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' .4° --, •_t.te' VW-, 5' .. --, -•, • . - • ". BY BROWN & GREENE. VOLUME XXIII, NUMBER T. I) e doluntbia a i i n, IS rvralquEn LT J. G. L. BROWN, sTEpIiEN GREENE, AT $l,OO PER ANNUM, IF PAID IN ADVANCE; Or $1,50 IF NOT IN ADVANCE. single Copies, 3 els, tllitr—Nortli-west corner of Front and IValnut streets, immediately opposite Parson's Dote!, and above the BA Denote Koil road Company's Office- No paper vi ill be diQconiiiined until all arrearages are I-molt:unless at the option of the publishers. Letters, to receive attention. 14141,1 be port-paid. I'F.TiNIS OF ADVERTISING. [Fifteen lines Or less to the r.rpiark..] Adverb-ements us ill be ii,erted 111 ree titan at the rate ofsl per ; for every subsequent insertion after the third, 25 cents will bee eharoed. The number of insertions de,ired mint. marke ' d, or the adve Mt, merit will be continued until ordered out, and charged accordingly. A lateral deduction sr ill Le made on the above pt ices o)eurly advertisers. DR. A. CLARKSON SMITH', (VPlCE—Walnal street, two doors above Trott, Co Jumble, Pa. Columbia, .April 10, 1052-ti WILLIAM 11. ELDER, ATToRNEV Al' LAW —Office in From street- Le twuen locust and 'Walnut Ftreets, Columbia, I.n. Columbia, J une 7. 10.51.-if - PIIILIP GOSSLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Oillre, Arrude Row, Wal rut wert.lietwera Front and Seroad. Colutalna.April 23. 1..32. 11. 111. NORTH, ,irronxin - AND COONS EL Lon AT LAW Offier , IrLet. above Front, formerly ocenvied by Pt .1. sArk.on. Columbia, Columb,,,Muy 4, 1:-.3o. CHASE & CO'S Great Package and Parcel Express, .4%.tc.a IN charge of special inessen- L".51-7F j , , cerA, tor the South. Ea-L rind C H, the In InCiptil (O ad UC the Untied State•. Parcel., Specie, Zle . 101,N nrded nith dc•pale It nod tics', OW at rates Ices than by :10 Other moul t . N otes . n r; th, slid thlls coliectvd, and orde, punctually attended to. floods by this EXpr eAs re- , lopped to tiny 1.011 of t6O; Llnted State, by foi warding bills of lading and 111,1 rue icons to the 011ie, Cues!..' . C.CS 01'1O,Iii.-130thnlore• 3 Jar% t•.' log, North Et eel I.tdel plus. 45 south Fourth eel; Sew Vorh. 205 I.liiiailwily . ; Wl...bin:lion, Coiner of renlo.ll,.toia Avenue nod 11 street; Columbia, at the Jetwlrs store of Ows. Lent ler. Front Chloe!. Coltinilo.i, October 2. 1t3.2-1y 13. F. SPANGLER, Bookseller and Stationer, Front strcrt, Columbia, Penn'a. Cobantoe, October JO, 1-52. 110 'WANTS A GOOD SHAVE? I'llE UNDERSIGNED has taken the SHAVING •I. AND H MIL DRESSING SALOON rereltilv nee.. oil Lt N Iloooc here he pt now pi rporea to wall upon eu.tonlert. I Ile aloon still be kept ILI betl ♦ll le, :1•:1 a elea.t and gond 01:tve tvlll nlwlty , lie gunral.lied 11AliC C NG attended to to the late,t and most I:Aim:able II) le, JAME, S BURR iaublu, January 15, 1 55.3. 61110 . TO THE LADIES PARTICULARLY NOTICE. T HAVE pureltnqed leopt .T. P Patterson t b ' reeel Pte I tor manwacturovg 1)1,111,LE1I St .\ 1., WASILI'Sr: 8 0AV, FANCY SOAP. ce . , ntrl h.kve been taught prepare the ohCve p ladies earl hove the belipi at the battle priee4 /hawed ‘,•\• Mr. Palter-on. /CNI. .1:1V Front ,tteet. Columbia. Columbla, Jam)! ry r SHOULDER DRA.CES if ST reef iced at the Golden :gm :or hh_T Store. anoilmr n....thriment oh :shoulder Itr.te,. of .11 •ILCR, for Ladtrr una Gentlemen. Thhey e highly reeohn nandrd for weak breasts. stooped hloultler , . &e For solr at 1.1:A1J1:12'S. Columbia_ Or tuber 2'l. TO BOATMEN rpm: uNDERst(;NEI) has eott,taittly on hand a ful aPionment of COPPER P 1551 PS. 110A'r STOVES ll'l' HAWKS, ovith ethereal.) and LAMP POTS to %Inch he re Teeltully invites the atteittion of Coal mu and Other., HEN R PEA 111. ER, WI 17,1,12. Loeu.t btreet, Columbia, ADAMS & CO'S EXPRESS- F SP L ANGER. Agent. Mont street, Columbia. H• Columbia. October :10, 1...52. mr, t I,ltrl t t 1011 LAND OE 1 3 / 7 11.1/IINC. un•lntill) on liantl :mite Lane Kiln, near the IJcpot. IColuoilcaJan PATENT WIIEEL GREASE, P ECOMENDED by lit cry Stable, Keepers Carters. Dratneli • and oilier.: IUU (.ROSS LEATHERED CA Rl'l TACK-; ; 11111: PROOF PAINT. best quality. (lot particulars of which see ahcraLeinent w another column.) all fur le lots " the Hardware Store of RUNII`I.II. Columbia. October 3U. Locust !If eet. SCHOOL. BOOKS. „, 1‘"011111e111 or oti rite sehool Ruokc uted in rue private ali) public ...chord, to or around C,. , luta• I in. In large or ,mall quantities: and Ili the very lowest Vices, coin be had at Sl' _. N( Oct W. 1,52. 11c:tn.:quarters and New, Depot TO DISTILLERS THE sub.eriber IR prepared to inanniaeture in order at the sliortt,t antic... all kind+ of :.'lll,l, W 0 .11): on the most rea,onahle lento:. Also, repairing ol ail knitte promptly attended to. Columbia, April 17. 1n52. 111".NRY VFAIII3,III. --------- lIRICIC DUST. cut:rely hie Guth t•lny. ntla DD found to do the work of ,"" a faner du. the b-n..k Puret'l• l'or -“ , t• ut 1.1:4D1:1rs. roluzain.:tlnrch 211, • lEnciamEt. Ilerring, ra..11 :yid Dried prof, wr gale low 14;r c ,b Pllll.ll' F. Columbia, Feir. Oppecite the Da alr. iONG AND SCLP1111: F•IIANVI.S. 1.1 flog I`.•i. m.1:11 / oilier Winter Goods, sit order to In.ll,lnora for =Tong Goods. PHILIP F. FltV. Colinbia s Feb. C. 4.3, PS33. Opposite the Mink. - _ • SULPIL QUININE.- 100 ounce, Sillphnte of (111111Ine lust received arid for pale by W. A. J.E.-1 PER. Voliaribm, :Maisel) _ BARRELS' PAH K V Just received alai for sale low Iry the barrel, for Crib. by 191/1.11 . P. FICV. Columbia, Feb. Opposite the M.A. COD LIVER OlL—Sone.' fic...h nod renuinc Cod Liver od stivt received and for sale at LI:AIM:WS. r Columbia, March t.'6,13. ItECEtV ED a new lot of A cr's Cherry IN torul. and (or sale by WILLIAMS , Columbla, March IM, _ _ - J _ UST RECEIVED a new lot of Iloolltual'A Cierlll3ll Bitten', att.! for rule l.r R. \VILMA:DS. .Coltunlas, March :Kt, LSSENCI: 01 C01:11:1: —A supcnor article or limn mere Essence of Coffee for sale at LEADER'S. Columba:l. March 06, 1t53. - - A DALlStif.rg FT MIR a cerium cure for Headache Ince 74 CIR. For •nle nt W. A. I.I . :ADER'S Drng Store. Coluuthia, March 13,105.2. arsumn, wELL-scAsoNuu eAsnr,r; SOAI LT llbe pound. bor. or Lox. for sale A FAMILY PAPER: DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, SCIENCE, MORALITY, EDUCATION, AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. ME \y - 7 Pv-T 9 (1,1 (^ , 4: ft's. lVSA - 1 • • f PECTORAL: For the Core of COUGHS, COLDS, ROARSEINDSS, SRON CBITIS, CROUP, A.STE• "rwITHOOPING-COUGII AND CONSUMPTION. "And by the ricer. upon the lortak thereof. shall grow nll trees for meat. who, h•af shall not fade and the Trutt thereof shall he for meat, and the leaf the:eel fur medic here seas hope fir the sick recorded long rie,o, and every }ear adds new proot to the assui ail,: that these promise,. shall not fail. As medical ,Lieace discovers and designates the rem edies liallite 11,3 giveit. (rile by oue, the sti e.lSei that at- Met our race y rid to the coot rot of Of all the mal adies we Sillier front, moue lints earned more vie liras to mini untimely grave man Con,uniption of the Lungs tr.tbsonied sse give collie eVidelice that this too may lie cured, and that Pulcionary ill all their forums, ma} he removed by Cherry feel oral. Shown will riot penult u, to pubhill here any propor tion of the cores at has etrected, but the Agents below named, ',ill ninuclt our Circular, tree. whereCiii are full pa rl.cular~ and 111,11 , pillatile proof of these facts. 61illererS! read and Judge for yourselves FOR INFLUENENZA & WHOOPING COUGH. Sir—l have repented!) . 11-rd 1001 Cherry Pectoral for ‘Vliffiffung Cough and Influenza, and have no lie.itation to pronounen, it a complete remedy. Pour or Illy children have been afflicted milli thee,, disc:l,s. and the free u-c oldie Pectoral has always alThrdeit loran lit reliet. .I , t M 1 1.4 1111.0V1.117. NVe attest the 'mitt of the above ,tatement. M INtitor of the Nt.f.hville .1. NI, ZININIERNIAN, Druggi.t. 1 , ()R A CONSUMPTIVE COUGH. PITIF.IIItIG. PA., rdb. 15. 1 , 51 Dear 5/I"—ror three yea, I have been afflicted with a Cough, r.o flifdre-,14 that I Irequelitly de-paired of reeof.ery; inuf I, at the time I was obliged to •it up all night ur my chair, as lily cough would ..utioeate vie when 7 had down. 'laving u.ed tuany it a lth -0111. 11111011 relict, 1 at I.,it tiled the Cheri) Pectoral, under PtoVitleilett lias mired roe altogether. 111111 %III!! gratitude )40 rc, !JANIE. NIet_7.A.NDI.F.SS. This is one of the numerous Care< of A , TIIMA which have Feel, accredited to Cherry Fords' .11.1:A Al. N 1 . Aprii 17. 191 17n Avrn,l.o,A.P.l.l..—Pl:Alt rut-1 hnvc fur N car: her, 1111111.1erl is itti Aslliiitti In the WctriO. 10110, 'n that 1 have been ob:i f fed to p 11, my chair tar ti large, part of the time, being unable to breathe. ov in!: bed I had tried a greet man) inetlicinc-.in uu 1.11110 , e, tuitil in) physofian pre,.eribed. a rue experiment. your Choi ry Pectoral. At Get n =veined to make me worn . , hill 111 Ic-s than a Week I began 10 el.pel tenet. the 010,t grnufymg relit; Irom 11,1 1.1" e, -1101 Ilitty. 111 10110 wo.kg. the dimes tc cu tile!) reniased. I eau deep oil illy bail such cointort, alitl enjoy u elate of liell;111 Vell tell I ittiVer had expected to (.1-1(I11.(f7: S. FA CornM1“1011:1101 Po rwardiln; Merchant. ''rout the President of Amherst College, Edward 110,1, „ s .li&41 sour Cherr) Penner,' lit LtWii ensit 01' deep. , cated bronchi!, and 010 sal l"tiett. front Its eltellitral eOll , lllllllOll, that 11 IS nil 111.1Itticati he etillipOund tor the 0,1101 ill laryngtal find broneloill ditheilltie , It my opitooti, rw to us Superior , pc lay, Helen :ion of SVII,f C. 111,1: „ ITrme. A_ 6.. &c. Sold at the establlshroent of Prof.:l,lr 1101.1. MS 00. 21 I Strand. (near 'retriple Bar. Landau ) and I.y all re spectable Bragg I.t orel)...ales :Medi, ones tbropgll - tile Britogi 11l Ire Will or i hobo or the ththell Stolen, in Boxes at 37 lc., 571c..:111.1 %.-:1,50 1:101 11-hole sale by the priticr)al 1)1.11,: 11011.0..+ to the UlllOll, by Mt, 41,1 .1. it t U. S.N:\ 11%! . .. New York. and by X 1 r.tl. 1). KNI(1111*. 7 :%ottth r-rxill stn vt. mod T. IV DYOT l' & M)\ S. Plirladelphla. A Igo by \V. A. 1.1.1% 1) I.: li, Cu lumbi.t. Pa. 7 - ..l'll'llert: is a coPsplerable savirig by tal.ing the larger 51.7.1... :N. It —Direct wog for Bic paPtance. of pato.t.ts to vs cry dprorder are mn.,..t to nail: box. December 4, 15.e.1-eo, I v I l'Ath•re.l ac, ordoiLf to Art of ( . 011,1,-• ii‘ Ili \ ear 1, , 1, In J :,. 1101 (.11 lON. I. I)., in tin (21c;1, , title of the Ih-tr.et Count 101 the ):a,temll 1)i.Irle; of I'e.,th'. l . GREAT CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA! ANoTtißtt SCIENTIrIE WONDER: DR HOUGHTON'S T 111? TIIIT DICFST ,..7.-.,.,. / ...! 1 p{ . #4- , % ;1,...",.„ ,, ,iwR.;:1. , ',. , ,.. 11, , , , . 0 1-.- ~ 4.. ----t- ox. tiller (11,thiol, o ISA RUN L11:131(1. the crthit plo , l(llth , th '1 C 11... _........... •<&"''''::. 'I'L):• . , J.l. D.. l'lllludel- plttn, l'a. Tll, it a treat Nolan! rernett• for Itolit4e.toot. 11y.- per , ia. J aohdice. l.tv , T 1:v101.11101a Cult-opal:on owl r‘triap ttitt•r Natore'+ own method. by Natote'. ONVIITern. lhr rIOaaT I , .l utre 41 j' Iluli n 1,..-poo.,1“1 or Pt r-.1 - C 111111,41 w.lior, mill atureq or dt--olv ,. five Pomo!, of 110,0 14,1 to about two itoor, pot overt ,totottelt 1 . 1:I'SIN , the oli r leno-111. or (Ire:, T 1)12,1 .1 1111g l'rtotple of the (;a-tr , it:lee-11w Sol,•ltt ot the ',hoot. the Ptirtiyothr. Prc.o.retaz. and Swank:mg' th, stoom.l, It 4 4 extracted troll: the Ih o•-11‘.. Stohoo 11 of 111 e (I',. Ito, umouor 'nue Plottl. pro: to It like the tott.o.tl Gastric .1:10, to A. Chem/ear pow, • 1-.11:01 forot%lottgr a eutaplett, onti par --111,111111, 40111. sclENTrric EVIDENCE! Call ou thr .(geot. tool 4 - ot a do-ctiptive Clrvin 'tr. gran-.giclivz 11 lalue loncloot :--clrolifoT ra.olonee, 110111 .Itortia7 Pr l'otnhe • I.IIN ,dO.4Y ol Itr l'or,tra nn rood Diet •Dr John Dr.tpor York Uto‘e.r , ll l . Prot rho, Oicon". l'h)-toloLTs' : Prot Salon to or Val. C011,,e; 1 )1. pio .( to,other .0 dt repot of C. 0 .. 110111 Oil ul NO ALCOHOL, BITTERS, O ACIDS! Dr I 101.0i1011'. I'tll , ll‘ I- g....nt 11.,,,ty.111, tklll 0,1 It in•lnt•ly tWie. l •,tl,lo. t01111,1•1 - lo. 11,111111. e, lie Inhea lit hie 11.111,0. e 110 1 eal wnlor ,•1:104 , r itliotit Ikware uI j), 111111.1t10, Eva a 11111^. I:s."l'S-12. ‘A it 1.1,1-. IV A 1.1. ‘lll r.. CO1111111 , 1 , 1; Dr..l C A :110Lui., 1 1.14 l:; .1 & 111.0. I t a,tiler 1. 1 1y B. IrOU'ItiTG . , TAILOR, CONTINUES the, business of TAII,OIIINII, ns "la n.l. to r,Olll F 1 reel. a ICW door- the Arian - wan 111 11 et l ll l l ill nit. f re:tit/M.IW every ,11011111. and 14 111,01 01,, (I.IHY. ' 1/1,11 1 111 , 1 11 In 111.1.1111111:11/L1.11e 1111 wllllllllll-1.11,11, 10111 I.l'llll Ihelr cagE•at. It. YOUNG,. rti-n privired In :'l\e lll•lrlleipina 19 Cl T ItA it \ I sibyl liyelf to nll h.,lnt, 1.• catty ea !calm , di out ig only lil Fuld ally r the trod , . Tito cyiAelit ttarininit Can: iaten 101 1 111 N lilt any r ”111,11, rw 11•1-111' 1111 Y 4./11111r y • 'who 10,464 , 1 lor 9).51e1n that thin wig of instted to 1•3:111111110 141, The ,Al'lsiog l to pretatuai 1 . 111 . the deleClloll Of all, deft ri 1;,11 11 11, 11/1\ G. Columbia, An•:utt 7. Doou.s, sTATIONERSP, A.NI) 'FANCY AIITICLES.' EST received, nt SP ANGLER'S Book Store, •1 nod for sale at l aires Who 13 tlefy competition. the large-t assortment of Colt Book+. 1:0.1e.• PraYer Books. llytea Books. I'ANOV Alt Ilt:1,11 , . O , M/ Cnsrs . 11'n pier Mario. Veit. et. Shell. Pl,ll I. Ivory itloroceo..keo) l'ort Alf...ales. (of ever t shape, -i t le. 4 1 33.011y...1 prier.) Port trapuer Al.teloo• Turkey Nloroeen Vaal.ce.secl, tr .1 Wot k Boxes. \Vrtittos Fattey Inkstands, Cc., ever Itroo. l lo. to Colombia. Per-on , wtsltia 7 to make p1....33111s tiara,: the !lolt •loye, svnll hod the a,sortreent to to' complete. onion e , peettally toetted to mall null .•X:1 Milne and should pn era and qttahltes of goods suit. v 3 e •Itoll take g reat ser , ..aug theta to the shore est nottfc• Itemetnher the long-establodued eN-1110M.11 Headquarters and N 0.., Pe t rol ;or hare..., 7 , 6Li •ri Ploot `IV t`t. Co ;1110 II GEGESI 1:3 From the Dublin Cutver.ny Magtl.Z.le Spring. Sp ring is coming—Spring i, corn);' IVJIJ) SUIIFII/1/t, Heaven Is ringttit; nit)! the ,ingutg Ot the btrdi in brake and bower, Buds are Idling, heaves are swerlin.;, nOWCIS Olt field till,) W00010:1 tree, O'er the earth, and ea, and oc,an, Nature hold, her t01.11,e. Soft than Fteattng comet a feeht.:, ff, r my 1,0,nm Imuk.. , :v: Htt m Ily I pander. ;u: I w.ub!er, Fur my mMuugs are at tire Spring Is einning—Sprnig Is connog' With her 1110111111 gs tic-li and 114111 : With her !loons of chenume I Sky of blue, and cloud- of white. Calm gray nightfulls, sshen the light falls, From the mar-bespangled sky, White the splendor, pale stud tender, Of the young moon gleams on high. Still at morn, at noon. at even, Spring It full of joy for inc, For I ponder, as I %sander, And my musings are of thee Still ne thee my thought,: are d IN'lla:.,oe'er thy Imme may be, heyotel IN thy pre.,enee unto Norlattg•• breal.lng - lelplb thee cab IVattdermg tit the breeic'. :Nommtlefb glary Immtlet tier thee 111 a .Itotver of sunny Ipjlit, tt 1,4'.1 dying leave, thee It lig 111 the Nil very ttel . ,mht ra); tool, hrlgin ly o'l HIL e nightly Tall the coolle . „! of the day Livery where a itl et cry 1111111.110 reel 1 ne,tr tln e, h ) ret) rue, In the h. I; aett 111 the Imnet, I rant hour ihyjoyeu• tune. 13tel and Lloottostg mark the conotej Of thy feet o'er vale 1,111111, ,Allll 01) PlCNellee WWI 11WsCS5,11,, Makes the Int e•t's heart , . to , IL Lots' before thee, 1 e thee, Lure creative, thee I