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A -.v. _-. 7; 'Vs_ ,-- • 4'. 1 %.• .. . ..i, e . . . it \ \ Z .. . , . 1 I 10: 9,p ;.. ‘. 1- K''' . ... .' , _- -- -- .-_,.... :::::. 5. f ' --,.. 0.....-.• . ..:', ~.X. --,-. ~.1.. 54.. . • ::: ~. J. G. L. BROWN, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. VOLUME XXIII, NUMBER 1.1 THE COLUMBIA SPY. N o„_Notoove.t corner of Front and IValnut streets, opposite Jolla !tares lintel. and above the Vinare Railroad Company's Office. TYRY/s—The Sr' i‘ published every Saturday mortiirm. et the low prize of 1%1 I'ER ANNUM IN ADVANCE, asst co IF :sun. PAID IN ADVANCE. Single copies, TIIRFE CENTS. No paper swi ll be discontinued until all arrearages are paid. m d e .is at the 01,1.1011 of the publisher. Letters, to receive attention, must be post-paid. TERMS 01' ADVERTISING. tnitceit litre or less to the square.] Advettlsements will be inserted three times at the rate m et per square: for every subsequent lIISCPIIOII after the third. niS cents soil lbe charged. The a amber of i users ions denied must be marked, or the advertisement will be caatinned until ordered out, (tad charged accordingly. A liberal deduction woat ill be made the above prices to yearly advertisers. DR. A. CLARKSON SMITH, OFFlCp.—Walut street, two doors above Front, Co Mellon. Pa. Columbia. April 10, 1552-tf T. E. HAEIIENBER.G, TTOIINLY AT LAW, Columbia, Peoria—Orrick 11 in Walnut street, opposite Col. I). lien'. lintel. REF 1. ur:,cu, loa. J nines Pollock, Milton. Penn'a; Ann Wieglenemit IlicCartney, Easton ; lion. James M. barn Flr,trni ; 1-1011..1 P. Jones, Reading,. Columbia. May 15. 1e52 I y WILLIAM li. ELDER, TTORNEY AT LAW.—Office in Front street. be- At. - ren Locust and Walnut streets, Columbia, Pn. Columbia, June 7,1851-1 C PHILIP GOSSLER, A TTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Arcade Row, Val ;1 tan •Ireet. between Front and Second. Colombia April 23. 11. M. NORTH, 11 TTORNF.Y AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office oil I•ocum I.trect, above FrOlil, formerly occupied by Dr.). S Clark mu. Columbia, Pa. Columbia. Alay •t. Plrifb LIME! LIME!! OR LAND OR DUMPING, con.tonily on Ilona nt the 1: Dote Ktin. non!. the Depot. [Cot bin J nn 13-If (Entered accordnig to Act of Congress. to the r .„, 153/. by J. S 11. WO /YVON. M. D., ill rite Clerk's Office of the Distrus Court for the Fasters District of Pentia I GREAT CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA! ANOTIIER SCIENTIFIC AVONDF.II; DR. J. S. II ()VG HI T 0 N S rmrsaN ! Tilt Tnr - DIGESTIVE FLUID, OR GASTRIC JUICE! PPREPARED from RENNET, or the fourth STO- P NIACH OF THE (IX, utter dtrections of AARON 1.1F311G. the great Ph ysiolopical Chemtst, by J. S. noucaros. M. D. Plitlndelphia. Pa. This to n truly wonderful remedy for indigestion, Dys peesta.Joutitlice, Liver Conplaut6Con stipatiou and De whty. curnig nfter Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent. the Gastric Juice. rf Half a tenspoonfill of PEP.rs. infused in water, will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds of Roast Beef in about two hour., out of the stomach. PEll'bslN 1. the cluefelemest, or Brent Digesting Prin ciple of the Gastric Juice—the Solvent of the Food. rite Puri(wg. Preserving, nod Stimulating Agent of the StotnkehillidillteSllllVl. It is extracted from the Diges tive Sionnleb of the Ox. thus Commie us AR I'IFICIAL DIGESTIVE FLUID, precisely the the natural Gastric Lace in its Cliemictil poweis, and furnishing a COM PLETE and 11:1WECT SUBSTITUTP: for it. By the of thu. preparniton. the pains nisi evils of I NDIO P.S. 'BOX and bYtsPr.P$l.N. are removed, just to they could be by a healthy Stomach. It to doing wonders for 11,.pep:teq. cluing ca..e4 of DP:MI.I'IA% ENI ACI A - TION", NI,IIVOUS DECLINE. and DYSPEI'I IC COS. .5011.T10N, supposed to be on ilie verge of the grave. The St ientifie Evidence upon which it is liticed.ib in the Wes:degree CI;ItItilIS and ItEIIA It SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! heron Lalng,l.l hic celebrated work oil Allllll.ll Chem -1571.)..1)•: .• All ArlirlClal Fluid anahr4ous to the G isitir Juice. may he readily prellimed Icon, the 'Un coil; inembruile of the monnich or the Calf. in which v a. rIOUS uncles of food, Its 1110.11.111 d egg., will be solimled, thunved, and digested. Jua 111 the .oine manner they could be in the human stoinsielt." hr Pereira 1.1 ht. tartioustreatise on "rood and Diet.' bt rowieis & New. York, page f. 1 .5. PRlts the stone great fact, and describes the 111C11101.1 of prevurlitiou. There are It so higher authoritier, than I) r. Pereira. Dr Combs, in Inc volual.le writing.; on the "Physi ology of Digegion. , ohs. , ve, that a •• diminution of the dun yo.muq et the Gii%trie Juice t. a prominent :nal all pte,Wing mi.e. o I)‘pei,;iii ;" and he state• that a distingul-littt f tilt inedtLine in London, who WII9 keterely ulllicled tcuh compla i,tl. finding everything em to lull. had reconr-e to the Ga,trte Juice. obtained - - rum the stomachs of Itetag aattnals, which proved tom detcly Dr 6.11,1n5. author of the latnoug works Olt '• Vegeta le Net," sit) It :sn rentarkabl,• fact 111 Pliraiology Ilan tar 'loam, Its 01 attottal6. nowt:rated to water, 1111. Poi to the liool the properly of lit•.01V1114 V 11 1 .1 4 ,11 111'11- Citi 01 food, tool of ellet•noy o knot of otlttietal clige.aton of them tti tam he rillicreitt Iron, tilt 1111 1 0(.11 1.11g0,1i Vs price,., Professor Dungli•on. of the Jefferson Collegc.of In 1,1.; gi nal 1 vtork 1111111.,ii I'l ysm.,* . devotes loon: 11 an Idly pages to all exaniiiintton at this sub lert• Ills experiments pith Dr. Ite.tuinoill. on the On.- tric hire. 01.1.1111 ed fain the living 1111111filt stoilineli end hoe, re nill,lll.oN O. .• in all case.," he say s, ..dig,lion occurred as peril cal) 111 the artificial us 11l the astur.d / 4 Jul. W. Draper, Professor of Chemistry m than Medical College of the University of New York, in Isis "Text Book 01 Chador sir > ," 'loge 381, 00)5, "It has been t 1 ri.t•1111 Itethrr !unbent] dige•tion could be periormed —tut if is now admitied that it may beir All inolleari %yeti. s on Cliemi , iry edica. and Flit tddiniy. and all good Medical Dictionaries, dekerthe the character nail properties of PF.Pett;, and state many imerestnig debuts re-peel ang it. The fact that nu Artificial Digestive Fluid. or Gastric hie'' , Perfectly resembling the antural fluid. may lie readily prepared, does not admit of quo stmt. The only wonder Is, thus it 1111..; not before been applied to the cure °lr/mitlreerron mid Dyspepsia—so naturally does such a use suggest 11;elf to the ;Mild. AS A DYSPEPSIA CURER, Dr. Boughton's PEPSIN tins produced the most mar vellous edema in cuing cases of Debile,v, Emacia tion. Nervous ed.-eta, and DppeptiC C011511.11);110,1. It tumpuisihle lo give the (lentils of cases in the hones of this advertisement—hut authenticated certificates have been glVen of more than 200 REMARKABLE CURES, la Philadelphia, New York, and ISOStOII nione. were nearly all de•perate Cayes, and the cures were not only rapid and wonderful, but permanent. Ito v great Nervous Antidote, anti particularly use tit i for terdeney to Bilious disorder, l.iver Complaint, Fe .'" . 11,1 Ague, er badly treated Fever and Ague, arid the end effects of Quinine. Mercury. and other drugs spoil the Digestive Organs. after a lone sick netts. Al• 3. f"eZeess in eating, and the too free use of ardent opt.- , It almost reconciles health with intemperance OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There is no form of OLD STOMAC II COM PLAINTS Which it does not seem to reach nod remove at otter. No matter how bad they may he, it GIVES' INSTANT RE LIEF: A single dose removes all the unpleasant sy mp. 'MP. and it only needs to be repeated. fur a short Ism, to make these good effects permanent. PURITY OF BLOOD and VIGOR OF BODY, follow at