"cooks’ Arithmetic.— Wo aro In ichtcd to the publishers Messrs, hnvor, Barns & Potts, 530 Market .(reef, Philadelphia—for a sot of these irltlnnetics. A cursory examination of them convinced us of their excellence jver any wo have yet seen. It will bo remembered that our late School Dl •colors nnd Teachers Convention rec nnnionded these arithmetics over all ahors, and we think the recommends ion was wise and judicious. Tney are veil arranged and simple, and have se ured a wide-spread popularity with teachers and directors. Fbwsmith’s Grammars.— The Ele- ncntary Grammar and Grammar of, ho English Language, by. Fewsmith & linger, (published by the same firm,) pera also endorsed by our recent School This series combines the I J vantages of both academic and rainmar school experience ; Mr. Few nith, a graduate of Yale College, be lg principal of an English and Clas cal School of long and high standing, ,ul Mr. Singer, the eminent Principal llf the Keystone Grammar School of rf These books are simple and concise ?i language, and thorough and practic lin treatment. Copious examples 11- Ihstrate every fact, and numerous drill ifeereises review every topic. They &rm the cheapest and most sensible Joraraon school series. | ll Coming Events Oast Their iguADOWS Before.” The advance %ent of the world renowned Aliegha fginn Vocalists and Swiss Bell Bingers, Brings us the glorious news that this popular troupe will appear at Bheem’s pull, Thursday evening, June 5. We Snow of no troupe so deservedly meri torious as.“these wonderful children of tong,” and having added a newly ro anstructed programme, with. New Songs, New Duets, New Bell Pieces, fgml presenting new luces, cannot fail to :j/nve overflowing house. During their ijn-eat tour around the globe, the con jlerts of the Alleghanians wore honored by the attendance of hundreds of thoii- Vginds of delighted listeners Kings, fifjiieens, Nobles, and the most distin ,'jmished men of the age patronized fffieir entertainments, and lavished i/npon them the most flattering demon |-6tratlons of approval. The Bells used ' by the Alleghanians were raanufactur expressly for them, during their late ifislt to Europe. ; : |Tho Alleghanians present free to Ipery lady and gentleman oh entering .the hall with a “ musical casket,’! Which is fully worth the price of ad mission and is a new feature of their Jpucert. Sthosb Postal Cards.— We rise to re mark that the postal cards have been Manufactured according to Government older by the Morgan Envelope Cotnpa :j&, of Springfield, Massachusetts, and By tiie terms of the contract at least SflO,- 000 were to be ready on the first of May. Before the middle - of April, however, Orders were received at the Post Office ■flepartment for over 30,000 000 cards, and tje Postmaster General estimates that U least 130,000,000 will be called for dur- ng the present, year. As, however, the freas of the manufacturers is capable of irlklng off but 350,000 cards a day, the femand was greater than tbe supply, and Se are forced to wait a few days, Eaob ;-4rd is complete la. itself, aud will.au iwer all' the purposes of. paper, envelope ijmil stamp, provided the message con tains nothing of a private nature. Of j»urse, lengthy or confidential corarau* voicatiohs will not be put upon the cards, a warning is found .againstyhia in the '-JjSugliah landlady's reply to !(i>queaUou jif a boarder : “ Any letters?" " Only a couple of cards,'sir, with nothing impor tant on either." A remedy to this de (pet woultf be a flap, the sealing of which conceal the writing, hut.as the (lards are intended to be carried loose in jime’s pocket ready for posting at short notice, such an arrangement would tend % greatly decrease their, usefulness, as doe flaps would be constantly tearing ok Air. John Laughlin, -Mover the spring," can show one of £ttose singular exhibitions of affection ■ animals of different species are as unaccountable as they are ■|jare, In this case it is a chickeniess 'old hen which has undertaken to raise $ couple of kittens. She has somehow Required a wonderful .affection for the Skits,” holds a constant and watchful jearo over them, covers them with her Swings and when any food is thrown Jaown "clucks” for them as if calling for ||er own chicks. The kittens in return ijnuvl over her, rub themselves against ||er and in every way show their entire appreciation for tUoir feathered, self jonslituted mother. The real mother if the kittens disputes with the hen the fight of parental care, but all is har mony and they sit together us cheerful ly and happily as a family of any kind :ould possibly do. —Star of (ho VoXfyy* ,| Woman’s Work. —The census con itains a list of female occupations ar ranged under no less than seventy-two /iheads, beginning alphabetically with vectors and ending with woolen mills.— QDothestic servants head the list in point ||of numbers, and next in order—which ijwiU surprise many—come laborers on |farms. There are 97,000 seamstresses, foo.ooo milliners and dressmakers, and |&i,070 teachers. There is a glorious ar |my of 10,110 nurses. There are prcach- Jers, shoemakers, journalists, authors, Imechanics not specified, and only one Jhundred show women. But who 3would dream of woman boiler makers |s, boll-founders 4, hunters afid trappers ||3, to say nothing of hostlers, charcoal ■! burners and miners. | Gapes in Ohiohbns.—Tho annexed jia the mode In which an Englishman jtreats his chickens when they show signs of the gapes: He places a few drops of carbolic acid in a spoon held over the flame of a candle, until the vapor is seen to arise. Tho head of a young chicken is hold in the vapor, Which the embryo garden-bed scratch er is obliged to inhale. It is said to bo death to the worms, but care should be takon not to give tho chicken too large a dose so as to kill it also. A Beautiful Day.—Last Sunday was a moat beautiful day—mild and balmy, with a bright sun overhead, re minding us of tho rapid approach of summer, and right gladly did the peo ple appreciate it, for they turned out in lull force, and our streets were crowded with tho promonaders, glad again to breathe the pure, fresh air, after hav ing been confined within doors for throjj or four months. Strawiieuhy Festival Al a spo- J clal meeting of tho Union Firo Compaq . ny, of this place, hold on Tuesday evening ol last week, tho necessity of procurin'; n snlllcient quantity, ns well ns quality of hose, was fully discussed. On the 17th, during tho progress of the lire, our citizens together with tho fire men were mortified nt tho insufficiency -of the Union’s hose. Had this compa ny's hose been In good condition, not withstanding Hie scarcity'of water, there is, no doubt but that tho entire row of brick houses would have been saved from tho devouring flames. In view then, to avoid,future chagrin, and bo prepared for any emergen -y, the company has passed a resolution i,. purchase live hui dred foot of first quality leu inch hue, and in order'to raise the necessary funds for the pay ment thereof they (ontemplate holding a strawberry fc-li\d during the early part of Juno. . Wi trust'the citizens of Carlisle, and the ladies particularly, will encourage tin company and con tributu liberally -f their'time and means in making tie festival a finan cial success. It is s inn time since they have been before tie puhlie soliciting aid. If wo desire p have an efficient fire department wamust keep up the necessary apparatuk We trust then, that our people whdhave always stood by the Union, will Osip them again in the purchase of the pecessary quantity of hose Here we are aga of “Cay uga Chief” r and another on the ing to purchase a fl machine with ce Wheeler’s self rakol be the most ingenia rake in existence, wj the “Cayuga Chief” I Last harvest several lisle, after trying oc and bought the “Cayl ing better work witlv driver and team. A \ with n cur loud ipersand mowers, ay. Those wish" t elass Iron built tre draft, ami acknowledged to is and' complete [l do well to try bforo purchasing, mnors near Car- Jpr reapers, tried ca Chief,” it do uore ease, to the |to durability we w. T. Brandoij, |great success. make it I. X. L. agent, is meeting wil .lb.— Our towns* eruer, offers ten u different ports .1 building lots, emeut in anotb- Ki-jal Estate for I man, Ml - . Joseph Xj". houses for sale, situate of Carlisle; also sevi Terms easy. See adver er column. BUSINESS )XICES. give you satlsfac !>f all the standard amended bat the LAIR&’SON. If you want Coal that v tloh, go where-a full mot Coals are kept. None rej beat. Call at yards of A, lb - POTATOES! POTATOES Uose, Goodrich, Peachblowjj Carters, aud lleonau POTi large or small quantles, at I- Peerless, Early porters, Harrison, dES, for sale, In irarlch’s. 2lapl-t as of Cumberland T votes, thatLl -51l liquors, but 11- I. WOLF, No. 18 Notions, TrJm is this lavor ha*, has resolved to and will always baud for those I7aprll LOCAL QPTION.-Tho ell county have decided, by t cense shall not bo granted t cense has been granted to . Uorth Hanover street, to mlhgs and Fancy Goods, at been conferred upon him, soli gooda cheaper than ev< endeavor to have bargains who favor him with a call. The Only Remedy.—T: from foul breath are open toi iessness. It Is an offence thl abated, as a single bottle ol a HUNT will unmistakably «ci No toilet table should bo will servo and keep the teeth wh pure and sweet. Spalding’s Glue, who wouh To Die Without a Groii desirable*, remarked poor An groan without a die,and til pher never uttered a more pi erag‘! man doesn’t want to dl I "ahullUng off this mortal col ■ grain, uml so he groans, and i Yet, after all, Ufo Is the com mm t all give up, and why «< iy? But we will banker aft here below—it's our nature, out.” uro prffne to uetas tbo.i| some oiihem with us. Wo hi some men, that they would si stovo if they thought it wouh this leads us to say that are the stove way Is Hie “Barley fc ufac ured by Messrs. bL’UAI CO., of Philadelphia. This m tor bus lately been much Imp ranks as the handsomest an cook over invented. It burn coal, as desired, bend fur c avoid Imitations. For sajo bj KINESMITII & lIU SPECIAL NO S IES, The Harvest of the,Hot-When the comb acts as a rake, brlnglu vay a roll of parted fibres every time lb isssed thro’ the hair. lyildnes3 would soon boWltablo. But even in this case, foilorn as lay seem, tbo mischief can bo arrested, Ul6bh repaired. Lyon’s iCothatron, aided by a 'application of the brush to promote the ifrnllon of the fluid by tho scalp, will stop thinning out process in forty-eight hoars, a roots from which the dead liniments wor id will soon be ro-eudowed with vitality m new growth wllLspeedlly spring up on the aided places. Thlawotkot reproduction wil on until the damage Is completely repairer d tho luxuri ant crop of hair thus produced never with er or full out us long us the v dug applica tion ts regularly continued. DIED. FJUkErf.—ln Penn township, nlng 2d Inst.,after a short bntse Benjamin Flckes, aged 01 years. WALKER.—In BlosorvUto, on Catharine Ann Walker, wife of. er, aged 41 years, 0 months and ] MAIIKE'JL'I CA RLXSLE PRODUCE I Corrected weekly by A. Boater Gaulish FAMiLY FLOUR rTim superfine FLOUR RYE BLOUR - WHEAT WHITE ' • WHEAT RED RYE CORN OATH CLOVER3EED TIMoTHYSEED FLAXSEED CARLISLE PROVISION OotrecCeil weekly by (Jco. It. Caui.isle. . BUTTER EGGS . LARD TALLOW BEESWAX BACON HAMS * do SHOULDERS do SIDES BEA NS per bus. RAGS Dili ED APPLE. UNPARED PEACHES PARED do PITTED CHERRIES ONIONS PHILADELPHIA. MAP Monday, FLoim—Superfine, S-l 75 aB* 50. E SO 50. Extra family, $7 50 a 87.75. F SI) 75 a Sli 50. llye Hour, Si 7o a 5 00. Oiiain— Ked WUeat, SI 00 a SI S 3 os a 92 03. Amber Kpriug, 81 W i 00 a l)i. Corn, 00 a to. Oats, 48 a 50. Seeds— Cloversced, SH cents per p otlvy so 70 aSI SO. Flaxbced, 8:1 4) p Whisky—Weuoru. 05 cents perg CLOSING PILI DeHaven & -J.O SOUTH THIRD ST. PI a o’clock, P. M., Philo.. May] 17. 9. S’s of 1881 U. S. rt'» of ‘Bl U. H. (Ta of’o2, not called U, B. O’h of ’O2, Ut cull U. R. O’h of ’O2. 2d cull 17,8. OVtor'0U l 8()c»l). U, H. O'aof’G'i, Uli cull. U.H.U'a of’Gl U,«. a’aof’fti U, B. <1 a of MS, now U. B. »>’« of '«7 “ U. H. O’aof’ftS IT. H. ft'H UMO’B „ ;; U. S.iW Year 0 per cent. Cy \ I Hold * J} Silver * Union I’aclllc U. U. let M. Honda 8 Central Paclllo it. U , , W; Union Paclllo hnml Grant Honan 7 Kcto SUibciliscnuiitß. JJRADINO HAIL HOAD I 6' VmiKH Ali RA XOJtiUiN T. MONDAY, MAY 20TH, 1873, Trains leave Harrisburg for New York aa fol lows; nto,:U) nml K.lu, urn and 2,i'o nm; iiik with trains on Pennsylvania Uallroail. ami arriving at Now York at 12.35. 3.50. and 0,15 pm respectively. , Kntimilng; Leave New York nl »oo urn 1255 and 5 3«. p m, Philadelphia at 7 30, H 15 u m and 330 p in. Lenvo II irrlsbitri; for Heading, Poitsvlllo, Ta* mnfjna, J’ .ernvlUe. Ashland,Shiunoklu, Allen tmvii :nt< 'blladolphla nt 530mul 810 a m, and J i Ui> p in, stopping at Lebanon and prin cipal way stations; the 105 p m train connect* mm; for Philadelphia, Pptt.svlllo and Columbia ■»•-!'. I-or Pottsvllle,Hciiylkill ilaveu and An -1 at m. via Schuylkill and Snsouebnuua Railroad ci.v,. Llarrlshnrg at -10 p in. • c.j.m Pennsylvania Rallrad trains leave Read- ln« lor Al Ip mown. Huston ami Now York at, 7 SO ami Id ;v> uin.nml 4OU p m, Returning, loavo New York ntlMJOa m. 12 50 and 6 30 p m and AJ m IOWU ut 7 i!-) a m and 12 2T», 2 10, 4bs uud 855 p W ay Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at <•>o a -in, connecting at Heading with iraln on Lust Penn It li, returning leaves PoltsviUoat43s P m. stopping at all stations. liOuvo I'oUsvllle atOOO 803 nndO 10a maud 2 30 p m. Herndon at 10 00 a in, Shnmoklu at 000 ami U 02 a in, Ashland at 7 18 n m and 12 20 pm Mahanoy City at 7-63 am and 12 51 pm.TaraoQrin at 8 35 a m and 2 lOp m lor Phllada, New York Heading. Harrisburg, «tc.. Leave Poitsvltlo via Schuylkill and Susque hanna U It at 8 05 a ni for Harrisburg, and 11 45 a in, for Pluegrovo and Tromont. Poltsvlllo Accomo Train leaves Potlsvllloat 0 po a m. passes Heading at 7 ao a m. arriving at Phllada at 1010 am; Hoturnlog leaves Phllada at 5 15 p in, passes Heading at 7 10 p in, arriving at Potißvlllo atO 20 p m, 6 Potlatown Accoramon Train leaves Potlatown nt 015 am, returning (eaves Phllada (Ninth and Green.) at 4 80 p ra, Columbia H H Trains leave Heading at? 30am and 6 15 p ra, for Kphrota, Litlz, Lancaster, Col umbia, &c ; roturnlhg leave Lancaster at 820 a .8 80 p m, and Columbia at 815 a m and 3 20 p m. Perkloraen R U trains leave Perklomen Junc tion at 0.00 am and 255 and 630 pm* returning leave Green Lane at 0 ou a ra 7 40 and 12 35 and 120 pm connecting with trains on Heading R R. Pickeiiug Valley R U trains leave Phomlx vlllo at 0 05 am. 3 05 and 560 pm; returning leave Byers at 030 a m. 12 40 and 4 ao p m, con necting with trains on Reading K R. Colebrookdalo K K trains leave Poltstown at 940 ain and 1 05, 620 pm. returning leave Mount Pleasant at 600. and 1125 am, am!3OQ p ro, connecting with trains on Heading It R. Chester valley R R trains, leave Bridgport at 8 ooa m 2 40 and 6 33 p ra. returning, leave Down ington at 7 W) a ra, 1230 and 5 40 p m, connecting . with trains on Reading R K* .Ou Sundays: leave Now York at 530 p m Phil- 1 adelphJa at 800 a ra and 315 p m,leave PottavJllo at 810 a m and 235 p m, leave Harrisburg at 530 a m and 2 00 p m {leave Allentown at 4 35 and 8 55pm ; leave Reading at 740 am and 1015 p m for Harrisburg at 7 So a in for New York, And ftt7 40 amfor Allentown and at 9 10 am and 4 10 p rn for Phllada. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to and from all tfoints.at re duced rales. Baggage chocked through ; ICO pounds allow ed each-passenger. J. E- WOOTI'EN, General Supcrinlcndeii Heading, Pa, May 29,1870 REASONS WHY THE IP aim = IE al II ©ip 8 Perry Davis & Son, BEST FAMILY MEDICINE OP THE AGE, And irhi/ U should Or kept nd- >36 who suffer o charge of earc loan be speedily , fragrant bOZO iplish tbe work, tit. It will pre ami the breath Ist. Pulu Killer is the most certain Cholera 2ml q po r i onli}'nimetllCali??lenfo 0 n li }'ni metllCal i?? lenf0 haB produced, 2nd. Pain Killer, as aDiarrhcea and Hyeon »r l er .y r £ft. eU >’' seldom if ever falls. >»d. ■ Pain Killer will cure Cramps or Pains In any part of the system, a single dose usually eflects a cure. b 4lh - wll < <">«> Dyspepsia nnd ru in, iKfH'SI ‘I ll , sed According to directions. lunuy phlloso truth. Theav he idea of his ocs against the era, and—lives! urn which wo ibmlt graceful le good tblugs I in “stepping ■a would carry mard It said of der a red-hot burn ’em, and good thing in I” Cook, man- PETERSON & rn doraestlca ) id, and it now 3 lost complete i; ther wood or Jfiajs, tie., and Carlisle, Pa. Bo sure and buy the genuine. Every Druggist and nearly every country Grocer throughout the.huul keep It for sale, b s9nuiy-4l HALE, ARE COMING : The World’s Favorites. x, UE Ai.LEGirANiANs. In the language of' the Now lorlc home ./bnrna/, ‘'They are tbo best Quartette in tho World.” One'occasion only; Thursday Evening, June sth, 1873. 'lgm Friday eve- Illness, Mr. j 23rd Inst, is R. Walk- ,ICET. ky 28. :873 . «9 50 8 (JO 5 00 1 75 1 70 ~,z sgr.Atetyl,[4l . : - . 8 : ,EVT,-;:ill'artesti.4 ' , , ; 3 0 ..' '`, - . 4___l-15..; • Kz i l :-...' . ;I, I ts AND ..,,. f is / • ' ,i. .„...., ~..„ „., .„G..., RKET-. ton it Son 28, 1873. $ 2Q Tho Allcghaulans Vocalists and Swiss Bell Ringers will appear In their newly reconstruct ed programme, with New ArDsla, Now Songs. Duetts, Quartettes and new specialties, Inclu ding tho silver Stair Bolls.tho original sot of 2% octaves, and the first ever imported to this country. . ASKTho Alleghaninns present a Music Pro gramme to every lady and gentleman on enter lng!hoh Sterner <£• Bro,, In rear of Bontz House. I, So 75 a brands 'Amber 5. Uye Horses uml Carriages to Hire on reasonable terms, and at shortest notice. Tim ibel. CARRIAGES FURNISHED FOR FUNERALS. «5-N. B.—Stable room for 50 head of horses on keep, 20may73 0., IJIEN HOUSES FOR SALE IN'THE' BOROUGH OF CARLISLE. The subscriber offers for sale Ten. Houses. situated In different'parts of Carlisle. Ho will soil ut lowest prices, with small amount down monthly, or animal payments. A roaanlUcout opportunity for a poor man to opeure a homo. Also, several BUILDING LOTS. ‘ J. L. HTKUNRB. Apply at Lively Stable. UB?n, 'llO 1122 U UlUft 2S)may7:i-6iu \Wi \m po(? »u? EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. Nolle© la horobv given that letters testamentary on the will of Margaret Edwards, late of the bor ough of Carlisle, deceased, have been Issued to the undersigned, residing In said borough. All persons knowing themselves indebted nre ro oueatcd to make payment without delay ; and those having claims will present them for set tlement. J.WjEBY, Wmay73 hcvculur. 1=3221:21 man ft) by IS THE II la gratifying to us to Inform “the public Unit Dr. L, Q. C. Wlshart's Pino Tree Tar Cordi al, for Throat and Lung Diseases, lias gaining au envial reputation fiom the Atlantic to the Pa cific coast, and from thence to some of the first families of Europe, not through the alone, but oy persons throughout the Stales actually bencllttcd and cured at his cilice. While ho publishes less, so say our reporters, ho is unable to supply the demand. It gains and bolds its reputation— First. Not by stopping cough, but by lo,oson ingnnd assisting nature to throw oil' the un healthy matter collected about the throat and bronchial tubes, which causes irritation. Second, ft removes the cause of Irritation (which produces cough) of the mucous mem brane and bronchial tubes, assists tbe lungs to act-and throw otTllm unhealthy,secretions, and purifies the blood. Third. It Is free from squills, lobelia, ipecac and opium, of which most throat ami lung rem edies are composed, which allay cough only, and disorganize the stomach. U has a soothing etfect on the stomach acts on the liver ana kidneys, and lymphatic and nervous regions, thus reaching to every part of the system, and in Its Invigorating and purifying effects It has gained u reputation which It mast hold above all others In the market. Sfanuger GREAT AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA PILLS Dr. L. Q,. C. Wlshau's Office Parlors are open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from It a. m. to 5 n. m M for consultation by Dr. Wm. T. Magee. With him are associ ated two consultlngphyslolaDs of acknowledged nullity. This opportunity Is not offered by any other institution in the city. All letters must bo addressed to miscellaneous. FARMERS’ bajsk savings FUND. Open every day from 0 .•! , M, to 3 V, M. Uktohith Rkckivkd or any Sum Fuom iWcknth UI'WAKh. RATE 6F INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. 'By ft resolution of the Hoard of Directors it is hereby announced that on uud and alter Febru ary Ist, n Savings Fund Department tvliZ be opened In connection with the Fanners’ Bank, Carlisle. This Savings Fund is designed to meet a want long felt in luocommunlty. by wulch the Indus* trious and those of small moans can save a por tion of their weekly earnings, and as sums as low ns 25 cents will bo received every one can become a depositor. It Is a gieat mistake to suppose that .tmalf sums arc not worth savlny, By the habit of saying In Hltlo mutters riches are acquired, ana as every one may become depositors, let them corao with small amounts; and cents will soon become dollars,and continually increase. Let none wait till they have xomcthinp worth while, something r«pcc/u6te, before they begin to save; a baglunlug is the great point to.bo achieved. • The attention of parents is called to this Sav ings Fund, as they may hero accumulate a fund for their children.or by making them depositors leaching them the advantages of the habit of saving. Depositors are not obliged to continue tholr deposits longer than thej may choose to do so, but may withdraw the whole or such part at any time it may suit their own convenience. Money deposited on or before the first day of January, April, July, and October will begin to draw interest on those days, and will bo paid semiannually, on the first days of January and July, and if uncalled for will bo added to the principal and draw interest the same as the original deposit. The Bank is Intended as a place of safety for keeping money ns well as to encourage savings by all dosses. For further particulars and circulars Inquire at Farmers’ Bank. jau3o-73—tf JjWEBYBODY TAKE NOTICE ! Something- New in Carlisle Again, in which every person is Interested rnoroor less. An AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT and SEED STORE. Just what has been wanted hero for years back. iVb. 01 South Hanover Street, known as the “Blair Corner.” at which place can be found, at nil times, n full and complete , assortment of r.P kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! and also a lull and complete assortmerfl of FIELD, DARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS I also a full and'coraploio assortment of WILLOW AND CEDAK WAKE! . all of which will bo sold very low. Persons wishing anything In the above lino will do well by celling and examining our goods before buy ing elsewheio; as wo feel sure we can give as good satisfaction as - any other house in the place ,or elsewhere. Bo sure to give us a call. Don’t forget the place. NO.OI 8. HANOVER STREET, Blair’s Corner. H. G. CARR, General agent for the sale of all kinds of Agrl , ultural Implements and Seeds, Ac. . Jau3o*73—tf JJOYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OB’ LIVERPOOL. CARLISLE AGENCY, CAPITA I, Cold $10,000,000 Capital paid up Total Funds, over Permanently deposited in the State of New York - • * - 500.000 Fire Premiums received in 1860 (Gold 2,-i89,887 Life Insurance Premiums In 18(W - 1,007,103 Total Premium!', nearly - (Gold) 3,600,000 Firo risks taken at moderate rates of premium and losses settled.and paid at tlie CARLISLE A3ENCV' SAM’L X. HUMRICH, Agent Dec .12.72—1 y Yy"ISHART’S PINE TREE Tar Cordial! JSfatvre’s Ch’eat Remedy I TOR TUB Throat and NOTICE. The Pine Tree Tar Cordial! I=EiCl==l Worm Sugar Drops. HENRY R. WIBHART, . PROPRIETOR, FREE OF CHARGE. L. Cl, O. WISH ART, IL. I).. NO, 2*2 N, SECOND BTRB&T. . Philadelphia! Hnov72-cm* * Jiftlsrcilancous, VALUABLE REAL ESTATE KOil SALK. The undersigned oilers all his Ileal E-late for sale ns follows, to wit j NO. 1. A Iwo.story f • ICIUCK MANSION 1101 SE I situated on the corner of Pitt nnd Louther Rlrocls, size ol front 3(1 feet on -Louther street, 71 feet front, and buckhulldfng fronting Pitt street, containing I rooms, kitchen, smoko house, and a nover-Unlllng cistern, lotoxtemling 120 feet, more or less, on Flit street, with ware room and carriage house and stable. NO. 2. A Two-Story Stone House, plastered front and end, with mj attic finished, containing 10 rooms and kitchen, smoko house and wash nnnso. a novor-falling well with pump in It and'obedient water, mid a olstcru in the yard;'sl*o of building 30 feet fronting Loulhor street, running back 2U) feet to Dickinson alley, if so desired, wit h frame building on sntd alloy. NO.il. A two*story BRICK Joining stoucbullu ing, with an attic ilulshcd. 0 rooms and kitchen, with brick olelern, lot with building 01 feet fronting Louther street, running back 120 feet. NO.*. Four FRAME BUILDINGS, all fronting Louther street. N 0.5. Also, a vacant lot of 42 feet, fronting Louther stieet, opposite the Gorman Reformed church. Will bo divided Into two lots to suit purchasers, If so desired, running back 210 feet to said alley, NO. 0. Also a FRAME WEATHERBOARD building, two-story, with 7 rooms and kitchen, fronting on Dickinson Alloy. All which will bo offered at Private Sale until August Court,and ll aotsoldwlll then beollored ut public sale, at tho Court House, on Wednesday, August 27, at 10 o'clock, Any person desiring to see tho property, call on the subscriber oa corner of Louther and Pitt streets. 22may73-15t Alj W A YS ou hand, a full line of TRIMMED HATS ami BONNETS at MAD AM ROTE’S. [22m4t WANTE D.—A large amount: of COUNTRY BACON, for. which tho high est cash price will ho paid at WALLACE’S.. IMPORTANT.— One of tile greatest inventions of the age is ibo Patent Excelsior Olitmucy Top ! one that clfcctually prevents the chimney from Smoking, increases the draft when tho wind blows, and prevents all rain ami snow from en tering thochlmuoy. Made to order by W. Frid ley A Son. Call ami see their lino asnorlmcutof REFRIGERATORS,and REFRIGERATOR and WATER COOLER combined, as well ns a varie ty of Hanging Boskets, Wire Baskets for cut Bowers, Flower Trainers, Walters, Children’s 801 l Hoops, and an endless variety of toys, ns well us StOA cs o C all Kinds I nud a general assortment of Tinware and Fruit Cans, and .lars of the best make, Ac. A lino in* volco of Water Coolers coming. All Job work done with neatness ami despatch, Callaud see before purchasing elsewhere, at PKIOLGV «& SON. 21 N, Ilnnover Si., Carlisle. 22m ny3m ETNEBT assortment of, STRAW TRIMMINGS anil FLOWERS at MAUAME PE'S. ,(23m4t Chopped CORN and OATS, and J* Chopped CORN, RYE and OATS, go to WALLACE’S. * A/y Italian Queens ! \ iW* from mothers of undoubted purity, at the following prices itt&n lor the coming season: Forodo WiVw-oK pare tested Queen, before Au s lul'JfJ V Itust* 8^.00 ; alter August, S-1.00. 9 \ Queens sent by mall. Also full / traf > colonies for sale at reasonable Vj* prices. V S. W. Grissinger, Box 150, Carlisle, Pa. 22mnyUm SASH RIBBON nt less than no price, at MADAM ROTE’S. [22m4t FOR SALE.—A fine lot of MAOXCEU- Iib by the )<£ barrel, at WALLACE'S. iULATCHLEY’S kT’O Improved Cneumber Wood JSiSPump, Tasteless, Durable, BUI 'S C dent and Cheap. The best c« Pump for the least money At- S ca tentlon. la ecpeolally Invited to Patent Improved Bracket and now Drop Check ‘(fOHllValve, which can bo withdrawn 111 pfci/lwlthouL removing the Pump or j V—disturbing the joints. Also, the Copper Chamber which novo Q oracles orscoles, and will outlast any ol hor. For sale by Rhine rj smith & Rupp, Carlisle. Hem! ~i lorCataloguu and price list. gr-WfcCIIAB. Q. BLATCIIUiY. iMf’r' Sept. 12—1 ' 500 Commerce St„ Phlla’ rjIHE Fashionable FLORIDA HATS i at a very low price, at MADAM BOTE’S. rJmaylt $1,115,576 (Gold) 9,500,000 GO to WALLACE’S for your Shorts, Bran and Mill Stull*. Building formerly occupied by 8.11. CJaudy as atm shop, rear Rheem’a Hall. [22mnytf JjlOR BENT! TO HOTEL-KEEPERS I The undersigned, being desirous of retiring from the hotel business, offers the “BENTZ HOUSE,” In Carlisle, Pa„ for rent. A favorable lease will bo given to any person who will purchase the furniture at a sacrifice. This HOTEL Is FIRST-CLASS, and the Furniture all nearly new, and has a largo'and constantly increa sing custom. Hero Is a bargain seldom met with, and Is worthy the attention of -hotel keepers. . GEO. Z. BENTZ, Prop'r.. SaprlMf Carlisle Pa. AGENTS WANTED.—We wau( one good Agent in every township'to sell our Mow and Immensely Popular Books and Engra vings. The verv largestcommlsslon paid. Those now at work report great sales. Circulars and all inlormatlcm Fiee. Write to Worthington, Dustin a Co., finrtford, conn. Sept. 2J-(J m-Im cx-mar C-2rntfc u JIARMERS, ATTENTION! A MACHINE FULLY WARRANTED. PERFECTL YBALA NCED. NO SIDE DRAFT Fanners, If you are looking for-the best Com [)lued Self-Raking Reaper and Mower, your at tention Is invited lo WHEELER’S IMPROVED ‘‘ .CAYpGA CHIEF V’ This machine you can roly upon, not only for one season, but for many years,!to do good work with'ease lo your’leum and satisfaction to your self. It will gather and cut successfully the worst lodged and tangled grain and grass. Ow ing lo the great success wo mot with last season, we would advise all needing machines lo rail early, so that all orders cun be filled. Gallon the undersigned ami examine the machine, at the Cumberland Valley ware-house. Carlisle. W, T. BRANDON, Agent for Reapers and Grain Separators, *c. Bumy7!l-2m NOTICE.— I would inform my oii9' tomers, here and abroad, that I will com* menco the bottling of SODA WATER AND SARSAPARILLA, and ,in counties where .licence exists, also Porter and Ale! The business will be conducted promptly, and satisfaction will be given In every respect. ERNST J, KRAUSE. P. S.—Beer and Alo can bo had at my Brewery from live gallons and upwards. ISnmrJm. JpOB SHERIFF A. O. BUOUGUEIi, of Upper Allou Township, Subject to Democratic Rulc.t, * ft 1873 SPRING&SUMMER 1,873 COVLE UfItOMIKKS Jobbing and Commission Mbuciiants, Xo. 21 Son'll Hanover Street, Carlisle, They are wholesale dealers In Hosiery, Li nen and’ Cotton Handkerchiefs, Shirt Fronts, Head Nets, Cord Edge and SalTela Ribbons, Vel vet Ribbon, Corsets, Gloves. Suspenders, Ties and Hows, Laces. Edging, Hunting, White Trim ming, Paper Collars ana Culls, Note, Cay, Busi ness, Letter and Wrapping Paper, Envelopes, Paper Bugs, Drnes, Hair Oil, Perfumery, Fancy Soap, and an endless variety of Trinkets. Or ders will receive prompt attention. P, B.—All merchants are respectfully request ed to come and examine our stock. QLOTHING CLOTHING! ! Go to the Cheat* Clotihno Stour, No. US. HASovEtiSTttEET, whore you will tlud a largo assortment of Ready Made clothing for men and boy’s wear, all of which aro of my own manufacture, made up In the very latest stylos and by the best practical hands, which I will sell cheaper than the cheapest. I have one of the best assortments of PIECE GOODS kept la the town, consisting of Black, Blue and Brown Cloths of all grades, Diagonal Coatings, American and English Chortots, Fancy Cassl mores, rollouudes, «sc.. of all grades and styles, which I will sell by tlio yard or cut and make Into garments at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Also a full assortment- Cents* JPavnishlny Goods I which I am selling very cheap. em ployed an extra culler. I am fully prenared to do any amount of work and give the business my prompt attention. Those desiring to pur chase (inun goods at reasonable prices, and have them made up In the latest styles, will please ?lve me u (‘all. UcmomUer the place, between .vifoi-r’s Gn-x’Kuv ami Hrnoun & C'o.’m Shob stoiik. .south M asovruStueet. Caui.islk. Bmii.v7;l-2m Q TORE ROOM AND CEE OA R FOR £}KENT.~No. 7-J North Hauovor Htroot. sraoyva-tt I), coiinmanj JACOB SENER,Rn. B. M. SMILEY, 4icanl polices. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—Tho A uriltdr appointed by tho Court of Comnx n Ploils county tbdlstrlbulo tho balance In tho hands of-Win. A. Prlpnor, assignee of W. 8. Burkholder, will moot Iho.parllcH uteres* toil for tho pun oses of Ills appointment at Ills ofllcc. No, U west Main street, Carlisle, on Thursday,tho 12th day of June, lS73,at 10 o'clock, A. M. ALF. 11. ADD\MB. loiunySt Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. - Notice Is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Mrs. Mary c. Keep, late of Penn township, deceased, have been granted to tho undersigned, residing In Carlisle. ’All persons therefore having clalmsordcmlnnds against iho estate of tho said decedent, are re-' quested to muko tho same known to the said undersigned without doloy, and thoso indebted will make payment Immediately* InuiyCt JOHN REEF, Acfmfnfofrnlor. A DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. xV Notice Is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration ou tho cstato of Chrlallau'Qlolm, late of Monroe townsnlp, deceased, have been granted to tiio undersigned, tho former residing in Monroo township, and tho latter In silver Spring townshln. All persons therefore having claims or demands against tho cstato of the said decedent, are requested to make the same known to the said undersigned without delay, a id those indebted will make payment imme diately. ELIZABETH GLEIM, M. L. HOOVER, 6may73-Ct* Atfm’r.t. A DMINIBTRATRIX’S NOTICE.— XjlNollcols librcby given that letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Andre wB. Zelglor, Into of the borough of Carlisle, deceased, have been granted to tho undersigned, residing in said borough of Carlisle. All persons therefore having claims or demands against tho estate of tho said decedent, are requested to make tho samoiknown to the said undersigned without dMay.land those Indebted will make payment Immediately, ISABELLA A. ZEIQLEH, Irnayet Administratrix, 48HLAND CEMETERY being now under tho direction nnd control of tho sub let, all persons desiring to purchase lota In It for burial purposes, or wishing any informa tion; can bo accommodated by calling on her at her residence, on East High street, nearly opposite tho Bentz House, or by calling nt Ibo cilice of the lute Win. M. Penrose, In Uheera’s Hall. V. M; PENROSE. 4nov/2lyj-* iikareßßronai crams J. fl. GRAHAM. J. n. QItAUAM d> SON, Attorneys Sf Counsellors at law. No. 11 South Hanover St., CARLISLE. PA. fjon, J. H. Graham. Into President Judge of the. Ninth Judicial District, has resumed the practice of the law, and associated with him his sod, J. H. Graham. Jr. Will practice In the Courts of Cumberland, Por-y and Juniata Conn* des. [Dec. 7. 71-tf. L. SPONBLER, Kkai, Estate Agent, Conveyancer and In surance Agent, has beou recently appointed a IN' o t a i' y Public, and la now prepared to transact all business pertaining to nls olllco, including the taking of acknowledgments. AFFIDAVITS, DEPO SITIONS, <£U. " lotnayGmos jjjmv. W. BIDDLE. Attorney-at-Lmv ! Oillco SS South Hanover Street, CAIILISLE, PA, smay73-4t JOS. BITNEB, Attorney-at-Lmvt . • NO. 8 South Hanover Street,-Carlisle, Pa. busluoes promptly attended to. Col lections n specialty. !70ct721y JAMES M. WEAKLEY, All OIS \ B Y-V1 - I.V tV. * Office—No. 22 South Hanover St.. Carlisle, Pa. April 25,1872—1 v. • rjUIEO. COENMAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW! No. 18 West Main Street, Carlisle, Pa, VS*AUbuxinus promptly uUcndcl to. P E. UEI.TZHOOVER, 'attorney- at- la w Ho-aLISLE. PA. A'ff-OlUco on South Hanover Street, opposite Banlz's dry goods store. Deo. 1.1805. JQB, W. Z. BENTZ, UitADUATE oi* Tim Pennsylvania College of Dental Sukgeuy, i'?Viln aapt arll ncial Den lures, and remodel bad- Jinrtn Dlseased Teotu and Gums, and ill! icQih in the most approved manner, at ri J}lV 10 £ 8 reBldeQ co. No. 21 West Pomfrot Bi.. Carlisle. Fa. jMapl-ly DXIbS« MARY L. HALL, Homceooa thlo PhysJclan and Medical Electrician umce South Hanover street, Carlisle, All fo ndle diseases- skillfuly treated. Patients at a distance can consult by mall. June 6. 1872—1 v. r\R. HENRY LANGE HEINE, Phy- JL/slolan and Surgeon, late of Ohambersburg has located In Carlisle permanently. Ofllce anti and residence lu the largo stone building. East Main slreet, near East. Patients coming from a' distance cun bo boarded and nursed In my own family. • . lUapril-Sm fHiscdlaucous J^OTICB. To Teachers and Directors, COUNTY UNIFORMITY BrooUs 1 N6rmnl Arithmetics, Fowsmlth's English Grammar. SOWER, POTTS & CO.. Publishers. Philadelphia. The above books have been adopted for uni form district Introduction. Those wanting terms of Introduction and exchange are Invited to correspond. WILLIAM S. SCHOFIELD. Superintendent of Introduction, may73*H 530 Market St., Phllada, FItTCSH MEAT DAILY Edward J. Arney, A‘or/1* armorer Street ISyTho citizens of Carlisle can be furnished with Beef, Pork, Veal, Mut ton, Lamb, Pudding,Sausage, &o.,daily at his residence, opposite John Mc- Bride’s. Delivered to all parts of the town. cpll-72. H. B. CORNELIUS’ Daily Freight Line, g «vi> Depot, Fhilada.i U. SIN CUM AN & SON. 810 Market Street. Depot, Carlisle, So, 76 West Unlit Street. «S'BE CAREFUL TO MARK YOUR GOODS IN PHILADELPHIA CAKE OF If. B. COII NELIUS, 810 MARKET ST. Packages carried for 25 cents. Good, Reliable Agents with each train 22may"3-lyr FOR the Best Brands of FLOUR go to WALLACE’S. I The subscriber Is I JLVj XM 1 now prepared to dell- X\_^X?J 1 ver to all purls ol tho town, ICG of a superior quality. Having a full supply I can furnish for any length of Mmo, and in any quantities. PttlCE—Onc-htUf com per pound. J. W. HGNDEUSON. WapMf CORKETS at Gsc, 7<30 anti sl.oo—the cheapest In town—at MADAM ROTE'S [4t iIVIDEND NOTICE, rAKMEIW’ lUNK.GAULISLE, > Wayflib. JS7J*. / The Directors have this day declared a divi dend ou the capital stock, of FOUR PER CE NT. clear of taxes, und payable to the stockholders on demand. J. 0, H6FFER UmaySt Cashier, JQIVIDEND NOTICE. Carlisle Gas a Water Company, ) May 7, 1b73. S rho Hoard of Managers have this day declared a dividend of BIX PER CENT.,clear of alt taxes, on the capital stock, payable at the treasurer’s olllco ou or after the ttJtu lust. A. h. BPONBLEK, JVmmrer. HmnySt T TALIAN few colonies of I Italian BEeS, with pure Queens, for sale cheap by JOHN OUTBUALL, SOraar , Mouth Hanover street, Carlisle. gPHrNa 187 H! ThoflMl nonet, i rival i»f HPIUNG GOOD* Just received i»y tiio Old Established House of A. W. Bentz & Co., CLOTHS AND C A SSI IN HUES lii great variety ana prices, from tho finest Cloth to tho lowest priced Cottonado, DRESS GOO DS, In heavy slock, fromlho best Silks to tho low est priced Calico. Everything now and Ueslra bio in this line. STAPLE GOODS ! such as Ginghams, Checks. Tickings, Flannels, Shirtings, flow yards Calico, Quilts, Blankets. Coverlets, Skirts, MUSLINS & SHEETINGS TOWELS and TOWELING, io. FANCY GOODS, Ribbons, Embroideries, Handkerchiefs: Gloves Lnccs, Tuoklngs, Zephyrs, Yarns, Hosiery, miIIKEILAS AKD I'AIUSOLS, Hair Brushes, Teolh Brushes, Fancy Soaps, Sack dors n ° l ” Bnlmoral Slclrln, Hoop Skirls, Saspcn- GRAIN U A G S WHITE GOOD& FOE DEES&E&, Cravats, uad nn endless variety of all kinds oi Uoods usually kopl In tbo best dry goods stores. GIVE VS A CALL. Wo intend to cut very close this season, and give butler bargains tnan over bolore. •T. it. Graham, Jr. A. W. BENTZ <& CO. IJ.1 J . S.-GOOD COUNTRY WOOL taken in ex change for goods, at the best rates. 3aprl!73 The Modoc War ! CAPT. JACK CAPTURED JNO. ELLIOTT, No. S 3 North Hanover Street, has just returned from Philadelphia with a largo and splendid assortment of SPRING and SUMMED GOO CLOTHS & CABSIMERES, BOOTS & BROGANS ami wo liavo still a lot of . LADIES' '& CHILDREN'S SHOES, which wo are selling very low, and also, a lot of HOSIERY My stock of CLOTHING is complete, embra cing every variety,and style, and unsuroassed In elegance, beauty and utility, and offered at prices that, please and suit the people. Well may It be said that John Elliott sells cheaper than anybody In town. I secured one of the best practical cutters In tbo state, and. also a largo assortment of piece goods, which I will make up to order at the shortest notice; Suite made as low as 85.00. We have on hand a Jot of HATS which will be sold very low. AM the bove to be had now at JOHN ELLIOTT’S; lmay73 ELLER’S OLD ESTABLISHED HAT AND GAP STORE ! oil NORTH HANOVER STREET, a low doors below Carlisle Deposit Dank, has ou band a largo stoolc or all the Now York and Philadel phia Styles of HATS AND CAPS Silk hate from So. tv. 5«,50; Felt hats for men, boys ami children, of every quality and variety of’stylo. Winter caps In cloth, fur, beaver, co ney, nntra. Fancy Velvet and cloth turbans for children, Also a lire lot of Gloves, at all prices. Having a long experience in the business, I leol confident I can please all who favor mo with a call, In price, stylo aud quality. Hats of all Kinds Made to Order and old ones repaid promptly Out 24 1872 Keller. John A, Means, No. 78 K Himovcr Street. Fresh Groceries. CRACKERS, MOLAB3ES, FLOUR, COFFEES. FEED, CHEESE, TEAS, SPICES, SUGARS, RICE, SYRUPS, SALT, FISH. ' BEEF. HAM, LAUD, SAUCE, CLOVES, PICKLES, SODA, DRIED FRUIT, KETCHUP. . SOAP, NUTMEGS. CANNED FRUIT, PEPPER, STARCH, ALLSPICE, SALARATUS, CINNAMON. GINGER. CORN STARCH. SARDINES, BROOMS, BUCKETS, TUBS. CANDLES, CORDAGE, BRUSHES, BASKETS, VINEOAh, BL/OKING, STOVE POLISH, UIiDARWARE, WILLOW WARE, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, STONEWARE, EARTHENWARE, mur7» Ctatfnet jftfi after B. EWING, A. CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER. WEST MAIN STREET. A splendid assortment of New Furniture. For the Holidays, comprising Sofas, Camp stool. Lounges. Centro Tables. Rooking Chairs. Dining Tables. Easy Chairs. Card Tables, Reception Chairs, Ottomans, Bureaus, What Note, etc.. SAMj’LICS sent bv mull for Me. Ibnlrctoll ■ quick for $lO. K. UWoicorr, IfU Chatham square, N. i. D *> BRILLIANT HOOKS FOR OANYABSERB 4M ami salesmen 1 Bryant's Library of Poetry and Song, and Miss Beecher's Now Housekeep er's Manual, Moth selling fast and fax. Exclu sive Territory; liberal terms. J. 11. Ford & Co., Now Yoak, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco, *9may4w i> Wl? WANT AN AGENT In this township to i» 11/cnnynss for tho new, valuable and fast sol • Hug book by Dr JOHN- COWAN, THE SCIENCE OF A NEW LIFE I recommended and endorsed by prominent min. Inters, physicians, religious Ami secular papers. pNo other book like It published. SiO per week guaranteed. Address, COWAN 6 Co., 1:W-Eighth st., New York. n 29raay4w. wanted for THE HOME OF GOD’S PEOPLE I tho grandest and most successful now book out. Acknowledged to bo thoiuost aocldod success of the year—now soiling with astonishing rapid ity. It contains nearly 200 Magnificent Engrav ings. Splendid opportunity for agents to make money. Circulars, containing full particulars and terms, sent free. Address, DUSTIN,. GIL MAN & CO., Hertford, Conn. d 2umay4w. Numerous have Proved ULi N. F. BURNHAM'S NEW TURBINE yU \z Water Wheel S* to bo tho best over Invented. 3E Pamphlet free. Address York, Po. ’ SOmoyiw d rpo BOOK CANVASSERS. A 11W WA W OE RUNNING A Subscription Book I Thousands are sold. Canvassing reduced to a more pastime. Profits to agents immense. Ad dress, MURRAY HILL PUBLISHING CO., 129 Ecus 28lh St., N. Y. i> 29aiay4w ■WANETD AGENTSsmLn^fbygS lUernturo, OUR DIGESTION; or, MY JOLLY FRIEND’S SECRET ! Hu, Dio Lewis’ new work is an Immense sue* cess. Saves money, worry and precious health, and allows how to live well and grow fat on 81 a week. Agents ate coining money and doing a world of good with It. Delay not. but address at once Geo. Maclean, Publisher. Plilla. 29may4w d OATH Thousand in Press, Sale Increasing. 2,000 01/tnoro Live Agents Wanted for our LIVINGSTONE YEARS IN AFRICA ! overOOU pages, only 82.50. Incomplete & inferior works are offered, look out for them. Send for circulars and see proof oi the greatest Success of the season. Pocket Companion worth Slo mailed free. lluiirakd Bhos., Pub's, 72.1 Sansnm Btrcot Philadelphia. - d 20may-lw 1 TO 12 PER CENT. We make a specialty of County, City arid School District Bonds. Guarantee Legality oi all bonds sold, collect the coupons without charge, or take some also much cash on sales, THE LAW OF MUNICIPAL BONOS ! Just published by our senior, should bo in the bauds of all Interested In this class of securl ties. Two Volumes, price $lO. W. N. COLEU it C 0... 17 Nasua si.. New York. 20rany-lw "d JURE! PIKE I ! FIRE! I! ; - FIGHTING FIRE! Agents wanted, for the grandest book of the year, now celling with astonishing rapidity, lulls of the causes of Fire. Safes, Fire-proof Buildings, Conquering Fire with Water, Steam and Gas. Insuranco-la it safe 7 Its History, Basis, Management, How to Insure, etc., Vivid Accounts of the Great Fires of History. Agents send for circulars. You will never regret It. Sent Free. Address DUSTIN, GILMAN & CO., Hartford,Conn. d 29may4w NEVE H NEGLECT A COUGH. Nothing Is more cer tain to lay the foundation for future evil couse- WELL’S CARBOLIC TABLETS I are a sure cure for all diseases of the respiratory organs, sore throat, colds, croup, diphtheria. Asthma. Catarrh, Hoarseness, Dryness of the Throat, Windpipe .or Bronchial Tubes, and all Diseases of the Lungs. In all coses of sudden cold, however taken, these TABLETS should bo promptly and freely used. They equalize the circulation of the blood, mitigate the severity of the attack, and will, in a very short time, restore healthy action to the affected organs. Wells’ Carbolla Tablets are pat up only In blue boxes. Take no substitutes. If they can't bo found at your druggist’s, send at once to tbo Agent In Now York, who will forward them by return mall. Don’t Do deceived by imitations. • • Sold by druggists. . Price 23 oenta a box. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 13 Platt St., N. Y. r Send for circular. Sole Agent for United Slates 29may4w u 12,000,000 Acres ! Cli<;ai> Farms I The Cheapest Land, in Market, for sale by the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY In tlio GREAT PLATTE VALLEY. .1,000,000 ACHES IH CENTRAL NEBRASKA I Now for sale In tracts of forty acres and up wards on five and ton years’ credit at 6p6r ccul Mild mid healthful climate, fertile soil an abundance of good water. The best market la tho West. Tho great Min ing regions of Wyoming. Colorado, Utah and Nevada, being supplied by the farmers In tbo Soldiers Entitled to n Homestead of 160 Acces THE BEST LOCATION fDR COLONIES I Free homes for all I Millions of acres of choice Government Lands open lor entry under the Homestead Law, near the Greer Railroad, with good markets and all the conveniences of nu old settled country. Freo passes to purchasers of Railroad land. Sectional Maps. showing t.ie land, also now edition ol descriptive pamphlet with now mans mulled free everywhere. Address O. F, DAVIS. ’ Laud Commissioner U. P. R. R. 20may4w n Omaha, Nob; ' JUWBEEA ! Tlio Great South American JSlooil PuriHet In the most pmvejfu’, cleanser, atreuatbenfr and remover of Olandular Obstructions Known to Materia Metlicu. • , It Is specially adapted to constitutions '*worn down” and debilitated by tlio warm weather of Spring and Summer, when tho blood la not In active circulation, consequently gathering Im purities from sluggishness and Imperfect action os the secretive organs, and is manifested by Tumors, Eruptions. Blotches, Bolls, Pustules Scrotum, arc. When wearied and languid from overwork and dullness, drowsiness and Inertia take tho place ofenergy and vigor, the system needs a ionic to build it up and help tho Vital Forces to regain their recuperative power, in the heat of Summer, frequently the Liver and spleen do not properly perform thalr func tions; tho Uterine and Urinary Organs are In active, uroduoing weakness of the stomach and Intestines and a predisposition' to bilious de rangement, Dr. Wells’ Extract of Jurubeba 1!,. , ’^ pnrc ,t', d ' rectl ?: (r , om tho American 8 “Juf" , r y BUlt , ed 10 “ u theso aim-- culttes; It will cleanse the vitiated blood strengthen the llle-glvlng porters, and remove all obstructions from Impaired and enfeebled organs. 11 Should 1)0 freely token, ns Jurubeba is nro nouuced by mcdloal wrltera iho most oOlcieut imrlller, loulc and deobstrucut known in ibe wliolo range of idedlcluul plant.. JOIIN Q. KELLOaO. IK Platt at,, N Y Koio Agem.for the United States. r 2)) C inaylw D ° nr P ° r Soud for Circular. Secret of Beauty How to Beautify the Complexion! If there Is one wish dearer than another to ; . ot woman, It is the desire to bo bcautl- V u KrrJ?. 0 -, wondrful reputation of GEORGE W. LAIRDS ’BLOOM OF YOUTH” Uvoryjustly deserved. For Improving and beautifying the sklD. it la undoubtedly the best toilet propaiu* lion lu the world* It Is composed of entirely harmless materlulsrand while the Immediate ?. rft fj> render the skin a beautiful creamy white, It will, alter s? few applications, muko It soft, smooth and beautifully clear, removing all bio ml a hey and discolorations. * This delightful toilet preparation has been se v?SS s ri«f te n b ? ll ! 0 „ b< L ai:d ° r HcoUl > ot Now York City. Dr. Louis A. Sayers, after carefully examining the analysis made by the above Board, pronounced W, Laird's "Bloom of Youth" Bannlm, and Entirety Free from Anything Jnho rloustothe Health c r Skinf v Bownvo of Countortcitn. Ask your Druggist for Geo. P. Laird’s “Bloom of Youth.” The genuine has the United Slate* revenue stamp engraved on the ffontfabel nnd Ibe name “Geo. P. Laird.” blownm the gbiM Su tho back of every botUo, Sold by all DrusHistK and Faqoy Goods dealers. j> * VSnfoylw