American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, May 29, 1873, Image 1

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    The American Volunteer
B. 'Bratton.
Tkbms.— Two dollars por year If paid strictly
In advance. Two Dollars and Filly Cents 11
paid within throe months, after which Three
Dollars will bo charged. These terms will ho
rigidly adhered to In every Instance. No sub
scription discontinued until all, arrearages are
'fvdd. unless at the option of IholSldltor.
what will become of the poor
nv FAitatnu.
Gill what Will become of the poor man? Hays
I am a mechanic, but work I have none;
My tools are all rusted, said he, with a frown,
And I am quite sick and tired of town.
Far better had poor mortal never been born.
Than bo where the few cause the many to
Who, living in luxury and at their ease,'
Smile at'man's misfortune, his burden to ln>
The world now locns drear, ho sighingly said ;
The country must sulTer, her statesmen are
The rich hoard up money, still more bouds-lo
And enterprise cripple and ruin thereby.
Tlio rlolr aro made rlolier, the poor aro distressed,
TaxationJnoreoslns, tax-payors oppressed.
The iuoaey squandered, the debt still grows on.
And no labor In town for the poor man at
Tho pfty of.tho big men In olllco. Is raised—
A thing for which law makers will not. be
Tho pay of Ulysses is doubled. I hear,
While still there is nothing to do for me here.
Can' men, who would pass such outrageous laws.
Bo true to their country ami true to her cause 7,
Can congressmen thus from their duty depart,
And yet have the good of the people at heart?
Can statesmen, who say they are loyal and true,
Go In for the wrong, while the right they should
do; -
Fur tho sake of the dollar put through a bill.
To got what theiy earn not, their pockets to fill 7
Are such men not wasting the money awaj
Increasing the tax which tho poor have to pay 7
They love not their country, but grasp for tho
• gold— ’
Caro not for this Union, are bought and are sold,
The love of money is an evil, Indeed ;
For oft it dbes frail human nature mislead.
It causes dishonor, and much ol man's wo,
And leads him away from the path ho should
Toll mo, my dour reader; where is there to-day
A. Benton, a Webster, a Douglas, or Clay ?
Go now whore you. will and search earth all
around, •
Such statesmen as they were, cau no more be
They worked for. the. good of the many and all
Were true to their country and true to her
-The moito of those noble men of the past
Was. “ Our country Aral, and our country last I
They died tail of honor, their labors well done;
They passed from this life, their spirits went
Tbelr'ereat fame si read o'er this land of the
Their names through all nges immortal shall be,
an old-fashioned eemedy.
Work Versus Herb Tea.
by r. tuoiine,
Mrs, Whitaker was much troubled
about Busan. All summer she had been
in a pale, languid, half-alive condition,
With no strength, no appetite, no inter-
est in anything. •
Mrs. Whitaker having a never-suth
ciently gratified passion for doctoring,
had at first rather enjoyed this oppor
tunity of trying the virtues of the va
rious roots and herbs that hung m dry,
dusty bundles from the garret rafters.
Susan’s life had been made a burden to
her by. doses bf thoroughwort, penny
royal, tanaey. dandelion and burdock.
There was always a big bowl of black,
bitter herb-tea standing in the pantry,
which it was equally the object of M>s.
Whitaker’s life to induce Susan to take,
and the object of Susan’s to escape.
Ana still Susan lay around the house
in an exceedingly limp state, reading
novels with a languid interest, study
ing her symptona in the “ FmmlyAd--
Vlser,” and outline out such scrap
poetry from the newspapers as dwelt on
the hollowness of the world, unappre
ciated loveliness, and early death.
Nod Whitaker, Susan’s younger
brother, was decidedly skeptical on the
subject of her Illness. ‘lt s etiough to
make any one sick, to do as Sue does,
said ho. energetically. *K she gebUP
earlier in the morning and does a little
hosuework she’d get well twicemm'
as she does now, dosing and coddling.
‘A great deal you know about it,
retorted Susan, with considerable vigor
for an invalid; ’I like to hear boys talk
They know so much-m their own es
timatioD.* .
•See here. Sue 1 What if that inter
esting young school-master should hear
you speak so to your brother? It
don’t sound very angelic.
'Sue said nothing, only blushed a I t
tie and assumed that plaintive, meek
ly’injured look, which says plainly,
‘You’ll be sorry for this ■ when X m
e °‘Fudgo, Bue,’ said Ned,'quite unlm
nressed 'Won't look so spoony.’ and
off he went, whistling and banging the
was a fact that there had been a
a™: rrc.■-•«> - •**
away.’ Perhaps Susan, having ooth-
Im? else to do, had pleased herself by
fancying she was in love with this gay
deceiver. A girl must do something-
Mrs. Whitaker was one of those inde
fatigable, irrepressible women, a scru
pulously neat and exact housekeeper,
who loved work only for its own sake,
and ‘didn’t want anyi one bothering
'Tt one time Susan had quite a mania
for cooking, but Mrs. Whitaker, after
witnessing her awkward struggles with
lt’s easier for
TMI tiulf
And now Mrs. Whitaker thought
Susan so delicate she relieved her of
even these light duties, and left her
with nothing to do hut realize, in her
own experience, the truth of the sayr
?A B mlll-«touo ana the human heart are over
It they else ,to grlml. they must
Ihemaolvea bo ground. .
to know all the weariness of an empty,
aimless Ufa.
the Iramcan iolnntecr
September came, and yet Susan re
mained in u slain of dhcouraging
about-the-snniem i-s. Mrs. Whliakir
■ thought she would drive oyer nod con
sult Aunt Debbie Dunbar.
Aunt Debbie was a woman of vast
experience in sickness. i-ibe bud
brought a la rge family of her own suc
cessfully through nil the mumps,
measles, and oilier ills infant tleslr is
heir to, and was now experimenting on
a yearly increasing circle of grand
children, besides acting ns adviser
general for the whole neighborhood.—
What Aunt Debbie didn’t know about
doc toring was generally considered not
worth knowing at all.
As Mrs. Whitaker drove up she de
scried Aunt Debbie’s ample form out
in the garden, bending over the sage
bed. At the sound of wheels, she
straightened up, pushed her sun-bonnet
back and peered sharply through her
speclacles to see who was going by.
‘Well, I never!’ she exclaimed as
Mrs. Whitaker drove into the yard.—
‘lf it ain’t you, Miss Whiiaker! I was
jest thinkin’ about ybu. How dew ye
do? Seems as if I hadn’t seen you for
an age. Cum right along in, and
Kiah’H put your horse out.’
‘Thank you, but I’ve only come lor a
call; I enh’t stop long.’
‘Well, how- d’ye all do at home?’
.asked A unt Debbie, after she had
ushered her visitor into the sitting
room, rolled up one green paper cur
tain, and settled down to her knitting.
Aunt Debbie could always talk easier
with her knitting work in hand.
‘Pretty well, thank you, except Bu
san. I ,came over partly to see you
about her. She don’t seem to get along
as I should like to have Her.’
‘Miss Haskell was tellin’ me, last
Sunday, how ailin’ Susan’s ben, this
slimmer. From what Miss Haskell
said I should think she’s a good deal as
my Melissa was, five years ago. I
cured Melissa with boneset.’
‘Susan’s been taking that, more or
leas, all summer,’
‘Does she cough any ?’
‘Because if she did, colt-foot tea is a
grand thing. Ain’t she bilious i*
•I shouldn’t wonder if she was.”
‘Well, now if she was my girl I
should give her a dose of blue pill - to
begin with, find follow it out with a
smart course of costor ile or salts. X
should keep right on with the boneset
three times a day-’tis very strength
enin’—and I’d have her take a raw egg
in half a glass of cider every mornin’
before breakfast. That’s one of the
best things I know offer weakly folks.
Is she nervous about sleepin’ ?’
‘Yes, sheds, rather.”
‘There is nothin’so good foruarvous
ness as hop tea. Give her some every
night, the last thing before she goes to
bod, ami make her a hop pillow. I
guess, if you follow her up thoroughly,
you’ll bring her out all tight. There’s
nothin’ like bein’ thorough,’ said Aunt
Debbie with the emphatic air of long
After much further advice, Mrs.
Whitaker set out for home, burning
with zeal to ‘follow up’ Susan with all
Aunt Debbie’s prescriptions. What
the consequences would have been to
poor Susan, one shudders to think.—
Fortunately fate kindly interposed In
her behalf.
It seems a clear ease of one ‘born in
the woods to be scared at an owl,’ that
the old Whitaker horse should take
into his ancient head to be frightened
at a'mowing machine. But such was
actually the lact. As he was jogging
along, head down, apparently lost in
memories of his far-away youth, ho
came suddenly upon Deacon Foskett's
rattling, clattering, mowing machine.
Up went his head, one snort, one jump
sideways, and away ho plunged down
the hill, twitching the-reins from Mrs.
Whitaker’s hand by the suddenness of
this unexpected start. ■ A big rut at tho
foot of the h ill—over goes tho wagon on
top of Mrs. Whitaker—and Deacon
Foskett and his hired man ran down
the hill to find Mrs. Whitaker with
one leg Woken, a sprained shoulder
and any amount of bruises and wrench-
What wks to come of the Whitakers,
now that tie main spoke of the domes
tic wheel was useless? They hire a
girl, of course, suggests the intelligent
reader. But hiring a girl in Tully
was no such trifling matter. A small
factory in the village absorbed all the
American'girls of the vicinity, who
would otherwise have worked in fami
lies, and there being no Catholic church
within ID 1 miles, the Irish girl that
could ho induced to live on a farm was
a rura avii indeed.
Mr. W.liitaker devoted a week to
driving ojer the hills in different di
rections iu pursuit of various myths of
possible this that vanished into thin
air on elisor Inspection. Now Mrs.
Haskell had heard of a very nice girl
over iu/Benham, Franklin Lesters
wife’s sister, who was anxious to secure
a place. By the time Mr. Whitaker
reached Beuham the nice girl had ou
traged tb teach a district school. Ar
rived afhorao he found Mrs. uoodman
had snog the praises of a certain ‘wid
ow woman’ on Stony Hill. Mr.
Whitaler hies him to Stony Hill to
find thji widow gone to keep house for
her brother.
‘I dailare,’ said Mr. Whitaker to Su
aan al he returned, girlless and dis
pirite/i, from his long drive, ‘I bohevo
if I wanted a wife I could get six easier
than . can get one girl.’ ,
‘Dtn’t try any more, father, earn
SusaiJ. 'We can get along somehow.
Ned md I can do the work.’
!Tliat’s so,’ said Ned
‘Dim’t be so low, Ned,’ said Busan,
who; had undertaken the somewhat
discouraging task of ‘elevating’ Ned.-
Boy* resent ‘elevating, * especially by
the* own sisters, and accordingly Ked
ratlpr exerted himself to be slangy in.
Busin's presence.
Rit now a feeble wail was heard
from the bed-room where poor Mrs.
Whitaker lay, fevered and helpless op
I herrestlesa couch.
‘You’ must get a girl, father,’ she re
monstrated. ‘Susan can’t do the work.
It will be a long time before she is
strong enough, and besides she has not
the experience. Oil dear, if I could
only be about and do the workraysMfi
I can’t be reconciled to lying here
when there’s so much to do 1’
To sooth hia wife, Mr. Whitaker
promised ,to try once more, and finally
one night drove into the yard in tri
umph, seated on a small hair trunk, an
actual ‘girl’ in propria persona, band
box in hand, sitting in state on the
seat behind him.
The new girl’s name was Luna, ‘pale
Luna,’ Ned called her. She was tall
and bony, wore her hair cut short in
the neck, and rejoiced in a bass voice
that was a perpetual surprise in the
family. Luna soon developed ways,
that, if not ‘dark’ .were decidedly un
comfortable. - Ned always declined pie,
after he once saw Luna, as she cut each
piece drawing tho knife-blade through
her mouth to ‘cleanse’ it. No matter
what she had previously been doing,she
stirred Mrs. Whitaker’s heef tea with
her finger without going through the
ceremony ot washing her hands,-and
tasted it freely witli the same spoon
offered the invalid. She told Susan she
‘liked to make bread, it takes the grind
off your hands so nice.’ Under her ad
ministration, tho appetites of tho
Whitakers dwindled alarmingly. Su-
sun, who saw the most of Luna’s cook
ery, lived entirely on crackers.
When Mrs. Whitaker heard that
i.uu'a prepared the potatoes for dinner
in the wash-hand basin, and put the
best tea-knives soaking in tho bottom
of the pan while she did the other
dishes, tea-kniveS whoso glossy handles
were Mrs. Whitaker’s pride,'her in
dignation knew no bounds.
‘I won’t have her in the house an
other minute! I can’t sleep till she is
out of it| The ideal My best tea
knives 1 I’ve been particular never
even to dampen the handles, and al
ways kept teem put away in tissue pa
per and now they’re ruined 1 Do get
her out of the house before she spoils
everything in it, and poisons us all 1’
Luna went. Susan cleaned up the
house, and prayed, whatever other
calamity might bo in store for them,
they might at least bo spared another
girl. Susan was much better now. Her
mother’s illness had taken her out of
herself, and obliged her to make some
exertion. She went into housework
with a will, equally pleased and sur-
prised to find herself really good for
something. Ned helped her all he
could, and novel were some of the ex
periments of what Ned, called the ‘new
One day Susan decided to have baked
beans for dinner. She put something
like two quarts boiling. By and by,
looking in the pot, she was dismayed
to lind it full to the very brim. She
took out nearly half but still the beans
continued to swell beyond her wildest
forebodings. Ned came in to dinner to
fin d an immense dish ol baked beans
crowning the dinner table, with seve
ral pans of the same agreeable edibles,
in various stages of doneness, were
standing around in-the kitchen.
‘Whe-ew 1’ exclaimed Ned. ‘You’re a
good provider, .-me, but seems to me
you are rather overdoing this bean
business. I .'feel about beans as the old
lady’s hired man did about liver. He
liked it well enough for fifty or sixty
days, but didn’t care about it for a
steady diet,’
‘Don’t laugh, Ned,’ said poor Sue,
looking anxioua and exhausted. ‘l’ve
had a really dreadful time with the
things. I positively believe three beans
would have been enough.'
Susan usually had very good success
with her bread. But one day there
arose an.unforeseen complication. The
sponge had soured in the nigtit.
‘Ned,’ she said, ‘did you ever notice
how much soda mother uses when the
sponge is sour? I’m sure I don’t
know.’ . •
‘Nor I. I guess she just stirs it till it
tastes all right.’
She put in a largo tea-spoonful' of
soda. Then she and Ned both tasted
and smelt it.
■’Tain’t right yet,’ said Ned, with an
air of wisdom and experience. ‘Dab in
some more.’
In went another spoonful. Another
testing by the cooks.
‘lt tastes smarty,’ said Sue. ‘I be
lieve I shall put in another spoonful.’
After getting in four spoonfuls, they
concluded it would ‘do.’
The bread came out of the oven a
deep yellow-brown in hue, and exhal
ing an overpowering odor of soda. Sue
made buscuit for tea, and the pigs
reveled in new biead for supper that
night. Ned, being implicated, swore
solemn secrecy, and, as he used after
ward triumphantly to observe, ‘it
didn’t kill the pigs, either.’
But Susan’s experiences were not all
so disastrous. Mrs. Whitaker was
quite astonished to see bow well things
went. She really began to think Susan
was a ‘natural cook.’ Daughters of
such notable housekeepers as Mrs.
Whitaker are apt to be ‘natural cooks.
Order and method is the rule of the
house, and they adopt, instinctively,
‘mother’s way,’ of doing things. A
■certain deftness and skill is hereditary
with them. Perhaps, if Susan hau, as
she sometimes wished in the old
dreamy days, been an ‘authoress, her
proudest triumphs would have given
her no deeper thrill of pleasure than
when her father said :
‘Susan, this is really a capital squash
pie If your mother don’t look out,
you’ll beat her yet. Just give me an
other piece.’
One day Ned astonished Sue with a
bona tide compliment. ,
You’re growing handsome, Sue,
‘Wd’ll make
Sue thought Ned waa muting Inn of
her, thereby, for once, doing him on
injustice. For there ia no surer cos
metic and beautifler than house-work,
when not carried to excess. No amount
of dumb-bells, flesh-brushes. constitu
tional’'walks and drives gives the oner
gy. the brisk circulation, the cheerful
tone to body and mind that comes from
the vigorous, varied exorcise of house
work. Sue flew briskly around the
house now, singing ns she made beds up
stairs, with thefresh morning air sweep
ing breezily through the open Windows,
now sweeping the sitting-room, now
kneading dough, now out in the garden
for vegetables, all this varied work
bringing every muscle into play the
more healthy, because not done delibe
rately and with ■ ‘malice aforethought.’
‘How do you leel to-day, Susan?’
queried Mrs. Whitaker, anxiously.
‘I really don’t know, mother,’ re
plied Susan, laughingly. ‘I haven’t
had time to think.’
And so Suo had grown pjump and
rosy, had a buoyant step, a light and
sparkle in her eyes, the radiance ivs
looks and spirit that comes from a
sound mind in a sound body.
One Monday Suo was in the clothes
yard, trying to' hang out the clothes.
She was short, and the lino high up,
the wind blowing a gale. It certainly
was a provoking wind. It blew Sue’s
sun bonnet off, apd her curly brown
hair into all sorts of wild tangles and
tousles, and the table cloth she was try
ing to hang up kept flapping back pll
over her. Sue stood on tiptoe, strain
ing hor arms up, and struggling in vain
with the refractory table cloth.
•Let me help you, Sue,’ said a plea,
sant, manly voice.
She extricated herself from the mazes
of the table doth to And Charlie Good
man beside her. Charlie was working
in his south lot, which joined the Whi
takers’ garden, and seeing his neigh
bor’s distress, had come to the rescue,
like the kind-hearted fellow he was.
,‘Oh,"thank you, Charley,’ said Sue,
with perhaps more color in her cheeks
than the wind was solely responsible
for. U was so vexatious to bo caught
looking so. And Hue hastened to roll
down her sleeves, and conceal her
blushes under her sun bonnet.'
while Charlie hung up the table cloth
and let the line down within her reach.
It is ns pleasant for a woman to be
helped, as for a man to help. She felt
quite a glow of gratitude to Charlie.
‘How nice it is to be tall 1’ she said.
-‘I am ever so much obliged to you.’
‘Not at all. lam glad to do it. A lit
tle body like you ought always to have
a tall man around somewhere handy,
to help her,’ said Charlie, looking not
unadmiringly down on the flushed face
and tangled brown curls unifier the sun
‘Nonsense, Charlie 1’ laughed Sue
slyly, stooping to pick up a clothes pin.
Charlie went back to his work, won
dering he had never noticed -before
a pretty girl .Sue Whitaker was.
Somehow, Charlie found a great deal to
do In the south lot that fall. Any defi
ciency on his part, .hitherto, In “notic
ing” Susan, was more than atoned for
now. He-always had an eye out in the
direction of the Wliilaker mausioii. The
number of errands ho discovered that ne
cessitated bis “just ruunlug over" there
was really surprising. Of course, he was
often thirsty, and obliged to step into the
kitoben-fora drink ot water. Then,, noth
ing could bo more natural than that he
should stop and chat a few minutes with
Rogers might often have founda pleas
ing model for a statuette group Illustra
tive of New England life, in the Whita
ker kitchen, consisting of Sue, in a big
bib-apron, that only served to setoff her
plump, rounded form, with sleeves rolled
up, a pie-plate gracefully poised ou one
little hand, with the other deftly cutting
the edges of the crust, listening with rosy
cheeks and downcast eyes to Charlie,
who looks manly and handsome, in spite
of his shirt-sleeves and, overalls, as he
leans, straw hat in hand, against the
pump, and talks, with his lips, of the
weather, perhaps with his eyes, of far
different topics.
The interest Charlie took in Mrs. Whi
taker’s health was truly touching. He
called so often to inquire for her, and lis
tened so politely fo all her symptoms,
that Mrs. Whitaker took a great fancy to
him, and was always telling every one
what a remarkably nice young man
Charlie Goodman was; on which oeea
slouh Sue generally discovered she had
an errand in the kitchen, or anywhere
out of the room. In short Charlie not
only loved his neighbor as himself, but
a great deal better.
As for Sue, the memory of the young
school-master had faded like a morning
dream. She came to feel such an interest
in Charlie’s prosperity, that, rather than
have him waste so much time, she con
sented, In the spring.' to move perma
nently over to the Goodman house. She
made as brisk and blooming a matron as
one often sees, end "they lived happy
forever afterward as happy, at all
events, as is possible In a world which
sometimes has sharp trials for even tht
most loving and united hearts.
If any one still asks what cured Susan
I shall reply by quoting Miss Alcott
“Love and labor, two beautiful bid fash
lons, that began long ago, with the firt
pair In Eden.”'
Sad Accident at Honesdnlo, Fa,
Port Jervis, N. Y., May 13.—Hoipa
dale Pa.',' was, on Saturday eveningjhe
scene of a terrible casualty. A new ew
er trench that was being dug had een
lelt by the workmen in a rather uipro
teoted condition, and a number of fttle
girls were rupning through It, plying
bide and seelf- While thus engaed, a
large portion of the trench caved t, bu
rying beneath It two of the childrii. one
named McLean and the other Manflsh.
A brother of the McLean girl sawiho ac
cident. and ran home at once, ad told
his father. -The latter hastenei toi the
spot, and seeing the lingers of oi) of the
children sticking out above thrturface,
he at once commenced digging rlth his
hands to uncover her face. In oremark
ably brief time ho succeeded Inclearing
the dirt away from her face, ail was re
jolcod to find that his daughtei after be
ing exposed to the air, ehowd algns of
life. She was extricated fro* the dirt,
and soon regained oonsolousuoS. When
her face was uncovered flri, It was as
black as a negro’s.
The brother of the girl, vpen he gave
the alarm, did not know thol waaanotb
-ler child burled with his slstf. This fact
was not-known until tho rescued child
was able to speak, when she at ones re
vealed it. Three or four men at once
procured shovels and commenced digging
for tho other little girl. A large crowd
had assembled by this time and tho wild
est excitement prevailed. It was several
minutes before the body of tho unfortu
nate little one was discovered. It was in
a sitting posture, with the head crushed
forward on tho knees. The little girl
had evidently been instantly killed by
the great weight that was upon her. She
Was badly Injured internally. Like tho
McLean child, her face was black.
The mother aud sisters of the child
wore in the crowd when her body was
found, and their cries were heartrending,
The father is an industrious German, a
machinist, and had that day moved Into
the village. He did not know of the fate
of his child until ho came into the crew’d
on his way home from work. The trench
had been pronounced unsafe, and the
workmen were, themselves afraid of its
caving in unou them.
i Ton Milo JErial Eide in a Paper Ship.
The Reading 2hues gives the following
account of the daring ascension of Prof.
Donaldson on the 17th inst.: Donaldson,
the irrepressible, the intrepid aeriel gym
nast, has again astonished his neighbors
and fellow citizens; On the above day
be telegraphed to Mr. John D. Mish
ler from Bethlehem, from which place
he had made an ascension on Thursday
evening, thUt he would make an ascen
sion in his paper balloon, “John D.
Mishler," on Saturday afternoon from
Reading. Ho arrived in this city on the
1 50 New York train from Bethlehem, in
the afternoon and immediately com
menced preparations, for the' inflation
and ascension.
The paper balloon, “JohnD. Mishier,’
has been manufactured for some time. It
is made of the same material as that in
which goods are wrapped, and of course
It is very frail In its structure. . The pro
fessor has made several attempts, and
had met with os -many reverses from
windy and wet weather, jthat it was
doubtful if th is attempt woild prove suc
cessful. However, the wotil fail or cow
ardice are unknown in the Donaldson
vocabulary, and consequently the pre
liminary preparations were commenced.
Meanwhile several thousand people had
assembled in Penn square. Tho process
of inflation was somewhat slow, and the
condensation of gas after tho sun had
gone down added somewhat to the de
tention, but at fifteen minutes past seven
everything being in readiness, the com
mand “let go" was given, and the bal
loon rose gracefully and majestically.
Prof. Donaldson was seated iu the rig
ging, having dispensed with the basket
and appurtenances, which could not be
carried along. He rose to a considerable
height, and sailed in an almost direct
southerly direc.iou. The balloon pre
sented a grand ippearance in the depart
ing rays of thefsuu which hud just set,
Wbtm he left ho earth. It. woo visible
for about Ufteiu minutes, and appeared
to be almost satibuary, the wind having
lulled to an ippareul calm. At intervals
he waved Us handkerchief, and 'was
greeted witl’hearty and prolonged Cheers
from tho enhusiastlc thousands of look
ers on. Helauded lllteen minutes before
eight o’clock in a Held about ten miles
from Beadhg. The landing was success
fully acooupliahed and with but little
difficulty, dthough the balloon was much
torn and vas left on the field. Not. be
ing able b obtain,a conveyance, he had
to walk biok to Reading, arriving here a
few minitea befo re eleven o'clock.
For the first time In his life Prof. Don
aldson vllnessed two sunsets in one eve
ning, uo first before he had left terra
firma, .ud the second after he had got
beyoat’ the clouds. The latter ho de
scribesas beautiful beyond description.
Tbit is the first paper balloon ascen
sion ly an aeronaut on record. Although
it prbfed successful, and was the cheap
est sponsion iu a pecuniary sense that
couh be made. Prof. Donaldson has no
desie to repeat It —not” for fear of the
safey of the ascension, but because of the
frai character of the balloon and the al
mot certainty of Us destruction in mak
lu(a lauding.
"he weight of the "John D. Miahler,"
ws 48 pounds, being but half that of the
odinary balloon of a similar capacity. It
hid 14,000 cubic feet of gas. The cost of
t,e paper used in the construction
snounted to $5.20.
fhe Electric Fluid Strikes a Early of Oard-
Playora—One Killed—Appalling Scene in
a Laborer's Cottage.
A special correspondent of the 'Wil
mington Commercial, writing from Mid
dletown, says : “The thunder-storm of
the 17th Inst, was terribly severe in sev
eral places In St. George’s Hundred, in
one case with fatal results. In a tenant
house, on Mr. Price’s farm about four
miles beyond this town, near Bunker
Hill, some ten or twelve colored men
were seated at a table playing cards. The
fearful vividness of the llghtulug
frightened one of the party, named Ben
jamin Dares, and, rising from the table
with an oath, be exclaimed that ho was
■going to bed out of the way.’ He pro
ceeded upstairs, and got Into bed between
two colored children, and had hardly
laid down when a bolt of lightning en
tered through the roof, piercing a hole
through the man’s head from temple to
temple, killing him, of course, instantly.
"The children were unharmed, but in
the lower room, the table, cards and
'men, were scattered in every direction.
With the exception of one man who was
badly burned on the back, all escaped
with being severely stunned. As soon
as they could tbe whole party left the
house,[now in flames, as if for their lives.
One of them, however, returned and res
cued the children, and body of the dead
man: ibe others ran up the road to a
store, where they took refuge on the
porch in goods boxes, and any place that
ollered apparent security, fervently pray
ing for a cessation of the auger of the
mighty powers. Their prayers were not
favorably answered, ns a-bolt of the terri
ble giectric fluid entered the front of the
store,passing through,and tearing out the
greater part of the rear end. A goods
box, behind which one of the colored
men was standing, was torn in splinters:
a new pale fence, along which crowded
two or three men, was entirely demolish
ed, and things smashed up generally.
Another retreat was now made at a rap
id speed, and for what we know, some of
the party may still be on the run."
Well, let him go, and lot him stay—
I do not mean to dio;
I ghoss ho'll And that I can live •
Without him, If I try.
Ho thought to frighten me with frowns
So terrible and black—
Ho'll stay away a thousand years
Before I ask him baok I
Ho said that I had acted wrong,
And foolishly besides ;
1 won't forget him after that—
I wouldn't If I died.
If I was wrong what right had he
To bo so cross with me ?
1 know I'm not an angel quite—
I don't protend be.
Ho had another sweetheart once,
And now when we fall out,
Ho always says she was not cross,
Aud that she did not pout.
It Is enough to vex a saint— •
It’s more than 1 can bear;
I wish that girl of his was—
Well, I don’t, care whore. ,
Ho thinks that she was pretty, too—
Was beautiful as good;
I w/vnJ*'- IfKhft'd
Again, now If she could 7
I know she would, and there she is—
She lives almost in sight;
And now lt*s almost nine o'clock—
Perhaps he’s there to-night.
I’d almost write to him to,come—
But then I’ve said X won’t,
1 do not care so much, but she
Shan't have him If I don’t.
Besides, I know that I was wrong.
And he was In the right ;
I guess I'll tell him so—aud thou—
I wish he’d como'to-nlght.
Capture of the Ganatourger Brothers—A
Triple Execution at Grlltheim—The Mob
Attach the Guillotine—Terrible Murder of
Mr. Kuffer and Bla Clerk at Barlakron.
.The small village of Grlllheim, near
KarlsUron, In Southern Bavaria, a place
of no importance whatever, is situated on
the edge of a dense forest, and very sel
dom visited by strangers. And yet this
heretofore unknown place with its 1,500
Inhabitants, has of late called the atten
tion or whole civilized Europe to Itself,
for-the criminal records of the kingdom
have shown that it has furnished fully 10
per cent, of the criminals In the State
prisons. The publication of this fact by
the minister of police was caused by the
many applications which that official had
received, praying to'pardon the three
Ganswurger brothers, who were sen
tenced to be beheaded on the-14th of last
month. Their crimes were, however, so
heinous that the king refused to interfere,
and ordered the execution to take place
on the appointed day.
tjib 'three ganswdkoek brothers.
Edward, Adolph and Carl, were respect
ively thirty-one, twenty-seven and twen
ty-one years of age. . On the 12th of last
month the guillotine arrived In the vil
lage, and .when it was lirat seen
by the population, among whom the
three criminals had great Ihilueneo, loud
threats were made. As the mob, was
constantly gaining in numbers, the sher
iff dispatched a special messenger to the
post commander at Karlskrou requesting
troops to he sent on withoutdelay. They,
arrived next day, and it was high time
indeed-, for the mob had resolved to pre
vent, the execution at all hazards. The
cavalry succeeded in quieting the riot,
but not until they had made free use of
their sabres and Count Bosselmau had
notified the rioters that he would order
his men to ore If the king’s order was In
terfered with. The sheriff fixed the
hour lor the execution as early as
possible, and It was precisely 5 o’clock
when two companies of Uhlans rode up
in front of the guillotine. The three de
linquents were brought up by the sheriff,
escorted by another company of cavalry.
A wild yell greeted their appearance,
and a rush was made toward them. It
was with groat difficulty, and not until
several of the mob had been wounded
that the execution could be proceeded
with. The three Ganswurgers were close
ly watched by the sheriff and his assis
tants, who, pointing their revolvers at
the breasts of the wretched men, threat
oaod to shoot them if they should make
the slightest attempt to escape.
was then ordered forward, and whou bla
head fell in the basket and his blood
rushed over the planks, bis elder brother,
Edward, commenced laughing and turn
ing to the sheriff exclaimed: “You have
the best of us now. But as brave as,the
youngest of us died we-will die likewise."
A few minutes afterward the three broth
ers lay side by side in one great casket,
and the corpses were taken toKarlakron,
and turned over to the medical college.
The three Ganswurger bad always been
considered a reckless trio, but no one of
the authorities ever suspected them of
being the perpetrators of the
which hod been committed near Karl
skrpn. They bad laid their plans so well
and executed them so secretly, that the
arduous labors of the authorities bad al
ways proven a failure. It was well
known to the authorities that Edward
had a liason with a yound married wo
man, until finally her husband’s atten
tion was called to that fact. While Ed
ward once tried to obtain admission he
was confronted by Mr. Kufer, the unfor
tunate husband of the unfaithful woman,
and cooly told that If his faoe.was again
seen near his (Mr. Kufer’s) house, the
consequence would rest with the intru
der. Ganswurger left the premises, ut
tering a fearful oath and with murder In
his heart. Ho narrated the encounter to
bis two brothers, and in order to revenge
this Insult, it was agreed upon to murder
\Mr. K. and then set fire to the building.
Two nights afterward the hellish deed
was executed. The three brothers en
tered the building by means of false
keys, and with the knowledge Edward
had obtained on former occasions, it
was but too easy a task to find the bed
room of Mr. Kufer. This gentlemen
and his wife were, however, not in,
and fully two hours elapsed before foot
steps were heard. The rain poured
down in torrents, and to make sure of
their work the younger brother had
used petroleum, and was only await
ing his br&tbor’s order to light It. To
the utter disappointment of the three
murderers, the approaching party was
not Mr. Kufer, but his clerk. ‘lt U ab
solutely necessary to make him cold In
order to quiet his tongue,’ said Adolph
Ganswurger, and plunged a dagger Into
the young man’s heart. Shortly after*-
1 ward Mr. Kufer came home, and whils
VOL. 59-NO. 51.
he was' likewise hurried Into eternity,
his wife was told not to reveal the
least, the petroleum was lit, and the
murderers made good their escape.
Some four days, afterward, Edward
Ganswurger, against whom a warrant
had been issued', was seen by a special
detective entering his father’s house at
Grlllholm. A posse of twelve officers
was at once dispatched, and so com
pletely surprised the entire family that
no resistance at all was offered. The
three brothers were Indicted for mur
der, and upon the evidence of Mrs. Ku
fer sentenced to be beheaded. The most
remarkable feature of this trial was the
confession of Edward Ganswurger. He
boasted having killed seven persons
alone, and was proud to say that his
two brothers were'exeellent in that busi
April 7, 1878.,
Mr. Williams said : The late rebellion
and Its soenes are still fresh In the minds
of all. It is unnecessary to call your at
tention to or bring before you those ter
rible conflicts of armed forces which oc
curred on the different battle-fields,. You
are lamlliar with them'all, and the num
berless resting-places of the fallen dead,
with their monuments, giving the name,
date and battle-field, attest that the strife
was a long and deadly one; that priceless
sacrifices were made to preserve a free
government—a government baptized in
blood—and one which on Us Inception de
clared that among the inalienable rights
of men were life, liberty and the pursuit
of happiness. But I will ask you to go
with me for a short time, and look upon
the beautiful Cumberland Valley and the
surrounding counties In Juue, 1863, when
the rebel legions, flushed with victory at
Winchester,came with theirsleady march
over vale bill and mountain. Before the
exultant, defiant army of Geu’l Lee came
the fleeing multitudes, who were escap
ing with their property, to save U from
the hands of the spoilers. Every road and
avenue were filled with the fearstricken
populace; some with their wagons, some
with their horses, some with their cattle,
some with their household goods, some
with their merchandise, with which they
had been trading, and some with their
families, all rivaling each other to reach
a place of many of them nev
er reached their haven of rest. The
swift advance of the rebel army inter
cepted some of them and captured their
horses, wagons and cattle, and allowed
their wearied owners to pursue their jour
ney on foot, amid dust, dismay and con
fusion. But this is not all. After the
fearful battle of Gettysburg what do we
see? Could we but in one picture por
tray the whole scene! Could we but
bring all the border counties before you,
showing the desolation, the destruction
of property and of the homes where the
loved ones were left; and more, coujd we
but see the ghastly dead after Lee s re
treat ffum Pennsylvania's soil. But wo
cannot- We can only name in that fear
ful picture a faw of the moat prominent
points. We see persons returning to their
home, to find the places where they once
-were marked by a smouldering heap ox
ashes. We dad, persona returning to see
their fields of golden ripened siraln trod
and threshed beneath tho rushing hosts
of cavalry and artillery. We see persons
returning to find their stock of merchan
dise, which they were forced to leave be
hind, either taken or else strewed by the
bauds of the enemies before tbe winds of
the heavens. Aud mingled with all this
what a ghastly, dreadful sight of death
meelsouranxl us gaze. Bad, sad indeed,
to look upon. And even now It Is euffl
. olent to bring tears to the eyes of the
most hardened, and to those who weep,
not. But we will not detain you with
this sad picture. You bray have heard
sufficient. From your own knowledge
and from what you have heard we are
satisfied you will admit.thatthei border
counties of Pennsylvania suffered terri
bly from tbe several invasions of the re
bels-aud from our own troops during
the war of the rebellion. Now, sir, if
this Is so, the question is, should not the
Goveromeut see that these losses are
paid? I hold. sir. that if among the in
alienable rights of men. are life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness, aud that
if governments are Instituted to secure
and preserve these rights, then we say
that if the State is not able to protect
these rights from every Interference by
the Invader or armed forces, then she
should uoujpouoßto hor clUboiib for tho
loss. But you may say that life, liberty
aud happiness are not property. This
may be so. But we will ask what is life
worth if we have no property at all ? Or,
what It liberty if we have no right to ac
cumulate property and be protected in
its enjoyment? Or what is happiness if
you have no home and dear loved-ones
to make you happy? Sir, we hold that
property is included In these rights, and
without property, life, liberty and hap
piness are only a name, a phantasy or a
waif on the ocean of time. You must
have property—a home to make Ufa plea
eant—to make liberty a boon to beaought
for. And the pleasures of homo and the
enjoyment and use of property la tbe on
ly true substantial happiness that this
world In Itaelf can afford. Now, then If
this Is the case, should not the State, as a
matter of right, pay these claims? These
people lost their property, their homes,
from a cause from which they had no
power to protect themael vea—except thro
the State. The State was not able to do
It. Hence the liability of the State for
not so doing. The Government com
pelled us to raise our required quota of
men to fill up the ranke of the army,
which wo did. The Government asked
ns to pay tbe taxes assessed, which was
also compiled with. Then, for this rea
son, should not tho State protect the pro
perty of tho people, on which they paid
the taxes? Aud more than this—should
not the State take oaro of the property of
our people who were in the army fight
ing the battles for the Union of the
(States? But we may hear some one say
that this should be the duty of the U. o.
Government. This may be true, butwe,
as tbe representatives of the people who
have suffered, can only be heard here,
and if the State of Pennsylvania should
assume these claims, It would not be
long before tho United States govern
ment would see the propriety ef paying
them. The United States Government
is now and has been paying
losses of loyal people of the Southern
states, which occurred during the rebel
non. and should they not pay tha losses
of our people, who were all loyal. If our
people suffered losses should they not be
paid equally aa well as the loyal claim
ants of the South ? No one representing
the people of this State
»h<a*tima will deny this; But It is not
only tbe duty and obligation of the State
S, this time to see that those claims are
paid, but It la a mattsr of justice to tbe
Philadelphia, to hold an exhibition of
the arts and sciences, on the hundredth
anniversary of the independence of these
Htates By this exhibition wa,propose to
awaken a brotherly feeling among all the
people. Wa not only propose to awaken
£ brotherly feeling among the people, but
to cause that people to fully appreciate
and admire the greatness andl power of
our common country; and, abavo all. to
awabon In tho hearts of all the people a
Unites) of Advertlslni
No, times 1 aq. 3sq. 8 iq.|4 afj. o I cot
1 week, li oo iloo STooii cm it oo tia «J law
2 ", ISO 800 4 00600 900 II 00 WOO
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seniors’ and Adm'rs’.
liters' Notices,
Ignoca* and similar N
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louncemonta flvo cent
acted for by the year.
Inoss and Special Notices,
For £xo<
For Ami
For Asal
For Yeai
For Ann
less contra
For Uubl
Double o<
column advoi .iaemeni
greater lovo and devotlou to (bis great
and glorious Uoioo of the States. But,
sir, whilst this Is one of the objects, will
wa not fail in impressing' this upon the
minds of all the people—when we allow
these claimants to go unpaid, and even
turning them away empty? Will not the
imputation go up from one end of the
land to the other, that the' great Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania wllPappro
prlate one million of dollars to the Cen
tennial for the purpose of having a glori
fication and jubilee ou the hundredth
anniversary of the independence of the
States, whilst thousands of her citizens
are refused the Just payment of their
losses—incurred in a war for thejust pre
servation of this Uulon ? Will not the
imputation go further if these losses are
not paid or provider! to be paid by the
year 1876, that a free Democratic govern,
ment Is a failure? That if a government
is not able to protect property, life, liber
ty and happiness, or compensate the peo
ple for the loss by war or an invasion by
armed force therein, that it does not an
swer the purpose for which it is insti
tuted, and that no Jubilee, however grand
its character or great in its conceptions,
will ever cause a people to respect ill
power orpray devoutly for Us oontlnu-
Ee neSf and
dear to the people she must be just and
honorable to the people. The State ought
and will have to say to these people,
•• You have lost your property and homes
by war and invasion, and we are bound
to compensate you for your losses.
Then Will the people rise up from ail sec
tions of the land, and bless the govern
ment which Is over them, and pray for
its continuance for all time. If this Is
done, many who are now bowed down
by the cares and oppressions .of poverty,
will rise tip and rejoice in the sunlight of
a free and Just government. Pass this
bill, and our people will be able to de
velop the great iron interests,of our bor
der counties, and pour untold wealth into
the coffers of all, and increase the reve
nues of the State beyond computation.
Pass this bill, and you will cause the
great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to
be just to her people—whilst you will be
adding to the revenues of the State by
tbe increased "industries of her people•
Yes, pass this bill, and you will have the
approval of your consciences now, and
for ail time to come. In addition, Mr.
Speaker, I wish to say one word relative
to some remarks made by the gentleman
from Philadelphia, (Mr. Elliott) who al
leged that there was a contract between
tbe State and our people, when the ap
propriation of three hundred thousaud
dollars was made. What, sir, is a con
tract 7 We are told by the authorities
that it la an agreement to do or not to do
a particular thing. It also requires for
its creation at least to parties-one offer
ing and the other assenting. Now, when
those three hundred thousand dollars
were appropriated, where did the money
go ? To the town of Chambersburg. Not
a dollar of it to the county of Franklin
outside of Chambersburg. and not a dol
lar of it to the suffering county of Cum
berland. Yet some of our people had suf
fered as severely as the people of Cham
bersburg. If there was a contract, should
not the people of Cumberland have been
consulted ? Should they hot at least have
received a pro rata share pf the money f
If it was a contract it was not mado with
them. The gentleman from Philadelphia
(Mr. Elliott,) also said that the people ol
Philadelphia suffered by the war. Sup
pose they did. How? why,
direct means. None of the citizens of
Philadelphia suffered at the hands of the
Invader and the spoiler; not a single dol
lar’s worth of property was taken out or
Philadelphia by a rebel foe ; not a home
was laid waste there by the fire of a rebel
incendiary. Their homes werpjpreaety
ed. while the homes of the people of the
border counties were destroyed. . xet,
whenever we come with our appeals, wo
are to be turned away empty. Wo are
asked to give- a million dollars to the
Centennial, but the people of the border
counties are not to receive one dollar t
We ask you if this la right ? Surely it is
not. We ought to have Justice, and
w ould have if .truth had any power.
How a Woman Was Punished for Murder in
the Second Degree.
At Newcastle, Delaware, on the 16th
Inst., Mary E. Mateer (colored) was In
dicted for the murder of her Infant son.
The following were the facts: On Febru
ary 11, of this year, the prisoner left the
house of Mrs. Lewis about 9 a.m, . Taking -
with her her child, a butcher-knife and
a bucket, she went Into a garden attach
ed to an unoccupied house near by, when
she took the knife and out the throat of
her son, then pushing It down as near aa
she could Into this bucket, covered the
body with some brush, and went over to
the academy at Newark, to the residence
of Mr. E. D. Porter, where she bad ob
tained a place as a servant. She told
them she had put the child to live with
a stranger. The constable began search,
and on February 26th found the body.
He then arrested the mother, and took
'her before Janies H. Bay, Esq., J. P.,
when she made the above confession
freely and voluntarily. She states os her
reason for the act, that as the child was
illegitimate and “not of her own color,”
she hated him; ha was a disgrace to her,
and she could not get a home, as no one
would take her and her child.
After eliciting the above facts the State
rested. The defense did not offer any
evidence. The Attorney-General then
stated to the jury that from what ho
knew of the case and all of the attendant
circumstances, the State did not deem it
necessary to ask .for a verdict of murder
In the first degree as she stood indicted,
but as, under a law of the State, they
could render a verdict of murder in the
second degree or manslaughter, the pros
ecution would simply ask for a verdict of
murder In the second degree. The de
fense Joined in the same request. The
Jury, without charge from the court, re
tired at about 1 o’clock, and In about an
hour returned a verdict In accordance
with the request. This verdict was con
curred In by all the members of the bar,
and many prominent citizens who were
cognizant of all the surroundings, who
thought that the ends of justice were sat
isfied. Much sympathy was felt for the
unfortunate young woman.
Notwithstanding this sympathy, how
ever, the woman was on the following
day sentenced to pay a fine of $5,000, costs
of prosecution, to stand in the pillory
one hour, to be whipped with sixty lash
es, and to belmprlsoned for life.
■ The sentence took the people by sur
prise, aa the Impression has been that
tbs whipping of females was abolished
some years ago.*
A good many trades people only
give ounces to the pound.—
For instance some people In the sals of
butter at market-it Is a weigh they
Denvbu has a new hotel with bullet
proof walls. If on can sit In perfect se
curity, and listen to the shooting In the
next roomi
L 3
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itfl OXI