I JMttiriatt juluntftct Hocal Ctema. Nbvbb rob Peter to pay Paul. Look out for an eatly spring. gEEP clean and eat sparingly. About over—the Valentine fever. Wb are one week nearer the grave, VisY scarce—town and country nows The erysipelas prevails to some extent. Mutual friends—Kerosene, and Coro ners. Keep your blood pure and your per sons clean. Sassafras tea Is good to prevent small pox- 'The sensation now la “Leap Year Parties." . - The blue birds bavn’t commenced singing yet. The frogs and flies will be scarce for tome time yet. Burglars are now teemed “moon- Jlglil mechanics. •’ - March 17th, Bt. Patrick’s Day, comes en Sunday this year. Fork Is low, taxes high, and all Grant’s relatives are in office. Strange to say, the only way to get al work is to go about It IT is do uncommon thing for hot words to produce a coolness'. > Steam is si-servant that sometimes 'blows up its owp master. Beautiful flowers may be seen In some of our parlor windows; Printers need but little. here below, but they need that little sure. AN intense current of electricity is recommended for neuralgia.. Never hug a "gal” in a public assem bly nor •- kiss her former mother." Tiik loafers are getting back to the corners as the weather gets warmer. Our school boys are of opinion that there are too many misplaced switches. Glove powder, for assisting gloves on ]s one of the new luxuries of the period, The barber’s duty is two-fold. Ho Is a brusher of whiskers and, a whisker ot brushes. We advise' farmers to have a sharp look out tor all binds of patent right swindlers. Whenever we hear a man curse the town, we conclude be bad belter leave It for the town's good. Home first and the world afterwards. Tour home paper will beep you. posted ion borne events. Take it. : Chicago sufferers are on the increase among the army of stragglers—they are suffering from the want of fire water. A neat, clean, fresh-aired, sweet, cheerful, well aranged house, exerts a moral Influence over all its inmates. As this Is the season for ea'iagnuts, persons are reminded that a little salt should, be taken during the operation. Always anticipating. Already are our juvyniles looking -forward with im patience to the. time of Easter and eggs. The young ladles, and some older otycH, also, are already eagerly looking forward to the arrival of the spring style.*. We tvohder how, many of those who turned over a new leaf on New Year’s are still trading its page, and not back on the old’ ones. Mince p lea are fading from fireside and depaning f,rom dinner table. They hold on well, bu t will have to give away to greens and s 'lch. We should' give as we receive—cheer fully, qnlekl.y, and without hesitation, for there is n o grace in a benefit that sticks to the fl ngers. Jupiter has’ ceased to be a morning star. From thiis time to August 2d, It will bo the “ 8 tar of the evening, beauti ful star,” according to astronomers. We would recommend the establish ment, In this town, of a society for the protection of children, with hare legs, from the cruelty of their mothers. The grumblers who growled last week about it being awful cold, will, before August, be complaining about it being confounded hot. That’s their way. Subscribers changing their post of fice address between this and the Ist of April, will piosse notify us of the fad, so that there will be no trouble about receiving the paper. Our subscription list is steadily In creasing. Last mouth we received over ,thirty new subscribers. Let us double the number this month. What say you, friends of the Volunteer ? . The smallest steam engine in the world Is in the possession of John Penn, oTQreenwbloh, England. It will stand on a three-penny piece, and really is smaller than the coin,'for its base-plate is only three-eights of an Inch by about three tenths. Its whole weight is less thFathfoeponhywelghts. : Now is the time ,to trim the useless twigs from your; grape vines,*: Do not wait until March or. April, when the sap begins to run, but have It done now when’the life of the vines lay dormant.’ Itiaamlstaken idea that the weather Is toooold; the colder the better, then they will not bleed. ' Query .—Why 1b It that some of our, saloon-keepers treat a man with courte ay. take his money, give him whisky to drink until he gets an drunk that he can scarcely stand op; then turn around, Blok and horsewhip him out of their saloons for getting Ataak.7~JExohahge. Our “ Devil" wants to know why the darned fool got drunk. A youno lady who has been taking quinine in large'quantities became an impregnated with iron, that one cold evening, when her lover kissed her at the door, he had the same experience that email boys do who approach ,tj>elr mouth to lampposts, and before heobqld separate bis lips from bets, was caught by hie ought-tn-be-mother-in-iaw. Mo ral—don’t take quinine. Wjs were mistaken in our lost issue' when we stated that so far there had been no “ Leap Year partita” in Carlisle. We thought It something singular when we made the assertion, but were wrongly informed. 1 By re ference to a communi cation !■ another column of to-day’s Paper it will bo observed that Carlisle bad a “Leap Year party,” and a fjjjt gay one, too-such, u party as the \We Vi girls are capable of getting up Yoke u'fetbis correction cheerfully.— \ '•>, lat’a have another. Well attended—Leap Year parties in the country. Or? a bust- the town oleck,on Monday last Use black Ink In writing documents for preservation- The chignon la now styled the ladies supplement. An early spring Is predicted by the “oldest Inhabitant." Mechanics can now put In their ten hours work by daylight very comforta bly. February contains live Thursdays. Consequently each of our patrons w] receive five papers during the month. We hear it whispered around that the project for establishing a nail factory in this place, la being revived. Eggs are plenty in our. market, but yet- they keep up in price—twenty-five cents per dozen. ‘ The small pox la prevailing to a cer tain extent in all sections of our country —North, Bomb, East and West. An exchange say*, a young lady In Its vicinity was vaccinated on the nose. It took, and her bugle Is a Joy forever. A new shanty will soon be orco'ed on the line of the Potomac rail-road, In South Middleton township, near the syc amore school bouse. We beat it rumored that Hon. B. J. Haldeman, present member of Congress from this District, will be a candidate for re-election the coming fall. Men who do not believe In advertising are about the first ones to rush to the editor when they gel into a scrape, to get him not to mention it. " Harrisburg Quickstep" is the name given te the disease that recently made its appearance.in the capital of our State. Its medical name Is diarrhoea. Several local Items and a communi cation over the signature of " An Old Dicklnsoniau,’’ were unavoidably crowd ed out of to day’s Issue.' The communi cation will appear In our next. Do not forget, the day and date of Win, P. Stuart’s large sale, on Thursday, Feb ruary 29,. 1872, at his residence, in South Middleton township, three and a-hall miles South-west of Carlisle. The smoke house of Major McCoy In North Middleton township, about a mile and a fourth Noj-th of this place, tool; tire on Wednesday of lust week, and whs consumed together with the meat of nine teen bogs. The Vendues.—The vendues are In full blast now throughout the county, and criers are coining greenbacks. These sales are well attended by the country folks, gathered together from mlle arnund, and stock brings high prices.— We are told that live stock Is selling quite as high Ibis spring as It did last year. ...Property Sold.—The property of IVra. B. , Himes, situate In Dickinson township, on the Yellow Breeches creek, oontainibg thirty scree, and known as Chamber’s mill, was recently sold to David Coover and Marion C. Sheaffor, residing In same township, lor the sum of $7,000. Rroposals will he received by the Commissioners of this countv, at their office, in the Court House, until Thurs. day. February 29. 1872, for the erection of a bridge across Big Sprin-, where the public highway crosses said spring from Newvltle to. Stoughstown. See adv. lu another column. Held for , Trial.- Charles Brown, •he young man arrested on suspicion of having fired the stable of Rlnesmith & Rupp, refered to in our last issue, after a hearing before J ustlce Shryock, on the 7th Inst., was remanded to the institu- tion known os Foreman’s Castle, to await his trial at the April Quarter Sessions for arson. “ Romanism as it is," is the title of a work for which Mr. James H. Harper, a mute, (son of Rev. Dr. Harper, of Shlp penshurg,) IS now soliciting subscribers In Carlisle and elsewhere. We have not read tlio work, but see it highly epokeu of bv the Protestant press, and as its author, Rev. Samuel W. Baruum, Is a gentleman of eminence, we doubt not it Is a book of much interest. John Bony (ool’d ) was arrested and lodged In jail oh Saturday tor assault, on oath of bis wife. This darkey should receive a sentence at our next term o ’ erurt that would consign him to jail for a term of one or two years for he Is scarcely out of Jail a day uutll tie com mire some offence for which he Is re turned, and besides, be is the worst " nigger" in h wn. Last week we stated that Samuel Brenneman. ostler at ICarus’ hotel, w s robbed of a small amount of money. O i Monday night last he was again robhe i of his trunk whlnh contained $5,01) In money, several bank c rlflcates, hank honk clothing and other articles. Mr. B Will be obliged to the thief if. he will re turn the trunk, clothing and bank cert. floate-. The money he regards us lost. Death from Small Pox.—We are informed that a Miss Clepper, residing withherparen ts.-about-two-and a-balf mllea South of-this place, died from small pox, one day last week. Two more oases exist in the same family, anil it is feared they will prove ialal. N. B.—Since the above was put In type another has' died. Up to the time of go ing to press, we have not learned of any rases existing In this borough. An editor whose subscribers were re miss In payment, lately published the fol lowing announcement in his paper : “To rave onr readers the trouble of send-, ing their subscription by post, and to re lieve two unfortunates, we will send to each of our debtors in the course of a few days, two collectors, one of whom lias hardly recovered from the small pox and the other of whom has Just taken the Itch.” The delinquents did not wait to be called on but paid their dues promptly. Jaues E. Murdock.—This eminent elocutionist, will give the fifth entertain meet of the course” in Rheem’s Hull, Tuesday, evening, ,February 20, at eight o'clock. Readings from Shakespeare, Dickens, Tennyson, etc., will comprise a portion of the evening’s entertainment. We hope our citizens will all go t• hear this greatest and best of readers, and this, likely, will be the only oppor tunity they will have of bearing blm In this place. Wldoer’s Quintette Quadrille Band will entertain the audience previ ous la the ‘ Readings,’ with some of their choicest and Quest music. Door* open at 7; Readings to begin at 8 ; Tickets to he hail of J H. Busier, A Blair, John Q. Oir, and at the door on tha averring of readings, ( Adjourned Firemen’s Meeting.— An adjourned meeting of the firemen and citizens of Carlisle, was held in the Court House, on Friday evening, February 9 t and was oaMed to order by the Chairman, Mr. Andrew Kerr. On motion, the re port of the committee on resolutions was read, accepted and committee discharged. . BfiPOBT OF COMMITTEE. - Whereas, the law limits the tax to be collected for Bdrough purposes to one bslf cent on the dollar ; and , Whereas, said tax is insufficient for Borough purposes. Therefore, be it Resolved, That the Legislature be pe titioned to authorize the Burgess and Town Connell of Carlisle to levy and collect an additional tax of five mills on each dollar of the valuation for general purposes, In the same manner as the levying and collecting of taxes are now provided for by law. On the question, “ Shall, the report, as read, be adopted?" Capt. Miller mov ed to str ke'out'the word-‘five" before mills, and insert the word "three” In place thereof, an as to read “an addition al tax ol three mills.” Adopted. Also, to Insert the clause, “ That one mill be set apart for the benefit of the fire department. Adopted. Mr. Jijcob Z ig raoved to Insert, “and that the remaining twomills be set apart for the establishment of a sinking fund." Adopted, The resolution as thus amended, was then adopted. On . motion, the following committee was appointed to prepare a bill and peti tion to the Legislature: Messrs. Theo. Common, Peter Bpabr, Jabob Zug and John Green- On motion, adjourned. ; Alp. H. Addamb, Sec'y. Grand Entertainment.—Prof. J. Oe Lantle. the great Gift Wizard, Magi cian annd Ventriloquist,. will give an entertainment, for two nights only, Fri day and Saturday evenings, Feb. 23d and 24th, in Bheem's Hail, in this piece. A grand-family.Matinee will be elvin on Saturday afternoon, Feb, 23. at 3 o’clock. Everybody who purchases a ticket will recel/e a present. One hundred rich, costly and uselul presents given away each evening. Single tickets 35 cents ; reserved seats. 50 cents ; family tickets, admitting six persons $1 00. ' Juror’s Qualifications —There can he'no doubt lu the mind of any discern ing person, that sooner or later, all of our States will imitate Ohio, whose House of Representatives have passed by a vote of seventy-eight.to seventeen, a bill admit ting as competent Jurors, persons who may have formed an opinion as to the guilt or Innocence of an accused from reading newspaper accounts of an of fence alleged to have been committed.— It is high time that the. farcical old fogy- IstU which forbids their acting should be frowned down as an insult to the intelli gence of any civilized community. Lent.—The leoteu season commenced yesterday, (Wednesday.) It is an ancient ouatom of the Christian church to hold as a period of fasting and solemnity the forty days preceding Easter, in commem oration of the miraculous abstinence of Jesus when uniter, temptation, F,om legen tide, a Saxon term for Spring, (ns being the lime of the lengthening of the day,) came the familiar word for this period—Lent. Originally the period be gan on what la now the first Sunday,ln Lent, but It being found that when Sun days, as improper for fa-ting, were omit ted, there remained only thlny-six days, the period was made by Pope Gregory lo commence four days earlier—Ash Wed ,nesday. [Common lea ted.] Last week I paid a visit 16 a family, anil as the old saying is—they live at home, two and a-balf miles west of this place. After having several hours’ chat with the family in regard to the pas', a young tail, Theodore, called my attention to a flnwk that he had shot a day or so previous. Its wlugs when expanded measured 56 inches from tip to tip. Tills bird bad carried off the young man’s chickens which be himself had taken great pride iu raising. It proved to he one of the largest of its species inhabit ing that part of the country. With a well-trained animal and gun in band he pursues them on burse-back, end assures me that he cun ride up close to the game however wild, they do not appeal to no tice the rider, discharges the piece, and the game is bis. In this way be has ta ken several ioxes. The plan be takes Is no doubt a good one, and If practiced by tlie reader, the birds that live outlie armer’s poultry will soon be destroyed. Many people, particularly ohildreu, BoSer with the ear ache, and for the ben efit of such we give a sure but simple remedy. Put in two,or three drops of Joh'isnn a Anodyne Liniment stop the eir with undressed won), bathe the feet i i warm w aler before going to bed, and keep the head warm ut night, Capt. Charles Sager, who keeps a su perb stock of livery horses In Portland, ■Mo., informed us recently that ho uses iheridan’a Cavalry Condition Powders regularly In bis stables, and that the ex pense Is more than offset by the tllroin l-die,l,amount of grain necessary tu keep his burses always in good order. THE attention of our readers is cnllrd to the advertisement of Jhe Charter Oak Life Ins C to. ol Hartford, Conn.— This Company is well known as one of the oldest and moat substantial institn tions of Its. kind in tho country It has been most carefullymanageddutlngUs business career of fiver twenty-one vears. Though one of the moat eon- STvativo companies In existence, it has always been the leader in matters of Improvement in the science of Life In surance, and baa oeen the originator of many of the most valuable features which have been added to the business during the past few years. It now presents a new plan, which is highly comm ended by all whose attention has been directed to it. This plan, Deposit Insurance , certainly present some very marked improvements over any other plan of Insurance with which we are acquainted. To those “ who live long and prosper ” it yields very handsome returns as an investment, and to those who die it affords ihe benefits of insur ance at rates far below those elsewhere offered on any short endowments, for which this Is a substitute. But its chief and admirable provision is for the withdrawal of payments, by those who de-ire so to do, at the end of any policy year. The amount allowed to be with drawn Is definitely specified for each vear, and is a very large proportion of the total payments to the Company.— We are confident that in advising our readers to investigate the plan we are doing them a service. The Company or its agents will afford full information of the plan to any one addressing them on the subject. Rem l mbek the Oyster Supper at Good Will Hall, this evening, for the organ Bind of ths Lutheran Obnroh. Carlisle, Feb. Bth, 1872. Ed. Volunteer— When I see a atat,- | ra-iu maile that la Incorrect, I think it la nothing more than right that It ahould he corrected, especially when it refers to the ladies. Now, such statement has been made. You assert in your lastedU tion “ that there has been no leap year party In Carlisle.” Tbla'ls Just what I would like to see corrected. There hat been a leap year party in this town, and that on the evening of the Ist Inst, The. ladles sent the invitations, called for the Invited guests, and in every respect acted out the programme to perfection. W* of the ‘‘male gender,” felt a little awk ward at first, hut we soon got used to it. It is mighty nice to have aVprelty young lady" take you to the supper table and attend to your wants, cramming you with cakes, candy, ice cream and other good things. The table didn't "groan” with edibles. It Just bore its Burden meekly, taking consolation from the fact that, it would soon be relieved of Its weight. It was, and pretty quickly, for the ladles attended liberally to their gem tleman guests. After supper followed a cup of coffee, such as the Carlisle girls anow how to make. It was delicious,— When we bad spoiled the ffne appear ance of that table, our lady t-iok us back to the parlor and provided us with a seat. Then next a sly hint from some of the ladles, Prof. Widner gave those who danced an opportunity to ask the gents, lira way that could not be resisted, ‘‘can I have the pleasure of your hand in the next daiicu” It wentagalnst our nature to refuse and we danced. As all things have an ending so bad this party, but I don’t think it will ever be forgotten by the' participants. The last feature of the party, was escorting the gentlemen home. Just here the ladies had a little difficulty, us some of the guests didn’t have regular homes, Huoh unfortunates were gently deposited at one of the gates of an educa tional institution of the town. While the gentlemen> ftom an adjoining bor ough were deserted at the "square.” I think the gentlemen ot Carlisle would have no objeoi lon to a repetition of the same kind of party. A Quest. Sales,—The following sales of person al property, consisting of horses, cows, young cattle, hogs, sheep, and farm im plements, for which bills have been printed at this office, will take place on the days named, in their respective lo calities as follows: Personal, property of 1 Daniel Bohb Dickinson township, on Monday, Ftb, Personal property of G D, Ynglesong, in the borough of New on Wednesday, February 21, Personal property of Geo. Farenbaugh, Middlesex township, on Thursday Feb ruary 22. Personal property of Marlon Bheaffer, Dickinson township, on Wednesday, February 28. Personal property of Samuel Stone administrator of D. D. Stone, Carlisle borough, on Wednesday, February 28. . Personal nroperty of Wm. P. Stuart, South MfddlSon township, on Thursday, February 29. . . Personal property of the late N. H. Eckels, by his administrators, Silver Spring township, on Thursday, February 29. , Personal property of John Eckerd, Silver Spring twp., on. Friday, March 1, Pereonalproperty of Christopher Orris, Prankford. township, on Friday, March Personal property, of Joel ’Senseman Silver Spring twp., on Saturday, March Personal property of JR, C. Lamberton administrator oi Abra. Lamberton, deed., Middlesex township, on Monday, March Personal property of J. J. Erfbrd, W«st Pennsborough twp., on Tuesday, March 5 Personal property of Samuel Cookley, in Penn township, near the Pine road, on Wednesday, March 6. Personal pronerty of Peter Albright by his administrators, Silver Springtwp., on Wednesday, March 6. Personal property of J. M. Drawbough, Frankford twp M on Thursday, March 7 Personal property of S. B» Lehman, In South Middleton twp,, on Friday, March Personal property of John Eokerd, Sliver Spring township, on Saturday, March 9. Personal property of Philip Klehl, In North Middleton twp., on Thursday, March 34, Personal- property of Catharine Swartz, decM., at her late residence, in Silver Spring township, on Monday, March 18. N. H. Sawtelle will offer at private saleeon© hundred lots, situated In the borough of Carlisle. Old predjudices are dying out. New facta are killing them. The idea th>t invalids weakened by disease can be r - lleved by prostrating them with destruc tive drugs, is no longer eptertahibdiexj cept by monomaniacs. Ever since Aj* introduction of Dr. Walker’s Vinegar Bitters it has been obvious that their regulating and invigorating properties are all sufficient for the cure of chronic indigestion, rheumatism, constipation, diarrhoea, nervous affections, and mala rious fevers, and they, are.now the stand ard remedy for these complaints In every section of the Union. • • fob. B—4t. TRAVERSE JURO OF COMMON 3873- IRS, AD JOT J PLEAS, M. •Ist MONDA Bear David laborer i firmer farmer I farmer; laborer carpenter farmer farmer l farmer farmer 1 dealer farmer 5 tanner butcher tinner blacksmith i watchraa’r farmer shoemaker blacksmith dealer farmer farmer farmer machinist : farmer gout merchant merchant farmer farmer i farmer farmer farmer agent farmer farmer farmer dealer merchant ?[ent arraer laborer laborer I carpenter i coachmak’r < miller j farmer Bomberger Joseph J3urtner'Bamnei_ Brandt~Mlohoel Q Bratne Michael Coyle James Clark Geo 8 Cornraun W H Chambers Thoa £1 Colwell David Durnbaugh David l)onlap JilUel Ensmmger George Fuak Ben) Fridley wm Fry Hatn’l Jr bearing Augustus Holtr Sara'l Hander Alfred 0 Haymaker And. Harsh J B Haycock Thomas Hefflleflnger Jas Heck John B Ruts Andrew J Longneoker Juo R Long Christian Leonard B B M’Callooh. Alex. Mohler David 8 Monroe John . Merkioy Molomon Neidigh Henry Palm wm BelgleJebn Kulblou David Hailing Wm Hbelly Ephraim Hherld.e Christian Bteylak D B Htavmau Milton Ht **Vioka Felix Trill Peter Tntt George White Wm Whister John Zsoharias John Zelgler Jonathan Get your Sale Bills prinied at this office. TSAAC K. STAUFFER, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, 148 North • trend /reel, (oar. or Quarry,) 1 PHIL A DELPHI A. . Aa assortment of Welch?., Jewelry, surer and Plated Ware ronrtimiiy on hand. Repair ing of Watebeeaaa JewftJijr promptly attended ** UtT St, U7f-l "HOW TO GO'WEST, ,, '-Forty years ago Illi nois was as far West OS the people wished logo and the Journeys wore made In - the legendary "PnMrlo Schooner," bat In those days of Prog ress and Improvement, the word West has corns to mean ' lowa. Nebraska. Kansas, Colorado, California and the Territories and the traveler reaches almost any point therein by a splen did Line ot R < iiroad. .Tho Unoof Railroad Is the Burlington route, which starts from Chicago over the Burlington, Chicago and Quincy R. R., from Indianapolis over the Indlanapoha, Bloomington & Western Short Line, and from Logansnoit, over tho To ledo, Peoria' A Warsaw R, R,. and running tb-o* Burlington, reaches Omaha, Lincoln, Nebraska City, St. Joseph. Atchison, Leavenworth .and Kansas City, connecting with tho Union Paoi flo. Kansas Pacino and other railroads running, from those oilles. Always go "By way of fidrlington." and yo will be sure to bo right. The Burlington route has admirably answered tno question, " How to go West?" by the pub lication of a truthful and interesting document, flUed with facts in regard to time, connections, accommodations, rates of faro, and other inter esting items, and illustrated by a largo map, showing the whole West, which they distribute free ol charge. Copies and additional informa mstloa cat. bo obtained by addressing, Genera Agent, 8.&U.8. R.. BurJtngUm, la. itfußfneßß Notices. Jnst received 100 boxes of Raisins,very low, at Hpfflnan’a, No, 88 East Pomfret St. [Deo7,7tf. Currants, Citron, Lemon Peel, Prunes, Figs pared and tmpa r ed Peaches, at Hodman’s. & East Pomfret St. [Dec. 7,7l—tf. , Buckwheat Floor al Hoffman’s Grocery, No 88 East Pomfret St, , [Dec. 7, *7l tf. For Cranberries, Atmore'a Mines Meat, call at Hoffman’s Grocery, No. 88 East Pomfret St Dec. 7,71-tf. Jnst received a large assortment of Fancy Toys, suitable for the holidays, at HotTman’s, 68 East Poxnfret Bt. [Dec;?,’7l—lf. Ladies’ and Gents Furnishing and Fancy Goods of every description, can be had cheaper at J, H. Wolfs, No. IS North Hanover Street than at anv other hoose in town. For Crash Towels, Napkins, Ao., go to Wolfs, North Hanover Street. Ir you want Beef Tohgues, dried Beef, or a nice slice of sugar-cured Hams, go to Hamrlch’s. Feb a’73— Just received, afresh lot of' Cranberries, Oo ’cooauts, Oranges, Almonds, die., at Humrloh’s Prime Honey, Vinegar, sweet Cider, Amerl can Swellzer Cheese, at. Hnmrlch’s. ■ For Cabbage, Turnips, Potatoes, Beets,Pickles by the dozen or Jar, go to Hamrlch's.' Ware up—Ware down—up In Philadelphia down 12}$ per cent at Bla Ir’s—Do call soon—our shelves are thlnn lug out. After April Ist whole sale only. Fend Farmers, now Islbotlme toT'bny your Seed Potatoes. W. A. Bumrloh has a choice lot of Early Rose Peucbblows Goodrich very low. WHERE SHALL We GOT—Just now there scorns to bo a genet 1 advance along the whole, lino of Dry Goods, and the great question Is where shall we go to purchase goods at reasonable rates? Duke A Burkholder hav- ing an Immense stock on bands before the ad vance, have determined to sell on at the old es tablished prices. . Whilst jou heard ol the last advance ; being made on account of the high prices of cotton, we. ask you all to call at our store and bay all kinds of Domestics at same trices we have always quoted those. Muslins. Tickings, Ginghams and a lull line of House fUrnlsblng Goods to be found at DUKE 4 BURKHOLDER'S. “Mr. 6., that Isa perfect fitting shirt you wear,. who made It?’ “It J» one of Richardson’s make, one of the most celebrated shirt-makers In the city, ' Wolf, on North Hanover Street, cakes orders and guarantees a perfect fit.'; D. A. SAW ¥ER opens this week a new lot of Black Alpaocas, which for quality, lustre, wear and price, cannot be excelled. Also a full line pf shirk fronts from the manufactory of Hahn, Wetherhold & Sawyer, all of the latest designs and allow prhes. . We are constantly making .additions to our Domestic Stock, which will be found, upon ex amination, to be complete and offered at great bargains. Everybody call and examine oar ■took before purchasing elsewhere. Feb 15-81 VERY IMPORTANT, to all house-keeper*, and all preparing for house-keeping, to know that the new arm, on the old Central corner. , h ive the largest’stock of all kinds of house* tarnishing Goods In the valley. Every kind of Tibie Linen at great barga las. Tickings from 1 cents up to the best quality made. Sheet ings of every kind, Bleached and Unbleached Pillow-case Muslins, Mareallles Quilts Rom SM)» up to the splendid quality, all sizes, 'Nap kins, Towels, Tabte-o «vors, and everything else lu this department at extremely low price*. A large and now supply ot Dress Goods and Men's and Boys’ wear. We are the only agents In Carlisle for tne genuine Prince of Wales Mole skin Skin. We invite alt buyers not to fall to call at the old Ce’.trai Corner before purchasing Goods, as we have filled up our stock, aad will •1 ways give the best or bargains. MILLER 4 BUTTORFF. Feb 15 Thirty boxes oranges, Lemons/just received at Hnmrlch’s. CoyL3 BROTHERS’.—Notions Wholesale, at City Prices. Having received a large line of Woolen G'tods, such as Undershirts and Drawers, Knit Jackets. .‘Carfs, Woolen Hosiery. Back, and Sheep flkln Gloves, Gauntlets and Mils, Hano ver Gloves and Gauntlets. Woolen Me. o, Cloth and Berlin Gloves and Gauntlets, would ' call tue attention of Merchants. . COYLE BROTHERS’ No. 24 ft. Hahover BU, COFFEES, SUGARS and TEAS of the finest quality. Choice new FAMILY- FLOUR. Queensware at the lowest, prices. I cannot be undersold. Eve rything guaranteed. J. M. MABONHEIMBR. S. W. cor. Pomf ret and Pitt Sts., Carlisle, Pa Aug. 17—tf Thb Sboret op Captivation.— Features of Grecian mould, a well turned neck, and beau tifully,rounded arms, are no doubt very nice things to have; and ladles who possess these charms have reason to be thankful to Mother Nature; yet, after all, the most captivating of all womanly charms is p, pure, fresh and bril liant complexion. This superlative fascination any lady may secure by using Hagan's Maono lia Balk, the standard beautifying preparation of the present age. It differs from all ordinary cosmetics'in three most essential particulars, Inasmuch; os It. contains no Injurious ingre dients, dots not contract or shrivel the skin as. all the astringent “blooms," '’lotions” and pow* dert” eventually do, but produces a lasting love liness by improving the health of the skin. Under its ,operation the textuie of the epider mis becomes finer, and the surface soft as vel vetrand smooth as porcelain.—Features be changed, but complexions san, and it Is quite certain that a lady with no other charm than a fresh and rosy complexion, will attract more admiration in company than her neigh bor With a classic face but a sallow skin. IJRNED COURT [ARCH 4th. W Pennsboro’ Monroe E Pennsboro* Mooroe~~ Upper Allen S Middleton Monroe 8 Middleton HUver Spring Penn M cohanlcs burg Penn Carlisle ; 2Thc jßarftm. PHILADELPHIA MARKKTB, 1 prom the Philadephia Ledger, Newton Carlisle Frankford Carlisle EPennsboro’ Carlisle Newvllle ' Philadkm'Hla, February 18,1872 ■XTUX FAMILY FLOUR - - 8b 00 EXTRA PLO'TR ... 6 25 SUPBKPINL * 5 76 RYE FLOUR - - 600 WHEAT - I 75 RYE CORN cats OLOVERSEED TISOTHY HEED FIAXSEBD WHISKY Newton 8 Middleton Hopewell E Pennsboro* Newton Pennsboro dblppeu’g twp. Carlisle W Pennsboro Upper Allen Dickinson Silver spring Lower Alien Penn .RLIBLE PRODUCE MARKET MechanJqsburg Dickinson Corrected weakly by J, H. Boater *' B, Hafftnnn «t film a »r.ryi», h, in? 2. * • I 30 butter Eoqs TALLOW SJu^hams do SHOULDERS • do HIDES BEANS per bun. pared PEACHES • UNPAIRED do DRIED APPLES HAAS CHERRIES PITTED per lb. 4o UNFITTED per lb. CLOSING PRICES or BeBw&Bro. 40 SOUTH THIRD ST. PHILADELPHIA. 8 o'clock, P il. Phita., Feb, 13,1872. New 17, a 6‘« 0/1881, ifKL/lOBJ U.S. o’SOf 'Bl, .. {ftfc OJi M •• not called }}M ~S “ •• ’63. let called * {Kg lloi “ “ '63, 2d 3d call }{!f * .*! IWH 110* •• HIM 111* „ .. uo(s 110* .. .Sl* Ul« 111 i „ K.s. IfCiA.- 11l U I(2| 6 fl, IMO S. 1 ini? iiitj U. 8.80 Year 6 per cent. Cy., liuSiug Snlll 110$ 110} Hllver, . if>7 m M f U. Pacific R. R. Ist Mort. Bonds. ol 011 Central Pacific R. R, im 1021 LTnlo i Pacific Land Grant Bonds si We are paying two (2J per cent, for broken Na tional Bank Notes. KELLER—PAUL,—At the residence of tho hrldtfs parents, in New Kingston, 6n tho 25th ltov .v I{ . Flank, Joshua A Keller to MUs Emma E. Paul, both of New Kingston, FENTON—FINKBNBINDER. On tho Bth nit., at the Lutheran parsonage in New vlllo. ffc® same, Air. Robert J. Fenton, to Miss Martha Plnkunblnder. both of Newton town-’ snip. JgJSTABLISHED 1848, Carlisle Hardware House! H, SAXTON & CO. HBMKT SAXTON. | J. P. BIXZ.ES, | D. B. SAXTON Building, Farming and Mechanics’ Hardware Tools and Materials. . L 1 * 0 ? bod Steel of all slaes, shapes and kinds. Railroad and Mining Picks, * hovels aml Materials Wetherlll A Bro. First Natl nal Buck, and all other favorite brands of White Lead acd Colors, with a full assortment ofTnbe Colors, pure raw and bolted Linseed OU. Coach and Furniture Varnishes. Glass, do. Greasing and Lubricating Oils, Cement. Plas ter and Silver Sand, Dupont’s blasting > and sporting powder. Guns, P-stols and Arum nnl-‘ tlon. Cedar Ware, Hope, Lanterns, do. OUSE-FURNISHING HARDWARE, Silver-plated Spoons, Forks and knives. Ivory and Pearl- handled table and pocket Cat- Jery. Rodgers d Seymour's fine Scissors and Shears. Pine Gilt Curtain Cornices and Bands. Brass stair Rods, white and black Curled Hair for Matrasses and Furniture, Green Hep*. Hair -eating, do., with a full line of Upholster Goods. Miscellaneous goods, such as Clothes Wringers, fine bird Cages. Driving and Riding Whips, do Sole agents for Plank’s Shifting Beam and Kolter Plows at his prices Dor On.ih, Bloomfield d Gibb's Imperial Plows. The last mentioned are of a recent Introduc tion into this ttection. which have the advanta ges of a Shilling Beam and Steel shear at al most the same prices at the ordinary Cast Iron Plows. ■ Solo agents lor Palmer's Patent Iron Planes. Solo agents for Burnham’s Patent Weather Stripping. This combines both economy and comfort, thoroughly preventing drafts of cold air n win ter and dust n receipt of price. Bond stamp for circular. Lib eral discount to the trade. Address DR. BTONEBRAKER, Franklin A Fremont Sta., BaUlmoio.M. Jan 28 72- NOTICE.— The Cumberland County Agricultural Society will hold a regular meeting Id the Arbitration Chamber. In the Court House. on Tuesday, the sth day or March. USWIB F. LiTNE. Secretary, Feb* 8,1872 —It QTORE ROOM AND CELLAR FOR O KENT—No. 72 North Hanover Street, Cat* lisle, Pa, Jan.lß, IR72—lf, *\roTlCku-- OAHH BUnJNKHS.—<»n Hi and after March let, IW2, the undersigned wUlaeiljror ash only. All tboset oaeuted r nested to settle their axouata oa ** OKO, a Hoy FMA Jf, .fßarrteh fWteceUaiuoua. We remain, respectfully, H, SAXTON & CO,, No. 15 EAST MAIN STRET, Carlisle, Po. and about D. CORNMAN, 1872! REDUCTION I I have thisday marked dvion the prices on, tny entire stock of DRESS GOODS, BLAIKETS & SHAWLS, POES, VELVETEENS, &0., Great Bargains will be offered in all kinds of ./INTER GOODS. Do not fall to call at L. T. GREENFIELD’S, and secure some of the cheap goods. SPRIISTO PRINTTIS. Sheetings, MUSLINS, COUNTERPANES, TABLE LINENS.. Imt received from the eastern market at prices that do(y competition. ©anejm & fflo’s. Column. wanted fob LIFE IN UTAH, BEING an EXPOSE of tbe SECRET HITES and AGENTS WaNTJSD—A complete tlllCli's DESTRUCTION! ip.lMl sold. In English and Gorman. Price S 3 00. CAUTION,—Since leaning this work, smaller and Inferior histories are offered. Be sure the book yon buy Is by Upton a Seahin.a fall ootavo, mo inches,, nearly SJO pagesTand over 45 illustrations, t end Si Ou ibr ontflt, with ohcleo of territory. Also two beauUlal ohroro os Chicago As It Was, and Chicago In Plaines.— S l '?.'!*???' •?? WHoslrefc Proflu largo. Union f Publishing Company, Chicago, Philadelphia, or Cincinnati. Jnn. 25. liPis. $lO MYSTERIES ol moruonism. *Vith p full and authentic history of Polygamy* by 4. H. BEADLE, editor of the Balt Lane He* porter. Agents arc meeting with unprecedented suc cess—one reports 180 subscribers In four days another 71 iu two days. Send for Circulars, and «ee what tbe press say of tbe work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, Jan. 25, 1872—iw. 'WELLS' For COUGHS, COLDS and HOARSENES. . These TabUU present the Acid in Combina tion with other ethoient remedies, in a populm form, for tbe cure of ail throat and luug disea ses. Hoarseness and Ulceration of the Throat are immediately relieved, and statements arV constantly being sen to ihb proprietor of rel ei in casea of Throat difficulties of years stsndltig. CAUTION —* Don’t'be deceived b> Ky , u , LK/Vi - worthless Imitations. Get only Wells’ Carbolic Tablets. Price 25 cents nei box. JOHN &. ivLLLOGG, 18 Plait K|„N. Send tor circular. Solo Agents for the U. U. Jau. 2>, 1872—iw. “I AA CHOICE SKLECTIONB, No. IVU V' h now ready with Kb precious slur* ui good things for public and parlor lead ings, beluga happy blending of Eloquence, Hu mor, Sentiment. Pathos and Burlesque. Uni form In style with the preceding numbers, which have won the public heart, and the cry Is Morel Cloth-bound. 7o cents; paper, 80 cents, or* comes for «. Also .“Excelsior Dialogues’* revised edition, price Si 25., Askyour booksel ler for them, or send p» ;ce to P. QaHKETT A CO., 702 Chestnut BU, Pbila,, Pa. AGENTS WANTED.— Those selling other books can sell these by thousands. ’ Jau. 25.1872—tw PROFITABLE . EMPLOYMENT.— X Wo desire U> enugoge &■ few more Agents to *ul the world-renowned BUCKEYE SEWING .MACHINE, ala liberal salaryoron commission. A horse and wagon given to Agents. Kull par ticulars furnished on application. Address W. A. HEN dERsON A CO., General Agents, Cleve land, Ohio, and Bt, Louis, iio. J an, 25, Ab 72—4 w. (iJKAA REWARD is offered by the UIUVV proprietor of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Rem eu> i.u , k case ol.Oold ARE CHaNCE FOR AGENTS iV Agents, we will pay you $lO p© r week In cash if .von will engage with us at once. Every* thing furnished and expenses paid, address ——F. A. ELUH 4-CO.,ChttrioUe. Mich. Feb. 8 1873- T jMf*^£' fodlor ' A *™“» w»alod. moM 50 CTS .ran.’ 18,* IS72—iw QK A/\ft BBWAND waapald by Coil* HiS/S. ”v B»eaau»a lady for ber bravery and 'iklli In emigrants from (be Indiana. ‘My CapMtj h«| h Sioux" Isa history or her life os a prisoner among them. A. wonderful story endorsed by Army officers. «feo. imperial inducement* (o Agent* to sell i li's and otber popular works, Including rJrr * Write at- once to U Ak f ;? / ITY PUBLISHING COMPANY?SO? and 219 Quince Street, Philadelphia. ■ " Jan. is, 1873—1 w. JDBUBEBA. It la not a Pbyalo—lt la not what iSonnlarly ca J le,| a Hittera, nor is It Intended iia auofi, it & a Hnuth American plant that has been need for raan.r years by the medical faculty of thoan countries with wenderful elßcacy as a now“/Dl Allenti " and Dueqnuled Pnrlleror the Blood aoa 1 ! ■ uro oni * p “ rfeot Remedy for au Dlscal Ll o°r ■: it Erilarsrerneat or Obstruction of < os.ines, Jurmaryj Uterine, or Abdomi ii. : jrgans, Poverty or a Want of Blood a '.ermltiontor uemltteotFevers,ln- of the Liver. Dropsy: Sluggish Circulation of the Blood, Abscesses. Tumors. Jaundice, Scrofula: Oys pepsla, Ague * Fev er. or their Con comitants, Dr, Wells' tetrad of Jurubeba ' ‘ i° i he PJJ b } l ° wu great Invlgorator -OyforaU impurities of the blood or ; i 0 We ?^ ueBa wltb their attendant evils. *or *Ju foregoing complaints . ‘ JURUBEBA Ih confllontly recommended to every hmllv na 0 rGmo dy, and should be freely token n.iraugemema of the system, it gives F health. . gor and lone to ail the vittil forces, and tortlfl ' B W6Uk “ I, ‘ JOHN i. KELLOGG. ISPlatt St, New York. rice Si ilgent tc S united Staten. PJm, s- , i»»2iw ■' Scnd for clrc “ lar - : i)ww»oumai Caros. J. U. OIIAIIAM. I J. a. GUAHAM. Jr. J. Jl. GRAUAM & SON f Attorneys fy Counsellors at law, So. 14 Sonth RanoverSt,, „ „ . _ „ Carlisle. Pa. ,a,e President Judge o (he, Ninth Judlujiil District, has re umed*rh« iractlce of-the law, and assooiattd with him ils son, J. H, Qbahav, Jr, Will nraotir* in rb„ C«mrls of Cumberland, Perry Coun*' tlea * [Deo.7, 71—tf. JJNITED STATES CLAIM HE A L ESTATE A OEEcY WM, B. BUTI.EE, ATTORNEY AT: LAW, • 9%. 0 , ln Franklin House, South Hanoverßtree Carlisle, Cumberland county/Penna^ atLentVM^ 0110 bS 1 “ aU ’ wll^recelv< * itamedl.t. I Bi™n to the BBlllnr or rent- Jng of Real Estate, In town or country, in all let -1 “‘isiS-’t? le “° enolose stamp. P E. BBLTZROOTEB, ATTORNEY-A T-LAW 011 Sdnlh Uunover oppo.lt. Beutz's dry goods store. , Dec. 1,1865. / . Q. E O. S. E M I « , . ■ ATTORNEY- AT-LAW. Office with 8. Hepburn, Jr.' Bast Main Street, CARLISLE, PA. Fell. 2,7j—ly WJfKNNED_Y,_ Attorney at LA’ • Carlisle, Penna. Office same as that me American volunteer.” Dec. 1 1870. ... A. B. SHARPE. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW CARLISLE, Pa. OFFICtC removed to No. 18 Wert Hl«h rtreet next door Co Horn's drag store. Feb. 1, 1872—8m.* rVR. GEORGE S. BEARIGHT, D*n I / TINT. Ftwn the Baltimore College of Derti* Office at the residence of bis mother Btreet, three doors below Eedfbnl CarMtde. Ponna. * m Deo. 1 1865. J_YT;MRIOH & PARKER. - ATTORNEYS AT LAW, sic r* ° a St l6 ® l . lh Marlon Hall, Car Doo. . > INto. • - LIB OP BALES to be called by N.B. M JORE. Auctioneer. • ' ‘*' Fob. 18-Goo. W. Hilton. South Middleton 15—John Beetem. Penn. 17—John Wluand. South Middleton. 19—Daniel Bobb, Dickinson. . 20—Alick Goodhort, Penn. 21 —Daniel fTeJier, Penn. 1 22—Aaron Smith, Frankfort, 23—Wm. Hays, North Middleton. 24—Michael Iloilo, DlokiQNon. 20—Henry A. Meals, Adams county, 27—George YeJngst, South Middleton. 28— Marlon Shaffer, Dickinson 29 W.p. Stuart, South. Middleton. March i—Duulel Bhenk. Dlc&ldbou. 2—.- urauelN. Wolf,South Middleton. 4—Robert Lamberton, Middlesex. 6—Jacob B. Meals, Dickinson. 6—Sam’l Cockney. Penn. 7—Sproll Woods Dickinson. B—Sam’i Lehman,.South Middleton. 11—J.Sbenk. Dickinson. , 12—Daniel Hoover. South Middleton 18—Abner Beutx, South Middleton. 14—Jacob Zug, Adams eouhtyi ‘ IS-Jacob Wolf, Good Bop©/ .. , aft-william B. Himes, Penn; * Strict attention paid to the coiling ot Ratoa Terms modoiate, , gUBSUIUBE FOd. ihfll 1 1872! \ Ginghams, CARLIHTvB. Pa. " YVljinxeejr,”