ISAAC TROMP - 5.431 , 1'S much celebrated EYE. WATER. ''its merits stand unrivalled." This old, tried and invaluable remedy for all disea ses of the eyes, amt having stood the test of over Fifty Youth ittul the dimmed (or It still inereosing, is now. nod has beeu for the past two years, offered for sale iu an entire mew dress. Each bottle will have a Steel Plate Engraved Enielope. with a portrait of the inventor, Dr. Isaac Thompson, New Loudon, Conn., and a rue simile of his signature, together with a fac sitaileof the signature of the present proprietor, John I. Thompson, No. 161. and NJ River street, Troy, New York. and none other eats be genuine. The proprietor has been compelled to make this change in the style of the wrapper, owing to thelarge quantity of counterfeit which for the paSt few yearn has been palmed upon the community, and especially at the west. 'Purchasers are particularly requested to bay none but the above described, and as the red label hereto fore_ used hau.beenalled.i . u, any Ant . form the proprietor does not hemtan to pronounce counter kit. • ramie by all the respectable druggists in the Unites and Canadas. [Sep. t 3,1855. Z;Z42A.U2.I.z3UZMI::). On the 29th instant, by Rer. J. W. Alecasbey, Juapv Haat, of Coluinbia, to ELLZADIMI en.arritEgs, of West Hempfield. E:::)ZI.Z:OU1). lit this place, on the 18th instant, after a painful Macs., 13. lissulams, in the 36th year of his age. On Monday, March 17, in Mattheim, Mwuc VIEGIMA, Infant daughter of Maria a and Hiram It. Rinehart, aged ,9 months. On the 18th instant, in this place, the infant son of Jona than and Mary A. Righter, aged 4 months and 29 days. "Happy child, thy days are ended, All thy mourning days below." In 'Lancaster,llifarch ky JACOB Annan/ter, Esq., late Mayor of, Mat city, in tha''ath 3 ear of his age. Iu Waiakoneta, Ohio, on Wednesday, March 12, very saddenlx,ot congestive chills, Itoseur D. Alstarx, formerly of this place. IV CI X X.a X -A. Grandirocal & Instrumental Concert, AT THE ODD FELLOW'S HALL, WEDNESDAY, MARCH, 26, 1856. Mr:* XX G- Ma Part M. I. Overture to Preciosa, Orchestra—Von We ber. 2. Pot-Pourri,from the "Regiments Daughter," by Miss A. Herr—Donizetti. 3. Annie Waltz, by Orchestra—W. Keifer. 4. “Calmly the day is dying," Song, by Miss Kate Claiborne. 5. Sentimental Waltz, with variations, by Miss E. Cutter,of Philadelphia. 6. "The Three untsmen," for four voices, by •Mmnnerchor,"—Kreutzer. 7. Grand Duo, for two performers on two Pianos, by Mrs. Hegman and Miss E. Cutter —H. Herz and Bro. S. Air from "The Puritans," with variations, by C. Zeitler—Jansa. - X='asix-t S. 1. Overture to "Othello," Orchestra—Rossini. 2. Etude pour le Piano, by Miss E. Haldeman —H. Herz. S. The “Liebes Brief," Waltz for Orchestra— Lanner 4. : , Home of My Heart," song, by Miss F Lloyd. 5. Fantasia Brilliante, by Mrs. Hegman—Ro- sellen. G. Sounds from Home, Violin Solo, by Dr. Hal- deman—Gungle. 7: Brothers let us Merry Be, by Mmnnerchor 8. The Night is Ady,pncing, Grand Operatic Chorus with Orchestra Accompaniment— Rossini. Doors open at 7 o'clock; , Performance to commence at 8. Columbia, March 22, 1856. NOTICE. MM.: annual meeting of Die Congregation of St. Paul's .I. Episcopal Cliureli, will lie held in the Chareli, on Monday. morning next, (Easter Monday,) at 3 o'clock P. Mr., when all interested are invited to attend. Columbia, March 22, 1 C. 53.1, PUBLIC SJLIBEI. WILL be sold at public sale on SATURDAY, MARCH YA, 1850. at the Mount Vernon I louse, on the Canal Basin, in the borough of Columbia, the fol lowing personal property, viz: About 'At Beds anti Bedsteads, Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, Cupboards, and a variety of Household and Kttelien Furniture too numerous to mention. Also, a Frame Stable. Side to commence, at 1 o'clock P. 31 of said day, whin terms will be truule know. - - • WM. R. 'ELMER. AAtninirtrator of Sanwa Crow, deceased. Colniabisy 035044. 18~ IRS~ . ag AL. n~5~~.. ~' za2~ I~Y g • Glad*, at Haldeman's One Price Cash 'Store. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS.--We have paid particular oention to tlits department. and have now out hand a very superior stock, both nt quality and extensive assortment. CA arm NUS, OIL CLOTHS, Ac.—We have fated up a hall for the exclusive sale of these goods: . and I.llVe au'se open for impeetion, a beautiful hue of Irish Car pets, of every grade and price, which We are deter mined to sell at Burgains, free carpet advertisement ) DBE , 'S GOODS —Having hud the advantage of se leethdr our stock of Dress Goals, from the first spring nrrivols in New York and rhiladelphia, we are entitsleil to show our customers the prettiest ast.ortment and at lower prices titan ever offered in Columbia. - BLACK SILKS! BLACK S/LXS.: at last vpring's prices, without any advance. 'We are determined to sun tam our reputation of keeping the cheapest and best black silks in Columbia. SHAWLS! SHAWLS!—A large assortment of beau tiful spring shawls, in entirely new designs, among which area few 'Bache bordered sidle Shawls, at SO,OO, being less than cost of importation. Our stock is now full in every department. and we will continue to receive throughout the season daily ad cations of spring; goods, among which may always be _found great bargains et March «I, MG. R. X. LEMON & CO.'S LINE. Freight from Philadelphia for Pittsburg and the West, by Railroad and Canal. WE have largely increased our facilities for carrying freight, and are prepared to filtward goods daily, from the East and West, and all the intermediate points. We will transport Iron,Fish, Coal, Plaster, &c., Sm., and fill orders f or the same on com mission. We will also deliver any quantity of Pittsburg Coal, and fill orders for Allegheny Bituminous Coal, from Lemon's celebrated Mines, at the lowest possible rates. LLOYD &'LEMON. AGENTS. COORMAN & BRO., 276 Market st., Philadelphia. J. K. EDIERLEIN, Columbia. R. M. Lentos, Canal Basin, Hollidaysburg. Joan A. CANNON, Jobnstown. T. B. LLOYD, Canal Basin, Penn at., Pittsburg. Columbia, March 22, 1856. I il i) D 4 I1:11:) 3) DORA A FULL assortment of Paschall Norris & Co's Garden Seeds; also, Flower Seeds in great va riety. 'The following is a list of the rarest seeds among the subscriber's stock: Prince Albert Peas, Knight's Dwarf or Toro Thumb Pens, Late Marrowfat "Peas, Tall Sugar Peas, Extra Early Peas, Okra, Stowell's Evergreen Corn,.Sugar Corn, Radish Beet, Extra Early Blood Beet. Long Sal mon Radish, Yellow 'Turnip Rooted Radish, White Ca. Lettuce, Philadelphia Cabbage Lettuce, White Curled Endive, Large Sweet Pepper, Green curled Scotch Kale, line Rhubarb Seed, Early Purple Egg Plant, Early Stove Turnip, Yellow Aberdeen Turnip, Dale's Hybrid Turnip, Rye Grass Seed, Green or Blue Grass, Nottingham `Yonder Beans, Early Mohawk. Beans, White /'.ole_lll Extra Early Valentine Beans, Early Six Week Beans, Iplific icpury 13ennx, While Itomberry Beans. Early Cauliflower, Round Suvoy Spinach, Jetini Lind Cplou Melon, Gherkin Cucumber for picQing,Corn Salad, Leek, Alowouht Sprout Water. onelono 51mintain Sweet Watermelon, Early Ox-hend Cabbage, Early Sugar Loaf Cabbage. R. WILI.IAMS, March 15 Front street, Colinnbta, l'a. Balm of Thousand Flowers, - DISCOVERED by Dr. 'Fontaine, Paris, for beautifying the complexion, curing all the diseases of the skin, for eMaving, cleansing the teeth; for the Toilet and the Nursery; forbathing and many medical purposes For sale by 15.11.51'L PI 1. UERT, Golden Mortar Drug Store, Columbia, Pa. Columbia, March "..2, GARDEN SEEDS. 'WE have received from Landreth. and Wethersfield, a Imp supply of fresh Ganlen Seeds, at the Family Medicine Store, Odd Fellows' Mall. [nth 15 JUST ItECIHTED, at the Head quarters and News Depot, a large and varied assortment of Cap, Leiter and Note paper. Envelope., P. 116, wafer. and every thing an the aumicarary /me, all of which will be sold at thaloweat rates, by hlic3lA HON, N 0.4 Front street. Marc h 22,'0 BBRILLIANTS:BRILLIANTS !—Just received one ease of white French brilliants, yard wide, at in neat*, worth 25 cents. Call and see them at HALDEMAN'S Cheap Cash Store. March H. - - JUST RF.CEIVED, a large and well selected variety of Brushes. eonstwing in part of Shop, Hair, Cloth. Crumb. Nail, Hat and Teeth Brushes. a nd for sale by R. WILLIAMS. Front street Colombia, Pa. March 22,'36• MeNlllO3 hos been appoistexi Agent for the bale atlas • Balm of a Thooband Flowers."and "Russian Salve," (advertised by Pclereon, ag. ant in PhDs:) and a lidianpply will always he &and at tha Bead Quarters and Nevis Depot. march 211., O!LA .—Jaut received a Nests supply of raini. Oil Greasing Oil, Burn ing For sale by waLIA March t 2, Vie Front weel, Colansibia;ra. Excellent Dried Beef, QucAc Cured mid Hams, Shoulders Sides, 1.3 fur sole by March t 5.56. 'CrELSII & RICH. THE undersigned will open a private school ut o the first bluer of the school house, In Second Street, opposite the Fnutish Lu amnia. Church, on MONDAY, APRIL 14th: F. A. JONES. Columbiu, March •M 21 REMOVAL. THE undersigned respectfully informs the public that he has removed bus CLOTHING STORE from Shreiner's Row, to No. 1 Wolf's Row, Front street, Co !alnico, Pa., where lie will keep constantly on hand a large stock of Ready-Made Clothing of all limb!, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Collars, &c., &c. HENRY RICE. Columbia, %lurch 22, 1556. LIVERY STABLES. J. FETTER LY -HAYING taken the Livery Stables formerly kept by the late John B. Edwards, deceased, in Walnut street, Columbia, Pis., respectfully informs the citizens of Columbia and the public Generally, that be will use his best endeavors to merit their patronage. SBTE 3EX 4C31 , 181 3E38, for either Saddle or liantess, will he kept constantly on hand. which lie will be at all times ready to furnish to Individuals or panics, with good and careful drivers, or in any way that may he desired, at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable tens. HIS CARRIAGES, DCGGIES, &c.. arc of the most su perior makes, and score selected with particular atten tion to the wants and comfort of his customers. WITH GOOD HORSES. GOOD VEHICLES, and everything about his establishment of the most superior kind, he gutters himself that his Livery Stables cannot be surpassed by any others. Thom ill Want of acconunodatione in Iris line are in vited to give hint a call. Stables an Walnut street, between Front and Com merce, north side. Columbia, March Id, MG. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! IUST PUBLISHED and received, at the Head Quarters nod News Depot, The confidential correspondence orNapoleon with his brother Joseph Ilonoparte; 2 vols. Post's History of the Jews; 2 vols. Hunter's Feast, by Moyne Rend. Lucy Roston;n humorous work. Kate Weston. by Jennie Dewitt. Lonmere. by Mrs. Doer. India, or The Pearl of Pearl River; by Mrs. E. D. N. Southworth. Life of Curran; by his son. ' And all the new publications of the day, all of which will be sold at the publishing prices, by March 22. No 4 Front :street. 1866. 1856. New Carpetings, Oil Cloths. &c., .S.t Haldeman's Cheap Cash Store. qIIIE subscribers hare now open a large and 1 entirely new stock of Heavy Entflisla three ply. Su perfine and Fine Ingrain, new style Votitian, Heavy List and Rag Carpets, all very superior goods both ac to quality rind price, and worthy the attention of House keepers. We will oiler them at each prices as will in sure a quick sale. ALSO. a splendid assortment of Table and Floor Oil Cloths. Rugs. Parlor until Door inlets, IVindow Shades, Stair Roils, Ac., kc. Persons ss ho want real bargains in these goods, are invited to call early at I LAI.DEALAN'S March Stl, 15.71, Cheap Cosh Store, Columbia. JUST RECEIVED, AFRESII supply of choice PERFUMERY from the ceteurnied establishments of Basin, Peters. and Ilauell, Chesnut street, Philadelphia. The following include a few of the lending articles; Extracts for toe Ilandkerelticf.—Upper Ten, Tea Rose, Sweet Pea. Ldne, Aliorei,ZanLailla, Tuberose Lilly of the Volley, Peach Blo.som, Verbena, Mug nolia. Hyacinth, Sweet Briar. &e. PONIABES FOR Tin , . Ox Marrow, Peter': Urn Pomade, Boners Philocome Cy &mine, Globe Pomade. Nutritive Yiuid, &c. SHAVING CliEkllll.—,Rosc and Almond Shavin Creams, Suponaceour Compouod , &c. SOAPS—Detersive Fondue, Musk, Omnibus. Mo tional, %Tillie and 'Brown N\'iiidsor, Nymph, Circus• fjllll and Mar•li -Mallow Soaps, Tian-parent Balls, &eh .Allllllll.lille Cold Cream mud Pomade Divine for chapped hands. Balm of Thousand Mowers for the removal of 'fun, Freckles, &e., from the Ain. The subscriber deems it needles• to enumerate any farther, but nineties the admirers of choice Perfutnery to give him a call and examine his stock. It. WILLIAMS, Front scrcel. COllllOlllll. Pa. IM2=3 ROPES, ROPES, ROPES. KOCOILS, superior qualities, various sizes, Jubt rexegvcd and for hula cheap,by W ELSH & RICH. Colombia. btarch 72.1850 BLANK BOOKS ! BLANK BOOKS ! PERSONS wishing to comment . 8 new sett • large euPPIY, fresh from the inenufeeturer. HEAD QUARTERS AND NEWS. DEPOT. lere'. 22 ALL PERSONS arc hereby notified, not to eitTnti.tto 1111 y 01 three Note-, given by tilt to• der•.gond to J 11. Ifttototott oleeen4etl, We of Coition loa,Pst., earls heeling date. r 3 11. te3l 111 the kunt SIM pity:title w• t lt loSere-3 from Aloe! 1.,t1t. , 56, $lOO on the let of Jnly, 1-1:15.*100 on the let of October,l2s9, nod $ll/410e the 1.1 of J:111111117. 16.37; us pu)Sllrill of the balm: still be resit.ted, there being on Morel, 91. 1,,K:5-3t AI:MANI MILLER. ILITEITOE'S NOTICE. THE undersigned having been appointed Au.lime by the Oral .0 Court of Luttea.tee, to tlietribute the prouegils of the eatitte of Samuel 1.. Rogers. tlemeaemb of the Borough of Columbia, in the halal. of J W. Adinittiotrator, to sold among , the creditors, hereby give. notice, Mal he will avoid for that pm pose, at the oilier of .1 E. Ilnekenbere, in said borough. Olt 11.11.1. , DAY. 'IIIE 15th DAY OF APRIL, NEXT, at 10 o'clock A. NI P. 1.. !JACKY:MICRO. Columbia, NI reit tr2....t lIALDMIAN'S Clomp Cobh Store - - COURT P.ROCLAIVIATION.I WHEREAS, the Honorable HENRY G. LONG, Prei.talent; Hon. A. L. lissas mind J EKYMIAra Know E-q., Associate Judges of the Court of Com mon Plen4 u, uud for the County of Lancs.-ter, mud As- SSI6IIIIII Juiii tee nt the Court of Oyer mid Terminer and General Jail Delivery and... Quarter Sessions of the Pence. in and for said county of Lancaster.have Pcmcd their precept to me directed,• requiring me, among oilier things to make public Proclamation throughout my Builwiek, that SI Court of Oyer and Ter miner and a General Jail Delivery: Also, a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Pence and a Gen eral Jail Delivery, will commence in the Court House, In the city of Luncsiter. In the Commonwealth of Penn.ylvali in. on the 3d Monday in April, 1d36, in pur suance of which precept, Public Notice is Hereby Given, To the Mayor. and Aldermen of the city of the said County, mid ull the Justices of the Peace. the Coroner. and Constables otthe raid city and count• of Lancaster, that they he then and there in their own proper per:on with their rolls, records and examilla ttons, and inquisitions. and their other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain, in their behalf to be done; and also all those who will prosecute against the prisoners who are, or then shall be in the lad of the said county of Lancaster, are to be th en and there to prosecute against them as shall be lust. Dated at Lancaster, the 224 day of February, 1956. GEORG 1.1 MA RTIN. Sherd! N. —Punctual attendance of the Jurors and Wit. oeeme, will hereafter be expected and required on the first day of the sessions. Aldermen and Justices of the Peace are required by .11 Order of Court, dated November 2lst, Nits, to return their recognizagices to John J. Porter, Clerk of Quarter dessions within one week from the day of fain/ action in each case, and in default ght reof, the slngistrates cons will not be allowed. ignereli 22-ll R. ARMOR, M. D. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, OFFICE and residence at Kn. Swartz's, in Lactic.' street, between Front mid Second, direct ly appooile the Post Office. Columbia. Nla reit 15, I. '..isa-dm° Wanted, AFIRST elnas Salesman. at the People's Cash Store, Columbia. Must speak the English and Gentian lan guages, and come well recommended. Columbia. March 18. lesd. Venitian Blinds! Venitian Blinds! URIC subscribers arc prepared' to furnish Vonhien I. Blinds of in cry 51) lc, nt the i044,C01. possible . prices. LINDSAY &JACKSON, Columbia, ,larch 13. MILS. M. S. VITITUZIREI HAS Just returned from Plsilndelplda. with a fresh sup. ply of SPICING GOODS, which she invites /ter friends to call and see. She will sell oil her muck of WINTER. TIII3ISIINGS AT COST. Morel, r.irts6. I)ATENT I‘IEDICIXES.—A. fresh supply of all the popular Potent Medicines of the day slat received al the tame of the subscriber. IL WILLIAMS, nth 15 rmot . Columbia. In. hrcTitte on..—just received and in More another E • frerh lot of this popular remedy. For sale I.y 11, IVILLIAIII3. mit 15 Front rt Columbia. SAPONIFIER or Concentrated Lye, for making Seep, at the low price 0(23 cents a box, or 5 boxes for a dollar. at M'CORKLE tt. DELL.k'TT'S mit 15 Family Medicine Store. - -- - -- _ TITASIIING FLUID.-Just received at the Fatuity V V Medicine Store, a fresh supply of American Wash imv Fluid, nib to AFCORKLE & DELLETT. NTEGF.TABLE 011. or Burning Fluid, tor wale at the V Family Medicine Store, (bid Fellows• Hall, Colum bia. nab 15 A CHERRY PECTORAL,—Just mind a fresh saytpiy of the Genuine aniele. For rale by B. 'WILLI rthlEt j •mb 15 , From it., Columbia, Pa. QUPERIORSOIPL White aad Mottled Castile; Palm and Barber :Inapt, Cy th . e i to . a v e or . tzr is. Por lq ask 'tan l Front it., Colombia, Pa. PRIVA'ZIE SCHOOL. AN EXCELLENT STOCK OF NOTICE. PUBLIC SALE,- Tin subeeriber, about dee sg business, will offer at _public stile, ON MONDAY, MARCH 21, at 1 o'clock P.M., his entire stook of Seasoned Lumber, consisting of fast, second and third quality of PINE LUMBER; Hemlock Boards, Joist and Scantling.of all sires; Norway Joist and Scantling; large quantity of Ash Lumber, sacs from 1 to 4 inches; large lot of Grub Plank, Am., scc. Terms made easy. JAMES PATTON: Columbia, March 15,1550-21 . Carpet Ball Leads the Way 1 THE Pmprietors of Carpet Hall are determined to sus tain the reputation they have acquired, for offering their customers cheap and good goods at the lowest possibleprices. SEE OUR LIST OF NEW G QODS. Carpctings, Loitking, Natures, Yoitian Blinds, sit Cloths, Cottage Furniture'. milli ii Holz., full assortment-of Fend- Rugs and Mats, lure of every description. Mattresses, Goods bought for cash and offered on favoralde tprms. LINDSAY & JACKSON. Columbia, March DI. New Trimming and Variety Store. Miss MARTHA 3: MILES linow opened a TRIMMING AND VARIET y ',TOM., opposite Mr. Rumple's Hardware, store, in Locust street, to winch she would invite the sus:ration of of the ladies. As her stock is entirely new. and she be lieves she will be able to please, in quality, in fashion, and it. prices, she solicits a call front the ladles. titidersleevcs, Knitting . mad Darning Cotton. Collars, Laces, Inserting. Flouncaugg lloLLiucts,Fringes. Silk Tassels. Socks for Cluldreit. White Cotton flow, of all kinds, (for ladies and gentlemen., Needles and Phis. llmalkerclaefs, (for Indies and gentletnen.) Gentlemen's Collars, Gentlemen's Suspenders, Zephyrs and t 4 sest Silks. and a great many other articles which she will take great pleasure ut showing those who may favor cull. MARTHA J. MILES. Columbia, March I:4 i. 56. Holbrook's School Apparatus, CONSISTING of a TERRESTRIAL GLOBE, Item v v(sphere Globe; Two Hemispheres united by a hinge and when closed a neat lit le globe is presented; when opened, two maps are seen showing the coati neats as if through transparent hemispheres; Tellu rian to Wastrate the various phenomena resulting from the relations orate Sun, Moon and Earth to each other—the suecession of day and night—the change of seasons—t lie change of the Suit's declinatioti—the dtf ferent lengths or day mid night—the changes of the Moon, he.,/e.; Planetarium or Dress Orrery. repre sents the proportional site a lid-relative position of the Planets. and shows their animal revolution, he., &c. All these useful School apparatus will be used iii the S Et.r.oT scitool, of the subscriber. School. will open an the Ist day of April. Number of sclio.urs are limited. Orthography. Itendiag, Writing. A ill/W.OIC. Oiaminar, GeoAraphy. 111-tory, CO:11110•Ificoll trill be taught. Tire moral , of lire ee1101:11s will be strict ly attended to. EFEZENCES—SchooI Directors of the Dorotigh. G AI CLA tVGI•:sz, New School house. corner of 3d and Perry sit , . Columbia. M strch 15% IStifkgs D.ANEING .11XOUSZI Or aroxxxv 4a,- - 91r4G-M31=1., cre i tore from.Meellatt ies Bow 18, 11,1, poore room recently:Occupied by I'. Shel don. on the south side of Locust arnSit, two doors below Seeond. where they will eonotansly 'hays on hand. a lar.te mid r\ ell selected assortment 'of Miscellaneous a n d -cloud Hook, all kinds of Bibles,- Prayer and Ilystin Books, Munk Hooks, Stationery, logetiter with every tirtte'e lot the Book buoinors. . . . Their block 1.. all new and has' heel' selected with great care, nod they invite parlicnkrladelitinti to it, OH Wry are determined to Hell at , pn . A . 4 .0 , t .st.W . ill give pod kfaetioa. 4 & SON. Coluinhia, March 1, lesll. FIRST GB AND-011311TrIVG OF "ring Goods at lIERIVS.Cheap Store.— SI'ItING DeLAINE.:S.—A beautiful and choke lot of Spring stele Del.ames just opened SPRING CIIINI•71 —Just opened. a very choice lot of spring sly le French Chintz, only in cent.. ma i:laird fil-1 ...tus. BLACK SILKS.—Just receiveil..n full line of the Eagle Brand Dlusk Si.ks,which fur quality. and lu-tare cannot be equalled, and at very law prier', , • ItLEACIIED MUSLIMS —lust wereived, one rove 4-4 York Mills at. 121 cents. one chic 4.4 Pallei,oli at 121 cents, one ease 4-1 ‘Vashingten at Ith one ruse 7-s Pr:lineup ,ti ts. one ease 7-S Hoot Mill at 13d. Also a large, lot of 54.64, 6.4. 10-4 andll-4 Bleached and Unbleached sheeting.: and Pillow Case Murales, all lir.t elii , n goods ut the lowest prices. CALICOES —A few eases yard wide second - mourning Calicoes only 12.1• cents.l VIP CALICOES —A yard wide e id rood goods.— t Also, one cane Blue rind While ly 61 emit.. Also one ease New York Mills Op o. fast colors. GINGII.I-MS—nfolte thilowip4 mikes—Msocheider Lancaster. Glargove, and Chortle bllireinfaelurea; some suture new styles, on ly 12 cents, warranted *good colors. :SHIRTING CHECKS AND STRIPES—an elegant ... lot just opened. Feud hire .'becks, Ticking. Osnahorgh Table Dia per., Towel/pup.. dr c .just received nail every citric ty ofiurinnliiiin goods always on lt'atid. • CARPET:S.—Just opened, a dot, of entirely new styled Tapestry, Ilruase Is, Tliceeldy, IllVuul and Verietiset and Stair CarpelingaielOrery low prices. OILCLOTHS—A lot Of two/Pules for the Spring Trade..".' QUEENSWS,K. F. • ,- 117 h, iles Q-. 140 .Ware. Just opening. something ent irely • , . 7 iia style, in Ten, Dinner and Toilet reels. - --:r, -:,..:- L A. •r'n . GASS WARE.— full , , '',' 'Glass Ware on Mind at Manna:6s nears r ly,:14r:": . , ...2 1 110171 HERR. TUST opened, at• the 'ltotf of the Ituliseri for her, 011 the corner of Fifihntid , Union Ortega, Co /iiinloia, a supply of every noicli itj:Alie line of ' , tintless: nonsisiing of DRY GOODS, GROCERIE§,RDEENSWARE, GLASSWARR •ScC • of every variety 111111 description , , y(1 of which will be sold sery law tae cash. The sult,riber ....ill keep eon:gamily on hand a well selected stock of good.. mid be respectfully solicits u share of public patronage. I . 'l7 - Country Prodtice taken at ,the highest market price. GEORGE TILLE. crew:this., February 'A leas. •- . rrrii • For making Soap; ,ONCENTRATED Lye; *wanted to make C and Fancy Soaps, irighoul Dine, and with Lisle trouble. For sale by SAM% FILBERT, Golden Mortar Drag and Chemical Buarr, Front street, Columbia, February 2, Dis 4. I UST RECEIVED at the NEW FAMILY GRO CI:ItY, 1 bbl. Shaker Corn, . • 1 Cruoberrivp. Feb. 23. 1 , 511. swArcrl. t ) UST received, an extra lot Di Dreams, Bas -1.114. Buckets, ace., thy reb. 1,96. SWARTZ &BENDER. J UST receivedn extra lot of 'Sugars, brown a Mid s hit . superior lot of Coffee. 2:I,IKAi. SWARTZ k BENDER. A MARVELLOUS REMEDY FOR A MAR VELLOUS AGE!!, IIOILYLOWAY'S OINIMENT. THE GRAND EXTER - N r AL,AEMEDY.— By the aid of a microscdpe,'wethe millions of little openings on the suriaceliriaiir bodies.— Through these this Ointnient, when rubbed on the skin; is carried to any organ or inward part. Diseases of the Kidneys'. disorders of the liver, affections of the heartj.inflammation of the Lungs, Asthmaa, Coughs,Colds, are by its means effectually cured. Lvery housewife' knows that salt passes freely through bone or meat of any thickness. • This healing, Oint ment far more readily penetrates through any bone or fleshy part of the Belie tinily, curing the most dangerous inward complaints, that cannot be reached by other.meims. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM AND SCOR BUTIC HUMORS.—No remedChas ever done ao much for the cure of diseases of the skin, whatever form they may ulna*, as this Oint ment. No case of Salt Rhe ..4„ Scurvy, Sore Heads, its influence. or Erysipelas,van long with stand ts influence. The inventor has tray-' elled over many parts of the Globe,visiting the principal hospitals, dispen :log is iOint ment, giving advice as to its plication, and has thus been the means of res ring countless numbers to health. SORE LEGS, SORE BREAdS, WOUNDS AND ULCERS.—Some of-the Most scientific surgeons now rely solely on t use of this wonderful Ointment, when bowing to cope with the worst cases of sores, Wounds, ulcers, glandular swellings, and tumcis. Professor Holloway has, by command oldie Allied Gov ernments, dispatched to the. hospitals of the East, large shipments of this Ointment, to be used under the direction of the, Medical Staff in the worst cases of woorids..'lt will cure any ulcer, glandular swelling; IBM:less or con traction of the joints, even of 20 years'" stand ing- s_. PILES AND FIST ULAS.—U : erilvand other similar distressing complaints iin be effectu ally cured if the Ointment be Well rubbed in over the parts affected, and. lifirtherwisalol- , lowing the printed directions arnixiii each pot. BOTII TUN 0/NFAIENT AND PILLAINIOULD as DUD IN THE FOLLOWING G - Aitik. Bunions, Piles, 'Sprains, Burns,Rheumatism, ,Ssedds, Chapped bands Salt Rheum, B,Welled .Glauds, I Cbilblains,• . Skin Diseases, Stirditirits," Fistulas, Sure Legs, Ulcers, i Gout, Sore Breasts, Teamed Sores, I Lumbago, Sore Heads, Wounds of all I Mercurial Sore Throats, ' kinds. - Eruptions, Sores of 011 , ' kinds, „' Sold at the Manutsetories , at Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden - Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, London, and by a 1 _respectable druggists and Dealersof Medicines tbrotighgut the United States, and th e civilised world, in Pots, at 25 cents,.ll4 cents, and sl'.eacb. - • 132" There is a considerable raving by taking the larger sites. • N. B.—Directions for the guitlispeeof patients ip every disorder are seined to emelt box . Bee 15, 1855.1 y. ADAM HESS JOSEPH S. PEROT. E'LLISTON L. PEROT. i 3". SO. gib FBM.IEL4CX I , Forwarding - Sr. General Produce COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 18 North Wharves, Philadelphia. REFERENCE'. Messrs. Harker. Lea do Co , Philadelphia. Sher, Price & Co. llucknor. IleCuintoon& Co. " Charles. Ellis& Co. " C. M. breClaur ac Co.. Si. I.otlif, Mo. Thomita !Harwell. New York. J. S. Morris & Son, Louisville, Ky. March S. 1916 dm - • - - • Turnbull, Stilson & Co., TMPORTERS and Denlcrs in China; Glass and Queetpoivitre. No. 7 South, Fourth street, be twee.. Moirkvt nud Clie fine mid expen sive Collars, of entirely itew desibms, which IN,' are able to cell tit less 11110, than cost of importation. At.,,. lOW, prier I Collar, fruin It; etc , up. eindonierpt tire invited to call tont examine the 1,10,1 .vgs • nur stork eVer iiiTerell in Columbia. 11A7.DEMAN'S Chcup Cat.ll Store. Cohnol,ia, Fehroury lsr.4. WOOD FOR SALE. NUT 50 Cords of Dry Oak Wood for sale. PL Ii will be delivered in any quantity. Enquire F. S. ELM' Z. Cidurnliin, Feb. Q 3. 1.5 , 36 A. MOAT FOR SALE. Tin undersigned has now for sale, at his )and, just above the Columbia Bridge, Columbia, l'n.. A THOROUGH BUILT, NEW BOAT, 1 . 4 C l fret keel, 11 feet n Mehra beam. and Get r‘ Melte+ in depth of hold. cone *leek. and built of the very beat mairriala--ealculatrd to carry oser fu lolls. nr three feet of water. Any perron wishing to examine the name, will please call on thy subscriber nt his yard. llott Lunt /0 °Mar at short notice. and repairs done 111 a Inth•tnenial manner, on reasonnt.L• terms. 11AltFORD FR-11.F1'. Colundlin. Fitnmry• 9. 19.%-.lnt• 7500 Pieces. WALLPAPERS, 7500 Pica's. rir C. FONDBOSMITIIIas now ready for in j_. speenon.7soo pieces Fretieh.English. and Amer ican Plain and Decorative Papers, Borden... Fine Board Pont., Window Shades. &e.. comprising .di the nevrmd utyles and patterns. from Gt cents to $1,25 per piece.— Cull mid examine the beautiful goods. Columbia. reltruarr 'Mt "a. FAMILY FLOUR. rag gale by the barrel,itt Nos. 1, 2 x Canal Cnltuabia, /an. ts, 1556. B. F. APPOLD .5‘ CO. 0 ATS FOR SALE BY THE BUSHEL, or in larger quantities, ni Nos. 1,2 At e Canal Eta vn. R. F. APPOLD k CO. ColamMa. January• - ~1P56. UST received, b Boia Layer Raisins, 5 Boxes ounch It.nipti 1 Boz Lemonik, Figs, Paws, Aim audit, Prunes. /be-. by Feb.:41856. SWARTZ k 11F.NDFlt. H- - -------- - uts, Dried Beef, Tongan arid Sausages, for side by Feb..frt SWARTZ & BINDER. - - 141107.--Tomatoes, Cherries, Patches, Btraw- I berries and Ravbernee, for role b T Feb. f, 1556. SWARTZ & urrAnER. ALCOVOL and Burning Fluid, always, on hoed, et the levreet price*, at the Family Makin" Stem Odd Fellows Ilalt. r..breet 2.1:+50. JUST RECF2VF.D, 6 BOXES OF PRIME eIhEESE, j et tO ta.n sVcARTZ t BENDER. 1 1 03.313UfT• THE rwo-story Brink I-loam on Second street, between Walnut and LOCUM, next the Lutheran Church. It bas Com all through 11, and a large *Mee, whirr' would answer. coy; almost any public Haunt re of Columbia, Mardi ro* arsirf; .TWO BITER. LOT nearly opposite . iiirashingion - Muse, bathe borough of Columbia —one fronting on the Susquehnuna River 10.4 feet, nod extending in depth Leg feet, to the track of the olutithia and Philadelphia Railroad, the other front on the riverliG fret G inche.. and extending in depth same an above. There I. a railroad truck which extends the whole depth of thin lot. These lots are well a-hatred. For terms enquire of F. S. BLFTZ, or R. HAPIII.TOX. Frb..2l. 1 '