The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, August 07, 1852, Image 3

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    Miraculous Escape of Four Hun-
. _
died Latter-Day Saints.
NEWPORT, (Eng.) July 13.—Yesterday evening
, most remarkable occurrence took place here,
Ouch, while it appeared to involve the lives of
three or four hundred persons, did not inflict the
s lightest injury on a single individual.
the Latter-day Saints, or Mormonites, have of
late years so greatly increased in the colliery
dist:lets in the neighborhood of this place that
an organized body now exists here, with elders
and prophets at their head, and a regularly con
stituted government to direct their spiritual and
temporal affairs.
Annually these people hold a conference, at
svhijb the chiefs of the body assemble, and com
munications with their brethren in other quarters
are made •
This year some of the elders who had been in
the camp on the borders of—the Great Salt Lake
were expected at the Newport conference, and
preparations on an extensive scale for their re
ception, and for the general celebration of the
festival, were being carried out. It was also ex
pected, or ambiguously hinted, that miracles
would be performed ; and the credulous Welsh,
eser ready to follow any "new tangled doctrine,"
gave ear thereto as believers.
yesterday evening, after the conclusion of one ;
of the services the brethren, the saints, and the ;
elders assembled together in a large building
known as the Sunderland Hall, where it was in
tended to celebrate the occasion by a tea festival
en a great scale.
About four hundred persons (men, women and '
children) were sitting down, after a blessing had ;
been invoked by the elders, and a pleasant fes-
tivity was anticipated. Suddenly a creaking
wise was heard, followed by .a sound like a
crash of thunder, and immediately the lofty ceil- j
mg of exactly one-half the ball, divided in the
centre of a large beam, fell amost flat upon the
multitude below.
A ten dm shrieking and screaming and poen-
mg ensiled. The residents in the ninglibm hood, ,
apprehending some frightful casualty, rushed out
01 their houses, and were almost paralyzed by
the contioued screams and groans. Presently
We u uelews were burst out, and the a ighted
AlorEloll , . ajpeated, teilified amid screaming for
help, whu e some actually flung themselves into
the street. and others clinging to the sills and
frames made those below shudder at their anti
cipated death or frightful mutilation. •
A scene of indescribable horror ensued. The I
crowd of spectators rushed toward the doors of
the ball, which they burst in, as well as they
,tote able from the mass of rubbish, &c., that
had fallen inside; and here the spectacle was
logleful in the extreme. l'he people were hud
dled together in crowds beneath the tea tables—
some cross ding to the windows—some rushing
toward the doors—as many struggling to extri
cate themselves from the heaps of broken ratio's,
hue, &c., among which they %%ere embedded.—
A'sqstance was rendered, and after much diffi
culty the unfortunate Iklornionites were extracted
now their perilous condition.
It us most remarkable that not a single Tat t -
Pay Saint received any injury from this accident,
although the ceiling was heavy, and was quite
of the ceding of the whole hall, while
attached thereto %vele the heavy pieces of timber
Much previously supported it. It Is also singu
lar that the portion of the ceiling beneath which
the "elders" or "prophets" sat, was perfectly
uninjured and sound.
Nothing less than a miracle is supposed by the
infatuated Latter-Day Saints to have preserved so
large a number of persons from the fate of death,
%%loch appeared so inevitable; and a great reac
tun their favor will be the result among the
half-converted disciples of Joe Smith, who abound
in this quarter.
The remainder of the evening's services was
devoted to thanksgiving for the miracle which
had been performed by the elders in favor of the
true b-lievers.
fire—Failure of he Corn Crop in
Civ:sxATl, August I.—A fire occurred in the
wan of Fulton, in this State, this 15101 fling, which
d slroycd Burton Ilapen's saw mill, a large
quantity of Is slier, and twel 'The
loss is estimated at ti3a,ooo, on which there was
%cry little insurance.
The weather continues very dry, and the corn
',suffering much in consequence. It is said that
under the most favorable circumstances, there
cannot now be more than half a crop in this state.
lu consequence of this impression, corn is very
the market, and holders arc retaining
then stork.
' ft/ BOIL GREEN CORN.- Fhlik it as soon as
gathered, and put it on to boil immediately, cov
ering it closely with the fine inner husks.—
Corn soon grows vapid after gathering, and
should novo be exposed to the air without the
husks on.
ID- When do,• a man pitac from the 311111111 d IBM the
vegetal le kingdom 'Cr hen experience make., htm
Nee I NVe alarm. coriander a limn sage. though try 110
11 1 , :t11 , It When WE hear that he Inn} s hit
'loth n¢m itc0(4.1.111 cheap and fae=linonialile
I , ,thi yore. No. II I, e11e...411111 reel, courier of Frank
lin I'lare. Philadelphia
Phi:adelphia. :29
Mr' A NOTI11:1: sciENTI nc vt - oN in: r:
I'iiitTAN . l"n) 1 lysil:l"l'lCS.-1), .1. S.
PEPSIN, the tine k 1 1 1.011. or Gil--
ha' r nom Itmalet, or the In r tit Stool:tel.
tix..110.1 11,1,11011 R of 111,011 ',Whit!, the groat
Climova. I.y .1 N Ilunelnnu. Al. P., Plul -
Th, , !rut; tt tvonderftil reinaily for
aim]. •pep•ia, Janialiee. Li, or Complaint. Cont.t...
belalit), curing utter Nato rii•• ow n method,
It • ow n agent. the ( inatt 1%41111,111.0 ,
m Mance of o. value. Mt...lied by
mats.S., notice, among the advert t.einem....
_t, 1.-51 -1 y
- 011)c Illarrict9.
Retail Lumber Market.
Cos.nmisin, Friday, August 6, 1552.
Inferior Cull Boards and Grub Plank, . $9 00
Culling cc _ _ _ • 12 00
2.1 Common " - 17 00
Ist Cummon " "7 50
Pannclrs - - . :35 00
Ilcinlock Boards and Scantling, - - 10 00
P ine Scant I mg, - - - - . 11 00
Plaster Lath, - - - -s2ooa 2 50
Shingles, - 00 al5 00
Philadelphia Markets.
- .
PHILADELPHIA, August 6, 15:52.
FLOC/Z.—Saki; of GOO brls. fresh ground for ex
lon at a trifle less than $1,121. per brl. Small
'ales to the retailers and bakers at Si a 4,95 for
cuounon and good brands, and $1,371 . , a 4,1321 for
,•xtra, according to quality. In Rye Flour no
, ales have been reported. A small lot of Corn
Fold at a shade under 83,25 per In].
'it.irs.—About 5000 bn. Wheat sold nt S 8 cts.
for good new Southern red, cts. for old rod,
Sl,Ol per bu. for prime old Pennsylvania White.
gye as steady at 79 a SO cts. Corn continues
`ely scarce ; 1000 bu. yellow sold at GS cts. and
'one at a price kept Titivate. Oats are in rather
better demand ; 3000 bu. new Southern sold at
, 9 cis. per bu., and some old Pennsylvania at 40
Wiliraey.—Sales of both brls. and hhds. at 23
Baltimore Mat kets.
BALTIMORE, August 5,1852.
F LOVP...—There have been no sales to-day of
Ilsseard Street Flour. It was offered at $ 1 , 06 11,
uithout finding buyers. We note sales of 200 to
'ASO brls. Susquehanna Flour at sl,l*
G RAlA.—There was a good supply of Wheat at
nil:l:et to-day, but the inclement weather tended
to check operations. The sates of good to prime
red, were at SO a S 5 cts., and white at S 5 a 90
Cl`• We quote family flour white at 90 a .92 cts. ,
L —_A I cl.v n.sortinent of
t'ales of Corn at 62 cts. for white, and 02 a 63 I
1 S
r'S s
l'ece .i rs i • l et.l 2l'- Ut '' Ll.. ,'— A - DERIS Golden Mortar,
cis. for yellow. A sale of Pennsylvania yellow /
a l cts. We note Oats at 25 a 3:3 cts„—sales. C,%lubia, July nt.
- • (1 _ _
BRLY.—Sales of Pennsylvania brls. at 22?,, -
VllltV c , Plat ARTI(1.11 or r •••, ron mt.
- • ctc., and of Baltimore bris. at 23 rte. We
. 1 for b y It. It 11.1.1.%
. .
The New York Journal of Commerce contains
the following important despatch:
AVAsuniarox, Aug. 4, 1852, (evening.)
Mr. Webster and 11r. Crampton will be here
in a week. The fishery question has been tem
porarily settled. Mr. Crampton has sent a des
patch to the British Government, urging them to
suspend their orders, and to withdraw their
naval force. This is authentic. E. K.
Uy the Rev. Win Ri,.hop, on the :141 M r
111,Nav 11. A10,:1 1 1 to Alois I.,i.viNA %Vies, both of Cu.lumba..
On thn 11. t instant. by the Rev. N A. Re:, ea, r‘L, 11.011.
Mt OLOl l i to MI., PHA NO. both of I,ancaFter.
(Al line Q•'i111 111111110, by tlu• -am.•. Mr. Hi Nio, 1.. PAYNE
10 MI,. /1;:v1ILY L'Al../1111e0, both of Lttneat+te r.
Lt thei place, on the 27th Winn°. Mrs. JANE
aged 70 ye urn. Eltullonore Sun t. dI idea., copy.]
In 71.111)10,11, on the 27111 of July, AlAlU...tftirr ANN
I:I[I.NENAN, wile of Dr. George IV. 'treat:Mail. in the
) ear of her age.
In the prime of youth she fell, surrounded with the
pro.peets Lod pleasiires of Iliot life. The rothlo, ha lid
of death, truly chin-c iisitiiung mark for file rifroW—oni ,
lo.ed uu.l OA! cerni.,l I.y NIL :10re dust with n ai•ea., of
the heart, which hail been preying upon her cvstein for
iipteurd+ of three inonth4, till a.t In-t,
•• Like a shadow thrown
and 1,,h11t trine a cloud,
Death fell upon f. r.
I her relllnhi. were dep3,sted in the silent tonsh. In the
pre-cure oft large tis<enibly of rLlative. , nod friend.,,
diet e to mean the tromp of the reenrrection morn.
One after one 'hall follow thee.
through the gate at tear.
2 loch open ,. oil then into G.
11..iiiet,tei paper. idea,: cop)
(In . the of 11. Leven
and %VIII. Ilant•eli, acrd I Sell - 111.101 ,
In ors 'l'u+-Sop. totlino. Cl:recta
Al .11 Li /GI In, ink 111, Lila y':n 1.1 Inn, age.
In I.:lova-I, on the.:l-1 tiliano. IVAI 111.,.1N /1:1
-ell tit ReV• aged rune )eat and II
-111 Linen-ter, oil Tlitir-nluy.llie
.ir .111Itvn
I• gaud 11101111 lill )
In unne•n , lul. n..un the .1141 uhuun. vet y
delay. Cr mud: .upLai, lied about ear-
9 . 11 E Whigs of the borough of Columbia are
rrqur;lyd to meet „, 11.11, 011 I...ATUit
-11AY, 7,1-. i: for the litirpoze of elecling 114.1
1 1.1 , 1 1, 10 the Comity Convention 1., he held at I.anciti
tcr on IN'edlic , ilit...ltigist 11.
A. the liorongli was divided into two ward, by it law
of the licit I.egi-lainic, (1.0,,1nt direct tieing the dividing
lie,) the Whig,R rr.iding in the upper wait!, that i• on
ihe norili ridt, of Lociskt .ireet to the borough line. will
vote lit the tipper or 11011 h v, manw of the 'Fown I :
and the %Whig. of the lower ward. from the 'oath .:de of
•treet to the boron 4 It line. will vole at the lower
iii -oath ,indow to the frill
'I he Inn 1./ I,N SS 111 01 t1:1111/C nit 1 o'clock I'. . uuJ
CIO, :it tiCiOeiC 1' -
Ilq olarr if ac niervllce Cohoni'let
Cohilipbta. ‘17,11,i . 7. I ,5t2
persons are hereby notified not to tres
i, po— oh, the .hhohl, hsh.ohd hi, t h e hh,..hh- q uelitillim rivet,
:dime alto Columbia (trudge. nosy ut the tenure of the
chill r-iguid. ar luunJ doing cut scull lid dealt
:o.coidilig to law
COIIIIIO.III, Aught 7, 15....2
'ROOMS 'ro- LET ,
TN 1-W)N•l• STIIERT--emplirc or M. 13L - C VA
NVITCI I, upp,,,lte Herr' ,
GONTINITS the business of TAILORING, as
ucunl. ia hit old as Front ntrret,
few dormr below the Ana nem! Ile is e
ia reeelpt at the London and Sine; lean fa..bioa. 1)P
iefralarly every month. uuJ i. theiefole lolly
111111;1re," to accommodate all who ;nay lavor huh with
their (.11.1,11;1.
11.)urs.c: I c aka prepai, d to give to.trueltons 111
I . :1-, It a new t.t . ..tein that ‘ttl:
talaid 11-ell - to all atm, InathLtnalt
eall oohed:tied, no I t 4 the tatly stern of the It 11111
beitrre the trade. Toe •,‘ -deal 01 I.:anneal Cottoit:' I.
open for Inve•tioattcal tt ant publi-her w 1110. or ally
other coil any. rd the twde. vtliollato lotto looked her
a CV!. Illltt 'lVl.llltl P. 1.11 1d Ole It -.I 01 1111e-11,01011. :Ile
utt Iled to exandoe th,.. The -101..etiletr I. Willarg
pat it 1.011111111 101 ISc tleteetloll hit :III) 1111 . :ti•; 111 It
la :S.C.,
Coluntlaa, Attu-d 7, 1-.;t1l.
\• I El i.:1 1 , ) .
j c ,
i s . oj i a ,
. a p t 11 , 11.1Y, f
1., i6am Ni woomer. (Inti• John Maim, iieccii,i;il.) nit
111, M:l11t'11LL nil about •..vell nide, of Alari
e Hit mid INN 0 11111 C, 110101 01M00111 follow
ing 11:1i 1,F11311,, ate:
, tunic ill Nre-t Hempfield Town-lop, on the road lead
ing from Mount Pleas:tot to Saloogn, alum: two ;nava
or-rth of ibe former place. nod mloonior, londa o r Jacob
Vont, Andrew Sithgen and other., coon 0000000 g ll
ACIWS, more or Ii cs.ou mina are erected a out -story
Doveliing House
and I'ItANIE U.\ N. There Ic ft Well or e ceelletit wa
ter or, tht, tract, and a r.O toy of choice Vrell Trees.
No. t!, A TIZACT adjotaing tract No I,
containing; I; ACRES. 'VII, lreel 14 a at:At:Ode build-
Pert-one e,amtne the above described
uperty wt!l call upon P, Sttbg,,m. re-tiling on tract
Sale to eollllllellee at I rir lock P. NI of maid day.
%%hell leflllS Will be mode I,lloell lip
JAI :011 M . (JUDI:I?,
AhooniAral or of John SI,11; rn, dtt met!
Augu.t 7, 1--32-11
THE subscriber manufactures and pals up an
I IMPROVED LIGHTNING HOD, vvlitt..ll is boned
on purely t.eienithe prineiple, and lion l i ,en by
, 0711 C of the no-t learned men of the age, awl now
1,1 mg adopted the worthyPre..olent of the
College. "Phey are cheap.duruble, effective and highly
approved by all who see them. Cull and examine tor
oui , elve-. oil A C tit Irk 11‘droulie Rain.
1.111 and Force, Conern and Chain Pump I:stab
il...l..lmo. No. 1.310 I' 5T121:1 , .r. 'where rush of
the above CIIII be ...yeti in bon.ifaeiory op,ration. Out
forget the place, S . VIIENI', third door
above RIGHTII. north I.llle, Philadelphia.
N• 77 1 ". i .13 0 IN7 SILLLEIII
IT L. WL , r VOI:).1 It of S 1 t ONII ANO A *ICU 5710:1:1,,
props II tort, 11:L11114 mere,:ed their ftletlitie.
Ott thrlloW lee) able to .ttrply all who
e or may he tlp•po,t.,l to patroutge them. Th.-if
cothrort-eQ ever} variety of 1111111:T11S of FLOWER,
1. \ I/SCA!' 1:. Y1'1.111.7. &c . tia..urpa.ked m •uality,
111,d which will tie sold at our tuotal LOW 1•111C1:S.
(1 MPS, lilt ASSE`4,,S.e., in great vni
t• 4 14..\1111t., otadt• to unit r, tit %her( ttottee, for t•tut es,
Chu relies, hod 4, Roma., Sc
G. T. :1111.1.1:11 S. CO..
ATM S \V. corner of Seenlid and Arch streets. l'lttla
riIHE person who borrowed my Brass Stencil
1 1 Plates, for Inarklug, Linea. &e.. 'Omni .1,11110 , 11
111011Ih% AlgO. null 1111.1ek °bilge by 1,111.1411.1 them to the
Drug . Siore of V.. 1. 1.1:A DKR.
Columbia. July 31. 1.-5.2.
A T LAST DISCOVERED.----New System and
New Ilemeditot Triumphant siteces4 ! NUT
-11.1:S SYBIACCM. fur the cure of Cntiglo,
Sore Throat, Iloar4encss, Tathli tt a i n th e
ting 11100.1, thificult Breathing. Bronchitis. Incipient,
Confirmed, nod Tuberculated Consumption, in three
bottles. contenting three different preparation, for the
cure of the three different stages of Consumption. For
toile only by W. A. LEADER
Columbia, July :B. 1,52.
i-oivr,nr: ANL: cATTI.v. LINIMENT
prepared only by Brent & Fronefield, and fur oak
at LEADER'S Lioldea Mortar Drug Store.
Columbia, July 31, lb:a.
VUTTALL'S ANALEPTIC. an infallible remedy for
lv Dyspepiiia. Liver Complaint, ike., for sole at
LEADER'S Golden Mortar Drug Siore.
Columbia, Jul y JI,
\VE invite the attention of
,Stove : Dealers to
of ‘ COOK " 87 ' (171 1 g, ' A ' lr l l74ll ? l f 1 1 11 V 1 1 .01t A of Liberty Air Tight Cook. five Cries tot
t‘cod or coal, Complete Cook, :Star Air Tight Parlor.
Slur Franklin, Citinionq, Cases. Rase Cylinders, liar
Rooms, Portable Ranges. Key btones , Tea Kettlee, 110 l
loware, • comprising a complete and vatted
110:EON/Wilt a •j"POVES to amt every senior, of the
country, all of which are entirely new and got up It
cxl,ll.e, co:lamina s : beau t•• ot design with dura
bility and economy.
I'.r-mw WlAtlllg to order liv letter, can have it 1,1 of
pares cent 10 111 , 111, t mbrrrurg the sir JAVIII4I 1111t1
101 l 1 1, , ,r111I10:1 Cl eailr Stove.
All articles purcha.ed from us will be delivered at
the Trail , pot ninon office, Ire of charge.
A13110'17 I.A NV It I:NCI:,
Brown .trect, idrote Fourth Philadelpli:a.
Plll nidelplua. .I aly
Murray ti, Stock's Cheap Book
Store Again:
WllEllE.arc constantly being received new
and valuable publication 4 trout triton of the
priecipad publisLing e.utbli,hmcntu Iti Site callatr3 .
%Ye t, ould respectfully um:ounce to the Farmer. the
Reader, tied the 13u.uw.a 111. m. that We have teviAved
fro.h 11,141 the p 0 en , Book that ,itould be osvecil. cad
and 1..-O•ad by all--11:1•:EL)1.1:1"'S
TREAT'S:: ON with uumrrouc private
kite, Iron .41CCe...ful 011th di-ttitgio,iied men ;
ont.tomut 3 la tin $l.
Tit, 1, etitpliatically n thioli for tile 11111,:. laid 141
Le la the baud, Of 4:sci:. 111:111. and • .L
M 0. ., who :IN, last lailitelooe oat aeon the itsrlmlialt
n o atell at C0111111,:a. 1111 , Cam
pus, and that ?tidy gold.• Sheet -lily thrott4li the
.1to•ils, :tad and dslial. tloval 1 Illy
lineffiaL;ly 111141 the liarbOr Of oiallua , :. and
We hare alto on hem? the lira; of SCOT I' fi GRA•
PIELICE & KlNtt. the eandt.tate.: of the
great part., for Pee:ode:it nod Vi.c•e I . le-alent of no:.
great Satlott• Thee 8001, might be read by the
oter ash profit, ac, they Set torn:the brillotat achieve
isientoi of the re•perurc is. odol ite , to bright nod glow
ing eolnr Como then. //U . ) nod read then: %yid: vale ;
o 11011 011111115 kuotr 1/0,. 10 role 1111L!111.
Fill;NC:i UN Tin: WOIWS. together
I AIIII 0 I 1,4 - , a-.nrtuo•nt of Theological, Legal, .%ledical,
111-4:alcal •cud Ale-eell.nccoa• llouls- and :matioaer)
all tile:Joel: ..1111 be sold Inc -tot the not•,.
Nosy v.O lteht 111:11 the •• .ry•ul: tooth,
i d•, c thetelore so, lie the public to coup• and St C
lor illetwelv , s.lloll %%111 -ell the il,
AI L' It IZA S. :-TO L:1:.
I:rnmi.l4'. N ctut,ll,l, I.:uu•a,trt,
I.:111(..1..“-r, Jlll ;I.
rrllli subscriber has quite recently been to
to repit•,.3.1..”.:,t0ck of izooib. and 110 w
(111 , •1 , 10 111 , 111C1111.. :111,1 1 10111/110 111 0 1• 1101111. a 0 1011=1 ,
=OlO,llllllOl /MUG: , .elected par -
ticularly fur tinnily it, 111111 the Idling' of Pri•=eription..
Ile lin. nl-o pm - vita-NI nii nuryunllrul a--oriinent (at
lea,t in colomi..) of V.ll iety Good-. Pinel/o•i•r4 need
only call and .see to ,ati-ly tlienieelc . Eo
duly2l. 1,12.
tiAMVIIINE turd Burning Fuid. Lamp Globe.. Chilli
mail Wick. nisvii3 a on li.utd :11111 lbr
1110.1 niniterate tiv A Wll.l.lA:tlz , .
July til,
CllOl./ 7 .1Z1 XTrlt wall iii-trileton,
I) for the prevention natal lleallll,ll 01 * Chnlrrr turd
D1111 . '1110,1, for vile lay It. 11'11..1,1A
Culunibin. July
I JAVA , 1111 , ;(; i-'01)A, greatly Qopertor to
JII a Alttersealt, for ttale, whole-ale and lentil. by
I~SALA') OIL, 01 ior w3 .1,1y,
r 01.1 for the bottle or has6rl. 10
Col:mail:1, Jul} 9%. 1, - 4. It. WILLIAM:,
IN 'l'i it: xrriut of the intended opplienlloll ot
.1( lIN Si:YAWL:It to Ito Court of quarter St.."iote.,
.11 the .I.agazt tee 01, fora transfer of the IseeliQe
ermited w Alargaret Whittled!, to keep at tavern
‘l'egt Ifemplield
We, the anden.igned eiti/ens of NN'est Ilempfield
tow eedup, Nvliere and Inn or tavern is proposed to he
kept, do certify, that the said inn or tavern es neccF,ary
to accommodate the piedie and entertain .trangers mid
travellers, and that we nee svell acquainted with the
John Seymour. and that he. is of trood repute for
hmee•ty mid temperance. and II well provided well)
house room and conveniences for the. accommodation of
strangers and travellers.
1.111111 Hinkle. John Hinkle, John AI. Cou6lin. John
Clarke. John :Meekly. Jenne. l'earsoit, Abraham
(10onze Iletiew. J. Nelliemer. Ilentainui m
Mellincer. Jo,eplt neitzel. Michael
chntii., 111. Gilder.
July 31. 11-31!
,3ANI. EL W.. 1
TIN WARE IbTAnTurAwronw.
THE subscriber would embrace occasion to
return thank: to the china: of Columbia for the
•lute of patronage lie hau received, mid to atv.
Iwo. cc that he continue- to entry 011 the
;:. Lranr6e.. :it 111 , 1 cuunl ill 1.61 . 1 M slreet, op
povv Ila & Sou': Dry ttnndc Slo we.where he
‘,ll I.rrp roil-um:lv :ill Fwd= of 'I'IN RE
t!rielt Ile
Ile I; propa, oil to :mil Sheet Troll
sp i mpii i ,Skive
A of the intiroimze aettit ss itch lie lit,
heel] lovoiell t. re•peelillily .011,11•11
Brown's Essence of Jamaica Ginger,
1 - )REPARED only by Frederick Brown, Pliiin
delphin, is henefiendly used in ii variety of cir
cunt stances vv lucre n warm cordial rind grateful -Mini
tont ti required, particularly in eases where uter, i• a
scu of exliant•tion :in-in g trout cars--tee or
heat, a few drop. in bairn inn Oder of water with a little
sugar. trill he found an effectlial and ino.t plen<ant re"
1011.11Ve, Willett Mules this e...../lee It highly iNeful
&tuns to the traveller- purtiti.iuteati, as well as to the
faintly collection of renictlies•
In ordinal y at cholera. iii short,
iii ca-c: nro,trut ani (tithe dtge•its e function,
from indulgence nn IL 1 4 of liti•-11111:1101i, vul lie.
1)1111114 the S. litutner month• it t. inv.tlualde, p•I Men
-1:10)" tturtittt the prevalence of epidemic ehuh•r., Nu
Iler ur lazily •Itntdd lit: Si Ill:0111 it Fur
C0:111111.01;1. July :21, I -1.1
Preparing for the Campaign:
NOT for lbe Polineal rampuigu, but for the
_L legular rA W. DRY GOOD:, CA AI 'All N.
THOS . J. v..r.yri & CO.---preparigu; for illgur
parg.lott—have reduced 111 pore gill of Signal.:
and 111111er DM . Gaud:—gueligglotg.t all kuggl.. of LA
DIES DILESS (:(OWS. Itarege tle Ilareeegg.
Lasnug.g., Se. Au lugluveggient glom eertantl> Otrerett to
iollfitot tour' 11111, llot 1111101C:I their 2.111.111, pare Igat.e....
We hat e a hettutiltil lot ot Sirlytgl 111111 1 . 1.1111 Sl.llllllll,
511.10, \Slnicht we are .ellgog at coal prices sgt the
GOLDEIN: S1'0111:.
Corner rat.t King street and Centre Square.
NOT Ai.l. GONE 11171*--More of allon ellen) Cnii
roe. 011 11:111•1 -at
.61 and crap,.
G01.1)1 7 .75; VIM; hr.
Cot. 11. Ring and Cvin
linnelister. July 24. 1,1:2.
III; subscriber would inform the citizens
I . of Coluenhen, need the plehhe general/y, that lee le n.
fitted up ut a FliperlOr Si) ill tiltit
in the :4usonehinina river, known ac Big Island "
This plum affords. n delightful retreat for tho..e who
:trek to int:a:Male their health 'mid the “ I.le's tranquil
or In hailing. fi•liing. mad the more athletic
slums. An a recoil for private panic,, II ha= uo ttitittt•
*lOl u 1 toaalliern rennsylvania ua 1101111 411 compkto lat
poolcort tool tliC Itirata t j • 0f the surrounding ...e1..-
ery. The Island is Iteet , sible It -mull
ennoes, 0.111 Ilat bout.. nil of t 1 loch will be utunc~•d to
Per-ons a i•long the it, of the 1.1101.1 it
lit calloia tot the Quli•Crila•r. The tern, an vea)
Columbia. July 111, 1 4 52.:1in05.
THE DIRECTORS of the Columbia Boni; and
11 Ilridge Company. as mitliori/eil an Act fit /1 , -
.embly approved the Ist of May Iwo. Myer at pits:lie
-ale the Bridge erected by the •ind Compat nem., the
Sieepielminia river, at Columbia, Idincii,tcr county,
'Flits Bridge was erected teL cost of P. 1.77,1 11 0, and
consists of tWo stone abutment• and iwcitiy•cight stone
piers. (Mali with the best material upon stirs and sold
and twenty-nine spoils or arches. 'Elie .11s
parstincture is of wood. upon Burr's approved plan,
eau three arched segments to each span, ranking two
carriage we) s. Tire whole stork is most substantially
done. and is 111 excellent condition.
The floor i• made double with two inch while pine
and oak plonk. A single track of railway is Mid on
each carriage way. The whole is covered with a coed
s hingle roof, and whitewashed 'nude arid outside. Light
ning rods are erected on the roof at the end of each span.
A railway connecting the travel taercon with the
Canal and Railroad lending to Harrisburg and Pat:burg,
Lancaster and Philadelphia, York and Baltimore, has
been erected at the eastern end.
The purchasers under the above-mentioned act, will
become a corporation with a capital of $150,000. As
the tolls for several years past have realised more ilia
per cent. upon the cost of oat Bridge, it is believed
that capitalists may find it advantageous to purchase.
By order of the Board.
SIMCII, 01.11,er
Front •trect. Columbia
I I.\ II l'Olt 1.) 111.11.1:1
FOR saix,
how by ATKINS.
Columbia. July 8 1. 1552.
THE subscriber has now on hand, and will
keep vonstantly tor sale,
for session till kinds of erain, compost, and goalie
warranted lo give cidArs
Ile 1. .41-13 ituttlutacturilig S IMPROVED
Wart - wiled ,uperior to 1111) r ut u
PIM SALE. on reasonulple 1,111, a , er . rollil 11111141
JEFrEn V SMI:1)f.1:1"
Colutubia, Jul) 21, I If
THE undersigned is prepared to nlanufac
mowmg lig for Rollie,: :NI (;rl-1
1111 d :\llll4, MITI Sr Ladre+aud I'Lnua .. Skull
tag. Hanger. :001 1.11110•••: lar•ag of mach.-
..ay neat ...vie a- 11111 Floes. eleal
NVee tor r e p.... IZetort. and I.•tma ICA ILICO AI)
CA RS, WIIEP:I.ti and AXLES, )'lre Ping: atat
Cellar alai IVltter : , :aet.4, Walt (" u p.
sag :Leal a very hu0d.,...• 11.,01 tlll , lll 0: NCIV 5n In 01
Pat:.•eo.. for l'etweet Itaettatz
131,.• Italleen.4 C 1.41. 1 .11, .1 aeleee'e.,
for e\ 110, / . I.llt. :111t1 111/1-r
mot lite:long :‘l,leleseet, :teepee:veil Oa.,
11s11 ( - Muer- atitl AInINN twill , are rt• , 1•,•• 11;d1s ., 011,1,1
lo 1,11 uuJ i•Naluille nc,s - am!
Paar•niq sll.lll,v,prb
wady lo orclor machiaery replAr.•.l prompt!
114E71.1.11%r. Pa July 1 0 . 1-51 11 "
According to the Fates trhirh govern heat and air.
CIIILSON'S celcbraled lfarming and Yentilat
vi cunt •zip.1:0111% ot App.-
rata- i,vvr nll tither-. fat tr•li/11:11111:4
t‘i•llifig, Start , - aud Ihtlidat4, al 0•I
to. I. nowle4oil loon, To, to 1 . 11.1, T,rt
gre:ti Ito, er or gnu,g Beat ;
2,1 lt.gteat t V 0110111 ). un ;111,1;
;; jI4 great aural/11115 ;
Ith The plirtly nil %sumo :nit' prod:zee,' :
:ill, 11... ample and ea..) 111:111:1;f1.111CIII.
All parte'. We ltivilecl In eAtt mine the+ Alllittratt , Lt
fore pgrelitt-Ittg die Faint:tee.
Alitittifaeltlrell :Intl for note by
HARRISON. llf \\ * Omit roe'.
Sole Agent for P l allertrte l , Vealtlttlo ., .
Philadelphia, .Ia ly :21. I -1.2.:1r!tti...
To the Travelling Public.
mill subscriber having lately become propric
i tor of the I , II.INKLIN 1101:SE, Ins Chestnut
-t rent. between Third null Fourth. I . IIIIAIO 11.1•111 A. 1111i1
11:11.111.4 reduced 11,0 111100 01 1,0001 10 81 al per day.
give: notice that, nottvitli.aandolg redoettoit. he
1,11 colitiutie to keep n FIRST CLAS , -; II( WSE.
The Frmilditt 11:,, pi -1 undergone exteaded at.
terntion... 1011! is 110,V tined up hind reform:lied 111 .01 .-
110 r .1)1e, for the reception of al-nor.. The Lower
Ploor formerly occupied by .Imes, i. now included at
the llotel. formate -pacinit. Reception !loom: (;ctit le
/nen.. Parlor. and {Mang Room. thereby sillowat.; an
addition of thirty chambers, pod several beautiful par
lor.. homing On Clie.tion street The ruoto4 of thin
lintel arc superior to 1110.1 other., hru,g ton-true toil
as nh alcove., forming . parlor and attached.
.ell-iiglaietl and venni:tied. The location is unsw passed
either for liustuess or pleasure.
BEN 11. WOOLMAN. I'roli r.
Philadelphia. July 21. 1 1r.52.6m0.i.
ut old stalul,-.
No. 238 Market street, between Seventh and Eighth,
south side, Philadelphia.
My friend•. old eu•tonters, and the public mu.' know
that I pm at all tursei , prepared to furos-ls IV:ltches, Jew
elry, Fano Article., Superior Cold Pens of all kind 4,
with Cold and Silver Holder. m variety, Ac, at the
very lowe‘t Cl.ll Price.s. together kith she I,e,t •apply
of •upertor
ever offered at link eetnbli•hmrul.
being a practical 'l'une•Pa•eo and \Vine's
Maker, with an cap....flatlet. of nearly :11 }•rarer—lll
pear' at prc , ent location—i. at all ilinea prepared in
I,) and Retail, w•arraunted Tim]:
KEtirEits , of lie t cry Lett quality. co:mai-mg nein-
Da y and Thiity lima Clock- and Tune-Piece= of Plain
and hichlc I loinizienial all and
adapiell :or voilinolg parlors . . hallt, church...,
roil ear., Av. AI,AIOI
Cl.lit'liS. it most de-arable article for -.mind -leeper-, '
and for all w hots hu.ute oc requirei them to up ul
the inoriiina earl}
Clock'. 'l'uue•l'trce: \\ - :ache. and Jewelry of every
dew 71pIll111 repay red WI It great Cara, I.lllt ,arrattied.
Dealer., Cll.O, and Clock
niono 1 toy motto. •• IVe -old) to
Jinie. :26. I ')l 1$
Barge Portable Buggy Umbrellas.
THIS is the most complete and convenient
(tan g of the du V. eoiuLtuuig izteat lit u•y for
%she roll. in without top, Cull mid
thigit at the l;l:l•: HIVE r 4 TUILI:. WENTZ 1:
.1E1,4 opened another ..11,11/ jith lot 1 . .A1 7 ..\ .101;4
tard and plain 6I1C) Sauu :mil Sill:. very ellen', Al.o.
I en," floe and Orange Prini.only. , evni, I ea... Greg,
0/11111. avorth 11l eent+...ellonz rnl' l,ll Y
cent figured Green C. 11,113, only
I. O CIVNS, DAREGE 1)1; LAIN ES.A....selllng off veep
\\' ]:\•3 S. Imo , i3rr Ilis
Lancaiter..ltlls 3.3 -.',4.
isur. rxr..sT STORE,
CORNER East King and Centre Square, is
the place ...byre )01.1 eau gel. Cora mire •
nu) thing )011 tl.k 10r to the way id
Au alma-I eon-itint repronetiltilion in New York and
phaad,:lpbta gnse4 u. a clef ided thl, ntod e
are enabled to oiler -The choice of the mental and die
liargata tf the day'
Darege taints. ill St) le and culol to plen=e all—
young and old, gay or plant —a eoral urnsle for 12. 1 ,
extra be.tottlid tar .20 and 25 cent.,
(Jar 11/.ortnient aae keep unbroken, by reeenetaq New
Goods :11mo-1.1.111y.
Oar reputation for keeps.; the larttect r•worinnent 01
Dress (.00ds I.:men-tor we :ire civic ...tied tar
.Im—therefore We. eNtonil to all to tall.
eNnilitile and ilidge In “.11r,•R 1...
Antonio, ot,onee of black holed Ituran
3 I no L 4 wlde.
;;logy Maat,ll., 11, lilt
as the ••graeetul nit
twat .10 tilueW to voette.
department °tiers' iallneenteat4 to I.adne , lll
•t rrL
01 0114 nom ilet.ilahle nettele. ol to cavity day ore.,
to Satin, plata and watered; Lined and
plata ; all fdindes Tan green. bloc. dr.
'11101'..) IVC.SI7. S. CO.
Corner E. Knog and Centre Square—Golden Eagle
Lancaster. dour: r, 1-52.
pit. CHARLES L. IiELLING would respectfully
iiiiii Mee In the citizen, of Coltniihni h int jot roa•
.ryurure Of Ilse iliele:o.iligtlellintlillbr 11;4 high t) papa tar
Medicine , ulid Ihr U 1 1 .011% eospilee loproelor them, •11111.
Ihr drrra•c of 110. 1:110 Morllo. he Ina% appmnl.•d
1)1 , . /Nl:. Sir
on all pr.plonlloll.. az her.• 1!H•y till 11, Loa tt tilt ion
olio,lioon for 111,011
rtglliKvtlle, Juw• V.. I-52.3 mo=.
MAIM. di SIISQ. P-11127.. ROAM.
THE Ball. & Sum. Rail Road Compa
ficZl„rm's Pa"en g er Cars will leave urk.
,• • ' Wri g htsville, and Co'inabia, 1111 ti Wter
the 511) of April, 1v52, as iollovra
Leave" York for Colombia at • 5 30.\.111
Returning. leaves Columbia for Baltimore at 7 do.
Arriving in Ha'Elmore at II do.
The above train connect' at Columbia with tine Pus
Amigor train which leaves at rI o'clock A. 111. for
I Leaves York for Columbia at 1,2 M.
Returning, leaves Cora for York and Bolt. at 1; P. M.
iArriv I n g in Baltimore at i... do.
Tins train connects with the Way Passenger Trmn
for Phila., which leaves Columbia at I i o'clock P. M.
Leaves York for Wrightsville nt J/ P. Jf
' Returning. leaves Wrightsville for York at 41 do .
, Passengers nre requested. in all eases. to pur
-1 chase ticksts before taking their seats in the ears. tit
the other opposite Plar..ons - ir .) 011.
. 1.1111.1.1111.
Nos 1 and 1;
11 4, -
S:3.000 IV AN T ED,
A wllich a mortgage will hr .girra en fl
property wont Slu 11nt niq mre 01 HI • 1:d11 aor
tins payer
Columul•ut. July 17 1-.12
FOR R ENll'.
Al. , 11U•tie. 17:110/L ro,f. Cmhni,,...tyAL,
Church. Nor panictilar. ot
Coltnbln, June 2C.
FOR I: E.ti'r.
rw(r•-..rtinv TI Pm))
. p_,n
lepto•II ] h. y. ifio
ot r \ 'Apia alltl Thl,l -1)r•i•I, .1
Af• ...pith TO .14)W; A lI(K.K
C01t.1.10, \l,,i 1, I
111:114; .1 Ts:Aciliclis Yb AX'll'9:Hi.
Tilt: Board of Sehool Birrotors of the Bo
ronit of cothtulett. ,111 1111,1 nt the I:Itlr l:
1101 . t.W. tent -1., t. on
A I . GUST "1-11 t. nt rlo, I, I' . the thirpu-e
of 1 . ,.:11111/1111L, ellq , 14;y111:1 fist male untl ith
W.lll r.. 1 or the etiNutog
_A TONS liar, Mili). IforNe-Slicw, and Nail
1:1,1 I roll It/r I y
h.., :
rrllE walersi2ard offrrs at private sale, a
T111:1.1: ‘k
()NS of fl itch h., .111 11114, 1 . 01 11.11111,11.11 111
111111 1• M LL
(JARS AT E' 11l V AT:: SA
rrlIE subscriber offers al private ;11;. 1 SIX
1‘,11:;:f. N‘l.l/ 1,. iy • ,111 I
..1/1111,.. 111 rlllllllll, 1114i1 I. 11111 . .1111.11.'1 .
iy li.ols;ivt or 111,1'i1.11/1.11,..
IS, •
Cl . lOllll/1, 17, I -5
On BUD. ExT SYRUP 1110111SSES,
A d v .50 do du rand!) none.
Aprd 10. 1s•"r•'
2n RIMS. N. 0. SUGAR,
v N O.
lioxe. SO:Ip•
411 bag , Itto Coike
No, I .tittlt; c:111.11
11-111. k,:
DaLI Sall.,4‘..npior en,ll.
No- 4 and 0, Can:Ll Ba•in
Colimillsn.Nov. t 2.2. I f'sl -ti
MILS. No. 3 Mackerel ;
2 1 1.10. do. C do.
YU 11.111.-6b1.: do. 2 do.
hy C. Ir..\
No-. I and 6 Ca11:11 1%1,n
Coloruhio, Nov. I
A LOT just received and for sale by
r. Bi.Jrry:
Cloittirthia..lprli 21. 1-32
nu AND HICKORY WOOD for salr, at Green's
at tetitictal puce,
Ait:Ei• A. i:ENNErr.
Col lnnim. Septetaer 13, 1;,31.1y
QIILOSS BROTHERS respectfully announce
to the ciliJen= of Columbia and vicinity ilia' they
41,11 the -mutt iu Flom , trod. OA° Itbo‘c
I'. :•lireiner. Jewelry Slot, whore Mu) is ill he, p
'urge itod rare:4llly
READY-IVIA33E CLO°1 2 1-7.1.1k711.,
.cited to tLr want , of all r,vildi 13 ..iip
rdtetl Iron their NVI/Olv,ile allot Rel . lll Prelli 111111 ritolli•
in,r Store. No. t!111 Mnrhet street. ne \ liar ahi,e 110
Rrd 1,10,1 I fulvl Phil:ll[4 . l;Al. tutit Clotlitol. , to:01e under
iheir nwu 1111111e1 11.1 1 i• super Vl.ioll, and 1 I
. , of Olt, o
iliey n 1•11010 , oto -ell Lever ,'end- :not at coon - n
-011:11.1.• other •11:11ial ectabh.luueuu , /II the
'1 • . ' ils! tile I^ntll at ILI , L t I,ICII (11, e:Ili nllll 111,:l•
for 111111-el(—.. lurll 10-1) dolo. pen., 11-16.1112,..
16.1112,.. 11111111112 ior -11,111111 g Ow Sariot, le
I olontbui. Nla)
VETATCHES Al D Nr.1.V131411.31',
r 11E subscribrr has recently returnril
from I.llll.lelphm atltlltmualc_• .
‘tor!.. ni nil the chil , rent
~, . .oritiltut 01(.111.1) AN)) AT(•111:S
1:,.\ he mil ll a• , 11 pure.
1. 4) 0 sa la; Et
wm. GOLT) 111Nr.,
tml.r 11,Itg all Ike ;prop. .rotliNtm.,l In Ile,
till pl . ll, • pair•llit•l'C jeo•..
Al.,'. :I /111 , 11. -(W111,111 of .11;XV2:141:1 "— ql , all 1,./111
lie 111, tit, the :111,11110a of pm
P in riN1:11.
, /11•1•1, 1,1 • 10 W /1,11 , 1.
et/lon - 11.a, April
ICI:CILI:.C.:11 fi ivEytti. -- -'s.Rl'lr
rrlIF, snbscriber ivould inform the Ladies and
11,.,1 Ii Ito. r,•-‘l,-.1‘,1 l
ICI.: ('I: EA AND II I.:1 , 1Z 1:S11)11:YI'SA LOON.
1:11,;0111141 011,11tni11,11 , 1/ °no-In et. aI, /.
hr loi. hiwil',mu , ery ..!‘ .11311
NS 10•10 11 , is .II• 11,11111 . 41 5.1 nl,ll I; rot, 111,
Creolo , 01 I Iteire-411110,1- oi .11/
.111,1111.11! pa iron,” he I • 1/
101111(111. • re.. 1 , 1 •11111 /1 •1/1. , n l/ 01 . 1/1111.01l r)/
tht . 411'1 1 '1 1 MM II Ilew lu loose willit.itz ii
to tt.Le ln. e• ttlw-t de-trable n
I%IIIIIIK, Cfe:'lll UI
11U 11. E RS, AN 1) 01' II F.: 11 S
1? PARRY, proprietor of the celebrated Yorb
V. Crnlol y 1:1IVA111:11' , . .
I. ilotv lead) to entornel 101
All Woll. wnr. - ..11 , ..1 I, 11, figlit.:l,l 1 .lone nn
mo-t term.. 'rile- , 1.1.11,
to lo the foiled
rior forilter ultitl m.i lion npply PARRY:tit lb ,
tnnrile-, or to C. :11. ATKINS• 1 and 0 Caltal
Cololithilt. April 111. 1-.111.11
Fruit. and Ornamental Trees.
A GENERAL assortment of Pearl!, ;Ipple. Plum
I_l_ year, tither l'rett Trt
i trtittittettistl l'ute..t Tree. , unit I !text., ttet
elm-milli) kir ut SI:I-ell tit"
.1. 'tV 1101 ...1%)•;
'Afttriettn Tttritittler. hull tittleshut
rehrtior) 7. Ittit),l)
111 N. B. WOLFF, would respectfully inform
Nit mewl-. and ILr puLllr groviall) that he lin. re
ren:ly purrlat+.l
- -
of Mr. J.nne. S. Sinllmati. kept lu No '1 WOI.1"s
1t.0%‘" nt Thiel. building., Front street. he
ha. fitted op .0 good style. and stocked ,iili
s.iipply of Medicine,. of .111( . 1101 (111.1111).
'lie inedienie4 of this e,tablodanciit have been eau,-
folly examined, and none but the very lie-t have been
h•eted for the community eau. flier...fore. foft•lp
rely upon their ninthly. whil.t the p• noted supervi:mn
of Dr. %V0t..r.t... UI ever) article retailed Irma the store,'
will give confidence to all who use. them that no ran
take will occur w eompoitiolitez.
Dr. Wok, x love, lip elone vacation to fondness and
personal courte-p, to merit and receive a liberal share
pulilie patron:l4e.
I•. S. A tresh ,apply of Camphitie and Darning Fluid
always kept on
Columbia, April 17, le.lf..t.eowly
NTO. 6, or Rheumatic Drops, and Composition,'
I,llper)or arnelec ) eall 1/.. 11.1 of .11/NAS 111:
(Ageilt lor I/t 1' 1, 1;e11411g.' Lora,'
illllO , 1-12 ' nn:.
ND ILOOIi. NC: ••11 - .; Ss rrtAmEs
IT is important to now, when a persw
veiteb, :111 44rriele 4.v11,•re I: 1,111 be 11 I !,,-11111,
In •a a pr,l.
The •tahaerther r • ttpt - trtie , ty direct.: the attetr4on
the polthe to hi- Nem . I.• or turn rihe) mh,
Atittelt are <tithe Lite..? tttl , t vin -t ti ,, Au:1:0141 , ,,,11, I Ili,
ki 10,11 C-1 It . P1 1 1110111:11 , , 1,0111 11 , 0, the
prn -. hod the plthit, at t,,towte.ltztt,t t ., t o he h tiot
-othe tterthie nthd at lite • title tithe th, chett,t -t
brit ale In:lde.
Luc oppor•otow, 110
1:1, f - flf,-..• •tlf•-, , ,• 4 0111141,1 , 1 1'. , •• 11
0• 1 ,1 1 ,, IL of .1”• 1,1,1 0 •
tooorp.o-t .1. %%hi:, 111 polof of ellf,p,
tl,/ --/ '1,04 r. (7 :IV •
AN f• 11 , 1,, ff pfo-oof for
^rt• ....I 111,111 . : .) ir
IC ;:r .. "I.t ;
11 ta I
int4l tl r
1 i ,
SGO OOZE. .1.1:.-XlItZtr:S
I aoo(1, arlive with
a o•aja;al ‘l, 0,113 ,r 0••
plOl Cie
ANI) 1.30(lIZS:
11, people; or I'. ..I
• rC, dtft• lar:je
011111. Ctilt: • 11
Pi , f no I 1,111
tat 0 I,
l'etr•r...u.", I ;4•1..r n I, tl
W A •-•
vou, .11., • ,p• p I 'llll
j 1,111.) a. thy ill'h I'l 1 . /11'• ru'orc,l and
/ . 1:1t11 1%./:e•
n u , ' no,• ilvi,lll.l:f zultliz tI. In A. l
, 13tpr-t
all OW• tor liit• IL -
OW 0,-1 V.., &e.
.k.• l'..ttr to- .0; ,';.•
• , tzt r,, ~I of the
I 1,1 , .1 • t•,•-• 1211,,
A I; It'. 111
11,4 • 101:111i. SN.:!I til 1,111 . 1 ./i:>
1111.1rII el. "I r
Dt • ~( 111/..111/1 • 111-11,V
111 u t. II:-
C. M.
No. I :old t• ILL•in
u: (:re.o relel.rate.l r A ...-
veil ConiOre•• (> ••L r 01 one or . -1 , 11,,t 'es, XII I
moor roe- I:neravole,
Tezt :her a III) a (ell,' 11bi I.- 1 , .0 oel.:
id-o,ied or I'Orll/.lr Ilra.i e 7.
tli•rourP , — 1;1 :sit, 1, .7
oda e rhr 2/t Ihr .11t . of Ihr ~, I"..luq',!e
ay- For 1.0.” (11, , ,t.1.4 • I ,
J .1 1. I,IIIUN.
No. Clie• So. , I. I . tnl.L.lelio , „ ,
Jon. yd I -. 529.11,:
IN Commemoration of that innit important
ev,•nt On. ANii:IIICAN 11.1:VOS.CIMN. 'll4l
111111'1r-11 :-1'11.111:\ DI 111 V.1'111:111 Al ,\I" 1'0(111 NA.\ nii.A orknrAn
V 11,1,1. Ocin:n..r. 17-1.
Lc . 1 11 1 ,01.111 1 Z t, 1. 11 20,111 ,1 /1 Lc 1 . 11111,1 1 , Vll/1 1 11 1 00.
Ic.t /111111 Cu. 1111111 11 1111._1 1 111 1 11 tlthe.,ll,; le.l I. IZe
' 1.1.11 und pul.:l-Imtl 11
I . :1.111.1111111 Tllll/0•1 1 . /111. 1 , 1 1, 11 1 1 .
1111111 , 1. 1,40.1. The of pm.; l• I.y
I `,ll.rfn
tlic ,ht•ert.
Ti 4k
11 ttt , rertv.-111 the 11,1 an:let:l,ld p 1.., arc e ,
1 .1 , 1 Ihr..• 10 , 4 , croup.
of tilt, pi melpal wheel,. NV/10
0 ere preen: 1.l 11.• If 111,11011011 NN /111 a 11110110/ /110,11 C
Of each.
111 eh , first croup i. Gonor.ll W11•1111,:,1O11, (;en
era! titineral!tine! 11 onilmo.
ai. old Lanier cazer :n eoriteintiliite the .cone, Itiliy the
iiereant. and the nor, of General AV•iithintrion.
In the .1.001141 re Ames lenti and I , renellOsTieer..
(:eller.ll Knox. (121 . el•try \\ll-on, the Duke do L 11114 1 ,3
Nllll qu, de Lit Fit)tme.
The third qt out, tleNCllln/Ve or the 11riiiiih 5111,1,111-
rne,. their Lord Cornwall,. Gener.ll
Commodore Sitninon4.Colonel l'arlton. with two
col Oil 1.1,11,1:1111 Colonel Italpllihererollllll4`,laleille,l•
.1111.•C010114..1 1)01,1.14 1,1,1 Chewtoit, &e. Lord Corn
via 11, atipiitir , pie-elm:lg 111. tt»rd to the lost (:••!!er.!
Oilers he tm el-, lint tone ra I NV:I-tine:ion t. pointed out
10 11011 a lie tillll pct-on to whom he It. to nut tend, 0,
oi‘ v.,. lu ,hig aria le the ,ththa aro are the dor,relit ar
etowl-at -1,1,1a1 , 11 , 'rite Ifon-e ~ I Seer thr,
V.ll-4,11, (~,, e apeel Lc 1,,,1•1 awl la. .1111.
s) la, a ‘,ll , l , talthor , i , nth! pe•te, , 4l i 1:11 . 1110 .\lth•
yrt ,:t 1 11
kat la •111,11 1 1“11: 1111111111 1 ) 11
.\ tll-111 Ihe t:11111 ,1
er cal Lon! ~ki• I
11) , cat (•erielal ‘lll- 1 / 1 11elthi 10 ea e 1,1111 a 01 Ile.
ON%COOL 1.,. ,111/1 11/11111 • 111 r, I) )
1.11 ;broil:li Ille row oe the lathe. am! xvolludetl ,r - aao
and dtyu 1-.1. tile p,ates.
—llll the It (t 1- rued,l a amalialeat to
lu,aor or Ilro-e alal-Irt,at- la roe., «Lo -“ClEtleeti rirrw
111.1: , 111:1) Al 1:1 11 \ Plllr,A
1)1:1,1'111.\ -AND 'l'll Ill: 11%1) \"1 . T 111: ()1"1.1k1:1)1'
THE • A \11:111C 4'411 \
1 . 1111-‘1 , 1:1.1'111A. l'1:1:\111 J,. 'l.l
k(.r.vr ,
. .21, I
WII.ITEVER concerns tlic, health and
111•111,/,. I , 11l 11,0 , I/I lII' ./.
met.. I 1.14, tt IlLal rt. tty ..
4 , %%In di, all iii to ti
4.1.11 Ii• 1.,
Ihrlr ot.s 1:1,11 1 1 II all .WI I el II 11l I , Or.
Ifto toSilt 1\ I.t
ot Chi• .II.•
rn:ijvit: - (.1
1.11.1,11 It 11.11 le II pot le.ll :111 Illy:. •
1111111111:111V•:111.1 , 11110 11,111111:le Ind :II toot! itii,ll/,.
1.141 1,r.,111. 1111 1.1 ill.. .1 Lwq .It tilt 110 ,, .
111:11I. —.to lu Cfrilei,••• • :lNV el'
rid., It ihr -0 1 . .1,101,
II lee 1.1n,a)
Sit art', I. tf.undo , l npol, -rn•n+ • nr rlllll . ll'lo, r. , 111
vrollotoll coo1.1.:o 1.1,117 I or
~, 11111,1 1 l41•11..111.1 111 •Ii••
1.9‘1t I hffitiOt ,1111 1:1 I . iIi• : 1 I ell In tol ,oloo!. ul, , 1
/;‘,,,/ Comi/orot • anti 1)t, rrArn '4.11 /11111:1" 1111111
111141 C'e1 , 112.,. a 11l nu,lo prop., no. , ot 111 V %Vt. 1 .11 1 .1 1 .11 11
.1reI,1:..11 11 ..1.1'.11- '11 • .11,111d 1 . 1 flee 11li
lo. 111
111,1'.1 • 1111 .. . 111 '11..1, -t ez,V . l In 11.
:111 Ili1:t1Iihle tl% to. !Ito.,
.111111 1, dt 111111 I111 .. ; 1 1,' 1 ,1' 1, .1-11 1 11 , 11111 . : 1• 1 . tro• Iwo
: , :r.llll l 1 .1 I.llle
sid., La ot IL- Llio: C..00:1 0 .) uS :r
the 1110 - 1 tinnenit Worm 0/ ily-lr i nt • nI till ,t
1000111 -010 • 0 erns - 10 nil n i llintt
lilt, - 0 1001,1 .onol 01 the 10-
1• • •-tie •.01.1 :-tow ifiiit• ,kh :Iv : 4 1 Nolo- 11 t4.n th
,1d4.,11 II I•Vo•r -I, 0 I- Tapc lreria
them ,In • ittl ol.t, In 0014 rto tlO O -0 - 0 . ,
till iii,oo - 40,0 • :1010 i nt tou=t lii • hint-11,1:
1.11, 4100 0110 y 1.11.00 Pt:l4
to rrl - o,i• oil . 111 . 11 th , \Porno s)rop
oet thr, r 1 0,001 I ', • ‘`. , ,t 110 . 111,1 'it - iit10011,10.0 1.4
0: 2 1.4.11 , -1 , 001,4 .; 11111 a Tli oit i , • oo,
nu ye I 1,, It, f.lll Lt CI:11,j 1:14., 1110 - t
01,101. tn., t • a-i., 01 fitpt i /room.
No parr of Pte ttt•lt•ltt ie morn It lie ro tit, 1111111
1:0.` i.l riti it % , 1‘ in,. a I.::Pler io !two) Ti, blood.
tag deg p ropor 10,11011 10 the Ide co le,. n u,-
rong 15 .! tam sit tho Vt . Ilireet , tht. Other 0111 , 010101 t
leints 14 the -)-1 , 10 01111 vottoo-Iy. it Liver
Cotillalat..latuldp o, II )
,ote, .111•1. over, , yatplon. 1.114 - 1.1 inda•ah• wroa ,
.1. tlOO ell ill, Tlo•=e .•0.01 , 1 , ••41
1:().)n- AN') PLANTS IIII . ' I : O d L, 11 . 1111, ill It, LI 01,
.040. 0018.1 y, 1-1. A. I: I/ \
I'o7 \
avot , the I:,
.In l'allm vr
I/I -verele.l
.11,1 I:It ATI% E. ,111.1. rl.nt:t•-. 1 0
'Ott .11 , 1 e• lintl mmlner ..,•11:11
1 oa 5.1 tho T.);\ It' t.:.•
, I,11:2,111 11, ill . /1er,1.11 , \
V 112.0. past- of Ow hod, lib I I: '
‘,ll :tct- ti. 1..•11 - vvi Ow nth, r
Opt 00 the ithtseln I,J iSp. lllu¢ 111•
,thoe oths+ I,i vorrtti.t Ind v. 11.11,1 I , i.ltler ad ',aril! •
th... Blood, l‘lls, h t!,;ro}. ill-ca., and rt.-tult •
Von will feud this rut invaluablc it:ether:le in
ninny complaint. to abut on me , 111,Tect In ob.t rtt c.
non. either 1111.1 i or parunl, they h ire bcrot brood 01 In
enlinribb, benefit, re-I,ring th , ir fnactional arrange
ment, ton 1.,..111nv :tenon. purl!, lag the blood arid other
Mail., No effeein In put to thlit till complaint., which
may mi., front funiale a• licatlaelt.7. : gill:
01 -tglit, pant in the -rile. back, &e.
'Noi.c l_nnltialle mile, %nowt( by J. N. Ilubensack - . all
others being I no Jinn:man.
1r)-• Agemits wi.lting nosy supplies, nod storekeeper..
tlesiron. of beetnino4 A VIP S, roust address the proprie
tor..l. N. lloben.lit k, Pit.
ion Cot :Rs A. I.F.AD/7,17,
Coln:11 1 ,1a . Dr Long & Co. W. C. Baker. Lanca.:et
Jo ; Klause, ralr,ll4, ; Mrary, Ovit voc
thee,/ Erwin, Cambridce ; Willow ,
/3110:ersVillt. ; Adonts Wtekclt
Dry Town; and by ever:. re..peetalar in , reltrint ,
lit the t aunts
T • l'rtee
,sry LE PI CTU ill I:
%%Iv, oro
11:,11 .o', .11
I I;;11'11
• I...I:1111H. p I
1:•11114,•1 0 I , ••• volwn
!!,t• NN I
lb , oi A
U., 1...2c 11,
$506 , crsALT,Em+r.
4 .1 IZ•
11..11 at .1