GOLD PENS, PORT MONNAIES, POCKET BOOR'S, Bair Brushes. Tooth Brusbes.Tooth Picks, Tableaux. Pen Knives. China Dead Receiv ers. Alabaster Jewelry. Boxes, Piquet }ruche Albums and p e rt Eak ss , Padded Desks. (a new-article.) at G. G. CLAIBORNE'S Book Store. lesy 1,19.52 GROCERIES, GROCERIES. WE. have just received a large assortment of fresh GrOceries- sugars in every variety: Molasses at all prides. some very superior Syrup; Coffee, green and roasted ; Teas of ull kinds and at all prices. and every article usually kept in a well regulated Grocery Store— all lot sale very cheap by H. H. FRY 6: CO.. at Their New Store, oppo.ite the BnnlC Columbia. April 10.1554. EXTRACT VANILLA. NATE r e e s par f e :h a l ! tkhine il d, for fiL lil o c r d u l g eite es Store, l an Puddings, and Custards, which we do not hesiame to pro nouncr superior to anything of the kind offered for tittle. Our COLOGNF,. which we offer by the putt or gallon, will bear the lee! or any extunittatton. Columbia, March 20, 18d2. MOUNT EAGLE TRIPOLI. THIS artinle is highly recommended for cloan•ing and polishing metals. such as Gold. :silver. Brass. and 13ritantua,Windose Glnss,&c. For sale at the FAMILY MEDICINE STORE. Locast street. Columbia, March 20. 15,52. ,GARDEN SEEDS, GARDEN SEEDS. IUST received an extensive assortment of fresh .Garden Seeds. of every kind. They are warranted to be fresh and genuine. For sale at the Golden Mortar .Drug Store. W. A. LEADER.. Columbia, February 7,19.59. VERMICELLI AND MACCARONI. WE fu T „ g 4 ln o d r o t t i y „ c e ni t 7 , e v l o n a t; i r.lll!, ag a rs c t ;i a n s t . e e tmtea II dnece necessary for us to obtain a fresh supply. For sa'e at the FAMILY MEDICINE STORE, Odd Fellows' hall. Columbia, March 29, 1852. SPORTSMEN. THIS WAY: LUST received, a new lot of DOUBLE and SIN GLE BAnREL GUNS. Game Rags. shot Pouches, -Powder Horns, he. Also. Powder of the fittest quality. and all sizes of shot—to usl of which the attettu out of purchasers is inetted. .R.)NAS RCM Pl.ll. August 30,1E41. Locust street, Colutnltta N _ ICEOLSON'S Mechanics' Companion, or the Elements and Practice of Carpenienng, Joining, Bricklaying. Masonry, r,lating, Plastering, Painting. Smalling and Turning, with Forty-six Engravings. Po. sale at G. 6 CLAII3ORNE'S Columbia, September 1.3,18.51.. Book Store. AYEWS CHERRY PECTORAL., G UARANTEED GENUINE, for sole by R. WILLI A MS, Front street, Columbia, Pa Feb:l2oz. - 2.3, 1.96":3. LADIES` Straw Embroidered Veils. decidedly the prettiest things of the kind ever ofrered ior sale in this piece. For bale at KAUFFMAN'S, Columbia, April 17, 1552 Locust street. 011. CLOTH and Water Color Waal... Shades—a large lot, for sate et 1.1 , F.%1A N"S, Columbia, Aprti 17, 1812 1 crust st., below the Bank LINEN '6111:1.:TINOS, &C.—We have now opio,a fine assortment of Linen Sheeting. and Pillow Case Linens, winch we offer utgrestly reduced pilaus. Also great variety of TuHe Linens at 11. 11 r r ry IS: CO'S, Opposite. the Columbia, April 10, i 032 AIARSEILLES COVNTERP.A NEE. —We have Jost In opened a large of those beautiful good', and some very low. Call and examine them at fl If FRI" & CO'S New Store, oppo,lte the Bank. Columbia, April 10, 1fr5.2. PIANO and TABLE: COVI - .lls —Cloth Piano and Table Covers, a large lot on hand and for sale at HALFT:IIAN'S, LOCI.I9t street. Columbia, April 17. 1.9.52. FANCY CASSIMERES AND VESTINOS —We have just opened a large and well selected assortment of Fancy Caseimerea and vestings—some very handsome new et} lea. Call and sec them at H. H. FRY & CO'S Opposite the Ibank. Columbin, April 10,105:2 CRAPE SHAWLS, plain and embroidered, a large as Usoruneut Just received at KAUFFMAN'S, Locust at. Columbia, April /0,1552. DEATIIERS.-300 lbs. tire geese feathers, to store and 12 for sole by C. S. KAUFFMAN, Locust st Columbia, April 10, 1052 LACK 'I F.A.—A superior article, in ORIGINAL urAcl AG , for sale at KAUFFMAN'S, Locust 51. . _ Coltlmbia, ATtrll 10,195,2 JOI.7.SI:KEEPEKS GOODS. of all descriptions. such 1 as Linens and Sheetings, Pillow Case Linen. Line n and Corson Daillel' Napkins, all sizes and colors, Da. mask Table Cover., &c., at KAUFFMAN'S, Locust sl. Columbia, April 10, 1552. VI D GLOVE:S.—Alexandra's Sid Glove.. light and dark colored, for sale ut KAUFFMAN'S, apnllo, 1552. Locust street DRESS GOODS —All the newstyles of Ladies , Dress Goods, received and for sale at. KAUFFMAN'S. 1. Locust street. below the Bank aprll 10.'02 AIL WINDOW BLINDS.—We have jut opened n large atrortment of Oil Window *linden, new put. terns rind much cheaper than ever. We oleo have the patent put up nomething entirely new. II 11. PRY & CO., Columbia, April 10, 1652. OppoFite the Wink. niintsr. —lnc.l Apple and Legltel) Dairy Cheese, just Vreceived and for sale at QII.IiS,SII.Ii.S —Fancy atitl Black. Dress: 7, lllre. in store and for stile by KAUI - 1 7 :%1.AN. aprit TO, leSY. Locu't street. VENITIAN BLIND 'IIIIMMINCit, of all colors and styles, to store anti for sale by C. S. ICArrF37.A •o. 17 Locust street, next to the think. Columbia, April 17, 11,.52. QEVF.RAL BAGS BOTTLI.; CORR,: containlng about 1.) 100 gross, for sale low by R. WILLIAMS. July D, R-51. Front sneer, Cc lumbut. AREALLY superior article of FRI:SII CASTOR OIL. clear of all uttpleusantness in smell or taste, for sale by IL . WILLIAMS. July 9, 1.551. Trout street, Columbia. A HOST rare and fresh selection of Perfumery now 1 - 1. on hand and for sale by the f uloAc r his assort. meat, in point of quaintty, quality and cheapness, is su Parlor to nay in the place. Cull unit CZlitnitie. Colombia, Sept. 14. IC'4l. It. W I I.LIAM S. pORN LIQUID, one of the moat infallable liquids ever kJ made for extractinc corns For 'ale at Columbia, Nov. 15, '5l. LEADER'S Drug store. _AILS, Paints. Window Mast, Putty, Spiro a of Turpen V tine, Varrusbes..lec., for