-~, EC! ['~ -;.'- - ' ~ , :,.: *-- - ----- ..•. r :: •,-•-''' - . -..,. - ~.--I,A, . - --: ' r r,1••- - . - . • . • iv P . . ... . • ffli COLEIIiAIIJ. BULT,,. - Editerund Publisher. VOLUME XXVI; NUMBER 46.3 PUBLISHED RYER! SATURDAY NOR?iIRS. _ Qffice in Northern Ceniral Bagroad Cpm , pan?* Building, north-wed corner Oinit and Walstee streets. , > - Terns thiliscription. owl Coy pit. nn , if. Paid inindinutee L " not..point witbin three months from commencement of the, G . 200 aenitillil a Copya No subscription received for a less - time "than - six mouthin • and mir paperwill be discontinued until all arsr her estages are point, =tem at the option or the' pub Money may be , remitted bymtdl at the publish , Rates .of-Advertising. 4 vale Ed lines] one week, PO as three weeks, 75 "each subsequent insertion, tO, 1 4 i - [l2 linea] one week, • ' - ao a ~three wees, Ott is ' each subseq k uent insertion Re , • Leroy advertisements in proportion- - - A liberal dismount Nuul be made to quarterly, bMi yearly or yearly adverdsent,who artasuietly confined to them busintssi,a. .-- , , - '-' ' -''.. • • - ' - * DENTIOT, lmetidt 'street, - leirr the Post Of Ece. Colcuithta, Pa.. • • Columbig. May 3, 1236. 8. ALEMOROIL D. 110110EOPATEUC PHYSICIAN, ()FHB Int residence at .Its. Swartz's, in Least. street; between Front and SeCend, direct ly oppeaticrlie Post Office. Col bet, lidarchls,lBsdOis• H. 31 . proaTai, , A Wenn AND COUSE/101 AT LAW. Colabia,ra: Collections, Trampay made, tarmneaster.and York Ceuattlea. - C•lambiaollarl4l3so. ,set.nruzx. xveice, 111110 OFTPLISICIL Otto lithe Odd ~ Fe tbwa'•Hall,llaaood *trait; Columbia, Pa. Columbia, Aorta 25,1855.'• - - - ' iikkarremssat4. A.TTOINEY- Pean'a. OrssceinLienit titres t, (our doorsitbove Frost stoisabst, Ms/ 164.1852- ISA.VILICB - E.: BRUNER, J. 11., ATTORNEV , AT 'LAW . AND CONVEYANDER; odors services to; the citizens of Columbia, sod assures thew that Ate still attendorrith promptitude too all Ai/sinew ;entrusted to his ears. ONee—Front street, between Unices•and Perry. Reside:tee—South side Second sines, AndAeorlieloor Votes. • Colembia.Sexteary 13.1685-1 - - SAMITIM LODGE; Tiatiro.itoz—zweii.m.l3. - Alsorik, Censer Fs'aut igt ;,! f ie : a j gg eidultbia, Pa. • Pictures' taken Tor '26 :cents And upwards; and vatisfadtlint guaranteed. ETN O Picture neisdbe:talren,train the Gallery unless it is such as is ranllirdasireaL , Columbia, Maxeh , 3.2o..Ainroti a 410 gia, Ala GENERALFORWARDMO AND COMMIS MERCHAN h 100141:0 • U din point on the Co'any ' goalie and Philadelphia Railroad. to York and • Baltimore and to Pittsburg; INEALERS IN COAL, FLOUR AND GRAIN, 1,/ WHISKY' AND BACON, have just received a large lot of Monongahela Rectified Whiskey, from Piltsburg, of winch they will keep a supply constantly ea band, at tow prices, Nos. 11,2 and 8 Canal Basin. Columbia, January 17, 1854. Pittsburg Glass Ware. - LUST received a larite lot of Diamond Glass Ware, in new and beautiful shapes, which we can sell cheaper tbnn Philadelphia wholesale prices. Call and Judge for yourselves. Columbia, March 1.5,1856. Gas Fitting. ITIRAI WILSON gives this branch of bust nees particular attention. As he executes all work in this line himself, it will be warranted equal a any in the country, and at as low rates. Thankful for the patronage with which be Inn al ready been favored, he respectfully solicits a con rinaattee of the same. HIRAM WILSON, One door above Jonas Rumple. Hardware Store. Columbia. Feb. 23.1855. Cedar Ware. PONSTINTLY on hand, an assortment of Co. dar-Ware, to which the attention of housekeep ers to invited. HENRY PFAIILER. Columbia, October 29.1853. ~^sasrr~+~ Tea subscriber takes this method to inform the public, that he is prepared to furnish the BEST QUALITY OF LIME, In quantities to suit purchasers, at the shortest notice. This Lime is particularly adapted for plastering and white-washing. It will be de iv ered ir desired. JOHN ELWIN, February 21, 1855-tf - Wrightsville, Toth county. Fever and Ague. THE most obstinate eases eared imme diately,' by Dr. Shallenberger's Fever and Ague Antidote. in no case wilt the patient have wore than one chill after the brat dose. Call and get a circular, at IL WILLIAM'S, Columbia, July 7,1P55. Front street. TOT RECEIVED, a large and fresh :apply of paints, oils, dye stuffs, burning fluid, pier oil, Ito, Sc., and for sale at the lowest prices by March 29. BAWL FILBERT. AEON lid of Periodicals will be found Harper's ,Putnam's,Graham's,Godey's Arthur's., Peterson's and Blackwood's magazines; Ballsn's and Leslie's Pictorials',New York Ledger, - Flag of Our Union, True ?lag, Waverlr,and all the popular sewspapers published in the United States. Columbia, March 29, 1826. TNT RECEIVED,I large and new aupply at Brushes, and Combs, of all kinds and styles.— For sale by BAWL FILBERT. March 200166. ALCOIIOI , and Darning Fluid, always on band, at the lowest prices, at the Frostily Medicine mere, Odd Fellows' BAIL febraary 2,1856. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. Q come from the village, the mountain, and glen, Ye sickly and ailing, both women and men; No longer let gloom shroud your comfort and look*. • for Ayer has a mixture that beats all 'The Books!' Unfortunate creatures, and victims to pain! Look forward, and hope yet for good health again; Consumptive diseases must yield and be off, The Pectoral cures every kind oda cough, Pocamonia and phthisis! and asthma and cold, Succumb to its virtues like misers to gold; It gives to the wasted the rose of good - health, Of value far greater than rivers of wealth. Delay not a moment, but hasten and try, This wonderful cure, ere you languish and die; For all can obtain it, the prfcc is so small. blessing designed for the poor—and for all. Received a large and fresh supply from the mum - factory, and for sale wholesale and retail, by the un dersigned sole Agent for Columbi SAM a. UEL FII.IIF:RT, Golden Mortar Drug &nil Chemical Store, Front sc, Columbia, Pa. [Feb. Z 1,1856. ViRR k 111011PSOWS justly celebrated &ma x merest and other Gold Pens—the best isa We rearket—inst received. P. SHREINER. GoltuablatAprilltS,lBss. SIPONEFfiIIi, or Concentrated Lye, for ma king Soap. 1 lb. is sufficient for one barrel of 801 l &Pop, or Ilb. fort lbs. Hard Soap. Full direc tions will be given at the Counter for making Soft, Mud and Fancy Soaps. For sale by R. WILLIAMS. Columbia, March 31, 1955 VAS rims received a fresh supply of Paint. Oil, Gouraud Oil, Barn log Fluid, hue R. . For Bale by WILLIAMS, March 92, '56. Flollt street, Columbia, Pa. lIEWRI it BO For Rent, EMINENT BOOK imitable ler ea Oyster and Eating Saloon, *hawed on ant street, between Walnut _and the , Colatrnt Stidge. ;For sarasy ae.. apply to j ' W.l3°U Colombia, Noyearaberii, 185saf 111.4N' • _ TEr..4l2neirp, OF COLUIBLI BIM - • grocK,„..E. q ui. at tlua off..ioa. January 19,11 M-if • 1850. 1256. ItOUSEILICEPER 9 S EMPORIUM. GREAT opening of NEW GOODS at Carpet: Hall,Com or of Locust and Frolic streets. N%te arc now oponiog a large and-nocusirs assort- Manufactured expressly for spring snles, and to 'Mach the special attention of Housekeepers is invited, as we arc determined to offer them bargains. LINDSAY At JACKSON. If SIIEPARD would respectfully inform Z . the citizens of Cohalibut and vicinity, that he hat effected an agency with the Philadelphia Piano Forte Manufacturing Company, whose Pianos for superior tone, finish, and durability, have for years stood unrivalled. lie is prepared to deliver them here at the lowest city prices, and would most respectfully solicit the patronage of such as 11,i811 to procure a good and substantial in strument. A specimen of the above mentioned instrument may he seen by calling at his music room, east corner of Front and Locus streets., Columbia. February MG. H. C. FONDERHTH. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The under signed invite the attention of the public to their extensive stock of CIGARS, of all kinds, which they oiler at prices cheaper than seer sold in this t 0,,,,, before. Also, just received a fresh supply of FAMILY G no- CERIELS. lIF.GHAN & FRITSCII, Corner of Locust and Third streets. Columbia, February 2, IRiO. WHOLESALE and Retail Bread and Cake Baker.—Constantly on hand a variety. of Cakes, too numerous to mention; Crackers; Sala, V‘. ine, Scroll, and Sugar Biscuit; Confectionery, of every description, Ice, Ace. LOCUST SMELT, Feb. 2,'56. Between the Bank and Franklin !louse. JOECNIVCOORUZIAXI, (sToc.o.on To XING & MOOIIIIEAD,) COMMISSION Merchant for the sale of PIG NEPAL. AND 131.00M5, No, 27, Wood Street, Pinsburg, I'a . . . REFERENCIO: .Tolin Craltata,Rs4., President Dank, Plushy's; E. D. Jones, Esq , Cashier Citizens' Deposit Dank, Pittsburg, CL & J. IL. Shcenberger, Iron Merchants, Pittsburg Coleman, Mailman & Co., Merchants. Pataburg. Lorenz, Stewart dr. Co , Merchants, Pittsburg, Musselman & Watts, Marietta, Pa. January 19, ISMI. 11. SIII2IIID would inform the citizens L A. of Columbia, that he is now prepared to give nstructions in Vocal and Instrumental muide to INDIVIDUALS,QUARTETTS& CLASSES. Special attention given to tuning and repairing Pi. anos and other instruments. May be found at any hour of the day at the Music Room adjoining the Ambrotype rooms of SHEPARD a CO., corner of Front and Locust streets. January 19,18.56. FAMILY COAL AND WOOD YARD. Tundersign.d has constantly on hand ± the best qualities of Baltimore Company, Dia mond and Black Diamond, Sunbury, Millersburg, and Pine Grove. LUMP, EGG, STOVE AND NUT COAL. All coal weighed and warranted to give ',satisfaction. Also, by the car and cargo, best quality llitutminocs coal. for blackemithing. Pittabgrg Gas Coal on hand. Der — Hickory and Oak Wood always on hand. Columbia, Gelatin r 6. .7. G. HESS . rtiNOTOES large arrival of BOOTS. MOBS, &c. The subscriber has again receiv ed, diree rom Philadelphia manufaeturers, a beautiful assort ment of Genie', Ladies', Boys' and Misses', Roots, Shoes and Slippers. Among which may be found a full and large assort ment of Be Haven's Ladies Gaiters and Velvet Slip pers. A large and beautiful assortment of Gent's, Ladies and Misses' gum shoes. We do not think it necessary to enumerate all the different styles of work always mho found at our es tablishment. CALL AND SEE, every variety, from the pretty little shoe for the infant, to the elegantly finished gaiter for the lady and the splendid boot for lit, at Phila. CASH PRICES. Please remember that all our work is manufae ter in Philadelphia, expre.aly for our sales, and is of the ben material and workmanship, and is war ranted as such. CYRUS R. MeCLUNE, Locust Street. 4 doors below Town Hall. Colombia, Feb. DI, lißti. SOAP, SOAP, SOAP. pundersigned has just received a large a ll ed fresh supply ofFANCY SOAPS, for the toil- et, such as almond, ambrosial, honey, rose, palm, mammoth, lamulry, awning, poncine, brown se indsor, erystellne hulls, th e genuine white and mottled cas tile, and also a large assortment of common soaps.— Poe saleh Ty SA It SAM% EILSMIT. Marca. = GERUARID BRANDY, . . _ CONTINUES le occupy : the huge'Wilding _at,Qte corner of Secondand LOCtUII „siyeeis, and to tlieSe desiring condortablabeeitingßdiegreat est cotdratdentes. At his Saloons sad, Restaurant mill be found Luxuries of kinds in scowls; which will be served op in the hestmanner mutat the short est notice. He respectililly Solicits p-thare 'Of patron allis;: - [Columbia, liday 30 , 1866. •Xouit Vernon- Roue, {lima Basin, Columbia, Pa. HENRY PROPRIETOR: - MMus hest neconamodattone and every attention given to guests, who may favor this establishment with their patronage. (April 19, 185Y-tf l'ausirlia Nouse, Locust st. Columbia, Pa - ripn subscriber continues to occupy this well•knovrn Hotel. and will do everything in his power to comfortably entertain all wbo may patron ize him. foci/Woo for accommodating Houton, Drotsbc.i.e., are superior., - • . :MARTIN ERWIN. Aitri/ 19, 18584 y Washington Rouse, Columbia, Pa. DANIEL HERE, PISKIPRIETOIL .T Hltold and welt-known bun is stilt in the occupancy of thesubseriber,and oirenrevenr inducement to the traveller, in the way of comfort and convenience. The Can t - east and west, start from this establishment, and it bras other advantages unsur passed by any. Terms reasonable. ' - - D. IlEttß. Columbia, April 12, 1866.1 y • Bellevue :House,' 11a" I.TCININEIIef Front ind Wa drools, .L , C.'1301.1.1M81A.. JOSHUA J. GATMT.,•PROPRIETOIL (soceolsorsonardwell k..Brenentan and Mrs:liaises) The House k Mruished with att Modern improve stems, and everrattentlon . be given to secure the comforted' guests. Charges moderate. —Columbia, April 1850.tt, 1 0 0.11, BENT, WO M LO — nearly opposite the T,Washington house, in the borough of Columnis t —one fronting on the Susquehanna River 104 feet, and extending in depth 189 feet ! to the track of the Columbia and Philadelphia Railroad, the other front ing en the river 66 feet 6 inches, and extending in depth same as above; There is a Mimed track which extends the whole depth, of this ' There tote are well wharfed. For terms enquireof F. R. RUM; .Peh.23.lesa-st or K. HAMILTON. • Wor Mont or Sale. QEVERAL HourMt in different porta a the 131Borcaugit for rein or sale. Enquire of Columbia, Inn. 5,1856. tf. ivAr. WHIPPER. - GLASSES, MATTRESSES, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, DRUGGETS, MATS, RUGS, &C., &C., Columbia, February Er.l, 1856 PIANOS. CICIALBZ! CXGABS! GEORGE J. SMITH, MACITSIC. 4:,,p•dr.t:i .1 ll= „ . • = • • . . , . , _ ..,... ... •"istO ENTERTAINMENT" IS SO CHEAP AS RE COLUMBIA, 'PENNSYLVANIA,' - gutty. - AN HODS WITH GOD. - One hour with thee, my God, when daylight breaks, Over a world thy guardian care has kept, When the fresh soul from soothing slumber wakes, To praise the love that watched me while I slept, _ When with new strength my bleadis bounding frac, The first, best, sweetest hour, I'll give to thee. One hour with thee, when busy day begins Her never ceasing round of bustling care, When I must meet with toil andpain and sins, And through them all thy cross again-rause bear; 0 then, ton= me for the strife, to be Faithful to death, VII kneel an hour to thee. One hour with thee, when rides the glorious sun High in mid-heaven, and panting nature feels Lifeless and overpowered,Udd man has done For one short hour wltliurging life's swift wheels, in that - deep pause my soul from care shall Bee, To make that hour of rest, one hour with thee. One hour with thee,when soddoned twilight flings Her soothing charm o'er lawn and vale and grove, When'there breathes up frcim all created things - The sweet, enthrilling sense of thy deep love; And when its softening power descends on me, My swellingleurt And: spend suiheur, with ttiee. One hour whit thee, my God, when softly night , Climbs the high heaven with solemn stop and slow, thy,eweet stars unutterably bright, Are' elling forth thy - praise to men below; 0 then, while far from earth my thoughts would Bee, I'll spend in prayer one joyful hour with thee! DID YOU EVER' Dr D. lIARDT, JR. Say, did you o'er a rhymer know, IVho did not Mink he made a allow, And fancied all theworld would know Ilim'as some wonder-poet? . Who thought his own effusions rare, And e'en with Milton's - would compare, But criticism's:mid not bear, Though others did not know it? What author ever undertook To write P romance, or a book, Who did not think mankind would look Astonished at his knowledge . And did you ever note this rule? No self-conceited dunce from school, Can once suspect himself a fool, Because he's been-to-college Didst ever know aunaiden old, Who could not pout, and-fret, and seek?, That who wouldainle on being told- That singlelife was duty? Didst ever knO:Wa dashing „ Who did not think' she "cut a awell,n Dut vexed /tinhorn elutneo to tell About another's beauty! *sic. Didst ever known '!eottntry squint,": Who did for °Mee ne'er tuipire„, And did not “steri a Meths higher" could not set all things agog, And seemed to think his school to flog, Among his honest labors? Didst ever hear an old bach sigh, IVith downcast look, and moistened eye, And with a "better-bull' were nigh, In summer, and in winter? And lastly, have you ever found A man, in all your journeys round, Whose mind did not IN ith peace abound, Who promptly paid the primer? gistEita9tEDUs. GOING TO A PARTY AT THE RUSSIAN MINISTER'S. From an intcreTted Washington Letter. "That lady? Why, where have you hid yourselves, not to know that celebrity?" Fair, fat and forty. That is Madame B . You should see her at night, when she flashes out in diamonds. Oh! well do I remember the time when first we met—now many, many years ago—years that have I thinned her locks and added to her weight. The first were thick, dark and lustrous— the other slender and sylph-like. This was my first entrance into fashionable life, at one of Monsieur Bodisco's birth night balls. The world saw then a youth, fresh from college. Oh! ever memorable night! I was under the care of Senator As we en tered the house two tall specimens of hu manity, dressed very like militia generals, met us at the door. Thinking them distin guished people, I bowed low and solemnly. They started and bowed.' The scene was impressive. 'Go on,' said my companion, the Senator before mentioned; don't be sa laaming to these fellows, they are servants, give then your cloak.' The information was useful but unpleasant. I hurried on, pulling off my cloak as I went. Just with in the first door of the drawing-room stood a fat, little, oily gentleman, bowing, also, but not as magnificently gotten up as my first acquaintances. Certain of my game now, I, in the most superb style, threw over him my cloak and hurried on. Senator pulled me back, and to the astonished little fellow now struggling from under my I broadcloth, I was presented. I had nearly I smothered the Russian Minister, who, how -1 ever laughed merrily at the mistake. "My endorser, the grave Senator, became I evidently alarmed. Ire, hardly knowing what I would accomplish nest, left me, soon as he possibly could, to my fate. I wan dered about rather disconsolate. The lights, music, dancing, fun and laughter, were all novelties and charming for a while, but I know no one, and after an hour's looking on, hunted up my friend the Senator, and begged him to introduce me to some of the youni, ladies. He hesitated a moment and then consented, and I was led up and pre sented to a magnificent creature I had long looked upon with silent admiration- Miss W was seated in an easy nonchanlant manner, conversing with a circle of gentle men, and favored me with - a gracious nod. As I stood wondering whether this was to be the end of ray introduction, a mustached dandy came between us and said—'Miss W permit me to relate the joke of the sea son.' To my horror be began the story of the. eloalr:4 -, Ny4firsk. him down yeemic third I acted. lutes; said-13eggitft4ara4 atictbekiidy tine to that joket-aiid, it, Without in any *ay i ,ax laughed heartily, ,as sing from 4 kindly[that Emust,hi murder some one. • - vr#4l ness I Shalt never 'for' ease. "I convailf o z amusing. as wS-dan.ct . ,.. When • supper iirasii!l cort. I hastened to:ishif ball with refreshmekaCk-It cream and I attack4*; broad silver knife I:= . 0 t , The frozen- substancerfil then, while my entire strer gave way ariddonly,, fdr this, and -to ".441:1*„t1 that refreshing 00,4010 - 4 and hit att4gc4l Now, ice CreagrAle<4. atilo ant, especiallYwhen•apfu petted force- ora,bonl4 fdmale gave a fearful back, upset a table ):441i of stewed oysters. .11 : efo0 could be fished butof ' tliu and while the crash and* lag in my ears, I'fied4 was my first and last apy night ball." THE : HAITETBF; A friend of ouri, says thql Bob duringthe late c5l he would ' into moose hunt. Ile left-therii) with six other gentlemen A last week. After a 'ridS-44 four hours, they reached tilt grata wilderdesS: Unvii horses and sleigh at the'le started out for a week's spol the second day in the wild' moose portions. and party started a Mose portions. They sighteit; and kept on his track P. M., When the party they werattompletclv base dinner. Our friend said: "Very well, go back if you please. As for me, I'll have that moose or perish in the attempt." The party went back and Bub went ahead. lie kept up the chase till nearly dusk, when ho got suffici ently near the critter to give him corlign.— He \MS a glorious fellow. Like Frank Gran ger, "six feet high and well proportioned." Bob was rejoiced at his success. But his pleasure had one drawback, "what could he do with him?" Another sourso of uneasi ness was the excessive cold, and the distance from the shanty, some eight•miles. While philosophising upon his folly, night came on, and as there was no such thing as getting up a fire, lie was at his wit's and to keep 1 fro freezing. At last he hit upon an expe dient. lie cut open the moose, took out its en trails, and crawled in and lay down. The animal heat kept him as warm as 'pepper sass/till about midnight, when he fell asleep. Ile awoke about sunrise, and thought ho would crawl out and start back to his friends. There was one pull back to this ar rangement. After the beat had left the moose, he had frozen as stiff as a post, an operation that subjected Bob to as rigid a confinement as if ho had been locked up in a Bastile. Bob endeavored to cut himself out with a knife. But it was no go. He might as well have undertaken to whittle granite. Bob spent a most melancholy day, and finally worried nature into a sound sleep. While thus unconcious, a company of hun ters came along, discovered the moose, fast ened a rope to his legs, and set about drag ging him out of the woods. This movement awakened Bob, who thought IM was getting haunted, and, therefore, commenced halloo ing for help. Such a noise coming from a dead moose, excited the superstition of the hunters to such a degree that they abandon ed their prize and fled as if the devil was after them. After running about three miles they met Bob's friends, who had been out all day trying to discover his wherea bouts. The hunters told the story of the haunted moose and the strange noise which came from his abdomen. Bob's friends smiled. They requested the hunters -to return.— In a half hour the "haunted ;noose" was reached. The friends helloed "Bob!" Bob helloed "bore!" The friends said: "we are going to cut, look out for the axe," Bob said: "let drive, better have a damaged head than legs made of icicles." Tho adventure has made an impression on Robert.: Ile says next time he sleeps inside a moose, he will take good care that it has "leather hinges on its back." /OrThe French Doctors have discovered that ice is safer and better to use in surgical operations than chloroform. By the appli cation of pounded ice and common salt to the diseased parts, thus causing numbness and insensibility, a Surgeon lately succeed ed in removing a largo tumor without giving the patient any pain, and occasioning very little loss of blood. The only inconvenience was,•that the Doctor froze his lingers. ES WE , , 1,~ 223 'fairOlt ANIATX A 417/tE" /21i!, _ -OAT , , - r„ • ,vies Mlcliock 'away, on my enniedte, but Mies • W can do 'ja i related myself. Sho ale, : and ri- '44llng ii;fotishrinld. and kiwi imi? -.gves t 40 . 4 16 the Ati'filith' a , * 01 * ( 0 5 W1 slow at` .. 0 1 1 not; prepai d ut a-P011:1/4-2er ikttleVel• -.10 1 0P 1 9a 1- I:;ri(h4liniitier, Elie ciderly 4t.0011.* Jbowil is a ie d. Stie4l Sul 16111,6;prip; -4 43311* birth 431 . 3 , ani -*Nett r r in.,-mmapapy ; ; 11 "!.n,t'ii sere •Or.-11107 'ne:lmp: : gloix. 4 ,4 , 01.4_ Way 4 4 1 1-Ve l lr f!tt, _x u kr l 4 4. 'l/411:,105**0 ~....- . t . . ' ~_ .. ---. „ • ..%„ 1 - -. .7. • ~.:: .:::;:f ..2 . . . 1 e . .„.„-",..."; ''..' ' .:-.. KCr '..-..•- > - 4 , 111) , ' I.',e. . ..-,.. : ' ' >Tx ':- ,:-.. -- :`, -..- ° 1 ..., . .. - .. _ . '. .. .. _ ..... ' racie4 , l*4 6 !4. -- 44.40#'Pfcir9;. - 1 quil'aidChlikdai*l4 epO 4 .44141 Aw, 9tAijeriain,#9lo4o 4 -','1410-:'04:„1-:2 ~ are 6 0^ -41 t 0 be Alk ' is4 6lid sit i ir4,4 : . rently d i si n terested, ilkOltie^ B 4 l ost. 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BropAlmkic -4104.*Atir-fikPiftekii#,'l,o4 - the fiiii 49AITAl.rinte*,..1x,i ipiArie:r" - -; ••?-- " 1 1 1 4 0 9 2 . 71 4. ti.!**;-01,400W4 1 0 14te, , M4 4f.t1ihtt04 1 #04i#44 ,5 4fif , 0 1 ,47 , ^ = array it!, a "ORO* 1114 0,1 4 ,: it .t 1 4:7 ^ ,', l ' of* eit4ll,lz4l3,;pAintsfttutikilitioff tbdugbt (4,;bor :41#9:41kr ? - 41004 lkeit , !W 46 1 4113E,t ! 7 1 th OK Widest ^or• , *l4liviii - flari ,3 o l l4iiet!ts•„ • •,.' . , . ::•-: - `,... ?,IFj. PP4,004:40494 60 #bl i' - 'lt it ikt r °,oT-ft r t s, 4. 4 :7 4 RA??- k ;s - gloosb r e .. . 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Convinced that Broadway would not furnish her little stock, Jenny turned into Canal street; and here she went in and out until heartily tired of being repulsed.— Finding that manners instead of goods were suited to the wealth of the purchaser, she resolved to go hatless. Her pride had been cut with sharp knives, and a feeling of re sentment and hardness, and disgust at hu man nature had crept through her heart.— She was about to return homeward when another shop caught her eye. She deter mined to snakes last attempt. Jenny asked her question in an imperious mood, expect ing the usual reply. A kind voice so cheer fully said, "we will see," that Jenny looked up with surprise, and met the glance of a truly soulful face, wearing a smile that needed no golden bait. The revulsion of feeling sent the blood tingling to her check. "There is one unselfish soul then, one shop keeper that can open her lips without an eye to my purse,' thought she, while all the dark angels that had taken possession of her I were scattered before the sunny host ushered in by the wand of a few kind words. The good woman patiently selected the required articles, told her of her own accord, how to work them most economically, di- I rected where the materials she could not supply might be obtained most cheaply, and gave a few hints as to the most tasteful dis posal of the trimming; and said she, with evident interest in the purchase, "Come, when you have finished, and let me see it." Jenny went home with an elevation of spirits which were far more indebted to the generous kindness of the stranger, than to the really charming purchases made with her limited sum. While busy with the fairy gauze and laces, she exclaimed more than once, in praise of the kind heart which had proved as royal as the kingly name of its possessor: "Thirteen years behind the counter have not caused her to forget the Golden Rule of Christ, and it was worth a mortifying expe rience to make the discovery."—N: Bean- THE RABBIT SEER. ➢Zany persons living in a certain section of the Groat Chester Valley, will well re member a celebrated personage living there abouts, and we are not sure but he is still alke, who twenty years ago was known to even every child in that populous neighbor hood. Ile was a tall, stalwart fellow, more than six feet high and passed along the highways with a black jug in his hand as his constant companion. Ile lived upon new corn whisky at sixpence a quart, and put all the modern temperance statistics in regard to the destruction of human life by alcohol, completely at fault. Ile was an in valuable man about a lime kiln, and would sit up night after night with an unslamber ing eye to heave into the burning, Eery fur nace the wood necessary to convert the stone Mill ESE - ~~ ../'` ~ ^q - • + v m ~~ % ~~ : - w ~:. = •• • , , , , - Li . ;" - '1. 5 , • ?•• 1 : 1 ` ••• - 'rEfADVANCFP.4I4tXr-rrN I +. -;?7; MIMI in • to . li i ii !,., 1 14 9 ; t 6' .. :A• tt. e 4: A er t i, . ,t i a‘ ; 13 4#' 1 0t , ile44: 6l ,4‘4 ol Csiii iiii /11 ; 12 : 11 **fg i. An't he-4 * * " . l iiii:4l ti 11/*Olmililkti4 'th3s nian`riE4 AfiitertN4l44,,bl3tlereeoOle esiklivkii: '.. r c1,1 / 4 4 6 e• - *itc l- 14i - afhilehlfieg - v 4 iiik , ht " I v o ; 4l ***iiigrnatilPoite4s lll3l 6 i'"aWri ll! 'l 6:4l2. 4* (4ol.olA;'lltlii plirinigkilieltsiiis'of-ilizipetk. `, *s'l4 r '*ulliirot aisinhoVe!dtinaceiiro a l ' ubt: if"ervn".o 244 o l6 .f ide rin AIM AlrienCi"AteAorli#o7 - 14*e - 1 " 4 4; 0 / - " 6 0.1. 4 " "• ' ;. eekost his,ihri:c4 r 1,601: : ,. no ~ etect , -imewerethes. 4 4. l4 4 - eeeter 0 4ete : aster , bisak vital -4 poems to Ourvomair' iiiiimAid ii. qt,la#er of a century .4): vo . rset him iii - Ahe Woo4fA t you imiddlstip I Pii Witriq,eilia.Virqq. but !'" 4-4-4 " 21 "1 reetlY;J+4.eirAr#sckteter:i r *, goiter) . Ci,*'*, 14*' fie: 1 41 3: 4444 0 1 **74'; z 7. I :. ' ' Atttt-f -14 " ',lie ht4i 1 1 1 7,40 01 :0 4 44t4 11- W 446 idi Opal .3 nitaff*4 11 4 41 5 1 4 0 44. 1 0 . ul ;f4 4l4 4o"k i i iit4 +,* 446bbi4,4la #4- I ` ol l - iii n 'l ni 6 " lalte* l 2 4 * "Pa*, 4 , a)9 ll4 * ' eteriSif o ,tiabiltetPit IrlW-P e°ll SW el i at" e i l tidn the 4 1 04 * - et'“ gi -iiipii !frac ne k .eimitavariiir76,oo helOikgettio ermillittiiiilskAcilig7 - 4 1 nr mcmy-wqre - eurW'bitiT l iiliti. $ 4434- I. l #` momyhliaAM4M44ll4 - 144seltlia*4 3 muuy 7 , 1 nal" i nn'All boD 4 OO O O O W ,iikef"1( . 93 1)11 3:4 1 ,4aV? , ; t4 . 40 , E 1844 043ct CO I ' • Nt i t l la *l nv b u i* 2 ; : * lll'l- ! . ig0r7 0 , 1 41 04. hi v Arel , i4g. 'Wei ireii,AtklitfUff lielatiiia4i4Sl4i* #.46;,b5ke:;k4,14'14-ftW -463r.11- thero, and where it canie from giving its ped igree as minutely as a spoitsnun would that of his favorite race-horse. Still it was urged upon him that no rabbit was in the upon field, and a bet of a quart of whiskey started him out with the one who doubted his word, to find the animal. lie roamed carelessly over the field for a time, and at last turning to his doubter, beckoned for him to ap proach. When he came up he pointed to a little tuft of grass and said, "there he is. , dont you see him?" Not a rabbit could the unpractised eye of his companion discover, and he insisted that none was there. "Why don't you see his eye," said the rabbit seer? NO, was the reply, "and there is no rabbit there." "Well, now just stand back, and I'll show you," and then rising his gun lie blazed away, and sure enough, out of the little bunch of grass was kicked a dead rab bit. Every one knew this peculiarity, and it became a common expression after a hun ter had carefully looked over a piece of ground, "that nobody but—what shall we call him? If he is alive he might not like to see his name in the paper—llickory Withe, shall be our cognomen—"llollC but Hickory With°. could find a rabbit there." And thus we give our sketch of the celebra ted rabbit seer of Chester Valley.— W. C. Republican. SHARP CORRESPONDENCE. One of the Peter Funk "Gift Enterprise" firms in a large city, sent a package of tick ets to n postmaster in Maine, the postage on which was fifteen cents unpaid. They got the following hard rap over the knuckles, from the indignant official.. "I herewith return your tickets. You must be fools as well as knaves, to suppose that I will aid you in swindling my neigh hors, and pay all the expenses myself." To which he in a fow days received the annexed settler. "Sin—We perhaps owe you an apology for sending the parcel, postage unpaid. "As wo infer from the phraseology of your note, that you aro willing to swindle your neighbors if we will pay all the ex penses, please give ns your lowest terms on which you will act as our agent. "I'. S.—All communications shall be strictly confidential." This note was promptly returned, with the following endorsement across its face, by the post-master. "It seems you are not only fools and knaves, but blackguards also. Ask my neighbors if they think I srouhl "swindle" them either at my own expense or that of any one else." To which this answer came back by next mail: "We have inquired of your neighbors long ago, and that is the reason we applied to you in the first instance." fore follows the post master's final reply: "r acknowledge the corn. Send us your street and number, so that I can call upon you when I come to the city, and I may con clude to aid your Enterprise." But that was the last thing that the Gift gentleman could think of doing. In fact se crecy as to his locality, was quite essential in keeping out of the clutches of the police. mac Mtn ERE =I 112112 =IMKII .* - -, • -tir:ttcri , A ".:5, • 4: 4ootrit: •• *.f.far.... "•" . . V4l 4406-..rogin '‘ t -Of 4;" a - 5:9 r..A*in r • ' •••• '; ' o, , T*lo*,ll4.it*Pfitt.l illerui 4 l3 l 4l 6 o l 6!*oo/ 1 0 . . day • Capfertif i t ' 4001) 4144'7;',.;.,4; ,:,• • 1411 * *Y l *ti l j i.4l 4:* * ' -; grO`tii" ', t it' Air irti%;; • • ' 141FirOt4ii; NEE " tWapioet.4l - 144* qt4ormlii4Nyle ,t0737/1 1 471 11 .rixP . 1.1 or Never befbro or since have I seen so many' tears shed as then flowed forth from the eyes of the vast assembly: Every eye was. moist with weeping. Eleven years have passed away since that day. The old hero . has been more than ten in his silent and!. narrow home. The voice - that cheered the: drooping fight, and thundered in the rear of • routed armies is silent forever. The old preacher, too, has fought his last battle, laid his armor by, and gone home to his eternal . rest. THE TROUBLESOME NEIGHBOR. A few years ago, a poor mechanic, of a very quarrelsome disposition, settled near a Christian farmer, whose friends expressed to him their sympathy in the annoyance Ito was likely to receive. 'Never mind,' said the good man, I have never yet quarrelled with a neighbor, and I am too old to begin now: Six months passed, and then began a se ries of petty annoyances, which the farmer bore uncomplainingly; but this only irritated his neighbor the more, until meeting the farmer one day in the height of passion, ho he poured upon him a torrent of insult and ahuse.—Triend,' said the farmer gently, 'no man under the influence of passion can reason clearly; come to me calmly and we will discuss your grievances.' The angry man raised his clenched hand to strike him, but was retrained by some unseen influence, and both went on their way. About a week after, the mechanic was passing the farmer's house with a load .of grain. It was at the foot of a hill, and the load was heavy. lie coaxed, threatened and beat his oxen, but all to no purpose. He must leave his load or ask aid of the man he had injured. Presently be saw the farmer unhitch his oxen from a load of hay, and come towards him. With kindly words the farmer proffered his assistance, drew him safely to the summit, and without wait ing fur thanks, departed as he came. here was a simple act, but mighty in its influence. —The mechanic was humbled, acknowledg ed the purity and power of that religion that could 'bear and forbear,' and has since that time never willingly provoked his friend. A REVOLVTIONARY RELIC.-A week Or two since, en unexploded bomb-shell was ploughed up in the field of Mr. Caleb Britt ton, Jr., in Chester county, about a quarter of a mile north of the village of Chad's Ford, and on the bloody battle groind of Septem ber 11, 1777. It contained a considerable quantity of powder, and is yet a perfect missile of death, with the exception of having lost its match, and being considera bly rusted. The field in which it was found is within a stone's throw of the Brandywine, and lies in the rale directly between the hills on which the American army under Wayne, and the British under linyphansen were stationed; but whether it was sent on its death errand from the patriot gun, or from the royal mortar is a question which may not be solved. This shell has been buried in the earth for almost fourscore years, and has at last been turned up by the plowshare to make forgetful man think of the times when the foes of liberty were abroad in this fair land. lig ' El InCORSO. WS .r 7 Ea MECO 111