BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! sig,LING OX'X' AT COST! erg undersigned offer their entire stock of Do 0000 s. Droceries, and C/necusware at FIRST COST. The stock is entirel!. new, and consists CLOTHS, or Ca.anereS, Satinetts.Vesiings. Merinos. Alpncas. Si!k. TUN t.allitq, :shawls of every YU reety. Oil el Oths,able coeya, ‘VIIIdOW Shades. and a general ASSORTMENT OF DOMESTIC GOODS, ul w i de !, will be offered at cost. until the entire stock e sold. IX Call and examine. J. O. I lESS & CO, Locust' treet Columbia, Dec . 5, leso. opposite the Frankliitllouee - - -- Gold Pens, Gold Pens. 11.7.3 T received from Messrs. Bagley & Co. ! mailine .l lure!, New York. a fine 11,.011111e11t of their juctly 0-Ictrieed Gold Pens, which will be sold ut their preen ;all .iihout holders, at SPAGL'S I/cc 7,11,50. headquarter% and News Depot. JLST published and for gale at SPANGLER'S Ilend quarter, and News Depot, 'lse Divorced Wile, by Arthur. Horace Templeton.Docto by I.CVer. iPtOatifl Swamp r. I:.e Gentleman's Daughter. All nest works rect.', ed as soon as published. Columbia, December; It‘so. YEAST POWDERS nren und genuine NV POIRIN put up in tin box h, Pearl A,ll. tii leratu+, Cream Tartar, link- Soda. &c&e.. may be had at 11111..LNICS Drag King street, Lancaster. lti elle, 7. 1,50. lIOVEY'S SEEDING Bat nr'S Synalperry Plants, producing after maturi ts Ifni 0111.1110.4 lip.eitaf flavor, arid vu n iiiLT m site 'tree to five raid a ball inches /11 cireatnierence. nun be bail In any quantify on applicatio . A n 10 tiet ). A11f.1.E11.. I)raggint, Went King ...treet, Lancio•tor. I),•cffial.fer 7. 1-SU. NOTICE or DISSOLUTION THE copartnership existing between the sub •sace the (Stir day 01 Nlarels, P. 49. Hailer e..fiof.l. VA & CO.. of Baltimore city. nod J rn. & CO. 11. COIUMbia., Po . this il.te It mutual consent..lo:-.EPII P. VAL:6 111:S. l a w., rented therefrom. All pereonw indebted to p. & CO. will pleat, snake pa) meat at c of- Lee of (hilt an. Columba. All italt...,ted k, .1. & CO. will plru.o urtkr pst)tiscat at std MI • oil C.. as litslissuore. (corntr of /101Varti and It sir. .11 , el. ) per-ons listing clanne agatact ea.] fame= will thou at seal places rem ***** lively tor pay oeca JOIIN VAL/WIEN. JOSIIL7A VA UG JANIE . . VAL:WIEN. JOSEPH P. VAUGIIEN. November 29, NOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP. 111; mL.rnhers hove Ow day formed It copartnership, , inder the Pl.) Jr of JOSHUA VA VG II KN & CO., to er,ltlet 14,111,1il I,llfllber 1)n411112.'111 C0111111 . A.1. 1,1111- racer coma), Pensisylviima, and of JN() Ato on lire ert of Baltimore, Nlarylaial, for the like 2,111,5 JOHN VAUGHI:N. JOSHUA VALGIIEN, J.ISIES WAUWIEN. Der. 7,1,104 h I= DISSOLUTION. TEE roparturship heretofore existing under the Grin of Itlllt , ll.‘ tV 12EIN ((ART, (in the steno] Saw 11111 Will 1.11111iil•r illlSllieSii ) t, tilts litly dte.nlvrd I.y runal euuseni The i 1115111 1 .., will ilSl,lll . li l r In l'oll - the tn.:a..ell funnier. All pergoes indebted tr We Finn ure requetdell to make payment to J. AI. 14.(•ttAn, who is authorized to settle the Itusine4s. .1. NI ERISNIAN. DAVID REIN AA R 1 =al Tbs. sub-ember, thank lid far the patronage extended tt tlu• 1,11, Gan. wuald tuturci, lire irtetto4 and the public. Inat I r m iII «ail, atie Ilte and by ' , truet attention twin , that they ra ill coot/our to putrottlie r-tl , ll-lanent :Words every retintretl airline to COll. fr Ihaldera. eta there is it well ,eleeted stork Lumber kept up, la,ales a !urge stork of :•talttlatg, .\e, which. melt hi- till, enable • hint Om lumber fur n Intl. Ittuttlingts. Cower) re tewr..upphe,l at all time.. All orders, by matt or 1,01//pily :Molded to. I= December 7. ISSO (BAIIA:WS, GODE.I"S, AND SARTAIN'S mAGAzums FOR JANUARY, I-51. QPI.CI‘II: \ oaolheN of the above laga7ake.:ean now C fir.eell at :•••PA Nf; ',EH'S I leutiquarterA and Nel.vm IMput. a here ,ifia.ertations will be taken for the coming 1l nl erg Ninganne mitt Inieruntional Ninpuilsr. for 1.4•••1,,d: Jenny 1.0. W. Goide , ll'.l,r : Pt, red or the 1111tott, Pielonia Courier, Pletorittl Bra te.,:oolt to, to he had ut SPANGLEIt...S Iletoltioto ter. 4..::11,1:1 Dec 7. 1-50. and New , Depot. TO HOUSEKEEPERS 911,111 n, :tow ready to •ued have wet oprucd uuotLrr large lot of respect fully cull 1111C1111011, an they (eel outtofietl that they can oiler as large and varied Ll...rumen' of Goods no hits r ever bee. ,tiered itt this 1/011 ~, Gh. wtu nt Qlll . lll pricett nn ennuot fail to tzuse satt•fnettott. 11.11. FEY k CO. C 011.11111,10, October 5, 1.-1.50. Shawls! Shawls! LARGE 11..01 . 1111C111 of Bay State and Waterloo h. Long Shawls: also, Silk. Crape lirocha. Te 'kern. Ca Mune re. 'l'hi bet, and heat y Wool ; nil of t. loch will be ' , old very cheap at W Ar. S. rATroYs. Columbia. October 19, I NW. LONG SIIAVITLS. WE have just opened our fall supply of SIfAAVLS. consisting of every variety in the Shawl line. A rent variety of Long ISay State and other celebrated makes, at much lower prices than have been offered before. Cull and Judge for yourselves. Columbia, Ott. 5, ISSO. li. 11. FRY' k CO. CAKPETING. Whave pint opened fine arrortment of Ingrain and Rau Carpets--.ome very low priced. Columbin, Oct. 5, IH5n. 11. H. FRY tr. CO. BAR IRON, STEEL, &c. to subscriber has on hand a 'urge ns,artment of Bar Iron. Steel. Sheet Iron, Hoop Iron. e . ,hick he olll•rs at redo end price, .1 W. COTI`ItEI.I.. .Ang.44, 15.50-if Locust street, Colombia. NAILS AND SPIKES. 400 Xr.Cf 4 NAILS AND S Kllis for pale at reduced prices at the litirchvare Store of .1. W. COTTRELL, Aug. 24. ItZO-tf Locust street. Cuilltmtbla. VALUABLE WHARF PROPERTY AT PUBLIC SALE THE subscriber will offer at public sale, on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11th, IStitl, at 2 ck In the afternoon, at the public house of Edward Jacobs, that VALUABLE WHARF, in Columbia. extending from the railroad to the river Sus quehanna, in depth about VIC feet, and in width about 66 feet. This Al:hart - is considered one of the hest locutions for the coal or lumber business in Columbia. TERMS OF SALE —Cosh on April Ist, 1651: or, if preferred by the yurchaser, one-third of the purchase motley on April let., one-thud of the purchase money on April 15t,1852, one-third of the purchase money out April Ist 1651, secured on the property, with interest from April Ist, 1P , 51. Interest to be paid yearly. . • PETER HALI EM AN Columbia, November 1:1,1.9.50-2t FOR. RENT. The three story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE. situate in Locust street. between Third and Fourth, now occupied by the undersigned. HENRY MARTIN. Columbia, November 30,15.14:141 FOR RENT. Tic THREE-STORY BRIC K DWELLING, in Locust hl rect. record house above Front, now occupied by the undersigned. For toms, ''' &C.. enquire of CIIARLOTTE ELDER. Columbia, November 2(.3, FOR SALE. 5000 Liel,. aof the be=t quality SNSII. nail n Lot 01 CULLING BOARDS, will be cold ott reasoa able terms by apply tug to S GREEN. Front street, Cote:lll.a. Colombia, November '26.1..10-31 OLD COLUMBIA Pula.= GROUND LOTS, - VOS. tb 3. 4. Lan 3 be let by public outcry. on 4,1:1'121111AY. December It. 1-50. at :2 o'clock in ILc afternoon. at the hotel of Mr. Joint Barr, m the borough of The lot. will be rented for the tenth of three yelr., ro.•11 tlo• 211th of Alarelt per-oies . rolling ,hll be rethotretl,ohl the day the Int-, stool] he Istrthek otr. 10 .% e :Tinos ehl ,evortty for the int)lthent of the relit. Item payable halt-learly. By order Cl the Hoard of :Vlromgers. SA:MLA:I. fle Committee. C;(.S1.1:11, Coilmibin. NoVeinber till, 1,50-It DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subsbribers will sell at private sale, four Iwo ood n hum oory DIME: DWELLING ROUSES. .IEI .ituaie 111 Union street, oppo,le the Catholic Cho rch. adjoimou, property o(.1. \V. Cottrell on the went nod Peter I lahletnati on the east. The hois=cs are new. having been Malt in the summer ot - Ptl'. For terms Will CO11(111/0115 ripply 10 MT:Vt.:RS &Atil.Ere Colombia, November 21. 1-.741 PUBLIC SALE WILL be sold, by public sale, on SATUIIDNY, lint 1 Ith of December next, in 1011'.,11:111C1.1 of an order of the (rphans' Court of Lancaster roomy, at tlie hotel oleo!. Daniel Herr, in the Borough of Columbia, the folio, ing valuable real estate. situate in satJ Bor ough. late the property of I lenry It. Engle. iler , d, viz a 121tIC1il 110t.:SE. with a two-story Stone Mirk Budding; and LOT OF L Itt./UN I) thereto belonging'. located in Front street. between Locil-t tu.d NValitlit streets, solnniiing progeny of IV. IVilson on the north. mid of J.lll. Watts 011 the south, the lot containing in (root 3tU feet. more or 1,-, and oX.loloilllg m depti• 170 feet. more or less, to a 14 feet wide alley. There is al-o on the pr..ini•es STONE WAREHOUSE AND STABLE. jrr The attention of periuns desiring . to in ake a good investment Ic particularly invited to this properly, a, its location, especially tor a Store. makes it one of the inset vain:dile in the liomagli of Colombia The late llenry It I:agle and others kept Store ilicrem for several ) care The fixture, Mid counters in the Store Room will be sold wvli the property. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. M. of said day, when terms and C0111 . 11t1011.1 Will be made known by _ OmAAC VAI'OIIEN, Agent for Iliza Jane Eagle, Adiantietrbtrix of Henry 13. Eagle. deeett,ed. Coltinibm, November 23. 1P.50-41 VALUABLE PROPER'SY FOR SALE. TILE subscriber offers for sale, on reasonable term, the following Ilt,erthed property, in :the Lt rough of Columbia. viz : No. 1 The HOUSE and LOT Situate in 1.0- east. Street, oppo , tte the Colombia Bank. being the 17,,. ' late restdenee of the Sub-ember. The I,U'l'l,U'l' GO feet front, exTendi nr, 190 feet bark to ma alley. awl hav ing the ad.:outage of a side alley. 'Tai- property emoted for a No. 2 A 1,0 'l' 0F(. 12 1.; N with a frantic JJ DWELLING HOUSE, ,„, ciliated on Third •treet. near the 140.0111 The lot i, 2.5 feet nowt. extending back Ille feet to Intl alley. Walt the advantages of a ...tile alley of 11 feet In • The above piece , : of property will lie held at private ...ale. tinder the agency of Thomas 1.103 ii. , anal :...NTI'III)..V . V. the Phil at next. when, ti not pave uai•l, of. the) Sill he ollered at public 600. at the of Edward .Ineolte. 1,, .:1111 borough. at tieloek. i.. NI . where altentllnce gilt he given and tern, made 6unu•a by .1011 N 13.111.131212. 001. Ii), 1.,50 °t VALUABLE TAVERN STAND AT PRIVATE SALE. TIIE undersigned «ill sell, at private sale, that valuabie and curator - alma. Tavern Stand. Imo, it a- the'' Fulton I louse, - ...Matte in Priori ,n,e;. in the borointh of and now in the occupancy. of 3lr• 110)1e. The ,niprovertient- arr a two .tory buck IriVELLING ith hack bedtime, siebline. &e. The how, is large end Vollllllolilt,. roar ikethe . the rno.i central taint of the borough. ra the immediate neighbor hood at the rallroad depot. for the l'inladelphia. Baltimore and Ilarro.brog !Wide. 0 in our Of the 1110.1 ite• rumble rdttral, 111 the bormezli of Columbia. The cellar under the lime, in now tined tin cq over cellar. .A further dr-eription in deemed rinacce..-srry. as per .onn winliing to purchti.e or rent can call and examine for thein.rlve.. It will be otrered al private toile until MONDAY. ClniliElt 16,1,50: if not cold h) that tune, at gill be (or rent. Address 13. :11c(roniale. Lancaster. or the present oc cupant, I Bo) le, Color:Or:a 111:RNARD AIcGONIGLE. Columbia. October Id. 1,.50-lf lIOUSES FOR REST N 'WRIGHTSVILLE. A two-story FRAIIE, Tr W ith .11111 a largo lot atiaellial. oa street. A !MICK STORS .1:\ DWELLI:s.u. oil Front ..treet—ii good i.llllllllllll for a Store and Poard log 11011=e—ha- tell r,,,,nts above liria lloor : Store Hooin will 11, renP•d •rp:trttety Enquire 01 1110 Editor of Spy. Wrigliti.ville, Nov. 9. 1-30. FOR SALE: A NE\V MARKET CAR in good order, on the re,,,,,,ame, urn., 1:11,11111 , 01 :%111YER:s prmimut. Columbia, November 9,1-51b9 FOR SALE, Ulf BBLS. SUPERIOR MONONGAILIL 1 RECTIFIED NN VAL ATKINS & SON. Colu ohm. Oct 5, 1,5041 FOR SALE, VERY valuable and desirable residence in Front street. For particulars enquire of the un deroqned. A. S. U111:1;:sr. Columbin, August 10. 1.7150-tf _ _ _ BLAKE'S PATENT FIRE Sr. WEATIIER PROOF PAINT. PLACR, SLATE, BROWN, CHOCOLATE, Dry in Barrel•. nod Ground in Oil, in Kegs. For use it is mixed With Littered Ott, owl applied with a l,ru h. the same as ordinary paint, to wood. iron. tin. zinc. canvass, paper, &c. It hardens gradually and be comes fire-proof It Is particularly suitable for roofs of buildings, steamboat and car decks, railroad bridges. fences. Ac. A roof coated with this article is equal to one of slate, at a vast saving of expeipm. Specimens may lie seen zit the store of .1. \V. COT TRELL. Agent. Locust street. Columbia. I'a. GUNS! GUNS! GUNS! T "'.nlo.erilter lin. jtivi received a lot of wrings; TWIST RIMILIsIi GCSE. IA hie!, he Mier. at 'ow al K o..4Armin• Ft - E,O the onidi COTTRELL I-50-ty, if for I, .treet. Columina lIALCYON COOK STOVES. T"r•.olbterilterts hove just received on nao.ortnient o CMehrrited tbr wood or coal, whir,, they emo .ell fa 1,1,01111111 e rate 4. Coh,ml,,ar (let. 19..:',0-tt MEYERS 04. TFAIiI.I:TI - WACKY:RIM, .MACKEREL.—Received tins day, NO9. al 1.2, and a. in Ws., halves, and quarters, warranted fresh and good, at oct. 12, '5O. SPANGLER & KA 17FFIRAN'S. CAPS. CAPS.—A large lot of men's and boy.' CAPS DOW offered very low at W. .S. S. PAT.I:OIVS. Columbia, October 10, ISIO. nR. WILEY'S [CELEBRATED COUCH CANDY. a 1/ certain and pleasant remedy for Coughs. Colds. oarreness, Sore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough. Asth ma, Bronchitis, Influenza, Difficult Ezp•'etoration, and all diseases likely to terminate in Consumption. For sale only at MILLER'S Drug Store, Lancaster, Nov. 16, 1850. West King street. A MOST rare and fresh selection of Perfumery now on hand and for sale by the miliscriber : his assort ment, in point of quantity, quality and cheapness, is su perior to any in the place. Call and examine. Columbia, Sept. 14, 1591. It. WILLIAMS. A D:FAV supply of TEEI'II BRL7SIIIb:S. for 0,0, and It? eto.o.vorth double the price. Allo.Cornellun Ring, 0150 eta ; Pocket Combs with looking at 1.4 cis.; and a variety of other cheap articles for the toilet, for rale at V. FRIEDIntAN'S Columbia, Aug. 3, '5O. Cheup Drug and Chemical Store. Histories of Value. JUDD &111URRAY have an invaluable cellection of 11, tones and other works of the l,e and pure-4 lustructirm: one of which is worth store titan all the tra.lly novels in print. A tew of them are Bancroft'. United Stales, B vole. Preseotib Mexico. 3 vols. Do rertlinand and 1-altella, 3 vo!.. Do. Peru, 2 vols. Layard's Ninevali. kink eds. Tay hie... Manual of Ancient liiStory. All{l/iIIIIIC, I 1111,1ory of the Frcnch Rev olinloa, in 2 and volume.. Berta es ill-tort' of the Reformatino.:l vole DrolAnine's Ili-iory of the lltitrizentits. Mill's Ili-tory of Chivalry and the Crusnle. , . IliNtory- of the Con-Mate of Namile'll. Goodnell's Pleiortiti Ilistory of England 1),,. tin do Gree-re. Count Montholon's Ili-fury of the Captivtty of Napo- Washington and the Generals of the Revolution. 2 rol lii plmes. Wtth a vast variety of others. Lady's Book. for December, Graham's do. Jaw. received. Lancaster. November •.'D, V. 30. T II E ~...7' ~•,. r• .4 ^g";l4.e:r 4 , "r t r ... ALIVE 135,!......._ Industrious , i. '. - 4 ‘ , 11U. ..' . ..w; ' AND ji=gos oci ata_ ~._.. ' El E E ...., • ' ( THE Bee Hive Dry Goods Store" appears, as weal. to be the favorite re,ort fur benutilul Dry (1110(1, of every de-cription. Now opening at the Bee 'live, French Merino,Lupiiir. make. Maroon. CM ive Creel,, Light Itluc, Ilk. Mulberry, Mn,. Blue, Brown, (Ireen, Chet ry, Scarlet, Crura.on. Black, Purple, in flirt every clinic, the grentest variety ever opened in this city. C 11. 1 .6. E. WENTZ & BRO., -- Bee hive. SACK FLANNELS, Light Blur. i'herry. Prat), Lead. 11111 i Ilrown : very soil Ns - arm:ol,l all nol, colors. RI 131 ONS. 1111:120N S.—Nook. Cop. nod Bonnet Rll,- 10110, wetly QIN otrverY CA C111:111:1a: SCARFS. the real genoille article, all wool, ranging in price from 624 et, to *5,011. "13E11: GURUS sTollE., qualify p:ain and figured. 0111 V I COOS. CALICOES. good st ire green only 6; cents. SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! SHAWLS!!! Long:Shawl, 'all wool. horn 5250 to $121111; plain colored. drab, lung and du: tnonriung long and square Shawl., black Thubet Long Shawl., Brochn annul Terkerri, the great,t variety ever offered. selling our gt) per cent. lower than any other e.talilr.iirrielit in the city. The above Shawl. having been to great ad vantage. will lie ,old at the Bee !I've. at a great BAR GAIN. Call -.on. CIIAS. E. ‘VENTZ A: BRO., = Al. H. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN LEATOLR., MOROCCO, Sheep Skins, Shoe Findings, 6- Shoemaker's Tools, West King Street, Lancaster City, Pa. ALL orders, addressed as above, will be _Li. promptly totemic(' to. LEATHER. SHOEMAKERS KIT Beat rolled Spanish Sole, Awls. sewmg, all sit.l:,, Common " Pegging Danmeed ~ " Patent Upper I.enthrr, Rmve4. Arnes• %Vau•r Proof. Ames Hoek handle, Mir-, heather. " erg, Ca Wikon's i•litaLliier Kip, J. Algoec black bundle, (lreave, h SOW , . llatianerP, all bizee, . 111,. 0: Bridle, Awl I Eau, Fair Itroile. Ball 11rii.11...., Collar Leather, 'Dont llonl,i, 1.6 liii, Boot Tri.i..., Split, Itlaehiopr. Choi., Ili,lii., Bove,, %,elt, , • . . , It,-now: Leather, slicking deer W hip Stalk., Crimping . Board:, Ilm: r.lon, Cocoa W'ood, Nett Leather, Colts Strap Leather, Files, safe edge, Deer Skin, •• Jigger, It.iek Skin. " ert,l , C, Lamp Illack. ~ setae-set. MOROCCO. ~• French key, Tampico Boot Morocco,•• Floats, S. America Saw File., " l'itra-so .• .' lleol Plates. " Minim., lit.tep Loather, Cape „ ~ Break. and Keys, Undress ~ .I:g . g,-. " Nratqlits Double. Shoulder Irons, Klil CI Single (iIOCS Bottling, Shoe I:eys, I' lidre4•ed - SCIIIII Se:q. Vl,llOll " Snip Avt Is, Morocco, Welt Keys, (here Spring Heys, a !Led C 1111111111111,7 Markers. Baud Pre,,,,,, Fancy riling—all kinds, White Linin., French Wheels, Pink „co " Keys, Yellow " Heel Slickers , Coach Lining—black, Shank IVileek, red, Corner Keys, Saddler Shots. Celli., Look Bottler.' skin, Ileta , are Strops, Nippers, FIN.DiNGS, Duleties. American I bleached. No. 3. Scratch Hones, .. - green. No.lo, Shank Stich. " hall bleached, N.IO. Slat:ashler Sticks, Yellow, Sin nips, Thread. N 0.12, Should., stick, uncut, 4. No 3. Lnag.a,•l.s. cocoa, 44 Small halls, La4t I look,. . Sootll nal k, yellow•, 1,4.1.. Alen.: R. & T., r e g...-2.1 timbre lit .1.14, ' Mel,' Straights, 5pura1.1,...., gout, oil si,,, " Ito 4,' It 'v 1... •• fight .. '• " Boys Sinuglits, ...oilier To,k, ~ NVolloco..', rove' Nail... '• A11.....e.,, IMMEMZIM Pitmerq, Ptisk Itt. Ne‘s York 111,113aq, Paten' Peg Ilaft= Peg Float, Req. VarniAh, r;1.1,,, Paper, Gum ra Me, Peg f ;ougeq, 4. LIIII It abionable garment. %sal plea:e •ult at 0. W. ftrzustit'4 merchant tailoring eatablvtlintent, where they ran be butted in the cut and make. llav wg the hest .tuel. of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & VESTINGS In the countr3, tozether with trimming to the good+, all per•nti. w ill find it to their advantage to call and ex :11111111..11111 want of an r of the alcove articles, ss here par ttcular alwation will be paid them . Yot NO. roller nod Sole,tiaii. - Columbia. September 7, I-50. N IL New ficoil, received at uric ectaLLsluneul ev ery week ginning the 1.111 CARILXAGZI MANUFACTORY. 1 1 11 E subscriber would respeelfully announce that he has 11.1110Vect Iris nutituthetor) IL, lire lien' opposite IN old shop. m Walnut street, where Le at di keep enn.tantly 011 11.111.1 1111 d 11 - 1:1111114e1111, to order at the ,horte-t notice. all Work 111 111 , 1111 e, burl, no CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C., m a very superior manner : and on the rno,t ren•onable 1.1,1.1115. MEM slrooiationn Iti• v.oth.rurtn.llip. which he flatten. Intrz ...eli cannot I.e excelled, luny nt .111 tune. be •Cen nt Ins .hop, where perons de-trol4 of purchubtz:g ire nn itch to call. kind= repairing attend," to at the 4hort,T notice. A ..hare of poithe patronage is reaped fully rope ned. Columbia, Oct. 19, 1,504 y JOSEPH 11001 C OYSTER SALOON. T OW that the season for ice cream has passed, the nabserther bus convened Inn rosins 11110 an OYSTER SALOON, where Lath, and Gentlemen rile he accomlnOdaled at all tunes nllh the best Optere the markets . afford. done up in every qty le. The room on the second lloor—bandsomely fitted np— is intended for Indic:, who need feel 116 ens re delicacy in vlsning a than they dot in vlsttnc:4 the hail.' place to be served writ a gift, of tee cream. The losAer room— al-o fitted up in good style—is for gent:etnen. oho will find ever) dung arranged 11l a style that Callllo/ fail to plenQe. Constantly on hand a fresh ncs . ortment of CAKES. CANDIES. and Flit IT. with wlttelf famines can he sup piled In :any pail of the town A :shale 01 patronage I respeetfidlycoficited. Columbia. Oct IV. 1-50-If W tliNlt LT'. STOVE'S, STOVES! rrITE subscribers have now on hand, and offer tor kale on the ino-I reskonahle term, a con, piste ii , •nriment of STOVES. clutontr which ore • [lnnen, not heretofore Offered el the 1101 . 01.01 nt t..0, 4' COIOIIII4II They have till keel. and •111 , of COAL AND WOOD STovEts. for psi - lons kitchens rind chambers. 'rile!. nit to porticolar uttcntion to their AIR-TIGHT STOVES, of xvldelt the) hove n large variety Per-on. in watit of Stove. nre requested to mull, n= we are n....ared that. a. regard:, price, qu.:ltty um! 1. Ml oy, we ears retailer full a,ltatiattietiott. 111.1:11. Columbia, Oct. 19. Locust dtteet. COlllllO,lll. 'IRE Philadelphia Ledger, Sun, and Daily News so•,..berx and other., at the counter of SPAN(II,I:IVS Ilcad Quarter= and New. Depot. Front .treet. [Columbia, :t,•eptottilier VICTORY, VICTOBIr! r lIE Election passed off very gnielly, and a large nuulierol t nines vt ere rolled. Flee erellt ,ele, 10 Lc deeeled, t.. where the in0..1 AIL": 4 IC can be had. That cnia be, ea.iln deealed I.y cal hag at the one price Vareety null Bonk Store or I. Ii C1..%1111)11.NE, who ha. jele.l reviewed el choice .election. coinpri-log the ..eaftree of the teeevveele-li P‘iglitisigale..lenny Lind. P 011... thieti4. 11"telltew and (Math dles Lredie, can have nn opportistlify of II) mg the inweic b r im, peirelteesing. to home, or on one of lierehe Galtern teplendiel metelare rune v.ood Pinno,e. for winch Mr. Claiborne no agent. Oct. 12.'30. FALL rELSIVONS. otanniecture al/ articles tei his line of bustness tn n su perior manner illatving just reeetved from Wol IL Iteelte & Co.. New York, the FA lA. :•'1'11.1; (JI• II Ar, he 14 prepared to forme.ll bin C1W0111,14 scull 8 spletwid article at 0 reasonable price. lie sill tnanufActure to order. at the shortest notice. Clutd 1,251.4, HATS AND CAPS, nt the lowest Philadelphia pnrcc I f (rielidg arc in. • lied to rail aml examme Ws ttock, at the first Ilat Store above Harr% lintel. Columbia. September O. ISU) BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! ! THE subscriber has just returned from Philo ' &liana with the largest and best essortithatt of ti WATCHES, CLOCKS. AND JEWELRY, ever offered to the ettizeng of Colombia. to whirl, he respectfully invites the attention of purclittecre. tic ha. laid in n choice selection of everything in lus WIC of business. ninong winch may he found GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, of every kind; a large v.onety of JEWELRY. consist lug of Jenny Lind Kar Rings. Finger Rings nod Breast Pius; all kinds of Silver Spoons; Gold and Silver Pen cils and Pens; Gold and Salver Specterleo: together with the greatest variety of FANCY ARTICLES ever before offered. Call and csamme him stock, as he is determined to sell at such I.:nett:l4 will induce purchases. His store is in the new house of .1. NT. Watts, a few doors south of the mud he occupied for many years. Strict attention will be given no heretofore. to the re pairmg of clocks. witches and jewelry. and till work vitt] be warranted. A continuance of former patronage i•respectiolly Poll eited. .1010. FELI. Colinnloa, October 5. 1 t•rtn.Ctivtoo INall its various branches, attended to bythe omievoqued. To all work of 00. hoe etroet ntootoon %Ain be paid .NICY1:11: 4 Colombo.. October 10,'50-11" T"''.ubse Wort, arc prepared to 111:11111Oletilte to 01101", at the shorte,t 110111 . C. all kook of s woutti, on the not rerkonable term:. Al,O, rep,kog of nil 1,1,114 prompil• ntien.le.l or Columlmt, miwr:r:64 & rrAnt.rit. SPLENDID STOCK OF A. R SPANGLER, C. L. KA UFFMAN. C. W. BRANDT. DAILY PiILPERS! PLITNEBING, TO DISTILLERS 1 NNE In all Christianiged and ri,hged countries. hoe caused a larger proportion of deaths than any other malady that diets the human family: and, until within a few years. there has not been any certain remedy to stop the devastation at the destroyer. But now— BRANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM Curt. eery many of the moct strongly marked and developed cases at Pulmonary Can mptirm—REAL, ',lamb:erica., of ulatrund and dt.en,tl LL - SGS—such hordes., ease. us were er before cured by any caller medicine. So uttrrly !Lape l", were Slane Of the Otlhclell pe - sons. as to hove been !mance.' I,y ph and I ricotta to he ACTUALLY Drily... Sortie who h.el their lateialrelOthee made. hare been cured, end yet lo e—mbers w ho rt was rind would not live another day, ore HOW on well and hearty as they ever Were. poese..oe cleansinc shut purnyinc virtues nearly as pow. i ful arid acme as the preparation which we call BR A NT • S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. fs..m tkint. be.rsl... this poßscsges .sewn! odor 1/x,6. noon. Ain, h are y adapted to. and arc esscntiat. ly tire ,try. to clue Coughs and Consumptions, slid rill diseases of a pulrminnry nature—such diseases no aid!) ;wane Intel tinder m thuhry treatment, When they .ittaLlt the Breast. Throat, Lungs, and Heart. f: IL, I J , au.l run', 17,74 the And lire Ire r• r•d n!/or ots,i "red!, At the PLIGIIPI - - h,r7e (...rtrrnety. Tlms ille e iLI G , uyh and Cwv.unliotion out of ten, ter fill rine its hat e fail"d to do goad. Thousands of Consumptions and (Iron, (3:::,o:s Wm:inthly prove Its vnfaiiring :Sir:try in h disen-es, :Ind its undoubted curntlt n pun Cr, nod tuntinne Ilenhnz psopnrtl: in ❑u follow ino COMPIRIIItP and v.z : Sp a I),Q . of Plod, CGrvdug or MI Lrlneg,l'ain in Mr linlvt and Sr it .1 , c10.1",rr0n.: Complarnts, prnaioo of rlir I kart Chul,rer I.Vantnnr. Dr,dr y rind SIMI PRIV Canadair.:. in Chili:rot and Adnite, elahmer, rind ALL FEMALE WEAKNESSES AND COMP.LAINTS. No remedy that has been uttered to the public haw ever !pen hat/ mg.. mars m. 4 rffeiluat in earreettvr ALL the luri d •lat 1,11k , /f.•• • evil ternettla ',fret of the female sex, 1115 /IRA NTS PL - L37UN'AItY BALSAM. It alith4.t. 0., inve rses ,Itethei the derangement i.e sup/nest, excess. ur ether int:siesta! trtalnege—lt regabtte• ALL. by etre,gthem tsg the sy.tein, equal...tag the etr, Walton not avitothing nod iMyseg NERVOUS IRRITABILITY. Sue cur Pamphlets fur proof. CONSUMPTION. A Dying Woman Cured ! WO state ties cure to pruu. the power to Fare IVA when this BALSAM it used. esen alter the per4on is conssifered by phpletsto and treads to be in the la.t stages of dh en o e —actually dying—and, In tin. cane ra far pour that the shroud and burial rio•hts err.' bought. For the rorttrular, .1' this cane, and the rrv,,, table and lindnribrrd pi not of all the ell's linlatancee and thet.. we refer to our l'A:111'111.ETS Tlll4 core ,en. 4 etlecte.l on Mrs %IBA 1J h :MAN. of Ballo. Ma Spa, Saratoga Cll., N Y. We con prove. lelend A doubt. many otlelllainti.l,qually na h0pe1.•44 sod in aPannable cuss of COUR/. And ConSUMpfilM• CIRCA, w hich were pt.. (101111 Ced Inchratlr by ekdlul phy•l4 LriTER COMPLAINT Dyspepsia ! S., fhr en, of T. S I{ it or merehnnt i,l Atli., Wyoming Cu. N. V., mid in ninny more. in .In.. l'aropitleta. Dysentery and. Summer Complaint tn Chibirrn and Arhiha ;we alwaya ram? Irrakly Clitldrca will heroin,• fit h h,althy, and hi arty. and grow rapidly, 1,3 doc use of tLw it 1.,.% • • No mother net d I,er 111011R1 the &nib of her child by Cholera I” fn Int nm, hit, teething, it BRANT'S PUL MONA u LSA .11 be thrind-t, red. it rboodd be. for 4 11.11 corer, risen 111 lan:, than the ordinary du... DOCTORS CA LL IT WONDERFUL DOCY .1011S.41:5 . Le, erne Co, N. Y., talon: to us, January tat. 1C49 : I herniae aequainted with mine of the it-mm-hint/ effects of your BRANTS INDIAN >NAM' DA I.SA NI. by bating Witheattt d sofne most womb —fell cf. rt of 1 . 0551 St 1,105 produced by it, use, In Monticello, Sullivan Co., N Sur k, about tt year since; and have ma, fell linemen that in great efficacy might become more generally knot, Innt ..utniner I land a brother. in-law trate rick with cominniption, nod I felt confident. from what I had seen of the ,•Bleney of Ban NT . 'S llu hero, that if I could procure it for bin u4e, It would cure him; and as we could not find it in this county, I rent to Still! . Van county, about ninety mile.. and nurrlin•ed several lath ties; but before I returned icith the medicine, he died. Ono of my neighbor; wat then very notch afflicted m th pain in the It en.l and ride, mid with such n 'Timm, and tightness acrons Ma rbrst, thnt he breathed tx rh great ddieulty. Ile used mat battle of the ntedielne that I brought, and it gave Immediate relief, nod cured him. NI) wife has used an other nottle, tad rte nays it hits done her more good than all the other toed,eitoat she eler tont, From the benefit thii.e pennon have detlved, and It tun recommendations, trout what I had fpre.itiudy hoard and Well of its good wort., many peisonn inue are now ammo, the medicines; and an the., is an 112ent in tins limn, they have prusunded me to mute for nn agency. Suns respectfhllV :MUNSON. Puierann PURIFY LIFE and HEALTH arc in the BLOOD. Cleaner, Panfa, and Re aulate (he Ca ruhrlinx.and the whole Golly ;rill hare health. The maAt wonderful of all ?med., in podure such a 11,1111, is BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. Yes, the desired re.alt and etTirney tall be produced by the use of n smaller tprothly of tins PERI F Ira than con be etleeted by the In et n late quant tty at any other randy In the world. (See our raulplariS fin' !WOO!) This PURIFIER IS trladly prepared I 1 , 111 FrFe/f/Z/FS, and cures the tanned. mot? of”linnfe, and lonv •tnndmg dt•en=es of the blood. wnhout putlnt, purgule. en - 7 rn•ng. or deb,h• tansg. It rhan,s, sn rngth•nt, try ;got airs. IlliikeS sew•, healthy blood, and got, mu, I o'er and ?nu , ltfc to the ,hole system. BRANT'S FOUR TIM ES CHEAPER than any taller remedy in the stolid. hel nose ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH of It rtrert n ¢r tar anoint, of cure Ilion four dollar,' aria of sorra; arilla. lip any cutler renielly. (111 tutu, ilOlO large their heti:viz army he The reveiia at gurition fur , nn sumer, to iletertrene in, hor 77111rh nee.. 'Tea trill a dinar'. teat 01 of flits Po, . than a dollar '• worth of that sarvaparWo n Olorr Itrordu. 1111.2.11 t help IS'', that Brain's .11.ifirin. ir lend cured. ottliiii the err. 100 000 Persons of Impure Blood Diseases, and 2.5,000 Cases were run.idered Incurable: .q earn. other pa tvnt.tnedieine moo az 0 in the habit of pny inz. If ot • shoio.l sny who woolit hove 111 , Tins however. v.,. 41 s say, and sol se, ed r 00.12 to lose 0 by rrnwrialde artines.os. that Bas s , r's on I ilni C r liVetell curer of more diseases nn lo inc 11 1 / 1 111111 !err,. th.• pied year, than any othrr renp•dy in es.i+tent 0 dill dos in.: the tilt.. (line. How snarl. will a Dollar'. svorlh CURE P Tirentu lam!, deep n ft, WO, C fired 1.2, using only liorloo hotties of It, anr ' lll O tollovvit, in the inted ssionberfid core that woe r u r eilectoll on n loom, Ineoz, Horrid Scrofula Cured. Mr J. It Iladon 0.v.. in ip eertifeo, &tell llome.Dre 1846 • BRANT INDIAN II 'hit 1311- •33,3•11 my hie I had on toe trerrlly birer !won rlatlint d to my bed n )ear—tan, not ,' ,rill to Ins Ilrrnt7l.l haws— could not mire 3,1 y licod him the pillow. nor my hand to my bead. trial, I vino:newt-du-In, 12 not's frolom Po/ tfirr. My neck was illroo•t wholly eaten oft In .tt err to err—all u`rer hnd oaten it bole th,oattli into tot rr iodpipe. under my ellin,t.eth it, rollers it It ns rtupta•d tip by a plater, I breathed thromtla the bole andentll3l not talk—my ear war ro oilmen MIL 1,03111 a It html it eOlll4l d op ton of It. place, it only holdout by 11 rtnall piece—list, 1/33, 1,3 on trr arm de rtoTiyerl Inn um 17f it—nn ulcer. I,a larze Its 1113 111311 d, IVA nearly rotten thrt.oeb my rule. I /0-11, yon l tot,err.; sore - torn, and a sin r truet mirera`de, hopeless, dying condition. lie! hid sr I rytw, the first butdc of ltranfr rto miller I used enabled me To get op oft of the bed, where I hod been enllnnnti fng one year—the recond bottle enabled me to get out of the Imo,- the third bottle enabled me to go sbont two miler on foot. to hinter to Lore I procured eio bottler more. INben I hail finb.bell ~tine these bottles. Sernntgen 0.11 Of In clay ulcers bed beetled up—my ear and ne, k vrere w ell—my sent war cured FO dint I could snot k with it ngnin. toot my general health in now good." Mr. Harkin itfterworil Muted, under oath, before R. P. Johnson. 'No.. jurtice of the pence nt Rome, that a few bot tler morn etlet tad o rrycel 01,, of on at: ulcers. FOURTEEN RESPECTABLE WITNESSES certify. that all the above atatemenj r n of .1 R. linskin are sinollo fro* In torry portieular, they being well acquainted with him. The tottneneca' name, are as follawn, namely. Dews. Thomas Witham,. one of the reapeetable phy sicians to Rome, G. R. Brown. proper tor of the IA eat- Rome notel. Edimeord Hdrhfog, Jesse. IfOrhog., Aloes fittrionzs, Jegll Tiyon, Eirsnitoth revels. limey Concern. Elizabeth roorldi. Pray Denote. John Tern. thkss% Tow , BISSICLL A. Litncnitti, wholnulle and retail 111111;z:etc of Rome. certify. that they are notitmlnted with the said. ft linolon, and know and behove his statement of cure to be trne. & LEONARD. IIR ksrs INDIAN MIMI , atl impair atomise,. of the blond. viz.: Soold•Ilead. Solt•lnpum. Ithoon.d.rol, Eruptions, Plotple, on the Farr. Piles. Ram f7cers. entetee isese, Mercurio/ Dsseaieo. f.t. es Complaint. Pa,nsra the Bock. Rode land bonior. Rush of Blood to the Head. Se.. Etc. "'or sale by II lIWILT.I.ANIS, Columbia: .1 R. Bruba ker. lionl-to-hned. J. T. Anderson. Nortrtta ; L. A. E. Churek'oon Tip s. A r;nll.. StrnsherF: w.n W Cassmore. i'larrte•rn Der..,: (:en. Re. . T;l 7 ,,beth_ S A2rket.beraer. Itoo:hrolge : Jacob ,Stouffer. Mt. Jo) . Nat hntii, I Lotto: Emtninger, \lantana: MI letter. an order. mint I e addte , feil to WALLAC, r tee. Itto 1,. Nest. York. . DI Orr St)NS. 132 North Serena at l'inladr'plon. Pa . are Wholesale Agents to: Grant's Ter dmn lletlieloe, I Ih.,•inber I.4n—rowly 2n ft .1 t , centime Cnattic Silly. for knle by the pound illl her o bor. ft W 'olurn'mt. Septeddler 14. IS3O THIN Gel