ffihu glbbcrttsentents. MKDIOAL l)l«l.OVKKY DH. SyAIiKER’S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS Hundreds ol thousands bear testimony to their Wonderful Curative Effects. W H A T A K E THEY? THEY ARE JJOT A Vll.E FANCY DE I N K . Made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, I tool Sj-.irlts mid rteiuse Liquors doctored, spiced and sweetened to please the taste, called “Tome-, ■"‘■UK* ers,’' ** Restorers," *c M that lead theiimueron to drunkenness and tiUn, but nxe a true Medicine, made from the •.Native Roots and Herbs of Cnli !orula,freefromall Alcoholic Stimulants, They nve the Great Blood Purifier and a Life Giving j'rluclplo a perfect Renovator and luvlgorator d the System, carrying oQ all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. Noporsoncau take these BRiers according to direction and remain long unwell, provided the bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other nleana,iimL Hie vital organs wasted be roud the point oMepalr. For inflammatory arid Chronic Rheumatism, . nun Gold., Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Billions, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases o! the Blood, Llvoi, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have been most Auceesful. Such -diseas es arc caused by Vitiated Blood, which Is gencr .ally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Huadacho, Pain iai ‘'Hu? Dizziness, Sour'Eruetailons of the Stomach, bad taste m tbo Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of th Heart, luflammatlomot the Lungs, pain in th regions of the Kidneys find a hundred oiiiei painful .symptoms, are the offsprings ol Dyspepsia Thev Ir vigoralo the Stomach and stimulate the torpit. liver and bowels,'which render them oiuucqualled cillcacy in cleansing the blood of iui impurities, and Imparting now life and vigor, to the whole system. Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fever, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great Rivera throughout-tbo United Slates, espe cially those of the Mississippi. Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland,-Arkansas, Red,.Colora do, Brazos, Pearl, Alabama' Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, Jam«.s, ajd many ethers with their vast tributaries, during the summer and Au tumn, and remarkably so during seasons of un usual heal and dryness, are Invariably accom panied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and othcrabdomlunl viscera. There are always nlore or less obstructions ol the liver, a weakness and irritable state ol the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated accumulations; lu their treatment, a purgative, exerting a power mi Influence upon these various organs, is es sentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equpl to Dr. J, Walker’s Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove Hie dark colored viscid matter with winch thoßowelsaro loaded, at the same time stimulating the secre tions o'f the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digest Ive organs. The universal popularity of this valuable remedy In regions subject to miasmatic Influences, is sutll clent evidence of Us power as a remedy lu such cases. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, t e : Rheum, Blotches, Spots. Pimples, Pustules, Bo Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, So; Eyes, unelas, Itch, Scurls, Discolorations u the Skin, luuuors ami Diseases of the Skin, or whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried ont of the system mashortlime by • the use of these Bitters, one'bottle in such cases will convince the most Incredulous of thblr uratlve effect. .Cleanse the Vitiated Bleed whenever you llud iislmpuritles bursting through the skin in Pim ples, Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it wheu you find it obstructed and slpggtsh in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your fueling will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. ■ Pin, Tape and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are ellectunlly de stroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully thecircuhu around caoh bottle, print ed In four languages—English, German, French 1 and Spanish. _ ' _ WALKER,. Proprietor. R. M. McDONALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Fran cisco, California,' and ftl and ill Commerce Street, Now York. •KS-Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. Dec. 8.70—1 v , mHE SUN ! ■ . CHARLES A. DANA, Editor TUB MIMRIfiEKM SUN. Ncwspuiper of the I*rt'St>U Time.*, ■lntended for the People Now on Earth. including Farmers, Mechanics. Merchants, Pro fessional Men, Workers. Thinkers, and all Man ner of Honest Folks, ami the Wives, Sons, and DauKhtersofall such. Nm ONE DOLLAR A YEAR ONE HUNDRED COPIES FOR SoO. Or ioss than One Cent a Cent a Copy. Let tiiere be a §5O Club at every Post Ollice. SEMI-WEEKLY SUN, §2 A YEAR. - he same size and general character ns THE WEEKLY, but with a'greater variety of miscel laneous reading, ami furnishing the news to its subscribers with greater freshness, because it itpitpei- twice a week Instead ol once. THE DAILY SUN.SG A YEAR. A ..eemlnenlly readable newspaper, with the largest circulation in the world. Free, Inde peadentanp fearless; in .politics. All the news from everywhere. ‘ Two cents a copj'; by mall, 50 cents a month, or §0 a year. . TP RMS TO CLUBS The Dotuu Weekly Sus. Five copies, one year, separately addressed, Four Dollars. Ten co_ples, one year, separately addressed (and • an extra copy to the getter up of club,,Eight Dollars. Twenty copies, one year, separately ad.sressed, ’ (and an extra copy to the getter up of club, Fifteen Dollars. Kitty copies, one year, to one address (and the Semi-Weekly one year lo getter up of club, Thirty-three Dollars. Fifty copies, one year, separately addressed (and the Semi-weekly one year to getter up of Club,)Thtrlv-live Dollars. • One hundred copies, one year, to one address, (and the Dally for one year lo the getter up of. Club,) Fifty Dollars. Due hundred "copies, one year, separately ad - dressed,(and the Dally for one year lo th“ goiter up ot club,) Sixty Dollars. Tttn SKMi-WincKLy sun, Five copies, one year, separately addressed, Ight Hollars. « n copies, one year, separately addressed (and ■ an extra copy to getter up of club,) sixteen Hollars. SEND YOUR MONEY Pus' oillce orders, checks, or-drafts on New Yorkwherevev'convenient. II not, thou .regis ter the letters containing money. Address, I. \V. ENGLAND, Publisher, April 27 IH7( :tni Sun uillco, N. Y. JSAAC K. STAUFFER,. WATCHES AND JEWELR T, MS A'orlh second Street, (cor. of Quarry.) • , PHIL A DKUPin A. Aji assortment of Watches, Jewelry, silver and Plated Ware constantly on hand. Repair-, in" of Watches and Jewelry promptly attended May 25, IS7l—ly flfltoce.llancousi. & SPOKSLKR Xo 13 South Hanover Street, CARLISLE, PA. Thankful for the patronage ext'endeef*. them heretofore, do now announce their usual large stock of SPRING STYLES of BOOTS AND SHOES •FOR LADIES’ AND MISSES , GENTS’ AND DOVS’, YOUTHS’ AND CHILDS’,' 1 which are unrivaled forj comfort and beauty Also TRUNKS AND VALISSES, MEN'aND BOYS’ HATS. • Allot which will bo sold at small pvollls. Call one and all and get a full eqnivalo'nta tor your money. Oot. 12 1870—lr _ BARBER SHOP! Peter Hodge, B A R B ER , No. 5 EAST MAIN STREET, In Irvine’s' building, a few doors west of the Beatz House, Curllslo, will be happy to ' upon customersotall hours. Having had manj vears experience in his business, ho feels sntls lled of his ability to give satisfaction to hl« cus tomers. Schampooulng in Us most approvecl style attended to personally. 1 will be muca obliged to ladles, misses and gentleman jvuo may favor me with a call. Chorgo^ moderate. Juno 22,1871. ' . mHE FIRE PROOF MICA LAMP I CH.IMNHV.—A kerosene lump chimney that will not Break from the elleels ol heat or Millions Of families all over the country will hull with delight and satisfaction the introduc tion of this great blessing. , Ono hundred millious glass chimneysarebro ken annually in the United States. .With many the cost of their chimneys la more than the cost of oil. This Mica Chimney costa hut a trine more than the ordinary glass chimney, and is taking their place wherever introduced. Ho more accidents or annoyances from broken, chimneys need occur. . Tills is the only reliable lump chimney ever produced. Millions of dollars will bo saved by their Introduction in this country. Atrial will convince every one of the entire truth of this statement, , „ , m , state rights can be secured from us. There Is u fortune lu each State right. I\,xamlno and hullHly yourself that this statement Is. not exag gerated. J. If,. TJSNNENT & Co., Manufactur ers and dealers In Oils, Hump Goods ami Match es, No. 22# Pearl Street. N. *’’• ' July 0,1871—1 m _ /'(ASH BUSINESS. rind after mo Ist of next September, I intend to no ft Cash Business wlHi uU. without respect to penman. Country hroduce received at* eiwh la exchange for «opo« iiHUHuftl. XJv I bin ftrnuuement. strictly enforced. I will bo enabled to soli groceries at reduced prices. Carlisle. JuVv in, 1871, R YOUR T) WN SAT 18FACT1"N W O il F’ S FRESH STOCK OF G E U CEEIB S N 044 lias I■' Pitiupu-.l ■ St, A new stuck Ol iiti:\ii uomniu /"'j oods selling nt reduced prices at %r n 'T’ h'-'f*.—*v -Iho Dot ' Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Syrups, At WOLF’S. T AMPS, LAMPS, LAMPS! At WOLF'S. • FRUIT .TARS AND .TELLY GLASSES' • At WOLE’S. IyjACKEREL. MACKEREL, - Nos7l. 2 and :J Mackerel. In whole, half, or quar ter barrels, or kil-s. at Hu* lowest prices ever 01- feredin Carlisle. At. WOLFJS. BEST • brands Hour, lineon, lumiK, shoulders. Hitch, drill beer, cheese, pickled unu spiced, salmon, sardines, smoked halibut, Burlington herring, sen led herring at WOLF'S. QUEENS WARE, Cliimuvare, Glass ware, Karlhenwure and Woodware, » AtWGLKtf. T)UUE Wine ami Cnler Vinegar, ■ At W DLK’S. Ao. 44, Jiusi Pom fret fA. Sep. -0. 70— v GROC E B Y PROVISION mull. i\V> 7Rlf)arDU)arc-, HAEDWA BE and C II T I. K II Y, M ILL Elt X- BO tV IS It S' take this opportunity ot.dlrecling the attention of the community at mige, and every person In particular, to their ully reulonlshod stock ol . .masa HARD W A RE They studiously avoided Investing during the high prices, uml patiently waited the falling out of thoboltom before attempting to refill their shelves, uml now that things have boon reduced 8 9 to old lime prices, us near us possible, they have Invested largely and-rre prepmod It/ guarantee to Uielr friends and < usUuners as iow j>Vlces"Ti?” any market ontsuie Hie cities. They especially invite Lite attention of mechanics, fanners and buWders w 6ur stuck Is complete ami none nged fear meeting with disappointment lu enquiring for anything in onr line We have the agency of the Wllleox *' Gibbv SR W IXO M A CHINE, ami would respectfully sk-all those n wan 1 i a Machine. L. examine the Wllleox A Gibbs' be tore purchasing All orders promptly attended to. and goods delivered to all parts of me town free of dlmrge. an. 12 ls7l—tv 184-? wliol, ' Httle ailti it ® tuil - 1871. CARL ISLE lIA R 1) WA H E It 0(I S li, HKSJIY SAXTON, . P. BIXI.KU, D. B. SAXTON. H. Saxton & Co We have Just returned from the cities with a full replenishment of our stock In all its various departments pvopaiulory to our Spring Trade. Having had 25 years’ experience lu business, buying of the most tellable manufacturers in very large ijuantlths for CASH, we secure “Jobbers’ rates,” thereby offering special inducements. We would invito the at tention oi the public, to our Immense’stock of Building Hardware, 1,000 kegs nails, 20 ions Wetherlll , pm**nl Ice Cream Freezers * Wost’enholm & Rodgers’ Fine Pocket-Cutlery and Sclssoia. Wire, Moss and Flower Baskets. Fine Bird Cages. Fluting• Machines', Curling Irons, &o. , \ , . . Eureka Slat ing for coating Blackboards. Pre pared Harness OH and Blacking. Special ar rangements for furnishing Marble Tiling and Slate Mantles. - . , Sole agents for Plank’s Plows. Sole agents for the Patent Post Hole Digger, digging a post hole In one-half mb.ulo. Sble agents for Palmer’s Patent Adjustable Iron Planes. Goods delivered free, and with ‘great prompt ness. Will guarantee goods to merchants us bw as (•It v prices, saving freights In most '*af>es. Thankful for past, and soliciting your Kind pat ronage In future. We remain, respectfully. H. Saxton & Co., A'o. Ii" East Main hired, iln,-nil in. 71. (.'AKt.ISt.Ij:, PA. F \V DODDS FOK TJUK WEEK. Thos. A. Harper, South Hanover Street, Carlisle. SPRING AND, SUMMER Dress Goods, at greatly reduced prices. WHITEGOODS AND, LINENS. Representing the Choicest and Cheapest Spring Importations. Some Specialties: Great bargains In Black Silks, at 51.50 and 51.75 Great bargains in Plain Black and Striped Gren adines, at 25c. ' Great bargains in Plain and Colored Alpacas at 25c. Great bargains In Linens for suits at 2oc. Great bargains In Bleached Table Linen, at 75c. Great bargains in Linen Nankins, at SI (XI. Great bargains in 10-1 Bleached Sheeting, at 15c. Great bargains, in Towels, at Jsc, also lower grades. Great bargains in Ladles White Cotton Uo.se, at 10,12 and. 15c. Great bargains in Men’s lIoSc, full regular at 2oc extra, cheaper grades. Great bargains in Corsets, at7sc. Great bargains in Window Shades, at. 51.00 per pair. Great bargains In Piques, at ‘Lc, also lower grades. Great bargains in Coltoundes, at 12>o, (JO and 75 cents, that excels any over offered at the above prices A cordial invitation Is given to all to call at my new Store, and examine stock and prices. June 22, IH7I. ISrs CKooiis- QOOD NEWB ! Now Is the tune to save money by calling aftho Central DRY lOODS STOKE. We an? iU:ifi inliu‘d lo sell off and close oal all kinds or • SUMMER D RK SS 0 O O DS \ ut greatly reduced prices. For Rreut bargains in HERNANNIEB. Call at Iho Central For very aheap GRENADINES. Call at the Central For troocl LAWNS, at VZ'A ceuls, ('all ur the Ceatiul. For JAPANESE POPLINS. se!Uu« ut 2 5 cents, worth cents, For very good DKKSS GINGHAMS, at 25 cents, Cun at the Centra], 4 ' ■ i For FRENCH CHINTZES, , ' 1 Cal) ut the 1 'entral. For all kinds of DRESS GOODS, ut low rules. Call ut the Central. For good SVHITF. PIQUES at 25 cents. • Call at the Central. For splendid PIQUES at % cents. Call at the Central. Fqr all kinds of WHITE DRESS GOODS. Call at the Central, For PONGEE and SILK PARASOLS. C/iJJ at the Central. For a beautiful LACK POINT For till kinds of WORKING TRIMMINGS, Cal! at the Ce/nml. For handsome DRESS LINENS, Cull at the Central. Carpets ! Carpets! O I L G LOT JIS , i , all widths, MATTINGS, all widths, WINDOW SHADES, *<• By e»illHg at the Central Dry Goods mid Car pet Store, you will got groat bargains In all kinds of Dry Goods and Carpet*, us wo are now closing out balance of Summer slock, regardless of cost. ANY QUANTITY OF WOOL WANTED. LEMMON & MILLER June 1H), IST I New Store! New stock ol GOODS! Just opened at extremely low prices, Linens, for ladles Ae. All the above will be sold WAY DOWN below Dio regular rules. 3VE-0.511a3.s just received, in beautiful designs. now ready for inspection. L. T. GREENFIELD. AUTF itS DRY GOODS. Spring; & Summer lor ladies' and gentlemens* wear, consisting of .Japanese Poplins. SUU and Wool Surges, Hiu-pherd’s Pin U Wool Serb's*, W H I T E GO 0 D S (JA.SSIMERKS, CLOTHS Call at the Central, for Spring . All the novelties of the sea son. Shawls ! Shawls!! Hosiery ami Gloves, House Furnishing Goods. Ticking; ( ShefUngH Call /it the Central. DOMESTICS DOMESTICS! MDOESTICSM DOMESTICS We are prepared to ollorgreaLlhducomeula f as the markets are lower than they have been for ten years, and as our stockls entirely now and fresh, bought for the cash, wo fool safe In prom ising to give our customers great bargains ami all new goods. Wo invito all kindly, to call and examine our stock before purchasing, and de cide for themselves. Thankful for the liberal patronage in the past, we promise to be alive to the Interests of our* friends in tbo future, by keening such goods as will render satisfaction to all. All who wish to save money are Invited to call upon us and llnd a source of profit by deuling wlth us. 1 DUKE & BURKHOLDER. North Hanover Btreet, Below Carlisle Deposit Bank, April 1871. , . No. 18 East Main Street. Hrj) (ft* ODDS tv it Tho.partnership heretofore a, tl ng between Walker & Cla\idy having bii dissolved by mutual connent, I hereby annoonce to the cltf* zensof parllale and.Kurroundlnucountry, that I have opened a - ' ; - HKW AN I) ÜBSIIIAm-B -| ' • . Ju.si opened an eullrc slock Ol DRY GOODS niulto Lustres, Alui • llges, l-i.ine Nettings Nainsooks, Victoria Lawns. all kinds of used. • ‘ A>.l) vemtinok such as Pillow Casings, Blankets, Marseilles Quilts. r and all Goods use.! for ilm«„e-. 1 keeping purp * ’ In Largo Quantities Stdbes, Sliiunncr, QBAND OPENING OF THE FALL CAMPAIGN RIIIISMITIi & .RUPP, iVb. 02’ourf G 1 North Hanover Street, 'Tin and Sheet-ron Weis, AND DEALERS IN Cook,' Parlor, and every variety of H K A T I N G 8 T.O V E S The subscribers, having recently erected a commodious 'store roftm, adjoining their old stand, aflordlng Increased facilities lor business, are now'prepared to furnish their patrons and tho public generally with every article in their, line, on the-mostaccommodating terms. With a largo and varied assortment, to which addi tions are constantly made, they, fetd confident that in finality and price they are ahead o fill competition. PALOH STOVES, COOK*HTOV“K»r~ — OFFICE STOVES. Th!d department of their stock Is unexcelled for artistic design, suporlorllnlsn, and simplici ty ofarrangemeut, amongwhlch may bo men tioned the SUNNY SIDE FIRE .PEACE HEATER, SUNNY SIDH DOUBLE-OVEN 000! BARLEY SHEAF. NOBLE COOK, and NOVELTY PARLOR COOK STOVE, with a variety of other Cook Stoves well kr ow for their excellence. KITCHEN RANGES, ot alt kinds. Including the celebmiea' ' > NATIONAL RANGE. BASE' BURNERS, If you want an Ornamental Stove, If you.want an Economical Stove. ♦. > It you want a Powerful Heating Stove. • It you want a Perpetual Eire Keeping Stove, call and examine our stock, where yon will tlnd the UIENTAL HOT BLAST, ORIENTAL OO " VCn yPEAU'S RE VOLVING ™ms AND MAGIC LIGHT BASE BURNERS, with u large assortment of t>A RLOU AND OFFICE STOVES. —also SHEET IRON AND TIN WARE, .plain andJapauned. Including Toilet Ware. „ , • , • Cash and Deed Boxes Bread, Cake, and Sugar Boxes, . ... ' Knives ana Forks, Spoons ol all kinds, , , Ladles, Lanterns. CoaPßuckcts, Enameled and Plain Hollow Ware, Wrought Iron Pans. Shovels and Tongs, Coal and I-KKir.sieves, Flat Irons, Brass Kettles, Fruit .furs, &<•„ Ac., embracing a largo and complete assortment to which we invito the attention of buyers. Wo are also prepared to furnish Pump* for Cisterns and Peep Wells 5,1,0 tho celebrated. OUCUM HER WOOD PUMP, warranted genuine. Constantly on hand S^SX&SfyCK «£ ND repairs for stoves ROOFING. SPOUTING, AND JOB WORK ' attended to promptly and on reasonable terms -CSF* Old Stoves taken in Exchange. Thankful for the patronage heretofore bestow ed on ns we are determlned.by Increased effort d merit a continuance of it. and respectfully task the public tb call and examine for them selves. 1 RHINESMITH & RUPP. Nos. 02 and 01, Nrtrth Hanover 5t., Sep. 2), 1870—Iv, Carlisle, Ponna STOVE AND TINWARE ESTiBLISHMENT, lew Stove and Tinware Store, In the large frame’building, on ibo corner of West High and West streets, formerly occupied .by Cornelius it Bosh. Having a largo and complete stock of Stoves and Tinware on hand selected with the greatest carp expressly for this market, my customers are guaranteed sat Isfaetlon. both as regards Quality and price. Sheetiron and Tinware, constantly on hand and made up tp ordbr. My stock of Tinware embraces everything usually kept In a first class tin establishment. r ‘ HOOFING and BPOUTING promptly attend ed to. Stoves! Stoves! Stoves! 1 am now prepared to exhibit to tho Winter Trade a largo and well-assorted stock of the best' patterns of Stoves, Having the aganoyof the following celebrated stoves, I am prepared to furnish them to parties so desiring: MORNING GLORY’. LIGHT HOUSE. BON-TON. ROSEBUB, 'BEACON LIGHT EGG OFFICE and PAUL'.II STOVES Hi» selection of Cook Stoves embrace the following.; ~ Superior, Noble Cook, Excelsior, Niagara, i (maker City, and Coral; Sieve Repairs constantly on hand . I am agent for a PAT ENTSTEAM PIP E. for heotlng mills, laetorles, &c„ and prepared todurnlsh and place them In position at short notice. Having an experience of 22 years in this busi ness, I would respectfully solicit a share ol the public patronage, feeling confident that I will give satisfaction. A. WOODS WALKER. Dec. 22.70—tf QLOTHING FOB MEN AND BOYS. Tho undersigned would respectfully call the attention of his customers and public generally to his entire new and largo assorsment of CLOTH CASSIMERS |ESTINGB,• Tl 27,1871—3 m .. 1 „ ■ JWcßfcar. p| ENBY T. HELM HOLD’S CO BP Oil Nil FLU m Extract Catawba GRAPE .PILLS- omponcnt Porta —Pin id Fxbact Phu harh and Fluid Fxtroef. atawba , Qrapv Juice., FOR LIY-Ell COMPLAINTS. JAUNDICE, BID* LIOUS AFFECTIONS. SICK OH .NERVOUS HEADACHE, COSTJVENRSS. Ac. PJUKT.V VEGETABLE NO MERCURY, MINERALS OR IHSLETKIJ.IOUS DRUGS.. H ■ ant purgative, superseding castor oil, salts, mng desia, etc. There Is nothing more acceplableTo J . the slopiat t. They give tone, ami cause nolth-; or nausea nor griping pains. They are compos ed of iho Jincnl ingrciticntXs After a few days’ use of thorn, such an Invlgorutlon of the oalirc sys tem lakes place as to appear miraculous to Uio weak and enervated, whether arising from im prudence or disease. H. T. Holmboid’s Com pound Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Pills are not sugar-coated, from the fact that sugar-coat ed Pills do not dissolve, hut pass through the stomach without dissolving, consequently do not produce the -desired effect. The Catawba Grape Pills, being pleasant in taste and odor, do not necessitate their being sugar-coated. Price FIFTY CENTS per box. HENiIY T. HEIiMBOLU’S mOHLY, CONCENTUATRD COMPOUND J/fiiid Extract Sarsaparilla' Will radically. exterminate from ttic* system Scrofula, Syphilis; Fever Sores, I leers, Sore Eyes, Sore Legs. Boro Mouth, Sore Head, Brou chitis, Skin diseases, Balt Rheum, Cankers Runnings from tho Ear, White Swellings, Tu mors, Cancerous'Affections, Nodes, nickels GUuulular Swellings; Night Sweats, Rash.Tetter Humors of all kinds, Chronic Rheumatism Dyspepsia, and nil diseases that have been es tablished In the system for years. Being prcparedexpressly for the above com plaints, Its Blood-purifying properties nrogront er than any other preparation ol Sarsaparilla.— Its gives the complexion a clear and healthy color and restores the patient to a state of hea 1 Mi ami "purity. For purifying the Blood, removing alUhronic constitutional diseases arising Irani an impure state of the Blood, and the only re liable and effectual known remedy for lln* cure of Pains and Swelling of Ihe-Boncs, Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Erysipelas aim all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, and Beautifying (ho. Complexion.- -M HKNRY T. HELM HOLD'S CONUENTUATEI) ' lllfW Extract Jvachn rrhe GreatiJDluretic. case of Diabetes in which Jt has been given. Irritation of tho Neck of tho Blnddtr and Inflamatlon of tlio Kidneys, Ulceration of tho Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases of tho Prostate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus,, Gravel, Brick-dust Deposit, and Mucous 01 , Milky Discharges, and for Enfeebled and Deli cate Constitutions of both sexes,-Attended wltu, the following symptoms: Indisposition to ertlou. Loss of Power. Lose oOlomory. Difficult* ty of Breathing. Weak Nerves. Trembling. Hor ror of Disease, wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body. Dryness of thoSWn,Eruption on tljo Face Pallid Countenance. Universal Lassitude of tho Muscular 85 stem, etc. • Used by persons from the ages of eighteen to tw6uty-nvo.and from thirty-five to fifty-five o In tho decline or change of life; after confln meut or labor pains: befi- wetting in children HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU Is diuretic and blood»purifylng,and cures all Diseases urls-r lug from Habits of Dlsslpatl n, and Excesses and Imprudences in Lite, Impurities of the Blood,'etc., Superseding Copaiba In affections for which it Is used, ana Syphilitic Affections— •ln , these Diseases used In connection with HELMBOLD’S ROSE WASH. LADIE In many Affections pecullai’ to Ladles, the Extract Buchu Is unequalled by any other reme dy—ns In Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Palnfulness or Suppression oi Customary Evac uations, -Ulcerated or Schlrrus Stale of the Uterus, Leucorrhfpa or Whites, Sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipa tion. It Is prescribed extensively by the moat eminent Physicians and Mldwlvesfor Enfeeb led and Delicate Constitutions, of both sexes and all nggs tattended with any of the above Diseases rfr Symptoms). , O H. T. HBLMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU s '~ CURES DISEAHES ARISING FROM IMPR DENCES. HABITS OP DISSIPATION, etc In all their stages, at little expense, Utile or on change In diet, no Inconvenience, and no expo sure. It causes a frequent desire, and gives strengthen Urinate, thereby removing Obstruc tions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra. Allaying Pain and loflamntlon, so fre queut in this class o* diseases, and expelling all Poisonous matter. Thousands who have been the victims of In competent persons, and who have paid heavy feesto bo cured In'a short time, have found they have been deceived, and that the '‘Poison” has. by the use of "powerful astringents,” been dried up in the system, to break out in a more aggra vated form, and perhaps after Marriage. Use HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU for all Affections and Diseases of tho Unluary Organs, whether existing In Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no mutter of bow long standing. Price, §1 50 per bottle. HENRY T. UELMBOLD’S 'IMPROVED if O S E W A 8 H cannot bo surpussedvas a Face Wash, and will bo found tho only speclllc remedy m every species of Cutaneous Affection, it speedily eradicates Pimples, Spots, Scorbutic Dryness, Indurations of tho Cutaneous Membrane, etc., dispels Redness and Incipient Inllammation, Hives, Rhsh, Moth Patches, Dryness of Scalp or Skin* Frost Bites, and all purposes for which Halves or Olnunontsare used; restores the skin to a stale of purity and softness, aud Insures continued healthy action to tho tissue of Its vessels, on which depends the agreeable clear ness and vivacity of complexion so much sought and admired. But however valuable os a reme dy for existing defects of the skm H, T, Helm bold’s Rose Wash has long sustained its prinel file claim to unbounded patronage, by possess ug qualities which render It a Toilet Append age of the most Suporlotlvo and Congenial char acter, combining In an elegant formula those prominent requisites, Safety and ElUcacy—tho Invariable accompaniments of It# use—as a Pre servative and Refresher of tho Complexion. It Is an excellent Lotion for diseases of a Syphilitic Nature, aneb as an Injection lor diseases of tho Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dlsalpa llpu. used la connection with tho Extract# Bu cfm. Sarsaparilla, and Catawba Grupo Pills, in such diseases as recommended, cannot besur-i passed. . ■ Full aub explicit directions accompany the medicines. ' Evidence of tho most responsible and reliable character furnished.on application, with hun dreds ol'thousuuds of living witnesses, and up ward ol 110,000 ud*ollcltert cortlllcalea and rec ommendatory letters, many of which are from tho highest sources, Including eminent Physi cians, Clergymen, Statesmen, ole. Theproprlo tor has never resorted to their publication In tho newspapers j ho does not do this from the fact that his articles rank as Standard Prepara- and do not need to bo propped up by Henry 7. Helmltold’s Genuine Prepa , tiom. Xloilvored to any address. secure irom obser vation. Established upwards of twenty years Bold by Druggists every whore. Address latteA or information. In confidence to heniiv 'i HELMBOLB, Druggist and Chemist. HY 1 Only Depots: H. T. HELMBOLD’S Drug oud Chemical Warehouse, No. 591 Broadway. New Tuo** *♦» H. T. HELMBODD’S Medical Depot Ibl South Tenth Street, Philadelphia. Pa. " *. Counterfeits, Ask for HENRY T LLMBOLD’St Tokouaother, * rob. *, ’7l, 33*3} ©DifiJßi FOR BARGAINS! \JOW 1 lib largest, best nnd cheapest stock of ornno m this section of country, is now blfeioa «♦ *i very lowest mica by a Ul & Ai W, Bentz & Co., Who oU'er the following; tu part Reduced prices in DELAINES Reduced prices in POPLINS. Reduced prices In BILKS. Reduced prices In ALPACAS. all kinds FANCY JDRKSS GOODS. Best stock ol DOMESTICS • • in the country, ' Best stock or NOTIONS AND TRIMMINGS, Beat stock of UASSIMEREB. - FI/ANWBLS, ' > COTTONADEs. '^irgcKralsorlmo^’il'oT”""""''' TA PLE G O'Olis; Hhlrtlnpjs, G'jJJtOinms, Ribbons, wl^-Qnllta, Uoslfry Sheetings, . -i Tickings, Calicoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths. U loves, W p ol taken at.the. highest rales. Good lino, - * G ft ES E EE A T HERH • - always onhand. -■ . Cali and save money, when you can, ‘•'<4 phurj/Jtavcd (s mi^pamrO^ A. /V. BENT/, A iu. •July 1.1, Ifffi'. CHEAP AND GOOD. ti .The Jargo slock of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, just opening at Lachey & Smiley’s, j\ r o. 00 North Hanover CARLISLE PA. The chcaimsl CLOTHS & CASSIMLRF.S. • Thu cheapest DRESS GOODS. . ■ & The cheapest Dill NTS and MUSLINS, Pj Good Kentucky jeans i2Wct«. ■ o* Elegant LACE COLLAUS.at lo fits. « f (&C> carpet chah tiM%U shades. CABPETS made'to order. s. V I T S mude to order at the lowest prices. i,. Do not forget the place, No- i)i) North Hanover St; •Opposite 77<«fdh,7)»’.? So'.rl, CARLISLE, VA, April 21. 1871- QOOD NEWS FOR THE PEOHI J. ELLIOTT, f - .... (Successor to W, Smiley.) * ‘"‘•No.33 NORTH HANOVKH BTHEEI’. 1 ■f' Carlisee, I»a.. Hna Just opened a largo and splendid ns-v* montof * S P RIN, G&SUMMEK CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. V ) COTTONADES.. W JEANS, h which he will sell by the yard, or make up JC ’ suits to order, on short not-co, and at umiswl’ev low prices.' Having secured the services of-o’.tyi of the BEST PRACTICAL CUTTER oil' in Carlisle, together with a number of the bafcur -.practical hands to make up, he entire satisfaction In fits. stylo and -worknM* * shin. Always on hand a large and couipWftjM stock of • 1 BEADY-MADE CLOTHING, of homo manufacture, wnloh he will sell asclifij os-the cheapest. I will let no man undersells A largo ana complete stock of prime Boots. Slioes> Gaiters*,; &c., of.every variety, style and quality, for geDijJJJ sadles’, Misses’, Boys’ and children. All wi aa ' sold cheap, cheaper.jcheapest. Also, a gecatu rlety of MATS, 7, of la'est styles and best qualities, together wc agenoral‘nsaortmcntof MOTIONS unci Wes-' Furnishing goods'. Do not fall to give mo a cup* My motto Ts “ Quick sales and small profits. ■ ■ • JOHN ELLIOTT. 0 April 27, 1870-flm., 1b air l&mtoer. ijSB THE BEST r HALL’S VEGETABLE SICILIAN 11 AIR REN E W ER,«a aa Nine years before the public, find no prep • tion for the hair has over been produced «v« to 'Ball’s “Vegetable Sicilian Hair Honest * and every honest dealer will say it glvedl f best, satisfaction. It restores GRAY HAIR P . original color L epadlcallng and preventlLgtf drulT, curing BALDNESS and promollu?* growth of tlio' hair, The gray and by a fc\V applications la changed to blncfe silky locks, and wayward hair will assume shape the wearer desires. It is the * HAIR DRESSING.In the world,and Itsc-j'• last longer, ns U excites the glands to lurnW > nutritive principle so necessary tolhellfo'*; J hair, Itglvesthe so much admired by all. By its tonic nuiH* - ulallng properties it prevents the balr ling out, and none need be'without ornament, a good head of hair. It Is Itlf i . real perfected remedy over discovered for c&- diseases of the hair, and it has equalled and we assure thethousands^ 3 ® used It, It la kept up to Its original lifg» #l *, - ard. OurTreattsoon * for It, Sold by all Druggists and medicines. Price One Dollar per boltle v . R. P. HALL & CO., Proprietor i , v Laboratory, Nashua. S, A, Havkhstick. Agent, Carlisle, Bl and W. l*\ HORN. Carlisle, Pa. March 80,1871—1 y - ' _ INSURE ,AGAINST ACCIX)^!' X Accidents wlliTiappen to persons on business orpleosure; to the mechanic ingnt his trade; to tho farmer fhvrn; to tile professional or business msoi'goi uctlye pursuits of life. No one la oxemp 'aj* it. Then take a yearly policy lu the KRS’, of Hartford,the oldest and nnWfoV-' - ; accident Insurance company In Ainen , - coats but froth* BS* to 810 per thousand. ® C V 2 Ing to occupation, and degree of hazard, insurance guaranties thopaymontof V . ted sum per week, from 85 to 850, for tot* , f blllty, or tho payment of tho princlp}® 8 Lj** 'aured from 81,000 to 810.000 If the Uijwrf death within three months. Wo uwd e *n that J, 0. Stock, the active life Charter Oak, has accepted the company for Carlisle and vicinity, V** ready taken 800,000 of insurance. W«w not have a policy when tho protection ° [l worth more than It costs? July 0,1871—8 m ' — ’^pvr aAEVE&T HOME.—The reg«W»a nuol Harvest Home of the ilv Agricultural Society will b° CZ Fair Grounds, on Saturday, August friends of Agriculture are requestoa /■ sent. „ rVNSiiI July 13,1871—tit TMLLIAKXj TABLE -IjJ A new llrst-olaas Carom j with bails, ouoa, io., comnlole, I® ° ue git sale. Inquire a t this office. ES July 13. Wl-it d $ EPOS LOST. -Strayed or swfc.Vl| the subscriber, at Mt. Book. o (fflS borough township, on or abouttho w month, (Juno) three large Breeding Km teen Hhoats, with a silt In the left Pigs, with no marlca. All are white m liberal reward will bo paid to auy jfl information concerning these hoc*; t July 23,1871—51*