07 The Shlppensburg News, of Saturday last, says: The most astonishing success in catching pigeons lately recorded, has been exhibited by a gentleman in one of the small valleys in Perry county. Wo understand that no less than five thousand and seventy-eight of these birds were caught by this "wholesale destroyer" in a single day These at the rate of 25 cents per dozen, at which they were disposed of, yielded the snug lit tle corn of one hundred and five dollars and sev enty-five cents for one day's work. Who can beat it ? "Tut :111muna or a. Lterriate : or, The Robber of the Rhine Valley.' By Waldo Howard, Esq.— This magnificent romance of the mystery of the Shore and vicissitudes of the Sea meets with an unprecedented sale. It is in the hands of almost every one, and those who havo not already obtained it, will unquestionably get it. It sells for only 12} cants, and may be found at any Periodical Depots in the United States. The hook was issued last week, at the Flag of our Union Office, by F. Gleason, who, we learn, keeps his presses running night and day, to satisfy the demand for this splendid pro duction. A. WlNeu, No. 3, Ledger Buildings, Philadel phis, is wholesale agent for this splendid work. .Ll)e ,illarlict!.3. Retail Lumber Market—Corrected Weekly. Cot.rmiirt, Friday, April 00, 195 n. 10i,,,0r Cull 11onr, Enid (..: rub Plunk, - - S 00 Vidhug - do il 12 OH 21 l'i/111111011 do - - - - - 17 00 )•t coon do 25 00 Pannell - do 32 liti Ilcudoek - - do beauthog - - - . 10 0 0 line :7aciiiiiliiig,du U. 13 00 ria-wr Lulu, 2 001” fj 00 Sluligle. , , 910 13 00 Baltimore Markets. Ll !Swim:, April 25, 1.5 n. Ftena.—We note sales yesterday of 500 bids. Howard street Flour at S 5. To-day the market was more active, and sales of 100 bbls. were made at $5; 100 bids. at 5.061 ; and 1200 !Ads. at $5,123,. GRAM—Yesterday a load of Penna. red wheat was soul at 111 cts.; and another at 1141 A cts. To day a load was sold at a further advance, the pre cise terms of which were not made public. Sales of Corn at 5'1a53 cts. for white, and 36a57 Cis. for yellow. L...A sale (drenii , ylvania Rye at G 5 cento. Oats are scarce. A sale to-day at 37 ets. Willslo.V.—Tho receipts arc light, and the de mand Jettve. Sales of bbls. have been made at cis, and some holder++ refuse to sell at 23 eta. No transactions in Mids.—Baltimore Ante: lean. Philadelphia Markets. FLoun.—Prices arc firm at $5,•2.5 per brl. for btandnrd brands, sales for city use at $5,25a5,15 le•r brl., as in quality. The price of Rye Flour is steady at $. , ,t471i per brl., with sales of 300 brie.— Cora Meal is lees inquired for,but holders are firm St for Penna. Gnus.—Priine Red Wheat has declined to SOS 07,16,1 nil white to $l,lO per bushel, with sales of 7aeooo bu. Rye is scarce: the last sale of Penn. was at 60c. per bu. There is not much Corn of tering, and prices have further improved : sales of 5a6000 bu. southern yellow at 59a60c., afloat. Oats aro in demand, but there arc few it' any in Mil ;let. WIIINKCY is in better demand, and prices are firm at 23c. in Idids., and 21e in brls. 11hi c /hi the I Ills ow.. by the Rev. .1. C. Baker .%1 r. A itclit. t, Slita.kit to Alp... .CA Lit, both 01 Lnbwt mi 'cm tin. Un %1 ..bies.loy. the '2416. b.: .7. 'W. . Mr. Sim, IVENst.L to 7t RILL:Y, all of this bor. utigh. At il•c re•olenee oilier brother•ot•lavv, Dr. Isnue ter, nil du 11111 of Aptil, aged 42 ILI ear.. and 3 mouth. this borough. on Thursday last, Mr. TillYsti• to 11,05111 ear of In, age. iiiiier:ll ,till Into- place . from In, late rebolettec : nl Vomit Aire, 1. Ihl. ulternoms at 2 o'clock. GRAND I'IIOCF.SSION AT YORIC. s ote.. of the Ito! and tle.ltent.on of the I ).1.1 s' 11 11, ot York. rsi . i nth ul \Ln weer thy .uh.r IC I , ha se I •cll i• 11 the mono heoutoul el itt" aux;ALIA, tlul are prepared to turni.ll m ronnot . .seiorel prier 'rho attentoot of Itrotherit H req....m.11s i115...41 to thou 1..11111111:1110111 S GI.Elt & KA 1:1.1..A1 AN. Colombo., April .27-la.:U. r Its Pr. S.IIA‘VLS—.Ia..t rrrrivcd from NI•W York an 1./ 111,01.: of 1 / I ,IIIW - 11i C'atttiat Crape Slam to Latlie.,. e ehould be pleased to have out call and•-oe tlit•ta SPANGLER. & ICAVITMAN. Colombia, April I-::10 1I \ nt recta—.ally low—with II a beautitul assortairat other Urea (mods. at SPANULIat & Columbia. April 27", 19.50. Al'I:W allure Id llno, Tinberrose and Taz•nr Plower llui ~kn. at 4 etc.. per piece ; young . Fag Trees. bearain; , Hope anal Punk of bails. mai a tine a.nnortmennt of laser Seed, fur ale at Mt. V. 1 , 1411:1)14NIA Nl4 Drag and Chemical nt , torc, Luca-A street. Celtual,m, Anneal ( 10 0PER'S ISINGLASS, White Gino. Ce 1011111.7, Cxaiic L' Acid, Briiiistone, piirpo.iel • for millinery for salt , at V. FIZIELIENIAN'S April . 27,1.450. Drug and Chemical Store. IHAVE .lo.t received a large and fine ....,01q111..,1t of ninfrriak fur making ernfiend flowers. such :IF leaves et all %prays, pipe.i, green wax. wire, rut dowers, paper of all colors. &e &c . which will lie sold cheap at FIIINDP.MAN'S Columbia, April 27, 1&50. Drug and Chemical Store. LEE'S WYOMING VALLEY COAL 1 / 1 A .,1 c undersigned, r, !it , Lee' Lee's rca lanbible price!. Com.tantly oil :Mild a miperior article /.111:111. IlrnkctL Eng, Sint C. and Li.ll.•lillnica's Coal. For pa rticula rc , refe relic.; is manic to Stewart Pearce, Collector of at Columbia. WASIIINGToN LEL', Jr., Agclit lipri; 27,1,504 f HOUSE AND LOT POE SALE. Will be sold by public rendue, at .1 the piddle house of Francis Flury, in the borongli of Marietta, on MONDAY, MAY 20, 1050, at 7 o'clock, P M., that two.story BRICK DWELLING lIOUSE SAL AND LOT OF camu:sa). situate on the corner of Front and Gay streets in Marietta, atho g a lot of :St I being fifty feet on Front street. and minion:: buck net along Gay street, to a public alley. Theft:. 11 a large stable and wood shed on the premises. Late the MIA; of James Wilson. Esq., deceased. Altendance still be given Mal COTICIIIIOII.3 of sale made known by JAM I'S W. KERIt, lIER3IAN A LItIrRS, Mariepa, April 27, 1,5049 Agents for the limes, K NOWLIN. EDWARD WORRIiLL. TAILORING. T"subscribers respectfully announce to the mittens of Columbia nod vicinity, and the public generally, that they have commenced the TAILORING BUSINESS the room recently occupied by J. W. Fisher, in Halde man's building, corner of Front and Locust streets, where they will be happy to attend to the scriptural in- Junction of° clothing the naked," in the most lashionable and durable style. Prom their experience in the business, and a determi nation to devote their whole ato nuon to it. they flatter themselves that they will deserve El share of public pat ronage, and trust a-generous public for its bestowment. NOWLIN & WORRELL. Columbia, April 2, ISSO. A CARD—The undersigned most cordially recotn niend■ to his old customers and friends Messrs. Nowlin "orrell, who have succeeded him in the Tailoring Bust nes., and would respectfully ask a continuance of their custom to the establishment, feeling assured that N. A. W. " c fully Competent to give satisfaction to all who may intrust them with work J. W. TISHER. Columbia, April 27, IKin-tf VOCAL MUSIC. Apt, BUDD'S second course of VOCAL MUSIC _LTA_ will commence on TUESDA V EVENING, the DOM inrt.. at 74 o'clock:, to the New 'r,cllool House. Columbia, April 27, teal. L. J. RIIOADS' SELECT SCHOOL, VOR BOYS AND GIRLS, at the Columbia Made my. Pupila in.trunted in the useful and ornamental branches of an English Educatma. Number of echolar: Columbia, April leso-Gt SALT. 5000 SACKS Ground Alum Snit, 2,114.0 suck. Fine Factory I died. of Astdoa'n, :Marshall's. and other approved braudb, 01 . direct MI. portanon and an fine order. GUANO. 500 Tons Peruvinn and Patagonia Guano in strong coi• ton lingo, bosh inspected; all of %%Well otter fot sale on best terms. S. IT.NItV & BM), Corner of Cay and Pratt street., Baltimore. Baltimore, April 27,1-50-lin BEDS, MATTRESSES, & FEATIIERS. THE CHEAPEST BEDDING WAREHOUSE ill this ctty is F. G. FR AS ER'S, No. 415 Morket street, above Eleventh, North side, PHILADELPHIA, where can always be found Beds, .Nlattiesse, and every article in the lice, and sold at such price, a% V 1.11! plea-n all. Call and eX:111.1111e before you pw chive any, here, and you ill nest, regret It. N. 11.—Con.taidly on hand a large i,...ortinent of ear petings and Oil Cloth, of every d.,eripoon, at Sery low prices. F. 1 , 11.V41:1t. 11.5 :Varlet reel Above Elevelitli. upper aide, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, April NMIXT .13001 ES TEST published and received from the Trade t) Sales J N oppoeite the (HI LI, :N;oetit Queen SI, L 1.111515151.51, o lilt etc Sell at 551) 11./55 . prices. Outliner's Po..tho moan Work., ineludtog Ingtoute, of Theology, 2 role. at SI per vul Sabbath Readtogi, do. do. We have also Lis Dell) . Scripture Ile,/dung-, 3 volti. SI per Vol. AKtronontlenl Ihmnntrses ' 1 so!. h.!! cis. Roman., 1 avo 5t1.50. Select 1.10, - ouraes, 1 eth boo. itteellttneous, 1 vol. -vo 1.50 NleGliee on the Ilithe.tan4. 1 t.ol. 'lye 1,3(1 French's Notes on the 510..e1e5, I no! , vo. 1.50 Stateannot • is illanuttl. 4 vol.. 13,0 , I.a.ror) -41 le, with the porn:tit* of the Peet•ldellte. Title orb et/111:1111S all the Message, or all the Prealdenta, trout \Vaslitin;- 1011 to Taylor wtlh !Mirk I.I.IIIIIIICULUi u.unt vUlUlthie ulll- ter, at 5,3 U. The Presidents nod their Adiiiiiii.trattolig—a new 0111. troll, with 'tool portrait, 2,511. Abbott's 11'111inni Conqueror. late IVoniaii'a Fro-iidditp. try Grace Attudnr, Author of Houle 111111.1,11ce. 7.5 e. 31111 - 11, :%1011103 , (Jr'Sc OILT. A. S. Rue Scenes Ss here the Tempter inn 'Triumphed,-15c. April 27, I-50. GOLDMDT EAGLE saionz. I\T 071 ITl[tiTlllollC the large sales at ttog,, this new new De l . ot Ihy 4.00ds mot ar the es sortent 1,..1310i1in pe meld colopleto. ? necalise the eel ve to:I :out It eslt invoices aleto.t daily. ()Joc gloat tOey pos-eas to the nest. est and latest ml, -lg., they :typear, aod to tier that 11 h I (..11 \n, In that 0110 of the lee rate.. E. %Vi.:ll/.. is :thoo+t eolo.lootly to Nuts' York or Plohotel 'dna-oms keep,og ettilens w Lunen...let ut elO.e proNoolt> to the largest markets for dr) guo,Ls to the ssorkl. Lauhe% arc partlrthl.grly requeNted to give their atiea 11011 lu thine heaalllill SUMMER INDIA SILKS. Just opened. SI IZISE articlu for La du,' Smug and DreS.Se3. tlco hl the large it,,ortnien I of PARASOLS! PARASOLS! now open and ready 1.,r I•xannonnon. f;oI,I}EN EA(a.r. STORT:, Late Longenveker's New Stow. co, Slur Ed East King and Ceitlre Sajilare. TLIOS J. wEyrz, A Co. I...tr:p.trr. Apra 27. 1-50. NEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES Just recicyttl at J. Ci3h's Cheap hook Stare. tiodev's, Sartain's, and Peterson's, „„ tlll4,traiitnis, anti con triblitioue of m 01.: 1,,1111111y intere,t. The Alum wail Bin! Fancier, aced, 25 etc. The Fear of the World, or laving for Appearances By the Brothers :Mayhew. Illustrated, 25 rt., The Petrel, in . Love on the Ocean. By Admiral rislier, of the I Navy. Price 511 eta. The Creole. or Fiege 01 NeM: ()Henn-. 25 etc. 411 I:xplonation and History ot the My steriiiiis COlll - ss lilt 'Spirits. comprehending the rise until progress of the my cantons noises in WeNterll New York - , generally received as :spiritual COI Itittliteatlolls. Second edition. P.!! cts. Phrenology of the Scriptures. a lecture delivered before the American Phrenological :society, by Bev. John Pier pont. 112; cis. The '3ll.2take of a Lifetime. or the Robber of the Rhine Volley, the greatest work ever NN nneu, rind tot which the author has been paid 61000 12! ets. Jack Sheppard. The complete life of this distingin-11. ell natty oloal, toll of plate, .50 min With 1111 Ut the nest books for rile, 11l the 10,'1,0 prices. J. olsir, Cheap Mink - seller, near the National Mose, Lauer. Lamm-ter. April 27, 1.-30. ROBINSON & ELDRED'S NEW 3/033.1r. CIRCUS. T ins very superior and iniipendous eNllll.lliOll. hilowlcilged to Ire the most exten.ive rolleylloll of Musical, Et1111,11.11111.11111111r111011,11CT:.•111 11l 1111.t•01111- try, vvdl exhibit at COlllllll,l, 011 MONDAY, Titu tlth DA V in' MAY, ruin vac OVA. MllVlCrJallleg 1101110 , 01 i and Ihr, celebrated 11011111.11 Troupe. conipriiiii; Mr. John Robist , on and hid tutereNt lug children. 3lr. Lay :tier Ler. r rkbralCaCii over the world tie the 1110 , 1 Cieg,lllll auntil 1 . 11,10 11CrOir1110 110r1OrIller 11111 t lies CV. r 141111c.lreil, Velilllllrtrillr l l lii, WolldCfcllt Orris. tIIIICII by hit youthful print . All who witnesb tins pert-omi t/IWe are 1.11111 The vi hole 'frolipr., Ind by Mr. (J. N. 1:1.0111:1), will appear w u lio•t ul purfOrlllllllCl . 6. .1,11111,./1123cin.; and no half-price tickets. It. WHIGIIT, Agent. Columbia, April f27,11.50-t DR— HAMILTON RING, lIONICCPATHIC PHYSICIAN, lilt door above Socood st .lumina, if ON EY lIELTS.—SoiI Duckakw Money Dolts. for .11.11. sale I.y W. A. LEADEIt. Colombia. April 20,1,511. WANTED, A Boy to leans the Drng Ihnne.s. Apply nt the C;01.111:S :\IOI2TAIL Mtn; STOIII Columbia. April CHEAP MILLINERY AND VARIETY STORE, NO. 43 rnoNT STREET, COLUMBIA, PENN•A C. T. VircTAGUE HA v.„ll: ls a t , r .o e rl l , t:r L te t i c l ph a and New York SPRING MILLINERY, Compr,ing a choice stock of very cheap BON NI:TS (lithe newest and most desirable styles, stint u. 'Pithy Chip, French Lace. Colored Chip, White Luce, Pearl Devitn, Peddle and Enalish Straw, Salturg, Gold Ull4l Silver Fluted tVillow..bin ny land, Diamond Dinistable, California, and Antonia, including all the new shapes. infant Hats mat Leghorn Peddle for Boys. Pearl I for Girls, of every variety and price, which cannot fail to command a speedy sale. Also, lishunds, Caps. French Flowers, Dress Caps, Deady-made Silk and 13omba/inc 13onnets. Whitening arid r, inuring done, as usual, at the lowest prices. C. J. Meringue returns thanks to the Ladies. for the lib eral patronage extended to her. She is determined to keep the choicest goods. at the lowest prices, hoping by attentton to business. to merit a continuance of favor. Columbia, April :tn. 16.50:1t TLST orEsrsu, fine high colors plain French Lawn, (.1 4-4 wide, warranted to keep the colors in washing, selling ad" very lust, only a few . .. re left. E at the 1:1 }I'V STORE. North Queen !,:treet.Laneakter. Lancaster. Aprl: 4 Fran HORSES STOLEN-4175 Reward. TIIF, under-igned will pay the above reward for the re covery of the Ilor-es and COIIVJCIIOII of the thief or thieves, or 1 , 11 , 1'1" 1/01.11...ARS for the recovery of the horses alone. They were stolen from my premises near Gilysport, Blair county, on the night of the hilt of April. and are de-cribed a:, follows, viz: One large gray horse, 7 years old—lacks a little, and walks well lie had a small ricer of the tight fore shoe brok..,, oil" when token. The other, a large black Mare. 4 years old, slur in her forehead with u little white immediately above the pas tors on her hwd legs. She hail no shoes on when taken. Any Information to regard to the above Ilorses will be diunlaully received, MARTIN BEARD. April 20.1b50-31. ENCOURAGE YOUR OWN N ECIIANICS! VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTORY. 11 - •• • • ,•• •• .. . . ..- ' es VENITIAN lILINDS of the most beautiful pat terns nod ttni•lx. ore 111:111111:11111red 11l the v•tailll4l - of the toolerstpted, who-,shop eon Lefootid iot tnedtately ill the rear of Vlill IC.IIII/11 . a. lormerly l,•ehol• held'. !late!. near the l'o•t Odic v. 1.11111104,, 1.,,. The BLINDS ire 111,1d1.! 01 wood of Mr utuoothect and 1110.1 durable q . rind at %hart order mad moder ate pricett • Elte tml,crilter latonttc Itadcotomlerultle cx prneuce uI ii,. tuanufteture of Venettatt Illit k. the p "m -ole of Latimom, t lac tont county Call de prod upon Isav tug nit) M.4,1k that they I/1:11 order eaccuted Null de.- patelt, and an workmanlike manner. r=7" A varlet) nil 111111l1,0111C OIL 11:11111, for the 111.1.C1 . 11011 of Ole 111/Mll, Old Itlurds flpilllllett 1111 d i111111110i! In luck etpull to to ay UI Ultl.l. FLICK. JILIN DS ANI) SIIADES. n IT. IiESSIL informs his friends aml the 1 .0,1,. 111 y 41. nil tL.d lie iacun C - _ VENITIAN BLINDS, Warr:l.l. - d to :my 111 111.: city. nt the lowe.o e , z l l 111 ices. An n...orluient of Mold, null Slimly% :Lite.) , col hand. at Nu 1317 Rat e -lreet, one door below 'I tutu, tutu No. 7. I lal N. I: Conier:,xlik nod CLc_uml 11 . ) - ".11,h1,11114 pwlrlually 14ttelttled to. April y itErvzovAL W . A...LE 111 1 1:11..woul ennuithat he ha. ptirellaaed anal remodelled the large Lurk In.111•4'. lorntaly hept by 11. lireneanal and I: Ranh a. a I)rt lood.Stote. :flat more leeeatl) by w. 11. Nntagh.r tt. a book Stoic, Float :•-trect,Coltanhia, The improve: nettle are as follow. : than lower SlOrl . has 1.1•11 1,1,11 nut aad a Hew one put In. WWI 1„0 large a l•ah• The et,lllllq 111111 ,1111 , hater !well and liainkoniely molded art oak colon:, Iturge totrrors plared at the end. retleetaig double the length 011110 ctore alao. eerolk, healing on each one an :worn. lwalatially witted. ills tall air daring latcote , .. are much greater than heretoiore. tioto the maple ftlolll to 1,111 each nruclu 111 its proper platen. Alssa t 011 hand a large and extan=ive asAortment of Drugs. Pernata:rie.. Pmnt., thle, (lilt, and live I•tolls. together sslllt the Iflage•l a.,artnient of Cain phall, mud Elin'l,lll hept inn raisin, all of which cling Ile cold at reduced pi lee:. lore 1 . 11 -a tan, and Storel,epor: will please C:111 :anal leo ell 1:1) lii lore. pal tha-ate here. I tiara tray thook, for the Loot 1.. sari I Imv.• rec., i•.I at the halal, or the enve inn of Columbia (10.1 vienot), anal Imp.• too-elm:nag n11,11:1011 1)11 , 11111.,, 10 anent euuhdeuca 1.1011 lottrun: kg ~ u. heretouire. M.% 1.E.1111112, Sign of the ()olden Mortar. HOE. JOHN C. cAaa-zounr. lIILE we all regret the death of this great I.:04.1113:111. NS4 . , 110111.1 11401 1411, , 111140-0! ISEAUTIVUI. 1.1111 S. A'1"1.111: 1;(11.1)1;N LAta.l:. 1 .ate Luattettee Lees New Store. !lave you t :named them? You cull boeure n Bargain I.v retinue 111 tune They oilt•r fine Chameleon lattens for 125 etc . wortht2.l. Splendid 4-1 I,um n,. Polk, ('ore, Blue S t.reen. Iparh :ot.l Whtte -1-I Lassos, for In et, , wurth nun lii.te6 du do do De:1101111i thick . .. do do super French Collars. do do RIBBONS! RIBBONS!! RIBBONS!!! The latest desliza... Fnury Brdlittut colon a, CORN, , for Donner and Lndieu ore purtieufitrly recinerted to CX:1111111C their RICA FR ENCII WORKED CAPES, as they have but a few remaining. Titt is .1. \ VI:NTZ S: CO , Golden Rairle Store,. Caul King st.,Laneu.ter. I.e teenier, .Spelll,so-lt. 23001 ES THAT AB. BOOKS. JUST received at JUDD 31111t11,11"S from the 'crude Side•. rind oifered ut very low pried, Ire Aloinnuet. •• Sketch Hook. Colundins, 3 vols. Kaloolnli—by JOll2 !! :Tarls's %Vali..., 07 IVardlington, 12 Cols. .lo •2 sots. Donis .lo l'airi. K. 1.0., ill and Whitby', 170truncotary, 4 vole. Cliardh . C v 01... :%Icelienn".... Library of 1:ngle.11 Literatine, Vols. Church tuts. lli erinan on the Maindacture ot Iron. Worlo, 111 tills Iloci e'. Englund. Sul-. Addison'. Work., 3 ink. Danerott United Sint,. 3 von.. lienneiV , Jere ot Wilt, •2 s Ois. 1'1,6(7011:d COMILII,I ut Peril. 1 VOl9. • .11.. x lc°, 3 Va.. Terdiliaml and one. &c., &c. Call and Lone...ter. April ..211, 15.90-11.. Extraordinary Popular Delusions. t r Inv's New "Work just published and for lira. Lout. oi Eatraordooary popular dein-quay, by Charles Mackay. lo too cloth S 2. laelog • .e complete work r. Chemistry. one vol. II) 1)11.1101.ry tit part 7. ight tool Alorotog . —the be..t tweet nit all LIIC great uov els by BIAlVer. els. Ted Alb,. or the let Age, 25 et.. Eva Sr. Clair. In R. Jnmcr. 25 ebb Debtuev I hotglotr, b) T. S. A rthor, 25 et.. All of fowler. red publication., The I lot trcuhon,t . tor April. 25 et., A lbatt Colt, taur, for April. lu CIL 'rile Tool of Prot J. Il'ebster, fur the boarder oil), /lee. Pork [MIN. eolitalti, all the it:Ml.l°- 11y enure tool tomb raigetl US reported 101 . 1110 BOSill)11 Jour nal. puce 12; ii,. Alon, a 1000 l n 101 l ncsortment of Neu: nod Ohl 'cur el, Mov.tuote.. ete. Sol,coponos taken rot all the ',nal:, and neo ..paper , itow poldtAlong. .%t Cheap Look stone, rear the Nattuoul Hut-e, :s:orth Queen Street. I.anca..ter. I.:11101,1er, April Si), I,lo—tf. TEMPERANCE PARADE. - iIoy i. LNING D.lll'lC a loud l od o (.I:ANDIL.AIt.‘OI:, Av., 1 , 1 tit' MAT. %shell it I. expected that Section trout Lance etc r, lorh and IlarriNtalfg lairticip.tte. 'Elie f!rOce,-.1011 .tart !root the liall of tlte to hoeli,t street, fil!utlf IL ti clot K. P. NI . of •aol day, mot atter mart lime tlo on g It Ille pr will ptm,•..,1 to tic tliods.t. 1:p1,11.al Church. wlicre finiblie ata. the! , et 111 he deb . :en - a iy tho Rev. WILLIttbI Coltilithia. April West Fallowfield English and Mathematical BOARDING SCIIOOL, roR YOUNG 3IEN AND BOYS, situated four nod n halt mile, soath-ca•t tram Part...how. and io•- hall east nit (nom Tree Pout °thee, twill the road trad ing trout Coelirnoville to Doe lion village Alter the Spring Voratinin, the sellout will open oil the &Ili of April. under the direction the• Will devote hie uorennitimr attention to the moral, alai edneation or Ins pupil,. The course of I...trot:non tin braces all the Liratie al l all I:aglibli and 111alliellialleal etitlealloll. I . l.ltals.—For tuition, boardiri.x. and washing, Sit) per quarter. of P 2 week.. :•••tunletitg allotment at auy parucuhirs onlitre.4 W 11.1.1 11.1111. Gum 'free l'o•t Othce.Clin , tar Co , I'a. REetal:Nci: —I.. J. Buono.. Coltman:l,l'a. April !-'O,l-.10-thnol DISSOLUTION Or I'ARTNI:It.II3P. Notice I. hereby ei yen. tbatthe Tiros at Martin .V.. 1:1•11tite Int, tlior day hour dis solved by manna convent, and Ilettre :Oar!. atitlittructl to receive all debt+ dm: to the fi rm. l'lnt-e havine claims against the firni, vomit also procent nom to Mot for settle ment. 111:NRY MARTIN, CIIAILLES L KI;I.LING. Columbia, Marvin . .1.9., leso. The sale or " Herb. 37edientes" as stall continued. atThe old stand, on Front street, by 111:NRY Columbia, Apral .?0,165n.—.31. Art:SLIN. Check, Tickines, Crash, Tnl,:e Diaper, 11l Flannel. Clllllllll Cllllll, l l. 1 1 1Z1111111111 I.:lnbronterchl Curtain 31uslan. to 1111 of which we ;mite the especial at lcinton of new housekeepers. CIIAS. E WENTZ .t 11110 , Lancaster, April 20, Itso. Bee litre, Lancaster. LADIES will please remember that at the Ike Mee Store. North Queen street rs the place where they can find the cheapen Preach Worked hace Capes ever offered anywhere lathe States BEE 111v1:, April 'N. 1r:50. North Queen street, Lane,ter. JARq halt - ea:l . quart, und pint Glwts J•rs. m,lth 11,1, for , ale Ly 'W. A LE.WER Co:umbia. Aphl 20. 1:.50. J. W. FISHER, TUSTICE OF TUE PEACE. scruvr.Nna AND CONVEYANCER. Oiltert in Locust street, in the room recently UCC Opted by IL Spear, 11,.q. Columbia, April 13. tt IVOTICE. THE books of the late firm of Rumple & Iless are plaret ut for hand. of Sanel Brooks, Esq., for collection and ',et:lenient. All persons k tarring thorn selves indebted, will call arid settle Airtliwith. and sate cost.. JONAS RUMPLE , Columbia, April 13, ISSO-If IVEss .a.NN 112aGEM RESPECTFULLY announces to the Ladies of Columbi.i. that •hc will ‘‘.ut Ott 1110111, at 1,00 resi dence in Cherry etrect, fi‘e door , above the :Ileihodit-t Church. in CUTTING, 1'I'1"1'1\(;, AN 1/ 1%1-% INC; 1)1I 1.11.;-1•113. She hope., trout her long experiunee, to pile general sati.faction. Columbia. .Aprtl 13, L'SCu3V NOTICE. LETTERS of administration on the estate of Rob." 1:-ts , sttets.s-ed late of the borough of Coltstsibla. hut tog beets grastsed to the nistie.igstest.ull 111 . 1,0111 Indebted to lire •nist e.dsste trill istenio make im mesh:itr pa> tnent : and Ilsos, having claim, will present theist. pnlj...rip nothentiestted. for •4ulmnent la %VAT r. Irt - 11 I .\dnissttrato; • Columbia, April 13, I.'lo-iit Clog le:dame:7f to annexo. Estate of John Haines, dec'd. T ETTER at administration on the estate of J Jnlin 11.11.•• • d 4 et ,ell. hit,. of Wept I leillpfieki COM11).11:1V1111. been r ,rutitetl to the u1t.14 al: lildeblvit 10 the F.III e,tate 111:1 I.:l)n,cnq turn :,II por,oll, elatsll , . ple.ent them. pluttcrl:, tookt•lototottd. for . t .ttletocut, to WILLIAM HAINES, Colombia. Marelt Allttitt,trator. TOBACCO AND CZGABZ rrlIE subscriber most respectfully informs his ft lead- .tti the public that he has upened TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE on lvoiont greet. Cele iltrOr above Frnto.vhere %sill be A pt conbtootl) oil Mlle', of III!, litre. Among May be folled Cigar Or the fol lowing brands: Nuptnno, 1.0 Inuvonon, Lo. Notional. Lo. Coledral. La Prot n vela. El Leon lie Ole. Las Tres Corona.. :Ilen•agero. rrograina, Principe. 01 the beet Vora. St Jauo und Vgnoney. Lo. Chet IngToltaeco I rain the most celebrated mann thvoncrN : D. New L.V. Co. , IZonaids, Springer, Guy. and Aeder,oll AISO, Alltraban. Ilappec, and Scotch Snuff, Sze., all or Ineh %sill be sold on the mo.t re:l-m.11)1e tel W1::,1.1:1 - A. NAwris Columbia, April 13, IE-Z,O-3mos WATCHES, CLOCKS, & JEWELRY ! rrilE subscriber would most respectfully lit vlte the attention atlu mend- 0010110100) 10 Ino. ,ape nor am! ,tuck, which has been re cently receives! from the ilitkrent emporiums of taste and ta,liion, both 11l Europe um! cull spiting w part of GOLD glad SILVER LEVER. WATCHES, e. roll jectelled, Gold awd :•silver I .epilte.; timl Qs/artier %% wells,: together with es 05) other article, of oruament, and service u.sually wand ui a cs ell regulated WATCIT AND JEWELRY STORE. liely tug upon the d“crifinnation of (111% Collllllolilly, lie pre-senb, an at, ray of et 4 as filch, tor ..1);(2, °Hi m:ll,llw. and beauty of luu.h, cludlengc all etnnileutom. All ssorL, ouch nn rttpuatog, elvatt , olg, or ',tong new rr•ork 111 watehe=, of every de.scripuun, lull be as =ranted to render votary call...tut:two. voleenlier lea. .uper.eded Alr. John Felix in his old stand. a less door, -Leah of the %% adaligton lintel, ss litre lie is ill at all 111114, tie uiu,l h.tppp to attend to, :old the is out, of his trieods and iellow eiiir.ens, ut MI!. and every department of he. bioiies-i. ALBERT B. BROWN, Agent. Columbia. April 13. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. attention of Dealers and Hold keepers, is rcqur.L•d L. up• but n.....ortmeot of Wlllll', rplor• .Alth greai care 11 . 011 l .toek , w flit rope 1111,1 to till. Cr/111111'Y. and trout .0111 we to 11tANIKI: their pally sums of every di,eription from ` , l to 4, 5 per gallon. NViio.ka.y, tine Iri , ll, Scotch and :Monongahela 03.1, JAMAICA RI'S, 110!iallti 6111:111d Tench Brandy. IMADEIR :` , 1111[1:1* AND Pour WINE., of every varte4ty mid grade. :mom 75 et, to .5 per gallon. Champagne of allcelebrated brand,..9.503010. Claret. rite Table Claret nt Na and higher grden, Tenerafe. Malroot. &c. Wild Cherry Brandy, 1.31aa berry and Lavender I.3rainly, &c. • TUE COUNTRY TRADE supplied 111 110iCSIde IC,. A complete t o N ,rtment of Wo••••• and I.iiinorsi very cheap for culinary purpo.c, Order.; promptly aueinled to. (tooth. carnally packed and toiovin ded -En press:' Sample. Nem to any part of the Country free of chat go, lip addres,ing, Voit ntid, A. II NteCALI.A. \Vine Alerchant. an Walnut ~trect, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, April I:1, 1-50-a mon. DI. 11. LOCIIER, SI:CCESSOLt 'l'o 11. C. LOG I I I:12, ,liolesttle and retail dealer 111 Leath,. .N1,11 . 0e/•,/, 61toemakers"Poul , , Sitar .t/cu., %Ve..t King . one door ctl ttZtentnntn' o Hattie. ate Store, Lattet.- ter , l'a. ID • All orders promptly attended to. IL,— Ca-It plod lot I.,:ilher lIIC Lnitett.ter, Apill I y COD LIVER OIL, OR 11:UNT .11:COIZIS Ph)lirialiq pre 1-/ ur Lwnhc, to-tott polnionary rninedy, can rel 011 u. punt, nOl It pale golden color US sold It) the aub,ci iher. (a . :(). A. MILLER, Went King st. I.anraster, April 1-sti-te McALLISTEWS .~ T.I,IIEALIN( (lINVAIENT. l'or the .11c,aly care of fevers Si ttatil.l Cr).) vela, Salt Head nolo, ltmat•). Son: ihrom. Rheum:tuba, tt , a,tltl-head. sonb, Ac, &c. For , ale at ( ;1;0 ..t. A111,1,1:12.'S Druz Store. We=t Sing greet, Lunt:a-ter. Lane:titer, April I:1.I-504C lIEAVES ! HEAVES!! ILEAVES ! ! A NOTIII:It tit voice ni litrkl ridd. Totter‘ull's Ilunvc LL Poonler4, the only etroctual remedy tor the prevention mkt cure of llenves,Conoltc, Broken:Wind, Wunder.. &c., de., %cell, ed and for .:de nt the Agency or \Veit King Street. GEC). A :MILLER'S Drug Store Laneager, April 13. 1-30-11 CHOICE LIQUORS, tor medicinal a 01.11 Port, Alu- Frcoch ltratt,iy, unid I.tnbon Wine, for sate Inc \V..\. IJ•LVJEIL, Columba, Mnrcl, 1-50, FANCY SOAPS POS1:, Almond, Clam:se, Nymph. IVii.liinizion, 0111111- I : , 11:1% Mg" :,:pophanc. % \ alum Oil. Military ',ltal. mg Cream. 111110, .11art.loiltil low, CI Victoria. to,z,tlier avail the french and true Paha Soap, ior :Ade I,) Columbia...lpril 11, 1-311. I.l'. A. 1.1 , ..1 DER. A - 1 '11111: GOODS. Al excellent ii..ornneat of 3aconti. Book. nod All,llll. Al-a. collie of tho.e. licanialil cord 1:11111 - i1 ail ;111/Cie for cooing loch %sal: Le uttered at price. that a.tolo , li all for their clic:lime', wa11...11y. All at the above for 'ale :it T 111; BEI: North C/ncen Lanc.ibter. I.:incacter. Apr!' 1; 1-5(1 LAWNS. LAWNS. warraitytt color, all shall, 1.4 and neat pattern, selling Oil low. only 111 ct., at the BEE Laneabter. 1,1 prl I 1 1. 12.50 T EN 111;E I:(,]:,, plata attd chameleno, a qlletalsti ii..ariait id. coil) vi. pert ni light :tad dark .Lade; t alchrated make. and I.e•t quality BaJou",. N.. 7 1. U. For -ale at the 111 . :1: Illy!: ST01:1:, North queen toect.LaLteacter. La:lca-ter, .tprtl 13, 1,31, 1).4 IZA,sOI.S. ICASOLS. of c% cry color and clecc J. ion. plain mitt , 11k fringe. ready tor 'pan_:; cale, The lad., toe particularly uui nod to call and cstun lite, as our 11,011111CIII ui ilium bralleil is COIIIIIIOI, BEE 111A . 11. North Queen Street, Lain:atter. Larcaitcr, April 13. 1,3t0 PERFUMES FOR TIIE lIDKF. - RxTRAcT OF ORANGE, Hoge. Paicliouly,lette. de Carohue, Heliotrope, Noel, Jockey Club, "en. cote, 31us -.cline. to ;;,•tLer with .pletult,l Scout flags, Cologne,'l,:r...l(ll2r. and Ito Ida Water., li:rt • French ,attained good, or moiler For sale at Near Golden slortur Drug Store. Cointnbia. April 13.1-30. INK, INK, INK. DOSS' BLACK, Hoover'," do., .Ari P.,41, Bond's IL Moe at C1...111101:NrS oluirada. April 6.1-'7.0. Hook :,:ore. IF.ll' STI - 1.1: NI:CIiLACI:S. for %tile at the new eto re. oppo,ite. the Franklin /knew, Columina, J. 4. 11 L =I n r.ER uori'Lr... , — Mack (wart Beer Mottle.. for 4nlc I) by \V. A. 1..E.1.1)1;li. Columbia, April 211,11,50. '—Beet quality of Bottle Corks. for sole by W. A LI.:_kllE11. Co'.utnb.“.April TIP.ENCII WORK black Mantillas, a net and splendid article fur nutanier wear, )u•t received at the .1312; 111 YE, Laniqoter Lancaster, Apr.l di) ; li:if. York County Female 41.cademy and Boarding School, York, Pa. THE summer session of this isstitution will couuucuce on Toe,day, the Both of April: 'l'le pupils are under the special care and instruction of the Principal, and enjoy every rreilit) for the acquisi tion of a superior education. Young Ladies, train abroad will board in the taintiy of the Principal. rind thus have Vie advantages of private instruction, m addition to the usual exercises in die 111.1thinon. Circulars specifying teruhs, may he obtained by application (Post pail) to 1). 11 PRINCE, York, Pa.., April 13, lain. Principal. Parents and Guardians are respectfully referred to the following gentlemen . YORK, Menvain. D., President of the Board of 'Trustees; Rev. D. IL Emerson.; I'. A. and S Small. Esus. Cott AMA, PA.—Rev. Roger Owen. AISHIETTA. PA —.I. T. A iiderson, Esc; Ifs, 11D—Ilex. Wet S. MIMICS . , D. D.; lion. Chas. AI. Key,r: Asher Clarke, Esq. WASHINGTON, a iteverdy Johnson: J. A. M. LI:XINGTON, KY —R. J..7'. BrAtoli.rolge, D. D. April 13, 1,50-31.. unsmmo NOW OR DARGALINSI "Quick Sales and S'inall Profits." AT the sign of the LAST in West King street CHEAP FOB CASII Olt GOOD P.\ PER —Jost re recessed, 111 .11111i011 to the large itoek on handy lilt, Sales of the best Baltimore Sole. 100 do. do. New York Red Sole Leather. lin) do. do. Shoe : 4 kirling. 200 do. do. noodled Upper Leather. ill .10Z. of rini-lied Cali 100 Fiut.bcd Slaughter lops :M.) dot. Cope Bout Alarocen. 20 do. niiL Amen Wall lila., 5.0 do. Pink JO (10. t-adaler LO r‘hoe Peg. :NO 1b... American rshoe Thread: . . . :to do,. :shoemakers' Tools of all siles and patterns. Together itli a variety of every article in the line of Innmiess. from all anchor to It All articles (rota the Factory warranted. irje• Cash paid for Leather m the rough. :shoemakers wdl I.lmice mill and examine the goods before pal elmeing el-ewhe re, as the suh•eriber . del,rmied to .11.1 re no mints to please his customers Duti't forget the place, opposite Coopers Red Lion I lotel. :11. 11. LOCHER. Lancaster, April IT, 1:50-ly Attractions at the Golden Eagle! An Entire New Stock of Choice Dry Cowls, SELDCTED with great care and experienced Jralgtnent. irutn ire•alt invoices for opring and stataa.cra opened to the New York and Philadelphia :Markets, now offered on rea-tatelale loran In the caty and catenary trade of Laneatstet, at urn •• GOLDEN EAGLE," late Lotezatecher's new store splendid stock of Goods has been selected by one of the partners, who is constantly either 111 New Voi. or Philadelphia—seeking, greet bargains and securin g :Vete St )It , a, they appear. Thin keepin g th, est.,. of Lancaster comity m clo4e proximity to the lar g est market; for oi> Goods MI the world. And enablin g thrum to snake their purchases al tic low rates they time retailed in any of the lar g e commercial caws, and probably a little lower. 'non. J. Wentz & Co inform the citizens of Lancaster city and county, that they havn opened and now offer for their aoXmillii:k11011. an entire new aCki2tloll of FANCY •AND ,STAPLE DRY GOODS Tins careful selection will Inc found tO be a complete a , sortment of Formen anti Domestic Dry Goods. com prising each and ct cry variety. IN THE DOMESTIC LINE you will find Calicoes. Merrimack, Choeco, &c. Blench ed and unbleached muslins Conestrit.m. New Market. Ticking , . Cheeks. osnalittm-, Dr. Hillgq, . all 01 whirl. have been purchased on invorable tern,. and ctw be secured us great bargains. IN THE SILK AND FANCY LINE snit will find a large and unbroken assortment. This branch contain, a viii rely of Si) lee printed INlon ,, eline de Lame , . of Niiperior quality: rich Ucieges and Oren edines ; Crape de farts, Will oilier new Trestles for spring and summer dre,ses. .Al4O, new dCSIg,IIS and painted Catabies. New spring .Lades, glace silk.. gros de Afrique, gros de Imp, 1111,1 rich plain pour irsole,, and brilliant FANCY STYLE SILKS FOR SPRING. The attention of buyers is particularly int hod to their magnificent stock of Dress Goods, consisting of fancy bonnet ribbons. fumy neck and cap do., of the line,t designs; Laces. Gloves, lloisery. Linen liandkerchiets, and all hinds of fancy articles adapted for ladies' wear ; clothes of Pre:tell, English, Gartliali and American In line, all shade and prices' : ten, Wadi. Frellelli doe skins. sitting colors and designs , a complete assort ment of Vestings—satin, silk, Alia:finites, le. lu addi tion to the above named goods, you will find their stock to embrace an assortment of Carptings, Floor and nide Oil cloth, all of which they offer on :Mr and honorable terms. As they have great advamageq, they are confident their prices ssill be lower than any other care m time city• A careful eXa111111:1110111+ , 011eited. THOS. J. WENTZ & CO., • Golden r.aele. cornet of I; King aud Centie Square late lanenteeKer'...l.ane.,tel cup. . ' • I.anea.ster Aprd - - INDUSTRY AND PERSEVERENCE I,P, • - • 11 MUST = Particular attention shown to alit That laity please to favor us ss tilt u call. Now opening at the BM: 111 VE. North Queen Street. Lancaster, one of the largest fluid best selected assort ments of FANCY DRESS GOODS, that has eve r been presented for CMllllllllltioll at this city. It embraces all the newest it> Ics, lauds and unalitic4 nosy inanufiictureil. The question is asked by almost every person, whether you have seen those SeIo:NMI, DUI., Coons that are nosy being welled at Wentz's Bye Hive Store. If not, you should most certainly call soon and get some of those splendid " Corn caw , DAR EGES AND MOUSE DE LAINES, Warranted all wool and of the celebrated Lupins' Man ufacture. Also, the real Corn Cold Llajous Kid Gloves: . they arc all the nowt we only a tow more len. CHAS E. 'WENTZ do 1110, Lancaster, April csu. llee I live. Shaving and Hair-Dressing Saloon. THE undersigned has removed his Saloon to J_ the builihrig on the south-west corner of Front and Walnut streets, in the ennui formerly OeCllrled by :11r. Jesse Bowyer as a Shut:maker t , liop, where all per,on3 can receive a CLI:SN AND EASY Sacco, and have. their hair cut and dre.,ed w the most fashiona ble and exquisite manner. There et soinettittiF soothing in a good soave: if any are tle.po.cd to doubt it, let them try lute, and 1 will fully demon•irate the fact. WILLIAM cLEucin-r. Columbia, April 13, 1 ELL ISLES. GENER.% i-Asso it'n: ENT OP FA:mix nini,n tonal. euloirl plate, (t•xtra,) Bailee& aho ; Pocket. ,plemlitl binding. Te-tacrit% at G. ti CLAIBORNE'S Colutnbia, April G, IFSII, Book Store EMAHKAIII.I" good ;ld hand..otne Lttnghams, :tow 1.11. , offered for Ig!, eettin at the store of Columbia, March ttO, 150t14f J. G. HESS & Co. SUPI'IX of Dr. Gallagher's Sar-apurilla .11 Blood Pills. Ilalowd}'s Arnivo Plasters, Dr. Church's Cough Drops. Dr Drowlis Couch Cmuly, Ifollossay's Extract of .lallllllCa Ginger, EaCISIOII and Vanilla, trail a variety of Patent Medicines rece.ved and for sale at the Drug and Chemical Store of RIIO.ADS. Columbia, April 6.1-1/.0. TOL I) JAYNE'S CELEBRATED FAMILY :11E01 _Lf CINES are still for , ale Columbia, April 13,1,50. W. A. LEADER. GINGILANIS! GINC.II.NAIS . —An elegant ussorttnent of V. 101.15 st) Ins :oat color 4, :rota 12 to 37; cis, 'l% urratited fast colors, at the BEE HIVE sTortE, Lanca•ter. Aprtl 6, 1410. Lancaster. tr ANC 1::S SARSAPARILLA PILLS, Compouq Syr up of / loarbound. 3led.rated lloarhound Candy, sad , ' and Bull'. Sursapartllas, IVoglit's Indian Vegeta ble AC. for sale at FRI I:DEMAN & RIIOA DS' Columbia, April 6, '5O Drug and Chemical Store. PIIYSICIANS and dealers m Medicines will find it to their ads outage to call and examine our stock before purchasing, as we arc determined to sell at the lowest market prices. s, RHOADS. Colutubia, April 0,1,50. MIIII bet New ()dean. SUGAR ever offered in Cohan tun, toe nt. J. V HESS Jr CU'ri Colundda, March 30. I-504f DOMADE DEVINE The true Pomade Devine, tbr 1 ell iippcd hands and lips, burns, •ealds, bro.,. and sores, tor ;ale by W A. LEADER. Columbia. April 13. 1.511 ITTIf 0 atl have the next !Litman Snittr. Razor 11 S us,p• Only :25 era. rot s aln Colo flFto. Apn.l3, 1750 W LEADER LEATHER! LEATHER r CHOICE AND SPLENDID BOONS ! MOORS! T I OW: OF THE SPIRIT. Female VOCI3 of America Civil War in Hungary. Mourner Comforted. Evening., at Home, Town: Chriatinies Guide, Paradiae 1,05 t, Lyneli'a Dead 'ea. Tupper. I leadley 'a rtacreilSeenary J'atuily Monitor. Evid,,, ,-, ai Chri,iiumiy, At the Cheap Book Store of U. G. CLAIBORNE, Columbia, April 6. 1-50. Loeu.t street. 1.174XL - ki#2l",i. :31.3{.1J 44 , ) L1 THE subscriber has removed leis DAGLTERREIAN 1100 MS into the building occupied by Mr. Godfrey Keel"les, Front street, a kw doors south of the here be is prepared to execute Daguerreotype Port rails 1/1 a super."( et) le at MOS• crate price:. The public use respectfully iilVl4ed to call ati,3 examine "pectuitut, CI I 1:5. I:. Columbia. April "I, I =,50-tf GRAND PARADE. TIIE GRAND PARADE of the Odd Fellows, Sons _L of Temper:oleo. American Mechanics. lied Men, and all other tt.oeit•ties come oil Him year. The late will for, in Front street, am! munch up to the large aed fa-lituntible CLOTHING :,T0111.:, where may i.e !Unlid the laree.t .totleheape•t tis , ortntelit the Shale. The :,40111, to Nutattl. Fruit! ialreet, between Hied:. and ]Sari •. Hotel, Colombia. April 6. 1,10- lc., DISSOLTITION OF PARTNERSHIP. This. day, the partnership Jm‘....1. and iOllll S. ( ;Ivll, tram :; tinder the firm of .1. J. l J. S. give,,. tit the Saw Mall / 11, ." - ... 5 1 Was con`e , ". JAMES J. GIVEN, JOHN GIVEN. April I. 1:-..10 The hit-Ines+ 5r dl Ilie sealed up liy John Given Tlie Saw' WI v. ill I.e carried on berraller by Janie. ho wrll he dmulnul for a !hart of lito pobbe patron:l2e. as he I- prepared to saw und de liver theta, at the shortest notice. JANES J. (.IVPIN'. Steam bat* :11:11. Columbia. Co:litulna Apra! ti. 1-.1044 A. S. GREEN j_DS opened an, Office on Front street, 'telt door io .1. NI \ .dorc. for CON:VI:VA N CI NG AND ul.o tor Ilse porcli.i.o and sale of real e-d:de. Colombia. Nlareli H. 1-;lest STELLA% ENGINES - FOR SALE. OnNE of 10 horse power, with one flue boiler-- • cam be •••Ull c•I S hor, por,r, v. lilt two e) hunter bi.thrr , I:utli ul.ule of the Lea ISIR tr. nitds umt lvarrained pericet. Elltlllllo 04 . .r. Maelmirgq, Columbia, Pe Columbia, :gareli LOT FOR RENT. QUITABLE fur piling lumber on, situate on I.) Front ,t rest. between Locust and union treetp, feet (real I .St I. for rent. Two inuct: nwELLING lIM•SES, near the railroad. Au- it ply to Columbia, February 9, 1.-.lll—lf LTRs. EISHEAUGI - VS HOTEL, Corner of Perryand Constitution sts., Marietta, I'4 ITRS, MIRY FIS11B.11:GII, late, of the Whito i_ Swan I would very respect fully intorm her I end; and the puLhegi•nerally. that -lie has tal.en th• hotel long known:. the FERRY 1101 - SI:. formerly kept by Mat. Flury. and more recently by Geo. Peter.. Th• house Ills bceu renovated and ton-iaerahly modernized, maklng It, upon the whole. the fm,' hotel in the borough. It I , let L;e and routmodtoua, and pri,eitti twiner:memo tor per-ons . desirous . of having single rooms. She is deter mined to lease nothing undone, to bent a portion of the polite patron:lr, 11cr 'Fable and laud., of Liquor. bltult tie an heretoMre. :Marietta, Alurelt 1,50.tf --- SETTLE UP! SETTLE UP! T will be seen, by reference to the notice of the th—oltation of Spangler L Ili other, that the Bool■ of int.% arm are it the hands of W. II Spangler, for settle meta, and. tic it Is Ins intention to lease C.oltunbia. this notice t, particularly given to all person', having open with Spangler Brother, to cull ott the sulk scriber immediately aid teCttie iilU game. Aiwa), to le• found at the Duo/. Slum W. 11. SPANGLER. Columbia. March 0, 1,50..tf To Boot and Shoe Manufacturers. rrllE subscriber respectfully informs minutiae ittrers, that he k.eep., ou halal a general tu.Kortment of Stock. (carefully ...elected for Ito. nwo which h• otrer4 COT AMC. on moderate Irrtii.; eutisi-taig ut Cap• Leather, Tatopuco titan, Alattra4 ditto, French :Morocco, Kid, Red Linings, Punk ditto, Iltittling . s, Sheep Spluo. £n., e. Cull and Ike Lathes Shoe Store, Loeuptt third door above Front. Columbia. SIiEITM-AN D. IMUNES. Columbia. March 33.1-5043m0, MOURNING ENVELOPES, VOTEPAPER. Fancy Eovelope., l'anvy W. I li r ,. Iloulking• .to Clu,c Ruled Gilt I.clter,Culitil • Magitpli! lioirn Gold rens. m u. G ci.mnortNin., Collitubsa. G. 1,111. Cook Store GROCERIES WTF: lave past received n fresh clock of Grocer's, consisting of every article Lept ii: that [Me. SLltTilr in every variety entree. Tea, Chocolate. Spices, Sc: diirereut Lind,. cheaper than ever offer.. ed before—Luvering's celebrated Syrup. irossi the Refinery. 11. 11. 1 . 11.); & CU. Columbia. March 21, 15.50. ARROW ROOT. FEW tins very superior 'White Arrow Root, entire k ly free from grit, taste or smell; an ex vellent cruel* for invaiml,. and persons who have delicate stomachs, ri..ci_oicd, mid kir sale at 1111.1,ER'S Drug Store ; Wein. King St. Lancaster, March :10, 1.7.50 -tf. NEW SPRING GOODS & CO. I aye lust rr,turnell front ph iu large and cp1,111111,1 1104.011111 , ,111 Or !VIM(' (;nods. to %%loch they would revectfully unlit the atten tion of the pile Columbia, :11arelt FURNISHING GOODS. . s ic ri a s rece ived . r . y Liza d r T i r: i ct o r n t . - con.i ct gut part of She•tiiiir; Check=. Ticking', Ike . in Brent •nriety; 44. 5-1,6-4,10-1. rind 11-4 Bleached Sheeting; Floor and Table Oil Cloth,: Linen. Wool, and Damask Tall• Cover'; Cr:.)tl and Diaper Toweling, Najd, in. Also. Carpeting, Blinds, Feather., a great variety of QUOClla vs are, Looking Glue-es, &c. IVe have "List received another lot of filo, very cheap Paper Hanging". 11. 11. FRY & COIIIMIII.I, March 21. 1,50. RIBANDS, RIBANDS I.T. who are ni ~ e areli of thn. article will do well to Ll call at %Venus' Bee lltsa more. ♦there they will las certain of being .niter. n. they have the greatest vonely to this line limn 01 cent. to , haa per yd. LACES, LACES THREAD LACES. nu extenslyc ag.orancat of all tot:ether tuth the •o much Qoa,cht after cool six les Of taw Needle Work Jneonct find So :solgiags 111.1 /OSUMI:4s, /110/ to f2I 1111 . 11 e, wide, at tip: 171:I: HIVE STORE. North queen S tract, Lancaster I.ancatter, April 11, 1-sn. PORT FOLIOS AND ALBUMS. R „ T t ENT of Po r G. CLAIBORNI7:I Coloolhot, April !tool. :tore. IIYMN BOOKS. xu; 1.111 LL'TLIERAN, lI Prellly (cram, Nestlaustsqt, (slew istlittoss,) Camp Messissig, at C. CI. CLAIBORNE'S Coltunbla. April si, Mok More CHEAPER THAN EVER! tvt M I.Y BIBLES, El,OO. (InrgeAt :1 ',tie! Paper 1;.1 centi per (ure. tit U. U. 13...11110RWS Caltuulan, April 5. lt:51.1. Hoot. Store. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNT:RSHIP. The partnership heretofore en tered into between the tuiderslgned as this day dis solved, by mutual consent of the peruse. F V. RIEDENIAN, Columbia, April 15. 1.50-1 t L. J. RIIOADS. FEATHERS —Prime Country rentliers. for sale at the new• FlUre. J. G. HESS h co. Columbia, Marelt fit, 1950af /1_1.0V12..'S AND DOSIKRY, la fine order, of all tires, VT colors and quality. trout the smallest infant to the kargest grown peraon . all for hale at the BEE HIVE STORE, North Queen litri.ct, ',spencer. Lancaster. Aril ft, 15511. JusT JencurvED. by express. a eboice lot of Garden mid newer Seed ; Mk*, Tigerbult”. and Parrot Color ed Glulioius. For sale at the Drug and Chemical Store 01 FRIEDEMAN S. RHOADS. Columbia, March 30, 1.C.311-tf NEW AND BEAUTIFUL assortment of Spring De 'wines, Just opened at the new store of J a. CO. um 'An. 3larch 30, le3o-t( Pius a ii.tian;mAN