RebErEitr nr Tom Taumes JEwEts.—The valudlite jevrels presented to Tom Thumb in his travels in this country and Europe, seve ral Yr? them from crowned heads, wore - all stolen, together with the case containing them, from the Melodeon, at Cincinnati, on 31ondaylatglit. ' The case, which is two feet long by, eighteen inches broad, bad been placed Went the piano. The contents con sisted. dr watches, diamond rings, pins, &c., of the value of twenty thousand dollars, Which sum, however, it is said, but poorly represents the value set upon them by their owner. They have since bben recovered. Ear Holloway's Ointment and Pills, an as tonishing Remedy for Erysipelas.—Mr. Hen ry Turner, of Dover, Maine, was afflicted with Erysipelas. large purple blotches came on his face and neck, and all parts of his body, and despite of the many remedies he tried ho was not benefitted. At length, be had recourse to Holloway's Ointment and Pills, and made up his mind to persevere Niith these remedies, which he did. The re sult was, that in a few weeks, he was per ..fectly cured, and his general health wonder fully improved. This case has created quite n sensation in Maine. :ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW.—REAnI2I-01•D ;AND YOUNG—Paoa. WOOD'S HAIR RIL.TOIRATIVR - Will •restore gray Hair to its original color permanent: made to grow upon bald heads; remove all dundrutf .or itching, destroy all diseases of the scalp; nod if diked say once or twice a week regularly, will pre vent the hair from becoming gray or falling, to any ;imaginable age. Rend the following te;dt monials •ond we defy you to doUbt. (Says the Waverly Mog -swine ) Success to the penius 'Awe tonic We euY Tarns back to its color the hair that wasgray. From the Bolton Herald SOMETHING WoUTII KNOWING!—IIy using Professor Hood's Hair Restoruilve,.gray lours can be Renna neiNly restored to its original color. The subjoined certificate from Johnston & Stone, Gardiner. Me, is but one of the many mot:woes that are daily cuming so our knowledge of its wonderful effects. It is no longer . problemutical, but a self evident truth, as hun dreds our community can testigY• GARDINER, Me., June 22, ISM. Prof. O.J. Wood—Deur Sin—l have used two bot tles of Prof. Wood's flair Restorative, mid eon truly say it is the greatest discovery of the age for restor ing and changing the Bair. Before using it I was a men of seventy. My hair has now attained its origi nal color. You eau recommend it to the world with out the least fear, as my case was one of the worst kind. Yours, respectfully, DAN /. N. Mrierus. BROOKFIELD, Moms., Jan. lg. 1555. Prof. Wood—Dear made a teal of your Hair Restorative, it given me pleasure to soy that its effect had been excellent in removing inflam mation. dandruff, and a constant itching tendency with which I have been troubled from childhood, and has also restored my hair which was becoming gray to its original color. I have used no other article with anythlng like the pleasure and profit. 'Pours truly, J. K. flesoo, Pastor of the Orthodox Church, Brookfield. From the Editor of the Real Estate Advertiser, 2 School Street. BOATON, March 20,1854 Prof. Wood—Dear Si r—Having become premature -1 y quite gray, I was induced some 21X weeks since. to make a trial of your Hair Restorative. I have used less than two bottles. but the gray bairn have disap peared; and although my h•tir has not fully attilinod its original color, yet the change Is gradually going on, and I have great hopes that in a short time my hair will be as dark an formerly. I have also been muck gratified at the healthy moisture and vigor of the hair, which, before, was harsh and dry, and it has ceased to come out as formerly. Respectfully your•, Worcester Co , Mars., Nov. 11. 1854. Prof.O. J. NVood—Detir Str-1 take pleasure hilicar ing voluntary testimony to the magic effects of your wondertul Hair Restorative. As far back as 118.36 my )fair commenced falling off,utitil the top of my scalp became bald and smooth as glasa, and it has continued so fall for a great man yyears,notliwithstand ill g I have used many celebrated preparations for its restoration. Seeing your advertisement, I wan induced to give your article a trial, nail to my utter astonishment, I found after a few applications that my hair became Crusty set and assumed n very glossy and beautiful :appearance; mid, by the time I had used n quart bottle en y bald head was covered over with armor, and vig orous growth of hair, which is now from rote to two incites in length, and growing very fast. Yours, truly HENRY Gooolitetr. Vera Ruvroasrivu..—fit our columns to-day will be ifoundtProf. Wood's auveruseineut of the above article vo which vie call attention. What it line done, we have witnessed :upon several of our acquaintances. In St. Louis. ,Nair once gray met our v:cw, black or 'brown, es the cage might tie, being the color of early, rnanhoodi and me tfil/E and glossy Its silk, and that wlthout any other application thou the Restorative fit has done ties upon others, Wit I it not do the same nor any of our readers whose "frosty pates" were once like the "raven locks" ofLochiel'swnrti kr chief if they will try it! 'We think so.---facksciirille Coma „rutfruirdisr. . -Address .0. if. 'Wood & CO., 312 Broadway, N. Y., rand Mil Market street, St. Louis, Proprietors. TAY. nyott &Sons wholesale Agents, Philapelphia For sale by W•J• slllrern.ul, Emit street, Columbsu Va. Numb 15,1556. 'Misr - DR. ISAAC THOMPSON'S much celebrated EYE WATER. "Ds merits mined unrivalled." This old,trted and invaluable remedy for all di-ea. wee of the eyes. after having stood the test of over Fifty Years, and the demand for it fill! incrensing, is now, and has been for the past two years, offered for sale in an entire new dress. Earls bottle will have n Steel Plate Engraved Envelope. with a portrait of the inventor, Dr. Isaac Thompson. New London, Conn , and a fan simile of la in bigitittu re, together walls a fat simile of the signature of the present proprietor. John L. Thompson, No. 101 nod 103 River street, Troy New York. and 13011 e oilier ens be genuine. The proprietor has been compelled to 'moire thin change in the style of the wrapper, owing to the large quantity of counterfeit which for the past few years Ins been palmed upon the community, and especially at the west. Purchasers are particularly requested to buy none /Jut the above described, and 04 the red label hereto fore used has been called in, any round in that form the proprietor does not hesitate to pronounce counter feit. . . • For sale by all the reipeciable druggists in ilic United States and CannOns. p 211,1855. IU-DALLEY'S GENUINE PAIN EXTRACTOR email subside the pain mint Mflannuation from the revs. Test burns or scalds, in from one to twenty minutes - and that it will heal the w•ouud WIII3OIII scar. and ef fectually cure Fever Sores—Piles—Salt filieum—lit- Anmmatory Bbeummisra—Sore and inflamed Eyes— Cuts—Wounds—Druiecs—Old and Inveterate Sores —Scald Head—• Cores and flunionio—Erysipela.— Sprainx—Swellings—Peloas—Chiblains—Dites of In sects—Swelled and broken Brea.t—Sore Nipples— Eruptions—and all other inflammatory and cutaneous slipcases, where the parts affected can be reached. Don't be incredulous about the many discuses named to be cured by only one thing—but reflect that the Mar, but positive prop erties which the Dailey Salve alone contains. and as heretofore enumerated —one to four—can reach not alone the afore•men stoned diseases, butmany more not enumerated. Query.—Do not regular physicians prescribe calo mel inwardly (Cr scorer of different dresses. Each box of genuine Dalley's Pain Extractor has upon it a steel plate engraved label with the •igitio tare of C. V. Clickciier & Coaproprietors. and Henry Dailey, Manufacturer. All others are counterfeit.— Price 25 cents per box. 3 - 3 - 4.11 orders should be addressed to C. V. Click• enter & Co., 131 Barclay street, New York. September 2:1, 10:A. rrDR. SANFORD'S INVIGORATOR in recom• mended to the public, relying upon Its Intrinsic excel• lenee to secure it favor. For all Bilious attacks, it may be truly and Feely relied upon an Feing fully capable of removing the diseases (or which it in recommended, and fur giving tone and vigor to the general system. Its qualities hove been fully tented in It long prac tice, by the proprietor. Through the urgent fOLICIIII. tious of many, who have used and been benelitteci by it, the proprietor bait been induced to place it before the public. For all MMus Derangements, Sick Headache, Chronic Diattiscco, Habitual Costiveness, 'Bilious Colic, Dyspepsia, Pain in the Stomach and Dowels, General Debility, Female Weakitene, due. For sole by druggists generally, and by Stool Fil bert, Columbia, Pa , andJ. A. Wolf, Wriglonville, Pa. Went du Pons, rencrol agents, Philadelphia., and alno Sanlord & Co , N. V. play 3, 1836-ly ~~►-~~~~~~st~r At Morristown, on the 31st nit., by the Rev. P. J. Tim low, Jour FOSTER of Paradise, to LTDIA. MATILDA Doconsurrr, of the former place. At Norrisuncu. on the 13th of March last, by the Rev. ,George Kirke, of St. John's Church, New London. Mr. Join G. Sr...tromps:a to Miss Mow A. P., daughter of Thomas Wheeler, all of Philadelphia. lion. lutes W. Corniorn, Senator from Tuolumne county, was married last CV.31111,1 by Bishop Alematty. to Miss 13ELLIL Coon, daughter of Mr. lames F. Cook, of this city. The happy bride is young. beautiful. highly educated and rich; with all this James cannot fail to be happy, and most sincerely do we wish it.—San Ftwitiseo Err ning News. TM)U__3l==:). In Norristown. Pm, on the 6th Instant, Maas, daugh ter of the late William and Mary Dell, aged two g e ars, seven months and twenty-five days. On the 91st ult.. in Wrightsville, of pulmonarLeon sunaption, 3.1/31:23 Kirsay aged 21 years, mont and 39 days. On the 30th ult., at the residence of J. Tome. Esq.. in Port Deposit, Maryland. Louisa T., daughter of James N. and Harriet L. Hopkins of Conowingo Furnace, Lan caster county, Pa, aged 15 years and 6 months. JUT ItECEITED, Fresh Ground Flour from new Wheat aborts, Ship Stuff, Chopped Corn and Oats, he., for sale law. A. M. RAMBO, Actg. 6,1836-2 t No. 4 Mechanics' Row. MR. A. ARMSTRONG'S ENGLISH It CLASSICAL . SCHOOL, W IL! be re-opened on MONDAY MORNING , TINE lITII INST.. at 9 o'cloct. A. 81'. Columbia. Anenittl. RV% 4 t Notice is Hereby invert. th4t ALL Ntize.ns having objections to a httion " of the Vigilant and Susquehanna Fire Comprnies are requested to meet the following committees at the Susquehhhon Engine House, on Tuesday evening, Au gust Id, at n o'clock. at which time and place the sub ject of union will be decided upon JOS. 1. SUYDAM. HENRY BRANDT, HIRAbi VI7II.SON, Vigilant Committee. E. HERSHEY., DAN'L C. MANN, A. BRENER, Susquehanna Committee. Columbia, August 9,1856-1 t $3OOO TO $5OOO. WANTED -A PARTNER, TO join the advertiser in a Country Store, and Coal Yard. pleasantly situated its a healthy land growing neighborhood. lifts been seven years engaged to the business. and has a good run of trade, all cet , ll. This is a chance seldom offered. An inter view may be had on Monday, the 11th inst.. by en quiring at No. 19 North Second Street, Philadelphia. The very ben reference required anal given. Philadelphia. August fl. 1656.1. t NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! Now opening at REM CHEAP STORE, All Wool Defame. of every color. at low prices. FALL. DEI.AINES—A choice lot now opening for the fall trade. • PLAID CLOAKINGS—Now opening a. beatific'sl lot of French, all wool Plaid Cloaking, elegaingoods for children's wear. MERRIMACK PRINTS—Now opening, a choice assortment of Merrimack and Cocheco Proos. LOW PRICED PRINTS—Pour cases New York mills, long and small figured prints. only 6.1, good colors; also. blue and orange. nut' blue and wham, and black nod white prints at 61- SHIRTING PRINTS —A nice assortment of new style Conestoga and CochecoShirting Pilate, now on hand. SHIRTING CHECKS—Now opening, one case Plata Shirting Checks, extra heavy and very dark. a choice lot of Striped Shirting, FURNITURE CHECKS AND TICKINGS—Nowon hand. a full assortment a: all prices. Now opening, five cases and three hales bleached and unbleached N Lisbon, ut 6,8, 10 and 12. Also, all widths Sheclingt. FLANNELS, FLANNELS. Nnw on hand a full us4ortment of Red, White, nnd Yellow Flannels. Plain and Al-o. double width Shrouding Flannels, add a full asi.orttnent of Suck Flunnels ._• CORSETS' CORSETS—To the Lndie.—The Pub scriber is now opening it new article of Ladle. Cor set., very highly recommended for comfort and beauty. Alm now opening, n nice article of HEAVY CORDED SKIRT, very superior to the hooped JOIIN N 0.5 East King street, Luncu.ter Pu. August 9, MG. Wall Paper. WE have just received another lot of pretty styles, low rued wall paper. A good assortment always on hand, at C FONDERSMITIVS Aug. 2, , sa. People's Cara Store, Columbia. ALL persons indebted to the subscriber, on book or note account, are requested to come forward immediately. and make settlement. My books are in the hands of Samuel Z. Ettinger, who is author— ized to do business for me, in my absence. Those hav ing clamts against me. wall present them to the sante agent, at the Columbia News Depot, Front street. JAMES S. McMAIION. Columbia, August 2, 18.56. 500 REAMS WRAPPING PAPER! The sub scriber has just received the above amount, of good quality and different sizes. wrapping paper— which is of cheup for cash, or in exchange for good cotton Rags. fp-Country Alercliants please notice! H. C. FONDERSMITEPS Aug. 2, "56. People's Cash Store, Columbia. 1:212MED2 Headquarters and News Depot. THE undersigned, determined to keep up the repu:ation of this popular establi.dimeat. has Just returned front the city with a large and carefully seiec,ed 'took of PAPER, BLANK BOOKS, FANCY ARTI- Amongst the Flock will he found a large as.sortment of Letter. Cap end Note Paper. Covelopes, from 04; Clic to $2,00 per box • Day Rooks, Ledgers, lour tmto, Record.;a very large u,soriment of Memorandum Book - s, d‘c &c., all of which will be sold ut the low est rates. S. It. SWARTZ. August 2,15.56.2 in No. 4 Front street. Music and. Musical Instruments, THE undersigned having made arrange mem,. with 4r. J. E GOULD, vt °nit! respectfully inform the Ladies of Columbia tind vicinity that he is now prepared to famish filuvie nt the shortest notice. Persons in want of first-rule Violins. Floes, Etti lare,thados, or any other Musical Instruments, ore re-peettudy invited to call at the Headquarters and News Depot. S. D. smarm N. 11.—S very- fine assortment of Vto:iit and thatrtr sithugs, always on hand. August a, 150.3 at THE NEW FIRM. MURRAY, YOUNG & CO., arc as active as possible to making nil ueee+•nry OrcOttrt.tion" to meet the wants of the comae Full trade. Our stock on Imitil is larger. and as select, varied, com plete and cheep its any stock ever brought to Lancas ter 1,1 any one commit, of Booksellers SCHOOL DIRECTORS AND TEACHERS, observe this one fact; there In not another IlOtIst• he Stale that give, the furnishing of the SCIIOOI ROOM WWI the best of necessary School Rooks and Apparent s much UllCllllollas this !louse does; con sequently. we have or rahgements with Pubii she rs and Munufactuters that others have not, winch enables us to sell everything of the kind at dm very lowest prices. To retain our rOSIIIOII US of Al1(11 II niches, we shall always make it n point to take no agency but for that an ache which is considered the best adapted to the camas of our l'ublic Schools, and before deciding upon the merits of any article, we consult with, and get the opimote of COMUCIPIII Judges. MURRAY, YOUNC: & CO. A NEW MUSIC DOCK: The Keystone C 31Iection of Church Music Embracing n new system on the Cultivation of the Voice. This latter department of the Book should be noticed by all intere.ted 111 Vocal Music; it teaches you how to produce pure mellow tones, to dug with expression how to accent vowels and consonants Thm department Io an entire new feature in niuste hooka, itie need of which Mitt long been felt by Aluair Timelier, The author, A N. Jansaox, militated by E. 11. Pions tins labored for several years to reduce it to a system within the comprehension of oil. The tousle is of the moat warted timid pleasing character, 1100111ag to wanting io snake it the Ire•t book published. 117,e-st copy for exatninittion will he sent, postage free, to ally one remitting ;Scents AI UItRAY, YOUNG & CO August Lancaster, Pa. Great Reduction in Prices SPRING- & SI3IIIENCEI33. GOODS, T COST, AT lIERR'S CHEAP STORE:- LA_ Now on head, White Dereges, White De !mine and Whae Cashmere. Also, a large lot of Dress LUVVII4 •tviitt's GOODS—such a., Darted Swi=ne•, very fine, and Medium Mull, Jaeonets; and a general a, aoronein of IVldie Goods FHA lA.I ANii) 1)E I,AV:l:S—still a good of sort meat on hand. Aud Ili DRESS BILKS. we have a large and beau• tiful arrortment, at greatly reduced inlets. Silk and Mohair Mitts at tort. Alro, a tine lot of Parasol, which veil) be •old pit coil. Now opening, n large lot of New York Milk Prim.. fan colors. only Of ere. Al o, n large lot of blue rind orange Prints at et.. Me:wired and unbleached Mutirri., at all price.; Slurring, Check. and Stripe.. Slurring Calicoes. Also, a new Int of STRAW at !ear thrill cow. JOHN 116[t R. August 2. ND. 5 Vaar King Ft.. C.anen.ter. COURT PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS HER the honorable HENRY G. LONG, Prendent Hon. A.L. fists fr. Jens:gun Plows. Esq., AMSOCIate Judge, of tlic Courant Common Pleas in mud for the comity of GIINCIOSICT, and Assistant Justice at the Court of Oyer and Termitiertmd General Jnil De livery and Quarter SCM , IOIIR of the Peace. in and for said county of !muenster, have issued their Precept to me di mmed, yttrium:lke me. among other things, to make public Proclamation throughout my Bathe irk. that o Court at Oyer and Vertntster and General Jail Deliv ery; Also, a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Deliveryossil commence in the Court House in the city of Lancoster,in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Oil the :Id Monday ut Augu•t.,19.56. in pursuance of which precept, PDFILIC NOTICE . 1.3 1111.37.E1Vi owns. - _ To the Ildn)or and kidermen of the city of Lances. ter, an said county. and all the Justices of the Pence. the Coroner, arid Constables of the said city and county of Lmtcn.ter, that they be then and there in their own proper person. with their rolls t records and examinations, and inottisitlons, and their other re membrances, to do those things' which to their offices appertain to their behalf to lie done; and also.all those who will prosecute against the posone.r• who are, or then shall be in the Jail of the said county of Lan caster, are to he then and there to prosecute against them as shall be Just. Dated at Lancaster, the 16th dray of Jonc. I GEORGE ;MARTIN, Sbenit N. II —Punctual attendance of the Jurors Rad Wit neosea. wi II hereof - ler be expected and required on the tint day of the desninntt. Aldermen and Justmen of lie Peace are required by no order of Court. dated November 21 it, ISI9. to return their recognizancea to Joint J. Porter. Clerk of Quarter Season*. within one week from the dny of finial action in each care, and in default thereof, the Alagitttrate's costs will not be allowed. August„ 1P56 nt. Remember THE large stock of Goods at Carpet Hall, off at first cost. to close the business. Mussels. Three-ply. Super ingrain, nag. Listing and Venimin Carpeting, in endless variety of patterns, at wholesale prices. LINDSAY & JACKSON. Columbia. July Lffs. 1936. Furniture, Furniture, ['INSWING of Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, 1„) Wark Stand... D 1.049411, Bureau/. Marble Top Tables, ko., &a., selliop, off at FIRST COSTat Carpet LINDSAY At JACKSON. Co'uint.ta. iris 211 ',IC. NOTICE, =1 Four Dwelling Houses for Sale. THE subscriber offers at private sale, P(11111 TWO STORY FRAMS X,VICTea.7.I.IIG situate to Third street, between Perry and Laurens, adjoining, property of Win. S. Dickey and Samuel Mice, and formerly owned by P. F. Fry. These lots are the property of SOPMA DROWN, wife of the subscriber who is legally authorized to sell them. They will be sold on the moat reasonable terms. Apply to JEREMIAH BROWN, Second street, below Union. Columbia, Augu-t 2, BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. ONE TRIANGULAR PINCH, containing an acre and a quarter, at the corner of Marietta turnpike and the ore road, about one-quarter of a mile from the depot, Columbia. And also, ONE TIIpUSAND bEc.i. FRONT upon the ore•road, which will be divided into lots to suit pur chasers—a beautiul situation for CJ/ratiFttlEllqgret i=3, 4 2,1:3-gq:14p,2112,,D8.m0r, the soil being in good condition, would suit well for VEGETABLE GARDENING. Or the whole tract of 15 ACRES will be sold together. Apply to J. H. MIFFLIN. Columbia, July 15, IESG-tf AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE undersigned auditor, appointed by the Orphan' , Court.of Lancaster county, to dis tribute the balance remaining in the hands of Jere miah 0. Hess and Mary June brooks, administrators of i.e estate of John U. Brooks, late of the borough of Columbia, deceased, to and amongst thole entitled thereto, will meet all parties interested at the public house of Daniel Derr, in the borough of Columbia. ou Friday, August 15th, ISSG, at o'clock P. 11. ALDIIdt.I. NEFF, Auditor. July 26, 19.56-3 i WESTERN HOTEL, PERSONS visiting Philadelphia will find the above HOTEI., No. 1.1e6 Market Street, n central and economical house. It basjust been considerably en larged; newly furnished and entirely renovated through out. HOPKINS, Proprietor. July 26, ISsG.3mos. Columbia Nead?Quarters and News Depot. TUB undersigned baying purchased this establishment, respectfully asks a coati 1111 l ince of the patronage heretofore extended, assuring the public that be will do his best to merit favor. ftl r. SAMUEL Z. ETTINGER. who has been in this estultliAnuent for the lust four years, can still be found at the same place, ready to wait on all his old friends as usual. SAMUEL B. SWARTZ, Columbia, August 2,1836. From street. GREAT BARGAINS • TN SUMMER GOODS, at Baldeman's Cheap Cash Store. In order to close out the balance of our Summer Dress Goods, we have marked them nll down to such low pri ces that they cannot fail to sell. Among our stock will be found— Baregcs & Tissues--Plai me. reddanced figu d. to 20 .re very hand sou2s, & 31le. Crape d' Espagne—All and shades; also, green, bine and pink, very fine at 23c; fittest in Columbia ut ;12c. c ha ili es ----All our 25c Cliallies reduced to 'sac. Law ns Real French Lawns at I°c and 20c; also, ali our 15c Lawns re duced to 12Ic. Brilliants Willie and figured Brilliants at 12; and 13c; finest quality and beautiful et.) les at tic. Also, another lot of the best 12}c as bite Brilliants we ever had. Dress si i i is Our assortment of Striped and Plaid Silks is sun very good We are now selling great bar gains in Silks, is hich our cos touters should remember. Flounced Robes sell! sell very cheap. Mantillas —We will close out the balance of our Mantillas at less than New Yosk prices. We still have some very handsome ones. Also, Parasols. Summer Shawls. A:e., in fact all kinds of Summer Goods reduced in same proportion, as see arc determined to close them all out before making our large purchases of Fall Goods. Our friends and custom ers are illVited to give us an early call and secure the BALDIZIAN'S Cheap Cash Store. : Columbia, July 19, ISSII. COAXOCOAL! THE n ndersigned has constantly on hand 1 and for pale. Baltimore Company and Diamond White Ash, Lump, Egg, Stove. Range, mid Nut Coal—the Lump is equal if not superior to anything in the country for smelting iron; Red Ash, Lump, Egg. Stove rind Nut, of the best quality, from the Shamokin region; Short Mountain Slave. nod Trevortnn Egg Coul— on excellent article for domestic summer u.te; Pine Grove Lump, Egg and Stove Coal—a superior article for tionterite and steam purposes. Plymouth nod Pittston White and Ile d Ash, Lump alel Egg Si.: Coal; Brond Top and Allegheny Bituminous Coal, of the kest qualities, for blacksmithing; The abeve general assortment of Cool. consumers and the public are invited to cull and exit:nine. and hear the prices. I am prepared to formals the above by the Boat, Car or single TOIL at my Wharf, foot of Berm] Bain, Coliimbia, Lancissier county, Pa. Also, Coal and Iron received and shipped on com mission. J. G. HESS. Columbia June 7, tern. y NOTICE VENDRIt'II & 11110S' have just received a 1 fine aT7-sV3Mblei, two !Ugh. The Mill to 40 by at teem, tour stones high, situate immediately upon Chester creek. and hi the:centre:of business in the borough. The engine is thirty horse power. There ore tour ma of inns and all the modern improvements. A Stone AVitalf is upon the premises, at which vessels of ten feet draught can tie, and unload immediately in the mill. The properly is in a r/OpUlOUs manufacturing district, depending for flour upon information from oilier 41. trios of country. A dully hue of packets runs from the admitung wharf to Philadelphia, affording con stant 111C/Illb of transportation. The difference of mew:Amen( between and a I e , tablishment nl Philadelphia—the chances • to buy and sell immediately upon Me talc water—the increasing demand for flour itt the surrounding coun try• already snore than sevt•rill such mills cullfurn gives this property a decided pte'erence over 011; to- cubed in Pitiludelphm. The terms will lie easy. I ferrous wishing to purchaer will call on J. M. Broomall. Chester; or I-nut Pusey. Columbia. Pueseesion will be given 011 the firs: of October, It<6. at which titne the /ease of the present 11,1111 t will expire. HEIRS OF JONATHAN PU5EV..1..0.1 June I. laLf•ti PRIVATE SALE. A TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, on a Locust t.trt.t.t. übove Fourth is offered for note. For paint:Wars, ae , enquire of the sult.erther, hymn on them . ..mows. OLIVER d PAXSON. Columbia. ./0n...21,1Q56 ii For Sale--Very Cheap, 174 OUR BRICK HOUSES, in good con- ft with nil modern itnprovernetti t•ttuote in Perry und Union rareets Vor term., :le., apply to A. CALDWELL. Colutoloin Sour 7. IS.l(r-if -------- FARMERS, AritTEINTIOTif I CTROWERS of Crass and Tobacco, use Lci -11/111'" Super Plicseplssue of -Lssue. 50 per bl.l, $.lll per sou. r GROWERS OF CORN AND POTATOES, lh'e ficitinu's American Ferii/Lrer, £3.50 per bill., or ri per ion. There has been received three diploma.. from Peimit3 Iva nut. New York and New• Jerrry State Agricultural Smartie, and Cry-tiel Tulare Aiiroein lion for the elm ve Pertilitern, which have been ut FUeeeslitil use 031 . the Nast five }CM , . Orders earl,,• ring the cu-h. or drafoti loaded and reciidereil, brill be promptly attended to by ti A 1,1 , 3 NA U. Proprietor, No. 1.9 :ouch front May 31, is; DAIRY IDIPLEDIENTS. c'PAIN'S PATENT ATMOSPHERIC PREMIUM CULTICVS. of vnrioue site•; n'•o, lime,. Power Chum- n0,.1 rixtutet, Bullet Workers, 3 varwilee, Bondi Prtnle, Yr. PASCHAL!. MORRIS & Co , Impletnent and Seed and st, P1i11,4 :1In) Al. I ple, 1 1 1uludelphsa. May 17, 1856-11moi S. LAWRENCE UOTEL, -- 28S Chasuul :demi, Philadelphia. M. S. CAMPBELL. PROPRIETOR vv MULLIN, .SeI • ERINTENDE:%T. :Wily 17, I83(1-if SC:=I I 3EICT\T G.- - 32 - G-M3EL 4112 SAMUEL/LS, T_Letack.ocusct.ox-. X=D , 033.213. , . n, Pll FIVE PER CENT. interest as follows: Amml a regular deposit "recount is opened, Five per cent. Interest per annum COIIIIIIeIICCS, 1111t1 IS added at any time to the deposit, which is id. interest, is PAY AIII.E ON DEMAND. deposits must remain TM RTY DAYS before drawing Interest—after which nine Five per rent.lnter est jcr 11111111t11 is added from the dale or the deposit, which with the Interest. is PAYABLX CrS. Depositors not arnsmnk Interest win always be ne conusiodated in proportion to the value of their aeon ens. JOHN CYDER &CO. CON , F.TINO OF .1011 V Crocus. DAVID HAIR, V eat. Er.III.KMA Ititiuo N. 11.—The members of the firm are uulirldunlly lia ble for all the oblipations of Jolt:, 111,1Elt S. CO. t 21,183641 IMPORT/MT STANDARD WORKS. HISTORY of Congress during the first term of Wu , laingion's Admioi.tra:loo. $. , 2,( 4 ) 111.tory of Gerinutiy. (liulthrouiell; LI 'flutes, 1 vol., Iloariry of England. 100 plates and marl, 3 (Antigua) intporiett.*ls 00 Ili-tory of the Reformation, (D.,Auhigtie,) 10 plates, viols. imported, 81Y00 Jo-eph it , ' Complete W0rk4,113 plot e 4.0 cola , St 0 50 Ilisayitit'A Complete Works, 50 plates, 3 volb,lm• ported. 5113.50. F. nily Comtheninry on the Bible. (100 authorii.) 10 pllo;e4. 2 vol•. $l.lOO. Flintily Devotion+, (Fletcher ) 51 plate., imported, Talc+ of the llorders and of Se otlursd. OVE , on.) DI 'time+, 5 vol. , $ 1 0181. Slink.penre'. Complete Work., Fl plates, vole,, imported. *ll 511 , V. A, 'IV. 11. P. are Agent+ for all the American and flogliali %Yorke. publi-hed I in number.. W. /Ir. W 11 rriEENIA Honk Agent. unit Importer-, I 01.: fiwg at., La ne June 11, 1:-.14I I y 200 AGENTS WANTED. $310,000 :north of Farms and Building Lots, the Gold Region of Virginia, (Culpepper I county) to lie divided amongst In 2110 ..illi•eritiern. on the 17th of September, leal, 'or the benefit of Port Royal reemile Academy. Sultneripuoun only tell dol lar+ earl,; nor-half down. the rent on the delivery of the Deed. Every Fulincriber will get a Ibulthinf Lot or a FllOO, ranging in value from Stn to t 5,2.5 000 l'ortr , and Lots are. Rohl -o cheap 10 Indere aettletnenin. a •udielent number being reke reed, the !acreage in the value of which avdl roinpennme for the apparent low price now* Ample F.eeurtly will be given for the faithful performance of contracts nod protniges. jr..rftlore agent- are wanted to obtain , uh.eriberg, to whom the 1n0..t hberul induerotritig will Ire wren. I Some ugenta avriie that they ate omit lag f3,!Oti per I month. Adverb-mg wtll be don.c for every rr,,,m WIWI"! For full particular , , Agen, re ifdc., apply to E. It OIIDEII. Port Royal, Caroline county, Vn. July l 2 1,3 G SCRAP IRON. 3:, 3E 41%. x... - m - mt. ra , GERMAN J PAS'S and other.. 11 ro hereby 'mulled that nincli of this nrucle trPoLEN front the different iron tt ark. in [hie vicinity: mud tliis notice it girth dint they may not hereafter exeunt I /1.7111 Ci ten Olt the ground that they were not meanc of tieing RucravEns Or STOLEN 1:001X, us if they hurt' no tiro, cdotery .111 receive the full penalty as well a s fa ptvi: of the haw. E. Haldeman & Co: Eterle, Heat rr S Co.: 31asseltmin .1c %Watts. A. A. .1. Wright. (o uhl. Brooke: Snuth limner, Kauffman, Slutc:6, A. Co.; Eckert A Myers. June 21. I Witt. CRAMPS, SCALDS, BURNS, &c. CERED in a short lime by Cooper's Anti. Pain Tincture. A• a p.uu alleviator, this Tincture. though not infallible. is lint surpassed by any other ever offered to the nfllicted. and takes the precedence of wherever it is WWI/. maxmurh a. II is purely vnunrAut.ti, commin• nothing POISONOUS, and may be used trill SAFI TT. One bottle has been known to cure six cases of Dysentery, be.,,lrs a ease or two of Cramp and Colic. It will relieve almost every variety of Pain. within from one minute to fif teen matures—even the most nettle cases of Neuralgia and Blieumntims. and is used, not only by Physician-, but by person. of every rhos. awl I'llll4. WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR? in good for wind and pain in the Stomach and Rowels, Diarrhea and Dysen•ery. Colic, Cholera and Cholera !Rollins, Rheumatism acute. chronic and ner• vons. Philiisie or Asthma. Croup. Cold. ' Couch.. Senlds Burn., Wound., Sprains, slid - and Swollen Joint.. Neuralgia or Tic DOJOICOLIXI nrhe, Sick and Nervous Head:wile. to quiet a nervou. reetle.Pnes., and On. enable one to dlep calmly Pain in the ad., a Stitch in the Back, Cricke,Gramp., and aline.% every kind of pain, intervil and external, Ivy Poison. Stings and Sites of i.01.0f101.1.1 FEVER AND AGUE. FITS, Hiccough. Heartburn, Cold Peet, Freeze., Chilblain.. Painful Corn•, Old Sores, to allay Inflammation. and prevent Mortification. he., Ac. 1:•1'14 ICE .1.5 CENTS A BOTTI.E...L:Ij SAM% FILBERT. Again, Columb:a. June tr, Attention, all ye who Buffer. UravgasAL S t LIT, for the cure of Chilblains, Chopped or Crocked (lands, Barns or Scalds. Cuts or %Wound, old Sores. Pimple. on the fare, Breaking Out and 'Form on ehildren, Chstin, Bum, Boils, Festers, Felon., Ulcers, and all drrenrts of the Ohm. The Proprietor n ",is valuable article has 'loch confidence in i list in every cane where it does not Rive fall MUM . _cum.. he will take. it back and refund the money. Only BS cents per box. Prepared and Sold only by SAMI. FILBERT, Golden Mortar Drug and tThead cal Store, frontal:est. Columbia. May 31, 1856. BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. swain's pa Panacea. BulPs Sarsarilla, kr. For Bale at MeCORKI.F: h DELIA:ITS Family Medici'!. Siert. OM Fellow's 11011. 1.14 Baskets and Flowers, Baguets and Pyramid%, IffAlt to Order, by the subscriber, at the _LY_L shortest notice. ffe has facilities superior to any person in the place for procuring handsome flow ers, as in addition to his own large pad various col lection he has access to the extensive nursery of 3. W. Houston & Co. He will be happy to receive or ders for anything in his line, and will charge such prices us cannot but be cutisfartory. JOSEPII YEWDALL. 15=M:1=1===0=72m JOHN W. SHUMAN'S NEW BOOT ISL SUOMI STORE, VRONT STREET, -Columbia, Pa.--Theit uniterrigued respectfully ittiortristhe pub lic that he has Just oilseed at the above place, a large and splendid useurtmeut of Boots and F.ltoss. comprising. FRENCH CALF-SKIN, MEN'S MOROCCO, KIP & oTHER. BOOTS & SHOES, to which he would invite attention. Having made litr selections in this branch of the business will. rare. end from the largest wholesale houses in the cat)• of Philadelphia. he feels confident tnat all wile wain good articles will call and examine his stuck. Ile has also a lares and !mandrel assortment of FINE SHOES FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN, cum iAting of ?meat Foxed Gai •er-, Prebrli Morocco Pushing, Enamelled Sprior, Heel Parodic, Ituhuu Cloth Guiters.Madras Fad Ties und in tact all the late-t notv in m.o. Al-o all kind. of Hoye', Youth•' and Missed Boots and Shoe.. of every mze and det•criptiou, and a fine aO•co talent of Meat's Gaiter.. such as Patent Glove Tops, Cloth, Cillf,kin, &c., &c , iu great variety. The tobAcriber hopes by oriel anon/ion to bumness, to merit a :these of public putrounge. The public ure melted to cult and examine the good?. J. W. SIIUMAN. Colombia. April 12. l'ebtLlv Susquehanna Planing DIM, COLUMBIA, PA. THE undersigned respectfully announce to llkvir (nemlit nod patrons, nod to the public gen erally. shot they ore prepared In foritiidi on hind+ of FLOORING, SIDING AND SURFACED LUMBER. A l+o, Shutter.. I.lliitibi, 'Window and Door Frurtit+, Moulding., .s„e , at the. lowest markot price All orders by mail or othertvi-e addressed to the undereogned, Columbia, rit...hall rreeiVe al. D/CKINSON & II VEY. Mop 31. ISM-r(. TlllarLE Or FASEtION. f AMES D. GRIFFITH, Fashionable Halp ? and Cap Stole. adjoining l ferr's hotel. Front street. Columbia, respectfully informs his friends and the ruinous of Columbia, that he bus opened his 31:3.Wft saxzcl iC.E16.1(31 tfI=STC,,, an above. /3env practical butter. ins whole at tention Dill lie preen no please all who may (as or him With s cull, with the cheapest Mid mast durable ar ticle that can be had forth, pence. in the country. Terms cash All Order, promptly V2itielitett. Col Lr.r, April ;N. S. SECROXIDEIt, Ladies soot ids shoe 32franufactarer, No. 1 Locust street, Columbia, Pa. V.SPI:CI'IIII.I.Y tender- his ailleere thank, for the s cry Llama patranatre he has received. Mid would alumina., to his patrons 'hal has pot supplied sell o uti n large and clinics variety of materials, mold is prepared to make up. In aildnion to 1114 large stock of ready-made work on hood. I.ndirs. Misses. and Ml &Nei SHOES, oArrEns, LOOTS. sI.IP PERS. Sc.. in the latest Mal Lwt ‘tyles. lief 00111111liallea of the Inver so liberal') bestowed by the public. SIIROMER, March 15, 1556. Columbia, pa, rzraksr. TAILELNOTICEI THIS and then give us a call. The New UYork and Philadelphia Weekly Papers, and also the Daily Papers, can be bad at the Book Store of T. J. Miles; such as the New York Ledger, Bulletin, Herald, and a number of other papers. The Daily Papers can be had every evening, after the Slow lina aitrivas. The Weekly Papers every Saturday evening. Harper's, Godey ‘ s and Ballou's Monthly Mag azines. Please give us a call. Columbia, April 16, 1856 ONCE MORE ON HAND, With a Large and Superior Assortment of MULTI:I7IMS, JEWELRY, AND 51X4173311.1X78.1L13. GOLD LEVER WATCHES, Dopler, Wines, unit Quitriie rs, at prices to sun everybody. Also AM entire new stork of CAMEO AND MOSAIC 13.11EASTP IlsiS and Eur•ltincit, of the latest style.. O.L.O•ORe3t OCICa! of every description; together with a thousand and one other articles, can he hud nt P. SIIREINFIR'S lratth and Jetrtdry Stott, Front Streer, Columbia. April 5, 1556. NEW SPEING GOODS, AT IIIIcTAGIUE & IMO'S ORIGINAL and One-Price Cash Store, Whole: sale and Retail deniers in Foreign nod Domes, lo Dry floodn, Ready-Made C;0111/1.g, 110111% and Shoes, Tiunks.a.c. I.,AMR' DRESS GOODS. Mack Gros de Rhine Silks; Insley, striped and maid Silks: Foulard Silks; ChoHie 01111 satin stripe Rarege and Ti•sucs, white and floured 13inthaws. Lawns and Prints. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERE4 French black Cloths of INIC:!011 7 e. muse• English blue Club and brown do.; French black Cnssimereo; striped, plain and solid colored Cu•simeres; black Satin, Brocade Silk and Mareonnick Ve.iiners. SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS. Cushrnere &Imwl•,Broche Bordered Shawls, black and colored DOMESTIC GOODS 'Afiv-liitr,Tirli nig-, Cheek m,Unielisimsanil Drilling., rnd a great variety of Do-,cry unerruntriing.. IZEADY-MADE CLOTHING. Cloth Frock and Dre.c Co;tit, do do Ctaa.tmere do do Mack and Fancy Co.tiinere Pant.; do do Satinett do Mack and Pitney Sono. silk nod Cn.dirnero BOOTS AND SHOES. idea'. Calf; Kip and Grained ThicitA; Men's Calf. Morocco and Cloth Gaiters; Ladle,' aud Morocco limn., Jenny LIM/. non/ Slippers Ladies' black nod colored Gaiter... Mid shoes so nil varieties. Al: our Gond. iIIIVC ' , era carefully selected in New Yolk 11.111 Philadelphia markets. (or Ca , h, and %mil be .old at a small advance (or the same—our mono Qaiel Salty and Small Pre.titt, and >io &wade to ,imin 6(.1,41, Me VAGUE A. April 219, 16151 - 3. Front Weet, Columbia. THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS PITRNXI I I7ILEI ViTA73.II.II.OOIYES. TOHN SRI: MERGER, ut itls old stand, Locust street, above ttie thlil Fellows' Hall. C 0111110314, Pa.. again calls attention to his superior and spiel*. lid o..,ironent of CABINET-WA RE AND CHAIR-WORK, of all descriptions, whirls he to ill .ellon &firmest reasonable berms. Al, he manufactures hisown work, he is enabled to warrant every at snide to be o lint its. represented; and to be a• good a- it in cheap. 1,11. stock is very large, and In part embraces Ores •irig. Pima and Malley Bureaus; Sideboatil• ' Sor a .,; Clod. End. Sot,, Centre. Dressing, Dining and Break- Itt,K.4; Common. French and other BED STFADS; Common and Fancy CHOIRS, and SET TEES of every sty le. together with a general assort ment stall Lind. of FURNITURE. nolera Is will be intended with it Splendid Hear... on short nonce. and all ac to star) attention glean to ITN DEItTA Ile ...nee an inspection of rooms, reeling confi dent that be is able to supply any article of Furni ture that may be desired. seell•mude and durable,and "eheap as uhe elieripe•t." Re-na:liiing Chairs and Varaislung Furniture fti lelldCd to. Cnium , iin.Marrii 15 IVA. ICE CREAM SALOON. MRS. ANDREW REITER takes this meth od of Informing, the pablic ulna she is now pre pared to furnidt lc, Cream of c%rry variety. at the short est tamer. The new and capacious building latrly erected, adt.tning the old plum has been opened for the convenience of etottors, nod every cfron redl be made to imnart comfort to those who call. She respectfully FP 11.'6 a share of public patronage at her saloon, attoming the Jefferson Ifoute, Front street, Columbia. May 3, I NSG. k .14) te .1A S IX D T l on u i ii i i C L l- u •S in A b l e C re p d reili t.' e k .ste::e w vr a u n rt te ll w on t, tho n urg:l 9 . }:liquire of DANIF.I. HERR, President. of Board of Trustees Columbia Public Ground Company. Columbia. June 21. 1,17.11.2=0, TWENTY' SOARES OF COLUMBIA BANK STOCK. F,nquire at thf• office. January 19, 19..5(e' tf SIILKEY FOR SALE, AFIItST-11.1all SUM for sale very low. Enquire at We office. leo:amtan, Jane *2l. 1356. New Arrival. JUST reedred a large and splendid assort ment AL...IMM O CP. tIL ...1E IS. Icesim , tile', tor the :Spring and Summer trade, sa J. MS' Cheap Hsi Stare, No 3 Shrelner's Row,Front Street. Columbia,'Slay 31, 11156. T OOKING GllBll2.laskets, littektta,Sraans, L A Wash-Boards, and a splersll4 IM, of DOW Slats, just received by Anse 23, 1856. SAP SAGO cui:bzr, Pickle., Seteiapa, &c., jest received and for sale by June W. 1955. S. C. SWARTZ. PLAIN and Cauvasged Sugar Cured Hera, for sat* by Jane 1... 1454. T. J. MILES S. C.SAVAICTZ. ft. C.SWARTZ