The American Yolunte niiiMwiißi) kvuuy 'rnuiwuAY moun: .Joliu B. Brnttou, UFJfJCK SOUTH MARKET SQUARE. Terms.—Two dollars par year If paid strl< la advance. Two Dollars and Fifty Cento paid within three months, after which Throe Dollars will ho charged. These terms will ho rigidly adhered to in every Instance. No sub scription discontinued until all arrearages are aid, nuloss at the option of the Editor, i3tDico»ioiiai craru'jj “'j, fl. GRAHAM. I .T. K. GRAHAM, Jr. J. H. GJtA HAM | SHIP, at Sherman House, .Tunc 2, 3 and 1. *rfl NEWVILLE, ill Heunobergor’s Hotel, Juno '1 ° NEJWTON, at Mcßride & McCleary’s Hotel, I ® June 7. NORTH MIDDLETON, at Beecher’s Hotel, dJunoO. ~ _ >. \)\r. COO AE, at Pino Grove Furnace. Juno 10. Vs SOUTH MIDDLETON, ut Rupley’s Hold, at Middlesex School House, W-- Juno 12. - . „ . , , V- SILVER SPRING, at Grove’s Hotel, Juno 13. v MONROE, at Hiirsh’s Hotel, Juuo M and 10. I 7 ’ UPPER ALLEN, at Culp’s Hotel, June 17. LOWER ALLEN, at Heck’s Hotel, Juno 18. NEW CUMBERLAND, at Starbaugh’s Hotel, •■r- EAST PENNSBOROUGH, at Wilder’s Hotel, June 20. and at Eli George’s Hotel dune 21. - HAMPDEN, at A. L. Brlckor’s Hotel, June 2.>. MECHANICBBURG, at George Bobb A Hons ••A- Hardware Store, June 21, 23 and 20. /A CARLISLE, at Commissioner’s OfUce, Juno ;»S7, 28 and 80. On all taxes unpaid on August Ist, FIVE per Wjoent. will bo added. The Treasurer will receive ' :stnxes at hls olllce until the Ist day of September ■Unoxt. at which time duplicates ol all unpaid • flaxes will bo Issued to the Constables of the re spective boroughs and townships for collection. $ ALSO, at the aamo times Met; -.•flobants end Dealers can obtain MERCANTILE V'ifijICBNCES of the County Treasurer. And all j ‘iHucksters and Dealers In Marketing are hereby to take out an annual HUCKSTERS under the act of Assembly, approved 'cSi&tlio Ifcth day of May, 1800. GEO. 8088, “t;>S 17«pl-Ut . 2Vcn.mrar of CitmhprUiuU County. : sf A DMINIBTBATOB’S NOTICE.-No i rXtlce is hereby given that letters of admln /'-*aislmUou on the estate Of Isaac Goodbart, lute o ■.vfpenn townahlp, deceased, have' been issued by »“lho Register of Cumborlaud county to the sub scriber" residing In Newton township. All rer iaons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims will present them for UOODH ,VHT, 17upl-6t* Administrator. A DMfNtSTRATOR’S NOTICE.-No- I J\ tlco la hereby glv en that letl ora of admluls ; uaUon on the estate of M. F, Gardner, late of tho borough of Carlisle, deceased, have been ls isued to Franklin Gardner,pisaid borough. All rporsous Indebted to said estate will please make payment, and those having claims will present i them, duly authenticated, fforsettlement. I* 17apl-(it - Administrator, i A UDITOB’S NOTICE—The Auditor l l\ annolnted by the court of Common fleas lot Cumberland county to distribute the balance In the bands of Win. A. Frlimer, assignee of : W. 8 Burkholder, will ,meet the parties Interes ted for tho part oses of his appointment at hla office. No. 0 West Main street. Carlisle, on Thursday,the 12th day of Juno, 1873,at 10 o clock k A. M. ALF. H. ADDAMB. JSraoySt * Auditor, A DMINISTRATOR’S! NOTICE. -- Notice Is hereby given that letters of Ad min latratlon on tho estate of Christian Glelm, late of Mouroo townsnip, deceased, have been eranted to tho undersigned, tho former residing Konroo township, and tho latter in Oliver Spring townshln. All persons therefore having claims or demands against the estate °f d n'« SMSKS «,d those indebted hnme -0 5 ’ M. L. HOOVER. Bmay7B-ot* . Aim'rs. A DMTISISTRATOR'S NOTICE. A Notice la hereby givenillicit letters of Ad ministration ou the estate of Mra.Murj C.iteep, late of Penn township, deceased, have been Kmuted to the undersigned, residing In Lariisie. AH persona therefore having clalm« ordemands against the estate of the said decedent, are re quested to make the same known to the sam undersigned without delay, and those Indebted will make payment Immediately* ImayOt JOHN UE^P, .AdmhiWrcdor. \ DMINIHTBATBIX’S notice.— la hereby given that letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Andrew B. Ifolgler, late of the borough of Carlisle, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing la said borough of Carlisle. All persons therefore having claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent, are requested to make the same known to the said undersigned without delay, and those indebted will make payment immediately, ISABELLA A./LIGLI3H. ImayGt Admuualratrix. ABHLA.ND CEMETERY being now under the direction and control of the sub scriber, all persona desiring to purchase lots In it for burial purposes, or wishing any informa tion, can bo accommodated by calling on her at her residence, on Last High street, nearly opposite the lientz House, or by calling at the omcoof the late Wm.M. Penrose, in Hhoem’s Hall. V. M. PEN HOSE, iaov/aiyr* ULATCHIjEY’H improved Cucumber Wood 'urap, Tasteless, Durable, J2/H -lent ami Cheap. The best •amp lor the least money At trition is ocpeclally Invited to lalcbiey’H Talent Improved (racket and now Drop Check r alvo, which can bo withdrawn rithout removing the Tump or Isturblng the joints, Also, the topper Chamber which nove rucuaorßcoics, ami will outlast my other, r’or sale by ithlne unlth & Hupp,.Carlisle. Bend for Catalogue and price list, . Ciiak. O. Blatculby. Jilfr Bept, 12—l GW Commerce fi}t„Phllft’ €he American lalonter aa If , * JOHN B. BRATTON. jrlfUsJcilancous FARMERS' * BANK BAVJNOS FUN D. Open every (lay from !) A , il. to 3 1\ M, Deposits Rkoeived of any sum Kuo si *i6 cents Upward. RATE OF iNTERKHT FIVE FEU DENT By a resolution of tho Board of Directors U la hereby Announced that on and and alter Febru ary Ist, a Savings Fund Department will bo opened In -connection with tho Farmers’ Bank, Carlisle. This Savings Fund Is designed to meet a want long felt In the community, by wnlch the Indus trious and those of small means can save a por tion of their weekly earnings, and as suras as low ns 25 cents will he received every one can become a depositor. It la a great mistake to suppose that small funw arc not worth saving. By the habit of saving In little matters riches are acquired, and as every one may become depositors, let (hem come with small amounts; and cents will soon become, dollars, and continually Increase. Let none wait till they have something worth while, something respectable, before they begin to save; a bnglnnlng is the great point to be achieved. . The attention of parents la called tothlsSav- Ings Fund, as they may hero accumulate a fund for their children, or by making them depositors teaching them the advantages of the habit of saving,. Depositors are not obliged to continue their deposits longer than ihej may choose to do so, but may withdraw Ibo whole or such part at any time it may suit their own convenience. Money deposited on or before tho first day of January, April, July, and October will begin to draw interest on those days, and will. be paid semiannually, pn the first days of January and July, and If uncalled for will'be added to the principal and draw Interest tho same as the original deposit. Tho Bank is Intended as a place of safety for keeping money as well as to encourage savings by all classes. For further particulars and circulars Inquire at Farmers' Bank. * , . JanSO-73—tf JjWEBYBODY TAKE Something lew in Carlisle Againj In which every person H interested more or Jess. An AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT and SEED STORE. Just what has been wanted hero for years bade.- No> 91 South Hanover Street, known as the "Blair Corner," at which place' found, at all times, a full and complete assortment of r.. M kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! nd also a lull and complete assortment of lELD, GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS I also a'full and complete assortment of WILLOW AND CEDAR WARE? all of which will bo sold very low. Persons wishing anything in the above line will do well by colling and examining our goods heforo buy ing elsowheie, as we feel sure we can give as good satisfaction us any other house in the place or elsewhere. Be sure (o give us a cull. Don't forget the place, NO. 01 B. HANOVER STREET, Blair's Corner, H. G. CARR, . General agent for the sale of all kinds of Agrl ulturnl Implements and Seeds, &c. Jan3o-73—tf QLOTHING CLOTHING! ! Go to the Cheap Clothing Store, No,’ 11 S. Hanover Street, where you will llnd a large assortment of Ready. Made clothing for men and boy's wear, all of which are of ray own manufacture, made up In the vorr.latcsc styles and by the host practical hands, which I will sell cheaper than the cheapest. I have one of the bfcst assortments of PIECE GOODS! kept In the town, consisting of Black, Blue and Brown Cloths of all grades, Diagonal Coatings, American and English Cherlots, Fancy Cassi meres, Cottonades, I.INKRY ESTABLISHMENT AND VARIETY STORE, No. to South Hanover street, Carlisle. Isinay3t JgVOR RENT 1 TO HOTEL-KEEPERS ! The undersigned, being desirous of reining from the hotel business, offers the “BENTZ HOUSE,” In Carlisle, Pa., for rent. A favorable lease will bo given to any person who will purchase the furniture at a sacrifice. This HOTEL is FI 11HT* CL ASS. and the Furniture all nearly now, am! has a largo and constantly Increa sing custom. Here Is a bargain seldom met with, and Is worthy the attention ol • hotel keepers. UEO, Z. BENTZ, Prop’r., Carlisle Fa. A GENTS WANTED.—We waul oue J\ good Agent in every township to sell our Now and Immensely Popular Books and Engra vings. Tho very largest commission paid. Those now at work report great sales. Circulars and all Inlorraatlon Fieo. Write to Worthington, Dustin a Co., Hartford, Conn. Sept. 'A)- om-fm ex-mar u-tlmtfc u TH& INDIAN AT BAY. ‘Y« call us savage—O, bo Just I Our outraged Jeellngs scan; 4. voice comes.fortb, 'tin from the dust— The savage was a man !’ I stand upon the utmost verge' Of Freedom's last retreat, And feel the everlasting surge Still breaking at my foot— The surge of pale-faced men that come From every distant stand. To find a refuge and aho me In Freedom's chosen land. ’Twos Freedom's land In ages past, Where, subject bdt to God, In wilderness and prairie vast, The untamed Indian trod; Free as the mountain-stream that glides Meandering to tho main,— Free as the mountain-storm that rides In fury o’er tho plain. •Tls Freedom's still, totboso who wear Its warrant in tbelr skin. Though all tho darkest lorms they bear Of slavery within. *TIs Freedom's still—but not for us, To whom, by deed from heaven, With aged of unchallenged use, Its broad domain was given. All men, of every name and faith, As with a right dovine, Find shelter and repose beneath Our fig-treo and our vino. But we. the children of tho soil. Our mighty and our brave; . Abandoned to a ruthless spoil, Hero only find a grave. NOTICE ! From post to post stilt driven back. From realpi to realm-pursued, We trace our alow retiring track By tears, and graves, and blood By wrongs, which to high heavon appeal ■ With prayer’s resistless power, Wrongs that the pale-faced race shall feel In heaven's avenging hour. IlfedlanM. Execution of Susan Eberhart On the afternoon of the Bth inat., an order from Judges Clark waa received by the Sheriff, to put a strong guard around the jail, as it had been rumored that an attempt would be made to res cue the prisoner from jail. The Sheriff had already done so, he himself antici pating such a thing.. No attempt, however, was made. At 8 o’clock Friday morning, Bev. J. H. Cawood visited the cell of Miss Eberhart and held religious services.— She was fully composed, manifested bright hopes, was willing to die, and tbonght il host that she should die than live. At 11 o’clock a guard of forty men assembled around tho jail, formed a hollow square and marched to (he gal lows. Tho prisoner and Sheriff Matthews rode to the gallows together in a buggy; the ministers were afoot. Miss Eberhart was neatly dressed in white small figured cambric finished calico. This was furnished by the very polite and accommodating Sheriff.— Her hair plainly combed, two long braids on eacli side, and ends tied to gether, which hung down the back, and wearing a “ calico sun-bonnet.” On her way to tho gallows she told the Sheriff she did not dread death in the least; felt happy at the prospect of soon being better off. Arriving at the gallows, she alighted from tho buggy seat and ascended the platform with firm steps. The Bev. Dr. Cawood then read to her the 88th and 130th psalms, after which he addressed her a few words of comfort, saying that he felt the greatest confidence in tho genuine ness of her conversion and confession of faith. The venerable George Stapleton, of Jefferson County, then offered up an eloquent and earnest prayer to the throne of grace in her behalf. Miss Eberhart then look a farewell’ leave of her friends, had no fears to die, but was able to rejoice in this hour. Thanked all who had in any way contributed to her comfort while in prison, nnd.freely forgave al! who had wronged her. She felt in her heart that she loved all man-, kind, and desired to meet them all in peace in heaven. She then ceased talking. The Sheriff then stepped up to her and said: “ Susan, are you ready ?” She replied, ‘‘Yes, I’m ready,” and walked firmly up the steps and sided on the platform while the Sheriff ad justed tho rope and black cap with great tremor. Susan said, “ the lope is too tight around my neck,; I do not want to ho choked to death.” He then loosened it slightly, and said: “ Susan, put your hands behind you.” She did so, and he tied them. He then asked: “are you ready ?” She meekly replied: “Yes, ready, and willing!” At precisely 11:30 o’clock the plat form dropped. The fall was five feet; she struggled but little, and in fifteen minutes she was pronounced by the at tending physicians to be dead; and was cut down from the gallows in nineteen minutes. Her neck was not broken. The doctors made an effort by the use of an electric battery to revive her, but failed. None of her kindred were present.— The body was placed in a neat coffin and conveyed to her father’s bouse, and was interred in tho Baptist Church Cemetery. The conduct of Miss Eberhart on the platform was truly sublime and touch ing, and moved those who witnessed it in melting tears. The day that Susan Eberhart was hung was the saddest ever witnessed in Georgia. A few hours before tho exe cution tho heavens seemed to weep at the solemn tragedy that was about to be enacted, for the rain descended in torrents and all around was clothed in darkness. Immediately after tho exe cution tho bright sun made its appear ance and all nature seemed again to wear her beautiful apparel. From her statement, which she had written, she says she did nothing in tho terrible tragedy except being present and handing Spann tho handkerchief when ho called for it to fill his wife’s mouth; that sho arose from her bed, accompanied by him, being held by the hand, and this was done at his com mand, through compulsion and fear.— That sho begged and entreated him not Ibefeal JiV WILLIAM GUTTER. GEORGIA, CARLISLE, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1873. to kill his wife. He said he would, if he hanged for it in five minutes after wards, and that he forced her to do what she did, and that he also forced her to go off with him, She bogged him in bitter tears to leave her, but he said, “if you dou’t go I’ll pick you up and take you offand all along the the journey she begged him to let her go back home. She says she made no such confessions ns her captives swore to on the trial, and If the actual truth, had been given in testimony,, whatever might have been her punishment she 'would not have been hanged; but considering her condition, she thought it beat that she should suffer death, ns she was perfect ly prepared to go. She was executed on the same gal lows and with the same rope that Spann was recently. Thus ends the career of a poor, friend less and unfortunate young woman.— Whatever her faults may have been, let them sleep with her in the grave- While in prison waiting tho execu tion of her awful sentence, she whiled away the solitary hours by making friends of the rats that had access to her cell. A gentleman called to see her a few days before her execution, and after some conversation with her, told her that he had understood- that she had some pet rats. She answered affirmatively, and he then told her he wanted to see them. She tapped on the floor; when out of their holes came the rats, until no less than fourteen of them had answered the call. They climbed upon her lap, and tip to her shoulders and crawled about over her head, suffering her to caress and handle them as she pleased, and not one of them manifested the smallest symp tons of alarm. It is sad to think of the loneliness and misery which induced the poor woman to make pets of aninmls that are usual-, ly considered so obnoxious; but no doubt they were a comfort to her in her desperate condition, and their friend ship solaced many hours that would have been burdened with unutterable .pain. Possibly they were' the only friends she had, and will miss her more than any of her fellow-creatures will. Altogether it is a very curious circumstance. A KANSAS HORROR! A n A ivf u I Bevel at I on! Discover}’ of a Murderer’* Don Containing Sight Victims. The Kansas City (Mo.) Times contains Hie following account of a dreadful affair already alluded to in our news columns. What follows hi .its facta may read like the recital of some horrible dream, wherein nightmare • mirrors upon the distempered brain a countless number of monstrous and unnatural things, yet what is set down in the narrative is as true as the sun: On the Olh of March, Dr. William H. York, the brother ol that other York,-fa mous now for his penetration of the guil ty secrets of Pomeroy and his betrayal in the supreme moment of the bena'orlal crisis of the trusts confided to his keeping left Fort Scott, on horseback, for his* home in Independence, Kansas. Ho did not come home. His friends watched and walled for him, his family prayed and prayed for him, the talk of the town dealt day after day with him, expectation at last deepened into downright earnest ness about him, until on the 28th of March the Xiawrence IriOune gave a brief account of the mysterious disappearance. All at mice thereafter all the papers in the State took up the tale of his journey, of hla non-urrlvai, of the fears of foul play, and of all the little details ami cir cumstances that might go to show that he had been murdered. The most thor ough search k nown to finite skill was at once commenced. His neighbors turned out en maesc . His brother, Colonel A. M. York, rested neither by day nor night in his labors, but followed what seemed to him a trail with the tenacity of an In dian and the devotion of a saint.’ Ho was traced to Cherryvale, hut no further Cherryvale la a small town on the Leav enworth, Lawrence and Galveston rail road, and is in Labette county, about lifty miles from the south line of the State. To the south of 'Cherryvale, some two miles or less, stands a frame bouse, hav ing in Irout a largo room, where the meals were served, and in the rear a sleeping room, furnished with two beds and some scant additional furniture be sides. William and Thomas Bender liv ed in this house with their wives. To the right of the dwelling house was an out-house, and In the rear was an enclos ed garden of possibly two acres. The search seemed to end suddenly at Cher ryvale. Suspicion, if ever entertained, fell upon no one. There were various surmises; conjectures and expressions of opinion. Wm. Bender, the eldest of the brothers, had a wife who was u Spiritual ist. The balance of the Benders called her a medium. The neighbors, a sbe devil. She was forty-two, with iron gray hair ragged, at the ends and thin over her temples. Her eyes were steel gray and hard. All the household feared, dreaded her, obeyed her, and as the se quel proves, did the devil's work for her beyond all the atrocious devil’s work ev er done in Kansas. Time wentalqwly by, and a man riding in one day from the prairie saw no smoke arising from Bonder’s chimney. The windows were ■ down, tin* doors were closed, there was no sign of life anywhere. This man, however, In riding by u pen to the left of the house, saw a dead calf In the lot, and, upon further investigation, and with the practical eyes of a practical farmer, used In guessing the weight of live stock upon the hoof, ho knew that the calf hud died of starvation. Then the truth came, a* an overflow comes to a Kansas creek, all of a sudden and overwhelming. Such a death suggested 'flight, bight meant guilt, and the nature of tue guilt was surely murder. He galloped into Cher ryvale and related what he had seen, i The town aroused itself. A party was organized instantly and set out for the , Bender mansion. Then it was remember ed that about two weeks before this—soy somewhere near the 2-ltU of April—Win. Beffcler had sold to some persons either In or near Cherry vale, a watch, Dome clothing of lino character, two mules, and, perhaps, a shot gun or two, and some pistols. - How did he come by these? If the' dead could speak the question might bo answered. The party from Cherryvalo arrived. The front room of the house was carefully searched. Then came the back room. Tho beds were removed. In tits flight the elder Bender had left everything untouched. Not even tho doors were locked, though such bad been the reputation of the she devil that the premises stood as safe from Intrusion.ns If protected by o devil in re ality. After the beds had been removed one of the parly noticed a slight depres sion In the floor, which, upon olo.ier ex amination, revealed' a trap door upon binges; This was immediately lifted up, and !n the gloom a jilt outlined itself, forbidding, cavernous, unknown. Lights were procured, and some of the men de scended. They found themselves in an abyss shaped like a well, some six feet deep, and a-out live feet in diameter. Hero and there little damp places could be seen us If the water had come up from the bottom .or been poured down from above. They groped about over these splotches and held up a handful to the light. The ooze smeared itself over their palms and dripped through their Augers. It was blood. The party had provided themselves with a long sharp rod of iron which they drove Into the ground In ev ery direction at the bottom of the pit, but nothing further rewarded their search, and they came away to examine the garden in the rear of the house. Al ter boring, or prodding, ns it were, for nearly an hour, tiro rod was driven down into a spat, and when it was withdrawn something that looked, like matter ad hered to the point. Shovels were at once set to work, and in a few moments a corpse was uncovered. It hud been bu rled upon Its face. The flesh had drop ped away from tire legs. .There,was no colfiii, no winding sheet, no preparation fur the grave, nothing.upon the body but an old shirt, torn in places and thick with damp and. decay. The corpse was ten derly disinterred, and laid upon its back in the full light of the soft April sun. One look of horror Into the ghastly facet festering and swollen, and a dozen voices cried out In terror: “It is Dr. York!” And it was. He had been hurled’in a shallow hole’,'with scarcely two feet of dirt over him. Had he been murdered, and how ? They examined him closely. Upon the back of his head and to the left and obliquely from his right ear, a terri ble blow had been given withn hammer. The skull had been driven into tho brain. Strongmen turned away from the sick ening sight with a shudder. Others wept. A coflln was procured for Dr. York’s body, and his brother, utterly overwhelmed, sat by the ghastly remains as one upon whom the hand of death had been laid. Ho could not bo comforted. But the horrible work was not yet com pleted. The iron rod was again-put in requisition, until six. more graves were discovered, live of which contained'each a corpse, and tho •dxllv, containing two, •an old man and a little girl. Some were in the ipat stages of decomposition, and others, not so far gone, might have boon identified if airy among the crowd had known them in life, .Collins were pro vided for all, and again was tlie search renewed. It was past midnight when our informant left, but three more graves hud been discovered, each supposed to contain a corpse, although they had not been opened, The whole country is aroused. Couriers and telegiama have been sent in every direction with de scriptions of the Benders, and It fa not thought possible that they can escape. With the crowd at the grave was n man named Brockman who was .supposed to know something about the murders. Fu- rious .meu laid hold upon him at once and strung him up to a beam in the house. His contortions were fearful. His eyes started from their sockets, and a livid hue came to his face that was appal ling. Death was within reach of him when he was out down. “Confess ! Con fess!” they yelled, but lie said nothing. Again he was jerked from his. feet, and again was the strong body convulsed with the death throes. Again resuscita ted, ho once more refused to open his mouth. He did not appear to understand what was wanted of him. The yelling crowd, th c mutilated and butchered dead, the llickeringaud swirling torches splut tering in the night wind, the stern, set faces of his.executioners, all, all passed before him as a dreadful phantasmagoria which dozed him and struck him speech less. For the third time they swung him up, and then his heart could not bo felt to beat, and there was no pulse at his wrists. “He is dead,” they said. But ho was not dead.- The night air revived him at last, and he war permitted to stagger away in the darkness as one who was drunken or deranged. Six butcher ed human beings were brought forth from their bloody graves, and three oth ers are yet to, be uucoverfed. It is thought that more graves will yet be discovered. The pit under the trap door was made to recieve the body when first struck down by the murderer's hammer. All tbo skulls were crushed, and all at nearly Iho same place. One of the corpses was so horribly mutilated as to make the sex even a matter of doubt. The little girl was probably eight years of age, and bad long sunny hair, and some traces of beau ty on a coun teuance that was not entire ly disfigured by decay. Nothing like this sickening series of crimes has ever been recorded in the whole history of the country. People for hundreds of miles are flocking into Cherryvale, and enor mous rewards are to be offered for the ar rest of the murderers. It is supposed that they have been following their hor rible work for years. Plunder is the'ao- cepted cause. Dr. York, it is said, hud a large sum of money on bis person, and that lie stopped at the house either to feed ills horse or get a Brink of water. While halting for either ho was dealt the Mow which killed him in an ,'instant. Kvury one who knew him liked him. 'IVr following upecial despatch, received ,a midnight, gives some further horrible pin i nuilar* “CiiKUiiWALii, Kan., May 8, 11 .SO ?. M.— Seven more bodies have been taken up, hi -ides that of Dr. York, with three graven \w untouched. Six of those have been identified. H. Longchosand child, eighteen mouths old, was identl lied by his father-in-law. The body of W. F. M’Carthy has also been identified, Ho was boru In 1848, and served during tho war Id company D, 123 d Illinois vol- I unteer Infantry. Borne men from How ' ard county Identified the body of D. Brown. Ho had a silver ring on the Utllo finger of hia left hand, with tho initials of his name engraved thereon. The body of John Geary was identified by his wife, from Howard county, whose terri ble grief over the remains of her husband was heartrending. All had been' killed by blows on tho back of tho head with a hammer. The throats of all bad been cut except that of the little girl. The whole ground will be dug up to find more graves. The excitement is Increas ing hourly, Some suspected parties will be arrested to-night." THE KANSAS HORROR—THREE ADDI TIONAL GRAVES DISCOVERED. . Parsons, May 12. Reports from the scene of thb Bender murders, say that three more graves have been discovered yesterday, over three thousand people wore on the ground. There was an in tense excitement all over the country, nearly all the bodies of the dead weie in decently mutilated. It’s considered cur tain the little girl was thrown alive into tho grave with her father. There Is no mark of violence .found on her body lIOIV. J. S. 81-ACK’S GREAT SPEECH DELIVERED IN THE CONSTITUTIONAL * CONVENTION, ON THE SUBJECT OK LEG ISLATIVE UKFO K H ! The Convention having resolved itself into tho committee of the whole on the. report of the Committee on Legislation, Judge Black arose aiid spoke as follows : Mk, Chairman : This is a subject upon which I speak with great reluctance. But lam deeply anxious about it. Ido most devoutly believe that the destiny of this Commonwealth, and perhaps that of (lie whole country, depends upon the decision to which this CouventUm may come. I beg a brief hearing. It will be admitted that the legislative function is by far the most Important one In any free govern ment. Uis the supremo power of the Male. All others are insignificant in comparison to it, inasmuch ua nil the others are bound to obey its-will. The Executive is absolutely controlled by-it in all lb© details of his administration. It marts out the path in which he shall walk, and it is able to punish him severe ly for any departure from It. The Legis lature cannot appoint the judges; but It can do more it can command them what they shall do after they are appointed. AH the legal justice \ve get Is manufac tured at the seat of government and sent down in hulk to the courts where it is distributed among tho people according to the wants and merits of each Individ- ual, Tho Legislature regulates the prac tice of the courts, makes and unmakes the rules of evidence, and furnishes the stan dard of decision for every cause. It de linos ail public offenses, and supplies the remedy lor every private wrong. Ail rights and ail obligations are protected, and enforced in the way that It describes, and cannot be either protected or en forced at all without Us aid and assis tance. The members of the'Legislature are the custodians and trustees of all pub* lie property. They cun sell it, or give it away, or they cun increase - It by making additional purchases. Thu taxing power enables them to descend, as deep at. they please into the pockets of tho people of every class, and it has absolute control, and appropriates all the revenue after if is collected., .What is still a higher con- aideration, they are the guaidimiH of pub lic -morality. It depends upon them whether virtue shall bo promoted, or vice or crime be encouraged. The theory Is that the Legislature, being the supreme power of the State, commands what is right and prohibits what is wrong, and, in a certain sense, the mere com maud or prohibition does of itself make it right or wrong; What we are taught in the Bible ia certainly true, that they who frame iniquity into u - law,, compel the people to become . worker-j of iniquity, The time was. Mr; Chairman, when the State of Pennsylvania, then a mere col ony, containing, perhaps, leas than tllly thousand inhabitants, had a reputation throughout the earth for independence, justice, peace and good order—for every thing that goes to make up the happi ness of an organized society. Tin re was ho portion ot the world from which the eyes of the best and' wisest men were not turned in admiration towaids this com munity. All this resulted from the wise and just system of laws adopted by the illustrious founder'of the colony. We lost our character as fast as we abandon ed the principles upon which the early settlers'conducted their legislation. As we can trace the grandeur, honor, and the high reputation of the State to the just laws of iho eailieat time, so we can read the history of her shame and her misfortunes in the statute books of u later period. If we can now but unite the high Cone of public morality which per vaded our legislation in the bettor days of the Blute with the wealth and science of the present generation, then you may hope to see this Commonwealth set high er than ever, the envy and example ot all the world. Without infusing, into our now Constitution something that will have that effect, at least in u degree, our institutions must, betore a very long time, rot to pieces. What wo'want above all things upon the earth Is honest legis lation ; and when I say we want it, 1 use the word in the double sense of needing it, and lacking it. After all that has been said upon this door, it cannot be denied that the Legislature of the .State of Pennsylvania has habitually and con stantly, for the last twenty-five years or more, betrayed the trust reposed In its members,* and this has gone bo fur, that wo must have reform if wo would not see our institutions perish before our eyes. The.horrible character and extent of the evil, will be appreciated when you recall the solemn words of the gentleman from Dauphin, (Mr. MoVeugh,} the chairman of the Committee on Legislation. His position in this Convention, to say noth ing of his character and conscience, would make him extremely cautious not to be guilty, even of the slightest exag geration, upon so grave and important a topic. He told us that corruption of the Legislature was a cancer at the heart of the State, which was eating its very life away. Another gentleman, the delegate from i£rie, (Mr. Walker,) without in tending at all to be condemnatory, but rather .the reverse, declared that it was no use to swear the members of the Leg islature, because they were, to his cer tain knowledge, so utterly degraded that they would take the ouin and immedi ately lay perjury upon their souls, with out scruple and without hesitation. 1 believe him, for he certainly knows whereof he affirms. The evil fame of this thing has gone forth through the length and breadth of the country, inas much as iho gentleman from Indiana, (Mr. Harry White,) the chairman of the Committee on Legislation, vouchee for this statement: That one of his col leagues in the Senate was traveling in Connecticut, and it became known that he was a member of our Legislature that fact aloue raised a presumption against his honesty so violent, that there was some hesitation about letting him go into an unoccupied room, lost the por table property lo be found there might disappear when ho went out. There was a time when membership of our State Legislature was a passport to honor and admiration every where—from a Parisian drawing-room lo the cottage of a pea sant. Now that hame Legislature ia a stench in the nostrils of iho whole world. The cry against this corruption comes up, not only from every part of this VOL 59-N0.50 house, but from every quarter of the com* monweallh, it Is borne to us ou the wings of every wind. In his speech of this morning, the gentleman from In diana, (Mr. Harry White,) acknowledg ed that the universal demand for are form of these abuses had brought this Convention together, and without that it would never have been called. Nor is it a mere popular clamor. It is founded upon incoutestlblo facts which iiave passed into tho domalu of history, and will stand there forever. As long ago as 1830, the Bank of the United States push ed Its charter through the Legislature, partly by direct bribery, and partly by a base combination of private interests, which were openly and shamelessly avowed upon the face of the bill itself. The speculation exploded in tho course of a short time ; but it scattered destruc tion everywhere, and brought desolation tb n thousand firesides. It disgraced the character of the State —destroyed her credit—reduced her public securities to forty cents on tho dollar —branded ber with repudiation, and made her name a hissing by word among all the nations. The perpetrators of, that atrocious out rage were never called to aoyj*account, and their impunity was uu invitation to all others to go ami do likewise. For years afterwards the' other banka, com bining themselves together, corrupted the Legislature ami robbed the public ac cording to the statutes in such case made and provided. In process of lime anoth or.cluss of corporations grew up, compos ed of more adventurous .men, with larger .capital, ami with a more plausible claim to public favor. I think that everybody who bus looked at die history of our rail road system will admit that in its origi nal organization it was intended Tor good and proper purposes. It promised neces sary improvements which could not have beeu made In' any other way. One of them', organized to 'make a road from Harrisbmg to Pittsburg, undertook tbo duty under a cbm ter, every part of which is marked with cautious wisdom. If that company had been kept within tho lim its originally assigned to it, its career must have beeu entirely beneficent. But its organization gave it an influence upon the Legislature which it used unspuilug- Jy. It swallowed up nearly all the pro perty that the Stale ever bad. ItTook it 'substantially as a gift; UuMive or six millions it paid was no consideration for the filly 01 sixty millions it got.’’ But that, is uot;a!l—the gift of this immense do main Wa- lujowed by a.surrender, upon the part ot the Commonwealth, of-her right to collect her own revenue,amount ing to,millions more, and wnlch belong ed to her us much as the purse in your pocket belongs to you. MK. Cuylkk. My friend alludes to the repeal of the tonnage tax. 1 Mu. Black. 1 do ; the learned gentle man understands mo rightly. I refer to that fatal, that perfidious statute which the Legislature, the looby and the. rail-, road company conspired to pass, disarm ing the Slate of her just right to collect tho duly which was her own, of three mills upon each ton of produce curried. It was a terrible wrong—for it ground tbe face'of labor to pour a great stream of wealth into the imperial treasury of a corporation which had no claim or right to do it. By such dereliction of duty on tiie part of the Legislature, that corpora tion has grown so mighty that lla little finger is thicker than the loins of tho Commonwealth which created it. 1 do not say that it bestrides your narrow State like a Colossus, for the undent Co lossus of Xlhodes was but the image of a pigmy In comparison, to this. Colossus of rullioads. Her stride' is across the con tinent from-oceuu to ocean. Her head is In the clouds, and the arms of her gigan tic power stretch out ou either side uom one horizon to the other. L hope my good and most amiable friend from the city, (Mr. Cuyler.) will lake no excep tion to what 1 urn saying. I would fain speak no evil, either ol him or his clients. L know that he never tumpeied with the Legislating, and never udviseu anybody else to do so. On his brow such » shame as Unit won Id he shame to all.. Nor'am 1 uouiphtlulug.uf ilie corporalum Uittn soives, I tv 111 take It lor glvnlMl, it he asserts H, that there la not a loan In long ing to, the . Penney Ivauia lailroail. that would not run away, from any prtjpowi lion to make money horn 11 or by u. He may Bay, If lio .pleases, that tlioy have impoverished themselves by going about to do good for the public, dr that if they have a little more than- their share of wealth, It baa been thruat upon them against their will. Hut this '1 do say, that the several Legislatures which have stripped me aud my lullow-citizeoa ol our ht.-t lights, to clothe this corporation with imperial power, were treacherous to their duty and barely unfaithful to their high . trusts.' Other corporations have powers similarly bestowed and nearly as great. Four ol them have hud the ad vantages of the loose legislation at Har risburg, bo ub to secure monopolies u thousand lold more oppressive limn that which made the mime of Sir Giles Overreach infamous in the dramatic lit erature of England. What was the ex clusive privilege of selling sweet wines in the reign of Elizabeth compared to tho power which puts its own price up on every basketful of anthracite coal that is consumed in a country like this? All of the companies represented in this body- nay, my friend on the left, (Mr. Govvan,) need not protest. Ido not say that the Heading railroad is represent ed here. He represents tho same con stituent body that Ido ; he is as faith- ful as I am ; and we are both as true us steel. But X have some Idea that my learned friend on tho right, (Mr. Cuy ler,) is or was oneo connected—most honorably of course —with the Penn sylvania railroad as counsel. Mit. Coyler. Mr. Chairman : I beg 1 to remind my learned friend that I have had his assistance in that capacity. Mr. Black. True; those gentle men, or some of them, have been my clients, and I desire to speak respect fully of thorn for that reason, if for no other. They have been, and they pro bably will bo again, when they have a perfectly good and just case, and want a thoroughly honest lawyer; (Laugh ter and applause.) But, Mr. Chairman, tho unfaithfulness of tho Legislature is the subject with which we are dealing. Let us pass to another point in the ar raignment. Alter the corporators were through with her, site had left to her about nine million dollars—the rem nant of a once magnificent fortune. That sum was deposited in what was called the sinking fund. It was placed there with special care. It was hedged around with constitutional interdicts. It was declared with tho utmost solem nity in the fundamental law itself that it should be applied to no other pur pose than the payment of tho public debt. Yet a combination of private in terests was organized to rob the State of this last residium. A ring was formed —the Legislature and the lobby gave It their united sanction; they dived into tho sinking fund, and caiuo up with three millions in their hands. The grab was nearly successful; it was defeated only by tlie interposition of tho Gover nor’s veto. These are only a few of the instances in which the Legislature has proved treacherous. 1 have not men tioned ono in a hundred. Nor have I selected the worst cases. Let any gen tleman who wants fuller information look at tho two papers made by Mr. Jordan, the late Secretary. Tho wholo system, according to bin de scription of it, is saturated with corrup tion from tho crown to the toe. It has gone so fur that the votb power is utterly iucapable of stopping It. Be declares that if the Governor would try to stop it, combinations would be made against Him, aud render him as powerless as tho ; driver of a ruunawuy team after bis reins are broken. But there la one fact staled by him, which will astound you when It la men tioned. He says that the ofllce of Treas- Hnt«w bi Advortlwlnjf^ No.limpß I mi.janq.i3 Bq. 4 *q. 0 1 odl 1 wcnu. Ii w law is wit w iro6 imw %a oo a •• ima oo 4co 600 000 uooso oo a •• a w 400 qoo ooou oo io oo woo 4 260 4 76 575 8 76 13 60 18 00 83 10 5 " a 00 B 60 |0 60 7 60 14 00 SO 00 85 00 0 ■■ a 60l 0 601 760860156023 60 87 60 2 mouHm) 4 001 7 601 8 6C 0 60 17 60 Vt 00 43 60 a 11 6 00 8 60/ 0 60 10 60 £0 00 SO 00 50 00 0 M 7 60 10 00 13 60 16 01'28 00 40 00 76 00 1 year. 112 00|15 00(20 00 25 00/40 00 76 00)100 00 a sqtmre, ra'rs'. Wollcos ?i jo 2 uo . Twelve lines countliuto i For Executors’ and Adu For Auditors' Notices, For Assignees' and similar N( h or Yearly Cards, not oxccodl For Announcements flvo cent less contracted for by the year. For Uuslacss and Special Not per Him. Double column adyci Jbc uror la the moat lucrative hot ho Htiilf. Its profit* muat, therefore, exceed the enormous sums received h.v theolllcers of the Btnto House row In this city. Tills, ho eaya, Induces a regular scramble for the treaaureship ou the first week of ev-. ery session; and th'eu ho adds that Ihe votes which elect the Treasurer are no toriously bought by the successful candi date. The slgulllcance of that simple statement of the Secretary will hardly, ho understood without a little reflection. Remember that the' Treasurer la paid by a flxed salary. ' -Mit. Howaiiii. Five thousand dollars por annum. Mu. Black. So man hojding that office can, by any possibility, make out of it one cent beyond !lioss,oooallowed him by law, without being guilty of, some act us dishonest as the plainest stealing that ever was done by a com mon thief. Yet, sjmfehow, the Treu surer ol tlio State gets off from his ofllee enough to buy up a majority of the Legislature, and alter making all the deductions necessary for his ro-im bursement of that expense, there is enough left in his own pocket to enrich him beyond any other officer. These things, mind you, are not all done at once. The Treasurer does not take all of this sum at one grab; nor does he buy up the members wholesale, lie lias to mako a separate bargain will), each individual. If you could suppose one o I these Treasurers to be con victed of every distinct offense that'ho lias been guilty ef in a year, and then suppose him to be sentenced according to law, upon each conviction, what would become of jjim? At the most moderate calculation you cun mako, it woulp take him at least fifteen hundred years to serve his time out in the peni tentiary, [laughter,] and for a portion of that period he would bo accompanied by a majority of the members of [he Legislature. [More laughtoff] These are the men that are etrusted with the collection and expenditure of all your revenue, with the control of all your public affairs, and with the power which gives or withholds security to your lives and property. But, Mr. Chairman, I do not know that we ought to members of the Legislature 100 severely. Some thing ought to be allowed for the temptations witli which they are sur rounded. They walk among snares, and pit-falls; and man traps. In fart they do not represent ns. Wo are not governed by the men we send there.— Our masters are the members pf the lobby.' They are organized into a third House whoso shadow is overpowering and omnipotent. They propose the laws that suit themselves and the in terested parties who send them there. The other Houses simply register their decrees. That our rights and liberties should be in such disgusting in the extreme, for they are generally the most loathsome miscreants on the face of the earth. iffy friend irora Dauphin, (Mr. .i,c- Veigh.j spoke of legislation under the figure of a stream, which, he said, ought always to flow with crystal wa ter. It is true that the Legislature is the fountain from which the current our aocial.aud political life must run, or we must bear no life ; hut as it now. is, wo keep it merely as “a cistern for loul toads to knot and gender in.” He has described the tree of liberty, as,his poetic fancy sees it, in the good time coming, when weary men shall rest under its shade, and singing.birds shall inhabit its branches and. make must agreeable music. But what Id.-the con dition of that ticu how? Weary tiieu do, indeed, rest uuder it, but they rest in their unrest, and the longer they re main theta the more weary they be come. And tho birds—it is not the wood-lark, nor the lb rush, nor the nightingale, nor any of tho musical, tribe that inhabit the branches of our tree. Tho foulest birds that wing the air have made it their roosting place, and their obscene droppings cover all tlie plains about them ; the kite, with liis beak always sharpened for some cruel repast; tho vulture, ever’ready to swoop upon his prey ; tho buzzard, digesting ids filthy meal and watching foe tho moment when he can gorge himself upon the prostrate carcass ol tho Commonwealth. And the raven is hoarse that sits there croaking de- spair to all who approach for any clean or honest purpose. Mr. Chairman, this state of things cannot go on without bringing Us to utter destruction. It is getting worse and worse, and our institutions must utterly perish if wo do not stop this mischief. Wo may preserve tho forms of republican government, but the sub stance wilt pass away and with it will depart all that is perfect in politics, all that is pure in morals, ali that makes life, liberty and properly secure; all that makes existence in a free country worth having. A fellow who was “ paying atten tion” to a girl, stole down to the kitchen where site was at work the other morning, thinking to see what kind of a housekeeper she was. He got interested as he stood behindadoor all unobserved, watching tho fair one at her toil, and in tho ardency of his observations ho intruded his nose into a crack in tlie door. She innocently shut tlie door suddenly, and there was ,a mashed bugle. Ho .now wears It in ft sling. A Wisconsin school teacher, when a pupil is disqbedlent, idle, or refractory, admluiEters to the delinquent a dose of castor oil. Hoeayssucb treatment ought to render the scholars "dose’ile.” He evidently needs a quart or so himself A Youth of eighteen and a maiden of fourteen eloped from a town in Chatnqmi county last week, and were married at midnight. They were driven to this ob jectionable expedition by the stern oppo sition of a venerable heartless parent aged thirty-five years. Mamma.— “ And If poor mamma had not recovered, and hod gone away from her little Georgy forever, what would be have done?” Little Georgy—"l don't know, mu, but I guess me an’ Jimmy Qinnls would have gone skating!" A Minister took for his text—” Tho flesh, the world, aud the devil,” and in formed his astonished audience that he should "dwell briefly in tlie flesh, pass rapidly oyer the world, uud basteu as fast as he could to the devil.” A German in Buffalo fell into a beer vat tho other day and was drowned. Ho drank us hard as lie could to save himself, aud would have succeeded had not a flouting cork choked him. A little boy in school gavo one of tho best definitions over given of econ omy—“ Baring potatoes thin.” Old Bittersnap thinks tho lock-jaw among tho female sex is not ns common as it might be to advantage. When is u newspaper (ho sharped When Us Hied. totlces, »00 lag six lines, 7 oo Isporllnoun- • llees, to cei'lr ils extra, lineal