'ih-DtcsDiouni cavti» | J. 11. OitAiiAM. I .1. H t} ha|ialv. J. 11. o ItAll am soy. Attorneys rlund < Per v and Jnulala Conn ies. 'Dec.7, 71—If. i ( v k. iVki.t/.iioovr.it, \l / TO It ms V-A T- LA II ’ j- t dee on South Hanover street,oppo • I * e ' j x drv ijniiils store •••.>. I. into. jn- IUTNKK Attorn nj-at-Lun', Nu, 4 South Hanover street, <’nrllsh*. iv. I'li.-tllO's promptly attended to. I, Icetlon - a • peela 11' . ' j \ M I.' u u 10. A ki,i:v ATiOK xr. v-v r-b, a w 1 KICK- 'o. emit h HiiltOie; S|.. I*„rl i April •!% --ij • j.osftfMi t;. v \ i;i- AT * « «M Ys4i.|,\W M-1 i-i-s in J ciiipli 'U and i uin ■•■ iii ml nu' ■ it) •. 11. i ..til l tmii.-e ' Velilu- .No .! Kii- n i i.... I ■_ il iu’eetir 0 - I '<• Scnilli f■ ;. 1111 \i • i Stieel, 1 mll.sje. A I Kill e (11 Sells! .x xldlltuly 11 •*li 11 *i, I-* I Is • Ms’jince can eonsnh h\ ia , IS7«—ly QU. .1 S. DION 1)10U, \i Hus removed his oillce in the \\ *-r < oerof smith Hanover ami Pomii'i sti. recllv opposite the ‘Jnd I'reshvim i.n < 'hm <-i Carlisle April is—7‘—m fJIHEO- L’ORNiWAX, ATTORNEY AT LAW Ne. 18 W.efctr Main Street, Onrltale JtSFAHbminess promptly aticmlcl to. fllcbical. Vln<>snr SiliiiT-. made of Pom U'- U j,. Liquors, taste, called “ i • r Ac., that le.nl ;lu . but are a true M- ,i and herbs of i .11 They are IheOl-e.it ithmd f ... Principle, a- Pcm-ct Ue>i..v..: (t r System,* cam-mg oft all the blood to a lie,dthv Cauda. >■ ■ ■ . No Person cun tulce Hi |p». >Dg. to directions, and u-mam ... i- .. their bones are not dcstnn sd in. means, and the vital organs . ofrepairi Dyapeptln or liidigciiiloii. m , in the Shoulders, Ciurghs, Tight iu-s. . ; •']- ainess, Sour Eructations of the S . a, ~ in the Month, Uil'om Amt!,*. 1“ . Heart, Inflammation of the I .mus r, , the Kidneys, and a hundred M-k> arc the offsprings of Dyspcoti.i I . 'i -- it has no equal, and one bottle w ■:.* - antee of Its merits than a length-.- .idvruise-nr For Fcmiilo CompiiiiuiH. i,, ~ i. married or single, at the dn-.-n ol warn u.'i. turn of life, those Tonic n,lters dutmn influence that a mark-1 nnnri.veinent i nb]c. ' ir.-!- n . For Inflammnloi-y and Chronic matisin and Omil. Dyspepsia nr I 11l ~ Remittent and Imeinmient Fever-* 1 , , r ; Blood, Liver. Kidnt-yi and niaddur, t’l I! , been most successful Sudi Dii-aws .u *. f i i Vitiated Hloml, wircli it'ener.illy ' .' mem r>f the Digestive They nrc a Gentle Piii'Kittii «• u. w* ll n a Tonic, also the pi.-cnii ir m-i i ~| ,iri,. as a powerful agent m n-hc-,ng Cmu'eMi-m ~t Inil.im maiiou of the Liver and V'-c ; . n--,i* --•! ~ u, Diseases- For SUIn DlHtnht'M, l.m . Rheum, Hloiclic.', Sjucs, I'lmji'e-. 1 I'Mncles, King-tvm'nn, .Scald-He . i .-.ipelas, licit, Scurfs, Di-cnlot.u.'uiu ami Diseases of ilie Sinn, of wli,n=-, -r n 1.1 arc literally dug tip and ranied nm ~f short iime, by tire me of ’V-se Jjin.ns (] •.ucb .-ases will convmu- the must no ir-.i.r ruraine effects. ’ Cli'itiiHe Ihe Vitiated Illootl v.J rn, •, cr vou •nul its imparities burst 1 .thrr,iitin. -I. m |‘;nipitrs», Eiuplimis, or Sores; cleame it ulnm v >u nwl'it ob' -inictetl .n.'cl r.Uijtpish in the tciih ; cli n • Alien it is •■•nil; your will tell voa v lien K-rj. th- h n,„l p'lro, ami the IteaMi of tin; sysien mil i..r,,, v . Grateful thauniml* p-Mchum \ \>, Hit ntßs the most won Jet (nl In . ijn u;t i!i , • .. , ■he liokim; system. Pin, Tape, nml other Wnnm, ' ,1. •hr svaietn of so m.my ilrniin, • ,i ■ ;n>yecl ami remodel. S.ivs a .i.-am n^i-.t: There b sc.i;, yan imlr. nln,-! earth wln>-e body . -Tempt lu.m •!, t,i It L iu.i ‘ij*'>ir 'he im.ililiv AOrilli, IAI-I. ‘>i:l •; •irpusits lli-it In i il,rse ii No «sy,-,-n ..1 M ■ ric.-, r. , i. -e '» ven. .n ‘"'i m-.i- ■ . . i- U-jr*. ;u,l \| [1,....- , •ii. .. .i.'-W • ■ < v*rr;. | S ,i | . ttilioiis.' It.inili.m. nn.t Ini.•, mhl.-ni !l • |>i - i'» • ; .11 ill- • • iv. y of ..ur *l* * Ut ' -I St.llr--. OMi.*ti.ll!V ■ l ' " n. n.'-nnii. 'loi,. *• ' I'-’ - \V it., v* I'.i n ..nee 1,-.. . . \ ‘e I*. I-.. \„.l I 'luiiuii: mil civile > \■’ 11111]. mil i urn.ill. i . i tie it .mi] c|rviie<<. .1 S -I .Tula. Kilt < i!; ri l uin vini•” ,■ r itii i , ..111 ’• - 1 Ti..- >■ «.»• - It i' . • July-J 72—ly e3m ®,r' r v~' v v ■ ( if j- ■/- •.,.! i I i! R f Ol fj u Tha; ?alo, Vs»li6- JUCy-Lofca (-• ‘l).'hui'>l ;■> T‘ •*• **.!>/ I ))<• »S ) II > ( llll'S, |t 4 » • 1 **••* l.f' •• * • * «i(' i»i>caNc* fi'i- 'i mpj.liy for I.mlJ • i.ihiMiinl cliidi iifi lll( | l-Jlfl Il'S Ittl 11l •Ill'll ,ll|ll I < l-t I'l 111 l-,( i\ t , ■y t' i irwn I.A DI j:- 1 IiAJ.MUHAI, llon|> NKI A J-.! KKN , A \Aj ( OLO '-S, ..1.. 11 • i-i \j, ss ,. s , lnil , (,1). jeon'*, iin i toiM-ii ■llwl i :i i 1 liL AI K ul»I ( OI.() K M 1) Hl'. A\KK I IA M I IS » *• ../i*,,,,. Mi'tis nnd Vonnr-. Mo. - Inr M i N’S uinl I JONS’ OX KK(,()a li^, , , ; ~r I ol 4*\ \ .iHKLTIpIIOII, I'romitMoi;. j Men's and Boys 1 Wear, of all tads, Greatly Reduced in Prices I ‘..MI ... «, I . 2Jan73ly in another column, adverthiement amml SE E lOWA Al") ERR SIICA lHlf't. Carlisle Hardware House. H. SAXTON & CO. UKNKr S.WION. | .1. |\ UIXI.KU. | 11, tl s%x i • n mmaUiK, Knnn .2 mill Mivlmnlr** Hurd vu fool* nud Mtito al • is *i f all '>hnp* > >< u•. nil ms I Mining Keli*. *-hovels»ii \WMIe.IH iV lm>. Firm 1 Nun m .1 nil ollit'i favorite ImmdH In Whli .«-iK'nlorw, wllli u lull n>smtjneni i»r ruin lorn, pure rnw nml Imbed Linseed (Ml. Coiu'L anil Furniture Vumlshen, Ulus*. Ao. vli easing umlvLubi leu Mug oils.«Vment, JMus* ler nml silver Hand, IV,;->mN blasting und sporting powder, Guns, I* stols and Anniiiiiil- Mon. Ccdjir Ware. Ifnne. i.jnii»Mn?*.do. House-FnrnisMng Hardware Null, Iron kinds. Kn Malorln Uooli 1,. Hi Ivor-pin it'd Spoons, FAtksand knives. I\ory and IVaiMnmdled iai*m and pneket Cut* lari'. iUidgers A- .Saymorn's |in«> >eissoi> and Shears. Fine (till i.'niiain I'oinuvs and Hands brass slalr Unis, while mid h j.eli i nrlhi Hull tor MiitreaHe* ah(| I‘di Mltm e, (Heel. Heps. Mali • eullntf. Ac.. With a lull Hue ol rpln.lsn-r Hoods .Miscellaneous goods. siicli a* Clothes Wringers Mile hhd Cages Ih't vine it I. . Hldli.** Whips ,Ve' s lie agents mr Flank’ >11111101: Hem., ami Knlter I’lmvs at Ids'prices Fur t vi. Hhointleld A Hlbbs I in j.ei 11 1’ li m-. Tin ’am mentioned are ot» intindue. thin.l.do tills seellon whieli n.i\«- ’ in l adv.iMa (Jiisnf a shilling Bearn and Steel Hem al-' most the s;ime pneen as .he i>l din.t• v • ns: ~ I'lO'.is soleiij'en!' 0! I‘ulmer - H.iVi.t 1-i -1. ,r>;. m-s. Solo neeni-e.i Hmt.h ns lafeni \\ .-.1. n ,-r •Stripping. Tills cmtiDlliis li.illi eenmnn > tod (: ,u, (t a to' tvr c tod tint! in uinuifr. Toe t" .re <"i sirippim l an entire' ionise is mote than sn-ei dining the Winter hy the eeononii <>l me:; ( taliln: ai hast OUtMhlld less I lie I lo pi odnee 1 In- saiee u urn. 11, Ills llUilt- in wiilli 11. mill .1 id ,>!.inr »tiih 1.. both color and window-, so Inm n ran Ho i..i,.i . ted lo any house. Our goods are bought in huge . t aniitl. * i.u.i, ilie nm mi tact me-, ami with tin-.. id or on 1,, .. experience, are selected mill im- ntm..-i emT and supei v.siim. and we u.mi.t mviu-a . .iin wlsh lo pureiiase the hesl g ihet-nc-i casn rales to patronize jis,- (Jonniry ineaeinnils will e-rtamlv find h *• . heir advantage to rail - or wiitens'loi o.i-,..,- ions behira purehaslng. H A R D W A R ifi / /- i. i: it a- hr, i! /■ n s liil;,- ..I 11, f ~ t ifii i .mi <»l lin- i;> iii.iiiinily Hi miy, mill t-vnn ."'(•sun in 1)111 I !«*'. i.i | t. f , l ! \ oi . ■ j&j. JjEv , .c, 1;, llic.v si ml khini \itso' 11 t*i i 111 %vM ihu ny uie high |in.mt,.ni,,i ;-utu;ut|\ wnm-.l'ilm inlllDtf out. oi Uie iioitom tiMfoic ntiempuiiy to letUl llielr **>. unit i.'iw Mint riH\v hrmn rrduecul to “lit I iiur- pru-HH. h» m*au u* jionsiJii**. iiic.v have luvi-sii-ti [aijifi.N unit m- pu-jnu. .. mmrauU*e to tlmu Irlniuls inn*. uMouk’i* ,i- ;.>v> ~i n-e« an utiy mi a>l» *U • «im -»ule )lr<- milf-.-i l'h«iv ♦'.sppcJuJly 111 vi!►-I ;m- ,illi'nn.-n ~1 n.*'<-iiMiilc> ( (iu (Mill's and fr‘Jil rii.-et nit- *-, it m ic«. - ■-i.-iii r . . ijhi t JM4 " '• : n1 ilcli\.-ivil In all 1.1, • . ~| ir |.».v» .1,11. N7-JIV ■ £ bu.ii jttaUrv. ■ l<- I- W I*> V • CAHiVKT MAlvKr: vN fI i' \I)K : \ il *\ K>r M.liN '■'TUP I I UAKUSI.K. I*\. \ *-j• Illr* i| .-iwvnri in vi t ..j ‘ 3''oHa'Bjio.aiir «*, (' in ’«• ll Ktfl v*., IMlir |.l p hi. ‘■••Ilk- f a in j> ii. •’ll ll'JI-s. (•>| I 11. - »t>li ■», I'i.i U Ills* I'ljalt*- 1 'MI I >.• | s, . i ’hull s i „|.) j.,i |,, k I 11 11 n 'ir.iliv. .'ll.mi.cm • ' .!-■ . v i,-. “ lK l’;i riot-. i ’in nUvr, liliiiin.' |.'Cit:':m , iiK l»( UIV IHlt'Kl ll'*. <■«ittauk Ki'KNfrrm-; i.\ r plva.t 1.1 V t';i |t > | | * HKn-TK V» - AM' AUI'IIU. -Is . (ill.T 'rK.\.Ml* \NI» l*|iT»-Kf 111 gl'l'tll Vlllll'U I'ai l ik'iilai ullvnliuii I,'iM‘ii to i'ui.i-.,ulw. ul-rn I’nnii imvu uml vounlry promptu I.l iinnlml I o nd on n*ivs. >n?i! .!«• Nt m*. I ee. |7 ■I ill. -. mill.' u'wi' iliuntf H: •i i j -I, ini BERME AM) H.VIS At Cost t I'lW Miti-vnl it int.•ml'- m mu ..mu,. strc-k <>i SHOKS & HATS! A'i' 1 »isr. Hi' M'Mirinii nl ipiHi- liui'*'. «*m. brnfuWj V ’ VI'i.AU Women’s Misses’ and Children’s Shoes, OF ALL KINDS! k i i ',<• . Ah In* due- i:i•! intend 111 lie eu >UOKH|i.r ..ale hereallei. In- will positivc-h sell ills entite stnek til COST ! He II so w Kin s|o Hn»i> nut his H \’]V hikl will sell Ih.-inul-n a i'ini. Great Bargains Pilll IHIW Ill'll liv llllis.- >» r-tl . SH M i-S VNI JIATM, Joint M'.lliolU Jan i-ni'-.Mu So. •;> s* ll in it li \nr. \i,u^c» M •N' V-d.. i U.KKS DAVID STHIiIIM, I UN \S - , - I I-11 vi t.\ I M-i i- Boot & Shoe House! SVf lift Ve j u»I » erelvrd < iin -■ i i-« -I, ..( a,,,i„ Horn the Ka*lern nltlps, unci they tin- now'iipc-u for tin* Inspeetlnn of the piddle XV e have h'-n./h| them In sell, and ill i«»w pi Ire. i-\s|i n,,, Murk ll I“• I Kt S II l BOOTS AND SHOES r». Wuij»ic l«>tm ,n If AI 1 "rs, All'll, 11. r\ ' ,UJ ( , 11, ( i.l I rl. In e ii v ic in i In- /nn rk et < i. vi* us a call. Tu.uiklnl ln»' past lit.fiui p.iin*..iii.. mu M junl i In- pnhlie uem-iully. urn Ctudhllly m '■lif'tl to i'i»J» nml »‘Miin 1 in- <>ut /dock. a Umnemher Hie phice. No KlHoillh llunoye mif door South of H M, bnillo.v’B cJoih» 'lorp. inuii I 'lv opposite the f-*»mile>li» House. .*2 Mov-)a Jilatouunt. Wo remain, vtsin-L-llully, H, SAXTON & CO., •Vo. I-’. FAST MA IX .sriil-n t hi fl Is Ir-, C U T K i; V Sewing omn- SlljOC StOlV STKUUM •( Popular Prices. The Largest sp-ck of HEAL POINT LACE, Til READ LACE. ami DUCHESS LACE COL L.vRS. lIANDK EROITIEES in every stylo anti price, Tor Ghristmas ! j llemiUfnl • Assortment of I’tulerslrrrrs, Xeck Ties. A'c.. tl'm, Special linrt/ains in Lon; Priced Dress Goods ! : , '• "iiLEMiwiT ift'acl/A? ROOTS' WiM- . ' I SUITS IWADe TO fi f SNOOT CteTißi I i' 1 n. KlMi.s, MI.’SI.INS, nil.; KS, ( lUl'ut ! Ull.sll.m .«,I.VI||.ISM.,< IU , I"' I ■ \ .NKI.U. pivsi. miminl'lr. We Imvc It.sl . hmt llirmin- in Sil AWLS, cvci- .iir.-.cl in tins mm Ucl, In Incl my -.(..He is mm , iimpl.-1.., nml it will nmnv nnv nno win. ilosn-os n Innim.i lo cnii nml .•xnmitm I.n- I honisflvos Der.rj D. A. SAWYER, IftKACIIIDn ,\1VI) |(,\!!U:,V( !l!;i» SHIRTING MUSLINS, \ id: o , CHEAP DRY FALL& WINTER DRESS GOODS! GOODS SILKX, SIM m, PURS & BLIVETS! STORE. R ....'DOCTIOiSI ! I At O SJrILuH Y ’IS;! A m SfOCK ’OF NEW FALL ,410 WINTER GOODS 11 » i;i m -i.i • \i ‘• ul ..\'i ia uj.h il l* run t.s iii .-.i i j Til I-: 11 m ks. nj k jm- u- Km ■■l K N'l 111 K -'*Ti i‘ n nr in iirli in-1" v. ll K«; ( I.AII l-’h 11 ’II uml lin vil i- (■( t\lp \ U l. w ’l) \■ v 111 1 any i.ihm h..us,. ,u Hu-t'dl’N I V. I-'C M, M N I-' i>r DH l?.-S HOODS. VELVETEENS, IiLACK SILKS WOOL REPPS. POPLINS, . REPEL LA NTS CLOTHS IN OREEN, BROWN, GOLD and BLACK MIXED, SINGLE and DOUBLE WOOL SHAWLS BLANKETS ( OMFOIITS AND GUILTS, WOOL AND COTTON FLANNELS, ALL COLORS, TICKINGS, MUSLINS, S, IIiTING STRIPES OVERCOATINGS-! I- \‘ 11 *H 'i!• -v N's iuhl i• v«• r\ miul»- i.f ..Is suii ,liti 1'..1 m K\Tll \ I'. A (JAINS 111 <1 til* I lm.- «.t MEW FURS FBI BJISEB M MUSBEM. i- l'‘ XT ’S Kl’ Its. i. {. (» VK < \ a |) (' }-• j.' i ; j.; |{ s ! SP E«' i I AL, Ift I?.!. AG h A. f, i> A C! AS ! I ' •’> •>' "-I " liii-h rji m m 111 u* >h rjti(-M >1 (or Wl-lc JH \\ sIIADK ami oI : A UTI m .«\ .n •i ,nl*- NOTIONS' i vaiii-l) ul -M-ry arimm \n imcmuM- SI-u-k ol I, UHi-.V A (’IHMJUHN m UoSF siula li!i- (<:r M-ai'-n OKNTs .v I.AIHK*' MKIJINO V lisTs. si J | JM’S .v DUAWKIis ch»« j I’liliU' Mrt'k nl , ii!ll\llS. OIL (LOTUS, MIIKT Mil HUIIO SIIIIIA! 1 will t• 11 llii-ln Hr. LOW fust: iJoPlyiist- fill I. *»»•<• ami he fcwivin I that ail m ..Govt- is a lad ..ml warn 11 it Haiti mu. N "" ■■■■'' CHARLES OGILBY. THE HOLID AY TSABii! Prices Reduced I N w Goods opening at tbe Central Dry deoils Store ! Great M'Wijftins in ;«I1 kimJs ni Lmlii -.' I)n (»mnls (or the Holiday Season Handsome Talselv Shawls (or riIKISTIHAS rUUSK\rs, Very ('heap. All a nnl' ol W-ili - 1.1-; N Ml A W |„s . io-apei limn .-Vi-i al I In* t’KN I’Ual Furs ! Fuis 1 ! Furs 2! i Furs !! I ! 1 1 .un -1 m nSell up I o Lilt* 11 in->.l i j u-i 1 1 1 >•-' » in Ihe i hi -i Ire HI, W!\ KTS I'IAVNKi.'iiI ■ V-IV deserlpl 101 l 111 Itedlieed Price' p 1 all c V Gr OOd S 2 New Styles l.inlie>’ Neek Ii« . .NVw Shmh*- Ladit**’ Neck lies. Km hi'-ni* Itrl Handkerchiefs 1 nee 11 nmi Uereh lels. Mein-M 1' died 11 umlkcrddelh All IciiuN of I .miles' and Heotl'ine. - i l-i mllirrr hiel' put up lit ho\i»-. verv sultuhie tor i til tel hills pi r-r-nt' I’li-H.-. .l-i not full I-- .-all ut tlm IaONTKAI. UHY (iOOD.S S I'OUK uinl esaiut in- I in* huuc-si tii.it In si .< n rn-(| stuck of Dry Goods und Notions, helonj mak inu uuy ou: i-liu'cn, a-s we atv i. i. i m din i educe Ihw /dock no tori' muk ini' u c-hiipui- in , - MILLER & BUTT.ORFI’. The West Disr Jay of NOW READY AT NO. is, HAST MAIN STREET L. T. CKEEiJmEID, 18 East Main Street. D. A. SAWYER, Mtrth-ensf Col-. I‘nhlie Si/ua-c. Carlisle. M.ID U O GOODS I 11 1-1-' ■V K ursus . ~;•;; ,p; .. ~. opciu-ihimil i'loscl. 111,11 1 ' ’ N 1N - lit I.IC 1 .141 , 14 • 1 1 .;:'1Vp o llt h tl . i 1 . ,1•1 „ 0 , 111,111 lezatlard ' 111(11.111, Toitelw, t Mir rtM«nr,nipm (il Tlf 'MI N’( ;s is I lu- most com pi,.,,, nm| „t , mv (ilium, PRINT* mvmuVM, lllrKnliV *TR I Pl.'s V, , »mM.i’.nfi KRNtDOKY .fßt*sV>rr..NADßs ip „,V,rim r.ASrfjlt UH f 1 1*. QIMLIs «|f r*»»*l fr.un fho nttinnfnrinn'rs which we u ’ll ..Her Ml (ilil'vr ha lu; UNS, ’ BLACK. ALPACAS! ■’ ’“fit** Htnck Alpacas a special tv. aml kivi. all || l( . I.rm 1,n,.„1s I’rlrrs MM 371 W, 5». lill.TM, l.ni; ‘l .H !l I%*' UH \Nll ,'I.IKISII (11 SAl.i: 111- O L 0 T IT S & C ASS T M E H E S 1" iri'V.’V T r *T l ’“ i{ A - ;»|| unr --Hals have heen p-rclniseil :i(. i \"p 11 I 1.1 . nil pi*isyiM Wish i in> in imi'chns" at ('.\S-II prices I *' 11 ! 1,1 fr iiix-r- si lu examine our St nek »u*lore pur* *.. 1 ' *'T • ‘ ,i. w , i.l v cum pel i (inn in prices s ■ 111 1 <> n AND ( HKOKS, ('I OTHS & CASSIMRRES CAKI,I.SI,Ii, PA •fin is ami those ■•KW SI’OI.’K of I r U|| f D. A. SAWYER, ALPACA, GINGtIAMS, PRINTS, 17 WEST .MAKn si rfkt, Caili.sU-, I’a, dtobes & ennuxitc, AND TINWAUu ESTA /tLISJI U EXT, The partnership hercdolorostl m beiweun Walker * Claudy having bn dissolved hy immml consent, 1 hereby annoence to the dll* r.ens ol Carlisle and sun omullnneountry, I Imi t have opJmed n New Stove and Tinware Store, !u Mm little trame building. on Mia iiium' ol West High and NVestirdroeb;, lormcrly occupied by Cornelius W Bosh. Having a huge and complete slock ol Stoves and Tinware on hand selected with the greatest care ex pi essly lor tins manna, my custom cis me gimranieed sal Israel ion, both as regards rjimllty anti i>riee. sheeLirun and Tinware, constantly on hand and made up to order. My stock oi Tinware embraces evciythlng usually Kent in a Ihsl ■•las,s ttnesl.ahllshmetil. ItUUKI.Ni.i .ind Si’OUTlM.t ptomplh atlend ed to. STOY.ES, • lam now prepaicd b» exhibit to Mu* Winter Trade a large and well-assorted Muck of the best •at crus "I stoves. Having the ng.mey of the pillowing celebialed stoves, 1 am piepared »o furnish them to parties desiring: MnltMNli (H.DItV, • - I.MJHT IK-IiSK Tu I.N-TIIN UDSKIU'B. BKAVUN I.IHMT HUM >1 K« Kami |-.Utl, K b T U V LC S iliS I'U*) tJ Ol I OUi\ .^l' l (Vt'.s ftltlJlllVU ll)0 following; saipenor KxceiMor, liUaker i.’lty, ami Oau; JiCj/u/f* constvjiUt; on hann I hm agent |i>r a P A ’l’ 1C X T s T A\ l | p I2 > (or In-Billin':.nlls, lacnirhw, am., mid niviiiired nuilvi'"" ‘ :t "' 11 tllcm Pi I'oslllou ill Hhort llnvlni! 1111 uxpi-rlunoe of 22 yi'ui-u u, this hiisl ncs-B I would ivapuclfully sollcll.n slime ol Iho lin 11 1 u* pnl,roim”(‘, h i-nnit rirnddenl (hut I will a » '-ir.ni 1 s«. s, \V HNHHK UK K(JNI cpillh ( iii‘:KMUXKI>, imvinn Ihhl ■L iviiiii.i d iiniii Iho id Mi... mil, a |m-.-o J m di 111 BiimlS. Iliv.l.- I 111. 111 teni fin, of ill I who llosl 10 .11IH.I1H liuii ... I'.il] mill |.\-;unlii|. Ihlili- In .. Muck o ” Stove and Tinware Among the slock of Moves may hu found tho in/i-O/nder Bnne. Burner, ANTI-i’UNKKU l-’llti: PLACR HMATKH. ...... l ;;^'i*,“;i ,l 'iii | dm hii.--t styles of J AHI.nR I (MNO-HOO.M and f'OOK STOVES. wjjlH. challenge 1;,,. (~,.!«• to ciinipei. K »i 1 w.-, i-'nru ( ootl.H, Pu.lles, together With Toilet. Sets, t’oal Uuckets, Coal Sieves. shove Is and Tongs. Zinc and every va itety 111 Tin Ware and House Furnishing goods kepi m a IhM class store A. me aKt- .-•r-’parud to lui tu^lt Pumps lor nmi I.Vpp Wells ! ami Have mi >a|e the Celebrated Uennim* en cumber Wood Tump. KCuFJNH. SHilpTfNO AA’P-JOU WORK at (ended Jo promptly mwl on reasonable* ti nns. UemenilMM- the place, the green front on North / !. h, ' r n i\i us a call as we arc d •lonntncd not to ho 'tlvoTh 00 *r' "IV n,l " >r *’ a,n, - ,s 1,1 ,llis P’ace. 1 liana nil lor (he past patronage; we extend a cordial invitation mail to pay us a visit; Sitincsn&Mh -l, NDHTH HA.VOVKR ST DAKLISLI- Nov. !), 71 CGrorcvirs doubt you know that John A. Means li.7:K‘«S"'. , r lly,m ■"Ki'v-.-ioe Fresh. A' Nice Groceries! Iwsueil -ii declaration of war agonist lilt.. liit'll prices of Groceries, ami having mv I'onnniionl headquarters a. I the old KUnml, ' < TS’o. 7'B 8. " 1 have consiunMy on hand and lon-alo fliiajici Unm llir cheapest, a Full Line of Groceries ! t> ( T KKNSW A RlO. CSL.VSSWAUI-:, I.’KDAKU’AKK. ■ l-’ISH r HAi’O.N, DHiKDand cANNKIi KHulTs' CAN I>l F.S, SPICKS, Ac., Ac. I'OKKMK M Hu- l.oi grades; sBCJAUS of Die nriChl .UmlUk-s; 'J'KAS that do excel In Davor- SI I( JvS Mini aivull pule and SV Kill's dcdclolis lor mvcvi ness. Decantots. Tumblers. (**rMj t Jars Dishes, Ac;., At 1 Kish of all kinds in season, High** 1 mires paid lor t 1 COUN T R Y PRODUCE Hciim determined to please all mv cu-domeis 1 -oUmf Dir patronage <.! dm public, being thankful for past favors. „ JOHN A. MEANS, South Hanover Slrctdr . Carlisle. I»« Ha >v7J Jbnts anb tflans ]( Kr.'i.Kics oi.n f*nw io/iVTh ed HAT AND CAP STORE ! on KOIITU .UANOVKH KTUISKT.Iew doors hedow (mllsio UeposM Honk, Inis on hnnd h plim Wj’ltVc’d "" Nl '" Vu ' l: ;UHI , ' hllll,le| - HATS AND CAPS silk hats irum so, lo Kell huts for men, bo> s and children, ol every quality ami variety oi style. lUnicrcaps in cloth, tur. heaver, co nc\, nutia. Fancy Velvet and cloin turban-' an cldUlicn, Also a Dr e lot of Uiovo«. at all pnci k, ’ Having a long experience in Dm business. I irci confident I cun please all who favor rue u ni, ~ call, .n price, Mylo amt quality, Hals of all Kinds Made lo Order and old ones repaired promptly in! 'ji is7j Bodies-. Spmadcs SPECTACLES! TnADC ’* bese .spectacle' lire manufactured from MiNUTIC Clivsm, PKHHLKS melted togeth or.amj arc called DI \MOND on account of their mudnc-us and In) I Dancy. Jt Is well known Unit, spectacles cut from Mra/.illan or Scotch pennies are very Injurious to me eye, because of their polarizing light. Having been levied with the polarlscnpe, the diamond lenses nave.been loend to admfti fl'- leeii per cent, less heated nival him any oilier pebble. I’licy are ground with great sclenlllie accuracy, tuo fien from uhn/inalic aberrations, and pro duce a brightness and distinctness of vision not before ailalned In spcalacles. !•’. (J, KUAMKH. C'.uiM.tuc, l'a. Manufactured by the • < lu*M*er Qptloul* Manufacturing Comp'y. NKW YORK Don’t buy a p il run lent y n h *n the trad mark ■ 6dec72—ly * 1 1872. ■ THOMAS A' HARPER. IV'i 12 South Man over SI., Caki.ihi.k, II A S O r K N !•: 1» ’lit* l chea oeM .Mpaeas mid Mohairs, The CheapeM Black .silk*, • The Cheapest Mi’i lims mid ('ashmeres, The cheapest Australian Ciapes 'I ho Cheapest, Tmnl.su mill « mil DeCaine*. Thu i'lioMpcst Jnp. Poplins and i’hUds. Tin* Cheapest W rapper Heps* .'loiirnin^-aii(l S<>(’oii(l Mdurnliiu- The Cheapest mul host Velveteens. Thu Cheapest Water-proof Cloakinus. The Cheapest Mu-llimninl Table Uiumks, The Cheapest Canton and Wool Flannels, rue Cheapest Hhinlsols anil While Spreads. ’} ho Cheapest Blankets uml Thlhlt Shawls Tin* Chuapusi Underwear (Ladles and Hon is.l '] ho Cheapest. Cloths and i •asshneres FULL LINE OF NOTIONS & TRIMMINGS. Heinu determined to maintain my lepulailoi for soilluj; the host and eheapest {thick Alpaca ami Mohaha In this imirkel, i have now openci n lull line al low prices. 0e1.1h7.'. We have Jus! rf turned from I ho clly with a PY cnn-lsl ilia I a pari ol ('.LOTUS, t'ASSJ.MKHESC Cadies' amt (itiiil’s IJNDIORWKAII. A I arise ns sorlmenl of new styles of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, MoUHNING GiJODs in varied v, Ciiiiil'i holis, \'i\ An endless liuiiiheiot latest, .«■ .Noljlo Cook,. Niu urn, X 4 sill . ami XViut«M* Shawls. i’lu* “U'l TiJ.MA X .si’Alli-V’ handsome r si/L-.s. rji.m nml Kelt siviurs tor hum misses. Lo:• jr»sfr„ a .ir~ LOW BATES!- ■ US 10.) A. \V. HI)NT/. & (, licpl. a), i.st-j. ' LL OPENING : French, English ami Americai Lamps, Dipperw, Cloths, .Cassimeißs & Vesting: OF A 1.1. SHARKS, FKillliKS, Ql !A I.ITl’nS AND I'HIIKS SUITAHI.K FOR SIHN'S Shirts a Specialty ime Cwcist’s Faaa- EHihSaajßg- sai» ways on hand. H.S. Ritter & Son J>rapc i ,s A '■JUcc’mwt Taiio rs. Nn. 1-1 « KBT MAIN STREET, t-’tocl JS7L! 11 CHEAP JOHW, i-aimje NToru of clotiiiinu JIIIUTS SIUIUS.KIIRCTS. NOTION', *«.. whloU 111! IV.II M.II ill I,ls Usual Low Prices ! Not necessary to say anything else*, as every body k rows that he cun get the BKHT GOODS al the very KOWKST PHICIOS at CIIKAI* JOHN’S. Conn House Avc.. In Franklin Hous» MayJS-lv. Cf n 1/ In another column, advertisement abou OLL lOWA AND N IiHRASICA - LANDS. TTtARMERS* HANK SAVINGS 1 FUND.' Opc/J cr< )■!/ thn/ /rout I) ,-t, ’."IT. to .'5 P. M. Dm-osrrs Uh«’i:ivkd ok any Sum From R') cunts UATK OK i.NTKiU ST FIVK |»KH CIvNT l!y ii resolution of tuc Hoard of Directors ills hereby amimibced that on and and alter-Febin ary Ist, a Savings Kami l)epari.uionl, will bo opened in connection with the Farmers’ Hank. (’ari Isle. ■I his savings Kiuui is designed to meet a want long felt In i lie community, by wntcli the Indus* i pious and those ofsamll means can save a por tion of their weekly earnings, ami as sums us Imv as fa cents will be received every one can become a depositor. It is a gieai mlsialcT) to suppose that smdl .suntHdvf not worth Mtvlnt/. Hy tlio habit of saving In liitlo miUlers riches me acquired, and as ov «ry one maybecomo depositors, let them empe with small amounts: and cents will soon hcCorno dgllars. and continually Increase. I.et none wait III! they have .someth ini/ worth whi/p, something before they Lci/ln tosavp; u huglnning is the great point to he achieved. The attention ol parents Ik called tothlsSav- mgs Fund, as they may here accumulate a bind for their children, or hy male lug them depositors teaching them the advantages ol the habit of saving. Deimslluiv. me niil obliged lo coilMllUO lliolr deposha longer than .lln>,t may chuoso to do so, bni nmy uiilnltaw Hie whole or snoh part at any lime It may suit their own cimvenlenct# Moiie\ depo'in d on or before the Hist day of .lanntirv, ApiU. .Inly, and October will begin to draw hiieivsL on those days, and will he paid semiannually. on the llrst days of January and julv. and If uncalled for Will ho added to the principal and draw Interest the sumo as the original deposit. The Hank Is Intended as a place of safely for keeping money as well us to encourage savings by nil classes. *Fot,fnither particulars and circulars Impure at FaHnera’Uauk. Jan!W*7J—lf UXi} (ffiOOOsS. IAT^CI T. A. Harper, i' VI.L OPENING lIA ill ill (Ull 1.0,VI) OF BlemlsGts, I'h-ase call at. (in* “OLD STAND! WEAK CAIU.INU: 1»A b.K now ready on exhibition a USUAL LOW FIUCftS! usual iauv I'un'Ms: Upward. jftlcfctral. yy'iHMAims pin k ’tukic 1872. Tar Cordial! Nature’s Great lientetla I riinmi anil I J ini‘; w, it is graiUylng to us U> inform tlio public that Dr. D, Q. C. Wlsharfs IMne Tieo Tar Cordl til. for Th roat and Lung Discuses, bus gaining an envliel reputation from the Atlantic to the t’a clll • oousi, tin (I fronrthenee to some of the llrst lamlllos ot Kuropo. not through the pre'S nlono, l>ut i>y persons throughout the Stmt's aeiuully hcm'llned ami cured at his olllcc. While In publishes less, so say our reporters, he Is unable losup 'J.v the demand. It gains and bouts its reputation^ Knw'f. Not by slopping cough, but by loosen lm?iul assisting natuio to throw oil’ tlio im beiilthy nmi ter collected about tbo throat and bronchial lobes, which van sc* irrihtfion. ■ • ewan/ it renaiv. s the oapse of Irritation (which produces cough) of tlio mucous mem nrancaml broncliial lubes, assists the lungs to actaial I brow oMThc unhealthy secrcllons, and purities the bloo.l. Thin}. II Is-in-e 'nun sijuUJs, loholia, ipecac andoimmi,nl which most throat ami lung rem edies me. composed, which allay cough only, and disorganize thesiomach. li has a soothing cheer on the stomach acts on the liver and Utdncys, and lymphatic and nervous regions, thus leaching lo every part of tlio system, and in Us Invigorating and purllying ellects It lias gained u reputation wlilch it must hold above a)! oilifis In the market. . NOTICK. The Pine Tree Tar Cordial! GREAT AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA PILLS! Worm Sugar Drops Jscljik uml or my immediate direction they shall nut lost; their curative miaUllcs' ‘ liy Iho nsp «»r c.licni* ami impure arnoles*"'’ HKNKV 11. WISH All'!', PfiCOl’lElKl'Oll. Fill!I! OF CIIHOr < Wlslinn’s omco I’avlors nro onou 01 .Mondays, _i uescluys ami Wednesdays irom SI a * *“■ u ‘ u .l > - M1 ‘. i‘«r con.Miltalmn hy Dr. • Mm. l. .Magee. With him are' as-sool aled two consulting physicians of acuuowiodged anility. Tills opporuui.ty Is not oflered hy lnsiltutlon ~. . .. lu the chy. All letters must he addressed to .* I- lle ar 5 of vital imn uiarrcc to health. Upon the liver, thegland whlc.i secretes this lliild. these pills operate ape fn hy . Its irregularities, n ~*«' If JlUlU(tlon . Bilious llerntt lant., and all the varieties of disease generated b.\ an unnatural condition of the organ. SSowel Complain Is. n ie pmfarm their functions pioper iy , the whole body Millers. Tens of thou- Hnnuully of Dysentery, Uiarrluea. Linouk. v-ou.stipal|on. ami other diseases of n Muii 1 , 1 ' 10 , of th ? The ctlJel of the I Ills upon all Intestinal disorders, whether casual ur eimloilllo, Is a Phomminni.n In mcdl. IV ~'fy.dm primed illrecllnns, iho pronipily nnlm-oui?™ ° VC ‘ no, " l, ‘ ,l,n '’‘ '>™ A Word to Females. Tiie local debility and irregularities whlcli are especial annoyances ot the Weaker sex and velmv’ VM‘ m 1 shorten life, are im. iTn m ~ mu hO,,, S. ,uul P'evented for " ,,umst ‘ ,l ‘ 1 » Holloway's Pills ore the. best remedy hmwn in Ihe world for the following ~ diseases: ' ■ ASTHMA, HOWES COMPLAINTS pbvhb AJ!!3Sa& nEI,,IJIY ' IN.,I(3IOSTI O N^INKIA^EN^I^ >Ij mum and orave^ 0 '™ 15 ' 1 * ° p sw ««’3. WORMS Ol l ' ALL KtH&? DAIiV av ‘V^OMS, Co.* t wpeciablo DiiujylhtH and Dealers In Medicines ho!tcs CAU i lOIV.-—The trade mark of a letter II In n. geml'lne! 11 '’ °‘ |,ot of 01,,1,n “ nl Doe 10 I S7J—iy— oou* CKOOK’B WINK OF TiVjTT ■alwiL J on years r,t a pnblio tost Ims jtgSCr V. I)r - Ornok’s WINE OF i ah to have more met lltlmn any similar preparation ever - °/h* re , (i lo iho public, uls r eb in the medicinal fiuull- } ,es " f *«**, and unequalled i ul ‘‘leases of thuIMHOAT LUNGS, performing WtofiPJS* U lO •dost lemnrltnble cures. Zatm. SWMS** It '»w!lu«liy cureHallCoiiulw Aik u,lt * Lulas, It has cured so DSHEGCQBe **•««»’ cases o.f Asthma and Wrfaß fIKSw bronchitis that If has been pronounced a speeigc'for these complaints, for Pains In the breast. Bide or Back, Uravol or Kidney disease, diseases of the Urinary Or . ,vvMi 4 \ dfahut Bans, Jaundice, or.nny Liver SSsSSsSEE* Complaint It has no equal Is also a superior Tonic, _ , Restores the Appetite* Strengthens the System, .. Hpslores the Weak and Debilitated, Causes the Komi to Digest, Removes Dyspepsia and T udlgeslion, uls Malarious Koveis, (Jives lono i«> your System. i?jun7J{—lvr Cl l.i n In another column, advertisement übo nt OIJUIOWA AND NEBRASKA LANDS. Q.ISO. WOOD A CO. pmoii. & vestry mm. Thevurolho host, and bonco the cheapest Or, min in Uio market Agtiicvui. ,1. M. MA(-0 '.•HISrMMI'fJ STORK ROOM, W, i ora.r PomfroV uml Pit. Si., . :'7fcb7-!-Jiuoi Carlisle. Kallroati. JJEADING RAIL HOAD! •li’i t l/sinmii IPiufer .lluniiiiy, Doocinbcr aim ; s 7 train* lotivo Hunisbuiir f or w 7.,; v own: nt6,:m) nnd «.10, ml, mul Inu with trains on i’eniibylva 'ia driving nt Now York nt 3», 2 ami respectively. • J .w. aim ' D(3 ■ llolnnilng : Leave Now York nt mk ' It”. r m> P,ltlllll0 'P'»»nt "a, sVa* l^ Leave Harrisburg fur Kcmllmf p„„ ”'“ l ’ manna, Mlneisvillu Asi.lunil pTnim 1 *. vll| e, Ta ■V™ 11 "{"I I’blliulelplila ni saon,, “S'“'AlitS: A 00 and I 05 n m. stepping nt Leilauni,' n s>, n "j olpal way slatlnna; the Josp ni i™i "' lll Plln. lug for Philadelphia, PotlsVll?o i,n. I r ll , l 'iiecl. only. For Pntisvllle,Bcuyiaiii n'll!Lolu.iihL mm, via Schuylkill and Snsgueh S’" l Am leave Harrisburg at 310 p in. lml| oallm| t East Pennsylvania Kallrnd train, i„ IngforAllemnyrn, Easton and and 10:lo a in. and too pin. “In;. New 5 ark at 900 am. 12 So nnd 6i ~ i llB ’ ‘Mv t lenlowu at 720 a m and 1225 210 ii- m " n| lAI in. “"‘"■'•'Jildij Way Passelißer Train leaves psi,.,. . , .JO a in, connecting nt Rending" 10 East Penn It 11, returnlna leaves Pei »« pm, slopping at nil slutloua, ■ " s ' ll leans ! Leave Pullsvlllo niooo Mo nnd n in 2 !'!,■, Unraifon nt, PI 00 a in. Sham,,?.? m ‘""J 11 «2 a m, Ashland at 7 is a m Alalianoy city at 753 a in nnd 12 51 pa, I B3 * Pm. ut hBa n.in nnd 2 lOp in tor I'lilliwi, n i* H, '*aqua Heading, HuirlsUurg, Ac. Ul,,adj * Wk Leave PottsvlJlo vla Schuylkill * lianna. It Rat 805 u m for LurrisK.!., bllH luo .n »m. for Plnegrove nnd I‘roimmt. ~ l{* 'Uij Poltsvll lo Accoino Train leuvnu p ~ u m passes Heading at 7 w\fm P S» l H Vll,#a Phihula ut 10 15 a m. ui 1 .! 1 ,* 41 at l Ja p in, pusses Heading ut 7 is n , n V . lu(i “ ul Potisvilie at 000 p in. * 01 ,u * ar rlvi ng Pousi .wn Accomiuon Train leavnv P/im . oVeen!) isSSib uinbla, die; retninllm leave Laneaii„," r ' c " 1 - 320 F ftn< l Columbia nt Mr/TmiS; lloW?SW^^ reiumlua leave Green Lane ut G n, i a V M, ' : Sm^maVoiK,!'“n."'^ ncetlng with trains ou Rending* * Pm * i olebroalcdalo K U imiim ia«uo v •. . 9 10 ain and I 20. Va a,Vd Pott ‘ s hi lea '^ I *S; oi,utPlen8 antat 000! 8uo P Sd and d 00 p ra. connecting with Indus onß^Ji* Chester valley R R trains leuro n,.i,i wr . ; 81!0 am 2 *lO and SJWp m. returning leavlPn* n * Itigion at 055 a m, liiliiaiid 510 pni c"na .“n "' Willi,trnlna ou Heading It It 1 ' conne "llnj Uu Humlaya: leave Now York at 530 n m n,. adelphla at SOO ain nnd 315 pm, (iho lltio 1 ' ' train running only to Heading.) l«ivo Pou.v ut 81,0 a 111, leave Harrisburg i-i 530 a ~, “ f, v ‘‘l» p in; leave Allentown utB 5j p m* Umv.* i& 2 °° at 7 15 a m a. d 10 15 p in for liarr’ ffiS. f”r f S.^s’a YO, ' k ' “ n “ nt 040 *“«* f« Hi Commutation, Mileage, Scasoil, . Exenrslon Tlelio s, to and from all colin« n,"" 11 duced rales, yo,llls >.at re- Haggngo chocked through ; IUO pound, „n ed each passenger, 1 ,UUR ®How- J. E- WOOTTEN kenamu. Pa. Q UM B 1C RT,A K JJ VALlfi A HAIL ,ROa1)I CHANGE Oa'nml after Wednesiluy.-Feb. 12, IKr'l ... ce£iod) ln “ WUI rUn d “ lly,u * lo llow».(Snndnyipi' WESTWARD, jiccummcxlutfon Train leaves Hurrlsburn k im v M.. Meehan lesburg B.3s,Carliale9.il, NewvinVi i Shlppensburg 10.20, Chambevsburg I&O (j,' custlolUO. arriving al Hagerstown JMS a. >1 Mati Pram leaves Harrisburg i.K J*. m \u chanlcsburg2.27.Carlisle2.Bs,’Newvllle ,'(.*{2 km,, pensburg 4,02, Ohnmhorsburg 4.35, Gn-emmtN' TUI. arriving at Hagerstown 5.10 I’. M. Item-ess Train leaves Harrisburg 1.15 p. M.. ' v tJhaiilcsburg 5.17, Carlisle6.47, NowviUe ii.2o.Hhln &l Ur ** B ‘ nr, * v^D B flt C.Mnmbersbm-g at 7,15 A MIXED'TRAIN leaves Chamborsburg ai 7:iju. in.. Greencastlo 0.08, arriving ul Hn gerstown 10 00 a m. A MIXED TRAIN. leaves Chnmbersburg ni 43y p m, Marlon 5 00. Williamson 530,Alerceis bnrg 0 20. Emulou 7 00, arriving at Ulchmoml at • 20 pm. EASTWARD Accojinnodation 1 rain leaves Chambersburii o(« Shipjleußburg 5.20, NowviUe 6.00, Carlisle Ml’ J le j V c I ba,llcsbur e 7.02 arriving at Hcrrlnlmrg ‘ Train leaves,Hagerstown 7,35 A. ai„ Urei-u castle B.(is,Cbamborsburg 8.50, Shlppensburg 0.21 Newvllle 0.51, Carlisle 11.20, Rlochanlcsburc II to arriving at Harrisburg 11.35 P. M. Exjtress Train leaves Hagerslowr 12. W .M Greencustle 12.28. Cburabersburg 1.05, amniieDs burg 1.37, Newvllle 2.10, Carlisle 2,60, Mechanic*.- burg 3.16, arriving at Harrlsbuig 5.15 P. M. A Mixed 'J-ruin leaves Hagerstown 8.20, P. M Greencaatle 4.27, arriving at Chambetsburg 5.a A AlfxED TRAIN leaves Richmond at (i 15 u m.LiiUilon 6 30. Merceisburg 7 05, Wlllltunbon 7 -is, Marlon 8 i 5, arriving at Clmmbersburg 842 «Sr-Making close connections at Harrisburg will, trains to and from HilladelphiuiNow York, (iultinioro, Washington,Pittsburg,ami all''point* Trains run on Philadelphia time, which Is 'eu minutes faster th flu our local time. SDPKItrNTJCNDENT’H OFFICE) Chamb'g,, Pa . Feb. 12-73 / OVAL INSURANCE COMPANY'. OF LIVERPOOL, CARLISLE AGENCY, CAPITA!. Gold #10,000,000 Capital paid up ... 81.415,675 Total Funds, over . - (Gold) f>,500,00" Permanently deposited in the State of Ne.w York - -» flflO.Ofio Fire Premiums received In ISfifl (Gold) 3.480.H07 Life Insurance Premiums In 180 K - I t ofl7,iwi Total Premiums, nearly - (Gold) 3,500.0ft' re risks taken at moderate rates of premium id losses settled and.paid at the CA H LISLE AGENCY SAM’L K. HUMRICH, Agent Dec. 12,72—1 y JgEST THING IN THE WEST I ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE R. R. LAl®T'~9~ e THREEM ILLION ACRES I tiiiitnlnl In ami near (ho AiiJCANSAS VALLEY Finest J’ortion q f Kansas. leven Years’ Credit. Hovon Per Cent. Interest &Mper cent, reduction to settlers who impprovc. A FREE PASS TO LAND BUYERS, THIS FACTS about Oils Grant aro—Lovv Prices. Long credit, nud u rebate to settlors of nearly one f.airth; a Ul?h 8011, and a Splendid Cll« mate ; sport and mtld wl iters; early pointing, uml no wintering of Stock; plenty of Hulnfall, and Just at the season;« oal, Hfmio and Brick on the uno; Cheap Hates on Lumber, Coal, &o, ; no lands owned by Speculators; Homestead aod I’ru-tmu’nlons now abundant; a llrst-class nail* road on the lino of a great Tboiough Rome; I’ropuctH will pay for Land and Improvements IT IH TIIBBESTOPPORtTNITYEVKROI«- 'EKED TO THE I'UHLIO, through tho recout dulhm nfUio Itoad. ~ ’hvulura and general Information, addresa A. E. TOUZAMN. Monoser Laud XJep't. Topeka, Kan ,inu!ii,ih7ii- am O F H() U K.S- O. N. LULL, . Supt