HO aOLI.OW'MWIS Ippß ~. . t, .. 9 ~, f" p 6. . ::4, ' • 1'• .: .%. ' 442 - * 4 •tS '.., v• is- i'...2...: .', ; • • . , : mt • •,, .• , ..: , -.1. . '''. ', ' 1 • " ' 4 '*•• , I= t ~,' 4 4 J... 5 , ; ,r•-; ? , P : • 1 n 'v,.! A. lii 0.4 ~ F ~,.; -.• ~ 1 i - i 1 . , . jr V k . W • ~ . .... .„. , ; / !. ! i ach ami right side, round to the spino) should lie thoroughly rubbed with the Ointment for an hour twice a day. ;--Night Sweats and Eestlessness. Disorders of the Liver and many other disarrangements are preceded by night sweats, As a cure take four to six Fills every night before retiring, according to the strength of the patient,)' use substantial food, and take all the out-door exorcise possible. Rub the Ointment frdfely over the region of the heart,'night and morning, and take four to six Pills twice a day, abstain from the use of all oxhiiirating lijulds, (even tea and coffoe?^Mo plenty of gentle out-door exercise, and avoid violent exertion of any kind. Urinary Obstructions.-i-Bloocly Urine, Involuntary Urine, and Urine by Drops ' ■' accompanied with Seat and Pain. six or eight Pills every night, ami nth (lie Ointment freely over the region of the kidney.-,. In all thosejdi»ca3J® hip hath should in. used nightly with warm (not hot) water, and the treatment continued, for four or live weeks after a cure, to prevent a return of the comp Fever and Ague commonly celled CMlls and Fever. This inveterate complaint ij undoubtedly superinduced hy miasma, inhaled into the lungs and stomach. H ahilhous liver. Holloway’s Pills aro singularly adapted to the cure of this most annoying complaint take (ho pills night an d i' lo ' 1 ° jv L 2™.. , m n S tard hath and the first day, six the second, and eight the third. After that, varying; the dose according to circumstances. After a chill bathe the feet in a hot mustaui u , drink.warm tpa>or s lemonande in' order to jiroduco perspiration The worst forms of those diseases can,bo cured by talcing six Fills to ten every night, so us to thoroughly cleanse the blood. Abstain from salt kiml of adds, pickles, pepper 6v mustard ;.eat plenty of fresh meat and raw tomatoes, avoiding spirits, wm&s, and malt lujuors s ° and coflee drink one or two quarts^ Linseed .'lea daily, and use an injectionof one port Sulphate of Zinc, two parts Sugar ol Lead well mixed.with watei. so as to for ma i cniZ: solution. Inject from two to Jim tones, within the twenty-four hours. In ordinary cases use only the solution of Sugar of Load, but m severe attacks or neglected , , • } Diseases Incidental to Women, Floodings, Whites, Obstruction of the Menses, . and the Ohatig’e of life. In all eases these Pills will be found of Inestimable service ; for / loodinr, take five Pills every night on going to bedl ; for whiles toone I week&ttfoflretmoifth n^hl| k greatly ftsSsfnature hr'^oi- 1 oporatfonaj and pupo humoas from tho blood, and if necessary eight-pills'the Second month. This with cooling diet and gentle exercise in the open air will shortly restore the afflicted to per On taking the Pills In the evening, avoid eating a rich heavy meal,. and drink freely of some warm mireilluginous drink, such as Barley water, thin gruel or flaxseed tea, which aro grateful to the stomach and assist the medicine in its operation. > To protect tho public against counterfeits Hits book is copyrighted, and the TRADE MARK whieh'is printed on each iabolis recorded in the rntont pnlfaijl/oTntmwu un'l’ by tl jo I'ubUa of tho book accompanying every box and pot of the I’llls ana uimmuu, .m fa ■ * J fcgaluat counterfeits. HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AID OINTMENT! HOLLOWAY’S . . .. ~,,.,„; ~-..-,,,, ~. ~,,,,,- . ~.., .-. „...,,.... yi ,:.'• ~ •,; ,I -i- , ~-,,, -e , , 0.. , v -',' ~ ,r- k A ( :A44 „ . ...p. > (• • si J:. 11 I- J |E| A ■ a * SflM {j /& Is I I If If f| fl Pa gi *rjj X~Sf] Fri Lx H Holloway’s Pills and Ointment. 1111 N. Y. CHEMICAL COMPANY, 78 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK, Dropsy. Palpitation of the Heart. Gonorrhea, Gleets. Conclusion. JSfOXICJS . 41 - -*.iteq,,,,... • J4fif" • '44 ~ , ,,, i , ~. _ - "4• - • • - kr: :f' ..:,..+.: Ofg : iNs, -.---: ;' ',. :tt; 5," -.,,,- ::—: ' .'., 14 7:, , ~ 10 • y_ , -- i . 4 P W • ' 0 tiVa,. 4 1 ' '4'‘k T 5311, ~LDI)I ESS Sole Ageuts lor Holloway & to. iu (lie Culled Stales. fi S PILLS ,S3'» PILLS AND OINTMENT LLS AND OINTMENT. |Z^| ''•- . . . , . . ~ . „ • , . - d . , .. . . . , ;.. : ' • t V /. Z • .d t , , 'S • & t- ' ..:•• ••,.1' l'' . • '- ' • - • '.• .., • 1 1: • 4 A s a ment a : 4 t; ~.,..,..„: . . ..• • . . , . . . . • . . ...... . , ..1 '. 1 - :. .a -• t• ' :4 . . . . .• - ',.. 11, 4... • 1 • • , '",l 7. , V • N . ts .. . •} • v•i•it •e M l. •• . .119 .1, r. 1 • . . . FOR THE OTJiRE OF Dvsoecsia Coughs, Colds, Headaches, Billious Attacks, Fevers, Derangements oftle and aU disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bow els Rheumatism and Gout, and especially FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD! By this means giving clearness to the Brain, a Fresh and Brilliant Complexion, and Buoyancy to the Body, , , . T ... TTfoslnslas Swellings, Sore Throat, Inflammation of the Chest, Bolls, pains in the Limbs, jibeumatiam, Is used in all diseases of the Slim, Piles, 1| latula, H we l'jing of the Glands, Neuralgia, Salt Rheum and Weaknesses. Scalds, Burns, Boro ill-easts, Idseases of the Joints, Scrofula, Ulcers, swelling o. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Indigestion of Spirits, Sick Headache and Nausea. These common diseases haveL bod% K how. constipated, the liver torpid, end a gmieral derangement of all the and cleansing thestoinaoh and bowels of all bullous humors. ■ f„ r „1| rinr imrflmenta of the digestive organs. correct the morbid condition of the liver and organa snbservl- HOLLOWAY’S PILLS are a mosit.eill humors and impurities. and retore the energies of body and mind. CDt Six 1 to e Ten , Eidß o should* Liver Complaint, Asthma and Difficulty of Respiration. if combined with strict attention l “ r and evening of the first day, and increase the dose (according to the ago or strength of patient,) TWO Pi“L e VntUyou a ?each and°eonimut this number as long as necessary to effect a cure. The Ointment should bo freely rubbed over the affected parte twice a ay, for ten or fifteen minutes. PUGS It should be remembered that all cases of this “° Bt . 6 2““ y known as Piles? which, if neglected, will ripen Into the still moredread reeularly and thoroughly expelled, are left to K eiiem e i ivi or three of those pilla taken nig ht and morning will be found anfflojent to produce, ful disease Fistula. The most uggrava ed casus are e'™ d hn b y ' the bowels is produced. The patient should If possible sit Ina warm-: •one or two slight evacuations daily, and great care must bo observe uni,attainable batho the parts freely with warm water, and tbeb rub the anas and Bur not-too wardship bath,for a few minutes, an Piles anil Blind Piles require the same treatment, which, if continued for a short time, will mabe a complete rhu.mS«?ok iai and* drinking. avoldiug high seasoued food, spirits, wluo or malt liquor. Rheumatism, Stiffness in the Joints, Gout, Lumbago, Unnatural Swellings, &o. In all those cases the Ointment must be uaedfrcaly ? 6 A^w^lfweU l^^^^ verocaßCß heat “ cotton ?a ß s?and V then^coveVover with flannel. The pflia should he used night and morning. In doses of live to eight, accord ,ng to the strength and age of the patient. gOTO Throat aild QuillSy. 1 Use five Pills night and morning, increasing the dose by one Pill each day to the number of ten, If necessary. Eub the Ointment thoroughly on the chest or throat two or three times a day, and observe a temperate diet. _ _ . Ulcers, Atocesses, Sores Ulcerated Breasts, Sore Nipples, Wounds and Scrofulous 5 . 9 Affections. In order to effect a cure in these diseases, it la ® s ““ tla ‘ “oil h^sMWMl^ . S». U&WS r/d?fr « .« .glutinous nature. Persons of robust coustltut on cani take ' nt fd a cureVeoted. During the treatment the diet ehould be generous, con- d 1 mo t ?omp”oto abstinence from all splritous or malt liquors. > , Diseases of tke Skin, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Scorbutic Affections, Ringworm, Scald Heads, Blotches, Pimples, &c., and Erysipelas. hut preserve and the disease will he removed. The Ointment OINTMENT : intment vi ’ . V mm u