keep them
selves warm. If you come on them, sud
denly, in this plight, they aro not abashed,
but will politely offer to make room for you
to join the group. It is well however to ac
cept these hospitalities with some reserve.—
Burns had not slept in an Etah but, or he
should never hare sung of that Notitary
'beastio' on the lady's bonnet.
1 In the Principality of Holtenlohe, Lau
genburg, is a village culled Ragenbach,
where about twenty years ago the following
heart-rending but also heroic event took
place. One afternoon in the early spring
or autumn, my kind intirmant did not ex
:wily know which, in the tavern room or
Ragenbach, several men and Nvomen hating
assembled front the village, sat at thch ease,
none anticipating what would happen on
that eventful day. The stnith formed ere
of the merry company, a strong, vigorous
man, with a resolute countenance and daring
mien, but also with such it good natured
smile upon his lips that every one Rho saw
him admired him. E%cry evil disk:used per
son shunned him, fur the val:ant smith
would allow nothing wrong in his pre: ence,
and it was not ads isable to have anything
to do with him except in a proper manner.
His arms were like bars of iron, and his
fists like forge hammer., so that few could
equal his strength of body.
The brave smith sat near the door chatting
with one of his neighbors, I know not what;
all at once the door sprang open, and a large
dog came staggering into the room, a great,
strong, powerful beast, with a ferocious,
frightful aspect, his head was hanging down
and his eyes bloodshot, his red colored
tongue hanging half way out of his mouth
and his tail dropped between his legs. Thus
the ferocious beast entered the room, out of
which there was no escape but by one door.
Scarcely had the smith's neighbor, who was
bath keeper of the place, seen the animal,
when he became deathly pale, sprang up
and exclaimed with a horrid voice, "Good
Heavens, the dog is mad:"
Then rose an outcry! the room was full of
men and women, and the foaming beast
stood before the only entrance; no ono could
leave without passing hint. He snapped
savagely right and left, and no one could
pass him without being bitten. This in
creased the horrible confusion. All sprang
up and shrank from the furious dog, with
agonizing countenances. Who should deliv
er them from him? The smith also stood
among them, and as he saw the anguish of;
the people, it dashed across his mind how
many cf his happy and contented neigh
bors would ho made miserable by a mad
dog, and ho formed a resolution, the like of ,
which is scarcely to be found in the history
of the human race for high mindedness and
nobleness. Certainly his brown cheek paled
a little, but his eyes sparkled with divine
fire, and an elevated resolution shone from
the smotrth brew of the simple minded man.
150 P : • . C $2 0 - IV.
"Back all!" thundered he with his deep
strong voice. ''Let no one stir, for no one
can vanquish the Least but I. One victim
must fall in order to save all, and I will be
that victim, I will hold the brute, and whiLt
Idu so, make your escape." The smith had
scarcely spoken these words, when the dog
started towards the shrieking people. But
he went not far. "With God's help!" cried
the smith, and rushed upon the fAttainr
Least, siezed him with an iron grnsp, and
da-Led hire b, the P.ccr.
Oh, what a. tsrrible strug.le Collowed!
The dog bit fosi,usly upon e: cry side in II
most . manner. his long tectb
tore the :Arno and thighs of the heroic smith
but he weeld not let Lim loose. I.legardles ,
alike of the excessive pails and
death whiels must ensue, he held down with
On iron grasp the snapping, biting, hosv:ing
brute until all had etcaped!—till all, all
were rescued aml in safe.y. lie then lion::
the half strangled beast from I im 0 :Aisl,t
the wall, and dripping with blood curd s ono
mous foam, he left the room locking the
door after him. Sum` peNUTIS shot the do:
through the 1% indow4. But oh! merciful
God, what will become of the bras e, nuf.wto
nate smith?
Weeping, and lamenting, the pee ple sur
round lti.n, who had sated their liter at the
expense of his ow - n. "De quiet, my; friends,
do not weep for me," he said, "one mt,,t ale
in order to save the others. Do not thank
me, for I have only performed my duty.—
When 1 ant dead think of me with love, and
now pray for me that God w:11 tot me
quflcr lout; or too much. I will tt.::e care
that no further mischief shall occur through
me, for I count certainly become mad.' Ile
went straight to his workshop, and :elected
a stronfr,Ohain, the heaviest and firm° t ft em
hi:, whole stock. He then, IN it:l his own
hand., tt eldel it upon his own coal
around the anvil so firmly that ne power on
earth could break it. "There," said he, •
lone" after silently and solemnly comnlctii,,•
the work. "Now you are secure, and inof
fensive; so long as I lire, bring me my food.
The rest I leztVe to God; into his hands I
commend my spirit." Nothing, could race
the brave smith, neither tears, lamentations,
and prayers. Madness slued hint and after
nine days ho died—but truly, ho died only
to awake to a more beautiful and glorious
nrs. v .s.mmisigts_sst49se 4. :
his memory will live from generation -to
generation, and will be venerated to the end
of time.
Search history through, and you will find
no action more glorious and sublime than
the deed of this simple minded man, the
smith of Ragenhach. It is easy for noble
minds to die like Winkelriel or Martins
Curtin.% the high spirited Roman ymth—
hut to go to the sacrifice with the , .••ity
of death, and moreover, being otligel
wait a death so awful. during long, f%arfal
hours and days—that is to die, nut on,?e., but
a thousand times. And su - it a death was
that of the smith of liagenbach. Snell a
sacrifice the smith of Ilivenliach m.lido in
order to save his neighliors. m.iy his mo m.
or.; ever he socred. —Proefica/
Some set caty or eighty y 0111 4, on hoard
em all brig. bol mgia,.; to the I:Am, linEn
• Company, among a number of' impres , ed 11 'Y in '"nonner."
The tear drop glistened for a moment in
men, wet e a brace of as tuit11111i!•1 5011 v f the i
"Emerald Ido iver Ye caw'"' the ; Wootiv...rth's eye. "True, True," be ro•
an.} shortly rtf:er (pitted the
st l / 1 1r; [ON\ 11, and ac coarse, ewarn friends.—
Ile home watt to the office, grasped
They wet e the butt oft he whole craw, from
the peculiar obtuseness of their in toilet's. I.'"' in hal an hour the -Old Oaken
• ;e most delight ful conaposi
and because the.: either embl not nr tr, cd:l
not less ttorthinr,: and literally tee,,, oar was ready in menu
t c•:bo.d.ael in the memories of
worth their -• ‘'
The Inig wits short of hand; at 1 put into ' l
a small boy cm the coast of Afi iea. Be•ng ;
anelimed off some distance from shore, LONGPELPOW AND BALES.
officers ot-.1 c„„. wont p.o2.nie t„, , ,,11„1 , .„ , ),i (3 ' P c '" e with p leasure e
letter addre I,oll,tfellow, to our cowl
and water, leasing our two hetoes wat(.l3
rri:l; orders to fire one Y . "Y alan. 13411('' u-hose u,ui'ieal setting of
en the upper deer;,
the guns iu caso of any attack br the na-
`'erratarlcs by the celebrated
tires. Atner:eau p., t have already attained such
„•••.- 1,0 p : " v "
n •d,
The captain hod no sooner landed ann
Mr br feel very much flattered
Pat sang out to his comrade,
by your film - 1.1;y note, and the precious 'col
acushla, and did co leer see thiw b;:. ea 11110t1
tune of unt.,:c snitch came with it; and
balls below?"
F:Laul.l not be 2,3 tardy in my thanks bad I
"Ooh: cure ale I did. But sine, what'not
poli, w i t h a l ame
tt-ould ye be tether dein' nid then. ; knee for the last month. I t inally I have
cannon balls?" et cpt Rent Cambridge to this sea-side place,
"Be jabers, wouldn't it he fine font if we arid am Ns en enough to tnt n table writing.
could fire off one of thin? What a dit it an , One of my first letters i:; to acknowledge your
a ruckit it would be afther malting:" beautiful gift and to say how successful this
"Bedod, but so it would. But Pat, t:an.lation of iny poem seems to me•
wouldn't the captain be missing it?' , You hat 0 sung them better than I did; for
This was a regular clincher to poor Pat, 'after all• main reproduces the mood of
and he stood scratching the wiry furze that min , : in whioll a pica is written better than
covered his bullet shaped head f r , orric words can. For all these various and beau
time. Ail of a sudden ath ntzllt eeetnel to tiful me: dies, tlicse interpretations of my
strike him of a way to surmount the .hill thou,:hts, I very :Inec:cdy thank you; and
culty. On board of all vessels as almost et-: bs to assure you that I truly 02precists
cry one is aware, is a large iron pot or ket- : this ti.l:ca of your regard for whet you hare
tle for melting tar, etc. A plan was very ; wrltten, and all the ft icadly expressions of
shortly adopted which would obriato the your le:ter. Bel:cre me, my dear sir, your.
Lose of a ball. It was this: %cry- fai,lifully, ll:Nar W. Les.nrxit.ow.
-1 intro gt-azeful tribute was never paid
One of them was to place himself astrae,
Me of the gun, holding the pot over the muz- by p-el to " 149 :C' 1111— by one of genies to
zle by the handle, and catch the ball as it another.—London ..Iftizizal World.
issued from the gun: and as our hero Tim
was the stoutest of tho two, the duty of hold- i tcnr-11. John Thompson, of Smith co., "a.,
jag the pot tins assigned to him. After went to California when the gold fever tint
some trouble they managed to get the gun b 7017.0 out, but after two years hard war},
loaded, Tim mounted, holding the pot.— 1 , without any success, he returned, having
Just as Pat was about to touch off tho can- ! previcusly hive:Acid a small sum in land._..
non, Tim turned round to him and sang I ••A few days ago," says the Abington Yin.
out:— 19inian, "he received information that his
"Arrah, Pat, darlint, be aftherfiriag very land is in the heart of the richest gold re.
airy, will ye!" I gion yet discovered, and is valued at $BOO,-
Pat applied the match, and off wont Tim, 000."
pot an all, "into the middle of next
The captain, hearing the report, and
thinking it announce•' same attack, cameon
board in great ha , tc. The first thing that
greeted Lis eyes upon stepping on deck waa
Pat, Lis face all b.;grhaed with smoke and
"Well, Pat," he, "what's the matter
with you? Where's Tim?"
"Tim, sir? didn't ye see him on
"No. Ilnc the do
;'J': v e.'
-1 few days. sir:,c traver,ing nt rail
:no pl:iiries t C:11,2 Wert, we look
anxi,tl,:y for v, ct or Si a m of promiso
thu c , tII*CCQ ot" their soil
:night giN Lir the t of the passing
yviir. Bat iit many sceiititi° their vast ex
,•ittse was une arid tiesulaii•in. The drought
of iort a t.rimer ha.i wilherei the gros to its
1110112'.1 the 1., y snows of winter
:,ioee melte 1 1 , , 1J 1 1' ,Llth, the return
in•_t sou had .v.tio halted its surface into
i:on. du,t chohing; the wheat
thin a:1 , 1 rare; ruo. grans scared and
little= . Ap:irol.e:.t.:ve•i of drought were
ea,ly up it the, 1; r , f the farmers and
merchants, and fantlae prices were empeeted
from the boa:_•tudgr.lllary of the world.
bruilght rain, copious, flooding
- niu—swelling the streams,
hindering the trains
rain, rain, tain—as if, according to the old
llehrew Lefler, they Nrtne a tea above the
Ili:mune:it, and the trim - lows were opened,
and the tlJod. poured out. A fewdays later
as we again rode over the prairies, we saw
one wide ....ea of green, the grass all fresh
the wheat springing percep•
into life, and the cattle rejoicing
• • .et cry Men, a few days before,
l and gi,onty, now shook.hauds in joy
ful anticipation of IL fruitful season. Our
thoughts turned upward to the bountiful
titer who had once more opened his hand,
"lle causeth the gross to grow for the cattle,
and herb for the servico of man."—N. Y.
Ol t: T r I ' l ' 031 . 12 M
. 20.P.uLAM SONGS. - •
Tito-POld:oakon Btteket".'svaa - syrittett by
Samuel B. Woodworth, while yet he crab a
journeyman printer, working in an office at
the corner of Chambers and Chatham street,
New York. sear by, in Frankfort street,
was a drinking house, kept by a man named
Mallory, where Woodworth and several par
tieular friends used to resort. Ono after
:ll:m the licit: rsas surer excellent. Wood-
Nvortil szsme , l ins- d ;ro.l t y it; and smocking
his lips declared that Mallory's came di tie
SlTCriar to anything he bad ever tasted.
"No," said M.dlory, "you are mistaken:
I there was one which, in both our estimations,
far surpas-u1 this in the way of drinking."
"15 ' 11::: tray that," asked Woodsworth du
, bi lodv.
"Tat! d. augilt9. of pure, fresh spring water
that Me 11..e,1 to drink in the old oaken
Locket that hung in the we:l, after our re
turn in,al the la').,r3 of the field on n sultry
g" - L ,
lic gct tLere?