fflltij Stboemsemeuta. A GREAT MEDICAL DR. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA Vinegar BITTERS Hundreds ol thousands bear testimony to their Wonderful Curative Effects. WHAT ARE THEY? THEY AUK NOT A VILE FAN C Y , D It I N K . . Made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, 1 roof Spirits ami Refuse Liquors doctored, spiced am 1 sweetened Vo please the teste, called “Tonic?/ te ars,” Ac., that lead thctlpjuorou'io drunkenness and rulti, but are a true Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbs of Cali lornla,free from nil Alcoholic Stimulants, They are the Great Blood Purifier and a Life Giving • 'linclple a perfect Renovator and Invigorator ft the System, carrying oil all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to u healthy condition. Noporsoncan take these Bitters according to direction and remain long unwell, provided the bones arc .not destroyed by mineral poison or t other moans and the-vUaUorgnns-wasted bc vond tlie-pointof repair.-" ''- —•—-a - For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism nun Gout, Dyspepsia or indigestion,'Billions, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Ltvei, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have been most succesful. Such diseas es are caused by Vitiated Blood, which-is gener ally produced nyMerangemcnlof the Digestive Organs. Dyspepsia or. Indigestion. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Cobghs, Tightness of the Chest. Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, bad taste In the Mouth,‘Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain m the regions of the Kidneys and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings oi Dyspepsia. ' . They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate . the torpid liver and-bowels, which render them ol unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of ail impurities, and imparting new life and vigor lo the whole system. . Bilious; Remittent uud Intermittent Fever, . which are so prevalent lu the valleys of our great Rivers throughout the United States, espe cially those of the Mississippi, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colora do, Brazos, Pearl, Mobile, savannah, Roanoke, Jam«. 3, ajd many others with their vast tributaries, during the Bummer and Au tumn, nud remarkably so daring seasons of un usual heat and dryness, are invariably accom panied by extensive derangements of the niomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are always more or less obstructions ol the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In thetr treatment, a purgative, exerting a power tul influence upon these various organs is .es-. sentlaliy necessary. There is no cathartic for tlie purpose equ»d to Dr, J. Walker’s Vinegar Hitlers as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which the Bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secre tions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the dlgesiive organs. The universal popularity of this valuable remedy in regions subject to miasmatic influences, Is sufll cieut evidence of its power as a remedy in such cases. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum,Blotches,Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Bore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of Che Bicfu, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, or whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carrled out of the system m a short time by the use of these Bitters, One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their nralive effect-. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its impurities bursting through the skin In Pim ples, Eruptions or Bores; cleanse It when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins: cleanso.it when It is foul, and your feeling will tell you when. Keep the blood pure nud the health of the system will follow. Pin,/Tape and other Worms, lurking in the. syatem of so many thousands, are effectually de stroredand removed. For lull directions, read carefully the circulai around each bottle, print isl In four languages—English, German, French and Spanish. WALKER,. Proprietor. R. M. MCDONALD A UO., Druggists and Gen., Agents, Ban Fran cisco, California, and 32 and Commerceßtrect, New York. J9sr-.Sold bj* all Druggists and Dealers. Dec. 8.70—1 v WANTED! ’ A NOBLE WORK I! THE NEW A RICH FIELD ! PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE, with over I.OOu ILLUSTRATIONS, 50.000 References. A FAMILY RECORD ANlfe FAMILY album. THE PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE contains a storehouse of Information that can only reach tne mind through the eye. Its Illustrations carry one back to the most important era of the world, and are of themselves a comprehensive review of the Scriptures, representing thei most Interesting Views, Symbols, Histor* leal Events, Landscape scenes. Antiquities, Cos tumes, Beasts. Birds, Insects, Plants, Minerals, Coins, Medals, Inscriptions and Inoldenis refer red to throughout theKacred Text. They attract the eye, correct erroneous impressions, awaken new thoughts, and famish clearer views of Di vine Truth;. As a help to Parents, Ministers, and Sabbath-school Teacners in fulfilling the duties of their separate and high vocullonsr-and to all others to whom Immortal souls are Intrusted— this splendid Pictorial Volume cannot be over ■‘•i-tUmated. It Is the edition Most suitable for the family, Most valuable for the student. Most instructive for (he teacher, Most appropriate for the child , Most useful for the minister, Most interesting for the farmer, Most elegant for the parlor, Most profitable for the study* THE PICTORIAL FAMILY ‘BIBLE, lu add Uon to the features already alluded to.coniains the Apocrypha. Concordance, Psalms in Metre, u Summary of tne Sacred Truths as taught in the inspired Book, together with numerous and comprehensive Tables and other Historical and Explanatory Matter, embodying tbe labors of many of the most eminent Biblical scholars. It {s printed on the lluest calendered paper, from clear and open type, In one large and handsome quarto volume, and is bound In the moat dura ble and attractive manner, while the prices are sufficiently low to place It within everybody's reach. EXPERIENCED AGENTS are wanted .uiroughout tbe country for Us sale, with whom liberal arrangement will be made. An opportu nity of equal promise Is rarely or never presen ted. Its sale will not be limited to any period, bat will.continue for a lUetime, constantly in creasing with the growth and intelligence of the country. Ills therefore desirable that those who engage with us. shall do so with a, view to ma king the business a permanent one. MINISTERS, TEACHERS. STUDENTS. FAR MERS, YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN, those who would meet with the most prolltable 01 all cm ployments-are Invited to correspond )vlth us with a view to an agency. Not a few such nro now averaging from $.*,000 to $7,000 annual prollt In Its sale. • There is a great want for the book and a rich field offered, while it will elevate the spiritual condition by constant contact with and conversations upon its beautiful and eternal IriUhs. ‘ AGENTS ON THE INSTALMENT PLAN will i «furnished the work In line bindings. This V lan is quite popular and profitable In cities and largo towns. Wo have an edition of the book. Mtperbly bound, with massive panelled sides, which has been everywhere received with mark ed favor. Subscriptions for the Pictorial Bible, m this style and in Ibis way, can be obtained to an almost unlimited extent, us there is no outlay of money, that the Bible reader can make, which will yield him so rich a return. We are also the Publishers of Potter's Stand ard Edltious of Family. Pulpit, Pocke* and Pho tograph Bibles and Testaments—nearly BUO dif ferent styles—so well known everywhere for their accuracy of text, beauty of finish and du rability of binding. Always ask for Potter’s Standard Editions, and get the best., Catfr logues containing styles and prices furnished on application. For Circulars containing a full description of The Pictorial Family Bible, with sample sneet; and terms to Agents, address “Potters stand ard Bible and Testament House,” OHN E, POTTER & CO.. Publishers,. - OH and 017 Sanson? St. Phll’a March 23,1871—5 m mHE BUN! **■' CHAKLES'A. DANA, Editor THE DOLMRI EERM SUN. x\eivapmper of the Prcae.nl Times, Intenxdcd (or the People Non) on Earth, Including Farmers, Mechanics, Merchants, Pro fessional Men, Workers, Thinkers. and all Man ner of Honest Folks, and the 'Wives, Sons, and Daughters of all such. nly one dollar a year ONE H LTNPKED COPIES FOR 560. iit it*«s than One Cent a Cent a Copy, Let there Jje u $6O CJnj) at every Post Otljce. u s«iu _very Post uuiv.-.. .SEMI-WEEKLY SUN, 82 A YEAR, no same size nml general character as THE WEEKLY, but with a greater variety of miscel laneous reading, and'furnlshlng the news to Us subscribers with- greater freshness, because if comes twice a week Instead of once. THE DAILY SUN. SO A YEAR. A .eomluontly readable newspaper, with the largest circulation in-tno world. Free, Inde pendent adp fearless. In politics. All .the nows from everywhere. Two cents a copy; by mall, 60 cents a month, or 80 a year. T» RMS TO CLUBS: The Dollak Weekly Sun. Five copies, one year, separately addressed, Four Dollars, Ten copies, one year, separately addressed (and an extra copy to tue getter up of club, Eight • Dollars. _ Twenty copies, one year,separately addressed, (and an extra copy to the getter up of club, Fifteen Dollars. Fifty copies, one year, to one address (and the Hemi- Weekly one year to goiter up of club, Thirty-throe Dollars. Fifty copies, one year,separately addressed (and the Semi-weekly year to getter up of Club,) Thirty-five Dollars. One hundred copies, one.y ear, to one address, (and the Dally for one year to the getter up of Club,) Fifty Dollars. \ One hundred copies, one year, separately ad dressed, (and i ho. Dally for one year to the getter up of club.) Sixty Dollars. • THB SUMI- WEEKX> V HUN. Five copies, one year, separately addressed, Fight Dollars, on copies, one year, separately addressed (and an extra copy to getter up of club,) Sixteen D “ ll “ ra ’ BEND YOUR MO.N'EV Fos Ofllco orders, checks, or drafts on New Yorkwherever convenient. II not, thou regis ter the letters containing money. Address, wlu i, w. England, pubiisho)-. April 7t 187 f flmjl Sun Office, N.«V. SUJbetfisments. Q BRING AND BUMMER'iMBOK- Io TIANS-IS7I. • • RIBBONS, MILLINERY, A N I) STRAW GOODS, ARMSTRONG, CATER& CO., ? , Importers and Jobbers of BONNET, TRIMMING * VELVET RIBBONB, HOKNKT SILKS. SA TINS «t VELVETS, Blonds, Nets, Crapes, Ruches, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, STRAW BONNETB and LADIES’ UaTB. . Trimmed am! Untrimmed, SHAKER HOODS. Ac. 237 and 239 BALTIMORE ST., BALTIMORE, MD. Offer the largest, slock lo be found lu this country, nud unequalled In choice variety and cheapness, comprising the latest European nov elties. Orders solicited, and prompt attention given, March 23, 1871—3m* , 1871 - slJiUNli - ! - 1871 NEW STYLKBOK CARPETS! OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, WINDOW ;SHADKS. d<‘., Lower Than Ever! Give us a call and examine for yourselves. ErdL GODBHALK. HJ2 Market. Street, Philadelphia. March 23,1871—3 m JSAAC K. STAUFFER, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, MS North Second Street, (cor. of Quarry.l PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plaled Ware constantly on hand. Repair ing of Watches and Jewelry promptly attended bo. May 25; IR7I-Iy JURUBEBA ! II is a South American plant, that has been used for many years by the medical faculty of those .countries with wonderful efficacy, and Isa Sure and Perfect Remedy for all Diseases of the Llvei and Spleen, Enlargement or Obstruction of Intestines, Urinary, Uterine, or Abdomi nal Organs, Poverty or a Want of-Blood, Intermittent or* Remittent Fevers, In.taraatlon of the Liver, Dropsy, , Sluggish Circulation of the Biood, Abcosses,- Tumors, Jaundice Scrofulas Dys pepsia, Ague, A Fe* vcr.or their con. comltants. DR. WELLS EXTRACT OP JUUUBEBA is a most perlect alterative, and is offered to the public os a great invigorator and remedy for all impurities of the blood,or for organic weakness with their attendant evils. For the foregoing complaints Dr. Wells’ Extract of Jurubeba is confidently recommended to every family ns a household remedy, and should be freely taken In all derangements of tbesystem. It is-not« paysic— lt is not what is popularly called a hitlers , nor is it Intended us such; but is slmplv n powerful alterative giving health, vig or, and lone to all the vital forces, and animates and fortifies all weak and lymphatic tempera ments. JOHN Q. KELLOGG. IS Platt Street. N. Y. Bole Agent for ttfcu- United States. Price One Dollar per Bottle. Bend for Circular. . June 15,1871—-iw XXTANTED.—Agents for Triumphs of VV - Enterprise. By James .Parlon. A New 800k.700 octavo pages, well Illustrated, intense ly Interesting, and very instructive. Exclusive territory given. Our Terms are the most Liberal A pply to us, and see if they are not. A. S. HALE & CO., Hartford, Conn., or WM. B. EVANS, Phlla., Pa. Juno 15,1871—Iw A TTENTIUN, AGENTS '.—Think of This! Wonderlul Success, 25,000 copies of Brockett’s History of the Franco-German >Var, sold first GO days. It will soon contain a full his tory of the bloody Rebellion in Paris, making nearly 000 pages, and 150 elegant illustrations, and will sell 5 times faster than heretofore.— Price only S2.ho. Idcomplete works, written in the Interest of the Irish and French, are being offered with old cuts, and for want of merit claiming to he official EDUCTION OF FRIGES, TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES. Great having to Consumers BY GETTING Ul* CLUES. Send for our New Price List and a club form will accompany it, containing full directions— making a large saving to consumers and re munerative to club organizers. The Great American Tea Co., SI and 33 VESEY ST„ NEW YORK,. June 15.187.—1 w , P. O. Box 5648. Teachers or students want ing employment,at fioin $5O to $lOO per month, should address ZIEGLER & McCURDY. June 15,1871—iw 16 Booth Sixth si., Phlla, (J*l A FROM 50 CENTS —l2 Samples tD J \J sent (’postage paid) for 50 cents that sella readily for SIO. R. I* Wolcott, 181 Chatham St., New York. June 15,1871 —Iw Si ENT FREE TO AGENTS.-A Pocket ) Prospectus of the best Illustrated Family ble, published in’ both English and German, containing Bible History, Dictionary, Analysis, Harmony and History of Religions. W. FLINT A CO., 2»J South 7th 8t„ Phlla. Pa. June 15,1871—iw WANTED— Apents, S2O per day, to sell the celebrated Home Shuttle Sewing Machine. Has the under feed, makes tbe lock stitch, (alike on both sides) and is fully licensed. The best and cheapest family Sewing Machine In the market. Andress JOHNSON. CLARK CO.. Boston, Mass., Pittsburg, Pa., Chicago, 111., or St. Louis. Mo. Juno 15,1671—1 w WANTED— AGENTS. ($2 per day) to sell the celebrated HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Has the •under-feed, makes the " lock f-titch," (alike on both sides,) and Is fully licensed. The best and cheapest family Sewing Machine In the market/ Address JOHNSON. CLARK & CO., Boslon, Mash., Pitts burg, Pu. t Chicago, 111,, or St. Louis, Mo. May 18, 71-lw ' (PQQQ In 16 daj’B made by one agent. lJ)/000 Do you want a sttuaHou ris salesman at or near home to make $5 to $2O per day selling our new 7 strand White Wire Clothes Lines lolnst forever. Sample free, address HUDSON RIVER WIRE WORKS, 130 Malden Lane. cor. Water St.. N. Y., or 10 Dearborn Bt., Chicago. May 18.71-lw CARBOLIC TABLETS. These Tablets present tbe Acid lu Combination with other efficient remedies, In a popular form, for the cure of all Throat and Lung diseases. HOARSENESS and ULCERATION of ’the Throat are Immediately relieved, and state ments are constantly being sent to the proprie tor of relief Incases of throat dillicul lies of years standing. CAUTION.—Don’t let worthesa articles he palmed off on yoi|, be sure you got only Well’s John Q, Kei.t.ogo, Platt Street, N, Y., sole Agenl, Sold by Druggists. Price 2o cents a Box. Send for Circular. May 18. 71—Iw - J7VBEE .TO BOOK AGENTS.—We } will send a handsome Prospectus of our ew Illuslrated Family Bible containing over 200 lino Scripture Illustrations to any Book agent, free of charge. Address NATIONAL PUB. CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. May 18,71—iw 8 o’Clock. June I, 1870-it AGENTS ‘WANTED for “Convent Life Unveiled,” by Edith O’Corrnan, e«. caped Nun, whose disclosures are thrilling and startling. FRANKLIN PUB. CO., 712 Chestnut St., Phila.. Pa. May 18,71—iw 4 GENTS WANTED—For the'Wrlll- Junt, Witty Book, Ton. Mimic or tub tLD, and Public Exhibitions. By Omve Logan. Flenson everybody ; will sell Immense y; Is genial, jaunty and pure-tonod: ban title In Ucolors, and lOTlnl Illustrations. Nothing like it Canvassing Book a rare beauty. NEW WOULD PUBLISHING CO., 7tii A Market Sts., Phila. Juno 10,1871—1 w rpHE BIBLE HANK BOOK, By ALBERT L. HAWSON. No teacher, student, or viible reader should be wlihouta copy, ns the price places It within the reach of all. Agents, (to whom liberal commis sions will he given,) wanted In every town and county In the laud. Will furnish a sample qopy, {with terms to Agents) by mail, postage prepaid, oh receipt of the list price, $1 SO. E. M. HKUUE No, 18 North 7th St., Philadelphia, r«. May 18,71—4 w A GENTS LOOK. — S 3 to S2O peXdav, J\ Easy. genteel mid profitable' business. A mil© Novelty which everybody wants. fluopess sure. Bond fir clrcu nrs. Churchill & Temple* ton. Manufacturers, 015 Hroudway, N. Y. June 1, fUatfmmrc HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. MILL LU BO W L It S lake this oppmt unity oi directing the alien lion of the community at large, nud every person In particular, lo their Recently replenished stock ol HARD WAR E They studiously avoided Investing during the high prices, and patiently waited the falling out of tip bottom before attempting to refill their Shelves, ahd now that things have been reduced to old time prices, as near us possible, they have Invested largely and are prepared to guarantee to their friends ami customers as low prices us any market outside the cities. They especially Invite the attention of mechanics, formers nud builders. Our slack is complete aitd none need fear meeting with disappointment in enquiring for any tiling In our line. We have the agency’of the WUlcox *6 Gibhai SEW T N G M A THINK, anti would respectfully sk all those •• wantoj a Machine, lo examine the Wlllcox A Gibbs’ be fore purchasing- ,All orders promptly attended to, and goods delivered to all parts oftne town free of charge, an. 12.1871 iv 1846. Wholesale ami Retail. 1871. CARLISLE HARDWARE HOUSE, H 1-nuy Saxton, .p. Bixlkr,' I). B. Saxton, H. Saxton & Co., We have just returned from the cities wlth-u full replenishment of our stock in all Its various departments preparatory to our Spring Trade. Having had 25 years’ experience In business, buying of the most reliable manufacturers in very large quantities for CASH, we secure “Jobbers’ 1 rales,” thereby offering special inducements. Wo would invite iheat teutlon ol the public to om* immense stock of Building Hardware, 1,000 kegs nails, 20 tons Wetherill oko j , Hubs, Felloes aud Trimmings, BLACKSMITHS’ GOODS, Iron anil Steel, Burden's Horse and Mule Shoes, Nails, Reds, Ac, Hardware Tools, for ail me chanical branches from best English and Ameri can makes, constantly on hand and warranted.- HOUSE FURNISHING HARD W ABE, Cedarware, Pearl, Ivory and Rubber Handled Table Cutlery. Silver Plated Fornsand Spoons, Curtain Cornices, Banda, Stair Rods, Clothes Wringers, Sad Irons, Phiin and' Porcelain Boil ers, Solid 'lron Pans, Patent Ice Cream Freezers &c., &c. ’ ' Wo.stenholm & Rodgers’ Fine Pocket Cutlery andSclssois. Wire. Moss and Flower Baskets. Fine* Bird Cages, Fluting Machines, Curling Irons, &c. Eureka Slating for coating Blackboards. Pre pared Harness Oil and Blacking, Special ar rangement* for furnishing Marble Tiling and Slate Mantles. Sole agents for Plank’s Plows. Solo agents for tbe.Patent Post Hole Digger, digging a post hole In one-half mi ulo. Bole agents for Palmer’s Patent Adjustable Iron Planes. Goods delivered free, aud with great prompt ness. Will guarantee goods to merchants ns low ns city prices, saving freights In most cases. Thankful for past, and sol lolling your kind pat .ronage in future. We remain, respectfully, H. Saxton & Co„ No, lb East Mean street, March 16,71. CARLISLE. PA. JBtUacellaivcpus. T K OH i r&'sfON3L ER 7 No 18 t South Hanover Street, CARLISLE, PA. ‘ Thaukful for the patronage extended! them heretofore, do now announce their usual large stock of SPRING STYLES of BOOTS AND SHOES . •FOR LADIES’ AND MISSES’. GENTS’ AND BOYS’ YOUTHS’ AND CHILDS’, which are unrivaled forj comfort and beauty Also TRUNKS AND VALISSES, MEN AND BOYS’ HATS. - All of which will be sold at small profits. Call oneand all and get a full equivalents for your money. ' r Oct. 12 1870— ly QOOD NEWS FOR THE PEOPLE, J. ELLIOTT, (Successor to J. W. Smiley,) No. 83 NORTH HANOVER STREET, CAItLIBKE, PA.. Has Just opened a largo and splendid assort ment of SPRING- & SUMMER CLOTHS. * CABSIMEUES. COTTONADES, .JEANS, 'drc., which ho will sell by the yard, or make up Into a ills to order, on short notice, and at unusually lo w prices. Having secured the services of one of the BEST PRACTICAL CUTTER in Cartisle. together with a number of the best practical hands to make up, he promises to give entlrosatlsfuctlon in tits,stylo and workman* snip. Always on hand adnrgo and complete stock of KKADY-MADE CLOTHING. of home manufacture, wnich he as cheap as the cheapest. I will let no man undersell me* A large and complete slock of prime Boots, Shoes. Gaiters. Ac.. of every variety, style and quality, for gout's ladles’, Misses’, Hoys’ and children. All to be sold chcap.'ejieaper, cheapest. Also, a great va ilciyof '\ JIA X 8 , of la’est styles and best qualities, together with a general assortment of NOTIONS ami Uenfs Furnishing goods. Do not full to give me a cull. My motto is “ Quick saiesand small profits." ■ JOHN ELLIOTT. April 27. 1870—Om .TION W TNFORMA ANTED. - Win. X Hwarnor left his homo l»i Hoysville, Perry county, on Monday, May 22. and came lo Car* lisle, since which time ho has not boon hoard of* Ho Is seventy years of ago, live feet and a-half In height, with gray hair ami beard. He was dressed In a dark tight bodied coal, dark panta loons, and a high stiff hat, He Is feeb’o in mind, as pay ono will discover by conversing with him. Any Information regarding his whereaboulH will ho lhanklully received, and all necessary expend paid ■Loysvlllo, Perry Co. Juno 1, IR7I-21* Eor sale or rent. Tholnrao and commodious THUKK HXOUY ICK HOUrtB. on tJio corner oMitn and Bod • ford streets, now occupied by Mn. Gordon, It btiK all the modern improvements wlilj Brick Hlublo and Ice Houko attached. Inquire of R, E Khapley,corner of North and Pitt street Carlisle March If. '7l. JIOR YOUR OWN SATISFACTION W O L P’S ' FRESH STOCK OP GROCERIES -A new stock ot F RESII GROCERIES' noils selllmi at reduced prices at r P I 1 he Bel Teas, LAMPS, At WOLF’S. FRUIT JARS AND JELLY GLASSES Mackerel, 1,2 aud 3 Mackerel, In whole, half, or quar ter barrels, or kits, at the lowest prices ever of fered In Carlisle. At WOLF'S. BEST brands Hour, bacon, bams, shoulders, flitch, drld beef, cheese, pickled and spiced salmon, sardines, smoked halibut, Burlington herring, sealed herring at Q WOLF'S.. Chinaware, Glass ware, Earthenware aud Woodware, PAtWOLb’B. URE Wine and Cider Vinegar, Sej». -:t, 70 — V GROG E R Y PROVISION STORE (Was/imood’s Old Stand.) The subscriber, having leased the above well known store-room, has opened with tt new OTd largo stock of we'l-selected Fresh His slock will be found to be complete In every particular, and everything sold will be war ranted as represented. He bas on band and now ready for delivery GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, You will Und everything you wish in the wny o Groceries, • Queenaware, Glassware, ' ** Willow and Cedarware, Stone and Crockeryware, • Choice Hams, Dried Beef. Balognn, Beef t>< .. ■ , Tongues, Biscuits and Crackorcs of every description. Pickled Oysters, Sardines, 'English Pickles, -Lemon Syrups, &c., and no end to a good assortment of NOi lONS. DRIED, CANNED AND PICKLED FRUITS of kinds constantly on hand. FLOUR and FEED of the best grades, and In quantities -o suit purchasers. Goods sent to any part of the town if desired. Call and prtce for yourself at No. 78 West Main street. All kinds of ' COUNTRY PRODUCE taken In exchange for goods. C. L. DBVENNEY, March 10.71. Wed, Main Street »,Vt» MEDICINES TH K BEST PLACE PURE AND RELIABLE Medicines and fine Chemical! JOSEPH B. HAVERSTIOK’S Sovvdv Hanover Street, Drugs, Medicines-, Chemicals, Looks Fancy Goods, Confectionaries. Per fumery, oilel Article?,' Dye ‘duffs, Dosmelics, tationary, Ac. Also, Pure Wines . for Medical Pur poses. ills assortment of Goods, In variety, novel ty and elegance, cannot be surpassed. The nrtl cles have been selected with great care.and are calculated In qualltyand price to command the attention of purchasers. Physicians prescriptions carefully compound ed. A full stock o tPatent Medicines oh-hand. All goods warranted as represented. JOSEPH B. HAVERSTICK, Oct, 20.1876—1 y ' No. 0 South Hanover st B, E W I N U , CABINET MAKER NEW FURNITURE for tlie Holidays, comprising Sofas, Camp Stool, l.onngca, Centre Tables, Rocking Chairs, Dining Tables, Easy Choirs, Curd Tables, Reception Chairs, Ottomons Bureaus, WhatNots. Ac., itc., Ac. Parlor, Chamber, NTISIJ CO'ITAGE FURNITURE IN SETTS Splendid new Pattern*, BEDSTEADS AND MATTRESSES GIFT FRAMES AND PICTURES In great variety. Particular attention given to Funerals, Orders from town and country promptly attended t o nd on reasonable terms. I cc. IT, iWWIy JCE. ICE, ICE. If you want what is pure and N mm At a reasonable PU | jfl tTV Follow no new DEV ■lf EL But send to me In a Tit |j_ For ZnavolbocoldSpringWoterA Persons can bo supplied with IDE during the day at JACK BITE-* 1 Htoro.ou Pom fret street. DAVID RHOADS. April 20, 7l— tf; ©coccrtea a o .t o nod examine his AT LOW PRICKS. AT y 044 E%* t, Pomfret St. /just opened at Coffees, Sugars, Syrups, At WOLF'S. • LAMPS! At WOLE’S. MACKEREL, At WALK'S. -Vo. 44, Jiasi Pomfret sL, CARLISLE. and -Vo 78 West Main Street, CARLISLE Jlruasf, TO HU 1 IJ> SI I! irS /fi A 7 No. 5 CARLISLE PA DEALER lis AND UNDERTAKER WEST MAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PA, A splendid Assortment of Dining Room. Kltcken FURNITURE,. •»f tho lutestjsiyles. Hrj) (Eiootis J j E.\ UIiUA HT Eli.S DRY GOODS. Just opened an euiire fRW AND DESIRABLE Spring & Summer DRY GOOPS lor Indies’ and gentlemens' went, consisting of Japanese poplins, Silk and Wool Serges, WOLFS. Shepherd’s Pin d Wool Serges, WOLF’S. onnite Lustres* Melange*: W H I TE GO O D S CASSIMBRKS, CIjOTIIK AND VESTINGS for Spring suits. All the'novelties of the sea son. Shawls ! Shawls!! Hosiery and Gloves, House FUrnlsuing Coils, .such ns Tickings, Sheetings Pillow Casings* Rfaukefs, DOMESTICS in large Quantities, DOMESTICS I MDOESTIC3 ! I DOMESTICS ! We are prepared to offer greatimlucements.as the markets are lower than they have been for ten yearn, and as our stock Is entirely new and fresh, bought for the cash, we feel safe In prom ising to give qnr customers ’great bargains and all new goods. 1 Wo Invite all kindlv, to call and examine our stock before nnrchaslng.and de cide for themselves/ Thankful for the liberal patronage in the past, we promise to. bo alive to the Interests of our friends In the future, by kenning such trends as will render satisfaction to all. All who wish to save money are invited to call upon us and find a source of prollt by dealing with us. DUKE & BURKHOLDER. North Hanover Street, Below Carlisle Deposit Bank. April 0,1871, GOODS FOK THIS WEEK. Thos. A. Harper, South Hanover Street, Carlisle. SPRING AND SUMMER Dress Goods, at greatly reduced prices. WHITEGOODS AND LINENS, Representing the Choicest and Cheapest Spring importations. Some. Specialties: Great bargains in Black Silks, at $1,50 and $1.75 Great bargains in X'lalnßlack andStrlpedGren- adlnes.at 25c. Great bargains in Plain and Colored Alpacas at 25c. Great bargains In Llnensfor suits at 25c. Gn.at bargains In Bleached Table Linen, at 75c. Great bargains m Llnen'Nnpklns, atsl 00. Great bargains in 10—i Bleached Sheeting, at -15 c. Great bargains in Towels, at 15c, also lower grades. Great bargains In Ladles White Cotlon Hose, at 10.-12 and 15c. Great bargains In Men’s Hose, full regular at 25c extra, cheaper grades. Great bargains in corsets, at 75e. Great bargains in Window Similes, at $l.OO per pair. Great bargains in Piques, at 25c, also lower grades. Great bargains In Cottonadcs, at 12J-nO,and bet tor. Great bargains hi Gents Gauze Shirts, atsoc and up. Great bargolns in Ladles Gauze Vests. Great bargains In boys Cassimores, extra qual ity at 05 cents. Great bargains In bun Umbrel las. Elegant Sash llibblns, extra width SI 00 and upwards. Beldlug Bros. Machine Silk, best In the market. Great variety of Linens, men and boys wear, handsome Ginghams at IKcts. In Piques. While and Bull 1 , a complete assort ment. English Bombazines. Opening of real Llama Lace Points, extra, fine and very cheap. JOSEPH KID GLOVES, at Sl.oo. Ladies Tucked Skirls and Aprons. Cloths & Cassimeres exceedingly low. Lace Collars and Handkerchiefs. Hamburg Embroideries and Guipure Laces. Full lines of Domestics as cheap os any this side of Philadelphia. LOW PRICES TO BE MAINTAINED, to insure quick sales. THOS. A. ’HARPER. May J. 1871. SUMMER GOODS Jnst opened at SAWYER’S Great bargains in Bilks. Great bargains In Grenadine*. Great bargains in Mtxed Poplins, Great bargaras In Percales, Great bargains In Lawns. The < beapest asao-lment of * SUMMER SHAWLS a- a LACE DINTS in town. WHITE GOODS I WHITE GOODS I Cheap Swiss, Cheap Tarleians, Cheap Nainsooks, plain, barred and striped. Cheap Victoria and Bishop Lawns. , Cheap Organdies. Cheap Piques. Cheap Pique Trimmings, Laces, Embroideries, Lace and Linen Collars and Cuffs Gloves, Ribbons, Hosiery, Ac. A choice lot of Parasols, selling very cheap. Having just returned from Uio city and made a thorough examination o" the d»y goods mar* beta, I hove been able to secure somoruro bar* gains which 1 odor to all who will coulo and see for themselves, June 8, JS7I FOR stock of rume Netting*. Nainsooks, Victoria Lawns, id) kinds or used. Marseilles Quilts. and all Goods used for House* keeping purposes. S P-R. IN G ANDBUM M E II W E A U All the latest stylos to bo had In store, and ready for your early Inspection, All possible efforts will bomude to please you and give you a good lit, 3 Having employed the celebrated and sclen tiflo cutter i ' i late of a fashionable house la Broadway, New York. I have the pleasure to announce to you now a porelo assortment ‘ A comped 111. of GENTLEMEN’S FUUNLSHIFO GOODS Also Valises, /COLGATE’S EAU-DE-COLOGNE \j TOILET SOAP.—It has tho delicate and ruireshlng frog.unco of genuine farina Cologne Water, and Is Indispensable to the Toilet of eve ry Lady or Gentleman. Sold by Druggists and Dealers in Perfumery, Junes. 1871-.hu JOB tVOKU neatly uiiil expeditious ly executed at THIS OFFICE. D, A. SAWYER. jptobes, ffintoarr. &c / N RANTToPENINCt " lx OF THE FALL CAMPAIGN RHINESiIIITK & RUPP, i\ T o, 62 (vid Gl JVbrf/i Hanover Street^ . Tin and Stieet-ron Workers, AND UEaIEBH IN Cook, Parlor,, and everi/ mrlrlij of H E A T IN G ST O V E 8 ’‘Thß' Brbscrlborp;'" having-rercntly-erectctf^iT commodious more room, adjoining their old Bland, uttordlng Increased facilities for business are now prepared to furnish their patrons and’ the public generally with every article in their line, on yie most accommodating terms. With a largo and varied as-ortment,-t j which uddl tons arc constantly made, they fed confident that In qualify am) price they are ahead n nil competition. PA LOU STOVES, COOK STOVES, f,, - OFFICE STOVES. Ibis departmentoi their stock is unexcelled forartut le design, aupoiiorllnlsn, and simplici ty of arrangement., mnongwhlch may ho men tioned tlie SUNNY SIDE FIRE PLACE HEATER/ SUNNY SIDE DOUBLE-OVEN COOK BAREEV RHEAP. NOBLE COOK, ana ii NOVELTY PARLOR COOK STOVE, wiyi a variety of other Cook Stoves wen krowr for their excellence. KITCHEN RANHKH, of all kinds, Including tlie eelohrateu NATIONAL RANGE. iBASE B URN E R 8 , If you want an Ornamental Stove, If you want an Economical Stove, H you want a Powerful Healing Stove If you want a Perpe.lunl Fire Keeping Stove, cull nud examine our slock, where you wjII find the KIENTAL HOT BLASS. . ‘ wjlh reversible nr ORIENTAL PARLOR HEATER, HPEAR'H REVOLVING LIGHT, ° r moro rooms AND AfAGU’LIGHT EASE BURNERS, with a large assortment of PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES. ALSO SHELL IRON A.ND TIN WARE, plain and Japanned, Including Toilet Ware, Bread, palce.' ami S . lwlr Boxes." and I ? eed Boxm ■Spoons of oil kinds, , Knives n.m Forks, ... • , , Ladles, Lanterns. Coal Buckets Enameled and Plain Hollow Ware/ lulCKeiH *. »Iron Pans. Shovels and Tongs. Coal and tJourSlevos, Plat Irons, Brass Kettles, Fruit Jars, ivo„ &e., embracing a largo and complete Hri9 ° which we Invite the attention of buyei.s. We are also prepared to furnish Pumps for Cisterns and Beep Wells wnri l n‘oir\?B S ' a,e the . celebrated CUCUMBER WOOD BUMP, warranted t'omilne. Constantly on liana SJ.OVE BRICK AND REPAIRS FOR SPo, ™ai jrinVoß™ attended to piomptly and on reasonable" terms s3s*“ Old Stoves taken in Exchange, llmnkful for the patronage heretofore bestow ea on us we are determined,by Increased effort If'’ 11 R coniinuanrie of it, and respectfully selve.^ 10 publ,oto call and examine for them RHINESMITH & RUPP. Nos. 02 and o|, North Hanover St, Sep, IS), 187(1—Iv. .Carlisle. Penna STOVE AND TINWARE establishment ,' 1 ’ i !, e partnership heretofore k ting between Walker & Claudv having b n dissolved hv 1 T hereby annoence to the cltL KVopenedn 0 surroundinucountry, that I New Stove and Tinware Ston in the largo frame building, on the corner of West High and West streets, formerly occupied bjf Cornelius & Bosh. Having a large and complete stock of Stoves and Tinware on hand selected with the.greatest care expressly for this market, my-customersaro guaranteed satisfaction, both ns regards nualitv and price. 1 ** Sheetirqn, and Tinware; constantly on hand and made up bo order. My stock of Tinware embraces everything usually kept In a first class tin establishment. ROOFING and SPOUTING promptly attend ed to.. • . * Stoves! Stoves! Stoves! lam now prepared to exhibit to the Winter Irade a large and well-assorted stock of the best patterns of Stoves, Having the agancy of tho following celebrated stoves, I am prepared to furnish them to parties so desiring: MORNING' GLORY. LIGHT HOUSE. BON-TON. ROSEBUB, BBEACON LIGHT OFFiCEaud PARLOR 0 ° STOVE Him selection of Cook Stoves embrace the following: Superior, Noble Cook. Excelsior, / Niagara, (maker City, and Coral. ' Stove Repairs cOnstanih/ on hand. I am agent for a PATENT STEAM PIPE, for hooting mills, laclorles, 4c., and prepared to furnish and place them lu position at short notice. ■* Having an experience of 22 years In this busi ness. I would respectfully solicit a share of the publlo patronage, feeling confident that I will give satisfaction. A. WOODS WALKER. Dec. 22. 70— tf OLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS, The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of his customers and public generally to hla entire now and largo assorament of CLOTH CASSIMERS V 13 ST'I N G S , & o especially adapted for Mr John Haas, Carpet Bags, Satchels, ~ Trunks, &0,, Give us a call. Yours respectfully. Isaac Livingston, iVo.'22, North Hanover Slre&t, CARLISLE, PA, . ~ Established ISI7, • April JJ, 1871 fßrilca JJENKYT. HELMBOIiD’S COMPOUND P L Uln Extract Catawba &E4PE PILLS. Component Parts—fluid Extract Jihu barb and Fluid Extract Catawba - Grapq. Juice. ' ' . FOU LIVER COMPLAINTS, JAUNDICE. OIL* LIO.US AFFECTIONS. RICK OU NERVOUS HEADACHE. COBTIVENEKR, Ac. PURELY VEGETABLE NO MERCURY, MINERALS OU DELETERIOUS DRUGS. . The.se Pills are the the most delightfully pleas ant purgative, superseding castor oil, salts, mag nesia, etc. There Is nothing more acceptable to the stomach, They give tone, and cause neltb. er nausea norgrlplng pains. They are compos-, cd of th e finest iuyrcUtcnts. After a few days’ use ■of them, such an invlgorallou of-theentire sys tem takes place us to appear miraculous to the weak and enervated, whether arising from Im prudence or disease. H. T. Helmbold’9 Com- ■ pound Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Pills are not »-ugnr-coated, from tho fact that sugar-coat ed Pills do not dissolve, but pass through tho stomach without dissolving, consequently do not produce tho desired elrect. Tho Catawba Grape Pills, being pleasant In taste and odor, do not necessitate their being sugar-coated. Price FIFTY CENTS per box. HUN BY T. HELM BOLD’S IIIdHI.V fOXOESTRATEI) COMPOUND Elwid 'Extract Sarsaparilla Will radically extovmiuate from the system Hcrofuln, Hyphllls. Fever Bores, Ulcers, Soro Eyes, Sore Legs. More Mouth, Soro Head, Bron chitis, .Hlcln Discuses, Salt Rheum, Cankers Runnings from the Bar, White Swellings, Tu mors, Cancerous Affections, Nodes, Rickets G’andular Swellings, Night Sweats, Rash,Totter Humors of. all kinds, Chronic Rheumatism Dyspepsia, and all diseases that have been es tablished In the system for years. oven Being proparedexpressly for the above coin-- plaints, Its Blood-purifying properties aregreat er than any other preparation ot Sarsaparilla Its gives the complexion a clear and healthy color and restores tlis patient to astute o'fhea'Mi and purity. For purifying the Blood, removing all chronic constitutional diseases arising from an Impure state of the Blood, and lire only re liable and effectual known remedy for ihe cure of Paine and Swelling of the Bones, Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs Blotches. Pimples on the Pace, Erysipelas and nllSealv Eruptions of the Skin, and. Beautifying the Complexion HENRY T. HELMROLTVS CONCENTRATED Fluid Extract Buchn '"The Great has 'curedvevery case of Diabetes la which It hns' been given. Irritation of the Neck of the Bladdc rand Inhumation ol the Kklnevs, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine,. Diseases of the Prostate Gland, Stone In the Bladder. Calculus, Gravel, Brick-dust Deposit, 'and Mucous or Minty Discharges, and for Ejifeebled and Deli cate Constitutions of both sexes, attended wltn the following symptoms; Indisposition to Ex ertion, Loss of Power, Loss ofMemory, Difficult ty of Breathing. Weak Nerves. Trembling. Hor ror of Disease. Wckeiulnesa. Dimness of. Vision, Pain In the Back, Hot Htuuls, Flushing ortho Body, Dryness of the Hit In, Erupt lon on the Paco Pallid Countenance. Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, etc. Used by persons from the ages of eighteen to twenty-five, and from thirtyifiye to Ilfiy-ffive or in the decline or change of life; after confine ment or labor pains; bed-wetting In children. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU Is diuretic and blood-mii’ifyiug.arid cures all Diseases aris ing from Habits of Dlsalputl n, and Excesses and Imprudences In Lite, Impurities of the Blood, ole., Superseding Copaiba In affections for which It is used, and Syphilitic Affections— In lhe>*o Diseases used in connection with HELMBOLD’S ROSE WASH. LADIES. Ju many Affections peculiar to Ladles, the Extract Buchu 1b unequalled by any other reme dy—us lu Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Pulnfulness or Suppression of Customary Evao uailons, Ulcerated or Schlrrua State of the Uterus, Loucorrhnea or Whites, Sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sox, whether' arising from Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipa tion. Jt Is prescribed extensively by the most eminent Physicians and Mlclwlvesfor Enfeeb* led and Delicate Constitutions, .of both sexes and all ages latlemled with auvof the above Diseases or Symptoms). K. T. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU CURES DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPRU DENCES, HABITS OF DISSIPATION, etc, in all their stages, at little expense, little or on change In diet, no Inconvenience, and no expo sure. It causes a frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstruc tions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra. Allaying Pain and ipflamatlon, so fre quent In this class or diseases, and- expelling all Poisonous matter. Thousands who have been the victims of in competent persons, and who have paid heavy fees to bo cured In n short time, have found they have been deceived, and that the has, by the use of “powerful astringents," been-drled. up In the system, to break out In a more aggra vated form .and perhaps after Marriage. Use HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU/ornli Affections and Diseases of the Unlnary Organs, whether existing In Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, ami no matter of how long standing. Price, SI 50 per hottle. tHENRY T. HELMBOLD'S lIMPROVED ROSE WASH cannot bo HiirpnssedJ'as a Face Wash, and will bo found the only specific jomedy in every species of Cutaneous Affection. It speedily eradicates Pimples, Spots, Scorbutic Dryness. Induratioußof the Cjutanoous Membrane, etc., dispels Redness'und incipient Inllnmmatlon, Hives, Rash, Moth Patches, Dryness of Scalp or Skin, hrost Biles, and-ad purposes for which Salves or Ointments are used; restores the skin to a state of purity and softness, and Insures continued healthy action to the tissue of its vessels, on which depends the agreeable-clear ness and vivacity of complexion so much sought and admired. But however valuable os a reme dy for existing defects of the skm H. T. Helm, bold s Rose Wash has long sustained Us princi ple claim to unbounded patronage, bv possess ing qualities which render It a 'lollet Append age of the most Superlu tlve and Cougenlul char acter, combining In an elegant formula those prominent requisites, Safety and ElUcacy-tho Invariable accompaniments of its uso-asa Pro servatlvo and Refresher of the Complexion. It Is an excellent Lotloh for diseases ot a Syphilitic Nature, and us an Injection lor olseases of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dlssinn. tfon. used in connection with the Extracts Bn chu, Sarsaparilla, and Catawba Grape Pills, in such diseases ns recommended, cannot bo sur passed. medicines* expllclt directions accompany the Evidence qf the most responsible and reliable character furnished on application, with hun dreds ol thousand# of Jiving witnesses, and up ward ol 80,000 ud»ollclled certlllcates and rcc oinmendriiory letters, many of which are from the highest sources, including eminent Physi cians. Clergymen, Statesmen, etc. The proprie tor has pover resorted to their publication In the newspapers ; ho does not\do this from the fact that his articles rank as standard Prepara tioDs, and do not need to be propped up by torimcates. Henry 'I, lllehnOold’s Genuine. Prena lions. Delivered to any addreV Secure trom obser ve o'.. Established dpwards of twenty years" Sold by Drunglsts everywhere. AddresS letters or information, In eonlldeneo to itilNitv a lIEI.MHOUI, DrngKlst.andTlbomlst. 1 Only Dennis; H. T. IIELMHObIrs Drue and Chemical tViirehons«, No. 601 Broadway. New V.’n 11 ’ l !V *,S H. T. HEDMFIULD’S Medical DopoL IUI South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. poc " ilowure of Counterfeits, Ask for HIiNRVT I’DMJJOI.D'H I Take no other, KY 1 Keb. 8, *7l. lottos. 1871.“ Spring Arrivals! AT THE Central DRY GOODS STORE. New and Beautiful Spring DBUSS.GOQDS, ndia pongees. Just out. JAPANESE CLOTHS, new shaded ALPAC'\s CHINTZES, In spendld styles. AH thenew and Handsome DRESS GOODS of it. season, selling at aa low pi Ices as before the war. Tor bargains In all Hinds of WHITE GOODS. PIQUES, MARSEILLES, NAINESOOKS, plain A striped. cjU] af tb© VENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE SPRING SHAWLS, In new styles. PONGEE PARASOLS. linen Parasols, BILK PARASOLS. and SUN UMBREMS in great variety, at the CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE Cloths. Cnsslracres, Linens, at grunt bargains. SUITS MADE TO OBDEII by a first-clans Tailor, at short notice, FOR HOUSE-FURNISHING GOO •such ns Tickings, ‘Sheetings, Table LlncnB?Towcl-. Checks, Muslins. &c„ call at the CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE Carpets! Carpets! Lowell Three-Ply Carpets, best in the market, in variety ofsplendld patterns, Lowell extra super Two-Piy. Carpets in new And beautiful styles. All Wool Two-Ply Carpels Horn 50.65 to 81.00. CROSSLEY’S ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. In iM and o*4 widths, newest and most elegant patterns Imported. • WOOL STRiPED CARPETS, In handsome styles, and In the following widths: 5-8, 8-4 and 4-4. A largo stock of Home made Rag Carpets, all onr own make. . * - * CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE n nt i l l°. largest stock of goods In the , of wh JL cll we will sell at the lowest °«^ ces * ii Do • no , t fail lo us a call, and we will prove all wo advei Use.' April 20.1»71. LEIDICH «t MILLER. e w a o o bs: We have Just returned from the -city, will v f r Y heavy stock of Goods, makingour stock the largest ever held in Carlisle, by any' othei House. Wo have extra good and tihlsk black silks, colored silks, POPLINS, of all shades, SILK AND WOOL EPINGLINKti WOOL REPS. WOOL PLAIDS, ALPACCAS AND DELAIN MOURNING GOODS all kinds. PLAIN AND FANCY SACKING FLANNELS, WATER PROOFS AND CLOAKINGS, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES QUILTS AND COVERLETS, Carpets and .Oit-Cloths f DOMESTI.CO 0 0 D S, In great variety^ Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, &c. We have as a whole the most splendid assort ment of Goods outside of the cities, we have the very best and most handsome SASH RIBBONS In the town, all of which wo are selling clamper and at smaller profits than any other big store in the United States. & Give us u call and you will save a good deal of money In your purchases. Nov. 10 70 CHEAP AND GOOD. The large stock of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. just opening at Lachey & Smiley’s, No. 99 North Hanover St CARLISLE PA. The cheapest CLOTPS & CASSIMEUES The cheapest DREfet GOODS. The Cheapest PRINTS and MUSLINS. Good KENTUCKY JEANS at I2>£ cln. felegant LAOE COLLARS at 10 cts. <£d. t Ao,, &g. CARPET CHAIN in nil shades. CARPETS made to ordflf. SUITS made to order at the lowest prices. Do not forgot the place, No . flf) North JE Vanover & Opposite Thudlum'a Hotel,. CARLISLE, PA, April 21. 1871— ‘\IJSW PISHI NEW FISH I NEW J_i PIBII l—Just received a large lot of New Mackerel, SHAD AND HERRING, at No. 88 East Pomftot Street, which I wlll<* e j{ at such figures ns will defy competition. Call r^.r ( k^ n l n * ne and see prices. Also, AXTr . DRIED BEEF, SUGAR CURED HAMS AND bolqgna. 5,000 lbs. COUNTRY BACON for sale very low, GEO. B. HOFFMAN. Jane I, nm-gt Cottonade.s .leans, ,ip. BE NTZ & CO.