II atbcrttecnwuts. medical discove DR. WALKER’S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS Huudrods of thousands bear testimony to their Wonderful.CnratlvoEffects... WHAT ABE T HE Y? ; THEY AUEZNOT A VILE .FA'NOY DEI NK . Made of Poor Rum. Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Rotuso Liquors doctored, spiced atfß awpWcned,. to please'me tnato/calicd " Tobies;” “Appdtir ere,*' ** Restorers,Ac,, that lend thotlrplcron to drunkenhess and ruin, but aro a true Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbs of Cali fornia, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the Groat Blood Purifier and a Life Giving Principle a perTeot Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter' and restoring the blood to a healthy condition.. No person can take these Bitters according to direction and remain long unwell, provided the bones aio not destroyed by mineral poison or other means and the vital organs wasted be yond thej)Olat of repaid , . For inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism ana Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Billions, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases ol the Blood, Llvei, Kidneys, and Bladder 1 , these - Bitters have raost succesfal." Such ‘ditfeas """ea'iirc caused by’Vllialed Blood,-.whieiilß gener ally produced by. derangonienliof the Digestive Organs. * * ■ 1 T Dyspepsia or Indigestion; Headache, Pain In . the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest. Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, bad. taste in the Month, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the reglops of the Kidneys and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate - the torpid Uverand bowels, which render them , of unequalled efficacy lb cleansing the blood of all impurities, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. Billons, Remittent and Intermittent Fever, which are so prevalent In the valleys of our great Rivers throughout the United States, espe cially those of the Mississippi, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colora do, BruzoS, Pearl, Alabama. Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, JnmcS, ajd'ranny others with their vast tributaries, during the Summer and Au tumn, and remarkably so during seasons of un usual heat and ,dryness, are Invariably accom panied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There arc always more or less obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treatment, j\ purgative, exerting a power ful Influence upon these various organs, is es sentially necessary. There la. no cathartic for. the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker’s Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which the Bowels aro loaded, at the same time stimulating thosecre tloua of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functibna of the digestive organs. The universal popularity of this valuable remedy in regions subject to miasmatic Influences, is suffi cient evidence of Its power ns a remedy in such cases. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots. Pimples, Pustules, Bolls, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head. Sore Eyes. Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoldratlons of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, or whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried oat of the system mnshorttlme by the use of those Bitters. One bottle in such coses will convince the most Incredulous of their uratlve effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you And its Impurities bursting through the shin In Pim ples, Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it when you And It obstructed and sluggish In the veins; cleanse it when It is foul, and your feeling will tell you when.- Keep, the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. Pin, Tape and other ‘Worms,' lurking In the system of so many thousands, are eflectually de stroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, print ed in four languages—English, German, French and Spanish. - . J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. M. McDONALD A -CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Fran cisco, California,'and 32 and Hi Commerce Street, New York. ■657* Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. . Dec. S, 70—iv . WANTED! A NOBLE WORK ! A RICH FIELD! THE NEW PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE, with over 1,000 ILLUSTRATIONS, 50*000 References, A FAMILY RECORD . AND FAMILY ALBUM, THE PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE contains a storehouse of information that can only reach the mind through the eye. its illustrations carry one back to the most important era of the world, and are of themselves a comprehensive .review ofthe Scriptures, representing the most interesting Views, Characters, Symbols, Histor ical Events, Landscape scenes. Antiquities, Cos tumes, Beasts, Birds, Insects, Plants, Minerals, Coins, Medals, Inscriptions and Incidents refer red to throughout the Sucred Text. They attract the eye. correct erroneous Impressions, awaken new* thoughts, and furnish clearer views of Di vine Truth-i As a help to Parents, Ministers, and Sabbath-school Teachers in fulfilling the duties of their separate and high vocations—and to all others to whom Immortal souls are Intrusted— tliis splendid Pictorial Volume cannot ho over estimated. It la the edition • Most suitable for the family, Moat valuable for the student, Most instructive for. the teacher , Most appropriate for the child , Moat useful for the minister., .Most interesting for the farmer, • Most elegant for.the parlor , Most profitable for the study, THE PICTOIUAL FAMILY BIBLE, in addi tion to the features already alluded to, contains the Apocrypha, Concordance, Psalms In Metre, a Summary of the Sacred Truths as taught In the Inspired Book, together with numerous and comprehensive Tables and other Historical and Explanatory Matter, embodying the labors of many of the most eminent Biblical scholars. It is printed on the finest calendered paper, from clear and open type, in one large and handsome quarto volume, and Is bound in the most dura ble and attractive manner, while the prices are sulllclently low to place it within, .everybody’s reach. . - EXPERIENCED AGENTS are wanted throughout the country for,Us sale, with whom liberal arrangement will be made. An opportu nity of equal promise is rarely or never presen ted. Its sale will not bo limited to auy.perlod, but will continue for a lifetime, constantly in creasing with the growth and intelligence of the country. Ills therefore desirable that those who engage with. us. shall do so with a view to ma kiug tho business u permanent one. MINISTERS, TEACHERS, STUDENTS, FAR MERS, YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN, those who would meet with tho most profitable of all em ployments-are invited to correspond with us with a View to an agency Not a fewshch are now averaging from 55,000 to 57,000 annual profit iu its sale. There is a great want for tho book and a rich field offered, while It will elevate the spiritual condition by constant contact with and conversations upon Its beautlfuland eternal truths; > AGENTS ON THE INSTALMENT PLAN will h ilurnlsbed the work In fine bindings. This ilqdih quite popular and profitable in cities and large towns. We have an edition of the book, superbly'bound, with massive panelled sides, which has been everywhere received with mark ed favor. Subscriptions for the Pictorial Bible, m this style and In this way, can be obtained to an almost unlimited extent, as there is no outlay of money that the Bible reader can make, which will yield him so rich a return. We are also tho Publishers 6T Potter’s Stand ard Editions of Family, Pulpit, Pocke* and Pho tograph Bibles and Testaments—nearly 800 dif ferent styles—so well known everywhere for their accuracy of text, beauty of finish and du rability of binding. Aliyays ask for Potter's Standard Editions, and got tho bestl Cata logues containing styles and prices furnished on application. For Circulars containing a full description of The Pictorial Family Bible, with sample sheet, and terms to Agents, address "Potter's Stand ard Bible and Testament House,” JOHN E. POTTER & CO.. Publishers,. 614 and 617 Sanson? St., Phll’a March 23,1871 —3m r£\HE BUN! CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. ' r ' THE DOLLifWEEKLY SUN. JNcu-sjmper of the Present Times, Intended for the People Now on Earth, Including Farmers, Mechanics, Merchants, Pro fesslonalMen, Workers, Thinkers, and all Man ner of Honest Folks, and the Wives, Sons, and Daughters of fill such. NLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR J ONE HUNDRED COPIES FOR 850. Or less than One Cent a Cent a Copy, Lot there be a 850 Club at every Post Olllae. SEMI-WEEKLY SUN, 82 A YEAR, the same size and general character as THE WEEKLY, but with u greater variety of miscel laneous reading, and furnishing the news to Its subscribers with greater freshness, because it comes twice a week instead ol once. THE DAILY SUN, 80 A YEAR. A preeminently readable newspaper, with the largest circulation In the world. Free, Inde pendent anp fearless, in politics. All the news from everywhere. Twpceuia a copy; by mail, 50 cents a month, or. 88 a year. . 'JfERMa TO CLUBS; Tus* Dollar Wekklyjsun. Five copies, one year, separately addressed, Four Dollars. 5 • Tun copies, one year, separately addressed (ami an extra Copy to ibo getter up of club, Eight Dollars. - Twenty copies, one year, separately addressed, . (and an extra copy to the goiter up of club, Fifteen Dollars. Fifty copies, one year, to one address'and the Homt-WeeUiyonoyearto getter up of club, Thlrly-throo Dollars. Fifty copies, ono year, separately addressed (and the Semi-weekly ono year to getter up of Club,) Tiiirty-llvo Dollars. Ono hundred copies, one year, to ono address, (and tho Dally for one year to the getter up of Club,) Fifty Dollars. 4 , One hundred copies, one yoar, separately ad dressed, (and the Dally for one year to tho goiter up bt club.) Sixty Dollars. TiiK Bemi-Whkkx,y Suw. Five copies, ono year* separately addressed, Eight Dollars. , Ten copies,one year, separately addfessodfanu an extrft'copy W'getter up of club,) Sixteen DollUM- SEND y OUR MONEY u X’out Ofllce orders; checks, or drafts on Ndw York wherever convenient. If not, then regls* tor the letters Sun C/Uco, N. Y. Clly» April w, wri— (Kitjjf gUnbetffeimeuta. QRBXNG LAND StTMMER XMPOE (O TATION—IB7I. *. RIBBONS, MILLINERY. STRAW G00D5,... ARMSTRONG, OATR & C 0.,, Importer# and Jobbers of BONNET, TRIMMING A VELVET RIBBONS, SOyNET SILKS, 3A TINS A VEL VETS, Blpuds, Nets, Crapes, Ruches, Flowers, Feathers, . Ornaments, STRAW BONNETS and LADIES’ HaTS, , Trimmed and Untrlmmud. SHAKER HOODS, Ac. 237. and 239 BALTIMORE ST., BALTIMORE, MD. Offer the largest stock to be found In this country, and unequalled in choice variety and cheapness, comprising the latest European nov elties. Orders solicited, and prompt attention given, Mhroh 23,1871~3m* . 1871 : SI>IUN( ?. ! « ' NEW STYLESOI- CARPETS! OIL CLOTHS. ' MATTING, WINDOW SHADES, £o. Lower Than Ever Give us a call and examine for yourselves. E. Hi GODSHALK. 832 Market Street, Philadelphia. March 23,1871—3 m TQRUBEiBA.—What is. it? It is a pj sure and perfect remedy for all diseases of The Liver and Spleen, Enlargement or Obstruc tion of Intestines, Urinary, Uterine, or Abdominal Organs,Poverty or a Want of £lood, Intermit-, taut or Remittant Fevers, Infla jnation of the Liver, Dropsy, Sluggish Circulation of tho Blood, Abscesses, Tumors, Jaundice, . Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Ague and Fe ver, or tbelr Concomitants. De. Wells having become aware bf the extra ordinary medical properties of the South Amor can plant, called ... JUEUBEBA, sent a special commission to that country to f>rocuro it In its native purity, and having found ts wonderful curative properties to even exceed the anticipations formed by Its great reputation has concluded to offer it to the public, and is happy to state that ho has perfected arrange ments for a regular mouthly.supply of this won derful Plant; He has spent much time expert mentlng'and investigating as to the most effi cient preparation from it. lor popular use, and has for some time used In his own practice with most happy results the effectual medicine now presented to the public as DR. 'WELLS’ EXTRACT OF JDEUBEBA, and ho confidently recommends it to every fam ily ns a household remedy which should, bo . freely taken as a Blood Furlfyer In all derange ments of the system and to animate and fortify alljweak and Lymphatic temperaments. JOHN A compact fit. of “ GENTLEMEN'S' FUUNJSIHFG GOODS,’ Also Valises, Carpet Bags, Batchole, Trunks, &c., Give i\s a call. Youra respectfully. Isaac Livingston* No, 22, North Hanover Street, OABLISLE, PA, Established 1817, ■ April 13, 1871 FOE SALE,—The two mid a-balf sto ry BUCK DWELLING HOUaE. with A •iwo-sfory Boole Du" dint, ah rated No. SI South Bod ford street, next door to tho Gpvraau Church. Po«»?a»lpu given April oi^addroas 100 South Front St., Phlfa. |_[ KADQUAirmiis DRYGOODS Spring & Summer for ladles’ and gentlemens’. wear, consisting of Japanese Poplins, 8111 c and Wool Serges, Shepherd's Pla U' Wo"bi Serges, WHITE GO CD'S for Spring suits. All tho novelties of the sea son. Shawls ! Shawls! Hosiery and Gloves, House Eurnlstitng G < cd >nt , , , such aa Tickings, Sheetings, Knives ana Forks, DOMESTICS DOMESTICS I MDOESTICS! I DOMESTICS We are prepared to offer great Inducements, as tho markets are lower than they have been for ten years, and aa our stock is entirely new. and tresh r 'bonght for the cash, we feel safe In prom ising to give onr customers ’great bargains and all new goods. Wo Invite all klndlv. to call and examine our slock before purchasing, and de cide for themselves. -Thankful fbr the liberal patronage In tbtf past, we promise to be alive to the Interests of our. friends In the future, by keeping such poods as will render satisfaction to all. All who wish to save money are Invited to call upon us and find a source of profit bv dealing with us. v ■ DUKE & BURKHOLDER. North Hanover Street. Below Carlisle Deposit Bank, April 0,1871. pBC CS AND MEDICINES . THE BEST PLACE PURE AND RELIABLE Medicines and Fine Chemicals JOSEPH B. HAYERSTIOK’S, South Hanover Street, Drugs, Medicines, hemicasd hooks Fancy Goods, onfeotionarles, Per fumer}/, Toilet Articles, & a.. Dye ■‘duffs, osmetics, Stationary, . &c. Also, Pure' Wines for Medical Pur poses. His assortment of Goods, In variety, novel ty and elegance, cannot bo surpassed. The arti cles have been selected with great care,and are calculated'ln quality and price to command the attention of purchasers. , . Physicians prescriptions carefully compound od. A full stock-of Patent Medicines on hand. All goods warranted as represented, . JOSEPH 13. HAVERSTICK. Ifo. 6 South Hanover st (Jot. 20.167 C—Jy B. EWING, CABINET MAKER WEST MAIN STREET. Aqplendld assortment of N E W :P IT B N I T XT B E for tho Holidays, comprising Sofas, Carap Stools, * .onngcs, Cent re Tables, Hooking Chairs, Dining Tables EasyChnlrs, Cardjrnblea Keceptloii Gpalra, Ottoraona, Bureaus, - WhatNots. Ac.,' Ac., Ac. Parlor, • < Chamber, ' ». . Dlulna Room, , JCUekoq COTTAGE FURNITURE IN SETTS Splendid now Patterns. -• BEDSTEADS AND MATTRESSES, . GIFT FRAMES AND PICTURES. ■ln great variety. , _ , Particular attention given to Funerals. Orders from town and country promptly attended t o nd ou reasonable terms. 1 Too. 17, iStfoly 2>rj» 7l, LEIDICH «t MILLER. E W G O O D B! Wo have Just returned'from the city, with another very heavy stock of Goods, maklngour stock the largest ever held In Carlisle.'by any othei House. We have extra good and thick BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS, SIJ--K POPLINS, ot ail shades. SILK AND WOOL EPINGLINES WOOL REPS, WOOL PLAIDS, ALPACOAS AND'DELAINS MOURNING GOODS; all kinds. PLAIN AND FANCY SACKING FLANNELS, WATER PROOFS AND CLOAKINGS, CLOTH AND CASSTMERES QUILTS AND COVERLETS, Carpets and Oil-Cloths, DO ME STIC GOODS, In great variety. Shawls , Gloves , &c. We have as a whole the most splendid assort ment of Goods outside of the cities, Wo have the very best and most handsome SASH RIBBONS, In the town, all of which we are selling cheaper and at smaller profits than any other big store in the United States. Give us a call and you will save a good deal of money in your purchases. BEJSTZ & CO. *• Nov. 10 70 CHEAP AND GOOD. The largo stock of DRY . GOODS AND NOTIONS. \ ; . Just opening at Lachey & Smiley’s, No, 99 North Hanover St ., CARLISLE, PA. The cheapest CLOTHS £ OASSIUEhES. Tito cheapest DRESS GOODS. The cheapest PRINTS AND MUSLINS. Good KENTUCKY JEANS, at 12H eta. . 1 ( de,\ &0 n ‘ &G, - ■ 1 CARPET CHAIN In-all shades;- CARPETS made to order. s' tj i ars made to order at the lowest prices. Do not forget the place, - ■ No\ 90 North Hanover &U t OppotUe.. Thnclium's ’-Saiel,- caultsle, pa, rpHE CELEBRATED > WARREN • I Range, with Its special Attachments, the Dumping and Shaking Orate, Warming Closet and Fonder Guard Is celebrated for Its Reliabili ty. Simplicity. Economy and Convenience., FULLER. WARREN & CO., manufacturer*, 230 Water, St., New York. Warranted, April 24; 1871-4 W ‘ * THOR SALE OR RENT. - . . ■ * X* The large aud commodious THREE STORY BRICK HOUSE, on the corner of'Maln and Bed ford streets, now occupied by pirs. Gordon.. It has all the modern Improvements, with Brick table aud 100 House attached. Inquire of R.E> haploy, corner of North and Pitt streets. Carlisle, March 2j ’7l. • '■ * MiliM:El 1871. OM