ninterintti 4oluntrEv. 46 ILocal items. )vBB _pork butchering. tbe days lengthen gae bills shorten, 0B market was well attended on Sat- Vasiiinotos’s birthday comes on |, [sda y this year. e monied nian of this office Is dur rler, since the Ist Inst. •vebVDody we encounter around this ‘ [g short, as well as the days. un police made several arrests last I mostly vagrants. . VBRAii fine lots of hogs wereweigh- J ,he market house last week. dating your love letters, young la don’t forget that this is 1872, not browing dice, for pastime, la in ,ed la hugely by “ Young America” lb town. , , ; B market master, A. S. Lyne, had scales at the market bouse repaired .’riday last. igbkls a revival in progress in the iel church, on West street, in this i, It is largely attended. iDBT began on Monday last. The jf civil cases la large, there being one died and eight put down on it for B K sewing" machine business is now of the great mercantile pursuits of all Alien and towns in this State. . ie four rules of good health are said e-temperance—open air—easy labor locare.' i«eb storied bonnets, called the Vic i, covered with feathers; flowers, and rlbone, are to be worn. • [agger Juice is. the latest name for Heating liquors. It is certainly very loprlate as well as expressive. !ID recreation in looking after your less, and your business will not be icted In looking after recreation: JippEßY sidewalks are provocative of jng. You my hear convincing proof Jan’s degeneration in the fall.. Wna wish to be rated as a good, mor jraon, do not let your language be I than two. thirds vulgar or profane. sew counterfeit fifty cent note has ilbappearance in the cities, and of le will come out in the country. It ■ L \y they have, though. i meeting of the County Commie 's, held in their office, on the Ist our townsman, Bobert Allison, ppolnted mercantile appraiser. ;ek Kraut, so it is solemnly said, e are not going to, try it, is. more ible when eaten raw than any other you don’t stop using tobacco, before mow it you will have tbeamonrosls 1a tpeotorsi, bypooboncelasls, and lotolataxy. ny young men are out of work; but adesare all open to them, and the 3 of skilled laborers ate higher than of clerks or salesmen. - idling currency is a fruitful agen r the spread of small pox. That’s so few printers suffer from the juei on street dresses are. again ba ng fashionable. We are glad to the fact, as they always touched our E drat lessons of rowdyism are pick ion the streets by tbe young boys ire permitted to run at will during »y and until late at night. ldren should be carefully preven oiu using their eyes to read or write, any equivalent exertion either be breakfa'st, by . dim daylight, or by :lal light. E band connected with the New D 9 Minstrel Troupe, wbloli gave a it Id Bheem’e Ball, on Saturday oj, discoursed several pieces of fine at the court house, on the after preceding their concert. When the cold wind blows, Take cnre of your nose, That It doesn’t got froze, And wrap up your toes In warm woolen hose. | above we suppose, was written in I, by one who knows the effect of Inowfl. the law passed by egislafure of this State, last winter, blbit boys from jumping on trains they are in motion, this practice. I indulged in by boys in this place, ump on the cars as they are passing md west. If our opr police would a few arrests they might serve as pies to others, and this bad practice i undoubtedly be abandoned. idue Bills. —We beg to remind lends that we are prepared to print iio bills, in the most attractive style, >rt notice. As the season for these is at band, we solicit the orders of. 10 .may have property, -real-or—per i-ta_aell.—Pcraoua.Jivlng. nt n dia- caii send us the partioul ars by mail n will put them in proper shape. e Schools.— The holiday-week is ‘ >nd the schools are again in session, teachers and scholars have had a holiday, and we have no doubt all e-enter upon their appropriate du wlth energy and zeal—the former a determination to improve tbe b and understanding ot those en -9d to their care, and the latter to no better and wiser boys and girls. 'Kit new advertisements, in to-day's It will be seen that tax collector, » Fagan, has been instructed by trn Council to proceed at once„ao -8 to law, to collect the balance of iplicate for 1870, and that be be 1 ed to settle his account within days. 0. H. Rinehart, the pres-' H collector, has received simitar unions to collect the balance of bis tile for 1871, and is required to set s account within sixty days. lI ‘ Year.— The year of our Lord >ouaand eight hundred and seventy 8 bissextile or leap year. It la so 1 because it leaps over a day more B common year; tbua, In common there are 885 days—ln ledp. year It la said that during this year bachelors commit matrimony than 'y of the other three, and for this al reasons have been assaigned.— nothing about reasons, we hope 'll may commence rolling early lb 'ar, and continue until thousands be ahleto say In the language of “peare: ■ . . Bho In mine own; I, as rich, In having auoh a Jewel, weniy seas, If nil their > and! wore pearl, > water nectar, nut the rooks pare gold.". . Mabk Twain’s Lecture.— Our read ers will not forget that the third lecture of. the season will be delivered by Mark Twain, on Monday evening, 22nd Inst. Of course the lecturer’s'reputation as a humorist will draw a large crowd. This is the flrstopportunity of bearing Twain this community has ever bad, and as this, will be bis only appearance In the Cumberland Valley. during the present season) there will doubtless be a fair rep resentation from some of pur neighbor ing towns. The, lecture committee an nounce that every effort will bp made to as the bail will hold, there fore none need be deterred from going by fear of not getting comfortably seated The Cumberland Fair.— The Cum berland Fair closed last week. The en terprise was not so successful as was anticipated—the net proceeds being in the neighborhood of three hundred dol lars. ' • The lot of ground in Carlisle, was not chanced off. Canvassers-are now en gaged selling the remainder of the tick ets ; and as soon as ail are, sold, pubiio notice will be given of. the drawing. Oyster Supper.— We learn that the .young folks of the Second Presbyterian Church intend giving an oyster supper, in Good Will Hail,on Thursday evening, January 18th. The entertainment glveu by them last winter was such a complete success they will doubtless have no trouble in selling tickets to as many per sons as they can accommodate. New Appointments.— The County Commissioners, at a meeting held on Monday evening, January Ist, made the following appointments for the ensuing year : . President of Board—Jacob Bhoads. Clerk—J. B. Floyd. Attorney—M. C. Herman. Physician to Jail—Dr. W. W. Dale. Mercantile Appraiser—Bobt. Allison, Keeper of Town Clock—Thos. Coniyn. Janitor—Georue Taylor. Mb. Pabsons.’ Ltoi UaE.— Hon. Wm. Parsons, of Ireland, delivered the second lecture of the course, in Bheem’s Hall, on Tuesday evening, instead of a big, burly Irishman, with a ponderous voice, such as most persons doubtless expected to see. the lecturer proved to be a gen tleman of medium stature, with a finely shaped bead and face, and as trim and graceful as a dancing master. His voice Is admirably modulated, and although he spoke with great rapidity bis articulation is so perfect that every, word ■ was distinctly audible in ev ery part of the nouse. His theme was “ Richard Brinsley Sheridan,— and the Orators and Wits of His Day.’’ The lecture abounded in passages of rare beauty and eloquence, interspersed with frequent sallies of wit, which always brought down the house. He entertain ed the audience for an’ hour and a half and so delighted was every one that there was a general expression of regret When he closed. Officers Elected.— At a meeting of the J. O. U. A. M., held in their ball, on Tuesday evening, the 2nd Inst., the fol lowing officers were elected for the en duing year, viz:. C.—P. S. Liggett'; V. C—W. N. Hall; B. B.—J. B. BIxler; A. B: S.—J. E. Bak ins; F S.—W. G. Speck; T.-L. B. Hoff rauu; Con.—A. P. wi Sipe; W.—J. Qep hart ;I, S.-J. Yeingst; O. 8.-J. N. Hardy. . “ The Patriot.’’— The Harrisburg Weekly Patriot comes to us in a new form, and new dress, and presents a de cidedly tasty typographic appearance. We unhesitatingly accord to the Patriot the position fit the leading Democratic organ of Pennsylvania. For soundness of doctrine, vigor and sprightliness, its editorials are not exceeded by any paper in the State. As a newspaper, the dally Patriot is taking the place of the less sprightly and Interesting dallies of'Phll adelpbia, along the Cumberland Valley road ; and It la not too much to say that its enterprise and vigor entitle it to a more extended patronage than it has heretofore received. Of course, seif inter est prompts all editors to recommend the encouragement of home newspapers be fore any others ; but to all who want a paper outside of the county, we say nn hesltatl ngly, subscribe for the Patriot. House Burned.— On the morning of Decern her 22, the dwelling occupied by W. F. Barbour and his mother, In Southampton township,’ near Big Pond, accidentally caught Are from the stove pipe, and notwit belauding the efforts put forth, the building and nearly all its contents were consumed. Tbe loss to Mrs. B. and her. son will be about $2OO, on which there is no insurance.— Mrs. Barbour was considerably burned about the face and bands, while en deavoring to combat the flames,and remove a few articles from the burn ing house. We presume the citizens of Southampton township will look after tbe immediate wants of Mrs. Barbour, and render such aid and assistance as her necessities demand.— Uhippensburg News. Golden Wedding.— An interesting meeting took place at the home of Mr. Skiles Woodburn, near Jacksonville, -this county, on- the 20th of December. -It—was—w-hat_ia-styled_the “Golden, Wedding”—a meeting of the family in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the married life of the parents. Children, grand children and great grand chil dren were present, and the meeting was regarded as one of those bappyocca-. slons,which do not often eccurr— lb. Feanklin Bbpositoby.—The Frank lin Repository appeared last week ooh slilerably enlarged and otherwise mate rially Improved. We have always classed our Chambersburg contemporary among tbe very best newspapers In the State, and with four additional colums of read ing matter, under tbe able and judicious editorial management of our friend Jere Cook, Esq., we may look for even more to admire .and commend in the future. .The Repository is now in its seventy- ■ ninth year, aud in alluding to,its, .vener able age. Us leading editorial, saysj - If yents bring wisdom, we ought to ho wise above oor; fellow Journalism, few American newspapers can compete in longevity j wo wore In robtxstmatatlly before almost ail of them opened their eyea-upoo the busy world. Hero and there, throughout tbe State. In our youthful days, a < soil ary comrade stood watch' to note witb as M the pnsslug tidings of the times,” Home of these old friends survive, but alas ( .most of them have suffocated In “printer's Ink." and have been sepulutmred with untimely births that walled fe* bfy forpub lie snstenlatloa, and passed into oblivion with out substance enough to even shadow oat a 6 are older than the boasted nineteenth century, which has put all the bygene cental les to the blush; we hailed its advent, .In melliflu ous venae no doubt; we patronized Its wonder ful Inventions; we chronicled its marvellous, feats in arms, and arts and science; we chas tised It for Its oppressions ond crimes; and we helped to crown It with laurels such as no for mer century has worn, won by the magnificent gift of freedom it bos bestowed • upon tho serfs and slaves of three continents, / • ' Samuel Havbbstick baa been up-’ pointed Conductor on ihe South Moun tain Railroad, vice John Oflborne, re signed. * Shot Himself.—A letter - from Clmipbersburg to the JPatriot contains the following account of a suicide com mitted in that place: •‘Last evening' 1 about eight o’clock, a young Chambersburg man, Philips by name, from Lewisburg, Ha., ■ who had been here for the last ten days past selling an Instrument for cutting button holes, went Into the jewelry store of Fred Dittmnn, Main street, and asked to look nt some pistols, ana while ex amining one put it to bis forehead, pulled «ne trigger and sent the bullet through his brain. He died at three olclock this morning. His friends have been telegraphed to. He left a letter directed to his mother, in which he asks her not to think hard of him for committing this act, as he was tired of life. , Shoe the Horses.— The icy cold weather Is hard on the horses, and great'Care should be taken that.they are well roughed In shoeing. This may prevent: ah' accident- to the owner as wejl as to the horse. Life is uncertain, but death is cer tain, and as we have not been Informed of the time when wo will die, we ought to live as though every moment would beourlast. Sleighing.—The snow on Monday night gave us the first passable sleighing of the season. i • Worthy op Note.— An exohangesays there is scercely a day passes that we do. not bear either from persons coming into our office or. in some other way, of the success of Johnson’s Anodyne Liniment in the cure of coughs and colds, so preva lent about town Just now. If we can benefit the readers .of the Volunteer, and by recommending F’ar eon’s Purgative Fills to be the best anti bilious medicine in the country, we are williug to do so.- We have had about as good a chance to know os any one.' ' “HOW TO GO WEST."—Forty years ago 111- nols was as far West os the people wished to go snathe Journeys were mode In the legendary. “Prairie Schooner,” bnt In these days of Prog * ress and Improvement, the word'West has come' to mean lowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, California and the Territories and the traveler reaches almost any point therein by a splen did Line ol It-broad. The line of Railroad is the Burlington rente, which starts from Chicago over the Burlington, Chicago and Quincy R. it., from Indianapolis over the Indianapolis, Bloomington & Western Short Line, and from Logansnoit. oyer the To ledo, Peorle dt Warsaw R, R., and'running thro 1 Burlington, reaches Omaha, Lincoln, Nebraska City, St. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth and Kansas City, connecting with the Uplo'n Paci fic, Kansas Faolflc and other railroads running from those cities. ' ■ Always go “By way of Burlington,” and you will be sure to be right. ■ The Burlington route has admirably answered tne question, “How to go West?” by the pub lication of a truthful and interesting document, died with fools In tlcae, connections, accommodations, rates of fare, and other .Inter esting Items, and Illustrated by a large map, showing the whole West, which they distribute free of'charge, Coplesan'd additional Informa matlon can be obtained by addressing. Genera Passenger Agent, B. & M. R. R.. Burlington, la. Deo. 21,1- 71—' % ■ Ijustwcgg Notices. Just received 100 boxes of Raisins,very low, at , Hofibcan’s, ■ No. 88 East Pqmfret St, [Deo7,7tf. Currants, Citron, Lemon Peel, Prunes, Figs, pored and oupared Peaches, at Hoffman’s, No, 88 East Pomfret Bt. [Deo. 7, "71-tf. Buckwheat Flour al Hoffman's.. Grocery, No 88 East Pomfbet St. ’ [Deo. 7,’71-tf. ■ If you want cheap Groceries, or anything kept In a first-class grocery, call at Hofftnon’s, No. 88EostPomfiret8L * [Dec. 7, *7l—tf. BEAD THIS.—If yon want to purchase a nice present for your sister or some other man's sis ter. go to J, H. Wolfs, No. 18 North Hanover Street, [Deo. 7, '7l—if. SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING.—Where to find the beat assortment of goods suitable or holiday presents, the moat fastldeous can be salted at J. H. Wolfs, No. 18 North Hanoye St, both In point of price and style. Go see his assortment. [Deo, 7, *7l—tf. For Cranberries, Atmore's Mince Meat, call at Hoffluan'B Grocery, No. 88 East Pomfret Bfc. Deo. 7,-71-tf, Just received a large assortment of Fancy Toys, suitable for tbe holidays, at Hofftnan's, 8* East Pomfret St. [Deo. 7, '7l-tf. THE VERY LATEST.—J. H. Wolf, No. 18 North Hanover St., has just returned from the east with a very large and, carefully selected stock ol %icy goods, suitable for Christmas presents. t • , J. M MASONHEIMBB baa returned from the city with an assortment ot Coffee, Sugar and One goods'for the holidays—give him a call. Nov. 2. Twenty barrels of onions Just received, nt Humrleh’s. NOW IS THE TIME FOB CHEAP WARE— Announcement. —After the’ let’ of April next, Wm. HI dr & Son will sense totalling, and will wholesale exclusively. In Groceries, Tobaccos. Oils, Fish, and general store supplies. As we wish to extend onr business In the wholesale line, and must have more room, we have con cluded to sell out entirely onr large stock of flue iron stone and common ware; also fine glass ware, and a good assortment of vases, suitable for Christmas presents, at per cent, below onr present retail prices. A corresponding abatemont to the trade. Call while our stock Is full, nnd make yonr selections. Now Is the time. WM. BLAIR*SON, ~ Doe. 7, ’7l South End, Carlisle, Pa. The tjenseman Shop Is still in full blast, jl you want good carriages, buggies, spring wag. ons or sleighs, go to Adam Ssnsoman, nt his old place, on North Pitt street, ’ Nov. 23.1871—8 m COYLE BROTHERS’.—Notions Wholesale, nt City Prices. , Having received a large lino of Woolen Goodß. fuich as Undershirts nnd Drawers, Knit ■Tanlretfl. eearfe. Woolen’ Hosiery, 'Buck and Sheep Skin Gloves, Gauntlets and MBs, Hano*. ver Gloves nnd Ounntlete, Woolen Merino, Cloth and Berlin Gloves nnd Gauntlets, would caU the attention of Merchants. . COYLE BROTHERS’ No. 24 S. Hanover St., Carlisle, Fa For pure Honey, go to Humrlfh’s. Smoko house apples always on hand at Humrioh’s. Go to Humrioh’s for pure, sweet Cidea Fresh Mackerel, Cranberries, Cocoanuta, Lem on,s Just received at Humrlch’s, The best brands of CANVASSED H AMS an Dried Beef. COFFEES, SUGARS and TEAS of the finest quality. Choice new FAMILY FLOUR, Qaeenaware at the lowest prices. I cannot be undersold. Eve-* rvthlns guaranteed. J. M. MASONHKIMBB, S W cor. Pomlret and Pitt Sts., Carlisle, Pa Aug. 17—tf Hams, Shoulders, Sides, and Dried Beef by the pound, at HUMBTOH*B. fVJuly»,lBn-6m.. Canned ond pickled Oysters, Sardines, A met lean ond Swpltzor Cheese, Piokloa, 4ft, at HUM -RlOh’S. ’ __ ' HnolrieberriflAieoelved dally at HUMBIOH'S. July 30. 1871—6 m. ■ Special Notices. Wk call tbe attention of ear readers to the fol owing remarkable core of Mr. O W. Ablof Car lisle. Fa., by theuseof HOOFDAND'SGEBMaa MEDICINES. Hla certificate la vouched lor b> tbe Editors of the Carlisle polmdeer, one ol the most Influential newspapers la tbe State. dariitle , -Pa., December 2, 1870. Da. C. M..EVAHB . Dear Sir;. In the year 1887 1 wn attacked with Dyspepsia. Prom that time until tho year 1861 I continued gr iwlug worse, and was reduced from a atrong and healthy man to a mere living skeleton. wplghlngbut IWpounda. During those four years. I bad the attention ol the moat celebrated physicians In New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore I also visited the watering places, and tried every remedy I conid hoar of ftr tit, cure of Dyspepsia, with- out experiencing any relief whatever, and I fi nally m despair gave up oil hope of being cared, and returned nomo with the feeling that death alone could alleviate my sufferings. In this ex tremity, at the argent solicitation of my wife. 1 began the use of . Hoq/tott(f« Oernvm Bitten,” although with no more faith In its cfiloaoy than 1 had fn preparations previously tried. ■ - ■ After using four bottles of (he Bitters, to my surprise r fell 1 was improving. My food taste well, and there was a very marked change fo the) better. I continued tbo use of tho Bitters until I had taken sixteen bottles, and. then, to myilnexpresalblo gratification 1 found myself perfectly cured. Since tbatbrffpy termination of my affliction I nave hot bought fifty cents worth of medicine of any kind, and to-day i weigh two hundred and two pounds. 1 make this statement voluntarily, and hun dreds of the residents of the Cumberland Valley who knew my condition will vouch for It. Xam satisfied 1 was thoroughly and_ permanently oared by the use of HOOFLANI)'B GERMAN BITTERS, and I take especial pleasure In rec ommending It to all vho%ay bo Buffering from Dyspepsia. My position pecuniarily Is so well known to citizens In Carlisle, and to numerous persons out of tbe borough, , that I cannot bo charged with making this statement for pay My only mo tive Is to inform all who maybe Buffering as I did of the wonderful care performed in my case. 1 honestly believe: had,lt not been for UOOF LAND'S GERMAN BITTEKS, 1 would have gone to my grave long ago, Wlih the hope that I may be the means of bringing those bitters to the notice of all who may oe suffering as I did, I give this certificate . Gratefully, Yours; Deaxnkss. BixiNDiTDes and Catarrh, treated with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS. M. D. professor of diseases of die Eyo and Ear(hisown specialty) In the Medical College of Pennsylva nia. 18 years experience, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No. 805 Arch street, Philadelphia.— Testimonials can be seen at his office. The medical faculty ore invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets In bis prac tice. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain.. No charge lor examination. April 27, 1871—ly JHarriett. WATTS—GRAHAM.—On Tuesday, January 9, by the Rev, George Norcross, Mr. Coleman H. watts to Miss Mary E., daughter of Hon. James H. Graham, all of this borough, SLDBSER—MYERS.—On the 26th of December last, by J. A. Murray, Mr. Hemy W. Slnsser, to Miss 0. O. My era, both of Dickinson township. MUMAD-OAUBRON.—In this place, on the 8d Instant, by ibe Rev. J. 8. Foufk, Mr. Jacob Unman, of Dickinson township to U iss Kate M. Cameron, of Sooth Middleton township. KUNTZ—STBRNER.—On the 14th Inst., by the sathe. Mr. John B. Knntx, of Hunter’s Rnn to Miss Susan Bterner,of B endersvllle, Adams Co. YOUNG— CALVERT.—On the 19lh of Deoem bet, 1871, at the residence of'ihe bride’s father, by the Rev. E. Dntt, Mr. Bam’l A. Young, of Dickinson township to Miss Mary E. of West Fen nsborough township. KIEHL—DRAWBAUGH.—On the 21st hit., at the La heran Parsonage, in Bloservllle. by the same,'. Ur; Philip Kiehl, of North Middleton township, to Ulss Catharine Drawbangb, of Frankford township. BCBLER—DAUGHTON.—On the sWth hit., at the residence of • Solomon Crlsslnger, by the same, Mr. Sam’l Bosler to Miss Mary Danghton, ‘ both of North Middleton township, ®f)C flUarftets. tXOSING PRICES DE VpittB4o. M SOUTH THIRD ST. PHILADELPHIA. Z.o'clock, P. M. Pbila /an. 9,1872. Mew U.’B'oflSSl. U.B.6'sof *Bl. •• •• »62, not colled “ 14 ‘62, called “ •• >64, ", ’B5, ** “ '65, new, « .. « »as 111& 112 Yf, « s’fl, IMO’fl. 109% 109% U. 8.30 Year 0 per cent. Cy., 116>4 115 V» Gold. 109 109:4 •silver, 107,, 108 H U. Faolflo R. R. Ist Mort. Bonds, QC% 91 Central Pacific B. rT .101 100& Union Pacific Land Grant Bonds 7U34 We are buying Broken Notes at \\i per cent premium, not 2 pbr cent, as formerly. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. Cbrrected weekly by J. Boiler is Bro, Oablisus January 10, 1872. 87 60 a 6o 6 00 1 40 1 86 FAMILY FLOUR SUPERFINE FLOUR RYE BLOUR - WHEAT WHITE - WHEAT RED RYE .- - OLDCORN - • NEW CORN OATS - ' - ~- OLOVERSEED TIM* *THYBBBD FLAXSEED - CARLISLE PROVISION MARKET.. Corrected weekly hy Geo, S, Boffman £ Bon, CABI.TBUS, January 10, 1872, 8 22 BUTTER EGGS LARD TALLOW BEESWAX - BACON HAMS - do SHOULDERS do SIDES BEANS per boa. PARED PEACHES - UNPAIRED do - DRIED APPLES RAGS PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Ifrom the PhUadephia Ledger, Philadelphia, January 0, 1872. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR - - 25 EXTRA FLOUR - • - 6 25 SUPERFINE .550 RYE FLOUR - - 5 12V£ WHEAT ... • 1 of RYE CORN OATS OLOVERSEGD . TIMOTHY SEED plaxseed WHISKY professional (Earns. J. H. Graham. 1 J. H. Graham, Jr. J. 11. GRAHAM & SONi Attorneys ty Counsellors at law, No. 14 South Hanover St., Carlisle, Pa. Hon. J. H. GrahaM. late President Judge of the Ninth Judicial District, bos resumed rbe practice of the law, and associated with him >its son, J. H. Graham, Jr. Will practice in the Courts of Cumberland, Perry and Juniata Conn* ties. [Deo. 7, *7X—tf. QNITED STATES CLAIM AND HEAL EBIATE AO ENVY. WM. B. BUTLER, ATTORNEY AT HAW, Office in Franklin House, South Hanover Street Carlisle, Cumberland county, Penna. Applications by mall, will receive immediate PaHlool’ar attention given to tbeselling or rent* .ng of Real Estate, In town or country. In all let* * July 11.1870-tf E. BEETZHOOVEXI, AIIOBNB T-A X-liA TF CARLISLE. FA. on Soath Hanover opposite Beuta’s dry goods store. Doc. 1. IMS. UMRICH & PARKER, ATTORNEYS AT-LAW. .. „ Office oa Main Street. In Marlon Hall. Car lisle, Fa. Deo. 28 1860. Q. E O. S. EMIG, ' ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, Office with 8. Hepburn, Jr. East JUaln Street, CARLISLE, PA. Feb. 2,71—1 y TXT KENNEDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW W , Carlisle. Fenna. Office same as tbatoi tli e American Volunteer. 0 Deo. 1. 1870. Dr. geobqe s. bearight, den tist. From the Baltimore College oj Denta surgery. Office at the residence of his mother East Lonther Street, three doors below Bedford Carlisle, Fenna, - Deo. 1 1665. DR. O. W. KRIBE offers bis profea slonal services to thp illleens of Carlisle ana surrounding country. Office in rear of F. O. Kramer’s Jewelry Store, near post office, where be can be consulted when not profes sionally engaged. Deo. 21,1871—4 t. ■VTOTICE.-I have tbla day admitted IV my son as a partner in business, under the firm name o! Jacob Btouffer. Son & Co., and will continue the milling business, as heretofore. Thankful for past favors, we hope, by strict at tention. to merit a continuance of (he same JACOB BTOUFFER, BON A CO. Middlesex, Jsn. 4, lp?£-Bt* QPEOIAIi NOTICE.-Owing to the O change of firm, all persons having book ac counts with the undersigned will please call and settle the same, and obllko _ jaoob btouffer. Middlesex, Jan, 4, 197Wt* CALENDAR FOR 1872. JANUARY. FEBRUARY... March....- April-. Mat. Jure. ••••»« - O. W. AHL. JULTm..^. ‘August...—.... OCTOBER .... .November.,.,. December..,,. ASSIGNEE’S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that a deed of voluntary alignment for the benefit of creditors has been made to the undersigned by Wm. B. Spangler and wife, of the borough of Carlisle. A deed of voluntary assignment for the bene fit of creditors has al*o been made to tbe un dersigned, by,James P. Wilson and wife, of tbe borough of Carlisle. ** All persons indebted to W. B. Spangler or Jos. P. Wilson, or to tbe firm of Spangler A Wilson, ore requested to make immediate payment. Deo. 21, 71—St PETER BPAHK, Assignee: STORE ROOM AND DWELLING FOR RENT.—The large store room and dwelling, In Mount Holly, and formerly occu pied by the Messrs M’Aluatera, is offered for rent. Possession given at once lx desired. For Particulars call on tbe undersigned, residing in It, Holly. BOWMAN & HEMMINGER. Dec; M, 1871—St* \ SSIGNEE’S NOTICE.—The linder- J\ signed has been appointed assignee of W». a. Burkholder, of Silver Spring township. All personsowlng or having claims against the said Burkholder will present them immediately lor settlement to Jan. 4, ’72^-at.* NOTICE.— AU peraonaknowiog oem* selves Indebtea. to the underalcueU 'nil. pieuse call and settle immediately. All accounts unsettled on the Ist of January, 1872, will be. left in the bands of a- Justice.for collec tion. Dec. 14,1871 —It 10914 115*4 1099* "loy % m. in H my* n « ing no il 112 . A DMINISTRATOR’S NOTI s E.— f\_ Notice la hereby given that letters of ad* ministration on the estate of Peter Albright, late of Silver Spring township, deo’d, have been granted to the undersigned administrators, residing in same township. Ail persons in* debted to said estate are requested to make set* tlemont immediately, and those having claims against the same will present them for settle ment. REUBEN ALBRIGHT, JESSE HETTKIOK, Nov. 16,1871—f1t. Administrators, Bft OOMB FOR RENT,—The large room \i and the office room adjoining, In the olnnteer Building," heretofore occupied by Showers’ liquor store, are offered for rent at ad* vantageous terms. Possession will be given im mediately. For particulars call on 0. Inbuff, administrator of E, Shower* deo’d., or John B Bratton, owner of the property* Deo. 14,1871 —it. . A DMINISTRaTOR’S NOTICB.-No- J\ tlce la hereby given that letters of admin istration on the estate of Sarah Elizabeth Stoner, late of East Pennsborongh township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned admin Istratov,- residing in same township, All persons Indebted to sala, estate are requested to make settlement Immediately, and those having claims to present themfor settlement, JOHN SHEETS; I Administrator, - No. 30, 1871-61,* Ibats ant Cons ■D AKGAINS IN HATSAND CAPS! At KELLERS. 17 North Hanover Street. We have received the latest styles of HAT 4 and .OAFS. Silk Hats, New York and Philadel phia styles, Casslmere Hats of all shapes and prices. Soft Bats of every kind, from 75 cento np. Cloth Hats, in Blue. Velvet, Lasting, Mixed Cass and Black. Also a fine lot of Boys’ and Children’s Hats, Cloth and Felt, and at all pri ces. MEN, BOY’S, AND CHILDREN'S. HATS, in styles too numerous to mention, all ot which will bo sold at the lowest Cash prices. Call and examine our stock, yon cannot fail to be pleased In price nnd quality. HATS of any kind made and repaired to order, on short notice. , JOHN A. KELLER, Agent, ■ No. 15 North Hanover Street, Sept 28,»71-tf. JJATB ANDCAPBI 10 @ 10^ • @1 00 "S VO YOU WANT A NJCE HAT OB CAP 7 IJ* 80. DON’T FACE. TO GALL'OH , J. G. OA Xj 1.1 O , ' NO. 29. WE3J MAIN BTRhET, Where can he seen the finest assortment of HATS AND CAPS ever brought to Carlisle*. He takes great pleas nere in Inviting his old friends and customers, and all new ones, to his splendid siook lost re dived from New York and Philadelphia, con sisting in part of fine BILK AND CASBIMBRB HATS, besides an endless variety of Hats and Caps o the latest style, all ot which he will sell at th Lowest Cash Price i. Also, bis own manufacture Hats always on hand, and hats manufactured to order. He baa the best arrangement for coloring Hats and all klnusof Woolen Goods, Overcoats, Ac., the shortest notice (as he colors every week) and on the moat reasonable terms. Also, a fine lot o) choice brands of , TOBACCO AND CIGARS Iways on band. He desires to ball tboattention *o persons who have d o u N T R Y P U R s ' to sell, as he nays the highest cash prices for he Give him a call, at tho above number, bis dd