The American V olunteer IHJUUanBD EVEBY THUBsJaY MOB NINO n y Jolm B. Bruttoii. OFFICE SOUTH MARKET SQ UARK . Teujls.—Two dollars per year If paid strictly (a advance. Two Dollars and Fifty Cents If paid within three months, after which Three Dollars will bo charged. These terms will bo rigidly adhered to in every instance. No sub scription discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the Kdllbr. iuaal Jtotkes. TO TAX-PAYERS! Tho Treasurer of Cumberland. county. Pa., will atlond lor tho purpose of receiving STATE. COUNTY and MILITIA TAXES for tho year 1873. as required by net of Assembly, at the fol lowing times and places: FRANKFORD, nt Blofiorvlllo May 19. MIFFLIN, at Centre School House, May 20. HOPEWELL and NEWBUUO, at Sharp’s Ho tel. May 21 and 22. SOUTHAMPTON, nt Baiißhranu’H Hotel, May 23 and 24. DICKINSON, at Stone Tavern, May 20. PENN, at Eyslor’s Tavern, 2? and 28. NEW'ION, at Goodhoart’s Hotel, May 29. WEST PENNSBOROUGH, at '.hlsncll’s Ho tel. May 30, and at Fair’s Hotel, May 31. BHIPPENBBURG BOROUGH AND TOWN SHIP. nt Sherman House, Juno 2. 3 and i. NEWVILLE, at Hounoborger’s Hotel, Juno 5 and 0. NEWTON, at Mcßride «t McCleary’s Hotel, June 7. NORTH MIDDLETON, at Beecher’s Hotel, .JuneO. COOKE, at Pino Grove Furnace, June 10. SOUTH MIDDLETON, at Ruploy's Hotel, Juno 11. MIDDLESEX, at Middlesex School House, Juno 12. SILVER SPRING, at Grove’s Hotel, Juno 13. MONROE, at Hursh’s Hotel, Juno U and 10. UPPER ALLEN, at Culp’s Hotel, Juno 17. LOWER ALLEN, at Heck’s Hotel, June 18. NEW CUMBERLAND, at Slarbaugh’s Hotel, Juno 10. EAST PENNSBOROUGH, at Wilder’s Hotel, Juno 20. and at Eli George’s Hotel June 21. HAMPDEN, at A. L. Brlcker’s Hotel, June 23. MECHANICSBURG, at George Bobb & Sons Hardware Store, Juno 21, 25 and 20. CARLISLE,, at Commissioner’s Office, June 27,28 and 30. - < « On all taxes unpaid on August Ist. FIVE per cent, will be added, Tho Treasurer will receive taxes at his office until tho Ist day of September next, ut which time duplicates oi all unpaid taxes will bo issued to the Constables of the re spective boroughs and townships for collection. ALSO, at tho same times and places. Mer chant and Dealers can obtain MERCANTILE .LICENCES of tho County Treasurer. And all Hucksters and Dealers in Marketing are hereby notified to take out an annual HUCKSTERS’ LICENSE, under the act of Assembly, approved tho 18th day of May, 1800. GEO. 8088, l7apl-fit - Treasurer oj Cumberland Count!/, FOR 1873! Monroe and Upper Allen townships, April 21; Mechanlcsburg borough and Lower Allen township, April 22. East Fenusborough and Hampden townships and .New Cumberland borough, April 23. Silver Spring and Middlesex townships, April 21. South Middleton and North Middleton town ships, April 26. Frauklnrd and Mllllln townships and New vlllo borough, April 2d. Hopewell township, Newburg and Shlppens* burg boroughs, April 28. Shlppeuaburg and Southampton townships, Api 1129. Penn and Newton townships, April 30.' Dickinson and West Pcnnsborough town* ships. May 1., Carlisle borough an.d Coolco township. May 2. Appeals to bo held for the annual changes in the assessments, on the apovo utalod days, at the Commissioners’ olUce; In the borough of Carlisle, Pa. DAVID DEITZ, Attest—’ .1. C.SAMPLE. J. B. Floyd, dork. SAM’L EUNEST, 27raar Gt • « ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-No tico Is hereby given that lotier-* of adminis tration on the estate of M. F. Gardner, late of the borough of Carlisle, deceased, have Leon Is sued to Franklin Gardner, of said borough. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make payment, and those having claims will present them; duly authenticated, to the undersigned, for settlement. F. GAItDNEU, I7apU6t & Administrator< . AUDITOR’S NOTICE.—The tinder signed, Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, to make distribu tion of the proceeds of sale of real estate de vised by the last will and testament of Benja min Clark, late of East PunnsboroUg.h township In said county, deceased, to the Issue of Murv Waggoner, late also of said township, deceased, sola under an order of said Court by Benjamin Spong, Executor of said Mary Waggoner, de ceased, will meet the parties interested In such distribution, at his office, No. 3 Kramer’s Build ing, in the borough ol Carlisle, Pa., on Thurs day, May Bth. 1873. at 10 o’clock, A. M„ for the purposes of bis appointment, when and where all parties interested are requested to attend. 17apl-3l* JOS. G. VALE, Auditor, ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.-No tlcela hereby given that lottoru of a/lmln is».ration on the estate of Isaac Goodbart, la.e o Penn township; deceased,' have been issued by the Register of Cumberland county to the sub scriber, residing In .Newton township. All per sons indebted to said estate are requested tn make payment, and those having claims will present. tUom for GOODRART. Administrator. I7apl*ot* A UDITOR’S NOTICE.—The under* J\ signed Auditor, appointed by tbo Orphans Coult of Cumberland county, to ascertain who, are the heirs and legal representatives of John, Rover; late of South Middleton township, de ceased. and to make distribution nraougst them of the amounts to which they are respectively entitled to receive the balance in the hands of Mrs. Sarah Ann Koyor, administratrix of said decedent, and certain purchase money secured hv recognizance, will meet the pnrttes interested for the purpose at his olllce, In Carlisle, on Fri day, the 18th of April, at Wo’clock, A-M-^ 27mar * Auditor. . \ DMINISTRATRIX' notice. notice is hereby given that letters of admin istration on the estate of Jacob Marlin, late of the borough of Carlisle, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing In said borough. All persons having claims or de mands against said estate are requested to make •the same knowh to the said undersigned with out delay'. and those Indebted uJll make Imme diate payment. MAHWAKiiji I. MAUIIN. WrawS Administratrix. Executors* notice.—Notice ,ie horebv given that letters testamentary on me will of fclllzabetli Beoltly. lain of Now Cum berland, Cumberland county, deceneed. liavo been Issued to the undersigned Executor, iresid ing lu New Cumberland nloresald. All persona indebted will please make payment without do- Inyfaml^Uoso^holdlng^bU^ns^wlh^msen^Uiem O.uar73-ot. Executor. A DMINISTRATRIX’ NOTICE. _x\_‘Notlco l a hereby given that loe/t.e. 1 o e / t . e . ministration on IHo eata oof Samuol AUen. lnt« of silver Spring township, deed., have been granted to P tho undersigned, residing same township. All persona ?J demands against said estate are r e^}f, sled present them, and those ly^ l ed wUI make payment immediately. HLTIY ALLEN, liomar73-Bt* ddmmwfrnfru. EXECUTOR’S) NOTlCE—Notice la hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Wm. Harper, late of Tonn town ship. deo’il., have been Issued to the “nde™ l ®* ed Executors, residing In the same township. All persons Indebted will please make> payme t without delay, and those holding claims will present them to DAVID ,'lh TUPPI'I Executors, £oainr73«ot* A ASSIGNEE’S NOTlCE.—Notice is A hereby Given that Thomas U. Williamson, oiallver Spring township, Cumberland county, Pa, has made an assalgnmest of all hla estate and effects, for the benefit of creditors, to the undersigned, Christian Herman. AH persons Indebted to the said assignor will make Imme diate payment, and those having claims against him. will make them known to the undersigned, nun wm chhl stlAN HERMAN, Assignee, Allen Post Office, Curab, Co. lOapl-SL* rHO BOOK CANVASSERS! *- AKEWWAr of running A Subscription Book. ! CAN SELL THOUSANDS! PLAIN HOME TALK. ! la main talk about the body and Us P|\y s i c ® l . and social needs. Dr, E. 11. Kootr, author of “Medical Common Sense,” of No. IJJ Lexington Avenue, N.Y.. who entertains everybody with his pen, and cures everybody by h«a skill, la its Sutlio“' In its thousand nofces it answers a ♦ thousand questions you don’t want to go to your physician about* It is, os it Is stamped unon Its cover, a book for private and consider ate rfiadlnc. 25, and sent, postage pre nald everywhere. Contents table mailed ireo. Acenta wanted. A beautiful original chromo, “Tnrow Pliyslo to the Doga,” worth 810.* goes with the book. No chromo without the book. Nn hook without the chromo. Address. MUll- RAY° HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY,No. 121) East 28th Street, New York. 20mar73-(Jt* A GENTS WANTED.—We want one J\ cood Agent in every township to sell our 4wand immensely Popular Books and Engra vinca. The very largest commission paid. Ihoso now at work report great sales. Circulars and all Information Vice. Write to Wokthihgton. Dustin