The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, April 27, 1850, Image 4

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    xraz.nnarevs nzusErunr,
Corner of Seventh & Chestnut sts., Philadelphla,
P. T. BARNUM, Proprietor and Manager
HENRY SANFORD, Assistant Manager,
APEN every dap from S. A. M. to 10 P. ti. _
ances daily at a P. M., and 73 in the evening.
Talent, wonder, and beauty combined, fOrming. the
most grand and magnifiCeut attraction ever offered to the
public. •
..ydrb-Oxyggon Microscope, which magnitics one rail
bon times, ,17,1til Other diVertlSeLltellti.
Just imported, by Mr. Barnum. a splendid Portrait of
denny Lind, and her letter of asrectumit t 0 nail the
United States.
Ancient and Modern Curio.itlec.
'Scotch Giants, Dwarf. Invisible Penner.
Mermaid, Crocodile, Sea Lion. Ncw Cosmorama. and
7.000,000 WON DERS.
Country visiiurs expected.
TO — Admittance 29 eta. Children under 10 years are
12; etc.
March 9, 1950-1rno:
TO ranrarns
AND MEN OF BCSINESS.—OiIs, Candles and
The subscriber offers, at the lowest rates in any Gunn
tity to null purchasers,
and every variety of Sperm, Whale, Lard, and Tanner's
Manufacturers, Tanners, Partners, Dealers and Con
sumers, are invited to call.
LIEO. W RIDGWAY. ' North Wharves,
the, first Oil Store below Race street.
Philadelphia, April d, I t150—..21a.
AT the Old Established STOVE lIIANE-4
FACTORY, No. CU Second s.t.
The subscribers respectfully invite the attention
of !housekeepers, Hotel-Keepers, and Public Institutions
generally, to their large and complete assortment of
Quaking Stoves, in great variety, Summer Fur
naces, with or without ovens, Gas Ovens,
new style, Portable Forges, Stove
Castings, Zyc.
Whirh purchasers will f.nd it to their interest to exam
ine, u are prepared to supply thorn ut a cheaper
rate than heretofore wren:din the starker,
1 ,1, - hole' ale deaters wtli consult their advantage
by examining our stuck, which end,races u choice
ED - - Particular at:cation is requested to the much
approved ludepeadent Air Tieht Cooking Stove, us Molt
is ainiptcsl to the use ut tenth - Wood and Coal.
Nu. G'J North Second Street. scar Arch.
in' All goods warranted us represented—a otherwise
the sanity will be relitatied.
Philadelphia, April ii, 1,10-1 y.
AVILLIAN S. DOBBINS, No. 269 North Second
Y Street, ha: the largest end cheapest Tobacco
lVtirolleuse iu I'lttludetphitt. Ile has on hand at ['resew,
11-0111 common to the best imported; the most of them
are over Iwo yearn old. If you want to buy good eigurs,
try him mice; has
"St ..ales tine Cuba slid Havanna Leaf Tobacco.
of the best Maysville, Kentucky mid Mary
laud Leaf Tobacco.
tAizcs of the linen: brands of Cavendish and Mrs
bozos of Ow I e,t old 13lack Fat Cavendish, not to
t•n surpassed br !toy other for Heinless of iltivor and
good joutit y. Ala r,fe at mf Stocking Tobacco ; Putes,
ho_ constantly on liond.
The subscriber has constantly employed over thros
hundred Imnd ,, to !nuke cigars, crunch enables him to evil
more reasonably than any other house. All dcali-rs ore
iiiv,ted to cull and ultra sae has stuck, at 209 North t-I,ec
onil Street, opposite the I.:olden Lamb hotel, and
South Second Strati, one dour above Chestnut, east side,
Ale reit 13, 15..."0.6mn.
p BERT SHOEMAKER has now on hand, and
mfors tor sale Lot thu most reosooMMr tenns, a lull
arsorta.tmt of
NviNpow Gun, all sines and qualities, of French, En-
Ktisti and American manufacture.
lVhite Lead, pare rind No. I of all the most approved
brans, the barrel or bag.
A ko, ecoors of every degertption, either they or in Oil.
Linseed Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Varnishes, Plaint
!hushes. Diamonds, Putty, Putty Knives, and a fall as
sortment of painters' materials.
Likewise—Glue, Potash, Dye Stulrs, Illeuclittel mate
rials for milliners' use. Ac., Sze.
All the popular Patent r.vlttdicines. as Swalin's Palmer a
and Vermtfuge, Dr. Jeitot'et Nwirer nca, tt;ltuetnaket't. Ile
nowned Itlreurnrthe nod e;trelettitetting Pl:tter,. the best
remedy in existenea for Ithcionausin, Puiris
or ll'cek
itees in the lack, breast or sale.
Every articht warranted gnu nine, and all articles told
will be delivered at any of oho wharve! or depots, tree
vi •zpvnio to the purelimrcr.
ROI:EIiT slit attll A KEIL
S. W. corner Second an 4 i./reen sts- Philadelphia.
N. ll—Orders by Dail prtenttile attended to.
YLilade:phia, M'arell 10, 1Z,Z4.,..-ii1110.4.
SHAD, CODFISH, Constantly on Ilmnd and
ERREcGS, for sale by
BANS AND SIDES, I Market Sircet Wharf,
l'hilndclpllia, March la', I'ao.3mos
No. 132 :1: Third Street, Philadelphia,
I_TAVING just laid in a very laree and fresh
a6,4,t,„.. 1 a of every article ut their lure of hu,lneF,
respectfully Inuit - in their tunic roes cnvtornsrn in I.nn
wil-ler eoutr.y, that they are ready to supply twin
at tint .811, him Trilvetht•re .,, ,fnre.
entitn, ”sed PAINTS, hilt--TG FPS. WIN DOW
GLASS, of all tier , alt the34ll,7cruill
of ( jlas , P.m y' A rt,la.. Stone M'atc of sites;
Acids. I in Ili!, and kegs, titarch, hutu c: raid,
T n , r rei,ui i .• Why,. Letift. h r.. &e.
BL•TE, it.; ..cifiltly ,an the nt,euti,n
of :\lerelutpt4 It, sveit se!ceted ns4orlment of Sl.l
- Tnes , me all gro . and thetrvirlrcs, and Nvt:l tic
voirrunted stwily pure.
Thankful for post :avor, and determined to Frire no
plkinn to give every ottisfaction to their customer., they
re,p,etrully soLot :loin their fellow citizeo, a cumin,
aae. of 11 , heretowte so liberally bestow t.
upon Sliest.
Patlndeiploa. \t arch 23. I=sn-llmos.
10 000 POUNDS of Frilllns, comprising all
in he, WhO/C3a:C 1111,1
ut 1/10 ' /UVVC * I cusl, I,y
!IA turt.Er Ar KNIGHT,
14 S. Second racer, 5 doors above Spruce.
Our costumer , nod ti, pu! fie in gew,ral will please
to nt filleo the tateruclulls recently Illadt i.L our store,
of our,os i- in :ha Ne 1 .1 . 1! story, Where We i/CIW
Lave, ready uolde, or WI:1 fna',,r , order
MAI"IRESSES and CUSHIONS of all kinds
ILI•0 kelp roliCI:1111:y F oul
TrriciNG34. 111.•,0.1ir5. M.4.1.1,11.LLS (1111.7.5, Ci,troltl 131-El,
e3ACXING Borrow,
laivc Lent iappropricuml to the Hilt of C.v.:mtgs. &c.,
among which lire
rtnisseln Crimelings
Tapestry do I CARFETINGS,
Imperial Throe Ply
Jngrnin Curpetmcs
from recta to Si in
Staff c.rrtivg.
from 10 neon. to 81 .00
IZater Curpenng d t
front 25 cents to 2 4 1.25
Rag Carpeine:s
from 25 to 40 eel-.
Oil Cloths
I _.- - - .......... ,
at all prices .
For sale by ILIIITLEY & KNIGHT: I, I STAIILISHENT, where may always beci j %
14 ,, ,"5. Second street, 5 doors above Spruce. !ii A banal a very large and vart , ,i it“ tit
~rtent oici„,: . ,!
Philadelphia, March 15, Isso.3inos. fine WATCIII:S, Elegant de, elry. Fancy Aoki,. two
- _
ARCS STREET WALL PAPER i I"Thu:icy. silver and l'ial• .1 WI., &L. . mfers ursater
itp.uccinents to purchasers than any Other ,iniiltir Eltab.
AREHOTNE, No. 11! Arch !Street, between l 'inlit i : l ' il ,„, heretofore large stork. 1 have just ad-
AV Sixth and Seventh, South Side, PlM:id...phi:l •I• I ' r, ' new lot 01 WATCHES. JEWELRY. FANCY
The Prorrietor of ti., clove „ ~,,,,,,, est,imslime-t All I le1.1:S. &c . milking iny pres,mi tIS-.olal:l2iit 011 e Of
has now opened bin acerb stock of , t:: • seer in Philadelphia: NI y as..ortim•nt con , i•ts tii part
WALL PAPERS, rat told and Silver Lever. Lepine, I.lnarit, raid other
. Watches a ill assortment oi Jewelry such as Cameo,
Which are all of the latest styles, and of tie very Jest , 0. ,,.,,,, ( iN1 0 . , ,,,,i, 1 - ,. B ro ach e s. 1:,,,,,,, liiizs. it:creel vii
raanufaaturs, Purchasers frorn the counter can rely , , . •
t 'r r•,ver and Plated Tal.le and Tea,pnri... Butter
on being accommodated with patterns suitable for every '..!' -
I'' nee 1 3 l:e G. Tiiitnl•les, Pcsiell C 0 .,. Locke Ls, rus,..a. N,y,,
purpose, without the inconvenience of looking farther. _ ~..„.. 1 ., of ~,,,,,,,,, p c ,,kffi s .,.. & c. , with I. f a it a.serr.
Be is determined to sell at such prices us the udvan- "
tages of a cash boollieS3 affords. .cut ' of Gold Pei., Of all the I.ll:Terent makers at the
greatly reduced price of .91...25. I:L1 lIOLDEN,
N. D.—Paper hung in the Country at City prices.
rDwARD /31:RT°:\ '' No cr.....,- - Market ,Ire Lt. above 7th. Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Maseh ."... I - ', ,, —nme.. All kind,: of Wa ICIIC. Irtlld Jewelry care:ol:y REPAIR.-
,ED and warranted. My goods tire 011eecti et the very
CASH ! CASE : 1 lowest cash prices. Call and ace, ii Coati nothing to 1041;.
I iNI il y.. 26, 'l9, ly.
.1.001131 RAGS of every description wanted.
NASSORTMENT. . oistantly on hand I SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of White Goode. 121 all
mid made W . B
OideP °f a
Apply at ll
l hod.
D ' ectitur street, ac- :I rip Lawns. Cardinal Lawns, Book. Swiss and Mull
a.vellen Sixth amL9eveuth streets, near Market. Mn•lins. plain and barred duconet and Cambric Mon.
IV, EDMOND:2ON & CO., lots. nom open and for sale by J. O. 11E.55 & Co.
Miladiiiptcts, :Catch 1, 19.50--tr.os.• 1 Co,',4ii`..ta, March :70, L.:50.11.
No. 12 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia,
rule and retail dealer in Window Shimeii—awarded
the highest premiums at the New and
Baltimore Exhiliitioo!„ . .
• -.
Curtains mad. and Lettered for tr...
A lars:a assortment of Blinds and Shades of new styles
and titislt, at the lowest Cash Prices. The public will
End it to their interest to call.
Old Blinds p tinted and trimmed to look equal to new.
B. J. 11'. informs the patrons of Freeman's old estab
lishment, No. 1131 South Second street, that he has re
moved from there to No. 12 North Sixth street, where he
respectfully solicits a continuance of patronage.
Philadelphia, March 10. Itso-3mos
THE subscriber vault] call attention to
his assortment of C 11,1.1115, of every style
and variety, among which may be found cans
seat Dining and Chamber Chairs, mode of Walnut, Birch
and imitation woods; cane beak and neat Rocking Chairs,
large and small sine, and of great variety; fancy, cane,
rash and upholstered Reception Chairs childreas' fancy
nod windsor Table Chairs. Also, wholesale nod retail,
Boston Putt,n Rocking, and an assortment of Office
Chairs. of different since and variety. The material of
nhich the chairs are manufactured is the very best, and
at the same time suiliciottly light uml delicate to meet all
fancies. All work warranted.
119 Spruce street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphin, March 2, 1,50-Iy..
The attention of Builders and others is respectful y
invited to the extensive and well selected stock of
Building idardwrtre and Tools,
- r
A 011 r °trued by the subscriber, consisting in
_i_Ni port as follows:
American Frost Door Locks, upright, with night work,
plated or brass furniture. or porcelain all colors.
American Front Dour Locks, upright, plain, plated or
braes furniture, or porcelain till color;.
American Front Door Locks, and Store Door. Horizon
tal or upright, braSs furniture, or porcelain all colors.
American Dun Locks, ell sines and qualities.—White or
brass furniture, or pore...lain all Colors.
American Mortice Luc'', all liens with plated, white or
bra,, furniture, poree',l.:.
Ainerictill Mortice Late lie, all sizes, with plated, white
or brass furniture, porcelain.
A•lwriellii Mortice and Rini Closet Lurks, plated or brass
i,eittelleoni, porcelain.
Amienemi Drop, Slop, 'Thumb, Gate, and Store Door
A:00. Imported locks nod Latches . of every descliptiOn.
BUILIWi,OS, nod American Dutt Hinges, of all sizes, l'ust
j or loose joint.
Shutter, Gate, Strap. T.. and Bark flap Ilinges, all kind,
Shutter, Cute. Door, Flo,h. min Spring Bolts, of wrought
or east troll Slid brass, every description.
Screws, Sprigs, Glue. Sand Paper of the best quality.
.s.lllerierill Auto and 51111111 Axle Pulleys, of every variety.
'• Dutton, plain or alt plates. brass, iron• or bronzed.
Nobs, plated, white. iron or wood. all Paoli.
mash-Coil, er/Illtrloll nod pllltrill, ccilli other articles too
numerous to mention.
in — NAILS and Sash-Weights at Factory Prices.
irrAll Goods ug.tdrcacta FLEE or CriAIIGE to any part
of the city and districts.
At tin,: establishment con be found one of the largest
' and best its9,ollllll,lllS 01 White 011,/ fancy NOlei fur I
/...1A.'1,.9. :le, in the city; some pane ras of which, cannot
be seen. or ol.l:niiied. al ally other Qtor.l.
TOOLS.—Spear 5 hicksuli'. Bark, 101101, 1 hand, [Led
Hipp Saws, imported expressly for Detail Sales, all se
: lecZed with vote.
Sole agent for the celebrated Planes. Ac. made by E. \V.
i Carpenter. of I.leiCliSter, I'll. bei:lg till 111:1111, of split
t w, od. and the Illits ground and tried. Bettny's tool
i 'Williams' make of Chisels. Axes, II:Ilellels, bra,.x . ,l I
halves. 5.e., all veSTrell Itsl good. Peek's mid Slack's
Millie of Aliget, and Atte, Bats. all , loes.
Aillerlese Squarer; lied Broils (den:cry desciipliOrl.
1 •• itille, (jneel, :ielleSelts, Compasses, Screw-
Artves. Ac.
. C. S. I 1/.11.1er., Claw and Riveting, all sizes.
Anvil, and Vices, all slurs.
Stool. Iron, and 11 . ,•odett Bracer, with C. S. I3itts, in greet
IV. (41,10,, Si SCSI'S other ce!elirated
eLleimited Carettio,. TOO:, nli shapes.
iukinq Mile of the heNt and mart eaten-ice assortinenti
ot !lanky:ire and 'Pool: in the i•i , tate.
At this est; ' ''shinent. it is considered a pleasure to
show the tioods. lOU are invited It) call filial ( . Xllll/1110
the tisso:tinent. and li:ar the pti,ei, asketh before pur
chin:l.g ehiesviiiire. Unity und See OS.
I'.‘l. MeCLUNE.
:sitiir'icet street. baitweini Rh :lad till: Upper side.
I'h iludc;phin, March iti, I =5O-:itinis
t• . „INh.
\ ,
, • •
C.;DIMEOS DENTIST, 131 Si nice street, above
Filth. the elti
zell, of Coltman, that Ito i. proparorl to pelfortn all op
erahuns oh the TEETH. :It short :mitt,.
Tlll M S Mnl) T 1 II A •r E.
Studentc il,truvted iu till of Mechanical
nut Surgien:
Philatie;phio, :\larch
- ID :IP F.lllll No. 21 haul: street. between Market
wl.l Chesnut, owl
,oh,t,ther, beg ;cave to call Ili: attention of coon
try.httyee. t o their tc.l . ..ottroczit of paper, czol,ocing 11. c
tliCorttot vorictici of Prlctio..t. are. Wroirg. I:r.-
vg•ltyc, nod Wrappl,.: ropt•ts. plTerc, whine and
colors. ah, I:onnot nod F• 0:, Itro t ok, &c.
in the noototora artr
ptitoing prs.
o ,
or !ram priat .l:
, r, t. a.ty given viee, which
a iii Lc foroisl.ed at short li ol;er.,,d ;it Lair
Mltllol. pr . /et, C:Ls.ll nr ti, ,10 1.1:11 . 01 . Ilu
I)I..:CiZEI'r Ksirorr.
Sept.:::,lel9.—lv. No.2t Bank street.
( 1 111N.1 STORE OF PHILIDELPIIIA.--Thankfffi
to ilia C 10,115 0: C01.010:1 0,1 1K ,oiojty lOr th e i r
increased custom. we th,ir company to
vies our large and sulen,h , t :.0, 0 (111111t of
Dinner Sets. Ten Sets, awlsingle pieces, ei
ther o t - Ciluss, Chills or t'.:otie. %Vat,. sold in quamiti, to
suit purchasers. for lc, than they ruin bu had elsewhere,
Au Met at less than wholesale prunes.
GOODS in grater ti an cat,r beibre offered Ia
FA.NCV CIIINA in cunt ciiricly very clicop.
jt ) - \Ve oold invite ney per,oe :lc city to
et.i liad saa c,—they tollllll ii ,15t lit . 14...15,' to walk
rinii,l °ln 1.1011,e
ti.c Very re-iivetinily.
& CCIII.:1.I.,
No. :MI
LOCK Store, No. 23S )larket
A Ithr,:4l, eau i.carcrily cifimMe Mu value of TIME.
roninicretallv. yet Lc coiling at the above
JAM i, ill finiiit-h hi, inrudu. among whom
he includes nil who duly oi.premaie its fleetness, with a
peri . /oder fur tie pros tesS, 01 . whose value
they n ju4,2,
on hand. constantly changing . in
conformity to the in i tste and style of pat
tern and work nuo,lii;.. Eight-day rind Thirty
hour COUNTI Nl,-1101" . . , 11 PA RLOR. HALL.
CI I URCI And A I ,ARAI CLOCKS. Frenea, Gothic, turd
other flt Wen as which nom his con
neeium rorii,iiieolence with the manufacturers he
find , . I...ran put OW Ca•il ill city l i 11:111-
illy from one to a fLe.,,and of which he will warrant this
accuracy. . .
7 .- " e rr. irc.l :11.1 tvarrioitcd. Clock trimmings
Stores una Public
pltrExt !!
irzuoLr.s..a.Lm ek. Y 3. TAIL
THE subscribers have on hand a variety of
sizes and qualities of PAPER. ,qt,tahle for Country
aperA, whirl, they will sell at price- , . ~ f aetory to pur
chasers. Pc nuns WiAllillg a regit!ar sai , ; , ly, :nay depend
upon the terms Mid quality of our Paper giving entire
satisfaction. Paper of all site. 1...t0 to order nt the
shortest notice. 1.1.:V1S & TAYLOR.
No. 3. Decatur street. running from Warket, ul.ove Orb.
Philadelphia, March t?.. 1...,.54.1----Llino...
AT a meeting of the Directors of the Colum
bin Bank and Bridge Company, held on 'Tuesday,
the 4th of December, 1542, it was
Resolved, That from and alter the sth of December,
1E49, interest will be paid sin deposites made with this
Institution, as follows, viz:
Ott stuns deposited for three months, ut the rate of 4 per
cent. per Ulllll3lll.
On sums deposited for sir and nine months, at the rate
of 41 per cent, per annum.
On sums deposited for UN'ttlN't months, at the rule of 5
per cent. per annum.
The interest on the twelve months depositcs to be paid
13y order of the Directors.
Columbia, March 23, 1,25-3.3m0s
Xianacster Savings Institution
AT a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
. Lancaster Savings Institution, held on the ldth of
October last. it was among other things
Resolved, That Too 'Thousand Dollars of the Capital
Stock of the Lancaster Savings Institution. in addition
to that already paid in, lie and the same is hereby re
quired to be paid by the Stockholders. (being Tea 1.) , ,!.
lan; on each Share of Stock,) in four equal quarterly
instalments, as follows. viz:
Ong-fourth thereof on the Ist day of ."1 mil, 1050.
do. do. do. lat day of July, "
do. do. do. Ist day of October."
do. do. do. Ist day ofJuniv,
and that the times for declaring the semi.annual divi
dends be changed from the lit - Thtirsdays in May
November, to the Ist Thursdays in July and January of
each year ; nt the same time it was also farther
Resolved. That front and after the let ably of Novem
ber, 1040, the Rates of interest to be paid 011 moneys
deposited, be as follows. Oil
On autos deposited tor 8 too.ths, 4 Per Cent.
" 6 and 0
.- •
and Ihot ,
the imereat Le paid seini-unnua:ty on. the 12
month depop.its.
The Copilot Swel: of are Lonea-•.rr Savings
tion ii tixed by the Act of Ineorporotion at 550.000.
,vhieb suer 520.50 has already been pond in. and ,hr ad
ditional in,taintents nose ordered to be paid. will in
crew, that amount to 530,000 by the Ist day on Jana:try,
This In , litation present., indileenteliti 10 tier.,ll, - irs
of money which urn not In he 1 . 0110•1 In any other I tr,,tr.ii
lion in the State. :Ind etrahlr , per.., r, Ira vine - no immedi
atell-cs for their looney , , ID drops
3111.01.1 01111100,1.
therefor, equal 10 lire mihnory rate- paid in the euttllty,
and °pun the 100 , 1 tettIottb:.11 , ••••orIly•
ity order of the I ton rd rn .
ItOr(IFiTEI2. Tren , urer.
Lancnster, Fehrtiary
New rooks from the Trade Sales.
J lillll r& 1111:111{AV arc now receiving. from Hue
111 Pili!Litlf . Vlia 11:14I X:iv
Ineicie stock of IlociitA and Siarinnery—liy iiir lie 'mist
extelisive and varica t..L.r . I.ot:tit , to this. city. Thoy
have tq114116,0 Cook. at 1:111,1i:thy low prices, and large qtailogic....nii.l will them very
LAW—We Itave perelta-eil ihacy ilte siiitelaril nu
;hors—such ris Chitty's viimlis—lict I;clairis
aid others. Lich viie ii hewer titan the tracclihigi
'Agents ever oiler theta.
:\11t1)1121S1',---A full ;tail enticed a"torttill.
TIII.:01.01:1C:11. ANTI 1:1.:1.1(;IOLS BOOKS-I'lw
choice uhl itatlaa , and more recent popular writers, la•
eltaittet 111311 y critical and ch..tZ.. 111,11 ‘V,Pri,,
of ala tietteal character altai,t v.ithialt end: t that
taly •em y 11 C llllll.k l e 1111111,1, . mat
1 or tve
reimmi,lthrary tiom taw -helve, and at vet-, low prie e ,...
L UN I)AN 5t.1111 , 01. BOOKS—NVe Inc. lar
gest mid 01 - honks in Ptain
s:,lvitaitt rut" I'itll,llra. lie•l4lt, car owii
iram the lath:lc:Mot, prtvate 1.10,1i -her., we have the
Imb:iv:mote: of the A111,21 . 1C:111 S11110:I y St•ii(ll,l.
and Mt.1:10,11-1Cuiutr- at t:it;t2t the
Qtte•-tain hock.. II) ma du.. flits- chi
ti,,e—A:.a. Spelliag ,111.11 IZeu.littg
Batik , which ore
whale - tale and re•
‘vi• enunot go into delaid .. , ;ul,,ce it to N:11) . . 1:1:1 1
our to,oritnent oninpitlo 1/I LII..1:111.111• and
Art; l li-dory, !kilos I,ettri, Poetry. lilt,—
traiod cleitant and our,ity of all
dtr,,ripilUll, (if Jill
wo that ntlezition
of Illc community to lilt E.% P :Jou!: sToni....
tiunlc 11,,n that ev.•ry ihuia whuth,•llrl .. gy. onio,pro-o,
:11l 4:S:ton-lye linowl,!;; , , litodno , . and ode
gnat,: ciod, capital can ona to do, Ive LOC lktl.Z.
April Id:
Zamos's Latest and Lest Work.
1LASTH11:11'1'11 at J. CISIt'S Cheap Book Store.
1. j:VA :..T. e1..‘11( : :.,,i a, c,,ii,,,,,1•ra:,—, .r,y
(;. I'. a. .1:.,,,,—. 'fin., volumes einn.,:ole in one. :11111
I ,eo o o ~ ,,cor, 11.11,151.,1 in tins eutenry,llllll Snlti Itl he,
equa: In an:, l'innii es, x. inn:, I.y bin.. tome :15
Ne.l Are,. ilalper .\. I;rotner's nee, Book—ii.: ecin,
l'ietucin: Life In Jo' i: si.pien,l, 1:1‘1,1,:neil--Jo ce,t,
'•lie red lin!,..e. 01 Ne.veenel!ini.l. Ity C. A. :\lnrrny,
anther ni ••Tile Pr:nlie I:ir.i." —.AI eel,.
m'Ail;-:.:. •
iii,,i'..ii 1' I , l' EN(.I.A ND, Ilariit , i cji
in. -. . o:. I. I.: :in ct , .. etfe I. .111 4 I-.
(;, / 10 . ,1,1'1 , :- yer
ii,01.1, I . llr Aid,: -..J. - , CIO , .
l Ail
(irin , l'4 Ail::4:1/, ,• 1,. April, U.: eeln ...
Salt:ll,C- I:tnon jlit,nizio..! (or Apr; I. ii.", cent:.
New ...0. , 110.•iVI't: Ui 10011 :10 1,1:Ji1...1ed. A large
a. , sornnen. of Ci,. nn.! Leger piroor...
111 ii_iii-i of :dl kini'., iarkiJing I.o,lger , .Juurlials. MY.
Cn,ll. I.elter. Ileceipt. C:em mi.. Itlik l',1) . :11,/C and 11..-
cv.ival , le, Jlernornteinln. 01111 an il.. vulions books used
in the Conlon,. ROM.
ACe0:111113,1) , !%. of :1.1 hind= made 10 order promptly in
a ,upericr alzumer,l‘naza low mice,.
J. (i1i..1 I, Chen.? hook.eller,
N. CT I!, Nlitioni,i I In use, Nurtli Queen iiitrect.
I.ninc,ter, Awn 13, 1.750-li.
'NEP 011111:11
TIIE undersigned hats returned from Philadel
phia NVI , 3 3oft 11:111 must vnricti ttssotpotnt; tt*
Goode. such n= tot st•tto in toot tourolnot ; tool if
the cototnntoty svtil ptttt give I:113 3 a:1, y 65.
rover taut this is Ross' tie in the Vitae y Line. 11:i1:1,1
SOITIC idva only i.e foiniod. ,'oell svolottit v f.n.Ls would
ttrottly part to , votn , ss varotty.
Toe stogn Iti..rticos earlety 01
stit!jecti, 1110,1 as Iltsioytt.s. VI/y381,,, llottrtt
t. 1.1,1 /I.ljl/1,13 , 11S 11C1:2;01i.
Poonc.t. A•trtvitaio, .Ntoro ~Aes.tottnivr.,
o,t Navitpinuo. trout tau di,
50,111 any yi.mtity of tht• literality ,- of to, Altiy,
s;oeli ,T.... 1 11 INEIt 1" 1 , complete ;
5a.71 IR 011, 1;001i°. ooysnd girls 0101 :Li,v,,ys ho
sure of lonlotg, u fall ,I;;;1!:: 0a lotml.
stock of PERFUMERY impart, to the whole gs
tuitlishno,it ❑ balmy odor.
As n Is iii, ostsntte to cuovey no adequate iden or hi;
store, he 111010, the Ladies :i2Ol l;c1,1;elauli
anti vicinity to give hint acaa. tont they wth hw 01111 , trai,-
,•.1 To say. roil the 1./Lteen of ttitchtt, tout " tht• nun hotO
not been told. , U. G. iIOWN E.
Cul tion,a, A In it 13, 1 t:"kt.
TN ;hi. bre,eh %ye ea" randor .;eyine the;
sve des, 111. hin=tuudlnca a ;hot Id, ever
beets Idoeghl edy. It etrildae, ;111,11:ela,.
aionhiy. fret,/ the plain Silver Mode DJ thin uches;
lahreet. The teal jet g:ced,y
Nov then, Lndie., is the tee, if you :rte waio:of
any silks, a 5 WO ale 4,l,llllilleti to ',II 11,1:1 1.1 ti
Stllan utlruucu. BLE HIVE atE,
LalletiSter. April I, III:1,1e r.
W A y r: D r
„ EL1 p ., ,,, , r 5 . i 0 C , .
uni•lr r io t
r l./ .. u .i r l l , o . n i n , l . MllSl:l“l hulk, a
GI:(). .1111.1.E1i, West King Street.
Lnncngter, Mareti Zit). 1-a)
Era - dozen of Houtotel's fine Extract, fur the
berebief. emits tag iu part of Jenny Lind.
Verbena. ltatebouly, Jockey Cl ,!„
oltsia.Junquille, Honey Suckle, Eglantine, Sc.,; us: open
ed und for sale tit
CiEO. A. MIMI:ICS Drug Store : 'Wm Kung St.
Lancaster, March CO,
SD. BARNES respectfully tenders his thanks
, to the Ladle. of Ifl/1:11,11,1a y t i.
patronage to the pa=t. na,l herely th.nn
that he contilme, to b•ep a genera! a.sornno.c: of
of his own mob,. wlaell ac kill sell at [nut:crate prlce.i.,
and warruatra to he 1,04.1 i.
C:l,oliler w.,rk 5!,:111 rcrcir•e his perronal rittentiom
lic rileabaes lionct•lf w a,c the itea,l anaiermls, a i d to do
his work an a neat and salaam tio.lll,r.
S. D. ilAnNr.: , 4,
scree I, oboec Fron:.
Columbia, Mauch 23, 1.,'-50•:itnus•
qUEET-ITION, and Cedar Ware.---Always on
L 1 hand Corp,. ./ . 111. hoc t-laws and
Cedar ,cinch vie anon.unn of purchasers is re
insized. ::Lain C0111.1:111721112; lon,-
keeping will plea,e coil and 550 wine 4,ur s:ock Innbrc
purchasing elsewhere.. 05 svu vo“fith,t 11,y can he
suited as regard.: pre.' o:1,1 y y.
CIDIU/Sitr/11, oc 27 '49. ti rrAnum.
OR TILE WORLD'S SALVE, contains no Mercury
or oilier 31i:ter:AL
From the Reading Eagle
There was never. perhaps, a Medicine brought before
the public. that lies i I. 50 short a time won such a repute
tiou as “M'A r.LtsTuirs ALL-HEALING 0 WORLD
:SALVE." Almost every person that has made trial of it,
speak warmly in its praise. One has been cured by to
of the :nest painful Rheumatism ; another of the Piles, a
third of a troublesome pain in the side, a fourth of a
swelling in the limbs, eet., ect. If it does not give
immediate relief in every ease. 31 elm never du injury.
being u; plied outwardly. As another evidence of the
wonderfial hefiling.power possessed by this solve, we
subjoin the following certificate, from a respectable citi
zen of Maideucreek township, in this county
MAlDENcaseg. March 30,1047.
Messrs. Ritter & Co:-1 desire to inform you that I
seas entirely cured of a severe pain in the buck, by the
use of NPAllister's All-Healing, salve which I purchased
from you. I suffered with it about twenty years. and at
eight was nimble to sleep. During that time 1 tried vari
ous remedies. which Were prescribed for me by physi
cians and other perksons. without receiving any relief,
and at last made trial of this Salve. with a result favoru
bin beyond expectation. I era entirely free from Pahl,
and krejny at night a peaceful and sweet sleep. I here 11150
used the calve skeet: for Tooth-uche and oilier complaints
with sinelar happy results.
Your triend. Jons
The followitm certificate is worthythe intention of
the afflicted. From u regular Physician of extensive
practice is Philadelphia k
.1:011e5 M'Allister— Sir: have tier the IWI3 last years
Levu in the habit of usikkg your °Minima in ens., of
Itheu nratisur. Chi :led Tenia Capirrs,(sculd
end thus Mr with the happiest effect. 1 tank from tie,
eXperllitellls I Lays mad,, With it, 0.1 it deserves to
lidopterl II Mick ut r very dap kom by 'lke profession
I lane. Yours. truly. e. Eta., M. D. lenlakra.
l'lLES—Thousa kids are yen ti p mired by this (Moment.
It never foils in giving relief for the Piles.
li . j - Around the box ire directions tier usine McAllis
ter's Oitemeet fur Serofole, Erysipelee. Triter. ClakAk,in,
Scold herd. Sore Eyes. (10i110y, Sore Thrum, Ilrouelkit is,
Nervous Affections, Pains, Diseases of the Spine.
Ache, Asthma. Deufecss, Ear-Ache, Bares. Cork,. all
r,euses of the Skin, Sore Lips. Pistil ten. Ac., Swelling
ad the Limbs, Sores, Rheumatism. Piles, Cold Feet, Croup.
Swelled or Broken Breast, Toc,th- Ache, Ague In the
Foe, he. he•--(2,1
If EltS awl NURSES knew its video, m ellse ,
of -swullete' or Sure direst. they ,null lliWSlyS apply
lu such eases, if freely 11,d, 011th accordi n g to the
dace:ions aroand cavil box, it hives relief ie a very few
h ou)COßNS—Occasional use of th i s Ointment will nlways
keep Corns from growieg. People need never be troubled
with then. it they use it irkepeakily.
I; guod for asp part of the body or
limbs Wi.1111111:1111ed. Lr some ollsoo it should Le applied
CAUTION—No Oironierit will Le I.:1'1111111e mile, the
name of JAMES M'A WASTER is written with a pen on
evk•ry lapel.
For sole by my Agents in ell the principal towns in the
Lit/lied States. JAMES MeALLISTEII,
G,1.• Proprietor of ilr nloove
PRINCIPAL OFFICE Nu. Nun 'Fltird t.treet, Phi
WILLIAAIS. Co .T. 1' Ander
son.; Sonlogl I'. ;-gerrgtt. Al.olot Joy; litre &
RaiohrOlv. Jo!o; F. I..lora,it•r; (210., A.
11.0-11..1.;;;;en.1cr. ; (;;•ur:4, J. Al.
Lutz. I forri..lourg.
Fcbr rut
rf`IIE tidersi.sortl has removed his store to the
D.,•111;y M
by r. J. ?I AVti
1"4, es,
V door, I'd el . Ilk old nb.,a. NOW, he be
!•••/, his old ii - o•nds nad eestoiner,. Having
e , t recerned 210,12 Phil.)).•illi, Le 1121$ 11,0, ml halid Elie
Ilbed :,,,.ole/e'dt
( . .vor th.• borough of Colombia. Antoog. Lis
will 1,, toto.d.
(i()1.1 , :11141 SII,V1.:11 I'ATI :NT 1.1.1\ - 1:1:
(;,.111 ;int! ;••ilvt•t le. pine, (11,1;ior. aiLd
11.1 i ; ;-:ilve.r Minime re t7;,r, ; •!vi,
'l'. He, Te•a. :1,;41 • Its•l:trd
1:01.1!..141 11:nr 1).1 , , Silver :tool
andsp,•l:l4••l4.-. Spectsick.
wlll ticrtnat. %i Ancr
(;.•rn:an Spuons •
(;..:.I(;11:5 SEI (.11:d.,. 711,1 d: (;old. Sllvt•r. auJ
St,•ol lir o. nvvlrt
11.•,; I•ist, t..” 11 Slil4l, of
at• , 4•111 l',ll 511 , .! l'tir-e
.11,1 lb.-, ;t :1 , ,,111111'111 of
S.ll. Sid..
Spy ( I;oxr,.
i:ls 0 V:1,101) . of 1 , 111, l itl 1111 d Orli,
111,11e1:nnel. , usually kept in .11.,01ry
Le given heretofore. to Ihe re
in,tt of ttloott, lvtitches and jewelry ; and nll
will he Warr:ulled.
. .
A continumice of former patronage in renpertfoll)
CABINE.T. ruitzwiTußE JIMA
( - 411 EAT inducements are now offered at
oil.l , cust a.. nt,rly
1.:1111!) 1;,1 . 11,10 IC II ::re 31..11 111 cum
-111.1-e1.,;.:11., ;Ind ot!lcrs iu wunt
Chair, of all
ail %%Idyll v. ill beel.l (.11 1e:v..1,0,1e berlll,
lig - 10 I` ph. , give
dun I.:1:1 ,NII•r11.
1 , 1111.• ( . 1!1,`11 , 01 - 0111.11 , 1:. nail vlvitkity the: sol,rril , r
return, ,Il,:re favor, nod hope, by
a oil lcy alivutioa to iiLI , III , , Le may dill receive a IM
era! share of pllithe pa:ronave.
Jail>: \V.
reY re , ,ranry 16. 1.1‘.50--17,111n:.
s•rxtxxv G FAFIXTION'S
r Ironld ahnounce, that, 5 - )
Iccotvcd I,loCii,
SPRING rAsumNs FOR 1650,
‘vl.irit I, respectfully invites the ntr,:inion of his
Ciii3Otoily 0 . X.100 , k , iv.i•oilment. or Silk.
:Lko. Slottrit
;011 ,0:11 00 100 itor
. 1o:oil:Ili: for pi. -I 1aY01.... he -0!It'lt , 0f
..t . 10111 - 000,0. \ \ ALMA)/
qi A )IEI:TING br l m ld 1111'111:DEN.
Ilat --- "tst
Slortt• purtic, int,: a
are.t Spriittz style 11.1 T. its tht•y have received t lie
new anti improved Pali.: I fat% told Caps,
I'c uetual atteiiilatif.te is UNI.CI•I,I. n< they r..ady
t 11110•1111 to 1 . 11 , 10111,, at ull 11111 , -. :1'11! cheap us
:my other ot , tattli-lititent in the Unitctt States.
l:f•td,gober the ‘,141 an doors belir.v neres
111 , 1,i. Front street. Colutntd:t.
11L:1irt 11001( and Slationrry Store.-4. Gish
ineitcs pen-It:ow, to call :out examine his stock of
Ratitit Boot,. made of the Lost totit..ttak, att d b old at the
t:, oe.i
Lap Ittiy I lool,s, Deitti-Day Books,
•• ••
I ardeors,
U. 1.11 Books, " Ilanki t &e.
" I.elter Ifi.oke, Medium Ray Books,
Docket-. •• Jo:ire:dn.
:11inuo• Rooks. •• Jaalgers...o.
Bound malt It und battLlA, and iu plate I.italintf.
- -.\ 1,0, a lorpi tie.r.itineot of half hound Day Book.,
Ledgers tent Quarto, tot4cilier ccuh a groat varotty of
Pao k Honks. l'io“ flock, honer Books. flrcotd,. String
Nloniorroolorns, lick do.. Pencil do., &rt.. in plain nod
Poeliet Diaries. Receipt Book, Copy
nooks, flytiliesing flout,. &c.. &c., I,oBllpriSillg as largo
no assortroont as can be :1,11111 in the city.
Account Hooks tilled to ally paiterii rind hoot.: in
superior J. ri ISII,
Near the Nritolool 11 ou.c. North Uttootl
Loneusler. March :,0.1,Lit..-1.1
BLAISTICS, smaTionmalr,
A T JEDD AND APAIRAY'S Cheap Book Storr,
_CA_ opposite the Vt.!. thitee, North iititeeii street, La:,
Deeds, Parchment, Paper PnrellTuenl. mid roper;
Bond , . Alortra e es. Powers of A ttoraey. Se! sot..
12101,, &C. EIiVrICTES of 00041 'Tvh. :11,1
Nute paper of viii sure and stylro.; p010,410r,
pen eIItI,SS. SOILItr.; wax. monk , wmele. pea kmcrs, =tool
and ,401 d ,o - tiot
nud illk :tot: .-7 ,,, 1vit al
oot ., 'e ko : Leaks;
card a rt,tl vor,ty of I.lory arti,:o, nod
hmanunery. to which w , r ;:e . Lintnn,on ui the : , e1 . 11.7.
L.ltens.ter, :11arrit
T N all its various brandies, :Mended to by the
To ull Nvurl, ;II I:1i , strict attention
kill he 1,114 t.
Colotilina, October 27,.4P•ir
aROIIIII OF 1•219.----Truv English Early York,
k.,1 Large Early Ihileti.
Sugar 1.0:11; 1):K-!icart. Imperial llrnmhcrul, 1.1,111,11
Brown, flandwer );rowp :1101 Savory Ca:Wages. I{,l.
Whit, arid : 4 ey niour. (jinni (•••lerv.
Ce.lo Frnr,p, 111.1",111 l'eas, to
gether virPll (;;,rden
Put op 1,3. CIEs. A. Ease Strret.
Luncubter, and Ea:c
W. A. LEADER, Co:umbia
rebruary 16, l5:10.-3rces
coNsu ple
In all Christianized and civilized countries,has enused a
larger proportion of deaths than an y other malady that ad
(bets the human family and natal M itlnt a few years thsra
au not been any certJtn renctly to stop the devastation of
the destroyer .
B '
ut ow—
Cares very many of the most strongly marked and developed
cases of pulmonary Consumption—REAL, VeziOlibled cases of
WC/rated and diseased LUNGS—ouch hopeless cases as were
never before cured by any other medicine. Se utterly Asps.
hes were some of the colleted persons, as to have been pro
nounced by physicians and friends to be ACTII.A.LLY DYING.
Some, who had their burial-clothes made, have been cured,
sod yet live—others. who it was said would not lire another
day, are now as well and bonny as they ever were.
It possesses all the cleansing and purifying virtues nearly
as powerful and active us the preparation which we call
This dirlers from that, because this possesses 'cresol other
Medications which are peculiarly adapted to, and are essential
ly necessary, to cure
Coughs and. Consumptions,
and all diseases of a pulmonary nature—such disease' at
usually prow so fatal under ordinary treatment, when they
attack the
Breast, Throat, Lungs, and Heart,
This BA L.F.4 31 heals and cores Ulcers in the Lungs, and
else where internally, us certainly nerd easily ns the Pniirm
INC EXTRACT cures and heals ulcers erternally. T h is Bul.
stun cures niac cas.•s of Cough nerd Consumption out of ten,
alter .11 other remedies lease failed to de good.
Thousands. of Consumptions
and Chrome Ounghs, abundantly prove Its unfailing efficacy
in such di,easea, and its undoubted curative power, and
soothing healitig . pr properties. in the following complaints and
.Cputing of Blood, Bleeding at the Lungs, Pain
in the Breast and Side. ,l'ight.Steeats, Narrow; Complaints, Pal
pantion of the Mari. Cholera Infanturn, Dysentery and Sum
Complaints in Children nod Adults, Asthma, and ALL
No remedy that has born oth:red to the pai tie has over
been hall as certain and tjhetnal in corrode{ ALL the inel
dental weaknesses nut/ irregularities 1.1 the telltale sex, as
/TRA NTS PULMONARY DA I.SsIM. It 'mikes Leo thfrer
ear, whether the darangenasat Irc suppre«inn, rter,s. or
other incidental weaktiess—it regulates ALL, by strewohru•
irm , the system, equaliting the eireultwinn, and soothing mid
allaying NERVOUS Sri our rastpklrts
fur pluul.
A Dying Woman Cured !
We Flute this cure to prove the pouter to oar, IV,. when
this BALSAM I,l'll Idler the person is consulcred
by physician tool friends to be in the last stagrs of disenso
actually dying— f u nd, in thisSO far guile thut the
thrum' nod burialtelothes wits
lieht. For the partientrtrr
of this eme, end the rettpretottle cod ttueletobtrit 1/1 . 4101 . Of nil
the eireunistanees and frets. we refer to oar 1 . :011 . 111.1 . :3'S
This cure wasefrected oo Mrs. ZillA EM AN. of
Inn Spa, Sara:erten Co.. .V. Y. We run prove. beyond
11117,y1101.•11 , almosi ',if:lllly tot hopeless. nod ionvtnerable cases
of Coughs and COW. IllptidllS CUR El), which were pro.
nonuced incurable Ity phipticirtne.
Sec the cure of Dr. 11.1bGar.1,,,t Strtullurd, Ct., and othera
Dyspepsia !
Scr the cure of T. S. Wirral. nn•rrlrmt. of Atticii, Wyoming
Cu , N. V., mid lily 111101 . e. it) our Pnuiplih•m.
Dysentery and. Summer Complaint
in Children and Adales are alarrys rural. Weakly Children
rill bee,anr liraliky, and hmrty, urni gt . nw rapidly, by
tile use of this it.Nl.: 4 Attl.
N mother need ever innurn the clontit or her
Cllolell Info .11 iuu, while teething, if 1;11A :VT'S
:Iro.l - .1 Y Ild 1.5.4 .11 he niintinistered. it should be, i,r
nook r ss s, given in hatter than the ordinary doses.
DOCT. IRA .1011N.SON. Lertrrelorr, Genre
wtoteus..frinuary Ist 15'.19: I became amyl/tinted with
porn. , ofth, astouishing eect. , of your BRAN 'I"S INDIA(
Pri.mo7; A I{ BL
ASANI, ff by Loving witnessed some most
ful cur ex or CONS! ,IPTION produced by its me, in
klontigello, Sullivan Co., N. Vont:, idaait a year since; nod
have since felt 1111,I:0118 that it, grad efficacy might beromd
more generally known. The last &winner I had a brothers
quite sick with miooldion, and I felt Confident,
from what I had seen of th e efficacy of Bli•Nr's BauaK
Hurt if I could procure it for hi; use, it would cure }dent
und iis we could not find it in thin county, I went to Sulli
van county, shout ninety and purrthuned several bot
tles; but before I returned with the medicine, he died. One
or my neighbors acne then very ann afilict,d with pain in
the brown and side, tool with such a stricture and tightness
hernia his chest, that he lire:oiled with great difficulty. If.
used one houle of the itteittehu• that I brought, and it gnvn
Immediate relief, and cored hint. Nly wit,, has used an.
other bottle, and sire says it Inure chore her more good than
nil the other medicines rite ever took. From the benefit
thorn per.mughtive derived, and from my recetnmendstions,
from what I hind previuualy hoard and seen of its grind
works, ninny persons here urn now wanting the medicines;
end itt, there is no agent in this town, they have persuaded
rue to write fur an agency,
Tours, respectfully, IRA JOJINSON.
PURIF. punirsr
LIFE and lIEALTII are in thy, BLOOD
Cleanse, Puri Mr Cirruhz , inn. and
13, whede ire/I hr , illh. 77, most wundolta
renied:es L, prodele, .such a result. is
Yee, this desired result and efficacy will be produced by
the laFe of a smaller quantity of ilik Pummna than CNIII be
effected by the use of a like qmonity of tiny other remedy
to the world. (See our fiir proof.)
Thin Prwrtru is urmilu I,repared from regrtables, and
cures the suo,t, most rind Inug standing diseases
or the blued, without puking. purons, ve - l.mina, or del sh.
tahrig. It cleaners, inulea ales, nmko., now,
hralthy blood, and gives new rigor and ` nor (tie to the whole
•. •
that toy 001,0 remedy in tile world. because
or it will elect a m - eter amount of cute than foot dollars'
worth of sarsaparilla. or ally ocher rt.". ay, no 16Inttor ill/ Yr
large their bottles tufty be. Tito trodotoat ~, t te.stton fur eon.
owners to determine. is, I , u• noilt-Is more 2,0,ll! a
cittitarla worth of this l'orijier i,ifiter. rti re to
worth of
that sarsaparilla or oilier rm. rl!, We Iniaitt here say, that
Branl's Medicinea had cured, within the Itt,t y. :or.
100,000 Persons of Impure Blood Diseases,
and 25,000 Cases were considered Incurable!
as some other poem-medicine men ore in the habit of say
ing. If we shonid nay to, alto would believe us± This
however, We de fay. and stand read• to pence by respectable
teifnesses, that linvnnts NIrVICINIZS have ,dli•etcd cures or
more ditennen on living human beings. the past year. than
any other remedy in existence did during till, ,all3O time.
How stanch will a Dollar's: worth CURE P
Theme Inrge, deep hirers were cured by using only twelve
bottle+ of Thant's. Purifier.
'lime following in the Must wonderful mid nstnnishing cure
that was ever etlectea on a bionen being, lip any nochcins.
Horrid Scrofula Cured.
Mr. J. 11. I Imk in says. in a certificate doted. home. Dec. '2O,
•'IiItANT'S INDIAN PURIFIER hos saved my life.
I lout on me fairrify large tittiers—lied hocu confined to my
bed n rear—won not expected to lie r tornlyfour hours—
could not raise Tory bead from the pillow, nee my hand to
my head, when I commenced wring Bront'.l indion Purifier.
Ply neck wns eiden oil from ear to car—an
ulcer lind eaten r. hole through into my windpipe, Tinder my
chin. so•that,urdere it Was atop pad nolo: a plositer, I breathed
thromilt the bole and could not balk—wry cur won na eaten
oat nround it ut it rould lie lilted up ma of its pine, it
only tinkling by a "non pirco—two itleurs on nn• arm de.
'Mired the use of it—on ulc•er, an large tic niy land, had
nearly eaten through my aide. I assure you I War a very
sore man, and seas in n most miserable, hopeless, dyin;
condition. But bad an I Wan. the Mint bottle of Throat's I'm
rifler I used enabled me to get op off of the lied, where I had
been confined for one ycor—the nerrond Ironic enabled me
to get out of the house—the third bottle enabled me to go
about two miles on foot, In Noma ('enter, w lie, I pnaraired
six bottle, more. When I had tinimhed using these bottle,,
seventeen out of twenty ulcers had /waled up—wry vac and
riven were Iva—my ant was cored fro that I ennui/ work
with it again, and my general health I. now cond."
Mr. Luekin niterward etnted, Atn.ll.r onth, before It. P.
Johnson, Esq.. justice of the pence nt Rome, that a few Lot.
tics more e:tecte,l, a prriect cure of all Ai.r uirtrs.
certify, that fl the show, statements of J. 11. Iltokin are
strictly true in it
try pal tirular, (lip being acquainted
with him. The witnesses' names me as follows, namely.
JR/Ct. '!'homes it'lihtns, ono of the mint rl,rertnbic ph,
siciann in Roo,. G. R. /hewn, proprietor of the West.
Rome Hotel, Edward Hitching*, Joe, Hitehings, A/sins
Hitching', .7essv TN VOll, Mote/Seth Tevon. Henry Conrad:,
Eltsabeth Conredt, Pliny Darrow, John Tryon, DeAtah 7'ryon.
Fassr.m. & Lzowaan, wholesale nod retail drugaints, of
Rome. certify, that they ere acqusinted with the void J. R.
Haskiti, nail know end believe his statement of cum to be
BRANT'S INDIAN DITIIIrIER curve al: impure diseases
of the bloat. viz.: &raid-Head. .salt•lTheum. Rheumatism,
Eruptions, Pimps on the Fare, Viler, Hiles, Ulcers, Costive
nets , Mercarta' Diseases. Liver Complaint, Pains in the Each,
Side, and Limbs, Rush of Blood to the Iliad, Soc., &a.
! It. 1V11.7.1.17%1. , . : J. 11. ((calm
I:r7. 111. 1 -111•11, , 11 .1. T
riuc ca . A 1,11,1.11,11 1.. AE.
A C 1:111. .S 1 1 .1,11,11,1:: NVIn.
. rionheth
town Acitember,r. Ihti;:hrhh, : S! , 1111ter•
Joy Natham,-1 1.i:17 1:11 , 111i11::Cr. A1.111i1,11/.
1. II Ivurrs rt,d order , m m-t h addressed to WALLA,C
11.1 1 . 40,1,1W11y. : 1 ;.1w York.
ILLER'S er:,1,141,1 Odnr.lalcic Drop . ',rill cure the
most an v , lPrn to tooth ache in one 4 minute. 'War
ra,t,,t not to itp arc the teeth /II VIII least decree. Inc
role W. A. LEADER.
Columbia. Dee. 6.1Q10
RAIL ROAD—Morning Train; Doily j
to reap. Truitt, HMIS', (Except 5511 04/Z1
pAssmorit ritAirZs run Dva.y,
.(ex wept the aftertiociii train Midi Baliniciie and iCatidttg
:ruin front York tool Columbia on SultOarcd
On and after "I' 11171 ZS DA Y, Novembei 1, the Priiiiinget
will run as follows:
Leaves Baltimore at PA. M.. and 4 P. M.
Arrive at do 61 A. Al. and GP. AL •
Leave York for Baltimore at 4.55 A. M. and 2.30 P. M.
do do Columbia at 7) A. M. and 3245 P. M'
Leave Columbia for York and Baltimore at l; P.M.
do Wrightsville do - do at 1.45 P.
M. and 4 A. A 1.. .,
Arrive at York at 121 o'clock, P. AL. and 3 P. AL
Fare to York, • - - 'l5l 50
• • 200
Columbia, • 3 124
Way points in proportion. '
Through 'rickets to. Gettysburg and Harrisburg 33.
In connection with the afternoon train at 4 o'clock, a
Horse Car runs to GREEN SPICING and ' OWINGS'
MILLS. arriving at the Mills at GI P. M. Returning, tin t
llore Cur starts from Owings' Mills a:6 A. M.
l'lte Curs leave the Ticket Office, North Street, at
o'clock. A. M. and 4 P. M., DAILY, except Sundays.
N0v.2'42-1f , ICM. S. BROWNING. Sdtp'i
TOIIN W. WILSON; Marble Mason, of Philade].
phut, takes this method to return his sincere thanks
to the r keens Of Lancaster county, for past favors, and at
the same time respectfully informs them that he has
removed his Marble Works front his late stand to his
preieut location, in East King street, directly opposite
the Farmers' Bank, where lie designs to manufacture
every knal of Work in the :Bantle and Stone Cutting Bu
siness. such a 9
work of every description.
Letter Coning in English and German, will as here
tofore. be attended to in the best and 111061. modern
le. le fart, nothing will be toil 1111 l lone to make line
es . mbli,ltinent one of the inns! inviting to the Public, as
to cheapness. brainy of workmanship, Mete hi design,
tool skill in execution, in the city of Lancaster.
One and all are invited to give ate a •all. I can be
found in the same building with %VIM. G. l'etp•r. directly
opposite the Fortner,' Bank of Lancaster. [0ci6.47-Iy.
T. - `,lSl' Chestnut Street, rear of Lechler's Hotel,
J and next door to Modertvell's old Wurenouee, near
the Railroad. I.:locaster. Pa.
(Formerly in the trip lay or Ilia el Fagan.) respectfnlly
informs the c Of the city and enmity of Lane/oiler,
has commenced the MARBLE curriNG, in oil
tiring w00,h,.0..1 the nitric place. and that he halo
puni retooled front l'lolailehillia, with a large variety of
111, Atoericati White Marble, together with a choice let
of Itil Imo Marble.
Ile ~. "ow prelidred In manufacture SIONIINt ENTS
AN It TOM lii. Crave Stosoia at (toe Dollar and tip.
together wit it every de,criptloll of Howie %Viol( .
Letter culling. iii elnul ad, and Garman, will be rite.
ruled m the treat nod stlllsi modern style'. Alt work none
with no:limit,. ti. . . . .
Hay sir furnishing nrtieles in his
hop. hr•in.iin•ii to Sell ',Diver th, 11 any other es -
I:110.1,111,o in rit,, and do his work in suell a man
tier as to give. 10 till who shay 11550!
lure teith their 1.1.1 . 1r0n:0.te.
0: Coiciiiisin Neill Gnd it to their silvan.
Ins.' to cull. ri. t• ogo.gislg work elsewhere. MC shop
Is,ittintoo in.o.,,tiitely oil toe rail-roinl, and being deter•
!linos' worl. entivenienee eheitroiesieritilLiUr
to los ke it their interest to gine him their putronsge.
a.-ly LEWIS ISALpi.
TARBLE WORKS, East King street, next door
tt0 . .1. N.J.:Lit..., c. LANcAsi tin. PA,
C. M. 11(VVE:1,L. 111 A 1113 LP. MASON,
It•—p. coolly Hoorn, the ciliarus of Colombia. :mid 110
pith! lllgioivra l .. Mut lie carries on the
vii 111111 , 1i111111 . 11e , , am! ivaitr.S thritt to cid! out
hou, :is lm' Mat he e. sell ,licapor than any
mi., in 11 , public to
e , lll UMd exionirm lain stanch of lini;bod
:11 ANTE M ON 1 :11 ENT S, TOMBS,
;ld ❑l=o Ili. enll••utinu of dc.i2ll tur lotttlitlents,
11,1.4 . 11 g eke, It e• re.
.1 -1 3 1 %I.lp
TILE Fronklin Fire Insurance Company of
Street, ticar Fulls Mreet.
Lil M.:C . I'OI:S.
4' It , nix, N. BANt . h I:It, ticonGE W. Hie Ink IlDs,
1 . 11,N1 AS 11. NT. :%11;1(111.:1,1 D. I.F.VVIS,
.I'o,l As IVAGNF.II. Al.A.Piir E. 1 Ini.lll - 1,
Sr Al!'I.I. 111.1 Sr. .I.)Avli, S. BitoWN,
. . . .
Continue to make insurance. perpetual or limited, on
tn . .• ry ri lot unit of property in town and country. at
rim, ns loss us are consistent with security.
11,,• (!,,,,,pany have reserved a large Contingent Fund,
whieli, with their Capnal and Premiums. valely invested,
protection to the assured.
The assets 01 tho Company. Olt itIIIIIIIIIF Is!, 164 4 , a
1 .111,1i•lit:(1 agJecably to an Act of Assembly, were it
Rt.? Etdate,
Temporary Loans,
Cara,• ,
their E.corpr.ration, it period of eighteen years,
paid ap..vard , of tat million. tyro lnrndred
~.,d loy fir, thereby ntiording evidence of
of insiironee, as well as the ability and
dl.i.usitioa to Meet With r nnnptaer•, all
C11.%111.F.:t 4 lIANCIiEIt, President
6.l.3ANcaElt. Seen-airy.
-. . .
T110:11AS LLOYD. of Columbia.
Agent for York tout Lancaster Counties
rrIll: North and South say that G. W.
BRA ND I"S :Spring and Sinniner Fashions
for ore the hest that ever enure before the
pe“ple of Columbia. Also. that his new stock of Spring
(low! , exceed, any ever seen hi Columbia, so that per
son, in want of SUPERIOR 6001/5 .vin do wen by
calling at the Merchant Tailoring Establishment ot
Front street, Columbia,
Cutter and Salesman. It. Voeco.
Match 2.1,50-ti. •
rrIlE undersigned gives notice that he eonlin•
ucs 111,111 for Ith• 11011. Hl' n , tk. Slater
Brown. for thy! 1 / 4 41, of the Peach 15,moin s!cite for roo1•
iug 1i01141,, Barns. Factory's &r. Auy
buibiinFs .
the County In Le 'no:l . d. Norh or trt,t of the Cit of
I.une:lst,. will aoenderl to on short noting.—ltoofs
war 1111111.11 1107 10 icak. also WZlrranted not to be injured
by iro..A. J IA II Li ROWS• of ColurnLics, Agent.
Columbia. A n!.;tsst 4 . 1.4,49.1 y
as its mime suggests, is designed as a remedy
fur vat ionc round:dot, dependent mi a wrillicticd and re•
luxe,' stunt of the Spinal and Abdominal muscles.
:IIrS. 11. Z. n very respectable lutlV Or the city of Ai
hairy. mother of sreeinl small children. of tall stalltre and
spare lrtl it. hail t.t.en woks treatment for air olestinate
uterine di..en,r i attended with lirolupstot uteri. severe paati
in Ilic side. ivetikne., of the !ick. general tinirenlar de
hilitY• lassitude. I:log.0.r, acidity Of stomach, touch nude.
gt , tion and costiveness. A, medicine ortemed to have
but etteet atforditig relief nrising in part. from
her sittitilion its 0 im.tlier in the daily discharge of dOrtiete
lie duties. I ontoimitended a trial of Dr. Crain 's Spin°.
Ittloutimil Seppm ter. le April. Drift she Colutneneed the
use Si one. and has continued to weir it up to Ihie dote,
sink very great relief to all her Unpleasant symptoms.
null with the meal fluttering prumi.c n; retteiVing permit
vet hettelit. l'll/111 the resuh or this 01150, no Wen as
trout We excellent tnecha anent ernistruction nun ntlarto
non of Or. Crinn's Instr.:nem. I ink, pleasure in rectum
mending it to the intention of int,licol gentlemen old the
public generally
JOHN S CA NI L:1:41N:. AT. D.
/t:lt sitt tt:, St.. New York
, As. A. I.EA
For snlr by
nerrrther. :2:2. 1,19.
othe rettph•'• r.teribcr begs leave to
,rOl.ll .A 11111 1 ,0.1 0/1d VidallY that he
't` 11001 Provideneo, 11. 1., three hOZCS of
Pir , r)" Matt-'s 1:11ior. so well known in the New
Entrlnto , S. removiii4 on kind, ofpuittf.llo mat•
or what k , ..t-I:.nratonto-m. At . hon - Face,AchingTeeth.
Burns. l'om in the cook. back. tottChead; Colds, Cholto
014 Y tip NV. A. LEADER.
Colt:flex:I, Dec. o, L'7•l9.
IZOR clean-ins; and polisdiing ull finished metallic and
1 eh,. ,iirfaem.. such a‘ gold and silver, brass. bronn
Ma, and ' , t eel ware. window glass, Sc., Ate. Nothing has
ever yet I,e en rti.eovered eitual to the pure Tripoli. For
61.ti0, :Li LEA DER Golden Mortar Drugstore.
Columbia. January 12, le SU.
T OR HORSES. This most valuable Embrocation
_u cure Sprains. Ifruises,Cint..6.ll..S‘vaings"d
all other complaints. winch require an external remedy.
It pines immediate relief in the Scratches and the disease
to horses of white feet and noses. produced by St. Jejta . .'
Warr , It is ul<n highly n.eful in relexiag stitiness 01 the
it. 11,01,, 11111 i JOllO, 1001 produce.: beneficial effects is
roci.ed heels hronnia 011 by high feeding. splints and
°Truti , . 'Phis Embrocation is highly recommended to
Farmers, Earners. Keeper, of Li'very Stables. and Pr , '
Mile OW1100: horse., and should be constantly'
kept ill the stable. genuine article is prepared only'
by W. MARSHALL, No. 3a:l Race Street, helms Oth,
south chile, Philadelphia, and for sale by
Columbia, Pa.
Ma, 5, '49-1 y
, 10.55? 65
10115 90
7,.1.459 NI