i'olimtm. ILocal Items. A Sight Worth Seeing.—A day or Binoe, we vWtoil the .mammoth ice house of A. H. Blair, at the ealern end of (oivii. and found it pretty nearly . filled. .J. 1,0 building is constructed of boards, ~li on inner lining of boards, running around the four sides ; and the apace be tween the outer and inner framework is Hilled with charcoal, making it almost entirely air light. The ice house holds eight hundred tons. The Ice is obtained on Laurel dam, on the line of the.Houlli Mountain railroad, is shipped to Carlisle by oars, and hoisted into the house by horse power, and is without exception the finest ice we ever saw homed In Ibis locality- It is sawed into solid blocks, . five feet long, and two and a Ipdl wide, * and is hnifornily from twelve to fifteen ' Inches thick, and as clear as crystal. These blocks are packed In against each other, (itling ns closely as a solid wall of mason- ry. Mr. Blair has purchased the large Ice house of David Bhoads, which ho also intends to till, before the freezing weather is over. Last summer was the drat season lie had his mammoth ice house in operation, and the consequence was an abundance of splendid ice, at Tower figures than we have had for years. We wish this enterprise abundant sue-; cess, fur it has in view the comfort end health of the entire community. A Handsome Christmas Present.— Oix the Saturday before Christmas, the express wagon left a mysterious looking box at our residence, and as we didn't know but what It might contain nitro glycerine, We bandied it very cautiously. On a closer examination we discovered a label on the end of the box. which read: " From IK. IK- Walker* dealer in Wines and Liquors. Jingcrstown, il/d.and reassured by the friendly character of the inscription, as well as by the familiar name of an old friend, we opened the box and found therein a ease of wine.— .Nona of your drugged, poisonous Euro pean stuff, but a doz*n bottles of Cataw ba and Concord wines —pure American vintage, fit for a king to drink, if indeed kings ever get anything half so pure and healthful. Now this was a ChWetmas present worth talking about, which we would be glad to receive from any one, but which we prize all the more highly,- coming from a sincere friend, ami one who proved himself.one of the bravest officers in the country's service, during the recent war. If any of our friends feel like taking a little V for the stom ach's sake,”' they will do well to consult the address we found on the end of our Christmas box - The-Nbw Year.— Another year, with its Joys and its sadness, it pleasures and Us trials, is numbered witli the past, and we may just as well bid it to begone, fur we couldn’t stay its flight, if we would. And yet we confess to a feelingof sadness as we write the first edilorikl*ln the new year. Did the old year bring us as much as It took away ? It look away a year of the span of our life—did it add a year of wisdom? We confess it, is no easy task for each individual to make out-the balance sheet; and when lie has done bis best to work out the problem, in se crecy and silence, lie is oftentimes afraid to look at it—the resu’.t is so different from what he bad anticipated. When tb© column of idle moments counts up VnVo days aud months, it Is calculated to •Startle one, and he begins to think of good resolutions for the future; and he Is lucky if he reflects that ho who puts off his good resolutions till New Year’s day, never amounts to much in the bal ance of the year—for then he will quietly determine to go ahead, doing his duty as God gives him to see It, and hoping for the best. Accident.— On the 19th ult., Mr. William McCoy, near the Cove Mill, North Middleton township, came near losing his life. He was engaged in hitch ing up a four-horse team, when the horses took fright and ran off at a furi ous speed. Mr. McCoy in attemptingto stop the-, runaways fell under the heavy; wagon, two of the wheels passing over his body. When he was taken up by some neighbors, It was , supposed that his Injuiiea would prove fatal. No bones, however, were broken, and after hla flesh-wounds and bruises had been pro perly dressed by Dr. T£ei ffer, he com menced to revive rapidly, and at this writing is doing well. The horses, after a good run, stopped,of their own accord, in the bridge. None of them were in jured. AN Agreeable Surprise —On Mon day evening, the Ist in«t, Rev. J. T Foulk, pastor of the Reformed Church, was visited by a large delegation of his members. As a token ed their kindness and esteem, they carried with them a large quantity of provisions, groceries, &0., and also placed in his hands an on* velope containing $5O. Oh the same evening, the Rev. Wm. F. CoMlflower, pastor of the Sulphur Spring Charge, was surprised by mem bers of l»is congregation, at Sulphur Springs, driving their wogons to Ins house.—and unloading their contents— thus furnishing him with lots oT good things for his table, and enough to make his horse whinny for joy, eat and grow fat. The New Orleans Minstrels.— This old and famous troupe will give an entertainment at Rheem’s Hall, on Sat urday evening. They should have a full house. A New Orleans paper speaking of this company, says : The performance gave great satisfac faction, judging from the hearty ap plause. The troupe certainly gave a pleasing entertainment. The singing Is excellent. Mias Maud Stanley has a fine voice and gives her songs with great effect. Gorton and Benjamin, in their cornet duet were Immense: The comicalities of O'Neil ami Benjamin were decidedly funny. Mr. Went worth’s contortion act and the terlal rings are really wonderful. Mr. Parsons’ Lecture.—Wo trust tbo public will not forget that the second lecture of the course is to be.delivered by Hon. William Parsons, of Ireland, on Tuesday evening, January Otb. If news paper comments are not entirely unre liable, we can promise our readers one of the richest intellectual treats ever listen ed to in Carlisle, for wherever Mr. Par sons has been, the newspapers speak of him as the most eloquent of all the lec turers now before the people- An exchange truthfully says that it looks as though a man was ashamed to publicly show himself in company with a Indy when he hangs about the church doors on Sunday evenings, waiting and watching for bßrto make her appear ance, so that he may sneak up to her in the dark and oiler bis escort. Reunion of the 126th Reot., P. V.— —Owing to Uie crowded condition ofour last issue, our notice of the Second An nual Re-uulon of the 1201 b Regt., P. V., at Greencasile, on Wednesday, Decem ber I3th, was unavoidably deferred- The annual meeting was hold In the Town. Hull, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.— Major Brownson presided, and Lieut. G. W. Welsh acted as Secretary. The ad dress of welcome was delivered by Tbad. M. Mahon, E*>q., a memberof the Cham* bersburg barn and present member of Assembly from Franklin county ; and the Annual Oration was delivered by William Kennedy, Esq., of Carlisle, who took for his theme:- The Sunshine and Shadow o/ War.” . At 0 o’clock in the evening; a grand banquet was partaken of. The tables were literally spread with all the , del icacies of the season, and the guests did ample justice to the bountiful repast.— After the banquet, the members of’the Regiment gathered around the central table, where the following toasts were proposed by Major Brownson: “The Union,” responded to by Adju tant John Stewart. “ The Army,” responded to by Cfol. F- S. titumbuugh. “The Flag,” responded to by Lieut. Geo. W. Welsh. “Pennsylvania, the Keystone,’* by Col, D. W. Rowe. “Our Dead Comrades,” drank In al* lence. “ The Patriotic Women of America,’ 1 Lieut. J. W. Fletcher. A volunteer toast to “ Tyler’s Bri gade,*’ was responded to by Gen. E, B. Tyler, of Baltimore, who commanded the Brigade. Ho was greeted .with a storm of applause. / A volunteer (oast, “General E. B. Tyler,” proposed by Col. Rowe, was re sponded to by William Kennedy, Esq., Then came the promenade concert— wbicb began about nine o’clock, and continued until nearly two in the morn ing. The young ladies of Greencastle were out en masse, while representatives of the fair sex were also present from Chainbersburg, Mercersburg and Waynesboro’, and all seemed determin ed to make the occasion an undoubted success, wbicb it was from first to last. Lieut. Geo. W. Welsh was selected to deliver the next address of welcome, and Rev. Fredk. W. Zeigler the next annual, oration. Tin* Distribt Convention of the Y. M. C. A., noticed iy our last issue, will bold ts opening session at 2 o’clock to-day, (Thursday), lu the First Presbyterian Church, and continue its meetings for two days, with day and evening sessions. A meeting of much interest is antici pated'.-Theinvilations extended to other Associations have been favorably re sponded to, and a number of members prominent in Association work will be present from thosc orgaiiizations. The proceedings of the Convention con sisting of addresses and discussions in regard to Association work, its relation la the Church, and various other ques tions. wll! be made of general interest.- Ail are invited to attend and take part in the exercises. . The new County Treasurer, George Bobu, Esq., was sworn In and entered upon the duties of hla office, on the Ist inst. Mr. B. is a man of excellent capa city, kind and obliging in demeanor, and will> we feel satisfied, make a popular officer. Mr. Wetzel, the retiring Treasurer, has discharged his duties well, and to the satisfaction of the public. As far as possi ble be was lenient and obliging to the tax-payer, and retires from office with the Knowledge that he discharged his duties faithfully. . At the regufir annual meeting of the Cumberland County Agricultural Socie ty, on Tuesday, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year; President— Charles H. Mullin. Treasurer —Henry Saxton. Secretory-L F. Line. Managers— Robert frvine, John Arm strong, William Peffer, Wm. K. Line, Geo. D. Craighead, A. P. Henderson. Prime Celery.— On Christmas day, our neighbor Wetzel, of .the Franklin House, presented us with several stalks of the “Boston Market Celery.” This is anew variety, unci is cultivated by Mr. John Lobau, of Harrisburg. It is the finest celery we have seen—solid to the top, sweet, white and very crisp. It is so far superior to our ordinary celery, that we desire to call the attention of our truckers to it.. We presume the seed can be obtained of Mr. Loban. New Year’s Morn.— The number of persons on the watch for the departure of the old year, and the advent of the new, couldn’t have been limited by any means, for no sooner had the town clock, struck the final, stroke of twelve, than there seemed to be a perfect roar of musketry all around the town. The Carlisle Band appeared on the scene of action between twelve and ooe o’clock, ami discoursed some of its sweet est music, in various parts of the town, until alter three o’clock. Court will commence next Monday. Need we urge upon those indebted to us to avail themselves of the opportunity that will thus be afforded them to either ruiitr bring or neoiTlhe atnoi ,or even a par ti nn of the amount, due us, if they can’t do better. Those who have not paid lor the year-just past, as well as all others indebted for either subscription, adver Using or job work, are of course included iu the count. Hrahth and Home.—A full page por trait of Jean Ingelow adorns the title page of this week's issue, and this dis tinguished authoress contributes the fiot chapter of a charming story. “The Hoo sier Schoolmaster," by Edward Eggle ston, E*q., which has bad such a success ful run, has appeared in hook form, under the hand of Orange, Judd & Co. It 1* brimful of fun and is a capital story to “drive dull care away. '' A Beautiful Custom.—On Christmas morning, long before day-break, a num ber of colored folks passed through the prlclpal streets, stopping at the corners, and slugiug a number of their hymns, which sounded peculiarly sweet, In the quiet of the night. Thanks.— We are Indebted IoW. A. Humrlch, grocer,, corner of Hanover anil Louther streets, for half a dozen heads of Hue winter lettuce, which we enjoyed hugely. He keeps a full supply of every thing in bis line. Eev. Austin Garver, from Scotland, Franklin county, Pa., will preach on January 7th, in the English Lutheran Church of tills place. Thanks. -Our Carrier, C. A. Eroblck, desires us to express his thanks to those of our patrons who contributed so liber ally to his purse on New Year's day • District Institute.— North Middle ton District Institute convened at Frank lin Hall, Saturday, December IG. 1871, at the appointed time, and was called to order by the president. Roll called ; Messrs. Brennemau, Gutshull, Zeigler, and Griest present. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Mr. Griest then drilled a class In Orthography, fol lowed by a live drill In Reading, by V. S. Breunemaa. This was followed by an interesting dis cussiou ou the various methods of teaching reading to primary pupils. Mr. Zeigler then drilled a class in Geography. On motion, the Institute adjourned to meet at G. V. M. Evening Session.— lnstitute met ac cording to previous adjournment and was called to order by the President.— Opened with vocal ami instrumental music,. W. W. Gutshull then drilled a class in Mental Arithmetic, followed by an exercise In Grammar, by Mr. Griest. This was followed by a recitation In Geography, b/ W. W. GutsbaU’s prima ry pupils. Ou motion, a-vote of thanks, was tendered to the aforesaid pupils for the praiseworthy manner in which they performed the recitation. The audience was then favored with music, which was followed by an Essay by W. W. Gut shull. Mr. Conner next drilled a class in Written Arithmetic, which brought torth an interesting discussion whether Compound Proportion should be taught by rule or reason. The question; i?c 8’ lved , that La Fayettaineril more praise than Washington, was discussed by Messrs. Conner, Brennernao and Gut shall, on the affirmative ; Griest and Zeigler, on the negative. Tire President then annouucek the following ” pro gramme for next Institute ; Orthography —W. H. Zeigler; Grammar —W. W. Gutahall; Reading—J*T. Conner; His tory—W, H.Eppley; Mental Arithme tic—D. S; Breuuemen ; Geography—F. A, Gutahall ; Written Arithmetic—?. Wriest; PreparatdryjUldresa—J. T. Con ner ; Question for discussion—School Government. The Institute was again fiVored with music. On motion, a vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. John Lesher and a number of ladies, for the agieeable manner in wjiich tbsy had on lertemed the audience during the even ing, with vocal and instrumental music. The Institute then adjourned to meet at- Union Hall, ou ‘Saturday, December 30, 1871 jat I o'clock, p. M. Aii teachers and friends of education are cordially invited to attend and participate in the exercise. W. W- Gutshall, Rec. Sec . Never again will io fide vases be sold so low as ai Blair's. Watch meetings were iii order in sev eral of our churches, on Sunday night last. , , Christmas was universally observed hero. The streets were gay all day, the young especially being in high spirits. Oitr like railroad brake mt*n, are expected to do a great deal of “coupling” this year. , , We wish all our readers a Happy iNew Year. May 1872 be the most happy and prosperous of their lives. John T’X.ylor, formerly of this place, died suddenly, at the residence of John D. Gorgas, in the Stale of Maryland, on Wednesday of last week. Men who do not take the papers are unlearned, unpopular, unsociable, un happy and unfit for business. Subscribe >r the Volunteer and you will never regret it. Watery Potatoes.— lt Is said that watery potatoes may be made as mealy as can be desired by placing a piece of lime, the size of a hen’s egg, in the peft in which they are boiled. Skating.—During the cold weather of last week there was excellent skating at the Park, and it was enjoyed by hun dreds. Concert.— The Philharmonic Associ ation, which was reorganized a few weeks since— wltli Lewis A. Km if hi as Presi dent; Capt, J. B. Landis, as Conductor; and Mrs. Hall, as Pianist— gave Us first concertof the season, in Quod Wilt Hail on Friday evening last. Owing to tbe inclemency of the weather, the audience was not as large usual, but, judging from the applause, was highly appreciative.— We have so frequently spoken of the excellence of these Philharmonic re hearsals, that we ean accnid no higher praise to the last concert than to say it was fully up to standard of !At winter. Wood’s Household Magazine,— The tenth volume of thisperiodicul open with the January number, which is be fore us. Like its predecessors, it Is full of substantial home reading which is admirably adapted “ to promote knowl edge, virtue and temperance.” Its con tributions for the mouth include a story by Virginia P. Townsend ; * The Dead Year of Disaster,* by Geo. K. Burleigh ; • Washington and His Loves,* by Bev. J. B. Wakeley, D, D.; ‘ Newburg and Us Surroundings, * by Joel T. Headley ; ‘ Going to Housekeeping,* by Efsu Mansfield; ‘Planning a Career,' by Horace Greeley ; * City versus Country,’ by Gall Hamilton ; a Temperance Story, by Alice E. Williams; * The Wife ot Dr. Franklin,’by Jas. Parton;‘Enough's Enough,' by Thomas K, Beecher, etc., etc. The Household fills a blank that has long existed, by supplying, at a low price, a good Magazine which i? but one -dollacla year. Aoy person not acquain t* ed with it, will receive a specimen copy free by addressing S. S. WopD & Co., Newburg, N. Y. . There is, probably, no way in which we can benefit our readers more than by recommending to them for general use Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. It is adapted to almost all the purposes of a Family Machine, and as a specific for coughs, colds, whooping cough, sore ness of the chest, lame stomach, rheu matism, spitting of blood, and all Jung difficulties, it has no equal that we ever saw or heard of. The propriety of giving condition medicine to horses, cattle and sheep, was discussed and admitted by many of the Agricultural Societies through out the Slate last Fall, and wo believe that in every case but one they decided in favor of Sheridan’s Cavalry Condi tion Powdersi Good judgment. Is the stomach a sewer, that it should be deluged with all sorts of disgusting potions ? A weak digestion may lie paralyzed past all hope by such dosing. Use a rational discrimination. The experience of a third of a century has proved that Uoofland’sGerman Bitteis and German Tonic exercise a controll ing influence in cases of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervousness, and General debility, which belongs to no other medicine in existi nco. If a brisk stimulant is required, the Tonic la pre ferable ; but if the invalid is of u full habit,the Bitters should betaken.— Bold by all Druggists. OF JtTBOI UMf l, JANUARY ;ngr and ed Peaches, at Hoffman’s, No., East Pomfret.St. fDeo. 7, 71— If. Buckwheat Flour al Hoffman's Grocery, No 8s East Pomfret St. [Dec. 7, 71—tf. If you want cheap Groceries, or anything kept in a first-class grocery, call at Hoffman’s, No. 88 East Pomfret St. [Dec. 7, *U-lf. BEAD THIS.—II you want to purchase a nice present for your sister or some other man’s ah -icc.-gQ_tQ_J..H. Wolf’s. No. 18 Norlh Hanover SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING.—Where to find the best assortment of . goods suitable or hoildny presents, the most fastldeous can b« suited at I, H. Wolfs, No. 18 Norlh Hanove St, both In point of price and stylo Go see his assortment. [Dec. 7, ’7l—tf. For Cranberries, Atmoro's Minoo Meat, call at totVmau’s Grocery, No. K 8 East Pomfrel Rt. Dec, 7, ’7l ~lf. Just received a largo assortment of Fancy Toys, suitable for the holidays, al Hodman’s, 88 East Pomfrot St, ’ [Deo. 7,’71—1f. THE VERY LAT ST.—T. H. Wolf, No, 18 North Manovor Bt„ has just returned from the onst with a very large and car mi y selected stock of fancy goods, suitable for Christmas presents. J. M MAHONHEiMER has returned from the city with an asaortmentot Colfeo. Sugar and Uno goods for the holidays—give him a call. Nov. 2. Twenty barrels ot onions just received, at HumricU’a. NOW IS THE TIME FOR CHEAP WAUE- Annoimcemenf.—After, the Ist of April next, Wm. Ul'lr & Son will cease retailing, and wilt wholesale exclusively, In Groceries, Tobaccos, Oils, Fish, and general store supplies. As wo wish to extend our business in the wholesale line, and must have more room, wo have con-, eluded to sell out entirely our large stock of One Iron stone and common ware; alsotlno glass ware, and a good assortment of vases, suitable for Christmas presents, at 12U per cent, below our present retail prices. A conespondlng abatement to the trade. Call while our stock Is full, and make your Boloofon*. Now Is the time. WM, BLAIR «& >-ON, Dco.7, ’7l South End, Carlisle, Pa. TntsSonseman Shop' Is still In flu) blast, if you want good carrl ges, b ggleg, *>pr mr wag ons or sleighs, go to Adam Bensemaa, at his old place, on North Piu street* NOV. 23,1871—Um. COYLE BROTHERS’.—Notions Wholesale, at City Prices. Having received .« largo lino of Woolen Goods, such ns Undershirts and Drawers, Knit Jackets, --carte, Woolen Hosiery, Buck and Sheepskin Gloves, Gauntlets and Mils, Hatio yer Gloves and Gauntlets, Woolen Merino, Cloth and Berlin Gloves apd Gauntlets, would call the attention of Merchants. COYLE BROTHERS’ No. 21 S. Hanover St., Carlisle, Pa. f TERM, OYER GENERAL COURT lONS, Middlesex Frankford Silver Spring Frankford Monroe E. PennHboro* Frankford Shlppon’g bor’ Dickinson Dlcuinson For pure Honey, go to Hu in rich’s. Smoke house apples always on hand at UunUioh’si. Newton Go to HumrlcU’s for pure, sweet Cider. frankford Silver Spring Lower Allen ■ Hllver Spring Hopewell Hhippon’g bor* N. Middleton Mlfllln Fresh Mackerel, Cranberries, Cocoauula, Lem on.s Just received at Hurarlch’s, TUB brands of CANVASSED HAMS an Dried Beef, H. Middleton I Silver Spring Lower Allen Mechanlcsburg Newton COFFEES, SUGARS and TEAS of the finest quality. Choice now FAMILY FLOUR, Queonawnre at the lowest, prices. I cannot bo undersold. Eve rything guaranteed. 8. W. cor. Pomlret and Pitt Sts., Carlisle, Pa Aug. 17-tf Hams, Shoulders, Sides, and Dried Bed bythe pound,at HUMRICH’S. , July lB7l=-tinr. Canned and pickled Oysters, Sardines, Amer ican and fiSwoltzer Cheese, Pickles, «fcc., at HUM RICH’S, Hampden Upper Allen Southampton Carlisle July 20,1871—f1m. * Huckleberries received dully nt HUMKICH'S, July 20,1871—0ra. Hampden Carlisle Monroe Hopewell 1 Moutoo W. Fonnsboro’ Newton fecial Natters. WKoall the attention of our readers to the fol owing remarkable cure of Mr. C W, Ah lof Cat lisle, Fa., by the use of HOOFLAND’S GERM At* MEDICINES, His certificate Is vouched lor bj the Editors of the Carlisle Volunteer, one ol the most Influential newspapers in the State. S Middleton Sllvei Spring Lower Allen sbippenu’g bor Hampden Hampden Carlisle- Carlisle Shlppehs’g bor Carlisle s. Middleton Newton Carlis*, I*a. t December 2, 1870. Dk, C. M. Evans ' Dear Sir; In the year 1857 I w attacked with Dyspepsia. From that time untU the year IWU 1 continued gr >wlug worse, and was reduced from a strong and healthy mnu to a mere living skeleton, weighing but UU poauds. During those four years, 1 bad the attention ot the most celebrated physicians In Now York, Philadelphia and Baltimore I also visited the watering places, and tried every rem tly 1 could hear of for the cure of Dyspepsia, with • out experiencing any r lief whatever, and 1 fi nally in despair gave up nil hope of being cured, uml returned nomo with the reeling that death ulone.could alleviate my sufferings. In this ex tremity, at the urgent solicitation of my wife, 1 began the use of “Hoo/tand’s German ''Hitters," although with no more faith in Us efilcacytlum I bud fu preparations previously tried. After using four bottles of tho Billets, to in> surprise l felt X was Improving. My food s taste well, and there was a very - marked change fu the better. I continued the use of tho Bitters until X had taken sixteep bottles, and then, to my Inexpressible gratification I found mysclt perfecily cured. Since that happy termination of my ainiction , I have not bougnt fifty cents worth of medicine of any kind, uud to-day a weigh two hundred and two pounds. X make tbit, statement voluntarily, and nun . dreds of the residents of the Cumberland Vulie> who knew my condition will vouch for 11. lam satisfied 1 was thoroughly and permanently cured by tho use of XXO"FLAND*S GERMAN HITTERS, and I take especial pleasure In rec ommending it to all who may be Buttering from Dyspepsia. Mv position pecuniarily la so well Known to cltlzeifc in Carilsle.uud to numerous persons out of the borough, that I cannot bo charged will making this statement lor pay My only mo tive is to Inform all who may be suffering ns did of tho wonderfulcure perlormed in my ca*e I honestly believe: had It not been for I to* >F LAND’S GERMAN BITTERS. J Would have gone to my grave long ago. WUh the hope that I may be tho menus ol bringing those Hitlers to tho notice ol all win may he suffering as I did. 1 give this certificate - Gratefully. Yours. W. i eunaboro’ E, Pennabhro’ Carlisle Frankfort! W. Pennaborb’ (Carlisle Dickinson Newton Silver Spring E. Pennsboro’ Hatnpdon Upper Alloa Mifflin s. Middleton E. I'emishoro’ •Hhlppens’g bor Newton Hampden Middlesex Jarllslo, Newton Dickinson S. Muldh.tun S. Middleton Lower Alien Mmiiu E, Pennsboro’ Middlesex - Franklord Newton Carlisle Sliver Spring . **. Middleton Mechanlcßbu’g Penn Carlisle New CumbrPd Carlisle silver Spring Mechanlcsbu’g I*, Pennsboro’- S. Middleton W. Pennsboro’ Hopewell Hampden N ewvlllo Deafness, Blindndss and Catakuii, -treated with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS. M. D. professor ol diseases of .ho Eye and Eat(hlsown >peclnlty) In tho Medical College of Pennsylva nia 13 yearn experience, (formerly of Leyden Holland,) No. BUS Arch street, Philadelphia.— Testimonials can bo seen at his office, MilUln Carlisle Middlesex Hhver Spring S. Middleton Carlisle Tho medical faculty are Invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets In his prac tice. Artificial Byes inserted without pain;. No charge lor examination. April 27,1571—1 y Sblppenß’g bor Hampden Newton Carlisle Minim E. cennsboro’ Upper Allen Carlisle Wi Pennsboro’ N. Middleton Dickinson sliver Spring E. Pennsboro’ Lower Allen Up[»er Allen Southampton Upper Allen Meohantcaba’g rt; Middleton. MecVmnlcsbu’g E. Pennsboro’ Alaska.— Where on tills glope mm we go*be yond the omnipresent Yankee? Landing at Sitka, wo had walked but a short distance into Llie town when'wo reached tho northern depot of Dr. Ayer’s medicines in mil.display among the huts, shanties and dourts of these boreal tribes. There the familiar, homelike names ol his Pectoral, Pills, &c., salute us from the exterior aud the Interior of a store which snows mote business than Its neighbors, and proves that these simple but sure remedies are even more necessary to savage life than to ourselves, wherelnoy visit every fireside.—fOom-apom/ence Alexand. Journal.] Jan -l, X»72-^IU Dr. C. W. KRISB offers Ills profea slonul services to the citizens of Carlisle ami surrounding country. Olllce In rear of F. O. Kramer’s Jewelry store, near post office, where ho can bo consulted when not profes sionally engaged. Dec. 21, In?I—It. MATHIAS—NESTER.—In this place, on the •Nth ult., by Rev. A. H. Long, Mr. Calvin J.- vlatthias aud Miss Annie Nester, all of this county. SHEARER—SHIERY.—On the 28th ult., by •lev. H. B. Harlzler, in the parsonage at Car lisle, Mr,John A. Shearer to Mbs AduUneshlery, 'both of this county. CULBERTSON—NEAROWS.-On the 16th Inst, in rveiv Kingston, by W* W. Wanbaugh, Ksq.. •bimuel B. R. Culbertson to Mary H. Nearows both of Middlesex township. BRENNEMAN—SPOTTS.—On the 21st ult.,by Rev. W M. Frysingor, Mr. Molchoir Breunemau lo Miss Adeline Spott*. both ot this county., SHANK—HESS.—On tbs 21st ult. In Mochan icsburir, by Rev. John Ault, Mr. Jacob Shank lo Miss Aumo Hess, both of Silver Spring town ship. BENZKL—HOFFMAN.—On the same dny, by iho same. Mr. John Benzol, of thin county, to .Misii Susan Hoffman, ol York county. SWEGER—MICKEY.—On thd same day. by itr&fiamß. j£ r> josiap Hwegor to Miss Mary Mic ktfy, both of Perry county. LEHMAN—FLEMING.—On tho Slat of Novem ber last, by Rev. G. F. shealler, J. C. Lehman, to viis.s Lydia C. Fleming, both of Boiling springs. SHEA REU—WAGGONER.—On the same day, by ihesamo, Wilson shearer, f*f Perry county, lo Miss Kate Wugg *nor, ol the vicinity of New Kingston, RAUHOUSER—DIETKICK.—On the 30lh of November last, 'by tuosamo.tAndrow .miihouser to Miss Susannah F. Deltrick, both of Silver Spring township. HOLTZMAN—KING.—On Christmas day, by Uov. H. B Hurtzler, Mr. James A. iloltzman to .Miss Minerva C. King, both of ibis place. COOVER—O’CONNOR.—In Ottawa, 111., on the Hlh of December last, by Rev. Mr, Murty, Mr. Marlon-O. Coovor, of Salnta College. Indi ana, (formerly of Centroviile, this cotiniy,) to Miss Annie E O’Connor, of Ottawa, Illinois. WALTERS- tILEY.-Oh the 7th ult., by the Uov. J. T. Foulk. Mr, WJHarn R. Walters (o Miss .Mary A. Riley, both of Harrisburg. UHINESMXTH-tKENNRDY.-On thoHthult., by me hao.e, MT. William H. Hhlnesmilh to Miss Margaret E Kennedy, both of Perry couu jv- BENNETT—KARNS.-OnThe 2inrnltrrby-tho same, Mr. Anseiln W. Bennett to Miss Laura Karas, both of this place. MUMMKRT—FJHTLE.—On the 2Bth Ult..by the same, Mr. Joslnh Mumraert to Miss Mary Fistle, -both'of Adams county. Zllje fUtactutis. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET Corrected weekly by J. H. iiotld' <) YOU WANT A NICE HAT Oil CAP " IP so. Don’t Fail to Call on J. G. GALLIC, NO. 29, WES 7 MAIN STREET. Whore can be seen tiio finest assortment of HATS AND CAPS over brought to Carlisle. Ho takes great pleas aere In inviting his old friends and customers aud all new ones, to his splendid s*ock Just re dived from New York and Philadelphia, con sisting In part of fine SILK AND CASHIMERE HATS. • ’ besides an endless variety of lints and Cups o the latest style, all ol which ho will sell at tb (invest Cash Prices. Also, bis own manufacture Hats always on hand, and HATH MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. * fle tans t*'e best arrangement for coloring Hats And all kluuflof Woolen Goods, Overcoats, &c., the shortest notice (ns be colors every week) and on the most reasonable terms. Also, a fine lot of choice brands of TOBACCO AND CIGARS Iways on hand. Ho desires to call theaitemlon * ’Clrtuu of sundry writ* of Venditioni Ex ponas, Levari huchisund Fieri Facia-*, Issued out, of the court of Common Pleas of t’umbciland cimnly.uiui lomedlrecied, I win expose lo sale. , at rlie Co« I House, In tlie borough of Carl! Je, on the above clay, at U» o'c ock. A. M., the fol-' lowing described teal estate, to wit; -All iliut ceilaln sot of i'lDiiml niiunto In Hie borough.ol Meehan tcsbuig. (Jnmheiiaud couurv. Fu., 1 oumled on the nortii by Simpson sin ei.bn Uiuea.-l by I'n-dertck street, on the width by a Jot of Mr. Alexander, and nn (ho west l.v no al loy, containing aw feet in iront by 2w lect in ■depth, inure or Joss, having thereon erected a two-stopy brick Machine --hop frame* black suiUh shop ami frame paint shop. Also, Hie bolleiH, engines, pm tiers, saws ant! other Ilxturcs apporlulmngtosmdHhop. Seized and taken In execution as the property ol the Mecrlumc.s , Manufacturing Company. Als«»,the dep-ndutii’s uitercstin alot of ground sltualo in Hie borough of McchanicMtiug. Cum berland county. Pa., bounded on Hie North by H. V H. It , tin the east, by the Union Church, south by Htrawben-y alley, west by other mt «i Wm. Y. Johnson, containing 20 icct front bv Ml leet in depth,more or less,-having thereon erec ted a two-story Hrtck Dwelling House. seized utut taken in execution us the property of Win, Johnson AlViu, deteudunt’a lot rest itfa lit of ground situate tu iheburdugh of Mcohumcaljuri, Cum beruind county. Pa., bounded on the north by the 0, \ . U. east and west by other lot of U ni. Y Johnson, ami on the south by straw orry alley, containing 20 fc'ct by SU teei,more or Jess, having theieon erected a' two-story Prick Dwelling House Seized and taken In execu tlon as the property bi Wm. Y. Johnson. Also, a Jot oj ground sllnate In Hie- borough of. Mechauicsburg, Cntnlterland county, Pa., bounded ou Hio north by the C. V. U. it., cast by other lot of Win. ST. Jolmson.on the south by Htmwherryadey, and on the west, by Mrs. Joint Johnson. containing 2U by f3et, more or less, haying theieon erected u two-story brick dwell ing uouso. Seized and taken in execution as the. firoperti of Wm. Y,.,Johnson, Also, a lot of ground situate In Hie borough of* Mech..mcabnrg. Cumberland county, Pa. bound ed on the not th by c.- V. it. it., on the east by- Mrs. J. Johnson, on the south by an allow ami on the: west by Hr. Long and other properly of defendant, containing hu by feel, more r less. .Seized and taken In execution as the property of Wm. V. Johnson. Also, a lot of ground situate la the borohgh of Mechaulcsbnrg. Cumberland Co. Pa., bounded on the north by the C. V. 11. 11., east by other property of iho.defendant, on the south by Dh, Lung,and on the west by Mattel street, con taining JO by lOUfeet, more or less. Seized and' taken in execution us the property of William Y. Johnson, Also, a lot of ground sTUmte In MlflUn town ship. Cumberland county. Pa., bounded ’on the west, nonh' and east by Peter Whislcr, and on the south by John Uamp. containing two acres, there ot; less, having thereon orected jvtwo-stovy - Frame • welling House* Stable and other out buildings. Heized and taken in execution us (.lift property of Win. Landis.' Also, the undivided InterciMn u tract of land situate in Komlmmploti township; Cumberland county, Pa., bounded on the north by J. Tit rush, on the cost by H. 1,. Addatns, on the south by Sem’l baker ami Jacob Frakcr. and on the west hy Geo. Koser containing tvii*acres, more or less, lmving.the*cou eroded at wo-siory stone dwelling house, brick barn and ■ t her « hit build ings. Seized ami taken in ..xeculionas the prop perty of Daniel Cre»alor. All that certain lot of ground situated In Up per Allen township, t umbcvland county, P.i.. bounded on the north by Henry Rickman, on the east by Gen. Wilson, o*h I lie south by a pub lic r,ad. Mrs. Surah Hpultr, Mrs, Sarah Khno. Mrs. Husyn Faultier, Jonntlian Fortney and Henry Hickman, containing 1 wo acres, more or loss.,having thereon erected u three-story hotel building, frame stable, smoke bou-*e and other outbuildings Heized and taken In execution as the pnmert-v of Abraham W. Zonk. Also that certain two-story FrumhDwcliing.lt* by 2-1 feet, sit tutted on the not lb side of Chest nut Micet. near Newvlih* borough, bounded on the east and north by alleys and on the, wc-d by Si.m’l Fcuestine and the curtilage appurtenant to (besaid building, sold on a writ.of Levan Fainas'ns the property of Samuel Lewis Also, all tbftt lot ol ground situate in Fast Punosborougb township. Cumberland county, Fa., bounded on the north by the Cl’nmbtnshnrg ami arvlsburg Turnpike, on' the cast by Ur. Moore, on the south by Dr. Cram, and on t. o wi*si by /,ueb.- Rowtnan. containina two acre*, more *r Jmvlngthereon erected a two-stmy ttrlck Dwelling House Frame Stable ami other ■‘utbull dugs seized and taken in execution as the property of Wm M. Gardner, Also.n lot of ground situated In fshippensburg township, Cumberland county. Pa . hounded on Hie north, oast and- west by a public mad, ami ou Ihosoiith by C V It. It., containing f> acres, immjor te.ss. having tlmreonerected a iwn-st-'ry Frame Dwelling House, Frame shop and other Outbuildings, Seized nod taken In execution ns the prnpejty of Mary A. Caimniiy. Ami all lo hr sold liv me. JAMES K. FOREMAN. Sheriff. Sheriffs Office. Cuvllhlo, D -c. I*>, IS7I. CONDITIONS.— nn all Hales of ivHinr over, $5O will he i i put red to >io paid when the nropeily Is btiirken oil; uml &2Jon sale-* under SoW. Dec. U Ifj.l—ts NOTICE is hereby piven that Hie fol lowing named persons have Hied in the of fice of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions their petition lor licenses undei' tne several acts of relnimn thereto, whieh petitions will Lo presented to the Court of Quarter ses sions of said county, on Monday, the Bth dayof January, 1872: HOTELS. TO. Korn's, East Ward. Carlisle borough. I,owls Zitzor. West •• “ “ Win. Hell, yew Cumberland “ Oeo. W. Woll, South Middleton township. Win, GnmMmrt. Newton “ S. N. Emlnger. North Ward Meehnhlcsbmg bor’ I*. McNulty, Shlppensbnrg borough. Elder Rodgers, Lower Allen township. ■RESTAURANTS. Raines! .1. Krause, East Ward, Carlisle borough. John Valuer, East Ward. Carllsl noromth. Adnin Hoffman, East Ward, Carlisle borough, W. H. Walker, West Ward. CnrllKlo borough. John Orris. North Ward Mechnnlcsburg. haclmel Slmpp. South Middleton. W. R. KUnU, Newvlllo borough. W. H. Dunlap, Newvlllo borough. G. K. Duke, Shlppensbnrg borough. Hen»y Nperow, West rennsbnrough township, John B. Smith, East Ward, Carlisle. Phlllp'Prltsch, do do do 11, D. Jlenhtel do do do retailkks. John 1). Meek,Knst Ward,tCnrllKlc. S. A. Have*fiUck, Carlisle borough. Jacob Miller, Mechauleslmrg borough. John Miller. Newvlllo borough. All 11-ehoes must be lifted within fifteen days after being granted, or they will be forfeited, (IK‘\ 811PAKKH, Clerk. Court of Quarter Sessions. Pec. 11, if-71—to. OTI C E Ami Wlllhidoby her ] Court of Com, Pleas next friend. Husnu Gross, I Cumberland Co , Pn. tv*. j No, 17, Nrv. Term, '7l Joseph WHlblde. ' Alias Buhppotm Bur f Divorce . Uocomlipr Ist. Wl, it appearing 10 the Court that Joseph WUllildo, the respondon*. Is not to he found. Notice Is hereby given that Joseph WlllhldP. the respondent, reguiring him to ap iu»ir in said Court, on the Htn clay of .Inliunry, JS72. and answer the coiuqluiut oi said libellant. Sheriff's Cilice, \ JAMES K, FOREMAN, Dee. »2 I*7l. ]“ Sheriff. Dec. 21 IM7»—3t. PKOTHONOTARY'S NOTICE.- No tlce Is hereby I'-vm that th follmvlnu trust account* have been tiled In the I’lotAiomitary* «hllco lor examination, ami will lie presented to Court of Common Weans of Cumber!.,ml t 0., for conllrmuUon, ou Wednesday, Januaiy 10, lh l7*TiiV«rKtnnd Until account of Ham’lEberly, awdsneo of John Weber, Sr. *’ Tluvsecoml ami llimi account of IJenJamln Krb osslcneo of Henry Kupj). settled b> tin* ex armors 01 said Henj Etb. who 1* m>w deceased. .‘f. The account of A. Hosier, aequestmtor of .ho lluuovcr * Curllslo jUiuKgni- p’y. fiOihouoUuj. Deo. 7,1871 * PRO 6 L A MAT lb N.~\Vhef“irt*i« Hon. Jhs. il.Giulmin.lhenPreMm-oUndg.-o'r the -evoral Courts of Common Pleas of the t-omi- Uw <>f Cumberland. Perry, mid Juniata, -.ml Justice of the several Court* of over nml Tei him* (•mini Uniimvl Jilff liollvery in ’mild connue*. nml 11 on'.Thus. P. ntuirntul Hugh Ktuari.then Judge* of Uio Court* of flyer mid Terminer nml Jail IVHvery for .the trial of nil caplin) am) othei' oilenders, In the said county ot Cubilmt lamt, l»y their precept to mo direr led. tinted r;u day of November lh?l, have ordered the Coim 01 Oyer ami Terminer and (General Jiill dellveiv 10 bo tmldeii at Carlisle, on the I .sth of Jimnan. Is“ 2. for two weeks, being the 2nd Monday, ai i" o'clock in the lorenoon. XOTICIC Is hereby given to the Coroner, Jus tices of the Peace, ami Constables of ihe said -f-iiL, s. i ]M, 11 J7i l*\ Si .*! 11, l.»l 21 ‘221 ln; aj! county of Cumberland that, they are hy the said „ ptecopln o,ommumled lo he then and there *m tliclr proper persons, with their rolls, record ami Impilsltlons, examinations nml nil other ~!f remembrances p> ij () ihose things which to lin h rJ otllc.es appertain lo be done, and all those tl at are hound by recognizances, to prosecnb against the prisoners that are or then shall ho m Uio '* Jail ol said county, are tb bo there lo prosecute *•’ them n,s shall he lust. H 2 JAMIiS K. POUKMAX, Hheiiir. .Snniiij'iv's Office, 1 4 Oet. 17*1871, I ii J 9 10 £i SO a* \ SSIGNKE’S NOTlCE.—Notice is j\_ hereby given that a deed of voluntary 1 uvogntueiil for the benefit of creditors Inis been f< made to I lie undersigned by IVm. Ih .Spangler >)1 I iiml wifi*, of Hit* homuj'h ,oi Carlisle. 22 A «U*i*d oi voluntary assiunmeni for ihobeno 2S» ill-if creditors Ims al o ln-en amnio lollm mi .v Hut Messrs M’Alltaivrs, Is oDWcd lor F! i u*ni, Possession Kiv<*nni uijch It deslnil. Kor i > jnu ticular.s culi cTli ibu ituilurtrigMctl, residing in 21 .Ml. Holly. L. 2 a v d; io ii 1«; 17 is si; -21 25 so' 1 1 ,2 7; af: 0 ill ir») i«* 21' 22, 2») 2s; si' so; Dec U, IS7I-ai* ft TVTOTICE. —All iiei>ons» kumving nem jii .Ui Ki'lvos liittetjtod t> iho underniuiiMi ijiL*uneV»\U ami soltlo immediately. All aci ountn 2 ansfitliid on the Ui »d January, will (J,. bo, left m iho hands of a'Justice for col.ee • a non. Dec. U, IHTI-lt C. INHOFF. lj O' « U, 1-i 13 Is. HI I 2n 2.51 2 (It 27 2i » -1 il 101 Il> Kij 171 Is 2.) i 21’ 25; .10; ,11- 1 (l , A DMINISTHATOR’S JSOTI. K.— I*'| i j x\_ Notice is heteby given that letters «d ud .,!|i A* mioi,OOMSV , t)Ii KlfNT.—TliH htrgo room Xliand tbo cdleo ronan* ad} lining, In the • Volunteer IbUi'llng,” lu*rctus terms. Po*-s»‘ssl*m will bcgiycn'im medlalf y. For paith'utars call on f. Jnhoir, admliil-irator of K. Hlmwi-r, dec'd,, or John P llrutton. owner of llto property. Dec. J), 1871—JL AUDI I OKS NOIItUC —Tin* umler s;gm*d Auditor, appoint i d t*y the court of Common Pleas ol I'nnibcrlaml comity, to mar- slmi tiipi «H.s{iMhmo -thi* nssei« m »ho Imiuis of t,lu> itssigneu of l»nv d Ucveuncy. under u deed ofvolmiiuri' for the l/cm-fl' of cn*dJ ir*. u*M attend to thi> duties of fun appoint teut, a I his ulllct!. In tiuritido, on Sat uni •> Dec. tU, l'”I. ut ten o’clock. A. M.. when nml where ■ 1 parties lulqie.slud may uUend. QUO. S. r.Mia, Am 11 tor. iK'c. it. ADMINISTRATOR'S NMTXOK -No lieu Is hereby given tlmt letters ot admin -Ist at 111 Ml cm llnM?smUinfSiHJlh Kli/.-i heih Ml m lulu of Fn.stPennsbomugh lowmdnp. Intve been granted In.the und.MMgmd admin istrator, residing in sani**i'i:». nieniists, Manufacturers, Lovers of Pcienillle ‘Progress, and tin* people of all professions oi lnuh*s will find the Scientific American ■ OF GtIFAT VA/jfll7 Its p/actionl suggestions will save hundreds hf dollars to evoty Household, Workshop and Factory in the land, and aflbrd ti continual sup ply of now and valuable.re. idllig matter. The Editors are assisted hy many of t lie ahle-t selen title writers, and, having innli Uto lead ing selcmlfieund medical Journals m theworld,. (ho columns oi the snn.vrmc American ate constantly enriched with the choicest tnionua tmn. Each numlior of . the scientific Ambkican eont ims sixteen huge pages—(he saniedn s ! zo as fl'trprr’s Week!'/ and other Urs'-elass ?l jour nals, 'Hut the -ntecrlpthm price of the Si.ten lino Amekicak is on y S 3. An otlh-lat list of uil the patents Issued Is pul) tlshed weeklv. The yearly numbers of tho Scientific Ameri can make two splendid volumes of nearly one thoU'-ati'l pages.equivalent m hUo to four thou sand ordinary book ptik<‘S. Quo copy. 1 year 83.00 1 Ameri can J year and Onecopy.Gmonths. 1,50 1 I cony cnamv lc«, “Min'of On-: cony. 4 inontli.s. 1,001 i ingress, *’ SlO.or 1 Spipiiimn A inert ( can J ycnrnn.J 1 1 copy “Science .23.00 j ’ Uccovd." -U* 10 cnpicSnfScU*lP ruin Ratios. 1i) ennlv.s. dm 1 yt*nr (oacli U'.iiUj | title loan Over ten fonJes, | out- yoni jiii*) JO Hume niU*. cat'll.... 2.00 c: pun of “Scl (’ cnee KucOril.'’... Si , r.;rAT. Notick.'—Any pmson who kpikly tw it yearly Olnh of fra or moreKUh-Oi'lpUons to the Kch-Htiilc American at fhe hm-golng Wnh will l>« entitled i» oiu! ropy. live, of the luigi su'd, pluffi • hgiavltia, "Men of ” The postage on tno Scdeniltlc American IK .1 rent* per quarter. To hpeign coimiru'S. *J ci-m* per rop\. Hamit i»y postal ‘hrler, Jhaftor j*\presH. Specimen tuple* sent fiee. Addre-vK all tors uud make all clrult.s or oiclers payable to mU.>n & cn„ 37 l’i<• U How. N. Y. IV/, IJ. PCI-Sf T 1 Country Gentleman VOLUME FOR JS72 TbP (UJI.TIVATOrt * COUNTRY WNXTMN •M ' N, for neatly two score years, Ims ranked* both m this country and abroad, as the sim ilar*! journal of American- Avrlcultnre. The ed llors'anrl proprietors, In addition to their own personal labors, are n-an‘arly assisted hy a vary lava**' mimhor of Wpecfnl (k»rrespoudei ts uml regular contributors,among whom are Included inane leading Aurlenllurlsta. In all pans o> thy ' ’otTo rv. easnWTil~WT*sfcr-«t)<}-by-«vv4iiulvii.lmiii dred occasional an«l voluqtnfy writers, directly In the r-mkaot the best lurmeiH atm HorUeuf lU’Uls of nearly every tsiato In the Union. NVlto tin* co-operation of so hfue a corps ol pni'llea! men this journal Ik intended l» poss ess exceptional value as the chosen medium of Inlmcomniunlcutlon among all inter ested In the products of fertility of- the land those who cultivate and those who consume— the hnwrnml shipper, as well asihe first owner of the cmp-»-brceders ot Improved animals and their customers—manufacturers of Improved Machinery and those who purchase aim employ H—Nurserymen and I'rulL It Users—and espoc hillv lo’siipplv fuller and better data as to' the impress, prospects mid retains of each succes sive season, as throwing light upon one of the mo-t important of all questions—when to buy ami when to Sell. TKKMs.—The Omnlry Gentleman is pub lished weekly, on the following tm-mn. when liei*; slrictiy lu advance: onecopy, 1 year,S'.’.so; K.ior copuw, $lO, and an additional copy lor the war, ucc. to the sender of the o'nh; leu copies, $-ja, and an additional copy tor the year, free, to Up- sender of the Club. it- -specimen f'oples Free Address LUTHIiK TUUKBU * SON. Publishers, Albany, N. Y. _ 1)1-0 11, 1571~3L __ jyjOXEY CAN NOT BUY IT! 'FOR SIGHT IS PRICELESS 1 hit the diajioniJ BPECTACIE3 wuj I‘UESEKVE IT! you vftfno your eyesight use thc4o liionnd from iitlnmc' Crystal Peebles, melted Inm.ihtT juul derive their name *• Diamond” oii of their hardness and brilliancy. They will last many years without ehango, and are superior in ull others in use Muiiulueinred bv >l*l NCDU & CO. Opticians. New Y#rlc. • a>"i ion.— Notie {'l'mnne unle-s slumped with on undo mavU. For sale by lesponsUde :i['<•'.i. ihvoual-.oiu On* union. IMvi- CO s IjYN, Jewelry and Optician, la sole r • i..( Carlisle, l’a.. fiom whom they can i-, 1 , • ned. No Peddlers employed. .. . isn-ly. /TU) U bA I