The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, June 19, 1852, Image 1

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N o„_Notoove.t corner of Front and IValnut streets,
opposite Jolla !tares lintel. and above the
Vinare Railroad Company's Office.
TYRY/s—The Sr' i‘ published every Saturday mortiirm.
et the low prize of 1%1 I'ER ANNUM IN ADVANCE,
asst co IF :sun. PAID IN ADVANCE. Single copies,
No paper swi ll be discontinued until all arrearages are
paid. m d e .is at the 01,1.1011 of the publisher.
Letters, to receive attention, must be post-paid.
tnitceit litre or less to the square.]
Advettlsements will be inserted three times at the rate
m et per square: for every subsequent lIISCPIIOII after the
third. niS cents soil lbe charged. The a amber of i users ions
denied must be marked, or the advertisement will be
caatinned until ordered out, (tad charged accordingly.
A liberal deduction woat ill be made the above prices
to yearly advertisers.
OFFlCp.—Walut street, two doors above Front, Co
Mellon. Pa.
Columbia. April 10, 1552-tf
TTOIINLY AT LAW, Columbia, Peoria—Orrick
11 in Walnut street, opposite Col. I). lien'. lintel.
REF 1. ur:,cu, loa. J nines Pollock, Milton. Penn'a;
Ann Wieglenemit IlicCartney, Easton ; lion. James M.
barn Flr,trni ; 1-1011..1 P. Jones, Reading,.
Columbia. May 15. 1e52 I y
TTORNEY AT LAW.—Office in Front street. be-
At. - ren Locust and Walnut streets, Columbia, Pn.
Columbia, June 7,1851-1 C
A TTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Arcade Row, Val
;1 tan •Ireet. between Front and Second.
Colombia April 23.
11. M. NORTH,
oil I•ocum I.trect, above FrOlil, formerly occupied by
Dr.). S Clark mu. Columbia, Pa.
Columbia. Alay •t. Plrifb
OR LAND OR DUMPING, con.tonily on Ilona nt the
1: Dote Ktin. non!. the Depot. [Cot bin J nn 13-If
(Entered accordnig to Act of Congress. to the r .„,
153/. by J. S 11. WO /YVON. M. D., ill rite Clerk's Office
of the Distrus Court for the Fasters District of Pentia I
DR. J. S. II ()VG HI T 0 N S
rmrsaN !
PPREPARED from RENNET, or the fourth STO-
P NIACH OF THE (IX, utter dtrections of AARON
1.1F311G. the great Ph ysiolopical Chemtst, by J. S.
noucaros. M. D. Plitlndelphia. Pa.
This to n truly wonderful remedy for indigestion, Dys
peesta.Joutitlice, Liver Conplaut6Con stipatiou and De
whty. curnig nfter Nature's own method, by Nature's
own agent. the Gastric Juice.
rf Half a tenspoonfill of infused in water,
will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds of Roast Beef in
about two hour., out of the stomach.
PEll'bslN 1. the cluefelemest, or Brent Digesting Prin
ciple of the Gastric Juice—the Solvent of the Food. rite
Puri(wg. Preserving, nod Stimulating Agent of the
StotnkehillidillteSllllVl. It is extracted from the Diges
tive Sionnleb of the Ox. thus Commie us AR I'IFICIAL
DIGESTIVE FLUID, precisely the the natural Gastric
Lace in its Cliemictil poweis, and furnishing a COM
PLETE and 11:1WECT SUBSTITUTP: for it. By the
of thu. preparniton. the pains nisi evils of I NDIO P.S.
'BOX and bYtsPr.P$l.N. are removed, just to they
could be by a healthy Stomach. It to doing wonders
for 11,.pep:teq. cluing ca..e4 of DP:MI.I'IA% ENI ACI A -
.5011.T10N, supposed to be on ilie verge of the grave.
The St ientifie Evidence upon which it is liticed.ib in the
Wes:degree CI;ItItilIS and ItEIIA It
heron Lalng,l.l hic celebrated work oil Allllll.ll Chem
-1571.)..1)•: .• All ArlirlClal Fluid anahr4ous to
the G isitir Juice. may he readily prellimed Icon, the 'Un
coil; inembruile of the monnich or the Calf. in which v a.
rIOUS uncles of food, Its 1110.11.111 d egg., will be solimled,
thunved, and digested. Jua 111 the .oine manner they
could be in the human stoinsielt."
hr Pereira 1.1 ht. tartioustreatise on "rood and Diet.'
bt rowieis & New. York, page f. 1 .5.
PRlts the stone great fact, and describes the 111C11101.1 of
prevurlitiou. There are It so higher authoritier, than I) r.
Dr Combs, in Inc volual.le writing.; on the "Physi
ology of Digegion. , ohs. , ve, that a •• diminution of the
dun yo.muq et the Gii%trie Juice t. a prominent :nal all
pte,Wing mi.e. o I)‘pei,;iii ;" and he state• that a
distingul-littt f
tilt inedtLine in London, who WII9
keterely ulllicled tcuh compla i,tl. finding everything
em to lull. had reconr-e to the Ga,trte Juice. obtained
- -
rum the stomachs of Itetag aattnals, which proved tom
Dr 6.11,1n5. author of the latnoug works Olt '• Vegeta
le Net," sit) It :sn rentarkabl,• fact 111 Pliraiology
Ilan tar 'loam, Its 01 attottal6. nowt:rated to water, 1111.
Poi to the liool the properly of lit•.01V1114 V 11 1 .1 4 ,11 111'11-
Citi 01 food, tool of ellet•noy o knot of otlttietal clige.aton
of them tti tam he rillicreitt Iron, tilt 1111 1 0(.11 1.11g0,1i Vs
Professor Dungli•on. of the Jefferson Collegc.of
In 1,1.; gi nal 1 vtork 1111111.,ii I'l ysm.,* . devotes
loon: 11 an Idly pages to all exaniiiintton at this sub
lert• Ills experiments pith Dr. Ite.tuinoill. on the On.-
tric hire. 01.1.1111 ed fain the living 1111111filt stoilineli end
hoe, re nill,lll.oN O. .• in all case.," he say s,
..dig,lion occurred as peril cal) 111 the artificial us 11l the
/ 4 Jul. W. Draper, Professor of Chemistry m than
Medical College of the University of New York, in Isis
"Text Book 01 Chador sir > ," 'loge 381, 00)5, "It has been
t 1
ri.t•1111 Itethrr !unbent] dige•tion could be periormed
—tut if is now admitied that it may beir
All inolleari %yeti. s on Cliemi , iry edica. and
Flit tddiniy. and all good Medical Dictionaries, dekerthe
the character nail properties of PF.Pett;, and state many
imerestnig debuts re-peel ang it.
The fact that nu Artificial Digestive Fluid. or Gastric
hie'' , Perfectly resembling the antural fluid. may lie
readily prepared, does not admit of quo stmt. The only
wonder Is, thus it 1111..; not before been applied to the cure
°lr/mitlreerron mid Dyspepsia—so naturally does such a
use suggest 11;elf to the ;Mild.
Dr. Boughton's PEPSIN tins produced the most mar
vellous edema in cuing cases of Debile,v, Emacia
tion. Nervous ed.-eta,
and DppeptiC C011511.11);110,1. It
tumpuisihle lo give the (lentils of cases in the hones of
this advertisement—hut authenticated certificates have
been glVen of more than
la Philadelphia, New York, and ISOStOII nione.
were nearly all de•perate Cayes, and the cures were not
only rapid and wonderful, but permanent.
Ito v great Nervous Antidote, anti particularly use tit i
for terdeney to Bilious disorder, l.iver Complaint, Fe
.'" . 11,1 Ague, er badly treated Fever and Ague, arid
the end effects of Quinine. Mercury. and other drugs
spoil the Digestive Organs. after a lone sick netts. Al• 3.
f"eZeess in eating, and the too free use of ardent opt.-
, It almost reconciles health with intemperance
There is no form of OLD STOMAC II COM PLAINTS
Which it does not seem to reach nod remove at otter. No
matter how bad they may he, it GIVES' INSTANT RE
LIEF: A single dose removes all the unpleasant sy mp.
'MP. and it only needs to be repeated. fur a short Ism,
to make these good effects permanent. PURITY OF
BLOOD and VIGOR OF BODY, follow at <we. It to
particularly excellent in cases of Nat Pea. Vomiting.
Cramps, Sorene RS ache pit of the stomach, distresa after
~ ting,low ' cold, state ot the Blood. Ileavutes.„ Lowness
N'filts Despondency. Emaciation, WeaknePs, ten
dency to Insanity. Suicide, &C.
, Dr• Houghton's PEPSIN, is sold by nearly all the
alsrs in fine drugs and Popular Medicines, throughout
IP Lotted States. It is prepared in Powder and in
told form—and m Prescription vials for theuse of PM - -
stem rIS
PRIVATE CIRCULARS for the use of Physicians.,
map be obtained of Dr. Houghton or his Agents, describ
ingbO ;he whole proton of preparation, and giving the au
rnlieS upon which the claims of this new remedy are
. "4 " 1 . As it is NOT A SECRET REMEDY, no objets
owl can be raised against Its use by Phynicinna in re.
lLteciable standing and regular practice. Price, ONE
utILLA R per bottle.
FP- ORsERVE THIS 7.—Every bottle of the genuine
bean the written signature of .1. S. HOUG
M. D, sole preprietor. Philadelphia, Pa. Copy
?let and Trade Mark secured.
InS. sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicines
,sisEyys_R. e %V A. 11.....Abite. Columbia;
J. LONG, ; C. A. Moms, York ; J ETAT KW
8k0 .9 Harrisburg.
August 23. 11351 -l)"
ATro 9 S3 1
f e :fl i . --:, - i - ....,-_, l,
. .
. ..,
For the Cure of
This invaluable remedy for all diseases 01 the Thrd Pt
and Lungs lias attained u celebrity from its remarkable
cures, never equalled by any medicine before. Other
prcparanons have shown themselves palliatives, cud
.maellaieS effected notable cures, but none has ever so
fully woo the confidence of every community where it
is known. Auer years of trial in every climate. the
result- have indisputably shown it to possess a mastery
over this class or diseases, which Could not
foil to attract the attention of Physictuns, Patients, and
the public at large.
See the statements. not of obscure individuals, and
from far distant places, but of men who tire known and
respected throughout the contory.
The widely-celebrated Surgeon, Don. VALENTINE
MOTT. of New York City. stns:
"It gives me great pleasure to certify the value mid
efficacy of 'AVER'S Cnennc PFCTORAL.' which I consider
peculiarly adapted to cure diseases of the throat and
and lane."
Dr. PERKINS, the venerable President of the Very
moot Medieul Co Hese, one of the eminently - lea reed
Physicians of this country, writes, the Cherry Pectoral
is extensively used in this section. where it lots shown
unmistakeable evidence of its happy effects upon psi.
numury diseases.
Cobrunis, Morel. 8,1:351.
Door. J. C. .ATch—Deer Sir—About three or lour
weeks ego, I was taken with a severe cold. which
seemed to set he on my breast and longs, and 1 became
very much alarmed about it. I went to one of the hest
ph) Aielinas in this pl.,ee, who told ins that my lungs
were S cry much inflamed. 1 then became more shunn
ed, und thought it was inure to try to do something rot my
*elf : 1 hardly knew shut cour.e. to take. but at last I
made up my mind to try mime of your •'Cneenv Pro-
Toast.' 1 obtallu•d one bottle nail con meneed tabling
it, and found in two or three days that it was driving the
ditcu•e out of my s) stem I have now taken one bottle
und a hall, and reel better, I believe. than 1 have for the
In •t year. 1 have, therefore. felt it my duly to send you
these few lines. hoping that they unity enicourage_ollierg
sullernag under the online disease. I resole in the borough
of C0101111..1. T. J. MILES, Surgeon Dentist.
W. A. LEA DER, Agent. Columbia.
Columbia, 111uy
all dis
eases aris
ing from a dis
ordered Liver or Sto
mach. such on Constipa
tion, inward files, Fullness
- or Blood to the Bead- Aridity of
the Stomach, Nuu•ca, Heart-Burn,
Disgust for food, Fullness or Weight in
the Stomach. Soar Eructations. Sinking or
Fluttering •,t the Pit of Ilse Stomach. Switnining
°title liend. Berried and Difficult Breathing, Flutter
ing at the Heart, Choking or Sufforsting Sen.ditions
when in a ly tug po.tore. I)lntue:... of Vi•tot,. Dolt or
Welts Before the Sight, Fe err and Dull fain in
the Bend. I)efirieney of reriuration. Vet
lotvnr the Slan and Eye-. Pant in
the Stile, Bark, Chest. Iduthri,
Sudden of I Burn
ing in the Fle.h. Canetnnt
/11111,11111111-r. of Evil, and
great depre,ion of
Spirit", ran be
At the German Medicine Store, 19.0 Arch st.,
Their power over the above diseases is not excelled, it
equalled. by any other preparation in the Untied edam,
as the cures attest. ti! many cases alter skilful physicians
had failed.
The, litters ate worthy the ;mention of i,,vut.ds.
rossessiint great virtues in the rectification of It eu±cs
of the Liver and leeser glands, exerca-ing the most
smirching powere in weakiieSS and II:P . 01011S of the di
gestive organs, they are, withal, safe, certain, and
(1 , , inn the ' lio•ton lice '1
The editor said. Dec !..!.2.1
"Dit. linort..AND's Cri.calcATED Ccreass Dirrims, for
the cure of Liver Complaint. Jaundice. lJ spep,a,
Chronic or Nervous Debility. is de,rvettly one of the
most popular medicines of the day. These linters have
been used try thousands. and a Inc nil at our elbow says
he lins himself ',fleet' nn etre Neal mid petinatient cure
or Liver Complaint limn! the use of ibis remedy. ‘Ve
are convinced that, in the use tit these thilerA.the
constantly . galas strength and vigor—a fact worthy of
great consider:dim. They me pleasant m taste and
smell. and can be uteri by person.- with the most delicate
stomachs with safety, under tin) circumstances. We
are speaking from experience, and to the afflicted we
advise their use 't
"Scott's NVeekly," one of the best literary papers pub
lished, said. Aug. - 25
" Dm llooFc.stva's CiaNTAN BITTERS. rrianUfactured by
Dr. Jackson, are now recommended by some of the most
erominent members of the facility as an article of much
fficacy cases of female weakness. As such is the
ease. we would advise all mothers to obtain a bottle-and
thus, save themselves mach sickness. Persons of debili
tated cousaiutions will find these Bitters ;Advantageous to
their heilltb. as we know from experience the salutary
effect the) have upon weak systems."
The editor of the Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," the
ne.t family newspaper published in the Llinted States.
ca 3. of
It is seldom that use recommend what are termed
Patent Mean-Ines to the confidence and patronage of our
reader.; :and, therefore. when we recommend Dr. 110°1-
'llllWe German Billets, we wish It to be disuitcdy under
stood that we are not spooking of the nostrum. of the
day. that are twined about for It brae f period nod then
forgotten, after they have done their pithy race of [mis
chief, but of a medicine long e.tabiashed, unaversapy
prized, and which has met the hearty approval of the
Par ulty itself
Evidence ;iron evidence ha. been received (like she
foregoing) from all sections of the Union, the last three
)CBll. and the strongest te.timinny In its furor is, that
there as more of at used tit the practice of the regular
Physimuns 01 Philadelphia than all other nostrums coin
bitted, a foes that can ensily he established and lolly prov
ing that a scientific preparation will men with their
quiet approval, n hen presented even in this form.
That this medicine will cure hirer Complaint and
Dyspepsia, no one ran doubt, after usang at as directed.
It nets specifically upon the stomach and liver—it 14 pre
ferable to calomel in all bilious diseases—the effect is
iminerlarate. They can be omdinistered to female or in
font with safety utid reliable benefit, at any tame.
This medicine has onatned that high character which
is necessary for all medicines to attain to induce roan •
terfeiters to put forth a spurious article at the risk of the
laves of those who are innocently deceived.
They have the written signature of C. dl. JACKSON
upon the wrapper, and his name blown in the bottle,
without which they are spurious.
For sale, wholesale and retail, at the
No. 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth, Philadel
phia, and by respectable dealers generally throughout
the country.
- -
To enable all Oaxaca of invabils to enjoy the advantages
of their great restorative rIOICCTE.
Also, for sale by R. WILLIAMS, Cotrotata, ra.; C.
A. Morrie St Co.. York.
-Noe 29, lEL`
TILTS ItTeiHeine is a certain cure for Dyspepsia in its
very wear-1 forms. Titousandsolcasee have been com
pletely cured by it within the:ll , i yea r, which have Levu
entirely despaired of by the regular family physicians.
AVe do not recommend it toe are everything—we recom
mend it to cure Dyspepsia, and the 111,(11.1, originating
trout it, and that it will cure in almost every ease. (11111
it is reeollllllelll.lell fur nothing eine Ili 111:111y 11,1111 lee,
evert the worst of eases hove been rompfetely cured in
and three months, but it depends somewhat upon
the constitution of the patient We would say to all
who are °Mimed with Dyspepsia, give this medicine a
fair trial, and if It fails to do good, your money will be
This is the most wonderful 'Worm Destroyer ever
known, and at the earns time so pleasant to take. abut
almost every child will be bond of. it and many instances
hove been known of children try leg fur more after once
'Phis medicitr:.• is in the form of n powder. the only
medicine ever used in that form. and it ffiterittesupon a
principle entirely thin:relit from an, other medicine ever
aillsninstered by any other plw.ician. It is the only
icor.: which has tin ll'orm.scecl Oil or Turpentine com
bined with it, which is believed by nll other physicians.
to be the only 1,,0 things that will destroy ,orms, lad
these Mc, thongs combined. together with castor oil, are
the active principles of all other •Aorin medicines, which
every person who has over meted or smelled. knows to
be the too., nauseous of all nauseous inedicones. and on
it ermine of which. there is generally something added to
destroy this nauseous taste, and in order to do this, it
must be something st ronger than the medicine itself. rind
therefore it must 'recess o r ilv destroy scone 0(115 medici
nal properties These pow dens ores:untie and so harm
lest, that a child may eat in tvliole box 01 OliCei and it
will not he hurt. while at the same time. the principle
upon which it nets being different from anything else
ever used, it will destroy all bunts of tir'orins wich is
certainty never et t ual.rd. It wall not only destroy the
sent ‘VOSIII%, or A soli rides. and long. round WOrnis, or
'Peres, but is the most etieetual medicine for the destruc
tion of the Tope Worin ever known. Ten doses have
brought as many as FIVE Tape Worms front one person
If lour children have any SYlllplOlll .l of WOllO, Iry
these Powders, and iu nine CilseS out of ten. you will
never use any other. These are also, warranted.
COMPLETELY CURED to three day., by Dr. J. W.
COOPER'S Vegetable Compound Fever and Ague
Pills. These Pills are composed entirely of Vegetable
Substances, and m ninety-lane easel out of every
dred, will perform a perfect and permanent cure in three
days. No instance has ever been known, where more
than six dna) s have been required to perform a complete
VWCII 111 the very worst races. and Oil the strongest
congitutions. We would earnestly say to nil who are
afflicted pith this distressing disease, to get one box and
try them, and in all cases, two boxes are warranted to
cure, if taken according to the directions, or the money
A certain cure for Indigestion, Debility, Sickness or
Ilurnr•I; 111 the Simnne b, Pain ill the Sale and Stomach,
Costiveness, seastnion of %Vetelit tit the Stout:Lelt after
eating. Diti.culty of Breathing, Restlessness, \\•:utt of
Appetite. Palpitation of the Heart, and all other dtseases
Which arise from Indigestion.
These medienies arc all separate. and one for each
disease. and each for only one disease. They arc tot
recomtnentliesi us minty oilier medienies ore. to cure
some fifteen or twenty diseases, and all of different
natures. but they are each to cure but one disease,
and that they wtll do in ntuetynine cases out of every
hundred, and where they have a fair trial and fail in all
eases, 11112 money will Inc returned.
Certificates inny be seen at the Agents. of some of the
most astonishing cures on record, which cures times
medicines have effected.
For sale by It. WILLIAMS, Columbia; J. A. Woui,
September ]3. IESI-1y
riIRE subscriber has now on hand the largest
_j_ aF.ortmcut 01 CLOCKS ever before offered inn Co-
ItuttLin, inch he eon ut price.; a.touhtlisnatly
Persona about connote unclog hou-ekeetutt,, , ,, and a 11 others
wino may wont a good and cheap Clock, are Invited to
mill nod examine Id , stork. JOHN FELIX.
Coltman:ll, - March 29, 1 , 51.
K.E.►TIUEIt ,►\6)
TN Locust street, opposite Ita!divans' Store,
Coluntl.itt. Pa.
The sollterther.,in addation to the Corr) lyre and
Leather Fw+-fnug whieh they ore extetr.r.ely
ea t zaged an, have taken the agency for the sate of
and all other 1,111 , 14 of Leather and t‘litte not Hoc A
largo -lock of all kind.. Of 11111C:e.,11 , 41 by FiIOCITI.II , r ,
routdantly on hood; and all order. will he promptly
attended to, it niatiadoctmers' pricer
.1. GREEN & SON.
Colombia. February 21, 52-1 y
Columbia Boot arid Shoe Store,
Fiord street, next door to Lender's DI Store,
lIP, subscriber would respectfully inform Lis
I r 10.114 and the r•ublm generally, thai he hat now oi.
hand n lunreo...orlooeot of
do. Not ) Shoes. Nkom,. Colljr/.46 Boot., ::41tert, and
all knots of heavy 55511 k. nt to suit the times
All to 55;1111 11 neat and rims) loot would do o•a•ll to
give bon ra
The pntronnge of the Ludic, who want neat Cnit era.
Jenny lands. En) Caner, Ni,) Slippers, .I..frerson Ties.
131.14:1119, Morocco 00019, (11l all Illf! VIIIIOIIa eta lea,)
respectful') se - duetted. No ciforts w ill Le.intred to gate
generall satisfaction. both an quality and prier.
Work made to order at the shortest notice.
A general as,ortnaetat of Children's :Shoes constantly
DO band.
Columbia. October 11.1551-ly
-gt • TIIE undersigned would respect
fully lallllollllCe in 111S.IrlelldS Enid the.
public that he IA Stilt tettgliged in the •
at his old stand in Locust street. belors- Sr road. where
he keeps constantly for side a large rind well-selected
stork of Foreign and Domestio Ilirdware.
Ills assortment coll.:as in part of the following arti
cles t
IRON and NAILS. a large variety, which lie can fur
nish at the moat rensomrhie pr i ces.
GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, Otc.—Painters.Clar - ices and
others are respectful) invited to call nail examine his
CEDAR WARE, of ill kinds. and of n superior quality
housekeepers and others will find It to their advantage
to roll.
STOVES.—A general variety of Parlor and Cook
ing Stoves, for wood and coal. Braider n full assort
ment of everything noun fly kept in n Hardware Store,
such ns Hates Celebrated Traces. Ploughs, tirain Cra
dles. Forks. Scythes. Clover and Timothy Seed, Turpen
tine. Tar. Varmshcs, Camphene. Ethereal. Sc.. tkc.
Thankful for past fnvors, he respectfully solicits aeon
tinuance of public patronage, as he us determined to
00cr such tairgains as will make it the niterest of all
persons to give him their pairmerge
Columbia, August 30, 10314 y
COLUMBIA. 212112L8L11 'CARD.
r IIE undersigned would respectfully inform
his friends in Columbia and vicinity that he has
cunt menced the MARBLE. CL rtis° in Front street, in
note of the rooms of the new building lately erected by
Mr. R. Hamilton, immediately opposite Daniel Herr's
Washington Hotel, where be will attend to all the vari
ous branches of his business.
Haying constantly on hand it large variety of Ameri
can and Italian Marble, he is alwaysprepared to manu
in the most modern 'style, and on the most reasonable
Having every facility for furnishing articles in his
line, he is determined to jell low and to do his work in
such a manner its to give entire satisfaction to all who
may favor him with their patronage. .
To such persons as may find it more convenient to get
their work done in Lancaster, he would state that he
still continues his Yard at his old stand in that city,
where they can be supplied with t
every th W i IS HAI.D in his line.
Columbia, October 4, ISM.
pc ctri).
From Godry'b Lad} 's Book for July
The Battle of Life.
BY sA.7.ItEL b. PA.TrER,ON.
The bottle is raging! Trhy, 'warrior, away!
boat thou listlessly stand from the din of the fray,
With thy head drooping low, and thy hand on thy brow
As 00 Life and its conflict were naught to thlc now?
Why motionless thou, whilst the gathering throng,
In double-mailed armor, are rushing along,
And the clangor of battle around thee is heard,
And the trumpet's loud tone every spirit has stirred'
But lately, thy beam was absorbed in the fight,
13u1 lately. its trophies were viewed ssith delight,
And the might of thy arm,.and thy courage, could vie
With the strongest :slid bravest who nosy pass thee by
Their serried ranks more ; but the noise of their tread
Nlesits thy ear as it falls on the ear of the dead :
strange that a summons, once needless, should now
Wale ut, file in thy eye, and no light on thy brow!
Cr.n it be that, before hyalite's tattle is done,
Ere the contest is past and the victory won,
Thy spirit has shrunk from the strife raging there,
And been blighted, consumed by the touch of Despair
Can It be that the ardor which once led thee on,
In the con of great hosts, towards the prize to be won,
I las chilled and grown weak nt the threntsof the foe?
Ilan thy arm become nezireless ere striking a blow ?
Awake from thy stupor! Arouse thee again!
Take thy part u the strife—be a man amongst men!
Let tji soul shame the impulse that prompted thy fear
In the hour of trial, when danger was near.
i•Woutast thou list to the roman exultingly cry.
That his threats Id:melted thy cheek, his words forced
thee to fly
Wonldst thou sec thy triettils mourning, in sorrow and
O'er the wreck (.1 - thy glory, the brand on thy name?
Thou cunt not—thou dar'st not! Then up to the field!
Keep thy post in the ranks ILK the factuan shall yteld!
Let no timid doubts shake thee, no terrors dismay—
Stand firm for the truth, and thy valor display !
Be stranr, in the right! 'Tis u panoply sure,
Au mgis to guard thee and keep thee secure ;
Wear it ever; and then 'midst the thickest of strife,
Do thy part, ns thou shouldst, in the Battle of Life
The Fate of a Drunkard.
When the dim and misty light of a winter's
morning penetrated into the narrow court, and
glinteggled-through_the begrirnard window of the
wretched room s Warden awoke from his heavy
sleep, and found himself alone. He rose and
looked round him; the old flock mattress on the
floor was undisturbed; everything was just as
he remembered to have seen it fast, and there
was no sign of any one, save himself, having occu
r pied the room during the night. He inquired of
the other lodgers and of the neighbors; but his
daughter had not been seen or heard of. He
rambled through the streets, and scrutinized each
wretched face, among the crowds that thronged
them, with anxious eyes. But his search was
fruitless, and he returned to his garret when night
came on, desolate and weary.
For many days he occupied himself in the'
same manner, but no traces of his daughter did
he meet with, and no word of her reached his
ears. At last he gave up the pursuit as hopeless.
He had long thought of the probability of her
leaving him, and endeavoring to gain her bread
in quiet elsewhere. She had left him at last to
starve alone. He ground his teeth and cursed
her. •
lie begged his bread from door to door. Every
' halfpenny he could wring from the pity or credu
lity of those to whom he addressed himself was
spent in the old way. A year passed over his
head ; and the roof of a jail was the only one
that had sheltered him for many mouths. !le
slept under archways and in brick fields—any
where, where there was some warmth or shelter
from the cold and rain. But in the last stage of
poverty, disease, and houseless want, he was a
drunkard still.
At last, one bitter night, he sunk down on a
door-step, faint and ill. The premature decay of
vice and profligacy had worn him to the bone.—
His cheeks were hollow and livid ; his eyes were
sunken, and their sight was dim. His legs trem
bled beneath his weight, and a cold shiver ran
through every limb.
And now the long forgotten scenes of a mis
spent life crowded thick and fast upon him.—
He thought of the time when he had a home—a
happy, cheerful home—and of those who peopled
it, and flocked about him then, until the forms
of his elder children seemed to rise up from the
grave, and stand about him—so plain, so clear,
and so distinct they were, that he could touch
and feel them. Looks that he had long forgotten
were fixed upon him once more ; voices long
since hushed in death,-sounded in his ears like
the music of village bells. But it was only for
an instant. The rain beat heavily upon him;
and cold and hunger were gnawing at his heart
He rose and dragged his feeble limbs a few
paces farther. The street was silent and empty
—the few passers-by, at that late hour, hurried
quickly on, and his tremulous voice was lost in
the violence of the storm. That heavy chill
again struck through his frame, and' his blood
seemed to stagnate beneath it. He coiled him
self up in a projecting doorway, and tried to
But sleep had fled from his dull and glazed
eyes. His mind wandered strangely, but he was
awake and conscious. The well-known shout of
drunken mirth sounded in his ear—the glass was
at his lips—the board was corered with rich food
—they were before him, he could see them all—
he had but to reach his hand and take them—
and though the illusion was reality itself, he
knew that he was sitting alone in the deserted
street, watching the rain drops as they pattered
on the stones; and that there were none to care
for or help him.
Suddenly he started up in the extremity of
terror. He had heard his own voice shouting in
the night air, he knew not what or why. Hark!
A groan! Another! His senses were leaving
him—half formed and incoherent words burst
from his lips; and his hands sought to tear and
lacerate his flesh. He was going mad, and he
shrieked for help till his voice failed him.
He raised his head, and looked up the long,
dismal street. He recollected that outcasts like
himself, condemned to wander day and night in
those dreadful streets, had sometimes gone dis
tracted with their loneliness. He remembered
to have heard, many years before, that a home
less wretch had once been found in a solitary
corner, sharpening a rusty knife, to plunge into
his own heart, preferring death to that endless,
weary wandering to and fro. In an instant his
resolve was taken ; his limbs received new life;
he ran quickly from the spot, and paused not for
breath until he reached the river side.
He crept softly down the steep stone stairs
that led from the commencement of Waterloo
bridge, down to the water's level. He crouched
into a corner, and held his breath as the patrol
passed. Never did a prisoner's heart throb with
the hope of liberty and life half so eagerly as did
that of the wretched man at the prospect of death.
The watch passed close to him, but he remained
unobserved; and after waiting until the sound of
footsteps had died away in the distance, he cau
tiously descended and stood beneath the gloomy
arch that forms the landing place from the river.
The tide was in, and the water flowed at his
feet. The rain had ceased, the wind was lulled,
and all was, for the moment, stall and quiet—so
quiet that the rippling of the water against the
barges that were moored there, was distinctly
audible to his ears. The stream stole languidly
and sluggishly on. Strange and fantastic forms
rose to the surface, and beckoned him to ap
proach; dark gleaming eyes peered from the
water, and seemed to mock his hesitation, while
hollow murmurs from behind urged him onwards.
fie retreated a few paces, took a short run, a des
perate leap, and plunged into the river.
Not five seconds had passed when he rose to
the water's surface, but what a change had taken
place in that short time in all his thoughts and
feelings ! Life, life, in any form ; poverty, mis
ery, starvation, anything but death; He fought
and struggled with the water that closed ov'r
his head, and screamed in agonies of terror. The
cum of his own son rang in his ears. The
shore—hut one foot of dry ground—he could al
most touch the step. One hand's-breadth nearer,
and he was saved—but the tide bore him onward,
under the dark arches of the bridge, and he sank
to th • bottom.
Again he rose, and struggled for life. For one
instant—for one brief instant—the buildings on
the river's banks, the lights on the bridge under
which the current had borne him, the black wa
ter, and the fast flying clouds, were distinctly
visible—once more he sunk, and once again he
rose—bright flames of fire shot up from earth to
heaven, and reeled before his eyes, whilst the
water thundered in his cars, and stunned him
with its furious roar.
A week afterwards the body was washed
ashore some miles down the tiwcr,a swollen and
disfigured mass. Unrecognized and unpitied, it
was born to the grave—and there it has long
since mouldered assay.
Origin of Odd Fellows
The origin of the Order of the Odd-Fellows is
of an ancient date. It was established by the
Roman soldiers in camp after the Order of the
Israelites, during the reign of Nero, the Roman
Emperor, who commenced his reign A. D.. 5.3,
at which time they were called Fellow-Citizens.
The name of Odd-Fellows was given to this Or
der of men (A. D. 79) by Titus Cmsar, Emperor
of Rome, from their singularity of notions, and
from their knowing each other by night as well
as by day; and for their fidelity to him anti
their country. Ile only gave them the name of
Odd-Fellows, but at the same time, as a pledge
of friendship, presented them with a Dispensa
tion engraved on a plate of gold, having the fol
lowing emblems, viz : the Royal Arch of Titus
Cmsar, the Ark of the Covenant, the Golden Can
dlesticks, the Golden Table, (weighing one great
talent,) the Sun for N. G., the Moon and Stars for
V. G., a Lamp for Secretary, the Lion for Guar
dian, the Dove for Warden, and the Emblems of
Mortality for the G. M.
It is very probable that the first Odd-Fellows I
made their appearance in North-Wales about that
time, as an invasion was made by one of Titus
Cassar's Generals (Agricola) on North-Wales,
and shortly afterwards on the Island of Mono,
now called Anglesea.
The first account we haveof the Order spread.
ing into other countries is in the fifth century,
when it was established in the Spanish Domin
ions under the Roman Dispensation, and in the
sixth century by King Henry in Portugal, and in
the twelfth century it was established in France,
and afterwards in England by John DlCevilie,
attended by five knights from France, who
formed a Loyal Grand Lodge of Elonor in London,
which Order remained until the reign of George
111., when a part of them began to form them
selves into an Union, and a portion of them re
mained until this day ; on this account the Lodges
which remain, and are very numerous through
out the world, call themselves Loyal Ancient
Independent Odd-Fellows, being a portion of the
original body.
%1i ban llcttbiug.
Trust in God.
To thee I tom,
11 - Len sorrow droops the wing,
And wittier Las no spring,
And every stream is dry
That ran ill gladness by:
To thee I tuna.
To thee I turn,
When friends I love forsote,
And bends the heart to break,
And on each face I see
The smile of treachery:
To thee I turn.
la every hour of pain,
When help from man is rain,
And find a sweet relict . ..
While joy gives place to grief
To thee I turn.
To thee I turn,
My Father turn to thee,
When glory fills the slue.—
Whes, every pleasure daes—
To,thee I turn.
Science Confirming the Bible.
The Rev. Dr. Cumming said, at the annual
meeting of the London Missionary Society—
Another fact is that science has been lately com
ing to its right mind. Some time ago, every
man who had a smattering of science, discovered
among its first axioms, that Genesis was a fable,
and Christianity a dream. Some peering fool,
using a very imperfect telescope, peeped into the
sky, and saw vestiges of everybody in the uni
verse, but none of God. Another dug into the
bowels of the earth, and brought up beautiful
gems and sparkling ores; but upon none of the
gems could any one discover the autograph of
revelation—on none of the ores the beauty and
glory of him who made it. Another person
proved that mankind have some half a dozen-.
or perhaps twelve dozen—original parents, and
the notion of our being descended from Adam
and Eve was a perfect joke, a mere myth, the
vagary of a doting person, called Moses. But
what is the fact now ? Lord Rosse, an Irish no
bleman, has directed his " monster telescope"
to the stars, and the vestiges which he saw there,
which others supposed to be the vestiges of
everybody, have proved to be the foot-prints of
a present God. Another has descended into the
bowels of the earth; and instead of geology being
found to be in dissonance with Christianity, it
proved to be one of the strongest evidences of its
truth. Others have penetrated, into the pyra
mids of Egypt, and mummies have come fort*"
from their sleep of two thousand years;
bulls and monsters •net, as we had never
ceived, have been dug up by the enterp,,,:: g
Layard, from the ruins of Nineveh ; E2Cre:.ed
fragments of antiquity have com 2 to us frJ:r.
Herculaneum! and all with d:•ci.:ro
that God's Word is true—: nic 13 , 1,1 e hoc
"God for its aut:,or, its ,!nrlterlt, P.:.d
everlasting happiness 1 . .}1 and
The Great E!er:Ler.t el'
za icr:.
We speak of our civiiizat ion, et: ails, our free
, dom, our laws—and forget entirely :argc a
share is due to Christianity. Blot
lout of man's history, and would his laws
have been, what his civilization? Christianity
is mixed up with our very being and our very
life ; there is not a familiar object around us,
Iwhich does not saciir a different aspect, becanse -
the light of Christian love is upon it; not a law
which does not owe its truth and gentleness to
Christianity; rot a custom which cannot be
traced in all its holy, beautiful parts to the Gos
pel. Education, to be permanent and true in its
influence, must partake largely of Christianity
as an clement—and our institutions, to be abid
ing and trustworthy, and to work out all the
good beginnings and just expectations of our
fathers, must be leavened with the Christian ele
ment of preservation.
Dom' The human mind has an insatiable curl
' osity ; there is no end to its speculations and re-
I searches. (lad God, to meet its difficulties,
I given a rule of faith consisting of as many vol
umes as there are chapters in the Bible, it would
still have advanced its conjectures. Instead of
setting it at rest, this would, therefore, only
have thrown it into greater agitation. The bet
ter way of arresting the flight of presumptuous
reason, ever disposed to go beyond its proper
limits, and at the same time to render its know
ledge more sure, was not then to enlarge the
volume of revelation, but to oblige man to re
nounce his curiosity and pride. On this account
it is the will of God that a great part of religion
should consist of humility.
117 — In reading the Holy Scriptures, we cannot
be too thoroughly penetrated with a lively sense
of our insufficiency, as this will place us in deep
dependence on the Spirit of God, and induce us
fervently to implore his influences to abide upon
us.' Even then, we shall really know the truth
only so far as we experience its power. To ad
vance in knowledge, new light must be dispensed
by Him who is its inexhaustible source. That
will be given us if we draw it down by profound
humility, and a faithful improvement of grace
already received. We shall lose that which we
have if we proudly ascribe it to our own efforts,
if we neglect prayer.
17:7 - It is an exchange, marvellously advanta
geous, to give up the little one hes in order to
acquire an inexhaustible source of riches. Put
otr self, and God will clothe you with his grace.