,sx4v.avEw &. co., ATO. 196 - Chesnut Street, Philadelphia, re- Qpeetfully inform'. the eitizetic of Columbia and vietaity that they have in clew is full ac.ortineat of choice and sieusottable goods watch they are elocing out at GREATLY REDUCED PRICKS, principally from the Great Auction Baku is Nosy York, and partly °four own iintiorici inn.. SILK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT. 1000 Stella 500 black bilk Manh/ tr.in' Chantilly and French Lace, do, bilk, I.3nrege Shnwls and tFearrs. • anthtid yards Dress Silks, Felling at CA, 75, Sri and . - 9.1.00 per yard. • 500 Magnificent SILK ROBES, lil'k Oro De Rhine.. 450 Flounced Damao Dresses. Grenadines, Chall'y Orienuches, tolliN4f. Frenu6 surd &WIWI Chintz'. French worked 'Zietts, Collars and Sleeves.Cambrie [kik fs, Knitting, Lathes add GelliS Kid GIOIA:4, LitC, Mats. AIOURNING GOODS DEPARTMENT. Bine k Bornbeanies, Grenadines, Baregel, Crape Dc Hopang, Lupine. 6 3, Itlon.elittes,Tatnese Cloth, ltrnatillnes Bik und Purple Flounced Robes. Country Illerchottite and vasitors to Philltdciphiat, tire invited to call and examine our .tock,feeling con fident that with the great facilities afforded us we can olfer great ioducetnents, nosr.w..t. co. 100 Cbeenut street, below Sib Philadelphia May 17,1836 &roe At the Family Medicine Store, TN the Odd Fellows' Hall, WORM s DEL LIM' have just received the most perfect Soda 'Water apparatus that has ever been brought to this place. In this new patented process, the water is charged with carbonic acid gas, made directly from pure car bonate of soda, winch gas is washed before it goes into the ibuntatn, so that no foreign or olTensive mat ter is allowed to mix with the water. The generator is capable of sustaining a pressure of two hundred pounds to the square Inch, which pressure call lie regulated by a gauge which is attached. 'Plaits the water is forced to take up and absorb all the carbonic acid gas that it will bold; when so charged it is fit for use, has a peculiar sparkling appearance and con tains all the carbonic acid that is requisite to give it that peculiar quality winch makes this kind of Soda so acceptable to the palate and so agreeable to the and therefore superior to all those waters made from Marble Dust,Whiting, &c. Columbia, May 17, lb's6. PRIVATE SALE. THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY, situated in -L A Locust street, between Second and Third, Hearty opposite the Odd Fellows' Ball, is offer ed at private sale, on reasonable terms. Also, a large lot of Household and Kitchen Furni ture, and ,a variety of Millinery Articles. Apply, oil the premises, to ROSANNA MeFAIJL. NOTIGE.—AII persons knowing themselves in debted to the subscriber arc requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims will present them for se ttlemen t. ROSANNA 111cFAU4. Columbia, May 17,105 d-it PRIME HAMS, 1?, 14 ets, per pound; ighoulderr, 10 do do Dried Beef, 14 do do Tide Water Ganol Money received for goodq. WELSH & RICH Columbia, May 17,1,956. JAMES B. HOLLINS, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in China, Glass and Queensware,. N 0.340 Market street, above Tenth. south stde, Philadelphia. May 17, 1950.6m0s F. ritALEIIr TS PREPARED to make to order, at short notice. and LOW PRICES, TOR CASH, Men's and Boys' fine Boots and Shoes, do do soap.: do do do do Opera Boots, do do (4atters, do do Patent Leather and other ;alley Shoes. We keeps coluttantly on hind. it general ncsorttnent of Men's and Heys' fine told eono, Boot. and :thee, to which he Invites MC..1111( 1 11, at his eQtabh+hnu•ut. in Locust street, between the Oda Fellows' Hall and Town 11:11. upper side. May 17, ST. LAWILENCE, UOTEL, ‘2SS Chesuut street, Philucl,lphia. WM. S. CAMPBELL, PROPRIETOR W. AIULLIN, SurtaciNTENDl:xv. May 17, 1556.1 f Dividend. Columbia Rank, May G. ISSO. THY; Director; of ibis inatitulion, have dd., day de dared a dividend of five per cent. for the loot six months, payable on and tiller the 16111 f^:AMUI3I., SIRIC, 11, Caeltier. Columbia. May 10, 18512-3 t LAST NOTICSEI ALL persons indebted to ine for book ar s-°"'" °r or if the cnuw the uot settled ',me,' for the disunetion of orr,cmg. I will be found for tbe prescot,ut the office of Samuel Exams, Ep. PIIII.II' P. FItY. Columbia, Mo`• 10,185 •-it WA.'rER. UTE have received It the Faintly ?Indictor Store, 11V Odd Fellow's I lall, one of Nichol's Vatent Com bination Fountains; and are now prepared to .apply all with an article superior to sin yi Mug ever hetore had in this place. Our u••oilmen% of Syrup. is c et:l - Cream Syrups fresh every day; Va nilla, Pine Apple, Orange, Be. Also, Sherbet and Choral/awe.. May 3, 19.53. MeCORKI.I.I F DELLETT. Cupping and Leeching. MRS, CATHARINE EWING attends to Clip ping and Leeching, at the khortent notice and on the most retoonable t... 1 113-For enquire at thin office. April 12• Gt HAIR DYE'S. Jones' Batchelor's, Peter's anti Uttyption hair flye, ttrrantetl to color tlo, Lair any desired slinalc, wolualt injury to the ,Isno tar sale toy R \VI 1.1.1 AMS. May 10, Front %1.., COlOllllllO, P.t. A SUPERIOR article of PAINT OIL, for sale by IL. WILLIAMS, May 10, 1F :A. FlOtli Street. Colombia. Pa. A SUPERIOR nriielo of TONIC sricii uirrEitz; A suitable for Hotel Kerpers, for sale by R. WILLIAMS. Front 'tree,. Columbia. May 10, 10:g1 Q C. SWARTZ Las just received Extra Mond S of Tobacco and Segors, which will be cell to retailers at the leave:4 rate. [May ta r , LEMON AND STItAWIIERRY SYRUP. tor gale by [May 10.1556 I S. C. SWARTz. DE GRATE'S ELECTRIC Om. 111.1 receive! n fresh supply of this popular remedy, and (or sale - It. AV:1.14,015, Front Street, Colombia, Pa. May 10,1556 FOR SALE, n 11A151S; 4 new, Hams; Ili .5 do. Shoulders; 5 do. Shoulder., 6 do. Shies: 4 do Sides; Nos. 1,2 and 6 Canal B3Sill. 11. F. A I'l'OLD &CO ICE! ICE! ICE! Tll6 subscriber wrli supply all persons who may need Ice, tor twenty-five cents per week, Seven Pounds a day; or by the basket, at 16 vent.. The reason to commence May 20, and to 'emit" ate Octo ber 41,956. Orders are respectfully solicited. JONAS DELONG. Columbia. May 3. 1856-4m0." NOTICE. THE undersigned having closed his business of ELACKSMITIIING, respectfully requests nil pe r efills Indebted to him on note and book nccoutint to come forward, and make payment, and all baviint claims will present them. Colombia, Nay 2, 11254.4 t 7011 N D. MANGLER ICE CREAM SALOON. MRS. ANDREW BEITER takes this meth od of info • g the public that she is now pre pared to furnish lee Cream Si every variety. nt the short est notice. The new mid emlt-ions Molding lately erected, adj • g the old piece. has been opened inns the convenience of visitors, and every effort e ill be made to impart comfort to those who roll. She resperibilly RO litalt a share of public patronage at her saloon, adjoining the Jefferson Muse, Front street, Coltunina. May 3,1856. GARDEN SEEDS. -VVrEhave received from Landreth. and Wethersfield. a large supply of fresh Garden Seeds, at the Family Medicine ;Wire, Odd Fellows* Hell. halt IS NOTICE TO lIOUSEKEEPEES. GO TO CARPET HALL, corner of LOCII.I and W:11 nut streets, and See the new and beautiful %isles of Carpreting Oil Cloth... Rugs, Mats, JACKSON arc nosy offering. Columbia. April Paid. In the Court of Common Pleas Ar the County of Lancaster: IN TILE MATTER of the application of Elizahe De Long for n change of her name. Trn-t Book No. 3, page Vt. The petition limning been presented and read on the Silk day of January. 18.93. the said Court do now, to wit, May thl. order and decree that the name of Elizabeth De Long. the petitioner. be changed to Elizabeth Young; and that notice of thin decree lan published in the and Spy" newspaper. for four atiCee.l.lte weeks. A BOW M AN. May IQ. 1f3.511-4t Trolley. UST received, Fit CSII CA NI Pill:NI:. and for mute J b 9 It WILLI A :1114. Way 10.1 , 56. Front Strret. PR. ANEW lot or WHALE AND 4:Mt ni:/kMNG OILS., el:reared of the store of the "nio.ortlotr. It. Front Strect,Coturnln l'a. May 10, ISO 6 jt.7.1.T received at S. C Swartz'. Family Grocery 1..1,1 Produce 'Store, a tut of forcer Vutatoe•, Apple., and Country• Cocoa. Pday In, Peat:. Biseemrs, 1111tY0 Niti. Sae )104 re ee,ved xt 11 , .(.1.S.IVARTZ'Strtute. :llay 10, 1-'l:6 ilr.r.E. - -Ir I:TnEntr.AL OIL, always on band, and for /4 Sale by It. WILLIAMS. May 10, Iczal. Front Street, Colombia, ra. ...-- , -A-3-`OI:7CVSTRiIi ....,.. - k:tC:al..lLtp A ND ready to furni-b the public wnli suds article' :1 a" Rutter, V., 0 • ,, , Appie litatvr, sugar cured Lbun, Shoulder., Dried licef 'lad Beef Tongue.. 4May ill, I ~, a li. S. C. SWARTZ, Cold; Sparkling Soda Water. undersigned would respectfully in• Vile 1111 tho,e who sire food of it cool drunk, in in hot sununer doe, :o the Golden 'Mortar Drug Store, where they will always that the delightful and re. fre,hiog, cold sparkling Soda water. which is again in full Ltn-t, and cannot fail giving sari-famtion mall who ❑rny (myth him swum a call. A fro, comprithat the fol lowing. Ina of Syrups, which hi, long experience in the Drug More of C. IL Needle... Philadelphia, in manufacturing them, Inc feel= himself fully competent o pica=e all who may partake of the delicum= drink. Such us Stra.berry, Ra=pberry, Vanilla, Sart:lMM:- Orgeat, Orange. Pinto Apple, Blackberry, Lemont, Sherbet, Ginger. Cherry. Currant, Nectar, 041,1B:tire, :Mulberry, Peach, Bock and Soda. &e. May 10,1536. NI'L FILBERT. PHILADELPHIA SEEDS. FULL assortment of Paschall Norris & ® Co's Garden Seed-;also, Flower Seedt, an great va riety- The following i, a II,: of the rareet seed., among the stock: Prince Albert Pea, Knight's Dwarf or Tutu Thumb Peru, Large Marrov. fat Peas, Tall Sugar Peas, Extra Early Petc,, Okra, SlowTire Evergreen Corn, Sugar Corm Radish Beet, Extra Early Bfood fleet. Long Sal mon Radish, Yellow Turnip Rooted Radish. Whtle Cass Lettuce, Philadelphia Cabbage Lettuce, White Curled Endive. Large Sweet Pepper, Green curled Scotch Kale ' Fore Rhubarb Seed, Early Purple Egg l'lnat,Early Stove Turnip, Yellow Aberdeen Turnip. bale's Hybrid Tamil,. Rye Grass Seed. Orient or Blue Grass, Nottingham Wonder Beans, Early Mohawk Beans. White Pole Bean,,llatra Folly Yalepmnc Brains. Early Six Weds Beans, White Kidney Bean.. White Branberry Beans. Early Cauliflower, Round Savoy Spinach. Jenny hunt Citron Melon, Gherkin Cucumber for pickling. Corn Salad, Leek, iiuunmiu Sprout Water melon, Mountain Sweet Watermeloa, Early Ox-heart Cabbage, Early Sugar Loaf Cabbage. R. WILLIAMS. May 10 Frond street, Columbia, Pa. nooks that Mean Something". Al' MURRAY k, STOWS may a lways be found a large collection of the best Boobs s at the lowest prices. The Six Days of Creation; n very instruetive hook. Who arc the Blessed, or4f duations on the Beati tudes. God Revealed in the Pr ass of Creation; by the twiner of Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation. Gospels by Moses; or the O'd Testament unveiled. Typical Forms and Special Ends of Creation; by James MeCork, L. I. I)., and George Deck, A. 111 AI I). Lectures on the Life, Genius and Insanity of Cow per; by Checver. Life of Captain Vicars of the British Army in the Crimea. A vein of deep piety runs through this hook rarely met with. Read a and you will bear witue , s to the truth of this .v.sertion. The Powers of the World to Come; by Cheever . • Gospels in Esekiel; by Guthrie. Much baa hccn said in prne.e of this book-. All who read it carefully will say the half hue not been told. Booth's Reign of Grace, with hitt °auction; by Dr. Chalmers. . • Alen nod Times of the Revolution—a Capital Book. Scenes in the. Practice of at New York Surgeon— Illustrated. Roget's Therinuru-i of 'English Words. If you Wish to improve your compositions buy and study this ex cellent book. Religion in Common Life; by Rev. John Caird. Philip the Second, King ofSpin 0; by Prescott. In view of reducing our stock this summer, we will sell at prices winch will be an inducement to all who to torte new Lila arms or replenish old ones with the hest Looks in every department, thus maintaining our character of The Cheap Rook Store. Slay lii , laili. MURRAY & STOCK. CLOTHING AND NEW GOODS, A T IVN. lIENSLER'S CLOTHING HOUSE, No. 81 !, North Queen Street 4th door , oialt of Orang. street, NVegt Side. .11151 received a splendid lot of new goods -itch as Black and l'aney Ciotti., Black and Fancy en,iineres, for spring and -titanic r, of the (limit totality awl most beautiful patterns, not' to he excelled in any lion-c in this city. *min and • - Fancy Sill, Ve-t Pattern , : of magnificent stoic., and a great variety of other vectings, and in -bort, it fall and general assortment of Spting and t‘ontnll.o Bond-. all of which 'NM he made to order in the be-t po,oble manner, .tad at the •liorte-t notice. Prices ullll , llll/Ir low. Al-O, it line lot of READY-MADE C LOT ING, Const-titic; of Black and Fancy Dies, Sack, Frock, and Box Coats. Black and Valley Ca-simete Pants Sal liner and Summer Banta of ev e ry flue assortment of Ve.t, Satin, Silk, Valencia, and Vane) . Vests of various patterns. Shirt, Shirt Col. lars. Under•hirts and Drawer, Sloe to, Cravats, Stockings, Suspenders, Pocket 1k11.6., oaal in fact, everything in that line of lotsittess. goods pur chased 111 . 51114 cstahlhAtment warranted to he as rep resented. In consequence of the pies-are attic times, the prices at this house have hem% reduced to stick a standard a- Will enable, all to put chase ouch articles 11. they nerd m this II:le of busoiees. Come one. come all, and give us It coil, mid you'll Mad it to your advantage to purchase. Out conic at any -rate, neen,r-rj-ver paretraSa or Hoc, you win al ways be welcome, at WlLl.litli I 1 ENS e il lt R'S, May 10, I No. at f North Queen St , Loner. Country Merchants and Physicians, r)ESIItOUS of buying pure, and cheap Drugs, JJ , Pa in 1,, Vttruit.ll, Mass. Putty, bye None.,, A . 11., Will foul 11 to their interest to patella, at the NVliol,,nle Ding NVarelarac-i:, S corner Fourth arid Vino Wee's, where a Bell .apply is kept coil bt:tutly on hand, and nold at the vety lowest ca..h pi tees. AV°, Dru,,,i,tl, South:West corner Fourth and Vine N. IL—Molten lar 1111..111101a pool to plty.teitto.tt order.. ttelemot; the tor n... 1 drugs, and not to , to 0•1 tint taking adyttolotto oar 11,•0110.1 of 111111 , 110.111:1111, Willi the, valor, Wit uauan.lbly calling lit lowest ea.!. pro•e4 May ID. 1,56 I r S I'sR x 1 PitOOPS --- . Tll2 Salamander Safes of 'j I , '' g L ' . l'htladelphitt againq the world. ', , i I . 1 " - i'l EVIIII Z. 4. Wttbouli,No. 26 Sunlit k:24-,: .?... : ill 51}}1 l'oorth ...treet, Noladelplito, l . • i tmee had the 6ttfe.l a 10111011.410- 41; . it, • • ' „, 0 i 11011 in 111 C (0 . 10,N111g ',as h e, _ ..,.....,J.-:_i cute, that their ntanufaeture '7. 0 +;.,-plr - - M .„ of tialamotider Sole, luta at _ --'"- : ._-- longt It fully wo t nutted the rem v.-rut:owns •t Inch have been mode or them, no rendering an undoubted -,cunt) stgalit•l the ten ate element: . _. PII ILA pr:Lriti A, April 12, Meeere r.V.OtS & lltrOrtli U 3 tile higlie-t •au-fitenou to .ittle to you. Cott !Ming to the very protective go:tittle, of two of the Saltonatt der Sate. whit It we oureletQed of you colt°, few mouth. aiuee, we •need tr large portion of our Jew elry• [took., Paper., &e., e>pow•d to the caiatnit oil. fire tit Ituebtead Place, on the looming of the Ilth Instant. When we reflect that these Salk, were located in the fourth store of the building we °Yearned. and that they fell subsequently into a heap of limning rulers, where the va-t concentration of heat entyteil the, brass plate. to melt, we cannot but regard the preset.- V 110T1 of the valuable contents iv+ mo-t convincing proof of the great security afforded by your Safes. We khan take much pleasure in recommending them to meet sure reliance fly:1111.r flee. GEURIiE W. :sIMONS L BRO. PHILADELPHIA. April 12, I 056 Messrs. UV/1N . .: & WATSO7A—I have to offer 1011 my testimony to favor of the great security ntTorded to my entire stock ofjewelry, hooks. papers. &c dun], g the recent ilciastrow conflagration in Ranstead place, _ from the fact dint the same were eon:aimed 111 IWO Of the 81111l1111111der Sllll, 11111101111CIUred by you. 1 Laving fallen from the Fifth story of the Artisan Molding, where they were previoJsly played 111111 ex. posed to a vaiit heal Mr II long 11100,111 e preservation of the valuable deposits FeCIIICti 10 every one who witnessed the oreiling and interior examination, u matter of profound astonishment. To all who may require it perfect protection from the ravages of tire. I :hall uni I.ut.m. 10 recommend the use of your Doles. as / consider they crave now 1111• e rgolle the mosurl ing test. N. E. AIORCIAN. =1 Messrs. Evers & NVArsox—lie tal e men—No doubt you will be deeply gratified to leant the good condi tion to which I dtscovered toy bock, policy of insur ance, certificates of stock, and other valuable docu ments. when on Friday last I opened the sure mode by your firm. With my knowledge of its great exposure, both to the intensity of the heat from •o hot a fire as that widen destroyed the Artisan Building, os also from the force of die fall from its former elevated position in the third story, I could en tettlillibut slender hopes prior to its interior itispect lon. that tire contents wit tell !once so highly priced would ever be of any service tome, but as these fears are now happily removed, I feel it only due to say to yen, that I con henceforth recommend the use of your Safes to all who may %cash to feel n confidence in the perfect security which such means provides against so frightful on element. BOW 4B D GASICILL, Book binder. Constnattlr on bond Patent Powder mid Thief Proof Locks fur Batiks. Store,, =llllM=9 Wagon IVLaking, Blackstnithing, &c CHARLES CHRIST AL CO., eapeetfully inform the, eitieens el thim {dare and It the public generally. that they laws flake. the !1 , - iala.slonent reeetiti °ecliped by Mr. John I). Kintg ler, on Fifth .dre,t, between Locust nod Cherry street., where they are prepared to carry on the above bu..inea4. os all lin various brandies. CAREZIAGLS 3 WAGONS, will he made to order. at thort native, and on the Ino•Lrea..entahle 11.nn• Ord..r., f or Ho u ,„„i ; and Iron ii2ll;ll.Z n .neetfully eleauted m the most approved Ineneer. LOC KS will olom receive prompt mien CtIA lILES CHRIST A- CO Columbia, 'May 3 0 , 34; .Int Wagon and Coach Makin,;. Tug ivatler.mited emiti nit, the above l•tomee. All r.nh oroot near lilrotnbilwiilllellt of chn.J.-- de Co., where he will r Le ready at nil tape. to - 111AR1: AND REPAIR WAGONS; , to the I,cni manner. nt the shortest nr' tier. 31.141 on the molt reasonable term,. A share or prbhe putronn;e airespeettatty nolienod., ME. 4 . , STANDIrEY. Co7:1211::.1 1.14-Irn WANTED, - FURS of ~!1 kinds. The hiche,it price will be paid for .I_ l Mir, by the uutlersipertl, et hn cheap, fe,litollable cloilthig store, Front -tree!, below lade , ' hotel. .101 AS MARCUSE. Col umb iv, April9o. 1 =,7;-11 Nr.vir SPRING GOODS, AT IIIcTAGUE & BRO'S ORIGINAL and One-Price, Cash store, Whole oglee and Reiml dealers in Forelzn and Domestic Dry Goods, Ready-Mode Clothing, mom i and Shoes, 'pt milt:, LADIES' DREss GOODS. Black Grog de Rhine Silks; Piney, Qmped and ;thud Silks; Foululd Stlka; Challie and satin stripe Mange sad Tl.lnes; while and fitrnred Briillant a. Lawns and I)rints. CI.OTIIS AND CASSIMEREit. French black Cloth.; of Alclson ) s mane; Ergliilt blue Cloths and brown do.; French Mack Cassitnere.; swiped. {than and solid colored Cw.tdmereA; black Satin, Brocade. Silk and Itlarentmick Vestingq. SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS. - - Cashmere Shawl., Broche Bordered Shawls, Liack toot colored Al mod las. DOMESTIC GOODS - - Mu.lins.Tickings, (necks, Gingnom-mid Drillings, and a great variety of Hosiery and Trimming,. READY-IVIADE CLOTHING. Cloth Frock and Dress Coats; • do Business do Clasiiimere do do Black and Fancy Cassiatere Pant-; do do Satinet do Black and Fancy Saar, Silk mid Cashmere. Vests. BOOTS AND SHOES. Men's Calf, Ku, tool Grained Riots; Men's Calf, Morocco und Cloth Gaiters: Ladle: Kid and Morocco Boots, Jenny Lands and Slippcni; Ladies black and colored Goners. and Children's Shoe. in nil varieties. All our Good. have been carefully selected in New York nod Philadelphia markets. for Cash, and will be sold at a small advance for time stone—our motto being. Quirk Sales and Small Profits. and no trouble to show Goods. c'r AGUE & 11)1I.0 April :hi, I Sal. Front street, Columbia. Men's and Boys' "Clothing. r i TERYBODY should embrace this opportu- tiny to buy Clothing. for Men and Boys, La GEORGE CULIN'S Cheap Clothing Escabliphment, S. B. corner MAatrue and Seco:vo snorers, PHILADELPHIA, embracinr, choice of the bent, moat desirable and Fa•loonable Dress and Frock Coats, I Cloth do., Linen Drill ing dp.,Tweeds,&e.. Ac., with a great variety of BOYS' CLOTHING, eonsi,ting of Sack Coutv, Polka Jacket', Monkey Jackets, 'VOA" and Round Jackets. made of Tweed, bitten Drilling. Cloth. Alpaca, Kei.Qcymere, Doeskin, FURNISHING GOODS, conzikung of Shine. Stock". Handkerchiefs. &c., all at which are coffered at the Lowey possible Cnch and as Cheap as any other Clolhiar, Store in the Union. • . rxParentgwiloileQire Boys' Clothing arc earnestly invite 4 to examine the stock. . _ ryflountry Storekeepers can lie rteentrimodnlcd al very low nixes. ca:ortGE EWAN. S. E. corner of Market and Second streets. Philadelphia, April :Ai. IKZ.Ly A. lIUNIAN MarE SAVED I Dom: Act Ac ' Mich . Much 11. 1556. j, S n i t r p u ieine to veil on take pleasure in stating, iii effects no repairted to 111 e by throe brothers who live in this place. and titer testis molly is a fair specimen of all I have received : W. S. Conklin told me—'' I had taken nine bottles of Christie's Ague Balsam. and continually run down while using it until my lungs and liver were Congested to that degree that blood discharged from my mouth and bowels, so that all thought t impo-stole for me to live through another chill. The doctors too did all they could for me, but thought I must die. Nothing did the any good until I got Rhodes , Fever and Agoe Cure, which at once relieved tie of the d,.trt,“ /lad 11411,11 at my stomach and pain in my head and bowels, and produced a perninnent cure in a short time. AL Conklin sup., ' I had been taking medicine of as good a doctor as we have in our county, and taken :my quantity of quunne and specifies without now good recall, from :nth or Augu.st to 1.71 h December. But .eemg how nicely it operated on my brother, I got a bottle 01 Rhode,' Fever and Ague Vore, v 4 loch e ffeet rut a permanent care lip using two thirds of a bottle S M. Conklin was not here, but Lott the othet broth er- city t a‘e was the .ante 114 11. ,11 . , 1 sold the medicine to Lott the same day, and the cure eras a speedy from the sums 1.1(1101 till.llllllr, at d 1 might SO eq/Cl2 ty. Yours with respect, A. lIUNTINGTON. The oboe ,peals for itself. Cecil moot' e.t.a t., It is of no better tenor than the vast number of like cer %Mentes I have already published, and the -till greater amount that is continually pouring in to toe. One thing score. Lusty car I had occasion to Cau tion the Public in these word+ : ‘• I entire our firm who hare tal.en one of nip general eh rbel, ktobstittthd the nante of their nocirtonformy med. ieine.'and then with beaten impudence end thtwpantphlet with the rodantntion. Let the proprietor,' any othertned kine surto.: much ft" h: dares,'" Nosy l take pleasure in saying that the Common re fen ed to the same " Or. Christie's Aged Balsam" that is mentioned in the above certificate. There lire several other industrious people who are applt mg to their pokonoas trash all that I publiNhed a bout my Fever and Ague Cure. or Antidote to Malaria, except the Certificates of Cures, and the Certificate of the celebrated Chemist, Dr. JIIIIIIC4 It. Chilton. of New York. to favor-or its -piefeettritarmieart - Chninie.cer, stbielt is attached to every bott'.e. These will always serve to dbitingui.li my medicines from imitation. For Sale by Druggitts generallk. JAS. A. nuouss, Proprietor. April f..`11 Bmif Providence. It I. DENSLOW & CO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, A NI) Wholesale Dealers in all hinds of Foreign nod Doineistie I.P.A F TOBACCO, nintif,tet ured Tobacco, and Foreign and Dome: Ale Sego,. 21 South Front street, Philadelphia. == prowl/14 of 11w Vuelta•Alnuo, a largo a , -ornnoni of which are kept con-tautly on band, and for bale at a :MOW lOIVOIIee ou CO:t of imporimioa, n — Con-ignment-• ic•••peetfuliy voliened, on which Ii wful be male when de, red. • - N. lI—SW:V.I allelllloll given to order. for our. cln,e out Conuni.•lon. of TIJI.CI,I3.an al-p every .rriplion of Alerellands-e s for neconot of panic" llv -111:; at a 4114t00,, from 1111. market. 17 - Sole Agent for F. A. Uoette< Celebrated Ger man Ssuol.log Tobacco, compr,ing thaty thflerent vanc:rea. [April 26, 1556.1 y ==l NBW ANA SPACIOUS STORM, ,V). 278 rhestmit -Ith door ahore Muth, now prepn t ed to ttiTer a large and well-selected am; ire-11 and de , trattle good., prinelpally of their own talportallon,ot bought lit our lion. which they are able to •ell at the importer - 4 artat,, and to %%lona they cordially invite the attc•t tton at Country Alerelotta", I tote! g.cePer.• font he; p.4...ny. PIM; Green and Venitton Window Shading. Barttzley and 111-It Loam Shecting,7-1, U. 1,10 I I- I, 12 d aide Bolter and Pillow• T.inen. of •cvcral choice blench. cm, and all width- (rota 3. to Al incl.,. Wel Blanket. of all •ircc and qualities. Cob and Cradle Blanket., • . . . . • Bed Quilt. of the fid lno mg varietie., viz.:-11111r keine., We twig. Knotted, Regt,ier, Alhambra, Allen dale and Lancaster. of all die desiruble Bureau Covers, Table Covers; Window Curtain Mu, lin, 'ro,‘ els mid Towellini: or every varlet); Dama•k '('able Cloth, and Napkin..; Shirting Luton , . tool M Ito, Cambric ltandLereliiet - 4. Embroideries, Hosiery: Are , Ac. Brocatril. Dnmaeka. Moreen 4, Embroidered Lace and ill uslin Curtains; Cill Cornices, Bands, Gimps Cord...t es. Are. SIII•IF'PAt{D l VAN lIABLINGE:s7, Importer. and Dealer.. in Linen nii.l HMI, Furnishing Good., No. 27.3 Che.tinit st., above Tenth, Phila. Philadelphia, April :26, 15.51; MaGETNZNG ILODS. A RMITAGE'S Patent—The subscriber rails the attention of the public to In. Superior 1:1.t:C -TIZIC.MMLNET I.IOIIINING RODS. It is now . fully admitted ou all hands. that every build ing to be secure front the destructtve influences 01 Light. mug, should he provided with a good conductor. The large number of worthless Rods that nre put up makes it ileces,try for purchasers to exam lill e the uterus of the ditrereitt rode offered for sale. I earnestly invite a rigid examination of the principles on scliteh my /loth- are constnictegl. I Itswt. put tip nearly 6.000 Hod, and have never hennl of the clone dollar'o worth of property by Liglatittur, in any b0i1,414.,. to which one of my rods has been at tached. I therefore, feel great confidence in recommend nig theta, not only no the hest, but as the only suie rod sit IP,. jErThe following gentlemen having examined these rods and given them their unqualified approbation, have kindly given me their permw•ton fo reter to them %VANIER IL Jim . tiAoN. Cominiiirsoller of Patedati rri MeM ERTIII IL M. 1).: T.ll WALT ER, M. I). For sale, NTholegnle 311111 Retail, at thin Factory, Vine Street. above TWelfili, "FliCifitAS [l7 . 'Orders promptly attended to, and at the lowest Cash A pri :Xi. 1v,16-3m. To Consumers of Bituminous Coal. TRE Clinton County Coal Company, Office IG %VALI, STREET, NEW YORK, arc about completing their Railroad to the Nest firalleh Canal, and after the I st of June next. will be able to furnish their Coal on the most fIIVOrIIIIIC lerma,ut their Depot, at Familidaville, Clinton county, feint's, or at ally other point desired. The Coal ns free front Sulphur nod other impure lien, unit Very desirable for Car, Puddling Furnace.. Rolling Mitt., Locomotive% Sloan - 4114w, Ithaelr.imiba,Puinity tine, Sc. 'Flu: Coin puny are now reudy to receive order'. For particu• lars apply 10 J.O MAl.l.OrtY,Precident,nt the office of the Company J. W. Q.- n.,:bv, Walnut s treet, Phila. N to. C 50111,0 Lima. Lock Maven, Clinton Co , Pa. Groan,: Aem,rnorre, Farrandeville, do do April 2G, 1-56-.3m DISSOLUTION. (1111 E CO-PARTNEILSIIII heretofore existing lie *wren the underaigtied, trailing under the firm le swAßTz A. USN DER, was dissolved I.y mutual consent, on the 11111 instant, All prr 4 0.14 Indebted lire retitle...o,lth make paynienl, and those havunq account signinet the hint will pr e sent them to S.C. who 14 alone uuthorized to mate Pcilleilietit. S. C. S\VARTZ, MICHAEL C:ONT ET ATIO:1T. The Idndlienn of the late him wilt he mirried nn the undermened,nt the old !tom], Odd Fellows' Ilsall, Loeust street. A continuation of the patronnee Jihernlly extended to the Into firm in respeetfillre no - tithed. 9. C SWARTZ. Columbia, April 19, 1,556-tf 100 DIEN 7-fCTAZI'I'MD A_T THE Chesnut Hill iron Ore Company's works, on Chesnut Rill, seven miles from Lancaster, and three from Columbia, Lancas ter County, Pennsylvania, One Hundred good laboring hands. Wage . * $`23,00 per month, and paid in cash every.. month. This is a healthy place, free-fromfever and ague. H.IR. RISOTWELL April 17, 1856-Ct . = Manager. PLEASE, TAIIILM NOTICE OF THIS and then giv4 us a call. The New UYork and Philadelphia Weekly Papers, and also the Daily Papers, can be had at the Book Store of T. J. Miles; sub as the New York Ledger, Bulletin, Herald, and a number of other papers. The Dail' Papers can be had every evening, after the Slow Tina arrives. The Weekly Papers every Saturday evening. Harper's, Godey,s and flallou's Monthly Mag. azines. Please give us a call. • T. J. MILES. Columbia, April 19, 456 CIECUILCIETOVMACZCOMPACW, Cau•cldown, Leisicaster Co., Pu. HE FIFTH. SESSION of this Institution will be opened for the reception of Students on the first Monday of Mity next. It is located in the village of Churchtown, Lancaster Co., Pa., in the midst of on of the most beautiful and healthy districts of Or country. Iris free from all the temptationSof vice to which so many places are subject: The instruction is not intrusted to Assistant Teachers alone; but the Principal is constantly at the head o the school, and devotes his Stine exclusively to the tuition of the students., No labor shall be spared to impart to them a clear and thorough knowledge of the studies in which they shall be engaged. Comfortable rooms are provided and every endeay . or4s-Olicle to make them fee at home. Lectures atiollelivired weekly in Geography, Anatomy, mid 'atter scientific subl jects with practical demonstrations. Tuition, boarding and washing; 565 00 Music on Piano, 15 00 Music on Violin 10 00 Languages ancient or modern, each 5 00 For further particulart enquire of the prin cipal J. E. GIFFIN. April 19, 1556, 1 mo. R. Rt. LEM N ar. CO.'S TRANSI'ORMULTION WIVE. ONO_ Freight from Philadelplia for Pittsburg,- and the West, by Railroad and Canal. E have largely,iikereased our facilities " liV - for carrying freight, and are prepared to forward goods dailly,from the East and %Vest, and all the intermediate points. We will transport lion, Fish, Coal, Plaster, Ice., &c., and fill orders• for the same on com mission. We will also deliver any quantity of Pittsburg Coati and fill, orders for Allegheny Bituminous Coal, frota Lemon's celebrated Mines, at the lowest poisible rates. , LLOYD & LEMON. AGDITS. COaKMAN & Quo., 276 Market st., Philadelphia. J. K. Eugni..El:4,Columbia. R. M. LEMON, Canal Basin, Hollidaysburg. Jour A. CANNON, Johnstown. T. B. LLOYD, Canal Basin, Penn st., Pittsburg. Columbia, March 22,1856. KESSLEIII 'WI/ITN EY k CO., Operators Intel Dealers ru 33 B. o .6.D rro CoJ.L, lIUNTINPDON, PA. NV..tr. CO. solicit orders. tatal will forward tly 1• roilrotol or canal - May tl. CHEAP BOOKS. iir:FMT ito Inconsequence of the increase of business tat the Now anti Cheap COOK ST( tit. and the want of room l'oftrilie transneting u f the in creased business. l'ite - Otettign is to remove the Book Store to the second gone of the ItuiWhig oil the cor ner of Not lb Queen street pod Centre Square, adjoin ing the building in withal the Book Store is iti pies eta, caul 118 the sultacribers have just returned from the Trade :Sales with ILN/cry largo stock of BOOKS, at exceedingly low pri _s-whicli makes their mock much larger than it ev ,lins been, they intend, and c 4lire de much as possible, and to 403 tat they n re dederin toed , us they bought their stock very loss , to .1111 their Cl 4: towers in prices. We biter the reading public a great opportunity to buy 'puny Valuable: later:try veins, exceedingly low, us Ours are clew and .cleet• Phusc depirouß of replenishiiic their 'Abrams would do well by ealling and egainining for thettc.elves,— You wili tutu touch plant you wilt want, and at rates that will repay you fur your visa. Ainotts the many your will find. Filgar A l'ne"s Works. Prof. Wilson's Noetus Atriltrosiana. Cooper's Leather Stocking 'anil Sea Tales. Ilaxlitz Works. Sparke's Amerieun itiogrpphy. Bayard Taylor's Tra vein. die Pearl of !'earl River. I:aaa•atlac, &e , le. The .mbs.eribera alm have the general new. , agency, for all the poptthic ,11.m.i.ditos or New-papera. Sate finptimtsare received at publishers' rate, and will lie promptly mailed to any part of the COUlltry. NVe attention to the New Curl Ledger. liy Fentliag us two doller‘ uloy per Non C(111 leave it promptly tor one year, oil the regular day- or pub lie ;lon n—Retnember the New and Cheap BOOK STORE, Centre Square, Lalitultter, t'a. May 3,1,56. H YOUNG & CO. Storekeepers, Look . to your Interests. C. FEND R berit & 820.'S T,IRONT ;11 feet, u few. doors obove I.oett-t, Colum r 1.1 11. tistite the'lliteuthot of enn.utuers of 9C . 4:S•IO,StCC,C:>. cIIY rhulte or torn:. 10 the large -lack wild. they have ju-t received. and now Our Olt Od 11 their flue show eases they have tie tvn rd. Or 30 DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF SEGARS of tiii% fine4.l flavor and brati46; 01,101.10 g uud lames. mg Toini,er. in grerti V. iieav7 SNUFF, PIPES, MATCHES, &C., all of whieli they are preeared to sell to the lowe , t city prices. wholesale otreltrot, "They feet satisfied that, pa rehnser c will find it to their advantage to cull or their store before mitehas. lay else. here. Their store int heifer a lir:Milt of the old esinblished and well Known Balti more [louse, 135 Forest curet, they hove udvant4ges pofinaenit.ll lig Ito others in )1114 ittrieily. (oh vertiLrialiti in another column. Colombia, Mug 3, 1056. TravzrLE or r.assasora. AIMS D. GRIFFITH, Fashionable lint tj and rnp Store. adjoining here's hotel. Front rohanhia, inform, hr friends end the e.ii/Pns of rolitinlaii, that he la, opened his c az zarckt rtaa.l3.4cEt.-i ite=o3L-40,, Deue, n practical halter. Lt. ‘‘ hole at tention will be given to ple:em 011 it ho may favor him with a call. with the eliCapcgt nod ino,l durable ar ticle that eau be h a d for The price, in the country. Terme All order. promptly tftecuted. Columbia, -April • LZVEa THE subscriber reipectfully in forms his friends and the violin,. gener ally Shot lie bn, assumed the proprietorship of the Livery Stables, formerly kept toy r. J. IL - 14- ward., end recently by M. Joins Fetterly. lie re spectfully sol arise thepritrogage of ail who may need Tiny can veutenee in lii• iiiielTletermined to do his hest to aecommodate his cuktrettcrs. as I'm' as may lie in his power. Ilie charges shall lie moderate—so much en that he feels aoureil of giving satisfaction on this point as well us uli others. T 110: 11A$ UROOAL Columbia, April Id, IS;i6' it JUST RECEIVED, A VIIW more pieces of tlairte heavy all wool Ingrain It Parlor Carpeting., at Wets. a ytto.l; so be quick and secure a bargain at LINDS-I.l' 3: JACKSON't.I. Columbia. April 2ri,l.Zi6. GEOR G E. SMIT IJ, T OCUST STREET,bas jest commenced man. J_A ufarturuir and kurp• rniicunily on hnud.a full uot.oriniriii of dU3IMER DRINKS. Columbia, April RI. Penn'a Rail Road,Freight Station. VREIGIIT OFFICE and DEPOT i nthe new huani.... tomer Front and Gay streets, near the Collector's °Mee. Tteket Wien for l'assenewra, Es,' mod W e: t.,,t t i ne Wa.lotteton lintel. ICRASTUS K. 110ICF:, April 19, I tf ,freight h 'ticket Agent. Our Banner to the Breeze! 1 1snel: T( • AI .t :—: 4 l,3wk, Sims. I. and 11Tnntilla.. .tn gn.nt vnnyty. 'rhe prtAlle.l nll4l aCapefit goats 131 COILII[ 3 11.1:1, ju-t n.O ived 11. C. FONI37 , ,IISNIIT/ April In. IF-SG, Ca.ll Stun.. NOTZCJ. Q C. SWARTZ, at the Odd Fellows' Hall, ►jg lin•Jutt rreeiveil a kit of Cerinnti Six Seams. Ah. o , ()ranger, in whole and half whiehwill chew. e. SwAirrz. nv . I 19, TABLE OIL.--.lnst received a fresh supply of superior 'ratite oil.on McColl 1111. P, h DF.f.1.1711 - 1"Fl nonity Medicine 5.10 rt, (kid Aprd P 2 • Drs. John.a. Rohrer, LT AVE associated in the Practice of Hull _lA_ rill,. C01131111.1:1 : April 141, I tisfhtf ll T" „ i L av rt ' zu l e io n ' t ' „ ' l . l ) lTil l l e o l l7: l a&l'll i .. ° e q vt ' •r ° ::gr c L t ql iu Colutia,m, coil :J.:ILT ever• width from I yard up to I yank %stile, v 6 Itu It vs..: are prepared to o&rut urout burgrinu.. 1../NDBAY COhlitibill • April :10, In3ll. rxsri, 0Y5Tr...13.5, &c., AIiD all the Luxuries and Delicacies of the LA_ Southern and EILSICIn Markets:always received early. J. 11. HUNTER, Opporite Odd Fellows' Ilan, Locust street Columbia. April ItAtm Already in active operation! MUM subscriber has commenced delivering Ice in Columbia. and 14 prepared to accommodate all who may need ibis grout slimmer luxury, in any quan tity, at the LOWC:ST RATES. Ile laid in bin supply during the evinier, w h en the Ice NVllu at its REST, and that In the kind he is ready to fitriii.h. Orders left at his residence in Locust street. or personal applica tion to the undersigned, will command immediate :a mnion. IL M. WILLS. Columbia, April 19-1 t 11 TEE undersigned hereby gives notice that oily per , on. trePpn.ving on hi. property either by Hunting. Cutting Sproule, or otherwi,e, will hereafter be dealt with aceoiding to law. M. M. STRICKLER. Fairview. April SU, 1,56-4 t. 185 R. SECOND SUPPLY OP 1850. NEW SPRING GOODS, At Haldemans Cheap Cash Store. E V la have r t h his week opened ri l ed e mir , second V ill find many new bargain.. in - - New Sprtng Silks at 75, c7l and Sl,OO New Stella Shawls. front S LOU to 510.00. We can -how a very large and handnome asbornneut. New l'arnsok, all prices. New Dress Good, of all kind=. New Cloths and ens...news, New . silk and itlar-eilies Vet-tings. Also, new Carpeting.. \\'e trove put received another :ot of very handsome Carpets et • ery low prices. Cull nd See the tress' gaud. at lIALDMIAN'S Cheap Store. Colombia. April O. 'rat. GREAT BARGAINS Xu. Szaarisa.gr, Grcac)clEs 1 rflIE undersigned arc HOW receiving and will lie opening during the next week, ill their tore tit Ladle( ,•treet. oppoeite the Co.unibitt new and large too,ortineot of Goode ,00taide for the sen.on. ermsioing tit pal: of DRY GOODS. i•tielt tin Clothe, Cuesimeres., Veq inge, 4luek mid ro tiny State, together with a grout vurtety of LADIES DREsts GoOlts; 11OUSEPURINIt-lIING GOOD'et.eUelt a. Shertinp, Mueltne.Tieginge, Cheeks, Oil Clothe, !Houle, le. GROCERIES of every description—free/1 and of )he beet qualiitee; • Together with a general arvortmeni of Queen. vane, oll111."WlirC, Carpet., fli ids , Looking Glitt,ses, Drug. gets, Matting, Rugg. WALL PAPERS, In fart everything kepi 111 a well-regulated store. Cull and , ee our a-portmetit, as we feel ratisfied at none will go away di.appointed, a• we SELL EXCLUSIVELY FOIL CASH! Id are Hereby eitubled to sell good., t etery LOW FRY & HAGMAN. C0111111i."1. A pril l 4 I :VAL W`L'eL, i"''' 3romon.3:3Liat.so, Frourh I , l,mers; 1111 .10111,.. 01 101011111 S ior trimming Dre , .ets. All I. m 1.3 of NI dlinery (io9tl, for , 11C al the lime..st price, in Wnhalt street, allover Front. [Colombia, April 19.3 m F sPRING G00D..-111[x. E. Sll_ll , l'Ell. would 0 re•pPrilltily 1111011 ii the hulk,: of CoWinton nod aortoloalioa: cnonry. that she luta .111 St relllM-.., • the city, still,n large astoronent of 4 t•ll'itlNG !SRI .1 AN RICV ma% Dress Trsonsulogs, Botaact.toel Bonnet Riblron.l.neea.EmllrolderceA.Vniley Soaps, l'erlsonery. and 11 varnar 01 tinily MRS. E. 811lA Colombia. Morel, S-11111 Ni,. S Nleellan ice Rosy. NEW BOOT etc SHOE STOEII3, FR . OlT Ni S . Lit d EE , Z ,, C . 2l l) m ., bia :m ya ti -C i Tpli lit, that be hag just opened at the above place, a %urge nett eplendid vonennneut of Sums and Shoes. eromprisnex,. FRENCH CALF-SKIN, MEN'S MOROCCO, KU & OTHER BOOTS & SHOES, to which he would invite attention. Having mode hie beiections in this brunch of the business wjili • urs,..utssbatinssitinorduisnissi-sultsiblistsisri-thout she city of Philadelphia. he feels confident Mill all who wool good nrttelos wilt cull nod exonfine hi,. ntock. lie hal nko n large and bentnifol n‘nortment of AND CHILDREN, eollsseting of Patent Foxed Gni taro, French Morocco Itookino, Enamelled Spring Heel Parodies., Italian Cloth Cotters. Aludroo NW Ties and in fart all the latent oiygeo now an use. Also tall kinds of Youth. , and Miner,' Honig and Shoes. of every size and al,eripiion, and a line as.ortment of Alcit'o Goiters. such no Palma Glove Top., cloth, CalG;kin, Ate , A e . in greet variety. The sub-critter hopes by rivet atiention 10 buotne3i. to merit a .love of public patronage liar itulthe are invited to cull and examme tire goods. J. W. .SDEMAN. Columbia, April .A.-IVXDIEUES-C2)7C - Sr3E"MEEt: QIIEPARD & CO. are now prepared to take latyroted Ambrotyper—never lading and inde structible—hermetically sealed between two glae..c.. winch for appears ace. minters of lone and truthfulness, cannot be eurpus,ed by any made in the city. Shepard Sc. Co liner parchaged qte eselucive right to take Anibrotypcs in Columba., and although pre pared to take ally oilier /h al al style Of pu•tures, would recommend Ambrolypes, bectin,e of their au perturity- -1•t. They arc vi , ible in ally angle of light. and avhen token large for Portrait,. are Mach preferable fur the parlor to l'utontig,.,beeatt-e cheaper and Inure accurate. tlaid. They orir , ecs more cliorm and benulY. COUCC they tire finer and more Ilittliful than the One Daguerreotype eon prisitity 3rd. 'Plte)• ore more durable than Oily other Pyle Of Picture.heenure they ore liertheiteolly be• tweet' tat o mode air-tight and water proof— in facto will reutio ua beauty and trothliolio,a of esprr••ton for flge+. extt•pt purposely inatilwed nod dt•ftgnrrd by sane 0415. 1.11101.1, Of the •upenor qunbuce ti c) p0..-ex= over other nod older -Iyle of Neturea. Darrent .431 r, nod kind< or pi,tor, taint, and gati-fartion guaranteed, ui irons :23 ets. to $l5. SIIEPA HD& CO., Suutlrca.l earner of Front and Locust mrectq. CCalanihla. AI areli ALARGE LOT atltlren's Carriages, (~:4 4 , !toeLing Ifonse+, Wlterllntrrow... Prepe:- :s:ursery April 19, Atreet. (111 INA and other Finley A rlit•lra. too nomeron4 to %.../ mention, for ate by .1..\,1T11, hoeu.t street, between the annk and Front:lot llou.e. Columbia, April 19, 1"430. THE Ladies will find the largest and most henoitlot u. , Aortment otSwpwel., Cunttones, Nato. gook.. A,..crer opened in ONLY TIIINK! Si Ore.-grve Swi.ss ling, nt 12.1 e par yard, worth .12.5 c. Col/ curly to cu r•• Lorgain. We will open g00d.% unhoon" daily tlatriwg the sea son. Ul 111. C. FONDCIC. 4 NII April 12. Colombo, r A11.1411 Against all Monopoly! C REAT Bargains in Dry Goods!--Opened this day 1(.0 5.15. fine Eliglull (mignon., In 'id Plaids—colors. brown, green, purple and pin ly IY7 cu. worth foie. 11. C. FONDEVVIdITIPS People's Cush Store. Apral 13 b►i ! E LAIICK and varied n•eortment of AI.L KINDS' t 1 OF PLAIN AND FANCY FURNITURE,fur eale very Inier: eritt•i•llite of SOFAS, BUREAUS, SIDEBOARDS, Table., pressing Ca ra R. WlL•it•toll.l.. iled%, Bedstead.' and Betiding—in fact, Furniture of every description, embrucisar all neces s ary for the Parlor, Kitchen, Cellar, &e. The subs !niter. lately of the Bellevue Bowie, will yell the above article! at a great sacrifice Call and 'CC. C. 11. IIARDWELL, locust •treet, lit 1100 r above Fralik lan HOW.C. Colimilica, April r, 1& it if With a Large and Superior Assortment of I,II7II,TCUXIS, JIMIXTELIM, 81113) SXICAMIVOI74I,III[I3. OLD LEVER WATCHES, Duplex, Lepincs, C r nod Qua rtient, n t prpreA Insult evers body. Al.O no entire new atnel of CANIVA) AND IIOSAIC ItREASTPESN and F:or•lttnno, of the totem. sty les. CLOCKS! CLOCKS! of every ilv 4 erViltiOn; 10:reiller WWI a thousand and one other &metes, ran be hod at SIIREINF.IPS. Welch mkt Jevettry Sines. Fran! S u t, C;(4oll,thiß. Apra 5, Wk. 11A .1111 . .1.011'S HAIR I/YR.- 1 10 burn me.. 1/1 ,tie route 1.1 Lornitotso.l could ever have unlined the 111:0 , 1 4 .1: favor neeorden to thit the ortesatthlolvrr-fouh"gf.uv'r tie. Nr, lure in not more true to her.e/i than the brown or blnelg prodneed in one redde... ernye4.l. or rao..t frr'w"Y hour Vat It. Mad , and .old. or mooned at Thiel.- doe.. %%nig. ory,lrrl Ltroudtray, N. Y, The genu ine ...tilde tot ante. at NT, i Ufi Kr k nrt.t.rmrs A pal 1.1 Farad, Med.eine !dorr Oil Cloths! Oil Cloths. ICE ICE, ICE ISTC:6TX4CM. E. ENTRIKEN, FIRST ARRIVAL JOAN W. SITUIIIIAN'S FINE SHOES FOR LADIES. GOOD PATENT AM f3ROTYPE Just Received, White Goods ! ONCE MORE ON HAND, I BATtIECLLVG EFOUSE OF 6.7 , CD.12MT tar -' 2 ". .a1 -- - 4 0C3 0 . LA NeAsrli.a, Pi., Feb r:2, TEE undersigned have this day formed a A.Cn.pnnuer.lap fortran.nennga GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, Dl.,eol.7:eta•DEiroart...leXCllANGE, 1k C .. . . ANT) Wi1.1. - 01.1.:N AN OFFICE. MARCH U 3311, 1 4 156, AL Ku. 16 East King Street, a few doors west of the Lancaster County Bank. A uniform rate alive per emit illlereel per annum will lie 11.6E4011 deposit.. Filet . ..ll) made. and a Jibe ral lute ofaceummoduilen afforded tho-e who mny fa vor us with depositb, payable on demand b; check or draft. Special attention will be given to the purchase and rale, (Oli commis-sou .Auly.) of Stocks, Legate. de., in Lancaster. PLiladelplna. New York and Baltimore, and collections will he made at :lie best rsien, on all accessible points in the United States and Canada. Dar inßumple resources and experience, and having secured the service of ROBERT CLAM:AO:A, late assist - ant Cashier of the Farmer's Bank of Lancaster, Our CUADIrr, who Will give the bus mane prr.onal attention, we are confident of executing fui tidally and promptly any business entrusted to us. JOHN GYCER &CO. CONFIbTING OF JUDE CiEGEB, DAVID RAIL, EriILEMAE, DENIM fllae•ELYA\. Lancaster, March 15.1556-8 n LATEST ARRIVAL OF RICA AND ELEGANT JEWELRY.- - The uaider.:gited bus jutz received from New ford and P:uludelpida, ilto mott fupeth lot of WATCHES, cLpmcs, AND JEWELRY _ which he t. prepared to sell eheaper than they cnn be bought or any other eetable•hinent. 110 is pre pared to oiTer great bargain, and he reipertfully in- Sites the attention of purehagers to his crock, which ends rileee GOLD AND STLVER NVATCHES, of every kiud; all kinds of FLOCKS, from SI .50 up ward,: he nsvile , the nttentioa of Boatmen In large most of 11.11iVE.11 BOAT JFIVELRY. eon ,i-aing of Mar Maga, Finger Maga llrestat Pius. &e.; all lailds of Silver Spoon•; Plated Soup Ladles,Talde and Tea F• 11.001111, Forks, d 0., which ore warraineg to wear nearly equal to Silver; (told nod Silver Pea. ells and I t ~us: old and Sliver Fitatenteleat together with the, greateNt variety •of FANCY ARTICLES ever before °tiered. C111 . 11.E111:—Al.,0, a %uperior a4Parttnetkt of Re vol vet, awl other Pt, tole, and all loat; of I;.nive.s, of the ben.% mriaufaclare. Sine' attention will lie giren.as heretofore, to the repairing of clock., svatiettleri and jewelry ; and all work will lie warranted. contiiivalice of former praronsige reopeet fully solicited. JOHN FELIX. Colienbia. April 19. 1956. NEW STYLES SPRING GOODS: THE subscriber lins just Recited it very large adilltiost so hi. •tuck of HATS AND CAPS, of the very Inle.l .4 which will he PAW IA it:ST the I.OIV HAT ES. I lot ;few style of hoe Mai cahoot he tuirrot..setl. nod his toomritnriat of Plait. nod Fahey Cilpg is very full um! complete. Also, the iteet,it .i vie. of STRAW RATS, CAPS &C. Ile reqicelfilliy collo* , a call, tie he ill convinced Ile 01IC 111 N'allt VI ail) 111111 g in hi. line, Call go away Remy Mer the pinee, No. 3 Liluckier,. Row. Front nireel, Colmllhin. JACOII 11ESS. Columbia, April I'2, ISal. TIIE PLACE FOR BARGAINS. FURNITURE WARE ROODIS. TORN SIIENBERGEII, vi his old stand, Locust, •,) street, above the Odd Fellows' Hall, Colute' . i ~, It.a..aguiti calls Inn:1111011 10 his superior nod bplets lid ss.mrtmettr of CABINET-WARE INDCFIAIR-WORK, of all descriptions, which he wilh.ellon the moil reasonable terms. A. , be ottanulliClui es Ito+ owls work, he is ennblvd to warrant every article In be what a is represented: nod in he as gigot: a, it is cheap. Ili. stock I. very large, nail tii part embraces Dres .iing. Plain and taiiey Ito retios; Sideboards, Sofa.; Card, Rod, Sofa, Celine, Dres.itig, Dining and Break fa-t TA111.1.:S; Common. b'renelt oilier BED STEADS; Common and Finley CI 11A1 ltS, and SUT TEES of every -tyle. together 1 / 1 101 a wale:al usaort meal oral] tinily of FURNITURE'. Funerals trill Ire ottenfled ,••• WI if Splendid Ifearse, on slum notice. and tat neue..ary attention green to UNDFItTA KING. lie invitee nn inspection orldp roma, fl.eling confi dent that be is able to oupply any article of FUrlti lure that any lie ileid red. well 'nude and durable, mid "cheap the el npe.t" Cliairu and Varnishing Furniture at tended to. Columbia, Mareltls.lSsG. NEW AND CIZE.A.P STOB.II. JEST owned, at the Mort or the sub%eri her, on the corner of Fifth and Union-streets Co. Ituniiim. a supply of every article in the line of business, consisting 01 DRY GOODS, GROC ERIE% Q 0 EENSWARE, GLASSWARE, &C., pf4woy-Irreriet7 sold vol.) low for rash. Tlic mibseriber will keep rointnittly on halal a well wlected stock of goods. and Ito orspactful;y solicits a shun• of public patrooage. ID'''Cousflry Producc talon at the hicliest market. rebruary 1856. = . . • . . Th,co.ez c• c> "117".n.x-e.7.11..c5ix ron t Btrect, 3d ilnor a 'Jove Loetist. TOSEPII FENDRICIE It 4 lULQTIIERS, respectnil -4y inform the elilZefet of COIUMbIe 01.1 vicinity. :hat iht y have established a Ii nonce of their old noel extensively known lkiltiniere lionise in thic place. where iliey will inane lecture need ron•inntly 'rive for sale all kinds of Defoe-tic nod Imported Tobacco nod siccooment of Toleiceo and Corers endorsees every variety and brand. 12 pee croft. will tie caved to the purchaser l.y :ovoid tic call. tic we warrant, to cell at city pricer. Pteacc call and ext.! ll ill c. What's the en gar and blow, Cute-c it were elicit we eau n 1 chow Three hundred iIIOUPti nd cignr. oral] I:lolls, To •nit all Wile% Mid sun all ',..7traisger'. hy chance you should step ibis wny, Dom, In on this or nny other dray. SNUFF AND TOIMCCO we have a large stock on band, Of the first chop nod medium nod ornumeroua brands, Our ...lock i- tort,. you'll 1110 ti complete. Al Tin , . VIVI.: 111101111ERS"rOtIACCO STORM ' , rout street. Colombia, October 20, 15.15. CA/12NET UTARZI ROOM THE subscriber would inForm his friends and the public georrtilly, Ilint he wall sues to snutiollieture, nod lun• con.tattily for sate ALL KINDS OF CABINET WARE, such as Secretaries, I:ureuus. Work-lands. bating and Breakfast Tables. Card, Pier and Centre 'Valdes. French, Field, WWI and Low Pom Bedsteads. / 1 / 4 ,, together with every other article of Cabinet Ware. which lie will sell nt the lowest possible prices. U.S worl.men ore eXPrrielt,43 and espalde. stool begrime. les are warranted equal if nal .arterial , ' to any sold it, the place. AN ELEGANT HEARSE. equal to tiny in the citiex, cult ulwnyn he found al eninlili.liment. in Loca.t street. below 3d, and Corn N w; II he made. and funcraln is town or coun try attended at .11Pt1 notice. lle re•pretfu/ly noticito it share or public pationage, confident that he can render genera lontisiactien. Colombia. April 11,1n56 . CASPAII SEIBERT. WOOD rOR SALE. ABOUT 50 Cords of Dry Oak Wood for Kir. It will be delivered in any quantity. Enquire of F. B. uucrz. Colombia. Feb. 19.56.-tt REMOVAL. 9111 F. undertitpu4l mkpectfulty ieforrne the public tha he ha" rrinove.4l his 0.1.c5t.12.1.3mg- Elite:arcs from Shreiner's Row, to No. 1 Wolf's How, Patna st.Co- Itnithia, Pa., where he will keep constantly on hand ■ large stoek of Ready-Made Clothing of all kinds, Shirts, I larsllerelsiefit, Collars, dec., &e. I lIINRY MCP . Columbia, March Ir 2, !KA. - - Excellent Dried Beef, Orcoat. Cored and Plain Hang., Shoolders and kJ for sale by INlnrch 4.1:4 1.-.73, RICII. Silks! Silks!! 800 YARDS . IIIark and Fanty Drrss Silks, of TUC K-rr tont:El: AN NEWC.t.T STYI.M.I.--ibe na.1(111144.1 ever opened ill 1111110114—prieer. frUnll Z 4/ ee,, Io 121.(1(1 her yam—are now ready, at 11. C. PON 1/1:11.2 4 1111r1 April 11. N dperiplion; I hem In C1111.11n11 ,1 2. Jai,: IL received at C. soNunassirrirs.. April 10. 1 fky) YDS. INDIGO BLUE SDIDTING and led Cbrekp, good wid th Goode, *styli{ 1 t i nob !Pc. Call st Arra 19, 193 G. 11. C. PONDERS:MTH'S. 51".1 2 3PS —Canary, Hemp, and lAnott_lLeetit I) For •ele Me00111:1.14.1r DF:l4...rn"S Apttt Meatleme Store CHILLS AND FEVER. Dil. PASCHAL 'S Fever and Ague LL l ixture—an effectual cure for Chills and Fever. Intermittent and Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague and attacks. . , „ This preparation contains nothing that can act in juriously upon the system, being compered entirely of vegetable substances. In proof of - allegation, and to give more confidence to, these taking this medicine, the Proprietor offers a reward, accouter.. eying each bottle, which is tobegiven to anTpetson who discovers either Arsenic or Meteor:" in us cora po-i bon. ingredients too often used in remedies for the shove discuses; and which, while ,tber often prevent. for a season, the - return of the xhille. substi tute iti the its-stein diseases tar worse , and,more diffi cult to remove. , Die this valuable regerable production, and see far Yourself that it will do all that a good medicine eats do and all that can he desired. It purifies and circu lates the blood, it acts us a gentle purgative 'mon the bowels, thus enabling, nature to perform the regular exerei-e of her functionsmnd thus restoring the health unit lanicla" up the system. Asa Preventive it is equally agelfectual. and should be taken once mimics, a day, which will tend to remove those diseased hu mors Olivia often rause the above fevers. The Proprietor stettes.without rear of contradiction, that Paarlosll's Fever and Ague Mixture has etleeto ny cured more per.ont , where it has been introduced titan nay miter preparation now in tie, to say more is OUSSVCssarY. as the medicine is to stand or fall up on nr own merits. From the numerous letters and certificates reeeiv ea by the Proprietor from persons who have tried the above named medicate. The following are selectedhe eau se they are generally k nown in Ike locality which this newspaper et reulutes, and because of the ready ricerffsibitity of the writers to any party inclined to doubt or scepticism in regard to the efficacy of this medicine. Prom the Proprietor of the Delaware Rouse at Reis tot, Bucks county, Pa., known as Pratt's Hotel. BRTeTOL, 105. F. S, Momes—Dear Sir—l write to inform you that your ••Paec hell's Fever and Ague Mixture: hat cer tainly proved 'ma effectual cure," for this disease as well us other Bilious complaint+ generally known as tin is and Fever, Intermittent and Remittent Fevers; A: oind am glad that such a medieine has at law been introduced among us. was much astonish ed upon leveeing from your egrets here of the large nuamey sold this lath and in every GUM except one, it had entirely cured the patient upon taking one bot tle onto. mid tome not that marls. Front what I Call learn, f hove no doubt that.es a preventive far these it haute•, it would be as effectual as in curing. When it Once his been tried and liken aceolding to three lion. the cindstinll Will never arise—what will cure the and Fem.? Although I have not been Un der:lw necessity of tithing any of the Itlixtureuet nUltilicr of person•. known to me. hove been cured by it. nod Whin.. ilitineits I sin at liberty to communicate to any pereollll interested. Respectfully your friend. Lewis T. Pa►ax. Philadelphia. March 22,1100:. Mn. E. S. Monspi—Deor Sir—Your medicine has cerininly proved what you represented it to be. an el; fecund earn for chill, and (ever. We take pleacure in informing, you that the matt in our employ who look }our mixture thin spring, near a year Ago has not bad up 10 the pre-cut dui, any return of chine, and his been daily in his work; lie my*, "he is every way limier than be liniebeen for some yeamand 100, from the eoiitelltil or one bottle only. Itemectfnlly NEWEItLINC: 4 tk. cu r Fancy Printery nod Lithographers, N. W. corner 4th nnil 0. reh Street., Columbia, April v. ISZO. traving !Harem] for reveral months with Fever and wroer woo induced to wy Pooeholre lure. :Hid How tolrei, pleasure in mitt - yin that be woo ilinrouplay cored in a very, short iiate„wiitiout mty doleterioui eirecis uppureto (rota its Our. C. n'. Moans, S...re Harbor /ran Work,. Snre Mama, Lancaster Co , .1 anuary 54i, 31u. EDWARD S. ittounte—bear Sir—Your invalua )le —l.O-eltitll'e Fever and Ague Mixture." (after eing nil the various reatetliee,paofeaving to cure the lulls nnJ (everjhue effected uaerfect cure in the use u bottle. Let till the aillieted nee it. Very trul) yours. C. J. ROOM.. SAWN HAMMEL Lancester Co., Pa. The following Certificate is from a gentleman in the Office of the United Staten Atha, at Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 9, less. EDWARD S. Mouses—Dear Sir—lt affords me much pleasure. to 4111101/Ilet to you, that your valuable. preparation, '•Pa•eltallta Fever and Ague Mixture," which I procured Irma you several months, ace, has indeed proved itself to be "an effectual cure" an the ca.r of my Irienclovlto tool: three doses only from our bottle. and lion not lied a chill shuns, stad as now perfectly well. With much respect. yours. &c. Gloecis W:HALL. The following Certificate is from the Auditor . of the State of Delaware. CLAMMY, September 6,1855. E. S. Moms—Dear dir—We are selling the Mix ture daily, end and It to give general satisfaction. I believe it is the best Medicine in existence -for the cure of Chills and Fever. I have disposed of a num ber of bottles, arid hove not known it to fail. Vann, very respectfully, %V. T. AMOCO& Head of Sassafras. Rent Co , Maryland, Jou .1111, 18.50. E. S. Mounts—Dear Sir—Since your valuable Fe vet and Agile Mixture has been .introduced here, it hes given entire satisfaction to every one who has Imen for.tainlicsicnouth.laillthy , .1. • • orttie mention. In confirm la great - curative powers, t tall ',obi two bottles of it to one family consisting of three or four pc rsoits ,who were sneering with the Chills. Atter some months had elapsed. One of the persons cured, cu ne and asked me to take hack one of the battle.. saying that the other bade had done tht whole reork,amt actually cured them all. Upon inquiry, I Tenni that up to this day they are nil well, having bad iio return cot Um Chit!. since. What can illediesno do more! Respectfully yours, Jac., Jamas L. PRYOR. ,1.11 of -wbfetrwill, = Directions in English, German, French and Span i•li neeompanv each bottle. Price Sl.oo the single bottle or slo,uolhe dozen bottles. To die trade the usual ra•es are offered. For .4de by Dritegis.ts and Country Merchants every where. and by Samuel. Faraway, tote William Rider's .„1....11 Mortar Di ea store, at Columbia - and William C. linker, Druggist, Centre Square., Lancaster City. Merchusite stint Deulers not having this preparation will do well by ordering at once. Wholesule order• must be addressed to the Sole Proprietor and Manu facturer. EDWARD S. MORRIS'. No. 2O Arch atreci, Philadelphia. fieb ISSO.-3m. CARTER'S SPANISH NEETTRE, THIS Celebrated Compound scientifically 1. prepared from the best emotes of the -Materna Medic:lomo gained an unravelled reputatton for the following camal effect+. viz. PURIFYING THE BLOOD, - - - and t litis curing sCROPUI.A.I3II4IIII.I.S. of n sOli 011aTINATE CUTANEOUS ERUP 'Noss, ,tod all diseases arising groat the imprudent 1.1-0 or uloti.e of klereurY• REGULATING THE.STOMACII AND BOWELS, it cures, Li re r Di scase.linligestion, Dillon! Con. It: Coen.w, aad SLRENGTIII NG THE DIGES TIVE ORGANS, cuu ing the food to nourish and support every pert. REGULATING TILE SECRETIVEORGANS and by enabling them to perform their proper tune .. preventing and curing !Mims and other pain ful nn-rases. STRENGTHENING AND QUIETING THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, than nllnying Nersous irrillllloC,suld Caring' all di. .Iseeot the Nerves. It is unrivalled in. the cure cC it II ermate Diseases! Weakness, Irregularity, Oh ,t ructi tttt •. are. IT IS ENTIRELY SAFE IN ALL CASES. Acting in linrimolly with the rrsinring power• of rm. tuie,it never injures 'u' always benefits and ewes, nS shousioid• of voluntary certificates front the hest midwinter. trimly. Price one Dollar per bottle, or six bottles for Vito Dollars. Seld by Druggist, nod Country Merchants in ill the cities and counties of the United !dosed, Canada and the West Indies. %V M. S. DEEMS & CQ., Proprietors, 304 Stimdmisod— New York. SAMUEL. FILBERT, Agent,Colutabla t -Pn. November 17, IoSS-Iy. J. Stewart Depup &Sons, Masonic KaU, CAssma street, (belowlith,) Phil. adelpAis, HAVE opened a large and splendid stock of Velvet Tapestry, Bruer* Three Ply, ingrain and Venitian Carpeting.. Also, Floor Oil Cloths, Ma tango, Dearth Dap. Door Mats, Druggets. Stair Roils, Table and Piano Covers. ice., to , which they are selling very low tor cash, whole sole and retail. Ind+ 8,115604 M ,&1 OATS FOR SALE BT THE BUSHEL, or la larger quantities, at Nos. 1,2 & Canal Oasin . . 13 F. APPOLD it CO. Coltemhin. Innstery &. I S. Wanted, AFIRST Hass Salesman- at the People's Cash Sloe., Coholsters. Mug' sp , e v e=ah and Gelehaef sa vage.% sad tome well Columina, Meech 13, 1850. Venithin Blinds! Venitlan Blinds subscribers tou Prefsiscd to furnish Yenitiatt 1 Minds of cvery style, at the {invest possible Prices, LINDSAY & JAMISON. Columbia, Match 13 FAMILY FLOUR rR sale by the band, at Nos. 1, 2 & 6 Ca at asin. Colum n but, Jan- 911,1556. ROPES, ROPES, ROPES. MCI COILS, superior qualities, 'various sizes, CA./ jam received and for sale erv E rilar t ar..R lc Colombia, Nardi 21,1830. For Mating-Soap. ONCEMLITRD Lye, warranted to make liord., Soft end Story Soapy/00mm lutb little trouble- For sale by BAWL. FiLZERT. Golden Mortar Dreg mad Chemical SOW Feast street, Coktrabia; February 2, 18116. ' ' puma City- CitaMtn and Dried- Beef, at H. c. FONDERSIMEItH'II 1196119, 11919,. Peoples C. • B. F. .ArroLD Jk CO.