The American Volunteer PUBUSSBD EYHRY THURSDAY MORNING John B. Bratton. oriiaK-BonTH market bq varb. tbbxs.—Two dollars per year If paid strictly in advance. Two. Dollara and Fifty Cents if nald within three months, after which Throe Dollars will* be charged. These terms wilt be rigidly adhered to in every Instance. No sub scription discontinued until all arrearages are pHlo, nplca* at the option of the Editor. (Election proclamation. God Save the Commonwealth! gHERIFF’S PROCLAMATION ! I. JaSrK. Foreman, High Sheriff of the County of Cumberland, do hereby make known and give ’ this public notice to the electors of the County of Cumberland, that On Tuesday, the‘sth Day of NbvemberNoit, an election will be held at the several election rJlstiict.ln said county, at which time they will vote by ballot for: TWBNTYMNB ELECTORS, The said election wlll be held throughout the county as follows: The election in the election district composed of the borough of Carlisle and the townships of North , Middleton, South Middleton. Lower Frankford, and Lower Dickinson, will bo held at the Court House, In the borough of Carlisle, ,TM election in the election district composed of Lower West Pednsborough township, will be held at the North School House, in Plainfield. The election in the election district composed of Silver Spring township will be held at the public house of Geo. K. Duey, in Hoguostown In said township. The election in the election district composed of Hampden township, will bo held at the pub* lie house occupied by John Kroltzor, In said township. The election in the election district composed of the townahlp of Upper Allen will be hold at the public house of Joanna Culp, In Shepherds town. The election la the election district composed of Middlesex township will be held at the Mid* dlesex School House, The election In the election district composed of the township of Lower Allen will bo hold at the wagon-maker shop of Jonas Huncbbarger. on Slate Hill, The election in the election district composed of Blast Pennsborough township will be hold at . the house of L. S. Hatfield. In west Fairvlew. The election in the election district composed ef New Cumberland will be held at the house now kept by Wm. Bell, In the borough of New Cumberland. The election In the election district composed of the North Ward of the borough ot Mechanics* burg will be held'at the North West corner of the Market House, In said borough. The election In the election district composed .of the South Ward of the borough of Mechanics* burg will be held at the South West corner of the Market House, in said borough. The election in the election district composed of Monroe township will bo held at the public house, kept, by A. L. Hurab, la OUarohtdwn, in said township. The election in the election district composed of Penn township will bo held at the house lately occupied by Jacob Redseoker, now occu pied oy Mr, ahenk, in said township. . The election In the election district composed of Upper Dloklnsou will be held at the bouse* now-occupied oy David Martz, known as the Stone Tavern. The election In.tho election district Composed of tho borough of Newville, and townships of Mifflin,Upper Frankford, Upper West ’Penns borough and North Newton will bo held at the public School House In the borough-of Newville. The election in tbe election district composed of the borough of Newburg and Hopewell town ship will be hold at the public School House, in the borough of Newburg. The election In the election district composed of ihe.borough of Sblppensburg, Shlpponsburg township, and that pari of Southampton town ship not Included In the Leesburg election dis trict, will be held at the Council House in tho borough of Sblppensburg, The election in the election district composed ol Lower Southampton township will be bold at the house formerly occupied by Wm. Baugh man, and now occupied by James Clark, in Leesburg. ’ Tho election In tbe election district composed ot South Newton township will be hbld at the School House in Jacksonville, The election in the election district composed of Cooke township will be held at the School House, at the Pine Grove Furnace. Every person, excepting Justices pf the Peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of Brofit trust or under the government of the ulted States, or of this State, or of any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who Is or shall be employed under tho. Legislative Executive or Judiciary Department of the State ot the United States, or of any city or incorporated district, and also every mem*, her of Congress, or of the Slate Legislature, .and of the select and common councils of any city or commissioner of any Incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the office or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk of any election ol this Com monwealth, and no inspector, Judge or other of ficer of any such election snail be eligible there to be voted for. The Inspectors andjudge ol the elections shall meet at the respective places appointed for hold ing the elections in the district to which they respectively belong, before seven o’clock in the morning, and each of said Inspectors shall ap point one clerk, who shall be a qualified voter of such district. In case the person who shall have received the second highest number of votes for Inspec tor, shall not attend on the day of any election, then the peiuoa who shall have received the second highest number of votes forjudge at the next preceding election, shall act us Inspector In his place. And in case the person who shall have received the highest number of votes for inspector shall not attend, the person elected judge appoint an Inspector In his place—and in ooso the person elected Judge.shall not attend, thou the Inspector who received the highest number of votes shall appoint a Judge In his E lace—or If any vacancy shall continue in the oard for the space of one hour after the time llxed by law for the opening of the election, the qualified voters of the township, ward or dis trict for which such officers have been elected— present at such election; shall elect one of their number to dll such vacancy. It shall be the duty ol the several assessors of each district to attend at the place of holding every general, special or township election dur ing the whole time said election is kept open, for the purpose of giving Information to the Inspectors .'.adjudges, when called on. in rela tion to the righlof any person assessed by them to voteat such election, or such other matters iu relation to the assessments of voters us the said inspectors or either of them, shall from time to time require. No person shall be permitted to vote at any ecllon as aforesaid, other than a free man of the age of twenty-one years or more, who shall have resided la the State at least one year, and la the election district where he offers his vote at least tea days Immediately preceding such election, within two years paid a State or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least ten days before Che election. Bat a citizen ot the United States, who has previously been a quali fied voter of this Slate; and removed therefrom and returned, and who shall have resided In the election district and paid taxes, as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote ofter residing In this State sir months; Provided, That the freemen citizens of the United States, between twenty one and twenty-two years, who have resided In an election district &3 aforesaid, shall be enti tled to vote, although they shall not have paid taxes. No person shall be permitted to vote whose name Is not contained fa the list of tax able inhabitants furnished by the Commission ers, unless, First, he produces a receipt for the payment within two years of a State or county lax assessed agreeably to the Constitution, and give satisfactory evidence either on bis oath or affirmation, or the oath of affirmation of anoth er, that he has paid such a tax, or on failure to produce a receipt shall make oath to the pay ment thereof. Second, If ho claim the right to vote by being an elector between the age of twenty-one and twenty-two years, be shall de fioso on oath or affirmation that ho has resided a this state at least one year next before his application, and makes such proof of residence In the district oa Is required by this act, and that he does verily believe from the account given him that he Is of age aforesaid, and such other evidence as ss required by this act, where poa the name of the person thus admitted to vole shall be inserted in the alphabetical list by the Inspectors, and a note mode opposite thereto by writing Ihe word “tax” If no shall be admitted to vote by reason of having paid tax; or the word ” age” It he shall be admitted to vote by reason of such age. shall be called out to the clerks who shall make the like notes on the list of voters kept by them. In all eases where the. name of the person claiming to vote Is found on the list furnished by the Commissioners and assessors, or bis right to vote, whether found thereon or not, is object ed to by any qualified citizen, it shall be the duty of Che Inspectors to examine such person on oath as to bis qualifications, and If he claim to have resided within the State for one year or more, bis oath shall not be sufficient .proof thereof, but shall make proof by at least one competent witness, who shall be. a qualified eldotorthathebas resided In the district for more than ten days next immediately preceding such •lection, and shall also himself swear that his bona fide residence. In pursuance ot his lawful calling, Is In said dlstXct, and that be did not remove Into said district for the purpose ot vo ting therein. , . ■ Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who ■hall make due proof: If required, of the resi dence and payment of taxes as aforesaid, shall be admitted to vote lathe township, ward or district in which he shall reside. If any person ahull prevent or attempt to pro* vent any officer of this election, under this act, from holding «Qch electloa, or use or.threaten any violence to anyanch officer, or shall Inter* nipt or Improperly Interfere with him In the execution of his duty, or shall block np the win* doty or avenue to any window where the same may bo holding, or shall riotously disturb tho peace at such election, ro shall use any intiiul* dating thro.its,force or violence, with design to influence unduly or overtwe any elector, or Co prevent him from voting, or to restrain the freedom of choice, such person on conviction, shall he deed In any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, and Imprisoned /or any time not less than three nor more than twelve months. and If it shall be shown to court, where tho trial of such offence shall be had, that tho person so offending was not a resident of the oily, ward, district or township whero the of* fenue was committed, and not entitled to vote therein, then, on conviction, he shall bo sen* fenced to pay a line of not loss than on e hundred nor more than' one thousand dollars, and be im prisoned not less than six months nor more than two years. If any parson, not by law qualified, shall frau dulently vote at any election of this Common wealth, or being otherwise qualified shall vote out of his proper district, If any person know ing the want of such qualifications, shall aid or firoourosuch person to vole, tho person offend* ug shall, on conviction, be fined la any sum not exceeding two hundred dollars, and be impris oned la any term not exceeding three months: If any person shall vote at more than one elec tion district, or otherwise fraudulently vote more than ooco on the same day, or shall frau dulently fold and deliver to tho Inspector two ticket-* together with the latent Illegally to vote or shall procure another to do so, ho or they of- .°e - k trirl Nutter BY JOHN B. BRATTON, tfSfctlicm proclamation. fending shall, on conviction, be fined In any sum not loss than fifty nor more than five hun dred dollars, and be Imprisoned for n term not leas than three nor morn than twelve mouths. If any person no! qualified to vole In ibis Commonwealth ' agreeably to law—except l!u -sons-of qualified ciilz'ms—shall appear at any place of election for Him purpose of influencing the citizens qualified to vote, ho shall, on con viction, foifeit and pay any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars for every such offense, and bo Imprisoned for any term not exceeding three months. The General Election In all the wards, town ships. districts and boroughs of the county Is to bo opened between the hours of six and seven o'clock In the forenoon, nml shall continue, without Interruption or adjournment, until seven o'clock In the. evening, when all polls shall bo closed. REGISTRY LAW. I also give official notice to tho electors of Cumberland county that, by an act entitled aa "Act further supplemental to tho not relative to the elections of this Commonwealth," approved April 17, A. D. 1861), it Is provided ns follows: Section 1. Be it enacted by the ikmUc and Bouse of Representatives of the Commonwealth of JPenn.iyli.Hi7iia in General Assembly met, and it u hereby enacted by the axahority'of the same. That it shall be the duly of each of the assessors within this Commonwealth, on the first Monday in Juno of each year, to take up the transcript he has received Irom the Connty Commissioners under the elgth section of the act fifteenth of April, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, and Eroceed to an Immediate revision of the same y striking therefrom tho name of every per son who Is known by him to have died or re*. moved since the last previous assessment from the district of which he Is tho assessor, or whose death or removal from the same shall bo made known to him, and add to the same the name of any qualified voter who shall be known by him to have moved Into the district since the lost previous assessment. •or whoso removal Into the same shall be or shall have been made known to him, and also tho names of all who shall make claim to him to be qualified voters therein. As soon as this revision is completed, he shall visit every dwelling house in his jlis trlcl and make careful inquiry if any person whose uarno is on his list has died or removed from the district, and If so, to take the earao therefrom, or whether any qualified voter re sides therein whose name is not oh his list, and if so. toaddthe same thereto; and mail oases whore a name is added to tne Hal a tax shall forthwith be assessed upon the person; and the assessor shall In all oases ascertain by inquiry, upon what ground the person so assessed claims to be a voter. Upon the completion of this work it shall be the duty of each assessor as afore said to proceed to makeout a list, in alphabetical order, of the while freeman above twenty-one' years of age, claiming to bo qualified voters la ward, borough, township or dlstrlctof which he Is the assessor, and opposltecach of the said names state whether said freeman is or is not a house-keeper, and If be Is, the number of his residence, In towns where tho same are num bered, with the street, alley or court In which situated; and if in a town where there ore no numbers, ibe name of the street, alley or court on which house fionta; also, the occupation of the person ; and where bo is nota house-keeper the occupation, place of boarding, and with whom, and if working for another, tho name of the employer, and write opposite each of said names the word " voter where any person claims to vote by reason of naturalization, ho shall exhibit hlu certificates thereof to tho as sessor, unless ho has been for five consecutive years next preceding a voter m said district; and in all cases where the person has been nat uralized, the name phali he marked with the letter **N." Whore the person bus merely de clared his intention to become a citizen, and de sign to be naturalized, before the next election, the name shall be marked" D. I.V Where the claim is to vote by reason ol being between the agesoftwonty-one and twenty-two. os provided by law, the word " ago" should be entered; and If the person hns moved Into tho election dis trict to reside since the last general election, the letter" R" should bo placed opposite the name. It shall be the further duty of each assessor as aforesaid, upon the completion of the duties herein Imposed, to make out a separate list of all new assessments made by him, end tho amounts assessed upon each, and furnish the same immediately to the coutity commissioners, who shall immediately add the names to the tax duplicate of the ward, borough, township or district in which they have been assessed. section 2. On tho list being completed, and the assessments be mode as aforesaid, the same shall be forthwith returned to the County Com missioners, who shall cause duplicate copies of said lists, with . the observations and explana tions required to bo noted as aforesaid, to be made out os soon os practicable, and placed In the hands oi the assessor, who shall prior to the first of August In each year put one copy on the door of or on the house where the election of tho respective district is required to be held, and re tain the other In his possession, for tho inspec tion, free of charge, of any person resident id said election district who stmll desire to boo the same: and it shall be the duty of said assessor to add, from time to time, on tho personal ap plication ot any one claiming the right to vote .ho name of such claimant, and mark opposite tho name •• C. V,," and Immediately assess him with a tax, noting, as In all other cases, his oc cupation, residence, whethera boardoror house keeper; if a boarder, with whom he boards, or whether naturalized or designing to be,’mark ing, in all cases, the letters’opposite the name, "N ” or "D. I," as tho case may be. If the per son claiming to be assessed, be naturalized, ho shall exhibit lathe assessor bis certificate of naturalization, and If ho claims that he designs to bo naturalized before the next ensuing elec tion, he shall exhibit the certificate of his de claration of Intention. In all cases where any ward, borough, township or election district is divided into two or mure precincts, the assessor shall note in all his assessments the election precinct In which each elector resides, and shall make a separate return of .each to the County Commissioners in all cases In which a return Is required from him by the provisions of this act; and the County Commissioners, in making du plicate copies of all such returns, shall make du plicate copies of tho same of voters in each pre cinct. separately, and shall furnish the same to the assessor; and the copies required by this act to be placed oh the doors of or on election pla ces. on or before the first of August In each year shall be placed on the door of or on tho election place of each ol said precincts. Section S. After tho assessments have, been completed on the tenth day preceding the sec ond Tuesday in October or each year, the as sessor shall, on the Monday Immediately follow ing, make a return to the County Commission ers of the names of all persons assessed by him since the return required to be made by him by the second section of this act, noting opposite each name the observations and explanations required to bo noted os aforesaid ; a and the Co. Commissioners shall thereupon cause the same to bo added to the return required by the second section of this act, and a lull and correct copy thereof to bo made, containing the names of all persons so returned as resident taxables of said ward, borough, to wnship or precinct and furnish the same—together with the necessary election blanks, to tbe officers of the election in said ward, borough, township or precinct, on or be fore six o'clock in the morning of the second Tuesday in October; and no man shall be per* milted to voto at the election on that day whose name is not on the said list, unless he shall, make proot of his right to vote, aa hereinafter re quired. Section 4. On the day ol election any person whoso name is not oa the said list, and claim ing thd right to vote at s&ld election, shall pro duce at least one qualified voter of the district, os a witness to the residence of the claimant in the district in which he claims to bo a voter, for the period of at least tea days next preceding said election, which witness shall take and sub scribe a written, or partly written and partly printed affidavit, shall define clearly where the residence Js of the person so claiming to be a vo ter; and the person so claiming the right to vote shall also take and subscribe a written, or partly written and partly printed -affidavit .slating, to the boat,of his knowledge and belief, where and when he was born: and that be Is a citizen of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and of the. United States: that he has resided within the Commonwealth one year; or, If for merly a citizen therein, and hasjraovea there from ; that he has resided therein six mouths next preceding said election; that ho has not moved Into the district for the purpose of voting therein; that ho hns paid u State and C< unty tax wllhlu two years, w..lch was assessed at least ten days before said election; and, Ifa nat uralized, citizen shall also state when,whore and bylwbot oourt;he was naturalized, andshall also produco a certificate of naturalization for ex amination; the said affidavit shall also state when and where the tax claimed to bo paid by the affiant was assessed; and when where and to whom paid, and the (ax receipt therefor shall bo produced for examination, unless the affiant shall state la his affidavit (but it baa been lost or destroyed, or that he never received any: bat if the person so claiming the right to vote shall take and subscribe an affidavit that he is a na tive born citizen of the United Stales, (or If born elsewhere shall state that foot la his affidavit, and shut! produce evidence that he bos been naturalized or that ho la entitled to citizenship by reason of his father's naturalization;) and shall further state lu affidavit that ho Is, at the time of taking the affidavit, between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-two years, and that he hes resided In the State one year, and In the election district ten days next preceding such an election, ho shall be entitled to vote, although be shall not have paid taxes; the said affidavits of all persons making such claims, and the af fidavits of the witnesses to their residence shall be preserved by the election board, and at the olose of the election they shall be enclosed with the list of voters, tally list and other papers re quired by law to be filed by the return Judge with the Prothonolary, and shall remain on file thoi ewlth lathe Prothoootary’s office, subject to examination, us all other election papers are); If the election officers shall find that the applicant or applicants possess all the legal qualifications of voters, he or they shall bo permitted to vote, and the name or names shall be added to the list oftaxables by the election officers, the word "tax" being added, where the claimant claims to vote on tax, and the word “age” where he , claims to vote oa age; the same words being ad ded by tae clerks lu each case respectively on the lists of parsons voting at such election. Sue. fi. It shall bo lawful for any qualified citi zen of the district, notwithstanding the name of the proposed voter is contained on the list oi resident taxables, to ohallange the vote of such person, whereupon the same proof of the right of suffrage as Is now required by law shall bn publicly made and acted on by the election board, and tho vote admitted or rejected, acord-, lug to Iho evidence; every person claiming to be a naiurullzodcillzen shall bo required to pro duce his naturalization certificate ot the election before voting, except whero he has been for ten years constantly a voter in tuo district In which ho offorshls vote: and on the vote of such person being received. ttshallbe the duty of the election officers to write or stamp on such cer tificate tho word “voted," with tho mouth and year, and If any election officer or officers shall receive a second vote on the same day, by vir tue of the sumo corilflcole v excoptlng whoresons ate entitled to vote by vtrluo of tho naturaliza tion of their fathers, ihey and tho person who shall offer such second vote, upon so offending shall bo guilty of a high misdemeanor, aud, ou conviction thereof, Uo fined or Imprisoned, or (Election proclamation. both, at tho discretion of tho court, but tho fine shall not exceed one hundred, dollars in each case, nor tbe Imprisonment one year: the like punishment shall bo inflicted, on conviction, on the officer** of election who.shall neglect or re fuse to make or pause to be made, tho Indorso im*nt- required as aforesaid on said naturaliza tion certificate. seo.6.' If any election officer shall refuse or neglect to require such proof of tho right Qf suf frage as 1- prescribed by thin law. or tho laws to which this is a supplement, from any person of fering to vote whoso nnmo is not on the list of assessed voters, or whose right to voto is chal lenged by nuy qualified voter present, and shall admit such person to-voto without requiring such proof, every person so offending shall, upon conviction, bo guilty of a high misdemea nor, and shall be sentenced for every such of fense, to pay a fine not exceeding one hundred doliars,;or to undergo air Imprisonment not more than one year, or either, or both, at-tho dlecrotlou of tne court. Sec. 7. Ten days preceding every election for electors of President and Vico President of the United Slates, It shall bo tho duty of tho assess ors to attend at the place fixed by law for hold ing the election in each election district, and then and there hear all applications of persons whoso names have been omitted from tho list of assessed voters, and who claim tho right to voto, or whoso rights have originated since the same was made out. and shall add the names of such persons thereto as shall show that they aro entitled to the right of suffrage in such dis trict. on tho personal application of tho claim ant only, and forthwith assess them with tbe proper tax. After completing the list, a copy thereof shall bo placed on the door of or on the house where tho election Is to be hold, at least eight days before tho election; and at the elec tion tho same course bo pursued, in all respects os Is required by this act and the acts to which It Is a supplement, at tho general elections la October. The assessor shall also make thesamo returns to tho County Commissioners of all as sessments made by virtue of this section; and the County Commissioners shall furnish copies thereof to the election officers In each district, la like manner, lu all respects, as Is required at the general elections In October - Sec. 8, Tho same rules and regulations shall apply at-every special election; and at overs separate city, borough or ward election, in alt respects as at the general elections In October. Bec. 9. Tho respective assessors, inspectors and Judges of the elections shall each have tbe f tower to administer oaths to any persons claim ng the light to be assessed or tho right of suf frage or In regard to any other matter or thing required to be done or inquired Into by any of said officers under this act; and any wilful, false swearing by any person In relation to any matter or thing concerning Which they shall bo lawfully Interrogated by any of said officers shall bo punished as perjury. Seo. 10. The assessors shall each receive the same compensation for tho time necessarily spent in performing the duties hereby Injolnod as Is provided by law for the performance of their duties, to be paid by the County Commis sioners as In other cases; and-it shall not be lawful for any assessor to a assess a tax against any person whatever within ten days next preceding the election to be held on the sec ond Tuesday In October, in any year, or with in ten days next before any election for elec tors of President and Vico President of the United States, any violation of tnls provision shall be a misdemeanor, and subject the offi cers so offending to a fine, on conviction, not exceeding one hundred dollars, or to Imprison ment not exceeding three months, or both, at the discretion of the court. Seo. 11. On the petition of five or-more citi zens of the county, stating under oath that they verily believe that frauds will bo practi ced at tbe. election, about to be held in any district, It ahall be the duty of the court of common pleas of said county, if in session, or If not a judge thereof in vacation, to appoint two Judicious, Sober and Intelligent citizens of the county to act ns overseers at said elections;; said overseers shall be selected from different political parties, where tho Inspectors belong to different parties, and where both of said In spectors belong to the same political party, both of the overseers shall be taken from tho opposite political party: said overseers shall have the right to be present with the officers of the election, during the whole time the same is held, tho votes counted and thereturnsmade oat and signed bribe election officers: to keep a list of voters. If they seo proper; to challenge any person offering to vole, and Interrogate him and his witness under oath, In regard to his right of suffirage at said election, and to ex amine his papers produced; and the officers of said election are required toafford to said over seers so selected and appointed every conve nience and facility for the discharge of their duties; and if said election officers shall * ofuse to permit said overseers to b 6 present and per form their duties as aforesaid, or if they shall bo driven away from the polls by violence orvln ilmlUatJon. all the votes polled at such electron district may be rejected by any tribunal trying a contest under said election: Provided, That no person signing tbe petition shall bo appointed an overseer SKQ. 12. If any protbonotary, clerk, or- the deputy of either, or any other person, shall affix the seal of office to any naturalization paper,' or permit the same to bo affixed, or give out, or cause or poimit the same to bo given out, in blank, whereby It may be fraudulently used, or furnish a naturalization certificate la any per son who shall not have been duly examined aud sworn in open court, lu the presence of some of the Judges thereof, according the act ol Con gress, or shall aid In, connive at, or In anyway permit tbe Issue of any fraudulent naturalization certificate, bo shall bo guilty of a high misde meanor; or if any one shall fraudulently use auy such certificate of naturalization, knowing that it was fraudulently Issued, or shall voto, or attempt to vote thereon, or 11 auy one shall voto, or attempt to vote, on auy cerlficate of natural ization not Issued to him, he shall he guilty of a high misdemeanor: aud either or auy of the persons, their alders of abettors, guilty of the misdemeanors aforesaid, shall, on conviction, be lined In a sum not exceeding one tbourand dollars and imprisoned in tbe proper peniten tiary for a period not exceeding three years. Beo. 13. Any person who on oath or affirma’- tlou, in or before any court In this State, or offi cer authorized to administer oaths, shall, to produce a certificate or naturalization, for him self or any other person, wilfully depose, declare or affirm auy matter to be fact knowing tho same to bo false, or shall in like manner deny any matter to bo fact, knowing the same to he true, shall be deemed guilty of perjury; and any certificate of naturalization Issued in pursuance ol auy such deposition, declaration oi affirma tion, shall be null and void ; and It shall be tho duty of the court issuing tho same, upon proof being made before it that It was fraudulently obtained, to take Immediate measures for recal ling tho same for cancellation, and any person who shall voto or attempt to vole on any paper so obtained or who shall In any way aid in, connive at or have’any agency whatever lu the Issue, circulation or use of any fradulent natu ralization certificate, shall be deemed guilty of a high misdemeanor, aud upon conviction thereof shall undergo an Imprisonment in the penitentiary for not more than two years, and pay a fine not more than one thousand dollars for every such offense, or either or both,* at the discretion of tho court. * - - sec. 14. Any assessor, election officer or per son appointed as an overseer, who shall nogfeot or refuse to perform any duty enjoined by this act, without reasonable or legal cause, shall be subject to a penalty of ond hundred dollars, and If any assessor shall assess any person os a voter who is not qualified, or shall refuse to assess any one who Is qualified he shall bo guilty of amlsdemeamor in office, and on conviction be punished bv fine or imprisonment, and also be subject to au action for damages by the party aggrieved ; and If any person shall frndulontly alter, add to, deface or destroy any list of vot ers made out as directed by this act, or Itcar down or remove the same fromwbere It has been fixed, with fraudulent or mischievous Intent, or for any Improper purpose, the person so offending shall be guilty of a high misdemean or and on conviction shall be punished by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or impris onment not exceeding two years, or both, at the discretion of the court. Sno. 15. All the elections for city, ward, bor ough, township and election officers shall bo hereafter hold on the second Tuesday in October 'subject to all provisions of the laws regulating the elections of such officers not Inconsistent Wltn this act; the persons elected to such offices at that time shall take their places at the expi ration of the terms of the persons holding the Kamo at the time of such election ; but no elec tion for the assessor or assistant assessor shall be held, under this act, until the year one thou sand eight hundred and seventy. Sec. 10. At all elections held hereafter under the laws of this Commonwealth, the polls shall be opened between the hours of six and seven o’clock A. at., and closed at seven o'clock p. ai. . Bec. 17. It shall be ihe duty of the Secretary of the Commonwealth to prepare forms for oil the blanks made necessary by this act, and furnish copied ol the same to the county com missioners of the several counties of this Com monwealth; and the county commissioners ol each county shall, as soon as may be necessary alter the receipt of the same, at the proper ex pense of the county, procure and furnish to all the election officers of the election districts of their respective counties copies of such blanks, la such quantities as may be rendered necessary for the discharge of their duties under this act. • •••*****. Sec. 19. That citizens of this State tempo rarily In the service of the State or of the United- States Governments, on clerical or other duty, and who do not vote where thus employed, shall not bo thereby deprived of tfie right to vote in their several election districts, 11 otherwise duly qualified. CHANGE IN THE MODE OF VOTING. An act regulating the mode of voting at all elections In tho several counties of this Com monwealth approved March aotb, l&ti0: Hkc I B&Jts'enacted by the Senate ami House of Representative* 0/ the Commonwealth 0/ Pennsyl vania and General Assembly met, and U U hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That tpo Qualified voters of tho several counties of this Common wealth, at tho general, township, bor ough or special elections, are hereby hereafter, authorized and required to vote by tickets, printed or written, or partly printed or partly written, severally classified as follows: Ono ticket shall embrace the names of all Judges of oourts voted for and be labeled outside Judi ciary *” one ticket shall embrace tho names of all titato officers voted for, and be labeled “.State;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all county officers voted for and shall be labeled ''county:'’ ono ticket shall embrace tho names of all township officers voted for, and bo labeled “township;* 1 ouo ticket shall embrace tho names of all borough officers voted for, and be labeled “borough," and each class shall bo deposited In separate ballot boxes. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OK THE UNITED STATES. Section 1. Tho right of citizens ofthe United Btalct to vote shall not bo denied or abridged by tho United States, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. FUWT AND SECOND SECTION OFVACT OF OoNGKEsa oK MAttuii ai.Tmo, HKC. 1. Jie it enacted btj the Senate and House 0/ Jicin-ctcniMlw o! Wo l/niletl Waica Kf CARLISLE, PA., THURSDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1872. (Election proclamation. In Cbnfrrcss assembled. That all citizens of the United States, who are, or shall bo otherwise qualified by law to voto ot any election by tho people, In any State, Territory, district, county, city, parish, township, school district, munici pality, or other territorial sub-division, shall be entitled and allowed to vote at all such elections, without distinction of race, color, or previous condition of servitude; any Constitution, law, custom, usage, or regulation of any State or Territory, or by, or under ila authority, to the contrary notwithstanding. ' Bkc. 2.. And be it further enacted. That if by or under tho authority of the constitution or laws of any State, or laws of any Territory, any any act Is or shall ho required to bo done as a prerequisite or qualification for voting, and by such Constitution ov law persons or officers are or shall bo charged with the performance of du* ties of furnishing to citizens an opportunity to perform such prerequisite, or to become quali fied to vote, It shall be tho duty of every sneb Geraon and officer to give to all citizens of tho nlted States tho same and equal opportunity to perform such prerequisite, and to become 1 qualified to vote without distinction of race, color, or previous condition of servitude—and If any such person or officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to give full effect to this sec tion, bo shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay a sum ol five hundred dollars to the person aggrieved thereby, to be recovered by nn action on tho case, with full costs and such allowance for counsel fees as the court shall deem just, and shall also, for every offence, bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall on .conviction thereof, be fined not less than five hundred dol lars, or bo Imprisoned not less than ono month and Hot more than ono year, or both, at the discretion of the court. SECTION 10 OF AN ACT OF THE PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE OF APRIL 0, 1870. Sec. 10. Thai so much of every act of Assem bly aa provides that ouly white freemen are entitled to voto, or be registered aa voters, or aa claiming to voto at any general or special elec tion of this Commonwealth, ho and tho same Is hereby repealed; and that hereafter all freemen, without distinction of color, shall bo eurolled and registered according to tho provisions of the first section of the act opproved April 17, 1809. entitled " An Aot further supplemental to (ho aot relating to tho elections of this Common wealth, and when otherwise qualified under the existing laws, bo entitled to voto at all general and special elections In this Commonwealth. Pursuant to the provisions contained lu the. soventyrsixth section of tho act first aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid districts shall re spectively toko charge of tbe certificates of re turn of tho elections oi their respective districts and produce thorn at a meeting of one judge from each district, In the borough of Carlisle, on tho third day after the election, being ior tho present year ON FRIDAY, THE HU DAY OP NOVEMBER next, then and there to do and per form the duties required by law of said judges. Also— I That where a Judge by sicknot s or una voidable accident. Is unable to attend such ft’ meeting of Judges, then tho certificate or return aforesaid shall oe taken charge of by one of>the Inspectors or Clerks of the election of said dis trict who shall do and perform the duties re quired of said judge uunblo to attend. I n testimony whereof 1 have hereunto sot-my hand and seal. Sheriff’s Office, ■ \ JAS. K. FOREMAN, Carlisle Sep’t. 12, 1872./ Sheriff. fDcutcljt! & (Ed’s JURIJBEBA, Tbe Great South .American Blood Purifier It is not a phvslo which may give temporary relief to tho sufferer for the first few doses, but which, from continued use, brings Piles and kindred diseases to aid In weakening tho Inva lid; nor Is it a doctored liquor, which under the popular name of "Bitters,” is so extensively palmed ofl on the public os sovoeelgn reme dies. hut it is a.most powerful Tonic and alter ative, pronounced so by tbe leading medical authorities of Loudon and Paris, and has been long used by the regular physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial results. Dr. Wells’ Extractor Jurubebn retains all tbe medicinal virtues peculiar to tho Slant, and must bo taken as a permanent cura ve agent. Is there wantol action in yourliverand spleen? Unless relieved at once, tho blood becomes Im pure by deleterlous'secretlons, producing scrof ulous or skin diseases, blotches, felons, pustules, canker, pimples, <*o„ «tc. Take Juruoeba to cleanse, purify and restore the vitiated blood to healthy action. Have you n dyspeptic stomach? Unless di gestlpn la promptly alde-i,tho system is debili tated with loss ol vital force, poverty ol the blood, dropsical tendency, general weakness or lassitude. Take It to assist digestion without reaction; It will impart youthful vigor to tho weary sufferer. Have you weakness of the Intestines? You are in danger of chronic diarrhoea or the dread • ful Inflammation of tho bowels Take it to al lay irritation, aud ward off tendency to inflam mations. Have you weakness of tho uterine or urinary organs? You must procure Instant relief or you are liable to sulterlug worse than death. Take It to strengthen organic weakness, or life be comes a burden. Finally, It should bo frpquonly taken to keep the system lu perfect health, or you are otherwise In danger of hjalarlal, mias matic or contagious diseases. JOHN Q,. KELLOGG. 18 Platt street, N. Y., Solo Agent for tho United States. Price 01 per bottle. Send for circular. Oct. 3—lw DUTY OFF TEAS! Extra Inducemeut? for Clubs! Send for New Club Circular! which contains full explanations of Premiums, THE WAY TO OBTAIN OUR GOODS. Persons living at a distance from Now York, can club together, and got them nt tho same price oh we sell them at our warehouses in New York. In order to got up a club, lot each person wishing tojoln sa\ how much tea he wants, and select tho kind and price from our Price List, as published In oar circulars. Write tho names, kinds and amounts plainly on a list, and when tho club is complete send U to us by mull, and wo will put each party’s goods lu separate pack ages. and mark the name upon them, with tho cost, so that there need bo no confusion In dis tribution—each party gutting exactly what he orders and no more. The funds, to pay for goods ordered cun bo sent by drafts on New York, post-office money orders, or by express; or, wo will. If desired, send the goods by Express, to COLLECT ON DELIVERY, THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO., 31 and 33 VESEY STREET, P. O. box 5643. New York City. A'GENTS WANTED FOR LIFE IN UTAH. Being an Expose of tho Secret Rites and Mysteries of Mormonlsm. with a fall and authentic history of Polygamy, by J. U. BEADLE, editor of the Sal Lake Re porter. Agents are meeting with unprecedented success—one reports ISO subscribers In four days, another 71 in two days. Bend for circu lars and see whht the press say of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. Phila delphia, Pa. - Oct. 3—lw DON’T BE DECEIVED, but for coughs, colds, sore throat, hoarseness and bronchial difficulties, use only WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS. Worthless Imitations are on the market, but the only scientific preparation ot Carbolic Acid for Lung diseases Is when chemically combined with other well known remedies, as In these Tablets, and all parties are cautioned against using any other. In all cases of Irritation of the mucous men brane these tablets should be freely used; their cleansing and healing properties are astonish ing. Bo warned, never neglect a cold, It-Is easily cured in Its Incipient state, when It become* chronic the cure Is exceedingly difficult, use Wells’Carbolic Tablets as a specific. JOHN Q,. KELLOGG, 18 Platt 8t„ N. Y. Bole agent for the United States. Price 25 cents a box. Send for circular. Oct, 3 4w "OaO. grant that this precious book may find its way to every familk in the land,” says a prominent reformer of T, B. Arthur’s great work. THREE YEARS IN A MAN TRAP. . Notwithstanding Us Immense sale, wo deslro to extend Us Influence still further, and call for more aid to Introduce It to every corner of our land. It Is highly endorsed by Judge Black, F. H, Orne, Neal Dow and others. Will do more good than any prohibition law ever framed. It sells beyond parallel. Agents have done and are doing splendidly with It. One has sold over 600 copies. Owing to Its great success we are en abled toofferespecially largo discounts. Bend for Illustrated circular and terras, and enter in to this great work at once. J. M. B'IODDAUT & CO., Philadelphia. Oct. 3—iw WANTED. —Experienced Boob Agents aud Canvassers In all parts of the United mates, to soil THE MEMOIR OF ROGER BROOKE TANEY, Chief Justice of the Supremo Court of the United Blates. No book heretofore published In this country throws so much light upon our constitutional and political history,— II Is a work ol extraordinary Interest and ofper manont value to the historian, the lawyer, the statesman, the politician, aud every class of In telligent readers. Bold by subscription only— exclusive territory given. For terras for this and other popular works, address at once, Mur phy & Co.,Publishers, Baltimore. Oct. 3—4 w MY JOLLY FRIEND'S SECRET. A remarkable book and great success. 18th edition now ready for agents. Nothing pays like IU GEORGE MACLEAN, Publisher, 733 Hansom street, Philadelphia. Oct. 3—iw A GENTS WANTED—LOOK HERE The'new splendidly Illustrated edition of ROBINSON CRUSOE. Jnstoat, the most popular hook In print, 528 Eages, tinted paper, only 82.50, easy worth 83.60. ells quick and fast. Paying 160 to 8160 a week. Terms of this and our now Bibles sent free; al so 810 Agents'Pocket Companion. UUDUAUD BHoB., Publishers, 723 Bansom Btrcet, PhllaUn. Got. 3—lw FREE TO AGENTS.—a Proapeotua of the People’s Htandlug Bible, 550 Illustra tions, will ho sent free to all book agents. Bond name and address to ZEIGLER & MoUUUDY, 591 Arch street, Philadelphia, P». Bopt UMw. Elaucljn & da’s PSYCHOMANOY or SOUL CHARM ING.—How either, box may fascinate and gain the love and affections ot any person they choose Instantly. This simple mental acquire ment all can possess, free, by mail, for 25 cents, together with a marriage guide, Egyptian ora cle,dreams, bints to ladles, Ac. A queer, exci ting book. 100,000 sold. Address T. WILLIAM & CO., Publishers, Philada. Sept. 19-lw AGENTS WANTED for tho Autobio graphy of HORACE GREELEY", A now Illustrated edition now ready. Got this tho onlv edition written by himself, and endor sed bV the Tribune. Also tho Ufo and times of U. 8. Grant, by Hon. J. T. Headley and our 1872 Campaign' Manual tor all parties - just out. price $1.50. Ono agent sold K 0 In three days Splendid steel portraits of Greeley, also of Grant. $3OO a month made from selling tho , above. E. B Treat, publisher, 805 Broadway, N. Y. Aug 22. 1872 4w.' A GENTS, LOOK HERE .'-Thero is a groat rush for the now, splendidly Illustra ted! edition of Warren Range First premium Ain. Tnt, 1871. Double Elevated Oven, Warming Closet, Broiling Door Fonder* Guard, Dumping and Shaking Grato, Direct Draft. FULLER. WARREN «K CO.. 230 Water Street, Now York. . . Sept 10—4 w (£1 Amtulo from 50 cts. Call ami exam tuXUlneor 12 Samples sent {postage free) for 50 cis. that retail quick for SlO. U. L. WOLCOTT, 181 Chatham Square, N. Y, Sopt HMw. JJorougl) ©riiimnre. A N ORDINANCE Detiuiug Buies aud Regulations of tbe Board of Health Bo it enacted and ordalne'd by tho Town Council of tho borough of Carlisle, and It is hereby enacted and ordained by tho authori ty of the same, ,1. That It shall bo the duty of tho High Con stable lu connection-with tho Police, under tho direction of tho President of the Board of Health, to make a thorough examination of all the streets, alloys. lanes, public and private buildings, yards, collars, cess-pools, butcher shops, 4c., and report the condition of each severally. In writing, to tho President (ft tho Board, as ho shall direct. 11. It shall he tho duly of the citizens, sever ally, to abate, correct pr remove any nuisance, dirt or filth, or any other obnoxious matter on or within their promises, on notice having been served upon them by tbe President 'of this Board within forty-eight hours from tho tllno of said service, and In tho event of failure or refusal to comply with such notice, It shall bo tho duty of the High Constable or police under tho direction of tho President of the Board, to abate, correct or remove such dirt or filth or • any other obnoxious matter; and tho expenses of the same shall be charged to the occupant of the premises, or to tho owner of the sumo, when when lu tho j mlgmenfc of said hoard, he, she or they nr© clearly at fault. 111, It shall bo tho duty ol tho occupants of any house, tenement or any other building, to cleanse, whitewash or disinfect said premises, as shall bo directed by tbe authority of the Board, and In the event of neglect or refusal so to do within, forty-eight hours from tho time of such direct lon, the parly so neglecting or refus ing, shali pay a fine of not loss than (5) llvo, nor more than (10) ten dollars; said fine to bo colleo-' ted according to the enactment constituting this board. . , IV. For the purpose of tbe more effectually abating Small Pox, aud arresting lla progress within the limits of this borough, a system of uniform and general vaccination shall bo Insti tuted for this purpose. * It Is enjoined upon all who have not had evidence of successful vac cination within the last three months, to have the same done by their respective Physicians; but to Insure a full compliance with this order, suitable and responsible Physicians shall bo ap pointed by the Board of Heplth, whoso duly it shall bo to vaccinate all who are not able or de . clare themselves so. to bounder such directions and regulations as tho Board shall establish. V, For the bettor protection of the commu nity, It shall be the duty of the High Constable, or any other officers this Board rany designate, to remove to the Infirmary or Small Pox Hos- E Hal all persons, without distinction, who may e taken with Small Pox. After tho regulations heretofore provided shall hpvegono Into opera tion, provided, however, that If said persons so afillcted shall furnish certificate of vaccination as heretofore provided, they shall only bo re moved to tho said Infirmary or Hospital, when lu tho opinion of tho Board their removal shall be deemed necessary for tho public safety. VI. In order to insure tho comfort and well being of those who are unable to procure med ical attendance and nurses, and who may bo sent io the Infirmary or Hospital, suitable pro vision shall bo made under the direction of the Hoard lor such medical attendance, food, nurs ing, bedding and cafe, as may be requisite and necessary. VII. It shall bo the duly of the High Consta ble, under tho direction of the Board, immedi ately on evidence of Small Pox occurring la a house, to place conspicuously over the doorway a red ling at least six (6) inches square, which shali remain until tho physician In attendance Shall furnish a cerilllcale that there Is no further danger ol contagion; and any one refusing to allow such Hug, or who shall remove or cause to be removed such flag, without such certificate, shall pay a fine of ten (1U) dollars for every of fense. VIII. It shall bo tho duty of every Physician within twelve (12) hours alter having been call ed to a case of Small Pox or Varioloid, or from I he time the character of the disease may be de termined* to report the same in- writing to tho President of the Board, stating tho name, resi dence. age, color, sex and nationality of tho pa tient; and any Physician refusing or neglecting so to do. shall pay a flue of ten (Iffi dollars, which fine shall bo collected under the ordinance con stituting the Board of Health. IX. The Board of Health are authorized to provide such printed notices and certificates us. they may deem necessary for tho proper carry ing Into effect of this ordinance. Enacted into an ordinance, this 2lst day of September. A. D. JS72. GEO. E. SHEAFER. Attest— . President Town Connell. A. WETZEL, J. M. WALLACE, Seo’y of Corpora’n. Chief Burgess. Sopl. 26.1872—3 t fHistell'ancoits. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF PENNSYLVANIA SopHMw JOINT RESOLUTION Pro])o3itig an Amendment to the Constitution of Pennsylvania Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania .in General Asscmblymet, That the following amend ment of the Constitution of this Commonwealth be proposed to the people for their adoption or rejection, pursuant to tho provisions of the tenth article, thereof, to wit: AMENDMENT ; Strike out tho sixth section of tho sixth arti cle of tho Constitution, and Insert In lieu there of the following: "A State Treasurer shall bo chosen by the qualified electors of tho State, at such times and for snob term ol service as shall be prescribed by law." 1 WILLIAM ELLIOTT. Speaker of the House of Representatives. JAMES S. HUTAN, Approved—'The twenty-second day of March. Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. JNO. W. GEARY. Prepared and certified for publication pursu ant lb the Tenth Article of tho Constitution. FRANCIS JORDAN., Secretary of the Commonwealth. Office of Secuktaky of the Commonwealth, Harrisburg, June 26th, 1872. July 4,1872—3 m. FRESH MEAT DAILY Edward J. Arney, JVorlh Hanover Street. jgy-Tho citizens of Carlisle can be furnished with Beef, Pork, Veal, Mut ton, Lamb, Pudding,Sausage, &c.,daily, at his residence, opposite John Mc- Bride’s, Delivered to all parts of tho town, sopt!2-72. THOMSON’S WOBLD-UENOWNED PATENT Glove-fitting Corset No Corset has over enjoyed snch a world-wide popularity. The demand for them Is constant ly increasing, because they give Universal Satisfaction. Are handsome, durable, economical and A PERFECT FIT. Ask lor THOMPSON'S GENUINE GLOVE FITTING. every Corset being stamped with tho uamoTHOMSON, and the trade-mark a orowu. Bold by all tlrat-olasa dealers. Sept, UMw Agents WANTED.—W# guarantee employment for all. either sex, at 85 a day, or or more u ycurl Now works by Mrs. 11. it. mown and others, Buperb premiums giv en awav. Money made rapidly and easily at work for uh Write end see. Particulars free.— Worthington. Dustin & Co., Hartford. Ct. Kepi. 2t), is72—lui. Thrice out-lotr at private SALE.—Situated on Waggoner's Gup«R72—lt Carlisle. Jon Piuntikq of every description not hurriedly, but artistically executed at this office. Givo us a call. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. • Bv vlrtno or an order df tbo Orphans' Court oi Cumberland county, will bo sold at public sale, on tho premises, at lO.o’clock, A. M , on Tuesday, the loth day of October next, the following described real estate, Into the properly of Levi Trego, deceased: No. 1, TIIE MANSION FARM. situated on tbo Carlisle and Chamborsburg turnpike at Mt. Hock, about 7 miles west of Carlisle. This tract contains about 137 acres aud Is verv highly Improved, bavin m a flrsl-rate two-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, large bank barn, corn crib, cattle stable, Ico bouse, and other necessary out-bulldogs, all conve niently located, and the whole properly Is un der ftrat-rnlo fence of locust posts aud chestnut rf No! 2.—A one and a half story LOG HOUSE, adjoining tho above farm, with about I aero of land. This property fronts on the Chambers burg turnpike. ’No. 3.—A. one-story LOG HOUSE and lot, con taining about three-fourths of an aero on tho same turnpike. No. I.—A very desirable‘tract of land, In Penn township, bounded on the east by Abner Bents, on the south and west by Isaac Lefevor, and on the north by tho road leading to tho Brick church; This tract contains about 111 acres, and Is south of tho Mansion Farm. No. 5.—-A tract of land known as the PRAI RIE FIELD, In Poim township: adjoining Abner BeaU. Jacob Trego and Isaac Lcfover, and con taining about 22 acres. Tho abovo described properties were all used by tho deceased In connection with tbo Mansion Farm, and wljl bo sold separate or us a whole, ns mav best, suit purchasers. No. (I.—ALSO. That very desirable two-story Brick Dwelling House ami lot of ground, con taining about l acre, In tho immediate neigh borhood of tho other described projieitlos, and adjoining Capt. Geo. Miller, Samuel Blxlor and others. Attendance will bo given and terms made known on day of sale by R. M. HENDERSON,- GEORGE MILLER, Sept 20—3 t Administrators of Levi Trego, deo’d. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. On Friday, October 11,1872. By order of the Orphans’ Court. I will soli at inmllo sale, on tho promises of No. I, In Booth Middleton township, Cumberland county, about 1 mile west of Papbrtown, on tho Pino road, and (I miles south of Carlisle, all tho following de scribed real estate, viz : NO. J, THE MANSION FARM of John Royer. dfre’d., situated In said township* aud containing 150 Acres and ID Perches, about 50 acres of which Is In good thriving Chestnut timber. Tho form Is under good cultivation and well fenced. Tho Improvements are a two-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, Frame Barn, wa gon stied, hog non. elder press*, i«ft Locust alley, Tho house Is a now two-stoiybrlck. and Is In good condition. The Improvements are modern, and the entire property is a very desirable one. AIJ3O for snle, a vacant LOT OFGKOUND, on Bedford street, 80 feet In front by 210 in depth, more or letjf, bounded by properties of A. August 1,1872, > Tho meeting whs called, to order by John A. Le/rert'«. the Manager. After malting h/a Htute. raont of the financial condition of the enterprise ho naked for a'Commtttoo of Inveatigatlon. It wan th on..on motion. Rcsotvcd, That a commlLteoof three bo appoin ted with power to act lor the ulmreholderw. The following named gentlemen wore then elected Bitch Coramltlco; Messrs. - Ooorge R. Sprague, John H. Mauv, W. H.’’Whitman. We, the undersigned, have examined the ac counts of Mr. Lcflorts. and find hia statements correct, nml u-<> For Uaslpfss nnd Bpcbiai Hblldes,-,10 oct>?p or line. Double column advertisements extra. HIT HOB OHS. Motto for an old bachelor—bo jiwt and fear knot.' A Chicago man named Tenney eco nomically writes his name Xy—that la lOoy. A Journalist who is said to be bald, offers a reward of $l,OOO for a tale that will make his hair stand on end. A Wisconsin man reported that he couldn’t find a word in Ida .dictionary, because “ the blasfed book'hadn’t got an index.” ‘: ■ > ' “ Mr. Speaker,” said a member of the Jamaica Legislature, .discussing, a bill for the regulation of the lumber trade, “I know these timber merchants to be most egregious rascals—l was in the timber lino myself twelve years.” Tue drug clerk administered arsenic for magnesia and killed his man, says ho don’t seo why people make so much talk about it, ns he’s made an apology and done what he could to make it right with the family. “How is It, ray dear, that you have never kindled a flame in the bosom of a man ?” said an old lady, to bet pretty niece, who was portionless. “The reason, dear,” replied tha young lady, “ Is, as you well know, that l am not a good match.” Come Bob, get up,” said an indulgent father to his hopeful son the other morning. “ Remember it Is the early' birds, that catch the Worms.” 1 “ What " 1 do I care for worms?” replied thS”' young,, hopeful, 1 V .Mother; won!t, dot/, me go a fishing.” ■ l A naughty little boy blubbering because his mother wouldn’t let him go the river on the Sabbath,.upon being admonished, said, “I didn’t, want to go a swlmmln’with ’em, ma. I only wanted to go down and see the bad little boys drown forgolng.aawfm min’on Sunday.” A Tolu-gate keener in Virginia was lately brought before a magistrate, for cruelly to his daughter, occasioned by her allowing her lover to drive through the gate free, when she had charge of It. Like one of Shakspearo’a heroines, “She never ‘tolled’her love.” An exchange says fashionable young ladles are calling upon somebody, to in vents new dance. Suppose “somebody” invents one wbereiii the young 1 Ta'dy dances around the house and looka 'ofti'r everything. ' , : • ; "Ahl Mr. Simpkins, we have not choirs for bur company," said a gay wife to her frugal husband. “ Plenty of. chairs, ducky,,but a little too much com. pany,” replied Mr. •Simpkins with a' knowing smile. W asn’t It rough ou Clara, Just as she wns tolling Frederick how etberlal her appetite was, to have the oook bawl out; “ Say ! will her have yer failed pork and beans now, or wait til) yer feller's gone." That was a cool Scottish "aside" of an old dealer, who when exhorting his aoa to practice honesty in his dealings, on the ground of its being the “ best policy," quietly added, I has tried baith.” A ui'.foßTi'.R who attended a banquet, concludes bis decrlptlim with a candid statement that "It is not distinctly re membered by any body present who muds Ibu Inst speech.” “ Prisoner, why did you follow this man and beat and kick bim so shameful ly?” "I am sorry, yer honor; I was a little drunk, and 1 thought It was my Wife." When I waz a little boy, and wore naked feet, and waz ioafin around loose for strawberries, I waz often times just agoing to step on a striped sheik, but it always cured me of strawberries. ' If a striped snaik got in tu a 10 nkra lot be fore I did, I alwus' konsidered that awl the strawberries in that lot belonged tu thosuaik. —Josh Billings. ' ’ • - " See there I” exclaimed a man who had Just had a contest with it flleetrig burglar, to a gaping crowd, as he point ed with some pride and a of nervousness to a bullet hole through the crown of his hut. “ Lood «t that hole, will you? You see if this had been a low crowned hati I should have been killed outright.” “ I love, you like anything,” said a young gardener to hia sweetheart as he gently pressed her hand. “ Ditto,” said she, returning the pres sure. Tiie ardent lover,'who was ho scholar, was sorely puzzled to know the mean ing of “ditto.” The next day, being at work with his father, ho said: “ Father, what is the meaning of ‘ditto’?” “ Why,” said the old man, “ this ’ere’s one cabbage-head, ain’t it?” “ Yes, father.” ' ■ ■ ■ “ Well, that ’ero’s ditto." “ Drat it 1” ejaculated the indignaht son, “ then she called me a cabbage head I” Gems op Thought.—A day of Idleness tires more than a week of work. Lovejlooks not with the eyes, but with die iriiml. Genius has limits, virtue has none, ev ery one pure and good can become purer and better still. A promise should be given with cau tion and kept with care. It should be made witb tbe heart and remembered with the head. There are meu who, by consulting their own Inclinations, have .forgotten that others have p claim to the same de ference. ... Truthfulness is a corner stoua In char acter; and if It be not firmly laid to youth, there will always be a weak split In the foundation. ■ . ~. Memory Is a patleol oauat, bearing huge burdens over life’s sandy desert Intuition Is a bird of paradise, drinking lu the aroma of celestial flowers, Every human creature Is sensible to some lulirmllles of temflas, ybtob It should bo bis oare to correct and aubduo particularly in the etwlyjperlod of life,