'-• ' , "/ . s = -7 - , A.,, . )., y - • • r'n - • -/ .1‘• te). 1 • ' • v .440 F;; . •„. f, e/.• T. • • , , z • \ • ‘.`l., a ti, • 1 / 2 . : • 111, , • 1, , ..• • ~, s ., 1( . .0 • • \ j , • • .- kk • ,!;• • • . 1 , .111) 1 1 ,V. - • • f• siziritoak . • )" sk' _•1 1 !I , ) „ 4 . I)1 , I k. !„' . 11 ' - Aif • = " • • 7 4 4 4,4 • • •: • J , ,G. L. BROWN, EDITOR St. PROPRIETOR. VOLUME XXIII, NUMBER 8.1 THE COLUMBIA SPY. Offire—North West corner of Front and Walnut streets. immediately opposite John Barr's Hotel ; and above the Baltimore Railroad Company's Office. T a ms—The SPY is published every Saturday morning. nt the low price of SI PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE, or 51.501 P NOT PAID IN ADVANCE. Single copie, THREE CENTS. No paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paiiimalcss at the option of the publisher. Letters, to receive attention, must be post-paid TERNIS OF ADVERTISING. [nfieen lines or less to the square.] ,I,l,e,ticeltentrtlViii be lanceted three times :tithe rate per .quare , for every subsequent insertion niter the tid;d , 75 scats willbe charged. The number of insertions desired must be marked, or the ad certicement will be continued until ordered out. and charged accordingly. .1 liberal dctluction will be made on the above prices I a )eJrly Elm user,. DR. s. MAIRS McALLISTER, NOM (Pi/Pantie Practitioner, Ilidnut a. above Second, COLUMBIA, Pa. Olour, from G to 8 A. NI., andfrom 9 to 4 P.M. Columbia, Rule 19, F452.3m05. DR. A. CLARKSON SMITH, 01 - ICF,---Walaut ,treet, two doors above Trout, Co tunbat, Pn Columbia, April 10, 1.5.5:1-If J. E. HACHENBERG, 11 TTORNEY AT LAW, Cottonton, Peon'a.—Ormcg -1 in Walnut 'tree!, opposite Col. D. Ilerex Hotel. fir ERFSCES —I lout. Janice Pollock, Milton, Peon's.; Ilea. Washington McCurtocy, Eugtott ; lion. Juno, AL Porter, Euston; Ilou. .1. P. Jolts., Reading. rohnnlna. May 15, 1952 ty WILLIAM H. ELDER, TTORNIX AT LAW.—Offiee in trout street, be tavern Locust and Walnut streetn, Columbia, l'a. Columbia,Jutic 7,1.9.51-1 f PHILIP GOSSLER, TTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Arcndc Row, Wal nut.nreet, between Front and Second. Columinn,April H. M. NORTH, I nc - gm:v . AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office ou Locust street, above nom, formerly occupied bl Dr J is Clarkson, Colombia, i'u. Columbia. Nifty 4, 1:450. LIME! LIME (FOR LAND OR BUILDING, constantly on hand at the I Lime lulu, near the Depot. [Columbin.jan 1.2-(1 SOLUTION OP CHLORIDE OF SODA, MANUFACTURED by ourselves----a beautiful Di. article of Liquid Chloride of Soda, n powerful dinnteeting agent, much better suited for dm nfectiog than Chloride at lame. In the bed chambers of the , iek.eqiecially with infectious diseases, it will be found highly useful if sprinkled on the floor or bed. For sale n: LEADER'S Golden Mortar. Cobs mina, May 15. PARASOLS. 1; hnve opened our supply of PAP' ASOLS, C.llCtta log 01 great variety. mid sortie, very 111l111113011le ell le'. which We Will Sell tit astonish. ugly low prices. H. H. FRY & CO, Columbia, Mny 8,1E5'2. ( Opposite the B iatik. GROCERIES, GROCERIES. II Groceries. have Jest received a t ,large as.ortinent of fresh Groceries. Sugars in every variety, Molasses at all 'awes, some very superior Syrup ; Coffee, green and rsa.ted , Tess of all kind. and ut all price., and every article usually kept in a well regulated Grocery Store— all tut sale very cheap by 11. 11. FRY & CO., at their New Store, opposite the Bunk. rnlinabia,..lpril 10,18.52. AYE R'S CIXERRY PECTORAL. IRcfcr I. (i l l o tl i ' i, :lf a t v he ,, f r a t m „, ozC iit h, i , i r i r a y n l o ., , • l ( , , e tc r o f e ll: , 1 0 . 11 , 1 , 0 11 . Coiltalina. May W..I.I.IiNDER. A gt. EXTRACT VANILLA AliE prepare, at the Family Medicine Store, an v Y article 01 tlit, kind, for flavoring leer, Jellies, Puthlnigh, and Cio.tard,,v,hielt we do not Iwbi:ate to pro main, superior to and thing of Ilw hind offered for sale, Our COIAI(; NE. sr hich we oilier by the pint or gallon, ad! hour the te,t of any exit ttttt ottai. Columbia, Alareh 20, In 9. FIRST ARRIVAL II FRY & CO. hove Just received their spring . eupply of DRESS 0001. 4 , eon-P.:mg or 0 greet %mot of 61m k. colored mid figured Silks; black end ficorcd Deltiinee; Berege De/tines, in great variety; plain, se meted and figured Poplstin; Gengh Jaw, Chintre ftc. The hen lip Calicoes over Glicred. ID" Remember the place-11 11. FRY S. CO'S new Iron Front :Store, opposite the Bank. Columbia. April 111, 1-ife?.. TO HOUSEKELP.IIRS S spring is the time when most persons commence housekeeping, the subscriber would Call attention to his well-selected and general assort mentor TIN & CEDAR WARE, COPPER KETTLES, and all kinds riCCOOKINO STOVES, among which still he (acrid the -Etna. Ilulyeon, Parker. and other pattern., about commencing, or who Lire already at house keeping. are invited to snit and examine has stock, as he is confident they will hind it to their internat to do so. 111:1RI" PFMI LER, April 17, 1.'52. Locust street, Shaving and Stair-Dressing Saloon. THE - undersigned has removed his Saloon to Nu.l Arcade, Walnut street, opposite the Wii.hoig llotel,where all persons eon receive a CLEAN AND ROY PU Ayr, and have their hair cut and dressed an the oust fashionable, MO C.:C(1(11.41C MliDlier, There is 50111e lng soothiugia a good shave: if any are disposed to doubt it, let them try me, and I will fully demonstrate tie, fact. WILLIAM CLEGGE'rr Coluntlaa, 'March ..17, 1 532-t( VERMICELLI AND MACCARONI. "WE_ arc glnd our citi/eas begin to oppreritite the tulneiis of these ti.vo articles, arid hn,c. made it iii'et.•iiry for us to obtain a fresh supply. For sn , e nt the I'ANDLY MEDICINE STORE, Odd Fellossa* Hall. Columbia, March offi, I e.. 5.2. TO DISTILLERS THE subscriber is prepared to manufacture to order. J. at the shortest notice, all ktuda of STILL WORK, on the most reasonable lentils. Also, repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Columl ..... April 17,1b52. HENRY TO BOATAIEN WF. UNDERSIGNED lola conimintly on hand n full 1 113Portment of COPPER PUMPS, BOAT STOVES. SMUT HAWKS, (with ethereal,) nod LA IA P POTS, to which lie reepectfully invites the :mention of 'Mat inee and where. HENRY PFA 1 1 LER, April 17,1852. LOCUM street, Columbia. I'a. MOUNT EAGLE TRIPOLI. TH and p l l ar ! iele is IliFltly recommended for mud Itritsunt,Wi m i ' l ' d e o ta w s ellu s s u s e , h isr Fo o s sale . ut tl:u FAIVIILY MEDICINE STORE, Locust street. Co;unibia, March 20,1652. ADALUNG'S ELIXIR, a certain cure for Headache Price 23 cu. For sale at W. A. LEADER'S Drug Store. Columbia, March 13,1852. lirE ARC CONSTANTLY Yowl-Avow FRF.SII l DRUGS A.:1111, DIEDICINES at the FAMILN MEDICINE STORE; and, thankful for the liberal patronage e have received, we will renew our exertion to keep our article, fresh and genuine. Columbia, March 20,1650. ( )TTON CARPET CHAIN, at the Cheap Cash C Store of _ _ LONG & WINNEMORE. Ca lanibm - May 1E52. A FAMILY PAPER : DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, SCIENCE, MORALITY, EDUCATION, AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. For tho Coro of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. This invuluable rotnedy for all diseases of the Throat and Lungs hes attained a celebrity from its remarkable cures, never equalled by any 111CIIICIIIC before. Other prnparatiOnS have shown themselves palliallecm, end sometimes effected nOPOO/C CUM*, but none has ever so fully won the confidence of every a/Malin:lw where it Is }mown. Alter years of trial in every aulale, the results hove indisputably shown it to possess a mastery over this dangerous class of diseases, which could not fail to attract the attention of Physicians, Patients, and the public at large. Sec the statements, not of obscure individuals, and from fur distant places, but of men who are known and respected throughout the country. The widely-celebrated Surgeon, Doct. VALENTINE MOTT. of New York City. says: " It gives me great pleasure to certify the value and effieacy ot • A YEWS CUERRY Pecroast,' which I consider peculiarly ndupted to cure diseases of the throat and and lungs" Dr. PERKINS, the venerable President of the Ver mont Medical College, one of the eminently learned Physicians of this country, writes, the Cherry Pectoral is extensively used in this section, where it has shown unmistakeable evidence of its happy effects upon put. 'unitary diseases. A CURE IN COLUMBIA, PA fact. J. C. ANEtt—Dear Sir—About three or tour weeks ago, I was taken with a severe cold. which seemed to aspic on my breast and lungs, and I became very much alarmed about it. I went to one of the best ph) sieinns in this place, who told the that my lungs were very much maimed. I then became more Maim ed, and thought it w•us time to try to do something fur my self: I hardly knew w•hut course to take, but at last I made up my mind to try some of your •'Ctu:tar Per- TORAL.." 1 Ohtlaiied one bottle and eon noticed taking it, and found in two or three days that it was driving the disease out of my system. I hove now taken one bottle and a half, and feel better, I believe, than I have for the 61 , 1 year. I have, therefore, felt it my duty to send 3ou these few lutes. hoping that they may encourage others so tiering under the same disease. I reside 111 the borough of Columbia. T. J. MILES, Surgeon Dentist. Ka:PARED Be . Jr. Aeon, CHEMIST, LOWHI.L. l\'. A. LEA DER, Agent, Columbia. Columbia, May e, LAMES', Vis=es ', and Gent'. KID (;LOVE S, pill kind and colors,) and Ladies' /111 d Nlisces' Kul finished Silk Gloves, at the Cheap Ca.lt Store of LONG & WINNEMORE. Cohanbia, May 15, 1852 F' ER PA PERB.—Nlottled, Carmine, Ullamarine, •21 1 1 1 1;-, French Tissue, of all colors, just received at SPANGLER'S Headquarters and Newc Depot, Columbin, April 21, 185:2. Front st eet. C 01 ) LIVER 011...--Guaranteed Creel and genuine Cod Liver Oil, for Ellie by the bottle or ounce, by Columbia, hlny 8,1+,52. W. A. LEADER. 1)ORT IIIONNAIES AND POCKET BOOKS, of nil shapes, sizes, styles, qualities and prices. Cull and see, al SPANGLER'S Headquarters nod News Depot, Front street. Columbia, April 21, 1a32. - CITORR'S Chemical Hair lavigorittor,just received and 0 for sale, at :23 et.. per bottle, by Columbia, May .4, 105:2. W. A. LEADER. TRICOPIIERUS —More of Parry's 'Prieopherui, for the hair, oil hand mid for sale by Columbia, May 0, 18.52. W. A. LEADER. - - LUI4 STONE.-13lue Stoatt or Blue Wash for oole I) at LEADER'S. [Columbia, :Ray S, 1852. URN STA RCIL—More Core Starch. jr.l from Me Cmaeuramerers,uml for hale by W. A. LEA DER. Columba, Alt.) . 8,1:452. _ - -1L OOH .ut.l TAW.: OIL CLOTHS. all trlthq, for I eale at KA UFFAIA N't".. Colombia, April 17, 1,.112. lit H 1 1 1 1 11fA 13 :%; 13° :i l l " V • r N r Columbia, April 17, 1a52. KA BROWN TISSUE, Line tool green Berege, for Ladles, nt R.I UFFIAN'S, Lout Columbus, 17, 1•52. -- ADIES' Snow E Veda, ruhroalered Ve decidedly the Lprortiest thing 4 of the kind aver offered for hale iii thiq place. For role at KAUFFAIAN'S, Columbia, April 17, 1552. I.oeubt street. (AIL CLOTH and Water Color Window Shades—a ll large lot, for sale at KAUFFMAN'S, Columbia, April 17., t 8 5 .2. Locust at , below the Bank. T SIIEPTINGS, &C.—WeTave nnvopened n JJ fine wetortment of Linen Sheeting: and Pillow Case Linens, winch we offer a:greatly reduced prices. Alm a great variety of Table Line. at 11. 11. FRY & CO'S, Columbia, April 10.1E51. Oppot.tte the Bank. and sonic very low. Call and extimme them at 11.11 I , lll' & CO'S New Store, opposite the Bank. Columbia, April 10, Urrel. DIAN° and 'FACIA,: COVERS.—CIoth Piano and Table Covers, a large lot on hand and for sale at HAUFFAIA.N'S, Locust street. Columbia. April 17, 1552. VA:Y CASSISIER lar g e and ES AUD I ' r e ,sTINGs - JUS W I opened vkkleeted stssorimeatFanry al c a ‘pinicre , and veatings—oisse very latial•oine new at) les. Call awl see them at 11. 11. FRY & COS Opposite the Hank. Columbia, April 10, (111A1'1 , . SHAWLS, plain suid embroidered, a large as. Usortment just received at KAUFFNIAN'S, Locust st. Columbia, April 111. IS:4. 7itRATIJERS.-3 0 U lbs Lve gees,: feathers, in store and 1.2 for rule by C. S. KAUFFMAN, Locust st. Columbia, Apri110,1:1 , 52. _______ D LACK. 1 EA.--A s uperior article, lit ORIUINAL, DPACE.AGE., for hale at ICAUFFMAN • S, Lout Columbia, April 10, 1K32. I OUSEKHKI'EII S GOODS. of all Ilegeripllo:l.. anal, Linens anti Sheetings, Pillow Close Linen. Linc n end Colton Diaper Napkins, all sizes and colors, Da- Munk Table Covers, &c., at KAUFFMAN'S, Locust at. Columbia, April 1.0, 1552. K.l D GLOVES —Alexandreii Kid Glove, light and dark colored, far cafe at KAUFFMAN'S, opril 10, 1,52. Locust street. GOODS.—AII the new styles of Ladies' Dress Goods, received and for sale at KAUFFMAN'S, npril 10,%112. 17 Locust street, below the Bank. 011, WINDOW BLINDS - 7—We have Just opened a large assortment of Oil Window Shades, new pat terns and much cheaper than ever. We also have the patent fixtures,to put op something entirely new. 11. 11. FRY & CO., Columbia, April 10, 1552. Opposite the Bank. - "-- SlLKS.Sll,l , s.—Faticy and Muck Dresa Silk., to .tore and for sale by KAUFFMAN, upril 10, It:12 Locust atreet. VENITIAN BLIND TRIMMING'S, of all colors and styles, In store and for sale by C. S. KAUFFMAN, No. 17 Locust street, next to the Hank. Columbia, April 17. It-52.. CORN LIQUID, one of the most infallable liquids ever made for extracting corns. For sale nt Columbia, Nov. 13, '5l. LEADER'S. Drag Store. COLUMBIA, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 7, 1852. Front the Boston Olive Branch Little Willy and the Apple. Little W illy stood under an apple tree old, The fruit was all shining with crimson and gold, Hanging temptingly low—how he longed fix a bite, Though be knew if he took one it wouldn't be right 'ORAL; Said he, "I don't see why my father should any, 'Don't touch the old apple tree, Willy, to-dgy.' I shouldn't have thought, now jltey're hanging so low When I asked for lust one,.lieTiould answer me ' no Ile would never find out. WI took but just one, And they do look to good, shining, out in the sun, There are hundreda and hundreds, and he wouldn't Ink; So paltry a little red apple us this:, Ire stretched forth Lis hand, but a low, mournful .struut Caine wandering, dreamily over Ids brain; In his bosom a beautiful harp had long laid. 'flint the angel of conscience quite frequently played. And she qutig "little Willy, beware, oh : beware, Your holier hus gone, but your Maker le there; How sad you would feel if you heard the Lord say, ''l lm dear hale boy stole an apple one day.'" Then 'Willy turned round, and ns still as a mouse Crept slowly and carefully into the house; In Ins own little chamber he knelt down to pray That the Lord would forgive him, and please not to say, "Little Willy almost stole an 'apple one day?' 1%1 A. D. = [rub:ishetl by request] The Phalanstery and the Pita- To the Editors of The New York T,ihune: I have just made a visit to the "North Amer ican Phalanx," Monmouth County, N. J.— Many of the readers of The Tribune, however unwilling they may be to accept the views of its Editors on the subject of Association, must have a curiosity to know how such ideas work in practice. It was such a motive induced me to accept an invitation, from a member whose ac quaintance I lately made, to visit this community, and I feel bound to give a candid relation of my observations. I confess to have paid but little attention to the subject previously, and to have had no more knowledge or definite thoughts about it than one must who has been in the habit of perusing The Tribune, with much re spect for the good intention and good sense of its editors, for several years. There are six hundred acres of land in the do main of the Association, most of it of the ordinary quality of "Jersey land." About two hundred acres are under cultivation, much improved within a few years by dressing with marl, two beds of which, of superior quality, are on the property. A stream of water running through it, gives a small milling-power. The nearest tide-water is five miles distant, where steamboat communication may be had daily, but at irregu lar hours, with New York, a poor sandy road to be traveled over between. The land cost twen ' ty.five dollars an acre, and I believe I have stated all the material advantages of the location. The Association have a grist and a saw-mill, driten with the aid of a steam-engine that they have added to the small water-power. No other branch of mechanical or manufacturing industry is carried on, and the labor of the members is mainly given to farming and market-gardening; and it is from the sale of agricultural products almost entirely that they must get their living and their profit. The Phalanstery is much like the large hotel of a watering place or a sea-shore house, made to accommodate 150 persons. There are cham bers for single persons, and :suites of rooms for families. There are also tenements detached from the main building, but having a covered way, that the members may reach it dry-shod in rainy weather. These are each occupied by a family. There are certain common apartments also in the phalanstery, such as a reception room for visiters, a reading room, a dining hall, the kitchen, dairy and other domestic offices. A small steam engine is employed for washing, mangling, churning, &c., and the arrangements of the domestic department are all admirably contrived for saving labor. I should guess roughly that one woman could do the work of ten, with the ordinary farm-house kitchen con veniences—in other words, as far as this goes, farmers would save their wives and women folk "NO ENTERTAINMENT IS SO CHEAP AS READING, NOR ANY PLEASURE SO LASTING." poctru. The Shepherdess. =9 Sat we on the moss) rocks In the twilight long ago, I and Ulllll., keeping flocks— Mocks with fleeces whim as snow Beauty smiled along the sky; Beauty shone along the sea; " Chia, Clna," whispered I, "Thi.. is ull fur you and me:- Brushing buck my heavy locks, Said he, not alus in glee, "Art content in keeping flocks With n shepherd boy like me r 7 Shone the moon so softly white Down upon the mosey rocks, Covering sweetly with her light Me and Ulna, :Ind our flocks. Running wild about our feet N%'ere the blushing summer flowers— " Ulna,' sold I, "what is sweet In ibis world, that is not ours?" Thrice he kissed my cheek and sighed, "These are dreary rocks and cold— Oh, the world is very wide, And I weary of any fold Now a thausatal oxen strny , That are Ulna's down the moor,. And great ships their anchors weigh, Freighted with his priceless ore. Rut my tears wilt sometimes Now, 'flanking of the mossy rocks Where we sat so long ago, I and Ulna, keeping (locks. lansterians. I=l all but about one-tenth of their now necessary drudgery by living on the associated plan. There is some pretty natural wood and a pic turesque ravine near the house, but no garden or pleasure ground ; indeed the grounds about the house are wholly neglected, and have a shabby and uninviting appearance. It is evident that the Association have neglected everything i else in their endeavor to make the experiment successful,linancially. They have worked hard and constantly for this, and though, from entire inexperience at the business of market-gardening, to which their attention was chiefly directed, they at first made numerous mistakes, similar to those playfully alluded to by Hawthorne at Blythedale, and though they had a great many peculiai difficulties, they have been rewarded in finding it pay. Last year, after paying the mem bers at a rate of wages for labor higher than that ordinarily given by farmers in this vicinty, the Association divided five per cent. on the cap ital invested in the undertaking among the share holders. When we consider how hard it is for farmers in general to make a decent living, we must acknowledge that they have proved a great advantage in the co-operative principle, as ap plied to agriculture. That the financial success of the community is the legitimate result of the association of la bor and capital, lam satisfied; and I should judge the peculiar description of husbandry to which its attention has been directed, was that in which it was least likely to have been profitably employed, because it is that which labor-saving implements and machinery can be employed with the least advantage. In addition to the profits divided last year, it should be mentioned that extensive orchards, as yet making scarcely any return, are growing. The Refectory is a fine, spacious hall, with perhaps twenty tables, each long enough for a dozen persons to dine off. There are bills of fare changed every day, in which the dishes pro vided for each meal are mentioned, with their cost—as at an eating-house. By buying at whole sale, and using all possible contrivances to les sen labor in preparing and cooking food, of course the cost of living is very low; but every little item counts. Thus: bread 1 cent, butters cent, as well as roast beef 3 cents, and ice-cream (a large ration of the richest " Philadelphia") 2 cents. During drouth and short pasture the but ter cakes are ..zra4luatedwdzy tlfe stamp a trifle er,- km indication of the syitematic exactness .to which the domestic economy of the establishment is brought. There are several summer or transient boarders at the establishment, and these are charged, in addition to the cost of the food they choose and a small rent for their bed chamber, $2 a week for the profit of the Association. The waiters are mainly from among the most refined and pleasing young ladies of the Association. On taking a seat you are introduced to the lady who attends your table, and you feel yourself to be in the re lation of guest, not of superior to her. She takes part in the general conversation of the table, but comes and goes as there is need—is a very good waiter indeed, doing her duty with tact, sweet ness and grace. " Why do so many of the best of your young people choose to be waiters, and so deprive themselves in a great measure of the social enjoyment of dining with their friends ?" " They all dine together afterward ; and, as they are among the best of us, it is a privilege to dine with them—of course to wait with them." One great point they have succeeded in per fectly; in making labor honorable. Mere phys ical labor they have too much elevated I think, but at any rate the /owes/ and most menial and disagreeable duties of a civilized community are made really reputable and honorable, as well as generally easy and agreeable. A man who spent a large part of his time in smoking and reading newspapers, and chatting it away, or in merely_ recreative employments, would feel ashamed of himself here, would feel small, and consider it a privilege to be allowed to black boots, or sweep, or milk, a part of the time. As to the people of the community in general, I have a strong respect for them as earnest, un selfish, hard-working livers in the faith of a higher life for man here below, as well as here after tt above." 1 think they are living devoutly, and more in accordance with the principles of Christ among themselves, than any neighborhood of an equal number that 1 know of. There are fewer odd characters among them than I ex pected to see; generally there was much simpli city and self-containedness ; they seem to care very little—too little—c , for appearances," or what the world outside thought of them, and greatly to love one another. They are, so far as I could learn, strongly attached to the Phalanx, feel confident it is the right way to live, have enjoyed it, and thus far fully realized their hopes in joining it : as I wouldn't leave for worlds"— couldn't live, it seems to me, in any other way;" "it was like the opening of heaven com pared to what life was before I came here," I heard from different individuals. One Episcopal clergyman, who was formerly much respected and beloved, and paid $l,OOO a year for his ser vices as Rector of a country church, and who, after a great struggle with the conviction that the morality and religion he was educated to preach, were not the morality and faith preached by Christ and designed by him for the conver sion of the world from its ancient state of sin and misery, declares that he is satisfied that here is the true church of Christ's gospel, and in this way it must be that the kingdom must come. There is also a Unitarian clergyman who came hither by much the same road. I cannot tell what sort of people the majority were when they came here, and thus find a Eta- culty in judging what the effect of the associative lice has been upon them. Mostly New-England ers, 1 should think, and working people ; few or none independently wealthy. (The stock of the Phalanx is mostly held by New-York capitalists.) Whether any considerable number were actually day laborers, living from hand to mouth, unedu cated and uncouth, I could not be satisfied. Some of the later additions plainly are so, many of the older ones might have been, and if so they have been a good deal refined and civilized by this life. If we compare their situation with an average of the agricultural class, laborers and all, even in the best of New-England, it is a most blessed ad vance. They are better in nearly all respects, and I don't see why, if such associations were common, and our lowest class—(l mean poorest and least comfortable, and least in the way of improvement moral and mental,) of laborers, could be drawn of their own will into them, why they should not be similarly advanced in every way. Put a common-place man, of our poorest agricultural or manufacturing class, into such cir cumstances, and it looks to me every way prob able that he would be greatly elevated, be made a new man of in a few years. On the other hand, take the average of our people of all classes, and on the whole, it seems as if the influence of the system, if they would keep to it a little while, would be favorable. They would be likely to live more sensibly, happier, healthier and better. If you take our most religious and cultivated sensible people, then I think it would depend much on individual tastes and character. For most of these, particularly of English blood, it would require a change, a good deal of a strug gle to come handsomely and profitably into it. The long and short of it is, I am more of a Fourierite than before 1 visited the experiment. The united household (and semi-conglomeration) of families even, works better than I was willing to believe possible. Nevertheless, I don't think I shall be a Fourierite for myself, but for many, for a large part of an American community (peo ple) I think I may be. It wouldn't suit me, but many, 1 think, it would; and if 1 was obliged to live mainly by manual labor, I am not sure but 1 should go in for it myself. An Associationist I very decidedly am, more than I was before I went to the Phalanx. The advantages of co-operation are manifestly great, the saving of labor immense ; the cheapening of food, root, xro., ...ugh to males etarvation abut. dance. The advantages by making knowledge, intellectual and moral culture and ;esthetic cul ture more easy—popular, that is, the advantages by democratizing religion, science, art, mental cultivation and social refinement, I am induced to think might be almost equally great among the associated. They are not at the N. A. Phalanx— and yet are to some degree. Those who came there refined, religious and highly intelligent, may have suffered. I saw no evidence that they had, but should have expected it, because they have given themselves up to too narrow ranges of thought, have worked too hard to make the Association succeed ; sacrificed themselves, if so, for the benefit of the world's progress over them. It is not by any means yet a well organ ized and arranged establishment. They are con stantly improving—seeing errors, and returning to do up matters which, imthe haste of a strug gle to get started, were overlooked. There is yet an immense deal, as they are aware, to be attended to and better arranged when they get time. They are in great need of mechanics, but I suspect it is an error of their theory that they I are. What they need for improvement as a com munity of moral creatures is more attention to the intellectual. They want an Educational ' Series" very much. A Frenchman acts as a teacher to the fry, but there is no proper nursing department, and the children, and not the children alone, are growing without proper discipline of mind. A rough lot one would expect them to' make, but I must confess those who are breaking into manhood, and especially into womanhood, tell well for the system. They are young ladies! and young gentlemen naturally, and without ef fort or disagreeable self-consciousness. If I had a boy to educate, who at I t; had acquired at home habits of continually persevering application of ; mind in study, and who was tolerably stocked with facts and formulas, I would a good deal prefer that he should spend the next four years of his life as a working member of the North American Phalanx than at Yale or Harvard. I have neglected to notice a number of points of the Phalanx that would be interesting, a good deal to praise, a good deal to reprove ; hut they do not bear upon the important questions which it is the purpose of the member , . to do something by their association to solve. If there are any slight errors in my statements, observations and conjectures, they will be excused as not mate rially affecting these. I have endeavored to no tice what I thought most desirable for the public to know and reflect upon, and I cannot conclude without, as one of the public, expressing my gratitude to the members for the generous ear nestness with which, for the public good, they are making their experiment. I pray for their success ; but whether it comes as they antici pate or not, they will have their reward. Ax AMERICAN FAIIMER• OYSTER. SIMMS I'OR FREIT Tarics.—A cor respondent writes—c 4 One of the most effectual applications 1 have ever made to fruit trees, in an old and barren condition, is a compost in which finely broke oyster shells was the princi pal ingredient. The shell has generally a large per ventage of saline matter attaching to them, in a fresh state, with some animal matter, and much lime. By breaking them and mixing them with wood ashes, and spreading it thickly around old trees, an almost immediate end a decided improvement will take place." $l,OO PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE [WHOLE NUMBER, 1,152. ,Sunban ileabing. God Is Light. Eternal Light Eternal Light How pore the soul must he, When pineed within thy sesrelung sight It shrinks not, but with calm delight Can live and look on thee! The spirits that surround thy throne May bear the burning bliss; But that is surely theirs alone, For they have never, never known A fallen world Itke thus! 0! how shall I whose native. Fp Is dark, whose mold is dun, Before the MeilltLie appear, And on nip naked spirit bear Tina unereated Leant ! There is a way for M:111 to rie i To that sublitae abode; An offering and a sacrifice, A Holy Spirit's energies, An advocate with God. These. these prepare tig for the -iglit Of :n3nerly above: The 50119 of ignorance and night, Can =tan,' in the nernal Light," Through the "Eternal Love ''' [London Ni lo Borti.,l The Hope of Our Country. The Hon. Daniel Webster, concluding his rid dress before the N. Y. Historical Society, said— Unborn ages and visions of glory crowd upon my soul ; the realization of all these, however, is in the hands and good pleasure of Almighty God. But under his divine blessing, it will be dependent on the character and virtue of our selves and of our posterity. if we and our pos terity shall be true to the Christian religion—if we and they shall live always in the fear of God, and shall respect his commandments; if we and they shall maintain just moral sentiments, and such conscientious convictions of duty as shall control the heart and life, we may have the high est hopes of the future of our country. But if we and our posterity reject religious instruction and authority, violate the rules of eternal justice, trifle with the injunctions of morality, and recklessly destroy the political constitution which holds us together, no matt can tell how suddenly a catastrophe may overwhelm us, that shall bury all our glory in profound obscurity.— If that catastrophe shall happen, let it have no history—let the borriffi narrative never be written ; let its fate be like that of the lost books of Livy, which no human eye shall ever read, or the missing Pleiad, of which no man can ever I know more than that it is lost, and lost forever." Darkness on the Deep.--Gen. 1, 2. This verse points back to a period previous to the history of man, when the earth was a mass of matter without form or beauty, proba bly without life. It was no more like what our earth now is, than marble in its native bed is like a beautiful statue, or a mass of rough tim• ber like one of our stately ships. It was a whelmed and fruitless isle in the fathomless wa ters. On this turbid and dead ocean rested un broken darkness. You have never known such darkness. A starless midnight at sea was not to be compared to it. There was once darkness in Egypt that could be felt; when Jesus died, the earth was wrapped in darkness before the sun went down. But there is no darkness so awful as that of a sinner's heart. Are you un godly ? Your spirit is a " great deep," over which hangs the gloom of spiritual ignorance and death. You see not the path of life! There is no real joy, no music in your heart. All is like chaos—a deep, dark, dreary ocean, troubled and impure. Nor can it ever have life, untill God shall say over it, " Let there be light." That omnipotent word can give it happiness. Christ is the word; he is light and life! Be is "the of Righteousness !" "The bright and the Morn ing Star!" Pray for light; seek it in the Bible —read and pray : Oh, let my spirit have light Ern weary, bewddere d and blind ; Oh ! shire on my desolate mind, And •caner the., stini)ows of night! The Charms of Life. There are a thousand things in this world to afflict and sadderi—but, oh! how many that are beautiful and good ! The world teems with beauty—with objects that gladden the eye and warm the heart. We might be happy if we would. There are ills which we cannot escape— the approach of disease and death, of misfortune, sundering of earthly ties, and the canker worm of grief, but a vast majority of the evils that be set us might be avoided. The curse of intem perance, interwoven as it is with the ligaments of society, is one which never strikes but to de stroy. There is not one bright page upon record of its progress, nothing to shield it from the heartiest execrations of the human race. It should not exist—it must not. Do away with all this : let wars come to an end, and let friend ship, charity, love, purity and kindness, mark the intercourse between man and man. We are too selfish, as if the world was made for us alone. How much happier should we be were we to labor more earnestly to promote each other's good. God has blest us with a home which is not all dark. There is sunshine everywhere— in the sky—upon the earth—there would be in most hearts, if we would look around us. The storms die away, and the bright sun shines out. Summer drops her tinted curtain upon the earth, which is very beautiful, even when Autumn breathes her changing breath upon it. God reigns in heaven. Murmur not at a world so beautiful, and who can live happier than We ?