_ • I • , =';?: • / ". f t - f#o 1 ; r - ' i'e , tv f:. pit : r • . I - I :1 • • 4) . 1.,;; . • .• ••• ' I. ' OS% 1 1 I d •I • - 1 - • .) • • • „ It • 1 4 •• 06- k f j,G.L. BROWN, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR NEW SERIES, VOL. 3, NO. 43.] OLUMBIA SPY & REGISTER. Office—Front Street, immediately opposite Col. HERR'S 1.,19/11.0TON HOTEL. Times —The See is published every Saturday morning t the low price of 31 per annum IN ADVANCE. or ine dollar and fifty cents, if not paid in advance. Single opjes, TB RE% CENTS. No paper will be discontinued until all arrearages ale •aot No'Ascription re m ceived, or paper discontinued, for n ets period than iont Letters to receive attention, must be post-paid. _ _ TERMS OF ADVERTISING [Fifteen Lacs or less to the square.] Advertisements wilt tie inserted three Junes at the rate et per square; for every subsequent insertion after the I rd. 25 cent• will be charged. The number of insertions cured must Ile marked.or the advertisement will be con sulted until ordered out. and charged accordingly . A liberal deduction will be made on the above prices as ly advertisers. AGENCIES. B PALMER, Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore Boston W Coon, C. Pinner., and .1. WEBSTER. Philadelphia. ionont PtiArr. No. 116, :Venom Street, New York tltt10:01 S. E. Corner of Baltimore and 'cat street.. lialinnore, vo S. JosEs. Lancnbler city. .L)lnrrictta. iro Iles. Sn ft, II tabor. .11.1.10 11 A. I's inc E. 'Pravell tag Agent. N. B. 'WOLFE D rivsicAs. SURGEON AND ACCOUCIIEUR, offers his proles...4(nm' service' to the eitliens of this lye) place and leinity.—ollice in Front street, six of Col John Harr's Sorrel Done Hotel. Ilumbia, Mardi 16.1-,50-ly DOCTOR 0. S. MA.TION 1F.116 hit service', in the %mincing branche. of his prnie,,ion. to the en lICIIS of Columbia itild vicinity, mbeits a share of their patronage. lie e be intihd at all hour', uule.s profest,ionally engaged, oiliee tit AV.dnut /meet, formerly occupied by Dr. Nicore. '/1i1t,14, Feb 16, 1650-3inos. DOCTOR V. FRIEDEIVIAN mls his proi,...totinl services to the Citi7Cll9 of Co 'tutu. teat] ty In LOCUA I street, in the uffluerly °erupted by J. It Zt. J. Wright.. l'elirttury Ili. 1c.50—11 HENRY S. MYERS, foRNEV AT LA W —Winne in Brenneman's 111111d t:ie. Centre `quatc. Latietuuer, in the rear of W. 0. .e, Ping More, and two doors north of Emanuel SndLl:ery. ,nnenster, Feb ro Dry 16. 1&50-1 y. PHILIP GOSSLER, TTORNItY AT LAw—Office. in NVa Into, street, he tern Front nnil Second. [Columbia, nov 3,'19-t( H. M. NORTH, IRNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office ',Advt.:lll's building, on Front street nenrly oivo- COLLMIIIA, Lancaster no,, Pn. ju2a%l9-tf LIME: LI3IE: LAND Oa 13I'll,DING, constantly on band at ttw Ante Kiln, near die Depot. [Colutn Lin. jan 1241 SSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. lIE Partnership heretofore existing between J. (. Ile., and John Finger, trailing under the finer less & Finger, hub this day been disgolved by mutual ism' J. G I lESS, .:anittu, Feb. :25. 1550. Lames., will be continued, a• heretofore, under Grin of J G 111 MS &CO The undersigned would thanks to the public for the liberal patronage extended and respectfully ask a Connnuntiou •.1111, J. U. HESS DERItING AND MACKERAL. i ~1,1 2 Ala. , . lllackeral m i Lls and Halves. No Havre dr Gra, I [tiring. No. 1 Burlington Iler m Lox,. For I.y 'WANGLER & 11-kUFFMAN. Cc.ltunbit. March 9. 1h.:;04( iIEAPER TITAN NVIIITE-WASII: Iv IS Tia: 1 E. 10 PAPER YOUR 11U1'-L›! lIE undersigned have been appointed agents, .11 of 01 the Toper :113111111.1C1C/rIC, ui the ol New fork, jut the sale of their Wall Paper, w. l l vll 41 New York paces—full 25 per than can he purchased in Millarlelphia. Cull ..el o r)oursnl%e.. 11. 11. FRY & CO. January 5, 1950. .U•P and Neck Ittbbons, Slides, and Buckles, alba latest patterns at _ . SPANGLER & ICAUFFMAN'S. .'olumbLa, Mnrch 9. 1t.:.,9-tt • CLOTIIS tor doors and table., of the beat siyles u., for Rule at J. G. 11ESS & CO'S. 9, INDoW 131,,1NW, , , of llie moat my les. nosy nillae• liens store of J. 0. lIES:3 4c CO. 9,1,6041 ARRA:N*II:D Extra Jer..ey ',sugar Cured lIA NIS ut SrANGI.L.I2. A. KAUFFMAN'S. .PCP ( - AI ;TN. r,,•••-, Carpet Chain. a tst rate a titt'v'td at PAN t GLER & HAL rrm&N.s =I ~• a/, r ci•client quality. ANGLER & KALI. F3IAN'S 6 101‘ , 1n. Maleh 9, I -al -if DID ASSORTMENT OF QUEF.NSWARE. ',we, French China II et vy Gilt, White Granite, ehma Blue and Malheri y, with n variety of Liv 10°1 common uvare, all or which I' 41-11 be had at the at the most reasonable prices. .aunli,la March 9. 150-t1 J. G. !FT SS & CO. -!•SSII.ICii.—A splendid assortment of Chameleon lure Sam,. :mil flamed silks of the latest and 1710. L . ""Ile 5 1) les (or (tresses, visites. Just opened at the • more of .1. G. HESS" S. CO., pone the Prank lin House. Locust st., Columbia, Pa. , olumbia, March 0,1550. if AKINS, Bonnets, Waist and Neck Ribbons, of the tchest and most desirable styles. for fall. Now open lhe tau store of J. G. 11.11SS6c. CO. lundnn, March 9,1P50-tf - :SCIINREI)LE WORK CA PIS, COLLARS AND :1:1 FS, of the newest styles, standup.. &e e.. at S PA N61,1:12. S. KA UFFMAN' S. :%Tai ch 9, 1e...5041 ‘InRIC. Swiss, and Jaconet edgings and insertings, large assortment ' at SPANGLER& KAUFFMAN'S. `lunibia. ?starch 0, 1:5141" iloosiery, Sze., in all the different finalities dum pH varieties nt SPANGLER ic KAUFFMAN'S. March 9, 1!,50-tf ' AW L'' , Long Shawls 90-4 bylo-4 of the latest styles "°Z ho , t quality, together with a variety of re rkerri. !Lt., Cu‘limerc, Thitiet, Blanket, &r.. now offered at .10µPA1 prit,t,ily 3. G. HESS & CO. Anutabta, March 9, 19.50-tf LANNELS. Tickings, Cheeks. Blenched and Un bleached Muslim,, with n full stock of other domes :at SPANGLER & KALUFFMAIN'S. :olundsa. March 9, 15.50-tf. (1 1:1 INC.—We have just received an assortment :),,f Carpeting. con.icting of rout Cnrpetinc. all wool. !li ll lllll.trilr nit° racsage Carpet, poine.tic a ul Cotton Carpet. very low. vt•ttnatta. October 13, 19.4.1 14.11. FRY & CO. TETS.—Tbroe ply Venitian Ingrain and Rag Car le, Ter) low at [sepls'49] W. &S. PATTOIsiS. T. E. DUNBAR attend to the collection of all accounts entrusted to his core. SEIBERT, CABINET MAKER, "Preet.tene door below the corner of 3rd street• A FAMILY PAPER : DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, SCIENCE, MORALITY, EDUCATION, AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. / ATI; ws t , , • - „ ;• ; 7,07, 5 1,- 11E4 7 CHERRY PECTORAL: For the Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON•. CHIMES, CROUP, AS TEL . MA, WHOOPING COUGH. AND CONSUMPTION. The uniform success which has attended the use of this preparation—its salutary effect—its power to relieve and cure affections of the Lungs, have gained for it a celeb rity equalled by no other medicine. We offer it to the afflicted with entire confidence in its virtues, and the full belief that it will subdue and remove the severest at tacks of disease upon the throat and lungs. These re sults, as they become publicly known, very naturally at tract the intention of medical men and philanthropists every where NVhat in their opinion of CHERRY PEC TORAL may be seen in the fthlowing VA LENTINE MOTT, M. D., Prof. Surgery Med. College, New York, says:— it prve> toe pie.l , llr, to rorutv the value and .•tlicacy of A) IZY ECTO 11.% 1,. trhlrh I eons:der pc culla riy zulapted to cure di,eases of the throat and lungs." of Look/ono, wrdes '• That a young daughter of his was cured of . ..ever:ll weere ;Attacks of Croup, by the CHEM: 11:CTOR A Let the renevol sufferer speak fur himself TORD. Jan. 2G, I 547. - _ _ Dr .T. C. Ayer—Dear Sir :—lltiving been re , ened trout o painful nun nntl dangerous dt,ease by y our otedietne, graft lode prommlpla me 10 scud )(mu tlu> or knio,lgottent, not only 111 pi , lice to )011, but for the 1111 : 011mmuti011 of others to hke ntfht lion. A slight cold upon the long, neglected at Drat, became SO severe, that ,putt3Hg 01 blood. a xiohmt cough and pro fuse night ...wcat., ioiloa•rd and c.,..tened upon not. I be came emaciated could 1101 svgs thstr, , eli by mar cough, and a pant through my chest, and in ..hort had all the alarming ~..nutolo..ointliel, comminution. No medi cine seemed at all to re.ich my c.o.e.iintil I movulentially trod your CHERRY PECTORAI., which soon relieved, and now ha, cured the Fours. Unit Tacitell. 1:..1. STMVART. N V., April 17,151 e. Dr. Ayer. Loss ell—Dear Sir hose Mr years been nlllieed with A :thrint in lire 11 . 03...1. 11,111 :.n 111111 I 1111Vc obliged to sleep in my chair for a lancer part of the nine. being 1111111/IV to breathe on my bed. 1 Intl tired a great man) medicines to lto purpor.e, mai! iny Physician pror.cribml, 113 1111 experiment, your CHERRY VIC• TORA L. At first it seemed to make me worse, lint in less than a week I begun to experience the 1111,1 gratic)ing mile( from its use; and now, in four weeks the dl.nnoe is Cll - removed I call sleep on my bed will, comfort, and enjoy a stale of health which I had never ext,ected to enjoy (~1;01:(;1, , S VAIIRAN'r. 1 . /13.PARED PT 3 C. AYER, C 111.51 1 11, LOWELL. :11.1%5. Sold in CoLuatinA by W. A. LEADER. larch 9, 19311-:twos. RECEIVED AT CARPET HALL. PECEIVED at Curt hail, from Auction, 7000 yards splendid three ply, eoperfine sind fine inertia, Veintion nod rag Carpeting, from 1:2,1 ets. to $1,30 per yard. Panted Woolen Floor Clothe, I S yd.. to 3 yds. wide. Printed Oil Floor Clothe, I yd to 3 yds. wide. It is belies ed that thell),, goods cannot be surpnesed in the county, either to varied as , orttnent, quality, or in cheaper-. PETER HALDEMAN. Columbia, February 9, I.so—tr. NO OLD STUCK ON HAND-ALL FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. TIIERE having been dissatisfaction expressed, b} ner,lll% tvhu have u.ed the •• Rode!, & Strong Garden :seed , " heiarilifore sold in this town. Slit, 'Oil .,ll.er It,. 111.1.1.! :11 . 1:111R,11,11.14 , inn... 116000 SEGO, /I OM 1,1.1,11-121111,1. which arc warranted to be um lepre-ented. and of the gt 01% th of 1,40. Scone of tho.c I'XIREME.I.I . large Seed Growerq• on no coma of horror! . large surplin.em of i.red left Over, are to soot rhea Old seed 1% minket from }ear to year—Genre the sord will not Moro Re this means the perilor are not only den:lll,l,d of their money, but dpop poited m raoong their vegetable , . Seed buy cr., tire re -1n cindly invited to call ntal try the seed I Wit./ l'hey are trout the esirden of J. It P. Parker. nedonia. Chataiiiiim county, N. Y. 1 guarantee yen not i.e di•appoinied. The seeds are Iturramoil to be 01 the growth of 1 - .49. For .ale at the confectionary to JOHN J. :111,AUGIIIAN, Locust stirat. one door went of Frys' Store, opposite the Post Office, and at the following SUB-AGENTS: 11. 11. Tar & Co Meat IN /CREAMER. Front street. Columbia; and at SA ML EL. SUL/ .1 11 / .3 Store, %Vrightr, elite. York county. Colin - nom, Pelt O. I,l3o—flinos. TIM Partnership of the undersigned, trading under the Min of CIIM.I . ANS S lIALOMIAN, k this day by mutual consent All persons indebted In the Into firm of Chalfant k 11:11M - imamarc reimectiolly, b ut very eariotstly, tiLle•ted to 11.1k0 payment to Pet ,110 IS dull authorised to receive all debts due the late fiiin. rI:IIHALDEMAN, ILOBEHT CHALFANT. Columbia, March 91, IESO. NOTICE —The stock of goods of the late firm of Chal fant & Haldeman. will Inc closed out at Very reduced pri ces by retail. without rrfcrenre to cost—or sold out en tire oil favorable terms, and a lease will be given of the stand. well known to be the very best to Colllllll.a. To persons IA ishiug to engage in :be Intl business, this is a chance hut spittoon offered. If desired, the prop erty will lie Fold, a large portion of 'ills purchase money can remota on the property. PLITCR 11111.,DENIAN. Colombia, March 2.'1, 1.:,50-If. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. THE partnership heretofore existing between 1_ the subscriber, trading under the firm tit 'Spangler & Bro has this dny been dissolved, by mutual consent. The Books wdl be settled by W. 11. Spangler. Persons knowing themselves indebted, arc earnestly but respect. tul ly requested to call on him and settle, as it is neces sary that the books should be settled immediat L ely. W. I I. SPANGER, A. R. SPANGLER. CONTINUATION OF RUMNESS. The subscribers lltieing 11. i. day entered into a limited co-partnership, under the name. and tole of "Spancler & liantlinnii,” at the old stand of Spangler & lien., mill he ali=t happy in have the pntronace of the old firm extend ed to Being determined to give the 1111 , 111 e, their undivided personal attention, they pledge themselves that nothing shell Ito left Witlollo that will eonduce to the interest of those mm ho will favor them with a call They will, its heretofore. keep tip the assortment of goods in their line. by tilino-t daily additions from the elites of New Void. and Philadelphia; and now. in order to make room for the Spring Goods, they will close ono their pre sent stock at reduced prices. A. It SPANGLER, C. 2.1. KAUFF.NIAN. Columbia, February 25, ISSO. I cannot allow this opportunity to pans without return• ing my sincere thank. to the citizens of Columbia and vicinity, for the very liberal shore of patronage given to the firm of Spangler & Brother, and respectfully solicit a conlnumnce of the same to the new firm of Spangler & Kauffman. W. 11. SPANGLER. March 2, 16.50--tf. Baltimore & Susquehanna Rail Road. The Morning rAssEs(a:TcrumN will run .osSa 7 from Baltimore, regularly, hereafter, ott sun_ dny. at 9 do lock. A. M , and Returmog tit rtl start from Co lumbia at P. M . Wright,ille, 2P. M . and from York at 3 o'clock P M.. us on other days of the week. The mmi between Baltimore and York will be carried by this tram. No other train will run g on S BR unda M S. y. OWNING, 0ct.27,1517. Superintendent of Transportation. CAMPHINE AND ETHEREAL. A FULL and fresh supply can always be had at the /I. Hardware Store of the undersig ONAS ned. in Locus t3lPLE street. J 111 . . Columbia, December 22, IS49—tf. CHIEF JUSTICE EUSTIS, 7000 YARD CARPETING DISSOLIGIVXOTAT SUNDAY TRAIN. "NO ENTERTAINMENT IS SO CHEAP AS READING, NOR AN: rLEASURE SO LASTING." COLUMBIA, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 27, 1850. Original poctrn. For the Columbia Spy LINES TO FLORA. DT PROSPERO. Most eloquent are ye, oh! gentle flowers, With your lair heads in meekness lifted up, As dye sent to Heaven's own sinless bowers An incense offering from each perfumed cup WHITE LILY ! with thy graceful stems all bending death the light burden of thy snowy bells; Breathes there no spirit in the sigh ascending From the still chambers of thy fragrant cells. Bum Viourr ! in the dun recesses hiding, Of some lone glen or leafy forest nook ; Where, by its mossy banks in music gliding, Murmurs its happy song the chiming brook— The quiet stars in the still summer even, The low winds whispering to the waving tree, The silver dews that silent steal from Heaven— Bear they no holy messages to thee ? WHITE Rosa! that o'er the grave of the departed Strewest thy fragrant petals, knowest thou Aught Of the anguish of the broken- hearted— The stricken one who weeps beside thee now? NIGHT FLOWERS ! that round our homes your watch arc beeping. Like guardian spirits when the day is done See so ito VI.IOIIS while the world is sleeping. Too bright for mortal eyes to look upon? Lurk the \Sitti rays in every bud and blossom, Still, as old stories tell they lork'd of yore; Sleeping in fragrance on the liosifi bosom— Riding the .InsmiNn or her lioney'd store! Have )e no place in ?leaven, ye lovely things,— Almost for earth too stainless and too lair? Bloom ye unfatling by the gushing springs That ceaseless now front life's own fountain there? • • • • Ye huve a blessed mission! ice ye call Sweet flint:ie.' 1010 har where er ye come,— Gracing the prowl palm/ales marble :lilict.blAng rich beauty round the poor man's home Something of !leaven's own purity ye bring, E'en to this dark and sin-stained earth of ours; And the true heart bath a warm welcoming For your pure loveliness, 0 ! gentle Flowers. Columbia, April, 1950. For the Columbia Spy %VI - IAT I LOVE. TIY JAMES 1.. ROCHE. I love to stand upon the shore, And gaze upon the sea; For then those days Fll neer see more, Lt thought return to me. Among the woods I love to roam, And hear the weeping wind; For then the thoughts of friends and home Come rushing on my mind. Upon the 'tins I love to stray; I ut often, when a child, On errand sent, at break of day, I crowed the Leather wild. I love to hear the mountain stream, And on its bank to he ; For there, on memory's golden beam, The past comes mournful by! I love the (Misled fields and gay ;. I love the winter's gloom; For saereiPs his unhonored clay— I love the martyr's tomb! I love the brave—l love the true— ] lave the great and free; A friend to all whose friends are few— How many arc loved by me. Columbia, April, ISSO. For the Columbia Rm.. LINES TO J. J. C , ESQ., BOSTON Thine is a true and noble soul! Spurning the given of base control ; A soul whose onward luring star, Gleams ever bright from climes afar! The mock, the scorn and libel low, Thy noble mind could never know; While guilt and treachery's tinsel form, Shrink 'neath untie eye's indignant scorn,— And knaves, with hypocritie face, Before thee feel their deep disgrace ; For honor's signers placed upon Thy manly brow, thou loved one— ln whom the social virtues blend, Of neighbor,citizen and friend. Columbia, April, 1 , 50. W. B. N. MIER. Father is a word with me, wondrously influen tial, nor can I think of it without mingled rever ence and finial affection. "As a father pitieth his children," says David, and we feel the pity ha de scribes. " Dear, ye children, the instruction of a father," says Solomon—and we acknowledge the authority with reverence. " I will arise and go to my father," said the poor prodigal—and his words thrill through the heart. "My father ! my father! the chariots of Israel, and the horsemen thereof," cried Elisha, when Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven ; and the exclamation arrests our very souls. Few who have felt the kindly, correcting and fostering influence of a father, but must feel, at the name, somewhat in the way I have described. And yet the greatest utility of a father, lives in what wo may call "the preventive service"—not letting the son have his own way, nor his own course. NE WSPAPER CREDIT SYSTEM. The correspondent of the Baltimore Patriot, speaking of the National Inielligenter, says that the outstand;nz debts duo that establishment aro eatimated at $400,000. On this, the Boston Iles• ald remarks : " We doubt not there are other subscription pa. pyre, the proprietors of which can toll as sad a sto• ry as the one above. The lose of every paper of the kind is no Ices on an average than twenty per cent. per annum. We know an instance which occurred in this city, a few years ago, where an old establishment was compelled to fail, at the same time its outstanding debts were not less than $16.. 000, not one quarter of which was ever collected by the assignees. The late Alsyor Russel once at. tempted to draw up his subscribers to paying point —some of them were indebted to him for twenty years subscription. One of these ordered him to stop the paper. " I'll be hanged," said he, "if J take a paper from any man who duns me to pay for it:" The old fellow had read the paper for twenty years without paying a cent to its propri. etor. lIEAVENIS JUSTICE---A TAM OF HUNGARY. Carob yetshechi, a horse dealer, on the third night after his departure from Vienna, stopped at a quiet Inn, situated on the suburbs of a small town. He had never been there before, but the House was comfortable, and the appearance of the people about it respectable. Having first attended to his tired horse, he sat down to supper with his host and family. During the meal he was asked whence he came, and when he had said from Vicn. no, all present were anxious to hear the news. The host-then asked him what business had car ried him to Vienna. He told them he had been there to sell some of the best horses that were ta ken to th6 „ market. When he heard this, the host cast a glance at one of the men of the family who seemed to be his son, which the dealer scarce ly observed then, but which he had reason to re. call after Weeds. When supper was finished,sthe fatigued traveller requested to be shown to his bed. The host himself took up a light, and conducted him across a little yard at the back of the house to a detached building, which contained two rooms, tolerably decent for a Hungarian hotel. In the inner of these:rooms was a bed, and here the host left him to himself. As the dealer threw off his jacket and loosened the girdle round his waist where his money was deposited, lie thought he might as well see if it was . all safe. Accordingly he drew out an old leather purse that contained his gold, and then a. tattered parchment pocket book, that contained the Austrian hank notes, and finding that loth were quite right, lie laid them under his bolster, extinguished the light and threw himself on the bed, thanking God that lie had onr ried him thus far homeward in safety. He had no misgiving as to the character of the people he had fallen amongst to hinder his repose, and the poor dealer was soon enjoying a profound and hap. py sleep. • He might have been in this state of beatitude an hour, when lie was disturbed by a noise like that of an opening window, and by a sudden rush of cool night-air—on raising himself on the bed, he saw peering through an open window, which was almost immediately above the bed, the head and shoulders of a man who was evidently attempt in to make his ingress into the room that way. As the terrified dealer looked, the intruding figure was withdrawn, and he heard a rumbling noise, and the voices of several. men,as he thought, close thej" vrnidcrw. The snowt. alr.4afal apprchen. 'ions, the more horrible as they were so sudden, now agitated the traveller, who scarcely knowing what he did but utterly-despairing of preserving his life threw himself under the bed, He had scarcely done so, when the hard breath. ing of a man was heard at his open window, and the next moment a robust fellow dropped into the room, and after staggering ,across it, groped his way by the wall to the bed. Fear had almost de. prived the horses-dealer of his senses, but yet he perceived that the iota oder, whosoever lie might be, was drunk. There was, however, alight corn. fort in this, for he might only have swallowed wine to make him the more desperate, and the traveller was convinced that he had heard the voices of other men without, who might climb into the room to assist their brother villain, in ease any resistance should be made. his astonishment, however, was great and reviving when he heard the fellow throw off his jacket upon the floor and then toss himself upon the bed under which he lay. Terror, however, had taken too firm a hold of Vetslicehi to he shaken off at once; his ideas were too confused to permit his imagining any other motive fur such a midnight intrusion, on an nn. armed man with property about him, save that of a robbery and assassination, and he lay quiet where he was until he heard the fellow snoring with all the sonorousness of a drunkard. Then, indeed, ho would have left his hiding place and gone to rouse the people in the Inn to get another resting-place instead of the bed of which he had been dispossessed in so singular a manner, but just as lie came to this resolution he heard the door of tire outer room open—then stealthy steps across it—then the door of the very room in which he was in softly opened, and two men one of whom was the host and the other his sort appeared on its threshold. 'Leave the light where it is,' whispered the host, 'or it may disturb him and give us trouble.' There is no fear of that,' said the younger man also in a low whisper, ' we are two to one ; lie has nothing but a little knife about him—he is dead asleep too—hear how lie snores!' Do my bid. I ding,' said the man sternly—' would you have him wake and rouse the neighborhood with his screams 7' As it was, the horror-stricken dealer under the bed could scarcely suppress a shriek—but he saw then the eon left the light in the outer room, and then pulling the door partially after them, to screen the rays of the lamp from the bed lie saw the two murderers glide to the bed side, and then heard a rustling motion as of arms descending on the bed clothes, and a hissing, and then a grating sound that turned his soul sick ; for he knew it came from knives or daggers penetrating to the heart or vitals of a human being like himself, and only a few inches above his own body. This was followed b y one sudden and violent start on the bed accom. I ponied by a moan. Then the bed which was a low one, was bent down by increase of weight, caused by one or both the murderers throwing themselves upon it, until it pressed on the body of the traveller. There was an awful silence of a moment or two, and theta the host said He is finished—l have cut him across the throat—take the money, I saw him put it Tinder the bolster.' I have it—here it is,' said the son; a purse and a pocket book.' Vetsheelii was then relieved from the weight which had pressed upon him almost to suffocation —and the assassins, who seemed to tremble as they went, ran out of the room, took up the light, and disappeared altogether from the apartment. No sooner were they fairly gone than the poor dealer crawled from under the bed, took one des perate leap through the window by which he had secnthe unfortunate wretch enter who had evidently been murdered in his stead. He ran with all his horrid story and miraculous escape to the night watch. The night-watch conducted him to the burgomaster, who was soon aroused from his sleep, and acquainted him with all that had happened. In less than half an hour from the time of his escape from it, the horse dealer was at the mur derous inn with the magistrate and a strong force of horror-stricken inhabitants and the night-watch, who had all run thither in the greatest silence. In the house all seemed as still as death, but as the party wont round to the stables they heard noise—cautioning the rest to surround the inn and the out-houses„ the magistrate with the traveller and some half dozen armed men ran to the stable door, this they opened and found within the host and his son digging a grave. The first figure that met the eyes of the mur derers was that of the traveller. The effect of this on their guilty souls was too much to be borne— they shrieked and threw themselves on the ground : and although they were immediately seized by hard griping hands of real flesh and blood, and heard the voices of the magistrate and their friends and neighbors denouncing them as murderers, it was some time crc they could believe that the fig ure of the traveller that stood among them was other than a spirit. It was the hardier villian, the father, who, on the stranger's voice continuing in eollVnrcation lin thee magistrate, first gained suf ficient command over liiin , elf to raise his face from the earth. He saw the stranger still pale and haggard but evidently unhurt. The murderer's head spun round confusedly—but at length rising, he said to those who held him —• Let me see that stranger nearer—let me touch him—only let me touch him 1' The poor horse dealer drew back in horror and disgust, 'You may satisfy hint in this,' said the magistrate—' he is unarmed and unnerved, and we arc here to prevent him doing you harm.' On this the traveller let the host approach him, and pass his hand over his person, which when he had done the villain exclaimed—'l am no murderer!' Who says I am a murderer ?' "flat shall we ace anon,' said the traveller, who led the way to the detached apartment, followed by the magistrate by the two prisoners, and all the party, which had collected in the stable on hearing what passed there. Both father and son walked with considerable confidence into the room, but when they saw by the lamps the night-watch and others held over it thatthere was a body covered with blood lying upon the bed they cried out, How is this ! who is this and rushed together to tlee bed-side. The lights were lowered, their rays fell full upon the ghastly face and bleeding throat of a young man. At the sight, the younger of the murderers turned his head, and swooned in silence—but the father uttering a shriek so loud, so awful, that one of the eternally damned alone might equal its effect, threw himself on the gashed and bloody body and murmuring in his throat, •My son! I have killed mine own son!' also found a temporary relief front the horrors of his situation in insensibility. The next minute the wretched hostess, lobo was innocent of all that had passed, and who l:ncw not tilts was the wife of a. murderer, the mother all murderer, and the mother of a murdered son, of a son killed by a brother and a father, ran to the apartment and would have increased tenfold its already insupportable horrors by entering there, had she not been prevented by the honest towns people. She had been roused from sleep by the noise made in the stable, and then by her husband's shriek, and was now herself shrieking atuifrantic, carried back to the inn by main force. The two murderers were forthwith bound and carried to the town jail, where on examination, which was made the next morning, it appeared from evidence , that the person murdered was the youngest son of I the landlord of the inn, and a person never suspect ed of any crime more serious than habitual drunk enness—that instead of being in bed as his father and brother had believed him he had stolen out of the house, and joined a party of carousers in the town—these boon companions all appeared in evi dence—and two of them deposed that the deceased being exceedingly intoxicated, and dreading his father's wrath should he rouse the house in such a state, and at that late hour had said to them that he would get through the window into the little detached apartment and sleep there, as he had often done before and that they too accompanied him to climb to the window. The deceased had reached the window once, and as they thought would have got safe through it but drunk and unsteady as he was, he slipped back—they had then some diffi culty in inducing him to climb again, for in the caprice of intoxication, he said he would rather go and sleep with one of his comrades. However he had at last effected his entrance—and they, his two comrades, had gone to their respective homes. The wretched criminals were executed a few weeks after the commission of the crime. They had confessed every thing, and restored to Vet shechi the gold and paper money they lead con cealed, and which had led them to do a deed so much more atrocious titan even they had antici pated. ETThe N. 0. Crescent says : a gentleman who has just returned from California, haviag been ab sent from the states about fourteen months, states that when he reached California, curiosity led him to visit a graveyard, where he found only eleven graves; nine months from that time he followed the last remains of a friend to the grave-yard, snd during the time intervening between the two vis. its there had been no less than fourteen hundred persons interred in the same yard. $l.OO PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE [WHOLE NVIIII3EI3, 1,035. ,ettnban i ending. THE MORE 'CONVENIENT SEASON. I= Alone he sat and wept. That very night, The ambassador of God, with earnest zeal And eloquence, had warned him to repeat; And like the Roman at Drumlin's ride, Hearing the truth he trembled. Conscience wrought. Yet 2111 allured. The struggle shook him sore— The dint lamp waned—the hour of midnight toll'd— Prayer sought for entrance—but the heart had elated Its diamond valve : he threw him on his couch And Lade the spirit of Lis God depart' Out there was war within Min : and he sighed e Depart not utterly. thou blessed One' Return when youth is past, and make my soul Forever thine " With kindling brow he trod The haunts of pleasure—while the viol's voice And beauty's snide his joyous pulses woke. To love he knelt; and on his brow she bung Iler freshest myrtle wreath. For gold he sought. And st inged. wealth indulged the world PrOIIOW iced him happy Manhoo.P's vigorous price Swell'd to its climax, and his bury days And restless nights swept hire a tide sway. Cure struck deep root around bun, and each shoot Sill striking earthward, like the Indian tree, Shut out st VII woven shades the eye of Ilea, en When to a ine,sage train the Crucified, "Look unto me and live." Pausing he spoke Of meanness, and haste, and want of tune, And duty to Ids children; and besought A longer space to do the work of /lens en' God spoke lieu age had shed its snows On his man templeg—and the palsied Inni.l Shrank front Ids gold vnthering; but tits rigid ehain 01 habit bound him. and lie still imp:oft : it A more convenient season. See, say step is firm And free—say unqut itched eye To view this pleasant world—and It." 0 •vuh me May last for :min) years In the calm hour Of lingering sack I can better fit I'or vital Lternity : •ipproachcd— .lud urr.FoN (led—the Manme clr , VVe ',tilt death. And grappled like a fiend viith ahriehs and cries, 'Til! darkne, emote big cyc•halir, and a thick tea Closed in uroaud hi: heart 'triags. The poor cloy Lay Nangut.shed and di:torted—but the Soul— The Sonh—whose promised aCn.)1011 never came To hearken to his Maker's call—had gone To weigh its sufferance with its own ithutte, And bide the audit' Fur ti.elatal.ia EXCEIIPTA. A proud man is like a Balloon, which accm• to be great, but all its greatness consists of a Mils ES 1=B11!!1111111!1!11!121 Lye to the in ,ut:tn of ma.,:zhlld, if ta; ITCA ]'art mh.tve::'d fro•n thee. thaa ti thou had.t Before lite Coral nod t' clap were left; Or e'er 41.11 C thoulaud }ours link pursed "Tu nuffer constardly for 3. eu. C.lzist i• t;» seicnce of the stinte." The lowly violet unsec.l 1,3 men, U Ith .I,ceteut odosi woos the zspb) ri brt at' So moas souls, cor:..iwung whh laca uotl, Enter 1113bl.ss e7e } et (11,..y toots of " Look upon everything sweet in this life as bit ter, and upon everything bitter as sweet, and you will be always in peace." "Above till thing", we shouli be detached from ourselves, that is, from our own will. He w•ho has gone so far as to hate subdued himself; will conquer other repugnance' with little difficulty." "As Charity advances to perfcction in the Lose of God, it rejects everything which i. not con. formaCle to sanctity•" Z. A BEAUTIFUL EXTRACT. A mourner ut cven.tide was standing over the grave of onc dearest to him on earth. Tho mem ory of joys that were past came crowding on his soul. In this hour of his agony, the form of chris tianity came by. Ile heard the song and trans port of the great multidudc, which no man can number, around the throne; there wcro tlrc spirits of the just made perfect, there the spirit of her he mourned. Their happiness was pure, permanent and perfect. Tha mourner wiped the tear from his eye, took courage, and thanked God. "All the days of my appointed time," said he, "will I wait till my change comes." And ho turned to the du• tics of life, no longer sorrowing es those who have no hope. rANCIFTIL EXrosrrolts Or SCR IFTUREB.--ilooker. in his Ecclesiastical Polity, 'aye "I hold it to be a. most infallible rule, in exposition of Sacred Scrip• ture, that where a literal construction will stand, the farthest from the letter is commonly the worst. Thera is not a more dangerous and deluding art, than that which changeth the meaning of words, as alchemy doth, or would do, the substance of metals; maketh of anything what it listeth, and bringeth in the end all truth to nothing." Titrr St.r.Er rs JE9t:S.".--i lOW soft a risme is given to the Christian's death ; and how lovely a notion of their present state: 4. They sleep in Je• ES "They sleep." Why do you mourn as if they were annihilated and utterly lost 7 "But they arc lost to me !" "Not forever, not for a very lone time." " Yet, a little while, and he that shall come, will corns and not tarry•" Isrturscc or FAlT)l.—Never yet did there etist a full faith in the Divine Word, (by whom light is well as immortality was brought into the world.) which did not expand the intellect while it purified the heart; which did not multiply the aim and object of the understanding while it fixed and aim plificd those of the desires and passions.—Cole. ridge. IT Truth, charity, and sincerity, arc divine characteristics; cicanlinem and sobriety cardinal CIE=