American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, September 26, 1872, Image 3

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    paha 4 Mutter
local itjsms.
Important Jfbtlco t
£ll Advertisements and Communica
iinns to insure insertion in this paper
tnuslbe handed in by IVf&DA? noth
jjldcertisers make a note of this. "
I Be Registered, now.
I Pay your tax,
Unsettled— the weather.
IN demand— empty older barrels.
Coming Into market—chestnuts. ,
Thu season for county fairs is here.
| falling off—the loe trade.
$ First understand ; then,argue.
September naa five Sundays.
Lively—the coal trade.
Cider will reach $l.OO per barrel.
I Game 1b reported to be plenty,
DAYS length, 12 hours, daysand nights.
Tbe last rose of Bummer Is blooming.
j Coming dp— stoves' and the price of
j Farmers are busy putting in their
Linter grain.
Political excitement bn the Increase
I THIS la the nothing to wear lime of the
ijesr with our ladles.
| Leave off linens—on with overcoats-;
Iseem to he September’s general orders.' .'
I Dahlias require to be well staked up
■during the September season.
| Passion 1b at first like a thin thread,
bj-nnd-by it becomes like a cable.
I Summer swallows have homeward
bled. Bonny birds—bye—bye.
| Don’t take too much interest in tbe
Affairs of yOur. neighbor.. Six per cent,
ylll do.
4 Squirrels, pheasants and woodcock
lan be shot legally now.
5 Women have sweet voices, which Is
poof demonstrative that they were never
Intended for scolding.
Spring Chickens, butter and eggs
.'wanted Immediately at Sites’ Enterprise
Igtore, .West.Pomfret street.
| There Is nothing like a good defini
tion, as a teacher thought when he ex
plained tbe meaning of “ old maid” as a
groman that had been made a very long
.time.' .
| DoOTOHS.pronounce swJnglrig healthy
;|o the body. Borne people would deny
ilhls, If they were alive.
j Flocks of wild pigeons are about flap
ping southward. •
I The grading .of the Harrisburg and
5 'otomao railroad Is finished from Dog
rwood run-to Papertown.
fd . t 1 , ' • ■ ’ ’
f : The man who never told an editor
; iciw he could better bis paper, has gone
l ilt west to marry the woman who never
ji ooked Into a looking glass.
S Ovstebs are now one of the luxuries
| Brilliant ideas are like shirt buttons
—[hoy are always off when we are in a
i'.| Considerable activity la now obsery
among our dealers.
| The weather on Sunday night was
Colli enough for an umbrella.
| Many people in different parts of the
Ijtnte are dying from cramp in the bow*
els'. In most cases it Is caused by sudden
I Prevailing—the feaat of pumpkin
j Some men walk live or six miles out
m the country to rest on Sunday.
Some smart one says whisky barrels
;yts high—but a friend of ours who Is in
tpie liquor business, says be has measured
Sis, and they are «• higher than usual.
| Hunt up your last year's overcoat —or
iour pocket book and buy a new one.
i Corn cutting has commenced in many
jartu of the State.
- Apple butter will be plenty—and
/ ire hope cheap—the present season. So
fe are informed by our country friends.
■| Ihose who know they are not registered
dmdd see to if, without further delay.
| There is a law in Pennsylvania im
posing a fine of $5 .for every. insectivor
ous bird shot by any one within a period
if five years, three years only of which
nave passed.
Tiber in a news from all parts of the
mnly. Greeley, Brown and Buckalew
tubs ate organizing everywhere.
ii Roasted chestnuts are the coming
fmxury. ,V
/The law of juries—'•iinany are called,
at fow are chosen,”.
The State Fair at Erie is one of the
est ever held In the State.
I Somebody predicts a cold winter be
jause, forsooth, he has been examining
jnd discovered that geese walk sideways,
lud cows’ tall are full of burrs.
v'l Farmers have begun to cut off their
‘torn, but .the fodder is hardly dry
/; hough. , ; .
Newville Js, fa, have, pn antjirapltq.
hums, this; time/; stack will,; tie
oiuracnoed when $60,000 are subscribed.
Tub Democracy will ‘[take the starch
Ight out” of Hartfanft, In October. -
Ex-Governor Blair, of Michigan,
Aheral, is'stumping'Western Pennsyl
i The present Mayor of Harrisburg,
1»U. William K. Verboke, has been re
sinloateil by the Democrats and Llber-
Alt, stamps on legal papers save bank
becks, will cease on the first of October.
Two weeks from next Tuesday - tho
tato election occurs. ! ’
For eXscntlng'gbod- jpb vyoVk .at .fair
rices, we aire fiilfy prepareii. ” ‘
The buckwheat crop la reported to be
ory promising, but wohavo heard netti
ng said about Jersey eaueage. One Is
lood for nothing without the other.
Apples and peaches are still In plenty
bid bringing fair prices, The crop has
been abundant and o(a superior quality.
We are told that the potatoes are rpt
onlng in the ground at some localities.
i Keep your optica wide open, and on
po lookout for thieves. They are ba
jcomlag unpleasantly numerous.
i Ladies and gentlemen promenading
[together on the street or elsewhere, are
[commanded by fashion to walk arm In
See that your name, is on the
Register, i 1
Superb.—The tine fat.oysters at Skiles’
saloon, Volunteer 'Building. 'Try
them. Good Lager also on hand, '
We had a.slight frost In this neighbor-"
hood oh Friday night last. 1 ‘ \
' Seeding Is about over. Our farmers
in this valley, generally speaking, have
put In an unusually large sowing.:
Don’t fall to see the Domestic Sew
ing Machine ot our Fnir this week, as
it is the first time it has been exhib
ited in Cumberland county.
York County Agricultural Sooi-
ilftoenth annual exhibition of
the York County Agricultural Society
will be held at York, on the Ist, 2cl, 3d
and 4th days of October.
Congress.—The Grupt, Hartraaftites
of tills district have nominated William
A. Sponsler, Esq., of Bloomfield, as their
candidate fur Congress. Mr. B. is a very
clever gentleman, hut he can’t go'to
Congress from this district—not by a
long shot.
Will beat the Fair.—Our towns
man, Bobert Allison, intends to keep a
boarding tent on the grounds during the
Cumberland County Fair. Oysters, cold
beef, bam, pickles, bread, butter and
every thing to tempt the appetite will be
on hand in abundance, at cheap rates.
Call one, call all, at Ailisonla tent.
A colored Camp Meeting will be held
at Leidlg’s Woods, hear John Ring
wait’s hotel, commencing on to-morrow
the 2"th Inst., to continue ton days.
Hacks will meet the trains at the Me
ohaniosburg and Kingston Stations.
“ .'Straight-Outs.” Yes, straight
out of the Democratic party. Menials
who receive “free passes” at the expense,
not of Grant, but of the Treasury. Such
creatures deserve the execrations of hon
est men. ” Straight outs,” indeed;
Straight scoundrels would be a more ap
propriate name. ■ 5 ’■
Fine Lambs.— A dozen of Southdown
lambs were weighed upon the borough
scales on Wednesday last for Maj. A. A.
Line, who had purchased them. The
weight of’the twelve was 1392 lbs. They
were beauties, and of course the meat
will be served Up to the Major’s customers
at his stalls, in our market.
Catholic Mission.— The Revs. Fath
ers' Hemmig and Merrldith, of the Order
of “Our Holy Redeemer,” will hold a
Mission of Retreat tor devout exercises,
In the Catholic church of this place, com
mencing on next Sunday, September 29,
at 10 o’clock A. M., to be continued by
sermons and Instructions through that
wees. All Catholics in the county are
especially requested, and the . public is
respectfully invited to attend the divine
service. ;>
The State is run down with peddlers,
who greatly annoy our local merchants.
The only way to compete with these
busy bees is to advertise and let. the
people know thdt the home market is
by far the best place to buy.
A ruiLosoriiEß says; “I never yet
heard a man or woman abused that I,
was not inclined to think the better, of
them, and transfer any suspicion or
dislike to the person who appeared to
take.,a delight in pointing out the
defects of a fellow creature. • :
WE haye a large box in our, office for
the accommodation of persons' 1 who
bring fruit to town and find no pur
chaser. Our “boys” are ‘‘death” on
fruit, and think they can make way
with a bushel every few-days.- If you
•don’t believe this, just give them a
trial.,.,-, ' [
That's Why.—lf people will persist
in keeping quiet, and not injure them
selves, refuse to let their horses run
away and break their , necks or some
other person’s,; and will not shoot at
or kill any body, it is impossible to
give a full variety of local matter. . So
if our local is not up to our readers
taste this week they must give ns some
thing new to say. Either got married
or do something you want to see- in
Put Them Ur:—The law requires
supervisors of road districts to put up
guide boards at. all cross roads, and in
flicts a right smart penally for neglect
of duty in this respect, which is right.
In some/ townships little, attention is
paid to. the law, and travelers: are sub-,
jected to frequent annoyance by taking
the wrong road.
People seldom think when reading
the newspaper'that it fs worth a thou
sand letters from , far off friends each
week, ah(|, tjijey!, iilmbst.qlyiays' forget
that tfiey owe for all its, content's for
years at a time. Think of this kind
reader, and then resolve to have your
paper paid -for ever after in. advance,
either wlthus or any-othei?' editor yo.u
■mav ever live to'-patronize/ Tf you do
so, you will simply do your duty and
nothing more. ,
"We are ,told, that Mias Kate Ego , la
aboui- to.form a olass-for Inseructldn in
Calisthenics, or the light Gymnastics.
T’hese exercises are-in accordance with
ihe well-known system of Dr. Dio Lew--
iaVof Massachusetts, and were
into this town, for-the .first time, we be
lieve, by Miss knnq Whitman,-in con
nection with i..‘.'.The-, Mary.. Institute.’” ’
Miss Ego took the full course with
Miss Whitman, and is amply qualified to
give this instruction.
Those exercises ;I tend to develop and
strengthen | tt.e ; ( oypt'enj.j
have a'moat' beuefi'olal'effect Upon the
general health. They aid, also, in-giv
ing a graceful and easy carriage of the
We are glad to hear that the Directors
think favorably of their introduction into
the public schools, as the influence of
tiiOso exercises, .occasionally, ,at, seme
Interval In the dally sessions, In the re
lief and diversion to the pupils, and the
Increased zest and cheerfulness with
which the school loutlue Is resumed, can
be appreciated by all teachers.
. Mbs Ege’s class begins this week, in
the public school room On Pomfret street,
(Just above Hanover), and we under
stand that she,proposes fa give twp les-1
sons per week, for the very moderate
charge of one dollar per quarter for each
pupil- , ~,
Tl\e lessons are In tbo afternoon, at the
close of school hours, giving an opportu
nity far pupils In any of the schools to.
join the class.
Get your naturalisation pa
Only TWO more days in which
to get Registered /’ ' Voters re
•member this, arid attend, to it !
Notice. —Whereas, reports are In olr-
the county ln : rela"
Jlon to BtaftU pox In the boro’ of Carlisle,
which are much exaggerated, wo aub
mlt I bel9’ty tjhp Board, of
Ohas. 'H. Mullin,
Pres. Agricaliural &oeicl,j.
Carlisle,' Sept. 23,1872.
I hereby,certify {hut there ere but few
oases of small pox and varioloid in the
borough, anil they are confined princi
pally to,the' alleys and lower end of the
town. . Reports that ■ partspof the town,
are fenced, Ac., are simply ridiculous.. ■;
John Campbell,
\ Pres. Jioard of flcaflh.
To endblefiiU't<vseo fotVtjibmselVbs'
that tiro ■'Domestic!' Sowing' Machine
lias no cog wheels or small parts con
cealed In tiro solid arm, (as .reported'
by agents of other machines,) the
agent; Jos. Wi Ogilby, Wins received
for exhibition a “skeleton” with cast
Iron framework cut away to show the
entire action of the working parts.
“ Don’t fail to see it.”
Titos. AT' Harper, South Hanover
St*, just opened out all the* novelties of
the season in fancy and staple dress
goods. Also a complete assortment of
black goods, black silk, iatteens, merinos,
tamiae, poplins, cashmeres, Australian
crape, and in black tilpacalsand mohairs.
I venture to say I oxcoll any in
quality and price. Don't fail to call and
It is stated in one of our reliable
agricultural exchanges, wo cannot now
say which, that cider in barrels.can be
kept sweet by taking a strip of canvas,
about twelve inches long and two broad,’
to be dipped in melted brimstone,
.dried, and hung in the cider barrel
from the bung hole,-In which there are
only a few gallons of eider, lit and kept
there until the fuse is burnt out; roll
the barrel about well and then fill.
This of course is done before fermenta
tion, and should it not be successful,
repeat. This can be ascertained by
putting a lighted candle to the bung
hole; if the flame is extinguished, fer
mentation has commenced.
-in Coffee.-— I This; lathe
age of ,: adulteration, land as [Wise old,
ladies often remark, “ you really can’t
tell what your oatin’ ’’—and that is a
fact—or drinking either. A great many
people—cunning people—always buy
their coffee, whole, because you can’t be
cheated if you buy the berries. How
much innocence is there, in the world 1
Little do these lovers of the Arabian
berry imagine that there are several
machines working in Harlem manfac
turlng coffee berries. They are made
from chickory—which costs a few cents
per pound—mixed with, ground pens.
So well finished is the berry that only
an expert could detect the imposition.
There is nothing about these berries
unhealthy j in fact, as good coffee can
be made from them as Is generally ob
tained in restaurants. Mixed with fine
coffee, they are not detected, and enable
grocers to cheat affei make money.
Silver Spring Awake,
The adjourned meeting at Kingston
on the 10th, met at Hoguostown, Sept.
,17th, for the purpose of completing the
organization- .of the Democratic . and
Liberal Republican Club of Silver
Spring Township. The Committee, ap
pointed on organization consisting of
M. Groff, W. Senseman, H. Voglesong,
Dr. S. M. Whistler and G. M. D. Eck
els, reported the following officers :
President—Q. Hoover, Esq.
. Vice Presidents —M. Groff, P. Hempt,
H. Voglesong, Jr., H. Babble, S; Brick
er, Cal. Clendenin, Q. Gross, P. Snyder,
Dr. Hoover, J. Hast, J. O’Hara, J. S.
Sponaleri Dr. S. M. Whistler, W. W.
Wanbaugh, Jno. Armstrong.
Recording See. —G. M. D. Eokles.
Comsponding See. —L. B. Ewalt.
'lreasurer W. Sensemau.
The report was received and adopted,
Mr. S. N. Eminger, Chairman of Dem
ocratic County Committee, read an in
terestin and encouraging paper from
the Chairman of the State-Central Com
mittee ; after Which the meeting was
eloquently and forcibly addressed by
F. E. Beltzhoover, Esq., followed by
H. K. Peffer, in ap earnest-and convinc
ing speech. The faceting was spirited
and orderly. Adjourned to meet at
New Kingston, September 21th. ,
G. M. D. ECKELS, Secl’y.
We understand that the congregation
of the Second Presbyterian Church of
Carlisle, will moot in their new church
on Thursday, 0ct0ber,3,.1872,. at 10
o’clock, In tho forontom for the purpose
of letting the pews.l George Metzger,
Esq., and James Hamilton, Esq., for
their liberality towards the church, are
first given their choice of pews. Then
the names of all persons desiring $5O 00
pews, are to be written on slips of
paper and drawn from a box. Tho
parties will make choice of their pews
in the order in which their names may
bo drawn. After gif parties desiring
$5O 00 pews are thus accommodated,
the names of all othen persons desiring
pews- will be written on slips of -paper
and drawn from a box) and the parties
make choice of pews in the order in
which their names may be drawn.
A diagram of the pews with their
respective seats may be-seen by call
ing on John Hays, Esq., Treasurer of
the church, with whom all persons
,doslringipe\ys shpulcl leave their names,,
\ 11 Any man baa a right to buy slockf-,”
Axclaima that paragon of political, virtue,
■fenjamin H. Brewster.' Quite true, O,
Bmjamin. But Auditor General Hart
rJift baa no right to gamble In stocks
aru uae the treasury and the money of
how and orphan pensioners as a mar
\ He has no right to turn the office
udltpr generpl/lpto a Sto'ck brpkerV
I nor has'he" a right to uao'offlclal
\s to make a corner In stocks, as is
Py hlB Oil Creek letter. Whether
Water may think a reckless stock
ir, whose operations cover nearly
juartera of a ’million In a single
•. fit person to fill the high and
\le office of governor of Pennsyl
\oh ;Wlll hot bb the honest Judg-:
Wreat ihajdrlty of' the “people of
\ula In October next. ' ■' x ■
.seen 1
vania, b)
meat of
eased to call! the attention of
lo the fact that they can ai
lommodated With the very
goods In town at John
,oery, where ho la always
irlng business hours. Wo
\II to give him a call, aa
ourself, and .found hia
and of a superior qual-
We are
the publloV
ways be al
beat and ch
A. Means’
to bo found
would advise
we have don\
goods to be chei
'democratic meetings.
Meetings of Democrats and Liberal
Republicans will bo held <
. At‘Carlisle, October 3.
• At Mechanicsburg, October 4,
i To bo addressed by speakers from
~ If any of our patrons wish a good pair
of pants, a coat, vest, or.auytiiinß In thq
clothing line they should go to'John
Elliott's, No. 33 North rfanovor street,
Carlisle. John Elliott is a clever fellow,
and should bo liberally patronized by our
- Foun good fitting boot, shoe, gaiter,
*&o., give '.bid Reliable - {AA. Dysort,) a
call,' No. '4 East Main street. If Ad*
can't fit nobody can. Try him. Work
made lip by experienced workmen, at
the lowest possible price.
Goto Greenfield's, No. 18 East Main
street, for your dry goods. Mr. G. has
jist received from, the city the most
splendid stock of goods that has over
been brought to Carlisle. Pop In and
examine them.
Everybody 'Visiting the FalFahoiild
not fall fo call and examine the elegant
Stock of dry goods just opened at D. A.
Sawyer's, N. E. Cornerof Public Square.
You will be sure to find bargains in all
kinds of dress,goods, shawls, blankets,-
cassimeres and notions.
The Proabytery of Carlisle will be
convened in the Second ■ Presbyterian
Church on Tuesday, October 1, at seven
o’clock, P. M. The opening sermon will
be delivered by the Ray. Dr.. Strops, of
Harrisburg, on the “Belatlon of Baptised
Children to the Church.” It is expected
that on Wednesday evening “the Ter
centenary Anniversary Discourse” will,
bo delivered by Jhe/Bev. J. Agnew.
Crawford, of Chainbersburg. On Thurs
day evening-a Missionary Meeting will
be held, at which addresses may be ex
pected from Drs. Robinson, Wing, and,
others. The Presbytery of Carlisle, our
readers will recollect, embraces Perry,.
and parts of Juniata and Dauphin, and
the Cumberland Valley. A general at
tendance of Delegales’ls expected.
'Penn- Township* Awake.
. At a meeting of the Democrats and
Liberal Republicans of Penn township,
held in the academy building, at Centre
j villa, on Saturday evening, September
21, the following proceedings were had j
On motion, John Mcore was called to
the.chair, and Job u L. Henry, Secretary.
The then addressed the audi
ence and stated the object of the meeting
to be an organization of a Greeley &
Buckalew club. The club was then or
ganized by electing John-Moore perma
nent President, John G. Hutobinson,
Lewis Goodhart, ■ William Harper,
Frederick- Fry, Joseph Shannon, Charles
Wherly, John Wiroman, J., Si Kelso,
Dr. W. H. • Longsdorff and D. P.
and John"L. Henry as Secretaries;'
Simon,T. Hale, as Treasurer.
The following were appointed as a
“vigilance committee,” consisting of one
member*from each school ’ district, viz :
Joseph,Green,..Simon T. Hole, James Li
Henry jbaaph Slusaer; BamiiehA. Tritt,
E. tf.iEybterj f Johu S; Newcomer; John
T. Myers, John A. Baugher, Samuel
Kiugsboro. After which the meeting
adjourned to meet at Eyater's tavern, on
Saturday evening, Sept. 28.
John Li Henry, Seci’y.
Fall Bonnets. —The earnest impor
tations of fall millinery havo arrived.
New bonnets retain the high front and
sloping crowns of last season. Many
frames havo heavy; rolling coronets.
In their trimming strange combina
tions of color appear, such as reseda
with blue, dark, sage-green with pink;
and bronze with tea rose. Pale sky
blue’js used with dark sapphire blue
and very dark shades Of various colors.
The turquoiseailk introduced last spring
—a soft, lustreless fabric—is largely
imported in the new dark tints. It is
shown' in olive, bronze and peacock
shades, in ver-dc-gris, sage, and tea
colors ; Moselle is a shade that is now
and very lovely.; Turquoise silk will
be used for trimming principally, but
bonnets will also bo made of it and
tiimmed with velvet. Pattern bonnets
have such quantities of trimming that
the material with which the frame is
covered is almost entirely concealed.
Flowers, feathers and Jet ornaments,
appear on each bonnet.
Without a Newspaper!— Nothing
presents a sadder, commentary upon
.the present unhealthy condition of our
loved and once prosperous country
than the largo number of families, both
in town and country, r but more especi
ally in the latter, that subscribe to no
paper of any kind.- Hundreds and thou
sands of families are thus growing up
in utter ignorance of. what is trans
piring in the world around them, and
ignorant of the mighty events of the
day. But who can tell the vast amount
of injury that is being inflicted upon
the rising generation—those who are to
take our places in the busy world at no
distant day-growing up without any
knowledge of the present or any study
of the past, this ignorance, too, being
imbued into them by Ihe actiqn.of those
who should and .doubtless' do know
better, did they only think of the inju
rious effeptsiof their insape course. Let
the head of every family think of this,
and place in the hands of those for
whom ho is responsible the means of
acquiring some knowledge of the mov
ing . panorama in which we enact our
different parts.
business notices.
Fall and Winter.
Wholesale Notion House,
No. ,24 South Hanovor Street, Carlisle.
Burlug 'thcj season tjtey Intend to keep in
'stools a general lino of Woo lon anil Buck goods,
Gont*s Underwear, Ladles, Gent’s, Misses’ and
Childrens’ Hosiery, Scarfs and Wristlets.Gent’s
Buck gloves, Gauntlets and Mitts; also, will
have constantly on hands n lino of Suspenders,
Hoad Nets,"Linen nnd Cotton-Handkerchiefs,
Cotton Hosiery,'NeolpTles, Faucyßowa. Paper
Collars, Cuffs,’ Stationary, Tio Yarn. Wrapping
Paper, Paper Bags,.-Drugs. Fancy Soaps, Hair
Oil and add an eudlQsaj variety of
ulek-nucks In general. ."
Nice fresh Cheeao atMchna’, No," 7$ 8* fHapo*.
ver street!* -i; MniyO-tr. 1
Just received a. largo lot of FINE NEW
MACKEREL at HOFFMAN’S, No. 41 and (M E.
* klyGFolont "Vxteiudon am! - castors on ovory
Just rccolved, a Ireab lot of. Crnnborrlca. Co
coanuts, Oranges, AlmonOa, Ac., atUumrlcn’s
. ui- Only »oo and yoa will buy tbo light run
ning "DOMESTIC.”
rriroo Honey, Vlnugar. Swcot Cldor, Ameri
can Bweltror Cheoao, at llnmrlch’a.
Go to J. 1L Wolfs lor tbo beat naaorlmout of
LtuUos nurt OouUi Ilea and Fancy,Down,
0,000 I.BS. OF HAMS,— I am now in possos-
Bibim of 2 X A tons of the finest brands ofSa
gnr-enred HAMS, which T offer lor salo ciikai*
for cash. Every Imm guaranteed to bo as re
presented. Also, DRIED BEEF and LAWt’AS*,
TEtt BALOGNA constantly on Hand, at HOFF-’
MAN'S GROCERY,’ No, 4! nudlM East Pomfr® *
treat. N.B.—Hams weighed when sold.
As*'Why does tho ••DOMESTIC” so delight ov
©ry oiib? Agents. f6r other machines only ox
Cabbage, Turnips, Potatoes, Beets,Plcklo
by.tuo dozen or jar, go to Hmnrloh’B.
A largo stock of Dry Lfcinbeif placed in
tho yards, before tho rise'ln priced for sale at
low figures. Lath, Shingles, Pickets. Ac., al-
W'Syßonlmhd. Call at upper or lower yards of
■ J(3- Tho •• DOMESTIC" encola In light work,
and bents all on tho heaviest.
Parasols, Fans, ( Bustles, Hoop Skirts and
Corsets aro sold' cheaper J.'lli Woolf’s .thin
other House lu tdwii. /*. f,. ’
You cnjmot afford to puvehnso a sowing
machine'without first giving tho " DOMESTIC 1 '
n oarcfttl examination. J. W. OGILBY, Agent,
flyA fino lot of llmoburnors’ Poajaud Nut
Coal on hand; prices reduced. Call at upper or
lower yards of
May 0,187-
. m- Tho, •' DOMESTIC" la tile " Klug" ol Loclt
SlllcU Sewing Machines.
CANIWKI> GOODS soiling low at Heilman's
Grocery, No. II and 88 East Pomfret street
Tomatoes, • throe-pound cans, 20 cents. Win
slow's; Corn, 25 cents. Poaches, three-pound
cans,-23 cents. Plneat)plo/35 cents; OyHtoi'S, 25:
cents. _ ' „
trS* The subscriber having seChrsd n largo crop
oi Ino best quality ICE, free from snow and all
Impurities olTof mountain streams, Is now pre
pared to deliver it to customers at low rates.
Orders loft ht either of the coal and lumber of
fices will receive prompt attention.
- A. H. BLAIR.
HOW TO GO WEST. - This Is an Inquiry
which every onO should have truthfully an
aweredbefore he starts‘"on his Journey, and a
little care taken in examination of Routes will
In many'cases save much trouble, time and
Tlio “C., B. & '4.' H. R/,”'ruunlng from Chicago,
through Qalesburg-to Burlington, and the "I„
8.--& W.Routc," running from Indianapolis,
through 1 Bloomington to Burlington, have
achieved a splendid reputation In the last two
years as the leading passenger Routes to tbe
West. At Burlington they connect with, the B.
&'M. B:,R. and form the great Burlington route,
which'runs direct through Southern lowa to
Nebraska and Kansas, with close connections
to California and the Territories; and’passen
gers starting from Carlisle, on their .way West
ward,-cannot do bettor than'to take'the Bnr
llngton Route. . . • ,
‘ This lino has published a pamphlet called
“How to go West,” which contains ranch val
uable Information; a large correct map of tho
Grout West which can be obtained free of charge
by addressing the General Passenger Agent is.
&M. R.R., Burlington, lowa.
’ ' <sorrcc!6(i tveekli; hy 'J. IT. 'Bostcr & liro.
Oaulislk, Hoptomljoi* 2.1, 1872
Corrected weekly by Geo. B, Hoffman <t Son
Carlisle, September
BEANS por bus.
3 o'clock JP M. J J hiUu, dept. 24, 1872
Sow UTtcvs ur-Uki,. ■ --f
u.s. 6’BOf ’Bi; , “OK
“ " *O2, not onllod ljs«
•* *• ' f ti2, lst called '■
“ »«2 f 2d call’ 11%
:::: . sa-m
.. .5-'- IMS} :iB
" “ $ fifl; i‘:l
its’ H 3)«, 113J5
5’S, 10-jo'a, {®f. 10
U. 8.30 Year (I per cent. Cy IjJaj j|AS
Gold, . ’“p {
Silver* * IUO Uu
U. I'ncltlo It. It. Ist Mort. Bonds, ST?.{ BSK
Central Pacillc It. R. r-r
Union Paclllo Band Grant Bonds VJ]i 80
The following aro added to the list of
Broken National Banks ; First National
Bank; Rochester, Now York, Clarke
National Bank, Rochester, New York,
National Union Bank, Oswego, New
York, Merchants and Farmers Bank,
Qulnoy, 111., for Which we are paying
Four (4) per cent' poemium.
Wholesale lohacco <0 Setjars,
No. 27 North Hanover Street,
Carlisle, Pa,
Prices as low ns in Philadelphia or Baltimo
April 25, 1872—1 y, . ,
day, September 28, 1872.—1 n pursuance or an
order of the Orphans’ Court of Cumberland Co.,
will bo sold at public Bale, on the premises, the
following described real estate, situated in
Fruukfflrd township. Cumberland county,
bounded on the north by Poler Bencher, on
the south by Hnmuol Lehman, on the east
by John Durrs’ heirs, and on the west by
Jos Myers, containing 15 ACRES, more or less.
TERMS OF MALE.—Ton per cent of the pur*
chase money to be paid when tho property la
stricken down ; one-half tho balance on tho Ist
AnriL W 73, when deed will bo madejand pos
session given, and tho balance on Ist ol April,
IS7J with Interest from Ist April, 187.1. The un
bald iiurchaso money to be secured by Jiuig
munt. «alo to commence at 1
AclmT C. t; 4. Of Annie Campbell, dec’d.
Hopt. 12, 1872—3 t
Valuable farm- at public
SALE. • •;
On Thursday, 'October 10, 1872.
. Will bo sold at public sale, on the promises,
o*b tho above day, tne following property ..of the
late Peter Albright, deceased, bounded by lands
of James Bosler, tho Poor House farm, George
Farenbaugh, Isaac Bronnoman and Jao. Baker,
1 n Middlesex township,, containing
110 ACRES,
more or loss, of GOOD LIMESTONE LAND, all
in good condition, well fenced, and under cul II •
Vation. Tho Improvements are a
bank barn, wagon shed, hog pens, Ac. There le
a well of good watcrconvenfent Ip the dwelling,
and an excellent APPLE ORCHARD and other
fruit trees on the premises. ' •
ALSO, will bo sold at tho same time and place,
containing, respectively, 0 and 27 acres, both In
Perry county, on the North Mountain.
' Bale to commence at I.o’clock, when attou
dauco will be given by JEBBB H ETTRICK,
Trustee for heirs of Peter Albright, deceased.
Sept. 10,1872—3 t u
—Will bo Bold at public aalo, on tbo promises. in
Lower Frankfort! township. on tbo road loading
from Carlisle to M’Clnni’HOnp, that woll-known
FARM, owned and occupied by the aubsorlbor,
containing 103 ACRES and 38 1 EIICHL3 of ex
collent Gravel Lmnl.of which about 140 aoroa la
cleared and under good cultivation, hnvlng I beon
well limed on several recent occasions, tho bal
ance of the properly Is good Wood Land, Iho
Improvements are a
large bank barn, 71M5 feet, \vagon shod, corn
cribs, hog pen, wash house, and other outbuild*
logs. There is a well of excellent nod “over
falling water at the door of the dwelling, and
running spring water la nearly all the Holds of
tlm farm/making it one of tho most valuable
stock farms In the county, ihere is a
on tho premises, and a great variety of other
fruit trios, such aa poaches, cherries, plums,
Ac. Reboots are convenient to I, 1 ’ i,y. 1 ,,’ r ,yl7 v '
and the roads gcuorally good. This property
011.-rs great Inducements to any one wFb lu ß to
fln£?m?R in farming or slock raising, and will
“® U?oly bSfll auyimng
otlbred kale to commence at 12 o clock, M., or
said day. when tonna will bo mado known and
■altomlaiico given by WM. McOREA.
Hcpl.lll, 1473—it
A 1 OTIGF-—The uudarßlgßed, Auditor,
\ unpointed by the Court ol.Opmmon Pleas of
CumlH-nsnd county, to distribute tho balance
hi lm- Imii'ls ”1 -I- if. Htock, assignee of Joseph
ZelL'ler. „■ 111 meet the parties Interested at bis
oilier in Ihe borough of Carlisle, on Friduj, the
•Ith diiv of October, A. D. 1872, for the Pprpot*-**
of hi!appnmin.o,,l. JNO- GOItNMAN
Hcpi. hi. 1872—:u • Auditor.
tvtOTICE.— Tbo undersigned, Auditor,
l\ appointed by tho Court of Common Pleas
nT Cumberland county, to distribute the bul
nnpo m the hands of Henry Suxtsn. assignee of
Henry Ikmholtzor, will meet tho parties luter
Istodr at his ollice. No. 18 West Main street, In
|o borough of a.
Hcpt.W.WK-31 ’ Auditor.
Jtfcu) Sliucviiscmaita,
On Thursday, October 3,1872.
The subscriber, executor of John Elcholbergor,
dcc’d., will offer at publlo sale, on tho
In Lower Allen township. CumboWand count,,
tho well-known FARM of tho deceased, adjoin
ing lands of Jacob Long, P. J. Hheeloy. John L.
Comfort, John N. Miuwor and Martin Best, con
taining about 110 ACRES OF EXCELLENT
having thereon erected
with a never-falling spring of water In the base
meut, also well-calculated forTROU r RAISING.
Wagon Shed, and necessary out-bulldlugs. An
Orchard of Apples and other fruits on tho prem
ises. Also, an excellent
Stable and other necessary outbuildings. A.well
of uovor fulling water, orchard ol tine fi ult trees.
This farm is a very desirable one. situated in
the heart of tho Cumberland Valley, and will
bo sold In one or two tracts, as may best salt
purchasers.' Sale to commence at 10 o clocK, A.
sr., when attendance will bo given and terms
pmdc known by WM, R.
ALSO, will bo sold onSATURDAY, OCTOBER
5,1872.,the MANSION HOME of the deceased,
situated'ln'Shiremanstown,’Lower Allen-town
ship, being an excellent two-slory tRAMr.
HOUSE ami Stable, with necessary ont-huUd-
Ings, and throo lots ol grountl, ilnolr located in
the heart of tho town, fronting on Mam street
UMfeet, and running hack to an alloy, anJoiMUg
lots of John 15. Elcholbergor on the east/and
Meslab's church on the west; Will be sold as a
whole or In lots to suit purchasers.- Sale to com
mence at 1 o'clock, P. M,, oh said day. when at
tendance will bo given and terms made known
by WM. K.aoUUAB, Executor.
Sept: 2a. IST3-U '
Fall and Winter Clothing 1
John Elliott,
No. 33 North Hanover Carlisle,
has Just opened a largo And splendid as
sortment of FALL & WINTEK
GlotlMng: 2
such aa
Over coats!
of all qualities and prices, Pants, Vesta,
tles, Collars, <&o. t &c.
&c. His stock of Clothing is complete,
Every Variety and Style ,
and unsurpassed in elegance, beauty and
.utility, and offered at prices that please
and suit the people.. Wellmay it be said
that JOHN ELLIOTT, aclUoheapcr . than
anybody in town. I have secured one of
the beat
in the State, also a large assortment of
PIECE GOODS, which I will makeup
to order at shortest notice. Also, a largo
assortment of men’s and ladled
and children’s shoes*. Also, a large,as
sortment of men’s, boys’ and children’s
HATS, that cannot fail to please in qual
ity and priced All the above, to be had
now at
5 60
• 460
1 SO
w pai jm. John Elliott’s.
Wo have Just returned; from the city with a
2 60.
' 03
©if ‘t©iis
consisting In part of CLOTHS; CASSIMBRE9,
Ladles’ andOont’s UNDERWEAR. A largo as*
sortraent of now styles of
MOURNING GOODS in variety. Crapes, Rib
bons, <fec. An endless number of latest stylo of
Fall and Winter SliawlM,
, The "OTTOMAN SCARF,’ 1 hnndsomo ana nil
slzon, Cloth nua FeIt,SKIRTS tor Indies nnd
misses. •
La'.'ge Flics of DOMESTICS,
Calicoes,, Ginghams, Tickings, Muslins, Flan
nels of ail kinds and colors.
white and colored. UMBRELLAS,
"Velveteens J
Black and Colored, cut bias, for Trimmings.
The largest stock of
in tho county. We have had advantages In the
mirolmso of this Immense stock, not possessed
by others which will enable us to soli at
Hept. 20, 1872.
Improved Cucumber Wood
»ump, Tasteless, Durnblo, Efll
leut and Cheap. The best
’urap' for the least money., At
mllou 1h ocpeolnlly Invited to
llatchley's Patent Improved
tracket and now Drop Chock
r alve, which can bo withdrawn
dthout removing the Pump or
Isturbmg the joints. Also, tho
topper Chamber which never
racks or scales, and will outlast
any other. Kor sale by Rhine
smith <t Bupp, Carlisle, Head
- V f>r Catalogue and prioo list. •
Chas. G. Blatculky, MTr
Sept; 12—ly 506 Commerce St„ Phlla., Pa.
dt kbadiwo
Wo nre oUhrlng the Second Mortgage Bonds
of this Company
Interest Payable January ami July.
lOOOh, 500 s, and 100 s,
And can bp REGISTERED free of expense.
The Coal, MlaceUaneoua Freights and Passen
ger business are constantly Increasing. The in
crease for ten (10) mouths ending Kept. I TO
.over ten (10) months ending Sept, 1, 1871, was
§58.621.01. - v
Bonds, Pamphlets and Information can bo ob
tained of
DeHaven & Bro.,
No 40 S. THIRD Stroel, Philadelphia.
Dec.lB7ilyr, , .
p RIM E ”
wouhi announce to their many old customers,
that they hayo ro-op,euod their Oyster Saloon
for the season, and are prepared to serve prime
oysters In any style, such as fried, slowed, roast
ed, panned, on the half shell. Ac. We have la
connection with our establlshmonfca LADIES’
XtKsTAURANT, which Is lilted up In tho moat
comfortable manner. Families supplied with
tho best Oysters In the market, by tho bushel or
smaller quantities, opened or In tho shell, at
abort novice, and at .
Sept. 20,1872— 3m No. li East Main Strcet.'
A GENTS WANTED.—We guarantee
employment for all. either sex, at S 5 a day,
or U 000 or more a year! New works by Mrs.
H. a’stowo and others. Superb premiums giv
en away. Money mado rapidly and easily at
work for us. Wnlo uml sue. Particulars free.—
Worthington, Dustin <fi Co., Hartiord. Ct.
Hepl.* 20, 1872—1 m.
I The undersigned. Assignee of Robert M.
CmcK, of Carlisle, offers for sulo tho propony,
corner of Pitt street and Locust alley. The
house is a new two-story brick, and Is In good
condition. The Improvements are modern, uml
the entire property la a very desirable one.
\ 1140 for sale, n vacant LOT 01 GROUND,
on Ui-dford street, 30 feet In front by 310 In
duutb, more or less, bounded by properties of
A. *M. Uoylc, Brcnnenian j and mbcr«. iiit
Sept. i’-’, 1872-tr. ' Autffiin,
Please call at the
(1840.) , •
The Honda are lu
Ills assorting n't of Goods la complete with nil the latest styles and novelties of the season.
The Grand Display
is worth looking at. Windows illuminated ovory night. In looking over his varied stock , .
we'flnd tho°prices on'nll Imported fabrics very much lower than former seasons,
"Beantifril Dress Groods!
at 26 and J7Ji cts. One of GREENFIELD'S new specialties Is
For weight, beauty.ol.UnlsU, and prices: bocannot oSim
»u»r to ho found'd, the same
place, and at popular prices.
Of every description now ready at low rates, and in MEN'S WEAR he cannot bo surpassed.
Suits for Men and Boys made to Order
at short notice by first-class working. Having-given this branelt special attention' ho: Is
prepared to furnish the goods and make the garments equal to any establishment in the
titate. In a word, we would advise all who want a bargain, and wish to see a beautiful as
sortment of goods and is handsome More, with good light to make your selections go to
18 Bast Main St.,
Sept. 20, 1872.
Pall and Winter Dry Goods at
The Largest Stock i The Greatest Variety I; ,:i ; !
.... T „™.| Prin™ aver offered to the public. Cull and ronko a examination .. ••
of tlliS «tdok“kml wowlll cguvlnccyou tbit this la true. Wo bnvo nil the new and Into aljrltr
Late Style Dress Goods !
VELVETEENS In every shade at the very lowest prices. - J i-.if..-
White nml Colored Blankets, *c. Flannels In nil colors and qualities, at old prices. * J
Cloths, Cassimeres, Overcoatings,- ; ,
that we sell cheap. D UKE & BURKHOLDER, North Hanover Bt., Carlisle '
Sept. 20,1872.
1872. Grand Pall Opening. 1872.
No. 18 North Hanover St.
Having returned from the Eastern Markets with a
Large & Well-Selected Stock« Goeds
turn prepared lo offer BARGAINS to.nll who will favor us witb-a call.
Please examine the following boforo purchasing elsewhere, If yon desire Waavorionoy: '“
Lac'les’ .Gent’a and Mlsaes’ KID GLOVES, . , 1 ,
Woolen and Cotton HOSIERY, all kinds,
A complete assortment of ZEPHYR GERM/NTOWN amt
1 FANCY YARNS. Also, a full lino of
Jet and Plated Jewelry,
Bracelets, N*eck~Ties, Chains, &c*
Sept. 20. 1872.
Meal Estate
FOB BALE.-On TUESDAY, tbu la I day of
OUTOUKH, 1572.—1 n pursuance of u. .resolution
passed My the congregation of Ht. JoUu a Re
formed Church, at Bolling Springs, sanctioned
and approved by Zion’s Classes ol the Reformed
Church, will bo sold ou the premises, by the un
dersigned, Trustees, tbo lollowlng described
church property, vlr.;
situated In the village of Bolling Sp rings, Cum
berland county, bounded by walnut street,
Church street, and lots of the heirs of Roy. Wm.
C. Bouuolt, deceased, coutalulug forty-nlue feet
ou Walnut street, and In depth slxty-ttyo foot
ou Church street, having thoroou erected a
llUrty-nhio feet ott Wolnut street, and sixty
feet in depth. Raid building Is two stories high.
The church Is on the second lloor, and a lecture
room and two school rooms on the first lloor,
with a cellar Tor a furnace under the same,
One hundred dollars to be paid by the pur
chaser on the day of sale, and. the balance «n
the Ist day of April, 1873, when possession will
be given and a*deed mad© to the purchaser, or
possession will bo given and a deed made atony
lime ou payment of tbo purchase money. Sole
to commence nt .0 A.
Sept. 5.1873—11 Trustees.
"STALL ABLE limestone FARM
V AT PUIVATE HALE,—Tills farm contains
10ft Acres and 40 perches, neat measure. It is sit
uated in South Middleton township, Cumber
land county, Pa., 4 miles South of Carlisle, and
about 2 miles from ML Holly Springs, and with
in one-fourth mile from Craighead’s station, on
the South Mountain railroad, and \A mile from
the Baltimore turnpike. .The farm fs in a good
state of cultivation. The Improvements are a
with a well of good water at the door, and all
necessary out-bulldlngs. There is a bank barn,
corn crib, wagon shed, also a fine ORCHARD
on the place, m goed bearing condition. Also,
about 2 miles from the farm. In the same town
ship. Any person desiring information can call,
Executors of Magdalena Lehman, dec’d.
Bept. o. 1872—fit .
tIiBLE REAL ESTATE.-On Tuetday, October
161872.—At the late residence of Martin Her
man. deceased, about one fourth of a mile north
of New Kingston; we will scfll by virtue ot
Martin Herman’s will, the very
situate on the oast side of the public road
leading from New Kingston to the Conodo- i
uuinot creek, adjoining the Mansion tract, con
taining 85 acres and 80 perches, about 72 acres
of which are clear land and in a high state of
cultivation, and about 23 acres of which Is
About three-fourths of this tract la Limestone
and the balance Slate.
Tho Improvements are a two-story FRAME
DWELLING HOUSE and frame Bunk Barn,
wagon shed, corn cribs, hog pen and other out
buildings. There la a good well of water In the
home yard. Tho site of tho buildings Is one of
the finest In Cumberland county
(Chestnut.) situated In Uyo township, Perry Co„
containing TEN ACRES.
Rale to commence at 10 o’clock, A. sr., on said
llny ' I', tv. HERMAN.
Executor, of Mnrtln Hcnunn, deceased.
Hciit. I'.'. Wii-Ot
• N^^r^r .^arUsio.
Heal ©state Salta.
—in pursuance of an order of the Orphan#
rt of Cumberland county, will be sold bi
Subllo sole, on tho promises, on Salurda]/, Vi*.,
h Uau of October, 1872, at 1 o'clock, Pa : M., “J®.
following described real estate, situate in the
village of Hawkers vllle. Feun township. Cum
borland county, bounded on the; North- by Urn
.WaJnai Bottom road. East by a,161.0f William
Harper, South and west by lands of Jonas' '
Newcomer, having thereon erected a two*#lory•;
brick house/ ..
about 28 by 22 foot, with a brick, kitchen thereto
attached and a irarae stable. There is a well of.
good water near tho door ;• also choice, ftult
treed thereon,, - consisting of applets,. peaches
plums, cherries and choice grapea,
TEEMS OP SALE.-.»UW«o be paid on the con-
Urination of tho solo by tho Court, and tbo bal
ance on tbo first of April, 1873. when possession
will bo given at any time after confirmation of.
tho sale on payment of tho purchase money, or
socyrlng tho sum* to tbsi satlstoctlonof too,A**i
ecutors. JONAS NEWIXJMKw,.
Executors of John Newcomer, deceased,.
Aug. 29,1872-61 - '• *
Livery & Sale Stabler
Carlisle, Pa.
Having fitted np the Stable with new Carrt*
ages, Ac*, Wo are prepared to fhrnlsh lirat-class
turn-onte at reasonable rates. Parties taken to
and from the Springs.
April 25,160 T-V
Edward J. Arney,
JVortA Sanorcr Street,.
1 jaf-Tho citizens of Carlisle can bo
furnished with Beef, Pork, Veal, Mut
ton , Lamb, Pudding,Sausage, &o., dally,
at his residence, opposite John Mc-
Bride’s. Delivered to all parts of tho
town. septl2-72.
New school books »t piper's
BOOK STORE.—Just received a largo loiof
such os are used In all tho different grades Of
Carlisle borough and Country ttoUoula; also.
Copy Books, whites. Pens, Pencils, JulL AC.,
Blank Books and Memorendeu Books, Music.
Music Books, Violin. Uultar and Banjo Strings.
Deeds, Bonds and Mortgages, and all. Justices
Blanks, Sunday School Reward Boohs ami
Cards a variety of new stylo Initial Paper, alt
sold cheap?at PIPER’S BOOK STORE/No 35
Weal Mam Street. Aug, 15,187Z—3m,
J* £TO $2O per day! Agents wanted! All
•Dficlasses of working people, of either sex.
young or old. make more money at work for us
iu their spare moments, or all the time, than at
anything else Particulars free. Address 14,
SVlusoa « Co„ PorllftUd. Maine. i2aopi72-iy
x. .'■<» «• --V *J> *