Agriatititra A Bug-proof iJtatoT A seedsman is advertising that he has a potato “ which is as nearly hug proof as a potato can bo.” This has allusion to the celebrated Colorado po*‘ tato bug, which has wrought such ter rihle havoc on the potato fields of the West, and will no doubt be hero before a couple of years or so pass over us. It seems strange at first thought that a potato bug will not eat any kind of potato as well as another'; but it is really so, that they have a preference lor some varieties. In Illinois the writer once saw a quantity of potatoes set out for experiment, one row each of many, kinds. Some of these rows had the bugs as thick 'lts blackberries along their whole length, while neigh borhood rows had none., ■ It is aston ishing how soon those voracious beetles will strip a row of foliage. Hut though they have a choice, they are by no I means particular. They. ' act on the principle usual with hunjau mortals, ■ that a crust of bread is better than none and, as soon as their first choice is gone, readily take the second, and devour that 100. Starvation is not in their creed. A bug-proof potato is, there fore, not in the bills. If one has but a single kind and no choice, it will go Urn way of all the rest.—Press. Sweet Oom Tor Fodder. There is no question that farmers have a deal of solicitude every year as to the question of sufficient feed for stock, and when as was the case last year, the grass crop is short—the inqui ry is for some substitute for hay. We recommend sowing of corn. Two crops of it can be raised on the same piece of land. The Southern corn will give a a larger’yield than any other. Tim most important is the curing for fodder. We understand that Mr. Wakefleld of Pittsfield, has invented a plan on which he expects to secure a patent for curing.and ventilating. It is a simple contrivance, and * consists merely in ' erecting a stack pole with holes bored through it, about four feet apart, being shorter as it approaches the top. The corn is placed upon the stack, the cross poles being inserted at intervals, which keeps it up so that the air circulates through. It can he cured so as to make it fresh and sweet for food for any length of time. It is a good feed for milch cows and stock of all kinds like it, and no other yield* so as to pay bet ter with as little expense and trouble. _The Homestead. Oom Fodder. Mr. Alexander Reed, of Lock Haven, Clinton county, Pa., reports that his practice is to cut up his corn as late as he can 'anti avoid frost. After husking the stacks are bound and carefully shocked till cured, then stowed in barn. They are prepared for feed as follows:. Each morning and evening the quanti ty needed for one feeding is cut with a power cutter,” put in a tight box with a mixture of meal and bran sprinkled in; boiling water is then poured on, and the box is closed with a tight lid, so as to shut in both heat and steam. That steamed at night is warm when fed in the morning, and that in the morning when fed in the afternoon. Mr. Reed states that, when prepared in this way, the cows eat all the butts, and a ton will produce more and much better milk for butter than a ton of the nest hay prepared in the same way. J Apple Seeflings. The most common method of raising apple seedings is to procure fresh pom ace from the cider mills and wash out the seed. If the pomace is not fresh, having remained several days in a large heap, and.begun to ferment, the seed Will be of little Value. The seed may be spread out and dried,,if it is desira ble to transport them to any other lo cality ; but tno longer they remain dry the less likely they are to germinate.— The best plan is either to sow them immediately, or mix with moist sand and set away in some cool place until spring, and then sow in broad drills, covering about an incli deep with fine, rich soil. We would_ never incur the expense of sowing apple-seeds pur chased of seed-stores, or elsewhere, until they were tested. It costs too much to prepare a seed-bed, for one to waste time and labor in sowing poor seed. Origin of Plants. Peas are of Egyptian origin. Celery originated in Germany. The Chestnut came from Italy. The nettle comes from Europe. Tobacco is a native of Virginia. The citron is a native of Greece. The pine is a native of America. The onion originated from Egypt. Oats originated in North America. ' Bye originally came from Siberia. The pepper originated in the east. The mulberry originated in Persia. Parsley was first know in Sardinia. Spinach was first cultivated in Ara bia. The sunflower was brought I'rom Peru. The walnut ami peach came from Persia, The horse-chestnut is a native of Thibet. The cucumber came from the Easl Indies, Radish originated in China and Ja- Shalt. We Grind Chain for Cows ?—A correspondent says: “If a cow in chewing her cud throws up all she eats and chews it over again, I do not see whefe the advantage is in get ting corn ground at ail to feed rumina ting animals.” The proof that hasty pudding is in the eating of the corn by tliu cow. Feed her on whole corn, and you will find that, oven in twice chew ing, she does but indifferent work, and that much of the grain in her food is passed in whole kernels. Grind her corn for her, and, a smaller quantity will nourish as well. More hogs can be fattened after animals fed on whole corn than after the same number fed on meal. Lastly, try the comparative ex periment (under exactly the same cir cumstances) and you will satisfy your self. Nfw Jersey contains 30,052 farms, sf containing over a I,"00 acres each. Stobcs. Klntoate. scc AND TINWARE ESTABLISH ME N T, The partnership horotoforeUl ng between Walker & Claucly having bn dlasolvea by mutual consent. I herffby annoence to the oltl • Kons of Carlisle anil snrronnrtlnuconntry, that I have opened a e« Stove and Tinware Store, in the largo Irarao buUdln K , on the corner of West. High and West Streets, formerly occupied %?vTn?L U la & rg B o°and complete stock of Stoves and Tinware on hand selected with the care expressly for this market; my customers are guaranteed satisfaction, both as regards quality and price. Sheetiron and Tinware, constantly on hand and made up to order. My stock of Tinware embraces everything usually koptin a first.class tin establishment, • itoOFINQ and SPOUTING promptly attend edto STOVES, I am how prepared to exhibit to the Trade a largo and well-assorted stoclc of tho host patterns or Stoves, Having the agency of the following celebrated stoves, I am prepared to furnish them to nartles so desiring: MORNING . S LOBY, ithoiise BON-TON. ROSJEBUB, i BEACON LIGHT • EGG OFFICE and PARL< .R S TO YES 11l selection ot Cook .Stoves embrace the ““'parlor. ' ' Noble Excelsior, auttkel ; c , ty _ coroi: Stoi Repairs constantly on nana. t pa¥ent steam pipe. n Havingan experloncoof 22years t^ lH V l Jv. 1 ' ness. I would respectfully rtjSS f f w?H public patronage, feeling confident that 1 win give satisfaction. Dee. 22.70-rtf A. WOODS WALKER. JjtXCELSIOK STOVE nnd'TINWAB EMPORIUM! Tho undersigned .would respectfully Inform dtJzenß ofCarlißle and vicinity, that he stH carries on the k Timsim \Wvvveas )u all Its various branoues. He Uas scoured the agency for the following popular Hums Parlor and Office Stoves, Morning Glory, Parlor Heater, ■ Parlor Light, Light House, together with a variety of COOK STOVES. Combination Gas Burner, Eureka, Regulator, Niagara, Superior., STOVES! which ho Is prepared to furnish at the lowesi market rates. 4 , Stoxe Re\>a\vvns Soffit" ner, tinware. experienced workmen employed, he hones byacloso attention to business to secure tbepubflcpalronuKO.^en ‘IS JW SAMUEX. R. CLAUDY. 23, 1871—iv. SOMETHING NEW UNDER IHE SUN! stock oj Stoves and Tinware Among the slock of stoves may be found tho Anti-Clinker Base Burner, anti-clinker fire' place heater, together wlfti all the latest styles of PARLOR DINING-ROOM and COOK STOVES, which they challenge the, trade lo compel with Knives, Forks, .Spoons, Ladles, Dippers, together with Toilet Sets, (tool nuokets. Coni Sieves, Shovels and Tongs, /Ino and o'e: r J ' J rloty of Tin Ware and House Furnishing goods kept In a first class store We are also prepared to furnish , Pumps for Cisterns and Deep Wells! and have lor sale the Celebrated Genuine Cu cumber Wood I’un'i;, , HOOFING, SPOUTING AND JOB WORK attended to promptly and on reasonable terms. Remember .the place, the green front on North Hanoverstreet. Alow doors 0 Give us a call as we are dtde.nniiuul lull to bo undersold by nnv other parties In this place. Thankful for the past patronage we extend a cordial Invitation U> all repay us a visit. H\\mesvftit\v Nob. 62 arid 64, NORTH HANOVER 8T„ OARLIBLL, PA Nov, y. 71 fflattnet jmaßer * B. E W I N U . CABINET MAKER U and undebt\aekr, WEST MAIN STREET, (JAREIBL.E. PA. A splendid assortment of New Furniture for tKelHolldays, comprising Sofas. Camp Stool, Lounges, Oeulro Tables, Rocking Chairs. Dining Tables, Easy Chairs, Card Tables, Reception Chairs, ,9A to ™.9 n . a ’ Bureaus, What Note. Ac., Ac., .Ac. • Parlor, Chamber, , Mnl. lK U°om, intckon FURNITURE. Hp ‘" n lsK,!^FA U “H r ANI) MATTRESSES GIFT FRAMES AND PICTURES In great variety. , „ , Particular attention given to Funerals. Orders from town and country promptly attended to nd on reasonable terras, Dec. 17 _ OUT. FOR THE « Mammoth Boot!” Everybody Is Invited to call at Jonathan Corn* "'SHOE STORE. NORTH HANOVER Street, wlioro bo will mamiSuro to order the best Roots and Shoes, oaimrs and all other styles that can be cot In Om market out of the best material, and as low SnnyottTer store In prices, for the cash. 1 have also, a new -rm-irro Atvt TG12.10,A.1V CrAITER, styles e v^er* l out^or*pricesj will bo sold at the Lowest Cash Prlcoj won i bo undeisold. Also, all kinds of ladles .Misses and Children’s Colored work Will homaae xo or derat the shortest notice, and all work wm be Mu.VJ, 1872. GREAT BARGAINS BLACK, JAPAN ESE and FANCY SILKS, . BLACK HEUNaNNIKB, f GRENADINES, LAWNS, LINEN SUITINGS, and nil kinds of SUMMER WEAR, WHiTB GOODS, &c;, in order to close out our Summer Stock. SHAWLS, LACE POINTS, LACE SACKS, PARASOLS, PANS LACE COLLARS, EMBROIDERIES, &c.. Cheap CASSIMERES, Linen Atro Cotton PANTS ‘ STUFPS, HICKORY STRIPES, .. . MUSLINS, TICKINGS, &c., &c., &c. STORE BOOM N. B. Cor of SQUARE. Six Great and Convincing. Reasons Why Vou Should Buy From Usi i We have a resident buyer In tho City to pick up bargains for us, 1/ Wb buy for Cash. Wo are thus enabled .to buy cheap and soil cheap. ~i. Wo have no old goods purchased at high prices. B w'e doom "on dumber 'ourselves with large quantities of goods to be carried Irom one sea - the regular “ DON’T BUTT “ D. A. SAWYER. GRAND DISPLAY OP GOODS! FOB SPRING AND S UTVI HER,. AT ogUlby’s, " NO. 4 7 WEST MAIN STREET. Now receiving from &si^?3!L^ , S^m , SSmnS3: ry article In tho DRYGOODS. Japanese SILKS, Gray DRESS GOODS, Stock JAPANESE and DRESS dOQDS ?^nfi e co/i™I n ¥ploS&¥— Black Alpacas and Mohalra. alao aU colors of same goods at Special Bargains. Beat makes of BLAGK CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, Fancy Cosslmeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans* and Ccttoii ■» Handkerchiefs. All the above at lowest prices over oflbrcd In Carlisle. WHITE AND DOMESTIC GOODS, and all P,^ e^ fi l?u aul NOTlONS—Ladies’ new stylo Silk Ties, aasWSfiffiEisaassr s^iss^sLS^sssi ic a . U &“aO.N. a T. e y^Vaks^Spool Cottons’nil.««. makes. 4c. Bestaklrt Braid, Brents. Bound to soil Goods at QGILBY S CASH CTAD TT* at prices to suit tho times. OGILBY S, 47 west w O JL LiXvili Main Street. Carlisle, Pa. _—__ NEW ! NEW ! NEW ! extraordinary bargains in all kinds of DRY GOODS! At ihA f|t.» nontral Corner New Bummer Dress Goods at greatly reduced prices., Splen* A dUl bargaVns 1 In l BLACK BILKS, groat bargains in GRENADINES, u wxnt-M ATsJNTira IAPANESE BILKS at reduced prices. SUMMER POPLINS at ,-SSI mice-.LAWNS ™ry cheap. Wo Imvolt. host stock of WHITE , DRISs i i')l>4 lo tho town. Swiss Muslins. French Muslins, Nainsooks, Victoria I.’ was BlshopLnwns, Plqnes and MarsalUes, checked and atrlped Na?n.ooks; all the new atyfes tV Parasols andl San nmbrallaa very -handsome and at very low prices. LACE POINTS and LACI. SACKS at unprecedented low figures. LINhNB of all kinds Ladles’dresses jjhd suitings, mens’ami boys’wear, elegant Clotks and Oassimeres, ' A large stock of Plain and Fancy Linens for men’s ami hoys' suit., stacks of Cottouades very, cheap, Ta b! e Linens, Towels, Napkins, Edgings and Insertlngs. Tho celobralou HARRIS SEAMLESS KID GLOVES are only to bo found at the Old Central. Do not fall to.glve us a call, as wo have the LARGEST STOCK IN THE TOWN and will give pood bargains lo all who may favor ua with a call. Miller & Buttorff. Muv UU, 1572. ______ Lamps, "^IIiIVIINOTOH &RBABWO Railroad. We are offering the Second Mortgage Bonds of this Company AT 85 AND ACCRUED INTEREST. Interest Payable January and July 1000 s. 500 s, an USE ! HAS BUT ONE NEEDLE! A CHILD CAN RUN IT! Designed especially for the uko of families, and ladles who desire to knit for the market. Will do every stitch of the knitting In a Stock ing. widening and narrowing as readily us by hand. Are splendid for worsted* and fancy work. I'a/dny Eive Different lands o/ StUch 1 Arc very easy to manage, and not liable to get oul of order. Every family should have one, Wo want an agent in every town to Introduce and sell them, to whom we oiler thn niost lib eral Inducements. Send for our circular and sample stocking. Address SHINKLEY KNITTING MACH. CO., Hath. M N0v.2,’71—1 yr.* -fRXECIUTOB’S NOTICE.- Letters tes- Pltamontary on the estate of Martin Herman* lira of the township of Silver Spring. Camber county. Pu.. deceased, having boon granted to t“m undersignedall persona fndebt- Id to said estate are requested to make Inline dlam payment, and those Having claims will for setllomentwlUioumlela^. M. U. HERMAN, Carlisle, Juno 20-0 t Executors. 6 CENTS REWARD.—Ran away from tbo subscriber, residing In Carlisle, on the 17 lh day of June, 1872, a bound girl named Ag* ness Fornwalt, aged about M years. All persona are warned not to harbor or trust her on my ac count, as I Will not bo responsible lor her trana ctlons. HUHI'ER-. nlvt, IW2 at. JBrg (GooH Sximxiier! -I AM NOW OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN S@-Kverybody call and get some of the bargains™©! *fcJEVEN PER CENT. BONDS, FREE OF TAXES. The Bonds are In Utß ffiOO'DB ~1872. Established 1846! ISAAC LIVINGSTON CLOTHIER ;-AND- Merchant Tailor 22 Worth HANOVER street. Wo will soil you a suit of Clothes From £5(5.00 and Upwards and guarantee a perfect lit, and also warrant the quality to bo aa good If not better than can bo had elsewhere for the same money. Give ub a call, and examine our stoolr, which wo will taiio pleasure in showing you. When you wish lo buy REMEMBER US! A.ND SEE WHAT BARGAINS, wo cau oflbi^you. I. LIVINGSTON, Muy 10. uni OWENS’ MARBLE WORKS it* removed from West Main street to 73 S. Han over street, whore anything obtainable at a first class MARBLP AND HHOWNSTONE SHOP! mivy be had at rat* 1 * which canuatbe undersold i! \lavlnß a°hSivy and carofully selected stock on handtl will sell It at rates which cannot be undersold, or excelled In workmanship. N B —Marble unci Merbellzed Mantles and encaustic Ulo,ut clly rales, A |>l '72 (til) RET ail grocery store STILI/IN THE “South End.” Chvln’g added largely will at all times keep a good and first-class stoclc of groceries. on imnd. and which J>® small aiWanco “ r of the various will of mioes, Molasses, Syrups. mm Family Flour and Feed of nil kinds; also, ft large variety ol Cheese, • . Buckets, Coffees, Candles, q n i r( .a Brushes, ■ssr s aBkets ' Salt, Cioves, Bee/, POPP® r * Soda, Allspice, Crackers,. Brooms. Flour, £ u -'£* „ Q Teas. Cordage, sugars,' Cinnnmon. svruna. Corn Starch, Fish, Coal Oil, Ham, Vinegar. Lard Blacking, Pickles, Slovo Polish, Ketchup, Codar& Willow ware, Scan. Queensware, Nutmegs, Glassware, Canned Fruit, Stoneware, Starch. dec*. &c., &o. Goods doUvorlid to all pans or the town, free °T°He a WlßlioBt market price paid lor country produce. k They hope by fair dealing, strict attention to business, and a desire to please, to a Share of the public pair,, ' 53xi> (ffinotjs. Tjvs&y. attractive Slack silks of the Celebrated Lyons’ make, at very low pri ces. We bavo also a fall Huo oi Mourning Gpodg m .THE VERY REST Tamlßß Cloth, pure Silt Wnrp Black Hevnaul, heat all-wool DoEaaes, host Bombazines, best Black Alpacas, plain black' and black and white OlSghamß and Calicoes, Chintzes and Percales, A lull line of WSITMOOBS fnr Dresses, such ns French Muslins, Nainsooks, Bishop and Victoria Lawns, Tarletons. Qrena riinca nlaln white and fancy colors, white anl] DOMESTIC Goods to bo found in this county. Andwhenyon come hero and examine our large stock, you need go no further, ns lb at would be a waste of time and ?o°s of money. We Imvo a sroat many new ALPACAS & POPLINS of various grades and prices, (Cheap.) Wohavo the largest stock of Embroideries, llibbons. Gloves, Hosiery. Handkerchiefs, Trimmings.-- HATS for Ladies, Men and bovs. Skirts and Skirting, Shawls Table Linens, Sheetings, alsp, CLOTHS ICASSIMERES and Cotton and Linen goods for men and boys, and a very larce assortment of smallwares and FYNOY goods, which wo can’t mention for want or room. 'the limious DOLLY VARDBN Ims not been iorgot ton. All persons in want of bargains can get them by calling at tins well-known Louse, that has stood the storms of two Ilerco panics In the commercial world, and escaped unhurt. Please come and bring tno chips" along with you. A. W. BENTZ & (JO. MaylSltf | j s. HITTER & SON, Drapers —rANp Mercliant TAILORS! No. 44West Main Street, CAR LISLE Spring Opening = = CLOTHS, GASSIMERES AND- Vestings. We have Just received a full assortment of Foreign and Domestic Cloths, Cuaslmeres and Vestings, embracing the latest novelties and luo best manufacture, which we are desirous of ex hibiting to the public. Our prices cannot be surpassed. J&~Suits made as low as TEN pOZr- LARS, with the guarantee of a perfect fit, Cassl ineres by the yard a^jlßftces.from^s' centsng A full lino of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS always on hand. Shirts made to order. Wo would respectfully solicit a call. We are the agents for the original Howe Sowing Machine* Improved. prim. 1872-ly. ■ MEW BOOT AND msmii No. 4 Hast Main Street. BOOTS, SHOES. GAITERS. BROGANS, SLIPPERS. CUSTOM and MADE TO ORDER. REPAIRING neatly and promptly done. ADAM DYSER1 1 , No. 4 East Main Street, March 128. 1b72-tf __ John Hannon, WHOLESALE and BET AIL DEALER la JXHues & Xiquors- No 41 South Hanover Street CARLISLE. PA. NovlU,. 71—lyr J. L. STERNER & BRO. Livery & Sale Stable, BETWEEN HANOVER AND BEDFORD STS.. IN THE BEAR OF THE BENTZ HOUSE, Carlisle, Pa. Havltm luted up the Stable with now Carrl necH Ac., Wo aro prcpaicd to furulah llrst-olass turn-oula at reaHouablo rates. I'.utlcs taken to and from tho SprinKH. April®, 1M K. OWKN, ■JJEAD ! READI! DURE t BURKHOLDER have now open fine of the finest Mocks of Desirable GOODS ever shown to the public. Their immonHostock ot JOHN A. MEANS. Dress Goods comprises nil tho novelties or tbo iv Vardans In all kinds of goods. Japanese .Silks, Black Bilks, ohono and pure Mohair 1 op lius. \VhltoGoods In every grade, among which can be found Ballflllo Cloths, Yosomlte Stripes, Lawns, Swlsses, and everything in the White Goods lino. SHAWLS, SHAWLS. We have the May Q,neen, Ilosaliua, and all the different, makes of. Shawls, which we have the reputation of selling cheaper titan the cheap est. Cloths &Cassimeres We offer, a apodal inducement to every one noedlna a Spring atilt; having a very flue as sortment, and having the best tailors' to make them up to order. Call and see the Hue assortment©! all kinds of DRY GOODS! W© have added a lino lino of TRIMMINGS to suit all kinds of Dress Goods. When you wish to examine a fine stock of Goods, wo would urge you to call at our store and ascertain our prices before you commit yourself. We will give every attention, and if not successful In selling oven a small'bill, shall be glad for the call. Late Style Goods added every week. Don’t forget. DUKE & BURKHOLDER, NEW STOCK •O F SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS; I at extremely. Low Prices, to which daily addi tions will be made, and POPIH.AR PRICES MAINTAINED Black Silks, Alpacas, Mohairs, of superior lustre and durability, on VJIItJUto defy competition ns to Q,A ULITY and PUICES TyTourning GoodS ■IN GREAT VARIETY. SUPERIOR STOCK OP White Goods, embracing all the novelties of the season. Cloths, Cassimeres, Boys’ wear a Speciality. Cottouades anil {Farmer's I>rlHs. An examination is only necessary to covince that for Variety, Beauty, Durability and Cheap ness, our stock Is second to none in town. T. A. HARPER, May2—tf.' South Hanover St. Carlisle* Notice ! to all whom it may CONCERN I JOHN ELLIOTT, No.33North Hanover street. Carlisle, has Just opened a large and splendidi assortment of Spring and Summer Boots, Shoes, Hat\ Hosiery, &c. His stock of Clothing Is compla e, embracing every variety and stylo, and unso rpassed In elegance, beauty and utility, and offered at prices that please and suit the people. Well may it be said that John Elliott sells cheaper than anybody In town. I have secured one of the best practical cutters in the State, and also a large assortment of Piece Goods, which I will make up to order, at the shortest notice. Suits made as low oa SU.OO. Al so, a large assortment of Men’s and Ladies’ BOOTS AKD GAITERS and children’s Shoes. Also, a largo and elegant assortment .of men’s boys’ and children s HATS, that cannot fal 1 to please in quality and price. All thoobove tobohadnow at John Elliott’s. May 9,1872—3 m . Takes pleasure in announcing to his many cus tomers and to the public In general, that ho has now on hand one of the largest stocks of beamy-made clothing. the latest styles for Men’s, Youth’s, Boys* and Children's wear. Boots ami Shoes, Hats, Notions, and Gent’s Furnishing Goods, bought at the decline of prices, and consequent* Iv he will sell them lower than any othhr house in tho valley. Although I have no GRAND OPENING, and can’t do any WONDERS, I can, neverthe less, hy STRICT HONESTY, secure my custo mers.' So please come and buy the BEST GOODS at tho Lowest Prices, at CH S£hn‘s, G Court House Ave., In Franklin House May2-ly., WANTED FOB Knitting 1 Machine ripened al lost, Into absolute perfection I A sock knit. heel and toe complete, without taking It ofi the hooka, In seven minutes, with leas hand finishing than is required by any other machine. Makes any size of hosiery, knits goods of any material, whether woolen, cotton,linen or mix ed, and of any shape andstyle; narrows, widens, makes" fancy work with much greater facility than other machines, and sets up a finished top for stocking or other work. Simple, durable a T*he unoerslgued having heen appointed gen eral agent for Cumberland county, Is desirous of establishing agencies throughout tho county, and requests aU Interested to call on or address him for further particulars. Oakville,*Cumb. Co., Pa. April 18,1872-3 in A DMINIBTRATOE'S NOTXCE.-No rt tloo la hereby given that letters of admlu laffatlon onthe latoto of W. H. Wallace, late of East Ponnsborough township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned Administra trix? residing In sains township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said csta.o are requested tomnltesotUomont Immediately, and those having claims to present them forsettle in6lit to MARY It, WAIiLiAOE, Juneia, 1872-fit* Atlminltlrotrir. 23*22 ©toons- IsTew --AND NEW INVOICES OP N orth Hanover Street, Below Carlisle deposit Ba^k. CLOTHING, CHEAP JOHN! FRANTZ & POPE'S /■CUMBERLAND VALLEY BAIL BOADI CHANGE OF, HOURS. ’Winter Arrangement. n„ find after Thursday i Jan. 18, 1873, ±*asB6n* gor Trains will run dally na loUowa,(Sundaysox copted). , WESTWARD utccommodw leaves CTjamb^abnrgS.OC a at RhlDoeusbnrc 5.29, Nowvllle G.ou, uariisit wfk.cbaTc"burg7.o2 Arriving at Harrisburg ATaii §Vah» loaves Hagerstown 8.80 A. MnCfroen castle O.OO.Chambersburg O.lO.Shlprensburg 10.52 Nowvllle in. 63, Carlisle 11.29, Meobanlcsburg 12.0 a arriving at Harrisburg 12.87 P.M. Express Train loaves Hagerstown M. Groeiicastlo 12.28. Chnmbersburg I.ok snippcDß burg 1.37, Nowvllle 2.10, Carllslo 2,50, Meohanlcfr* burg B.lB,iarriving at Harrisburg 8.50 P.M. ° A Mixed Train leaves CbamDeraburg 7,-Ij A. M., Greoncnatle o.iB, Hagerstown 10, 0j A M a MIXED TRAIN leaves Richmond, at 7:00la imTLoudon 7:IU, Mercersburg ft 00,Williamson B:ii, arriving at Olmrabersbiug OMO a. ta. ■ JS-Malclug close connections at HarriHUurg with trains to and from Philadelphia, YorJj, Baltimore, Washington, Pittsburg, and all points West, HUPHRINTKNDKNY'S OFKICBI Chiuub’ir,, Pu., Jar. 18. J Dec 1 1871 QOUTH MOUNTAIN HAlh ROAD! Time Table. TOOK EFFECT SEPTEMBER 1 J^i, On anil alter Friday, Seplmiber 1, IS7J, this Co' pa . mi will run two trams through lb Pint: Oi out daily, (Sundays excepted) as follows: A. M. « x . Xu* Leave Carlisle, 2.55 Leave Junction, 7.00 doJnncUon, do •Bonnybrook, 7.10. doß* n ” y i ) K, ’, 0 4Q .. do •Cralcheads, 7.20, do Oralgnead s, 8.82 do Mt Holly, 7.40 do Ml. Holly, j*.45 do •UpporMlU, 7.45 do -Upper Min, 8.50 do Hunter’s Hun,8.05 do Hunter sR., 4.00 do Laurel. 8.40 do uaurel, 4.20 Arr, at Pine Grove, 0.00 Arr. at Pine Grove, 4.4 RETURNING. A. M, P- M. Leave Pine Grove 0.30 Leave Pino Grove, ,5.00. do Laurel, 1.45 do Laurel, 5.10 ilo Hunter’s R„ 10.05 Purlfler. DR. T. 0. PUGH, of Baltimore. DR. T, J. BOYKIN, “ DR. R. W. CARR, DK. F. O. DANNELLY. “ DR. J. S. SPARKS, of Nicliolaavlllo, Ky. DR. J. L. McOAHTHA, Columbia, a 0. DR. A. B. NOBLES, Edgecorab, N. C. USED AND ENDORSED BY J. B. FRENCH & SONS, Fall River, Mass. __ „ , , p. W. SMITH, Jackson, Mich, A. F. WHEELER. Lima, Ohio. B. HALL, Limn, Ohio. CRAVEN «t CO , GordonsvlMo, Vu. SAM'L. G. McPADDEN, Murfreesboro Toun. Our- space will not- allow of any- ex pondedTemarks in relation to the virtues of Rosndalls. To the Medical Profession we guarantee a Fluid Extract superior to any they have ever used In the treatment o t diseased Blood; and to thoamioled we sny try Rosadalls, and you will be re stored to health. o. N. LULL, Supt, Rosadalls Is sold by all Druggists, price $l.OO per bottle. ' Address, July 20. 71-lyr ■g ARGAINS In HATS AND CAPS! At KELLER’S, 17 North Hanover Street, We have received the latest styles ot HATS and CAPS. Silk Hats. New York and’Philadel phia stylos, Cosslmere Hats of all shapes and prices. Soft Hats of every-kind, flrom 75 cents up. Cloth Hats, in Blue, Velvet, Lasting, Mixed Cass and Black. Also a fine lot of Boys* and Children’s Hats, Cloth and Felt, and at all pri ces. in styles too numerous to mention, all of will bo sold at tne lowest Cash prices. Call and examine our Block, you cannot fall to be pleased In price and quality. HATS of any kind made and repaired to order, on short notice. JOHN A. KELLER, Agent. No. 15 North Hanover Street. Sept 28. ’7l tf. U ATS AND CAPS I DO YOU WANT A NICE HAT OR CAP ? Where kan be seen the finest assortment of HATS AND CAPS ever brought to Carlisle. He takes great pleas uere in inviting his old friends and customers and all new ones, to his splendid stock just re dived from New York and Philadelphia, con sisting in part of fine SILK AND OASBIMEBE HATS, ’ besides an' endless variety of Hats and Laps o tho latest stylo, all ol which he will sell at to Lowest Cash Prices. Also, his own manufacture Hats always on hand, and „ ’■ HATH UAKOrAOTUnOP to ORDER. Ho has the best arrangement for ooltaVng Hals and allkindsof Woolen Goods, Overrate,&c., tho shortest notice (os he colors every week) and on the most reasonable terms. Also, a finelot ot choice brands of ‘ ___ , __ TOBACCO AND CIGARS iways on hand. He desires theattentlon »o persons who have _ COUNTRY FTJRS to sell, as he pays the highest cash prices for he Kt Glvo him a call, at tho above number, his dd iland, as he feels confident ofglving entire sa Jb- Taction. Bcpt, 28, 71—tf. •flaticultural Implements, &c. TMPLBMBNTS FOR HARVEST i Wo offer to Farmers lor the coming season the following well-known and popular Farming Implements, along with other articles needed by all farmers* THE SPRAGUE MOW ER, which Is now generally admitted to bo the simplest, most complete and efficient single Mowing Machine In the country, we sold several of these Mowers lost season and iney gave per feet satisfaction. Price, 8100. THE NOVELTY HAY RAKE, worked either by hand or on the self-acting principle. The reputation of this Bake established. Every farmer who is not already supplied, should huy a Novelty Hay Hake. THE ORIGINAL AN!) IMPROVED HARPOON HAY FORK-, with improved Grapple, Pulley, B together and derive their n “m“ n SJSS y They account of their hardness and uro will lost many years without change, liy agents throughout the mlra. n „ t | o ian. Is solo THUS. CONLYN. Jewelry nn^ptlou™ 1 y Agent tor Carlisle, Fa., from whom tnej bo obtained. No Peddlers employed. Doc. 7.1871— ly. ■ PRESIDENTIAL. CAMPAIGN ! (TAPS, CAPESand TORCHES. Bond for Illustrated Circular and Price List. CUNNINGHAM * HID 1" No. 201 ChMtnu^BtreM^PhUapeiphla. Juno (J, 1872—4 m, I All persons desiring JSJo „lSPjfe in B ?TlrB«“w Hrß^r Bl Ju e no 27.1872—81. JOHN HARMAN, JACOB FITZBU. JQseculura, ONE BOTTLE OP ROSADAXJB dr. CLEMENTS & CO. Manv/aciurinfi Chemists, Baltimour, M». P)nt£i anu (gaps. MEN. BOY’S. AND CHILDREN’S,. ' HATS IF SO. DON’T PA 11. TO OAIiL ON 3. Collio NO. 29. WESI MAIN STREET,