" - ,AAriculturat. SIIEBJSG IS SILEXCK At a Farmers’ Club in West Cornwall rvtnnprtifnt (U. 5.,1 a farmer sal-> that no talking should be allowed while milking was going on. He Gullit, dn- SirJSS one of hi* servant.- who -per -uteff in talking during mukir.g time, and that in three days the mer.-ase «>■ milk wits equal to the man a ">e.H\ W jrrt« We fear an increase to such an extent must have', been duo, to other causes besides the onea-signe i. It the enlarged yield followed solely Irom t he dismissarof the man, we suspect Ins presence affected the supply of milk in some way apart from his loq lacity.— We have frequently found a c mnge ut servants prove beneficial. It may he that talking prevents bens from laying also. We know we have otten experi enced a vast increase in the number 01 e-.’s brought into the house alter the removal of a too' loiacious ummdual from our employ. Besides,, on • cows have sometimes improved in produce by the same .means, but we generally . attributed itto. cl panel*, m. knig_b> “•■fresh-nnd-more’industrmus-Ui,i4.ias.,^JX. is, however, well known that e'WS'ire ■ peculiarly sensitive to “Sight-, and 'sounds during tho-tirao they .iie imlk ed.- -Unless they are at perlect ease, they will not give their milk . eely.- They should be daily milked ... lei the game conditions. Cows that i.-ofed at milking time require their 1 al meat, ‘ or they become restless and « < i.*satif ticci, and put a stop to their bounty. Many of them will only allow some special favorite to milk them, tn those parts of the'country where women are solely employed to milk, we frequently find one. or two tuneful lassies singing at | their work, anil many cows become so pleased with the rustic harmony as to show evident signs of their approval of the loud sweet voice, by giving their milk onlv by being sung to. Every thing that distracts the attention of. the cow and ruffles her placidity, should be avoided when she ,1s called upon to yield her mdk. Her nervous system should not be excitalby strange noises, unwelcome objects or rough inatniexil, - or the effect will be app.ireuti in -a di minished supply in the milk pall. i» would no doubt be good advice, ou the wohle, to tell those who milk that they should hold their tongues and keep their tempera., The Connecticut farmer appears to have sufficient reason indeed to say, that speech is silver but silence is golden. —London Mills Journal, A Remedy for Croup.—Wo have been interested in rending the following statement made to us by an intelligent mother. We give our reader.? the ben efit of it, or at least give, thorn the opportunity to test whether it has any benefit: “A remedy for croup was given me by a sister who heard it irorn Prof. Bronson,a physiological lecturer, since .deceased. Bet a healthy person fill his lungs with pure air, th»n slowly breathe upon the patient’s throat and chest, commencing at the point of the chiu and moving slowly down to tjio bottom of the windpipe. Repeat for a few minutes, aud it will give reliei in cases where-all other means fail. Aly boy was always subject to croup ; came near dying with tborattl ing, noisy kind, at about eleven month* old. I saved him with water, and, even alter, prevented a serious attack by watch fulness and water. But when three years old I let him play in the brook one warm, rainy day. and ho took a severe cold, and had the still kind of croup, the first aud the last time lie over bad it. In spite of all I could do, be grew constantly 'worse, until be. could only gasp aud breatho with his bead thrown hack; Wo thought bis last mo ments bad come, when 1 tu night of, and applied Bronson’s remedy for a minute. When I stopped, he looked up and said, 4 Do so again, mol nor, do !’ though he could not speak v.ueu I. be gan. You may he assured i did so again, and I believe it save ■ ' .a lile.” Cooking Potatoes fop. f -vine. -- . As the season Tor feeding: I '■ ed at hand, it is well to consul'. -*e most mode of clcallr.., Uh-the. small ones. Often farmers a • i .istakcti as lo save them for the ? i; but as -the seed is, so will the crop Plant small potatoes, and the cr«, will ** small potatoes.” Small p .ors may be fed to hogs in such a m ner as to return a fair value. But tl y mustnot be fed raw. The result of •... thu exper -iineuts.we have heard (-.vad of, as well us those made i.y om • vesf.show that potatoes are much mor-' profitable when fed cooked than when Td raw.- The extra labor and fuel an well paid lor, A good plan is to boil tuem in a large iron kettle, sot in. an archway of rough stone, which economizes fuel, and bpil a few bushels at a time. . When cooked they are dipped uiP, with all the water, into a barrel, ami a peck of corn meal mixed wllh each bushel of potatoes. The meal is thus t horoughly scalded. When th-\ mess is cold, it may be fed. If two barrels are kopt, one will be always cool, and will be - somewhat fermented, while the othe la preparing. We would not advise any warm feed to be given, to hogs, It has generally resulted in producing a diseased state of the liver, and, c use quently, unwholesome pork. Fermen ted food, on the other hand, seems to bo agreeable to them and wholesome. A Hint To Farmer Boys.— lf a farmer kept ns nice and exact accounts with the cattle, the fields, the orchards, and the crops with which he has his usual dealings, just as his more careful brother merchant does, ho would find a spirit of business working into all his habits, and progress and push would inevitably follow. The loosse notion seems to be that here-are fields and there are the buildings, and . a living must somehow be got out of them.— But that will, not do in these days. Every agriculturalist is bound to know what his farm yields him >for his own consumption, and how much for sale; and then he will bo able to get at any profit by cyphering the difference less the cost of cultivation. A Healthful Substitute Fob Tea,—As a healthful drink, in place of tea, Dr. Thompson, in a late work of his. recommends the use of the dried leaves of the Red Ea-pberry. They cleanse the system of canker,'and thus act beneficially to the health. The leaves should be gathered on a warm day, and may be spread in a good airy chamber, on clean, beards or paper, to dry. When sufficiently dry, they may be kept in sacks. A small handful is sufficient for several persons. This tea docs not require the addition of milk or sugar, and is quite as pltMsan- as other tea, and much cheaper and health ier. To use Pieces of Dp.y Bream,— Many that have small families gener ally have some bread that gets dried up so that it cannot be eaten with a very good relish. My way of using it is to -o:ik it in cold watoruntil perfectly soft, then drain the water ail otf and'mash with the spoon till toll; th-u to a quart of read add .two eggs, is -1 -.veil to gether, then add one cup of - t milk, one cup of sifted flour, stir together, and fry. Serve with butb sugar and nutmeg. They are very T, Try it, ladies, and if you have as good success a-. I do, take in y word for i , you will never lose any dry bread. A writer in the Prairie. Farmer ud vUes me keening of pumpkins in the cedsr for winter ■ n f J he largest and riped are selected and handle 1 with -care. They should he ga'hen.d before hard frosts injure tln-in. If the stem cleaves from ihp pumpkin, or they get much bruised, they will decay andshou dbe rejected. He say-, they may be kept in thU Way lul February for stock or family m* DV!) OOOUS N EL L l-YG TO CLOSE BUSINESS, at the central DRY GOODS STOKE, IN CARLISLE GREET IK-OUcEMEHTS! huijce of Hliii-l; I'uASllks, Colored press bilks, silk IVipllus. Wool Poulins, *• French Merinos Kepi)S v Cashraeresv Alpacas, &c., *tc. - , Long and Square Shawls, Thlhnf. Sftuwls. I. ANl> COLOBBI* VELVETEENS ! Black. Cloths and Casslmeres, Colored Cloths ami Cassltnere s SplenM ttpoallng, &c., Table Linens, Pupkins, Towels, Qnllts, Counterpanes, Coverlets, Blankets. Ao .V OREAT variety ok FLAN N ELS, jn ail kmd< mid qualities. Sheetings, Tickings, .Muslins. Calicoes. Ac., Ac FIBS, Fills, FURS. A large stork oi in T 3 b iii 59' CONSISTING OF Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchief, Ribbons, Laces, Collars, Cuffs, AMHURO EDGINGS AND INSERTING^. As we Imvedeterailuod to close out our entire stock of goods, in the very shortest possible time. It will be to the decided advantage of oil to examine our-stock early, and secure some 01 the good bargains, rent bargains in all kinds of goods At the CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE. LKIDIUH & MILDEIt VICTBOT OVSS ILL. A GRAND RUSh FOR BARGAINS! Every person Invited to cull and see lliut this is no Til AS II thrown upon tho market, but NEW, FASHIONABLE and DESIRABLE Q oods, DUKE & BURKHOLDER have now one of tho Darkest stocks of NEW GOODS ever opened in Carlisle. Call and see our elegant . Black Gros Gialn Silks, Japanese Robes, Satinets, Cashmeres, Merinos, Balctmo Cloths, Prince Cords, Empress and .Mohair Poplins, \U In tho'uewmirand richest ' Shades WeSell all New Goods at short prollts. Th Store lo get a Fine Shdwl. Cloths and Cwwl meres for Suits. In the Latest Styles, compris ing Beavers, Scotch, Meltons, Doe Skips. Rob Hoys, and all good brands of English, French aim \mortcan nYumifaclmo. FURS! FURSI. furs from the best bouse In New York, at prices that astonish the consumer. Cali and price these goods and save twenty-five per cent. Stacks of House-Furnishing goods, Flann els, and Underwear, at old prices. NOTI O N S , n grev. varieties. We bay our good., dl rt-c Irorn the Manufacturers and Importers, and can sell lower than any House In the Uonn'.y Call ant see ant be convinced- No old tyles orHnelvcd goods In our stuck. DDK?- & HUttKIIOLDEU’H, h'onh Har-orer Street. ne*r the CarlKlo Iwspoalt bank, et: , 77-1 f hlo.x'isxariv.x. •< H A 'R D W ARE O FJ> *ll LL 11 it /; r ) f) , v 'SVI, unity of ilmi-Mnit il-r .mi.mu-i.ii oftlu.i-.mmimi tyill uiu , tf> ,r v ,., r 1,, purt.i ulnr. to tb ~|r r ,, ~n i ly ivotou Alu-il Monk ol m-m They studio-inly avoided Inwdinc during tilt high prices, and patiently v.ut.V. n> tailing out of llie bottom hef-no .U’cmpUng to r-ellll theii shelves, niul now that things have been reduced lo old t line prices, as near invested largely and pro’prepared to guarantee :.Uctkeir_tricnd3 and - ustmnciT. a* daw prices* na nny market ouhside the cit ies. They especially Invlte’the.attenUnu of mechanics, fanners *i\n’d builders. Our st«ok la complete and none need lour meeting with disappointment In enquiring for any tiling In our Hue We have tho agency of-lhe Wlllcox & Gtbbal SEWING MACH IN E , and would respectfully sk all those ;n wau ,o l a Machine* to examine the Willcox & Gibbs’ bo fore purchasing. All orders promptly attended 10, and goody delivered to all parts of tno town free of charge, an. 12 1,871-iv . lB-1G ! Carlisle Hardware Mouse ! a. SAXTON •& ■ Go; Building, Farming,, AND MECHANICS’ HARDWARE, I RON AN l> STEEL, Cement, Plaster, band, GUNS AND AMMUNITION, HARDWARE, with. every description of useful and Fancy • Goods Uaelui Inventions constantly intro* Thankful for past patronage and [soliciting a continuance, ~ „ Wo remain, respectfully, H. SAXTON & GO. Aug 21,1871. ©ro tries GTeT O C ~B R Y AND PROVISION. ST i Washmood's Old Stand.) The subscriber, having leased the above well known store-room, has opened with a new and largo stock of wu'l-sclacted Fresh Groceries.— Ills stock will bo found to bo complete in every particular, and everything sold will be war ranted as represented. lie Ims on hand and nowmuly for delivery GROCERIES OE “ALL KINDS. You will Und everything yon wish In Urn way o Groceries, Q,iieeriswaro. Glassware, Willow and Cedavwuro, btone and Crockevywaro Choice Hams, Dried Beef. Balognu, Beef Tongues. Biscuits and Crackeres of every description. Pic led Oysters. Sardines, English Pickles, Lemon Syrups. Jx*., and no end to a good assortment of NOi lONS. DRIED, CANNED AND PICKLED FRUITS of kinds constantly on hand. • FLOUR and FEED of the best grades, and in quantities'osnlt purchasers. , Goods sent to any part of the town If deshed. Call and price for yourscll at No. 7S Most Main street. All kinds of . COUNTRY PRODUCE lnteu In exchange lori-ooch; (i. L, DEVENNEY, March 1C.71. West Main Street, jQltll (;.s MKJJICISiES THE BEST PLACE EURE AND RELIABLE Medicines and Fine Chemicals, JOSEPH B. HAVERSTICK’S, SwU\t Hanover Streev, Drugs , Medicines, Chemicals, J>oohs Fancy Ooo'Js, Confectionaries. Per fumery, oilet Article *, Ac., Dye ‘iiujj’gy Dosmelics, tationury, Ac. Also, Pure Wine* for Medical Pur• poses. Hi* assortment of flood*, In variety, novel ty and elegance, cannot U; MirpaKF.wl. The arti cle, have been Rejected with «rcat care,and arc calculated In quality and price to command the attention of pufc/uuieift. PhvulclanH proscription* carefully compound ed. A full Block of Patent Medlcim-h on hand. All Hoodß warranted a* reprchcnted, A * johkph ij. iiavkicvi n;i:, >'o. 5 Houfh Hanover Rt Oct. (~\A L’TfON'. .-H'Olt I .•*M IsN A.N 1) \voiMr- dm* li*-rcoy cautioned {le.-iin* i ucr pa*«Jn*oo the f-ren.w-a of me under* It/Ufi* under bitissiliy of lli'>' iuv.'. urjj.rpto.ua/ haMT,. Hf'AMJLKIt, Hlcklnhou towuhhlp. li*p. Vl,*7l—im. x Nl> 0 U T s 'K It Y w A-E.310 :s possible, they have rHENUY SAXTON,*) J J. P. BIXLKR. Id. B. SAXTON. I Tools ami Matorlals, PA’INTS. OILS. VARNISHES. Also, HOUSE-FURNISHING duced, Snip Agents for PLANE PLOWS. i Vo TSlPcsi Main. Street, U A It I. 1 H I. !•: EJruEg, TO BV T 'MR 27 et S, / .s’ AT No. 5 CARLII.h PA DLsVIsKK l> 20, ItU 31t d rat ! ' ...A C - IHI f-J &aeiitiG|io At 'Mis Mew:Store ! NO.' 18, AAST .MAIN .STREET, orrosTTi: tiii: hotts;: Am: saxioics nnni trai'c STOII li. Has now on Inhibition a magnilleent display of :' . .. , ,• , • -.. . .___. . • . . . • . .. - :.4 . . . . 4 ' ..,: :14! • I ".' . • . : J, • . 4 , 1 `, I I ~ I Wit •., -.., .',' - r.. , , k -' . .)r •:: 1 / 4 .- :- vi A l 7, .1 .c • :.... -, • . .'..1 .... • ~- ..„ •,., a, ~,, , ~, ••-• , - .wati.v. 1 , , . ....., ALL tlie New textures ami Co:or.-; in l»:oss Goods will bo exhibited, and ail who wish lo secure what Is new In divs*. will be grain! d mi this occasion, Black Silks, Colored Silks, , Hllkand Wool Poplins V limit* PopUus, French IPopllns, Km press Cloths French Merinos, Cashmeres, Serges, Sultlncta, Cretonnes, V Bombazines, Arabian Crapes. Double Warp Alpacas, Dcantlful Plaids for Misses mid Children, Goods at very low prices, Blankets, Will to and Colored. Shawls ’W'ithont Limit!. CLOTHS AID CASSIIEREB, New ami choice shock of (ho aL>vo now ready for hi spool lon, for men and boy *s snlt.Mnnde to order, at short notice, by ihsi-ehn-.H workmen. a Jlosjeo, Gloves, • corsets, FURS! Will open on Thursday, Oolqber sth, One Hundred sots of NV\v l''mr, for children, Misses* • and Ladies, at prices that defy ooinpetlt ion. ' Tb .HEW Bspartewat ! A lull assortment of Patterns now In s fock from MM’E. DEMOP.KST’S New York EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS I Put up in Illustrated envelopes, with lull Instructions how to Cut, Put Together, Make und Trim Lhu Garment, This Stock of Goods is well worth the attention of Buyers I Boms; all NEW, FRESH,ami LIVELY,ami at PRICES lliat i.-iumot tail to pleane' - L. To GEEENETELD.- A T o. 18 EA>V1 { MAXN STREET I VI. 6, ’7l—tf. iwfi • ' M®TI©S" ' ■■ twit q-RAWD' OPENING of Fall and Winter Dress Goods • AT D. A. Sawyer’s Cheap Store, N. E. Cor. Public Square s Carlisle, Pa. • I invito the attention of all to on new and elegant s ‘ oc^ (r»*o‘it ivircr-rmc ii’.iii/.v Silks Silk Poimmis, Epingluiis, Cashmeic.**, JMoimoes ■EiiMU-ess Poplins, Sal ins, Velours, luuulsomo Piuids,. Alpaccua, Ueluimis, y the llrstof December, ilia siocu of piece gooes, the llnest in town, consists or FINE FRENCH AND . ENGLISH CLOTHS, DOESKINS, OASSIMEHES, VESTINGS, cassinets, TWEEDS, SATTINETS, VELVETS, JEANS, LINENS. &c. 'I ilC* KE ’*DY MADE CLOTHING ,lepi>rlmont in nnn of tlio lanitalMil lient n- KOrtweDU lo be found IhiH hide of riilladulpbltt. all our own make. (•nil and M e for yourselves, at C • IHAAU LIVING VfON’K, ITJ North Hanover Hi., Carlisle rii-K-'l-lf. _ \T~ew klou ua‘n 0 i-TiEbVroicf I\ .'] in- , übsrriber bus opton-d a n - w Flo nr wi»l I.J»it across the alley from |lit> CJurnberFind ennino bouse. lie Will lu-rp f no- KtAntly on mind r lour and Feed, which ho wi 11 dijinoito of at reasonable talcs, ” 1 ' • WM. If, MATJIEV /H. An 'A . 17. Wl-im Buluiornl and IJuop SkitUs, In ureal varieties, Zitikt * 1: • ~4; a-ta • !V ;:" s') ' P r i g t ; -t • • • . • CHEAP AND GOOD, The largo istoclc of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, just opening at Lachey & Smiley’s, No. f)0 North Hanover St., CARLISLE- PA, Tlio cliPftpiiHt CLOTH 3 & The cheapest DKKHH OOOUH. Ttra'cheapest. 1-KlNTBiind MUSLINS, Good Kl'NTtrO'KY JUANS I'i'Ac 1«. Elceunt IjACE COLLAtISutW ct«. de,, do,, do. CARPET CHAIN in ftU shades. CARPETS made lo order. « BITS iiaujc- to order ut the lowest prices. Do not forget the place, jVo* 09 North Hanover Oj/jjoiUc llmdium's Hotel, CAKLISLE, PA, _J \prim. IK7I - IAiILISLEGAKUIAGE EAUTOKY A. B. SHERK luih a large lot of MicomMmnd work on hand, which he win *eli cheap, in order to make room for now work. for liio nprlng liado. Uo hue, al •>0 tins best lot of new wink on hand. Y».u ran alway’n nee different Klylea. The material la not In qmodlon any more, for 11 In I lie bei*t used. If you want hatialmMlon in Hlyle, quality and price,goto tlilnftbop before purchasing olae* w 1 1 <• la. 'I hole lh no llrmlmaa better trade or „.|1 moie In Cumberland and Peny counties. We i(i’i peal; the continuation of the mujic. We arc get’ ngupa lot‘ol nice hlelglu-now. Kepalr i,iA a.»n palming promptly attended to, Corner ylHouMiand PUtHlreelH. Nov. 2, 71—Uw. S'febrs, STiniuavr, &r STOVE AXI > TINWAUA EST AB L I S H M E N T, The pnrfne»Milp lie?etn lores •! mr between Walker (’lmulv leurtii!! hn dissolved bv miilual er»nm*n|, I henmv announce to the eitl /NKiifrirlMi'ini'l him oundimieountry, that 1 have opened a lew Stove and Tinware Store, in the large frame building, on the corner oi West High ami West Mrecta, formerly occupied by rorncilns & Hash. , ‘Havinga large ami complete slock ?f Stoves .and Tinware on hand keloclqd with the greatest care expressly tor tills market, my customers uru guaranteed satisfaction. both as regards quality and price. Sheetiron and Tinware, constantly on'bund and made up to.order. My slock of Tinware embraces everything usually -keptln a. first-class-tin establishment. - - - •^”KOOPf-Kfi'Trml"HPOU'I v tend ed to, ! r ' 1 arn now prepared to exhibit to the Winter Trade a large and well»aour<\/ act .V bat h (tr (> I'hul Kriratt ata.u'h a Grape Juce. FOR MVKK (OMPEAINTH. .TAUNPICE 15HA i.inrs affections. sick ok nervous HEADACHE, COSTIVIONKHS. Ac. PJKKJ.Y VEGKTATtI-E NO MEUCURY, MINFRAES OR DiiLETKRIOUS DRUGS, These Pills areth© the most delightfully pleas ant purgative, superseding castor oil, h«l,»h. mag nesia, eTc. - ‘ilu-i o is nuUnng-moraJicciipliiblp.lP‘ -■ttivr : stomnHn—* f l I lrcy’'glv« toner amFoaUHtyneith-" or nausea nor griping'pains. -They lire cbnffioa ed of the Jhicst ingredient*. After a few days' use of them, such an Invlgmatlon of the entire sys tem takes place us to appear miraculous to the weak and enervated, whether arising Horn Im prudence or disease. IC, T. Helrnbold’s Com pound Fluid Extract Ciitawba-Grape Fills are nol f-injar-coated, from the fact that, sugar-coat ed Pills do not dissolve, hut through the stomach without dissolving, consequently do not p.oduce the - desired eltuct. The 'Catawba Grape Pills, being pleasant in taste and odr»r, do not neccKsltato their being sugar-coated. Price FIFTY CENTS per box. HENRY T. HELMBOLD’S Tl IfJHt.V COSCKNTHATKD COMI’UITNI. JPluid Extract Sarsaparilla. Will radically exterminate horn the system scrofula, Syphilis, fever Sons, livers, Wore R.vos, Sore Legs. Sore Month, Sore 21cm), Bren chilis, Skin Diseases, Suit Rheum, (.’ankers Runnings from the Ear, While Swellings, Tu mors, Cancan-us A flections, Nodes, nickels (DamlularSwellings, Night Sweats, Ra''h,Tottoi Humors of all kinds. Chronic Uhonmatism Dyspepsia, and all diseases,that have been es tablished in-the system for years. Being proparoclexpressly for the above com plaints, Us Blood-imrtfylng properties aregront or than any other preparation ol Sarsaparilla.— Its gives the complexion a clear.and healthy color and restores thepatlent to astute ofhealth and purity, for purltynv; the Blood, removing all chronic constitutional dU-oivscs arising Irani uu impure slate of the Blood, and the only re liable and effectual known remedy for iln> cure of Pains and Swelling of the. Bones, Ulcui.ulotri .of tho Throat and Legs Blotches, Pimples on the face, Erysipelas and nil Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, and Beautifying the HENRY T. HELMBOLD’S UOMOENTRATBD I'/, i rid Extract Jluclm, Tho Great Diuretic, has cured every case of Diabetes in which It has been given, irritation oflliu Neck of the Bladder ami Inllamallou ol tho Kidneys, Ulceration <»1 the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases of tho Prostate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick-dust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Olschaj ges, and for Enfeebled and Deli cate Constitutions of both sexes, attended witu the following symptoms: Imlisposltlon to Ex-, eftlon,- Loss of Power, Loss ol Memory, Difficult ty of Breathing, Weak .verves,Trembling, Hor ror of Disease. Wakefulness. Dimness of vision, Pain in the Buck, Mot Hands, flashing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Erupt ion on the Face fail Id Countenance, Universal Lassitude of th Muscular rtvslem, etc. Used by persons from the ages of eighteen tp twenty-live.and Irma thirty-live to fifty-five in In the decline or change ol lllo; after confine mentor labor pains: bed-wetting in children, HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU is diuretf and bluud-purifyittg.and cures ah Diseases urls iuglrom Habits of Lhsslpatl n, and Excesses and imprudences in Lllo, Impurities of the Blood, eic., superseding Copaiba in affections for which it is used, and Syphilitic Affections— in these Diseases used In connection with HELMBOLD’S ROSE WASH. 3L A ID) E. US §> s ■. In many Affections peculiar to Ladles, tbe Extract Buchu is unequalled b> any oilier reme dy—as in Chlorosis or Detention, Irregularity -Palnfulucss or Suppression oi Custonmry Evao uutlons, Ulcerated, or* Schlrrus Htule of the Uterus, Leucorrhfpa or Whites. Slerlllly, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising irom Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipa tion. It is prescribed extensively by the most 'eminent Physicians and Midwives for Enfeob led and Delicate Constitutions, of both sexes and all ages with any of the above Diseases or Symptoms!. O # U T. HELMBOLD'S EXTKACi' OF BUCHU CUKES CfbEAftEM AKISIJSG FUOM IMPURE DENCES. HABITS OF DISteIPATIUN or 010 in ail their stage-., at little expense, little on change m diet, no Inconvenience. and no expo sure. it‘causes a frequent desire, mid gives strength to Urinate, (hereby removing Übstiuc lions', Preventing and curing strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and Inliuinatiun, so fre quent in this class or diseases, and expelling all Poisonous matter. ' * Thousands who have been the victims of lu compeieut poisons, and who have paid heavy lees to be cured in u short time, liavolouud tiiey have been deceived, and that the *‘Poison M ‘hus, by the use of‘'poweiJul astringents,** been dried up in the system, to break out in a more aggra vated form, and perhaps alter Marriage. Use IiELMBUr.D’b EXTUACI BUCHU lor all Atlections and Diseases of the Uulnary Organs, Whether existing in Male or-Female, irom whatever cause originating, and no mutter of how long standing. Price, $1 60 per bottle. HENRY T. HELMBOLD’S IMPROVED' It O a E WASH cannot be surpassed as a Face Wash, and wil bo loun-i the only specific temedy m every species of Cutaneous Ailectlou. It speedily eradicates Pimples, rtpois, Scorbutic Dryness Indurations of the Cutaneous Mem bruno, etc. dlnpeis Redness and Incipient luliammatiou Hives, Hash, Moth Patches, Dryness of acalp oi akin, Frost bites, and ml purposes ior which calves or Ointments are used; restores the skin to a state ul purity and soilness, and Insures continued healthy action to the tissue ol Its vessels, on which depends the agreeable clear ness and vivacity oi coiupiexiousomucnsought and admired, but however valuable us a reme dy for existing defects ol the skm H. T. Helm bold's Hose Waan has long sustained Us princi ple maim to unbounded patronage, by possess ing qualities Which reader it a xoilet Append age ol the must ftuperl.tuvu and Congenial char-' autor, combining man elegant lormulu tuose prutniueut requisites, oalety and Elilcaoy—the invariable accompaniments of Its use—us a Pre servative and Ueliefher ol the Complexion, it Is an excellent Lotion lot dlseasesoiaaynhllltio Nature, and us an Injection lor uiseases of the Urinary Organs, arising irom liublls of disslpa tiou. used m connection with the Extracts Bu chu. ttarsapanila, and Catawba urapo Pills, 1 such diseases as recommended, cannot bo sur passed. Full and explicit directions accompany th o medicines. Dviuonco of the most responsible and reliable character lumisued on application, with hun dreds oi thousaudu ol living witnesses, and up ward ol 3u,ueo ud*olicitcu ceiTiUcates and reo ommouduloiy letters,'many ol whicn uro irom the highest sources, including eminent Physl oluns, Clergymen, aiatesiueu, oic. The proprie tor has uevwi resorted to their publication in the newspapers; ho does not do tuis from the iuot that fna articles rank as standard Prepara tions, uud do nut need to bo propped ud hr cenliloutea. v 9 Henry \U, llelmb old's Genuine Frepa lions. Delivered to any address. Secure from obaer Vtttiun. iiisiubilhlied* upwards of twenty years Hold by DruggMs everywhere. Address letters ViV l i n li*u l . l ?i U if U iV lu ,‘ ;onl lUeuce to UlikNltY T ilflLuM iloLli, Druggist and (diemlst. only Depots: 11. l\ HULMuuLU’ti Drug and Chemical Wuiehous*. Wo, 6UI Droadtvuy. flew il - i - UKLMLhJCUH Medical Depot H>l -south Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa, 1 ,»J“ ,ounlerlo4w » Ask for UJfINUYT Hlt. T jMliOiii)'rt 1 Take no other. J>E AIMING *■ HPKINO AHKA\ORMI.ix>j. Mr.nilan May JSth, IS7 i Omit. Trunk line from the North and west lor Philadelphia, Now York rA,Vi 1 Pot.Nvllle. Tanmnua, Ashland, Bhaiuokln' i anon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata.LiUz f ter. Columbia A-c. »^‘nra.«. Trains leave Ilanlshurg for New York oo f, lows: sit 'J-10,8 H>. A. Mi, and ‘J w p V s ,l)l ' ncrtlng with Hlmllnr (ruins on IVnnHvu..^’.’ 1 Railroad, and arriving m N*-w York i.ii, 1 , A M., 3 fill, mill II mi I*. M„ rraiiw-i Sleeping Cars accompany the 2-lu A M il.*, wli bont change. “ r{ ‘ ll Relurnlm;: heave New York ntfl on a m 30 noon and oil'',.!’. M.. Philadelphia al7‘V v». A. M. and 8;i() P. M.; Sleeping earn acntn kV"- Wie.'iiKM*. M. trains from Now York, mv change. *“ mi Leave Harrisburg for Reading. p < ,u fiv p, Tamaqim, Mmersvlllc. Ashland.' Shnnini'V.?' Allentown and Philadelphia at *• in V, n 200. and 4 Do P. M., Mopping at I ebniim, ~;.T principal way stations ; t lie 405 P. M.tinOi ‘ u * •leetlng lor Philadelphia. PmjsvllU » tU ' ivi, ! 11, ola only. For Pottavllle, Sehuvlkdl Tlnvi n Auburn, via. Schuylkill and Siisnuehnniin n , road leave Harrisburg at 8 JO P. M. ■ H J{| ‘ East Pennsylvania- Rail load trains leave »»*<> i ing for Allentown. Easton and New \nri- . 4 82. 1080 A M.. 4U5 P. M. Returning. leav . v" l York at 0.00 A. M., 12 80 noon and 500 P M Allentown at 7 20 A. M, 12 25 M K Poltstown accommodation train, leaves, tw, SESAV^ii"- roturnlnB ’ '“^PhiSSlc lor, Columbia *e. , *-uiua(,. Perkiomon Railroad trains leave Perklnm*., Junction at 717,003 A.M.,5 00 uml 000 ]> v rcturnlng.leaveßchwenksvilleatflSO s 10 i'v' 12 50 Noon, and 4 id P. M.. connecting whli lar trains on Beading Railroad 11511,11 Colebroobdnle Railroad trains leave Pntaim*,, at 9 40 A.M., and 116* 015 P. M. reiurnina K Mt, Pleasant at 700 and 11:5 A.M. and '1 oo p M., connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad, s Chester valley Railroad trains leave Brklcn port flt.S 00 A.M..21)5 and 552 P. M.. reittrniio .oavoDownlimtown atO.4OA. M„ 12 ‘l5 noon nmi 5 25 P. M., connecting with similar trains o- Rending Railroad. 1 On Sundays: leave New York at 5 ro p m Philadelphia al 8 00 A.M. and ft 13 P. M ‘nim K no A. M. train running only to Heading.) leave Pottsviilo at 800 A. M., Harrisburg at'S4o A M and 200 P. M,; leave Allentown at 4 25nmlK' ,l ( P. M. leave Rending at 715 A.M. and H 50 P M for Harrisburg, at 452 A. M. for New York at 7 20 A. M. for Allentown and 0 40 A. M. and 415 P. M. for Philadelphia. u ho Commutation, - Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets to ami from all points at ro dneed rates. Baggage checked through ; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger. J - E. Woottcu, „ Asst, &up(, ct Eng. Atach’rj/. Mnj- io, Jo/1. Q U MBEB L A N D VALLEY R A I L R O A D I ’ CHANGE or/HOD RS. Winter Arrangement. On' and after TnursdaV, Nov, 24, 1570, l»as«cr. ger Trains will run dally as follows,(Sundays a\. copied). • • ' WESTWARD Accommodation Train leaves Harrisburg 8.0/ a M.,MocbunlcsburgB.35 l CurilKJe».U,NewvllleO u. Bblppensburg.Ki.22, ChurnberKburg.lo.44, Green castle 11.10, arriving at Hagerstown 11.45 A.M Mail Train leaves HnirJsbnrg J. 55 2*. M., Mf chnnlcsburg 2.27:Carlisle 2.58, Newvlllc:fB2, Bliin ponshurg 4,02, Chambcrsbuig 4.55, Gieencastl*- fi.ll, arriving at-Hagerstown 6.40 P. M. Express 'lrain leaves Harrisburg 4.80 P. M„ Me Miaulesburg 5.02, Carlisle 5.32. Newvllle 0.05, Ship ponsburg 0.33, arriving at Chambersburg at'7on A Mixed Train leaves Chamdorsburg 7 45 A. M Greoucastlc 9.00, arriving at Hagerstown 10,1)5 a! M. EASTWARD ’ Accommodation 7ram leaves Clinmbersburg 6to .A. M., Shippensburg 5.29, Nowvillo 6,00, Carlisle 6.53, Mecbauicsburg 7.u2 arriving at Harrisburg Mall 'Train leaves Hagerstown 8.30 A.M. .Green castle 9.00, Chambersburg 9.4l>,Bhlppensburg 10.20 Newvllle 10.65, Carlisle ii.-l), Mechanlcsburg 12 01 arriving nt Harrisburg 12.57 P. M. Express Train leaves Hagerstawr 12.00 M Greoncastle 12.28. Chambersburg 1.05, Shippena burg 1.37, Newvllle 2.10, Carlisle 2,60, Mechanics burg 3.15, arriving at Harrisburg 5.50 I J . M. A Mixed ;'Train leaven Hagerstown 8.20, P. M. Greoncastle 4.27, arriving at Chambersburg 5.2() /G®-Mnklug close connections at Harrisburg wltn trains to and from Philadelphia, New York Baltimore, Washington,Pittsburg, and all points SUPEIIINTENnENT’S OFPIOK Ctmiub’g., Pq., Nov. 2i, ’7O. Deo I 187 gOUTH MOUNTAIN RAIL EOAD I Time Table. TOOK EFFECT SEPTEMBER I, IS7T. Oil (I ml after FrMaij, Seplembm• 1,1671, thu Comma nu will rim two trams through to Pine Onto daily, (tiumtnys exccptca) follows At M. T T LoavCarllslo. Leave Junction, 7.00 do unction do •Uomivbroolc, 7.10 d<-nonmu'j[ do *jn'. n !foiiy: ls ' ns d d o° do ♦Upper Mill,- 7.15 ’UppM S 850 do Huntersltun,H.os do Huuier’j R ’ inn do Laurel. X« do l"nrol •=’ 'S Arr. at Pino Q™™ at Pine drove. A i » «r “sr&sr s t cio *Upper‘Mm"K do •Upp«- Jldi' “ Uo Mt. Holly. 111.30 do Mt ‘JO •Graieheatl'a.lo.nO do *CralKhoid’’s ulo do •Bounyli'k.,-U,O» do 4lojo ! k M Arr. at Junction; 11.J5 Air.nl. Junction • ru oSlationa marked thns.(*J arc ting .station VENPOKT, omcc of Goa. Bnper?o e ieidte r,mol,doU Pjuo Grove, Hep. 7, ib“i. j OSADALIS HOSA-Ha?EVENTS THAT COMPOSE Published ou every package, tbcieiore It la not a secret prop a/atiou,. consequently • v 1 PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT It Is acertaln.curo for Scrofula, Syphilis lu all Us forms, Rheumatism, bkin IMs e“s?s, F l , ver Complaint and all disease* of the Blood. ONE BOTTLE OF KOSADAUtt will do more good than ten bottles of the byrup of barsupanila. THE UHDERBIQHED PHYSICIANS have used Rosadalls In their practice ftr iuo past three yeatsund freely endorse it us a reliable Alterative and blooi Puniler. T C. PUGH. of Baltimore. OU. T, J. BOYKIN, OU. U.,\V. CAUK, • OU. F. O. HAN NELLY, “ OH. J. B. SPAHKfJ. of NlcholaavllJe. Ky. HH. J. L, McCA THA. Columbia, 8- C. OH A. B. NOBLEB, Eclgocomb, N. C« USED AND ENDORSED BY J. B. FRENCH A SONS, Fall River, Muss. F. W. BMITH, Jackson,Mich. A. I*. WUEELBH, Lima, Ohio. 0.. U/vLL, Lima, Ohio. CRAVEN & CO , Gurdonsvllle, Va, ’AM’L. G.- MoFAHHEN, Murfreesboro, Ttmu. our space will not allow of any ex tended remarks la relation to the virtues •*t Uosadalia. To (be Medical Frolessloo wo guarantee a Fluid Extract superior to any they have ever used in the treatment ul diseased Blood ; aud to thealliioied no say try Koaadaiis, and you will bo r*- stored to health. Rosadalls Is sold by all Druggists, price 91.00 per bottle. Address, DR. CLEMENTS & CO. Manufacturing ChenUato, Baltimore, Mp. July 20.71-lyr FANCY FURS! JOHN FAEEIEA, ylB ARCS STREET, Middle of tbo block, between 7th f and Bth Sts. South side, Philadelphia. Importer. Manulactur or, and Dealer in all kinds and qual ty of FANCY FURS! FOR LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S WEAR Having Imported a very largo and splendid assortment of all the different kinds of fin® irom first hands In Europe, and have had lho}“ made nnb the most skillful wurkmou. wotim le.'poollully Invite the renders of this P ft P er ,/.| cud and examine his very largo and ooautlnn itM-ortmout of l i ’anoy Fur*, for Ludie* and tin n. lam determined to sell ut as' low prlcw ‘ft «••»/ other respectable house In Mils city. An Furs warranted* No mUrvprcsenlalion* l°jff ect tales, JOHN FAKEIRA. H 8 Alton Sx„ A* Get. SI, 7Mtt. O. N. LULL, Buj)t. P.M. . 2.55