American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, January 23, 1873, Image 3
Changeable—the weather. Still coming—new subscribers. Tjiel Conodogulnet Is frozen over. Business is brisk in our Job Office Butter and eggs still command high prices. The days are beginning to lengthen out again. . The market on i Saturday was poorly attended. . Local Option plea—those made with out brandy. > The panics of *37 and *47,.it is said were due to large fires. Keep your sidewalks clean if you wan to please your neighbors. Many country people were in town last week, attending Court. , If you wont to know what is going on in the county, take the Volunteer. . An extra train was run on the Cum berland Valley rail-road on Tuesday. An attempt will be made at the pres ent session of the Legislature to repeal the local option bill, passed last winter. There has been a stray dorg loiter ing about this office for some weeks past. It the owner does not come for ward and take him away, he will be confiscated. Another holiday coming—22d 01 February, Will the stores bo closed? The mortality in Beading during 1872 was one death to every 25 inhabitants. There are two things a man seldom forgets—his first love and his flratsmoke. The love disease is like the.'horse dis temper—very prevalent but seldom fa tal; ,TT is a most unfortunate mistake for any lady to wear a bonnet too young for her. Governor Gbarv will accept thanks for a copy of his.message to the Legisla ture. Several clergymen in various quar ters are preaching against chances in fairs. The label pasted on your paper tells. the date to which you have paid foryour paper. . People who are always wishing for something new, should try. neuralgia once. Sale bills neatly and promptly print ed in colors, at this office, at old time prices. The worst feature of a man’s face is. his nose—when stuck into other people’s business, Great complaint is made in many parts of. the State of over-crowded pub lic schools. Don’t forget to drop into our office and give us all the items of news you may have. Bankers ought to prosper. They al ways take so much interest in their busl ness, j'ou know. The pressure of the recent snow upon roofs was enormous, and yet but few die* asters occurred, Kissing goes by favor. A young man in town ,says he must b» Favor—it goes by him so often. “The Hen Convention” is a very popular song practiced by Young Ameri ca of our borough. . An umbrella deserves no credit for its services, for ft never does any good until it is put up to it. Ok all tbiiigs in the world 1 that are “ better late than never/* going to bed certainly ranks first. A little boy in school gave one o the best definitions ever given to econ ray: “ Paring potatoes thin.’* The engine and oars of the Heading Hallroad Company would make a con tinuous line of seventy miles! A new process for preserving meats consists in dipping the meat in melted butter and then packing it in salt. According to the last census, there are ip the United States five millious of children, of school age, who never attend school. Everybody is sending out statements of accounts, but where is the money to come from to pay them ? That’s the question When a man sits down on the Icy pavement with enthusiasm, he Is more apt to break the third commandment than bis bones. The late freeze occurred in the streams in this vicinity when the water was very low, and in consequence large numbers of fieh perished. Some of our business men have taken the wind completely out-of their com petitors* sails by persistent advertising said competitors bolding to the idea that it does not pay to advertise. A young man in this place was heard to remark that “hia feet were cold of nights, but he’d bet before spring that would be remedied." Frosted-Feet are fashionable, and unless persons are very careful they will find thepiselves la the height of fashion before they are hardly aware of it. , Among other advantages claimed from the increase of railroads, it is said that a now road always increases the number of elopements in the section through which it runs. Hon. Daniel Dougherty, of Phila delphia, Is wlnniag golden opinions wherever he lectures in this State. Can not Carlisle afford to have him lecture here again ? An exchange aays: The Juiora at court at Clarion, Pa , came in with loaded guns, and aet with them in their banda during a trial. Death to the first lawyer who tells a lie. Result, no court. Those who have furs to cleanse are ad vised to lake nice Indian meal iu a large pan and rub them with it-uslng no wa ter, nothing but dry meal, and they will look as good as new. Fob the email sum of two dollars, the Volunteer furnishes all classes with a year’s interesting reading. Could any thing b» cheaper ? It is decided that any letter posted with a stamp on it shall be forwarded to its destination, and if unsuflloient pos tage has been paid, the balance shall be collected upon delivery. Chapped Hands, lace, tough skin pimples, ringworm, salt-rheum, and other cutaneous affections cured, and the skin made soft and smooth, by using the Juniper Tar Soap made by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York.- Be certain to got the Juniper Tar Soap, as there are many worthless Imita tions made with common tar. I W, P. Stuart, of South Middleton twp., will sell at his residence, Thurs day, Jan. 23d, 2 extra fresh cows, Heifer, 2 year colt, good family car riage, buggy, sleighs, harness, House hold and 'Kitchen furniture. * ts. There ia a marked dullness in the oys ter trade at Baltimore, which is attrib uted to the tightness of money in tbs West. The enforcement of a law passed by the last Maryland Legislature’, re quiring that all oysters biought to Bal timoro in cargoes should be measured in an iron vessel of certain capacity and sold by such measurement, In* led to the Indictment of fourteen firms, who «ire charged with selling shell oysters by H>« barrel. Arrested.—On Tuesday, Cap*. Zlnn arrested ayoung man named C. M Hurlz ell, from Ml. -Holly Springs, ami look him before Justice Leas, when he was charged with issuing cbecks'ou the Far mer’a Bank of Carlisle, the same when presented having been • dishonored. Hurtzell, is engaged In buying rugs and paper for the paper mills at Mount Holly and when here, about the 30th of Novem ber last, purchased from Brimllo & Neis wauger, X). W. Eberly, and b. F. Huston, to whom he gave the checks that created the trouble. Tito matter was satisfaototi ly adjusted and the young man returned home on -veuing train.—Mechanics burg Jicpnbuvuji, Fire.— Ou Tuesday night last about eleven o’clock fire broke out in .the store of 0. \V. Moyers, in North George street, when the alarm was given and the steam fire engines were soon brought to the spot, and by .prompt ac tion’the flames were extinguished before much damage was done to the building. The stock of goods on hand, however, valued at eight thousand dollars was consumed by fire and damaged by water, to the amount of forty-seven hundred dollars, which is covered by insurance. The origin of the fire is a complete mystery as no clue can be dis covered. to lead to ascertaining the cause. It was at first supposed that it caught fire by a joist iu the building, cotolng in too close contact with a flue in an adjoining building, but this has been positively »decided not to have been the cause. The stock of goods at the time of the fire was large and con sisted of a great variety of fine and val liable fancy millinery and notions.— York 2rne Democrat . Lisa Fractured.— On Saturday after noon the 4th inst, a serious accident happened to .Mr. Joseph Hagerman a young man in the employ of Mr. John Hoff/ black-smith, a short distance' north of the chicken bridge on the Har risburg pike, while making the attempt to stop a horse attached to a sleigh, in which were three daughters of Mr; John Emig, of Emigavllle. The horse had become unmanageable on account of having been hitched too close to the sleigh. While he was running nt full speed near the blacksmith shop Mr. Hagerman caught the rein but fell, the horse and sleigh passing over him,, fracturing his leg in two places. The horse was afterwards stopped by Mr, Mornirigstar, on Cemetery Hill. The manner in which Mr. Hagerman, re ceived his injuries, of course enlisted more than usual sympathy in his favor. This determined effort to prevent a toreatened accident, is certainly deserv ing of much credit. He was since vis ited by Mr. Emig.— lrue Democrat. How Jurors Are Drawn. The mode of filling Che jury wheel and draw* Inv the jurors is known to very few in dividuals. The court of common pleas preceding the time for.the filiiug of the wheel announces the number of names to be selected for the year, assessed ac cording .to the number of voters in the couuty. When the occasion arises for the selection of names the two jury com missioners each nominates from lists previously made out for each township one person whom he deems qualified to serve as a juror and writes his name on a slip of paper. After the allotted number has thus been secured the slips are folded accordiug to the acts of Assembly and placed , aeperateiy in the jury wheel whence they are drawn. File Your Paper.—An exchange well says it is worth while to save your home paper and have it bound. A few years will make it the moat: entertaining volume you can possess. Ail tbe'lawsof association make it more or less a history of yourself and friends. Karnes, dates, facts, are preserved for you in the most accessible manner. Over it you may cry at your follies, and rejoice in view of those steps that have led you to prosper ity. It records the history of a town, or couuty, and this is but an epitome of universal history. Public Sales.—The season to get sale bills printed is at hand. The Volunteer does as good work.aud as cheap as can be had at any other printing establishment in the county. We have the largest variety of cuts to be found In any country office In the State. • We print a large sheet, on fine paper, making our work attractive. The register of sales in the Volunteer Is free to all who order bills from this office. This is valuable, as our circulation is the largest—ft goes Into thousands of fami lies It will make the day and date of your sale known far antKwida Checks and Receipts.—There Is a false Impression prevalent among many that bank checks do not require stamps. Others again knowing that receipts are exempt, give checks in the form of re ceipts." Many of the banka in the coun try have also substituted receipts for checks for counter use, in order to save the annoyance of using stamps . lu re ply to a question on this subject the As sistant Internal Revenue Commissioner has written a letter, staling that mere re ceipts used as. substitutes for bank checks come under the general exemption of re ceipts, but that if a paper’purporting to be a receipt contains the names of a third as payee, or contains negotiable words or additions, from which it appears upon Its face to be of the nature of a check, it should bo stamped as a check. The Y. M. C. A. of Carlisle, Pa., pur chased at Sheriff's sale, on Friday, the 10th Inst., the Dickinson Mission Chop el, situate at the North-east end of town, for $9OO. We understand that that -asso ciation has been keeping up a mission work and Sabbath School in it for the asl year at their own expense, and hav ß raised $OOO prluolpially among them selves. and $5O proceeds of an oyster sup per. We congratulate these young men in their noble and praiseworthy enter prise, and trust that the public will,aid them in raising the balance of the money, so that the association may not feel embarrassed in their work, but continue to carry on the good wmk until the whole town may feel its hap py influence, 1 Court Proceedings.— The following cases were disposed of at the Court of Quarter Sessions, last week : Com. vs. Moses Brown. Assault and battery, resisting au officer. Truo bill. Prosecutor and defendant each to pay half the costs. Cora. vs. John Bheeley. Seduction, fornication and bastardy. True bill— settled. Com. va. Henry Rupp. Fornication and bastardy. True bill. Recognizance forfeited. ? -Com. vs. L. Dougherty. Fornication and bastardy. True bill. Recognizance forfeited. Defendant to pay to Matilda C. Brlcker, the prosecutrix, §lO, lying in expenses, and 60 cents per week for 7 ji.ira, to be paid quarterly, a flue of six cents and costs of prosecution, and In demnify the Court against the mainte nance of the child, and enter Into a re cognizance in the sum of §lOO, condl ditloned to comply with the sentence of the Court. Com. vs. John J. Henry, Desertion. Defendant to pay to Forbftllm Henry, his wife, the sum of two dollars per week, In quarterly payments, for her support un til the further order of the Court; that he pay the costs of these proceedings, ami give baii ia the sum of §2OO for his compliance with this order. Com. vs. George A. Brenner. Fornica tion and bastardy. True bill—settled. Com. vs. Mrs. Brown, Kate Minnicb, Emma Mcßetb. Keeping disorderly house; selling liquor without license; selling liquor to minors, &c. True bill— continued. Com. va. Mrs. Harlau, Georgians Har- lan. Belling intoxicating liquors with out license. Bill ignored as to Mrs. Har lan ; a true bill os to Georgmoa Harlan continued. . Com. va. Mrs. Harlan, Genrglana Har- lan, Keeping a bawdy bouse, disorderly bouse, &c. Bill ignored ns to Mrs. Hur lan. True bill as to Georgiana Harlan— continued. Com. vs. Geo, McCarty. Perjury. Bill Ignored. Win. Anderson and John Gib Ole, prosecutors, to pay costs of prosecu tion. Com. va. Ann Jefferson. Larceny. Nolle prosequi entered. Com. vs. John Campbell. Bigamy. BUI ignored, and Jos. Wllsou, prosecu tor, to pay costs. Recognizance of Wil son forfeited. Com. va. John Boyer. False pretense. True bill. Com. vs. Morrison Weary, Jos Duey, A, Weary. Malicious mischief. Bill ignored. John Barricka, prosecutor, to pay costs. Com. vs. Mrs. Von Heilen. house, disorderly house, &c. True bill— continued. Com. vs. Catharine Minnich alias Kate Miupich. Bawdy house. True bill—continued. Com. vs. James Bell, Benj. Smith, Edward Perftuler. Assault and battery True bill. Sentenced to county jail for 30 days, to pay a fine of 0 cents and costs of prosecution. Com. va. H. Cunningham. Assault and battery. BUI ignored and Jos. 0. Johnson, prosecutor, to pay costs. Com. vs. H. Walters and A. Robin son. Surety of the peace; case dismissed, and prosecutor to pay the costs. Com; vs. John Jacoby. Surety of peace. Defendant to enter into recognizance in the sum of $2OO to keep tbe peace for one year, and to pay coats of prosecution. Com. va. George Wetzel. Selling liq uor to intemperate persons. BUI ignored, and Wm. A, Noble, proseertor, to pay costs. Recognizance forfeited. . Com. vs. Charles Hargrave. Assault and robbery. True bill ; guilty Of assault only. Sentenced to county Jail for sixty days and pay costs. Com. vs. John Umberger, Elias B. Eys- Jacob Wagoner, Directors of the Poor. Neglect of duty; true bill—con tinued. Com. vs. B. P. Bmeitz. Securing pro perty from creditors. True bill ; nol guilty; prosecutor to pay costs. Com. vs. Michael Darr, Ellas Darr. Disturbing religious meeting; true bill; Recognizance forfeited. Cbm. vs, Philip Prltch. Selling liquor on Sunday ; permitting same to be drank on premises; selling liquor without li cense; selling to minors, Ac. True bill as to selling beer on Sunday aud to ml> iors—continued, • Com. vs. Mary Beiliug. Fornication, adultery. True bill; plead guilty to the ..charge of foruloallou. Nolle prosequi entered as to the other charge. Defen dant to pay a flue of six cents and costs. Com.,vs, David Reed. Larceny ; true bill; ignored. Com. vs. Johu Beating, Jos, Solomon, John My£rs. Horse stealing; true bill. .John Sealing, one of the defendants, pled guilty. Sentenced to the Eastern Peni tentiary for the period of two years and throe mouths, and restore the property stolen, or pay the value thereof, and to pay a fine of one dollar aud coats of pros ecution. Com. vs. Ann Hall. Assault and bat tery. Bill ignored—county to pay costs. Com. vs. Chas. Corntnan. Assault aud battery. Bill Ignored—county to pay coats. JUEY LIST. Traverse Jurors. TUIUD WEEK. Robert Allison John Boyd George Cluj Solomon Cnrlstlelb. C. E. Clark Samuel Diehl, William Duuor. John B. Kberly. James Finney... Samuel H. Gould .1. A. Grabam Charles Garvor Harvoy GutahaU Mode Gr1f1ith........ Eli Hortman David Hays. Samuel H. Kerr. John A. Kellor... James Miller Solomon Moliier, John Morrison James M’Carler... Peter Mlnich John (i , Miller... George Naugle.... John Newcomer Adam Orris Silver Spring Carlisle .West Pennsborough ....♦ Dickinson A. B. Pague HamnolO. Rhoads. Somuol Spangler... George Blurry Edihond Sbapley... Johu Biles MeohaHlcsburg .West Pennsborough BUlppensburg Hopewell Newvllle Alexander Tnrman.. David Voglesong W. H. Woodburn The Purest and Sweetest Cod- Livnr Oil is Hazard & Caswell’s, made on the sea shore; from fresh, selected livers, by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York. It is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians have deci ■ ed it superior to any of the other oils in market. Nov. 28,12 w. business notices. Fall and Winter COYLE BROTHEHa Wholesale Notion House, No. 24 South IluuovOr Street, Carlisle, During the season they intend to keep lu Block a general lino of Woolen und Buck goods, Gout’s Underwear, Ladles, Gent's, Misses’ und Childrens’ Hosiery, Scarfn und Wristlets.Gent’s Buck Gloves, Gauntlets and Mitts; also, will bavo conatuntly on bands a line of Suspenders, Hoad Nets, Linen and Colton Handkerchiefs, Cotton Hosiery, Neck Ties, Fancy Bows, Paper Collars, Cuffs, Slatlouary, Tlo Yarn. Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags, Drugs, Fancy Soaps, Hair Oil and Perfumery, and an endlOM variety of nick-nacks In general 1872- IP you want Coal that will glvo you satisfac tion go where n full stock of all the standard Coals are kept. Nono recommended but the best. Call at yards of Ai H, BLAIR & SON. Nlco/reah Chooao at Moans', No. 7 8 S-' Hano ver street. May9-tf. • Prime Honey, Vinegar,- Sweet Cider, Amorl can Swoltzor Cheese, at Humrlch’a. wish Itdistinotly understood that I do not sell Pittsburg bat COLUMBIA OIL. which I guarantee to equal Pittsburg oil in every par ticular. GEO.B. HOFFMAN, N. B.—The trade supplied lower than by any otaer house in Cajltslo, and If oil does not prove satisfactory return at my expense. Just received,*a fresh lot of Cranberries, Co co emits, Oranges, Almonds, Ac., at Humrlcn's AS'-Havlng recently purchased a Popper Mill I am now prepared to oiler a pure article of ground Pepper, which I can warrant to bo pure as It is ground under my own supervision, and wIU forfeit the sara of TWENTY DOLLARS mr tho slightest detection of adulteration. 2Snov72tf HOW TO GO WEST. This. Is on Inquiry Which every one shonld have truthfully an swered before ho starts on bla Journey, and a little care taken In examination of Routes will In many cases save much trouble, time and mo ney The “C., B, & Q, R. R.,” running from Chicago, through Galesburg to Burlington, and the “1., B. A W. Route,” running from Indianapolis, through Bloomington to Barilngton, have achieved a splendid reputation in tho last two years as the leading Passenger Routes to the West. At Burlington they connect with tho B. A M. R. R. and form tho great Burlington route, which runs direct through Southern lowa to Nebraska and Kansas, with close connections to California and the Territories; and passen gers starting from Carlisle, on their way West ward, cannot do better than to take the Bur lington Route.. This line has published a pamphlet called “How to go West,” which contains much val* uablo Information; a largo correct map of the Great West which can be obtained free of charge by addressing the General Passenger Agent B A M,’ R. U, Burlington, lowa, In every quarter of the Globe where it Is known, mid there are few .indeed where it is not, the MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT Lakes precedence of all similar preparation} Its trauscendant merits have .obtained for it a popularity seldom reached by any proprietary medicine, in its infancy the fiat ol Its success was pronounced in the wide-spread endorse ment which it received from physicians, veter ary surgeons, horsiiHeu and the public general ly. No onq now Iblaks of questioning Its claim to be considered the standard Liniment ol America. Castoria.-t-A. substitute for Castor Oil—a vegetable preparation containing neither Minerals, MOrphluo nor Alcohol. It is pleasant to take, does not. nauseate, and ©Derates when . all other remedies fall. Dr. Pitcher has experi mented fifteen years in producing a preparation more efficient than Castor Oil, without Its hor rid taste. The Cas'toria regulates the system; cures constipation, stomach ache, croup and flatulency, and kills worms. It does not distress or gripe. By Its quieting, soothing effect it pro duces natural steep, and is particularly adapted to crying and teething chlldreu. We desire Physicians to-test this article, and will forward three bottles gratis to the address of any one so authenticated. Insist that your druggist order it for you. It cosls but 50 cents, and one bottle will save many doctor's bills. . AN article that is at once teeth pro server and breath purifier, and yet so pleasant and convenient to use, its exceeding popularity does hot surprise any one. Time has fully es tablished the fact that the SOZODONT possesses these excellent qualities in an eminent degree. It has ICglmalely acquired the right to a posi tion upon every toilet table. Spalding’s Glue, always up to sticking point JACOB XAVINUBTOjn; Wholesale Tobacco & Segars, No. 27 North Hanover Street, Prices as low as in Philadelphia or BalUmo April 25, 1872—1 y. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET Corrected weekly Ojj J. H. Hosier & Hro. Carlisle, January 21,1873 89 CO 8 W a 09 1 K 0 FAMILY FLOUR superfine flour RYE ELOUR - WHEAT WHITE • WHEAT RED RYE - - * CORN - - - NEW CORN OATS OLOVERSEED TIM'JTHYSEED FLAXSEED - CARLISLE PROVISION MARKET. Corrected weekly by Geo. B, Bqffman <£ Son ClAiu.iNTiG, January 21, 1873. BUTTER EGGS LARD TALLOW BEESWAX - BACON HAMS - do SHOULDERS , do SIDES „ • BEANS per bus. RAGS DRIED APPLE. UNPARED PEACHES PARED do PITTED CHERRIES FLOUR SUPERFINE EXTRA EXTRA FAMILY RYE BUCKWHEAT RED WHEAT WHITE do CORN < OATS DeHaven & Bro., to SOUTH THIRD ST. PHILADELPHIA & o'clock P s£. Phila, x Jan. 14, 1873 » U ,Il7 * nrs nfi m ii3K iuU n;rv luy, ihm m<Z mU v tuft lit# lU)i IN7,s *• s’s, in-iox i usi in U. B.SO Yearfi ptr tout, Cy.. 113 H3» ; f Gold. , U'i' I U-J' i silver. 108 mo U. Pacific It. U. Ist Mori. Ponds, 8-U<» f K l ?* Central Pacific 11. R. j 00? v Union Pacific Land Grant Hondo 76’ , 77 New U. S.s’s ot 1881, U.B. 6’B of ’Bl. " ’fl2, not called “ 'B3, tat called “ '62. 2d call f ’82,3d cull Carlisle .Mifflin Frankford .Mifflin Carlisle Southampton .North Middleton Lower Allen Lower Allen Carlisle Newvllle ....Penn Silver Spring .South Middleton Middlesex SblppeuHOxrg South Middleton Carlisle Dickinson ?, ...Upper Allen Dickinson HENUY-HANDSHANV.-On the llllti of Nov. in Newvllle, by tho Rev. J. C. Smith, P. E., Mr John L. Henry to Mlhs Emma S.. youngest (laughter of John llandshaw, Esq. BEARING—WIT.MFH.—On tho Kilh Inst., hy Rev. C. S. Albert, at the residence of the bride's lather. J. L. Bearing, of Mechanlcshurg, to Miss Kate Wltraer, ofCurUsle. .Carlisle Frflnkford .Now Cumberland ..south Middleton Penn • DIXON.—In this borough on Friday evening, (be luth Inst., Mrs. Christiana Dixon, in the Win year ol her age. FLEMING.—On the morning of the 12th Inst., at tho residence of her son, In Philadelphia, Mrs. MurUia Fleming, widow of the late John Fleming, agedslxty-twoyears. She was a fond and devoted mother, a loving sister, a kind and good friend, and a most de vout Christian. She has gone “To that rest that remains for the people of God.” TRITT.—In Penn township, of Diphthera, Dec. 2,1«72, Ida O. Trill, aged 5 ycats, (i months ami 7 days, child of Jacob U. and Ha rah A. Tntt. 1873. If wo draw nigh To Him, on btgb, We will see Ida stand At God’s right hand. GEO. B. HOFFMBN, 41 and 8S Pomfret HI SPECIAL, NO TICES . Carlisle, Fa, MARKETS, PHILADELPHIA MARKETS, Saturday January 18. . ... S') IN) . . . • 5»» 7 (HI . . . i in) ..• . 5 m percwt . l lii CLOSING PRICES, ’65, no MARRIED. DIED. Our dear love, lias down above; To God’s lights Site took her flight, To God’s own home, Her spirit wont; For us there’s room. If we repent. Pray God to take, For Jesus’ sake. Our souls Above, To meet our love. Bbe shines more bright Than slurs at night; With Christ above, Whom angels love* Whore children slug, To Christ our Ring; We need not fear, lie'll always hear. TRITT.—In Penn township,of DlphHiern, Do 11, 1172, Ida L. IVttt.nged 7 years, I monthando U days, child of John 8. and riarah J. TrUt. ■ Our lllllo'ldahas taken her flight. Up to our Saviour thatdwcllo<li In light; For Ida Is nearer than angel* to God, Forangols are the servants cf the Lord. Hwcet lltllo Ida has left us here below. To prepare to meet her in Heaven, when wo go; Now let us all begin to serve tho Lord on high. 80, when our days arc ended, wo will meet her In the sky. Tho Lord has seen flt to toko our sweetest child, For our lltllo Ida was very meek and mild ; Ho took her up to Heaven to meet John and Hl* Into a world of light, of happiness and bliss. The angels they Inherit and sing around God’s throne 2 So lot u* servo tho Lord and ho will tnkous homo; So when our days of troubleand trials are o’er, WowPlmeot our children on Cutiau’s happy shore. ■Nrln gUfflertisrments. RHEEM’S HALL POSITIVELY ONE DAY ONLY FRIDAY, FEB. 7,1873 TWO PERFORMANCES UAI I. V Afternoon at 3, Evening at 8. Doors open at 2 and at 7 o’clock. SYLVESTER SLEEKER. ' - Tho Great Original and Renowned GEN. TOM THUMB and WIFE. COMMODORE NUTT and MISS MINNIE WaIUIEN, J USX BETBR'NEO TO AMERICA aflei a Hirer, T car’s lour Around the World. WIU appear In n variety ol FASCINATING PERFORMANCES NEW AND ELEGANT COSTUMES. Magnificent Diamond, Ax\ Popular Prices: Admission. Only 23 Cents j C’HILIJBBM under 1(1 Years (,i Corns A Few FrontSvats 50 Cents Children under iu lo From .-jeuls CeuU Jun £3*3t •OKU. MITCHfc.LL, AdESr. gEST THING IN THE WEST! ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE R. R, THREE MILLION ACRES ! fStiuuOiX iu and near (hr. AtiKAKUAS VALT.K P‘incn(’l‘ortioii of Kama*. Kloven Years' Credit. Seven Per Cent. Interest 22 1 /, por cent; reduction to settlers , who Irnpprovc. A FREE PASS TO LAND BUYERS THE FACTS about this Grant are—Low Prices, Long ('milt, nm! a rebate to settlors of ncai ly one-fourth ; a Kish Soil, and a splendid Cli mate ; «h,ovt and mild wlators; early planting, and no wintering of Stock; plenty of Rainfall, and just at the season; Coal.Ht«,»no and Brick on the uuo ; Cheap Hates on Lumber, tyml, &o.; no lands owned by Speculators; Homestead and Pre-empllniiH now abundant; a Urst-class i\all road on the lino of a great-Thorough Rome; PropucW wIU pay for Land and Improvements. IT IB THE BEST OPPOU'JTNITY EVER OF FERED TO THE PUBLIC, through the recent omplotlon of the Uuncl. , •'or Circulars ami general Information, address A. E. TDUZAUN, Manager Lund Don’t. Topeka, Kan* Jan2‘),li»73-ytu ASriFGftKE'B NOTICE. — Whereas. Jahn-Boltenborgor, > r.‘, o%Sonth Middleton township, Cumberland county, by a voluulitry deed of assignment, conveyed to the undersign ed, (residing in Carlisle,) all his oroperty,real, personal and mixed, for the bem-11l of his cred itors. Notice is hereby given to all persons in debted to said party, to settle the sumo with the subscriber immediately, and those having claims will also present the same, without de lay. to H. K. PEPFIOII, Jan 23-31 Asaigncr. Assignees notice. - wiumta. M. Michael and Philip Rumulnger, trading as me llrm of Michael & Ensinmgor; of Carlisle, Cumberland county, by u'voluntary deed «f as signment, bearing dale Nov. ‘29 1*72, conveyed to the undersigned all their real, per* Nonulund mixed, for too henellt of ihulr credi tors. Notice Is hereby given lo all parties In debted to said llrm. tosoitio the same with Urn subscriber immudlntoly, and those having claims will present the same without delay to THEO. (/VUNMAN, Assignee, Jan 23-3 t ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE • Notice Is hereby given that letters of Admin istration on the esiato of Michael 0 lMtzhnov> or. late of the borough of Carlisle, Cumberland county. Pa., deceased, bavo heed grunted to the undersigned, residing In said borough of Car lisle, -VII persona therefore having claims or demands against the estate ul the said decedent, are requested to mnlce the Hamo’Unown to the said undersighed without delay, and those In debted will make payment Immediately, ‘ A. BuSLER, Jan23*ol’* Administrator, THE Oumherlaml County Agricultural Koclety will nold their next regular meeting •m Monday, February Bd, at 11 o'clock, in the Arbitration Chamber. LEWIS P. LYNE, 2.yuu2t Secretary, iUdtecfllanponsi QRPHaJN’S COURT SAX.E ' " HOUSE AND LOT OF GROUND! By virtue of an order from the Orphans'Cnurt . of Cumberland county, the undersigned, Guar dian of Daniel • Powell, minor oihd of Daniel Powell, dec'll., will expose to public sale, on Hie promises, In the horbiign' of Now Cumberland, on WEDNESDAY, THE sth of FEBRUARY, 1873, ■it rl o’clock, A. M., ft LOT OF GROUND contain ing So fi-el lu front and iso met In depth, and having thereon eroded a TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, KITCHEN, and BACK UP ILDINUS. Terms-of sale; Ten percent, cash when the properly Is sUrlcken oil'; the balance of one third on the Ist day ol April, 1573, when deed will be made and’ possession given.and one third on too (listday of April, IST I. with iniorest from tlie Ist of April. Ib7d. The remaining one* third Is to remain In the property dm lug (ho life of Mrs. Clara Powell, widow of Daniel Pow ell. dedeased. DANIEL JIE.VBrtK. JuniO-St Guardian. EXFCUTOIV.S NOTICE.-Noijctj is hereby given that letters testamentary on die estate of Jacob Hquler, late of the Borough of Carlisle, dccM,. have been granted to the un dersigned, residing In said borough. Notice is hereby given to all persons Indebted to make payment, and those having claims io present them fur sett lenient to .1. W. EBY, Jaul«j,72—lit* Ixec.utor. NOTICE la hereby (riven that an ap plication lias been made to tho Court of Common Pleas, of Cumberland county, lor a Charter of Incorporation (or "THIS »>Ui) FF.L* ‘ nV’H JIALL ASSOCIATION’ OF BILVEU ’IUNCt .TOWNSHIP,", and that said mrler will bo granted by said Court on Mom iy, the Hill day of April, lf»7;l, unless auillclent so against said Charter he shown. THKO. COUNMAN, Ad'}/. /or Applicants. NOTICE .lanlG—:>t N the mutter of the estate ot J. W Cornmiin, lalo of Silver' do ccusod. ThoHuditor appointed by the Orphan s' Court Cumberland cmmiy to distribute the balance in the hand*of William Hensemnu. smvlvlng Admlnmtraior of tho said estate, will meet the parties Interested lor the purposes of his «p -polnlmcnliit tils oiilco. in Carlisle, on Wednes day, thooth day of February, A. D„ ls7jJ, at 11 o'clock, A. M. • F. K. BELTZHOUVER, lllanTJWt A mlilor. ASSIGNEE'S NOTlCE.—Whereas. John Finnic, of Carlisle. Cumhorlnnd comi ty, i'ii , h.v vuinnturv deed of assignment, hear ing date neccmher 20, 1K72, conveyed To the un dersigned all his property, real, personal and mixed, lor the benefit of his creditors, ftotloo is hereby given to all persons Indebted to said parly, to settle the same without dehiv, and ,e having claims will also present the same jiMtlateiy. IiCINJ. CYANIC. UENIIY BAXTON, n 0 7JWU NOTICE. .NHJco is hereby given that iuiicrs te>ta nuMiiary on the estate of Henry A, uy«>rs, hue of smith Middleton towiiHhln, deceased. have been grunted to Iho undersigned, residing in Pnjtvruuvu. All persons knowing themselves to he indebted thereto, are requested to make pay . etiMminecliately nml those having claims will present them lor settlement. WM. B. BUTI.EK, Ecceuior CATE NOTICE :f ill'** >niU;o In hereby given that loiters of Adnitn <.! ist lon on the estate of Ualduserttelcert, lute of ;11 nnrougli of Carlisle. dec'll., have been giant* •) the undersigned, residing in Hie sumo i •. All persons indobtod to tho said estate ■ eqiU'nled lo muko payment Immediately, . i Hkiho having oUUmn uuiiinsL Ihu übluto Will si» present mem for seltTHnent. . IUiIHA.UA. EOICKRT, Aflntimslmlnr. ;|uu7;W»t NOTICK.—Notice lu 11j heioby given timt letters testamentary on iTjp will ol Sunmel lender Into of North Mid ■lJolou township, fumherland county, dec r U., have brim Issued to the undersigned Ivseculor, residing in Uio Mimii township. All persons Knowing IhoniKolveH Indebted uru retjtio.sted to timlio payment without delay ; and those having claims will present thorn forwoitieinout. WM, F. HWIUEK, Atcdor. Ittr)oc72-Cl ; row, Hi, row. Pall and Winter Dry Goods at Duke & Burkholder's The Largest Stock I The Greatest Variety ! At tho Lowest Prlcesovor offered to tho public. Call and make a personal examination of ihls stock, and wo will convlnccyon that this is true. Wo have all the now and fcate Style Dress Deeds 1 VELVETEENS In every shade at tho very lowest prices. BLACK ALPACAS IN ALL THE BEST BRANDS. SHAWLS in all the new styles. White and Colored Blankets, Ac. Flannels In all colors and qualities, at bid prices. Cloths, Cassimeres, Overcoatings, and Sauinots of the best qualities and nobbiest styles. In this lino of Goods we cannot bo excelled. It will do you good lo seo them. Call and see the whole stock and bo convinced that wo sell cheap. sept. 20, is 72. DUKE & BURKHOLDER, North nauovor sl, cnmsio J. S, T. .Manager. HOLIDAY GOODS, D. A. SAWYER, N.E.Cor.Public Square,, Has opened a large and choice assortment of goods suitable for •Christmas. Presents ! Embroidered, Plnin, Hemstitched and Mourning Handkerchiefs. Em , broldered I Iron Pets, Linen ColIa>« and Ciiflk. Real and Imitation Lace Collars and Handkerchiefs, nil the latest designs, allow prices,Handsome Nubias. Scarfs. Tie* Nan kins, Tidies, Gloves, Ac. * . ■GREAT BARGAINS! In Ladies’ and Children’s Purs ! GRAND CLOSING OUT SALE OF ' FAIL & WINTER DRESS GOODS I wi.i, oiler great inducements to buyers for the next sixty davs in DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, FURS. BLANKETS, MAR SEILLES QUILTS, 1 “ Cloths and Cassimeres, £>,jsa uce mlr 6, 9 c ‘ k - Ak 1,11 our goods have been purchased at CASH I RILES you Win And It to your Interest to examine our stock before purchasing else uneie, oh wodeiy competition in prices, and yon can mivo money . D. A. SAWYER, JWswUaneous .’on years of u public. tost has »rovcd Dr. Crook’s WJNEOF 'AH to huvc more moiiltlmn ny similar preparation ever ilTured to the public. It Is Ich in the medicinal quail* les of Tar, and unequalled jr diseases of the 'IHKOAT N U LUNGS, . performing »o most remarkable cures. rlliiCtually cures nllCoughs id Colds. - It has cured bo ■ any cases of Asthma and rouchitls that it has been renounced ft specigo to r icsocomplaltits. For Pains i the ureust. lildo or Back, ravel or Kidney disease, senses of the Urinary Gr ins, Jaundice, or any Liver iraplalnf It has no equal. i^DlO. ami ail Restores the Appetite* -n/r*n* —. , - Strengthens the System, I VI I II *1 T"l O V*TT linnH CS I Restores the Weak and Debilitated, X*X.XXXXJLi.t?X V \JUUvIO • Causes the Pood to Digest, .m ~Ao-r Rem oven Dy spopslft and 1 udlgestlon, wllhout reserve, AT AND BELOW COST. Pres’ouis Malarious Kevcrs, N. B. Combings made Into Switches, Chlg- Gives tone to your System, nous, Curls, «tc. We will do up Combings at * Half Price, and insure our work, JautW-U ■ Selling off at Less Thao Cost! At Madame Rote’s, *5 S. Hanover Street, Carlisle . Thfi FALL AND WINTER , MILLINERY GOODS. Wo will soil . HATS, HON NUTS. FEATHERS. VELVETEEN, SILK VELVET. CORDED HI LKS AND BATINH. Opr TO S2O PER I)AY-f Agents wanted I A 1 ( cpt)cl«HfiPH of working persons. of either sex [ .vonim or old, make more mnnov at work for us in their spare moments; or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address 0-. Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine, ]2sopt72ly T I«T OK SALKS TO BE CALLED 1 1 By N: H. MOOltti. AUCTIONEER: .faiiuary 23 Wm. P.Stuan.south Middleton. February 9, 1373—Mrs. John oyor, Dlckln-on. . - 15. T. G. Wolf, South. Middleton “ is, Adam Puget, Fr mkford. “ 19, J. Qlnter, North Middleton. u 20, James Stuart, S. Mlddli ion. “ 21. George Rahu, S. Middleton, M 22, . John Trltt, Penn. , “ 21, Sam'l Spangler, Dickinson. ** 25, 'Louis Bishop, Penn. “ 29, Bam*l Flckes. DloUlnson. * " 27 Jacob Goodyear Dickinson. “ 28 David Wlddera S. Middleton. March 1 J/ L. Uaudsbew Penn.' -V Henry H. Keeney is. Mlddle'n, • ** -1 George Shafer Dickinson. 11 5 Allck Bishop Penn. “ 0 John Donor PO4 n. •" 7 F. W. Seurlght H. Jlllddloton, “ ‘ f» Jacob Shuttle Adams county. “ 10 • Dim’l Uifo South Middleton. “ 11 Wm, Adams West Ponnuburo, “ 12 J. A. shotron S. Middleton. “ 13 Nathaniel Martin Dickinson. “ It David Martz Dickinson. •* i.) *• •• lk “ 17 U r f»». Ferree Penn. “ IS Jacob \Vh**arv N. Middleton. *' 20 Keller Moll South Middleton. '* 21 David Zug Ptiini 22 Adam Fugot Fmuklord twp. “ 29 Pierson Clark Penn, . Jan 9 73. CARLISLE LAND ASSOCfATION. The annual meeting oft his msoclatloh will Do Held at the otlleo of A. L. Spongier, ICsq.-ln this borough, on the first Saturday of Febiuary, a. n.. I STS, it. being the first day of said month, at 7 o'clock, I*, m. C. P. uDMRICH, JunhKa 6'cc’ry. jgfOUSK AMD LOT FOB HALE. A comfortable TWO-STORY BRICK DWEL LING HOUSE AND LOT situated on the north Mdo of West Pomfret street, Carlisle, the re.ii denco of the late Jacob squler, deceased,adjoin* log property of the Miss Maglulses. f,ot iSO by 21 leet to Church Aliev. Will he ofTuied at pri vate sale uutlll satcuday. the l. r iih of FnimtJ* ary, next. If not sold, will then bo ollercd at public Hale at the County Court House, al 1 1 o’, dock. a. 3r. Terms reasonable. Apply to Mrs. M. Bonier, on the premise*, or to J. W. EBV, JCxivulvr. . JuulO 5l« IM the matter of the District Court of tboUnlted States, Eastern District of Penno.; Jolm 8. l»ougbor»y, of Nowvllle, County of Cumborlmul u bankrupt. having petitioned- for his oiscli trge.a meeting of creditors will bo lioid on Wednesday, the firm day of February, lH7d, at 2 o’ciook, i*. an. before Ucglster Chun. A. Hur nett, at bis otllco, in (bo Com t bouse.nt Car isle, Cumberland county; Pa., when and where the examination of the bankrupt may bo finished, and any business of meetings required by soc tlons 271 h and Zsih of the Act of Congress,trans acted. A hearing wPI also bo held on Wednesday, the Kith day of February, 1873, before the Court. ■nt Philadelphia, at 10 o’clock, a. si., when mul where parties Inlutested muy show oanso against the dlsclmrao. CIIA9. A. HAKNETT, JaniO-Ot Jieglsler, sale. OF VALUABLE EEAL ESTATE V K RSONAIi . P U O 1* K U T Y. The undersigned, assignee of John Hollonhorg er, Hon,, of. Smith Middleton township for the benefit of creditors, will expose to public sale, on tho premises, In said township, on ' THURSDA f, tilkQtii or Ffiimt/AItV/ISTS, A VALUABLE PABM! coutntnlue 60 Acres, more or less, having there on eroded u good two story Stone live g House, anew Frame Hank Hum, and all • nesov.ary outbuildings. The land Is limestone, of a very superior quality, and under good cul iHatmii, and good f> iices. It Is Miniated on tho Lisburn road, on the west Hide of the ridge, about ;i miles from Carlisle, convenient to schools, inurliet, stores. Ac. Also, on tho same day will be sold: One horse, one reaper, one wagon, one grain drill,s ha . ploughs.Hhovel ploughs and cultivators, lot o| corn, wncut, huy, one corn shollor. 50 posts, household and kltcheu furniture.'Ac., Ac. Kuio to commence ui 10 o’clock, a; w. Alton ilanoe will he given and terms made known on tho day of sale by 11. K. i'EFFICK Junto .'it jissir/nce. I* OST.— The following Borough Onlera, Lilssued by Council of Carlisle, in ISTO. have icen lost: No. 181, 825.00. *• IKi. i 3 00. ** ISS, 60 00. “ !«!♦, 60.1X1. *• 190, JOO.OU. Notlco Uhcreby given that application will bo made to the Council for duplicate ordo.u for Hie above ' it* AH H L A Nt> now under the direction and control of the sub* Hcrioor, aU nentunn (Ictnmiu lo purchawo lota In it tor burial pcrpuHeu, or wishing any intormu lion, can be accomuionulo 1 by culling on her at her reuldence, on ICust High htreei. neatly opiiohUoiho tlenlz House, or t»y calling ul Iho oflicu of the lute Wm. M. Penrose, in lUieem'H Hull. V. M. PfrIMUOHE. Hnov73iyr* ■QR. CROOKS WINK OF TaR ! 3jun73—lyr That, Pale, Yellow. Sickly-'- _ Is chunk'd to Those IHseime*. of ihe f*t i'lmltih'ii, li’*.! ‘(Oi ,im>’ removed. SIK-liy.' ;. s.*.|*o'** < <>l‘ flu* *Wi TO .*>«,:> it.;. J I .f*r,. Old Koif*. •<> ,i* .no ..i 111, •,> ii dwindle me) -;.i i; ■ •-n ni.'h i ii- Influence. In fact it uil: >’ ■.•■.'l, >i'i{ cure yon mini* c|u .n'\ 1 . or • i \ , i .1 rl other preparation*. <• xv. a :is;:: It. i« mi ni re's own n -i. <• m. h..,,. 0.-.vd of iron combined v.-it I’oUe Rom ut\ •i• .1 lies It wl:i «*n . Sfmiitfnu r>“ cmiM' I' loot 0..,«. in I.linl-- i. : <*i • ken o ‘o . . iin* nil ■ >. * IHIr ii . . . i Ir .*; • I f • •» • * ‘ . ~ .* ; . -i- a..) pio».. ni*-H of I L . <•*■;• I,|•* fp| ,U- C'..«<>ll.<* "I |,OO.g* . i;tii'iin<ii>l*m, Ihtioa > bio> ' - O.T")*OWIMK, I •. •,» i*i s,i phi. i »■ ;.u a iMLA.TCQLEY’H Improved i.ucumber Wood 5 ® Pump, Tasteless. Durable. EIU — S sclent ami Cheap. The bo**t Pump for tholoast money At* slentlnn |k ecpoelally Invited to ''2U RlutchJey's Patent Improved Bracket and new Drop Check ffflO ijValve, which can bewlthdruwn U,F"*|J(wlthfmt removing the Pump or the Joint*. Also, tlie Copper Chamber which neve- Cl crocks orscnlOH. and will outlast _ any other, Kor'cmlo by lihfne £ stnlth & Rupp, Carlisle. Semi > forCalaloaue nnd price list. N CHAK. O. Blatciilkv. Mf’r Hept, 12—1 600 Commerce Sl„ Pillin' pRT M E OYSTERS. R. ALLISON .t HON h, Ol /' 1 . 1 ! “ m, . ou,, ce to their many old customers, A. ii t .! ,uvo ™ °P e ned It mr Oyster Saloon 5” * J ,L^ ami are prepared to serve prime ousters lu any style, snch as fried.stewed, roast* ed, pan ned, on the half shell, Ao. We have in RFHT« rVtAN'P f) VV e . sl . Ah, . l^*mont a LADIES* "’hlch is Ulled up In the most ?hl! 1 1.w1 ,1u , nhuiner. families supplied With J l ?u\ ln tne nm , rlje U l»y the bushel or smaller quantities, opened or In the shelf, at short notice, and *il tne very lowest rates. It. AJJf.I SuN A SON, J Ij STERNER <& ism; Liverv & Sale Stable. JIKTV KI N HANOVER AND BEDFORD BTS. IN THE REAR OP THE RENTE HORSE, Carlisle, Pa. Having iltlod tip the Stable with now Carri ages, <60.. we are prepared to furnish flrst-claa* turn-wilts at lonnounbte rates. Parties taken to pn*l from t lie Springs. April ?A, Jb(l7-2y -6&/ PITTSBURG, PA. An Institution for the thorough practical ed ucation of voung and middle aged mou lor all depar»tijentsot Commercial life. The Idesl, largest and most complete prac* ticul busltiO'H College In America, and the on ly one having connected with it an actual bus! ness dopariinoit, conducted on a veritable mo noy hauls. Patronized by the sous of Merchants Hunkers, Kurmers, Mechanics and Business men from all parts of the United states. S'mJt?cls enu Eufer at any time. For large descriptive circulars, giving full pai tlculars. address .1. C. HMITIL A. M Sept. 10. 1b72 -Smeom. Princloal. BOOT AND SHOE STfIBE! jYo. 4 Mast Main Street . KOOTB, SHOES, GAITERS, BROGANS, SLIPPERS CUSTOM ami MADE TO ORDER. REPAIRING neatly and promptly done. AUAM HVBEKT, No. 4 East Main Btreo March 3MR73-U JDu'itcljj) & (Jo’s StbiJcrtiscmciifG. WANTED. -A reliable and man hi if good address, tocngngoln a desirable ami lucrative business producing from t.'j.M nor ye «r, Address 9. B. FOHD A c.Now York; Uoatim; Chicago; or San Francisco. S'junlw T(i BOOICCANVASSERS,—A now way of run ning n booß. Can 801 l thousands. Addrtfo .Murray Hill publishing Co'.. IS) litist sMh-si. Now > ork City, WANTED, —If you wish to buy a sewing ma chine for family tap, or act ns agent, audio** Washington Hewing Machine Co., Boston, Mms. oJan73-4w PHYCROMANCY. or HOUL CHAUMINU. How either sex may lasclnaio andyninlbe Jm-nA aftecllous of any person they choose Instantly This simple moulm acquirement all can posse's free, by nmil, for 25c., together with a marriage guide, Egyllau Oracle, Dreams. Hints to ladles. Wedding Night Hlilrt, Ac. A queer book. Ad dress T. WILLIAM A CO.,Pubs.,l J hlln. I'Jnnlw i^sAGEN !*& WANTED 'For best selling pic tures, mans, ami charts/Also, forour-sewing and linen thread. 8100 to 8200 cleared hv good, active Agents. Apply at once to D. L. IQUuerus 'y, Concord, N; 11. pjunlw BARREN pANGE » *. ist Premiumv^ m> i nsl . tf j7i t Double Elevated Oven, Warming Clbsel, Broil ing Door Fonder Guard, Dumping and Shaking Grate. Direct Draft. FULLER, WARREN A CO* £ll Water Streqt, New Y'ork. tyunlw Celffeeder Dase O teivurt D iirmt' i IMPROVED, UNRIVALED anti UNEQUALRI) Burns any size of Coal Fuller, Warren ACo , 23i3J Water street N* Y Pjatilw rvO AGENTS want absolutely the best selling Übonks? Send for circulars ol Vent's Una bridged Illustrated Family Bible. Over tto9 pages. 10 by i 2 Inches. 200 pages Bible Aids, ao. Arabesque 8Q 25 Gilt Tdge, 1 clasp. 88 25 Full Gilt,*2 ciueps, 811 00. “balden; the While Chief “ for winter evenings. With KOO ready. The Amer ican Farmer's Horse Book Ihe Standard. 4oih 1000 ready, Epizootic Treatments,Ac, C. F. Vent N. Y.A Cincinnati, Vent A Goodrich. Chleiiuo 23nov4w J DIAMOND <C- KUJU FURNACES. Powerful and Economical heater*. JAMEB a. LAWnON, Patentee. I-’ulhT War ren C Co.. IMU-Walo, tit,. Si. Y, Ulooflflw A °^' EU! HORACE WATERS. A, Broadway. N. y.. will dispose of 160 IIANUB, MLLuUiAN*, nn<| ORGAN* of mx Ilihi-CIUHS makers. IncludingWaters’ ui'vcrv **ow Prices (or Cash'or part cash, line-- in fjiumi iuttuuu> instalments. New 7-or tuvo Pianos modern miprovetiiioii.s r0r.J2.75 ensh. Now ready a Concerto i’nrloi Gripm. tno most ooauilfui Myie and pern ft (one ever mu -e, Illiwtruiedcttlulogmw mulled. Mie«t Music .vMuslc Merchandise. iNnovnv \JA\J ny Easily made wuh our Hieneit uml ill 1/1“ lJ I Key Check Ouillt. riJ-Clrculars hue. aiuUurd MTg Co., (W (niton ru N, V. j.i!sw TO THE WORKING CLASS, mule or female, SOO a,week gnat an teed. Respectable employ went at home, clay or evening; no cupi(,.l re quired: full Instead ions and vuiunhlo pueka-e of goods to start with sent ft eo by mull. Ad. Less with fleent return stamp, M, YoUNG .v uo i Courlhind st.. New York. . juu JjIREE TO BOOK AGENTS I An Elegantly Bourn!'Canvassing Book ! lor the beat and cheapest Family. Bible ev<*r BuhUshed, will bo sent free or charge to-mv cok agent, It contains nearly 500 lure'lllustrations, and agents arc meeting wnli unprecedented success. Address, stating expo rleuco. etc ,4'wo will show you wimt our agents are doing, National PablUhlng Co Putin Pa jau2i4w« RHM’T BE HUT F;»R coughs.' I/Uil 1 colds, sore throat, honrsem*- juki bronchial difficulties, use only .WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS. Worthless Imitations arc on iho market bat the only scientific preparation ;>i Carbolic Arid lor Lung diseases Is when chemically eombtb. d with other well known remedies ns in Itn -c Tablets, and all parlies, ate cautioned ne.iinst. ' using any other. In all cases of irritation of the muenm brano these tablets should he fieely used- ib-dr cleansing ami healing properties me tisimiob- Ing. Bo warned, never hegloet a cold, it Js ca»ud>- cured In Its Incipient state, when it bet-mm chronic iho cure Is exceedingly dlllleult use W ells' Carbolc Tablets as a spec I lie, JUll n i» KELLOGG, 18 Platt Bt.. N. Y. Hole agent i JV Iho United States. Price 25 cents a box .■'end forelrcuiar. ' jau.i—in i GENTS I IT SELLS QUICK AMONG A all classes. Old people, iho mhlcllo-ngnl, ibose who are jUKt’onlerlng life, ami vnutb both sexes buy and read with the greatest prniH MY JOL.I.Y FRIEND’S SECRET ! I>IO .LEWIS’ last and best'hook. Jt Is meeting with the greatest success: and there is MONET IN IT. Send for onr circulars, etc, which are sent five Geo, Maclean, Phlla, Janii-lw ■JJHS SA2SATHS C? C7A 1,0?.D. By BISHOP STEVI2.VS. U an enUreh/ nen work on an absorbing topi.* written In the author's moslp<urer/uls‘ylo, It pre sents the subject in noiffami 6e’<jj/f//auiglus. Ota not /ail to awaken a deep interest anil be productive n/ urent youd Agents wanted, to Whom liberal commission will, bo allowed. Address J. M STODDARDA CO., Publishers,Phlla. Jnmtf-IW. QKUUBSOFCOUFOUT!’ The Ladles* Fried. Ask your grocer for It. BARTLETT'S BLACKING! alwaysgivesaatlsfactiou. Try It. PEARL BLUE! for the lanndrv Imu no (iniml. Sold by. oroers H.A. BA.HTLISTr A CO.*, 115,117 N. Front utroot, Pblln., 113 Chamber Bt., N. Y.. « Brood si,. Bos ton - jan 113-4\v. . oit i»n. .'.hup ."2) HarlSetter TRUSSES^^sV, , Abdominal Supporter and Pile Pipe— Reiu i ami Cure for Rupture. Female Woakne.vsp*! mill Piles—ludesiruclihlo. light, safe, cleauly (stvel (springs ooatoii), never iuslh, tircaUs, tihibor.s uoi-mmU, a Hording comfoi t. safetv. '.leunlini-s*.'. and dnrahltlly. Universally approved hy tin- Medkal Profession, and all who wear them as the best ami m<»*,t satsfactury appliance know n Senthy mall or e.xpresH. Lstablishmenis. i !i7 Chestnut si./ Phlld'a., and 717 Rromlwny. . v Careiul and eonivt adjnilrnenl. Kxpi*rlen«cd I toy in attendance. JaniM-tw. J C R UHEI) a 7 The Great South Aiueiican Blood Puritle 1r UTiequnlled by any known remedy. It win eradicate, extirpate and thoroughly destroy nil poisonous ntbsiances in the lh«md and wilt ( (. feotually dispel all prcdlsposiUou to biijjmi*.- rungement. . Is Uicre want of action htyourlherniid kplcm,-* Unless relieved at once, the blood becomes im pure by deleterious secrotlonß, producing snot - ulous or skin diseaNes, blotches, felons, pusuu. - canker, pi > pies. «tc., Ac. Haveyqu a dyspeptic Btomaclr? Unless di- BCfdtpn is promptly aldoJ the byslcm Is debili tated with loss «'t vital force, poverty oj t'n* blood, dropsical tendency, gonerol weakhrss*n Jußslindo, Take it to assist digcslion wifiit.m reaction; It wilt Impart youthful vigor to tp,. weary BUtlerer. Have>‘ou weaknessof the Intestines? You arc in danger of chronic diarrhoea or the drear fill luilaiiiiuution of the bowels 'J'akettto j,l lay Irritation, and ward olf leudenov to luilam matlons.. weakness of the uterine orurlnarv organs? are exposed to suHerlhir In itV most aggruvuled form. Are you dejected, drowsy, dull, sluggish or de pressed in spirits, with head-acho. back-ache coated tongue, and bad tasting mouth ? - tor a certain remedy for all of these diseases weaknesses and troubles; for cleansing ami pniifylng the vitiated blood tmd iiii.uulliig vig or to all the vital forces, for building up and restoring the weakened constitution use JURXJBEBA ! which Is pronounced by the leading medical anthorliles of London nod Paris “the most pow erful tonle and alterative known to the medical world” This is no now and untried discovery but has been long used by the lending physf clans of other countries with iconder/ul remedial results. Don’t weaken and impair the digestive organ* - by cathartics and physics, they give oul C tem porary relief— Indigestion, ilmuleucy aud dys pepsia with piles and kindred diseases are suu to follow ihelr nso. Keep the blood pure ami he “ y\ u -° One Dollar per bottle JOHN Q. KELLOGG. I» Plull jstpot. N. y.. Pole Agent for tho United Stales, send foreir ttr - SUan-lw / P £E I Wtt 1 n , tp,J for the new and startllnu IUK DEVIL IN HISTORY., by tlu author of “God In History.” Illustrated by Dura and Nash Kmlo'wed by eminent divines, K B, TREAT, Pub., «U 5 U'way, N. V. 2BJan lw. A QKNi'S. tho fastest soiling’book In the mar ketlsT.B. ARTHUR’S THREE YEARS IN A MANTRAP. Polling nearly tcu thousand u month. Circu lars Iree. J. M.STODDaUU & CO., Publishers. Philadelphia. Utyau-lw ENTS WANTED FOR Prop. FOWLER’S GREAT WORK. On MANHOOD. WOAf ANHOOD, and their Mu tual Relations: Love, lu Laws, Power, ele. Send for specimen pages and circulars with }«**«■. I . A J l ‘J r *¥' NATIONAL publishing CO., Philadelphia Pa. Jfiljantw. rjtUE linmi-nsesale, ld,boO IN ONE MONTH onr LIVINGSTONE 28 SEMIS IN AFItltA, lahaying.PUOVES It aboiv ,i!l others, the hook tho Masses-want. Ugocsiiko uildkirj. Oyer WW ouly S'2 50. Mure Agents Worn ud. NOTICE ~Be not deceived by mlsicprepro hentuliuus mudo lo pulm uir high-pilued infe rior works, but send lor circulars ami sue Pruoi of statements and grout success uf our agents- Pocket companion, worth sld, malted Tree. ÜBBAUD BROS., PttU’M., TSUJftD'iOa atPttU* (KXJ