The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, June 14, 1856, Image 4

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spiob NNe epptitrogNek4ttratage*;
kt wsioutsmq . id*Ryt
44. Phtd,_ =Ain* milesar Aili
olrcgisolvt ame
Forgo Auk- - , ,
The Si.typayalfereation, Yezy . 7 p .
Wb.9 ';'Atel.; KnitiWsnii"liii? ••
God nevenleill in the Ilrokevi of CreasWi'
pudibr . ptithllosiaphy Of th e Plan
Ginlr).Sprypi k- the . Q'd Testpuitoppoge4.
'bora) yoma And A:special liA4s or creation; 14
rk,L,L.D end George Deck. ?CAL ••
,Lectntessan the Life, Genius and Insanity of Caw.
per,. by ,- Chi.ever.
I.sferi‘ PApthist Wiens. of the Army in the
PO/14. ,:s'irelia cit drip piety 'runs thicaghl k ia book
,rarrly. '
met _Wad it and you will bear Witness
to the irlitheftbis assertion.
The'l l ikwers of the World to" Com - by Chreeer.
Plf}Wl2ll:ltit Teb!.rwzgy.rth'nctii.bc.....
,fisla, pin-. not been told.
pram, with AtFoidaetion; by Dr.
"Illen and:Timex of th e Iterolutirin—n Capital Book
S.cen'erifiithe•Praetice of a I , low York Sury:ron—
illnsited- - s
p.1014 rk 04 - Tbesituras of Etigijah Wor d s. fpm wish
iinprove yourpciiapkispious buYAud study tnis ex
ps ilea; I!,onX.
poi nion m Common Life: by Rev. John Cn;rd.
philip the s ec e n if,Xiug o ritnitin; by Prescott.
InSicw of reducing our stock this smaller, we will
pelt at prices-vrideb will be an i,tueeinent to all .yho
..yrysn fonn Librariospr . replenish old ones with
?IA r.- f et k o.o - kji eyery Jena - I : now:A0 thointaining
our diameter of The Cheap Book ((tore.
511 North Queen Stinet.'filidoor south of Orange
ihrget,l , l 7 uar Side. igst received 9..Plenalla lot of new
goods iitti ah Black and Pettey Cloths, Block and
Piney Carniimeris.for spring and sumunsr.of the Guast
. knidlity and most beautiful put/erns, not, to ha . ,
rsy:cileil in tiny haunt, ill tills city. Snail and
Piney Sig: Yell Pnikerns of magnificent .tyles;;l. •
and a great .7railely Of cdlier vesting. , tutd., in I
'Short, a full Burl geii•eri4 rsponinon: of Spring and
:Summer Goods. ull of which in
made to order i
be,; pp . ot,ir manner, nod the uotice.
rkces unusually fnw.Also. it Sne'las of
onini:fing of Shirk told Fiiticyl)re.s, Stick. Frock.
nrid pox Cont... Mirk an.d. piney Ca-fluter.. Pant..
acid Pont. of every dtacriptiott. A
/ire rontortroprit. or.VP.l*, Satin. 'AN. Vniepcis, 0 1111
Fancy of variou. pattern.. Sin rtA, Shift Co I.
Coder..hirto and Drawer.. Stocks. Cravat,.
Ntoeking,., Suspender, Pocket MIX., Torii in furl,
evervilieng. it, Om! line or' All gond. , our.
'chased n; this ,toldodonent worm:llPd to he not rep.
reseiiked. loPotorquestee of the pi...intro of the
I ‘. ...PM'S. 1 4 1 1 1 , , ,!. home have-been rrdupell to aumh it
slandiad a. will erudite all to purehase such articles
a. Pie:y need in tlll.l lino of hustling, ,
' Come one. come all, nine give tv , a cull, nail you'll
And it to your Rd. - Otago to purellatAft. Rut pomp tit
any role.. whether )nri PIMAILIAC or riot; you will
‘v"l,C.°Pen at
Mn. MG. 3le North Clorent , 4 , Loner.
l a-ca4prmr cse, cro,
Fe l, 2i. 1.73 1 1.
TEE undersiped have this day forged a
I'rvpnimrr.lup far 1 .1. to.i.r
, Disco: NT.. IMO<, &C..
At N 0.16 Eon King Street, a few doors ,west
_ . •
pte 4,ancanter County Bank.
uniform rate of five per eeni. iinereet per annum
will lie Pain QII depo .4 ilv, lally male, awl a Ithe
ra I lute of necommodastir Wage riled wk. , " 7. , " v
Nets us with depusue, payable oil demand chrgile or
Svreinl anpnit,on rill he given to 'he purchase and
sale, Inn r-•omino,nit only ) of b•lockv . , I.elans. fee , iu
i l,alseaeter-Thiladelpbbt. 'York and Ilislcsnnre.
and collections vrilfte Made at the tipn r 4 0, ,, on all
mace...ado Point• in the (Jutted Slat re and Canada.
Ilovin¢umple resource. mid eXperkbee, litid having
secured the ••er v lee of It ntlif:lrr CIAII,O. late assist
ant Ca-liter or the Former'. thank of Lancaster, a.
our cashier. who—ill give the Int•ineev.hie peivonal
attrition', we - ale I , on (Went orexeculingf4llsfully and
ioromptly any bu.ine.iv entrneigel In im
)011S ic CO.
;con: avant.
pans. E+117..v.w.
I.ftneu,Trr, 31xreh p 4, 1..56.31
; 11 • 11 4F4 MA:4 O3 NOTX933
Ilk' THIS and then give us a call. The New
SJYork and Philadrlphia Weekly Papers, and
also the Daily rapers, can tre had at the Book
Store of'}. 4. Niles ; such as the New York
edger, Bulletin, Herald, and a nnipber of
Miter papers.. The patty Papers can be bad
,every evenprg, ,after the Slow line arrives.
',perp-,every Saturday arening,
pirjr• eits;lGodeyt;:e and • Realm's Monthly aln
MATTER of the application of Qer
hard Braridt, to the Court of Quarter Ses
. pions of 4piippater county, at Apiil Sestiops,
1.1196 2 for licenfa to keep an F.:ating House,
'Att:the I t Pwer Ward of the borough of Co
lumbiao' in said county.
S'otice is hereby given, that deposition; of
svttrleppes,to be read on the hearing of said ap
plication, on the pert of the petitioner, will be
taken before J. W. Fisher ' I? ! sq., at his office
)A1 Columbia, on Wednesd ay, June 18,, 18416,
hetween the hours of 8 o'clock A. M. and 10
June 7, 185Vit,
.1N THE MATTER of the application ofMar
tin Van Styke, to the Cow t of quarter Ses
. pions of Lancaster county, at April Sessions,
1845, for licence to keep an Eating House,
in the Upper Ward of botoagh of polumbia,
,in said county.
Notice is hereby given, that depositions of
,witneAsea to be read on the hearin# of said 811.
plipation, pn the part of the petitioner, will be
taken before J. v.. Fisher, Sag., at his &Ike,
in Columbia, on Wednesday, 'June IS, Igriti,
iietween the hours of S o'clock A. M. and 10
;,; RTIA' /'Air SLYKE.
June 7,.155G-2t
1$ :111,F3 MATTER of:the application of Jo.
seph Olmer,10114.: Court of Quarter Sessions,
of Lancaster county, at April Sessions, 1556,
for license to keep an Eating Home, in Low_
.er Ward of borough of Columbia, in said
notice is hereby given, that depositions of
prickleases to be read on the hearing of said np
plication, on the part of the petitioner, will be
taken before J. W. Fisher, Esq., at his office
ColuMbia, on Wednesday, June 18, 3856,
ietween the hpyrs of 8 o'clock A. M. and 10
June 7,1856-2 t
IN THE mATTF.R. of the Implication of Re
becca Eberlein - , to the Court ot Quarter Sea.
Aim; of Lancaster county, at Apr it Sessions,
1856, for license to keep an Eating House,
in the Upper Ward of borough Cl Columbia,
SO Said county. -
• - Notice is hereby given, that depositions of
seitrosses to be read on the hearing of said op
„Oration; on the part of the petitioner, will be
taken before J. W. Fisher, Esq., at his office
in Columbia, on Wednesday, June 18, 1850,
between the hours of 13 o'clock A. M. and 10
Juno 7, 16:16.2t
iN THE MATTER of the application of Ber
. nerd Reibley, to the •Court of Quarter Ses
• ;icons of Lancaster county, at April Sessions,
2856, for license to keep ■n Eating House,
to the -Upper Ward of borough of Columbia,
in said county.
Notice is hereby given, that depositions of
:altheales to be read on the bearing of said ap
plication, on the part of the petitioner, will be
,taken before J. W. Fisher, Esq., at his office
in Columbia, on Wednesday, June 18, 1886,
between the hours of 8 o'clock A. M. and 10
Jgpe 7, 1836.21
)IV THE MATTER of the application of Wil
liam Smith, to the Court of Quarter Sessions
Lancaster county, at April Sessions, 1836,
Toe license to keep an Eating House, in the
Lower Ward of borough of Columbia, in
said county.
Zialice is .hereby given, that depositions of
pritaesses to be read on the bearing of said ape.
pllsation, on the pert of the petitioner, will to
Taken belore J. W Fisher Hsq., it bii office
in ,Columbia, on Wednes day, June 18, 1836,
between She hpurs of 8 o'clock A. M. and 10
- Jona 7, ;
.tkie app l ication of
rich Vogle, to the Court of Quarter Sessions
-Id Lancaster county, at April Sessionp, 1886,
TM . ..license to keep an Eating House, in the
ripper Mud Of borough of Columbia, in said
:Notice is hereby given, that depositionp of
pritnesses to be read on the hearing of said ap
plication, on the part of the petitioner, will be
Zaire; before J. W. Fisher, Esq., at his °eke
sti Columbia, on Thursday, :one 19,11356, be
paisep the hours of 8 o'clock A. M. and 10 P.
/use 7, ,Psd•gs
- `V - liT - iktir- - .)014' , F EVE fr:::
WDA,•4 an .M.:: :4-411 , Fevaraik-Ag*, ,
na,rtncireyioal enre-forCtatandlrever.
tanamdliteurnitena Fever r Dumb ague -and
2 1 214 i .rntiga icn r geli n neithiritilhat anee: in.
j nelye. tTiintW-gwimm.h.elinceonapeeed entirely
otamieetablet in ,tbAanyes. .lit proctor this alleitation _give more confidence to thme taking ea
medinine, the Pau. offere:..a emceed, accompa
uxv, yt Aiejrhen,b,... Arlt-Kto be alerni,to any.permn
" reesne-oe Mercury join' aim.
poeithiii: redieme too .oncrt wed in reatedleffer
the *hove imetualied -y a bicb. while. they - often
Orevent.for a mason.* :Marti c. , f ;he ehille.enbeti.
lute in ilieevetenedimamoilee *one and more diffi
cult to remove.'
Ilse ibis' infantile" 'erg artar,prrat . uwion. and'sre for
Yourself ibirtqatial* Mara good 'medicine can
do and all that "earn bedeliferd. -It purifies and c (rm.
lutes the blood, it 5015 as a gentle purg ative Upon the
bowel.. thus enabliannatgte to : permrsa the regular
exerelce of her Ihniiiiillsbusweaoritig the health
and Draping hp f ms system. ~Twevernieelt Is
equally*. effertatitiamrehouldfiexarkertonee or Wrice
day, which a):peed to remove those diseaitedits
morn whicli often Cagi.pVirabovefeeers.._
The ProprietorrataygittlWatt fear of eontradirtion,
t h at reyffrajte n t.gpp Mixture has efiecluf
ally cured m ore {Wren. where it has Inger introduced
Mt:many omerpwaniallon mow - ip lit e.!p tug' atom
is unnoce.sery. inctbompillaitathrtontaagetrfafintip,
on it= own merlin. - - -
From the nutnerons letter* and eertified4pc merit!
etit by the Proprielor from persons who 11/10r rif.1.1111 , 1
:those named medicine. The following are sr!extedhe
dowse they are genera ttytdroown in the locality which
this newspaper dirralates. PAM beeanse of the ready
rucessibilityr of the writer...Aar airy pony. inclined to
doubt or at...purism lit'recurd to the- efficacy of this
Frozn the ProEr)etnr of 4be Pelawnre Ilona. at Brie.
to), fine in+ Coady, Fa., katiwn sit Print's Hotel..
Bakicerti.: Ocr. ZS.
E g , lgoevit..—DearSir-4 write so inform you'inal
your `•runichull...9ever,suld. Agri. Mjxture," 114181 rer
rrovet.atft-Ifivntrt for 11*,(1,1Afloce at
well its other Billoungostiplatutn.ireHerior known as
Chitin and Irever". litternittient and Remittent Fever..
&e.,&e",imul tint send thnt medicine boa at
lent been introdszeod xxong U.. 4 -wry. , much natootii.b
ett upon leortaile from your 'menu here of the large
quattitty gob) this falls 811141 in every eerie. except one.
it hail entirely cured the anthem upon Inkinx one col
lie only. and some not that sonels.. From what I ran
lento, I have In tlonlit that. an a precletitive for these
0b....v.0,4i vernn l! be ts 4 eireento I in curing. Wliere
it over ho. been tried 111111 taken nerolding to direc
tion, the fi11..80/0/.1 will ;sever :trine—whin will cure
the 1014.11+ and revel? A ititotialt I have not been un
der:lir of takintz any of the Ildixttin•; yet a
number of penman. lienovett to Inn. hap: lire. eured by
IL, and velinpe moor,. I nun at liberty to communicate
to all)' pereuttit interensed.
lienteetfully yoni
• [4 l . I p.pszkirti.
allitrrh • 2, isrdi.
Ma. E. S Moantn—Deor Sir—Your mediczne ban
reritunly proved what-you repre%enlrd it to be. an er.
1 . 4,111111 CAW for 4411111111411811 - Aff.f. We lake plettitgaz
in inforinine yriu glint the in;,,, in our employ t to
look your mixitire tint sprit r, neer tt year ago, Trap
not Find up to the prenent Any, any 1,111111 in chide,
and p up been daily at Ina work; he nnyit, oilte in every
way hatter 11.111 he boa 1104411 Alf -nine yarn..., and shine,
too, from tbecontento ofnue.hmt le only.. Reiipinetfully
KwrI•KuLINV• 4 & 90,
Fancv printery and Lithtr,ranitern, N. IN. corner 4th
niul Area .tree;'.
Having suffered foe !several months with-Fever and
Ague, the tyriter ‘ , to try l'itoehall's Mix
ture. und now twkeii Alen-lire iu eertifyidx that by
was tlror ably eaten Ili it very short lime, vrithotil
any dclotertotn..elfeets apparent from n.o.
C. W. Medium
Safe Harbor Iron Work,.
SATIC HARROA, Lancaster Co J ttttt ary fult.
\la. S. Mongto—Dad Sir—Four invalua
ble -Piteeliiiii•epeyer 4,ild Agfa. Mi x t u r e ," 00" r
using mild.. -vorion. remedies pia...Nig to elite the
chills and lever,plas effected n prrfrct cure in the use
0111101.0 bottle. bet till the atilicted use it.
Very ,i 3 ,1) You"f
RAFT. 11/, TIDOS. fdonenster CO., Pa.
The lollowituf Certihettie in from a gentleman in the
()Ince of thr putted Siale f t Mite, at. Philadelphia.
PIVLA010.1•111A. Sept. el, I
ED%VARD S. MORRIS.-110.1T Sir—ll >llford.; me much
pleasure to uniamitee lid you. that your valuable
preparation, • Paseliall's Fever and Agile Mixture,"
which II pi ovared Trout you several months ago, ban
indent proven itself to be "alt elfectual cure" in the
cane of my felend Tito took three doses only: from
one bottle. 000 ~at hail ii chill since, nod is.ow
perfectly well. With much respect. yours. dec.
ft mime W. HALt..
The following Certificate is from the Auditor of the
State of Delaware.
11. R. Alone.—Dear Sir—We are .ellitic the Mix
ture daily, a n d find it CO give nif , e volmoirxhtetino. I
believe it 1 4 Iltr best Medicine in eXiPleiree for the
cure of Chill• and Fever. 1 have di - 110,a Or a JlM
ber of boule•, and hoar trot known it to full.
Yours, very respectfully. •
W. T. MAIM!".
ikOd of Soasafras. Cent Co .Moryliontl, Jan. rt , 18311.
$. Aloattip— Wm( filir,-81 stet. your valuable
voj .111ortoirelline been iniroduned here,tt
has ga vi - m entire I.l.lii•ihrliolt •I. al4
been Mrtmonie enough of know of it. I will further
mention. in confirm 4IS great curative powers. 1 1 ..1 i
sold two linitlee of it to one (*roily consisting of three
Or (our persons .wlert were suffering with the Chills.
After some matt- had elapsed. one of the persons
cured., romp end nslosit time 1.. take Mirk one: 01 the
I.ollle...eying ilvti the other battle hod done the whole
work. and actually cured than all. Upon inquiry. I
learn Mut up to IN. tiny they are till well, !loving hull
no return of the Chills 01 °CY. %Vila t con /Redwine
do morel' Respectfully yours. nce.,
lynx. L. rayon.
Di r ,,th t n. i n German. French and Span
ish accompany c.7Fh bottle, !'rice 0.1.110 the onule
battle or 510.90 the damn bottles. 're the trade the
usual rate• are otters!.
. .
For .411,11 y Drneet..t- ond Country Merchant• every
where. end by SANsent. FiLIDIRT. brie Wlllinto
Golden :dollar Drug Store. nt 01101111. la and tVIIIInm
C. linker. Drorrei.l. C3Calre., , ,tipntre. I.:otew.ter City.
Merebond.ano Denier. not buying tide preportnion
will do well by ordering at oiler. Who're:de order%
mu-t be eddressed to the Sore . Proprietor end M:11111.
10. Y.:6 Arch orcci, Pthludriphia
Feb. O. I 5L.56 —gym.
- THE Salamander Safes of
',guar•' the worl d.
t E .11,W I•ml.No (.(
a a hc i
4 Fllllrill
d •t i reet. ritiludelohtti,
j i I /1(1 1 4 ;•1;,J,,Ct ri li n c o e i h o n tlie "r' fi t, l7l;w " i li ttg et
that their tnitotafiteluVe
Of Solitmonder Sale• bun at
warrouted the
reprrrenudrou• which 111, we been mode of them, as
rendering on undoubted •ecu rity neniu•t the terrific
1 . 110.. r• r.VA va & W111 , 1,1:—(•111E-11 1.1r0014 tO.
the Ic tpltr.l .cii.faeotooroo .tootes,to you. ihar owing to
the very proleetive outdone. of two of the Sal 1111 l an.
der Sate• which We psi rel,to,w,l ad . you. .00ne few
month...hire. We 01/10,1 a large pa of lair Jew
elry. Honk., Pieper., Are .1.1X1r0,./ ID the ea/wallop+
fire in Rant.tend Place. oil the snoring of the 11111
NVhen we reflect float the.. Stole. were loenied in
the fourth gory' of the buo/dong, we occupied. and Ono
they tell .toh.egooetitly nun a heap of burning ruin..
where, the va-s enowentracoot of bent esou.ed the
bring. 0011...10 ClOlllOllOO regard the•
vaOrno of valuably ermirow. 11.4 11101 eonvoneing
proof of sloe great .eenrity afforded Isy your Safer.
We tate 1010.11 plemenre no recommending.
them to men of to a lilre I,IIOIICO aenino fire.
IiCORI:T.; %V. SIMONS & IUIO. 2c Warnatt-4 have to offer 3011 my
teniimno) In favor of the erect ereurtly alrotded to
m) en", ofjewein, hook', papers. gke ,during
the recent tikt,o rou•coolinerution 111 Itun•lead place.
front the fart that the anor were contained its Awo of
the ZhlittattlintOef Sale• olaanlaClllited lay you.
114 ving Millets (ruin the tenth Wary Of the
Runtime, where they were placed and
pored ton vii•tliteattfor a long time, the ore.ervation
of the vtolunitle deprwilv aerated to every one who
mumrior eXataillatloll,
matter at I;roattltaltl e.tnui•hu,ent.
To all Nehto lemure a pertert protection from
lite retain ae. of tire • I -hall tint .... • In teen 1111 l tend
the i.el at your Sorra 0.1 con4ttler they hove now Ms
ttergone the Inuat 111 N. MORGAN.
11e••r.. EVAN. k AVAT-Con—ti.....ti,m,,,,—Nn d ou b t
you will lie deeply el - oohed to learn the good roadie
lion lit whiett I dowovered cry book, pokey of t u •ur.
once, certifcate• of 'mock. and other en Wattle &ten
/nem, when 011 Ftiduy inn I opened the made by
your firm.
With toy knowledge or it. great expotmre.boili to
the ivlteit.tly of the heat f .o hot a fire n• that
which de.trroctl ilir Arti.nn Omitting, as ai-n (rum
the force or :he Intl from it. former elevated pn.ttion
lit the third -tory. I could entertain but ale3idef hope.
prior to it• interior inspection. that the rowleole wit trio
I Doee no highly prtxrd would eve. he ants ) nervier
tone. hut ...the., fear. are now happily removed, I
heel Jr rutty dire to •ny to you. 'hurl eon ,betteeforth
recommend the n.e of your Sore. to all who may
'wish to feel it rottfidenee to the porfeet ...rarity *shies
such means provides art • 40 ffsghlfiti pit element.
EDWARD GAttitll.l..llookbonder.
Con.tanilv on bond Patent Powder a n d Thief Proof
Lock• for lintiks. ke.
Philadelphia ithry fn. 1,1.56 ly
To Consumers of Bituminous Coal.
TILE Clinton County Coal Company, Office
& 18 .WA lilt STREET. NEW YOH E. are about
completing their Railroad so the West Branch Canal,
and after the let of Jane, will be able to &north
their Coal on the sriont favorable term*, at their Depot,
at Pormatlerille. Clinton county. Peon'a, or at shy
other point de.ireti. The Coal In free from Sulphur
and other imposition, pad anti- drairable for
Puddling Furnares. Rolling Mill*, Loeomotivea
SleamaltiPa, Itlnteltmlihn. Family Dee, /sc. The Corso
patty are now ready to receive orders. For portico
ore apply to
J. C. bi t.igar, Pre.ident. at the Orme of the Company.
Q 110011.14 Eitel, 'Milani lame, Phila.
Maj. Gamma Lorna. Lock haven. Vinton Co.' Pa.
Gamier aIt,InTRONG, do do
Artai VS, lisbli-ao
Apple flutter, Preserves, &e.
OF COPPER KETTLES, all slim Locust
street. opposite the Franklin House. Columbia Fa.
Th.. Sulzer:tier has Constantly on hard and make.
t o order. the best quality pf Copper Kettles. wheel' be
is prepared to .ell at Ilia moat re o. o .w e p r i er .,
wholesale and retail. Purchaser. will And it to their;
interest to gas& ham a cal) before pettebssintr else
Co r tomhis, Attgust W. I etS5. . .
FLUE 'moors.
PIOt\PKI.PIII4. April 11.1‘511
rIIII.I4.IIRLCIII 1 / 4 . April 12. 1536
oA vg ' unUr Igekttgultarand 1 0 1,LIsiciaps,.
IRO ' S .?1- Dumg ppm &Ad glieopfrogs,
Want.), 01'4 viunUNCllase. Putty, a Dye„Woods,
will bjut j})o - i,lii* interest teparchase at the
Whcaesale'Drog - Warehouse,- S. W. corner Fourth ..
WI rine Orem& wh ere a full supply is , kept con -.
sURP Yeo Atpodte a sold at the very lowest cash'
Prices. .
SlSTiribEaeliKr9; Priefeatr"
- South.Wesecorner,FourtErmd Ylaksis, rhira.
N. B.—Particular auentiMi. paid' to physletanis:
orders, selecting, th e.parest d,rygs, and not ;as most
do) uthing advantirge on accoaat of spempaintance
with' their value, but invariably selling 1µ lowest.
cash prices.
May 10,1850 ly 8 &M.
men's and Boys' Clothing.
EERTBODY should embrace this opportu
nlty to buy Clothing for Men and Hoyt, at •
Cheap Clothing Establishment, S. N. corner dismal ,
and SILCOND orraitors,PHILADELPHIA, embracing
it choice of the best, most desirable and Fashionable
Dress and Frock Coats, Habit Cloth do., Linen Drill.
fag do,Tweeds.fec..tke., with a great variety of
consisting-of Sack .Coats, Polka Jackets, Monkey
Jitekets, Ve4l,l4:and Roiled Jackets, made of Tweed,
Linen Drilling, Cloth-Alpaca, Kweymere, Doeskin,
consisting *of Shirts. Stocks..Hund kerchiefs. hc.. all
of which are offered at the Lowest possible Cash Price ,
and as Cheap as any other Clothing -Store in the
Payen;e viva 4CATft Bin{ , Clotting are earnestly
inVI te.1 . ,t0 examine the alock.
vreountry Storelreeiera can.lte areommemkted"at
very low rates. ' GEORGE CULIN.
S. E. corner of Market and :Second street*.
Philadelphia:, April 26;18584y
- DENSLOW & CO., '
.ND Wholesale .Ilealers•la 'all. kinds' of
Foreign and . Dome.tic LEAF TOBACCO,
Almatifiletured Tobacco,and. Foreign and Domestic
21 South Front street. Philark rlphia. -
birolitnn% OF FINE HAVAXIL SWAIM, nil the choicest
growths of the VuelltbAbajo, a.. large -assortment o
which nee kept constantly o n hand. and an sale at a
.mall advance on cost of irodlorta .
"ErConsie,nments rexpectfally solicited, on which
liberal advance. will be made when de.ired.
N B.—Sprelai onention given to orderr for pur
chase on Coniniission. of Tobacco. as also every de
•rription of t•lerchutttlire, for account of parties liv
at II 1114 ttttt cc (rain this market.
Iri"Sole Agent for F. A. Goetze% .Celehrntril Ger
mon Smoking Tobacco, comprising thirty digit:reit
varieties. [April 26, 1956-ly
2 1 / 4 1). 278 Chestnut st.. 4th door above Tenth,
A RR now prepared to offer a large and well-selected
111. clock of the following (reel' and desiralde goods.
Nine/PAH y 1:11 - 11)eir emitjigporhstion,or bought at nue
tint:, which they are tilde to Pell at the imporier's
prices, nnd to which they cordial . '" invite the atten•
lion of Country Merchants, Hotel K eepers, and (anti.
lies generally.
Buff Green and Venitian Window Shniling.
Rttrialry and Irish Linen Sheeting, 7-4, 84, 9.1, 10.4,
11-4,19 4 wide.
Bolster nut! Pillow Linensof several chOge
er,!, and all widths From 34 to 54 inches.
lied 111sinkei• of till sizes and qualities.
Coil( and Cradle Blanket...
Red Quilts of the following enrielie.. viz:—Mar.
seines:Welling. Knotted. Regi-ter, 41liounIna, Allen
dale and latliciu.l;r, of all the de.i.851:. sky..
Bureau Covers, Table Covers; AVindovr Curtain Mal
lin, Towel.. and Towelling of every variety; Ditinn.k
Table Cloth, end Napkinv; ruhirinie Linea. and Mus
lin; Cambric Handkerchief.. S.nlirolderies, lio.ierv,
ice., &c. ltroratal, Damasks. Alorera., Renturoidereil
laire n,nl hlu•lin Curtains; Gull Cornices, Hand.,
Glint's, Cord. &e.. &c.
finpnrirr. mud Dealers tit Linen and House punishing
Hood., N 0.278 Chestnut et, above Tenth, Phila.
Philadelphia, April 21),
AWRILIGIn patent-4We subscriber calls
. .
the attention of the public to his Superior ELEC
It is now tally admitted on all bands, that every build
ing to be secure from the destructive influenees rut Light
ning, should be provided with n good conductor.
The large number of worthless ]tots that are put up
makes it necessary for purchasers to examine the merits
of the different rods offered for sale.
I earnestly invite a rigid examination of the principles
on which my Rods arc constructed.
I have put up nearly 6,000 Rods, and have - never heard
of the loss of one dollar's worth of property by Lightning,
in any building, to which one of my rods has been w
inched. I therefore, feel great confidence in recommend
ing , them, nut only as the best, but as the only safe rod
in use.
following gentlemen having examined these
rods and given them their unqualified approbation, have
iftllillffigragllll4,lBo4g l o44= - 4 , 1m;
n'r McAlear nut, M. Arr. E. WALTER, M. D. ••.
For sale, Wholesale and Retail, at the Factory, Vine
Street,above Twelfth, Philadelphia.
LEF'Orders promptly attended to, and at the lowest Cash
prunes. Apri126,1856-3m.
Improved Super Phosphate of' Lime.
rllll 'Atm ribers inform dealers and farmers that they
A bass greatly improved the quali•v of their
and now confidently recommend the article n 4 anise
nor in any in the loqrket. Alconstantly on hand.
Pero* inn and ALexistan Guano, Oils, Candles, Soap,
&c., at the lowest ittartiet rotes.
Successor. to O. W. Ridgway & Ca.,
N 0.30 North Wharves, above Arch street.
117 - rermera cart load on Water street, and avoid
the crowded wharf. (April 5,1856-3 m
Ladies Moot & Shoe Manufacturer,
80. 1 Loctist street, Columbia, Pa.
1) ESPECTFULLY tenders his sincere thanks for the
very liberal patronage he has received, and would
announce to his patrons than he has lust supplied him
self with a large anal choice variety of materials. and is
prepared to make up, in 'addition to his large stock of
ready-mails work on hand. Ludics. Misses. and Chil
dren. st ions. GAITERS, BOOTS. ii‘LIP
PERS. Sic.. in the latest and best Si) les. lie
solicits acontinuance of the tavor SO liberally
bestowed by the public.
'arch 15, MG. Columbia, Pa.
United States Life Insurance Annn
ity and Trust Company.
OFFICE, S. E. Corner Third and Chestnut Sts.,
Company'. Building. Charter perpetual. Capri.
tal, somertnitted.valthe of Premiums and Assets, Jun.
I, 1455, s 3 LIMO all 06.
The raiment *meet**. which has re.inlted to this
Company lirlor• chiefly from its ditinriivr nod simple
plait of operation, combining Stability with Security,
Perpetuit y end Availability. Animal Dividends. cort.
vertible in rash. or appropriated to the payment of
pristaium•.—Premium payments quarterly. he.
The undersigned has been appointed agent for the
above coMprttly. m tilt. pine e, nut, is prepared to
furnish policies at the shortest notice.
Columbia Nem. Depot.
Columbia, June 23,
aJ(IIIN SIIENBBRCRR, at Ms old stand, Locust
otreer, shove the Odd Fellows* Fish, Columbia,
Put—again calla attention to his superior and *plan
,htt ....nritetent of
of all de.ermlions, whirl, he will sellnn the moot
reanonaltte term.. As he manufactures hisown
works hr inc,entatied no warrant every arlocle to be
what it Is represented; and to lie an good alp is cheap:
in• stock In very large, rnd in part emlurnees pre..
•mg. Plain and Fancy Bureaus; Sideboards, Sofas;
Card. Encl. Soft, Centre. Dressing.. Dining and Break
fast Tattl.ES; Common, French and other 111F.D
STF.A DS; Common and Fancy CIIAIRS. and In.ET-
T.E.F....± of every style. together with a general assort
ment of all kinds of FURNITtniII
Funeral• will be attended w•ilh a Cplendid•llear.e.
nn •hors iiniire.and all nece•rary attention given to
- .
Ile i nvtice, an inspection of hi• feeli roan
dent that he i• able to supply auy artmle of Fund
lure thou may be desired, weli•made and durablo t and
-ebenp lie the chearegt.”
Repanding Chairs and Varni•hing furniture at
tended to.
Columbia, March
Carpet Hall Leads the Way!
Till: Proprietor. of Carpet Hall arc determined to ons
fain the reputation they have acquired, for offering
their caucmiers cheap and good goods at the lowest
Carprtingo, LookingiGlasses,
Matting& Venitian
Oil Clotho, Cottage Furniture. with' a
Baleen, fall assortment of Furni-
Rags and Mats,
Goods bragld far cash and offered on farorahle want
Colonials, March 15.
• Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware
IfINUFACTORY, Locust stmt, opposite the
Isl. Franklin lioamie,Colambia, Pa.
The subscriber respectfully informs old friends
mad the pablie generally, that he has remained the
above Ikiness, at his old stand, and in now prepared .
to Varnish all anletes in his Ike, made in the Lea
manner, at the lowest prices.
IdOIiatFeROOFING prourtme: runtraNG,
lIELLeHANGING. dal:, attended I. Pe We shortest
noike and on the moat 00000 nable terms.
Asonst.experlence in the badness warrants me in
raying thin full satisfaction will be - ghreartoldtwho
may /Ivor me with their patronscr.
Columbia, July 14. 1855.
SC. SWARTZ, at the 1114 Fellows' Han,
. has in.; received a lot netierman Six Se'gera.
Oranges. in whose vpd Laif bole.. which adII
he rnld ehearl. S. C. SWARTZ.
April 1110./Ssd.
4 111013): -
111, updenizoio aylig disposed of his
stock of goods WIN heether, who will continue
bu. nem e kad *sod. retires his 'thanks to his
"numeYous frlends;*firrthe favora r received from
them Ind respectfully.aolleits theisominuancOof the
same tabs enccoae ire. • • -
Persons-4 adebted_lbtioe, ter boost necount, notes. or
inherwiser ore eursoprdy requested .to- close up the,
some asaeon-as poisdidai-aot lo t oecestary for me to
close - army business in COlo r eblrfai without dete7 I
will be fotutd fora short tiMe;4rritili my books, at the
office of SAM UEL-EVANS,Esti.,Ist the Odd Fellows ,
Hall, where persout -requested:to coil and Fettle.
t • • r , PHILIP F. FRY.
Columbia, April 0;04% -
- . .. mew
-auperb.:Stii s‘loodsl .
T ux BUT SMllleterisr made, of bean
o.' Cloths,Cmttilaitras end Yeadiog, for the people
of Columbia. ' -
The -undersigned very respectfully desires leave
40 .eall the attention of his patrons and the citi
zens- of Calanshis, .10. /is Aplendid assortment of
the above named arfieles widen he - has now esrhand
His stock embraces ti variety of• arc-latest and most
fashionable-priderda_t4 CASIZIMERES and VEST
INGS. as - Well .as .e* - ry make: finish and quality - of
CLOTHS, fresbfipm theinipOfters hands; Which have
N E NNE 1,.."A.,E 'ikrt HS AP E R . •
Be hisoliessmah a ltirge assortmedlsof Gentle
merths *warble appal-id, such as Cravats, Handker
chiefs, Collara, - G18,14 Hosier', and. Fnucyrirticies.
His a .Catter sad. fitter of gar--
• manta. he thirdrit, is suf fi ciently well koown to
, ‘ p renderitpeticvmarytoimenk of it at this time.
I " His fit.; arc "Trirranted to give satisfaction in
every particular, MI Sprite* ore lower Mau ever!
I Everything verycl l for CASH.' -
m n;
Ilig customers at others are requested to call and
take c look thiongh to stnelr.ut his extabli.hnient in
Front street; third d' r below the American House.
s .. II KUEIDLEE, Agt.
Columbia, April S; EF.
_ iees,on , . "g• IG.-Iz.cmlofiw„
. . ..
Farmerli 'ore Is' again replenished
with a ehoice Effifie, fitslitOnidde sod service.
able goods. for Sprigx& - Suirnner. all of which will be
sold CHEAP AS.TMCIIEA PEST, The .tuck con
sists of every vend at
Superior Black ChM , different colors; Illack and
Fancy Cusiimeres . 'Sett:tells. all colors, very cheap;
also. n genen,l stswittinent of Vest:lnge. such as Sabo..
and Velvets - r Bbsclailk. rich hotre. D el.:tines, plain
and fancy, ace., &gg Prints, a good selection. none
better; Bleached Studios. very cheap; Unbleached
do. 4.1 wide, gried;oriekines. Checks. tititchoms, Cot
ton Floosies, accg-rap..., at very law prices. Cull and
be convinced. .
T have ju.t openejl' a new lot of orucerie... which I
will .11 at very lowtritice. 'Feus, Spice s, &c .&c., all
frock, and of thn 1.0
A full noortiarritlifellanton nod Finley.
FIS 4 , - FISH,&c.
Mackerel. Hoot& and White Fifth.
My Mock in niew — al have no old goods.-4 buy for
en.h. nruNvill gienyst very email advance. If you
wont the worth ot,ythir money, I prondw you will
get it, in quality and" price, and 800.0. in weight and
incapure at she Fahlieria Cheap Caiih Store.
Thankful for pude Savors, I xolscit the continuance
of public 'mortgage.'
CRuntry Produevaken In exeliange for goods.
Oppeuite the Franklin lion..
P. 6..—NrArduttos. CON STA NTLY RECEI VED .
Columbia. Apr ITTA tspo.
CABIN*2 I WILTLE 3r.oontr.
THE inbseribil- would inform his friends
end the ettloiliVienerully, that he continues to
noon/facture, and hat constantly (or sole
such as Secrem'ries., Bureaus., Workstniids. Dining
and Breakfast Tables, Card, Pier and Centre Tattler,
French, Field. , Wilt. ;ad Low Post Bedsteads. &c.,
together with every other article of Cabinet Ware,
which he will srldtkitthe lowest possible prices. His
workmen are expeeienced and capable. and bittartic
les are warrantedequal if not superior to any sold in
the place. • • •
equal to any in the cities, can always be found at
hi.. establishmont7lll Locust street, below 3d, and
COFFINS will Ire mode. and tune rata in town Or, 1,01111.
try attended nt alien notice. He respectfully solicits
a. share of' pul4patronage, confident that he eau
render getter,. &client.
Columbia,tiprt 2,11.955. , :CASPAR SF.IIIERT.
. , .....
- • . mom: .
... ,
WATC OCWELRY, , s fr.c.,
airmitutpar-41.:rr =trim.
• •
Tilt au —buftw.r. , ba s ., re -leave. .to . inform the
1 citizens •,,....• .• ~., sand, the public generally,
that tier • ...,r . - 'i i . , - S': isx, : iewietry establishment •to
e z mrs • ..,.. fr4 ,i - • • , nottlprof Locust, where-he
ravniannta,-. . -- 4/ .- .4":" ' ."r°' new-and
G C.L2O, - • 1 ft , ~' 4 44.=-AN-D , 43 IL T- p' .
gold petta.oo,,' ,25 OHO; Fife'apatent pes,e
dies , and Gent breast Phil.; ear and ringer rings;
eillirpini, bra • -1 .tf,r- Medallions., miniature eases,
pencils; fob, ver,t, and curb chains; lockets, seals,
keys.vrateh bookarkilirter .thitnibtes combs; german
silver, plated a sterling 'silver able, desert, tea,
salt, mustard an ugaivitdons ; butter lc 111 VCR. sugar
tong*, end fruit cake baskets. Also, a variety of
FANCY 600 — . port montraies, fans, pocket
books, card ea .Instals, silk and cotton purses,
plain and shaded arse sill, steel beads, rings. Ac.,
snuff boxes, ne cases, bulTalo and imitation side
and bark combs en and pOCkelr kniVes, (Wos.tens
holm's finest qu iv.)
besides eight-rl 'and thirty-hour Gothic, Victoria,
Mary Tudor ' Ba nun, Prince Albert, Willard Lever
Ogee, Plain i ike. t various price,.
Clocks, Vs ate s,Jewelry and all kinds of moving
mechanism ace cutely repaired, and guaranteed to
parformaatisfis illy. klusieul Instruments repair
ad and tuned. . CHARLES zErrula,
Columbia, Ap il 5, 1850. .
Shaving d Hair-Dressing Saloon.
TUB tinders gned having removed to limit
.l.. - 11m0 Rom, poosite the War.hingtan lintel, in
vireituttention t tits Saloon, where all person. , can
receive a CLEAN ND f.A.Y .IIA YR, and have their burr
cut and dyes •in the Bust fashionable and ex
quisite mantic . There is something soothing in a
good slinve: of ny are disposed to doubt it, let them
try me, and I will fully demonstrate the fact.
Colutfihta, A 'Hi 5,1.456-tf
fyELLous AGE!!
By the aid or - 4 1; microscope, we see millions of
little opening son the surface of our bodies.—
Through theite this Ointment, when rubbed on
the skin, islearned to any organ or inward
part. Diseasies of the Kidneys, disorders of
the liver, affictions of the heart, inflammation
of the LungsrAsthmas, Coughs, Colds, are by
its means effectually cured. Every housewife
knows that salt passps freely through bone or
meat of ant thickness. This healing Oint
ment far mows readily penetrates through any
bone or Realty part of the living body, curing
the most degerous inward complaints, that
cannot be reached by other means.
BUTIC HUAtORS.—No remedy has ever done
so much furrAhe cure of diseases of the skin,
whatever fel* they may assume, as this Oint-
meet. No &we "of 'Salt Mutual, Scurvy, Sore
Heads, Scrotal* or Erysipelas, can long with
;stand its Alknence. 1s inventor . has trav
elled mier — illany - parts of the Globe, visiting
the principal' hospitals, dispensing this Oint
ment, giving advice - as to its application, and
his thus been the means of restoring countless
numbers bilwalth.
AND DLCIIRS.—Some of the most scientific
surgeons no ref rely'. solely on the nse of this
wonderful Ointment, whets having to cope
with the worst cases of pores, wounds, ulcers,
glandular swellings, and tumors. Professor
' Holloway hisay command of the Allied Gov
eniments,dispatched . to the hospitals of the
East, large,ahiPments 'of this Ointment, to be
I used ands the direction of the Medical Staff
in the wank eases of wounds. It will cure
any ulcer, glandular swelling, soleness or con.
traction of the joints, event of 20 years' stand
' PILES AND FISTULAS.—Tbese and other
similar die easing complaints can - be effectu
ally cured 'tbe Ointment be well rubbed in
overtt*; s 'erected, and by otherwise Ica
lowing thejprinted directions around each pot.
, rue. 70;.1.0Wp4C , CA526.
Bunions, • Piles, • Sprains, •
Burns, Rheumatism, Scalds,
Chapped bandaSsltßbeimr, Swelled Glands,
- Skin Diseases, StiifJointe, ,
Fistulas, " Sire Legs, Ulcers,
Gout, Sore Breasts, Venereal Sores
Lumbago, -Sore Beads, Wounds of all
Mercurial. - Site Throats, . kinds.
F.teetsorts, Sores of: all
- • e' r '
Sol d ble Manufactories al ProfesSM
Bolloway„-SO Maiden Lane, New York, and
2r4 - StraziliMindeiq Vid-by.silt4tespectable
druggists and Dealers of Medicines throughout
the United States,
and the civilized world, in
Pots, at 25 cent., 62* cents, and $1 each.
IDTTberis is a considerable saving by taking
- the larger sizes.
N. B.—Directions for the guidanceof patients
in every disorder are afSged to each box.
Pee 1V18554/.
.. 333kaiParfralgESSEit
.SHIIPARD & CO: *r "Itowiireporod to take
Improved Ambretypes.,never fading add hide
structible—hermeuealiy scaled between two glasses,
which to; life-like appetansace,riehaess of, tone and
truthfulness, cannot be smirpossul by any eiadeill the
city.• .
Shepard & Co. have purchased the exclusive right
to tale Ambrotypes in Columbia, and although pre
pared to take any other kind or style of pictures,
would recommend, Ambrotypes, because of their nu
let. They are visible in any angle of light, and
when taken large for Portraits are much preferable
for the parlor to Paintings, because cheaper cad mare
2nd. They possess more charm and beauty, be
einnethey are finer and more truthful than the finest
Daguerreotype can possibly be. ...•
3rd. They are more durable titan any other etyie
of Picture, because they are hassuetically - aealed be
tween two glasses, made air-tiglit and water proof
in fitet a -
will retain it:hinni) , and truthfulness Of expression'
for ages, except purposely mutilated and 'disfigured
by some one, jealous of the superior qualities they
pos.easover other and older style of pictures.
Different — stYlii and 'kinds of pictures': taken, and
oniafaclitin guaranteed, at prices ranging from 23
qui. to Pt& - SHEPARD*. CO.,
- -.Soinh-east corner of Prdot and Loring streets.
Columbia. Marsh R. 1826.
New. Trialadot). g 'and Variety .Store. .
211091111AE:1 4 .11A J. MILES.
U•A.S. mite opeded a TRIMMING AND -VARIETY
II- STORE, opposite Mr. Rumple , ' Hardware*Stotei in
Locust street, to which she would invite the attention of
of the ladies. As her stock is entirely new, and she be
lieves she will be able to please, in quality, in fashion,
and in prices, she solicits a call from the lathes.
Undersiceves, Knitting and Darning Cotton, Collars,
Laces, Inserting, Flouncing, llobbinets, White Fringes,
S ilk Tassels, Socks for children, White Cotton Hose, of .
all kinds, (for ladles and gentlemen.) Needles and Pins,
Dandkerchiefs;(for lidics and gentlemen,),Oentlemen's
Collars, Gentlemefil^Sdkpenders,'Zephyrs .and. Sewing
Silks, and a great many other articles which she will
take great pleasure in showing those who may favor
call. "
Columbia, March 15.1916.
X 22. iSitwrlssg• C3rcicac:issi Z
Tll6 undersigned are HOW receiving and
will be.opeiniteduring the next week, at their
store in Locust street, opposite the Columbia Bank. a
new and large assortment of Goods imitable for the
season. consisting in part of
DRY GOODS; such as Cloths, Cussimeres, Vest
imps, Black and Fancy Silks, together with a great
variety of LADIRS DREtti GOODS;
lIOI:BEFURNISHING GOODS, such at Sheeting.,
11fu•luts.'Ptruingi, Cheeks, Oil Cloths, Rlmds, he.
GROCERIES of every description—fresh stud of
the best qualities;
Together with a general assortment of Queensware,
Glassware, Carpet+, Blinds, Looking Glasses, Drug
gets, Battings. Rug•.
In fact everything kept in a well-regulated store.
Call Bind see our assortment, as we feel satisfied
that none will go away disappointed, as we
and are thereby enabled to sell goods mate very Lc) inr-
Columbia, M. 4112.1950.
I EST PUBLISHED and received, talk Head
e j Quarters and News Depot,
The confidential correspondence of Napoleon with
his brother Joseph Bonaparte; 2 volt.
Post's History nft he Jews; 2 vols.
Hunter's Feu-1 ' by Moyne Read.
I.ucy lloston;a humorous work.
Kate Weston. by Jennie Dewitt.
Lunmere. by Mrs. Dorr.
I mint. or The Pearl Isf Pearl River; by Mrs. E. D.
N. Southworih.
Life of Curran; by his son.
And all the stew puhliernions of the day, all of
which will be sold at the publishing prices, by
March 22.'56. No. 4 Front street.
BORDENTOWN, New Jersey..—This
lion is plea.untly located on the bank of the Lei
aware River, near the grounds of the Joseph Bona
parteand directly on the railroad between New York
and Phi!ndelphla. Being chartered with full colle
giate power., it confers diplomas on those who COM.
pinto the prescribed course of study. Entire expen
ses for board, tuition , &c., iu the collegiate 'Mame,
one hundred and torty-four dollars per year.. Orna
mental branches extra. Pupils received at any time
and charged accordingly.
The nummee session commences Apyil 10th.
Catalogues may be obtained by addressing
BRAKEI:..BY, President.
Rarraseces: Rev. J: W. bleeaskey, Columbia, Pa.,
D. W. Danlae, .L"neaster,.Pa,
8-$442, • ... .
. • . a a' •
SHOP la North Queen street, half square
smith of the Railroad, and 3rd door north of' '
GritimOs White Home Hotel, Lancaster city. 1
LEWIS HALM, Marble Mason; respectfully in
forms the public that hi has now in hie yard the lar
gest and beet•assortment of ITALIAN 'AN D AMER
ICAN MARBLE ever offered to the citizens of Lan
ctistev.and•greater than any oilier establishment west.
of Philadelphia. Having made arrangements in the
East to receive marble at reduced prices, lie an
nounces that he will sell much cheaper than any
other establishment in this city or county can do. Ile
is nrepared to execute in the hest style, MONU
&e.. of every variety and price.
His fat:ilium: for furnishingarticlek in the Marble
line are unsurpassed by any other establishment in
the city, while he avistiresall who may favor him with
their patronage that his work shall be executed in the
very first style nod on the most reasonable terms..
done at the shortest notice,and on the moat moder
ate terms.
Ile resmcmfnlly invilestherublicto eat land exam
ine work. betteg fully satisfied to rent his claim
to public patronage upon its merits.
Thankful for the many favors bestowed spun him,
Lehopes Lyon iettittention to bushtessto mentand re
ceive a share of the public patronage.
Lancaster. April 26,11855,
THE subscriber having mode arrangements
with some of the oldest Booking Moose'. it Ger
many, If- now prepared to collect Monies mid make
Power of Attorneys for any port of Germany.
Ile ha• 10.0 (nude arrangements to give bin Ow
Draft to any one who wishes money sent on, sod
guarantee. It will be paid,—having bud mach expe
rience in this business, he intacta to devote his lull
attention to it in future.
All collections of Claims, &c., attended to with col ,
rectiies. and dispatch, and no eharges for information.
For further particulars address
Dry Good Merchant, No. 00 North Queen Street,
!Attica:ler City, Pa.
N. B. ;All kinds of German Coin exchanged at full
December 10, I=os-if
DEALER in all kinds of MUSIC and MUSI
CAI. issT num P.NTs, No. 6 Erampled Arcade,
East Orange street, LANCASTER, has always (On
hand a large and vrell-namried stock of
French and (lemon mo from2s Mo. up to 815,00;
-4;7^ x es,
of superior qua itty «f boos, trout 73 ets. up to 8100;
at all pricer,. ratir,ing from 50 cis. up to $3O and 540;
Llatdos, Tandiori tam Drurn&clarniets, Fifes, he. "
for die Piano. Violin, Flute, (tinter, dt.e.
TION BOOKS for all instruments.
Italian, Gersten vied Es:Bak Strive, of the very
best quality, selected with particular care. •
Also, all kinds Of Mu•icat Mereltendise. as Violin
Itridees.Tnil Piece ',Screws, Pegs, Drum, Tamborine
and Manic Ileadootc.
Toy Instruments of every description. •
All the New Music for Piano, Guitar, ke., received
as soon a. published, and can be sent by mail free of
Lancaster, May 5.1Q5.5.1y
10 , 4At.v4:*‘- - f - kY:wA“; . frl , )4:4
TILINTIC - TION! A certain cure for all Rhea• nantie Pains. Don't condemn but try• it, it cannot
hot. -
and Arabian Pain Extractor, for man amd borne.—
Copyright secured according to Jaw.
Wrist. WILL IT CCRO—We answer--Rbearnatic
Palos, when every thing fail., Cramp•. Chilblain..
Horns. Scald., Sprain., Head Ache, Tooth Ache,
llrui•es,Sores. Sing Worm, Tetley. Sad
Joints, Contracted Cords, Fresh Cuts, Ulcerated
Sore*, and all Scrofulous Diseases where external
remedies can be used, Sore-Throats, Sit ir Necks, &c.
Sweeny, Spoleto, Ftettllas. Poll Evil, Windmills.
cers. Cholse, Sprains, Collar and Saddle Galls, biome
Sibiu*, Slit Joints, Vertigo, Splints, and Running
None genuine but those bottles having the
words ALLEN'S Concentrated Electric Paste.
or Arabian Pain Ems rector. Lane'r blown in the
bottle. Look out for Coantegfaits, don't forget to ask
for Allen's.
Letters concerning the Paste to be addressed to E.
C. Allen. Lancaster. Pa. .
. .
For vale at R. Milian& Shair Slars,Troai tareei,
Agent for Cotambia.
_Aril It, 113.1a01y
21411.07.11 33.11.110213.1 r.
wO6 our COftrettiO/111111,.ettablishisent, we are
now prepared to loutish
Milk Biscuit, Rai, &c., fresh from the oven, at all
A trial of our Bread lit solicited,
as we are confident it will render safisifaetion. Or
ders for Bread left at the Store will be punctually at
tended jrn and when requested, families will be
served regularly. Fresh Cream and Boston Biscuit,
Tea Relic, New Tork Twin, Busk, /kr., ready for de
livery Viten' afternoon at four o'clock.
Old 'Established Stand,poeutt Street.
Columbia, August 25,1855.
Next Peer to the Post Case,
No. SS Dock Street, phipa,
' • 3.134 S
T"' Van WINGI.1 1 131), No. Dock st.;
nest door to Third street; an d adjoining the Post
Office, yersives money en deposit daily, from 9 In'the ,
morninginnii 34u the-afternoon; also Monday eve
nings, from Tio9orellock. Interest is allowed on de
posits at the rate of *saner ce ni'per annum. - De pot - "
its will be returned - in whole or in pan en.deuisstd,
without .
The popularity Mikis °See With all classes of the
community, both is town and country, and its constr.
enent - succese,may be ascribed, in part, to the follow-.
lug substantial reasons:
Ist. It olTers a convenient, responsible, and profita
ble depository to 'Executors, Administrators, As-.
signees,Crillectors, Agents, and all public officers—
to Attorneys, Trustees, Societies and Associations,
whether Incorporated. or otherwise—to married or
single ladiesto-Suadents, Merchants, Clerks, and
business men generally—to Mechanise. Farmers. Mi
nato of oldie; sea. and all ;who have fends, much or
little, to depindWohere :they may be:had at any time.
'with five per cent interest added. • ' " ;
fid. Depositors receive books, with an abstract of '
the By-Laws and regulations,ht which is entered
their deposits, which books serve as vouchers. They
may designate, in case of sickuese,deatb,rof absence.
who shall receive their depesitsiwithant the inter
vention oil:seculars of Administrators. Any one or
More persons may deposit in his, her, or their
name, or for any other person or persons.
3d. A Report Is made each year to the Legislature
and Councils of the City.
4th. The officers are sworn before they enter upon
their duties, in addition to' giving bowls with sure
ties. • ' •
sth. The State Savings-Fund is areal Savings Fund
—not an Insurance and Trust Company. Our large
list of Depositews and the _Philadelphia public, have
i been careful to observe Mu the charter avoids the
business and rislrof bunmance. •
evenyseasonable facility to
Depositors who reside at a distance from the office.
their deposits are permitted to be withdrawn by
checks, after the manner customary with the Banks.
Check Books will be furnished to depositors without
charge, ' •
The popular patronage bestowed upon this office
by a proverbially.eautious and discriminating comma
unt7, and where the character of the is
best known, is a gratifying fact to which the Trust
ees desire to call attention.
GEO. G. HART Pres ident.
Clue. G. lattaS, Treasurer.
Philadelphia. March 29, 18u6-6m
AT Reduced Prices. B. I. Williams, No.
12 North Sixth street, Philndelphin,originntor of
al: new styles, of Venitinn Blinds, Gold Bordered and
Painted Shades, of beautiful designs. Bud: and. all
other colors of Holland, used for Shades, Fixture's,
Trimmings, &c., &c. Store Shades Painted to order.
8..1. %V. thankful for past patronage, respectfully
solicits the citizens of Lancaster county to cull and
examine his large assortment before purchasing else
April 5, 1856.3 m
Wall and Window Papers.
ITAVING purchased the interest of Parrish
ac !laugh, in the Wall Paper business, we now
have nt our more, N. E corner Arch and Third streets,
a full and complete assortment of wall and window
papers, fire-hoard prints, Ac., dm.
. Relying upon our ability to supply all orders at
prices to compete with houses in this city or New
York, wc confidently invite an examination of our
stock. We especially call attention to our window
papers; embracing fine French green, satin green
and blue satin and unglazed figured, all 4.4 wide.
Successors to Parrish A Hough,
' 34. E. Corner Arch and Third sm., Phila.
N. s.—Ott reasonable notice being given, Paper
will he hung at City prices. P. & B.
PliVadelptita. March :29,1856-3m
N 0.26 South Second Street, Philadelphia,
IMPORTER, Manufacturer and Dealer in
Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Dye Stuff,,
Colors. White Lead, French and Amen..
can White Zinc, Window Glass, Ghtssware, Varattvh
es, Brushes, Instruments, Ground Spices, Whole Spi.
including Borax, Indigo, Glue; Shellac, Potash. &c.,
tec.,dr.c. All arders,by mail or otherwise, promptly,
attended to.
Country Merchants are invited to call and examine
our stock, before purchasing elsewhere.
Goods sent te any of the wharves or. Railroad Sta
tions. Prices low and goods warranted...
d'hiladelphitt, March 1,18.56-71 y.
* "isAitrmarafr , rtr . aro'
i,3liited States Insurance, Annuity
,o/CPITAT. $250000.
14101417 intideposit dellk., The amount
depovite iv entered in a Deposit Book and given to
the Depositor, or, if preferred, a certificate will be.
All sums, large and ma:), are received, and the
amount paid hack on demand, without notice.
Interest is paid at the rate of five per cent., corn•
inenciag from the day of and erasing four-
teen day* Previous to the withdrawal -, the motley.
On the-Must day of January. in earn your, the in
terest of each deposit in paid to the depositor, or add
ed to the principoloa he may prefer.
The Company hove now onwards of 3,500 deposi
tors in the city of Philadelphia alone.
Any additional information will be given by ad
dressing the:Preasarev
Stephen R. Crawford, Pres.t. William M. Godwin,
Lawrence Johnson, V. Pree't, I Paul B. Godard,
Ambrose W. Thompson, George Me lienry,
Benjamin W. Tingley, James Devereux,
Jacob 1.. Florence, GUSUILVU.
- Secretary and Treasurer. PLINY F 11.1(
Teller and Interpreter. J. C. Oelilschleger.
Philadelphia, Sept. 8, 1855•ly
Wholesale and Retail Tea Warehouse,
Nrih. Eighth se., (above Arch, East Side,)
Dealer in Tea dc. Coffee Exclusively.
Families are respectfully invited to
give him a trial._ •
bleach 6,
subscriber would respectfully_nu-
IL flounce to his patrons and the pubic that. hav
iitg purchased a right to use Dr. Slayton's Patent
Colored Gutta Perch°, he I. prepared to furifish Sets
of Teeth will, this material in a manner far superior
to anything now in use. The advantages are • the
ability of making a more perfect fit. and a more natu
ral anti beautiful job; and the material is vastly more
congenial and more pleasant to be worn in the mouth
than either gold or silver.
All who wish to try the Qum Percha Teeth can
haven set put in. and if they do not render perfect
satisfaction I will take them back and put in a set on
gold or silver plate. without any charge for the
trouble. Piewie give me a call, examine specimens
of this really beautiful invention, and give it a trial.
- T. J. MILES ' Dentist.
Dee 22,1 ' inf Cherry street, above Third.
riraT .
THE undersigned having taken the store latelyciesp.
pied by his brattier, in Locust street. opposite She
Columbia Omsk, and having associated . with him in
business, Mr. P. L. II AGMS N, will continue the bu
siness under the firm of FRY dr. HAGMAN, where we
will open in a few days. a very large assortment of
new goods.ronsbning of
- CloeeneWlue, cleaoware, Carpeta. Oil Clothe, wan
ase., aw.. be., all of which we a r re detersaiNed
id cell sobe want LOWEST PRICES. As we In
tend doioe an • -
w•e will be able to compete in prices with arq store in
the county.
We respectfully solicit a call from oar friends sad
Cm public generally.
H. H. FRY.
Country Produce always taken at the highest mar
ket prices.
Colombia, April 5,1956.
IL" can-and. Second street'. Columbia,
The. undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of
Columbia and surrounding country, that he has Jest
received a very large and extensive assortment oflhe
latest and most improved pauerns of
to which he iambus atteasism. Of Cooking Stoves, the
Morning Star, Globe, Girard, Champion and Portable
Range, are acknowledged to be the best in ow and a
full assortment will be toond at his store.
He has also received a lot of SOATSTOVES. Per
sons wishing skives are solicited to give me a call
beime purchasing elsewhere, as I am (laterals lied to
sell at the lowest cash price..
, Cornet of S_CAo r id stud LoCast streets.
. Colombia, Sept. 8,1955. , • .
AN) as I may not see you ill, I take this my that I have removed myatore
to the corner or Front and Locust streets, at which
place 1 em prepared to well yea as nee •
payna eon get.ln this or any other place, and
at 'such &feet nit any' gentleman who - is a Joe:ter - a
good and neatly-finished Hat, would ask.
Hyatt want a handsome Hat. 1 , 11 tell you what to do.
.Co .down to Tasaimitcs's, and he will put you through.
Now,friend,l don't mean to brag, but I think Flu some
on a Hat!
IQ" Don't forget the place, sign of the RIG HAT,
earner of Front and Locust streets, Colombia. Pa.
Columbia, April 29,1855. 1.. TREPCNICK.
POIL4Dgi.PII4. xcivERT4*....F*E&,
Evans' and irillertleorepafEC
others, baringß
to preserve -from.Fiftg- M. 43 WU 711W4k.
Newell's (Elobl,lr) SANK LOCKS
CARD.- 4 -TW. SWIM poow Utid,VireMiriita
onr Books. , rapers. ibc”.darieg the)Greelitt
11,,,ats BalldinWitras 'pnrchased'orOlbreL___.
IS S. Und sts M ad ,P l o l4 ..r:7 , ` qiIFIWAW C lgr
44 511711113701AT0741 ittb 3v:656i t'}Yiti,lp - L
11 4, n
lcein .,
Premium Ventilated ,RefslieratorMdir , cooling -and
formulinarr pommies. • r,
We to Fmrstse, for pniiiglit . g Biankish - pilifaddy
Water, whether effected Wraps; infestone.inarl or
other causes, can be had separate or at_Mched to the
Refrigerators—a Moan , quantity, cooling-- the
whole, in the warmest weather.
Porresrm SnOwsmillemet, ftie thesis° of warm or
cold water.
WATIII COOLICRS, for Boleti, Stores Ind Dis'ellings,
Srogg TRUCKS, for moving Boxes, Bales, .
Szei.*Pagssmt. COPT MG
No. dl. South gd 5t..2 doom below Cheannt,Shila.
...-I,rrEstablished in• 1835. „feb.9-1r
rnmanyvenzis.. •
QTANENENT•ig Malaga of 4•11 e Compaq! el
10 January 1,1856.
published „In conformity with the provision •
of the
sixth section of the Act of Assembly, of Aprilsth,lB44,
Being first mortgages on real estate, in tiic
City and County of Philadelphia, except
830,950 in Montgomery, Bucks, Schuylkill
and Allegbeny counties. Pennsylvento,Sl,4sop73 32
Purchased - at Sheriffs , sales, under wort- -
Eage claims, viz: •
ight houses and lot, 70 by 150. feet, on the
•*South-vrest corner ofChestnut anti Seven , '
teenth streets, .- .
A house audio*, 27 by 71. feet. on North side
of Spruce street, West of Eleventh street.
A house and lot, 21-7 by 100 feet, on West
side of Penn Square, South of High streit,T
Ter° houses nue lots, each 18 by 80 **Vim .75.
South side of Spruce street, near Sixteenth ID
street, • •
Five houses and lots. each 17-9 by 90 feet"._
Nos. 159, 161, 163,165 and 167 Uilwyn et., g
, Three houses and lot, 49 by 54 feet, onEast.
side of Sevent eenth st reel, south of Pineal, ro
A 1 von
A lot of ground. 17 by 57 feet, on the North- t .
east corner of Twe o
nty-second and Spruce. 82,454
Hotel and 10t,50 by 81 feeb - len the Southeast 7 -
corner of Chestnut and Beach streets. •
Five houses and lot, 42 by 80 feet on then
North bide of George street,
tr WestbfAsh--§
ton street.
Seven houses and lot, 20 by 117 feet, on the'
East side of Beach street, southof Mien-
nut street,
A house and lot, 18 by 80 feet, No. 90 Fitt- •
water street, Enst of Ninth street,
A. ground rent of $3O, issuing out ofa lot 13.4 -- -
by 40 feet, on North side of Otter street; •
40 feet West of Lepard street,
Tempera iLisanS,.on Stocks as Collateral
Security, 107,902 95
610,000 Alms House Losn, 5 per mint. (Int.
on.) 35
200 Shares Bank of Kentucky,
17 " Northern Bank or - Kentucky, a
wn it Union Bank of Tennessee,
13 " Insurance Company of the State o'
of Pennsylvania, .
r Cost.
200 " 'Southwark Railroad CompanY,e na
37 " Commercial and Railroad , - 7
Vicksburg, _
300 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.,- a
" Franklin Fire Insurance C 0..; -ta ;
2 ti Mercantile Library Company, on
24 " Union - Canal Company,
15Schuylkill Railroad Company,
Notes and Hilts receivable, 5,404 06
Unsettled Policies, 71.3 50
Merchandise. 103 b 4
Cash on hand, 35,845 49
Cash in Minds of Agents, 8,014 CI
p gili:R3DiZii gila 41,4$
Losses paid during the:year 19.56, 1111237;574 4.01
By order of the Board,CHARLES N. BANCRER,'President,
Attest Cus.aLas G. Boo:exult, Secretary., •
.. , ..tragorglisMilflaiaXOYD, Agent, al emb in.
• February 9,19:6•1y
TILLS -AND 3141.2P13,
RE -CUT and made equal to new, at N 0.61 New street,
above Second, between -Race and Vine, Philadel
phia: •
111, Flat Bait , d. Half Ro'd id Saw- In. Three Square
' mill'Files. - '"' Saw Files.
10 SI 50 . 25 62 a so-tw
12 '" -- 44L0--i;—tt4 ------ :; - L- - -- - -J.?:':
13 240 . - 264 5 .A 72
14 . 276 ..
300 a - .0 78.
15 3 30- ' 3 GO 6 000
16 42 0 ,. . - 4 50 . - 7 .. 120
Horse Rasps one - inch mom than half round Files.
All worii.mrsiseaated satisfactory. :A good assortment
of New Filelecemdantly on baud., ~.I. a SMITH:.
Philadelphia, March 15.3 m ' '
. .
IT. $5l. des ...M. L. M:o.MI=LCZOT,
Forwarding & GeneraiProduce
Ail; 18 .Worth Wharves, Philadelphia;
Mem% Hacker. lota & Co., Philudelphia.
V Sher, Price & Co.
Bucknor. licCamraohilk. Co. "
Charlet, F.llia & Co. - I.t
C. M. McClung & Co. St. Loois;Mo.
" Thomas Maxwell. New York.
.I.S. Morris& Son, Louisville, Ky.
March 8, 1856-Gin
TAIL, et the -.PHILA
ELRY iATORE," No. 06 ,NOtth Second street, corner
of Quarry, Phi l'a.
Gold Lever Watches, htII-jesreled, IS car
• CII.CI,SW 00
Gold Lepine, 19 caret cases, 21 00
Silver Lepine, fulhjeweled, 12 00
Silver Lepine. jewels, 9 00
Snperior Quartiers, 7 00
Gold Spec uncles, • 700
Fine Silver do. 1 50
Gitld Bracelets,, 2 00 .
Ladles' Gold Pencils, — 1 00
Sliver Tea Spoons, set ' 5 00
Gold Pens, with Pencil end Silver Holder, 1 00
Gold Finger Mop, Tilt cts. to $9O; Watch °lngres,
plain P.H els., patent tet, Janet 25; other articles in
proportion. All Goods warranted to , be • what they
are sold for.
.. .
On hand some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepinas
still lower than the above prices.
Philadelphia, September 29, 1855-1 y
One Price Wholesale and Retail Cash
Boot and Shoe Store,
Nq, /6 S. Second St.. corner of Coster • Se.
rift establishment has been enlarged and
I improved, and is supplied with the largest and
best retail mock in the. city, principally of his own
manufacture, with a choice nssortmem from the hem
Romani markets; embracirg..Ladielo, Gents,
's Bft
and Childrenoots, Shoe and Cabers of
every description, style and quality embra
cing the bestmyles and qualities in .this or
any other market. This stock cannot be excelled for
quality, sty le and cheapness.
Each article 10 marked at the very lowest possi
ble price. from which no deviation, will be made. No
extravagant. statements will be needed, and none
made to effect sales.
Goodyears.Gunis in all varieties. Pate Gam, so
seance en themarkea,tilwayi on hand.
The public are respectfully invited to call.
Philadelphia ,Itlareh 0,1856-1 y
The Best Collection of Glees ever Published.
Tip. Top Glee and Chorus Book.
A new and choice collection. of Copyright( never
before harmonized, and many of the
G];MS of Modern, Germenund.halian Com,
Mail* arranged In a•familiar style, and adapted to
the use of Glee Cabs. Singing Classes, and the Family
Circle. by C. Jarvis and,J. Getrk.. •
This work contains d great nwnber of new and favor.
ite Songs, harmonized In a style adapted to general pur
poses, while many of the Gems of Mendelssohn,
Kueken, and other celebrated composers. are presented
in an onginal form. The great variety of musical com
positions ken, inntodocod,- eminently adapts it to the
taste and capacity of the Singing. School. the Glee Club,
and the Family Circle. Utpr . Pnee—one dollar.
Just published by LEE k 'WALKER, No. ISS Ches
nut etrcer.and J. 11. !LIPPINCOTT & CO, No. 20 North
Fourth street, Philadelphia.
133. Sample copies will be sent by mail, free of post
acitrinac=a,t a 3l l ll Rik 1111564 m
Trusses! Trusses!! Trusses!!!
11. NEEDLES' Truss .and Brace
S. W. Car. of Tivelftk and Race Skeen!, Phila.,
Importer of fine Emmen Taussat, combining extrema
Zigidassr, case and durability with tweet construc
Hernial or ruptured pntients can be milted by re.
mining amounts, as below:—Sending :number of in
ches round the hips, and surtln_g side seemed.
- Coate( 'single Traits, $2, It% 115. Double—SS,
advlitS and WlO.
Instructions as Yo wear., and howl° effect a core,
When . possible, sent - with tim Thum. 4lso far sale
in greM variety,. •
BR itCY.,*for the esmirof ria na I Prop,
and Supports , Patent Sho ulde r Chest Ex
panders and Erector Braces, adapted to all with
Stoop Shoulders and' Weak Lungs; English Elwin
Abdominal Bela, Snipeadath Byringssr-male and
•,- Ladies , Rooms, with Lady attendants.
Philadelphia, July 21, 11355-17
44,991 II
81,791,468 71