=1 ,iJJi : HT'4T GOVEN&N J. BULL, Editor, and Publisher. 7 '`VOLUME XXVI, NUMBER 47.1 , PORLIGREO - EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. ojrize "Northern Centriti i'dilrO - act Com pany's Buitding, north-west corner Front and • • " Terms of Subscription. Oae Copy pit' annum, if paid hindrance. •• " ‘• -it not paid within three months from commencement of the pear, 2 00 41kSsavtist eft. aubseriptfon'reeeived Cora lee'. time Allan six Menthe; and no paper will be digcontinuted "until all arrearagea are paid unless at the Option of the pub lithe!. lte !Omitted by nialt al:the publish- Aates of siktiviztising. • . . . . I iqunre [6 lines] one week, ' $0 23 three weeks, 75 h each ruhrequent insertion, 10, 1 " [L2 tines) one week,., 50 6 4 three weeke;:: ,- , - ' , 1:00 .41 " encksubsequentineertlON• tat - _ Larger advertisements in proportion.. • A liberal discount will be anode to quarterly, half yearly or yearly adrertisers,wllo"ate Strictly confined -to their business. • ' " • DR.G. W. ENTIST, street, near the Post Of- Ace.. ColumlAtiqrs.: ' Columbia. Alley-3,•CA54: • " • M; 13." —IIOMCEOPATHIC EHYSICIAN,• OFFICE Oni*ftlebee'd Mrs. Swartz's, in Locust street. between Few* cud Second, direct ly tha Poet,ol6ce. " - • Colinobia,lll2echl6(LeWam o • if. M. ,NORTH, -- A TTORNEY ANT COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Colombia, Pit. • Colleet:oal.Fomi s, tly made, in Lancaster and. Took Counties, - • Columbia; May-4.1850. .EVA.NS. . TIISTICE - OTTEI PEACE. Office in the Odd Pelltirws' Bill, Second street, Columbia, Pa. Columbia; August 25. 1.855. •••'3;.E. IFILACHENBERG, A TRORNEi AT LAW, Columbia; .renn'a. JOlLOrirfCz isi eoe u tsar et, tour doors übo l? roan. .1010plblii;IMLY ld, '• ATTORNEY AT LAW AND CONVEYAVER, offers kis -Sarni 'ens to. tite-eitizens ot , Colantbla, and assures therm that he will attend with promptitude to all business entrusted , to his.-ettre. Offine—Wiisint street,ltetweeu Union' and *eery. Resldetioottlit side Second street, and doopbelow Union: Columbia. January 13,3855-Iy , , • _ SAMEFICLJJODGE J '.• 31:1006greac.i0c 4. 40;14....416.rtigert5. , Corner. Front .s• Locust its., Colu:mbie, Pa.!, Pictures taken for 25 -cents - And upwards, and saliSfaction guaranie v ed, ' lETNo•P/aiureuendllos.ialria 'from •TCU'Oltaileit" artless it Is sa-li as is really desired. Columbia, March 31.1834. - - - D. I'. ezzeora) & Co., .I.Wft-M . GE w., t . A ,,;.e 13DYN-"'ff C OA ILARD-PII..ODUCE,- And Detioerers on mug point on the Colombia and Philadelphia ;Railroad; to York and Baltimore and to Pittsburg; DEALERS IN COAL. FLOUR . AND GRAIN, WHISKY AND BACON, have 0 , 4 received a large lot of Monongahela Rectified Whiskey, from Pinaburg,of which they will keepu supply coma:only oa hand. al low prices, Nos. I, 2 and 6 Canal BIISI/1. COlumtlx, January. 27,16.54. Pittsburg Glass Ware. • Tun. received a large lot of Diamond Gltuts Ware, al in new and beautiful shape., which we can se cheaper than Philadelphia'wholesale priers. Cull and judge for yourselves. Columbia, March 15,1856. 11. C. FONDIMSSIITa. Gas;Fitting: HIRAM WlLSON4rives-this branch of basi nese particular attention. A, he execute. ail work in this hue himself, it will be warranted equal o any in the Country, and ut no kter rates. Thankful for the patronage with which he has al ready been favored.he respectfully solicits a con 4nualiCe Of the Wee. HIRAM WIL.e.ON, One door above Jonas Rumple's Hardware Store. Columbia, Feb. 21,1455. Cedar Ware. CONSTANTLY on band, an assortment of Cr dar-Waret to which the audition of honvekeep ery iv invited. HENRY PFAIILEII. Columbia. 0ct0ber29.1853. LIST FOR. SAME. TEE subseriboatakeethis method to'inform the pidle, that he Is prepared to turni.h the BEST QUALITY OF LIME, in gnantitien to ,ult purchaners,"at the shortest notice. Thin Lime in particularly adapted for plastering and white-washing. It will be delivered if desired. JOHN ELWIN, February TA, 13:44( Wrightiwille, York county. Fever and Agne. THE most obstinate - eases . eared imme diately, by Dr. Shallenberger's Fever and Ague Antidote. In no case will the patient have more than ore chill after the first do,. Call and get circular, at R. WILLIAM'S, Columbia, July 7, W 55. Front street. JUST RECEIVED, a large and fresh supply 01 paints, oils, dye stuffs, burning fluid, pine oil, ace., &., and for sale at the lowest price* by March 49. SAM% FILBERT. AMONG MAHON'S lid of 1 1 eriodiealt will he found Harper's ,Putsiarnbt.Craham`s.Godey's Arthur's, Peterson's nod Black-wood's magazines; Nallou't and Leslie's Pictorials; New York Ledger. Flag of Our Union, True Flog, Waverle, and all the popular newspaper. puldished in the United States. Columbia, March t.V, 1856. TNT RECEIVED,a large and new supply of Brushee, and Combs, of all kinds and style...— For sale by SAMI, FILBERT. March YR, ALCOHOL and Earning Fluid, ahoy* on hand, at the lowest prices, at the Enunly Medicine Store, Odd Fellows' Hall. February 2,1850. • A:YEWS CHERRY PECTORAL. 0! come from the village, the mountain, and glen, Ye sickly and ailing. both women and men: No longer let gloom shroud )ou r comfort and looks. For Ayer has a mixture that beats all .The llooksr Unfortunate creatures. and victim. to pain! Look forward, and hope yet for good health again; Consumptive disea.eli man yield mud be off. The Pectoral cures every kind ofa cough, Pneumonia and plaids's! and asthma and cold, Succumb to its virtues like misers to gold; It gives to the wasted the rose, of good health, Of value far greater than rivers of wealth. Deter not a moment'. but hasten and try. Thus wonderful cure,ere voa langul.h and die; For all can obtain it,the price is PO small. A blessing derigned (or the poor—and for all. Received a large and fresh supply from the mane - setury, and far sale wholesale and retail, by the on - maligned sole Ageut kir Columbia. SAMUEL FILBERT, Golden Mortar Drug and Chemical Store, From , tt., Columbia, Pa. (Feb. 13,1856. 1 4 - 11 lit is THOMPSON'S jolly celebrated Com mercial and other Gold Pai•--tbe best in the rket—jaro received. P. SHIZEINER. Columbia, April 28,1855. QAPONEFIER, or C,uneentrated Lye, for ma i.) king Soap. l lb. in sodirient for one:barrel of SI Soap, or Ilb.for 9 lba. Hard Soap. FaU •diree. • at* wall be given al the Connuer for lambing !Rai II rd and Fancy Soaps. For sale by ft. WILLIAMS. Colombia, March 31, IS=. OTLAll.—lnal received * fresh supply of Paint. Oil, Greasing Oil, Rom ing Fluid, /a For vole by R. WILLI Ams. Yawl. V. Front street, Colombia, Pu. MINIM GERHARD nitOtiwir, OONTINUE J S loyeeenpy the. large building nt the enrolee 01 - Second and Locust streets, and offers to 11014 detdring cointortailelwardinE 4l,o Ere.'" es: *convenietweei At- Ithi-Snlociall and Restaurant will Le found Luaarteii-of ail' klifdsild , season; which .wllllii served I.lp,t,ii the bes(reannerandat,the short.- est notice. He rerpectfutirSoliciti a share olostron ake. Mar 10, 1850. • Mount VoriOn.,Minse,_." - Omit Basi n, Co nmb'a . •- HENRY K.,IVIINTOH, PROPRIETOR. AlOrThe bee , ' acrorninoltalionw and every.utiention given: to guerg, who:411113 , ' firnrcer shin ettiabliNliment Tit!' ;heir putrouQge: - . 185641 " PrankliTt Souse, Locust st..CO/u*bia, Pa AB subsiribtr ld'Aielipy this well-thoWn Hole': and will do everything in big power In comfortubly mileri h fitintrwrio may patron ise bini. "fiir uccrnomOdming .I)colita, &c., pre soperiaC. , - .-MARTIN ERWIN. -A:WO Id, 1&56-1 , . . Waihinktoi House,Columbia, Pa. - DAN!EL.IIERR;'EOPRIETOR. TIM old and well-known house is sllll. in she oteafit tit y ZifitheiullieriGer; and oßers every indiwitneat to the traveller, iu the way or comfort and convenience. The, Cars, east and west. *inn from lAts let ildroltratni. and 4t barrothirridvantages Linear. passed by any. Term, reasonable., D. HERR. Columbia, Alia! 14, 1.5.564 Beuevae Honge, L CORNER of Fiat end WORM •streets, 1101.U11111111..PA1 JOSHUA 'GAULT,. PROPRIETOR. (oneve.imi lotto ia well dz. I.lreneman mid Mrs. Haines) -.The •Mooso-iii hirstiohodessith•all Mod' ern Improve mid every attention-will he given to serum the eomfort.of gmems....Cliargef moderate. Colmqin G gliall Ig, tAso-tt FOR. RENT, TWO : ItlYitit.Ao%. needy .opposite -the Waiithingion Huey., in the borough of Columbia —one. frointneon the dthiqueliatina River 101 feet, and extending-in depth IMO fevi, to the track of the Columbia and Philadelphia Railroad, the other front ing .on the river 56 Met 6 inches, and extending in depth same as above. There la a railroad track.whiele extend. the whole depth of this lot. These lota are well wharfed. Fur terms enquire of BLETZ, Feb. O. 1 511.-4 • • or It. For Rent or Sale: • OEV..E RM. 1101114•11 ditli•rent parts of th e Hornlike, for rent or sale. - , •-- " Enquire of Columbia. Jan. 5, 1a56. N. W:H. WHIPPER. • - Rent, . - • , A : ,BASEILENTIMeaIIabIe-fai an ifil4 . ri f ot e rand Suloou,iFituated onwaulls. .Front letreet; 7 fitiweElt tuid ilnittge.z Foctertne,,,lce..spply to • - - J. IV. B,IIPIJAN. Colnuabia;Novehnber 117, 1 etri.",tf 4 1 .TITAZIWEICk • TWENTY SHARES ,OF COLUMBIA BATIK Enquire at this niree. January 19, 11041' 1114117SEACEprEiirili, - 01r01016.111. "411-6sl-IP2Utlinfr°ll"4:4lt,QM4 nii .Wr -Mt • , CARPETINGS, FURNITURE, LOOKING GLASSES, MATTRESSES, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, DRUGGETS, MATS, RUGS, &C., &C., Manufactured expressly for spring snletn . and to which the special attentitnt of Housekeepers is lashed, as we are determined to otter them bargains. LIND:SAY &JACKSON. Columbia. rebruary 23, .1150. PIANOS. ZH. SHEPARD would respectfully inform Li, the citizens of Columbia and vicinity, that he Juts effected an tummy 'With the. Philadmphia Piano Forte Manufacturing Company, whose Pianos for superior tulle, finish, and durability. have for yettra stood unrivalled. Hers prepared to deliver theta here at the lowest city prices. nod would most respectfully solicit the patronage of such as wish to procure a good and substantial tn strument. .A•sveciinen of the above mentioned instrument may be seen by calling at his music room, cast corner of Front wad Loeunq Ares ts. Columbia. February 2. 1P.56. • CIGARS!, CIGARS! WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL. The under signrel iut lie the attention of the public to their extensive mock of VICARS ' of tall kinds. which they offer at pricer rh.niar than ever sofd in this town beam. Air*. just received a fresh supply of F.A4IIIXGRO- C FRIES. • lIEGAIAN Sc. FRITSCH, Corner of hocwO and Third mtruete Columbia, 'February •f, GEORGE J. SMITH, • WHOLESALE and Retail Bread and Cake paken—Constantly on hand a varie ty of Cakes. toomimerona to mention: Crnekerst Soda, Wine, Smolt. nod Sugar Biscuit, Confectionery, of rverrdeseription, ace. LOCUST sTRRE. - r, Fels. 2,Tia. Be'Meru the Bank and Franklin House. JOHN SELOOICTINI.A.D, USINVESFOR 70 XING if. INODIGIICADO COMIIISSION Merchant for the mile of PIG 1111K1'AL, AND BLOOMS, No. 27, Wood tlircei, Ptusburg. I's. RIFERENTIVW Joint Graham, , President Dank, Pio:burg; E. D. Jones, Esq., Cushier Citi7Elllo Deposit Dank, l'an.burg. & .1. H. Slice3,llerger, Iron Merehanle, Plamburg Coleman. Hllllllo.ll & Co. alerellana., Pm/Marg. Lorena. Stewart de Co. U erchn me, Pittsburg, 14uavelmn h Won., Marietta, Pa. January 19, Ith6. DrUSIC. ZR. SHEPARD would Inform the — ci tizens . of Columbia, that he is trove prepared to give tistruettons in Vocal and Instrumental music to IN QUARTETTS & CLASSES. epeeial intention given to tuning and repairing Pi anos and other invtruments. May be Pound at any hour of the day at the Music Room adjoining the Ambrotype rooms of 13111EPARD & CO.. corner of Front and Locust. streets. January /9, U&;6. FAMILY COAL AND WOOD YARD. THE undcrsign^d has constantly on hand the best qualities of Baltimore Company, Dia. mend and Black Diamond, Sunbury, Millersburg, and Pine Omen. LUMP, EGG, STOVE AND NUT COAL, A II coal weighed and warranted to give neli•fortiOil Ale°, by the car and cargo, beet quality Ilituminors C 0..!, for blatekemithing. l'inehurst Otte Coal on hand. ichory and Oak Wood always. on hand. Columbia, October 6. J. G. GESS . ort ziaVylr:sai•irlo:ir3ll BOTHER large-arrival of BOOTS, SHOES, tke. The subscriber has milli received, direc rout Philadelphia manufacturers, a beautiful assort ment of (tem.', Ladies', Boys' and Misses', Booty, Shoes and Slippers. Amonz which may be found a full and large assort ment of De Haven's Ladies Gaiters and Velvet . Slip. .m Pe A large and beautiful assortment of Cent's, Ladies sand Mirses' gum shoes. We do not think it necessary to enumerate all the different styles of, work always tobe found at oar es tablishment. CA LL AND SER. every variety, from the pretty little shoe for the Wanton the elegantly finished gaiter for the lady and the splendid [mot for the gent. at Phila. CASH PRICES. in. Please remember that all oar work Is manufac tured in Philadelphia, expressly for our sales, and is of the best material and vrorkmanship, and is war ranted as such. CYRUS R. IticCLUNE, Locust Street. 4 doors below Town Ilan. Columbia, Feb.lo, MO. SOAP, SOAP, SOAP. ; THE undersigned bas inst.neelved a large and frenh supply of FANCY SOAPS, for the toll et.pueb an almond, ambrosial, bonny, rose, palm, mammoth. laundry, floating, penclne, brown windeor, erystaline halls. the genuine white and mottled can tile. and 'lbw a large astortment of common soaps.— For sate by rtt M9. FILBERT. March CO, ISM. EMMA • - .IA - -- I .2. ......,..: .1 ~ . - • ----' . • _ ..: . . 1 . • ir.: — ..... r.c.: - .12. ' A., .': .1 1. -....-. ii....., _. (....: 7 1 -,• : .•., . .. ~,. . strwr vaicrEFirtak - • , A - AESII supply ifT. cliotee _PERFUMERY IL (role the eifehiated "eitritifislunent,s of diositi, Peter. and Hatief, - Chesuni inreer, Maisie/Flint!: Tim following inciu& - m,-frwmilhor artseletir?" 4, 6o • evolve •for Rose; sweet Pert." life,`A hima i .Znarmtila,Tuherofe Lilly *film Alltley, - PearhAßlossoia,Neibenu, Mag. Italia. Gyro:limn...Sweet Briers 4 ke. ' - "PiThimorsvon - Tntr If A iti.—Bnzio's o.s hlarrow, Peter's Urn Pomade, Hanel's Phi locome Cydoulne, Globe Pomtril , ., •• *RAVING CREtlsl.—Annhrosial,Roseand.kimond Shaving Crenins,'Ereponke*Oes CoMpound tee, .80APit.- - Delerstrve Ft:Melee, Mork,Orninibus. Na tional, White and: Winibrori Nymti) soCironii• shin' and blirsh-111allow Sanas , Wransperent Wash ' - - .Amandine Cold 'Creom and Pomade Divine for eltspned intiods. Balm of Thowand Flowers for the removal of Tau Freckle*, krt., from she skin, • Thawadlwari . iter sleems it - needless to euememte any farther,indinvites the admirers of choice Perfumery to glvl him a cull and 'examine his stork: %VILLLVIVIS; ilarelt 72, - Front street,.Colmnaia, Pet. • REMOVAL. TJ. MIIxE9, d.SOY rrsiiectinlly. inform . the aitLiens of COltimbis, a n d - the public generally, that they have removed their Root - Store from Mechan ics' Row - to the store roourrecentty occupied by P. Shel don, on the south side of Locust Street, two doors below Second. where they ' "conitatitiy* have 'on- hallyLa large and well'selected aisortmenfof4liscellattenagend scbool-Books, all kinds ; of Bibles,. Prayer and Alyniet B on k., Blank Lkoks, linttionjery, jogether - with every article in thiellooir byhtiftegi: • Theiratock is-all new. and hes been selected with, great rare, and they invite particle* attention to it, as they are deferaiiited to sell at prices that will give sat isfaction:` :^4 , 5 •-' T 1 I.IIIIL 21: :SON.' GPIIssUbiN Lei, / a, THE ThittiengetaVrinins 'on -the Viik - tiLia iVr)glinvine end Vohnnhin,nadrond . Nl:drive in rollowei•oii'and oder Monday, the nth of July, 18W - ' .MORNING TRAIN. LearaTork,for-Wrightsvilleand Colombian' Returning; leave Columbia at 14ove York ot-11.,4....M., orou tbe r arrivai of from-Dahimoin. , ' ""'" Returning. leave Columbia at 12.,415 and Wrigi at I o'clock for York.iarrivittg there in time to, with the train to Ratuntore.thus affording a, tion with Latiencer and Philadelphia, and w thnore. EVENING TRAIN. Leave Yoik for Wrightsvii le at _4.30 Reurning, leave Wrightsville for York at The Plailndelphia tram (dears arrives at Cc in "one forpnowgiwrs to D. F. oRIFFiI Columbia, July 11, l 8 ii. 1866. 1866. New Cexpetingo, 011.01oths. At Haldeman's Cheap Cash Store. TIIB subscribers have : now open a large and entirely new stock of heavy Enc.fish three ply, Su perfine and Fine Ingrain ; new style Venitian, Heavy List attd Rag Carpets., all very superior goods both as to quality and price.- and 'worthy the attention of House keepers. We offer them at such prices as will in sure a quick rule. ALSO a splendid assortment of Table and Floor Oil Cloths. Rugs, Parlor and Door lilats, Window Shades, Stair Rods, /he., &c. Persons who want real bargains in these goods, are invited to call early at • _ HA LDEMAN'S March 22, IBla3. Cheap Cash Store, Columbia. Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware MINUFACTOKY, Locust street, opposite the Franklin House, Columbia, Pa. The subscriber respeetnilly informs his old friends and the public generally, that he has resumed the alcove business, at hi. old stand, and is now prepared to furnish all articles in his line, made in the ben manner. at the lowest prices. IIOUSH•BOOFING, SPOUTING, PLUMBING, BELL-HANGING, ace., attended to at the shortest toilet and on the most reasonable terms. Long experience itl the buninera w'armtll• me in raying that full mini-faction will be given to all who mity favor tne =^nh their paironnge. '" BERRY PFIIALSR. HATING connected the "BARING BUSINESS with our Confectionary estahliehment, we are now prepared to turnieh BREAD, CAKES, TEA ROLLS, BOSTON Milk Ihmuit, Hook, Fee., freph from the oven, at all hours. . • • . A trial °roar Bread is most respectfully solici ted, as we are confident it will render sntisfisctioh. Or. for Bread fell at the Store will be punctually at tended to; and when requested, families will be eerved regularly. Fresh Cream and Boston Biedvit. Tea Rolls, New York Twist, Ru•k, dic., ready for de livery every afternoon at four o'clock. CLAIBORNE'S Old Established Stand, Locust Street. Columbia. August AN ENTIRE NEW LOT AT TUE NEW STORE OF MUM WILSON, comer of Lo cost mid Second etecen, Columbia,: Pa. • The undersigned re•pectfullp inform" die citizen~ of Colombia and itarrounding country. that he boxier' received a very large and ex e si vie uttrortinent attic !Meet and moat improved pattern' of PARLOR, COOK, OFFICE AND CHAMBER STOVES, to which he invites attention. 01Cooking Stove.. the Morning Star, Globe, Girard, Champion awl Portable Range, are acknowledged to be the best in nee and a foil 1111.0f1MCIlt will be 1001111 nt hi• •tore. Ile has also reechoed a Iota( BOAT STOVES. Pas saur wishing staves are soliciled to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as I am deterna ned to sell at the lowest cash prices. HIRAM WILSON, Corner of - Second and Locust streets., Colombia, Sept. B, 1555. Apple Butter, Preserves, &c. THE OLD MANUFACTORY, OF COPPER KETTLES, all "dim - Ladd ptrect, opposite the Franklin noose, Columbia Pa. The subscriber bap constantly on band and make* to order, the bestoaality of Copperdreukut which be is prepared to sell at the most reasonable prices,. wholesale and retail. Purchasers will find it to'tbeir; interest to give him a call before porehasingselse• where. HENRY PPAHLER.. Colombia, August te,isn. Tin and Sheet Iron Wa're. Ihare constantly on hand a large assortment of all • kind, of ti in and Sheet Iron Ware. used by Housekeepers and ethers, which, will be sold at vary low prices. FUR MI WILSON, corner of Locust and Second rAraets. Columbia, Feb. 24, ISM. VINT RECEIVED, a large and well selected vermeil , e of Brushes; consist ins in part of Shoe, Nair, Cloth, Crucat, Nail, Hat and Teeth Washes. and for }lie by It WILLIAMS. Marsh 22,'50.rreni sires/ Columbia. Ps _ PXNNSYLVOIA!, .*OsEpii YEWDAL7y•-- • Practical :Gardener and Florist, Cherry ilea; iv* r efffflly id-- fOrmss bis friends end : geni 4 rdT, thaf be bacortband cud Ibr salsreoliorlee , 'sapply nt GREENHCDSE AND HARDY 111bruts,10..., suitablelor 'pleitiare, grounds And gar , dins, .Ceboldis • collection • of.tonstrunty 'bfdefirdng . roses ofeverysbade ofeolorrofiboamoatbardlskladi. He r 'also LA Y$ :OUT „AN D lAI P.HOVHS BA- SURECIROUNDPAND 071,RDENg - tiliblastgoni does all klnds.orplantlog arid. piraiing, rotdorwand country,witbelcill c and.coro. !kit rassetntbls terms: He invites attention to his 1111.1Q , ERY,, where a' I birgo-vonetrofall kindi:of bloontine Plab.triO sea son, may in alt imes be teen: . Columbia •April 5 1b36-tf • Tllt I!FEWF-.BOOK ToilicT Viogplirtpt pLusigi: .I'ASSENGER•VRAINS ' `• Colutnitioduly 14,1555. EAGLE B.A.ZERT. STOVES. 1923 _ .:... , 4 ,-,:- ::, awn; BC= tre . of-0166 4 She heard in the : city .Unheeding the' spier -Shotsilently knelt et The hitir tritrist itid eu irlialakitiespi e - A - Stri=eiti the rntirma aeb than all That eine so unlitft wedsbt 01 4 4. 1 i esfn 're - Said theitiiiiicinfil Interned, 'For'thervfrealth of tltoTerftirpest '3lll his feet: h.ea4b9.ti 4 ST o . cuntr. sAhtlix itiot sigt An¢ she 4 his eyeL 11.. 0 c!"-'!0 ilgtotevE her .vrfallt!.•to his siinclals h svete tfthititglyinessed. 1.0 theity, oftettetnpest r esshinettow+-.. lit the of the sonbertm ss mad iTtiket on the lost,orng her eirts ephreteke• .l.ntrAltiky went forth initheijetityei ' •,, 1.4 .....;,... =Ot 0V I WTI, p., ... , .. t t ~.. f...". ...--; +' ::'1:;' , A FUR TRADE ' ' • . 4... .: - BY . WASITTWOTON ITillSfri.'"f" ' "•,r-'. • - Attu Molter, with the luirdilieiof - feriiiciftif trader,•bild I, :i4M l l l4 llre - g4Y of d-CI a in . 11 yhear t Af the wilderness and had : neti•to trap • • • beacer•-alone, A •"the- heail fhislS'eth Missouri.lrere ..txRAPPi." ) ,* - 040914, Araol , 'N'Ate , 'anti they ogroeitto,:skeeir er.:1414 mete in theA•very region: Of feet, at '04"; death of 0 4 4 T imew.they iim.4 to- expect tioAt mercy ieirP hands', ' They -Wore.4:ibliged fd treepo Wiraity in-tho'woody nmrbina oT'th 741:131"4"ni thei:i liar' li'Ogaikit!ir 4106: -• •• • - banks.- •-Colter ininiediately, gtiveithe alarm of• "Indians!" and Was ibrintlianCretraat. Potts scoffed at him fur being .frightenod : at the trampling of- a herd of buffaloes. Colter checked. 'his uneasiness, and paddled,:for war& • They -ha not gone much Birth& when frightful whoops and yells burst forth front' each side oftheriver, and several hun dred' Indians appeared on either _bank: Signs were made-to the unfortunate trap pers-to-come on ithore. Thep` were obliged to comply. Before they could got„ out of their canoe, a savageseized.the rifle of Colter sprang on Shore, wrested-11M weapon front the hand of the Indian, Jed restored it to his companion, who WAS still in thecanee and immediately,:pushed -into the:stream: There ,wasit Sharp 'twang of 'a bow, 'and Potts cried Mit thathewas -w,mnded. ter urged him to come on shOiO and 'submit, as his only chance of -life. ....But:tho other knew that there wizen° prospect of 'mercy, and deterthinad to - die 'game. ' Levelling his', Tifle, one of the savage's dead .on the I spot. • The,next moment itc,fell,hinaself,A pierced-with numerous arrows. • • • • I • I The vengeance' of ..the savages was nowt turnea upon Colter., Ile was stripped na-, ked, and (having - some -knowledge of-the- Blackfeet language) • overbeaniu consults-1 tion as tebto mtele of dispsitching - him, so as to derive ,iho greatest amusement. from his,death. Some. were for setting him-up as a mirk, and having a trial of skill - at his expense. The chief, howeveri, was for no; bier sport. Ile seized colterby_the collar, and 'demanded if he would- ran'Tast. The unfortunate trapper was too Well acquainted with the Indian customs not•to comprehend the drift of the question. ile , was to run for life, to furnish a kind of human hunt ferias persecutors. Though in reality he was noted by his brother hunters for swiftness lon foot, he assured the chief .he was a very 1 bad runner. Ilia. stratagem gained some vantage ground. Ile was led by 'the chief into the prarie, about four hundred yards from the main body of savages, and turned loose, to save himself if he could. A tremendous yell• let himkoow that the . whole pack of bloodhounds were in full cry. Colter flow rather than Tun; bewas aston ished at his own Blitzed; but he bad six miles to travel before be could Teach Jefferson Falk of-the Missouri; how - could - he hope to hold-out such a distance -with the odds of seven hundred to one against him? The plain, too; 'abounded with prickly, ,pear i , which -wounded his rmkedTeck. Still-he fled on, dreading uaelt numtent toWir the 'twang of a bow, and. feel an-serow•qnkvaig at his heart. Ile did not even, dare to' look-round,. ' lest he should lose anlinetroteltundistance on which his life' - depended? Irellhad=irun nearly across the,plain, whirs Ste sound' of, pursuit grew somewhat fainter, r and. he sten tared to turtritishead.—Thestastin -body of. his pursuers were a - Considerable distance bahindhim; several of the fastekt - runners were scattered in the distinale while a swift- Tooted warrior, armed-with A.:mum was not' more than a hundred pods behind him. Inspired with new hope, Colter redoubled ~, ~. ~.~`J I Ei32 =llll I=ll • •-• wdr..•43 • •—4 . t 4 r4 , 41 1- ` 73- :: • ' - ' 7 77;r7.4...... PLEA.B4X4 E. 4. 4 . 4 .5 . . 11 P;49)1:4 "" 44 - • 4.1i60 PER - XFAltrair AVV I ANCE42;4OOIPIERYI I -130.1 . • _ ;4;41 „14 . - tdeit.taller4'443 :41 r - IT Y Mitt. 9- 1846. his exertions ; but strained himself to such a degree that the illopel gushed from hismouth and nestrils, and streamed down his breast. Ile arrived within arni:leeof the river. The sound of footsteps "gathered - upon him: A glance behind him showed his pursuer with intwenty yards,. and preparing to launch his spear. Stoppinaihort, he turned round and spread out his arms. The savage, con foundelL by the•audden action, attempted to stopanetteurthis spear,-but.fellin the very net.. Jibs spear stuciria tho-qtround,-.and the shaft brokein his hatuL - Colter- picked . a.p the pointed -part., , pianedrikes , eavetp to the earth, and continued; his- flight: The Indians, as they arrived at their.alaughtored : companion; stopped to howlever him. Colt er.tuede the. most of -thiti -previous delay, Valamleilmakirts of the-nottanspaod -.border ing;tho river;.daslied fivrmgheit,ititd-pliarrg: edinto llteletreana. ; , -I.la mulatto the treighi glowing itaelAtietlattietet tho.entlmf whicleahe drift r waefribestahslgtelLittspelopeautities to f4IIIR. titiadzepdived; .141.4-10'019.7....100101y inatcr,untiblaustetreceeded in getting a breathing platar.abetteeen: the; floating trunks of trees, whose bushes and:f •inancheerferinedlatetiveinlestorersti-ftliove Abe laserwlttar, t{'-hollredlten*,Wicetlify vatuoMtvplurigadlintotthel riveromd .-'train to ,, theertft,-..patabitgr-addezralettlii ler in )slidiroothinstmellhey at:longthe gervo , ntetth - e nenrelkomad;hmtbem - stiontirdewn flit . andmeaderelriseresearmA-, ); .L,T.Auloinzalorz ,atblicem). •;; grejkowas. a -little.nago? tW.ltoAclongel..l4 - , .P.c.,,,TAllinfoYrP,• and 3vao : asitl;torintreimphis littkoiramesk Iligirtoa B big as:Cien:.lngksonia, aiiipolcontalonspaitej.or %ash. Taylor. Ile 4.4.l,nbt,,fealw..eson , :old : Nick, and as for coolness he was as cowl as _ OnoldtsyiNT'rtitltafer4 : like dig sloWctikthe-46nittObittigat'iMreAdierdil 10g,i3-.4*-IdchAker494ll 2 M Ant aLtlatialit 13rittteNg11est4t4a 'strokettitOint - 11* iptiikoairt*api lea 'TaldslfseistiAlt hi! 4ostizt Natio tenhttlb .iriettldnitseittie-hith; WRAC*, tfittelP .st, ,he wanted ha s(' w, "I have tot al irlicid;..and you -yoii'dahr . '"Berry ' well; Mimi," 'replied .TeXe; tell dis rtitger What' it, shore."' " ' ' "I want You to go to the dissecting rciom; you will find tiara dead 'bodies ' fit °ie.., Cat off-the head of one with alttige . lirtife Which you will find there,-and bring it to us. - You must not take a light, however, and do not get frightened." "Dot's all, is it?" enquired Jake. "Oh, berry well, I'll do dat, shore, for saran; and as fur being friglten, old Satin himself ain't prim) to frighten me." Jake accordingly set off, and reaching the dissecting room, groped about until he found the knife and bodies. He had just applied thejoirner,to the neck of one of the latter, wh . en from the body he was about to decap- ' itate, a hollow and sepulchral voice ex . - "Lot my.head.aionol" • • Jake: "I ain't tick- War, tudder head 'll-do jes as well." lie. accordingly put the knife to the• neck of 111 ce next corpse ; -when another voice equally_ unearthly in its tone, shrieked out: "Let my. head - :don e!" - Sake was puzzled at first but answered u•esently: "L'oel a yaldMassa Tullifer bed I must. tring - mte Oblle heads, and you isrt.t, gwine to fwd me no howl" and Jake hacked away until he separated the head from the body. Thereuponhalf a dozen Tutees all screamed out— "Bring it back: Bring it back.. Jake bid reached thedeor, but, on bear ing this, turned round acid said: "Now, now, see yah! Jcs you keep quiet, you duco ob a fool, an' don't waken up de Women folk. Massa only gwine to look nt de bittnps." "Bring back my head at once!" Cried the voice. "Tend to you, right away, Sall !" replied Jake, :ladle marehetirff with the head. and the next minute ho deposited it before the Doe:or. "So you've got it, I see," said .Jake's inns- • "Yes, nb," replied flue unmoved Take, please be done lookin' at him 800111, kasc the gcnanten told spf io , foldi him back rig/4 away. SAIMI wricavizArrlNTHENl3E . TFMTH tzliTtritY. `,An interesting case has recently come be fore the Supreme Court of Massachusetts:lt Salem, in which the validity of •a Rill was sought to be impeached on accountof singu lar mental deinsions, amounting to insanity, which influenced the testator, one Obed Woodbury, who had devised his property to certain cousins, cutting off the heirs at law, who were a nephew and -niece. Zebulon ' •Woodbury and Mrs. Elizabeth Ludden, chil ',dren•of a deceased brother. The latter con tested the will, end showed on the trial that the deceased had, until within a veer, ex pressed his intention to leave his property to them, and that, for many years, he had been of an unusually weak and superstitious turn of mind. MOCEMNiiM -AlPa MEE Some of the deltutionstby.ueitichAte:wat , possessed are- so singular as =to - recall-the days of Salem witchcraft and the 'wholesale hanging and,hurning of witehes.by the eol onists. Isis two physicians testified to an insane delusion on the subject of his neplt7 ew, founded-on alledged supernatural -com munications.. lie said that spirits had spo ken to hint, and that the wall had called• out to hint and-warned him. He also :believed that, the uophew's wife had a bottle" with seeds in it, by swinging which 'overberhertd three times, she could, at arty time;%punrint into agenr - aud:tarlAtt lastai9kness,b - e- at tributed his painsstolttilices':' On one occasion, he twins ? - 2 relieved of -min for several weeks,' which-he attrilinteel to her having &lame area, tao , that ,she not Owing the bottle; and he attributed the -return of his pains to Itetneavering tlio. use of her arm. lie thoughtsthat , his cider, and ,breadvand inedicines'were poisoned, amtl he -buried ,the hread in his-garden: lie kept n ,rtailjn hitt pantry, to stmxttaway the- witch- , ear and hacharged the -nephew' with having ,rem. eyed _the Wit and ::exposed: him teefhe 4Xrwer:of..l the spirits. Ile-thought - t hat ! his Atrp-footherimol power toriatftatelsiatopmatintel, her will, though severat.tcdleit:distant: I.fiv tltgsglht.lte,had seen •Jesgs, ClAti sts4l;thati r, - 1 414% 4 4.1 that there wo.§.. aaft44.laPpditt in . 3ltinghpster who could Al.wotostiglvota mated: a fair ;wind, And thouir,ht,tbar k utAnbalf,tioatin .doal4l.wo,l44Appen with thnothdo of Altettiaida' siekue# 6 ~lifttdiatelioado ota nags to 1,314-44 wi- in ,writing...aaa „tlitexintwatifn t 1049,1145.1 ./taen !taoS4tSnisgtallnrownoi l i slirinm . .aersinee he watt Itorp4taxl,toppeetati / 1 9/ 413( 14 4 0 4t.4 10 ALMat klaw' *Agtitax OA spirits ware,.gata nr.Joask.-tilla 4 4.4 . 4 )1 4* - ixis death 4.4 o 4QuittittOlk! era Itaia nephew ant1445,244,44,0fere tqrr ni . '4 l s.iti°-w4t h Ailirt4toitersptat4tat 4; l *.flli?g ;flttonllit 44,*'1191PStacifftaie show tinitthylteliaf,4l4magtaviotiiput„ f;;soi 4 soaint was.onleletuatiket UggSPUn I ana., Jr., J lskplost4,„anasest, ejceedinAzo.ble elusiwitxtgapylahhtalf liftolow 'initikantions , from the tituartartitittight ortiwelsortes, thAffirlMWefffi lli ttt tor and neat*: itilluihr GOOD .110RiLD Lea John Russel has hitely delVveredzan address in Exeter Hall, London, and ,- we take-thelollowing extract from - the'fitlr!re port of it in the London Times: Young men in these days, and, for itiiiht we knot-, in all ages, expdet and religions progress mationot only easy,, bat pleasurable, triumphant, and - ingeniOa I—dignified with theories and sweetened ! with indulgence. They want a royal" rdrul improvement—a wide road, a pleasant 1 . .41 . anditot very tedious. So Lord - John IttTS sel does not hesitate to disabuse them;' he gives them the stern old advice that the only way is to be found in good habits.— Bad passions and vicious inclinations, in one form or another, arc the real iilistaeles to progress, and they are powe.rfril Strong restraint is necessary to subdue them, and that restraint is to be fonnil ttlY in morality and n good teacher. Good mor al habits are the very sinews of the frame, whether that frame be of one mind or of all society. They arc the liber,that-nz .? kesjie Cry muscles, that forms our solid consist ency, that gites us working, power and makes us true men. All the talk in the world goes for nothing if it dues net t end . in good moral habits, the want of, which is sure to make a clever man afoul, wise, re forms nugatory, and a great nation profli gate and corrupt. Let Heaven scud good harvests: let our cities resound withal° hunt of factories and the traffic of streets; let the earth be covered with our railways, and the ocean with our ships; but let the salt be wanting—let luxury spoil the rich, and intemperance degrade the poor: let ,lassos be set against emit other: let the moral ' sense be once blunted by bad habits, and then all that should have been for our wealth becomes an occasion for falling, and harvests, cities, factories, railways, ships, art, science, everything on which we were lately boasting ourselves, passes over like a traitor to the camp of destruction, and ob. streets that moral and political progress of which it seemed to be the chief means. Tin morality, whether public or private is the one source of mischief, and Lord John Ilus sell has real a good lesson to a self-flatter ing and self-indulgent generation, when he points out that nothing is to be done and no progress made, without good moral habits. Whether all the young men who heard him last night thought this more than so much sermonizing, we know not, but if they live long enough they will find it all true, to their pleasure or their cost. 1/65" "1 sec an infatuated person expect ing happiness from some beloved one whom he has made an idol lie k told that his love is returned. Imsnediately he secs an Ibis dreams of felicity TC:llize.r: lie feels hi. heart leap with joy. Jacob did not see with greater happiness the approaching end of hisSourteen years of bondage to which be had submitted from love to-Bachel. Alasl the inconsistency of the human heart, or the instability of life, dashes his idol to pieces. annihilates his hopes, and fills his heart with bitter grief. A tomb to bedew with his tr-ors is perhaps, all that remains to him of ' a FOIE NNEFIEM - oLg, NumßEkt,atx?..,,.. 89521 'his fond iiretimta witnets.;-iirntallai the itislcr;r4ifyotii tffe4mtnlextor,,, ruritt `of lib serVing every aiiy, ,theonoit - 4 1 4fre . .i: of 4 - imt • wharis undei a more huintle ' exterior, in the . 10g15 , 103344!..01 - :,b130 ar2iznn, acid the rustle Aotfilge ! .,..o.f . .t4e - penstuar gut,Jesus , 0 mi.Savl:9hr . L . ,_,lrrr differnt - is - tile:lca:of theep.wyput . tbp,u,bpv,4l" itl9 *ler .i 6 4 4 .1#11.11 t4d57 alcd - ar,t the hiaris of themi , here. Peace; jUir . 'and I)esti4l,cax;-.441 net onlyaq. thou .thepithty God, the big - illy - love is - saliaiionl • Thoutlaust eotte to procure for thy-Zoolovod;oneey not& • few- p3s•ting moments :of happipcl.l„, ever inrtgled ellrr_tay of 1:o6r nie . rta,l4 cninptspn eelNe. The l o ve wherewith thou lovest rue it, like thp.elf, eternal; And4he4tua love laoll eutistiLute, , in- oternity, - -the eltinmeif of • -..t•.tr. prz_LAV:B.,OF K GO,I).• XII 9 3 AAAFiAitukanfi 1:01 1 44%014-4110 - 31 4 4 4 5 , 4 1 .„. 1 944F141/ 'ati14W 1 „11,4 5 1 1 401. 3 '640 , 2;4 1 )41 Xliks 19611;P.1it4441.441104 0 . 94, .04 gliteArataiwis/ iiig.944 9 ,OeStett; AhhitO 4 j t e l t tktehlaftva a iiiiituag i eve r t,,.1. ter on, the amb, wit11:02.444 . lerf l e .777, ~cac stiseoptiiiirentiffieirrifett ric.cmr v.; nel syn',Voli6arrirnirr6T64, th e th`o idea tlint'thistifie ''OF:diiiitribeebnrd' 4 6 61 4 no other -atm Ifedrild!releisritet along with4lie ;c4iiiiiiirifiee`iif cd Deliverer:lEle him. r 4 talc. r aat**, ME John the 114#1it°'"rppenis Itillie' 4 Alife t Z ne4; and , the'first .iitietirit **illi cr arag lie welcomes".resus, witicherfeii.et wifeii :-4 crer he - satritim, ie,''''l3clityld - the Lain% of IGod, -which-ittlzeth' :in -:tithe iin h ireditir i .world!" thereby directing the attentiori 4 ;e l the whole ' worhtrto-Jesns, :is if there ieere I thenceforth nothing.- eiveworth "seeingiitt 4 Jheaven in. on •erirth' than thil 'Leah of - Ciod; 4 I and hy.so doing he Certninly'dfreets - iti to' I the grente.st -and 'most''beatitifyiitg gran ' mysteries, "tind'lo;the' pith arrinat'remi‘ bf 4 the entire Goiter . Porif "Ohrh3t hlcf fieeie only the - " Lion OE'tlie fr'ili'c' Of . 2itchi l hZu lr iire lt not :it the nrinit'''tirrie ile -44 13:1M15;" 1 'what .'" would it hare-awn - led us? ''AttliisStinftr, hil l° is the desire of all netff'sne;4ll6 s ititi a " - to the erilei; from Eden,• thrstirfe t fthfr" „, mrsness -in the night of - sericretii: v ilitiose 4 . , .. horn the law condemn*, rind the higritbi' '. lamp to the wanderer in the*ioiny isic'or dentlm—lcrumnine7n-r: - •'”' - ' ' ' ' YORK COUNTY AGAINST-THR:-{- WORLD. *-- - [The following copy of a remonstrance. presented to the lu, , t . court, we lake from , the York lhavican Eagle. If any ono sup poses that the Schoolmaster is abroad in that district, we _hope he will,be convinced of his error, upon the perusal of this beauti ful production. Vie Connty"'Stiperiniend ent ought to see after this individual, and embody his remonstrance in his next report. so that the great Commonwealth could profit by the experience of the "man who did'nt like Myers Petition:"] - york Con ParadiNe township A Few Lines to the llonuriable the Judg es of the Court of york Countcy that I Bean in the News paper as 'Daniel Meyers has Petition for A Licon to keep tavern or pop. , - lick lions iu Paradise 7'p with I sink it wood Be lloung if the Court Wood grand. him A Lison I hallNossing Janst Meyers But it is Bit on pichen hill ven.re he - Lifs it , is A Rat Mose for young Boys and it will Match von.t yed if he ants - Lison I, am a N ear N a ber to Meyers I Das Notgif My Name. a, Long, for fear he wood fin it out But I runt you to Require hen he is situnit 11,r tavern & sea nether you Dant lint it this • way that Movers Liff Boy him self & has onley one Bad to Sleapo in & Little Bit of one storey Irons With one Rum in & A Small kichen Reaper A Little-Bit'of A store that a Mans Cut Garrey all the goods on his Back and we Must say that Meyers is Not sober twoßays out of seven and the way he got Iris titters he Lill' in Bringasan Howe Itudysill'Cant Rite or Reade and the others ar Man that Licks-Liekervarrywell & Dont keer moth the Shia if the onley, Can git A Dram Nod & then the Cort Can ask S,iitun uel Hays Dapitl , sharf or Mart ester the know year Ile Las So I the Cort Will Require. A Bout Meyers Caremnstains Be fore the grant hirn.A Lison • Sor I cot Of you fifty Name :toast Meyers Petition " But if Be gits Doxicatit lie, is So smith that Nabers beats him yours A Pliebt, We commend the above to our handsome fricnd of the York Rerntblimn **- MMM= MEM; ~.2 HEN