ifjmcajsiomu cadis .J. H. fJIIAIIAM, Jr, j. H. Graham. J. S. GRAHAM .0 SON, Attorneys fy Counsellors at law, No, 14 Soiltli Hanover Nl„ CABZJSLK. PA. Hoy. J. H. Graham, into President Judge of the Ninth Judicial District, has resumed iho practice of tho law; and associated wlin him bla son, J. H. Graham, Jr. Will practice In the Courts of Cumberland, Perry and Juniata Coun ties. [Dec, 7,’71—1f. pi E. BEI/TZHOOVEK. r 'ai3;obnet-at~la n CaRLIBLE, PA. #a-Otllco omSouth Hanover .Street, opposite Peutz’s dry goods store. Dec. 1.1803. JOS, RTTNER. Attorney-at-Law, NO. 8 South Hanover Street , Carlisle, Pa. OS-All buslnees promptly attended t#. Col lections a specialty,' , 170ct721y JAMES M. WEAKLEY, ATTORNEY-A f-LAU. Office-No/22South Hanover SI.. Carlisle. Fo April 25.1872 Iv. rpHEO- COHN Al AN ATTORNEY AT LAW! N». 18 West Mum Street, Carlisle, Pa, GS-AU business prontiUly allemlcl to. DRBS. MARY L. HALL. Hmmoopa thlc Physician nml-Mcilleal K'cclrlclan Olllro South Hanover street, Carlisle. All fo ninlo diseases sklllfnly trenieil. Fallouts at a • tistnnco can consult by mull. June (i. IK72—tv Du. henry langeheine. pty slclan and Surgeon, laic of Chainbersburg., bus located In Carlisle permanently. Ofllee and and residence in the large stone building, East Main street, near East. Patients coming from a distance can be boarded and nursed In my own family. , lOnprll-Ilm JQR. \V. Z. BENTZ, TJuADUATB OF TUG PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE OF DENTAL Sukoeuv, Will adapt artitlclal Dentures, and remoiiel bad ly fitting ones, treat Diseased Teeth and Gums, 'and till Teeth In the most approved maimer, at his father’s residence, No. 2-1 West Pomfrot Su, Carlisle. Pa. Jilapl-ly fllcDicnl. Rs Ra Ra BADWAY’S READY RELIEF COKES THE WOUST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR Rftar reading this ndvcrlUcment need nny one sOkfer with fain. IUDWAY'S READY RELIEF IS A CL RE FO& EVERY I’AIN. It wad the and Is Tlie Only iPaln Remedy thnf instantly stops the mo.-d excniclalliic pain.-, allays iDdtunmattbns,- mid cures whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Rowels, or other glands or organs, by one OJfE TQ TWENTy S IINnxESi no matter how violent or i-\vi Relating the pain the RHEUMATIC,'.Bcd-riddei>, Inllnn, Crippled,' Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may aulfcr. RADWAY’S READY RELIEF ' WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE ROWELS. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. SORE TUftOAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPHTHERIA. CATARRH, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE, ' NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS. AGUE CHILLS. The application of the Ready Relief to the part or parts where the palu or dilDuulty exists will aU'ord cast and comfort. _ .... Twenty drops In half a tumbler of water will in a few moments cure CRAMPS. SPASMS. SOUR STOMACH, HEARTBURN, SICK HEADACHE. DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, COLIC. WIND IN THE ROWELS, nod all INTERNAL PAINS. ' _ , Travelers should always carry a lioltlc of Railway a Ready Relief With them. A few drop-tin water will E revent sickness or pains from change of water. It is etter than French Brandy or Ritu-ra as a tdlinuliuit. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER. AND AGUE cured fur llfly cent.-. There is not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, Bilious, Starlet, Ty phoid, Yellow, and oilier Fevers (aided bv RADWAY’S PILLS) so quick us RADWAY’S READY RELIEF. Fifty cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD—INCREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT—CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY’S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES; SO QUICK, SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGE* THE BODY UNDERGOES. -UNDER THE IN- FLUENCE OF* THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE. THAT’ Every Day an Increase in Flesh aha Weight is Seen and Felt. THE CHEAT BLOOD PURIFIES. Every drop of the SARSAPAKILLIAN RESOLV ENT communicated through the Hbmd, Sweat, Uriti>\ and other fluids and juices of the hVftcm the vigoi of life, for It repairs the wastes of the Loilv with new ami sound material. Scrofula. Syphilis, (.'our-umpllon. Ulamluhi disease, Ulcers in the Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes In the Glands and other parts of the tiy.-iem, Sore Eyes, Strumous Discharges from the Ears, and the worrt forma of Skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Bcnld Head, Ring Worm, Sail Rheum, Erysipelas. Acne, Black Spots, Wont’s In the Flesh, rumors, Cancers In the Womb, and ail weakening am! painful ill-rhargea, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm, ami nil waste* of the llj'c princi ple, nro within the curative range of this wonder or Mod ern Chemistry, and a few days’ use will prove to any person using It for cither of the-v form? of disease its potent power to cure them. . If the patient, dally becoming reduced hy the, wastes and decomposition that is continually progressing, suc ceeds In arresting these wastes, mid repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood—and this the SARSAPARILLIAN will nml does secure. Not only docs Die Saiwal'auii.liah Resolvest excel all known remedial agents in tint cure of Chronic, Scrofu lous, Constitutional, and Skiu ilbea-i .-; but it Is Ihoonly positive cure for Kidney &. Bladder Complaints, Drlnory, and Womb disease-, Gravel. Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright's pis. case. Albuminuria, and In all case* where there are brick* dust deposits, or the water L> thick, cloudy,.mixed wltp mibnUacaa like the white of an egg, nr threads like white, silk, or there bn morbid, dark, bilious appearance,and white bone-dust deposits, ami when there Is a piieklnp, burning sensation when pacing water, and pain In the Small of the Buck ami along the Loins. Price, $l.OO. WORMS. - The only known and sure Rcmcdi* for IFoyma—J'm, >’ic.. Tumor of 12 Tears’ Growth Cured by Badway’s Resolvent. liter iii-Y. July 18, 1869. Du. tUnwAYi—l law Iml Ovnrlmi Timiiir in tin* ovarlut ami howeb, AH the Uoclurs raid •' there win no help for ll.” I tried evufy thlntf that wai w mmm-iided; but notlilnn buljwnl me. £ d« your IvMolvonl, mid thought I would try It; hut had no fill I h ta It, beeaiti# I had midVred f,«r tweln* \emr. I took (lx buttle* of the Ile»olvwil, mid mm Ix’Ji.nf |{;idwrjy'* l‘IIJ», mid tiro hot (Iki of your Ready Relief i mid there U iu-t n slitu nf tuinnr to l># leva or felt, nml I fuel better, Mniirtur. mid lifi|.|uer 1 have for twelve yavra. Tho wont tumor w.i« I’> the Mt tldeoftlio uoweit, over the groin. I write thin to y u the bciictit of ouura. You ton jiuUUh it if you tliome. DR. RAOWAY’S« PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tautolc*', elegantly ' *itc-d, m Uli mvcul cmii, (.urne, rcgulnte, jiiirifv. i-li-a mi Ml i-njillu-n. luitU way’s Jills, for tin* cure of iU ■illi.nilt llnfill.lr ''lulu-Tiia-at tl»r Hciirt, Choklni op SuflwaUlM Sei.»;it«iu« u Ik n in u Lviiiß IWun!, UimiifM of VUUvi, Dels or WcU Wise tie- S!„lit, 1-Vvcr un-l llnll Turn In lb« Head, Delkleiivy of Per i Imlinn. Yell-Ktuivi of the Skin ■nd Eye*, Pnln In the HMe, t - - 1. l.linle. mut smliK-n 1 luilu* of Jkot, Burning In the Fl--h. Afbw dosca of ItADW AV'. I*II.LS will freu the «ys vent fromoll the above i: - ’i ilv-r.ii.i*. Pncv, 35 cads pcrbflx. SOLD UY DUi <:«!I>TS. «EaD “FAIJIB xA.N’Ii TUI K. Semi one lettci damp to RAPWAY 4 C<\. N». 8; Malden Tjviie. New fforit. Informal iINK TU KK Tar Cordial! Nature's Great Itemed 1/ Thront uml Lun<> s, '•lt is gratifying to ns to inform the public that Dr. L, Q. C. Wlsbart's Pine Tree Tar Cordi al, for Throat and Lung Diseases, has gaining an envlal reputation fiom the Atlantic to the Pa cific coast, and from thence to come of the first families of Europe, not through the press alone, but ny persons throughout the Slates actually benefltled and cured at his otllco. While he publishes less, so say our reporters, he Is unable 16 supply the demand. It gains and holds its reputation—’ Mrjsf. Not by slopping cough, but by looseu- Ingaml assisting nature to throw oil’ the un healthy matter collected about the throat and bronchial tubes, »r/nW< cause* iniltition. bee oik*. It removes the cnu*e of Irritation (which produces cough) of the mucous mem brane ami bronchial tubes, assists the luugs to act and throw off the unhealthy secretions, uud purifies the blood. 'Jhird. It Is free from squills, lobelia, Ipccuc ami opium, of which most throat and lung rem edies are composed, which allay cough only, and disorganize the stomach. Il has a soothing effect on the stomach acts on the liver'and kidneys, and lymphatic and nervous regions, thus reaching to every part of the system, and In its Invigorating and purifying effects it has gained n-reputation which It must hold above all others in the market. 1 , The Pine free Tar Cordial! GREAT AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA PILLS! Worm Sugar Drojis. Being under my immediate direct ion, thev shall not lose their curative qualities by use of cheap and impure articles HENIIY R. WISH ART, I'IIOI'HIKTOK ruisii op charge. Dr L. U.JC. Wishan’s Olllce Parlors are open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from U a. in. to 5 p. m., for consultation by Dr. Win. T. Magee. With him are nssocl* nied two cnnsultlng physicians of ackuosvledged ability. This opportunity is not ottered by any other institution In the city. All letters must be addressed to li. (I. C. WISIiART, D., NO. 212 N. SECOND STREET, Philadelphia, Nnov72-dm* rjpilE nludiuiue uf Uie Million! PH I HUSOPHY AND i'A(a* HOkOLWAHTS FILLS The Exciting Cause of Sickness. The blood is the life sustaining agent, it fut uislies the compouenisoi flesh, bone, muscle, nerve and integument. Tlio slomacu Is Its man ufactory, the veins its distributors, and the in testines the channel through which the waste • matter rejected in its productions is expelled- Upon the stomach, tlio circulation ami the bo w els.thc.se Pills act simultaneously, relieving In digestion, purifying the fluids, and reaulatin the excretions. The National I'oinplnint. Dyspepsia Is the most common disease among 11 classes in this country.’ It assumes a thou and shapes, and is the primary source ol sn umoruble dangerous maladies; but whatever Us type or symptoms, however obstinate Us resistance to oidlnary preparations. It yields ’readl y and rapidly to this searching and uner ring remedy, ISillons Alloolio i.• . The quantity and qualilyof the hllo’are of vital Importance to health Upon the liver, fhogland which secretes this lltml, tin se pills operate spe elflcally, infallibly rectifying Its Irregularities, and ellectually curing Jaundice, Bilious Retnll tants, ami all the varieties of disease generated by an unnatural condition of the organ. ■ I J>. UXAI’P Rowel t.’oinpliiiiif.s. Unless the bowels perfmln their functions properly, the whole hotly .suffers. Tens of thou sands dlo annually of Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Chronic Constipation, and , other diseases of these waste pipes of the system; The effect of the Bills upon all Intestinal disorders, whether casual or epidemic, Is a phenomenon in medi cine. By lollowlng the printed directions, the most alarming cases of bowel complaints are promptly controlled. A Word to Females. The local debility and Irregularities which are especial annoyances of the weaker sex. and which, when neglected, always shorten life, arc relieved for the time being, and prevented for the lime to come, by a course of this mild but thorough alterative. Holloway's Pills are the best x remedy known in the world for (he following sJiqp/jqpq • ASTHMA, BOWEL, COMPLAINTS. COUGHS, COLDS. COSTIVENESS CHEST DISEASES. DYSPEPSIA, DIARRHOSA, DROPSY, DEBILITY FEVER AND AGUE, HEADACHES, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, PILES INDIGESTION. INFLUENZA. INFLAMMATION. INWARD WEAKN ESS LIVER COMPLAINTS. LOWNESS OF SPIRITS STONE AND GRAVEL. SECONDARY SYMPTOMS, WORMS OF ALL KINDS. %*Sold at the Manufactories ol Holloway & Co., 78 Malden Lane, Now York, and by all re spectable Druggists and Dealers la Medicines throughout the United States in boxes a t 2i> cts. U2>4 cents and $1 each. CAUTION.— The trade murk ot a letter It in circle Is on each box of Pills 01 Pol of Ointment This secures the genuine. Dec l‘J 1872—ly—eow CROOK’S Wr.NK OF TAR ! •ii years «,i‘a public lest lias •oved Dr. Crook’s WINE OF Alt to have more merit than ny similar preparation ever tiered to the public. It Is leh In the nifuilcinal (junll les of 'l’ar. and unequalled ir diseases of llu. THROAT N D LUJSiOS, performing 10 most remarkable cures. [ effectually cures allCouyhs ml Colds. It lias cured so lauy eases of Asthma and Ironchltls that It, has been ronounced u speelgc for lese complaints. For Pains i the Hreast, Side or Hack, (ravel or Kidney disease, Iscuses of the Urinary Or ins, Jaundice, or any Liver . oniplal nt It has no equal It Is also a superior Tonle, Restores tlio Appetite* Strengthens the System, Restores the Weak and Debilitated, Causes the Food to Digest, Removes Dyspepsia and *vullg**stlon t Prevents Malarious Fevers. Clives lone to your fcysUm. *4Jan73—ivr T HATING HOUSE.—The Louhl Option *JLaw being now In force.no Imr or malt clrltik can ho had at my colter, hut I still Intend to remain open and keep a FIRST-CLASS EATING HOUSE Kverythlna In season will ho found In my Ha inan. Meals, ftt «I 1 hours lit reasonable rules. \V» u. HKIIAJi, •/(upl-:u basement of \ oluntoer Ihilldl up. JHacilral* NOTICE. 904 PHILADKI^PHIA. THE NEW HIMUNO STYLES OK Tapestry Carpets • In Single and Double-Widths, from per yard. FINE BODY BRUSSELS ! Axmlnsfer Carpets I 27 tun -inns. BAiLEY&CO. T-ESTTVESILi'sSRS AND JSI Xj "V" ES 10. S IE T 3E3C JS ? Twelfth and Chestnut Streets, PHI L A DEL P H I A. SILVER WEDDING 53 3 3 S 3 Q 3 a' A LARGE ASSORTMENT FROM #lO TO #5O. Goods Sent On Approval I IF NOT SATISFACTORY, dan BE RETURNED AT EXPENSE OF BAILEY & CO. 24apl-2m CHEAP JOHN! THE BENEFACTOR OF RAGGED HUMANITY’! Has just received the LARGEST and CHEAPEST stock of / CLOTHINai. For Mon, Boys’ and Youth’s Wear. Boots and Slioes At Wholesale Prices. HATS ot the most approved stylo. GENT’S FURNISHING GOODB, SHIRTS, UNDERSHIRTS, COLLARS, etc. Having brought down prices In Carlisle, since my eight years' resilience here. I will si 111 bring them down to suit a poor man. Business mill conducted on the Mutual Protection Plan—that l?, I divide the profits with my cus tomers ! NO CREDIT ! CALL EARLY! CHEAP JOHN, £) Court House Avenue, ' 7 In (sober) Franklin House. P. s.— l have no Branch House, and don't re-move to Blo.servllie. Uliipl-Iy 1872. (0-ra.tid -Fall Opening. 1872. No. 18 North Hanover St, Having returned from the Eastern,Markets with a Large & Well-Selected Stock OF lleeis 1 am prepared ’ > oiler BARGAINS to all who will favor us with u call. Please examine the following before purchasing elsewhere, If you desire to save money : LacMeß* t QeDt’e and Misses’ KID GLOVES, Woolen and Cotton HOSIERY, all kinds, A complete assortment of ZEPHYR, GERM/NTOWN and FANCY YARNS. Also, n fill.l lino of Jet and Plated Jewelry, Bracelets, Neck-Ties, Chains, &c. J. HE. WOLF- Sept.'Jd, 1872. No. 18 North Hanover Bt„ Carlisle. Di Cl A WVTI'T) 'CI II Jfir I have Just opened one of the very latest and bostnsaort .A.uAU J rilv 1J ed stock of HUY GOODS. SHAWLS, NOTIONS and 1 MIOKEB ever offered in Carlisle, and at prices to suit tho limes. (■ II K A i* Illlt GOOUS In all the new shades, Japanese Silks at all prices, Silk Poplins, , Mohairs, Alpacas, D.-Jalnes, ilernanls, Lawns, Suitings, Ac. STA U K a'' U F DRESS GOODS, Store, fro.i. IJ).; cis. In tilt- lines!. Silk,Black Alpacas from 111 els. to 51.50. Handsome Spi lug Shawls at grual huti'.dns. A N 1' * ' is complete in all branches, Hosiery, Gloves, Ac. Wo Imvo tho v 111 oiur DRESS GOODS ! BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, ALPACAS, BARGAINS, BLACK ALPACAS." VERY CHEAP, PURE RLACIC MOHAIRS. GREAT RAHGAINS, -ALL KINDS OF DRESS GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Mourning' G-oodS' mu l^JSpaS& t K REDUCED PRICES! - MEN’S AND BOYS’ WEAR! Black and Colored Cloths and Cassimeres, at Great Bargains! Notions ! of a thousand different kinds, will be closed out nt a uroat sacrifice to close out: Now la the time for every cue to secure a bargain In Dry-Goods nt the Central Dry Goods t Store, , os the entire stock must ami will bo closed out. SifrWvl tfgPnrtSr U. b.—The entire stock will be sold wholesale nt a grout sacrlllce. 20mar78 Crash., Crash, Down Go the Priees ! having now assumed the offensive, tiro determined to cany out i.holr original design, viz— Sell doable the quantity of Goods and malce half the profits. Now wo have Just opened D aJJ (!)031) liver opened at one Hindu Carlisle. THE CIIEAP'iiRT SILKS IN AMERICA. All the new shades and novelties in DRESS GOODS. BLACK ALPACAS Irorn 25 to CO cents. The Largest Stock of Mourning Goods. 25 PER CENT. CHEAPER umn last year. 25 STYLES in WHITE DRESS GOODS. NEW JAPANESE, all Shades, ; . ■vJ;?lotHs Oa,ssimeres In all the Now shades and novelties—2s per cent lower than last year, SHAWLS in all the now styles, DOMESTICS In such quantity as bailies description. Wo don’t want to BRAG or BLOW—wo MEAN BUSINESS! Wo have the . LARGEST STOCK 0E NEW GOODS IN CARLISLE ! AT LOWER PRICES than you have seen them for TEN YEARS! PLEASE CALL 1 And SEE us, ami we will easily demonstrate the TRUTH of what we say, Sept. 20,1872. GFBAT OJPFJriJSTG OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! The Largest Stock of Dyess Goods TOWN 2 AT THE LOWEST PRICES !. .0®- I would call particular attention to my staph of NEW NOVELTIES for Ladles Suit ings, now selling at very Low Prices. BLACK SILKS ! BEST MAKES ! BLACK SILKS! * BEST MAKES! BLACK SILKS! ' BEST MAKES ! BLACK SILKS ! BEST MAKES ! BLACIvSILKS ! BEST MAKES ! BLACK SILKS ! BEST MAKES ! AT LOW PRICES! AT LOW PRICES ! AT LOW PRICES! AT LOW PRICES ! AT LOW PRICES! AT LOW PRICES! LADIES winning GOOD BLACK SILKS, should examine Mils slock beforeduuklng their purchases. STACKS OF HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS, TABLE LINENS,- TICKINGS. SHEETINGS. QUILTS. BLANKETS. . .. .CALICOES. C MUSLINS HHIRTINQ3, GINGHAMS, CHECK and PANTS STUFF, TERRIES FOR COVERING FURNITURE. BUHUHT Stock of If Ilf I ®W® S HOSIERY, GLOVES, Ac. Cholc'o selections of SPRING SHAWLS, BARGAINS IN CASSIMERES, SUITSIMADETOORDER. BARGAINS IN CASSIMERES, SUITS MADE 'lO ORDER, BARGAINS IN CASSIMERES, SUITS MADE TO ORDER, A very superior assortment of all qualities of ■;Foreign and Domestic Fabrics, for Men and Days’ Spring - ‘ and Summer Suits, Made.to order by FIRST-CCASS WORKMEN. A PKItFECT FIT guaranteed. If you want a bargain, If you want handsome goods, at LOW prices, go to L. T. GREE&FIELD’S, OJft pj • No, 18 East Main Street. 1873. CARPETS! Fry singer & Co.’s C .ARRET BTO RE. Wo have selected all the new Spring Styles from the largest Stocks In Now York nud Philadel phia. making the dnost Block ever brought to ihla Market. Double Width Brussels, English Tapestry Brussels, Dundee Brussels, Vienna Brussels, Jute Carpets. Extra Buperlino Carpels, English Ingrain. Hull Carpels unci Borders, Silk, in all widths. MATTINGS, CAIIP KTCIIAIN, WINDOW SHADES, BOGS, AC. WALL PAPER in all styles, shades and co Wo have greatly Increased our stock of Wall Paper, and odor the best selected stock in >.-i market. We Invito all to call and see the now 13mar73-8m styles. ■ WIISTG- and ©ON, “THE AMERICAN PIANO,” 423 BROOME STREET, NEW YORK. —'Oaas'o.irp^ssioci • Eirst premiums wherever exhibited—Prices low fur the quality—Largo prices allowed for Second-hand Instruments In Exchange. I conscientiously believe that your Plano Is In every respect a most mai/iUjlwnt /infrimicn/. The American Plano has deservedly become a very popular Instrument. IT*-Responsible Agfmta wanted for unoccupied lorrJ ]' > fy,v, H J l, okt? r m'v Jan W7B-dni WING A HON, 123 Broome Rt„ N.V. I N i) ARLI S li K GREAT IN AMj KINDS OK of all kinds, n largo stock on hand. FUNERAL of an kinds will bo on hand unlll tlio outlro stock is closed out. ns long ns there are any poods on hand. CLOTHES *6l all kinds will bo made up at short notice. Notions ! Notions ! THE ENTERPRISING FIRM OP life & BarkWfe THE LARGEST STOCK OF FRESH, NEW, STYLISH WELL-ASSORTED DUKE & BURKHOLDER, Nort |, Hanover St., Carlisle SPRING OPENING CARPETS ! CARLISLE, PA, OIL CIjOTIXS! From Mr. Fdward Hoffman, the celebrated Pianist, From the “Independent A T T H K BAR GAINS GOODS! CARPETS! Three Ply carpets, Two Ply Carpels, Venetian Carpets, Wool Dutch Carpets, Rag Carpet", I Buperlino Carnets, American Ingrains, Stair Carpets, Ac., Ac. ALSO Jhavouiarc. JgBTABUSHED ISIf. Carlisle Hardware House. H. SAXTON & CO, HKNiir Saxton. I J. r. Bixi.kii, I'D. n. Saxt'n Building, rnrinlug’niul Mechanics’ Uardwai Tools anil Mater-al i. Null, Iron an i Si del of nil sizes, shapes as. kinds. Ra’Vmd au I Mining Picks, Shovels an Materia Wolhoull & Bro. First Nations Buck >nd all other favorite brands lu WhlW Loia and Colors, with a full assortment of Tula •' ,jorn. pure raw and boiled Linseed Oil. Coach and Furniture Varnishes, Glass, &c. Greasing and Lubricating Oils, Cement, Plus* tor and Silver Sand, Dupont’s blasting and sporting powder. Guns, Pistols and Ammuni tion. Cedar Ware. Hope, Lanterns. Ac. House-FurnisTiing Hardware Silver-plated Spoons, Forks and knives. Ivory and Pearl-handled table'and pocket Cut lery. Rodgers & Seymour’s lino Scissors and. Sheafs. Fine Gilt Curtain Cornices and Bands, Brass stair Rods, white and black Curled Halt for Matressos and Furniture, Green Reps, Halr soatlng, Ac., with a full line of Upholster Goods. Miscellaneous goods, such as Clothes Wringers, lino bird Cages, Driving and Riding Whips, Ac, Solo agents for Plank’s Shifting Beam and Koltor Plows at his prices For Cash,. Bloomllold & Gibb's Imperial .Plows. ThMaal mentioned are of n recent introduc tion into this section, which have the advanta ges of a Shifting Beam and Steel Shear, at al most tho same prices as the ordinary Cast Iron Plows. Sole agents for Palmer’s Patent Iron Planes. Solo agents for Burnham’s Patent Weather Stripping. . This combines both economy. and comfort, thoroughly preventing drafts ol cold air in win ter and dust in summer. Tho price for Stripping an entire house Is more thau saved during tho winter by tho economy ol fuel; it taking at least one-third less fuel to produce the same warmth It Is made in walnut, oak and plain white, fo. both color and windows, so that it can be adap ted to any house. Our goods are bought in largo quantities irora the manufactures, and with the aid of our long experience, are selected with the utmost care and supervision, and we would Invito all who wish to purchase tho best goods at the lowest cash rates to patronize us. Country merchants will certainly find it to heir advantage to call or write us -for quota ions before purchasing. We remain, respeqtfully, H. SAXTON & GO., ZVb, -15 EAST MAIN &TRB2 Carlisle. HASD W ARE CUTLERY, MIL LIS It & BO WE US take this opportunity of directing ISio attention oftho community at large, and every person in particular, to tUelr recently replenished stock ol H A 3® ,B W A IE Ho They studiously avoided Investing dur ng the high prices, and patiently waited the falling out of the bottom before attempting to refill their shelves, and now that things have been reduced to old time prices, us near as possible, they have Invested largely and are prepared to guarantee to their friends and customers as low prices as any market outside the cities. They especially Invite,the attention of mechanics, fanners and builders. Our stock Is complete and none neeJ - fearraeetlug with disappointment in enquiring for anything in our line, We have the agency of the Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine. and would respectfully sk all those n wau'o n Machine, to examine the Wlllcox & Gibbs’ bei fore purchasing. All orders promptly attended to, and good ellvered to all parts of the,town free of charge (1 Jnn. 12 J8721V JJEADING KAIL ROAD ! Winter Arrangement ! Monday, December 2nd, 1873. Trains leave Harrisburg for Now York ns fol lows: at 5,30 andB,lo, am ami 2,eopmj count ing with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at Now York at 12,35, 3,50, and 0,15 p ir respectively. ReUmilug : Leave New York at 000 a in 12 60 and 530 p m, Philadelphia at 730, 845 aman 3 30 p m. Leave Harrisburg.for Reading, Pottsvllle. Ta* raaqun, Mluorsvillo, Ashland,Shnmokln, Allen town and Philadelphia at 630 and 810 am, and 2 00 and 4 05 p in, stopping at Lebanon and prin clpal way stationstuo 4 05 p m train connect ing for Philadelphia, Pottsvllle and Columbl only. For Pottsvllle, Scuylkill Haven and Au burn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna llallro leave Harrisburg at 3 10 p m.< East Pennsylvania Rallrad trains leave Read Infc for Allentown, Easton and Now York at 7 30 and 10 35 a in, and 400 p m. Returning, lea vo Now York at U 00 a m, 12 50 ami 5 30 p in and A 1 leutown at 7 20 a m and 12 25 , 2 10, 4 35 and 8 55 p ni. • Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 730 a ra, connecting at Reading with train on East Penn 11H, returning leaves Potlsvllleat43s •p m, slopping at all stations. Leave Pottsvllle atOOO 810 and 0 10 a m and 2 30 p rn,Herndon at luUOam, Shamokln at 000 and 1102 am, Ashland at 7 18 a m and 1220 p m Mahauoy City at 7 63 am and 12 04 p m.Tamuqua afS 35 am and 2 10 pm lor Philada, Now York Reading. Harrisburg, y vnlcU lb “ r . trlousand those of small means can sav i tlou of their weekly earnings, » utl ?? ® 0 t . au low as 25 cents will bo received everj oi become a depositor. • 3in all It Is a gieat mistake to suppose that « ng sums are not worth saving. By the nD( i os In little matters riches are acquired,* lbeJ „ every one may become depositors, »o . 0U como with small amounts; and cents w Let become dollars, and continually lucrea none wait till they have aomclAtiw BflV c; something respectable, before they a beginning Is the great point to bo acbicv gftV> The attention of parents la called to t « fund logs Fund, as they may here aeonmuiaia ltoW for their children, or bymaklnglhero uej oJ . teaching them the advantages ox ih° Depositors are not obliged to '^do*so, deposits longer than thej may in( , 8 keeping money as well as to encouiag by all classes. , , „„ tn . rs imiuire For further particulars and circulars i i at Farmers' Bank. JanBo*73—tf . * HEW MILLINERY. The signed begs leave to Inform th et i isle and vicinity that she bus comm >[ii.lim:hy busbvES®’ ut No. 13 Wo«t Main strcot, wlioro „f plonsod to receive t" 11 * f™,} H,p oil U“ nJ anythingln her line. Hhe will k p the latest styles of iii.iirnftiH* Bonnets, Hals, Switches, Ch*B“»“ s * &c„ &c.. to bo disposed of at H’Sjfy MOTTS* 21apl-lt AiAiw Lumps,