V '©ift (Juterprift. IN gA IiIS OF THE MT. FLORENCE ESTATE! WITH A Cash. Fund,. TOTAL VALUATION, $350,000.00 IN SHARES OF One Dollar XSaoh A magnificent Property on tlie HUDSON RIVER ! near NEW YORK CITY, overlooking " HIGHLAND REST. ” Uie celebrated country seat of the Rev. HENRY WARD BEECHER. LARGE AND ELEGANT MANSION, FULLY and HIGHLY FURNISHED, and containing all MODERN IMPROVEMENTS EIGHTY ACRES' 0& JupeeiorJ,and highly Improved, and ornamented With Shade Trees, Fountains . Statuary, Hedges, Lawns, Avenues, Graveled Walks, &o Twenty Buildings, Fifty Building Lots, Hot House, Cold Grapery, Bowling Alley, BILLIARD ROOM SUPPLIED WITH WATER, HEATED BY STEAM, LIGHTED WITH GAS BLOODED HORSES, ALDERNEY CATTLE; CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, and HARNESSES, CAB'IS. WAGONS, FARMING and Gardening IMPLEMENTS, and everything desirable either for a gentle man’s.flrat-olasa residence or modern farm. All to be distributed among SHAREHOLDERS AS A MAJORITY may DETERMINE, alaraeetlng to bo held In the city of New York " ' On .the Ist of Jaduai-T/y 1873. MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS. Conran Institute, 1 AugustlB72. > j Thomeetlng woa called to order by John A. liQffert's. the Manager. After making bis state, meat of the financial condition of the.enterprlse he asked for a Committee of Investigation. it wm then, on motion, BaUved, That a committee of three bo appoi n ted with power to act for the shareholders. The following named gentlemen were then elected ueh Committee: Messrs, George R. Sprague, John H. Many, W. H. Whitman. We. the undersigned, have examined the ac counts ol Mr, Letlerta, and find his statements correct, and we do hereby allow him until the Ist of January, 1878, to sell the remaining shares at: which time the books shall positively be closed, or sooner, if the shares arc sold. And wo hereby appoint the 10th day of January, 1878, for the final distribution of the property. GEO. H.BPRAGE, JOHN H. MANY, W. H. WHITMAN, To those dealring to Invest wo can say that the owners of the property fully Indorse the ac tion of the Committee, uJnd we give our renewed assurance that no Industry shall be wanting to push the enterprise to an early completion, and we have made such extensive and complete ar rangements as will Insure the sale of the remain ing shores much in advance probably of the day fixed by the Committee. The hour and place of meeting will be given through the public press, at least TEN DAY In advance, thus affording ample time for all t bepreeent in person or by proxy. The 1 Real and Persona Property,” with the Cosh Fund, Is divided Into 350,000 SHARKS! which are elaborately embellished, sold at ONE : DOLLAR EACH, and are numbered and regis tered from 1 to 1150,000, inclusive, In the style of United States Bonds, to guard against loss or rftuj. Special Attention Is called to the fact tbat tbls is not a M Gift En terprise,” M Charity Concert.” nor any mere Mhsme for disposing* of tickets, but an absolute btiajldc and peremptory SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY full description of -which is given In circulars, and the exact truth of which every suqßcribor Is earnestly requested to verify for himself, to which end the undersigned will afford all rea sonable facilities. It has been proposed that the property and cash fund should be divided Intf ? 2,457 Prizes! But fb4e matter must bo dooidod by tho sharo heldert themselves. Ife are, by special permission, allowed to re fer to the following gentlemen, whoso names are In themselves a safllclent guarantee tha , the most scrupulous care will bo exercised In conducting the affairs of the sale. They have also oo ted to act as an Advisory board : H. CLAY PRESTON. Now York City. ZEN AS O. PRIEST. Utica, N. Y. QEO. FRANK GOULEY; St, Louis. Mo. OBRIN WELCH, Syracuse. N. Y. THOMAS J. CORSON. Trenton, N. J. F. L. BTOWELL. Clean, N. Y. Gen. M. N. WISEWBLL. N. Y. City. K H. PA LMER. N. Y. City. DANIEL SICKLES, N. Y, City. ROBT. 8. BRUNS. Charleston. 8. C. LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS OFFER ED TO AGENTS AND CAN VASSERS. SPECIAL TERMS MADE WITH CLUBS. For full particulars, shares, references, do aorlptlva cfroulars, Illuminated views, 40., Ao Address. JOHN A. LJSFJPEJt TSj General Manager, 003 llroadway, N Y BoIMSO. JOHN Vf i BIMONB, Secretary. JOHN O. SMITH, Troasurer, N. Y Merchants Exchange, GO and 52 I'IKE Street. 1 . October 10, iSI3, """Id. A. SAWYER, •7l*p JE. Corner of Public Square, Carlisle• Has now opened tho beat assortment of Silks, Dress Goods, Shawls; Velveteens, Flannels, Blankets, EMBROIDERIES! LACES, LACE COLLARS. GLOVES, HOSIERY, &9., In the town. Oreat Bargains ! Dress Goods, Shawls, and Furs I ‘ I have au elegant assortment of 1 CLOTHS /, CMSffIIEESI SUITS MADE TO ORDER. lam receiving NEW GOODS daily. Everybody call and be convinced that you can save TWEISTY-FIVE PEU CENT. XX jSI.- SLA/W’YESXX. ' ®rOOj>S NEW, SEW, NEW. Fall and Winter Dry Goods at Duke & Burkholder’s The Largest Stock ! The Greatest Variety ! At the Lowest Prices ever offered to tbo public. Call and make a personal examination of this stock, and we will convince you that this is true. We have all the now and Late Style Dress Goods ! VELVETEENS in every shade at the very lowest prices. BLACK ALPACAS IN ALL THE BEST BBANDS. SHAWLS in all the new styles. White and Colored Blankets, Ac. Flannels In all colors and qualities, at old prices, ‘ Cloths, Cassimeres, Overcoatings, and Saitinets of the best qualities and nobbiest styles,. In this lino of Goods wo cannot be excelled. It will do you good to see them. Call and see tbo whole stock and bo convinced that we sell cheap. Sept. 26, 1872. DUKE & BURKHOLDER, Nortll HanoTerSt ., caniaie. 1872. Grand Fall Opening. 1872, No. 18 North Hanover St. Having returned from the Eastern. Marketa with a Large & Wdl-Seledei Stodk op 6oods I am prepared to offer BARGAINS to all who will favor us with a call. Please examine the following before purchasing elsewhere, If you desire to save money Ladies’, Gent’s and Misses 1 KID GLOVES* Woolen and Cotton HOSIERY, all kinds. A complete assortment of ZEPHYR, GERM/ KTOWN and FANCY YAUNd. Also, a fall line of Jet and Plated Jewelry,, Bracelets, Neck-Ties, Chains, &c. Sept. 20, 1872. REDUCTION ! I A.t OaiLBY’S! A LARGE STOCK OF NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS! ' TO HE BOLD AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. THE PRICES > of ENTIRE STOCIC. are much below REGULAR FIGURES and I Invite COSIPARISON with any othci* house In the COUNTY, FULL LINE OF DRESS GOODS, VELVETEENS, BLACK SILKS, WOOL REPPS. POPLINS, ALPACAS, REPELLANT’S CLOTHS, IN GREEN, BROWN, GOLD and BLACK MIXED, SINGLE and DOUBLEWOOL SHAWLS, BLANKETS, COMFORTS AND QUILTS, WOOL AND COTTON FLANNELS, ALL COLORS, TICKINGS, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, MSULINS, SHIRTING STRIPES AND CHECKS, CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, OVERCOATINGS I FACTORY JEANS, nna every grade of goods suitable for season. EXTRA BARGAINS in a full lino of NEW FURS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. GENT’S FURS, GLOVES AND MUFFLERS! SPECIAL IN BLACK ALPACAS! I offer n brand which cannot bo surplrssed for WEIGHT. SHADE nnd QUALITY In every E " de NOTI O 3XT SS I close entire Stoclt of , 1 TRIMS, Oil CLOTHS, LADIES’ MB CIIILDRES’S SHOES! ami be convinced that all of above In a fact and worth your.attentlon. nov. 28, i&72. CHARLES OGILBY. 47 WEST MAIN STREET. Carlisle, Po. HIE SOOTH AMERICAN Mutual Life Insurance Company. Of Philadelphia. A LL kinds of policies written upon Athe most favorable terms. Premiums may bo paid annually, semi-annually or nnnrtorly.-- All* policies are NON-FOKl’-LIiABLE alter TWO ANNUAL payments. No extra rates for females. No charge for polity foe or stanips.-- Policy holders share In the profits, Dividends declared annually after two payments on the contribution plan. SiUO.UoO deposited With the Auditor General of Pennsylvania as security for policy holders. 1 Cumberland County Bkancu.— The Compa ny has appointed a Hoard of Trustees, composed of the following well known citizens of Cum berland County: E M. Biddle. 8. B. Kikffku, M. D. CHARLES 11. MUJ.LIN. WM. A. MUI.UK, John M. Wallace. Wm. A, Lindsay. WILLXAV KENNEDY. E. M. Biddle, Wm. Kennedy. J*rest. AVey, dr 3Vca». The trustees aro all policy holders in thocom nanv and their duties are to supervise and conduct the business in this district, with au horllv to Invest a certain proportion of mo rein turns colleelecl In this district, within the amo. thus making It emphatically and pructl nally a HOME COMPANY. 1 * A c. BELLOWS, General Agent. A. CRIST, special Agent. Jan 251872 I—vr J. EL WOLF. No. 18 North Hanover 8t„ Carlisle. 6c KDADINO Railroad. HEVEN PKU CENT, BONDS, FREE OF TAXES, Wo uro olferlng the Heoond Mortgage Bonds of tills Company AT 85 AND ACCRUED INTER.-HT Interest Payable January' anrt July The Bonds are tu 1000 s, „ 500 s, and 100 H, And can bo REGISTERED free o*f expense. . Tho Coal, Miscellaneous Freights and Passen ger business are constantly Increasing, The Increase for year ending Nov. 1, 1872, over year ending Nov, 1,1871, $71,200 87 The Increase for year ending Nov. 1, 1871, over year muling Nov, 1, 1870. 79,778 22 Increase in two years 8151 07-1 59 Bonds, Pamphlets and Information oan bd oh* talncd of DEKAvutpotto. NO. WHOUTH TIIIltl)H't Utiii T, I'HII.A, 30*2 ©oo*o XtaUroafts QUMBEBLANB VALLEY 1 BAIL BOADI . . f : ,>'U. .i. •; * ch a n g.e 'o-ir ' no v kb.. WINTER ARRANGEMENT,' On and after'tlmrstlajr,' Jan. 18, ISTJ, mason* ger Trains will run djUJy *a iollowa, (Sundays ex-, copied). ; • J }. i i 1 WESTWARD. j ■ .'Accommoaotion Train leaves Harrisburg. 8,O0(A- M.,Mecbanlcabnrg 8.86, Carlisle 8.11, .Ntivrrllleß,4/ Sbippouabtixg 10.2 a, Chombersbuxg 10.44,. Ctaotta* bastlo 11.16, arriving at Hageratbwn ii. 46 Aria. Mail Trcdti leaves'HarriSburg 1.65 P. M.i Mo ohonlcsburg 2.27, Carlisle 2.68, Newvllle 8.82, fablpf. pensburg 4*02, Chambersburg 4.35, Greonoantle 6.U, arriving at Hagerstown 6.40 P. JM, * • “ Express Train leaves Harrisburg 4,30 P. M.. Mo ! ohanicsbuxg 6.02, Carlisle 8,32, H 0 wville 0.05, Ship pensburg O.i 01 , arriving at ChambcVsburg at 7 M A Hixed Tntin leaves,Hagorsto\vn 8.20, P. it., Grooucastlo 4.27, arriving at Chambersburg 5.20 P. MU A MIXED U’RAIN loaves Chambersburg ‘at, 4:45 p. m., Williamson 5:30, Mercersburg 0:20, Louden 7:00/arriving at Richmond at 7:20 pi m. E'i'sl'ffAßD;' ■Accommodation Irain loaves Chambersburg 6,0 C A. M.j Shippensburg 5.29, Nowvillo' 0.00, Carlisle 6.33, MecUanlcaburg 7.02 arriving at Harrisburg 7,80 A.M. u- 1» v; >• *.;» . ? i/ :1 * .'U ... ! nail ZVotoleaveSHagerstown ,8.80 A.M., Green" castle o.oo,Cbamborsburg 9.4o,Shippensburg 10.22 Nowvillo 10,53, Carlisle 11.29, Mechafalcsbulg 12.06 arriving at Harrisburg 12.37 P. M. 1 Express Train leaves, .Hagerstown 32.00 -M. Greencastle 12.28. Chambersbnrgl.uS, Sbipp'ens burg 1.87, Newville 2.10, Carlisle 2,60, Mechanics* burg 3.18, arriving at Harrisburg 8.50 P. M. A Mixed Train leaves Chambersburg?,4s A. Greencastle 9.18, arriving at Hagerstown 10,06 A M. A MIXED TRAIN leaves Richmond at 7:00 a no.,London7:l6, Mercersburg 6:00, Williamson 8:4o, arriving at Chambersburg 9:40 a. m. 4ST*Mnkliig closo connectionsat Harrisburg with trains to ami from Philadelphia, New Vork, Baltimore, Washington, pittflburgiaud all points West, Sdpekintekdent’s Office) Chamb'g,, Pa., Jar. 18, *72. / 1 1871 READING BAIL ROAD! Winter • Arrangement I Monday, Dcccinlicr 3h ; H* tr*.m ?&■,. „ I RADWAVSREADVRELIEFi :: ,1., v ;Cu«e* mKhb , \v*> pa i N«1 in altcrrdadiajithlfiifluutfri'hwiifnftcannjrotio . ■ ■ . SUFFER WITH FAIN. . . • BADWATB A dUBE FOki ' ' It«ftiTthrBKMidl)i> ii’' \ InftunmoUpiyv «urt. cyrea whether. of tiio I feutag*, Stomach, iWweW, m; btlier ylautw or organs, by J «P° i^pFßOßt'^rn? l TO 1 TtftXTT*KlrtttTffeS’ : * 3 j no matter ;hofr.violent.or. cxcrucuiiltiff tha,t«4u tlio • RHEUMATIC,'Bert-HaflVn; Inflnn,- Orltydwl, stcmJua, Kouralgic, or with may ;, -, . RADWAY’S REvADY RELIE" | - - INFLAMMATION ObV.THE’KIUNF.Yr}. -i nf namV ra ti on of the bladder. .. sobs; '•■ HTBIEBIOB, CHUBB, ■■, n E ADAOn E ,TOOTUA m . A; r;ili , mUTlS3r . COLD „. , ■ .. Tho application of the Ready Roller to fho pm or > : parts where will atlord cihu and comfort. . TwcntydrtnaTn:hnlfa!fMroHotrf a fo ' v moments cure CHAMPS, hPAsMH, SOUR STOMACH, HEARTBURN, SICK HEADACHE, IHAHKHKA. DYSENTERY, COLIC, WIND IN THE BOWELS, nnd all INTERNAL-iMrlNhrr-'- ■ > Travelers Btinnld always carry a hntilo of Hit lm»> ’i Ready HclJofwilh them. A fuw.drops :n ,% liter «lil £ reveal slcknau or •pains ftnm ehhngc of water. It is eiter thim Frencli BrniHly or Bit tern usn stimulant, FJEVEIt ? |AXD AGUE. . FEVER AND AOUE'durthl-tor'fmj-ci-niv There h pbold, Yellow, aud othflr Frvcw (iililyil by RADWAY rt pill!}) so quick ns radway'h’readyrelie:'. Fifty cents per bottle. {Bold by DrugplMs. HEAffriilEaUTY!! STRONG AND PURR RICH m.OOD-INCREA'E OF FLESH AND WKIUIIT—CLEAR SKIN ANL BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION>BECURED TO ALL. DR. RAD WAY’S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE-MOST ASTONISHING f’URErt 60 QUICK. 80 RAPID AUK THK CIIANUI 1 THE BODY UNDERGOES. UNDER THK I • FLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFLi. , medicine, that Every Dav an Increaso In Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of flic 3 A USA l‘Alt ILLIA N IIESOLV ENT communlcalcH through tile Blood, Sweat, Urlm, and other fluids and Juice* oft lie sy-tmi the vigor of lib. for U repaint the wastes of the body with tietymid som I material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Consumption, ftlnmlulai disease. Ulcers In the Throat, Mouth, T Minors. Nodus In • the Glands nod other parts of the system, Sore Eyes Strumous- Dischurgm fium the Ears, ami the wor-t forms of Skin diseases, Eiuplioim, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rhcilm, Erysipelas, Aoue, Ulaek Spots. Worms in the. Flesh, Tumors, Cancers lu the Womb, and nil weakening ftlld palufiil d'lsi-liarm-s, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm, and all wnslcs of the Hie princi ple, arc within IVc curative mugd nf this wonder of Mod cru Chemistry, ami a few days' use will prove to.unv person using It for cither of these forms of disease Its potent power to euro them. • • If the'patient, dully becoming reduced by tho pastes and decomposition that Is continually progressing, buc*. seeds In arresting these wastes, ami ‘repairs the same with now material made from healthy blood—nud this the 6ARBAPARILLI AN will and does micure. • 'Not only does tho Saiw.u-aiui.xun Rthot,vt!?t excel nil known remedial agents In the cure of Chronic, Scrofu lous, Constitutional, and Skiu discuses; but it is tho only. • positive cure for Kidney.& Bladder Complaints, Urinary, and Womb diseases. Gravel. Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Widen Incontinence of Urine. Brian's Dis ease, Albuminuria, nnd in all cases where there are brick* dust deposits, or thu water l« thick', cloudy, mixed wit < HubstouccS like tho whlto of imegc, Him width’ Bilk, or there Lsu morbid, dark, blllona np}>euruueo,atid white bone-dust deposits, nnd when there Is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain lu th« Small of tho Dock and along the Loins, Price; li.oo, WORMS. “The only known nnd sure Remedy ■*ir worms~J’m, .Tape, elc. ... Tumor of 12 Years’ Growtli Cured by Radtvuy’s Kcsol vent. July 18, 1809. - Dp. Rtnwtv I hnvi had Ovarian Tumor In the ovsrlot and bowtU.. All the Doctor, inlet 11 there wii do help far It.” I tried evoVy thing that wa* reenmmrnilvd ; liiil.iiuihrnghtljied me. I taw your Resolvent, amt thought 1 would try ill hut hMni> faith fa It, became 1 bad euiTered fur twelve year*. I took *lx battle* of the Retolvent, and uno box of Railway'* Pllli, and two bol tie* of your Ready Relief I and Hutu It nut a ilgti of tumor to be teen or fell, and I feel butler, tmarU-r, And happirr llitui 1 have for twelve yean. The wont tumor w.iu la’ the lift tide of the bowels, over the £rotn. I write this to yyu ' ;lhe benefit of uiuwA. ■ You caa tiubllih 11 if you «hoo*i>. * HANNAH P. KNAPP. - O. N. LULL, BupQ :,DR. RAD WAY’S.* PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tytclufl9,-cipKmitly 'mill'd will) «nrcVt gnln. >putue, republic, purify, cU»*/u-, nn t‘eln'nirtli(-n. Ifcul. way's Jills, for tint euro of rU ctl'-orderS of thu Shnimch, . -Liver, bowels, Kldnevn, Bladder, Neivoni DlKoneFn, , Heudaciio, CormtliuillOii, Castlveneem > I|uili>erttlf>iL DyHUD)*lu, TMllmii'mvH. Billons, Fever, Indninnuitlnn of tho Bowels, Piles, uu'jnil iH-nuipemenHuftins Infernal Vis cera. .Warranted to efTectiiiwitlveniit-u.' Purely Yetfela* bluicnnlfllnliipno mercurv, Tfilnerul-v ir deluterl»*nsdniev XST Obwirva tliu following symptoms rcsulllug from I Disonleraof Oie Dlpestlvc Orpuns: ConsUpatloo, Inwmrf PIW*; Fnllne** ef flic Tllmvl In flic Head, Acidity of tho Stomiu-h, Niwrni. IU-nrtlum, liifguil of Food, fullruat or Weight in llipTjUiinmih/Sour ErvitatUmi, Sinking or 'flutteringat Uio PUof'tlio FUnum-h, Swimming of die Hem], ° /lurried nnil DUTk-ult- (lruiUli{iig K KluUCTl»gnt tlic lliairt. Choking or Suffocating Senuitloni when lit n Lying PivUirv, DlmnoMol Vlilon, Dole or Well* U-fnru (ho Sight, Fever mu I null I’nin la. lb« Heed, IXifldonoy of Prr.i«fmtlnn, Yellowm-ra of (he Skin ' end' Ew*,Pnln In the BkU, Clw»t,.Liiulii, and luddvn Flush?* of . lleal,'Burntug In the Flwh., A tow dosen of RADWAT'S FILLS will free the ays u-Tji ftomull UiQ jibove-nuineil dl-onUr--*. Price, 35 cents ; perbox. 'SOLD DY DRUnniRTS. , •READ “FALSE AND TRUE. 1 ’ Send one' Piter damp to RADWAY- A CO.* No. 87 Mnldt-u Lnnc.-New atortt. ’ Information worth Uiuutiuuua will bo stilt you. PINE TREE Tar Cordial! Natiire’s ■ Great Nemedy ! Throat and Eimga. It la gratifying ' to us‘to Inform the public hat Dr. L. Q,. C. Wlshart’s Pino .Tree Tar Cordi al, for Throat and Dung Diseases, has gaining an envlal reputation float tho Atlantic to the Pa cific coast, and from thence to some of the first families of Europe, not through the press alone, but- by persons throughout the States actually benefittod and cured at his office. While he publishes less, so say our reporters, he la unable to supnly tho demand.. It gains and holds itq reputation— .. • First. Not by stopping cough, but by .loosen ing and assisting nature to throw off the un healthy matter collected about tho throat and bronchial tubes, whteJt causes irritation, Second. It removes the . cause of irritation (which produces cough) of tho raucous mom urane and bronchial tubes, assists tho lungs to act and throw off tho unhealthy secretions, and purifies the blood. Third . It Is free from squills, lobelia, Ipecac and opium, of which most throat and lung rem edies are composed, which allay cough only, and disorganize tho stomach. It has n soothing effect on the stomach, acta on the liver and kidneys, and lymphatic and nervous regions, thus reaching to every part of the system, and in Its Invigorating and purifying effects it has gained a reputation which It must hold above all others In the market* ' The Pine Tree Tar Cordial! GREAT AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA PILLS! Worm Sugar .Drops. Being under my Immediate direction, they shall not lose their curalivo qualities by the use of cheap and 'lmpure articles. HENRY R. WISH ART, FREE OF CHARGE. Dr. L. Q. C. Wlslinri’s Office Parlors are open on 1 Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 0 a. m. to 5 n. m., for consultation by Dr. Wm.T. Magee. With him are associ ated two consulting physicians of acknowledged ability. This opportunity Is not offered by any oilier institution In thoclly,. All letters must bo addressed to .83 00.: B2 75 each B2 50 each L. Q. O. WI9HART, M. D., NO, 282 N, BKCOND STREET, Philadelphia. Huov73*oia* „fflit# l 4{o ilAjk .EVERY Fon tub NOTICE. ■ and PROPRIETOR. ■V. :j 1872. 1811 THOMAS A. HAKPKK. No« 42 South nahorer St.,' Cabltsle, ' - HAS OPENED , Tho Cheapest Alpacas and Mohairs,' The OheftpesLßlaok Sllkq. . Tho Cheapest Merinos ana Cashmeres, Tho Cheapest Australian Crapes, ; ' The Cheapest Tamlse and• Wool DoLnincs, ?ho Cheapest Jap. Poplins and Plaids. Uo .Cheapest; Wrapper, Heps, . • ’ filonrnlnft nnd Second rtlonmlnjj Goods. Tho Cheapest and best Velveteens. Tho Cheapest Water*proof Cloakings. Tho Cheapest Muslins and Table Linens. Tho Cheapest Canton and Wool Flannels. The Cheapest Blankets and White Spreads. The Cheapest Blankets nnd Thlbit Shawls. . The Cheapest Undor\vear(Ladiesand.Qenta.): Tho Cheapest ClOthri and Casslraeres, FULL LINE DF NOTIONS & TRIMMINGS. ■ Being determined to maintain my reputation for selling the best and cheapest-Black Alpacas and Mohairs In this market,l have now opened a full lino, at low prices. ! T A- Harper.; Oct 3.1872. | Drn. ®ooia. ifflotljing. FALL OPENING! \Ve bn.vo.Juat returned from the city with ni MAMMOTU LOAD OF i !.■ - ~ . . ... i i BUf ©®iiS consisting iu part ol CLOTHS, CASSIMERE9, Ladles’ and Gout’s UNDERWEAR. A largo as sortment of new styles of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, MOURNING GOODS in variety, Crapes. Rib bons, &o. Aq endless number of latest style of Fall and winter Shawls, The “O'ITOMaN SCARP," handsome and all sizes. Cloth and Felt SKIRTS for ladles and misses. ■ 1 Large Files of DOMESTICS) Calicoes* Ginghams, Tickings, Muslins, Flan nels of all kinds and .colors* Blankets, white and colored. UMBRELLAS, V elveteens I Black and Colored, cat bias, for Trlnimings. The largest stock of NOTIOKFS in the county. We have had advantages in the Surchaso of this Immense stock, not possessed y others which will enable us to sell at LOW BATES! Please call at]the “OLD STAND !”: ,‘(1840.) A. W. BtiNTZ & CO. Sept., 20.1872. . ‘ IJIp VVHOiI i:;’ MAY 0 INCISKN Fall and Winter Clothing!' j Tno. Klliott No, 33 North .Hanover Street, Carlisle, bns just opened a large amlsp lendid as aortment of FALL & WINTER’ G?l Having issued a declaration of war against 'the nigh prices of Groceries, and having my permanent headquarters at the old stand, No. 78 . Hanovei* ‘ troet'. .where I have constantly on hand and for sale cheaper than the cheapest, a Full Line of Groceries I QUBENSWARE. ' ' 1 i GLASSWARE/ ‘ UEDARWARB, : ; ■ . FISH, BACON, DRIED and CANNED FRO ITS. • ■, l( , ; , , 1 - CANDIES,, , | BPICE3, Ac., &Q. COFFEE of the best grades: SUGARS df the finest qualities; TEAS that do excel In flavor; SPICES that are all pure, and SYRUPS delicious for sweetness, Decanters. Tumblers, Fruit Jars, Dishes, «So„ Ac. . _ Fish of all kinds in season. Highest prices paid for, i COUNTRY PRODUCE Being determined to please all my customers, I rollclt the patronage of the public, being thankful for past favors. ‘ JOHN A. MEANS. 78 South Hanover Street, Uqoy7U Carlisle, Pa. ffiarttoatt. jgISTAfcLtSHED 1848, Carlisle Hardware House. Hi SAXTON jc qq henry Saxton, | j. P . Bixi.Ea,| D , a . BiJi BaUdlng, Farming and Sfeehi'nin.... ' J Tools and Klater.als. c "" nlc « Natl, Iron and stool of all kinds. and Mining in MntorlD.s. SVethcrill & Bro pii.? U V'>ile spbrUng powder, Qnns. Pistols 2 tfon. Cedar Waro. ,Uope.^nteriSJ c Alatt S House-Purmshing Hard m poci 'B. Brass stair. lUds, white and block rff for Matressos and Furniture Qr»?., iV rIM #5 seating, &o„ with a mil line of Miscellaneous goods, such as Cloth.. 'Sfynn line bird Cnges. Driving and R i£\! r , l 5 Solo agents for Plank’s Bhmi,,£ Koltor Plows at.his prices liSaS? Bloomfleld & Gibb’s ImnerVpfL The lastmontlonod •wWi I ™’, lion Into this section, which havo C nf» "! rM » ges of a Shilling Beam Ss“eeVßhc“. , v *F* most the same prices a. the ordhlar B^,?';^ Bole agents for Palmer's Patent t, . Stripping. 6lllB r thoroughly provmtlng tafnlf c ?s a “Wtl, ter and dust in etmmn- ’rh.£L'?l a alr ' J '>i an entire house Is more tlmn P a ivc,l°,h.« tr -l winter by the economy ol fuoKiTSe w ”l« one-third less fuel to produce the ■w It Is made In walnnCoak andi,loi n JLffiV'k ?e 0 d th to CO a I n°rho d usr oHi£ * 1U Mav-ly j L STERNER& lilverv A *^ WBraB noDS?) Cakuble, ; Pa. Carrl . &,SSSS&Be*. and from the Springs. April 15.1M1-W ES