The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, June 14, 1856, Image 1

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.10 OLIEW •
ri:BEZE, Editor aiii:Pithlithor.,:
YOLiTV .- I : :XiVL
• Olga is NattAern e'entitißailrbird Com ;
north4est corner-Prone - 4nd
Walnut streets.
cOne (laity per annum; ifittitid in neeinte; -
if not paid within three ,
• - montitatioza acnameaceatent of the year; •-• .2.00
elantra.tler. •826' 4=f 4:Zanrs: - ••,"•
:No subscription received Dn. II .1 au time than' all'
months; and no paper will be discontinued until all
a ki rrearales:are paid, unless at the 'option of the pnb-•
eMOeey remitted:by niflorll l 44 l o l, l l ll
its - risk. •
Bates of Adfertzsing. - •
:s. q uaire [6 fines] - one Week. - 'OO 39 •
- three weeks, • - 75
each subsequent insertion, 10 •
1 4. [lO linosione week. " 50
- three weeks, 00 -
••••• ;-'•• each subsequent insoithin,; 20
Lirseatifivertisements in proportion.
A liberal discount will be made to quarterly, half
yearly or yearly advertisers, who are stiletly confined
TVWFIBI 3 I , Lomat-street, near the Piet 01-
.ur tee. Catitataa, Pa.
• Columbia. May 3,.18M.
S. 'ARMOR, M. D.
rgIFICR .and.resideace , .at Mn . Warts% In
%I Locust street, between Front end &cowl; dins ci
ty -opposite the Post Office.
Columbia, March 16, 0136:0m.
• H. N. NORTH, . .
lei Colnutbiit; Pa.
Collections,' et:Knuth , made, in Laneatnar and Fork
Colambia, May 4,11160. .
TOUCH OF THE THEE. Oftlee in the Odd
Fellows' Hall, Second *treat, c4,larabia,, Pa.
tolutribla, August 25,1853.
TTOINEY AT LAW, Columbia, ?en's.
;El 011.11 et in.L•oenst street, tour deo rs above. Front.
rtstoodste., May 16, 1652.
ICIL otters his serviees to the citizens of Columbia,
and assures them that he will attend with promptitude
to all business entrusted* to his , eate. , Office—Front
, between Union -and Perry. Eesidenee-zeouth
aide Secondairceti2nd door below Union.
• Columbia. January 13. 1855-ly
- - - - -
.BiiiiillEL LODGE, •
.3mst A rswozweaiream.:..a.„z-tuatt, •
Corner Praia 4- Locust sq., Columbia, Pa.
.. :11 oprrefliiken for 25 cents
rA agrwil V l
na iriteliiin *guaranteed.
'a , 'tdin *am **pantry
' 4l lOl lO . *04.. ' • ,
4, fligNl,o Nazi' .
„ ~ i.
Aid Delivereir'on any point on thi Columbia and.
Philadelphia Rai/road. itiXork and .
Baltimore and to Piittlaqv
WHISKY AND 'BACON, have _ju.t received a
hog* lot. of Monongahela Rectified Whiskey, from
Pinshurg, of which they will kecion supply conotatitiy
on hand. at low prices, Nos. 1,2 and 6 Canal Daeln.
Columbia, January 27.1834.
Pittsburg' Glass Ware.
TUST received, a large lot of Diamond Glass Ware
al lu new and beautiful shapes, which aVe can sell
ohesper than Philadelphia wholesale prices. Call and
judge for yourselves.
Columbia: March 15, L 856
Gas Fitting.
HIRAI WILSON giTes this branch of bud
ness particular attention. As he executes all
work in this line himself, it will be warranted equal
o any in the country, and at as low rates.
Thankful for the patronage with which he has al-
ready been favored. he respectfully solicits a con-
Anuance of the same. HIRA AI WILSON,
One door above Jonas /temple's Hardware Store.
Columbia, Feb. 24.16.55.
Cedar Ware.
CONSTANTLY on hand,aa assortment of Ce
dar-Ware, to which the attention of housekeep
er.: to invited. HENRY PFJOILER.
Columbia, October e 9.1843.
THE subscriber lakes this method to inform
the public, that he is prepared to furnish the
in quantities to suit purchasers, at theabortest notice.
This Lime is particularly adapted for ptastering and
white -washing. It will be delivered if desired.
- February 24, .18.55.0 Wrightsville. York county.
White Goods !
T Ladles will find the largest and most
T in beautiful assortment o t Cambric.,
aook•, &c.. ere, opened in Columbia.
ONLY THINS! 35 pieces fine Sprigged Swiss ham-
Thu, at Me per yard, worth 95e. Call early is 'M
oore bargains.
We will open goods "almost" daily during the seat
sou. St H. C. FON DERSMI
April 12. Columbia. •
, Silks Silks !
BOOYARDS - Blank and Fancy Dregs Silks,
STYLl'S—the largest eSsoriMent ever opened in Co.
lutrria—priees, front 30 cents to 112.00 per yard—are
now ready, at H. C. PONDERSMITH'S„
• April 12. Columbia.
' Excellent Dried Beef,
SGAR Cured and Plain Hams, Shoulders and , Sides,
for safe by
March t 2,
Our Banner to the Breeze!
yusricr. TO /1.1.12--Shawls, Shawls and Mantillas,
gl jn greet varie The prettiest and cheapest goods
;ago/arable, te ty.
ceived at
People's Cash Store.
April 19, 1856.
A PEW more pieces of those heavy all wool Ingrain
t ll Parlor Carpeungh, at 50 eta. a yard; so be golek and
secure a bargain at
Columbia, April 26,1&50.
3 1111 , THE BIJOIEL, or in larger quantities,
,upat Nos. 1,2 & 6 Canal Basin.
B. F. APrOLD & CO.
idblambin, January 48,1868.
Venitian Blinds! Venitian. Blinds!
gam subscribers are prepared to tarnish Yanking'
J. Minds of every style, at the possib ME ir Imo -
Columbia. Match 15.
(50 tomiviniperiorinsuto, Trion' also,
jest received and fil
Adorably Muck 211 i 1856.
TrENose Carriage' of - the Colon* Fitt
Company. For terms. &c.. apply to
JAS. S. Meld AHON. / Comm i ttee.
Colombia, March 31, 1833-t!
Forlgaking Soap.
PONCSAITUTED lye, warranted to make
llard,Saft. and Patsy Seepasritbout lime, and with
lialetsuable. Forman by 5A31 , 1, , FILBERT,.
Bakke Monar Drug aad Chemical Store, Front street.
Columbia, February 2, ISS6.
- • -
'••• °ERHARD lititAnnerr; -- :- •
norruns„to o=he
dus 4ocaet strsehqe
Deers to thoser".eureartior lobeardleg the-treat
est Aopll3l-Eliertooll,,.. ltt bis.lkatoons.- enotttestatititni
viiirtie (aid Laxatliererttllttaitelti O'Meara/hick
mllliorr6rvart_up b thistr and itt4heoloirt.
est ffeyesteettlittrerAtolts a shire of patron..
grin" . _ 1C WOO..
Motu& Vain—onluiZChuol
•• • •
HENRY 1C.,111/ sia.;-gitovairrint.
f :rrtio best steeorantodituras every aitentlon
with their pimp:wage.
..ez r,--tosor
ItimiligHowierLdbust at. Cambia; Pa'
1 ,substrffirr continues •Astapy this
well-known Hotel. and will do everything In hit
- I -
power to 4 eoniforiably entertain all. who Islay patron
ize him. Ilia Mei/ayes for aceomrsodating•Horses,
•Drbees, &w r ite superior.
Washingtoif Hotise, Qnlumbla, P 1
- DA.NiEt - 11 LE it 1114 YRdPRTETor
qindiAd.iiiidielt4inowa liana still 'in
-the bedipaney hrthe•sabseribir.atid offers every ,
inducement to the traveller, in the way otoomfortand .
'convenience: The Cats, east and .went, start -frntn
this establishment, and h has otheinavantasss near.
passed bY nay.. Terms reasonable.
n. 111k12.1T.
Columbia. April 12. 12664 y - •
- Bellevue House,
NE. CORNER et:Front and Walnut streets,
(Zucca moriolßatrdwell re glreneman and Mrs: liaises)
-The furnishedAwith all . hjadarn Improve
ments, end every attention will be Wen to occurs
ISo comfort of guesta., Charges moderate. '
Columbia, April /2.18.111-tr
• •
THE andersigneereepeetfully intones the public. that
he has removed his
(Mo. t,lataisig 03icriTe.
from Sbreinees Raw, to No.l WelPs Row, Front st,Co.
lamb* Pa, where. he-will keep constiM4 on hand a
lane stock of Ready-blade Clothing atoll kinds, Shirts,
BandkerehisfsiCollars,"&&,&e. .. . ..
Columbia, March 22,1850. ' - '
rOB NAME 0 0.13. EL' EA D ,
(ttrcesmaitro, at:twit mooriFiian,).
POIMISSION !lording, for - lb Ale of PItI
METAL AND BLOOM..S t No. 47, Wood Street,
Pitutbarg. • -
John Graham, 'Esq., President Bank, Pittsburg;
E. I). Jones, Esq. Cashicr.Cinzens 2 Deposit Bank,
Pitwbarg, -
G.* J. H. Sbamberger Iron ;Merchants, Pittsburg.
Coleman, Hallman Ik Co Allembmnr, Pittsburg.
I.orent, Stewart dc Co.. ittarettaniarEntrburg,
Musselnum do Watts, Marietta, Pa.
January 10,1893.
-WHOLESALE, and. ii Bread-4nd Cake
Baker.-.CotuitantrOttioutd a vaziory of Cakes,
too nuirmtroos to - otantiOn; th•rycleeta; Soda, Wiwi, Scroll,
and Saxer Epielsottfare of avor_stoor r poo,
,„_.- ...- ' • _-', - 4.ACIIST ~ o;
Feb. : AWN i Woramt thdfstigatul FttoMinAlooko.
- .--r---"----,
•Speelat attention given td teninglifool repairing- Pi
anos and other instrument.
May, he coma at any hour of the day. at. the Mosaic
Room adjoining the .A.mbratype rooms of RHEPARD
& CO.. corner of Front and Loran streets.
January 19,18513.
signed invite the attention of the public to their
extensive stock of CIGARS, of all kinds, which they oiler
at prices cheaper than ere: sold in this town Wore.
Also, just received a. fresh supply of FA NI ILA" GRO
Corner of Locust sad Third staters.
Columbia, February 2, 1656.
Z 11. Slit
PAID would respectfully inform
s the citizens of Columbia and vicinity, that he has
effected eh agency With the
PAiladaphia Piano Forte lifunufacturing
whose Piano. for superior tone, (Latish, and durability,
have for ',ears stood unrivalled.
lie is prepared to deliver them here at the lowest city
prices, and would most respectfully solicit the patronage
of such as wish to procure a good and substantial in
strutnent. • . .
• • -
specimen of the above mentioned instrumenrmay
he seen by calling at his music. room, east corner of
Front and Locust streets, Columbia.
February 2, 1821.
2856. SPRING. 18as.
allitiT opening of NEW- GOODS at Carpet
VI Hall, corner of Locust and Front streets.
We are now opening a large and extensive assort
ment of
RUGS, &C., &C.,
Manufactured expressly for spring sales, and to which
the special attention of Housekeepers is invited, as we
are determined to oar them bargains.
Columbia, February 1856. •
Plumbing, Bell Ranging, and everything con
nected with the business. well be promptly attend
ed to by the subscribes, on the mostreasonattle terms.
Constantly on baud a large supply of Lead Pipe suita
ble for Hydrants. All work warranted.
corner of Second and Locust streets.
Columbia, Feb. 24, 1355.
`C herry street, Columbia, respectfully in
•./-forms his friends arid the public generally, that
he i.el on 'hand anti for sale w choice supply of
Shrubs, &c., suitable plitasgre grotilids and gar
dens. A choice colleadon of constantly blooming
roses, °revery shade of color, of the mom chard. hinds.
does all kinds of planting end pruning, Intown and
couatry,with skill and care, an reasonable terms.
Ile invites attention to his NURSERY, where a
largervanety Grail kinds of. blooming Plants in sea
son, may at all times be seen.
Columbia, April 5, 1856-11-
PERSONS wishing - to comment t New soli
or hooks ea the Stator April, will do well hr sel
ling themat M &HAREMS, as he has just received a
apply, (reek from the manufacturer.
March *2.
K. Enquire at this *ate.
Jatmaty 19, 18564
LA.111 1 13, LIMPS.
EE tudenigned has . just neeived a. large
of Glass, Brass and Britannia Lamps, of all
sizes and styles, and also new and beautiful styles of
Lamp Shades, much as the ornamental Butterfly, Red
Reme, Volcano, Victoria, Drurn,fee.- For sale by
Golden Mortar Drag Store, Columbia, Pa.
"Rapp's - Gold Pens.
CONSTINTLY on hand, an 'assortment of
these celebrated PENS. Persona in avant of a
coridartiele are invited to call and examine them.
GOlusphia,Jone-30.18515. JOHN FELIX.
Folk 'skim,
TONS N0.1110410L , For turns, k.,
ottPly to, LEX.
Colsnot:tic, October 10,19=4f
Just Iti*iiiyed,
Li. descriptions. which will be sold at Use
Towes4 emarmieee. Pamabassint are requested
to call and examine them.
Colambia, April 14.1865.• Front street.
... ;: ?
-; : 411K-;
. . , .
Apra lc 1868 q,
( ;EIPILY , '!C IstAMlNTirs
JOSEPH ytivnaLL,
Practical Gardener and =Florist,
---', i:'ett-'oMigi-,
istshrtotaits walk
• - litle.n4,ll 106 rs Mein s;Girlifietiesi;Gogey's
• Pif yhettion*.and -13teetroreed.e. mime";
.Ihttletee MI WI PierireW.:Yeth, , Ledger.
l uaz ie loec:Trte _Waverlyiettid ail- she
ithitt. e Ore pnioli4h in the United Mates.
111; area 1941806; e - '
Epit. titePlant
'ypthlp dpbs; *minted • to etdoe th 6. heir,
dtrited•thadc; without tnjity to the skim Formic
btj. - ' - • - • Bta - wuziAm.%
maiT rront it' Cblumbia,
Dingii - ett.perydailii;
tFhonidrr . . 1. 1 0,do
Iftlo 10511 , 015,7. 6
. Oolumbia.leity,l7, IESO. -
TEMBROBEYBP; a large'andinit omit of,
t• Brushes, and Casaba, of antianyles
Fos sale by BAWL - FLLBERT:
Math ia - . ' • '
A LCOUOL 'and Biwirint Raid; alwats on
LI. hMtdoatthe locieltpricas, at tbeTanelly Medicine
.Store, Odd FaUowe - • .
- February 2, IBM.
WRY donld anyilolloll &without t Clock,
whoa they Will ballad for $ll.llO and , upwards.
- si t u REINER'S?
Columht a, April 49.1935
1)111MR City Card Dams and Dried Beef, at
Aprll 10,1830. Pcople. Cush Store.
ORR 4. THOMPSON'S justly celebrited
merelal and' other Gold Pens- 4 4he beta lit the
isrlcet—Duet received.
Cotumble, A trril 23.1855.'
SAPONEPIEIt, or Concentrated Lse r for ma
king Soap.. 1 lb, Is oadielent for one barrel of
Sell Soap, or tlb.for 9 lbs. Card Soap. Full direc
tions will be given at the Counter for making Soft,
-Card and Fanny Soaps. For sale by
Columbia. Marsh 31,1955.
TIME AIL.---Jost waived. a !rash supply
of superior Table Oil, at •
Faralli Medicine Stare, Odd Fellow's Hall.
Native Mineral Viater.—Tbis pleatann medicine
bleb 3111- highly recommended as a substitute tor
*Pima Halts, Seidlitz Powder". dce.; can be obtained
meet, every day at SAI II 4.. JFILDERrit Drug Store,
at. Ij2 - •
JOT.IIIOIIIID, at .th e Bead Quarters - and
News Depot, it large and ;railed assortment of
Cap, Letter and plate paper. Envelopes, Pens, wafers
and every thing in the atadonary line, all of which
Wiveld the lowest far, by
No.4Front street.
22. ZO
'DLO, f.rayftr
,ad- Hymn Bookx, of il l
, daa'amiaatione, bratailid and varied. ,Juel.xpr.
ce ; ed*And for sate at'. '- . 1 1 ,1e51.4HVIN'S: -..
member Z 3.11365. . ^ • • '
ladillifirjult beat appithitalflgeiti*
11.1".ede *Me "Balmrot a Thoorand Fllmenkwand •
PhilaO•andi a netl4miltrentt 401ftl,yro her, #tpadim
Enid srielliews - Dtirra. • IgrairW!'""
4. 1 3611 e ?)
kap 10,1656
re a
L. -.9 - r z T l a l iteTo r Z
ne h naPSTWOuggfi a. :44ll- t r e a soldlo
retailers su the lovreilt
FiIEaI9riIh } L:THEREAL OIL, stlciro i r
i r r tnl oi s i taB for
May 10, LW., Front Street, Columbia, Pa.
DASKETS, 'MCKEE'S, [MOONY& &0.. final re
l.) calved at S. C. SWARTZ'S Store.
May 10,1836'
UST received FRESII CAMPIIRNE. and for sale
by R. WI t.i.t Ards.
May 10,1450. Front Street. Colombia, Pa.
by [May 10, WW] S. C. S%VARTZ.
BACITRLOR'S HAIR OYE.—No burning, bl:stering
Compound could ever have attained the universal
favor accorded to this the original, never-Wing favor
ite. Nature is not more true to herself than the brown
or black produced tit the reddest, graves:. or most
frowsy haw by rt. Alsrle and sold, or apahed 14 Bach
clor's Wig Factory, 3:33 Ilroadway,l*. Y, The genu
ine article for sale at
Family Medicine Store.
April 12
BIRD SEED'S.—Canary, Hemp, and Rape Seeds
For 4nle at McCORKLE& DEfA,ETT'S
April 12, Family Medicine More.
JUST RECEIVER), a large and welivelected variety
of consisting in part of Shoe. Hair, Cloth,
Crumb. Nail, Hat and Teeth Brushes, and for pale by
Front street Cotomtits. Pa.
March 2 ,'N
G 0 TO CARPET HALL, corner of Locust .and Wal
nut streets, and see the new and beautiful styles of
Carpeting., Oil Cloths. Rugs, Mats, &c., LINDSAY &
JACIis. , ON are now offering.
Columbia, April !A 18:s13'
Oil Cloths! Oil Cloths,
1 - 17 E have now• on hand the largest and most complete
SY assortment of FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. ever offered
in Columbia, embracing every• width from 1 yard up to
4 yards wide, which we are prepared to offer at great
bargains. LINDSAY & JACKSON`.
Columbi April 26, 1856.
CELEBRATED GERMAN urn-nits. for the core
of Jiver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility,
Chronic Diarrhma. Disease of the Kidneys and all
diveniteanrivirrg from a dlvardered liver or stomach.
Price 73 cent*. For vale at
Family Medicine Store, Odd Fellow's Doll.
Colombia, October 13.
Tin and. Sheet Iron Ware.
T have constantly on hand a large assortnunt
of all binds of Tin lair Sheet Iron Wore. taped by
Soave keepers and oilier', which will be cold at very
low prices. It FRAU - Wit:F ZIN. -
corner orLocuat and Second ;tracts.
Colombia. Feb. 24, 1255.
Balm of Thousand 'Flowers,
TVISCOVERED by Dr. Fontaine, Paris, for beautifying
JJ•the complexion, curing all the diseases of the skin,
for Shaving, cleansing the teet b; for the Toilet and the
Nursery; for baddrig and manymedical purposes. For
sale by SA NI% FILBERT.
Golden Mortar Drug Store, Columbia, Pa.
Columbia, March 22,1856.
TT °WILLY'S Vegetable Vermitage Cooke
tons. This is a very,paistatile remedy in an
agreeable form. such as children will crave. it is
purely vegetable in Its composition, and prepared ac
cording to the latest improvements in Phsrmacent ical
Chemistry. by which we are able to separate the act
ive rine4lles of medicines from their nauseous and
bulky accompaniments ' and present them in a more
concentrated and reliable ferns than in a crude slate.
More reliable, for in the crude state it is impossible
to judge aceurately of the properties of any medicine
and often nauseous dose. are swallowed without pro
during the desired effect. In this confection we hare
the active principles of tbemost effectual Vermifagea,
free from their unpleasant taste and odors, and more
safe and certain in its effect..
These Confections, while they are powerfully tine
ciSe against worms, are mild and harmless in all other
cares. For sale at
Family Medicine Store, Oda Fellow's Hall
April 19., 18.511.
0' come from the village, the mountain. and glen,
Ye sickly and ailing, both woolen and men;
No longer let gloom shroud your comfort and looks,
For Ayer bas a mixture thal,beato oll•Tke Books! ,
UnfortaostriereaUtres. end victizento paint
honk forward, and hope yet for good health again;
Consumptive diseases mon yield and be et, -
The Pectoral cures every kind era cough,
Pneumonia andphthishd and asthma and cold,
flaecumbt o its virtues like arisen ltd gold; •
It gives to the waned, the rose of good heslth,
°Ursine far greater than rivers ofwealth. -
Delay not-a moment. but hasten and try, ...
This wonderfal cure, ere you languish and die; •
For all can obtain it, the price is so *null.
A blowout designed for the poor—and for all. ,
Received a large and fresh supply from the mann -
scurry, and *r "Mk wholesaler and retail, by the on -
egoism& sole Agent far Colombia.
Geld* IgOrtarDrugand Cheradead *met Front st-r
Columbia, Pa. • mph. ft, leSs.
it. WILLI AM S t
From Front •nttreel, 'Columbia.
• :4 in
Tire Si
' Andy
ISly thh el
.1 •
tike thi
.. • With the rot
Ifirlteli,lihe tL
Her eyeeliki
Her lecke - by ti
Xforelfead dl
And none we
Than thd ,
The ler/e r itis
Was singit
4 The labia, it
Set peroin
And *parrot%
And grepi.
• But none of
Thati the
Whet eared
And fetid
Content. %.
Her eta%
But like
Was *ln
S 4
is justly :
of t)
E 312
it is ittip. . WI present
attai mitent. : 4 Way' Ica increases as
the world advarices ' Le view expands
and thit , horizon. r ascending.a.
height, Whoever -siTik the. New Testa
ment morality in the? Ation of his affec
tions and the coadnq i 1j life, will find its
correspondence-and.adi tion-lo.his noblest
powenrand fverthiettie4ptilires.• Thesystem
itself snows and titrth*iies; its ieeeivers to
submit it to the testiof ,uch experience, and
consents to be judged 'by the oonsequeines
of its adoption. -Suit It does not submit its
claim upon the-faith if men to any of the
thousand other modes of.sorutiny which an
indifferint oriticism may- choose to -apply
to it. •
St. Paul says, emphatically, that "the
carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is
not subject to the law.of-God, neither can it
be." Again,• he says, "the natural •acan re
ceiveth not the things of.the Spirit of God;
for they are foolishness to him; neither cix
ho know them, because they are spiritually
discerned." St. John says the same thing:
"The light shineth is darkness, and the
darkness comprehendethitnot." Jesus told
the Pharisees that they heard not his words,
because they were tot - of God. To his dis
ciples be said—"•Ye shall know the truth,
and the truth make you free." lie did not
say they knew it in -advance of their accept
ance, or in the attitude of resistance. On
the contrary, he declares,' "If any man will
do Ills tOod's) wild heshall know of the doc
trine, whether it be of Gcsi."
In these grand fundamental propositions
the philosophy of-the gospel system is found,
so far as concerns• the investigation of its
truth and. authenticity— It comes to men
with the distinct assertion of their irusompe
teney to judge its claims by any maxims dk
- standatds which They haie, independently of
it; land,all criticism, separate from accept
ance and submission,. it repudiates. Not
ono of its teachers ever perpetrated so gross
a blunder in logic as to. ennoede the compe
tency of ignorance, error and unbelief, to
judge the claims of -inspiration. The Book
never argues the existence of- God, or the
possibility and consistency of supernatural
communications from him. , If itdid, it must
begin by admitApg its ovrtivevelations untie-
• • . ary.- The•man that already knows what
ea4s and what, does -aot.need to
be told what is. If he already knovis what
is true and What is false, the proposed reve
lation is merely impertinent.
If anyone unaware that,- "Imposture may
take the same ground," be deserves to be
answered that, no impostureis quite so stu
pid as toialk of measuring a new and higher
truth by a known one that is worn out of
form or-fitness farsthewsesabiels the mole
tion,ofFenr teauppry. That absurdity is the
peculiar diatinotion of skepkicaLrationalism.
-But Christianity is onisistimt throughout
od thirpoiann itiresanits diseiydes just as
it does-its enemies: Jesus-spoke in para
bles to the people herewith, was not given
to them to undetstehd the mysteries of the
Kingdom; but hells* toldthe twelve, in his
last' iseorute, "f ha' s!, yet many things to
say unto you, but ye aliquot bear them now."
Paul tells the disaigges in Cern' tar, "/ have
sevith milleteittadnist with sefreetetfor
.tEAstfR 8 : 66 LAsTilii3C''
1. 4 06%: . 02
hitherto'Ye were not - ablisto liar
Yet no* are ye able."
lt 4. is not the policy - of the elgel
evenViVitepislie • rte 'di:strings 'to; itterip - )1,141e1
saline* talk reW: in• l ,
- competentfte.di4Wti;-
. -::very'lilifhtit: atenittkiiieittitrite-!
ro4iii.*Ctftes pint
will not reeiiirs;tiii qintri'ai r dhiiier; 11'114 it:
amju, der41,4 1 4 1 1 0 t-Air,4**
nature,• tnorate.nd.religion,,
portion that they have
ideas and feelings in'thetesel*, or,,,aeourd-,
mg to the • maxim •of Christ; "to t h at.
bath shall be-given," for.ber only oati*eivtg.
and from him that•hath not shall be taken
stray, even that which be hath," because he
does not availably hold it.
Who oontrovirsialist, therefore,, says
this or that declaration of _priueipl .oe-44
or that revelation of•mysteries,„is 4mM:raw
to the nature and attributes of19otl; it skill
remains to be aseetkainedwhether he ‘ ltiplgs
(led; and that, is to be
_settleilLiiy his_ own
resemblance or approach to.thekttivine.
Some men reject the book„ because. the
supernatural, with which ha:bounds is im.
prible; that is, improbable to them. They
reveal„themseires, nen and ! that-does not' •
affect either the truth or the fact of its raw:
lation.. The 84pdard44-tititb,4llli*lne':
is the iudginenkof •the higheat 'endowed' in
that thing; whether' it bk.peetrY, ramide,.
morals,„pr reas4, Negation by th e dinite. , .
ive is nothing. He is,..noohe wisest wan.
who believes least, for, belleiing•lese
knows letiatthat:lelmaitiveitad sure. No.
mends so.empttas the raiiinde, for he,-of.
- all men, knowitletutt of. anything that is eery,
taro and reliable,. even, by. hie -own showirte
And,hshcannut disprove 'anythitighPlitiVe
store that belopga to -the man of faithr—'
When a man says, 44 1 have eyes, and I do
not see that beauty whiCh you Micro," he
has only proved that -he • door not seethe
I .beanty. If I see it, -my leetimoni is 'evi
dence,- because it affirais - nrj , -and:
knowledge.' "Hie. ii n0t...1341*nm, because iit
Anottaisaluectivieliiat a iota*
a 00446 -
'1 $14 , 1,
was glowing;
pot! .
itukthewtftliendety of 'the zSaereirterip
tures; and' tbe authority Bf'& theirrecordell
examples,. and the obligation of all the pre
cepts which they impose, is a mixed ques
tion, and usually not a little confused in or
dinary discussion. The book throughout
maybe as true as it claims to be; yet, every
fact and every word thereiit written may not
be sacred and authoritative to any man now
living; nay, a great deal may be, and is, byits
own terms, or by just construction, the very
contrary. Job is rebuked for his complaint
against the justice of the providence which
had afflicted him,.and confesses that he had
uttered that which he understood not; things
too wonderful for him, which he knew not.
"Wherefore," says he, "I abhor myself, and
repent in dust and ashes." David says, "I
acknowledge my transgressions; and my sin
is ever before me." /ire the Scriptures and
the religion they teach, therefore, responsi
ble fur every word uttered by the one, or
every deed done by the other, even though
it is said, in general terms, of the former,
that he had spoken of the Lord that which
is right; and of the latter, that his heart was
perfect with the Lord?
The book, however, does not leave us
without a perfeet.example of life, as well as
an absolute standard of doctrine and belief.
Jesus said to his adversaries; "Which of
you canvinceth me of sin?" And his own
witnesses say that he was "holy, harmless,
sndedled, separate from sinners, and made
higher than the heavens;" that he was "the
brightness of the Father's glory, and the, ex
press image of liis.person." His teachings
and example Are given us without reserva
tions. St. • Pia frankly 'tiaie, "Not' 'as
I though I had' already attained, either were
already perfect; but I follow after, if that I
may apprehend - that for which I am appre
hended ofthrlstJesus;" a nd
. elsewhere, "as
we said before, so say I noWagain, if any
man preaoheth any other gospel unto - you
than that ye have received, let him be ac
cursed;" and, still 'more emphatically,
"though we, or an angel from heaven; preach
any other Respell° you, let hire be accursed."
The demand of the gospel is, "Take up your
Grog, and follow Christ." He is "the way,
the truth, and the life:" sod "there is no
other name under heaven given among men,
whereby we must be saved." And "Re is
mate unto us - wisdom, and riffhteousness,
and .sanctitcatias, and redemption," by so
conforming our lives to his, that we may be
said to put off the old man, which is corrupt,
and to "put on Christ"
Discussions about the inspiration of the
book are - not countenanced, neither-are in
vestigations of its historical, scientific, or po
litical „accuracy, engouragod. They are
'nothing to the purpose. Its .religion pro-
poses twreform the life, and threspfsthat, to
enlighten the unclinstandi4g• in the Wimp
which really - Conies - is — Ourlighesi interests.
If any man appeals to it for justification of
his opinions or his. deeds, he is to be sm
armed that "the Gospel is hidden - to them
that are lost;" that it is not a directory for
the business and- ambition of the wordling;
that the unstable and unlearned only wrest
the Scriptures to their own' deshiselism,"
- Isbell, they employ *ma- slang,' "'Amy
-3100 - narinStalit-Assvati6qok Sikoair-ater rit - AanNiman
•• ••••:•-•., J.; • • • •
ziWuri'tile fat'', or
thole atithiallima
•, -L! , '-' l 4l/illethe4ifetis
-- e*diAerigEObakitPi 4 t and
ihnitii*itielftsgr,illoseid their ofiktitil
-poi!** h:tiittyliOntee;, , , , kis'ltcbe tinder-
Avast ihnithe ..
I jistittitit4iii‘ri'r
- AillirMiltiltotkeS4oo4#4 3o 4 4 'keeletikei
disetintintvilk * eti#l. Pissetptitersare it. , • '.. •
, 1 04, - *driihol, g Aft:4i
,„ : **Atiibbiroona.,4,6,-.o* there- man be
no nth vtgare thetilitimOititihe or ruffs-
Mlyentuie. ..•
...• -
- Alciensiveri the . hAdi aes do coil tisk the
heliet ofstbe besiOnmorthe helm* aid' that
' is - iginni 'only by-becoming it eel .(t,hd fact
what' .they ,sinjohr r ' Meti mast- be trans
format bithe *roiling or-. their rainds,.to
receive the . reWnlsif Jesus; :and all mere,
ep L eW,ilittioritiboot it oia Pn itTereYeetes, #
re* eroireir'The4tPeet.4ll;Yerlt PAY. be!!
these. WV* winnehigein thought,`
wheti he told'. - TiiickhY to keep -tioit . which'
was committed khis ire* avoiding pro
&intend: vain babhilassoend--oppositions of
science,, falsely selitalled. The remise of
:Christ* . isid-Shete~ofltitatindiniatte.
philosophy, amsin that,:dietssikhe slop
4aiavieth the nal. of thisliwthanipil haw*
"tkbetilelle lckentLerli.,*fee l aSk4,;'lkmeeie,
istcpesuma, eitheiza jeattetn - artneret, why
ntipene else shroldszkaa* the,triithplor its
4:pdy use is to be ,. itbeyintlifit , ,theAmbedl•
Asilt are -es -Tit** intg*lthout
isnodinste6. .ThOrinls AtifreOlOssisisinp" thit
tratlt and-good r afid errorthid evil, shall gri
1 together, here and bar :-Correctopia.
one salsa bad 14 shre*Somyttinbenrciltyi. ,
I soundness of belief, nor fear any'sort of evil
frown the lash of its '
,Thohnipiratirtiarif prophets, voodoo, and
wren :that of hobos andpooof tint groat,
and good.ofiviry faith and sphere offiod'o
service-.-ottutdootrthe same ground. Who
" Tor doubts itoteadd
ikelye Lk, toanyi - timi
Alle-lig)ak 101441
'too 1i for
211 SkM . ,
..*BY MRS;
IVe never yet .
man who was not the soul of honor.' Thougl.
IA may blush and stammer, and shrug
their shoulders awkwardly, unable to throw
forth With ease the thoilghts that they would
express, yet commend them to us for friends.
There are fine touches in their characters
that time will mellow and bring out; per
ceptions as delicate as the fairest tint into
the unfolded rose; and their thoughts are
none the Jess refined and beautiful that they
do not flow wititthe impetuosity of the shal
We are,astonished that such men are not
appreciated; that ladies with really good
hearts and cultivated intellects,. Will reward
the gallant Sir Mustachio, Brainless with
smiles and attentions, because he can Ida
a shawrgraoefully, and bandy compliments
with Parisian elegance, while they will not
condescend to look upon the worthier man
who feels for them a reverence so great that
his every mute glance is worship.
The man who is tsi'shful in
of ladies, is their defender when the loose
tongue of the slanderer would defiuntthem;
it is not he who boasts of conquests, or dares
to talk glibly of failings that exist in his
im'agination' alone; .hleoheckwill flush with
resentment; his eye flash with anger, to hear
the name of woman coupled with a coarse
oath; and yet be who would die to defend
them, is least honoled by the majority of
our sex.
Wtip ever heard of a bashful libertine—
The anomaly was. never .seen. apse and
elegance are hittnreciaisites; upon his lips
tits flattery, ;scaly to,play court alike to blpe
eyes and blaalc,^:itels never nonplussed, ho
never blushes., For a glance he is in rap
tures; for a word be would' professedly lay
down his life. Yet. it is he who fills our
vile city dons with wrecks of female purity;
it is ho• who profanes the holy name of
mother, desolates the shrine where domestic
happiness is,throned, ruins the heart that
trusts in him, pollutes the very air ,he
breathes, and all under the mask of a pol
ished gentleman.
Ladies, a word in your eart—have you lor
ers, and would you possess a worthy hus
ban& Choose him whose delicacy of de
port:meta, whose sense of your worlit loads
him to stand aloof, while others crowd
around you. the blushes, stammers even
at your approach, &insider them as so many
signs of Mil exi3ted opinion of your sex.' If
he is retiring ind modest, let not a thousand
weigh him down in the balinoe, for depend
upon it, with him your life willbe happier
with poverty, than with.rnauy another, sur
rounded by the splendor of palaces.
' • ,
Ax Gyms Ontaosorooromr.—Tho Bishop
of Oxford booflouinointod4o:tbe - obtarohorso.
dale in
ashoncohielrirse- 4 -Toca your of
clergyman - preach the Gospel, ~and are his
conversatioeluiti carriage amsiatent there-
- 'A
.tiprial—vE•preaabilathe Qaipel bgt orgy
keeps • gig. 7.
_ '
-~.. ~~°
. ~.
sitaishe at. ismoskriaa.
on= tottlVertiet.
This astae,A*Fyittiras4titeltstaF.
stria bititeltasatah Sc!A Tea
sl*l w***-4_ll - betW4sOoit's Saoll4 and
Atti t M - rito s7.
1 . a !aaa*" ;afatlaAa leithAti),Shiena
, :ragit Salfl4oallAWSPAtflUaraaaa
Autbouy I I 1 ot o M
their way, and to:rstiat*Wal*AzAtortar
the ieit.4 o ee i hi i 74
into tht/lioni4iiikAt:h o-1 4#t*Ii100044 -
tat fmn,Eit Pl 4- - 44,
the base ` of .the bkakstitilf. ) ,* ) OS'
Iran, ciawl4ali - stitaola the tt1...1 0 %3'9 1
seastretahlag out Wor:L-75, itzultatertiro
itrria* a t lll. OFSPAlN 4l rti t ?: xi Aliff&ss l
•: 11 kat it ;"1.4t. -t c nl'SitgrAr 4 . B 4.:
.1; 1 7 Al;Tactr iVTIA
ai r lalaFrMPP
t 1 144. 41-.41 T! 1 9 9 !* 94 1 414 / l a d i
upon ttfstreais, 44,1 414trotil*:e
.10 1 101Ittilit#:W rafilarfrira!!7- . I .4qua ,
arut , l *** , ,r4 o *;#*9-40441 - ,Vsll)wiw
g reilitfi 6 .1 0VOierrliaiirticiA k itti is. route
. 4100 , 0 i t e 4=, 4411 14111 11 re-hai ,U lLa. ag
lattfitikka atquaitited'w.o - thelatal ity _seek
iSat' ltelowthearossi*, gaup - their taunts
!MeA:#s.ittstql 1114446 and-After , a walk
!if ti'Votryikviha faistros tiather, find
ilbtOoltast*pon laikploW-s. dettritainit.
Inttigtinktftitantlitto4oer b a
Or - Afty - As, arse-then altar& /*inner, as if seamed
1" 1 , • Mkritaraathit,*ll,4,llblaYol4,ir-)ilisaa
. l33g - lis2ets and gm*, Yew aPPraaak the. * ll
(10141aglefbiserstar, which ir6
faata-italit4sanautt andArkras,ap ached
of !pray. fttattothstipaat lielaw. &Mousier is
more serraitY aQd 4§l(l9itY.-407aMeoallPliek
his purpose than Fouehe,Dra4l.olnradmi r e.
He - at last had-a privatainterilmx with the
king, when he expressed his - dlkiire.toubttliit
eate his life,,to,,his service. •Lottitoreplied,
"You..have occupledUnder Bonaparteramit
ruitimuotgreat trust, whichtnuathayegiran
you onpostenities of knowing ; everything
that praradf.end of gaining an insight into
the characteraof inerCia„.publie life, which
could not easilzoce,ur_to others. Wore] to
decide on attaching you to. my person, r I
should previously expect that yon wony
frankly inform me what were the meows*,
and who were the,men, that Yma,,emplaial
in those days, to obtain your information,—
I do not allude to .. zgy stay at Verona , or, at
3fittan; I was than surrounded . by numerous
adherents; bet at Hartwell;:f4,lntradlite.
you wertwell•acquainted with What poised
under my roof!" "Yes, air; ever3r- day the
motions oftnur MajostNiew made knows
to me." "Eh, whati—surrounded-ngs
by trusted friends; who could have betrayed
me? . Who.hns -thus abused my confidence?
I insist on yciiir naming him immedratb--,*
"Sire,you -urge me to say what roust wound
your Majesty's heart." "Spoueir, lungs
are but too sulijell'to be deceived." ,'lf
you command it, sir, I must Own that I
was in correspondence with 'the Due 'd 41n
mont." '"What! De Pinne, who poisessed
my entire ennfidenee. I mnstacknoirledge4
added the king, with a malicious smile," "he
was very poor; he had many expenses, and
living is very dear in En,glatid. ; then,
3ff. Poncho, it was I 1 that dictated
„ tojial
those letters which yon reeeiveclosery weak;
and I gave up to him 32,000 out - o[• the lA
-000f., which you so regularly remitted to
obtain an exact araount of tin. that was pass
ing in my family."
Anindividual 4 who thinks be - W
-*l'6l6'g s
more religions act in - -contifittittag in it-Mis
sionary Society, than in dOintaineedfutmet
of kindness to a rola**, filen& ornAghbort
is leaving a soolety'ort3ora - histaution, for
one of man's making. fle 4 Shows a per ,
rerted judgment in regard to the duties of
hie religion and in regard to the beet means
of spreading it, Atli that hOotr dot* or
wia or can 1 1 e dons by asemistions for k
*ming elnistianity,-is a mere drop .in the
, bucket, eastpared with what Mamie silently,
and semetly, by the comMiln daily duties of
Christians, In their fanulini,- neighborhood
and business. - the surest morof rading
Christisaity f is toimprese flittistieu comma
niftier; and acoordingly, lts„.wholkeeir this
- frOn oorroto!kon. and aaahai "a
more powerful instruniantof v uonhore it
is already preferred, *Aka most eireammi
contributor to tiesigreatwork of its dilhision
through the ...Idoonsht a
Terms is said to bsi iiesilaled
goisdadondatog aftba
*mil of **it faun 1 .1 16 d 41 :* -0
scalds. Yar sr alit c:4