axgritin 4einnteer. CARLISLE, PA- TnUJtSDAT, JUyJG 8, 1878. 8, M. Pettinoill A Co., 10 State Street,Boston, 37 Park Row, New York,tmd 701 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, are our Agents for procuring ad* verttsoments for the Volunteer In the above cities, and authorized to contract for advertising at our lowest rates. HEWS IN BBtEF. Gold ia quoted at $l.lB @ $1,131. -Queen Victoria Is fifty-four. . -President Grant Is flfty-ono. —Chaplain Jack signs himself Ct J, —Pittsburg pays only 51,80 for I,oo# foot of gas. —Cholera is raging In somei portions of Ger many. —Chill Is preparing for a universal exposition in 1575. —The Pope of Home Is reported to bo In a dy ing condition. —Westmoreland county has three murder trials on hand.. —Tho-Wllliamsportriots cost me State four* teen thousand dollars. —The Ohio Republicans have nominated Gov. Noyes for re-election. • —Women In Florida make from $lB to 523 a week braiding palmetto hatp. -The Democrats of Fayottecounty have nom inated A. J. Hill for Assembly. —Of a 700 cattle herd near Concordia, Kansas, 100 perished In the April storm. -The Reading breweries turn out about 45,000 barrels of malt liquor annualls ; . ' —The official postage of the Department, for one month, will amount to 5350.000. —.Sixty thousand herring were caught at one howl at Glouohestor. N. J., recently. -Louisiana Is quiet. All parties have eluded to rest until Congress meeu. —The Minnesota ’Republican. Stale Conven tion litis been appointed for July Id. -Mrs. Gaft Schurz has come Into ti legacy of *l7o*ooo, loft her by an uncle In Germany. —Win, B. Astor Is said to be the ownbr of three thousand houses in New York city. Ripe cherries are offered in the New York market. They are brought from the South. —The Ohio Republican demands the repeal of the act Increasing the pay of Congressmen. —The Philadelphia «t Reading Railroad Com pany is building a magnificent depot at Read ing, . -Asiatic cholera bos appeared at New Or leonsi and 1b working Its way up the Missis sippi. —A man In Allentown found a child’s pocket book containing live cents recently and adver tised It.. —The Constitutional Convention will proba bly die of old nge unless somebody shots Us wind off, —From ten to twelve thousand freight cars dally pass through Hhrrlsburg on tha Pennsyl vania Railroad. —There Is a quiet movement in Ohio to make the Hon. W. 8. Grocsbeck the Democratic can didate for Governor; —A Republican candidate for Sheriff in Blair county is sojourning in the county Jail for sell ing liquor illegally. ' ' -Captain Jack said: “To die by buUet does not hurt much ; starve to death on a reserva tion hurt aheap.” —Rothermel is painting a portrait of the late Gov. Geary, which will be placed In the Exoc- Uve-Chamber at Harrisourg. —A man was fined pne hundred dollars In Titusville the other day for carrying a. small can of glycerine through the city. — l Tilery Is a prevailing sentiment that there has been foul play on board the Polaris, and It Is hinted that Capt. Hall was poisoned. —There Is a three-legged sow In Pine Brook, Lucerne county, which recently gav.e birth to a litter of three pigs, each having but three legs, —The Union county Democracy have elected Dr. Samuel Blair, of Lewlsburg, Senatorial and Mr. J. T. Smith, of New Berlin, representative delegate to ihb Slate Convention. Qowen, Esq., Democrat, one of the most* prominent and intellectual members of the Constitutional Convention, has resigned his membership in that body, on account of tho 32,600 salary grab. —Oil Saturday week, at Qloucester.outhe Del aware. one cast of a seine drew in 60,000 herring, and another 7,000 herring and 3,000 shad/' These are the largest hauls ol the season. —TheCongresslonal election'll! Maryland this fall will bxing out as opposing candidates In Montgomery county, Judge Bowie on the Re* publican ticket, and Montgomery Blair on the Democratic, It is said. —Northumberland has an apple tree ten leet in circumference and fifty In. height, which has been bearing fruit beyond the recollection of the oldest Inhabitant. Tim apples average 20 ounces each. —Judge Chase loft €lO,OOO to Wllborforce Uni versity, and an equal sum to Dartmouth Col lege, the bulk of his property being divided equally among his two daughters. The estate is estimated at‘8250,000. —A. B. Richmond and Geo. K. Anderson are iho rival candidates in CrawfortL-county for the Radical nomination for State Senator. They have both got plenty of money, and the politi cal buzzards are expecting a rich harvest. —Mr. Schultz, of Penu station, Westmoreland county, is the owner of a cow which gave birth to a singular monstrosity the other day. The head of the animal strongly resembled’a bull dog, the body was that of a calf, though shorter, and the legs very short and thick. The de formed bovine lived but a short time. —At the late elections In Virginia the Dorao crats carried the towns of Cbarlottsvllle, Staun ton, Culpeppfer, Warrenton, Lynchburg, Nor folk, Danville, and other places by large major ities. Efforts were made In some quarters to divide the party of law and order, and thus give the Radicals a victory, but they failed. —The latest from the Modoc war Is that Troop K, ol the First cavalry, was to start on the 28th nit., under Col. Perry, for the Pltt.Rlver country to Intercept CapU Jack and his band and ascer tain the temper of the Pitt River Indians. Per ry will bo accompanied by 20 Warm Spring In dians. One Modoc warrior, with his squaw and 4 children,surrendered on the 27th. —While a freight train was passing Chickles, Pennsylvania rail-road, about 2 o'clock on the morning of the 3lst ult., a huge rook rolled from Its position to the track and struck the fifth car In the rear of the locomotive, completely de molishing it by Its force. 8 or 9 cars following were also wrecked by the obstruction. No one was injured. Several freights were detained by the accident, but none of tbe passenger trains suffered the least delay. —At a late hour on Saturday night, the 24th ult., a descent was made by the chief of police and a squad of 15 men on a dog pit, kept by Charles Herbat, on Sixth street, Cincinnati, where a dog fight was going on for §2OO a side, capturing Herbat and about 12 others, who wore lodged in the station house. The mouths of the dogs had been cut on each side nearly up to the ears, In order to enable them to got a fuller hold of each other. A.»ml accident occurred at Carpenter’s Sta tion, on the Pennsylvania rail-road, on the 20th nlt..'by which Mrs. Osbourne, a young married lady, lost her life. It appears she was cleaning house, when she had occasion to remove a load ed rifle from the bod on which her husband hod placed It a tow minutes previous. In doing so the trigger caught In 'tho bod clothing and was forced back for enough to cause an explosion of the cap. The contents of tho barrel entered her left breast, and'she sank to tho floor and died In about an hour afterwards. —Parly on the morning of the Hist ultaa rail road watchman discovered a man tho Pennsylvania rail-road about two miles oast of Middletown with both logs cut o»-so severely injured that ho died during the day. Tho name of the mutilated person was Henry Kauffman, his age 22. his residence Pulmouth, Lancaster ibiunty.and Ida occupation a nunrrymun. ills said Unit Kauffman Jumped on a freight train at Falmouth of Friday and rode to Middletown and in returning at night wasjolted off the cars and thrown under the wheels. Tho acoldeutoc ourred at a point called lied Hill, where the mini Is rather rough. —On Monday n fternooa two young men, Wm. Khanemun and Ileeco Hill, were killed by the falling of a largo stone wagou-housewldch they wore engaged In tearing down, on the farm of John P. Mast, Ctcrnarvon township, about one mile south of Morgantown and Just north of the Lancaster county line. The men, In company with some others, had been engaged at work jorsorae time, and when busy In removing some timber belonging to a corn crib which was attached to tho shed, one of the side walls, "i feet long and 12 feet high, gave way. and fall in* Inwards wllh a terrible crash, tho stones and mortar canto down on a deadly mission, and totally burled Shanomau and Hill In tho ruing. VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL 00MI- Tho late raid of Col. M’Konzlo into Mexico has been severely commented upon by tho unfettered press of the country. M’Kenzie, who Is an erratic officer, made his raid across tho Rio Grande, in pursuit of a band of roving Indians. Ho overtook tho red skins and killed a number of them—men, women and children. This act was such a flagrant violation of interna tional comity—such an outrage upon a nation with which we aro at peaco— tliat it was regarded by all reflecting men as the crazy Ireak of a crazy offi cer. No one, for a moment, supposed that those in authority had advised or had any hand in it. But, strange as it may seem, it is now asserted that this raid across the Rio Grande was made by order of the Secretary of War, and that Grant was cognizant of it! In deed, the court journals admit that the administration, and not Col. M’Kenzie, is responsible for this outrage upon a friendly but weak government, and excuse it with the plea that it was in retaliation for outrages committed by marauding Indians and Mexicans. This plea will not hold good ; it is too thin too deceive any man of ordinary dis crimination, It is evident, then, that this act of M’Kenzie was premeditated. A rup ture with Mexico is just what Grant wants. Being a weak, helpless nation, Mexico could be conquered with little difficulty, should war. be declared. And once conquered, the only terms of peace that would be tendered would bo annexation. That this is Grant’s aim and object is tiuite plain.— Of course should Mexico be annexed to the United States, we would again hear the champions of a “ strong govern- ment” advocating their long-cherished Idea. This “atronggovernmont” would be a monarchy, with Grant at Us head. This, then, explains tho M’Kenzie raid. It was intended as a menace and insult to Mexico, and it means power, absolute power, for-Grant. Some simple-minded people may shake their heads and question the truth of our conclusions, but let them watch Grant’s actions, let them scan closely those journals whose editors are. pensioned upon the government, and they will soon be cohvined that Grant is ambl ; tious to retain power, and is capable of any despicable act to accomplish his nefarious desires. He is a cold, calcu lating, avaricious man, whose whole desire appears to be to amass riches for himself and his scores of ill-bred -rela tions. This first insult to Mexico is a feeler just as the raid of John,' Brown into Virginia before the rebellion was.— Should this outrage upon Mexico—this flagrant violation of international comi ty-fail to provoke the resentment of Mexico, theri other insults will be offered until Mexico will be compelled to attempt resentment or to acknowU edgoherselt unable to (lo so. It is the history of our own rebellion over again. For years before the war insult after insult was offered to the South by cowardly Yankees, who took pleasure j in . violating the laws, the Constitution and decency with impunity. All would not do, They would not rebel. Finding that throwing stones and dirt at the Southern people failed to secure their resentment, buckshot and ball was the next resort. Old John Brown, who had all his life been a thief, and, of course an abolitionist, was sent down to Harper’s Perry at the head of a des perate set of fanatical cut-throats, who in the darkness of the night applied the torch to dwellings, and then shot down many of the most prominent citizens as they fled from their burning buildings into the streets. This was really the beginning of the rebellion.— The “ first gun” had been fired by the North, and the blood of Southern men , and women crimsoned the ground. I This was too much for the South to ’ bear, and from that hour the seeds of ' rebellion took root. This was what the abolitionists wanted. They desired a rupture with the South, for they knew that it would give them power and plunder. God knows. they have had both. These insults to Mexico, then, we re-, peat, are offered iu the saute spirit arid with the same object that the insults to our own people ol" the South were of fered previous to the rebellion'. It is power and plunder that Grant and his adherents are after. Mexico subjected, vanquished, enslaved, then annexation is to follow, with Grant the lilliputian, as King of the United countries. Mark our prediction. This is Grant’s object. If. ho fails in his designs it will be be cause the American people, debauched as they are, have still some regard for the rights of a friendly nation. Our Rulers.—Our rulers at Wash ington— nearly oil “gentleman of elegant leisure” —will soon depart to fashionable summer resorts, returning to Washington occasionally to draw their salaries.' Grant will, go to Long Branch, to smoke cigars and drive fast horses, at $50,000 a year ; Mr Pish will ruralize on the Hudson ; Mr. Crcsswell will retire to Elkton, Maryland; Mr. Kobeson will go to Long Branch ; Mr. Delano will go to Mount Vernon, Ohio —all on $lO,OOO a year; but Secretary of War Belknap and Attorney General Williams will remain at Washington and run the government, also at $lO,OOO per annum. Meanwhile the business men, farmers and workingmen of the whole country will toil through the summer to pay the salaries of these would-he aristocratic nabobs. A proposition involving an impor tant change in the Judiciary system of tho State, was adopted in the Constitu tional Convention in Committee of tho Whole on Wednesday. The office of Associate Judge is abolished and each county embracing 30,000 inhabitants is made a separate judicial district in which a judge learned in tho laWjis to bo elected by the people. Counties containing less than 30,000 inhabitants are to bo attached to other counties contiguously situated In tho formation of judicial districts. There arc twelve counties in the State out of debt—Berks, Bradford, Bucks, Cambria, Columbia, Greeno, MoKenu, Somerset, Warren. Wayne, Westmore land and Fulton. Eight of these are Democratic and four Republican. THE Coiißlltutlomd Convention Tits voted to each of Its members $2,C00! High-priced gents, they are. [Correspondence of tho Volunteer, J LETTER FROM STAUNTON, VA. Staunton, May 28,1873, J. B. Buatton, Esq. Jtbf Dear Sir—According to promise, I give you a letter for publication. I arrived lu this Vir ginia lown of considerable note on Tuesday night, leaving Carlisle for Hagerstown on Sat urday last. 1 entered this classic Shenandoah Valley on Monday Inst at two t, m. Irom Har per's Ferry. Uoloro leaving that point, having some two hours-slay at this worid-r«nowucd place, again visited •• Jetterson’a Rock,” noted in tho annals of Virginia as tho place the Im mortal personage wrote his "Notes on Vlrgl nla," then descending via a path and steps cut In solid limestone, took another observation of ••Old John Brown's” engine house, whither ho retreated ami fortltled himself until wounded, captured and imprisoned. This building still bears tho port hole marks, from which ho and his deluded followers fired, on the people who surrounded it. The Government property ro> mains b«fac/as It was'three years ago. when I visited this noted locality, bare walls of tbo burned Armory hud other buildings. CHARLESTOWN. , Leaving Harper’s Ferry at two v. m., and af ter passing up along the Shenandoah for some miles, emerge into tho open country until we roach this grand old town, county seat of Jef ferson county. Here John Brown was tried, convicted anu executed. Tho field was pointed out to mo by a negro In which ho paid the death penalty. This town has some attractions, but none of historical eminence. Tho valley here begins to spread out In width, extending for many miles from the Blue Ridge to tho Alle gheny, and hero appears lu all Us incipient beauty. • WINCHESTER. This point was reached In due time. Tho coun try Is open and the valley Increases in width. Tho first thing thatattracted my attention when nearing tho town was Mllroy’s Forts and earth work defences on an elevation west of tho rail road. and south-west of the lown. From here he was disgracefully chased. He lied in confu sion before the forces of Stonewall Jackson. Tho town is well situated, and tho stir on the business streets was quite lively. As tho sun clipped the horizon, In the cool shade of Monday eve, wended to the “National Cemetery.” Hero sweetly repose over four thousand of the Union dead, each grave mounded up In grave form, and marked with white head-boards, bearing, ncme, company, regiment and State. The Penn sylvania dead occupy a largo space In tho north east part. The “Unknown" are numerically the largest. Think of It. five acres appropriated to this benevolent purpose, and tho ground nearly : all occupied! Ills a beautiful burial place on nn elevation surrounded with a stone wall, each section separated by a walk of some four feet in width, while the head-boards give it much attraction, they being so regularly set. The Conlederato Cemetery Is separated therefrom by a road, or rather a lane, and contains five acres, an extension of the lown Cemetery. Ihe graves are similarly mounded and the head boards alike. Here the Ashby brothers repose, side by side, and the poetic Inscriptions on wooden tablatures erected ou various spots show that they were true to tho "Lost Cause, sublimely approprlated-and selected. DESOLATION APPAUENT. Leaving ■Winchester at live a. m. Tuesday, the drat sight presented la thousands ol acres ol beaaUlul land laid waste, no fences, and pre sents the «piearnuce of an elevated prairie, without limner, the surface .covered with short Era K S, beautifully carpeted with this natural covering. And thus It will remain until Penn svlvanlu farmers purchase this desolate region, aud improve It. The laud, of course, Is lime stone, similar to Cumberland Valley, and would soon recuperate under the shill and culture ol such farmers as they; price, 1 suppose live or teu dollars per acre. Still. there are other lands Improved uud productive. . The wheat looks well aud promises and abundant harvest. A number of small townb are quickly passed, and HAnRISONnUUCJ, tbo present railroad terminus, is reached. This town la quite stirring, the people active and sprightly, and the-lown quite largo, and the country all around beautiful, the growing crops luxuriant. Here the “tflow couch 1 ' Is taken lor twenty-five miles to Stauutou, the valley rail road not jet completed, but will be. perhaps, next autumn. The turnpike posses through a country noted for Its fertility and productive ness. The farm houses ana uarua tu«. m many cases, similar to Old Mother Cumberland; tbe wheat loons well, as l«r ns human vision extends. Indeed, the natural features or this valley, lor this distance. Is subllmelj beautiful. The limber largo and abundant, oak and hick ory, with much variable pine. STAUNTON. Along, tedious journey, and some eight miles after nlglit ended, this town Is-reached. and glad. Indeed, to slop from the coach, tired and stif fened. Next morning (Wednesday) started out early to view the situation, and to interview the people. The town 1s built ou hills, In hol lows u'ud much on the level. Business seems to be prosperous. The suburban residences are almost hid from view by tall oaks and shade trees much elevated above- the general level and splendidly improved, and suppose are oo the weHthy. Here there arfl five fe male private schools, the most conspicuous the “ Wesleyan 1 Female a Hue building of large proportions in the ihldstol forest shade. The Slate “ Blind aud Dpmb institute" la Itself worth a trip to tills place to see. I don t menu the spacious buildings, but the Inmates or rath er pupils ol this benevoleut■lnstitution, Whilst walking around viewing these unfortunates a number of the dumb had a lengthy cplliloquy with the gentlemanly youthful .Principal. He talked to each and all In sign language with the utmost facility ; ami as each was attended to and another came to have his talk aud thou left In the crowd were many harem skarems, vicious-looking chaps, and many of seemingly low culture. The Principal informed me they light betimes and halloo uproanngly, and jntefi in puglllstleally, until separated. Mhe blind are docile, quiet hud peaceauio from necessity, lor they caunot See; me Uum|> oon «eo aud their passions are as all others, tamable and -untam able, The Stale may well bo proud of this no ble Institution. sltimu-d, as It Is. amidst trees and grove fosclnatiMW charming. THE PEOPI.U ot STAUNTON Are made up ot blacks suit whites, tbe former superabundant. They are polite, woll-bebavod, Generally moral ami Industrious, and amongst themselves very lively and social. The colored ueonle boro partake. In a gieat measure, of Urn intelligent, refining Influences of the whites. In conversation they are remarkable witty, lau- Giiace good, and well enunciated, free from uu arolsms of the ignorant class, which are not hero louud. What Is remarkable, perfect good loel- Imr prevails amongst them and towards thedom inant raoe, and wee versa. The white population — Vtrclnlaua to the “ manor born”—for the most nan are gentleman of literary culture. It Is a pleasure, ludeod, for me, a stranger, to.raake so many cherished acquaintances in the briel pe riod of two days. True, I had a decided ats£uu • uigo iu this respect, for I had written and pub h-died a few articles In the Spectator , in March last which gave me an Introduction to the gen tlemanly editors, and to others-who road my article I never mingled with a people more Intelligent In conversation, more social and kind-hearted, and none of bettor habits. Here i have seen no one intoxicated, black or white, heard no prolanity, Saw no quarreling, not oven an angry expression. I called to seo Dr. «. Koszel pastor of the M. E. Church, and over thirty years ago Professor in Dickfnsou College. Pe Is a noble man of the true Virginia type, but time has much changed his ,physical appear ance. Ills needless, to say he Is a Southern Methodist, and holds still Southern views of the separation of the church. DIFFERENCE OF CLIMATIC INFLUENCE, When I left Williamsport, (my home) ioth lust., the locust trees were Just sending out their embroytlc leaves; hero the trees are in full bloom, so with the forest frees; the loaves full-grown, and clothed with mld-summei 101 l ace. The apple trees Just beginning to blossom there, hero are are filled with fruit, ahead} well-shaped alter blossoming. There no peach es the trees winter killed, hero the trees are lull of wee peaches and abundant. Here, from the same cause, early cherries dm not bloom, hero they are nearly full size, lucre, the wheat half grown, or scarcely so n the stalk, hero nearly ail full grown, ami in lull heading; so with the rye. Roses sending out their sweet scent, and abundance for * deem a tiou” purposes. Garden vegetation advanced, and strawberries in market from across the Blue Ridge at thirty cents per basket of a full quart, or more, and yet here the Spring was as up North, very late. conclusion. This valley is the garden spot of \ligmla —none so attractive, none more Inviting, none more healthful—and whore Nature’s God has been very lavish of her precious gifts. All who desire to pome and reside here will he heartily welcome, and hero Is room enough for all the farmers of Cumberland Valley, and room to spare. Hundreds of thousands of acres are for safe allow prices. All that is wanted Is capital and enterprise to make this section the most productive and profitable of any other of the entire Stale. I am confident a visit on part of our Northern people Is all that Is required to convince them of the truth of this assertion. Here, ordinarily long, severe winters are un known. Almost, not longer than two months of winter Is experienced, and this brief period seldom intensely cold. But I must conclude, promising you another epistle Iroin the Ola Dominion’s” classic soil. To-day I start lor the celebrated “Piedmont District,” over the moun tain, eastward to Gordonvllle. Yours truly, W. Miles. An aged citizen named RobertGuthrio, died at New Bloomfield, Perry county, on the 23d ult., at the age of three score and ten. Mr. G. was a man of consider able talent, frequently furnishing articles foV the Bloomfield press. His disease was a general wasting away of the system. Death of a Priest.— Rev. A. M’Gin nls, formerly pastorof St. Francis Xaviers church, In Gettysburg, died at Duuville, on the 23d ult. He la represented to have been a kind, good man—beloved and useful. His remains were taken to Phil adelphia for Interment. New Paper Mill—A company has been organized in Butler township, Adams county, about seven miloe from Gettysburg, and will commence the manufacture of straw printing paper as soon as the necessary arrangements can be made. Atemperance passenger on the night express of the Cumberland Valley rail road says persons passing through the cars on tbo return trip feel as 11 they were “ Coming through tho Bye.” So says the State Journal. Hon. Lemuel Todd, of this placo, and Capt. G. W. Skinner, of Fulton county, have been appointed by Stato Superintendent Wickoraham, to ropro sont tho Stato In tho Board of Trustees of tho Cumberland Valley Normal School, at Shlpponsburg. ANOTHER VISITATION I Destructive Fire in Boston /> Several Entire Squares Swept Away I tlie Conniifyratiou Destruction of the jOlobc Theatre I GHIGKERINQ'S PIANO ESTABLISHMENT BURNED I Scenes ortlio Tar of the new Principal, we have reason 1 to believe that this school will commend itself anew to the confidence and patronage of our community. The annual Exami nations will be held in the school building, on South Hanover street, on Friday, June 6th, and Monday the 9th, beginning on each day &t 9 a. m. The patrons and friends of the school are cordially invited to be present. The address, before the school will be giv en in St. John’s Church, on Monday I evening, Juno 9th, at 7} o’clock, by the Rev. B. J. Keeling, D. D., of Harris burg, and the Musical Entertainment by the pupils will take place In the school building on Tuesday evening, the 10th inst., beginning at 8 o’clock. Piok-pooK-Ets.— Light-fingered gen tlemen were numerous in town on Thursday last, it being show day. We learn of many persons who had their pockets picked of money and valuables on the show grounds, among them a man * named Samuel Kelly, of Penn township, who was relieved of a pock et-book containing $250 in money, and $3OO in promisory notes. It is strange that people who visit places of this kind will persist in carrying large amounts j of money about them after the lessons taught them years ago. A detective followed, the show to Hanover, York county, in order to gain some knowl edge as to who the pickpockets were, but the birds had flown with their booty. Wool.— Mr. Michael Gleim, of South Middleton placed upon our table a bunch of wool from the clip of one of his Lincolnshire ewes. It is the finest and most beautiful wool we have ever seen. Mr. G’s sheep are from Canada, and are the pure breed. Wo are sorry that so few of our farmers availed themselves of the opportunity to obtain these sheep when they were for sale here last winter. They are certainly (especially for wool,) about the best sheep to be had. The fleece of a good ewe is from eleuen to thirteen lbs.; of a buck from fourteen to six teen. Supposed Case of Poisoning.—A little daughter of Daniel Unger, resid ing at Middlespring, died on Monday morning, after a few hours illness, which, in the opinion of the attending physician, was caused from eating poisonous candy. The little girl ate the candy on Sabbath night, and, after intense suffering, expired on Monday morning about ten o’clock. Her age was about two years. We hope par ents will take warning from this, and keep from children' the vile painted truck which is sold under the name of “ fruit candy.”— Shippensburg News. Lettuce.— Our townsman, Major A. A. Line, will accept our thanks for placing on our table specimens of his superior head lettuce. Mr. J. P. Yeiagst, of the East ward, also left us several heads of lettuce very crisp and fine. Joined the Cibcdb. —A young man named Harry Newman, lately In theem ploy of Mr. Wm. Bretz, of this place, left town on Friday with Howes olrous. Another young man, "Butt” Sites by name, also accompanied the concern. Mu. E. J. Krause, brewer, of this place, received an apparatus for manu facturing mineral water lost week. Ho will manufacture thli in connection with beer, ale, &c. Appointed. John E. Qeesaman, formerly local editor of the Valley Sen tinel, has received the appointment of teller in the First National Bank of •Shippensburg. , The old wooden fence which former, ly surrounded Dickinson College has been torn away, and a new stone one Is being erected In its stead. Quite an improvement. Dr. J. R. Bixler had the. gas Intro duced Into hla residence on West Pom fret street, last week. To muzzle a dog press tbe barrel of a pistol against his ear and pull the trlggei;’ Trout.—The Harrisburg*^''* oll H^ 3 that there la no purer ” ronm In the State than Silver SprMK. Cumberland county, and theae ‘8 > lono ln ' vhlc , h finer trout dispc* l - The unrahcr is also very augmenting, hun dreds of thousands of troutlots having been hatch'd and introduced into the water tl* past few y oa « b y the 811 ver Bprinf propagating association. Pish ingin the stream affords an Infinitude of viensuro to the experienced and scien tific angler, and the novice gives the laughable illustrations of “ how not to do it.” ■ The trout is the aristocrat of fish. What the rose is among her sisters of the garden is he among the brethren of the wave. There are fish which outshine him in splendor of color, none which equal him in sober richness of hue and symmetry of form. He lives in the purest waters and seeks the daintiest food. The silver minnow, satin finned, twinkling star.light in the blue waters, and "the tiger moth, da mask dyed, flickering like flame along the sun kindled ripples, are his chosen prey. To wnatever haunt you track him you find yourself surrounded with beauty. Now it is a mountain stream with chiming cascades, overarched with leaves ; now a still stream flowing through meaddws and mirroring still trees; now sounding reefs with green waves rolling upon them, topped with a snowy curl of foam. ■ All the lures with which you solicit this high bred Brahmin of the waters are beautiful; the instruments of his capture are light, fairy like, refined; cobweb tolls such as one would use to ensnare a truant fly. No coarse exertion or cruel vio lence accompanies his pursuit. It is meditative, leisurely, studious; a con test of wits. You approach tbs abode of your fish with respect. You engage, him as deferentially and as warily as as you would engage an ambassador. There is equality in the contest, If you capture him you are ihe victor in a po lite diplomatic duel.. If not, you are fairly vanquished and you must accept that condition with grace, as one who plays with an equal ■ antagonist and, loses the game. Dedication of the Second Pres byterian Church. —The new and beautiful house of worship erected by the Second Presbyterian Church of this place, was dedicated to the Triune God with appropriate services, on Thursday, the 29th ult. It was a joyous day for this congregation. It is almost three years since the old building (which formerly stood on the same corner,) was torn down. The congregation has passed through ail the vicissitudes in cident to such an enterprise, but finally is able to present this beautiful temple to the Lord free of debt. The whole cost of the building and appliances is about $46,000. This, with the new parsonage of the same church, repre sents something more than $50,000 con tributed by this congregation in sub scriptions and bequests during the last four years, in addition to their ordinary yearly expenses and contributions'to the hone voient work of the Church at large, which would , make an aggregate of about $64,000 during these four years.— The dedication services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. George Norcross, assisted by Rev. Dr. A. A. Hodge of Allegheny, Rev. Dr. Davidson. of Philadelphia, Rev. Dr. Robinson of Harrisburg, Rev., John C. Bliss, a for mer pastor, and Rev. P. H. Mowry of Springfield, Ohio. Dr. Hodge preached the dedication sermon, from Rev. 21: 3. His theme was “ The Tabernacle of God." It was a very able discourse, and though more than an hour in length, was listened to with unflagging interest to the end. The prayer of dedication was then offered by: the pastor, and the services closed with the Doxology and the Benediction. An interesting meeting, was held in the evening, at which addresses were de livered by several speakers, Dr. Hodge, Dr. Bliss and Dr. Krakino partici pating. ■ The twenty-seventh anniversary of the Conodoguinel Lodge, JNo. 173 I. O. O. F. was celebrated at Newvillo, on Wednesday of last week, and was a grand success. Deputations -from the lodges in Carlisle, burg, Orrstown, Leesburg and Boxbury were in attendance. The procession was formed at JO o’clock, headed by the Keystone Cornet Band of Newville, and after parading through tho principal streets was dismissed, to assemble in Literary Hall, at half-past one o’clock. Upon re-assembling in the Hall speeches appropriate to the occasion were dellv orod by Dr. P. (i. Livergood. of Lancas ter city, and Rev. W. G. Reeser, of Ship penahurg. Theodore Cornman, Esq., of Carlisle, then read the statistics of the lodge, and made a few remarks briefly illustrating the benefit derived from relief in this way. The hall was well filled with a large and respectable audi ence, and the best of order was observed during the entire day. Return of Lieutenant Rheem.— Tho following, relative to our former townsman, Lieut. E. B. Rheem, we t ake from the Daily Serald , published* at Portland, Oregon: “Lieutenant E. B. Rheem. of the Twenty-first Infantry, returned by the train lost evening, Irora tho Modoc country, on his return to Van couver on sick leave, tie has been at tho front since the breaking out of tho war, and was at tached to tho gallant Major Mason's command, wno have fought so bravely In the Java-beds, being the first to occupy tho strongnold of Capt. Jack. Tho officers and men belonging to this regiment have conducted themselves Jn a man ner that speaks very highly of their l*ravory ; and discipline, shirking nothing, and holding their position among the rooks.ln the broiling sun, against the red skins. Although the troops have been exposed to all tho dangers of the la va-heds, suffering greatly, they are all deter mined to light to tho last, and avenge the death of General Canby. Lieutenant Rheem has spent four years in fighting the Apaches In Arizona previous to these hardships, and has been or dered to return to Vancouver for medical treat ment.” Fire at Mt. Holly. —The dwelling house owned by Mr. L. Lynch, and occupied by Hiram Gibb, at Mt. Holly, was entirely consumed by fire on Tuesday morning a little after 7 o'- clock. All the household goods of Mr. Gibb were also lost. We did not learn how the fire originated. Mr. Gibb and and family, except one little child, were absent from the house when the fire broke out. Arrested for Larceny.— A young negro named Luther Bell, was arrested by Policeman Matthews on Friday last for tho larceny of a sum of money from the late residence of James Hamilton, dee’d,, during tho sale, which was held one day last week. Bell was committed to Jail but was subsequently released on ball. The Corn Crop.—We are Informed by one who knows something about farming, that notwithstanding the back wardness of th- q, there will be an abundn*-' Howes’ Combination Thursday last was the day announced for the advent of Howes’ great circus and manngerlo Into Carlisle. At an early hour hundreds of people, had come into town from th o country to witness the grand street pa rado, which took plooo at 10 o'clock, A. M. The procession moved from Bender's lot at the appointed hour, and was greet ed along the route by thousands who had assembled to witness it. The twb golden chariots, which could not be built in this country for $26,000 apiece, were of course,' the prominent features of the parade, but there were many other extraordinary attractions, among them a richly carved dragon drawn by n beautiful team of ten ponies, a small chariot to which were attached six ponies, a large number of fine horses handsomely caparisoned and ridden by armed knights, a troop of live wonderfully trained elephants and an array of animal cages, etc. The colossal chariots were each occupied by five gorgeously attired ladies and drawn by ten horses. Eight of the ladles were seated on the corners of the chariots and two had positions about thirty feet from the ground—one slttlu g on the design of the globe and the other on that of an elephant. The pro cession passed thro' the principal streets where trees and other obstacles did not Interfere with the passage of the altitudinous chariots, and the thousands who witnessed It were filled with rapture at the unparalelled magnificence of the pageant. The per, formances both in the afternoon and evening .were excellent, introducing many new features, especially the riding of M’lie Dookrill and Mr. W. H. Morgan, who in their separate bareback feats, ex hibited un usual dash and skill, The other e equestrians were good in their respective roles. The five performing eiegbauts surpassed in intelligence and difficult feats anything ever before seen in this place. The Eomelll troupe on the' iron ofadle, forty feet from the ground, and in their acrobatic feats ou terra Arm a were marked by superior excellence, and the horizontal bar per formances of Messieurs Leon and Lc- eeila illustrated in a remarkable degree their great muscular powers and gym nastic training. The humor of Ike clovvna was entertaining, the,tumbling superb, and the collection of animals, embraced a number of fine specimens. The entrance! into the cages of seven hyenas and five Bengal tigers was thrill ingly interesting, with the fearless per formances of their trainer. In conclu- sion we would elate that the above combination was gotten up at a coat of over and cannot fall to give sal. isfaotlon wherever the proprieiors may eee fit to pitch their tents. Are Coming. ‘-The Alleghnniau Vocalists and Swiss Bell Ringers, first organized twen ly-six years ago, and whose name has become the household word of the music loving people of all nations, and whpse continuous travels have extended to all parts of the civil ized globe, will appear at Rheerh’s Hall, Thursday evening, June sth, and every one who enjoys good homo music—music that will take you back to the “good old days of yore,” and mane you forget dull care, should at tend their concert. Their Repertoire embraces a large, collection of Vocal Quartettes, arranged in their own pe culiar style; also a variety of the sweetest English, Irish, Scotch, Gerr man and Spanish ballads extant; Hu morous Songs, Duets, etc., Arias, Cavatinas and Scenes, from works of the most popular Italian and French masters. In addition to their usual choice selections of Vocal Music, they will play several pieces on their new Swiss Bells.. The Alleghanians present free to every lady and gentleman on entering the hall a musical casket,” which is fully worth the price of ad mission and is a now feature in their concert. Prize Contest, —The Sophomore ora torical prize contest of the Union Philo sophical Society of Dickinson College, took place in Emory Chapel, on Friday evening last. Although, not being able to be present we learn the young gentlemen acquitted themselves in a very creditable manner. The music for the occasion was furnished by the XCeyatone Cornet Band of NewvlUe. Below we give the ORDER OF EXERCISES. Music. PRAYER. Music. Persistent Purpose, , Frank E. Braduer, Newark, N. J. Music. The Study of Science, ■ , Edward F. Hilton, Union, N.J. Music. The Fallibility 0/Reason, • „ , f(1 Henry Tuomas, Prinoe.Qeorge, Mu. Music. Christianity the True Cause of Human Progress, A. Reese Bender, Greencubtlo, I ft. Music. Re Thyself in Thought, , M J Walter E. Avery, Falrmount, Md. Music. The Livin', Bead. a w _ BnUlmoro , M d. Music. BEKEDICXIQN. Music. Partridge in partridge was observed perched upon the roof of Maj, Ramsey’s tin store, on East Loii thor street, on Thursday morning It Js very seldom we see this species of bird venture Into the centre of toWu at this season of the year. After becoming almost exhaeted by whistling the famous song, 11 bob-white,” his blrdahip flew slowly away—undoubtedly to his quiet abode In the country. ■bail Bep aired.—The road employees of the Cumberland Valley rail-road la>u a new rail on Main etreet, in front of t o market house, last Thursday. The o rail was iu a bad condition repairing badly. We dreaded to see a -train pass East over the road at 1 fl point, for fear the locomotive would pay a visit to Miller & Buttorfs dry goons store. Fire on the Mountain.—An exten sive fire raged for some hours, on t 0 South mountain, in tho vicinity ofHun ter's run, on Wednesday last. The re is supposed to have originated by coa s dropping from the locomotive as tho tra n passed through the gap. The course o the fire from Hunter’s run was Bonn, and extended to Holly. Alargeamoun of timber was destroyed. Accident.—A lad named Win. ard, residing on South Pitt street, whilst whittling a stick , with a knife, on ® day last, the knife slipped in som and the blade run into his wrist,_ativ 18 a vein. Tho wound bled so freely, . tho services of ft physician wore nocesdary. A woman named Mrs. Pet ° rß ’ wflß sides in the North-west eud ot *o' arrested one day last week,. wbOBo ~y of a sum of money from " wflB ooal name wo could not learn. B t mltted to jail for trial at the Aug sessions,