The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, March 22, 1856, Image 1

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STEPTtgIf-GREENE, Editor-and-Pablislatr,
Vtitifig XXVI, NUMBER 38.1
co,ffice Nbrlltern Cosine Railr oad pawls Building, north-west corner Front and
Witinut abuts. .
Terms of Subscription.
Cane Copy per annum, if paid in oat -lime,
if not paid within three
enonthe from commencement of the year, 200
CIeaMASS Vt. .e>l=es l- ..
No subseription received fora last time than Fix
months; and no paper win be discontinued omit all
orresintges are paid, unless at the option of the pub.
(Er:Money may be remitted by mail at the publish
geed risk.
Rates of Advertising.
I square [6 lines] one Week,
three weeks,
each subsequent insertion, 10
1 " fie !hug one week,
tr three weeks, I SO
" _ each subsequent insertion, .00
Larger adverti , ements in proportion.
A liberal discount will be made to quarterly,
yearly or yearly advernsers,who are.strictly confined
to their business.
Collections, promptly made, is Lancaster and York
Colombia, ltfay 4, 1869.
JUSTICE OP TM PEACE . Office in the Odd
Fe. Rows , Hall, Second etrcet, Columbia. t'a.
Colombia, August 1854. i
3. D. RISI.EIt , M. D.,
OFFICE In. Valiant, third door above Coin
coerce etrect. reaidence, Hotel, Front et.
Columbia,July 1,, IS 5541
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Columbia, Nun%
()erica in Locust street, four doors above Front.
nalumbiza, May 15, 1852.
2ff. L. X..41.7311Ern, M. D.
OFFICE, in litrr's hotel, three doors above
Froat btreet, on Walnut. naaitleuce, Ilerea
Columbia, December ID, 1655-am*
*rent his service.. the citivena at Columbio,
and assures them that he will attend with promptitude
to all booine.a entrusted to his care. Mice—Locust
street, between Second and Third. Residence--South
raideSeeondutrcet,2lid door below Union.
CoJambia, January 13.1855-1 y
.11=lams12. , orrcactats. Az-titsirt,
Corner Front 45- Locust sta., Columbia, Pa,
Pictures taken for 25 cents
And upwaada, and enti..thetion guaranteed.
fr,e - Pida Paeture need be taken front the Gallery
1111iCi. it i s an i. really desired.
Columbia. taint eh At, 1955.
r. arrow) & co.,
~~~ _ _
.And Deliverers ar_ilillpoiytt on broe , and,
Peliii"re. l P7 ,l 4 . / itiirriad44,l r ark dad :
Baltimore arid•te:P: ba r ,
W isre A D aCON,'-taisui to ved
Rave iot of Nonongaltela Rectified Whiskey, trout
d'+aabarg,ohohichthey willkeepu supply constantly
on hand. nt low prices, Nos. 1,2 and 6 Canal Basin.
Colutntia, January 27, 127%.
Brick of all Kinds.
MF. N.IIIIItEW, Mountville, Lancaster
r county, Milllallettlfe4 and has constantly for
quality, which be will deliver to Columbia, at the
lowest rates. Orders solicited.
April, ISss.ty
THE nonerhigned are prepared to manufac
ture and furnish Country oteieliantg, with DAR
IRON, of every size, and of the hest quolity.
Orders for any sine desired, filled prooodly.
Rolling 111&11, Columbia.
Co'umbin, April 29,
Etkaving andriair-Dressing Saloon.
TILE undersigned invites attention to his
loon.No.t Arcade, 'lVohint st., opposde the Wash
ligton Hotel, where all persons can 'receive iII:W.IA%
.AliU EASY stmvx., andhave their hair cut 311(i dressed
in the most fashionable and exquisite roomier.—
There is something soothing In a good shave: If any
ore disposed to doubt it , let them try me s and I will
fully dctuoitttrate the fact.
Columbdi,Nitreh 27,11352-tf
Gas Fitting,
HIRAI WILSON gives .this branch of busi
ness particular attention. As he executes all
work in this line himself, in will be warranted equal
to any its the country, and at an low rates.
Thaulaal for the patronage with which he has al
ready teems favored, he respectfully 1301ICIIR a con
tiamadee of the tame. HIRAM WILSON,
Orre door above Jonas Rumple's Hard ware Store.
Columbia, Feb. 24. / ew. _ _
Cedar Ware.
CONSTANTLY on hand, anassortment of Cc
dar-Ware, to which the attention of bonnet:cott
er. in invited. HENRY rrwiti.Eß.
Columbia, October 29.1 853.
rPWA sabstriber takes this method to inform
the pablie, that he is prepared to furnioh the
in quantities to suit purchasers, of the shortest notice.
Thu it is particularly adapted for plastering and
white-washing. It will be delivered if desired.
JOHN 1.11; 44 1:.t.
February. 21, 11554 f Wriglatvil le, York county.
O' come from the village, the mountain, and glen,
it'e sickly and ailing, both women and men;
Igo longer tat gloom shroud you r comfort and looks.
For Ayer has a mixture that heats all 'The Books!'
Unfortunate creatures, and victims to paint
Look forward, and hope yet lot good health again;
Consumptive diseases must yield and he off,
The Teetotal cures every kind ore cough,
Viteumonia and phthi t . and asthma and cold,
Succumb t o its virtues like misers to gold:
It gives to the wasted the rose of good health,
Of value far greater than rivers of wealth.
Delay sot a POITIEM, but hasten and try,
This wonderful cure, ere you languish and die;
For att can obtain it, the price is .0 small.
6 A blessing designed for the poor—and for all.
Received a large and fresh Supply from the manu
factory, and far sale wholesale and retail, by the un
di/reigned sole Agent for Columida„
Cottrell Mortar Drug and Chemical Store, Front St.,
Columbia, Pa. Web. D, ISfebv
RBNCII NEEINORS, LC. I Mr/gin:a opened
= large aslolllnelll or Ladies , Dress Goods, con
sinitig is Part of French filerinoes, all nlindes• French
Cashmeres, all shades; Figured and plain lie Laine•;
Pararaellas, all colors; Chintzes, Calicoes.Oinghains.
he. Also IL fine ussortineux of Sack Velvets and
Flannels. Call and see our geoarsonent, as you may
rely on geuing good and cheap goods.
Opposite the Bank.
Col unatta. Oct a,1555
RARE do TITOMPSOIV'S justly celebrated Co a
emereiel and . other Gold Pew—the in the
.rtrutket—Junt recesved. P. SIITLEINVAL
oCatrzrabia. April P 9.
WUT 'bold tiny person do without a Clock,
when they can be bad for $1,50 aml upward,
. .
Columbia, Arril O.?, 1555
QIPO3EFIEL or Co/mottolrd Lye, for ma
-1..J king Soap. i lb. iv endicient for one barrel of
Soft Soap or llb. for 9 lb.. Sara Soap. Full direr..
tiong will be given at the Counter for making Soft,
Hard and Fancy' Soap.. For lage frY
Colombia. March 31, MA&
ATER'S Cherry Federal and Cathartic
Illlts.—Are have just Accented a fresh suPPW,
direct from the manufacturer. Call at the Famil y
Meilieine Store, and procure the grivfine article.
Columbia, October 10, Islip.
ONSATURDAY, TILE 2.14 . 1)11,0E
MA the .undersigned:"WifrorlFarpablie -endue.
in the Franklistrlionse, Columbia bores:es, the following
described propeny:
No. I. A LOT OF 0R.0111.413. on which is erected a
two-MIT Fx-ziona.e. 3Elnc• - ixisse.,
situated at Elbow Lane, north-east of Filth street,
between Union anti Cherry street s , in said ho.
rough, measunng front, on-a_thirty . feet wide street,
43 feet, more or lees. and extending to depth, 80 feet ;
more, or teas. to an alley; tut alley ulso bounds it on the
With-west sloe. . . .
SI 50
• •
No. t. A LOT OF GROUND, adjoining No. 1, 43
feet. more or limo:, in front, on said thirty fret wide street,
nod extending brick 30 Prot, more or less. to oil ulley.
Sate to curinnence at ?o'clock of said day, when
attendance. will be given and terms of side mode known.
by JOON . arrEizr.
P. property can be bought before day of tale.
EllatarC, as to tenon, &c.. of Snualci ].vans, Esq.
Columbia. Februery ft, leS64t
NIEEPARD would respectfully inform
Z. the Citi7Cl{-{ of Colutubia and that he has
effected an agency with the
Philadelphia Piano Forte Manufacturing
whoqe Pianos for superior tone, finish, and
have for years stood unrivalled.
He is prepared to deliver theta here at the lowest city
prices, and would moat respectfully the patronage
GI such as wish to procure a btoo&asul substantial in
A specimen of the above mentioned instrument maY
he seen by calling at Ins music room, cast corner of
Front and Locust streets, Columbia,
February 2, ta,%.
mg.," the tatentioli of Rut ',Wic to their
extensive stock of CIGARS, of all kinds. whichthey oiler
at pricer cheaper than ever sold in this toton bcfore.
Also. joint reeetectt a freoh supply' of NAMILYORO
Corner of Locust and Third straeß.
Co!ambia February Y, 1n56.
WII. I 3LESALE and Retail !trend and Cake
flake:.—Coustantly on hand a varietyof Cokes,
too numerous to itientioni Crackers; Soda, \ 't i nc.l Scroll.
1110 Sugar Biscuit; Confectionary, of every deseription.
rte., &e. 1.01:17:5T
Fob. :4'50. iletwern for Dank and Franklin 'louse.
TVER Freight Office and Depot of the Penn
i," nylyania Railroad in Colintani, in permanently.
e.tattlit.tted at the corner of rout and Guy otreein
in the new building erected by the Comnatty.
Columbia, December 15, iti.".4.1(
aosN IVLOOItZta34.II,
(tuccr.u.oaro xiNG S. mocknisv.o,)
COMMISSION Mertbaut for the, salt of Pig
mgrAi. - AND 111.00 MS, 2.7, \Vood Street,
Ptilstkuri„ Pa.
John Crnlinm Pre.attent Bank. Pitt,tairg;
E. D. Jona*, ' Erio., C'tiallier Dapo.,it Bank,
C.. & J. 11. Sl.notberger, Iron Merelmata, Pitt-ittmg.
Coleman. Hallman & Co.. Merchant., l'ittithurg.
7,01'011- Stewart & Co .3lercliant,,l'itt,lntrg,
111u , eeltnitti & Wait., Marietta, Pa.
January in, 1.66 d.
TFTER the first of January, 1856, the Co
lumina Dank will receive money oa
and allow interma thereon at Vie rote of
•- 9 per coat. per annum for 3 montlia.
41 do.. do. 6 do.
- - °0 • 6. `• doe •• -••' do. •-• ' 9 , do.
.4.-41.4 - do. • , 12.
° •
- 7 , win 13. 7- 1r17. - tc
J. of Columbia, that he is lIONV prepared to gitre
tufructions in Vocal and Instrutneutal music to
ti r eeiJi attention given to tuning and repairing Pi
anos and oilier instruments.
May 1m found its tiny hoar of the flay at the Mask
Roont adjoining the Ambrot ype rooms of SHEPARD
& CO., corner of Front and Locust streets.
January VI, ISSV.
Sunday School and Religious Books.
M1J111111" & STUEK are the authorized
:teem.. of the .501 e neon Trtiet Soviets'. the Ameri
ca, S. S. Cnion. and Curter S. Ormlter's pdfaireitions;
trill supply Olt haunt . 'llleV filrll6ll tit 1.11011
10Ik , the puldierilione of the Vreritylerian Board. rill the
Sunday Sehool Union's, and the piddle:mons of the reli
gious press generally. roll entalogites turatished free of
Full stele of the American Trael F•oeielOt Book% ore
EIOW ON , our Melees. inantionng dun vointues. Also,
licitly's. Scott's. Clarlo , s and Iteitsoft's Commentarie
Full tens Clotiming's ork ',nod a very farce and choice
eollee of Moroi mid Religions Itool.s imitable for
S. S.'bettelters, and 'Enna', Libraries.
We invite sperml attention to this department of our
1,4040 0 .. As We lots MpUretl neither IP Cpi•ll, trou
ble 10 010,0 00f ,tor e .1.111 object to all nor
sultrily Nvklling good books; lotting been the first in this
city to ittiroduee a gerrieral rt•Az,rinlent of S. School and
Religions Hook,. are determined to aptin., no puiny to
keep ahead of an others in the, calif
We also invite attention to our very large assortment
of grant hoot, m everytepartment at Science and Gen
eral Literature. JIIVCIlliP", Gift Hooks. School Tusks,
Stationery, Sz.c.. at prices to maintain our churaeter
as the Cheap hook Store.
Vrittst received—]k and lilt volnines M'Crmley's
lbstory of Englund. MURRAY & S'fORK.
Lancaster, lattuuriz.V,
ANOTHER large arrival of BOOTS, SNOBS,
Ike. The subscriber hit• again received, direr
from Philadelphia manufaeturers, a henutifal assort
ment of Gents', Ladies', Hoye and Misses', Hoots, I
Shoes and Slippers.
Among which may be found a full and large asters
ment of He Haven's Ladies Hailers and Velvet Slip
A large and beautiful assortment of Getter, Ladies
and Misses' gum shoes.
We do not think it necessary to enumerate ell the
different styles of work always lobe found at our CM.
tablishineitt. CALL. AND SSE. every variety, from
the pretty little shoe for the infant, to the elegantly
finished gaiter for the lady and the splendid boot for
the gent, at Phila. CASH VIIICC:2.•
tr peso* remember that all our work is manufac.
lured 411 Philadelphia, expressly for our sales, and is
of the hest material and workmmithip, and In war ,
ranted as rush. CYRUS R. AIeCLUNE
Locust Street, 4 dour: below Town HA.
Columbia, Feb. Id, 1556.
-- -
Superb Styles New Creeds!
TUE ZEST SELECTION ever math., of beau-
NI cloth., Cus•ilne ret and VcE ring, for Itic people
of Columbia.
The undersigned very respectfully desires leave
to call the attention of his patrons and the citi
zens of Colutnbia, to his splendid assortment of
the above named articles which he has now on hand
Ilia stock embraces a variety of the latest and most
fashionable patterns of CA2.4_ 4 ISIERHS and VI6trIN
flct:t2 us well as eve.): make. finish and quality of
CLOTHS, fresh from the »attunes's hands, which have
lie also has on hand a large assortment of Gentle
men's teettrotg apparel, such as Cravats., liatitiker.
eitieft, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery and Fancy A rtieicv.
itiu reputation as a Cutter and fitter of gar
ments, he thinks, is sufficiently well known to
Tender it unnecessary to speak of it at Ibis time.
Ili' file are warranted to give tialitfaction in
every particular. and his prices are lower than ever:
Everything very Cheap for CASH.
flit customers and others are requested to call and
take a look through the stock, at his establishment on
Front street, third door below the American
Elt Ho
Ag ule t..
Columbia, February O. 1256.
Now is the time to secure GREAT EAR
The undersigned has determined to elosa op hie
liticinecs in Columbia, and in order to do it as soon as
possible. he will cc...menet, on
to cell off his ENTIRE: STOCK OF GOODS, AT
The greater portion of his flock is new and (reit),
co that person. will have en opportunity rarely Me
with. to but New and Frech Goods at Philadelphia
and New 1 ork tVlioleaule Pricec.
Cell early aud secure the ehoiep. As we sell all
Olt r
`l7lDritheztzt ztatv3r .1 2 2-Crgit,
we Wall Ite comorllett to reit tor
Natal , F. FRP,
Columbia, Nov. 17. IS:.*. Opposite the Dank.
NOTICC.IP hereby given, that the subperibertreei
ding in the ttorough of Columbia, Lancaster co,
will make application at the Court to be held on the
fourth Money of March next. for a licence to Rail
liquor in paid ilorough • agreeably toile provisions of
as Act of Amenably, entitled "An Art to restrain the
pale of intoxicant); liquor)," approved April ISM)
IPSS. GtaTAVUS imumAra.
Corotritiia, March 5, / ..F.7/Crat
s. -
From Sartain's Magazine
"The claim of Leigh Hunt to he enrolled and cherished
among the elect, the poets of the world, may rent, (had
he written nothing else,) upon tl,ooc brief lines, which a
high authority ban declared, 'will liven thousand yearn,'
and if a thousand )cars, thou forever; and which we
make haste to quote, assured that. enriched with such a
gam. the present article, slight ask may lie, will possess
a positive vtdue."
"-khan Ben Adhein (may his tribe increase)
Awoke one night from a deep dream of pence,
And saw within the moonlight in his room,
Making it rich and-like a till}
An angel writing inn hook of gold;
Exceeding peace had mode Ik n Adhetn hold,
And to the. presence in the fount, ho said,
'Mat writcst thou': The vision raked its head,
And with a look made or all sweet accord,
Answered, 'The manes of those who love the Lord'
'And is mine one' said Abon, Nay, not so,'
Replied the angel. Almon spnke more low,
But cheerty still, anti said, ^f pray thee, then,
Write me as one that loves his fellow-mat'
The angel wrote, and vanished. The next night
it came again, with a grant wakening light,
And showed the names whom love of God hod ',lewd,
And 19'. Ben Adhenis %%ii led ull iltn. rest.'
“The sentiments of this pure poem is all ancient and
world.m ide truth. the two great co 11111 l aattlinenta arc
mingled into one; and was there language ever more
nwsicalt Howdelicious to the car, the discord in the
fourth line! Ilawmysterions and indefinable the angelic
presence! flow complete its vanishing! How grand its
reappearance! How the trimming light Hoods unit AVM-
S:em the lout, and leaver, it bathed in an exceeding,
"Ilar, poet, to whom suck a vi4iott low keen accorded,
luny well afford to look upon life, with all its struggles
and sorrows, with u loving and benignant spirit.,
gkart ii. virs.
"Visitors!" exclaimed Kate Bennett, im
patiently, as she laid aside the book she bad
been reading, awl in which she had been
deeply interested, and tonic the cards,
"Dear me, how provoking! Just as I
am in the most exciting part of the story—
and that pert, disagreeable Emily Archer,
too," she added, reading ono of the cards;
"who else I wonder?"
IVas there magic in that simple bit of
pasteboard, inscribed only with tho two
words "Richard Warren?" It would al
most seem so, so instantaneously did her
countenance change. The frown 'that bad
Ilisfigurod her , -beautiful brow disappeared,
her -eyes fparkled, without apotisreiliotiklit
,Tr''''";r ,. •
exceptionable, and left the room.
As she entered the drawing-room, and
greeted her guests with all that grace and
elegance of manner for which she was dis
tinguished, Emily Archer surveyed ber with
one rapid, critical glance; but dress, as well
as manner, was faultless.
"It must be confessed that Kate 'Rowlett
enters a room like a queen," she thought,
With a pang of envy and jealousy, as in
Riehard Warren's thee she read undisguised
admiration of the lovely girl before them.
What casual observer, who had marked
the meeting of these young ladies, would
have dreamed that, under all their outward
friendliness, each hated the other with her
whole heart?
Yet so it was. sate and Emily were ri
val belles, and their claims to admiration
were so equally ballaneed that it required uo
little exertion ou either side to gain the as
cendency v,nd be acknowledged the victor.
If Kate, with her classical features, queen
ly dignity, elegant figure, awl exquisite
taste, at first sight threw her rival into the
shade, Emily's piquant style, sparkling, an
imated countenance, and sprightly conver
sation, were by many preferred to Kate's
statuesque beauty. It was impossible to
decide which was the loveliest; each had
her adherents and admirers, but as they
were equally numerous, it seemed probable
that the season would draw to a close with
out the all important decision of the ques
tion, which had been par excellence, the
Just at this time, Richard Warren return
ed from Europe. The arrival of so unde
niably elegant, handsome, and wealthy a
gentleman, was an event—all the fashiona-
ble world was in a flutter, and the rivals saw
at once that the important epoch had ar
rived. She whose claim he advocated,
whom he favored with his admiration,wouhl
at once stand upon the precarious pinnacle
of belleship. Each left nothing undone to
win him to her side, though their: tactics
were entirely different.
Emily brought to boar upon him the bat
teries of her sprightly wit, while Kate adroit
hy laid the mine of apparent queenly indif
ference. As yet, though it was evident
that Richard admired both, his preferencO
was not known—perhaps he hardly knew
himself which he , thought the most charm
But during this exposition of the claims
of the rivals, a lively conversation had been
discussed, as well as some of their mutual
friends, and in the midst of some wickedly
witty remarks of Emily on a -would-be-fash
ionable lady, a loud voice was heard in the
hall. It came nearer the door, and the
words could tfi. distinctly understood:
"You no-brained, impudent jackanapes,
I'll teach you manners, I'll make you laugh
on eother side of your mouth!"
Tho door was flung open, and in walked
a tall, athletic and sunburnt young man,
whose really fine form was disguised in an
ill-fitting suit of evidently domestic manu
facture, and who stood off for a moment
awkwardly looking around him, then, hastily
approaching Kate, ho flung his arms around
her, and gave her a loud smack on the
She withdrew 11
from his club
"Sir!" she sat
"Law! don't, yi
ed the new come]
"Watti, now,
forgot me. Don'i
Ye see, I don't ill
fix it, so I quit tl;i
Jim Simpson was
he's duin' fusrnie
ful hard work to ,
but I guess I ain't
where he gets els,
At • the comma
Catharine had alt
for she was deopl:
Warren and Em
been the witness
caught a triumpl
from Emily. It
With all the gt
tress, she turned'
"You must eact
said, "that I had
years make great
retrace in your:,
reminds me of the
with me in the tnar of
Allow me, Miss ' Are/
ing to her, "to presort\
Mr. Adams—Mr. War
with iiecfec!
ward bow and scrape.
Emily Archer at bulb'
menced a converetifigiii'\
and a - u.s prOceeding i.6"44
ludicrously when ICatti ant
"You forget, Mist
Mr. Warren, like . a. vyti
as he was, addressed:tjein
Adams on .sulgoots with;
iar, and shortly after:he,
took !care.
sooner had Richard Warren,. with
Miss Archer, left the house, than she began
with all her powers of sarcasm, as Kate
had foreseen, to ridicule the scene they had
witnessed. Mr. Warren.smiled, but seemed
had no idea that the Rennetts had
Much vulgar relationt," continued Emily,
well-knowing that tho fastidious Richard
Warren would consider this a. serious objec
tion in the woman of his choice.
"Notwithstanding all Kate Bennett's el
egance there is a certain something about
the family that betrays low blood,"
"Yes," returned Warren, hardly knowing
what lie sahl; and feeling that she hail gain
ed one point, Emily- talked on, in the best
possible spirits, internally triumphing over
the discomfiture of her rival.
That evening at the opera, who should be
at Kate's side but cousin Ben, dressed in
excellent taste, and evidently nine)/ interest
ed in the performance, while Miss Bennett
listened with polite attention to his frank
and sensible criticisms. At parties, too, he
was rather attendant; and this open ac
knowledgement of her relation quite blunted
the point of Emily's satires. Mr. Bennett
assisted the youth to a sitaation, and very
speedily his rusticity wote off. lie had
both good looks and good sinse, and under
his cousin's judicious trilning ho very
soon did her no discredit, ven among the
crowd of fine gentlemen I vint surrounded.
Emily Archer saw all,l and hit her lip
with vexation. She could of but acknowl
edge the superiority of Kit s strategy, and
that she.bad triumphed in the event which
she had hoped would humiliate her.
From that time Ilichardrarren was her
constant attendant and ere! one he had cc
knowledged his preference by offering her
his heart and hand.
".3fy dear Kate," he sall, shortly after
their betrothal, "I shall neier cease to thank
cousin Ben for giving me lily bride. I ad
mired yon as a belle, butiltis coining and
your reception of hint, proved that you were
something better than mosi young ladies."
Kate smiled one of her Most bewitching
smiles.. (
"I certainly do notlook gpon his mal apro
pos arrival es a misfortunent present," she
said, "whatever I ashy do its future."
Her glance of loving einfidence contra.
dicted her last mischievio, words, and she
listened with downcast eybs and blushing
c h ee k s , t o the assurance ;Cher lover dan)
exertions of his should l 4 wanting to keep
her from regretting th'S event which had
given him a glimpse ititoiher heart. Many
years bad passed. , In the sober matron,
Mrs. Warren, one would hardly bravo recog
nized the dashing belle, late Bennett.
Blessed with wealth, a:. cheerful home, a
fond husband and lovely Children, she had
led a happy life, and tins but increased the
attachment of the weddeit i pair. But cloud
less as her life had.been; storm was gath
ering. for husband, alisyscheerfal. grew
moody, restless and unhappy. She tried in
rain to discover the cans'{ of his gloom, but
NINO-, MARCH 22, 1856.
honple only evasive replies to her inqukts
,tnly t z,ness
. ntJ i ,oiitble, •
that they were connected with business, she
imagined; her surmises Nyere correct. Ile
entered the room - where she was sitting and
exclaimed; flinging himself on a. sofa:
"Rate, ire are ruined. In rain I have
strtsv,leil for weeks past; it is useless to at
tempt it any longer. To-day I shall be
known a bnnkrupt—penniless and worse
than penniless. In trying to double my for
tune I have lost all. You sud my children
are beggars."
"Why should loss of wealth trouble you,
dear Richard?" said his wife, tenderly ap
proaching and taking his hand. "That is,
after all, but a trifling misfortune. 11 bile
we are spared to each other, blessed with
health and good children, why should we re
pine at the - mere los", of fortune?"
The husband groaned.
"Aft, to be dishonored, Kate;" he said;
"to fear to took men in the face, Lecause 1
am bankrupt—unable to pay my honest
debts. Kate, the very idea of this, nearly
drives MC mad. TO avoid this whaT have I
not done? I have passed sleepless nights
and anxious days, but all in vain."
With fond caresses and soothing words,
his wife strove to comfort him; but alas, he
paid little•hced to her efforts.
- Hampton.
4,dti,e(l, tum
my cousin,
Alnins;" and
ir life"
Just then, a servant entered, saying that
a gentleman wished to see Mr. Warren. •
"Tell him that I cannot," replied his mas
ter, "I will see no hotly."
im out most
"Ilut you al," replied a- cheerful 'nice,
awl a gentleman who had closely followed
the servant entered.
to the rescue.
,r," said she,
"Ilow is this, lay dear Dick?" be said; you
are in trouble and did not apply to me.
That was not right."
"And of what use would it have been?"
returned Warren. lam weary of borrow
ing from one friend to repay the other, day
after day. Even that has failed, me at last,
and I haVe come home to hide myself from
the prying gaze of those who will too soon
be talking of my disgrace."
"I had heard rumors of this, Dick, and
wont to your office to see you as you were
not there I followed yea here. Now, my
dear fellow,listen tome: You have two hours
yet before bank hours arc over. Hero is a
blank check; fill it up yourself and it shall
be duly honored. Repay it at your C0111:C
-nielliCO: No thanks; it is only a loan. I know
your,bnsitiess well, and thatin'a tinte -
Perhaps- ajlitle
kis to Mr.
Wise' Archer
grasp his friend's hand, while his eyes filled
with-en unwonted moisture.
"how can we ever thank you enough,
I dearest cousin Ben?" cried Kate. "How
can we ever repay you?"
"Tut, tut, Katie; I am only discharging a
part of a debt I owe you, my dear girl.—
I owe all I possess—all I am —to you.—
When I first came here, a raw, ignorant,
awkard, country booby, you were not
ashamed of me. You took me cordially by
the hand, influenced your father to assist me,
and, snore than all, by unvarying kindness,
offering me a home and innocent amuse
ments in your society, kept me out of the
many temptations that beset a lonely, inex
perienced lad, such as, without you, I should
have been. I thanked Sou for it, then, even
when I did not appreciate the sacrilico it 1
was to a fine lady, to have a bumpkin like;
myself about her; and when I knew more of
the world, and understood the rarity of such
conduct, I loved you the better for it, and
felt the more grateful. I have had no oppor
tunity to show it before in any substantial
form. But now you see you are under no
obligation; I ant only getting rid of a little
of the heavy load you placed use under I
long ago.. Ile off Dick, and hereafter rely 1
on me in all eases like the present. Don't
get discouraged too easily—business men of I
all others, should have elastic temperaments. 1
Good bye, now," he added, as Warren dis
appeared, kissing the tears from Kute's
check, "and be assured that Ben Adams, 1
the millionare, has never forgotten, and will
try to repay your kindness to your poor and
awkward cousin." . .
"I am richly repaid," she marmated.—}
"How little I dreamed, long age, that twice'
in my life I should ewe my highest ltappl-!
ness to the trifling acts of kindness toward
my good cousin lien,"--11.1diCe Visitor.
A very laughable circumstance is said to /
have occurred in Albany, daring a session ;
of the Legislature at the Capitol, several(
years ago—of coarse, before the prohibition
of duelling by statute in that State.
It was an exciting political time, and ow
ing to "some words spoken in debate," by a
heated member, "during the heated term,"
touching somewhat upon the character of n
brother member, a challenge was forthwith I
despatched to the offending member by a
"friend," as such a messenger is called in
the hinging° of the code of honor.
The challenge was at once accepted.
Pleased with bis promptness, the second
said: "When can we expect your friend?"
"Don't want any friend," said the chal
lenged party. "I waive all such advantages.
De can have a dozen if ho wishes."
"This is magnanimous but it is not accord
ing to the 'code: Well sir, if lam to confer
with you directly, what weapons?"
"The time."
"Day after to-morrow at 32 o'clock at
noon precisely."
"At what place?"
'At on the St. LIIIVIPCIICe. Your
principal shall stand on one side of the river,
and I will stand on the other, and we will
fight it out."
The .Psecostil ; frowned.: "This is no jest
ing /natter, sir. ? . ."ottarg,..not serious."
Wfiy, yes:lam, tool Itas'nt the ehal
longed party a right to the choice of weapons
and place?"
"Well—yes sir—but not to Unusual weap
ons in unusual places."
"Very well; pistols will not be objected
. to, of course."
"Very good, then. We will meet to mor
row iu the little village of P-----, and at 12
o'clock precisely we will fight on the "Sugar
loaf JIM; standing back to back, marching
ten paces, then turning and firing. Will
that arrangement be satisfactory?"
"It will. We shall be there."
And the parties separated. :NOW "Sugar
loaf hill," "at the place aforesaid;" was ex
actly what its name imports—a sharp con
ical pillar of ground, remarkable a3l over the
immediate country round fob its peculiar
IThe time arrived, and the "parties" ap
[ peered on the ground; bat the state of the
case "leaked out" very quick.
"Sir," said the second, "us he arrived
with his almost breathless "principal" a the
apex of the Sugar-loaf, and surveyed the
ground—"Sir'. this is another subterfuge!
What kind of piece is this For a dual with
pistols, back to back, and a forward march
of ten paces? , Why tillirbotivra;tios }vill 120
out of sight at 'eight: paces, let aloint ten;
and in turning to fire, you must fire into the
side of the Will"
"So much the better for Loth of us'." an
swered the party of the second part: "we are
on terms of perfect equality, then, which is
not often the case in modern duels. 2
Out spelt! the cballengi ng"principar then, ,
in words too plain to be misunderstood:
'Sir-11" he said to the second "principal" ;
at the same time looking daggers at him,
"Sir-eyou arc a coward!"
s'posin' I tun! You knew I was or I
you would not have challenged me!"
"They do that the two "pailies"
that went down the steep sides of Sugar
loaf hill, on-that memorable occasion, were
as diffteult of .reconciliation as when they I
ascended its sides; and moreover, that they
were as different in tenter as possible. One
party n as laughing, and the tither breathing
out threatening, and slaughter;" but nothing
came or . ...ThisArtui'ithe UM, of
that emoi.z. , -
t 1 . 40 .1 1 1414.Y:4PEF4.0. .I!!St% i ,' l C, l °M4i
466(;thAtutiiigava l islitire!*leaVbiiiit "'
lu•rence , e ore Ou'r-re"a4e-rS:-
Hoary Ward Beecher, in u recent lecture,
"I may here, as well as anywhere, impart
the secret of what is. called good luck and
Lad luck, There are men who supposing
Providence to have an implacable spite
against them, bemoan in poverty to a
wretched old age the misfortune of their
lives. Luck forever ran against them and
fur others.
"Oae with a good profession, lost his luck
in the river, where he idled away his time
fishing when he should hare been in the
office. Another, with a good trade, perpet
ually burnt up his luck by his hot temper,
which provoked all his employees to leave
him. Another, with a lucrative bu-iness,
lost his luck by amazing diligence alt every
thing but his business. Another. Avho
steadily followed trade, al StCallitY follow
ed the bottle. Another, who was honest
anal constant at his work, erred by perpet
ual misjudgments; he lacked discretion.—
Hundreds lose their luck by endorsing; by
sanguine speculations; by trusting fraudu
lent men,—and Ly dishoneq gain.. A man
never has good luck who has a bad wife. I
never knew an early-rising, hard-working,
prudent man, careful of his earnings, and
strictly honest, who complained of bad luck.
A good character, good habits and iron in
dustry, are impregnable to the assaults of
nit the ill luck that fouls ever dreamed of.—
but when I see a tatterdemalion creeping
out of at grocery late in the forenoon, with
his hands stuck into his pockets, the rim of
Ms hat turned up; and the crown knocked
in, I-know he has bad luck—for the worst
of all lock is to be a sluggard, a knave or a
There is no greater mistake that a busi
ness mau makes than to be mean in his
business—always taking the half cent for
the dollars he has made and is making.—
Such a policy is like the farmer who sows
three pecks of seed when he 'ought to have
sown five, and as a recompense for his
meanness of soul, only gets ten 'when he
ought to have got fifteen bushels of grain.—
, FAery body has heard the proverb of "penny
wise and pound foolish." A liberal expeit
. allure in the way of business is always sure
. to be a capital investment.
There are people in the world who are
short-sighted enough to believe that their
interests can be best promoted by grasping,
and clinging to all they can get, and never
let it cent slip through their fingers. A s a
general thing it will be found, other things
being equal, that he who is most liberal is
most successful in business. Of course we
do not mean it to be inferred that a man
should be prodigal in his expenditures, but
that be should show to his customers, if he
is a trader, or to those whom ho may be do
ing any kind of business with, that in all
his transactions, as well as social relations,
ho acknowledges the everlasting fact that
there can be no permanent prosperity or
good feeling is a community where benefits
arc not reciprocal.—hunt's "Verchane -Vag
~1 ~ f
"Assuredly not; the gentleman's wea.pon."
gunViti f
Behold! the Bridegroom is returning!
Rise, true yourlrunps and hare them burning! '
The final hour is nigh;
Watch! 'twill approach with stealthy creeping!
Watch: lest it come and find you sleeping!
Watch! lest it leave you wailing, weeping—
Dying. yet ne'er to dic!
When ye shall hear the trumpet's seaming—
Lo! 'tie the resurrection morning!
When they shall live who flied;—
They who Ells palmy pathway crowded,
NVhoprai,cl Inv glory while 'twas shrowtled,.
Shall then Lehuld his face unclouded,—
A-Hadley wild pierced Lis ride!
Ye titan shall hear a loud lamenting,—
The et cm of men too late repenting;
These shall be left to mourni—
The power that rent in iVrIII/1 the temple,
Shall Came the earth and heaven to tremble,—
But le the Lord shall then assemble
runeoned and drehbond
Flail! day of triumph, long appointed:
lioil! day that brings the Great Annointed!
Ye little flock, rejoice!
Ye shall look forward without fearing!
Iterlemption dawns with Ilia appearing!
Ltft up your heads-Ala Lour in nearing!
Elect! —lift up your voice!
Detrhorew Cahalan (Sacred Araisic
"When I consider the anxieties of mothers, .
I wonder how nutii3r of theme.= be su.stati.-
Lours; so .man3r - piriots`lll"ol4llpesittet ;so"
many days of anguish, when their offspring•
are ill, or in danger. -Surely grace is doubly:-
sweet to one in such circumstances. -How t
unwise, eternity apart, to remain without
so great a solace!
"It is true that religion brings anxieties
all its own to the mother's heart. Having '
learned to be concerned about her own soul,
she becomes concerned fur the soul of her
child. Many a petition ascends over.'the
couch of infancy. Only in eternitysau wo
learn the value of such nursery devotions.—
A. mother was once heard to say: - '...Never did
I take one of my numerous children to my
bosom fur nourishment, atilt . I did not, at
the same time, lift up my heart to God.; ,its
prayer, that he wouhlbeitow on it
vation, The ease of Monica, the *lakEilir. of
Augustine, is well known.‘ller son-:was yit
unconverted, profligate and.nddioted
heresy of the Mattlehees: S6B o!Or
mesa) &pious ininisteeof•Ohrtstiivliti after
witnasaing her atignials :
dismitsitutherviith*ltestirr 4 .l47.::
• •
fered for mothers to become true'ehritEarnt'
An unchristian,-a prayerless- mother!" t
the very phrase carry borrorto the seat, and
drive the convinced sinner to God."
Faith is the starting point of obedieriCin
but what I want is, that you start impact'',
ately—that you wait not fot: more light to
spiritualize your obedience, but that you
work for more tight, by yielding a present
obedience up to the present light which you
profess—that you stir up all the gift which
is now in you; and this is the way to have
' the gift enlarged, that whatever your right
baud fiudeth to do in the way of service to
God, you now do it with all your might.—
And the very fruit of doing - of his authority,
is that you trill at length do it because of
your own renovated taste. As you perse
vere in the labors of His service, you will
grow in the likeness of Ills character. The
graces of holiness will both brighten and
multiply upon you. These will be your
treasures, and treasures fur heayspi,too—thc
delights of which mainly consist in theaffoc
tions and feelings, and congenial employ
ments of the new creature.—Dr. C7m/nter.t.
The Christian does net serve God for hap
piness, but God by a sublime necessity has
attached happiness to his service. Along
the ranks of his army goes the command to
rejoice; above it floats the banner of love.—
Felieity is the light which rests over it all.
From the helmets of the seraphim that light
is flashed back in full unclouded blaze; on
us of the human race, who, as Isaac Taylor
says beautifully, "seem to stand almost on
the estreme confines of happiness," its first
rays arc even now descending. happiness
is the spheral music in which a God, whose
name is Love, has ordained thaf holiness
must voice itself; his light, as it sweeps over
the zEolian harp of immensity, kindling
every dead world into beauty, breaks forth
in the Memnonian anthem ofjoy.
In a late article in Prazier's Magazine
this brief but beautiful passage occurs:
"Education does not commence with the
alphabet. It begins with a mother's look—
with a father's smile of approbation, or a
sign of reproof—with a sister's gentle pres
sure% of the hand, or brother's noble act df
forbearance--with hands full of flowers in
green and daisy meadows—with bird's nests
admired but not touched—with creeping
ants and almost imperceptible emmets..--
with humming bees and glass beehives—
with pleasant walks in sandy lanes, with
thoughts directed in sweet and kindly tone.,
and words to mature to acts of benevolence,
to deeds of virtue, and to the source of all
good, to God himself,"
The great thing to be attended to in
prayer, that which is the very essence of it,
is reality! Every sentence must be the ve
hicle of truth. All falsehood is wicked:
never is it so wicked as in prayer. The
terance of lies, direct in the face of God and
truth, is the very climax ofiniquity. As the
Searcher of hearts, he "desires truth in the
inwa.rdparta" lie is pre-eminently "the God
of truth, by whom actionsare weighed," and"
to whom "all thiugsarc naked and opsn,"
~,, i