American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, October 26, 1871, Image 3

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    itiioiß totei®.,
i(ljßg committee Meeting.
usmberiof tha Demoeratio Strtml
'mlilUtao of Cumberland Comity
Lateil to > neet in tbo Committee
fat Carlisle, on Saturday, Nov
-1 |rir, »t eleven o’clock, A. M. A
In,lance 1- requested.
• s. C. WAQNEH, Cli n-
, rION Contest.— At the Court, on
' ~ petition was presented hy
VrlckiT, cnrifeatlug the seat of J.
for Commissioner.. The petl ,
l| eC f S that In the Sbippansburg
one hundred more votes were
,■ stwes Brioker than were oertl
|- the return judges; and ‘Unit in
Holber districts gross irragularit cs
K. nD( | in some districts votes were enndi-
Bul.lils friends.
lispe,,"’* 3 do not w| ah to say any"'
Sialiiulnteil to excite party feeling or
ICP.1 CP . But our deliberate cOnviolion
lli'e first has been that Moses Bric
jL pie legally elected commissioner
jmherlnnd county. The notorious
Latency or rascality of some of the
f judges—the fact than an error of
Limbed votes was made in the
‘of a single box—an error so patent
single glance will satisfy any , in-
3ut man of its existence—the notor
that in several districts the
|(vpre closet!,and the election officers
[ e mom where the election was to
5 |-the. fact that from several (lla
no return at all was made accord
law, ought to l>e sufficient to-set
ho election of Mr. S imple,. In ad
, the lact that the Republican can-
if did openly nud slinmeleasiy otter
,X for voles, and did buy men to vote
I,) 1,, we think eau be established by
jjjisivo proof. And as to tbe litueas
;(I o two men for ' tbe iioviliou, we
it tbe good men of the county, wiio
U lo see tbe .aflulrs of the county
t»pd judiciously, economically and
lily, will decide with one voice In
of Moses BiicUer. In fact, his de
if indeed ho was defeated at all
, mutter of deep regret to men-of
parties-for all admit Ins peculiar _
3 for the position.
'Lecture Season.— We notice by
ashiugton Chronicle that a brilliant
;nf Scientific Lectures, in that city,
ha opened by two lecture’s by qur
umu, Prof; S. D.. HIM man, of Diok-
Uollejse. His subjects are respect
" The Race in Search of Vs Grand
•" and “ Primeval Man. 1 ' The
r is the interesting,, instructive and
,ng lecture, in answer (o Darwin's
t of development, -delivered in
)luoe, a year ago, and will doubtless
glily appreciated by an Intelligent
liugtpn audience. It la peculiarly
lying to notice this course of
res Prof. HUlmaii takes rank with
of the foremost scientific men of
)»« ami America, among whom may
enlioned the names of Rohde,
[timburg, Prof. John Tyndall, of
find and Prof. Henry Morton, of
liingtom - ,
a'I'PRUNTa OP WlNTßK.—Alack tiud
Hie climate of cold is coming. His
Jt fvjuriers have arrived and tbo signs
pliPtts of his ad veut are thickening
a Djii't you see the falling leaves
flieur them .rustle under your feet ?
Btyou fuel that the evenings, nights
I mornings are getting cooler, that
fkets and flannels are superseding line
ps, laces and muslins? Coals are co
up in price, and thrifty mammasaud
ful papas are pricing-' Winter boots
jhose. Anticipating the time, sharp
are routing out the old lumber in the
eta, and searching for forgotten sleds,
ca, simps, and buckles. The nights
getting long and cool, and au extra
rer on the bed feels good.
ji'U Paper.—The election campaign.
0871 being over, we shall now be able
jura our attention to subjects which,
trust, will prove, more profitable to
general reader than politics, ami at
isiuue time render the columns of the
lijntker more interesting. We there
i now propose to ‘publish more news
Iter, and to consider subjects which
|ffl|y possibly be more our
jgOTacribers/Uvnn the well-beateit' path of
pmitical life. We did our best during
Iwi campaign to convince the public that
i(®vas their imperative interest to turn
|t®Uid,defeat the Budlcala. in this we
«Bed, and as good citizens the beat we
Cffli do is to accept the situation.
1. Opening ExerciaeH—Singing and
2. Aildre-n on the benefits of aS.,B.
intitule— Hay/J. X). Btow.n,.’, “ '
o. Singing. -
4. Practical Essay—Rev. 0. P. Wing.
D. D.
in.FOJi tub Suffbkeks.—Mrs. Jurley 0.-i Singing.
■ wcs leave to announce the repetition ol
Mt “Wax Works,” in Rheem’a Hull, on
‘Saturday evening, October 28th, 18-71, at
®)’clock. Ihc entire proceed* for . the
|wicA7 of the Michigan and Wiscoua n
®Ve deem it unnecessary to enter into
s|Jeseripironof the immense destination
mSI destitution which the recent awful
vfS ourgH of Fire” lias caused along llio
lt|| of our North Western lakes, sweep
ln|\ Thole villugea ami towns in its course,
'node ring many thousands of our fellow*
iigy entirely homeless and destitute';
[Uou 'Muentioning the saddest calamity
mb, the destruction of human Jives;
3 we (think it our Christian duty to,
) (ribu'tie our “mite” towards thei at
R; pa. rfiiUd alleviation of their eutfer-
n our sympathy towards the Cbicag
iih, the eb poor sufferers' seem to have
opoil oi ir attention, nod, on tbia ao
nit, tbo proceeds of this exhibition
II be awarded to them.,
I'bo price of admission will be 25 cents,
idering. iit within the limit of all to
I'bo exhibition itself created a general
sire for its repetition, and now, since
o proceeds are to bo donated toward,,
iis moitf-beuevolont object, we feel eat-.
Bod tbai it will attract an immense
ecourao of tbo good people of our town
Donations are not limited to 25 cents,
(be price of the tickets) and if any ben
poleni persona wish to make additional
putrlbuUoas, tbo funds will be tbank
pby received and appropriated to the
mile object.
I Tickets for sale at Neff’s, Piper’s, Can
ya's, mid by tbe principal Druggists and
tbe uuuual election of tbo Cumber
land Valley Railroad Company, held in
parrlsburg, on Monday of last week, tbe
I'eHowlng named gentlemen were elected;
I -President —Hon. Ered’U Watts.
I Directors —Hon. Fred’k Walts, Tbos.
I. Biddle, Thomas A, Hcott, Wusbliig
pu Butcher, Wistsr Morris, Joslati Ba
lm, H. T. Lombaurt, Daniel O. Gebr
[hoi nus B. Kennedy, Edmund BmiUl
[hd T . Edgar Thompson.
12’rci Uurei —E. M. Diddle.
|supt- T‘ntendcnt—o. N. Dull.
' Ho-bkl Injured hy, Eirr—
o’q’dci^on,Saturday morning last, smoko
w.’as discovered issuing from the third
story of the bank building of iho Amer
ican tjio jinj] atfc- j
chani&bhrg. . Tho llames*had made coh
eideralolo headway in one of the rooms ;
and the fire was supposed to Imvo
originated Jr<sWi&fcSlß
firemen were f promptly on hand, unu
did everything in human power to stay
the progress of tho.flaniqsjtbut^ ,
standing thidr'oTprtsii^
Che back building was entirely burned
out, and Che on (ire building was more or
less damaged by smoko and water.
The real estate, owned hy Jt)r. F. H f
Long/wa? damaged to the amohntof $l f
-800, ami was fully insured in Aetna, the
Home, of New York ; and tho Cumber
land Vblley Mutual Protection Co. The
loss was promptly adjusted, Monday, 1
by Theodore Cornman, Es(j„..|hnd Levi
ICauliman, Esq., the agents&sfe’tho re
spective companies. TherfXossof personal
property was iisjiniMed lit between three
and four •bundled dSlbVrs,'which was also
by insurance in the Lan
caster and the Home.
o’clock, on Friday afternoon, fire was
discovered between the ceiling and roof,
of thd porch in front of the “ Traveler’s
Rest” hole), In Shippensburg, ‘owned by
Mrs. ' Mateor. Before the liames were
extinguished the porch was, entirely con
sumed, and the front of house was
considerably damaged. The , building’
was insured in’tlW Allen and'East 1
Pennaboro’ Co., alui theiosa .was estima
ted at $2OO or $3OO. The origin of the 1
lire is involyedjn mystery, and ,the place
where it was first discovered was almost
entirely enclosed.. Mrs. Mateer, the
landlady, had driven some “bummers”
away from the house early in the morn,
ing, and they made’ threats,on leaving
the premises. It is supposed they might
have found an opening sufficient to force
some combustible material up through
.the ceiling, which smouldered there un
til afterno m, and this theory is confirm
ed by (lie fact that persons about the
house noticed a smell, as of buruing-raca,
some hour-) before the flnmes.bursfc fjortb.
Another theory is that a spark- from a
passing locomotive may have fallen upon
liho ronf, and found its way tbro,ug/i the
shingh's. ’ • f‘ . * r». .
f OCToiieu.—The moulli which will soon
expire (October) is so called from being
the i‘MU(i in the year, according to the
old .Vlhau or Latin lt was by
our .Saxon ancestors styled W/jurnoncth
(modern, JVeiiimon'at,) or wine month. 1
Tn allusion to this epithet, an old writer
remarks, "and albeit they had not an
ciently wines made in Germany, yet in
this season had they them from divers
countries adjoinin'!}.” October was also
called, by the ancient Germans, IKinfer
fullilh, from tho.approach of winter with
the lull moon of the month. ,
Though a melancholy feeling is asso
ciated with ’ October, from The general!
decay of nature, by,‘wbioh it 1 is charac
terized, there occurs, nevertheless,' not.
unfrequently in it some of the finest and
moat exbiliarating weather of the year.—
Frosts in the mornings and evenings are
common, while the middle of the day is
often enlivened by ail the supshine of
July without its oppressiveness, pnd the
clearness of a frosty day in December or
January without it'aplercing oolif.* ' J “ I u
Look Out iriiSr T.TiEti,-4A dangerous
counterfeit S2O greenback note has re
cently been piit in circulation. It is said
it is dilllcult to distinguish between, tiro
spurious bill and -the genuine, sowell
have the counterfeiters done their, work
—the only weak 'point-being. the central
figure, which is done rather coarsely.—
When presented in a package, this figure
is not likely to be noticed in rapid count
ing. In order to avoid deception from
these bogus'billsj the ,best plan Is to ex
amine carefuly every 520 greenback you
bardie. •
JjIQUOR Store.— Our friend,, J. T.
Jiinltin, formerly-proprietor dfthe Black
Bear hotelln Shippenaburg.has.purohased
the (iquop store of Dr. 6toner, in Kra
mer’s building, in the rear of ~the,Coilrt
House. That), is a clever fallow, and al
ways had the reputation- of keeping
good whiskey. We expect to see him
drive a thriving trade in hia new quar
ters. .. r ‘ .
Sabbath School Institute.—'The
following is the programme of exercises
for the first regular meeting of- the re
cei.rly organized Carlisle District ‘ Sab
imMi School Institute;.
U. General discussion of the question— 1
“Should the Memontflu/’: of Scripture
form -\ p.irt of Suml&y.'- Schood Xnstrnc*
.ioM*’”—to bn opened by 8. 1 ; >. Kle/ler,
M. D. •
Business and closing exorcises. 1 )
Place of.meeting—Second Presbyterian
Lecture Room, ({Snort XVIII* Hail,) Tues
day evening, November 7tlu
All odicers, teachers, and Friends of the
Sabbath Schools of Carlisle uud vicinity
are invited to attend.
'Workmen arc* now engaged, laying’a front of the Second Presby
ter? m church—an improvement wMch
will bo highly appreciated by the. people •
wl? ) live ia that neighborhood, , , ,
■ \,0.-P. Elumrioh, Esq., , Is
the old “ Good Will” engine house, into
u neat and commodious dwelling. A two
story back building has. beeu.addecl, the
Inside of the front bulldlrtg has been
completely re-modeled, and the front
will be altered to correspond with the in
side changes. . . ,
0. Inhopf,Esq„ is.laying a new drain
pipe, bn the south side of market square >
The grain fields of Cumberland county
apt looking very fine. The wheat has
come up beautifully, and 'gives evidence
of a vigorous growth.
Oun farmers have enjoyed excellent
weather for taking in ol corn Vand' pittaV
loes, whllo tlio yield of both hns'acarije
ever been bettor. . ’•
- Vests will now curry you over
tbo Harrisburg Bridge. This is a reduc
tion of one penny from the old rate. The
toil is yet too high; three cents would be
amply sufficient.
The Hublimd scenery of our mountains
lias uowassuined its autumn tint. .Many,
people think that tbo full views in this
locality aro the grandest in tbe world.
■ Hum—Chestnut, walnut and hickory
uut'colieotpra.lmvo been very busy of lat.o
in our woods and mouutnina,;and they,
have bad abundant success, Cbeatputu
arb now selling ot 10 cents pet quart. *
Vf .
The Cumberland County Teachers’
Institute will meet in tbo Court House,
Carlisle, on Monday, October A
largo attendance is expected. 1
.. vZR"+*: b'LF"T Wl' :^3s:..4AScY'S+iii..'S.:"X!-fit..+^S•t~cN~.S
y* ■■
;.,A_Ne\v Band.—Had
no ! t]p|en favored with a regular Military
Baud, almpst; frpm. t Infancy th ( o loss
of its sweet music would not have been
faoitmilb deplmpdj j.f'rom tha«unito|l(J|
tt)K siATeet gi,nj taipMwecj&tralpi pfiraqi-f
tloil muijic were almost constantly floating
on the nlf». Ttiis, iuij3,>ljo\Yaypf gceas ( to
vtfi&rcultivated taste of our citizens, can
hi a gtqat measure ba remedied. ,AM. wo
want, in
vKioney.j No town in this country has
of musical talent that Carlisle
has; Amt It takes tho ■* Wherewithal!** to
bring it forth.'
We'all know that Carlisle Is noted for.
its wealth and refined taste. To-day
there is a class of cnergetifi' ybuuglmen.
of our town, all of whom are possessed
of rare musical talents, frho are striving
'to raise sufficient funds to secure a*fuU ; .
accompaniment.od.horns, &0.,.t0 replace
tho breach'of oiir Military Bartd. Their l
object Is solely the benefit of the commp*
•ulty. _ They regularly'
themselves into a Cornet Band, and will
awaH, and solicit your kind contribu
tions. to aid then* in this agreeable and
delightful, enterprise.^
fuftheiv.'Comment. We have Ip,
are moral, uprightmeu, and no one need
fear that they will expend their money
foolishly or to' no purpose in thus con
tributing. Give liberally, and encourage
the “Young America” of pur town. , .
Encouraging to -St'OßTSsicN.—The
clubs of sportsmen in this country who
arc purchasing lakes, streams and, lauds,
for the purpose of preserving fish and
game, may gain encouragement’ln re
gard to tho prospective worth of their
Investments -from some recent sales of
sporting property In Great Britain. An
estate in the English county of Norfolk,
called Downham, which la famous lor
partridge and pheasant shooting, was
sold‘last, j’earfqr $405,000; and although
the land is so'. poor t bat it scarcely, realir;
zee $5,000 a year from agriculture, a geo once offered to lease.the*shoot
ing at $lO,OOO a year, and a
ago ibe'Earl of Berby offered, the .present,
ownprSsol),ooofortheproperty. A'barren*
Mcotch island, only yaluatjle f fqr,| the
ahooViug which it affords, bus lately *beeu
sold by Lord Dunmpro
.. AistosT /ai Pißic’.-r-On' Saturday IrtsC i
fire was discovered on the, second floor
of the residence ot John Ogden, corner
bf'-North and’
pears Ogden, built a fife oh the
hearth'in oneor'th'e "rooms, uprstairs,
and having; business up town.lockedpp,
the house and proceeded to’.attend, to
the same, while daring his nbsence ’Ono
of the! pieces of, wood which ho had
placed bn the flrq,rolled off the hearth
■on to the floor, burning through the
floor,; h'htfifalfing’oh 'the chiling of’tho
lower TOOm-i Tfip iflm.woa extinguished
before any serf jus damage' tyrtsdppe,,
v PoLios3'lTDsiB;--i-Th6 following arreste
wefei niado" hy" Constable Sahno ikst
.week:.-<*«> <v,.
Aj man for attempting to commit
from! another" German. Committed by
Wini" 6lem; for breaking into D.
/sioneiS'honijo, in
'aud, {aki ng therefrom a giinj preserves,
and 6ther articles. lie wa s committed.
Curiositi^.—\Ye . .recently (l were
shown-tw'o curiosities in', the'garden .of'
Mrs.! Jacob Squires, qn Pomfret street.
One was several stocks of Italian wheat.
The stems were short, and the heeds
long and very full of small, grains. The
other curiosity was a stock of hemp,
about twelve feet high. When the plant
was first observed, Mrs. S , had ho' idea
what it was, and to this day no one
knows where the seed came from, unless
it was,, bio'wn,. there by hthe Windsor.
brought l by th'aOblrds. The plant; (was
larger than a peach tree, which, stood by
Us side.
.From all parts of the ciuntry our ex
change newspapers and the telegraph are
bearing Os reports of public meetln gsand
munificent gifts for ’ our stricken sister
yiii at has become of* the nail factory ?
Ttfe meeting.which was advertised to be
held in the Court House, never came off,
and the recent election excitement seems
to have driven all thoughts of nail works
1 out of people's trust .the pro
ject will’not be stfffeßdVo faHihipugh.
Open air services were held in the col
lege campus, oh Sabbath 1 evening last.
A sermon was delivered by Rev. Brown,
of Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg; 1
. The Carlisle Shoe Co., lain full blast
again, in the new building, erected by F,
Gardner "& Co!, corner of Main and;Bed
ford streets, This enterprise, under Its
new management, Ims, proven quite suc
cessful. ■ •
Witat Is. generally known as the
“ Thorn Property,” the large three-llory •
house, on the corner of Main and Bedford
streets, has been sold by Rufus ,E. Shup-*
ley, Estj./tb P. B. BeKzhoover, Esq., for
5.0,000. ■
TifEßfi 'are I ‘strong indications of an
advance in the - price of coal.. Indeed, a
filiglitmdvance has already taken place;
How’s your bin or cellar?
. CoßN'iiusKiNG^pr' I .* corn chucking,”
as U is called dowii south, has been fairly
inaugurated all over the country. This
ip,; or was, a very pleasant rustle amuse*
in 4 by, both duds
and fassfc' 1 1 ■ sl ' :
„* O. D Shoes. —You probably think that
if you look very sharply at an old shoe
when you throw it away, you will know
it agaiu If-ever it cornea-bank to you.—
But that does not at all follow. One of
jljießß days you may button your dress
with, an old,pair of slippers, comb your
hair with‘a hoot, or grasp a cast off gaiter
in your hand’while you eut your dinner..
You do not see hplinthls can be ? Weil,
we,®!!! toll you.- Old,shoes are turned
to account by manufacturers In the fol
lowing) manner j.Vthcyatp 'out into very
small pieces, dud kept- for a number of
"days la’chloride of sulphur The effect,
of tbis la to make the leather hard and
‘.brittle. Next,’the material is drawn from
Vtjio iidtloni H{ tilts .qblpridb ;pf; sulphur,
drleji.- ’When
thoroughly dried, it /aground to powder,
qiul sppdo hffhjijiijjAid like glue'
or gum, that causes-lt to>'adher©' togeth
er. it is then pressed into rfioultls and
shaped iutp- bitterns, flombp, ' hhife ban
«»<**• 4Su
to pass Unit, you wlirconib your Bair
with a boot,'or fasten ydurcfqtbes wicb.a’
slipper. .
'~~rr. —: : r; ,
Beriohs Accident.— On; Tuesday, a
four-liorse team belobgiug to Ueorgo
Broolyt, was being driven up North .Bt,;
and took, flight at dn organ-grinder, on.
Clio sidewalk., .In thplr flight, the front
horeafslruok a lady named .Mrs, Reiver,
and knoSUed her down, and the team and
wagon ran over her. The back part of
the bead was,crushed in, and since then
she has been lying at homo ,In a very
orltical condition.' ,
that whan'’ toe September raffiar arc
closed utoob?Qa>ttio earth mlaf nkGo tbcm
.fniwthoj spring lime coma again, and
(amjjlngj gaily through the vanishing
‘mint, gats out her summer dreasaa.
The legend, is a„v.ory pretty one, and
wo have milfin more causa to-'admire it
lliaii ilipy serosa thbfwater-
summer. -.vlilofiln fofckaa hi controversy, -
lrOtn middle, Boptmlibel' thrb ;
till, Is as thptopghly uMlonal as It IS
noautlfulprAmerica Is (therfsote possessor.
But Its Pa'Whlng{glpryj ; afad_the one of
which we'wiah to apeak, in its glowing
foliage. The mysteries qr Its magnificent
beauty—whether Its rare colors i .are Jbo
paintings of Jack Frost, tJfj the noetic
flush of disease and coming death,, and
why America should he so unusually fa
vored, la still unsolved by botanists. It is
sulllclent, however, that the beauty ex
ists, and the question with us Is how
.perpetuate it. T lt is only of late years
that the-cblTedtion of autumn leaves has
attracted much attention. But It is now
no Jess a matter of trade than pleasure.
The fancy alums of the cities are each
fall supplied with the rarest specimens,
and boxes of them are shipped to Eu
rope, as much by tradesmen as by en
simple. p4ds, some
sheets: pfT;d a paraeVs.halJ^
.brush, and some' aoiuer'
press’ the
pads, to extract the moisture be
forolhoy are varnished and placed upon
paper. It is not necessary to wait for
Jack Frost’s coming to commence oper
ations. To be sure the gayest work waits
for bis pencil, but early Heptember gives
you some specimens that cannot be had
later. A grove of maples will show you
an'occasional branch where a golden
glory struggles* with a rich g»een for the
possession of each leaf —tints that forget
their brightness in the • later, days. If
you stroll deeper in the woods, where
the summer rains have formed a little
swamn about the maple roots, you will
(Indin the. drooping branches a blushi o "
pink and carmine that shame the sea
shelJs of India, and that keep under
varnish l ' ns' none of the latter shades
will. The elm, too, stretches from out
iis green cloml.a branch .that seems to
.have caught tli&a’unshlne and imprison
ed 11; and this bent.grasa, dire" red top,
and air the family of ageostls wave their
purple-blue smoke as never again
throughout the fleeting .year. It is in
early,Hep'ember, too, that the pepper
‘idg'e drops its blotches of blood on the
ground below. It Is a magnilioent leaf,
ovate, hard and glossy as the English
holly, and of the color of a pigeon
blood ruby. It is very difficult to find
perfect specimena.tbough, for the most
1 -T>f Hhefi*raraSlttWit bitten.,-. Disease,ls,
color. Now
is the time, too, t<j -watohtthe forest ivy
where It clusters oyet rail fence and
boughless-trunk., TliS goJde-ti and rose
■wood shades are.what yon ate after now
—it does not bleed till laler. The poisou
ous plant gives the prettiest leaves—and
most persons'can handle it with impun
ity in the fall. If you are afraid, how
ever, rem era ber this: “.The ivy that has
live lingers, like your hand, you can
hand-\Q ; that which has three fingers
,y s btj : cannot.; •.
, .CJOUNTY XtCas-— lf a sufficient num
ber of subscriptions can' be prnourea to
warrant the enterprise, the undersigned
propose to publish an Atlas of this.Coun
”ty'. oantalninc; —
r A mad ofuhe Sidte, 'showing, it» their
proper relation? I ,' the; Counties, chief C'i
tics, Railroads, 1 etc-' ’ . . .
3 An outline plan of this County, shov
ing the relations of the townships and
Imnortant villages to each other, with
f' e muds and railroads properly located
lU Ircon. , ,
' Separate plans, on large scale, of each
city,'town, and village in' the,county,
showing the location of dwellings, stores
and public, buildings, designated by
name. The public roads, with their
pleasured lengths marked in rods, from
careful surveys ; together with the Bail
roads, Rivers;'Streams, Canals, Mines,
'Quarries. &0. ’ , '
■i A table of distances, giving m miles
and tenths, the nearcstdlstance from any
one; to nil the other Important villages
in the county. A classified business de
partment of each town and township
\VIII accompany their respective plans.
■ The whole to make a volume 13x15 1-2
inches, auhainnitinlly bound, with cloth
sides and leather backs, and embellished
with handsome gilt title on front coyer,
altogether making aneat, substantial and
useful book for reference.
■ J Messrs. Nichols and Ellis, Agta., are
in town, reviewing the surveys recently
made, and will call upon property own
ers for such Information as will enable
them to perfect the work.
F. W. BEERS, Puh’r.
■ . New York.
The ‘lFai Contributor” on Farm-*
{lbg.—A correspondent asks ua what we
ttiink of Ploughing. Ploughing should
not be continued later than ten or eleven
o'clock at night. It gets the horses into
the habit of staying out late, unduly ex
poses .the plough. ' We have known
ploughs to acquire spring halt and in
ilatnitory rheumatism from late plough
ing. Don't do it.
To another correspondent who wants
ds to suggest a good drain oh a farm, we
would say a heavy mortgage at ten per
cent., will drain it about as rapidly ns
anything we know of.
When .you make cider,select the sound
est turnips, chopping them into sled
length before cradling them.. In boiling
your cider use plenty of ice,* and when
boiled hang up in the 'sun toidry.
; iro.3HßlLLlNasin.hia directions "How
to pick out a good boss,” says, "Good
bosses .are skarse, and good men (hat
■ deal in enny kind of bosses, are skarser.
'Andionest man iz the noblest work ov
God.’ This famous saying was written
in great anguish of heart, by the late
Alexander Pope, j ust after buying a good
'family boss.” '
Tee Prairie Fires.— The fires in
the prairies and forests of Michigan,
Minnesota anil Wisconsin are oven moro
terrible in their results than the groat
fire in Chicago. The fleeing settlers
were frequently overtaken and burned
in their tracks. At least 1500 lives are
known to have been lost, and, whole
counties have been desolated. A fearful
tornado of wind accompanied the fire.
400 bodies were recovered at Feshtigo
alone. Many of the wounded are half
roasted, with their ears burned off and
their eyes burned out. These unfortu
nate people are oven more in need of
assistance than those of Chicago, and
wo hope they will be duly remembered
by the benevolent.
BURLINGTON.— Leaving tho East ami arrive
lug at Chicago or Indianapolis, how shall wo
roach the Weal? Tho hast Line Is acknowledged
lo' bo the 0., B. £ Q,., Joiijcd together with the D.
& M Railroad by tho Iron Bildgo at Burlington
and called the Burlington Route.
Tho main line of the Route running to Omaha,
connects with the great Pacific Roads, and forms
to-day tho loading route to California. The Mid
dle Branch, entering Nebraska at Plnttsmoutb
passes through Lincoln, tho State Capital, and
will this year bo finished to Fort XCearney, form
ing tiio shortest route across tho Continent by.
ovorlOO miles.
Anotlisr branch of tho B. M„ diverging n t Red
Oak, falls Into ft lino running down tho Missouri
through St. Joe to KausasClty, and nllKausqa.
1 Passenger* by this route to Kansas; Bee Illinois,
{riouthbtn lowa, and Missouri, and. by a 'slight
’ divergence, can see Nebraska also.
• Lovers of lino views should remember tho
Burllugtdff Route, for its towns “hlgh-glcamlng
' from afar”—lta tree-fringed streams—Us rough
bltiQbVhd quarries—lts corn-oceans stretching
j oveVitlio prftlrles further than eye can reach.
: it-Ladd-buyors will bo sure to, fo
thby baVo friends among tho two thousand who
have already bought farms from Geo. 8. Harris
the Land Commissioner of <fcM. R. R„ at
Burlington, lowu, or among the fomMhoummd
horae-Hteuaors aud pro-einptors, whonast year
filed claims in the Lincoln Land Olllco, where
• Uncle Ham is rich enough to.glvo us all a
March 23,1871 —ly.
- Eclectic Maga/cni-:.—Those who think that
JnVcaJgntlons Into the Life ofbluikospcaro,und
criticism upon Ills plays uro overworked and
batren themes, would do well to read “ Shakes
peare aud His Times,” which forms tho leading
article lu tho Fcuawio Magazine forNovom
ber. For those also who enu appreciate such a
combination of Instruction and entertainment
as Is presented by no other periodical, It would
bo well to examine the remalntlorof the table
of contents for Ibis unmoor. They will And
! Bach articles ns Modern Geology the Mosaic
*" Account of Creation, Cathay, with Notices of IVur
: >elcrs hi that Country; an admirable and apprecia
tive essay of William Wordsworth, and another
On the-Character of Cleopatra; the conclusion of
Darwin's Descend of .Van; Secret History of the Loire
Campaign; The'Optmn Trade with China; Food
.Economizers; J/. Thiers; Jinrm and Sir Waller
Scott; a continuation of Putty, and a short story,
The Street Sweeper of S(. Itoquc , by tho same au
thor; and copious Edllorlnl Miscellany. Tho
number is embellished with’ a line portrait of
Beethoven, " ■ '
E. U. Felton, lOB Fulton Street, Now
York. Terms S 5 per War; two copies S 9; single
copies 15 cents. % (
Wooo’s TTousF.uoim Magazine.— The doors of
this “ Household” are thrown wide open, and all
are Invited to enter In. As some are doubtless
strangers within the gate, permit us to Intro
duce tp you tho “Minister’s Housekeeper” tho
•iejnporary hosies. sue IS of high birth, being
jKmo of Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s children of
:thobrain. JamesPartonhasmuch tosay about
'tho “ Wife of Washington.” Ho converses In
jmoh a noted mamior-w’o think. Mrs. Parton will
Tho -uhlldreu’a-PQj-tion >> Is con
trlbated by Knto HamflTon.liiul ,Slro*ba»:snclwv
winning way wo unhesitatingly pronounce her
a Prize. ■ Theodore Tilton, for variety’s sake,
propounds tho question“ Should Women wear
Jewelry?” and then replies to It. Horace Gree
ley discusses “Capital and Labor;” and ns his
argument Involves both. It Is worthy of atten
tion, Gall Hamilton makes n very pretty and
graceful retort to the-veteran just mentioned*
who In a previous speech took her to task for
certain Ideas hUo advanced upon farming.—
“The Pioneer Boy” Is Introduced by Bessie
Xlhccs, probably as another article In favor of
Gall Hamilton’s views; ho engaged our alien,
lion at once, Ido Lewis could not have chosen
a subject of greater interest, especlallyamoug
tho ladles, than “ Unman Hair." Tonoroou's
"Fancies” nro strange,, but interesting. ‘‘Live
not to Yourself’ is the ndvico'bf Jonnlo Joy, and
Isaac Waldron .follows out her advlco by expos
lug to mankind “Tho DUllcultles and Uaugeia
of Publishing.” John Q. Saxe furnishes " The
Melon and tho Rose,” and " Kathleen, tho ilttlo
Cluybeax’or,” looks on with sad. hungry eyes,—
"Tho Captain as a Man of Letters” is evidently
a man ol heart, and his story Is well told. Tiioro
Is much more, worthy of nolo, bad wo time and
space to do so, but siUllco it to say tho Novem
ber number of Wood's Household Magazine Is
unsurpassed In excellence. - Tho music Is by WV
T. Giffe.nnd is a charming Httlo song,.entitled
‘Waiting by the River.” Address S. S. WOOD &
CO., Newburgh, N. Y., who will mall three num
bers of tho Magazine, free, including November*
..'•ffcarlh <k Home coutlnucd* to come, weekly*
wlth-lts stiro of good things. Tho last number
contains a beautiful fall page allegorical ■
sohtatlonof Chicago. There won admirable sto
ry, continued for several numbers, entitled tho ’
‘•School Master.” Tho Agricultural Department ‘
la much bettor than It used to bo, and the young
folks’ department excels that of any other peri
odical in tho country, Hearth and Home Is al
ways a vbri‘ welcome visitor to our hearth and
home,and wo wish it tho abundant success it Un
doubtedly deserves.
The rain of Weduesday.and Thursday
has b eeu of great benefit to the crops.
Alien, Joshua
Bowman, a O
Black, Armstrong
Carl. Joseph
Coble, Abm
Claildy, Bam’l
Eckard, Jacob
Graham, Juo
Hays. J W
Jacoos, Geo W
lOlilan. anm J
Marlin War
Ih'icltm alter
McUaudUsii, J
Mlloy, WmM
Moll. Jfici
Neidiu. SVu\
Bhcafler, Ohaa W
BeiuigUl. A K
Shatl'uuv, Juo
Winner, Jno
Zblgler, Phim>
Zug, Jacob
Bomman, Saui’l
Clark,Jas A
Dale, Alpheus
iJem»nlnger, Jac
Hastings, Wm
Heusel, John- .
Kosht, Wm
Keillor, Jj I)
Kutz, Joseph
Kauilmau, Christ
Landis, Adiilip
Marlin. Juo
Middleton', And
Martin, Juo
Morrill, Michael
toggle, Jacob
Pecaer, Isaac
Saillmmer, Jacob
Stuart, Jas A
Shrelver, Wm i
Thomas, Iv H j
Tilghuiuti, M 1
Weakley, Jas B J
MamiiaeLu 'r
1* tinner
'Alexander, W g
Best, Jos
Blngaman, Chas
Blessing. Alex
Hosier, Jus
Bishop. Alex
Inn Keeper
B Smith
B Smith
Fur mo i*
8011. Wm
Bingham, Jno B
Carl. Aln-cd
Giislloii), .Sol
Chapman, i enry
Glover, corn* C
C'orl, Uriah
Crlstlolb ,Sum’l
Durr, Francis
Downlt. David
Dmwbaugh, J H
Elliot, D C
Fberly, II H
Eucii. Geo
Elliot., .Ino C
Ficager, Cfms
jutslmll. Jacob
Green, Win
Glvlor, Sain
Qracy, Wm
Gmighcad, O D v
Hawk. Geo
Gentleman •
Iron Master
Mill .Wright
Kenwood. Wm
Hull, Itobt
Humor, And
Jacobs. Jno
Kutz, Jno
Landis, Jacob
Mechllng, Wm
M yors.Ham’l
MoKeulmn, BJ Jr
Melxol, Geo
Meek, Alex
Newcomer, Sam'l
Pressed, Goo W
Quigley, James
bnorbau, Geo
TiTpuer, Geo
Wilson, Itobt
Yocum, Geo
Zeumer, Jno
C W Ah I
Asner Fred'k
Holier pamuol
Barber Wra F
Boetcra Sum’l
Bowman Zach
Cathcart Alex
C'rosslor Geo W
Duey Goo
Kmmtngor S N
Fmbburn Jno
Forney Peter I
Fagan Stephen
Forroo Win M
Gunlnor Wm 31
Gorgas W U
Graham J M
Holm Jno
do - -
' do
Henry Wm
Hammlngor JUC
Hoborltg Wm
Houser W C
Kellar Wm
Kelley C V
I Kennedy Porno s
1 oiuloii Alpheus
Lindsey Matthew
l.untz Jno
Lalsluiw Michael
Mcfalhtar J A
Mill ifu Philip
McClellan Mitch
Mel-’ommon W B
North Geo W
Mckcy Jacob
Newcomer Jonas
Paul David !
Palmer IJ j
RedluJi Jacob |
Uecue Lilwurd
r ’Hiljnplo J ho U
Sharp Jno It
Smith James
Saxton Henry
Spuhr Wm
TrlltP M f „
Weaver Peter B
Farmer Penn
do Frankford
do silver Hpilng
do S Middleton
ilo |F. Ponnsboro’
do jNow .on
Clerk |s Mlodleton
Gentleman (ship Borough
do Carlisle
Carpoutor ’ do
Tailor [Newvlllo
Farmer {FrauUlord
Gonilomuu :Peiin
[Clerk ISV Ponnsboro
[Tobacconist Media "lehb’g
iCurpeutur Nowu A
Piuilor K Penn sboro'
Funner Silvers prlng
Gentleman Newton
Wagon Mak w Ponnsboro
Merchant Carlisle
Urlckmalcei do
Farmer Dickinson
Laborer ;L Allen
All persons who nsplvb to beauty of
personal appeanineo should not neglect
that natural accessory, tho hair. By
many it has been neglected until tho
hair has become thin, gray, or entirely
fallen off. Messrs. Hall & Co., Nashua,
N. H. have produced an effectual re
medy, called Sicilian Hair Benewer,
which cures all diseases of tho scalp.—
This wonderful preparation nets upon
tho glands, which support and nourish
tho hair, restores tho gray hair to its
original color, makes tho scalp white
and clean, removes and prevents tho
formation of dandruff and aUcutancous
eruptions; and, by its* tonic and nutri
tive properties, restores the scalp to a,
healthy stale, and creates a now growth.
Asa dressing, it is unsurpassed, giving
tho hair that brilliancy so much ad
mired by all. —Boston Com-mei'daL
A plck-axe should never bo used to pick
ppics. It has a tendency to brfeak down
tho vines and the hive. .
In cutting down hemlock trees for can
ning, select the largest. Don’t throw
’away the chips, as they make fine parlor
ornaments, encased in rustic frames of
sail and vinegar.
BHUPP—UUNCLE. * On tho 12th. Inst., by the
Kov. J. L. Poutk, Mr. William Sliupp, of Holith
Middleton twp. ( to Miss .TulUv A. ICnude, ol •
• Churchtown, Cumberland Co, .-
BMEE— KOCrrfcR.— In the same place, on tho.
GarroU’iwp.rTß^ltsS'7fcnnl^<^ltoolxcc^ II oCJT33C
twp., i’orry Co. * .
enbe iHaatftetß.
Corrected weekly by J. H. hosier «£? -Pro.
■CARLisiiB October 18; 1871.
RYE FLOUR - - -5»?
OATS - -
TIM I *TH YSEED, - . - - “
FLAXSEEO - .... lif
, Corrected weekly.*!/ Geo. 11. Bon'uicm,
UAKLrsLE,;Octouer!(-, 1871,
RUTTER - - - -- - - * L
tallow *
UAOOM- HAMS - - - - •J*
rto SIDES - - - -
REANS per bus. - - ,- - 2.8)
UNPAIRED do - - - . 12
RAGS- .... l.l)
From the Plnladeplda Ledocr,
PIiICADHLi-urA, October 17,1-871.
EXTRA FLOUR - - - - «
RYE FLOUR - - , *2o
WHEAT ... - . 60
BYE 83
CORN i ■ ■ ' ■ 7“
OATS ' - - • . - ~2
CLOVBR.HEED . - . - 111 In) K'A
WHISKY - - - - - 'O'-
iiiusiness Nptices.
IlAin Vjcou.—lu common with many, others
wo have felt a lively interest In the Investiga
tions which Dr. Ayer has been making to dis
cover tho causes of failure of the hair and to
provide a remedy. Ills researches are said to
havcbocu much more thorough and exhaustive
than any over made before. The result Is now
before us under tho name of • Ayer’s Hair Vig
or. Wo have given it n trial, and with full sat
isfaction. It canals our most favdvablo antici
pations. Our gray hnfvs havo disappeared, or
resumed their original color;' and a visible
crop of soft, * liken hair has started ,ou apart
of the. scalp which was entirely bald.
—jfaily Voice, Boston.
W Ponnsboro’
M Iddlcsex
M cchanlcsburg'
M iniln
M ocnanlc'sb ’g
E Ponnsboro’
E Ponnsboro’
N T ewville
U Allen
S Middleton
B Middleton
Bhlppcusb’g Bo
To Our Store-Keeper Friends.—We publish
regularly, at tho first of every month, bur
Wholesale Price-List. Wo would ho ’pleased to
mall it to any of tho trade who do not receive it
Our price* are corrected cecYu dap to suit tho mar
kets. Our stock Is miscellaneous in Its "oharnc"
ter. adapted to tho. wanls of one town and
country stores. Wo are carrying tkmMc the stock
ofoood* that may bo found in most of tho whole
sale groceries In the cities. Wo sell to tho trade
at manufacturer's prices. In lots to suit .tho buy
er. Best Coal OU la one, live atvl ten bbl. lots;
South End.
' Oot. "G-
Fevers seldom make an attack without w>rr«
ing, and may oiton bo thrown oil* by so iking
the feet In warm water, wrapping up warm In
bed. and taking two or tbroo of parsons’ Purga
tive Pitts,
A missionary just returned, savs bo regards
“Johnson’s Anodyne Liniment".as beyond a'l
price, and ofUcaclous beyond, any other medi
cine. It Is adapto Ito a great variety of special
cases, and Is the best pain killer In the,world.
Ladles’ and children's Fancy Purs, at John Fa
relra’s Ponulai Fur Emporium, 718 Arch Street-
PhU’rt. Hla stock of.Funcy Fnra for Ladles’ and
Children Is very largo, and no one can fail to .bo
S Middleton
\V Pennshoro’
N Middleton
Mechanics u'g
Sliver Spring
Cai lisle
S Middleton
S .Middleton
iNDisPurtniA* tub Bkst.—'The unanimity with,
which the friends of total abstinence have en
dorsed Hoofland’s German Bitters as a remedy
for Indigestion, -Nervousness, Billions Gom
plaluWGeneml Debility, and other coiUolalnts
of a kindred character. Is proof positive that It
is theonlv Invlgorantaml alterative of Us class
which enjoys the full and Implicit commence
of. the temperance community. It is, however,
admitted by nil enlightened practitioners that
alcoholic stimulation Is sometimes needed m
those complaints, and when this tbo vase,
lloolbvnd’s German Tonic deserves Ihopreior
onoo over-every o.ther restorative containing
alcohol. Sold by all Druggists. [Oct. '20.1871. •
3AS, 1871.
The fair Is over, and yet great bargains In all
kinds of goods can be had at the Central Dry
Goods Store. Now is the time to save twenty--
live percent,, in all kinds ami grades of Dress
Sl ksi Morlnoea Pdpllns, Repps, Alpacas, Dc-
Lancs, Cloths and Casslmerijs, Shawls, Skirts,
Table Linens, Counterpanes, Quilts, Towels,
Napkins, Sheetings, Muslins, Flannels, and ev
erything else in the drygoods line, all nd\y, and
will bo sold at unprecedented.prices. Please do
not fall to call and get a share of the great bar
gains, as wo are determined to close out our en
tire slock In a short time.
E pennabovo -
U Allen
K Pennshoro’
N Cumberland
'Shlppensh’ g Uo
i Carlisle
W Peimsboro
N Middleton
L Mien
'Nywburg -
N Middleton
All persons knowing themselves indebted to
the undersigned, either by note or book ac-_
rout, will please call and settle the same with’
nut delay, and oblige,
Just received another large supply of those*
beautiful Satteens, In cloth colors for ladles
suits .at A..W. BENTZ & Co.
S Middleton
Lower Allen
Middlesex ,
W Pennshoro
U Allen
W Pennshoro
S Middleton
U Allen
Silver Spring
A. W.‘ DENTZ & CO. liuv'c received another In
voice ol bright and rich colored fcilk poplins.
Just received an extra supply ol n superior
brand of Black Alpaccas, rich, pure, black at
A. W. BENTZ <si Co.
A largo lot of Tidbit and Cashmere black
Shawls, double and single, Just received at* A.
W.-BENTZ & Co,
,A-vnrloty of bed, cradle and horse blankets at
A. W. Benia &, Co.
Hats, Feathers, Ribbons &c.—lust received at
A. W. Benin & Co.
The reason why everybodj' should go to J. H.
Wolfs, No-, IS North Hanover street, for notions
and fancy goods :
His Styles aro the Latest,
His Assortment the Greatest,
Ills Goods aro quite Cheap,
And bis Stock most Complete.
iS Middleton
Blilp Borough
Toafowßncs of goods I would call special at
tention. Ladles' unci Gent’s undcrcloathlrig.
Woolen and Colton Hosiery, Germantown and
Saxony Yams, Gent’s Jluclc Gloves and Mills*
Ladles’ Gent’s and Misses’ Kid Gloves, Hoop
Skirts, Corsets and Hustles, Chignons, Switches
and Druids. A largo assortment of plated and
jet Jewelry, Satchels, Valises and Umbrellas. A
good assortment. Call and examine prices and
goods for yourselves, and ho convinced that
what wo set forth is true.
K Ponudbono'
Sliver Spring
Ship Borough
K I’onnsboro’
1j Allen
COYLE BROTHERS’.—Notions Wholesale, at
City Prices.
Having received a largo fliuo of Woolen
Goods, such as Undershirts and Drawers, Knit
Jackets. Scarfs, Woolen Hosiery, Buck and
Bheop Skin Gloves, Gauntlets and MUs, Hano
ver Gloves and Gauntlets, Woolen Merino,
Cloth and Berlin Gloves and Gauntlets, would
call the attention of Merchants,
• No. 21 S. Hanover SU,
* Carlisle, Pa.
S Middleton
Tjik Bam. iv Motiox— The ** Syndicate” not
successful. Whoros almost all the schemes for
Improving the finances, results In a failure, the
true result has been reached by the Enterprising
firm of DCJXCE & BURKHOLDER. They glvo
such bargains, that It mattorsnot what premi
um gold reaches. If you want a good mid cheap
dress, call upon them. Do yoawlshahandsomo
fihawl, at old prices •/ they can give you sdolia
n v v i cb.
bargain, that yon wonder how they Uvo upon
Huoli profits. Furs; they aro. prepared lo sell
tho finest grades In the market; aml defy com
petition. All they ask Is an examination. They
havoJust opened a monster stock of all kind*
of Dry Goods. Cali ami see thorn, below Deposit
& SON ofler tho finest Teas Imported Into
America. Particularly nice anti fresh Grocer
ies, carefully soiootea and carclully Kept, with
a view to pleaso tho most fastidious. Fine
Crackers—l 2 varieties—a ppoclallly with us.
Best Brown Java and Rio Gofi’ees, fresh all lho f/
time. Sugar-cured Hums—best brands only.
Splccs—perfeolly pure. A wholo lino of condi
ments lo gratify tho most cultivated-taste, In
short, 'everything Just as you would like to Imvo
It. at fair prices.
Sept. 21*71.
A. W, BENTZ Co., have Just received a
handsome Mods of Blade Velveteens. also n
largo lino of Table Lluou i.aro now opened, pri
ces ranging from S 3 lo ID per yard.
Tiio best brand of Black Alpacas can bo pur
chased lower ami bettor trom A. W. BENTZ*
Co., also, tho largest stock of Umbrellas, from
tho cheapest to the finest * Scotch Gingham.'
At A ,W. BENTZ * Go’s., can bo obtained tho
largest assortment of Zephyr, -all shades and
colors, price reduced lo 20 cents per ounce.
Just received, an Immouso.pllo of all sizes of
Remnants, of superior quality, Casslnaoros for
boys’ wear, very tho cheap store of
A, W. Bent*/. * Co.
Cheap Coat, i-qts 7 tin Pali. Ttann.—Th cuu
lie, that ho is
LUnoburners, at fifty cents reduction on current
market rales In Cumberland comity.
When we co ivraonccd whipping Coal lo this
market In February, 1870, Coal dealers .were
averaging 51.50 to 52.00 per ton profit on their
sales. Tills percentage was deemed exhorbl
, taut. Complaints were made that thoCoalwas
badly screened, and deficient In weight.
Shortly after wo commenced tho sale ol Coal,
there was a collapso In tho price of thp article,
giving it a downward tendency, until our stan
dard of prices was nearly reached. In this as*
pect of the case, U may bo considered wo. have
been a benefactor to the community; and In
another : Purchasers engaging Coal from us In
variably obtain tho article ordered.
Tho Coal furnished by tho subscriber, has
given in nil coses satisfaction, and Is pronounc
ed on all hands to bo superior in quality, clean
liness, *c., and uniformly weighs 2000 lbs.clean
Coal to each ton furnished.
The sales of the subscribe!* last month exceed
ed 300 tons,-with an opening of the present
montli promising a lively fall trade. It will bo
to tho decided advantage of all to call on him
before purchasing elsewhere.
All orders promptly filled,
Germantown-Wool, ’Woolen Stocking Yarns,
Jewelry and cheap notions of all kinds.
Just received, GOhyards of Splendin Crash, at
'l2*o cents pet yard, at tho cheap store of A. W
Bcntz A Co, •
Tim best brands .of. CANVASSED HAMS .and
Dried Beef.
COFFEES, SUGARS and TEAS of the finest
Choice,now FAMILY FLOUR. Qne’cnswaro at
tho lowest prices. I cannot bo undersold, Eve
rything guaranteed.
S. Wi cor. Pomlrct and Pitt Sis., Carlisle, Pa
Aug. 17—tf ' •
Ip you want a really yood piVhpr, go to Loch'
Every stylo of Photographs know to tho art
are made at Lochman’a.
Tho choapest‘Plcluro Frames In town -arc sold
at Locbmun’s Gallery.
F. G.vrdnkk & Co's Cider Mills aro several
dollars cheaper than most other mills, and
equal to the best for making good elder. Every
farmer who lias and apples at aU ought th have
Aug, lo,lin.
Haras, Shoulders, Sides, and Dried Beef by tho
pound,at HUM HIGH’S. - •
July 20,1871—Um.
Canned and pickled Oysters, Sardines, A mer
lean and swellzer Cheese, Pickles, Ac., aIHUM
- July 1871—flm, . „^ T „.
Huckl«iborri«s received dally at HUMRICII c .
July 'l lB7l—Cm. , -
FrseU country Cabbage, Beets, Corn, Onions
Potatoes, Apples, received dally at HUMUICIPb
July 20,1871 Cm.
For the above go lo J, H. Wolf's, Ho. IS North
Hanover street, where you will find tho best as
sortment of Notions aud email wares In tho
town, aud from 10 to 20 per cent cheaper.
I desire to call your special attention, to tho
following: A full line or Lawn Pongee and
Silk Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, Fausol ev
ery description aud price, Gent's Ladies' and
misses’ Kid Gloves. A largo assortment of. Co
tton Hosiery very elioap. Also white Cotton
THmmlngs, Hamburg Edges and Insortings.
,Slllc cord edge Mnutccd and a ifih Ribbons very
cheap. Ladies and geuia summer Undercloth
ing. Corsets and Hoop Skirts In largo variety.'
A lull lino of Towels, Napkins and Crash, linen
Shirt Fronts ang ready-made fchirls, ladles and
gents’ linen aud laco Handkerchiefs In ft l 1
grades. Call and examine our goods .before
purchasing elsewhere. WOLF
fecial Notices
A. W. I?ENTZACo„ have tho largest slock ol
Water Proof Cloaking Velveteens, with Silk
llnish. ’ \
One Thousand Now Fa’ll Shawls, latent Styles
at A. W, Lentz & Co’s.
Wo would not recommend the frequent or
constant use of any medicine. It is important .to
take even a good article Judiciously, Parsou’t
Purgative Pills tire safe, prompt am! reliable ns
a laxltivo or cutharlc.
Base ball Is undoubtedly good exercise acd
capital amusement, but It often occasions
bunged eyes, broken skins and blistered hands
Wo can tell you that in all such cases, if John
son’s Anodyne Liniment is resorted to. It will
reduce theswelling and atop tho pain.
Missionaries and others sojourning fu foreign
lundf, should not falUo have with them a good
supply of, Tohnson's Anodyne Liniment, It Is tho
most reliable medicine fur all purposes there Is
In tho world.
Contagious diseases, such jis horse all;glander,
Ac., may be prevented by tho use of Sheridan 1
Cavalry Canadian Powders, Persons traveling
with horses should take note of this.
Deafness, Blindness and Catauuit, treated
with the utmost success, by J, ISAACS, if, D^
of Fall and Winter Dress Goods
D. A. Sawyer’s Cheap Store,
W. E. Cor. Public Square, Carlisle* Pa.
I invito tho attention of all to our new and elegant stock of "Black Silk at
trreat bargains, Fancy Silks, Silk Poplins, Epinglines, Cashmeres, Merlnoes,
Empress Poplins, Satins, Velours, handsome Piaids, Alpaccas, Delaines, &o. A
Superior Brand of Black Alpaccas, which for lustre, wear and price cannot be
equalled. Our Domestic Stock is complete and at low prices. Cheap blankets,
cheap coverlets, cheap white quilts.
Shawls ! Shawls! Shawls! Shawls!
and cheapest stock in the town —.loo different styles to select from,
Furs !
A splendid stock of Ladies and Children’s Furs, which will bo sold at grea'
bargains. VELVETS- NS black and colored, from 60 cts to $2,00. Lace Col
lars Linen Collars A Cuffs tho latest si vies ; Gloves, Hosiery, Ac. WAThJB
A choice lot of Cassimeros & Cloths lor men and boys. Suits made to order at
short notice, .
Our motto is short profits and quick sales. Wo havd a permanent buyer in the
city always on tho lookout for bargains. Examine our stock before purchasing
elsewhere as you can save 25 per cent. "
and professor of diseases of ;Do £yo and Ear (his
specialty) In tho Medical College of Pennsylva
nia, 15 years experience, (formerly of Leyden,
Holland,) No. 805 Arch street, Philadelphia.—
Testimonials can bo seen at Ills ofllao. ; !
Tho medical faculty aro Invited to accompany
their patients, as ho has no secrets In his prao
•tlco. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain., No
charge lor examination, .
April 27,1871—ly
.We call tho attention of oar readers to tho fob
owing remarkable euro of Mr, O W. Ahl 0/Car
lisle, Pa., by tho use of HOOFLAND’S GERMAA
MEDICINES, Bis cortlflcato Is vouched for by
the Editors of tho Carlisle polunfeer, ono of the
most infiuentml newspapers in tho State.
Carlisle, Pa., December 2, 1376.
Dir n . 'I. Evans ■
Dear Sir; In tho year. -1857-1 w» ■
with Dyspepsia. From that tiino until
• r 1801 I continued graving worse, and
\ meed from a strung und healthy man to •
r living skeleton, weighing but lit) pound*.
* . 1 those four years, £ had tho attention ol
in ■ ,1. -st celebrated physicians In Now York,
I*.nia i iphliv and Baltimore I also visited the
w.i' places, and tried every ronudy I
could hear of for tho cure of Dyspepsia, with
out experiencing any relief whatever, and I fi
nally in despair gave up all hope of being cared, ■
and returned nomo with tho feeling that.death'
alone could alleviate my sufferings. In this ex
tremity, at tho urgent solicitation of my wife, 1
began tho uso of * t Hoo/lan(Cs German BiUcrs,"
although with no moro faith in its clficaoy than
1 hitd in preparations previously tried. '
After using four bottios«of tho Bitters, to ray
surprlso X felt I was improving. My food*
well, and there was a vory marked change -fo
tho better. I eon tinned tho use of tho Bitters
until 1 had taken sixteen bottles, and then, to
my inexpressible gratification 1 found myself
perfectly cured. ■ ■
Since that happy termination of my affliction
I nave not bought fifty cents worth of medicine
of any kind, and to-day 1 weigh two hundred -
and two pounds. .. .. .. *
I make this statement voluntarily, and hnu
'd recto of thercsldenla of tho Cumberland Valley
who knew my condition will vouch for It, Xam
cured bytKo’
UITTEIW, and I take espoolal pleasure In roc- "
oramomlmg itlo all who may bo suflerlngfrom
My position pecuniarily Js so well
cltlzoi* nrcuruslo, and to numerouaporsonkout
of tho borough, that I cannot be charged with
making this statement for pay. My only mo
tive is to Inform all who may bo suffering as l
did of the wonderful euro performed In my case.
1 honestly believe: had It not been for B.OOF
jLANIVa GERMAN BITTERS, 1 would have
gone to my grave long ago.
Willi tho hopo that I may bo the means of
bringing those hitters to tho notice ol all who
may be sull'cring us I did, I give this certificate
Gratefully, Yours,
, Peter Jjlodge,
n Irvine’s building, a few doora west of the
Bent/. House, Carlisle, will bo happy to wait
upon cusiomcrsolall hours., Having had many
years experience la his business, ho feels Rails
lied of his ability to glvo satisfaction to his cus
turners. iscJiampoouing In Us most'approval! ,
stylo attended to personally. 1 will be much .
obliged to ladies, misses and gentleman who .
may favor mo with a call. Charges moderate.
Jtmo 22,1871. •
Carlisle, Penu’a.
tice is hereby given that tho follwing trust
accounts have been iiled In tbo Prothonotary’a
oillce for examination, and will bo presented to
tho Courtof Common Pleas of Cumberland co.,
for contlrmatlon, on Wednesday, November 15,
i 871, vizi ‘
3, Tho account of Henry Ruby oud R.J. Cbf
foy, nsxlgnoes ot William N.Sboop.
it ThonccountofM. h. Hoover and Geo, Put*
turf.n-'Slngneesof David Devlnney.
g. Tho .second account of George Alloa, com
mittee of John McCuuc, a lunatic. ■
Oct. 12—tc* ’ ,
(Successor to J. W. Smiley.)
Cablisle. Pa..
Hns Just pponcd a largo and splendid. assoi t
CLOD'S, ’ -T- «jv -
t •?. he will sell bjrtho yard, or make up Into -
a - aaer, on short notice. and at unusually
■lt i 03, Huvingsecured the services of. one
• islo together with a number 01.‘<;.
k-al hands to make up, ho promises to give
. 'satisfaction In fits, stylo and workman*
on hand a largo and complete
f hor > manufacture, which he will sell as cheap
- •* the cheapest. Ovorqoatson hand or made, to
wrder.'- I will let no man undersell rao, A largo
aid co-apleto stock of prime Winter
Boots. Shoes, Gaiters*
oi (• ol wery variety, style and quality, for gents
LiuUef-, Misses', Hoys' and children,-made to
older, \U to bo sold cheap, cheaper, cheapest.
Also, a great variety of
of latest styles and beat qualities, together with *
a genci nl-assortment of NOTIONS and Gent’s
PurnifhJngr goods. Do not full to glvo me a call.
My niollo Ts “ Quick sales proflts.' 1
Sept; 2i, 1871—3 m.
CASH BUSINESS,—On and ‘ after
.the is next September, I intendto do a
Cash Business
with all, without respect to persons. Country
produce received as cash In exchange for goods
as usual. Bvthlsnrrau/oment.strlctly enforced.
I will be enabled to soli giocorlea at reduced
prtce t ■ c. inhoff! ;
Ovrllsio-Tnly 13, isri.
n The large and commodious THREE STOBy
bUIOK HOUSE, on the corner oMaln and Bed
ord streets, now occupied by Mrs. Gordon. It
us all tho modern improvements, with Br.ok
table and Ice House attached. Inquire o/R. E
Stanley ,eof»or oi North imd Pitt street
Carlisle March 2, ’7l, •
FOR SALE.—The Stock of a Grocery
Store,. doing a good business. For locality,
&c., apply at tho Volunteer Office,
Oct. Ik.
hereby given that letters testamentary on
too estate of David Martin, dec’d, have been
granted to Henry Baxton, of Carlisle. All-per
.sons knowing-themselves Indebted to said es
tale nva requested to make settlement, and al*
persons having claims against said estate are
requested to present them for settlement.
Sept. 11, ’7l—Ct.
TN THE MATTER of the assigned
J-Katato of M, H. ZEIQLER:
"The Auditor appointed Ipy the Court of Com
mon Picas of Cumberland County, to distribute
tmo baiau co of assets in tho hands of Levi Zc ic
ier nml J. iC. heidler, assignees of. saldM. £L .
Zelgler, will meet ah persona interested, for .the
Euvposu of bis appointment, at bis office. In'the
orough of Carlisle, onSaturday, October 2ytji, ..
A, !>,, ib7l ’
mlu*rs aro hereby cautioned against Ires- -
passing on the premises of the: undersigned
nuclei* penalty of the law. . • ,
Dlciclnson township.
Sop. -I, 71—3 m,
O. W. AHL.
Auditor ,