r 4ppop • • - 4 - .. )04 •i ~ , $ • .• • -I, t 4 - I I I 1 )1 1 ; . 1,, .1? o t.: C • ' t . I • / tt, • 4fifirtiatT. ""• A f • • r• 1 M I•. • a l t ks- • r .‘ ."••• ) , - J. G. L. BROWN, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. VOLUME XXIII, NUMBER 3.1 THE COLUMBIA SPY. offl,—North We'lorner of Fron 11 t and 7alut str eets. minvtlattely oppo•ite c Joint flares [told, and n above the Ilahintore Railroad Company's Office. 'ft nes—The sly is r u 1•11.11.1 e very Saturday morning, at the lose price of I PER. ANN lIM IN ADVANCE, tir $1.50 IF NOT PAIL) IN All \rA:s:CLI. Single copies. T11111:1: No Paper 1.111 be d e3sontiiined until all arrearages are at the option of the publielter I.eitet 4. to retell c attention, must be post-paid TERMS OF ADVERTISING. [Ftfteen I MC 5 or lesc to the square•] Adyerti.ements will be inserted three times at the rate ul r.. , 1 per square: for every subsequent insertion alter the nord.:2s cent, will be charged. The number cot - insertions deored w.t be marked. or the advertisement will be continued until ordered oat. and charged accordingly. hhern l deduction wt Il be made on the above prices to }early advertisers. DR• A. cr,AnxsoN n:KT—Walnut F . reet, two doors above Front, Co 0 Jumble. Pa. Columbia. April I (t. 1F.52-1f J. E. HACH ENBERG, aTTOTZNEY AT LAW. Colutoln. l',oora.—OrFica :1 in 1.% ninot street, opposite Col. D. 1 lerr's Ilmcl REF , “F AI F. , lon. Jame% Pollock, 5111 ton, Peno'n : lion ‘Vn•loogton cCurine y. Easton ; Ilnn..lutnes 51.. Pooer.l".n.loo ; llnu. J. P Rending. Columbia. May 15, 1'5 . 2 I y WILLIAM 11. ELDER, TTOIINEV AT LA Frn, cin•eL Lc V I, eell 1.(a.11.1 and Walnut igrect , i, Columbia, Pa. Cal,aaldo..lune PHILIP GOSSLEIt, 1TOTZNI:1 - .17 . Arende Row, 11'a I t.t.tw4.,” front and Second. Coltnn!na.-‘pri1t...1.15:42. H. N. NORTH, , i rrouNl:v AND COI:N:1E1.1.0R Al 1..11V (Vice .1 on 1.0rn , 1 nbrovt• Front. fornwri ) riteupled I,y Pr 1 lark nr. C(111311161 a, in. eolutnln.t.Mny .1, 1.250. LIME: LIME: CDR LAND 01 BUlLnircu:. constnntly on bond n t the I Lime Kiln, near the Depot. f Columbia-pin 12-if SOLUTION OF CH LORIDE OF SODA, I.I)UFACTURED by oil rselves----a beautiful Itroele of Liquid Chloride of SCAR. R powerfid ngeob much better fur di.antreeiing li/1111 Chloride of Lime. la the bed eliainheig o . the , n k. opecuilly infectious bn found loghly 1.1/1 1 111111ed 011 the floor nr bed. For sale rt LEADER'S ()olden Meant. Coln:ulna. May 15, 1,52. GOLD PENS, PORT DIONNAIES, bocKET nooKs, Ilnir Itru.ltes,Tonth .1 Pichq, Taldealix. Pen Knives. Chian Crud Remy crc Ainha,tcr Jewelry 130xe,. Papier Moehme Albums mid Pon l'ultos, Padded Desk.. (a new article.) nt G. G. ci.n.lnostrs:E's Mtiy I 1F52. Book :Store. GROCERIES, GROCER IRS, WI: have Jost reeei‘ed n large assortmout of fresh t;roeera'. Sugars in every variety : Alolasses at lallpnees...mne very .uperior Syrup : CotPe. green and row e d: Tong Of 1111 1,11141. :11.1 1111 priors, and every :uncle usually kept in a well regulated - Qt °eery Store— all sate Ivry cheap by 11. 11. FItY & CO. at thr ii New Store, oppu,ttc the Bank. Cohanhat, April EXTRACT VANILLA TE prepare, nttLe Family Medicine Store. an article of Mint. for Ilavoling Ice+. Jollies, inn! Custarek, %%loch we down lit•=intre to o -o,lre superior to anything of the 6nul oflereit for stilt, tha Ctti.it(lNl:. el Inch we offer by the pint or gallon, nit 1.4,a the tech or luly e[l.llllllltinti. so, SPORTSMEN. Tills WAY: ItST received, n new lot of 11011111,F, and SIN , (.1.11 lIA Itlil. (.UNS. Game Hog.. shot Touche., fond •r llot I, 01 tlm fitl,cl qualltY• mid all Of , 1111-1‘) :Id of %VIII eII the uitcolion of larrha-er• i. 11, lied. .TUNAS lili:1111.14. Auguq 'lll, 1-.31. I.ocoqi tired, CUltlllll/111. GREAT SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES, DY DR. J. W. COOPER. VEGZTAXtrA ANTI-D7ZEWMP- SEA BITTE,B.S. Tills t. a certain Cure for 113 , Te1...in in II( I very wor-t torms."l'bouqmnla of en..., hove been rnrn ldrteh by it v.tllLin the Tait year a luk II liiklo Lc. II de-nntr..d cf by the regnlnr ph) Ile do tint recommend it to Ctll e cv err thing—wt. nitaal It In cure 1)1 cpep•bt, min tbn Orittkolkklng troak• that it still Cure to altnoct every erv.p. mud recommended for 11011i1iig cl-e In mllll5 Itn.tanyec, ten the worgt of caner have been conm:etely en. ed In two and three itinullm but it depend. ,ifinewhitt upon 1 conquonon ot the intitent NVe vv (111].) to all :1110 are give till- Inca', ay a renal. und tt It i..11a to du good, our money v.lll be abirned ALSO, MT VEGETABLE WORM POWDERS. is the 10051 wonderful Worm De-hos er ever ...Irma. and nt the sane tune Fo pleneant to take. that .1,1001 eters . child , 111 he fond of. it and mane instonees have beenlc loStn of children t-0 ing for more alter Olive thing il This niediellie IQ in the form of a powder. the oily' eVer aced m Chat form, nod it operate-1111011 11 dtlferent from any other ineilicilie eVer ally oilier -ivia it. It I.= the out} ' , loch hat 110 rv0r.,..,,ed 011 or • rurpentute cone , tzl. it. whlell II believed I.g till other pity-lentil . . to he the only t,u llontt , that will de.tri - 4 th'"chvo Ilungs eoutlaned, together ettd, en-tor oil. vii e lie Relict, artnetpleg of till other worm medicines, et loch ^ tar) aer.on tt ho has es Cr or -iii. 11. th 1in0...v.; In he the 1110.! iinUseoll Of All Igiusenti 4 triol an 'r eo . l,l of gen% ran) added in Pvlrcq' Ili. liati , entiv trite ; and 111 Itins, tl thing stronger thall the nudge OW Itself. vital Tl ,, 'ref'Jr'' it aunt nocessat ilv droorov some. of its inedtet ,l,ropertie• These powder, ar.• - •,i,n 1 ,1., and no hens.. that a child may eat a whole box at once. tool It l int by lout ,I 11.• et the canal a vile. the 1,1Z1V.1)1 1 • tr,oll 01111 h it nets being durerent onm used, it will destroy al! hold.; ut NVOI . III , with a never erutal;ed. II stilt not old) destroy the !!‘it mortar, or A:eat - ale, and long. round worto• of , /1101. but is the most ellectun I medteme for the ili,tritc- t at the Tope Worm ever known. Ten Jo=ec 1110, mußht ti many us Pl\• C;l•upe truth per-on. tear a hthlren late any synntuttng of worth , . to Powder., and in 11111 e cures 0111 of ten. int toll 1. ter use oilier. Thee ore al.. warranted. FEVER AND AGUE CO MPLETELY CURED In there days. by Dr J. W. C OOPER'S Vegetable Compound levee and Agin. Theee Pills are composed entirely Vegetable nod to ametvmune ed.en out of every ,t 1: perform aperfect and 10,111.01C111 dare ni three No instance has ever been known. where more dot have been required to 10,1001111 eanq'h•td "ell 111 the very worst case, and on the .0 .011 / . . , ''''''llll l lollll. We Mould curneldly stty to all who are , •tdettdv.ith du.ea-e. toga 01111 hoz and It , them. and an all ears,. two IIOXO4 arc wnrrnalt•d 10 ",". 11 taken accordwg to the dlr.-011M, or the mone3. returned. DR. J. W. COOPER'S CELEBRATED VEGE TABLE ANTI-DYSPEPSIA PILLS, rennin core for Indigestion. Imhtht y, Steloses, or us the Stomach, Pnin in the Sule and t.iiinistacti. 0 • 11 Velle“.. ,11 , 1.1011 of wo,ght lit Ilse s:omooh alter al Ureathing, Itesstlessmes, Want nt :^rPrlite. Palpitation Of tbe Heart, cud all oilier diseaseo ‘,. 1 1 . 111111. 1 , front Intlig,snon Ihr r medic lire are all separate and nor for each and each for only one desease. They arc 1101 11, innoy other ntedt^wes are, 10 cure oinse tutees, or meaty du - set...Ls, and all of different ' hat they lire each to core Isla one license, 3 1,51 that they scull tin 111 In•it ty•:.ine eases out of every. ana o6ere they 1181, a fair trial mid fast in all the money will be returned. ". 'Oast "thealeis may lse .een at the Agents. of come of the ainonislnisg cures on record. which Cure, 111050 have erected ror sale by II WILLI.% MS. Columlna I A Wnr.r. "'sr.'s:settle A FAMILY PAPER : DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, SCIENCE, MORALITY, EDUCATION, AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. vr,A7'.}..o VS ;;;;Zif d or . 7 , - ' -•-•• CHERRY PECTORAL: ror MO CILITO of COUGHS, COLDS, ITOARSDNESS, BRON CHITIS, cnour, ASTII IVIA, WHOOPING- COUG.I-1 AND CONSUMPTION. This invaluable remedy for all diseases of the Throat and Lungs has attained it celebrity front its remarkable cures. never equalled by ally medicine before. Other preparations have shown theme.l••es paThanceP, and noznetimes effected notable cures, o. t none bat ever so fully won the confidence of every community where it is known. Alter years of trial in every climate, the r o, llll..itace ineisptilahly coow•m it to possess a mastery over lids dangerms eln.. of disease., whu•b could not fail to aurnet the attention of Phy,telan , t, Patients, and the publm at large. See the t•tutententc, not of 0L.C.0 nut] from f.tr distant lilac' lint of no, who are known find re-peeled throughout the cooniry. The us te.ely•yelebr.ned Surgeon, DUI I. VALENTINE MUTT. of New York City. sal , It giver me great tilearttre to crrnfl lain value and cfliettcy of• Audi s till nil PIY - I,llt W1.11.)1 I ron , tder peculiarly adapted to cure di,euset, of the throat anal and Inner-.'' Dr. PEP:Kr:CS, the vctierable l're,hlent of the Ver mont Aletheal College, one of the Pllllllolllly lea rne.l Plt yrictnur of th IA country. avutec, the Cherry Pee toi al is t xmairively it-ed 111 the: uvher, it 11.1 , . unnit.tul,eable evidence or its hupn oleo-, apart pal 11101Iary dice clot. A. curs•, IN COLUMBIA, PA Dl/OT. J. C. Ali:a—Dear Sir—about three or our s t , e ha ngn, 1 sea, taken with a ..,acre cold. ',inch n.rellled to , 1 1 1 1 14• on my Lrcutt and lungs. and I hecatue very murk alarmed about It I Weld to one of the Lett ply vrmu., in this place. olio told 111 e 111111 my lung., Were very touch militated I then bee/1111e 1110ic nlllllll. ed. and thought it IS as 111110 Wiry to do Noinetlititi; for iity• melt I hardly knew what course to tithe. lint at lint I made tip my nand to try moms of your •• Creme ri:C4 I Did:11110d One brittle 1111 d LOU tinctured 1111.111 d 11.111111101111 d In two or Ili ref. (111).4 111111 11W11 4 ifilviing the disea, out of toy sy -tent I knee 1105 v taken one bottle and in half, and feel better. I heliece. than I have for the lit.t year. I have, dole:inv. belt it my ditty to 'end yon these few line. , , hoping that they tunits. elleolll l llne 011ter -1411 tiering under the tame iliseni.e. I re-ale in die Lm on.:11 01 Columbia. MILES. Surgeon Detitii.i. PiII:PAREDES 3. C. All it. CIIENI,T, Lott Cat.. Miss NV. A. LEA DER, Agent, Columbia. Columbia, Nay e. LIVER corvarza.xivir, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CIIRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DIS EASES OF TILE KIDNEYS, And nn dm ctmes arm ing front it dm ordered Liver or Sto mach. stroll its Coo- t,pa. tion. Inward file.. or Blood to the I Avidity of the Stoma, h. Nuuora, Heart-Born. Itmgmt lor food, F 1111111,4 or Weight in Ile Stoninch, Sour Eruetniimm. Sinking or Fluttering nt the of the Stomach. Swimming of the Bend. 'hurled and Diftleallt Itienlhutg. nt the Ileum SuiroTtip,.; Sen.aisons . . %A hell in it Ding po•nore. of Vi , ino, Dot, or NVehs Before. the Sight. Fever nod Dull Palo in the Dead, Deficiency of Per-pirattoo. Yel lownees of the Skill ntol Eye 4. Polo in the Sole. Back. Cheat. Sodden Flt=lies of I Burn ing, in the Fle.h. Constant Imaginings of Evil. and pleat depression 01 Spirits, can i.e effectually cured DR. lIOOFLAND'S Ckl. 1: 11 RATE 1) C; 11 11 AT A N 1T T S ; Pt /73'10 By Dlt. C. M. JACKSON, At the German Medicine Store, 120 Arch sq., PIMA D ELI' 111.1 Their power over the .11,0,0 di.ru.rc is not excelled, it equalled. by other pieparation la the I'unul cates. rts the cures nth -.t, in many cane. after bkilfulphy,cian= had failed. The., (litters are avorthy the attention of invalids. Posse,inc, cleat virtues in the rectification of di..enk, of the I.it or and lesser glands, exerei,ng the atn.t searching powers in weakness •tied M 1 .0010115 of the di gestive organs, they we, withal, sate, certain. and plc an ant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. tFprrn the ' llocton Bee."J The editor rant. Use. th . . 2.1— 4. DR. 11001'1.‘slin Cl-.l.l:l3exTl:ti Gr.nNIAN Ihrrnna. for the cure of Liver Complaint, Jaundice. Dysin.r..m. Chrome or Nervous derervedly 1111.• 01 the most popnlar medicines of the day. 'these 'litters hose been used by thousand< iota a friend nt onr elbow ...ay, lie has I evict eil ctrectiail and permanent ell, nf Liver Complaint loan th use oireinetly IVe re Cons tot ed thin. ill the e nt 11111er. 1110 inon-n1 con.stautly strength and votor—ii t.O t svortln Arent con,lllvratton. Theyule ploo•not w ut.ie0.,,1 smell, and can lie ti , ‘Ctl by pe,ons ,Oli Titus most dellonte stomach , : with safety, Welt r any eirctimriances. We are speaking frin . n expel ielice. and to dn. atila vie advise their ‘l , l . Scull ' s Weekly: . one of tine hest literary papers pub lished, sand. Aug . 1) " 1)n. Donn :AND ., 611,1 '0; BITTEI... manufactured by . Dr. inch...oll.V, 110Vv recommended lip mottle of the most prominent incniliers of the lineally :Is tut Cuticle of much ellicacl in eases of female v.ca1.11%.".. As such is the ease, ISO would mts ire all mothers% bon,,unta a t,ottle.,,nd il.ur ras e them-els V- 11111,11.ickne.s. Per-oils oidebit,. inted constitutions will find these 13itters ud vantageous to their hi arils. a• we know trout rtpencace the salutai) ruses the]. hale upon weak s) steno,.. MORE EVIDENCE. The rilitor of thc•• Philadelphia Saturday (kraette." tht be=t t:ro••paper puhli-hed in the United Sluice s of DTI. 1 1001'I.AND'S IrtaTr.rlS that AA e I I,ollllllelol 55 . 11111 110: 11 1 011. 1 1: I'lll l oll M 00.1 1 1111 04 10 the confidence and patronwre of our reader , : and. Ili, reiore, 5 , 11101 We recontiliend Dr. Hoof lan,Ps brrnuut Ilitor , ..wo wt-11 it to lie dis • inetly tooter -tood that We 111 t. 001 spe thing of the 1111.irtnnl 01 11111 lilt)'. that tire not.eil 0110111 for a brief period and then tore,..iten, after the!. have done their guilty race of cloy! ' but of a medicine long- 41. 11111" pri2e.l. and 55 101.11 11110 Mel lint Ilendly approval 01 the 111:5 lint It Fvul ' ence upon ,rid, nee has been received (like the . 1 - 011:3:1•1010 110111 1111 1A...V(1011n 01 the 1 . 01011 , the 111,1 three )vain. nod tl.e .000111.. t le -noway ill it, fiver that there r more CI I I, 00011 in the practice of the regular Ph) sicillas of P1111:011:11111111 1111111 1111 other wearily.% cont. toned, a tact tliat 11111 cu oils c , labli.lic 4 l. :ma fully pro(. layr dint a nelelllllle preparation will meet with their 11111 1 t approt , d. 55bru preneolet l event 111 :In, 10011. Thal 1:0, inethellle 11)'111 cure Liver C 01110111111: 01111 1)y•1101,111, 110 o.le 1,11 1101111/. alter u-ing it at dir, ord. It nets npeelfleltlif 111101/ the nlOlllll l 10 1111 d 10 eI-11 is pre. ferallie to calomel in all bilious d,eae. ,— the effect IS 1111111101i.11e The) Pilo lie :10111110..0•1 011 10 11:111111e ur 1ll• font with safety and reliable benefit, at lune BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Thts medicine has attained 111111 lite:11 character which is Ileeennllo tor all !manna,. to :main to induce eOll I• tell - eller. to pill forth a ...pillions artiete at the I:1 1. of 11107 fives of those who ore innocently deceived. 1.001: WEI.I. TO THE MARKS OF TUE GENI - INI:. They 11ucr the wrllleti signature of C. :%1 .I,AcK;.(i:s; upon the wrapper, tool Ins name blown 11l line 1/011:1 1 . without which they are spuriou s For sale, wholesale and retail, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 12(1 Arch street. one door below :sixth, Philadel phia. 111111 It) respectable dealers generally throughout the country PRICES REDUCED, To eunwe all elapse+ of invalids to enjoy the a dvantage: of their great restorative powers. SINEW ItOT TI,E. 75 CENT: 4 . Also. for sole by It WILLIAMS. toil Pim u. . C A. Mom. tit. Co . Vori. JUST RECEIVED AT C. ZEITLER'S Cheap Watch, Clock, a nd Jewelry Store, Front street, between Walnut and Locust, (first Jewelry Store below iferr's hotel.) undersigned, having just returned from Philadelnina with large oddnion.4 to In, former block, has now a well-selected asgortment of FASHIONABLE GOODS, WhICII he to prepared to formsk to 111, customers at re duvet] miens. His assortment consists of WATCHES OF ALL HINDS ---,Right-Day end Twenty-Pour-Hour --,Right-Day Cold Pen , ; (:ofd and Silver Pencils; Eur and Finger Rings; Spectacles of all kinds; Silver and German Silver Spoons. Cl all kind , : Silver IThimble, ; Wostenholine's Pen and Pock, t Knives— ; tknov,n as the be , t in the world;) Port Mon:tales; Pocket Books • Card Case:; and es erything of tune) I nod utility ia his line of li,inc,s. Cluck, Waich and Repairing done ill the best insulter, and warranted. Accordcons and all other mu-cal tritruinenth re paired and accurately tuned. As be uitendh to devote hi, enure attention to Lu.uiess, sad will endeavor to please. lie feels eoufideni that 11,0-c who favor 111111 with allqr ell1+1011:Nvall never have reazon to regret it. Columbia, April 1t..12 IS the new and beautiful stock of READY „mu,: Ca,,mort,, le. ;tow opt,ing •glute corner ci L00t...1 and Trout Street , . Tien'. and 1,0!,"c r eviiry Aulf•rienli 1:10111. Silk Skirt, 01 every I,atiely, BOOI'S AND SIIOES, Singular Discovery of a Robber. , A ROMANCE IN REAL LIFE. A great clearof excitement has been created in the higher classes of the Austrian Capital, by the remarkable, and somewhat romantic devel ' opments of numerous heavy robberies, which for [Entered neencatiet to Act or congress. in the vent.; years past have been committed in and near the metropolis, by one or more malefactors, whose issd. to s it.turitreoN, M. .in the ( g lee oi tt e Do.tit. t Cowl Mr the Et,tei Distnet of Print 'a..] o w r .her er e t a a bo g u iv ts e it th l o v r a o s u i g m h po in s s s i i g b h le t to int t o ra t c h e c o m ut a . tte l r n , GREAT CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA! ANOTIIER SCIENTIFIC WONDER: DR. J. S. HOUGUTON S tree lustbegin at a period when the existence of ' PEPSIN i ! this'gang was first proved by their actions. , • oars TRVE DIGESTIVF: mum, OR GASTRIC JUICE! Towards the close of October, 1818, during a PREPARED Prom RENNET, or the fourth STO- fine and clear autumnal night, the travelling car- OF TOE OX, slier dintetiont , of BARON riage of Mr. Edward C. Brooks, a wealthy mer- Lit:nu:, the great Pliv‘tologienl Clienust. by J. chant of London, who was on his way back to 110th :I eroN.m. I). Philadelphia. Pit. TM. , is a truly wonderful remedy for indtgcstion, Drs. Vienna, Vienna, from a long tour of Upper ltaly and the pees,a Jaundice, laver COInplaial,C011)1111 , 11&1011 and 1)e -curing later Nature's own method, by Nature's Loinfiardic Provinces, was stepped -within three , own neon. Me Gastric Juice. milesiof Vienna, in the most 20124ted part of ir — r• Half n teaspoonful of PRPsIN, infused in water, 1 sun digest or dissolve. rive Pounds of Roast Beef in the'ClaUntry. about two hours, out of the stomach. e' • PEPSIN:is Ile' Wet - element, or Great Di,resiing Prin. .atie.,:mn only presented himself at the coach JuicenTall„.'irs°,l=N-;,11:%4144--wLl&is-414,7e.ou.rt.sousitssii demanded ' stomach - runt intestines. it is extracted no tint Digen- I their surrender of whatever valuables the in . live Simonet] of the Ox, tints forming' on Alt I'IFICIAI. I . rixiU. precisely:,ke the natural mates of the conveyance possessed. W M ith Mr. re Brooks there were two ladies, his wife and her 'l.tiee in its Chemical power , . nod furnishing Cum , PI.F.Tr. mid PERFECT *I.IIISTITT for it. By the atd of this preparanon.the pains said evils of IN IMO'S- younger sister, the latter of whom had drawn I her purse, and was in the act of handing it to TioN tour fIYSPr:PSI A are removed. ttii they would be loy licultliv Stonntelt. It is Mang %louder.; i for Dy.ltemies. curiae eases of DEBILITY. ENIACIA- ! the highwayman, when her extended arm was ioN. NIA:VOUS nEcI.INE. mid DYSPEP'I IC CON- , PTION •tappremil to he m, the voceof the grave. fractured by a pistol shot from Mr. Brooks, who, without having perceived the movement of his The rseieut ceuteitee twee tio: rt 1- based ism the highest degree CURIOUS and ItEAIMIIiALII.I: SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! sister-in-law, had from the back seat of the ear flaron eeteltruted work on Animal Chem. i riage, (Juicily taken aim at the robber, with a iktry. "Au Artifictul Dtg.c.‘t, VC reined" "-' 1 "=". - f° ! view of answering the insolent demand. A scene 1 Ile (acme Jtve. 11111) be readily prepared Ca)111 the rim eon, membrane of use , ftottotch of the Calf. ii whielt va- of terrific confusion then ensued ; the report of rta , articles of foodot< meat and erg , . tall be solicited, eliate_tial, and tlnre.tetl.im , t at the ...aloe manner un Ice y ' the pistol brought besides the Iwo men who woura ,t, the rune.. soutrach. , I guarded the coachmen and horses, three more Dr. Pete. 11. w 111. ItallOtl , I retails), on " Plod and Diet,' , milin-hed lot Fowlers A. Well, New York. mu, individuals to the support of the highwaymen ; -awes rite sum,.irtail r.lei and Ale•terthea tit; method or u that 1J tin. traces were cut in an instant, the coachman preparaiion. I heft: ale tea mg, mt . an tuns- . was lashed to his seat, and the highwaymen pre- Dr. Comloc. in his tai ul.Lla waders: 011 the I•111) , 1- 010 g ). of Digi,tion." Mewl v. , that dintintoion 01 ilte'pared themselves to avenge the death of their tine 011011111) 01 the (11.-trle .lance I. a MCOIII.III ltdhty apparently , nain mate on the preuititag eat), 01 1)) Ile •• all.llllglll.llell.prote.sor to initilienie tit 'miion, who was ground. severely afflicted unlit ti e s , monilamt• Ittottnq everyllootz else to lan. Inad reetlarc) 1 the (111.1 rte Juice. oblacted The doors of the calrshe w etc torn open, but from Ilse stomach. 01 ll,ulg anitrial , ,NN hit 11 It run ‘l,l eOlll- the spectacle which there presented itself was .Iteert , lel such as to make the robbers pause before they Ur ot., author or the ninon"- WOO, 011 • Vet.teltt- Iflc It .• a reale I lotble 111,1 iti I'llyeloOgy, 11011 the .I.lllllells of animal , macerated at water, rtii- launched out upon the mission of revenge. .:11 p to to the Raid the plop., y of t , eattot , an l• Perry, the wounded lady, lay in the arms of her ,•les or food. mid ,:beeline Lied ailittelnl 111 get. :, 1011 of Own, 10 1.0, I-0 illaereul Iron. the Itataral thgeNove t sist er, whose speechless agony proved the bor orocc, prole...cur Datigh-011. of the Jeffer.mt rolfe.-7e.of I'M roe which she felt at the occur ence. Mr. delphia. lit h, peat at all 03111010 a. sil , hf* - . devote: Blooks, still ignorant that it was lie trio had m inor° 111 w 1/1t) itage.textertlitiatitl DI Ihn .11.1- jeel Ili , k pertmetti, Dr Beau:nate, Oa the Ulla. flitted tine injury, had nevertheless abandoned:ill ins Jim,.thictntl 11(110 lite I" WU. 1011,131 .1011110/1 and 1101111111....1 . I•1/0 , 11 la 411 I .I.W, • h.' ' , N\ ideas of resistance, nod was vainly code:trot ing e as re , teed% " Ih'' n.'"`"" . " to staunch the blood, which flowed in torrents .Itee-1,1 , Dr.. 101111 ty . Draper. Pr01)... , 0r 01 Citron 0.1 r) I. ibe : from the ghastly wound. For some motncutc 0,11.• 0 . 01 1110 rttivet.:ll) 01 New Not k. ••Text .1) '• Ims hoes the highwaymen looked upon this mournful until a low moan front their leader re :. scone, 7, 6 % it oioae, t, ors- 00 ciouni.try Nnterta Mettle. and minded them of the necessity of giving, him that Pro rioloe trot all good Medical de-eribe the ciao:.: , and popeitt , - th.e.nc, utt•l -late Many attention which his condition peremptorily called interesuna derails' for. A few moments sufficed to prove that lie be wet th at an A lithetal (laCrle Joie, tn. ll p, ) o muablimr the adult - di thud I,e was not dangerously wounded : the bullet after retuli , ) prepart.d. not 111111111 ill ,1,11.,1ig. /,, unit' e t altittr that It It, &tulle:lWe bee. attplunl Int not cure shat kering the arm of Miss Perry, had spent itself u altd D)-peps,.—:u n.'"r ahl Y " afsJalltSt lis chest, causlng whet the Germans call use sueeest to the ned. Pia/schuss, and although it did not quite peite.- AS A DYSPEPSIA CURER, , • ~,•,, , ••I 11 e 01001 mar- Irate the flesh, had force sufficient to break a Or 11011gclOtt•••• has pro< la ;lOU. ell& ei , , tit t mane, ea-t, of 'Milli., Ein toter- bone or two without any oilier outward sign. nom Net vomi Decline, tool -peptic Colisoimitton• It I tinpokiMole to ate details tot eases in tliv limo , of than a small black spot upon the place w here the this 01- hat alltlienlll,llle4 t•••rtifietit.. have leaden messenger strun. The chief soon re beet, _,tea of :not . ..Matt covered and was able to ride oft', whilst he left I Into followers in charge of the carriage, giving I strict orders, bow ever, not to plunder the Eng lishman and his family, but to gi% e them every assistance to enable them to reach Vienna as coon as possible, that the young lady might ob tatn medical aid. The orders were executed to I the letter. Mr. Brooks saw Ins horses put to the carriage by his late assailants, who exhibited the most respectful bearing towards him, and seemed rather to wish him good than evil. So much, ' indeed, was lie taken by the conduct of these men, that on parting he gave a diamond ring of I great value to hito who had been left in command Iby the chief, with orders to hand it over to Its master, as a token of his gratitude for thin con sideration which had been extended to the suf ' fering lady. The occurrence caused an extraordinary ex citement in Vienna. Apart from the boldness of the act, the standing of Mr. Brooks, and his en ergetic action, the result of the encountei, so far as Miss Perry was concerned, gave sufficient interest to the matter for it to remain the stand ing topic for many weeks. As fur the injured lady - she suffered greatly from the severe wound, but recovered without theloss of her arm, which at first seemed impossible to save. Though Mr. Crooks disenuntenaced all efforts to :rare oat :he floor the fincqt French Cn!land Patent !tool , t•lnoes. dOW/1 to Inn continotto-t nt no:l,l[dt, low price. —all of which lute been ,eleemed ooh Sri:it earn at the bent] of din Ea-In rim Market. :Ind 11. V litri•red to the rnhhe nt pun,. whielt eannt,t fatl to plen-e and •tint-hp the sno , t unrin, tnl - it. Call and = 200 11.1731AlZKAB1 , E C[TRES, In Philadelphia. New York. nod Ilntott Tliee werelltrily al•-prr.11.• 0101110, C.f . ,. VI etc llot 010 rapid and trolth roil. but permanent It i. a great Necerio. Antidote and ;tar ',Oar!) for tennency to Houma-il,order. loser Cony:a tot - ver tool .lene.cr badly treated Fever 11 11 ArLlt. rod the ell , •ets el Quintile. Mercury, and oilier .11 ug 4 ripest the Inge-nee Organ.. n't,re A Illr else s, 1., Voting, tool tire 1,, 5.4 ttol spir its It alino.t re:collet:es health ssith 10IL111prrIti OLD STWIACII CDNIPLAIN'I'S. There 11.110 forts of OLD t..,TONIACII CO ‘II`I,IIVI ., Whlt. It It doe, not ~.es in to reach and fetllor , a , llr l. matter hose had they rune be it 01V1 , . , INS l'A NT It I:- LIEF A .inele do, ririnove. all ilie toms, and it only needs to he repented. for slr‘l l 101,, In 111111, Oleo. is 10.11111111,11 1:1 I l 01' 01.4,11, and \ - 11 . .;01t 01 , follow at rive". It is tort cularl) eleelleot to eases of Niiii•ca. Votittlitig• Cramp, rit the po of the a uer tllllllt.loo. shllt 01 tilt 17.100 a. Of Spirit.. DttpOlhitlley, Ettteollloll, NVeakiies.. trn p to Insanit). Suteide.&e. Dr. Houghton's tOl.l by 10,111) all the dealer, sit line ding., and Popular Aledicine, the United Slale. It Is preporp,l ~, pow der Had in Fluid lorrn—usid nil resertpterls l .ltio fur the Use 01 ti 11111 S I'ItIVATI: CH:CI - LARK for tile ate of Pli).iciart s . mg t ) t obtaned 01 Ds. Houghton or los Agent.. 1117. 0, hole prove.. 01 preparation and gtelmr. the 'loonies upon w Inch :lie chitties of 11, I. lie" rancdy ore I,llsrti. An It It \0 1• A SI:(;121;1' sto otQue• 11011 Cllll he r.l{..td agnimst lit 1.1 , 0 by .ICIIIII. 111 re ,reelable ~taittling and regular practice Price,ONl: 1)01.1.AR per bottle. I,Er 013 S Ell. VI; THIS I ---OVrr) I.We of the 1,1:111111.r PI:I'SIN bears tilt Written Slgll.llll, Of J. S 11011; ll- TON. M. D., sole preprietor. Philadelphia. Pa Copt rigid and 'rustle Alarl, secured .10 . • Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Meth, knrc Ma:NTS—a WILLIAMS, W. A. LEADER., Columbia, Dr. J. Lot... I . .nnearter. C k..MORMic. York. J rt. S Hutto:litre l's! -I) "NO ENTERTAINMENT IS SO CHEAP AS READING, NOR ANY PLEASURE SO LASTING." COLUMBIA, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 3, 1852. 1VX01313 NEW GOODS I= HI: WORLD'S WONDER, AND MAN'S DELIGHT, READY-MADE CIO'cIIING OEM Colusribio, Arra :1, From tLc Low-vill, Journal Den Bolt's Reply: OR, AH! YES, I REMEMBER. . At, yes I remember that name with delight. • Sweet Alice, so cheriolied and dear • ! I seek her grave in the pale hour oral : flit, And moisten the turf 'Aid, a tear • And :here. when the heart is olerlairden •d with woes - I wander and muse all alone. And long for tl•e ti me when my head shall repose. ,• Where •• syseet Alice lies under the tone.•' I 1 - 00:11 through the wool tvhero r-o j. 1501.15 we , trayed And reclined on the green sonny hill; Al' thing , are bright 111 that beaniti - ul 1 But lug heart is all lonely and chill. j TlicAland that so fondly I preasea then in tow-. I Andthe lips-that were inciting with love. Are cold in the grave, and l'in lea to I rpm, Till 1 meet w.tli sweet .Alice aiOUVC. Ah Well I re•mermber the school Lou•.• and hrool,, "And the twister so knid and so true," The wild blooming flowers in the cool shady nook So fragrant with incense and dew. Dot f it cep not for these, though so dear to my heart, Is;or the friends that have left us :done I The bosom will heave and the tear drop. will start. I For " street A lice lies under the t Loire " liircl[niacoii. = path!). IMMI!ITI individual who stopped his carriage, the police, nevertheless, caused the most minute inquiries to be made, but without any success. A month or two passed quietly by, when the news of another attack on the highway, this time accompanied with a robbery to a heavy amount, startled the police from their apathy, to which they had abandoned themselves since they saw their efforts to trace out the perpetrators of the previous robbery fruitless. Attack followed at tack at four or six intervals, and they were di rected only against the most wealthy, with a sa gacity and prudence which defied every precau tion on the part of the authorities. Years thus liaised without the least success against these depredators, and late in the fall of 1851, three robberies were committed during one night, not one of a hick led to a discovery, though the booty consisted of such articles as could not have been disposed of in the Austrian Empire, without es tablisluing suspicion against the seller. In the month of January, Miss Perry, who since receiving tine . wound from the pistol of her brother-in-law, has been married to a Welch gentleman named Trewyth, arrived at Vienna with her husband, where her former adventure wac by no means forgotten, and was frequently spoken about in company. Among those who seemed to take the deepest interest in the mat ter, was a Baron Pregli, a Lombaldic nobleman, who for the last ten years had stayed at Vienna, and was apparently enjoying unbounded wealth; he became an admirer of Mrs. Trewyth and her constant attendant. Rumors of an impure re lation existing between the two were soon started, and the question was often asked, why the husband allowed so close an intimacy as was exhibited in their frequent rides and walks.— None, however, ventured to prognosticate the result of this intimacy. At an early hour on the 2d of March, Baron Pregli's mansion was surrounded by a body of officers, the leaders of whom thereupon demanded access to the building. • After a while-the doors were thrown open, and the commissary with two of his men entered, whilst others were left to guard 'he various outlets. Nearly an liour thus passed over, until the officers returned, bringing with them, and carefully guarding Baron Pregli, I whom they took to the prison usually assigned ! for political offenders. From The action of the ,p01ipb , 479A6/134,ANL--tell, w hat its t he—offenee:_witit , which he is charged ; he had no hearing, and probably may have none; his friends may see him again or they may not, just as it suits the des- ! potic will of him who rules over Austria. I In spite of the precautions which are always I taken in Austria to keep secret the offences of the nobility, the story in regard to Baron Pregli's character has leaked out. It appears that it was he, in connection with several devoted servants, who had rendered the highways near Vienna in secure, as he could carry on these depredations from his country mansion, without the slightest degree incurring the suspicion of the authorities. It is a remarkable fact that the Baron had ac- 1 tually stood in the pay of the police, a situation which lie probably coveted only for the purpose of leading any suspicion that might arise into another channel. Becoming deeply enamored of i the beautiful Mis. Trewyth, he sought vainly to i gain her affections, and at last, in a fit of silly despair, showed her the ring that Mr. Brooks had sent him, as the leader of the highwaymen, three years previously, and appealed to her to become his : since she had once been chosen the insti it meet to save his life. So fir from this confes- I sion having the e ff ect of softening her feelings, 1 she became all the more pii , judieed against fern, !but promised faithfully to keep los secret, if he moonlit not repeat his offensive proposals. Pregh I did not come near her los a week, but at last at tempted to carry her off by the aid of his satel- lutes, and being f0i1.,1 in this. information was I Igiven which led to Lis arrest, a 3 before staled. I i Three of the Ilainti's men have since been ar- 1 rested, and at his coast i y residence a large quan- I lil y of ar t ic les were IMI Id, all of which were I identified ac having been stolen. i 1 1 am Oise 22anclred Yvars ro-!L:r. The attention of 111.1t1) of our citizen, has doubtle,s been au ie , t,il by the appearance of an old colored man. who ni.:l,t be seen sitting in front of hi, residence, Bast Union Ft., tirdn mdd clear days, recpect fully nai ulg li:s hat to those v.ho !night be I,assing by• Ms attenuated flame, his silt elect head, his feeble movements, combine 10 prove that he us very aged ; and yet comparatively fen• are a‘%are that he is among the ,urvivors of the gallant urn nrniv aho fought fan the liheities of our eountiy oars tried men's souls..• On Monday last we stopped to .peak to him. and asked him how uhl he was. Ile nsl,ed the day of the month. and, upon being told that it was the 2 Ith of May. replied, with tiembhug hr. <• 1 am very old—l am a hundred years old to•diiy. • ' Ili, name is Oliver Cromwell. and he says that he was born at the Black Horse. (now Colum bus,) in this county, in the family of John Ilinchin. Ile enlisted in a company commanded be Capt. Lowery, attached to the -2,1 New Jersey Regiment, under the command of Israel Shreve. He was at the battles of Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, Monmouth and Yorktown, at which latter place, he told us, he saw the last man killed. Although his faculties are fast yet he relates many interesting reminiscences of the Revolution. Ile was with the army at the neglect cf the Delaware on the memorable cross ing of the 25th of December, 1776, and relates the story of the battles on the succeeding days with enthusiasm. He gives the details of the march from Trenton to Princeton, and told us. with much humor, that they i• knocked the British about lively" at the latter place. He was also at the battle of Springfield, and says that he saw the house burning in which Mrs. Caldwell was shot, at Connecticut Farms.—Thir lingion X. J' Un:rtie. Shoo PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE [WHOLE NUMBER, 1,147. Zunban itcabing. Omniscience. E=l ' The Lord Looketh on the Heart When in Thy temple, Lord of hosts, NVall prayerful lip we Low, lfevery vain and wayward thought NVere written on our brow : And lithe =earehing eye of Imui Might each emotion see, And ever!, motive ell unveiled, A , Clearly r., ad by Thee : I low would the most familiar fin:ad From ht= companion start, And neighbor scan the netghbor'u fuze NVith terror in his heart' Yea, man:, whom a datteram NVOCid Applauds a , just and true, 7t!mht to the rocks uad mountain, taut 're shield them horn its view. th.iTholl to si Lose omniscient ei e Our every thought on earth Huth stood uneurtainod and reeenled L' en front our day of birth How great must Thy forbearance be Ilcv measureless and vast 'fbe itmvs, of llts atoning love Tbut pardoneth at, at last' Do you Pray ? iWhat! shall we ask a christian person if he , prays ? Why, all people pray ; the Jew and the 1 Mahommedan, and the Hindoo, and every one that owns a religion, however unworthy of the unknown God, whom they ignorantly worship. Do you pray more than they ; and in a more en lightened spirit ? Like them you pray, of course, in the public congregation. You can hapily excuse yourself, lif you would. Public opinion and public decency Icall for your Sunday attendance, no less forcibly i than the chinch bells. Then the pealing organ i arouses you, and the chanted hymn enkindles you ; and your neighbors' voices shame you, and you cannot help praying, for every petition is suggested by the clergy, all ready to your lips. But do you. pray out of church. For the Ma , hornmedan, remember, prays !several times a day to Almighty God..- And it is xeported,of people ' the farthest removed from civilization and Chris ! Ltianity, that they offer up a - prayer before *they eat - their 'fi:Had, wheit' they, till, theis.ground ,„13r . .ini;ill - idrns, i,ViiliiiitiZuk,- -- Cir latinch'-eanoes; or cast nets, or begin or end a journey. Then again, for what do you pray? Like the savages, for health, for safety, for success, for I some temporal want or other ? Nevertheless, this selfish, slavish practice of asking merely for 1 what you want, or returning thanks only for what you have yourself received, is of no higher , character than the heathen custom. It is beg ging rather than praying. Now our blessed Lord, Christian friend, never taught you to apply to God, as a pauper to his relieving officer, but to "pray to thy Father." I O think of that privileged name ! What a fond and filial relation it discovers to you! With what a noble-minded and generous bearing it seems to inspire you! Observe also what kind of prayer the Lord has exemplified in the "Our Father." Out of nine addresses to Almighty IGod, the first four and the concluding doxology, refer exclusively to himself—his heaven, his name, his kingdom, his will, and his eternal power and glory. Christian friend, go and pray thou thus. When thou hast learnt to consider the honor of thy heavenly Father as much as thy own wants, thou canst answer in the affirm ative the question—do you pray?—Penny Post. How Near Is Heaven? Christians sometimes look far away to heaven. But that rest is not far off. The clouds that hide the shining woi Id are thin ; they are transient, and soon will obscure no more. The journey may end this hour; one short step may place the Christian in the world of light. One dark hour may ling upon him; but the morning comes, and no shades behind it. Day, bright, peaceful and eternal succeeds it. A pang may be felt for a moment, and then it flies ,away forever. A conflict, sharp and painful, may continue for a night, but victory, eternal victory ensues. How soon, 0, how soon, the Christian's cares are over, Lis struggling soul at rest, his eyes suffused no Ilune 11 h tears ! Near at hand is the land of his pursuit. Hope cheers. How glorious the object that hope embraces!—how holy its spirit! Who can contemplate the home our Heavenly Father Is fitting for his children, and not feel his soul. athirst for its enjoyment and employments? Well, these delights. the happy clime, those ever-vcrdant plain, are not far distant.—A. Barnes. rlie Stranger Within our Gales• Recently, while in a conversation with a shrewd and highly cultivated lawyer of Boston, upon the relative importance and influence of his profession and that of the ministry, he related the following incident: When a thoughtless youth, he wandered away to a distant city. The Sabbath Caine, and he was alone, with nothing but his own fancy or in clination to guide him in his selection of a sanc tuary of worship. .As he was going along toward a church distinguished by its pastor, he passed by the door of the Bethel chapel. Hearing the voice of prayer, lie turned back and entered.— Scarcely was he seated, before the preacher, among the subjects of petition, prayed for c , the stranger within our gates." He remained till service was concluded, and went to his room in tears. The isords of supplication gathered around the word stranger, rang in memory. After relating the circumstances, he turned to me and said, <, In your public ministrations never forget the < stranger within thy gates.' You will touch some heart. which will vibrate t.i the appeal.••