American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, January 09, 1873, Image 2

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    3Scrirgn -oolitnittr.
—Oregon fanners are plowing.
—Paris contains 3785 candy stores.
—Elk City, Kansas, lifts a jowaharp band.
—An unsatisfactory meal—A domestic broil.
—Water is sblllag for 52 50 a barrel In Peoria,
—Now cropj watermelons Is announced In
Florida. •
—There Is a “corner” in snow shovelling in
Now York.
-Large numbers of Chinamen are working on
railroads in Texas.
—lllinois has 37 murderers penned up lor life;
or till they break out.
-A Colehrook, N. H„ cat bus aeon 25 winters,
but’ Is still death on mice.
—aallaUn, Tenn.. Is parting with Us pork at
four pence per pound.
-Great complaint Is made In many parts of
the State of over-crowded pnbllc schools.
-There Is sleighing throughout the entire
country north of the Carollnas and Tennessee.
—Rattlesnakes With hair overcoats and fur on
their teeth abound in the Yellowstone Valley.
-The Massachusetts Insane Hospital, at Taun
ton,, contains 400 patients. An enlargement Is
—Variety la the aplce of life. A family at Pe
tersburg, Virginia, baa bad clgbty-IWe cooks
during the past year. %
—Tbo announcement la made that the Society
of Friends have begun mhslona'ry work at
Matamoraß, Mexico.
-Ebenezer Childs, of Farmington, Me., was
wounded by a bayonet In 1814, and has since
drawn 813.350 In pension money.
—A aloe batch of roasted opplea was produced
the other day, by the burning In Michigan Ota
freight train laden with the fruit.
-An Indiana man la’ naming hla ohUdren af
ter the New England Stoles. Rhode Island la
the last, it weighed three pounds at birth.
—Within a year the consumption of opium In
this country has Increased about 1.000,000 ounces
por month;
—Six big girl* banded together the other day
and thrashed an lowa schoolmaster so severely
that he had to have a doctor.
The Chicago Times publishes on article which
claims to show that there have been nearly one
hundred murders In that city within seven
years, “and not a neck stretched.
-Borneo has a tree, the nnt of which yields
taUow. The trade in this article promises to of great Importance.
-FerS inand Hahn, nine years old. was killed
m Now York, ■Wednesday of last week, by a
snow-ball thrown by a playmate.
the hews ih beief.
At New York on the Ist inst., the
Fifth Avenue Theatre was destroyed by
Kx-Qovbbnob Andrew G. Curtin
is giving lectures on his Russian expe
Gov. Cardwell was inaugurated
at Beleigh, North Carolina, on New
Year’s day.
Hon. John A. Dix was inaugurated
Governor of New York, at Albany, on
the Ist inst.
All the prisoners confined in the jail
at Frankfort, Ky., escaped on Monday
night by cutting through the roof.
adevoutKomauAJatnono. ———■V-"-'-
In New England the recen t cold term
was pronounced the longest and sever
est that has beep experienced for forty
It is reported that the steamship
Charuca which left New York for Lon
don last" November, has been lost at sea
with all on board.
John Q. Hall, delegate in the Con
stitutional Convention from Elk coun
ty, proposes to resign his seat in favor
of Ex-Gov. Wm. Bigler.
A Contributor to the conscience
fund from New York sends sixteen
dollars to the treasury department, be
ing the amount due for customs.
Great irregularities and frauds in
the management of the Freedmen’s
Bureau,at Washington,are reported by
Gen. Vincent, who will lay the mat
ter before Congress.
A large number of citizens of Alba
ny, irrespective of politics, have invited
Governor. Hoffman to a public dinner,
which however he declines, owing to
pressure of official and private business.
If It be true all the anthracite coal
mines in the State ate about to become
the property of certain railroad com
panies, the people will realize the
power of corporations, in another shape,
before the close of the present year.
B. W. Mackey, State Treasurer, has
purchased a two-thirds interest in the
Pittsburg Daily Commercial, for $lOO,-
000, and It is understood that Hon.
Bussell Errett, of Philadelphia, Chair
man of the Bepnblican State Commit
tee, will be managing editor.
By the explosion of a coal oil lamp
in a tenement house at Third and Ful
ton streets, Chester, Pa., recently, two
children of Mrs. Holland were burned
to death, and a third was fatally
At Springfield, Ohio, on the night of
the 2d inst., Nancy Northington was
murdered by her husband, and her son
tearlbly mutilated, his skull being
crushed with an axe. It is supposed
the husband was intoxicated.
Miss Cox, formerly a San Francisco
belle, who was left with a large fortune
by the death of her lover, Is now an
Inmate of the insane asylum at Black
well’s Island.
Miss Susan B. Anthony and four
teen other ladies who voted illegally
have been held to bail in $5OO each, to
appear before the United States Dis
trict Court at its next session in Alba
John A. Brown, one of the oldest
bankers and brokers of Philadelphia,
died recently, aged eighty five years-
In 1871 Mr. Brown gave $300,000 to tlio
Presbyterian Hospital of Philadelphia.
The cock tight which was prevented
bom taking place atSaratoga last week,
came off at West Troy, N. Y., on Fri
day night. In the brutal performance
twelve birds were killed and several
others 11 rendered permanently worth
less.” Blxty-flve spectators were pres
ent, Including, it is said, V a number ot
prominent business men from New
Yoj-k, Albany, Troy and Saratoga.”
We mean the “Address to the people
of the North, by the Northern Resi
dents Doing Business in New Orleans,”
which wiji he found on our first page.
We have the authority of the New Or
leans Picayune , a neutral paper, for
saying that more than two-thirds of the
signers to this Address voted for Grant,
and quite a number of them contribut
ed thousands of dollars to the Radical
National Committee in aid of his elec-
tion. We say to our readers, give this
very short but pointed Address a
careful perusal, and our word for it you
will arrive at the same conclusion we
have, and that conclusion is that the
unmitigated viliaiqs who have seized
the State Government and Legislature
of Louisiana are usurpers and scoun
drels, who, if justice could overtake
them would he hanged to the-corner
lamp-posts of New Orleans. The im
pudent, audacious and corrupt negro
who now occupies the Gubernatorial
chair of tlw once sovereign State of
Louisiana, was not even a candidate for
the office of Governor not any other
office. He is a clean usurper, and was
foisted into office by the order of a
mercenary, perjured partisan Judge,
backed by soldiers called United
States troops. The so-called Lieuten
ant-Governor is a negro U. S. Collector
of the port of Shrevesport. The Presi
dent of the Senate is the nigger Sur
veyor of the Port of New Orleans. The
speaker of the Rump Souse, is ■ the
Postmastei' of New Orleans , (a carpet
bagger.) The State Auditor is the
Assistant Treasurer of, the United
States, (a scalawag.) For Senators and
Members of the House, sixty-eight ig-,
norant and corrupt negroes, a majority
of whom hold offices in the Collector’s
and Assessor’s Departments of the
United States Government,but of course
perform no duties, for out of the whole
sixty-eight, but seven of them know
their A, B, C’s. The majority of these
scoundrels, we repeat, wore not even
candidates before the people at the
recent election in Louisiana, and those
who were candidates were ignomini
ously defeated. And this is the gov
ernment which has been forced upon
the people of the State of Louisiana,
through an order in chancery of a petty
judge, enfored by the arms of the fede
ral government; and these are the
facts under which this outrage has been
consummated, upon which the Ameri
can people must now declare their con
[ victions and judgement.
And Grant, the miserable tyrant and
would-bo Dictator, recognizes this
patched-up and usurping so-called
State Government, and sustains it at
the point of the bayonet. Ah, it is not
much wonder that even Morton, cold
hearted, unfeeling and venomous as he
is, turned pale when he witnessed this
stride toward despotism and brute
force. No wonder, we say, for Morton,
notwithstanding his partisan character,
is a man of talent, who was unprepar
ed to see Grant assume the powers of a
tyrant, despot and traitor quite so Soon
after his re-election. Grant 1 If ever
there was a man who deserved im
peachment tor high crimes and misde
meanors, he is the man. Aye, he der
serves to be not only impeached but
stoned to death for his unheard of
wickedness and treason.
—TJieJlNorthern residents doing busi-
“policy ’ r~is revealed, cry
out in despair, and stigmatize this
usurpation “the greatest outrage ever
attempted to be carried out in. our
country.” But their lamentations will
not avail them, for Grant desires it “to
be understood by all” that the usurpers
in office in New Orleans are “recogniz
ed by my .Government,” and that the
officers elected by the people of Louisi
ana are to be defied and kept out of
office by the paid troops of the United
States. How long, oh, Lord! how long
must the people coulinue to suffer
under this superlatively ignorant,
wicked and treasonable man—Grant?
Pussy's Vigtpry,
The Commissioner of Internal Reve
nue, with a liberality unusual in the
officers in that department, has decided
a tax question against the government.
This extraordinary event would not
have happened, perhaps, if its necessity
had arisen upon the beneficial claims of
a human being. But the object of the
present kindness is a "cat.” A lady
who died some time a’go in Boston
kindly made provision in her will for
the support of pussy. A sum of money
was left to her executors, with direc
tions that “Grimalkin” should ho daily
furnished with milk, meat,- catnip, or
any other delieacy which her dainty
stomach might desire. The executor,
who is a just man, was anxious to
know whether the legacy and succes
sion tax was chargeable upon that be
quest. The Commissioner answers
"no,” and Tabby will her get milk even
to the last penn’orth. The United
States does not tax legacies to cats.
Let this fact be understood and re
membered. The Commissioner says
with great astuteness that the legacies
which are taxable are those which are
made to a person or persons, and to a
body politic or corporate, and he ad
judges solemnly that a cat is neither a
person or a corporation. Pussy ought
to be proud of her triumph. Her case
is the first in which any living creature
ever came out of the Internal Revenue
Office, upon a dispute upon a doubtful
point in taxation, with a decision in
his, her or its favor.
The New Orleans limes has been
suppressed by order of Judge Durell, of
the U. S. Court. Another paper is now
issued in its stead. We need not in
quire, “ What are we coming to,” or
“Whither are we drifting?” Sup
pressing newspapers was a favorite
pastime in France a few years ago, but
it was generally believed that the
“Freedom of the Press” was secured
by the Constitution in this “Land of
Ohio furnishes the nation with quite
a number of great men. The President
is an Ohioan.— Forney’s Press.
Does Forney intend this ns sarcasm,
or is it a premeditated insult offered to
Grant? Had we written the para
graph, we would have worded it thus—
Ohio furnishes the nation with quite a
number of great mules or jackasses,
The President is an Ohioan,
Grant was invited to attend an ox
roast up in Lehigh county the other
week, and as be could not come he sent
word that the ox should be shipped to
him by rail.
We copy the following significant
article from the Philadelphia Ledger
of a late date. Nobody can charge the
Ledger with disloyalty to Gen. Grant
during the late contest, or antagonism
to General Hartranft; therefore, what
it says on the subject of Senatorial cor
ruption deserves to bo seriously con
sidered :
How They Get Into the Senate.
There was a time when an election to
the Senate' of the United States was
regarded as next to the highest honor
the country could bestow —when none
but the ablest and most honorable men
were sent there to represent their
States, and when none but honorable
means were used at the elections. But
how all this is changed now I. There
are no less than four Senators m that
body who are directly charged with
having got there byjiorruptlon, and at
least two of them on trial upon charges
of having bought their elections with
money. Another,under like charges,is
on his way to the Senate waiting for
the reassembling of Congress, and at
least four more will make their appear
ance on the coming fourth of March.
In several of the new Western States
there seems to be but one way of set
tling Senatorial elections, and that is to
settle in cash. .In the pocket State of
Nevada they have a canvass on hand
at this time, and so bitter is it that one
party threatens to make it " a conflict
so memorable and terrible” as to deter
all future attempts to buy the Legisla
ture. But that Legislature will be
bought all the same. The people of the
State are lost sight of in the contest,
the whole business of who shall bo
Senator from Nevada being settled
outside of the State, in San TTancisco,
by a few. individuals. The next Neva
da Senator will probably bo the imme
diate personal representative of the
San Francisco owner of a silver mine,
just as the new Oregon Senator is the
immediate personal representative of a
great builder of subsidized Govern
ment railways. Anybody may be
represented in the Senate now—who
will spend cash enough.
Ah, we are arriving at a pretty pass.
Leak at our United States, Senate!
Twenty years ago and always previous
to that time, it was, for its size, one of
the most intellectual bodies in the
world. With but, few exceptions, its
members were all men of preeminent
ability and honor, and the few who
were not so great, in intellect, were
great in something else, and all, with
scarcely a single exception, were- re
garded by the whole country as “hon
orable men.”' It made an American
fell proud of his country when, from
the gallery of the Senate, he looked
down upon the giants who occupied its
floor. Look at the Senate now, we
repeat! With the exception of some
fifteen or twenty, its members are
drivellers, “scurvy politicians,” most of
whom have foisted themselves Into the
seats they occupy and disgrace, either
by brute force or the free use of money.
Miserable carpet-baggers and thieves
. are accredited to most of the Southern
States. John Patterson, of Juniata
county, this State, will soon be sworn
In as the successor of Calhoun and
Hayne! , The old sinner, Brownlow,
misrepresents Tennessee. Ames of
New Hampshire—“ Gan. Ames” —who
as military Governor, certified to his
own election, is accredited to Missis
sippi- Ha is in Hubert J. Walker’s
seat 1 a buzzard in the eagle’s nest, a
skunk in the lion’s lair..
But, we.need not mention the names
of all who occupy seats in the Senate,
that at least one-third, perhe—- —‘
half of the members of ‘ue U. S. Sen
ate obtained their seats by bribery and
corruption! Of the character of the
men who obtain position and power in
this way, we need not speak. It is
enough to know.that the Senate, as now
constituted, is a miserable body of
drivellers, only about fifteen or twen
ty of the whole number being men of
character and ability. Such is the U.
S. Senate now. And what has brought
this great change from good t<> bad
about? Radicalism—Grantism. God
help us!,
The Tendency of Times.
None can escape the conviction that
the tendencies of the times have cov
ered our highest legislative body with
suspicion. Thirty years ago no such
thing was known as a Senator being
elected by money, or as a citizen going
into the house poor and coming out neh.
Our statesmen at Washington from 1800
down to 1846 were generally incorrup
tible. Men were sent to Congress not
because they had brains. Nominations
were neither engineered nor bought.
There were contests and conflicts, but
purchasing voters at the primaries or
at the polls, or corrupting members
of the Legislature, was as unusual as
a white crow or a black dove. —
Forney’s Press.
True enough. Thirty years ago we
had no Radical, negro party—no party
that attempted by fraud, corruption,
brute force, ballot-box stuffing and all
sorts of devilty to grasp the offices of
the country, State and National. We
did not, thirty years ago count rascals
in as Governors, Senators and members
of Assembly, after they had been
defeated. Thirty years ago we had
two great patriotic and honest parties
—the Democratic party and the Whig
party. What have we now ? The
same old Democratic party, and the
Radical party, composed of all the
thieves and ignorance of the country—
a party of adventurers and niggers.
When this party organized, corruption
commenced, and the places formerly
filled by men of honor are now occu
pied by scabs and pilferers. Until the
people rise in their might and erect a
wall of brass against the scoundrels and
pretenders who now wield the affairs
of this Government, we can hope for
no relief.
Delaware ought to be ashamed of
itself. They are actually reorganizing
the white man’s party there.— Forney's
Why should Delaware be ashamed ?
The Radicals have formed a nigger
party all over the country, why then
can’t white men form a white man’s
party ? The fact is, the day is fast ap
proaching when white men everywhere
will bo compelled to band together for
their protection.
The rumor comes across the sea tbat
Louis Napoleon, the ex Empress Eu
genie, and the former Prince Imperial
of France, Intend coming to the United
States early next spring, and traveling
through the length and breadth of the
continent during the ensuing summer.
Babaii Hill, a young woman of Mll
lerslown, Lehigh county, had her cloth
ing to take tire at a kitchen stove the
other week and was so badly burned
that she died.
A atrouuouß effort la icing made to.
prooure 'a pardon for thetono man woo
was convicted in Phiiadefohla as a re
peater. It ia the strangest'event of our
times that he ever was convicted. But
for the inflexibility and incirruptiblflty
of Judge Cadwalader before', whomi ho
was tried, it ia extremely probable pat
ho would have been taken out o\Cou|t in
triumph to hla employers. \ \ (
If Geary had the chnnosUo pardon lam,
the opportunity would not be allows to
pass ,unimproved. It would be anitber
of the atraugeat things of our tlmea/if be
were not pardoned, if the power py in
his hands. But the opnvlotlor having
been obtained in a United Staes, Court,
it is the President only who cat open the
penitentiary doors for this priacter. ,
If civil Service .Reform meins aoji-
thing, it means that it is high ime that
a salutary lesson should betaugitin this
particular direction. Philadebhia has
become notorious as a sink of political
niqulty. Elections ore regardd theifo
as a perfect farce. The majority is made
at whatever figure the Ring nanagers
demand it. The men who hwe betb
hired to do this work feel that bey asp
do it 151 th perfect Impunity. Tley hade
never labored under any wtolesonje
dread of the laws, because the lavs
not been enforced against them.
In the conviction of this mar, a step
Was taken in the right direction Rp
deserves punishment and be cugbrt lb
suffer it, not only to correct him anl
keep him from further mischief; but
that his punishment may be a terror lo
other evildoers of the same class. Preil
dent Grant's pretentions about Bofom
will become the laughing-stock of tie
nation if he unbolts the doors which »-
strain this convicted repeater of his Ib
erty. On this subject Forney’s Presi of
Friday said; "The frauds perpetrated at
the October.election in this city, in ex
tent and enormity, were unparalleled,
The ballot-box was never staffed so full
before, or popular suffrage made such a
farce.. All this iniquity was planned
weeks in advance of the election day. S>
many election officers- and partisais
were purchased, so many repeaters wire
to vote at such-and-such a poll, and so
many wards were to give a certain ma
jority. The whole thing to use a certain
phrase of which politicians are /end,
“was cut and dried” long before the
memorable eighth day of October, 1872,
dawned. The men engaged in tins bad
work were not novices, and their tracks
and those of their hirelings were well
covered. There wore a number cf per
sons arrested for illegal voting, but only
one case came to trial and only one man -
was convicted, although there was plain
proof of fraud in a thousand eases. 1 The
prosecution, of course, was in a United
States court, and conviction followed, it.
The repeater was sentenced on Saturday
last by Judge Cadwalader to eighteen
months’ imprisonment in the Eastern
Penitentiary. A report of the proceed
ing says: ‘His honor expressed his regret
that he had not before 'him, instead of
Brown, some of those who had induced
hi m to vote illegally, strongly intima
ting that in such a case he would have
punished them rather than one whom
they had made their tool.' 80 far, so
good; but mark the sequel.
Mr. Brown’is barely immured in the
penitentiary when the men who planned
all the villainy of the election, and em
ployed such as be to 0 ommit the gravest
. crime against free institutions, and
whom his Honor had so strongly inti-.
secure his pardon from the President,
and we know .that an attempt is being
made to win public sympathy in .his be
half. Whatever may be urged, in exten
uation of the man’s guilt nothing but his
punishment will atone for it. He was at
the time he committed the crim© amem
her of the Fire Department of this city
and a public servant, possessing almost
police powers, and was doubtless a mem
ber of the general official organization
for the purpose of defeating, the will of
the people by fraud. The power of par
doning this man is in the Presidents
bands. We do not believe that he will
obey the dictates of the chiefs ol the
criminal classes of Philadelphia, what
ever may be their ‘political influence. 7
The only other man convicled of election
frauds in this city in the last ten years
did not stay in .jail more than a month.
There is a general desire that Mr. Brown
stay their eighteen months and. that
some of hia friends join him in his in-
I voluntary exile.”
Cobpobations Against the Peo
ple.—A war upon a tolerably larger
scale has broken out between the Wes
tern merchants and the railroad com
panies and freight lines. Some time
ago the business men of Chicago, St.
Louis, Cincinnati, and other cities,
impelled, as they, allege, by excessive
charges, formed what is known as the
Merchants’ Freight Union, and pro
posed to offer their entire business,
which amounts to, millions of dollars
annually, to that railroad company
which would offer them the lowest
rates and best terms. This offensive
move caused the railroad companies
and freight agents to assume the de
fensive, and at a meeting in Buffalo,
December 4; they drew up and signed
a declaration to use all means in their
power to disperse the merchants’
unions, and further resolved to make
no reductions from the regular rates in
favor of the organizations, nor allow
any rebates to the members thereof.
Thus stands the fight.— Ex. .
It is about time that the people
should rise en masse against the power
ful corporations that now rule and ruin
the country. They are soulless tyrants,
and must be curbed. Their charges are
so villainously exorbitant that they
amount to direct robberies. Look at
the charges of our own little Cumber
land Valley railroad—just double what
they should bo. When more at leisure
we shall refer to this subject more at
Learn Trades.—There la an unfortu
nate tendency among the youth of the
present day to neglect the acquiring of
some useful trade, to go into business
which means the coming into the town
or city, to go into the store at a small
salary with smaller chances of advance.
A large majority of our young men
seem to feel that it is not honorable to be
carpenters, - blacksmiths or machinists.
No greater mistake could be made—
Young men from the country, do not be
too anxious to quit the paternal roof. Do
not be allured by the glittering induce
ments of large cities or towns to turn
your backs upon the experience and ad
vice of your fathers. Above all things,
before going forth to encounter the vi
cissitudes or fortune, arm yourself with
a thorough knowledge of same branch o
labor. Many young men of promise
and talent become failures, because they
start odt in life without any specific pur
pose, and drift around without rudder or
compass until they are completely ship
wrecked, NO matter how fair your pros
pects may bo, no lime is lost which is
spent in the learning of a good trade,
and no greater a mistake was ever made,
than supposing that there was anything
dishonorable or undignified in the call
ing of the carpenter, the shoemaker or
he cooper,
Contrary to expectation, Stokoa has
I ion convicted of murder In the first de
c e.o I When a brutal murderer gave ut
t ranee to the declaration, “ hanging is
]ldyed.out In New York,” the seeming
ruthfulness of the remark startled the
Vhole country. The'records of the orlm
/inal courts of that city stamped the as
sassin’s boast with theseal of truth. The
disagreement of the jury on the first trial, 1
and the ability displayed by the eminent
counsel in the second, created the belief
that Stokes would never be convicted.—
The case In his favor seemed to bestrongth
ened upon the second , trial, but there
was reason for doubting the credibility of
some of the now witnesses produced for
the defense. In our‘Judgment, the tes
timony would not have warranted any
other verdict than the one given, and
the jury have discharged a solemn and
Important duty in a proper manner. This
conviction of Stokes will be calculated to
strike terror to the hearts of the criminal
classes. They will see In It a stern
position to vindicate the majesty of the
laws of the land, and will be made to
feel that neither money nor the ingenu
ity of the most skillful counsel can insure
escape from the hands of justice.
A Terrible Warning to Everybody-A Well
Known Citizen of Chicago Comes to Life
in His Coffin.
A few days ago, says the Chicago
limes, Mr. Muhlbesch was taken sud
denly ill at his residence. His disease
was of a very acute nature, and in spite
of all the efforts of his physicians he
died after, a brief illness, and his sor
rowing friends made ready for tne iu
neral. An undertaker was summoned,
and the body properly laid «“*> an f “P
yesterday the funeral services took
place from his late residence. After
the customary services had been per
formed, and the sorrowing relates
I had taken their last look of the de
ceased, the coffin lid was screwed down
and the funeral cortege moved slowly
toward the quiet confines of Gtaceland
cemetery, where the body was flnafiy
lowered sadly into the grave which
had been prepared for it. The last
prayer had been offered and the last
solemn service repeated when, just as
the sexton seized his spade and was
about to drop the first shovelful of
earth upon the coffin, a sound some
thing like a stifled groan, followed by
a scratching noise, as if the dead man
was trying to release himself from .tne
confines of his narrow house, was heard
proceeding from the still, open gray®.
; For an instant every heart stood still,
and the blood of every listener seemed
to curdle in his veins. The women
screamed, and hastened toward the car
riages, while the men were not stow in
following them. In an instant tne
sexton was the only man left at tne
grave, and he too trembling at hearing
what he had never heard bqfore. Fi
nally he recovered presence of mind
enough to descend into the grave and
"break open the rough box in which
the coffin was encased. Then-the noise
was repeated and he knew that the oc
cupant of that grave, who in a few
minutes more would have been con
signed to a horrible death, and whom
his friends had already mourned as
dead, was still alive and anxious to be
set free. A screwdriver was soon pro
cured from the undertaker present add
the coffin lid removed, when its occu
pant, instead of being cold and dead,
as he had appeared when last seen, was
found to he once more alive.
His friends who had by this time re
covered courage enough to return to tne
grave were of course, almost overjoyed
fit this strange and unexpected turn of
affairs, and hastened to rescue the late
deceased from his unpleasant quarters
and to remove him to one of the car
riages in waiting, where he was rolled
up in a plentiful supply of blankets and
lap robes, and the Inends who had
man was so
overcome on being rescued from his
perilous position that he was for a long
time unable to speak; and what his
feelings were while undergoing burial,
or whether he was conscious at all or
not until the last moment when he
was still alive is not known.
[For the Volunteer.
Impressive and Instructive Incidents,
From the Gazette and Bulletin of this
city, I extract the following incidents
connected with this terrible and .heart
rending disaster. As most of them are
descriptively lengthy to be brief, I must
give them mainly in my own language:
A Christian mother, who had providen
tially escaped.death and injury, was ob
served kneeling in the snow, hands
clasped, and eyes upturned, giving praise
to God for her merciful deliverance from
death. Her husband, several children
and a sister were still in the building.
Bhe asked in prayer that her loved ones
might be spared. Che by one they did
escape or were rescued. When this glad
tiding was made known to her, as each
escaped,she exclaimed, “Bless the Lord,
one more saved!” The last to embrace
her wafa little son, and, throwing his
arms around his mother’s heck, he said,
“Mother, thank God we are safe I” What
a happy meeting, typical of that joyous
greeting in the world above! The Chris
tlan mother had been badly bruised, now
faint and weary, and almost helpless, she
was conveyed to her home on a sled.
Mrs. Duncan Campbell, a few minutes
before she expired from fatal injuries,
having a pblld in her arms crying, said
to it in a low tone, "Hush, angel, it will
soon be over,” and her spirit took its
upward flight.
A little boy of some 6 years, familiarly
named “Johnny,” clambered up the
fallen flooring to the second-story win
dow and reached the sill. His father,
noticing him in this perilous situation,
called to him to “jump.” He hesitated.
His father assured him of his safety, as
he would catch him, but a ladder was
brought, and he descended to find him
self in his father’s arms, and was soon on
his way homo. Here was. another prov
idential deliverance.
A husband and father who had escap
ed, passed around the building to see if
he could find any of his family, and fall
ing, exclaimed in agony: ‘‘Wifeless and
childless 1 ” “Not my will but Thine be
done,” said he, submissively, when af
terwards, to hia glad surprise, his family
were safe. Another Joyful meeting.
At a residence, was lying cold in
death a beautiful young woman, who
died of suffocation. A Christian man
entered, and found the mother and sis Inconsolable grief, the father hav
ing gone out to seek help to perform a
sad office to his dead child. 'The sister
requested the man of God to kneel down
and pray ; said she, “it will do mother
and me so much good.” The promise
was fulfilled, “I will not leave you com
Miss Sadie A. Mafflt, who was Instant
ly killed, was a Christian lady, a Sab
bath school teacher, and one of our ex
cellent city teachers. Before leaving
home, she desired the family—father,
mother, sister and others—to tarry;
when seated at the instrument, she
played and sang the fallowing hymn :
Dear mother, don’t think of me ae in the tomb,
Fori shall not sco its dark shadows and gloom;
And 1 shall not fear though the river bo wide,
For Jesus will carry me over the tide,
You’ll know where to flud me, dear mother, in
Though every fond tie you have cherished bo
You'll follow mo homo to tho land of tho blest,
Whore sighs are not hoard, and the weary ones
I am going to live with tho angels so fair,
I*ll look for you, mother and wait for you there,
Where tears cannot flow, and where death can-
not come,
Together we’ll dwell in that beautiful home,
Yours, truly,'
A Young Lady Tails Dead in Ohntoli a
' Tew Minutes After Being Confirmed.
Tho Savannah News says
On Christmas morning one of the
saddest and most appalling Incidents
occurred at Christ Church, that has been
known in this city. The morning ser
vices had been concluded, and the can
didates, ten in number were invited to
tho altar. Of these was Miss Lizzie
Spencer—a most estimable young lady,
about sixteen years of age, daughter ol
Captain W. H. Spencer-who was oc
cupying a seat in the middle of the
gallery to the right on entering the
church. She came down stairs and
moved up the aisles with the others,
her young face revealing the deep
seriousness which her heart felt. She
approached the altar with the o-here,
and was confirmed according to the
rites of the church by tho Bight Eev.
Bishop Beckwith. After the confir
mation ceremonies, Miss Spencer re
turned to.her seat in the gallery, and'
had scarcely taken it when her head
sank forward on the railing. Those
in the vicinity attached no significance
to this, imagining that it was merely
an act of devotion, when suddenly the
young lady sank from her seat and
would have fallen upon the floor but for
the promptness of Dr. W. H, Elliott
(next whose pew she was sitting,) who
caught her in his arms. Three or four
gentlemen immediately approached
and assisted in carrying her from the
church. Considerable interest was oc
casioned in the congregation, whose
attention was attracted by the commo
tion in tho gallery, but the general in
ference was that the young }Bdy over
come by her feelings had. fainted.
Alas! such was not the case. The
gentlemen who were tenderly carrying
tho almost lifeless form noticed ©n go
ing down the stairs that the gasps which
now and then shook the frame grew
fainter and fainter on reaching tne
vestibule. ' .
“ There life gave way, and the last rosy breath
%yeut in that deep-drawn sign.
A conveyance was at once procured
and the lifeless form of the y9ung lady
was taken to her father’s residence on
Liberty street. , . ,
The announcement of this sad and
melancholy ending of a life Juat dedi
cated to the service of the Lord sent
a thrill of solemn grief through the
local ixlms.
The streets are resonant with sleigh
bell music.
Berks county has never been anything
but Democratic.
Counterfeit fifty cent notes are now
in circulation.
The sleighing has been excellent for
the past week.
The livery-men are ready to take out
sleighing parties.
Heading wants its court house clock
The farmers of Perry county shoot
corn-crib robbers.
Donation visits are just now seasona
ble amusements.
There are twenty weekly papers print
ed in Lancaster county.
Fourteen partridges were killed at
one shot by a Shippensburg gunner.
The United Brethren of Mechanics
burg are engaged in a great revival of
Alii, over our suburbs, when the sun
la low—full knee deep .lies the untrodden
The dearest object, to a man should be
his wife, but it is not unfrequently her
It is difficult to preserve a decent re
spect for old age when antique poultry
comes on the table.
To make a good . broil—leave a letter
from one of your old sweethearts where
your wife can And it.
Money was " tight” again last week.
Tile temperance men ought to look.after
this thing.
Pabting 1b such sweet sorrow, partic
ularly with a cracked looking glass and
a toothless comb.
'The late census gives the cash value
of farms in Pennsylvania at, over one
hundred thousand millions of dollars.
A good drain on a farm—heavy mort
gage at ten per cent, will drain it about
os rapidly as anything.
Rabbit hunters should bear in mind
that all shooting of “ cotton tails” must
cease, according to law, after the Ist of
A stabbing affair at York on Tuesday
nigh a week, in which Jacob Cookes cut
Jacob Christian with a knife, is likely to
prove latal.
Tukkey thieves did a good business in
York county last week. One farmer had
thirteen lifted from their roosts in a sin
gle night.
Govebnob Habtbanft has expressed
an Intention of introducing female cler
ical labor in the various departments of
the State government.
A sausage measuring 40 feet in length
and weighing 250 pounds, was made in
Manhelm, Lancaster county, lust week.
A cotempobaby says it is a sure sign
of an early spring to see a oat attentively
watching a small bole in the wall.
A guileless man saw a beautiful
ohromo advertised “for fifty cents,” and
sent on the money and received the jack
of clubs.
Ho matter how cold the weather is,
the young ladies say it is never too cold
to go sleighing.
Knives and forks are very little talk
ed about, but are nevertheless in every
body's mouth.
Those who aro in the habit of writing
letters should begin to practice putting
1878 upon the date line.
If we cannot speak well of our neigh
bors, |t becomes us to mould them so we
Can—they never grow better by abuse.
A proposition is under consideration
to extend the Peach Bottom railroad to
DUlsburg In York county.
Many of the most respectable Journals
of the State call upon the Constitutional
Convention to abolish the militia tax.
Deer Shot.—Quito a number of doer
were shot during the holidays, says the
Oakville Enterprise. Among the lucky
hunters, we are Informed, are‘‘Boas”
Shover and Adam Seirer, of Shippens
burg, who each shot one, and Mr. Will
MoClure, of the same place, two. A
young man named Helm, of Leesburg,
shot two or three, and. a number of oth
ers were successful la securing a “ sad
dle” or two. The animals are said to bo
very plenty, and tho deep snow inter
fering with their locomotion, they are
easily captured. Unluckily the time for
killing deer expired on the Ist Inst,
and tho fun Is noyv over.
W. Mires,
BKI PP& Gaylor’s Minstrel Troupe
gave an entertainment In Harrisburg on
Saturday evening.
Oub own 101 l ladles will be happy to
hear that Hartranft favors tho Introduc
tion of female clerks into the various
Government departments nl Harrisburg.
The printers of Easton contemplate
having their annual slelgh-ride during
the coming week,now that snow is plen
ty. But where is the money to come
from, '
Robert Bbjson will hereafter attend
to the duties ot. the Assistant United
States Assessor for Cumberland and
Perry counties.
Thomas Moobb, an old citizen of
Franklin, lately attempted to end his
Hie by cutting his throat, but bungled
the job, so that be still lives.
Mr. George Colvin, of the Franklin
House Restaurant, treated his patrons to
an excellent free lunch on Hew Years
day. As a caterer, George Is equaled by
few and excelled by none. ,
ON Christmas, William Windemaker,
of Mt. Holly Springs, was imprisoned in
our county jail, on a charge of disturb
ing a religious meeting,.and assault and
battery. He was committed until the
approaching Quarter Sessions.
Rev. J. A. McCauley, D. D. will
preach in the Emory M. B. Church on
Sabbatb morning next. A prayer and
experience meeting, under the direc
tion of the students of the College, will
be held at six o’clock on the evening of
the same day.
Union Fire company’s Benefit.-
Prof. B. D. Hillman, of Dickinson Col
lege, will deliver the second lecture of
the course for the above Company, in
Bheem’a Hall, January 9th. The Pro
fessor’s subject \ylll be “Our American
Boys.” The Professor is a pleasing
speaker, and will no doubt entertain his
audience in a splendid manner. Turn
out, citizens, and encourage our firemen.
To Hive Bonds.— The Harrisburg
Mate Journal says that an order has been
issued by the Penna. Railroad Company
that all passenger and freight agents on
that road will be required to give bonds
for the faithful performance of their du
ties. The rule has been In practice for
some time, so far only as conductors are
concerned. '
ATTEMPTED Sdioide.— We are In
formed, says the Chambersburg Opinion,
that a young man named Conrad Falk
enstlne, a barber doing business in Ship
pensburg, but who was spending his
Christmas at his home in this'place, at
tempted to commit suicide, last Thurs
day night, by means of laudanum. His
Intentions were frustrated by the timely
arrival of a physician, who succeeded in
relieving the stomach of the young man
of the deadening drug. The cause of the
rash act, wo understand, was a misun
derstanding between the would-be-sui
cide and hia .father.
Lincolnshire and Leicester Sheep.
—By reference to his card published in
another column, it will be seen that Mr.
John Campbell, of Canada West, offers
for sale a lot of these beautiful and prof
itable sheep. By invitation of Mr. C.
we took a look at the sheep on Monday.
They, are at “Happy ■ Retreat’’ farm, a
few hundred yards west of our town, and,
boy9 Q< LTl < tl tio lb. al L ( l. t i lo .^ oa lL° tof vn. I ,o®P-
They were raised in Canada West, and'
are the pure breed. Their wool is long,
fine as the spider’s web, and curly. Our
farmers should pay a visit 10 “Happy
Retreat” farm aud see these due animals.
,A hake literary entertainment will
take place in Bheem’s Hall, on Tuesday
evening, January 14th. Prof. S. D.
Hillman,, one of our well-known schol
ars, will deliver a special lecture on the
subject—" How Wives were won in the
Olden Time.” The Professor, with his
extensive knowledge of things In gen
eral, will do ample, justice to this theme.
It will he an advantage to all who are
anxious to accumulate historical' infor
mation on the matrimonial question, to
accept this opportunity of important en
lightenment. We predict for this lec
ture a successful result. The proceeds of
the lecture will he appropriated to the
benefit of the West Street Bethel. Let
all attend.
Officers of Union Fire Company
—At a regular meeting of the above com
pany, held in their hall on Wednesday
evening, January 1, 1873, the following
members were elected officers to serve
for the ensuing year:
President—h, T. Greenfield.
Vice President— Robert Sheafer.
Secretary— J. W. Wetzel.
Treasurer— John Martin.
Executive Committee— George Wetzel,
J. K. Weaver. W. E. Miller.
Trustees— W. E. Miller, Q. E. Sheafer,
Geo. Wetzel, G. Bhlnesmlth, Lute A.
Chief Director —G. E. Sheafer.
Engine Directors— C. Riley, P. Morris
Hose Directors— Wm. A. Darr, Ed.
Pipesmen— J. O. Soheurman, Harry
Kelly, Jno. McCarter.
Plugsmen— W. B. Crouse,.Peter Stuart,
Jas. Lehley*
Janitor— W- D. Humer.
Chief Engineer —P. Morris.
Assistant Engineers— C. Riley, A.E,
Firemen— W. D. Humer, Benj. Sener.
The Directors op the Poor Under
Arrest. A few days since Sheriff
Foreman proceeded to the Poor House
with a warrant, and arrested the three
Directors of the Poor, and also the
Steward, Mr. Snyder. The complaint
against them was bad treatment and
neglect of the small-pox patients in the
hospital. The complaint and oath was
made by Mr. John S,wisher, who had
been a small-pox patient.
We cannot believe that either the Di
rectors of the Poor or Mr. Snyder would,
intentionally, either neglect or ill-treat
the patients in their charge. Such an
idea is revolting to think of. The small
pox 1s a most loathsome and much
dreaded disease, and no man Is justified
In approaching small pox patients if he
can help it. The Directors did not visit
the small pox hospital, nor would any
sane man" expect them to da so. But
they sent a nurse, in whom they bad
confidence, to the hospital, with positive
instructions to attend to all the wants of
the patients. If the nurse neglected her
duties—and perhaps she did—the Direc
tors and Steward were not aware of it.
Prom all wo can learn, wo have no doubt
there has bean some neglect at the small
p. x hospital, but wo cannot believe that
our Poor House officers ore as culpable as
Mr. Swisher would have us believe. As
the whole matter Is to be fully investiga
ted by the District Attorney, wo refralu
from any extended ijemarks on the sub-,
ject. We desire to see these charges
against the Directors and Steward prob
ed to the bottom, let the consequences be
what they may.
1 The Interior of many houses ima sufl.
ercd considerable damage by the entrance
of water tbrongh roofs freighted with
Court.—The January Term ,of Conn
convenes on Monday next—to continue
three weeks.
Sensible persons remove the snow
from their pavements before it becomes
packed so hard that it Is Impossible to
remove it.
It is a common occurrence to see beau
tiful Icicles pendent from E(a)ves. An
Ice fashion.
It Is observable that muieS have bees
extremely useful in pulling heaVy loads
during the snow blockade. They are
hardier than horses, and their very stub
bornness gels them through the snow
Hew Paper.—We have received the
first number of The True Republican, a
paper just started in Meohanlosburg, by
Messrs. Bpmberger & M’Curdy. It con
tains thirty-two columns, and ns 11 9
name indicates, will be run in the inter
ests of the Republican party. Barring
its politics and also Its patent outside,
we wish the new enterprise success.
JjißEßAL.— Robert Bonner, proprietor
of the well-known New York Ledger,
sends to each postmaster In the United
States specimens of his paper, posters,
&0., and encloses one dollar to pay for
tho trouble of distributing and posting,
When we consider the large number of
post offices in the oouutry, it makes quite
an item.
Bale of the Southern Penn’a Rail
road. —On the 21st ult., John Rice, Esq.,
of Philadelphia, purchased all the right
and franchises of the Southern Pennsyl
vania Railroad, under a sale of a decree
of the Supreme Court, together with 8,510
acres of land. The road was sold subject
to a lease of the Cumberland Valley rail
road, aud brought with all Us appurte
nances, 5305,000. /
Lectures for the Benefit of Dick
inson . Church.— This Church being
somewhat involved, a committee-of la
dies, consisting of Mrs. Longsdorff, Mrs.
Galbraith and Mrs, Kelso, was appoint
ed some time since to make the neces
sary arrangements for a course of lec
tures to be delivered for the benefit of
the church. These ladies write us that
they have taken the necessary* steps In
the matter, and that the laudable enter
prise promises to be a sucoess. The course
will consist of four .lectures (in the
church,) the first to be delivered Janu
ary XT', by J. Wilson Paxton, Esq., of
Chambersburg. Subject—" Anno Dom
ini 1900." - This lecture has been highly
spoken of by the press of Chambershurg.
The other speakers selected are Rev. G.
F. Cain, (at present of Shlppeusbutg,)
William H. Miller, Esq!, of Carlisle, ami
J. M’D. Sharpe, Esq., of Chamberfburg,
These are all able lee turers, and wqdoubl
not each one will draw a crowded house.
To add to the entertainment, the Kew
vllie Musical Association hns agreed to
contribute som e exquisite solos and quar
tettes. We hope to see a general turn
out of the people of Biokinson, Penn
and other quarters at these.lectures.
[For the Volunteer.
Editors of the Herald :
Inasmuch as you published a letter
purporting to be written by one Jolin
B wisher, reflecting very severely on we
care, nursing and feeding of the patients
in the email- pox hospital, under tire
management of the Directors of foe
• f'uur. as pnyßiclan to the above-naintn
hospital, i juem it my duty to states
few simple facta aa they came under my
observation during my brief visits to the
hospital, on Monday and Thursday of
each week. As It never has been custo
mary to furnish hired nurses for the
care of the sick at this institution, the
the Steward, Mr. Snyder, sent down the
woman who bad nursed thirty patients
in the alms house, before the hospital
was erected, and I believe nursed, them
satisfactorily, Mr. Prettyman being one
of the number. During my visits I pre
scribed such remedies as the cases in
my opinion required and handed the
medicine to the nurse, with instruc
tions to give the patients plenty of hew
milk, rice, butter, toast-bread, coflee, tea
and sugar. All of the above articles, the
nurse assured me, sbe had plenty, ami
the patients never contradicted the as
sertion. If such cruelties and neglect
were practiced by the nurse in my ab
sence, as stated by John Swisher, it was
his duty as a patient, to report the same
to me on my next visit, and I would
have reported to. the Steward, and en
deavored to have the miaraauagemeot
corrected. But, as John Swisher failed
to report the same, I think nis state
ment at this late hour should' be re
ceived with a considerable degree of al
lowance, as the production of au over
sensative mind
S. P. ZIEttLEK, M. D-
Death op Rev, A. L. Herman.-Tlic
following obituary notice on the death of
Rev. A. L.Herman, brother of Dr. A. J-
Herman, of this place, we take from the
Gazette and Democrat, published iu the
city of Reading, this State:
Rovi Augustas L. Herman, who died TaeaJu)
morning at 11 o’clock, at his residence, No. k
Franklin street, this city, was v a well known
citizen and a clergyman of the Reformed
Church. He was born In Montgomery couutj ,
in the year 1803. His lather, the Rev. Frederick
Herman, was a clergy man of the same denom •
nation; who emigrated to this country many
years ago from Saxony, and for a long 11
served a charge In Montgomery county, preac i
Ingin Pottstownand vicinity. Four of Ids '
sous were educated for the ministry, the an >jcc
of our sketch being the third son. The two o •
er sons, Charles and Frederick, both mlnlste
of the Gorman Reformed Church, have oeo
dead for some years. Three sons are slill
Ing, two In Montgomery county, and the o ’
a physician, In Carlisle. One of the forme
ceased preaching altogether, and the o
preaches occasion ally. .. .
Rev. A. Herman commenced preaching wj
ago of 10 years, and delivered hls rBt ® or _
(In 1821) In the old Union Church, Pot “~IV
which has since given place to a modern 8
ure. He first served the Moaelem °“ arg ®'
this county, as a licentiate, and wasor dam
a minister of the German Reformed wm
shortly thereafter. Ho afterwards supP
charge nearer Reading, and removed
city, about forty years ago, where he con
to reside until hls decease. Forthogrea
tlonof this time ho supplied eight pulPj » tflß
during the latter years of life ton. 1
churches were Eppler’s, Born township.
nant’s.l.eosport; Church at Hamburg; ■
Windsor; Dunkel’a, Maldenjcreek; tuu J:
Blandou; Forest. Robeson; Allegheny, "
nock; Splos’s, Als ace, and
Owing to hls falling health, he quit J #lgflßo|
in five of those ohurohos some six m 0 . lDg
but continued hla services at BlaU .
churches until a few weeks ago :°P • . t
don. Eplor’s, Forest and AUegheuy.
religious ser vices ho conducted were
Cnurch, on Sunday, Deo. 15th. noboaon
He preached at St. John’s cbur * . up to
township, during n period of U ““ u f cll “roll «
about ton yoara a go. Ho rM i s ncd
Port Clinton, tho obargo of Tj! 1 ®? d ,J e j)lan
about four years ago. Ho est “ bll ' d parted
do. and tbo Wyomlsslng Chare . fflo 0 (
Sunday schools at all bis ohu ™ d .’, lon> Tbo
which atom a vary prosporoiu oo «
"Ualon Hymn Boob" and Herm n
for" wore published by Jl, “' fI 118 on d b l 3
very punctual In bis minis D ; Jn tmeuts
said bo novor missed fulflmng bU PP iuldls ..
in either of those churches. b MBd pad a
f rations of forty-llvo years tlm formed no
large number of cateobumeu . o U i o | nted at
merous marriage cor “monies,’ " d ln aulgont as
many fbuorals. Uo , wtt “ ‘1 ‘ d ~o n lal dW°-
a father, of a warmhearted, an. u |rolo
sltlon.aud was much estoomod by muc|J
offrlouds, by whom Ida doatl ou d bo
grotted. HU dlscaso
Was oonltbod to bU bod six