American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, January 16, 1873, Image 3

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    Tuk soft weather continues, anti tho
gnow is disappearing rapidly. •
Several bummers (male ami fe
male,) were arrested by our police, on
Tuesday, for improper conduct on the
street, and remanded to jail.
W, P. Stuart, of South Middleton
t\vp., will sell at his residence, Thurs
day, Jnn. 23d, 2 extra fresh cows,
Heifer, 2 year colt, good family car
riage, buggy, sleighs, harness, House
hold and Kitchen furniture. ts.
Fiendish Act.—The express train
from Hagerstown, which is due in Ship
psnsburg, at 1:37 p.-M., was nearly wreck
ed at 12:45, on Friday, at a point be
tween Chambersburg and Marion Sta
tion, about six miles south of Chambers
burg. The scoundrels who attempted to
injure the train—for the purpose of re
venge, most likely—had placed a heavy
oak rail in a cow hole, and left it slick
up about four feet. The fog was dense
at that point, but the engineer, Mr. John
Roney, observed the “trap," and whist
led "down brakes," and reversed his en
gine, avoided striking the object under
full headway; but the tail, nevertheless,
was dragged about 100 yards, and became
entangled In the snow-plow. No delay
was caused to the train—A'ettw.
A Pleasant Party.— On Wednes
day evening last, the sleighing being ex-.
cellent, a number of gentlemen of our
town, at the suggestion of our clever
mercantile friend. L. T. Greenfield, got
up a parly,, (about thirty in.all,) to pro
ceed to Mount Holly. About 81 o’clock,
therefore, four large sleighs halted In
front of the Volunteer office (our busi
ness room being open,) where the com
pany had assembled. The company was
composed of married and single gentle
men; and was, In all respectsfaconge.uial
and pleasant party. Arriving at Mullin’s
Hotel, Mt. Holly, dancing and games
were at once resorted 10, in order to put
in the time and make all feel comforta
hle- At 11 o’clock supper was announc
ed, and a better supper wo never have
seen spread outside 'our large cities. It
was, indeed, most excellent, and highly
ciediiablo to the Messrs. Mullln. After
having done ample justice to the sump
inotis repast,shortand appropriate speech
es were made in the order we mention—
by J. B. Bratton, Ur. Kieffer, Ur, Hall,
Jos. Kltner, E-tq., J. P- Hnssler, George
Zinn, J. C. Kictslayer, (civil engineer,)
Mr. M’Tague, of the H. & P. R. R., and
M. B. Moore. At an early hour the
company returned home, w-ell pleased
with the evening’s entertainment.
Faculty of the. State Nuumal
School. —The Board of Trustees of- the
State Normal School, located at Ship
pensburg,' have at length selected the fol
lowing mimed persona for the diil'erent
chairs In that institution : George P.
Beard, Principal; B* B. Heigea, of'York,
Prof. Mathematics | J- W. Shoemaker,
of Philadelphia, Prof. Orthography, Read
ing and Elocution E. A.,Angell, War
rensburg, Mo., Prof. Geography and His
tory ; Sarah F. Smith, of Boston, Prof.
Grammar and English Literature j Flora
C. Parsons, of Oswego, N. Y., Prof. Pri
mary Instruction.'
[For ilio Volunteer.
" Carlisle Gentlemen's Gallantry,"
Mr. Editor:—As a the gen
tlemen of Carlisle, I reply to the article
published in the Herald a week ago, un
,iler the above caption*.
firtllj. —We will not admit that (he
, voting men of our town are a first-class
; hnpotiiiion. The gentlemen thin winter
have manifested an exceedingly surprls-'
ill'' amount of gallantry in lienalf of our
tuning ladles It would bo an utter Im
: possibility for them to take us all out; so
■ of course those bordering on the verge of
"” mustrelitiquish Ihoirelulm
to ttie younger set, \vbien,,were it done
ili a friendly and generous manner; would
■ lie indicative d( tbe old-but tbougbtlul
saying, “ It is more Missed to give than.
i‘ to receive.” ■ .
Secondly lf they , would retaliate for
injuries of by-gone days, would it not be
| just? Do we not have a minute reminl*
| scense of tbe past .when our “College and
* Garrison” were in a nourishing comii
| lion?’ Ladles, if there'is not a prevuri
cation iu the article, would not some be
;:| willing to say that we are receiving our
just deserts,?
Thitclti/. —We go to our neighboring
lowns, mere the giMitlemen have always
b. eu treated with due appreciation, and,
as a matter of course they must cheerful
ly endeavor to get up "hops, suppers and
snrpriao parties” fur the enjoyment of
(he ladies.
Another prominent feature is, that iu
our neighboring towns they do not exert
'|4 themselves to keep up an aristocracy
0 composed of a few families; then they
lail mingle aud have a delightful time;
but iu Carlisle, if one person'ls invited to
a party, whose grandfather was not just
the ideal of the majority, then-the party
is broken up. . Ladles do not reflect upon
the gentlemen, for all this is cursed by
$1 your own .insinuations. Wo have not
M got an aristocracy in America if some
l £f of us were to look back a century
H or two, we would bow our heads and re-
Vjjf. main silent.
We must give: tho youug men a few
encouraging words—the year you
know was "leap year,” so according to
the meaning attached to it. Ihe ladies
were bound to furnish the refreshments
at the party spoken of. The sleighing is
excellent. When we pass along the
street, do we not see many a happy cou
ple, enjoying tho pleasant afternoon by
taking a nieigh-rlde ? Who takes them t
Our gallant young gentlemen.
Gentlemen, do not think I am a "poor
disconsolate,” but believe me, I am a
“spinster,” who is willing to resign her
claim to the younger set. and feel per
fectly reconciled to say “adieu” to the
bachelors, and conclude to Ull ® 3 '
tabllahment called "Old Maids Ball.
Some day I may come out, but It is very
doubtful, as I am becoming very feeble.
Consequently, if you never see me, con
sider mat this is written by a true fiiend,
who is ever willing to defend you when
you are unjustly blamed.
Thief (JAPTURED.—The Chamberaburg
Valley Spirit says: Ou Tuesday of last
week a policeman arrived In our town
from Harrisburg, in search of Frank
Wilson, one of our African citizens,
charged with having robbed a shoe store
in thatjdty. He succeeded in bagging
bis game somewhere on the outskirts of
the town, and lodged him in our jail for
safe keeping until he could be taken to
Harrisburg the next day. A warrant
having' been Issued for his arrest in this
county, for stealing a wagon, about a
year ago, our authorities refused to give
him up. and the officer was compelled to
go back without ills man.
\Vn were surprised to learn, says the
5; York Press, that there is a gentleman
;»■ about thirty years of ago, residing with
-1 in six or seven miles of this borough, in
1 Hellam township, that h>a never been
I inside of a church. Had not our Intor-
M raant been a gentleman of veracity, wo
S could scarcely have believed that it was
possible Hint there resided In that staid
old township, such an unnatural being t
75 among a people so proverbial for their
•a regular attendance at church, and their
■1 ntrict religious duties. The individual
jv| referred to has, during‘ his whole lifo
l|s time, resided only about a mile from
® ICreutz Creek Church. What coinmen
|3 1 ary for reflection.
The Last Victim—pinto! Coal Oil
Accident.— The following wo lake from
the Allentown Democrat of last week:
"That coal oil is a very excellent thing
in its way, we will all admit. But that
its way is into the domestic circle, tho
contemplation of tho long list of Its vic
tims prevents us from saying. We write
with the full hope of seeing it banished
from every household In the town and
the land—and wo do so with Just such
feelings as we entertain when applaud
ing tho slayer of the rattlesnake, a mad
bull, or a tiger at large In the highway.
Every, victim to its use only hastens, In
a melancholy manner, the good time'
coming when we oan chronic.c iff* ban
ishment. ..Not the last nor tin- least ar
gument in favor of this consumniaib.u
will bo found In the fact that since last
full we had in this county some six or
seven deaths, resulting from'lhe explo
sion of kerosene lamps. The last fatal
occurrence of. the kind transpired at the
residence of Mr. Dan’l Kershuer, a well
known citizen of W.eouersville, in South
Whitehall township. Whilst his wife
was sitting up late on Thursday night,
operating a sewing machine,-the re
mainder of tho family having gone to
bed, a kerosene lamp on the side of tho
machine exploded, throwing its flaming
contents upon the breast of the unfortu
nate woman and instantly setting her
wearing apparel on fire. Her husband
heard the report of the explosion, and
hastening from bed to see tho result
thereof, was horror-struck to find his
bosom partner in flames and vainly
trying to outen them. With great pres
ence of mind he at once tore up tho car
pet and enveloped her therein, and then
took her out doors and turned her in the
snow, but by this time the clothing was
almost all burned from her body, and the
»kin blackened and scarred by the flames.
Sho was removed to bed, and Dr. Seiple,
of Guthsville brought to hand, but no ef
forts could save her, and after lingering in
greatagony until Saturday morning death
put an end to her sufferings. She leaves
a mourning husband and a five year old
child., Mr. Kershner, immediately after
the accident, and after having outened
tho flames, ran a distance of several
squares, barefooted and in his night
clothes, for assistance. He was so badly
burnt in his efforts-to save his wife that
he is yet laid up from the injuries sus
tribute of RESPECT.— At a' meeting
of the Union Fire Company, held In
their hail; on thelatinst., the following
preamble and resolutions were unani
mously adopted:
WHEREASi death boa again entered
our midst and taken from among us one
of our oldeat uml most respected mem
bers. Jacob Squires.
Resolved, That while bowing in all
bumble submission to the will of the
great I Am, we recognize ln-the death
of our respected member the departure
of a pure-and upright citizen, whose
only aim in life appeared to be “ to do
unto others us he would have them do
unto him.
■Resolved, That we_ hereby tender our
earnest sympathy to . the widow anil
friends of the deceased.
Resolved, That we inscribe a page on
our minute book, and that our hall bo
draped in mouriug for sixty day*.
Resolved. That a copy of these resolu
tiona be sent to the widow and friends of
the deceased, and .be published in our
town papers
\V. G. Woods,
W. E. Miller,
T. Cornman,
accordance with a resolution passed at the
last Teachers’ Instltulo.a Convention of Dlrec
lots ami Teachers convened In the Court -House,
Carlisle, January Tth.ltflJ, at 10 o'clock* A. ir.,
for the purpose of considering the propriety of
adopting a uniform series of text hooks for the
Superintendent D. E. Kost culled tho Lonven
ttou io order and staled tlio object ot tho meet-
An mg mlzaltou wnseireclod by the election
of .1. I*, llboads President; D. E. Kast Vice
President; S. P. Goodyear Secretary, at\d S. L
Henrv Assistant Secretary.
Tin* following delegates were then reported ;
Twer Allcn-Ci. W. Mumper, David Miller. \V.
E. Zshn,
Ja.s. Hamilton, 11. Novrsbain, David
son Eckels.
Dickinson— Jacob Uollluger, Jnp. Shtink, Laura
V. Flomlug.
I'rwtk/ord.-Sohn Drawbtuigli, <leo. Gillespie,
A H. Graham.
* jraiHpihti- C. Dolt/, J. M. Best, \V. B. Logau.
Ilopcu'dt—Vi. Basehorc, D. Heberllg, A.* Sluil
.Veehanic.ibury— Amos Hicks, C. B, Nelsley, w.
L£ Ilcuch.
jforth MUlllt'ltm— Jno. ivltch, RE- Henderson,
South WahViton— Dr. Mower, \V. P. Stuart, Oeo.
Midaia,ex-\. WhlUner, G. \V. Jacobs, George
JSiiilin—fi, Chrl&tlelb, W. Ruth, S. T. Connor.
Monroe—J.Shnft’aor, P. Zeiglor, S- P. Gbodyoar,
Tfcwbiirg—C. Stovlok, W. Lusk, John noflellin-
D. ~I’Coy. W. SPCnllongh, Philip
Kooutz. ' _
Niuivlllo— Thomas Slough, .1. P. Rhoads, S. 8.-
J-'cmi—W. BnmdL, John Reop, J, L. Henry.
JZuf Ponniboro—W. Sadler, M. Rrinton, A.
Wc*t Pcnn.\bnro— John Bt Indio, Capt. Elliott, O.
W. Thrush.
Silver Crain. Dr. Hoover, G. M. D.
SHitfuinUitoil-Oapt. Delhi, 1-ovl Strohm. Miss
Wright. was agreed that the delegates
present prepare a list of books now used In their
several districts and report tho same during the
afternoon session. ■ „
Mr C B Nelsley moved that this convention,
recommend Ihe adoption of n uniform scries of
text books for tho county.
Messrs Neisly, Hamilton, Zlun. Logan, Ueuch,
Crain, Hellclllngcr and Rhoads favored tho mo
tlon, holding Unit if such n step werei taken. tho
groat expense for school hooks, (which now falls
so heavily upon those least' able to bear It,)
would bo very much lessoned.
H Ncwsham, Esq., aud Prof. Swart/, thought
thomovcracot premature, that much evil would
result from Us udopflon at this time, favorod
doUhcrato action, and believed that if time
wore allowed for consideration, a plan more ef
fective and less besot with dlfllcultles than the
one proposed, would bo developed. Pending
tho discussion the convention adjourned until 1
O’ClO.dC, P, M.
AJtoriioon l&silon.
PITs Rhoads in the chair. Mr. Nolsloy’s mo
tion was again taken up and further discussed
by Messrs. Davidson Eckels. Nelsloy. Newslmm
“ H U Nowslmra. Esq- moved tbe following
amendment— That wo recommend to the con
sideration of the directors of the county the
propriety of adopting a uniform series of text
Lokt Not agreed to. Ttm original motion
was then passed by a vote of 13 to J.
Dr Cram ollored tbo following resolution!
„ ' Mil That the different boards of directors
ef this county appoint ond director and one
teacher from tbelr respective districts who shall
Q OllSl l^mmnOellt l ßl , m'll t be , clialrraau. wl?oso°duty
various branches ta g „ nme for adoption
‘-hs* B -‘'- ooo a.
Martino Troupe.— Prof. Mortlao ai.d
cam pony will n,ako their ap ‘
neantneo at Bheera’s Hall, on Monday
evening next, continuing Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings, with, a Matinee
on Wednesday afternoon.
The Detroit. Michigan. Daily Post of a
recent date, in speaking of Martimu eyas:
For live successive evenings this great
illusionist aud ventriloquist has perform
ed at the opera house before the largest
audience ever assembled there. The re
ceipts the Inst live evenings amounted to
□ eurlp $B,OOO. Everybody is delighted
with the performance ami with the fair
and Impartial distribution of the presents.
Bi-tort of the Manacieus of the
Female Benevolent Society for
1871-72.—Tho Treasurer of the Society
being absent at the oloso of
tho late fiscal year,, no report was ren
dered. The managers now offer a can
densod report of tho past two years, IS7I
-72. The balance In tho treasury in 1871
being $82.57, was owing to most ol the
coal bills not having been presented for
payment at tho close of the year, and
thus were thrown into the ensuing year
of 1572. The prevalence of thesmallrpox
called for a greater outlay of money than
usual. It can easily be seen that tho
whole amount collected wheu divided
among fifty families, during two years—
being only about $lO per annum for each
family—docs not suffice to purchase
enough fuel or other necessaries. Conse
quently, they are butsoantly supplied.
Balance from 1870, . • • $ ■ sj*
Collected lu North-west ward, . 14G <6
Collected in North-east ward, . 112 50
Collected in South-west ward, . 99 00
Collected in South east ward, . 1»S Jo
Union Thanksgiving in First
Presbyterian Church,
JSmory church, $8.10; M. E
church, $lO.OO,
Second Presbyterian church,
First Presbyterian church,
Lutheran church,
Bt. John’s church, .
Interest on bonds, &c.,
Fines, &c.,
Expended during 1371-72,
Temperance County Convention.
The following circular has been address
ed to the ministers of this county :
Dcar&ir —If the friends of Temperance
ever wish to see that era inaugurated,
when God’s law will not be set at defiance
by licensing one class of men to destioy
their followers, they must not; for, "faith
without works Is dead."
To this end. this organization, known
as the “ Silver Spring Temperance As
sociation,” after consultation with many
friends of the cause of Temperance, Issue
a call for a County Temperance Con
vention, to meet in the Court House, Car
lisle, Feb. 4, 1873. -
We earnestly ask your hearty co-oper
ation. and request that your cougregatlon
at once elect one or more delegates to
said Convention. ■ ■
S. M. Whistler, Seo’y.
.. Silver Spring Temp. Assocla’n.
Now Kingston, Pa.; Jan. f1,'1873.
Traverse Jurors.
.East Penusborough
peter Brubaker.....
Darnel Brown
Abranam Beetena
K, Beatty
J. 1). Colston
Jacob Coovcr
Joseph Cramer
r, U. Ornlghcad
John W. Cook
John Dalhouaou
Dadld Doner
Christian Eshlomau
James P. Ewing
George Fortney
John Ferreo
John Grabill
John Gish
Hlraon T. Halo
George Ha 11...
David Holland
Philip Uowo
Jesse Hettrlck
William Jacobs
David Jacobs
Jahn 9. Kelso
George Kissinger
David bong
William Lusk
John M. Mossier
David Myers
Zebulon Mull
Beujnmln Ott, Sr .....
Baiu’l Oiler
Henry PI grim
pnlllp Rolghter ...
Francis Hltuer
P»obort Sharpe
Adam Sensoman
John D. Bhollenbergcr.
H. W. Blbbott
George H. Stewart
John Simmons
Adam Sbolleuberger....
John Umbergor
Joan Wilson, Jr ....
Jacob M. Weiglo
Henry Welker
Henry Zolglcr
.....South MUUHelon
.West Ptmusborough
Silver Spring
Lower Allen
..West Penusborough
Sliver Spring
...East Pennsborougli
Traverse Jurors
Unhurt Allison , ‘'v'triifm
? 0l °-' n c.?.rk ,rlsUolb v:/:"v;;;:;:'caV".sie
r n i, n ,» Kiierlv Low cr Allen
Mode Grimth south M ddleto^
Samuel 11. Kerr Sonin Aliddlelou
John A. Keller VViAirininn
James Miller...* .....lUcktiison
Solomon Mohier 011
John Morrison D
James M’Cartcr [ ir
Peter Mlnichi ; ....KrnnUtoui
Tobu G Miller New Cutnboi land ■
Gem K oNaigfe ! truth MUWlelnn
John Newcomer ■=!
A d S' n i°Kuo "'“!.(*¥&
Samuel U. Rhoads West i*euiisHorougU
Samuel SpamtJor -innmn
- ..!!Mechanlcsbnrg
hum Sites West Poimshoiough
Alexander Tarman„... SUip jionou^u
David Voglcaong - N^vvViln
’W. 11. NVoodbum NewNllle
Chapped Hands, lace, tough skin
pimples, ringworm, salt-rheum, and
other cutaneous affections cured, and
tho skin made soit and : smooth, by
using the Juniper Tar Soap made by
Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York.—
Be certain to get the Juniper Tar Soap,
as there are many worthless imita
tions made with common tar.
Tiie Purest and Sweetest Cod-
Liver Oil is Hazard & Caswell’s, made
on the sea shore, from fresh, selected
livers, by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New
York. It is absolutely pure and sweet;
Patients who have ouco taken it prefer
it to all others. Physicians have dom
ed it superior to any ot the other oils
-in market. ■k°v
IE you want Coal that will glvo you satisfac
tion go whoro a full stock of all tho standard
Coals aro kept. Nono recommended but the
best. Call at yards of A..H. BLAIR & SON.
Nice fresh Cheese ot Means’, No. 7S R*; llano.
ver street. ' MajJ-tf.
1872- Fall and Winter. ISVS.
Wholesale Notion House,
No. 21 South Hanover street, Carlisle,
Daring the season they Intend to keep in
stock a general lino of Woolen nud Buck goods,
Gent’s Underwear, Ladles, Gent's, Misses’ and
Cklldrons' Hosiery. Scarf, and Wrlstlots.Geut's
Buck Gloves. Gauntlets and Milts; also., will
have constantly on hands a lino of Suspenders,
Head Nets. Ltnou and Cotton Handkerchiefs,
Cotton Hosiery. Neck Ties, Fancy Bows, Paper
Collars, Cuffs, Stationary, Tlo Yarn, Wrapping
Paper, Paper Bags, Drugs. Fancy Soaps, Hair
Oil and Perfumery, and an endless vailcty of
nick-nacks In general.
prime Honey, Vinegar, Sweet Cider, Amerl
can Swoltzor Cheese, at Humrlch's.
m-I wish It distinctly understood that I do
not sell Pittsburg hut COLUMBIA OIL, which I
guarantee to equal Pittsburg Oil In every par-
Ucnlar. GEO. B. HOFFMAN.
N B —Tho trade supplied lower than by any
otaer lionso In Carlisle, and If oil does not prove
satisfactory return at my expense.
Just received,;a fresh lot of Cranberries, Co
roannls, Oranges, Almonds, 4c„ at Humrlcn's
■Ca-lIavIUE recently purchased n Pepper Mill
1 ii m now prepared to offer a pure article of
around Pepper, willed I can warrant to lie pnro
an It la ground under my own supervision, and
will forfeit Hie sum of TWENTY DOLLARS lor
the slightest detection of adulteration.
41 ftiid 83 Pomfret HI
HOW TO GO WEST. —This U an Inquiry
which overy one should have truthfully an
swered boforo ho starts on hla Jonrncy, and a
lltllo cixio taken In examination of Routes will
In many oakoh save mnoh trowWOj tlmy ftml mo-
Tho "C., B. &Q. R. IV, M running from Chicago,
through Galesburg to Burlington, and tho '*l.»
B. & W. Route.” running from Indianapolis,
through Bloomington to Burlington, have
achieved a splendid reputation In tho last two
years ns the loading Passenger Routes to the
West. At Burlington they connect with tho B.
& M. IV R. and form tho great Burlington route,
which runs direct through Southern lowa o
Nebraska and Kansas/with close connections
to California and tho Territories; and passen
gers starting from Carlisle, on their way west
ward, cannot do bettor than to take tho Bur
lington Route. .
This lino has published a pamphlet calleu
••How to go West,” which contains much val
uable information; a largo correct map of tho
Great West which can bo obtained
by addressing tho General Passenger Agent u
& M. 11. IV, Burlington. lowa.
The People's stamp of Value.—Tho Govern
ment endorsement, which legalizes’ tho sale of
Plantation JiiUer.9, la not tho only stamp alllxed
to that famous Vegetable Tonic. It nears, In
addition to that olUclal sanction, tho •
more valuable.'slump 0/public approbation. This In
ostlraabld vouchor of its raro properties-as a,
Tonic, Corrective and Alterative, is of ranch earlier
dale than tho Government credential; for mil
lions of sick persons had pronounced it tho
Grand Specific of the. Age long before Congress
thought of taxing proprietary medicines. U s
unnecessary to repeat, lu detail, tho properties
of this wonderful Vegetable luvlgoraut. Thp
best reference that can bo ollored to those who
desire tho full particulars of Us virtues, is tho
General Public. Ask those who have tried It as
a remedy for dyspepsia, constipation, bilious
ness, intermittent' fevers, nervous debility,
rheumatism, seasickness, low spirits, or loss of
vital power, what Plantation Bitters has done
for them, and bo governed by the response they
make to your inquiries.
31 05
24 10
10 78
So 29
70 01)
79 04
123 92
2 27
Sl-,002 GG
1,001 75
The Gem of tub ToiletUio world says Iȣw
sodout. It renders the tooth pearly while, glves
to the breath a fragrant odor, extinguishing the
111-huraors which usually How from a bad and
neglected set of teeth; ,So:od<mf la so convenient,
and produces a sensation at once so delightful
that it makes itn pleasure to use it.
AN Essential of Loveliness.—To be
entirely beautiful the hair should be abundant
and lustrous. This Is absolutely essential to
complete loveliness. The most regular features,
the most brilliant complexion and pearliest
teeth fall of their due elfect If the hair bo thin
diy, or har«h. On the contrary the plainest face,
if it bo but surmounted by luxuriant and silken
tresses. Is apt to Impress the beholder with a
sense of actual beauty. That crowning orna
ment of her sex Is, happily, within the reach of
lovely woman, and being ns discriminating as
she Is lovely,she long ago discovered that£j/on’s
JCathairon was the sure means of securing It, No
preparation for the Hair ever enjoyed a tithe of
its popularity, and 1.0 wonder, since it produces
such gratifying results. Applied to the waste
and barren places of the scalp, It fructlficsjiud
enriches them, with a now and ample growth,
H Is not, of course, pretended that It will dothis
If the capacity for reproduction Is extinct, but
so long ns It remains that wonderful rehabltant
will assuredly propagate the germ of the hair
into life and activity. •
AN article that is at. once teeth, pra
server and breath purifier, and yet so pleasant
and convenient to use, its exceeding popularity
does not surprise any oue. Time has fully es
tablished the fact that the SOZODONT possesses
these excellent qualities In an eminent degree.
It has loglmately u'cqulred the right to a posi
tion upon every toilet table.
..........Carl slo
.South Middleton
.Upper Allen
Spalding’s Glue, always up’ to slicking point
OCKER—DEWALT.—On. the Oth Inst., by the
Rov J. S. Foulk, Mr. Matthias B. Ocker to Miss
Lizzie J. Dewalt, both of Cumberland county.
LAMBERTON—DIVEN.--AI Hanisburg.ou the
Dili lust., by Rov: Dr. St rong. Robert C. Laraber
tou. Esq,of Middlesex township, this county,
to-Miss uca H., daughter of S. iV Dlven, of kho
former place.
DAVJS—DAY. —At the “Fanners’ & Drovers’
Hotel.” in Carlisle, on tue 7th inst., bj too Rev.
George Norcross. Air. J. F. Davis of Cumberland
county to Miss Hellle Elizabeth Day, of Adams
WESTON—SCHELL.—On thoOlst ult„ by Kc'v
0 P. Wing, James U.-Weston of Russell, Kan.
to Della H. Schell of Bolling Springs.
.South Middleton
Sliver Spring
Curl Isle
Silver Spring
LEIB—COYLE.—On the 2nd last-, by thesame,
Christian W. Lelb of Hulling Springs to Rebecca
C. Coyle of Dickinson.
GROSS—BLAIR.—On the Olh Inst.,ln Meehan
icaburg, by Rov. John Ault. Mr. John Gross of
Silver Spring township, to Miss MQllio Blair of
Momoo townshln.
Lower Allen
BURNB-HOBAUGH.—At the name place, by
thesame, Mr. Henry Burqa to Miss Lila A. Ho*
Uuugh. both of York county. . -
GUTS II ALL. —In Silver Spring township, on
the Blh nil.. Mrs. Mary Harvey (.’.ulshall, aged
«U years ami 6 mouths. • •
B E LTIIO OV E il. —l n this borough, on Thurs
day, tho2nd lust., Michael G. Bellzhoover, Esq.,
formerly of Monroe township, aged 82 years.
SI’OXTSWOOD.—At the residence of Dr. J. U.
Jarvcl. Tomsoutown, Md.. Mrs. Harriet. Spults
woou. who of the lale William Spotlswood, ol
this place, aged 113 years.
GIVEN.—At the residence of. his father, la
Caillslo, on the morning of December 31, 1H72,
of consumption, liohert H.,only surviving sou
of Robert and Sarah Given.
The subject of this notice was of a very tunla
able, gentle atul kliuVdlsposltion. Ho was gen- _
emlly beloved by his associates, and,esteemed,
by all his acquaintances. It is the testimony
of his father : “I cannot recall a single Instance
In which I consideicd It a parental duty to re
prove him except in an advisory way, and at
such times advice was always received with a
smile.” During hl» sickness of more than four
months, ho was uncomplaining, gentle and re
signed. lie expressed u desire to live'if It was
God's will, ns life had been full of pleasure to
him, but hoped that such desire was not sinful.
Ho calmly the prospect of his
change as Unit which was probable if not cer
tain, and assured his pastor from time, to time
that ho was committing his nil to Jesus, th.a
fiieml of sinners..
When death approached ho requested his
mother to be called to his bedside, and told her
his end wiis fast nearing—that ho was dying,
and that It It was God’s'wlU to take him ho was
read: logo, ’t he only regret he expressed was
that of parting with his father and mother, be
reaved of so many sous, and the objects or h‘s
fondest atleetlon; and. so oii Tuesday morning
—the last day of the old year—without a pain or
a struggle;ho foil asleep, as wo trust, in the full
assurance of a blessed Immortality.
We cannot close this slight memorial of
friendship ami affection without noticing the
remarkable fatality which has broken in upon
this honored household with “breach upon
breach.” Hubert 11., the subject of thlsnolice,
was the last of four sons, all the victims of this
fell-destroyer consumption. The typo of the;
disease varied In some unimportant particulars.;
but In each case it was a swift and sure decline,
that medical skill and assiduous parental care
were powerless to arrest. These young men de
parted this life la the following order ;
James on th,o7lh September. 1802, aged 19yrs.;
David G. on the Hth February, ibUl.ugod 21 yrs.
Samuel G.on the UihMay, 1872, aged 21 years
Uobert H. on the .‘list D,-comber, 1872, aged 17
It Is worthy of mention that both the parents
seem lo bp entirely tree from any taint of this
lualduous disease, and the record shows n long
lino ol ancestors on both sides of unusual lon
gevity, for they have sprung faom that hardy
race, the 6colch-Irish; on the paternal side the
Steels, Moores and Givens; on the
side the Gibsons and Armstrongs from Virginia,
mad the Hopkins of Pennsylvania. On the pa
ternal side many of his ancestry been citi
zens of our ancient borough for generations;
one the itev. John Sfeol. of revolutionary mem
ories, was pastor of the Presbyterian church, of
this place, over ono hundred years ago.
In their great aimcllon'our friends have the
unfeigned sympathy of the whole community.
At such a lime, the recollection that these gra
cious hoys wero all amiable, gentle and true*
will, to their surviving friends, outdeepon tuo
sense of their great loss; but even when “aoro
broken” the people of God are enabled losaj:
“Will not the Judgo of all the earth do right ? It
Is the Lord, let Him do what scemeth to Him
good; though Ho slay mo, yet will 1 trust in
Him.” ‘ °‘
Wholesale Tobacco & Scyavs,
No. 27 North Hanover Street,
Prices u» low as In Philadelphia or Hainan)
April 27, 1572-ly. -
Corrected weekly by J- H> Hosier it' Tiro.
Carlisle, January 15,1873
80 SO
5 00
5 00
1 80
1 80
hye FLOUR -
OATH • •
V I JE I).
Carlisle, Pa.
CMrrccied weekly by Geo. S. Bojfman A Son j
CARUSI.E, January 15, IS7B.
8 -5 I
EOOS • -
LARD . -
BEANS per bns,
DeHaven & Bro.,
3 o'clock P if. P/tila., Jan. 14, 1873
Now U. B.6’a of 1881,
U.S. (J’H of ’Bl.
•• ’62, not colled
•• ! 02,15t called
•• , 'O2, 2d coll
“ ’02,3d coll
“ ’Bl.
'67 “
•• s's, KMO’s.
IT. afao'YearO*ptr «oni. Vy., * Jjjj
Gold. j/i
Silver, „ , 1 xv ly
U. Pacific U. R. Ist Mort. Bonds.
Central Pacific R. H. , JJI* •
Union Pacific Laud Grant. Bonds 7«
'Jues'fay January 11.
I'i.ouu.—The market Is without material
chance, the demand being confined to tuc.
wants of the local trndo. Bales of iB6O bbis . In
cluding Sunerflbo at 85 a 5 GO; Extra at SO a 0 75,
lowa. Wisconsin and Minnesota Extra f amily
at 87 76 a 8 75: Fenu’a Indiana and Ohio do. do.
at SSSU a 9 60, and fancy brands at SI) 75 a 11.
Wo sales of itye Flour or Corn Meal.
Guaik.—The offerings of Wheat arei small,
and prices firm; sales of IfiM bushels of Western
Red at 81 07 at 2, Amber at $2 05. and While at
S2 lO a 2 15. No sales ol llyo. Corn meets a steady
Inquiry with sales of 1200 bus. new follow at U 1
ao2c. Oats are loss aeilve; sales of .Vusiern
While at.*l a fi‘2o. and mixed at 17 a 4Hc.
WhiskKV.—lli) bbls. of Western Iron bound
sold ut imc , nßd 25 Penut. wood bound at Die.
ner gallon. '
NEto SRmettismmts
Important Notice 1
All Advertisements and Communica-
tions to insure insertion in this paper
must be handed in by 7 VESDA 1' noon
Advertisers make a note of this.
the condition of the
At Close of Business, Dec. 27, 1872.
Loans uiul discounts . • $Ol,-110 S 7
Overdrafts . • , .W „ mnfln
U. S Uonds, to secure circulation w t w» w
Other stocks, bonds null mortgages
Due from redeeming and reserve
-agents •
Due-from National Banks .
•• “ Hlale Banks ami Bankers
Banking house and Insurance
Furniture and fixtures
Current expenses
Taxes paid . • • ,
Proust account . . •
Checksum! other cash Items, Inclu
ding Revenue Htamps . .
Bill of National Banks
Fractional currency
Legal lender notes . *
Capital stock paid In •. - IS
Surplus fund . • vi'rriS ns
Discount and Interest . . w** s
Profit and loss . • •, 4,n» t>7
National B’lc. circulation oatsiaml
standing . . • .li*BB2 SS
Individual Deposits • w’Si iK
Due to National Banks . . S®
“ stale Banks and Bankers , i*l o 7
State ol- Penn’a.,
Counts of Cumberland, f
I n. U. Hepburn, Cashier of the Ist National
Bunk of Curllule, do solemnly wear tlmt the
above statement is true, to the best oi m>
knowloilge nml b°» ef j ;HAf<i H , i: .; P bUEN,
Subscribed and swotn to beloro me thisBth
day of .January, 1*73.
rouuKtrr—Attest i
JNO. CL OHR. y/)nYrior.*.
JauliMl • J _
lly ’■[rluo ni un order from Hie OrplianK'f.'ocrt,.
of Cumberland comity, the uniler-lEnert, Goiir
iilan of Daniel Powell, minor cnlld of Drum!
Powell doc'd.. will expose to public sale, on iho
premises, In the borough of New Cumberland.
WEDNESDAY, tub 5 th of FEBRUARY, 1673,
«it il o’clock. A. M. t a LOT OF GROUND contain-
Ins; lilt fret In (root nnd JOB ln
havin'' thereon erected a 1 WO-M/ORi I KA.iiw
*salo: Ten pur unlit, cusli when tho
properly Is sllrlcken oil'; the balance ol one
third on the Ist day ot April, UwJ,’^bjjjj. deed
will ho mmlu iuul possession bi\cm. and ouo-_
third mi too Hi si day of April, 1871. w llh in ten st
from llii/lKt of April, IS7S.
third id to lunmln In the m ‘M"T U . ‘ ll ! J f
life of Mrs. Clnrn I’owell. widow of '"A 1 !!",}
oil d.■doused DANII-I* Ml'.Nb-Alt.
. Gimnl.a,,.
OK valuable real estate
A N I)
personal ruoperty.
<i’h ft undersigned, assignee of John Bollenborg
«r Her? of South Middleton township for the
benefit* of creditors, will exposo to public fgUo,
on the premises, In said township, on .
/>ni\ininimr 55 Acres, more or less, having fjtere
nn erected a good two-story Stone Dwelling
Ud sold: One Horse.
Bale to commence W o clock, a. m. Allen;
dance will bo given mid terms m»dee?°
o ■■ theday of sere by H. K. PEI«,
I'N the mutter' of tlio District Court of
lohn U S ll Do?^hmly.““NoS^^
nett, at his ottlce. In tho the
ex^fnaltonof 13 Uio’bankrupt
wVero^pa'rUes 1 '
ngnlnst Hie discharge. CHAR. A. BABN tl D
JauUMlt ” -
House and lot for sale.
•oinforloblo TWO-STORY BMCK bWßb
t (Nri H iiITHE AND DOT situated on tho nurtb
i K, ‘vvestPora tret street. Carlisle, thei resi
dence of the late Jacob bqnler. deceased, adjoin.
Inn nrsnertv of tho Miss Mnglnlses. Lot SO by
m uet m (llinrch Alloy. Will be olfercd at prl-
TOte salom m SATbnDAY.IbO 151 U Of FKURO
ary kfst. It not sold, will then bo offered at
publ’losule at the County Court House at 11 o
clock a M. Terms reasonable. Applj to Mrs.
M, S(|iiler..or. the premises, or E „ Y
JanlU 51- ■ ■ Exccullr.
/~tablisle land assooiation.
( I The annual mcellDK ot this atsoclatloh will
beheld at Hie otllco or A. L. Sponslor, Esq., In
ibis boron»b, on the first Saturday of ,-ebroary.
C " ,B U ‘ e " rHt C, l^1 ? ta UMItIC H ,* *
7 O CIOCh. it AVf-’ru
JanUWt beery.
hereby given that loiters testamentary on
oSaluo? Jacob Sqular, lot* of the Borimitli
of tlarUslc dec'llHave boon granted to the im-
SflnSttneiJ reslUiuc In said borough. Notice ih
iinrnhv ifiveu to all porsous indebted to make
llioso having claims to arrsenl
SOT ICE la hereby glveo that nu np
mlcntlnn lias been made to tho Court o
anon I'lea.s, of Cumberlandl county. or a
HI'BINU TOWNSHIP," and that Bull!
Clmilcr will bo granted by said Court on Mon
-1 • iholtlb day of April. W 73 unless sulllclonl
"nah-s, said ‘■'■"tier bo
S° r AppUeatUs,
LOST.— riio following Borough Orders,
l-sucd by Council of Carlisle. In IB7h, havt
No. 181. 823,(0.
“ lss, "St 00.
•• ISH, 60 00.
•• 18’J, 00.00.
•• IflO, 100,00.
Notice Is hereby given that application will bo
made to the Council for duplicate order* for the
above 11
. 4SO
1 80
Pall and Winter Dry Goods at
Duke & Burkholder s
The Largest Stock. 1 The Greatest Variety !
At the Lowest Prices over odore'd to the public, t 01l and ,
or tills Block, ami wo will cmiTlnccyou that IhlH Is iron. W e hat c oil the m w unit
Laie Style Dress Goods !
VELVISTEENK In every shade at the very lowest prices.
White and Colored Blankets, So. Plnmiels In all colors and qualities, at old prices.
Cloths,, Cassimeres, Overcoatings,
North' Hanover BL, Carlisle
Sept. 26,1972,
01 d 08}|
118) \
N.B.Cor.Public Square,
Hah opened a large and choice inworlmenl of goods suitable loi
OlxristiTias Presents I
FmhrniVlnrrfl Plain Hemstitched and Mournfmr Handkerchiefs, Em-
LmblOljcrctL 11an » ... nlld cufiS. Real nml Imitation Lapp Collars and
nfl theVatcst designs, at low. prices, Handsome Nubias. Smrfs. Tie-. Nap
kins, Tidies, G loves, Ac,
In Ladies’ and Children’s Furs !
I will offer great inUucemenis to buyers lor llie next sixty (lays iu
Cloths anil CassiDiereSji
To reduce our stock. As all our •
PRICKS yon will nml 11 to your Interest to
where, as we (lely compoliilon in prices, an
19 Deo 72
5,02 > 25
7.320 23
0,320 51
1,323 61
0,513 04
•1,807 02
21 SI
Selling off at Less Than Cost!
At Madame Rote’s,
3S S. Hanover Street, Carlisle.
GOODS. Wo Will sell
and all
Millinery Goods !
•without reserve, AT AND BELOW COS!.
N B Combings made into Switches, Chlg
nons, Cur?™<fcc. WG will do up Combings at
Half Price, ami Insure om work,
2,215 57
I,HS7 00
1,220 ID
12,-KHj 00
9185.030 98
$185,03(1 03
A UDITOR’B notfoe
IN Uie limiter of tin- csluii‘or J. W..
Cornmnn, Into of Pllv.-r Hprlng township. de-
npnolnted by me orpine, s 1
of Cumberland county lo distribute ibo bnlnmo
in the Imnds of William Bciiseiiinii.-sm l' JB
Admlnnitnitor of Ibo said estate. n 111 m> j J l '"
parlies Interested lor the purposes ol I 1 s al' bis onleo. In I'anisic. onWoli »"
day, the day of February. A. I>.. h« "■
o'clock, A. M. I'. *- DLLI/.IIOOV Mo
HlanTS-dt .Minin'
John PlaukpOf Carlisle. Cumberland conn
ty, l'n.. bv vclunlury deed of .assignment, bear
lig date December OT, 1572, conveyed lo Ibo ml
dpTslirnod alt his property, real, personal and
mixed, for the luncill of hi* inVt'hird
Is hereby given lo all persons indebted to s.
parly, to settle the same wilhotn .Io m. a«id
[hose having elalms will «hc ■ • nm
immediately. YdSuy .Axton,
. Jaii 9 73-Ut . '
■Notice Is hereby' given Hint leturs testa
mentary on the estate of Henry A. ' >iye , TS v !L . (
f>r Souin Middleton township. deceased. ha\ o
boon granled to the undersigned, in
Pnneriuwu All persons knowing imiiismts
lobe ladebted tboreto, are rcqnesled to mat.e
navn ent. Immediately and tln.M. bavin„ clnlnis
will present, them tor -I;;U
fy nil fit- , A-Jd'ii'w.
EROC LAMATION.-Wlioiean tin-
Hon Bonj. F. Junkln, President Judge of
several Courts of Common IMeaso |hcc<Min
ties of Cumberland, Perry, and Juniata, .ml
lustlceof tho several Courts of D> er mid 1 li mm*
er ami Goneral Jall Delivery In |^r
and Hons. U. Montgomery am I li. G- Moser,
11 ,,i„,,n ft f the CourUi of Oyer and lernilnei and
JalI k Do?lvory C for the trial of all capital and
other offenders, In the said county
-inml bv their i)recepttt) me directed, dated Hth
day o? Sov. 1872,, have ordered Iho Court of
fiver and Terminer and General Jail dcll\eij
lo he holden at Carlisle, on the ?J5 II aMO
1873 for three weeks, being the 2d MQ»dn}, at 10
o’clock In the forenoon, to oontlnuoino
NOTICE Is hereby given to tho Coroner, Jus
tices of tho Peace,- and Constables of the said
county of Cumberland that they are by the sajd
precepts commanded to bo then ami ln
fhelr proper persons with their rolls,
and 1 ImmlsltlonH. oxaminaUons and all other
remembranccH. to do those things which to ilieii
mnees appertain to he done, and all those tint
are bounu by recognizances, to prosucnU apiUnst
tho prisoners that nro or then shall be in-Hie
lull of said couhty. are to bo there tn prose* ulc
■mem as shall be R KOIiI ,. M AN> , v; , crar . '
Notice Is hereby given that letters of Admin
istration on thoestaleof B.ahjoserEckert, late of
ho borough of Carlisle, dec’d.. have been gi ant
,l,l »o tiio undersigned, residing In the s^ n | G
place All persons indebted to the said estale
lire reniu-sted to make payment Immediately,
and those having claims against the estate will
also present them f>r KCKEUT,.
ilan-Wit .lihiliiiutraliiJ-.
rt XECUTOR’B NOTlCE.—Notice Is
Pj hereby given that loiters testamentary on
I hi-will ot Samuel Bender late of North Mid
dleton township, Cumberland county, deed.,
have been Issued to the nnderalgned Executor,
residing in tho same township.. All persons
knowing themselves Indebted uro requested to
make nuyraont without delay : and those
having claims wIH forHeiUem
ll)Deo72—fit , ‘ : ‘ Mentor,
nTuuury 25 Win. P. Stuart. South Middleton.
I’Mmniry 0. W73-MW. John Royer. Lick Inn ■ on.
I nruiuj Jf r T> G> WoJf| goulh Middle ton
ik* Adam Fugot, Frnnkford. i
.. j. uintcr, North Mbldlelon.
.. , James Bluart, 8. Middleton.
.. of George Raim. 8. Middleton,
•• ‘22, John Trltt. Penn. .
of Ham’l Spangler. Dickinson. J
.. 2.V Louis Bishop, Penn. ,
.. 2fi’ Sam’lFlckes, Dickinson. i
<n' ■ Jacob Goodyear Dickinson.
.. .V David Wlddora 8. Middleton. |
March “l J. L. Uaudshow Penn. ■ ;
* V‘ ;i Henry 8. Keeney 8. Middled.
.. j George Bhufor Dickinson.
.. Allck Bishop Penn.
.. a John Doner Penn. J
.. 7 F. W. HearJght H. Middleton, i
.. a Jacob Shook Adams county.
.. in Dan’l Rifo South Middleton. |
.. ~ Wm. Adams West Pennsboro.
~ f., j, a. ahotron 8. .Muldlotou.;
.. n Nathaniel Martin Dickinson..
.. n David Marl/. Dickinson. i
n '* J
.. i 7 wm. Ferreo Penn. , , ;
.. is Jacob Wheary N. Middleton. I
„ £ Keller Moll Boulh Middleton. ,
.. *»i David Zug Peun
n-, Adam Fuget Frankford twp.
«i 29 Pierson Clark Penn,
Jan 0 73. __
B unovWyr’
goods have been purchased at CASH
examine our stock before purchasing else-
.'on years of a public lest has
iroved Dr. Crook’s WINE Ulf
.’AK to have more merit than
my similar preparation ever
»llercd to the public. It Is
lob la the medicinal quail
los of Tar, and, unequalled
for diseases 6f the TIiUOAT
AND DUNGS, performing
ho most remarkable cures.
It effectually cures aJlCougbs
ind Colds. It has cured so
hany cases of- Asthma and
Ironehltls that it has boon
>ronounced a speeige 1o r
.bestjcomplalnls. For Pains
in the breast. Side or Back,
Iravel or Kidney disease,
Useases of the Urinary Or
pins, Jaundice, or any Liver
complaint it has no equal.
... fonlc^ ( . storos tp e Appetite*
Htrengtbens the System,
Uestores the Weak and Debilitated,
Causes iho Food to Digest,
. Homoves Dyspepsia and Indigestion,
Prevents Malarious Fevers,
Gives lone to your bjht«*m.
1 ( R 101 N
That Pale,. Yellow, SicMy-Lookiiig SHn
is changed to ouo of freshness mid neallh.
Those Disease* of tlic SUIn, I implcs.
Pustules, Biddies and Eruption* aro
removed. fSerofnln, Mcrofulous Diseases
of tlio EicH, Wliilo swelllnff. Ulcer*.
Old Sores or any kind of Humor rapidly
dwindle and disappear under Influence.
In fact It will do you wore good, and cure
yon more speedily than any and all other
preparations.comulmd. Wlat «Uf it la na
turo’fl own restorer! A soluble oxjd of Iron
comblned-wltli the medicine! properties of
Poke Root divested of all disagreeable quali
ties' It will cure any Chronic or Longw
btnndlnff Disease whose real or direct
cause Is bad blood. Khenmntlßm, PolM
in Limbs or Bones, Constitutions bro»
iten down by Mcrcurjal or other poisons,
are all cured by it. For Barnhills, or Syphl
liClo taint, there Is ]‘ ot “ *" i
, r i n i iTfll nrovo It. ASK tOll
CFDOK'" n«m*oUM» BYiuiP - oe!
-A. irrs Improved cucumber wood
1 ]-§ *Pimip. Tasteless, Durable, Elu*
SIR sclent and Cheap. The best
lf.l -5 a. Pump for the least money At
• hs&S - te.ntbm Is ccpeclally Invited to
Patent Improved
/Vi ’ Bracket ami now Drop (.’beck.
Valve. which can b« withdrawn
Jwllhout removing the Pump nr
the Joints.- Also, tho
fps Copper Chamber which nev.*.
‘■vi cracksorscales, and will outlast
-Nyr* any other. For sale by Rhine
• • .Wfr ' *3 smith <t Rupp, Carlisle, send
C 5 for Catalogue and price list.
£ rifAS. G. BLATCIII.EY. Ml r i*J 1 .V)0 Commerce St., Phlla’
would uuummee to Uielr many old customers,
Hint they have ro-opeued U.eir Oyster Saloon
lor the season, and aro prepared to servo prime
ovsters in any siyle, such ns fried, stewed, roast
ed, panned, on the half shell. Ac. Wo have lu
connection with pur establishment a, LADIFS
RESTAURANT. which Is fitted up lu the most
oomforiaolo manner. Families supplied with
the beat Oyster* In the market, by the bushel or
smaller quantities, opened or In the shell, at
short notice, and «.il the very lowest rales.
Livery & Sale Stable.
Carlisle, Pa.
Having Ultcd up Iho Stable with now Ciirrl
nges, Ac., Wo uve prepuied to furnish A/* 1 " 0 ! 0 ??
turn-outs at reasonable rales, Parties taken to
pud from the Springs.
April ?A, IWJ7—2y
All Institution for Iho thorough practical ed
ucation of vouutr and mldulo aged men lor all
departments ol Commercial life,
Tlio oldest, largest and most complete prac
tical buslno-8 College In America, and two- on
jv ono having connected with it an actual bus!
ness doparlrnent, conducted on a veritable mo
nev basis. Patronised by the sons of Merchants
Hankers, Karmers, Mechanics and Business men
from all parts of tho United .States.
Students can Enter at any lime.
«ir For lnr K 0 deacrlptlvo clronlare. clvlMK full
pai ticuluro, address J. C. SMIIJi, A. xJ..
Sold. ID. 1872 '9moom. 1 rluclnal.
No. i Hast Main Street.
b,,OES Web».
. BROOAM>, BU i., >E i W
UM'AIUINO neatly and
No. t Hast Mala Btc'co
March 58.1873-tf
1)11 s
11/ ANTED.—A rollablo And Intelligent man of
W good address, to engage In n desirable and
lucrative business producing from SI,MO to 85.000
Eer vear,' Address 8.1). FOUD & (JO., New York;
oston; Chlchgo; orSaa Francisco. PJan4w
mo ROOK CANVASSERS.—A now way of run-
I nine a booic. ’ Con soil thousands per w*»»ok.
Address Murray Hill Publishing Co.. UM Hast
2*th-8i„ Now Vork City, * t*Jan/3-ia
WANTED,— If you wish to buy a sewing nm -
chine for family .use, or act us agent, adore*-**
Washington Sowing Machine Co., Boston, Mass
either sox may fascinate and gain the loco A
affections of any person they choose Instantly
This simple menial ncquircinentnil can possess
free, by mall, for 25c., together with a marriage
guide, Egvllan Oracle, Dreams. Hints to Ladle.-.
Wcdding'Nlght’Shlrt, Ac. A queer book. Ad
dress T. WILLIAM »tCO..ruhP..i , hlla.- I'janlw
WANTED For best soiling ple
'"lurea, maps, and charts. Also, for our sowing
and linen thread* Slot) to Saw cleared by
good, active Agents. Apply at once to D. L.
Concord, N; H. fljaulw
ist Premium
Double Elevated Oven, Warming Closet, Rroll
ing Door Fonder Guard, Dumping and Shaking
Grate, Direct Draft. FULLER, WARREN ACO.
2 :i'i Water Street. .New York. S'Janlw
elf feeder Base
tewurt JD tevner !
Rums any size of Coal
Fuller. Warren A Co , street. N: V
jURu R E R A
TbeGreatSoutb American Bloml Puril'u**.-
Is unequalled by any known remedy. It win
eradicate, extirpate and thoroughly destroy all
poisonous substances in the Blood and will ef
fectually dispel all predisposition to billions de
Ih there want ol action in your liver and spleen?
Unless relieved at once, the blood hecomes-lm
pure by deleterious secretions, producing scrof
ulous or skin diseases, blotches, felons, pustule-*
canker, pirn'ples. ao.,Ae.
Have you a dyspeptic stomach?. Unless di.
gcsllpn is promptly aideJ the system Js dehill
tuteil with Joss of vital force, poverty ot the
blood, dropsical tendency, pencrol weakness or
lassitude. Take If to assist digestion without
reaction; U will impartyouthful vigor to the
weary surterer, ...
.Have you weakness of the Intestlnbs? Yob
arc m dangerof chronic diarrhoea or the dread -
ful Inflammation of the bowels. Take it to al
lay. Irritation, and ward off tendency' to inflam
Have yon weakness of tho uterine or urinary
organs? You are exposed to suncflog In ,U*»
must aggravated form.
Are you dejected, drowsy, dull. sluggish or de
pressed lu spirits, with head-ache. back-ache
coated tongue andlmd lasting mouth ? . 1
For a certain remedy for all of these diseases,
weaknesses ami troubles; for cleansing and
purifying tho vitiated blood vnd imparling vlg
or to all tho vital forces , for building -up, and
restoring the weakened constitution use
which Is pronounced by the lending medical
nui horilies of .Loudon and Paris "tho most pow
erful tonic and 'alterative known to the medical
world” Tills Is no now and untried discovery
lint has been long used by the lending physi
cians of other countries with tvondcr/ul remedial'
Don't weaken ami Impair tho digestive organs
by cathartics and physios, they give onW tem
porary relief—lndigestion, llniulcncy and dys
pepsia with piles and kindred diseases are sur»-
10 follow their use. Keep the blood pure ami
hnahh is assured.' Price One'ltallar per bottle
JOHN Q. KISLLOaCi. IK Pint I sir* cl. N. V.-
Sole Agent for the United Slates, Semi for civ
oular. •
DO AGENTS want absolutely the best selling
books? Send for circulars nl Vent’s Una-
Utldgcd Illustrated Family Hlhlo. Over 110»
pages, 10 by it! Inches. 200 pages Hlblo Aids. &e.
Arabesque S 3 25 Gtlt Td«e, 1 clasp. - C S “5. Full
GIU, 2 clasps, 511 00. ■•Holden, ilia while Chief.*’
for winter evenings. 3nth lioo ready. The Amer
ican Farmer’s Horse Hook The Standard. Hull
UKX) ready, Epl/ootlo TrealinciHs.ite, C. I’. Vent
N. Y.&Cincinnati, Vent A. Goodrich, Chicago
for llio best and cheapest. Family Bible ‘ever
Eubllsbed, will be sent free ot charge to any
col: agent. It contains nensly 500 tine herip
turo Illustration*, and agquts are meeting wlib -
unprecedented success. • Address, stating expe
rience, ole. <S we will show you what our agents
are dalng, National Publishing Co. I’hlla Tu
3locH\v - f
AGENT** can not Uo better than secure nn
agency for T. a. Annur'a great-work
n companion to the famous
Nearly 3VIK) copies Imvo been sold; nml Us
popularity is Mill on Itie Increase. One .-ingle
airent Ims soM upwards of IbKi conies. Secure
territory nl once J. M, STolHiaKlj «v L'o.
Publl-JuTK, -'UOVIW
■1 GENTS WANTED for the
The most conrprehvbliive and \ ..limbic rellglOM-.
work ever puhlhhek ; also, for our new Illustra
ted Family Bible, containing neatly ‘‘.Oil* fliu
scrlptuie ll>ustrat|ons,and Dr. Smith’s complete
DluMonnry ol the Bible. Send for ProspectUH A
flienlurii. and wo will show you What agents
say 01 Hus. tin* best and cheapest Family Bible
undhow f»i't thov aie Helling 11. Addresa NA
jy/A?io\J)X- Jium;
Powerful ami Economic*.. beaters.
•I A Mr'S A. LAWSON, patentee. Fuller. Win
red U Co,. Wale. St., N. V, Uiocl l-*v
/I -ISI Bior.dway, N. V„ will ill-post* ol 100
drsl-chi'-s mukers. in?lndlng Waters’ at very
Dow Prices for Cash ‘» r part cn'.h.and bni
ince to small nnmtfliy instalments, New y-oc
lave first-cla-a Pianos modern Improvements,
fm $2.75 cash. Now ready a t.’onceilo Piuloi
.iJtgao, Hie most i-eauHfnl style end per t» cl tom
ever mu l e. Illnstiated catalogue*, inailcd. Sheet
Music *v Music ileicbandise. iNnoviu
nA\[V|l BE DECEIVED BET F:'R cough*..
| colds, sore throat, hoarseness arid
bronchial clilbcultloK, use-only
Worthless ImllationH are on the market, but'
the only scientific preparation ol Carbolic Acid
tor Lung diseases Is when chemically combined
with other well known remedies, ns tn these
Tablets, and all part P's ai.e cautioned against
using any other.
In all cases of Irritation of the mucous men
bntno these tablets should ho ficcly used; thvn
cleansing and healing properties are astonish
Be warned, never neglect a cold. It is easily
cured In its incipient state, when It become
chronic tho euro Is exceedingly dltllcult. use
Wells’ Cathode Tablets as a specific. JOHN Q.
KELLOGG, 1« Plait Ht„ N. Y. Bolomgeul Prr
tho United BluUs. Price 25 cents a box. Send
forclrcular. 2huov—lu *
A all classes. Ohl people, the middlc-agt-ti
those who are just entering life, and youth o
both sexes buy and read with the greatest prod;
DIO LEWIS' Inst and best book.
It Is meeting with the greatest success* and
there Is MONEY IN IT.
Send for our circulars, etc. which are tent tree
Geo, Maclean, Phlla, iSnovliv
TII J*' best selling book In the market Is Till'
Petroleum Nasby!
U is Illustrated by THOMAS NAST, the great
estof American Artists.and contains and intro
ductlnn by Hon. Charles Sumner. Agents
wanted lor this and other popular books. Ad
dress 1.. N. Ulchnrdbou & Co,, Boston, Mass., ami
81. Louis, Mo. iimovlw
4 GENTS WANTED.—Address, fnr tho mod
A liberal terms over ollerod. THE DISCOVER
Dr. Livlugslono In Africa-Ills Adventure.
Tho Stanley—Livingstone Expedition to Ainca.
Largo octavo volume. Just issued* Contains In
cidents of tho Wonderful career ol the Great
Traveler, tho Country, Animals, Natives, Hunt
ing &c. Full account of this most Interesting
Burt of the globe. Outfit sent foi Si. Address
NION PUBLISHING CO., Chicago, Els.; Phil.
Pa.: or Springfield . Mass. IMuovlw
Cu tho line of tho UNION PACIFIC KAIL
ROAD. 12.U0n.UUO acres of tho best Farming amt
•Mineral Lands In America.
11,000000 Acres in Nebraska, In the Platte \ al
ley now for t-ale.
Mild dim te, Fertile Soil.
for Groin growing and Stock Raising unsurpass
ed by any in tho United males.
Cheaper In prlco.nmre favorable terms given
and more convenient to market than can b
found elsewhere.
The best location for colonies—. Soldiers enti
tled to u Homestead ol 100 Acres
Semi fur the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with
new maps, published in English. German, Swe
dish and Danish,mailed free everywhere. Ad
dress, O. I'. DAVIS.
IMnovlv? Land Com’r U.P.K.K.Co.,Omaha.Neb
JHOR RENT.—Tbo deeirablo (Iwollluc
' home. south of tho Market house ana ud
ointnc Inhod’s store, Is for rent. Inquire of
f I2dec72-6t . C. IN HUFF.
r, w *i*o S-*J PER DAY! AgouLs wanted I. AI
oOelyssea of working persons, of either sox
\oung or old, limito more money at work for us
m their spare moments, or all tho time, thud at
anything else. Particulars free. AddressiG.
Btinson « Co., VorUand, Maine. !250p1721y