e r r, *l. 7 • - ?.? •g_ -• • . Y • if 71, . „•- ' • ' • , ti•t, 1 .1 tt A, • • H 1 t i . 4 " FI: • .• ' t0...1,„ • 1 a '% I . ; .; • I , \I - , - - - I 4 .-t • , 14 '•• j. G. 14. DROWN, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. VOLUME XXI, NUMBER 25.] THE COLUMBIA SPY. Offiee —North We.,t corner of Front and Wuhan streets, immediately opposite John Mires Howl, owl above the Clalainore Railroad Company's Office. Thiss.—The SPY to published every Saturday morning et the low price of 81 PER ANNE %I IN ADVANCE or SISO NOV PAID IN ADVANCE. Single copies, THREE CENTS. No paper will be discontinued until all arrearages arc paid. No FUl.Criptioll received, or paper discontinued, for a lea period than six months. Letters to receive attention, Mast he post-paid. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. (Fifteen lines or less to the square.) Advertisements will be inserted three times at the rate of et per square; for every subsequent iucurtiou afterthe third, cent+ will he charged. 'l•he number of risen ions desired most be marked, or the ailvertiimme id will be combo.' mud ordered out, and charged accordingly. A liberal deduction will be made on the above prices to yearly advertisers. AGENCIES V. 13. PAl:men, Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, and E. W. CARR, C. Pt ERCE, I.lld J. WEnstErt. GEORGE PILATE., No. 116 Nimvau Street, New York. TIIONISOV, S. E. Corner of Baltimore and Calvert Streetit, Baltimore. Joe% S.Lasks.l6llllClizitCr city. F L. Axvu, Marietta. GEO. Ness. Safe Ilarbor. Waxy', it A. PEnicE, 'Piaveßing Agent. DOCTOR D. T. BRUNER, Arrnn an extensive practice of tsveloy years' con tinuance, offers, his professional •rvices to the citizens of echo.lda and vicinity. oale. so Locust street, oppoqte the Bank. Columbia, Nov. J. C. ItISLEY, M. D.: QFFICE in Locust street, in the Inflicting formerly oc culled by Dr. J. S. Cluasott : residence at Herr'', {Vaslungtott lintel, corner of non!. & AVulnut streets. Columbia, August It, lello-Iy, DOCTOR N. R. WOLFE, OFFICE in Front street, six doors it - irtlt or Col. John Bare.. Sorrel Horne I bowl. Columbia, March 1t1,1%,50-ly DOCTOR V. FRIEDEMAN Areims ht. profen,iottal Fervlceg to the CI 11/1211A of Co loam-, nod vietony.—olliee in Loeu.l street, to the room former]) occupant by .1. 0. &J. NVright. Columbol.February its, 1,51/--tr. REMOVAL. HENRY S. MYERS, ,trronsEY AT LA W. has removed to the nouth-we,t fl corner of Centre Square. next door to O. 11. 13011,- berg., a n d two doom.; weot of the Latteunter Batik. Luntnder, August a. PHILIP GOSSLER, A TrOß:siliY AT LAW—Office in Walnut street, be Il iween Front and Second. [Colutnbia, :Inv 3, 'lO-if H. M. NORTH, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office Aria Foam greet, a few gloom above Locust, Columbia, Neer, Columbia, May 4, 1“.-50. WESLEY A. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Tobacconist, Walnut Street, .ccontl door above Front, south side. Columbia, July 27, IE50•t( M. H. LOCIIER, SVCCE E SSOR To 11. C. Loel ß. whole.ale and wdin dealer in Lt•ather, Moroceo, Sheep Skins. Lasts, ....Itoeinaker... , Toole, Shoe Findings Wok King One 11001 . we•t of Steinman's Ilardwme Store, Lancas ter city. Pa, ID - All order.: promptly attended to. 11 —, Caqi paid tor Leather in the rough. Lat,t+ter, April 13. 1.-511-1 y POWDER, POWDER. ) ki.w.% vs nu lined n full supply of DOCK AND RIFLE POWDER, bAl'OrY FUSE ' and SHOT. a general us.oriturut of BAR HION, of all sites. caw,. Augln:so.ff JONAS RUNII'I.I.I'. CAPIPHINE AND ETHEREAL. A MAJ. and fr.,11 .apply eau tilwityi he had at the /I Hardware Stele et the iiiiderbigued hi Leee-t street. Ethereal at 16 cent.. per quart. Columbus, Aug. Ili 1-zio-tr JONAS RUMPLE LIME! LIME! ! FOR LAND oa BuILDI ND, eon:A:may on hand at the r Lane Kan, near the Depot. [Columbia. Jan VARNISII ES, &C. \V ETZEI.I. F, nnoTi PURI , : 41.1%) 1%'1111'1: 1.1 , A1), Boiled I.inee.l Oil. Varia,lti awl Palms of all hind., fur sale at low [IT le, at the Hardware Store of J. W. CO'll'ft Aug 21 1.'4111 Locust atreet, Coluatlen LIGIIT, LIGHT, LIGIIT. THE Subscriber re+pectfully announces than he has again replenclicil lic4 stock of 1.1.1111,, nun it:. 11,1 W un lined the arty haild.neue,t and most spleodid ic.sort. mon of whir or Lard, Calliplone nnil Ethereal Lampe tent Inc CVer been oilered iu this place. Call and tee thein. Prices reduced to suit the tunes. For sale by I.VADEI2. C01tim1.12.7 .1 / 1 0. 7. 1,50. (;01.1. - 01 1110Ithr 1/rott stor, COM BS, COMBS. Ihorn nod Buffalo ioldttex. English Mater. .4 Pt,v6ct. Flue Tooth, ory Pore Tootb.llll.llll CE,Elibr, \c, a complete o...c.rtment, for kale by et : 11.0104a. Srptember '5ll. It. WILLI.% XIS. LIQUORS, F OR monlonnal ton.,—Port \Vine. Nlatleun \Vine. Sher Y Wow Ohl Monongahela ‘VIn-key,Mench Brun 4. 1 11ac1,h,r1.} Brandy. A.c.—lor sole by C oltualna,:seinensl,er I I. 10:0„ WILLS \M INK. C loover'e: j . l4:mars e'olon:1?::. Apr,l 6, 1.50. 11o:4: S:nr, lIAIR RUSIIRS! IVITI101:7" exceptions. the Golden Mortar Prtta Store elm ,II the tt eht npet..t KIM most splendid lIAI It th.t have ever Iteen brought to Coltotttott. 4jr" thirty pattern.—evil nod exumine them for yottrsett. Columbia. Sept. 7.1 , L1). W. A. 1.1.:A DER. TRUSSES, FROM I tankilt lo adult sue, a complete a•tvottmett I, for •:t14., II WILLIAMS. Coluinhin. September 14, 1;4.50. CHEAPER THAN EVER! I`A3IILY BIBLES, e 4,00, (lurgett* sire;) Letter Paper, 61 rents per quire. tEtt G. G. CLAIBORNE'S ColtewLia, April v. I s5O. Book Store. MORE CHEAP PAPERS. 1111 have just received another lot or theeic extronrdt ary rheum WA 1.1. PA PEIIS. Splendid new pot• ( tnlit from 10 to to els. per piece—warranted nine yards. Mio, another splendid assortment of Borders null Fire erns. 11. 11. FRY & CO. Coluirilnu, !gay 4, :SM. DRESS GOODS, DRESS GOODS! A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT of ilnreges, Barege noldmrs, Tissues, Foulard Silks, Lawns, Linen Lus- Ginghtitus, Gangham LAMM, ACC.. .just opened nt the LeW .tore or J. G. HESS & Columbia. May 11, ISiO. HYMN BOOKS. 4.1 Presbyterian, M ethodi.b (new edition,) Croup Sleeting, at G. G. CLATTIORNE'S April 6, 18.50. Book Store FURNISHING GOODS. 11.11. FRY & CO. have just received a largeassort- Is nient of Furnishing Goods, of every description in part of "'time. Checks, Ticking. &c.. in great variety; 6-4.111.4, and 11-4 Illeached Sheeting; Floor and Table Oil Cloth.; Linen, Wool, and Damask Talkie Covers; Crash and Diaper Toweling, Napkins. Also, Csrpeting, Minds, Feathers, a great variety of Queens ware. Looking Glasses, le. %le have just received another lot of those very cheap river [longings. Ctilmuilna, March 22, OM II FRY & CO. A FAMILY PAPER : DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, SCIENCE, MORALITY, EDUCATION, AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. GREAT COUGH REMEDY. For the Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, AS TIC.• mem, WHOOPING.. COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. Lt offering to the community this justly celebrated rem edy for doteases of the throat and lungs, it is lint our wit/ to wille a oh the lives or health of the afflicted, but frank ly to lay before them the opinions of distinguished Mel mid some of the evidences of its 8 (tees., from wide] they ellll judge for themselves. We sincerely pledg ourBelves to mathe 110 wild assertions or false statement. of its effleacy, nor will we hold out Itny hope to Buhle r t humanity which facts will not warrant. Many proofs are here given, and we solicit an inquiry from the public into all we publish, feeling assn red they will find them penectly reliable, and the medicine %von. thy their best confidence and patronage. PROF. CLEAVELAND, of llowdoin College. Alamo, writes—"l have %VittMEW(' the effects of your • CHERRY PEC'FOILAI. , in my own tinnily and that of my friends, and it gives ow nittisfite lion to i-tute in Its favor that no medicine I have ever known ha. proved so iilleCC.,llll is Curing dis eases of the throat and lungs., REV. DR. OSGOOD writes—"Thut lie cou•alers' CHERRY PEcTonAr. , the best ntedtr•uu: for ruhnotiary, AtrUctiouts ever given to the plat Ile," turd states that his daughter, after being obliged to keep the 1 . 00111 four mouths tvutli it severe set tled enough. accompanied by raisiny of blood, night sweats, and the attendant symptom.; of t'on.umpuon. commenced the LISe Or the • Cll LIMB I - PECTORAL,' until bud completely recovered." EX-CHANCELLOR KING, of New York, snn . I have been a great valferer with Ilrottehuh, and but for the 1150 01 the • eIIERRY 'it Al.,' might have contumcd to be go for many years to come, but that hae cured me and I am happy to bear te,outotay to Li, efficacy.' From inch tebtunotty we itch the public to judge for theunwlve. THE REMEDY THAT CURES. PORTLA ND. Me.. Jan. 10,1P17. Dr. Ayer: I have been long alllmted With Asthma which mete yearly worse, until last autumn it brought on 0 cough which confined um in my chamber, rut be gan to IL2Vttlie the alarninig , ymptornq of COnPliniption. I had tried the bc.t advice and the best medicine to no purpn.e, unit! I uhed your 'CHERRY PECTORAL,' which has cured rue, and you may well be 110413 me. Gratefully yours. J. D. PHELPS. If there I, any value in the judgment of the ss lee, Who speak from experience, here is a medicine worthy of the public confidence. I . IIE,PARED Bit I. C. AVER, cornitsr, LOWELL, MA9S. Sold in COLUMBIA by W. A. LEADER September 2.4, IStAbtimos. CiEGAITS.-1.5,000 ears just received at Spangler's 1.3 I lead Quarter , . and News Depot. They need no re commeadation utter being once tried. Call and give them a nial, ye emokers. Columbia, October 2G, ISSO. IVoRY TABLETS —1 have just received a most beau tiful a-sortmeat of Ivory Tablets, suitable for business purposes. They are American mantitheture, and made tii the neatest as well as most durable in:miler. Persons in wont of the article %vitt fluid it to their interest to call et SPA NGLER'S Oct. @G, 1e.50. Om a Quarters and :Ness's Depot. A I.:IIANACS for 1-51.—Pahner's itasillet.s Mau's Al -111111100 ; Faintly Chri•tuto do.: People's do.; Carle Sant' , do ; Farmer's National do ; Brother Jonathan do.; with a varlet) of COll/1C AllllOllll,, 1111 for .11111, to li. F. SPANGLEICS Bend Quarters Columbia, October 20, 1,50. ale) Ne WS Dep.. NI)I:IISUN'S FINI; Cli'l"l . ollACCO.—This article :1 k lacing now ell the range. SPAM:LI:It, or hie Ileall• 10.1015 111111 N.V. Depot, lots , 1111111101.1 111111Neff WWI 11 good 11115011111CIII, 1111 d Is now ready to supply whoever chews, (claor.e.) (bee I u cell. Also, u hue article of Caveodt-lt Tobacco. Columbut, October ..?.(1, 1,"50. 11 . 101 i lONDlNG.—Persows saving boas to bind can have (hell, done in any et> he, or ul 1111110 4 t ninny price, by learnt , them ut SPANGLER'S tie t. flout Quarters . and News Depot. IItIiONS —Bonnet, Neck mid IVnittt Ribbons of the D late-t am]mt Columbia, (tot. 1-.51t. W. A. S. PATTON'S. 1:11:-C111 VTIONS TeCel V ell al G. G. Clllll/1111e'l• one Kiev Hook Store tier ;ill the monthly Alumitines mid weekly New papers nobh.hed 111 New Volk, Plokulel rho. and BoAton. vet. ATINI7I"I'S. of all colors awl nil:fluting, ranging, in S price nom 312 to z.r7,:, penile per Viltd. at out 13. '5l), SPANGLER & T i M:ATIIER . S.-501poual , hoc Gevse Feathers, of the Le,l tittullty.plst reect‘ed at oct. P 2., itt. SPANGLER S I.II'FFMAN'S. I . .. , ll , S i l . 3icarbottate or flaking Soda, for sale very 200 1„ . R. WILLIAMS. Colombia, sepietaber 11, 1-.50. Th` /ILT AVANT DR l'Sllns you ca,mot go mops by 1 ealltutz ott the .thscrther. llte it , osortinctiot cotposis of Cloth, flat. Ilmr. Shoo, Paint, llor.e Tooth, Noll, l'ol- Shartne will he 001.1 ut pm,• remarkably low. It. WILLIAMS. Colombia. September el, '5ll. 30 orNcr.-: Stllphale of Qumme, for Talc at a cthall ntivanee by IL. W MS. Colombia. Stlflember I I. 200 ;wit, Window Putt), Sptrite,ol •1 1l rfTii 0 1 1;1 24 1L P VIIrIII,IIC, for qale by IL ‘VILLIAAIs. C,•1111111,m, S.•ptetsiber I I. I -.ln SIIOI'I.DER It ILACI: , —Ju+t receivial a very t.uperior article of Slioaliter or Nate nt LEA 1:1 C, (a.litiat Mortar Drug Store. Columbia. September 7, WI MA.% 31:4, Wholenttle anti Reim! Agent for Old ). Duetor Jacob Towaistinrp. Sarsapanlla Columbia, September 11.1-50. I iill(NS.Tl%etsN7 l :lNe;k ig!! p, o ft rt.w : ,nuo,ije l r. 2; l2,o,f ~.pet I• lug of the heW %tore"( J. G. 111:St e. CO. Columbia, Mareh 1\11:117 STYLE NECKLACES. for Nnle at the new .1.11 1,10 re. oppo-bic ille Franklin House. Cnlmn lice, ra. .1. 110 S & CO. Colombia, :11iirell 30. 1.-511-11 - T HAUL B S' CELERATED LIQUID BAIR d Dyr., fur ellaucing rt,l or gray knir, ullishers, eye brows. TO a beautiful brown or let Mark. For sale at Colornhia, July 27, LEADER'S Golden Mortar. RIBBONS, Bonnet Trim 1111 l igs, Neek Ribbons, he., of the hest ,•pritax styles. at J. O. & CO'S. Columbln, 11 ay 11, laitl. fr )(fill BR —A large a...ortutent of Tooth Itrasheg, front 5 cgs. up to .50 eta. each, for sale at Sept 7, 1.4.511. LEADNIVS Golden Mortar. COD LIVER. 0114.—Fresh and genuine White Cott !Aver Oil (or .tile et I.I:ADEIVS Columbia, Sept. 7.lttlA - 1. Golden Moran . Prtig Store. 111111.1: 4 !": SILKS.—A eplrudtd ansortmei it of Cliumeleon I/ Turc Santis. and figured silkn of the latest and mom faAdoliabln styles for dreaws t visite.. Ju4t opened at the new more of J. G. II MSS A: CO., Oppo , ne the Franklin Mune, Locubt St., Columbia, Pu. Colimibia. :11arch 9, SPLE:silllll ASSORTAIEN'r OF QUI:ENSWARE. Super. French Chian Heavy Gilt, Mae Granite, Stone, China. Blue rind Malberry. with a variety of Liv erpool nod couniton ware. all of which eon be had at the Ile W More. al the mod rem...llllde price.. Col Iris, March 9. 11,511-if .1 G. HESS & CO. nil) DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. Just recurred n frt,la *apply of old Dr. Towor.entra Sarsaparilla. For •ale 01 W. A. I.EA DER'S Columbia, July S 7, 1.311-1 f Golden Mortar. COLUMBIA, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7, 1850. King Bruce of Scotland flung Wilmot( down In a lonely mood to think ; 'Tis true he was monarch, and wore n crown, But his heart was beginning to sink. IRAL : For be had been trying to do a great deed, To make his people glad, He bad tried and tried, but couldn't succeed, And so he became quite sad. Ile flung himself down in low despair, As grieved as man could he; And after awhile, as he pondered there, give it up,' said he. Now just at the moment n binder dropped, With its silken cobweb clue, And the inn tu the midst of his thinking itopp'd To acs what the spider would do. 'Twos a long way up to the ceiling dome, And it hung by a rope so fine, That bow It would get to its cobweb homo, King Burce could not divine. It soon begun to climb and crawl, Straight up with strong endeavor, But down it came with a mighty scrawl As near to the ground as ever. Up, up, it rali, - not a second it staid, To attar the least complaint, 'fill it fel! still lower and there it laid, A hide dizzy and faint. Its head grew steady—agent it went, And travelled a half-yard higher, 'Twits a delicate thread it had to tread, And a road where its feet would tire. Again it fell and swung below, But agam it quickly mounted, Till up and down, now fast now slow, Nine brave attempts he counted. `Sure,' cried the king,"niat foolish thing Will strive no more to climb, When it toils so hard to reach and cling, And tumbles every time.' But up the insect went once more, Al,, me, 'tis an anxious minute, Iles only a foot from his cobweb door Oh, say, will lie lose or win it' Steadily, steadily, inch by inch, higher, and higher he got, And a bold little run at the very last pinch Put him into his native spot. Bravo, bravo the king cried.ottt, •All honor to those who MT, The spider up there defied despair, lle conquered, why shouldn't 1r And Bruce of Scotland braced his mind, And gossips tell the tale, That he tried once more as he tried before, And that time did not fail. Pay goodly heed, all ye who read, And beware of saying ' I CAN'T,' 'Tis a cowardly word, and apt to lead To Idleness, Folly 1111 d 'Whenever you find your heart despair Of doing tome goodly thing, Con over this strain, try bravely again, And remember the Spider and King.' The Coining Winter. A utumn's sighing, Moaning, dying, Like the brightness Clouds arc flying When noon whiteness On like ideeds; Fills the tides. NVlthe their shadows, O'er the meadow's. Now bright pleasure's Walk like widows Sparkling measures Decked in weeds. With rare treasures Overtlow ! Bed leaves trailing, With this gladness Fall unfailing, Conies whist sadness ! Drooping, sailing, Oh, what madness ! From Its, wood, Oh, what woe That unphant Stands defiant, Even merit Like a giant, Ma) inherit Dropping blood. Some hare garret, Or the ground; Winds are swelling Or, u worse ill, Round our dwelling, Deg a morsel All day telling At mine door sal! Us their woe; Like a hound! And ut vesper, Frosts grow crisper, Storms are wailing, As they whisper Winds are Of the snow. Hassling, railing, At each door. From the unbeen land, 'Midst this trailing. Frozen uilwtd, How Down front Greenland, List the 'a ailing Winter glides, Of the poor. The Pin and the Needle. Lem Smith, the philosophical editor of the Madison Record, tells the following witty fable, which is as good as anything we have seen out of Harm. A pin and a needle, says this Ameri can Fontaine, being neighbors in a work-basket, and both being idle, began to quarrel, as idle folks are apt to do; " I should like to know," said the pin, "what you are good for, and how you expect to get through the world without a head?" "What is the use of your head," replied the needle, rather sharply, "if you have no eye?" "What is the use of an eye," said the pin, cg if there is always something in it?" "I am more active, and can go through more work than you can," said the nee dle. "Yes, but you will not live long." "Why not?" "Because you have always a stitch in your side," said the pin. "You are a poor, crooked creature," said the needle. "And you are so proud that you can't bend without breaking your back." "I'll pull your head off, if you insult me again." "I'll put your eye out if you touch me; remember your life hangs by a single thread," said the pin. While they were thus conversing a little girl entered, and undertaking to sew, she very soon broke off the needle at the eye. Then she tied the thread around the neck of the pin, and attempting to sew with it, she soon pulled its head off, and threw it into the dirt by the side of the broken needle. £Well, here we are," said the needle. "We have nothing to fight about now," said the pin. "It seems misfortune has brought us to our senses." "A pity we had not come to them sooner," said the needle. "How much we resemble human beings, who quarrel about their blessings till they lose them, and never find out they are brothers till they lay down in the dust together as we do." "NO ENTERTAINMENT IS SO CHEAP AB READING, NOR ANY PLEASURP: SO LASTING." Zclect poctrii. From Eliza Cook's Journal Try - Again. =I Shedding lightnes% flistellancous. Fulton's First Steam Voyage, AND HIS FIRST PASSAGE MONEY Some twenty years since, I formed a travelling acquaintance upon a steamboat on the Hudson river, with a gentleman, who, on that occasion, related to me some incidents of the first voyage of Fulton, to Albany, in his steamboat, the Clrr. moat, wh'zh I have never met with elsewhere.— The gentleman's name I have lost; but I urged him, at the time, to publish what he related; which, however, so far as I know, he has never done. I chanced, said my narrator, to be at Albany on business, when Fulton arrived there in his un heard craft, which every body felt so much in terest in seeing. Being ready to leave, and hearing that this craft was to return to New York, I repaired on board, and enquired for Mr. Fulton. I was referred to the cabin, and I there found a plain, gentlemanly man, wholly alone, and engaged in writing. Mr. Fulton, I presume. Yes, sir. Do you return to New York with this boat? We shall try to get back, sir. Can I have a passage down? You can take your chance with us, sir. I enquired the amount to be paid, and after a moment's hesitation, a sum, I think six dollars, was named. The amount in coin, 1 laid in his open hand, and with an eye fixed upon it he re mained so long motionless that I supposed there might be a miscount, and said to him, is that right, sir? This roused him as from a kind of reverie, and as he looked up at me, the big tear was brimming in his eye, and his voice faltered as he said, excuse me, sir; but memory was busy as I contemplated this, the first pecuniary reward I have ever received for all my exertions in adapting steam to navigation. I would gladly commemorate the occasion over a bottle of wine with you, but really I am too poor, even for that, just now; yet I trust we may meet again, when this will not be so. Somo four yonra nftor this, when the Clermont had been greatly improved and two new boats made, making Fulton's fleet three boats regular ly plying between New York and Albany, I took passage in one of these for the latter city. The cabin, in that day, was below; and as 1 walked its length, to and fro, I saw I was very closely observed by one I supposed a stranger.— ] Soon, however, I recalled the features of Mr. Fulton; but without disclosing this, 1 continued my walk and waited the result. At length, in passing his seat our eyes met, when he sprung to his feet, and eagerly seizing my hand, exclaimed, I knew it must be you, for your features have never escaped me; and although I am still far from rich, yet I may venture that bottle now.— It was ordered; and during its discussion Mr. F. ran rapidly but vividly over his experience of the world's coldness, and sneers, and of the hopes, fears, disappointments and difficulties, that were scattered through his whole career of discovery, up to the very point of his final, crowning tri umph, at which he so fully felt he had at last ar rived. And in reviewing all these, said he, I have again and again recalled the occasion and the incident of our first interview, at Albany; and never have I done so, without its renewing in my mind, the vivid emotion it originally caused. That seemed, and still does seem, to me, the turning point in my destiny—the divid ing lines between light and darkness, in my ca reer upon earth; for it was the first actual re cognition of my usefulness to my fellow men. Such then were the events coupled with the very dawn of steam navigation—a dawn so re cent as to be still recollected by many—and such as Fulton there related them, were the early appreciations, by the world, of a discovery which has invaded all waters, causing a revolu- tion in navigation which has almost literally brought the ends of the world in contact. A Kissing Holiday. The English correspondent of the Nein York Commercial Advertiser gives the following de scription of one of the Easter Holidays, which he passed at a small town in the heart of Stafford shire: "On descending to the little parlor of the inn, on Monday morning, I perceived that all the household were in their gayest attire, and that no one entertained any serious notions of work or business. I had despatched my solitary break fast of ham and eggs, and other country dainties, and was looking out with mixed feelings of de light and envy upon the prospect before me, when the door of my room was suddenly flung open, and six rosy checked, ringletted young women entered, tittering very much, and looking very foolish at each other, and then to me. I am not vain—but I am a rather handsome fellow—my mother has told me so a thousand times; so, upon the whole, I was rather gratified by this piece of admiring attention. But to be left alone in a little room, with half a dozen girls, requires some nerve, and I confess I began to feel rather qualmish. lam rather bashful, hesidesZ very bashful—and therefore had a mortal repug nance to being thus exhibited gratis, and so to put an end to the scene, I said in as careless a tone as I could command, " What's the matter, Mary?" "Well, sir," she answered, "I see you don't understand our ways, but you must sit in this chair if you please." And she indicated a chair which I had not perceived, in the back staves of which were entwined laurel, ivy and flowers. Anxious to conciliate them, I complied with her request, resigning myself to my fate with desperate fortitude. Scarcely had I taken my scat when they lifted me up in the chair, as high as they could, three or four times, laughing most outrageously at my looks of bewildered horror. 1 gave myself up for lost; an untortunate young man, who had strayed into a rustic wilderness, far from his home and his friends, entrapped, en snared, and forcibly carried away by six violent ly pretty girls; but if I was horror struck at this proceeding, judge what was my consterna tion, when the leader of the assailants, that very Mary, who had brought my breakfast half an hour before, advanced, seized me round the neck, and impressed upon my half-parted lips, a fero cious kiss! This was the climax. I defied des tiny from that instant, and resolved to meet my fate like a martyr. "La, sir," said Mary, "I declare you are quite alarmed; I must have another, just to bring you to your senses." And she "had" another, and it did bring me to my senses. How soon one gets used to kissing! All my terror had vanished at the salute of the third damsel, and I repaid the "lip service" of the sixth with interest. 1 got so fond of the sport, that I even wanted to repeat the performance, and would not have cared to employ the entire day in such pastime. "Now, sir," said Mary, "you must know that this is our "heaving day;" to-day the young girls "heaves the young men, whoever they can catch, gentle or simple; and to-morrow the young men heaves we, if they can catch us, and them as don't get a kiss, man or woman, pays forfeit." I was also informed that it was cus tomary to give some trilling gratuity to the "as a keepsake;" a practice to which I conformed, by giving them a trifle of money, which they did not keep long, and they left me well pleased with the success of their exploit, while I was no less so. I rode in the mail coach to within about two miles of my friend's house, and walked the re maining distance. My road lay through narrow lanes, and across fields, until I came upon a small village. Hitherto I had not met a soul ; but was walking merrily on, whistling or singing, in love with all the nut lit, nut onlilt tug the most. imp... taut item in the aggregate—myself. But as I entered the straggling village, I could perceive gowns, and many colored caps, flitting backward and forward, and had an intuitive consciousness of women, resolved on heaving achievements, ly ing in ambush behind impervious hedges: which filled me with strange trepidation. I proceeded, however, calling up a look of magnificent stand off-or-I'll-bite-you expression; thinking, in the innocence of my head, to check too familiar ad vances by an assumed hauteur. I was miserably deceived, for a strong-built ' young lady came forward to meet me, with an artful carelessness of manner, evidently wishing to persuade me that I was unnoticed, and that she was only going to the spring for a pail of water; but when she arrived within grappling distance, she flung her pail away, clasped me rudely around the waist, and before I could say alas, she lifted me fiom my feet and kissed me with violence. She offered no apology for thus assaulting me on the Queen's highway, but laughed in my face immoderately and called out, “Sukey, I've got him!" Oh dear! scarcely had she spoken, before Sukey, and Bet, and Polly, and a dozen others, sprang into being from in visible places, and I was surrounded by a laugh ing, shouting group of females. I expostulated and entreated in vain ; I was pulled about, lifted up, and kissed without mer cy, till, making a desperate rally, I burst from their embraces and fled along the lane at the top of my speed, followed by derisive cheers irons my baffled persecutors, and shouts of laughter from their husbands, fathers and brothers, who had left the red lion to see the sport The Snow Trade of Sicily. The principal export from Cantania is snow, in which a very lucrative trade is carried on with Malta, and some parts of the south of Italy. It is collected during the winter in pits and hollows on the mountain, and covered with the scoria• and ashes, to prevent its thawing. It is brought down on mules to the coast at night, in panniers covered with leaves. The revenue deriven from this source is immense, and renders the Prince of Paterno one of the tidiest men in Sicily. Snow is the universal luxury, from the highest to the lowest ranks. It is sold at about the rate of two pence a rotolo, or thirty ounces; and the poorest cobbler would sooner deprive himself of his din ner than of his glass of "acqua gelata." It is also extensively used in the hospitals, and scarc ity of it would be considered as great a misfor tune as a famine, or any national visitation, and would more infallibly occasion popular tumults. To guard against any such accidents, the govetn ment at Naples have made the providing it a mo nopoly., the contractor being required to give se curity to the amount of 00,000 ducats, winch sum is forfeited if it can be proved that for one hour the supply was not equal to the demand. Astlalna. There is no complaint more harras,ing than Asthma. The Newark Daily Adreptiscr, a reli able paper, pledges itself to cure this distressing disease with the following simple remedy:— Take one and a half ounces of sulphur; one ounce cream tartar; one ounce mina; one half ounce annisseed, pulverize and thoroughlyi mix the same, and take one teaspoonful in about two ta blespoonfulls of molasses on going to bed, or at such time through the day as may best suit the patient; the dose once a day may be increased or diminished a little, as may best suit the state of the bui.l els of the nll% idual. *l,OO PER ANNVII, IN ADVANCE [WHOLE NUMBER, 1,065 .s.sunban dealing. Fides' Bridge. TIIE LITTLE BAIT GATHEREB On l'iley I.ln.lge I sat alone. Upon a stinuner , 3 day, Tal on that long